#tk whump
noxsoulmate · 1 year
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Got a little more writing done, cleaned up a whole scene in the Tarlos Whump fic, and started another - and since TK Whump got the second most votes on my poll, have a few sentences from that scene 🥰
Thanks for tagging me, @heartstringsduet, @catanisspicy, @chaotictarlos, @detective-giggles, and @carlos-in-glasses 😘
Nancy tries so hard to control the jiggling of her leg, tries to stop herself from worrying her lip bloody, but it seems she just can’t. Every time she tries, she hears the sound again. The sound of delicate bones breaking, followed by an agonized yelp. She’s heard all types of cries over the years – hazard of the job, of course – but she’s sure she’ll hear this one in her nightmares for the rest of her life. “Nance.” Her head snaps up, looking over at her partner who… is actually smiling at her. “Nancy, if you don’t stop biting your lip, you’ll bleed any second now. And your leg-jiggling is kinda hellaciously annoying.” He says it with the sweetest smile and a hint of teasing – but even if he’d been an ass about it, Nancy would’ve still stopped and apologized. “Sorry,” she murmurs, sitting up straighter. His hand is suddenly in hers and for a second, she flinches. Until she realizes that it’s his good hand and then she grabs onto it, holding it like a lifeline as she looks back up at him, tears finally welling up in her eyes. “I’m so sorry.” They both know she’s no longer apologizing for her nervous ticks. And still, TK’s smile doesn’t slip. If possible, it grows even softer. “You have nothing to apologize for.” “But I–” “It was an accident.” “That got you into the hospital.”
@ravens-words, @sgirl18, @bonheur-cafe, @firstprince-history-huh, @rangergurlgleek1211, @shadesofdeviant, @actuallysara, @paperstorm, @wtfuckevenknows, @lightningboltreader, @meditating-honey-badger, @just-inside-her, @alidravana, @morganaspendragonss, @lire-casander, @otter-love-asl, @ramblingdisaster73, @first-kanaphan, @xtltokio, @buckybarnesalways, @mangacat201
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sapphire11 · 1 year
Who He Is
This fic is a gift for @gothruthestars2 through the @tarlos-santa gift exchange. Many apologies for not getting this out on time and needing the extension. I hope that you enjoy!! ❤️💚❤️💚❤️
Summary: TK isn't reckless he just loves deeply and will do anything to help people. It's frustrating when no one understands that. Well no one besides the only one who matters that is.
TK has a bad day. Whump ensues. Carlos understands that TK is who he is and he'd never change it. Judd with his big brother vibes.
Read on AO3 Here or below
At the last second TK grabs hold of the edge of the door and slowly brings it closed with a click. It’s not nearly as satisfying as it would have been had he let it slam shut, but he really doesn’t want to get called back into his Captain’s office for insubordination. Besides, it’s not really Captain Vega that he is angry with, it is his dad, thinking that he always knows what’s best for TK. It doesn’t help that things have been tense with all the wedding planning and his dad wanting to ‘help’ with every little detail. 
As he makes his way towards the locker room, TK takes a deep breath and reminds himself that he’s to blame for stepping into an active fire rescue without clearance. He can’t regret his actions though, not when he knows he saved the little girl’s life. Not when he knows no one else was close enough to get to her in time. Risk analysis be damned.
Paul shuffles hurriedly past him in the hallway just outside the locker room and it makes TK look up and take note of the unusually empty room save for Judd. 
“You good?” Judd asks with a nod of his head at TK as he walks in.
“Peachy” TK grumbles back nearly tripping over a pair of shoes left in front of Paul’s locker next to his. It’s weird Paul’s not usually one for leaving stuff laying around and it just adds to the feeling that this is a planned ambush. He’s really not in the mood for another lecture right now so he attempts to just ignore the situation.
“You know you were a dumbass right?” Judd says instead.
“The Caps have already given me the sixth degree, I really don’t need it from you too.” TK snaps back.
Judd stands up fully finishing buttoning up a new uniform shirt. “Well maybe if you hear it enough, it’ll sink into that thick skull of yours and you’ll start watching your own back.”
TK smirks “Why would I need to do that when I have you around?” he quips back. Getting a full eye roll and a slight smack on the back of his head from his surrogate big brother as Judd walks past him, “I’d rather not have to call that fiance of yours and make him take another trip to the hospital before you get a chance to tie the knot.”
