artbymavy · 3 years
could I get uuhhh 35 and/or 51 maybe w theo+luca?? as fluffy as possible please
35. “You make me feel safe.”
51. “You make me feel alive.”
“You know something? I don’t think I’ve ever slept in a room this big before.”
 Luca was lying peacefully beneath silken sheets, his arm about Theo’s shoulder, thumb tracing absently across the hard ridges of the scar on his arm. It was he who had spoken.
 It was warm in their room, though not unpleasantly so. Soft morning light was streaming in through its large open windows, and with it a cool, salty breeze off the sea beyond. Luca did not open his eyes to either of them.
 “I don’t think I’ve ever been in a room this big before.” He replied.
 “What? You must’ve been.”
 Theo sat up then, looming over Luca, who cracked an eye open to watch sleep lose its grip on him. It was thus that he was allowed to bear witness to the way the golden light of morning was lucky enough to be cast across the planes of his back, lighting the freckles on his shoulders, and Luca came to know that if stars could be seen in the daylight, they would look something like this, only probably not as lovely.
 “Doesn’t feel like it. This one feels bigger,” He mumbled rather stupidly. Beauty tended to have that effect on people. Or so he had noticed.
 “It is rather empty in here,” Theo conceded. “Except for us.”
Luca hummed in response, lifting a hand to trace his knuckles indulgently over the dip at the base of his spine.
 “Hey, do you think I can make it echo in here?”
 Theo took a deep breath, but before he could follow through with his experiment, Luca had wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him down into a kiss that stole the breath he had just taken, and pressed him down into the bed, where he seemed more than happy to stay.
 “Mm no, too early for yelling please. Besides, you definitely can, or didn’t you notice last night?”
 That earned Luca quite a remarkable blush, and not for the first time he found himself wondering if flowers grew in such a colour – if they did, he would fill a whole garden with them. He doubted that they could capture quite the right shade, though.
 “I can’t say I did. Though admittedly, I was a little preoccupied.”
 “Oh, you were, were you?” Luca crooned, awake enough now to find a mark just bellow his collarbone that certainly had nothing to do with the battle they had fought mere days ago, and kiss it as if in apology, though in truth he intended no such thing, eliciting a soft gasp. “Good.”
 Theo planted a hand to the side of his face, taking a fist full of his hair to pry his head back, and met his eyes with a glare. Its effect was somewhat lessened by the smile he hadn’t managed to smother in time, though. “Hey, it’s not like I was the only one! I don’t even think you slipped a knife under your pillow before you went to sleep.”
 He made a great show of wrestling the numerous pillows they had been provided with from beneath them, tossing them aside to lounge in the scandalously empty space they left behind.
 Luca was not phased in the slightest.
 “Well, if you want one under there so badly you can put it there yourself, since against my better judgement you have one now.”
 “Oh no, I don’t feel that need. Not now anyways.”
 Luca nodded thoughtfully. “I do suppose it would be rather hard to sneak up on us in here. Not really much to hide behind.”
 Theo laughed. “What? No! That’s not why!”
 Luca raised a brow, his lips pulling into a crooked smile. “Oh? Do tell then.”
 “It’s you. Because I’m with you.” Theo admitted quietly, for the first time that morning breaking his gaze from Luca’s. “You make me feel safe.”
 Luca chuckled. “I make you feel safe?”
 “Yes! What, don’t I make you feel safe?”
 With that, Luca gifted him with a rare, full laugh. “No! I was definitely safer before I met you.”
 “Oh really?” Theo countered, prodding one of several large and rather brutish old scars on Luca’s thigh. Luca caught his hand, bringing his knuckles to his lips with a chuckle.
 “Alright, I see your point, but let me raise you this: no one ever tried to blow up a building while I was still in it before I met you.”
