#to take care of you
slytherinwitchthings · 8 months
To Take Care of You
Ominis Gaunt X OC!Female
Tags: none! Just a fic of Ominis' being sick and OC! taking care of him, as one should!
(Constructive criticism and comments are always welcome!)
Part 1 of 3.
"Ominis, are you alright"?
The voice sounds far away but he still recognizes the pitch and cadence. He doesn't understand why she's in his room with him though, or why he is suddenly so cold. He can hear muted footsteps coming closer and a cool hand rests against his forehead, and he shudders, jerking backwards. He almost falls out of his seat - oh, right. He was in History of Magic, not in his bed. Ominis wished he was in his bed. His head hurts so badly and he is outright shivering.
"Oh, Ominis, I'm so sorry. I should have warned you I was about to touch you. You're burning up though, we need to get you to the Hospital Wing. Madam Blainey will have something for your fever". a gentle voice says.
Ominis tries to stand hearing she wants to take him to the hospital wing. "No, no, no hospital wing. I'm fine, just was fast asleep. See? Perfectly fine". He goes to take a step and feels a wave of dizziness wash over him, bringing a hand to his head and the other to the table he'd just been asleep on.
"Ominis, this was our last class of the week. Come on, a fever reducing potion and some Pepper Up and you'll feel better. Please?"
"NO. No." He barks out with a bite. "I cannot go to the Hospital Wing. Just drop it, Del. I'm fine." He raises his wand, sweeping it around and noticing they are the only ones left in the classroom.
Ominis has rarely ever raised his voice to her, only that time right after she found the Undercroft. Apart from that he was always gentle and soft spoken. Wait -
"Ominis.... why can't you go to the Hospital Wing? You're obviously sick". she whispers it to him, her voice hurting.
"I...." he sighs now, shoulders dropping. "If I go, it's reported to the Headmaster who in turn reports it to my family. Being sick in public is an insult to the Gaunt name, according to my father." He sounds so weary and she almost misses his next words, his voice has gone so soft, "I'd rather be sick for a week than face his punishments for disappointing him again".
Tears well up in her eyes taking in the boy in front of her. He is good, and kind, and wonderful but the world cannot get past his last name or his blindness - the two things he cannot control.
Adelia clapped her hands together, "Well then, it looks like we're heading to the Undercroft for the weekend. Sebastian was leaving to go to Feldcroft so he won't be around to annoy you with his babble. Come on, let's go. You can lean on me, no one is around".
"Wh - What?"
"Come now, if the problem is you cannot be seen in the Hospital Wing then you'll just have to let me take care of you. You...will let me take care of you, won't you, Ominis? Please? I just want to help..." she trails off, arm still wrapped around his as they make their way out of the classroom and slowly down the stairs.
He lets her lead them to the Undercroft, dazed and still rather dizzy. Why on earth would she want to care for him while he was sick? Ominis couldn't wrap his head around the idea. Sure, she was one of the only people he allowed to touch him. Sure, she was affectionate. But he thought it was with everyone. Why on Merlin's green earth would she choose to spend an entire weekend in his sickly presence? His own mother didn't care when he was sick as a child.
Not that he was complaining, of course. Ominis has long since had a crush on his dearest female friend but had accepted it would never go anywhere. He relishes in the idea of spending uninterrupted time together, just the two of them. But a voice in the back of his mind whispers to him, saying she is only doing this because she pities him and because Sebastian is gone. They are stepping into the Undercroft when the voice inside him is getting louder, telling him that she would never willingly help him. He wants her affection, not her pity.
Ominis pulls away from her grasp, taking a hand to his head again. "I'm sorry. Thank you for leading me here. You don't have to stay though or t-take care of me. I'm sure you have much better things to do. I'll stay here a bit though, don't worry".
"Ominis Gaunt. I don't care about anything else I should or could supposedly be doing. I DO care about you though. Damn, I'm shaking my finger at you!"
He lets out a soft chuckle at her admission. She spoke with her hands frequently, and had taken to telling him when she was doing something directed at him.
Her voice softens and he hears her get closer to him. His face is cupped between her hands, cradling his head. "Ominis, I want to be here. To take care of you. Do you...do you not want me to"? She says it so quietly, so shyly. Unlike the confident woman he knows her to be. Her palms are still cool and he had to stop himself from flinching again, taking comfort in her soft touch while simultaneously freezing. He closes his eyes before he answers her, his voice as soft as hers,
"No one has ever taken care of me or ever asked before".
Hearing this, Adelia wiggling stands on her tippy toes, still holding on to his head and trying to angle it down some.
"Blast, when did you get so tall? Lower your head for me, please".
Curious, he does so, and he freezes as he feels her soft lips kiss his forehead. He is glad his cheeks are most likely flushed or else he does not know how he would explain away the redness he knows is now present.