After watching Judd walk out of the locker room TK turns to face his locker letting his head fall forward, forehead falling against it will a bang. The mention of a hospital trip feels like a low blow considering it’s been almost a year now since his last one. TK isn’t trying to be careless, in fact all the wedding planning, and thinking of the future has had him acting more careful than he’s ever been in his entire life. He finally has something bigger to live for, a dream for himself and for his future with Carlos that he doesn’t want to lose. 
With a groan he leans back and begins undoing the buttons on his uniform shirt. His fingers are still a bit shaky coming down from the adrenaline high of the rescue and trying to defend his actions to his Captain. He’s gotten his undershirt off when the blare of the alarms sounds through the station. Pausing to listen to the announcement he swears when medical is announced and hastily throws another shirt on running for the bay. 
“You good?” Nancy asks from where she’s quickly finishing a restock from the last call. It’s all he can do to stop himself from rolling his eyes at the question when Captain Vega arrives. “I’ll drive. Nancy, finish organizing on the way.” 
“Cap, I’m good to drive.” TK starts, snapping his mouth shut at the look of disapproval she shoots his way. Nancy gives him a small apologetic smile as she closes the back door and he quickly jogs around to climb in the passenger side. 
Thankfully the ride to the scene is quiet. He was half expecting another lecture on proper safety protocols, but Captain Vega seems to have gotten it all out of her system. He’s thankful for the time to focus, because the scene they arrive at is chaotic. Several cars have collided in the middle of one of the busiest intersections in the city.
Quickly jumping out of the ambulance, he meets Nancy and Captain Vega in the back, gathering supplies.
“Nancy, you take left, triage and tag until another unit arrives. TK you’re with Judd, to do the same.”
He groans, “Cap, I don’t need a babysitter to do my job.” 
Captain Vega turns to him and the look on her face is as serious as he’s seen it in a long time, “Strand, I don’t have time for this. Work with Judd.” 
With a nod he gathers the last of his supplies, slings his backpack over his shoulders and jogs off to where he can see Judd hovering around a car on the outskirts of the accident scene. He has almost reached him when the screech of tires has him turning towards the sound, seeing a car speeding past stopped traffic, careening right towards where Judd is crouched by the driver’s door. 
TK doesn’t think, there isn’t time, he just reacts. Sprinting the last two steps to push Judd past the front of the car. Pain hits quick as lightning and then everything goes quiet. 
Carlos POV
Accident scenes are some of his least favorite scenes to work and as he pulls up on this one he knows it’s not going to be easy. Seeing people hurt is never easy, but something about the holiday season makes human vulnerability worse. His eyes sweep over the emergency vehicles assembled and he takes note of the 126 ambulance and fire trucks parked on the opposite corner. He hasn’t heard from TK all shift so he knows the 126 has been busy. He’s distracted from his hope to catch a glimpse of his fiance by the beep of his radio and the dispatcher message coming through. 
360-H-22 Reports of a car speeding down main towards 4th. What’s your eta?
Carlos notes that the dispatching is referencing the accident scene and notes that the car would be coming down the street opposite where his cruiser is parked. 
360-H-22 two minutes out. Over. 
Cursing at the response Carlos decides to try and head off the situation hopefully with help from Captain Strand, but before he can even take two steps in that direction, said speeding car comes flying past stopped traffic and into the intersection. Some miracle allows the car to miss a group of spectators gathered on the sidewalk, but the luck stops there as the car slams into the front of a vehicle on the outskirts of the intersection. 
From his vantage point Carlos can’t really see details of where the cars collided, but then he hears Judd’s voice shout and the name called simultaneously freezes the blood in his veins and has him sprinting around crushed cars in a need to see what is happening for himself.
It takes less than a minute to round the front of the accident, feet pounding on pavement, heart pounding in his ears. The sight of TK pinned between two cars clearly unconscious pulls his breath right out of him, but before he can move closer to the scene a large hand catches his shoulder. Eyes still focus on where Paul & Captain Vega are working around TK, Carlos tries to shrug off the hold. 
“You gotta let them work.” Judd’s voice, heavy with emotion filters through the static in his head and as Carlos glances up to see the devastation on his face the world seems to reset. The noises of the accident scene filter back in as the scream of sirens pierces through. An additional ambulance as well as police have arrived on scene. 
An anguished cry of pain that is an all too familiar sound reaches Carlos’ ears, “let me go,” he growls at Judd when the grip on his elbow only tightens at the sound. 
“You’ll just get in the way.” Judd reasons back, way too sensible for the situation.