 Theo scoffed. “Okay, first of all, I was never actually going to blow up that building, you know that -”
 “Do I? You and I must have very different memories of that situation” - Theo began to stammer his objection, but Luca continued on before he could - “and besides, you were definitely safer before you met me, too – I bet no one ever tried to shoot at you or stab you or light you on fire or anything before you met me. So no, Horatio, you do not make me feel safe.”
 He chuckled, and pressed a firm kiss to the side of Theo’s jaw to soften his teasing, but when he pulled back to meet his gaze once more, he could tell he was in danger of turning Theo’s mood to storm clouds. He hadn’t meant to sound harsh – but realizing Theo had confided in him so easily as to make it seem no matter at all gave him pause. He did not want to ruin this. And he did not want Theo to think his feelings were not so strong as his, that they did not merit confessing. But he knew if he was to do it, and save the situation, he had little time to compose his thoughts.
 “You – you make me feel…”
 He trailed off for a moment, pressing the pad of his thumb against Theo’s temple, staring full into those deep, thoughtful eyes of his, willing him to understand, for he knew not the words to express what Theo had done for him – how he made him feel. Still, he knew Theo needed these things said out loud when he could, and he wanted to try.
 “You make me feel alive. You make me want to feel alive. When I’m with you it’s like… like whatever you’re feeling is so big, it spills over into me. Like, through you, I feel all these things I never could have before – that I wouldn’t have let myself, or that I wouldn’t even have thought to. I never knew what it was, to smile until your face hurts, or to laugh until you cry, or just to cry, until you showed me. By the stars, Horatio, I don’t think I even know how good it felt to breathe until I shared the same air as you. I lived in the world, but I never really saw it, until I used your eyes. And maybe it’s presumptuous of me, but I don’t ever want to stop. I want to live against your chest, between your palms, in your hair. I want to filter my world through you, and fuck I hope you let me, because yours is the only world worth living in.”
 Theo had risen to meet him, their legs tangling together as he rushed to throw his arms around his shoulders. Luca found one hand fell naturally into the dip of his waist, his other coming up to work its way into his soft, sleep-mussed hair.
 Now that he had begun to tell him, really tell him, the words came easily. He had no need to stop and consider if they were the right ones. He knew he was understood.
 “Before I met you, I was so ready to die for my cause that I think I would have taken death sitting down. But now… I still might not know what will become of us, but I do know one thing - that I would fight tooth and nail, use every last breath I had to give just for one more moment with you. Because you are what I want. But I want so much more than that. I want us to live – really live every moment we have, together. I want us to be by each other’s sides, until the sun sets on these whole continents for its very last time. Because I can’t picture it any other way.”
 Theo’s answering laugh was watery. He pressed a palm over Luca’s heart, which only now did he realize was racing, staring at the space between his fingertips for a long moment before looking up at him once more.
 “Let’s do that.”
 Luca couldn’t help himself but laugh.
 “I’m serious, Luca. If you want it, then my eyes are yours to see. My hands, yours to use. My heart, yours to hold. I’ll fill my lungs only with you, and my lips will speak only your name. If I’ve shown you what it feels like to be alive then I am truly sorry for I have not gone nearly far enough. I want to teach you what it feels like to be loved – really loved, none of this stupid self-preservation bullshit I’ve peddled to you so far, because whether you like it or not, I’m yours.”
 He traced his fingers over the line of Luca’s collarbone, to reach over his shoulder once more, and follow the lines of the brand that marked his old, ill-taken oath with reverence.
 “I’m yours.” He repeated earnestly, pressing a hard kiss into the knot of Luca’s shoulder.
 “I’m yours.” Another kiss at the hollow of his throat, softer this time.
 “I’m yours.” His breath was barely felt before it was lost to the deep kiss Luca offered him in return, losing his way to it, and finding it once again in the space of a moment, a heartbeat, an entire lifetime.
 “I love you,” he whispered, warm against Luca’s lips. “Let’s start today.”
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uni applications have me stressed so could I request any theo/luca facts you have? the idea of luca being the only one to call him horatio fully melts my heart and I would simply like to adopt luca immediately
Oh good luck with your applications!!