"Well, I'm here now. You're never going to be alone again and I'm going to be taking care of you. Come on now, let's see".
He is flustered and tries to make a joke, "Hmm, well being sick hasn't given me sight so you'll have to do the seeing yourself".
Adelia flicks his arm, giving a dramatic sigh and says "Sicker than ever but still a prat, I see. No, I mean, well.... I brought you down here because you're comfortable here but I forgot it's not the most comfortable place. The way I see it", she emphasizes the word see causing him to give her a small smile, before she continues on, "we have two choices. I can transfigure some of the boxes in here into something more comfortable or well, I can take you to my secret place. I've never brought anyone there before but, well, I think you'd like it. Which option would you prefer"?
Ominis is struggling to stand, he is so tired. All he wants to do is lay down, curled up in a heavy blanket and sleep. But he is intrigued by her secret place - he knows she goes somewhere in the castle he has never been able to follow. But he's also afraid he won't be able to follow now, without falling on top of her.
"How far away is this more comfortable place and more importantly, is it warm"? Ominis clenches his jaw, trying to stop his teeth from chattering. He does love the Undercroft, but it is cold and the stone floor isn't his favourite napping spot.
"Just a floo away. Technically, it's on the 7th floor, right outside the astronomy tower. We'll need to floo there - I don't think you can floo directly in with me, not the first time at least".
"Lead the way, please. And then I need to lie down".
Del brings her hands together, an excited giggle escaping, as she rushes to take his arm in hers again, encouraging him subtly to lean on her. Together, they floo to the astronomy tower and then walk to the hallway. She lets go of his arm now, and he hears her pacing - back and forth, back and forth, and then once more before he can hear... something happening? His wand now shows a door where there had only been stone wall before. She grabs his hand, pulling him inside,
"Welcome, Ominis, to the Room of Requirement. Now, let's get you settled".
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gustafsnightangel · 1 year
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@hausofobsession some 🥺🥺🥺 for you babes.
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faeriekit · 7 months
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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atissi · 4 months
i don't really like when people say dungeon meshi is accidentally good autistic representation, because while i understand not wanting to make conclusions without explicit confirmation from the author, there's always the weird assumption that non-western authors somehow don't know about things like neurodivergency/queerness/etc. (on top of the assumptions that east asian authors are somehow more naive or oblivious to "western" social issues).
given that dungeon meshi started being published in 2014, it's not really a "work belonging to its times"—it's as contemporary as any other media we discuss on this site, which means it should be fair to assume it engages with contemporary topics (and at the very least, you shouldn't say that the representation is accidental with so much confidence)
but anyways, the chapter "perfect communication" in ryoko kui's "terrarium in a drawer" is some of the most straightforward autistic representation I've seen, and from now on I'm going to assume that laios's character writing is absolutely intentional in that regard:
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eastgaysian · 9 months
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What we need to do is convince all the disney adults in america that high speed rail would be a preferable way of getting to disneyworld compared to driving or flying. We could maybe harness their fondness for the monorail or something, but this is a group of people that has time, income, and passion that we could leverage. If we could direct 5% of the enthusiasm they have for limited edition popcorn buckets into calling their representatives and demanding high-speed interstate rail, we could get it by 2030
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wewontbesleeping · 2 months
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the weirdest fucking thing to me is how men will be like "it's so hard being a man. no one cares that i'm sad. the loneliness we experience could NEVER be understood by a woman" and then also be like "btw i never talk to my friends and i don't know their names and i love hanging out with men because they don't talk about their stupid emotions all the time. women could never understand a bond like this." like ???
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ibtisams · 4 months
I don’t even care anymore. You’re either going to take a genocide happening right in front of you seriously or you’re going to let an entire country of innocent people be killed and in 20 years wonder what happened while you were silent
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artkaninchenbau · 2 months
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A h-heartfelt reunion..?
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theoldkyokodied · 9 months
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The Allegiance of the Ascended Vampire and the New God of Magic
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brancasyard · 7 months
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No one wants Luffy 😭😭
No wonder he’s terrified of being alone
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slytherinwitchthings · 8 months
To Take Care of You
Ominis Gaunt X OC!Female
Tags: none, just a fic where Ominis is sick and finally taken care of
Part 3 of 3.
The next time Ominis wakes, it's because the pillow he is laying on moves. Groaning, he tries to cuddle further into its warmth, burrowing his face into the softness. He hears a gasp, and then,
"Ominis, Ominis, you gotta get up. The potion is ready and you need to take it, come on. I know, I know dear, but you have to let me up".
Groaning again, Ominis opens his eyes and searches for his wand. His hand trails over his pillow and he suddenly realizes it wasn't a pillow at all. And his hand is still touching a very alive chest. He sits up suddenly and immediately regrets the decision, as he becomes dizzy again. He can feel the not-pillow rubbing soothing circles on his back, hushing him and telling him it's okay. As he sits up straight, he feels her get off the bed, walking away. Within seconds, Adelia is back and she's pressing a phial in his hands.