Carlos leverages a hand on Judd’s chest to shove himself out of the grip, but he only manages two steps before the other man is back in front of him, blocking his view of the scene now. “Judd, move!” 
To his irritation Judd just holds up his hands placatingly as a team of paramedics rushes past them. The stand-off lasts forever, and it is no time at all before a gurney carrying a very still TK is being pushed back past them. Carlos runs after them, listening to the semi-familiar chatter of medical terms being thrown around, but as they reach the back of the ambulance a gentle hand presses against his chest before he can follow TK into the back. 
“I’m sorry Carlos, we need the room.” The paramedic, Helen, Carlos’ brain supplies from numerous work calls tell him gently before closing the door in his face. A heavy hand falls on his shoulder as he stares after the ambulance, the flash of blue and red lights leaving spots in his vision long after they’re out of sight. 
“Come on, let’s get you to the hospital.” Judd’s voice, quieter than before, tells him. 
The squawk of Carlos’ radio on his shoulder suddenly reminds him that he’s on duty and still has a job to do. “I have to clear the scene.” 
“Mitchell’s got it.” Judd answers as he pulls Carlos gently towards the waiting fire Captain SUV. Captain Strand is waiting for them and Judd pushes Carlos into the passenger seat before exchanging a few words with Captain Strand that he doesn’t hear. 
Most of the trip to the hospital passes in tense silence, until the words seem to burst out of Owen like a bullet. “He’s been so reckless lately. I just told him this morning to be more careful.” 
The accusation makes Carlos angry, “Are you saying this was his fault? That a car careening into an accident scene was somehow TK being reckless?” 
“No of course not,” Owen back pedals with a glance to Carlos, “but he could have shouted at Judd to move instead of putting his own body on the line. He just doesn’t think. You have to agree with me that he needs to think.” 
Carlos thanks the universe that they are pulling into the hospital parking lot then, because any response he’d have to that would be rude and he doesn’t have the energy for that fight right now. Instead he just doesn’t respond at all and makes his way inside the ED waiting room to find out about his fiance. 
Owen seems to take the hint as they settle next to each other in waiting room chairs without any more conversation passing between them. Time passes in a vacuum as Carlos scrolls absentmindedly through his phone. His mom has sent him another list of wedding related questions that he doesn’t have the energy to answer. The quiet is interrupted by the arrival of the rest of the 126 just as a nurse steps out calling for the family of TK Strand. 
“Here.” Carlos answers, stepping towards the nurse while feeling several others step up around him. “How is TK?” 
She glances around at the crowd, “We’re all family.” Carlos answers the unasked question. 
“Okay, you can follow me back to see the doctor. He’d like to talk with you while we get TK settled in his room and then two visitors at a time will be allowed to see him.”
Carlos tries to pay attention to the doctor’s words he really does, but he trusts that Nancy or Captain Vega will be able to answer questions about things he misses when his brain can’t handle the more gruesome details. He does catch that it’s going to be a painfully long recovery. He also catches the look of guilt that is plastered on Judd’s face from where he stands leaning against the wall in the corner of the room. 
Before he realizes what’s happening he finds himself seated at TK’s hospital bedside. A large cast encompasses his entire left leg and bandages cover the majority of his left arm. Thankfully, there was no spinal damage and minimal internal injuries. The concussion is actually the most worrisome with TK’s prior history so they just have to wait and see. 
All that waiting gives Carlos plenty of time to worry. It also gives him plenty of time to watch and he watches Judd shuffle into the room to quietly stare at TK from just inside the doorway. When Judd turns to leave without so much as a word Carlos decides to figure out what’s wrong and he follows. 
He catches him just outside the door with a hand on Judd’s arm. “Hey, I just wanted to thank you for helping back at the scene.” He says quietly watching as Judd avoids eye contact and shuffles on his feet. 
“You shouldn’t be thanking me,” he mumbles.
Tipping his head to the side in thought, “Why? You tried to help keep me calm, so that they could help TK. I appreciate it.”
Judd just shakes his head sharply, “If it weren’t for me TK wouldn’t have been hurt in the first place.”
Carlos shakes his head, wondering what is up with people and their misplaced judgements of fault on anyone except the stupid, speeding driver. However, before he can say anything in reply he follows Judd’s gaze into TK’s room to see his fiance’s eyes blinking open and the furrow of pain across TK’s brow has him hurrying back into the room. 