Okay some of many Theo/Luca facts I guess:
- With regards to Luca calling Theo “Theo”, it does happen a few times, but it’s like an immediate signal that something is very off and usually very wrong (like, “Theo please don’t leave me there’s nothing you can do and I don’t want to die alone” levels of wrong, but that’s another story), so Theo actually kind of hates it.
-Luca’s realization of “oh fuck I think I’m in love with Theo” is immediately followed up with him falling directly into a bog. And I do mean immediately. Theo sees this, and thinks it’s hilarious, and laughs super hard, (I mean, what would you do if you almost fell into a bog, turned around to warn your friend, who walked directly into said bog with what appears to be extreme confidence?) which somehow only makes Luca like him more, which is so unfair
-Luca really loves listening to all of Theo's rambling. Sometimes Evelyn will get tired of listening to it, and asks him to stop for a while, but Luca pulls him aside and asks him to finish. He's so used to being alone, and he's not always great at carrying on a conversation, so it's nice to have someone there he can just listen to. Plus Theo tells things, even just things that are facts, with such drama he gets Luca super invested.
- Theo's necklace was actually his mother's, given to her by his father. Eventually, he kind of tires of carrying that weight around with him all the time, but he can't just leave it behind either. He ends up giving it to Luca, who always wears it from then on.
- Before they met, Luca's favorite colour was yellow. Now, if you asked him, he'd say it was green, but Luca's real favorite colour is the colour Theo's cheeks turn when he gets all happy and blushy, though he'd never admit to that out loud.
- Theo can't ride a horse (they don't have them in Dia), but Luca is an excellent horseman, so the one time he does have to ride he hand Luca double, and he just clings to him for dear life the whole time.
- Luca does really like to be touched, but he's very much not used to it, so when the first get together Theo spends a long time just getting him used to his presence, and his touch, and the way it feels for someone just to hold you. Luca, on the other hand, hopes he's never really 100% used to it, because he never want to take that closeness for granted
- Theo's favorite place in the world in wrapped up in Luca's arms. His second favorite is wrapped up in Luca's cloak, because it's soft and warm and smells like Luca, and how could he not love that??
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lycanthology · 3 years
tagged by @evildilfs !! thank uuu!!
pumpkin or apple // cocoa or cider // halloween or thanksgiving // leaf piles or apple picking // hay ride or corn maze // wooly sweater or furry slippers // pumpkin carving or knitting // squash or sweet potato // black cat or bat // skeletons or witches // fake blood or fake spiders // mashed potatoes or stuffing // orange or black // apple pie or maple donuts // marshmallows or candy corn // vampire or werewolf // fireplace or cozy nook // spiced wine or craft beer // candied apples or s'mores // big scarf or oversize hoodie
i tag @batterskull @tobeasyouarebeing @sussurus @lesbianmalewife @girloncouch & anyone else that wants to do it!! :D <3
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I was tagged by @tobeasyouarebeing a while back to do this picrew. Don't know who to tag so I guess if you want to try it out I tag you?
here's the link!
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saintgabe · 3 years
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@tobeasyouarebeing tagged me!! I had to make myself in this -> https://picrew.me/image_maker/1136156
If you want to do it and say i tagged you you can ^-^
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artbymavy · 3 years
oooohhh can I get luca w f1 in another new world??
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The cutest man who ever lived I think 💖
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artbymavy · 4 years
"Realizing his feelings for Zuko are undoubtably more serious and significantly less platonic than he had wanted to believe, and certainly more permanent than what, in his more honest moments, he had though was nothing more than a rather inconvenient but fleeting crush, hits Sokka like a vase being violently smashed over his head."
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artbymavy · 3 years
Alright, have basically all I’ve written for the next chapter of What The Good Days Left Behind... as a treat...
“I could help you with that.” Zuko pipped up.
 Collectively, three pairs of eyes turned on him.