"Drink up, all of it. It's not the best taste but it'll help. I promise". She murmurs.
Deciding to get it over with, he uncorks the phial and knocks it back, grimacing at the medicinal taste. He can hear her laughing at his expression and she brings one hand up to rest on his cheek,
"I know you're sick, but you really are just so cute". Another forehead kiss. Ominis almost wants to stay sick, if it means she will keep giving him forehead kisses, if she will keep touching him and holding him.
"I'm sorry. For grabbing you and well, your chest. I thought you were my pillow". He says, looking in her general direction.
"I was your pillow. And I'm happy to be your pillow whenever you'd like".
Ominis snorts now. "You're just saying that because I'm sick and pathetic looking".
"Well dear Ominis, you ARE sick but you could never look pathetic. It's actually rather annoying that even while sick, you're still so bloody handsome".
Hearing this causes him to sputter. "Handsome? You think I'm? Please, don't jest like this", his expression withdrawn.
Gently, Del cups his face again. While she knows he cannot see, she wants him facing her. Taking a deep breath she says, "Ominis, you are incredibly handsome. I should have made sure you knew earlier. Your eyes are this milky blue that I would happily drown in. Your hair is so soft and whether you've styled it or it's messy like now, I just want to run my hands through it. I want to trace every one of your beauty marks, chart them as if they're the stars outside. You're an amazing wizard and man. You are handsome, and you are also so much more. You are wickedly funny and witty. You have such a sarcastic streak. You're gentle, calm, and quiet but never one to take anyone's shit. I'm in utter awe of you. I could go on but I have said too much already. And I meant it earlier - I'd let you use me as a pillow whenever you wanted because cuddling with you, holding you, or having your arm around me, feels like home. Your scent surrounds me and I'm just.... happy."
Ominis sits there in absolute shock, and is shocked when Adelia uses a finger to wipe a tear from his face. He didn't realise he'd started to cry. He has longed for her to say this to him, to notice him. For anyone to truly see him as more than just "that blind Gaunt boy". He is still sitting on the bed and she is still standing on the side, so he lunges forward, wrapping his arms around her waist, burying his head into her. He sobs, deep sobs, and he doesn't understand why he's crying so hard when it's what he wanted but at the same time he realizes that no one has ever praised him in this way.
Adelia stands there, hugging Ominis to her and her heart clenches at his sobs. She'd love nothing more than to meet his family and scream at them - rant and rave about how horrible they are and how they have never deserved the young man she is holding. She hears herself mindlessly shushing him, giving whatever comfort he allows her to give. Slowly, Ominis stops crying, his grip on her waist not loosening though.
She knows the potion is going to cause him to feel drowsy soon and he needs to drink water before he falls back asleep, but she wishes she could just hold him and show him how loved he truly is. Show him just how amazing she believed him to be. Gently she pulls back from him, kneeling in front of his hunched form. She uses her wand to accio the cup to her, making sure to keep one hand on him so he knows she hasn't left.
"Shhh, shhh sweet heart. I'm here. You need to drink this, alright? You're going to get sleepy soon and I need to take care of you before. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. I will always take care of you, as long as you let me".
Ominis takes the cup from her, draining it. "Will...will you please come back to bed with me"? His voice wavers, unsure of her reaction.
Adelia stands and moves to the other side of the bed. Ominis turns, lying on his side to face her. He reaches a tentative hand out to touch her face, mapping it. Her scent surrounds him and he finds himself snuggling into her again. She's correct, he can feel himself getting drowsier and drowsier. Her hands are back to where they were before - playing with his hair and rubbing imaginary patterns all over his back. Before sleep can claim him, he whispers, "you feel like what I've always wanted home to be". He smiles as he feels her kiss him on his forehead again, at last falling asleep.
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gotchibam · 1 month
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Rockruff and Houndoom ko-fi doodle for teethcritter!
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mokeonn · 10 months
"But if college was free, then people would abuse that and get useless degrees" hell yeah I would! If I could go to college without debt I would make it my job to get a degree in every little thing that interested me. I'd get a doctorate in film studies. I'd have a bachelor's degree for every science I like. I'd try to learn at least 5 languages with varying results. I would learn something "useful" like coding and then follow it up with a ""useless"" degree like art history. I'd be the world record speed run holder for getting every degree possible.
But I can't afford college without going into massive debt, so instead I spent the last 5 years trying to figure out what I am passionate enough about to consider going into debt over, because unfortunately being passionate about everything is extremely expensive to pursue.
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min-play · 7 days
cooldown drawback
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guardian-of-da-gay · 9 months
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eventual Mama's boy
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