Pain is the first thing that he is aware of when he wakes up again. Thankfully it is less consuming than the last time and after a few deliberate deep breaths he is able to open his eyes and take in the scene in front of him. Just outside the open door to his hospital room Judd and Carlos seem to be locked in an intense conversation. TK can’t hear the words from where he is lying, but he watches as Carlos gestures into the room and attempts to pull Judd through the door with a hand on his elbow. The older man doesn’t move from his spot though and when Carlos looks up and sees that TK is awake his grip on Judd is released and TK watches as Judd turns and walks away without a second glance. 
“Hey TK.” Carlos' soft voice catches his attention, slowly turning his head as his cheek meets Carlos' palm. 
“What -” his voice cracks and he tries to clear his throat which just causes him to cough painfully until Carlos brings a straw up to his lips. After a few careful sips he is able to calm down and tries again. “What is up with Judd?” 
Carlos sighs, lips pursing in the way that TK knows indicates he’s thinking over his answer, not sure what to say.
“Just tell me, please.” 
And TK knows that’s Carlos’ weakness. He can’t argue with the pleading in TK’s voice. Especially not when he’s lying injured in a hospital bed. “I think Judd thinks this was his fault.”
TK tries to sit up at his words, groaning in pain as Carlos catches his shoulders and eases him back down, but his voice is strong and clear when he exclaims, “that’s bullshit and you know it. Get him in here.”
“Whoa slow down, you just woke up.” 
“Carlos.” he tries to give him his best pleading eyes, but stern expression. “Get Judd.” 
Thankfully Carlos just nods and makes his way back towards the door. It takes longer than TK expected and he thinks he drifts off again for a bit, but the scrape of a chair across the floor wakes him from his doze. When he opens his eyes to find Judd staring guilty at his casted leg, TK uses all of his energy to smack him upside the head. Well at least he tries, with his reach he only manages to brush his shoulder, but Judd startles all the same, eyes turning quickly in his direction. 
“Stop thinking stupid thoughts. This wasn’t your fault.” TK rasps, still trying to clear the cobwebs of his extended sleep and his bruised brain.
“I was standing there. I should have seen the car.” Judd argues softly back. 
TK shakes his head, “Your back was turned. You couldn’t have seen it. Plus I don’t regret anything. Your little girl needs her daddy.” 
Those words cause the sheen to grow more prominent in Judd’s eyes and he looks away, clearly trying to get his emotions under control. When he looks back his eyes are red and no less wet, but his face is stern. “People need you too, TK.”
He ducks his head, not having the energy to fight the wetness that gathers in his eyes. “Yeah I get that, but Judd. I know what it’s like to lose a parent suddenly, unexpectedly. I wasn’t going to let Charlie know what that’s like too.” 
With that all three occupants of the room have to wipe their eyes. Carlos reaches out with gentle, trembling fingers to do it for TK, since his one good hand has been captured in a tight grip by Judd. “Thank you.” Judd manages and TK can only nod back before looking over to Carlos. The understanding in his fiance’s eyes means the world. 
Carlos knows that TK will do everything he can to not end up hurt, but he also knows that TK loves hard and will do anything for those that he loves. He’s a protector and he always will be.
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moviegeek03 · 2 years
3k | AO3
Summary: TK has always had a close relationship with Gwyn. She was there for him, more times than he could count, in more ways than he could ever know. But, when he moved to Austin, he gained some more amazing women in his life, ones who always found a way to look out for him when Gwyn wasn’t able to. (Aka: Five times TK was ‘mommed’ by one of the amazing women in his life; plus one time he put their lessons to use for another.)
I know it’s been a bit since I posted a chapter of the “mom fic” but here is Andrea’s chapter, set post ice storm. I’m slowly but surely working my way through WIP’s and wanted to wrap up this one. I’ve loved working on it, and hope to have the final chapter up sooner rather than later. Thanks as always to @marjansmarwani and @lire-casander for the help and support on this chapter. 
He shivered as he woke. His body ached, shaking under the too thin hospital blankets. No – ICU blankets – that covered him. He groaned a bit as he opened his eyes, taking in the sterile surroundings. He’d been there awhile, from what everyone kept telling him. But he only knew of the last day and a half. The rest, he wouldn’t know. And, from what Carlos and Nancy kept saying, maybe he didn’t want to.
Considering how awful he still felt, he didn’t want to really think about how he had been worse. He couldn’t imagine it being worse than this. As it was, he felt like shit. His whole body ached, in that heavy almost leaden way. He felt like the bed could swallow him up, and, he wasn’t sure he would mind that too much right now.