 “Oh, you think so, huh pretty boy? Well, if you’re up for getting your hands dirty, then who am I to turn down so-so help.” Sokka had taken to calling him that. Pretty boy. Zuko might hate it more, if it weren’t glaringly obvious that the insult didn’t suit him. Or at least, that no one had ever used such an insult in the way he did – genuinely. Usually, when it came to his appearance, people made it perfectly obvious just what he was lacking.
But to Sokka, it was insulting because he seemed to think it both true and obvious – fresh-faced and soft-skinned, Zuko was nothing like the respectable, work-hardened men Sokka was so used to, or even Sokka himself. These days, compared with his calloused hands and sun-speckled brown skin, perhaps pretty could be considered both true and insulting.
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artbymavy · 3 years
wednesday, saturday, september, forever?
wednesday: name a fic which you have posted which you think is underrated?
I definitely think Firelight and Cascade don’t get the love I wish they would. I know they’re older but I really enjoyed writing them, and I think they still read pretty well.   
saturday: what gets you excited whilst writing?
I really like getting to write earnest scenes between characters. Just exploring the inner workings of a relationship, not necessarily just romantic but all kinds, and writing I think does that in a way other types of media can’t really.
I also really love when I find a particular word or way to describe something I find particularly evocative - often they’re not really literal ways that things are, but more of a feeling the introduce. I don’t know I just think it’s fun to play around with words.
september: share a comment or review which still warms your heart?
Any time someone leaves multiple comments on the same fic that suggest they came back to read it more than once my heart basically explodes. Like, to think that someone liked something I wrote enough to read it not just once but more than once? An unparalleled feeling.
forever: do you balance fic writing with original concept stuff?
Right now in terms of actual writing, fic wins out, but once I’m done my current fic I think I’ll focus on original stuff a lot more, possibly exclusively.
Ask me about my writing 
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mavy1 · 3 years
67, 76, 86, 91 w my boy luca?
67) Fav season? Why?
I mean, there’s something to like about every season. In spring where he’s from all the terra cotta blossoms bloom and turn the surrounding hills red and orange and pink and purple, in summer it’s warm and people travel on the river, so things are more lively, and fall is always kind of the last hurrah before winter, but I think winter is probably his favorite season. It snows a lot and gets very cold where he’s from, so they don’t take on many jobs, and everyone hangs around camp together just like sitting around the fire and eating and telling stories and doing craft work and stuff, which I think he likes because it’s the only time he really can be around a lot of people and just enjoy their company.
76) Do they wonder about their place/role in the world?
I think Luca has a very strong sense of place in the world. He knows what his job is in life, and that forms the majority of his identity. Being a hunter, being willing to do things that are difficult and dangerous and live a lonely life of hard work and hard choices, sacrificing himself in basically every way for the good of other people who can’t do that, it’s the only thing he really knows. He knows, or he thinks he knows, his place in the world, but not really himself - he kind of sacrifices that sense of self to his upbringing and his role.
86) Can they speak more than one language?
As far as actually writing the story goes, I really only plan on incorporating one language because it’s easier for storytelling, but I think in reality Luca would have to speak or at least understand a number of languages, since his hunter pack’s territory covers a fairly large area, and he would have to be able to interact with multiple groups and cultures in different places, so yeah he would.
91) Do they believe in density/fate? Do they think it can’t be changed?
I think what people might consider fate or destiny he considers responsibility. Like in life, you have to take responsibility for certain things for any number of reasons, which determines what you do and what will happen to you in the future. You can get out of that, obviously, but he’s never been one to slither out of things like that. 
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artbymavy · 3 years
🎁🌗🌊 for the artist asks?
🎁 Do you prefer drawing fandom stuff or your own characters?
If we’re talking purely the amount of joy I get from doing the actual drawing, probably my ocs, but sometimes it is genuinely nice to engage with other people in a community, and it’s way easier to get people interested in fanart than original art - although to be honest I have trouble even doing that, which is probably why I’ve been drawing more oc stuff lately. If few people are going to interact with it either way, then I might as well just draw whatever. 
🌗 Is night or day better for drawing?
Day is better, but sadly I rarely have time during the day :(
🌊 What’s the hardest thing for you to draw?
Face. ESPECIALLY mouths. They vex and confuse me...
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in the world building doc you talk about the more humanoid fae and also fae/human interactions, do you have any more lore around that sort of thing? like, is there any important history between the fae and humans, are there any other kinds of magical creature??? also, do humans and fae use magic differently? obvs there's like. cultural differences, but it terms of channeling it and what they use it for
Historically speaking, in the past fae would come down from the mountains and interact with people much more often. Regular people generally got on well with them - typically those who chose to live among humans did so because they liked humans, so they were often very friendly and helpful, providing magical solutions to many of their problems, and generally being quite good company, since magic can often also be quite entertaining. But, over time, the human world got more complicated, and often people in positions of power either resented the fae because they were so powerful and well-liked, or tried to use their power to their own advantage. So, over time, fewer and fewer fae found any real joy in living among the humans, and didn’t want to get involved in what they considered to be petty squabbles - and from their perspective, that’s quite a valid statement, since typically they have much longer life spans, so human problems seem relatively short-lived in comparison. 
Humans can’t go very far into the mountains for very long themselves, and still be able to return (although people have been known to be able to still ask favors of the fae, its just that they usually have to get somewhat lucky to actually encounter one on the short trips they can take). This is actually because the concentration of magic within the mountain areas is extremely high, and it saturates every living thing therein. So, if a human eats fae food for any length of time, there body will become accustomed to this higher concentration of magic, but can’t make the transition back to regular food, so if they try to leave the mountains, they’ll essentially starve. Humans don’t know this (unless they encounter a fae person who tells them), they only know they can’t travel within the mountains and return. Anyone who has tried, well, their fate is dependent on whether they meet a fae person who is willing to tell them this, and to help them now that they can’t return home.
Everything within the world has magic within it, it just manifests in different manners. Even humans are actually quite magical (that’s why dark magic works so well - the only way to get the magic out of a person is to hurt them, but once you do you can do some very powerful things), but it doesn’t translate into usable magic, generally. So, there are plenty of magical plants and animals, and the closer to the mountains you get, the more magical things are. For example, wyverns are like cat or dog-sized dragon-like creatures that can shape shift to blend into their surroundings (also dragons, which usually live deep in the mountains were even fae don’t usually go), a type of sheep who’s wool can be woven into impenetrable cloth, and there’s even a type of semi-humanoid fae who still live “among” humans - they live in a mysterious swamp land, and are unimaginably old - so old that they’ve begun to merge with the swamp, often having large clumps or grasses or even trees growing out of them. They like people, generally. They like to trade various “treasures” they find in the swamp with them, or if you bring them something they like enough, they may do more than that for you.
Unlike humans, fae can access the magic contained within them, so in order to cast spells they generally don’t need to use any kind of magical objects - the simply cast with their hands, thier voices, or their minds, in some cases. Depending on what type of fae they are determines what exactly their magic can do, and generally humans who are thought to have fae ancestry have these same powers, only typically they are not as powerful, or at least have not learned to properly access their power
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artbymavy · 3 years
5, 22, 30, 34 for fic writer asks?
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
I think I’m the most proud of Firelight and Cascade. My first fics, the odd choice of second person pov, and they still hold up pretty well even after almost three years since I started them, although if I ever finish What The Good Days Left Behind I’m sure it’ll be that.