He felt horrible.
He had since he woke up really. He was exhausted, hurting, and so fucking cold.  
He’d been able to mask it when he was with others, especially Carlos. He’d seen the anxiety on the other man’s face, felt the tension as they clung to each other, and practically heard every stuttered breath as he watched over the bed. It made it easier to pretend he was fine. That he wasn’t feeling as wrung out. That he was fine. When he really wasn’t.
“Mr. Strand?”
He startled at the overly loud voice in the room. He glanced up to see a nurse fluttering around the room. Her movements made him dizzy, forcing him to close his eyes and breath deeply through his nose. He coughed some, jarring his busted ribs and sore chest. “Mr. Strand? Are you listening?”
“TK,” he mumbled, trying to breathe through the nausea that started to creep up on him. “Please. It’s just TK.” He trembled as she worked, wincing a little at the pain creeping up on him all the more.
Continued on AO3
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marjansmarwani · 1 year
Not saying anything, but in the last episode TK could get hurt easily, he sprinted into that burning ambulance like there was no tomorrow 😎
And it is absolutely going on the coda whump list. Or maybe just a regular coda. Idk, I’ll take any excuse to write some more whump.
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letthewhumpbegin · 15 days
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911 Lone Star, s2e8
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angeltk · 5 months
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TK STRAND IN EVERY SCENE 1.08: monster inside
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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is it a season of 911 lone star if tk doesn't get hurt in some way? nah
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nisbanisba · 2 months
I never write and am not likely to ever complete this but have some Nancy & TK texts while Carlos is sick
Tk: hey rain check on tonight? My husband didn’t tell me he got sent home with the flu and he’s kinda scaring the shit out of me (photo: thermometer reading 102.7F)
Nancy: oh nooooooo poor Carlos!! Is he ok, do you need me to come over
TK: thanks nance. I gave him ibuprofen and Tylenol and I’m making him drink Gatorade and he’s doing a little better
TK: he says he’s dying but he’s also offered to make me some dinner if I didn’t eat yet
TK: he cannot sit up without assistance but sure babe could you make me a lasagna
Nancy: I mean if anyone could do it it’d be Carlos
Pt. 2 here https://www.tumblr.com/nisbanisba/748608526613659648/i-wrote-a-little-follow-up-snippet-to-my-previous
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afiendishthingy · 1 year
Carlos nearly escapes, but is overdosed with Morphine.
9-1-1 Lone Star: 4x04 “Abandoned”
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whumpdoyoumean · 7 months
Whumptober #22
Whoops, I missed it by like an hour. It's fine!
My sincerest apologies to any Texans reading this, I have definitely just fudged all of the geography (and we’re just going to pretend that the 126 responds to any call anywhere near Austin) :’)
xxx they never saw us coming, ‘til they hit the floor
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” There isn’t an immediate answer, but Grace thinks she can hear someone breathing. “Hello, can you hear me?”
There’s a short pause and then, “Grace? Thank god, I hoped it’d be you.”
Grace’s stomach drops and she sits up a little straighter. “TK, is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me. Listen, I--we need help. We got in an accident and Carlos, he--he’s stuck, I tried to get him out but I couldn’t do it and he’s stuck and I--”
“Hey, hey, hey. TK, slow down honey. Where are you?”
“I--I’m not sure, exactly. Uh, we were headed--headed west on 71, maybe fifteen minutes outside of Austin?” His voice is taut, and Grace knows the tone well. It’s the kind of tone that comes when someone is on the verge of panic and trying very hard not to be. “Is that--will they be able to find us? I don’t--”
“That’s good enough, TK,” Grace says, typing quickly. “Help is on the way. Can you tell me what happened?”
“The car rolled. Something darted into the road, just came out of nowhere. Carlos swerved to miss it--oh, god, Grace!”
“Hey, TK. TK, I need you to listen to me. The best thing you can do for you and for Carlos is to stay calm. Take a deep breath for me. Are you still in the vehicle?”
TK takes a deep, shaky breath. “No. I was able to get out.”
“Okay, good. Are you injured?”
“No, Grace, I’m okay. I’ve got a--a burn on my arm, from the airbag I think, but I’m okay.”
“What about Carlos? Is he conscious?”
“Yeah, he, um. He says he’s not hurt but Grace, he’s stuck and I’m--” He lowers his voice. He sounds like he’s on the verge of tears. “People who are trapped in a vehicle have higher rates of critical injury. Broken bones, blood loss…Where are they?”
“The 126 is on their way to you, TK.” Grace speaks calmly, doing her best to sound reassuring. “They’ll be there soon. Can you--TK?” 
The line disconnects suddenly, and Grace’s heart jumps. She immediately reaches for her phone, pulling up TK’s number so that she can call him. 
It goes straight to voicemail. 
“Grace? Grace, are you there?” TK looks at his phone. No signal. “Damn it!”
“What’s wrong, TK?” 
TK takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down a little before he turns to Carlos, walking back to the wrecked car. “Lost signal. How are you doing, you still breathing okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Carlos says, and smiles a little. “Ready to be out of this car. What about you, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, babe,” TK says. It’s mostly true. His chest and stomach hurt a little, but it’s probably just from the seatbelt. “Grace said the 126 is on their way, it shouldn’t be long now.”
“Good…Hey, I’m really sorry I totaled your car.”
“Carlos, the car is the least of my worries right now.” TK can’t help the anxious edge to his voice. He looks down, running his fingers nervously through his hair. “It’s replaceable. You’re not. You’re sure you’re not feeling dizzy? No pain?”
“TK, look at me.” TK looks up to see Carlos staring at him, brown eyes wide, brow pinched. “I promise you if anything starts to feel wrong, I’ll tell you.”
TK is about to answer when his attention is drawn by the distant sound of sirens and he lets out a long sigh of relief. “Here they come, thank god. We’re gonna get you out of there.”
The engine has barely stopped before Owen is off of it and running to TK’s side. 
“Hey, TK, you okay?”
“I’m fine, Dad,” TK says. “We need to get Carlos out of the car.”
Owen lifts his eyebrows. “We don’t need to do anything.”
“Dad, I can help. I want to help, he’s my husband, I--”
“I know,” Owen interrupts, putting his hands on TK’s shoulders. “I know, believe me. But right now, you are not a first responder, you are a victim. You need to let us work.”
TK feels a surge of frustration. “I am not a victim.”
“Hey, TK.”
TK turns at the sound of Tommy’s voice. She nods at Owen. 
“I got ‘im, Cap.”
Owen nods back, then turns to the 126 crew. “Alright, let’s get started on that extraction.”
“Come on, TK,” Tommy says gently. “Let’s get you checked out.”
“I’m fine Captain Vega. I need to be with Carlos, I--”
“Hey, hey. We’ve got ‘im. Nancy is over there making sure he’s alright while they get him out. Now I need to make sure you’re alright, too. Bandaging that arm, for instance.”
TK looks down at the nasty burn on his left forearm and sighs. “Fine.”
It’s with no small share of reluctance that he allows Tommy to lead him to the back of the ambulance, though he keeps his eye on the car and the 126 and Carlos, barely paying attention as Tommy takes his vitals. 
“Heart rate’s a little elevated,” Tommy says, “but you’re under a lot of stress, that’s to be expected. I’m gonna wrap that arm up for you now, okay?”
TK hisses a little as she wraps a bandage around his forearm and she looks up at him. 
“Sorry about that. All done.”
“Thank you,” TK says, standing, ignoring the pain in his middle as he does so. He can ask about that later. Right now, he just wants to be as close to Carlos as he can. Tommy follows him, bringing a gurney along as they move nearer to the car.
It takes another ten minutes to get Carlos out. He’s got some scrapes and bruises, but as they load him onto the gurney he, miraculously, actually seems fine, smiling and even cracking a joke. The relief is almost too much for TK, and he actually gets lightheaded as they get onto the ambulance. 
“You’ll both need to be checked out at the hospital,” Tommy says as they start toward the hospital, “but your vitals look good, Carlos. The two of you are extremely lucky. I’ve seen a lot of car accidents in my time, and not many people are able to just walk away.”
“We’re gonna be okay, baby,” Carlos says, looking over at him as best he can with the neck brace on and reaching over to take TK’s hand in his own. He frowns a little. “Hey, TK, you alright? You’re clammy.”
“Uh…” TK takes a deep breath, then closes his eyes, leaning forward to put his head between his knees. “I’m a little dizzy. It’ll pass…��
He feels a hand on his arm and Tommy says, “TK, I’m gonna take your vitals again.”
He blacks out for a second as the blood pressure cuff tightens on his arm. He’s distantly aware of Carlos’s voice. 
“TK? What’s wrong?”
And then Tommy’s, in that professional tone she gets on serious calls. “His pulse is high and his blood pressure is dropping. He might be bleeding internally. TK, you with me?” 