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
I do have a zukka-themed playlist to listen to, but I got kind of tired of a lot of it. I also have a wtgdlb playlist for writing that, but in general I usually just shuffle my music or put on some Josh Ritter.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Can’t have one without the other, it’s just not as satisfying.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
So bewitched was he by the delicate wisps of lichen hanging from branches just beyond his reach, and the lace-like forms of those which clung to the bark of the trees, thinking they had wandered into a fairy-tale somewhere along the way, that he almost failed to notice the babbling of the stream Sokka had led them to until he was nearly standing in it. The gentle white noise it made as it rolled the stones at its bed along, clacking them together, smoothing out their rough edges, could stand in easily for static on an old film real, and did little to convince him he wasn’t on one himself, drifting between its little translucent panes.
I’m actually pretty proud of my most recent chapter of wtgdlb. Lotta good stuff in there...
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artbymavy · 3 years
4, 8, 10? <3
4.  What defines your artistic style?
I was recently told my style is sort of a sketchy, semi-realism which I think is fair. I also sometimes think my colour choices could be described as mildly painful to look at for too long, but maybe that's just me...
8. What is your favourite piece that you have done?
Of the things I’ve posted probably this, this , or this, but if we’re including non-posted stuff then I've always really liked both of these;
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10.  What do you like most about your art?
That's hard, because I'm very self critical. Maybe that I'll kind of try whatever? Like I'm not worried about a particular element being too hard, if I want to include it I'll find a way.
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mavy1 · 3 years
Seasons - Said the Whale
But now I'm thinking summer is for lovers 'Cause when else will we find the time to leave Lay out in a field and watch out love growing And swaying in the breeze  
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I would absolutely love to hear you elaborate on existing minerals and stuff inspiring in-world magic, that's such a cool idea!! is there potential for like, toxic or dangerous minerals to be used in dark magic, so those properties are reflected too?
So, the way I imagine it working is like, certain types of minerals will have the potential to be used for specific magical tasks, but within those groups how useful a specific stone or gem would be depends on the quality of the stone in every case, and in some cases still needs to be modified before it can be used. So, taking the example of muscovite, you would need a clear piece of the mineral to be able to see through, and then that would usually be made into some kind of looking-glass object to be used. Without that, it might still work for the same purpose, but not as well or sometimes not at all. Usually the stones would be set in some kind of magically conductive metal (copper is especially useful, but so are silver or gold, or any conductive metal could be used in a pinch - I imagine, though, that metals like iron would have their own magical properties, so they might alter the expression of the magic, so they wouldn’t work in all cases, or in some cases may be preferred, while copper, gold, or silver are magically inert, so they only conduct magic but don’t have any affect on it) - that’s what artificers do, they make magical objects. A good example would be Theo’s spark ring, which is a type of garnet called pyrope set in probably bronze, which allows him to produce a small flame when he snaps his fingers, which is highly useful for an alchemist (picture how many times you might need to light a burner in a chem lab or something). Alternatively, alchemists would use raw stones and plants to mix and make potions, which typically result in more complex magical effect than just the few uses of a single stone or plant. In doing so, they transform these ingredients into something new that none would be able to do on their own.
I think that dangerous minerals could be used in a variety of ways. Poison is the most obvious of those, I think - toxic minerals, such as those containing lead and arsenic on their own are already poisonous, but their effects could be compounded or sped up by use in magical potions. Alternatively, I think it could be interesting to have those made into different magical objects as well. Maybe poisoned weapons, where what would normally be a non-fatal wound would then be fatal at any scratch, or to make wounds that never heal, or even beyond just use as weapons but for spell casting as well, where their effects would be explicitly detrimental to the human body - unlike regular magic, which in some cases could be used for benign purposes as well as dangerous purposes (like the ability to make fire, which could be used for a variety of things). The exact effects of these object would depend on the stone used, I guess - for instance dangerous minerals are not just limited to poisons, but you could have radioactive materials or things like different forms of asbestos are actually naturally occurring minerals as well, which might be interesting.
While I don’t buy in to all the magic crystal stuff that people claim happens in our real world, it is certainly true that raw stones and metals have been made to do some pretty crazy things, when you think about it, so translating that to them actually having magical properties isn’t really to hard to imagine, to me.
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