And then everything fades. 
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decafdino · 6 months
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You'll Hear Me Howling Outside Your Door
A 9-1-1 Lone Star Fic
"Get up."
Enrique doesn't move, but he does take on a pleading look in his eye. "You don't understand. He's been lying to you, Carlos."
TK whimpers from the chains rubbing against his skin as more weight is put on his back. His head is bleeding sluggishly from a gash on his temple. The sight makes Carlos' grip tighten.
"He's not what you think he is. He's one of them."
"Get up," he repeats. He takes a step forward, the barrel of the shotgun aimed at Enrique's head.
"I know this is hard to process—"
"I said, get up," Carlos says, cocking the gun in a practiced motion. "Get off of him before I shoot you."
"Carlos, you don't understand. He's—"
"I know what he is." His gaze flicks to TK's for a split second, and it hardens his resolve. "He's my husband."
In which a werewolf and a hunter save each other, fall in love, and save each other some more.
First addition to my @badthingshappenbingo for the square "Rope Chain Burns". Read here.
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noxsoulmate · 1 year
My friends, I need your opinion about something to do with Tarlos whump. Would rather
Read a 5+1 fic with different scenarios that are loosely connected with each other or
Have a series with an indefinitely amount of whump oneshots?
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random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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Whumptober Day 31: Bedside Vigil ↳ 9-1-1: Lone Star S01E08
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whumperofworlds · 7 days
Guys should I make a whump "community" of sorts? If that's taken, should I make it a specific type of whump (like kidnapping whump?)
Asking for me.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Nancy Gillian
Summary: T.K. should have known Carlos would find out about his black eye sooner rather than later. Coda for s04e15 "Donors.”
Read on AO3
“No, but seriously though. How does a guy who looked like a vegetable at the accident scene just get up and hit you with a right cross?” Mateo asks.
T.K. shakes his head and then immediately regrets it when his right cheekbone starts to throb in time with his heartbeat. “I don’t know dude, one second he was unconscious, the next his fist was in my face.” He sighs. “How am I going to explain this to Carlos?”
“Um, I don’t know,” Marjan says, her eyes trained on something over his shoulder. “But you’d better figure it out pretty fast, because here he comes.”
T.K. whips around (another wince as pain shoots through his face) to see his fiancé walking toward him. And he does not look happy.
“Hey babe,” T.K. says faintly.
“Hey,” Carlos says, that sort of blandly pleasant look on his face that means he’s trying to hide what he’s really feeling. “Anything interesting happen at work so far today?”
“We’re just gonna go be…not here,” Nancy says as the crew all gets up and makes a hasty exit from the kitchen.
“I was going to call you,” T.K. tells him.
“Mhm,” Carlos says, stepping closer and catching T.K.’s chin in his hand, eyes searching the already purpling bruise on his face. 
“I was,” T.K. says. “I just hadn’t had the chance yet. How did you even find out?”
“You filed an assault charge,” Carlos tells him. “Word spreads fast. Especially when it’s you.”
T.K.’s eyebrows pinch together. “What does that mean?”
“It means my colleagues are good people who keep me in the loop on what happens around here,” Carlos says. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”
“Guy was unconscious in the back of the rig,” T.K. says. “Looked like a botched organ transplant.”
Carlos wrinkles his nose. “Botched?”
“Like not done in a hospital,” T.K. clarifies and the disgusted look on Carlos’ face intensifies. “One second he was out, the next I was on the floor.”
“Did you black out?”
“Like five seconds. Barely counts.” T.K. adds the second part quickly, keeping his eyes carefully on Carlos’, searching for his thoughts.
Carlos huffs out a frustrated laugh, brushing his fingers gently over the puffiness under T.K.’s eye. “What am I going to do with you? How did I end up marrying someone who thinks five seconds of unconsciousness barely counts? And worse, how have we gotten to a place where I kind of agree with you?”
“Sorry?” T.K. offers up weakly.
Carlos pats the edge of the counter. “Sit.”
T.K. obediently hops up onto the edge as Carlos turns and opens the freezer, searching for an ice pack. “Tommy checked you out?” he asks.
“Tommy. Nancy. A nurse at the hospital.” T.K. sucks in a sharp breath as Carlos gently presses the frozen ice pack to his face.
“Sorry,” he murmurs. “No concussion? No fractures?”
“No,” T.K. tells him. “It’s just superficial bruising.”
“You look worse than you did after the bar brawl. And that was two against one.”
“Nooo, don’t say that,” T.K. whines. “My uncle’s going to think I’m some kind of ruffian delinquent.”
“No he won’t,” Carlos assures him. “Two seconds with you and he’s going to know you’re a marshmallow, not the brawler you were pretending to be when we met.”
“That wasn’t pretend,” T.K. says defensively. “I can hold my own.”
“Mhm, sure you can,” Carlos says fondly, running his free hand through T.K.’s hair.
“Seriously though, do you think he’s going to think my dad raised a bad kid? I don’t want him to think that. My dad wants a relationship with him so badly, I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize it. Maybe we should cancel.”
“Tyler,” Carlos says, squeezing his shoulder. “You’re freaking out. Stop. He’s going to love you. We’ll just tell him the truth.”
“That I got sucker punched by a patient? Great, that makes me sound incompetent at my job.”
“Okay,” Carlos says. “We’ll get you a patch and tell him you’re trying out piracy.”
T.K. pushes away the hand that’s holding the ice pack so he can scowl at his fiancé with two eyes. “Why are you like this?”
Carlos puts the ice pack back on. “Because I truly don’t think it’s going to phase your uncle one bit. He’s got the same genes as your dad. He grew up with your grandfather. I’m sure he understands the Strand family penchant for mayhem.”
T.K. mulls this over for a moment and finds the sense in it. He’s stressed about making a good impression on the only extended family he’s ever gotten the chance to meet. But there’s no fixing this now, and he’s not going to give up the opportunity to learn more about his father’s brother.
He thinks back to how Carlos looked when he walked in. “Are you mad at me?” he asks.
“No, of course not,” Carlos says. “Concerned, yes. I wish I’d heard it from you rather than from Ruiz back at the station, but all that matters is that you’re okay.”
“It might not be fully gone by the wedding,” T.K. says, pulling a face.
“Oh, well then wedding’s off,” Carlos teases.
T.K. snaps his fingers. “Rats. I knew you were only with me because of my charming good looks.”
Carlos pulls the ice pack back again and winces in sympathy. “God this guy really did a number on you. If I ever find him…” 
“You’ll what?” T.K. asks, a smirk sliding into place. He knows full well that Carlos is all talk, he would never willingly commit violence against another human being, especially not in uniform. “Go on babe. Finish that sentence. Tell me what you’re going to do to my assailant.”
“I’m going to…bring him to justice like he deserves,” Carlos says a little primly.
T.K. rolls his good eye. “Wow. Thank you for avenging me like that. So sexy.”
“I think justice is incredibly sexy,” Carlos says flashing him that cocky smile he uses when he thinks he’s being funny.
It’s adorable. T.K. toys with a button on the front of his uniform. “I really like that I’m marrying someone who will come hold ice on my black eye in the middle of his shift.”
Carlos’ whole body softens in that way it does when T.K.’s words strike the part deep inside of him that never thought he could be desired or cherished or loved. He sets down the ice pack and gently cups T.K.’s face in both of his hands. “The middle of a shift, the middle of the night, the middle of anything. I’m always here for you. I promise.”
T.K. swallows, overwhelmed by the love radiating from those words. “Did you pull that from your vows?”
“No. It’s just the truth,” Carlos says simply. Then he frowns. “Although maybe it should be. That was pretty good, right?”
T.K. snorts. “Yes. It was.”
“Is it safe to come in here?” Nancy asks, poking her head around the corner. “I need girl scout cookies like…bad.”
“Yes, everyone is alive and well,” T.K. tells her as she steps into the room and opens up one of the cabinets.
Carlos’ radio crackles to life, assistance needed at a convenience store. He looks at T.K. who waves toward the door. “Go. I’ll be fine. I’ll see you at home later.”
Carlos’ eyes swing to Nancy’s. “You’ll take care of him for me?”
She gives him a mock salute, mouth full of Thin Mints. “Procuring bubble wrap as we speak officer.”
He looks back at T.K. and presses a gentle kiss to his lips, then transfers ownership of the ice pack over to him. “Be safe.”
“I always try to be safe.”
Carlos gives him a wry look. “Be safer. Try not to get a matching set, okay?”
“Love you,” T.K. says in response.
“Love you too.”
He watches as Carlos jogs out of the bay, radio in hand as he responds to the dispatcher. “You got a good one T.K.,” Nancy says.
T.K. smiles softly. “I got the best one.”
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letthewhumpbegin · 5 months
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911 Lone Star, s1e12
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