#told u i love butler grelle
grellestie · 2 years
she rlly said DEATH!
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i didn't know what to make her say so death is twas
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lululeighsworld · 8 months
im coining the term grellmaxxing to describe the phenomenon where people relate to/kin/identify as grell and proceed to try everything in their power to look and act more like them. you people know what im talking about. you know someone named grell who talks with tildes, probably claims to like jack the ripper and wants to dye their hair red/ is a redhead right. i know you do. you know someone whos grellmaxxing
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
I JUST REALIZED U WRITE FOR BLACK BUTLER???!?1? omgomg..may i request grell sutcliff with transmasc werewolf s/o??? It coukd be whatever u want; hcs or oneshot/scenario :3
Thanks for the request!
'•.¸♡ werewolf ♡¸.•'
Grell x transmasc, werewolf reader
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Grell is head over heels for you!
She would constantly follow you around, talking with you and stuff.
When she found out you were a werewolf, or you told her she was ecstatic, she wanted to know everything about you, how you transformed and stuff.
Whenever you are a wolf or wolf like form, she pets you like a dog and calls you her pet or dog for fun.
Grell's big on hugging and adores hugging you while you're a wolf. You're just so fluffy and stuff!
You can help her out with finding people to reap.
Being trans (or just any part of the lgbtq+ community) is difficult in England, so Grell will help you whatever way she can.
If anyone wants to rat you out to the police she'll happily take care of them! Just don't be surprised if you never see them again.
If she takes you shopping for clothes, you are always getting red, just red.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I am constantly surrounded by old people! First the clinic, then the opera and now the hospital! I swear I'm not 90 guys. Old people just exist.
Have a wonderful day/night and enjoy the rest of the evening/day :)
-love, Azrael
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bluelizze · 8 months
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Ok so having black butler grell brainriot so I completely scrapped all my old black butler ocs to make a sorta self-insert oc kinda situation
(Click to read more about this handsome fella)
Some basic info
Elliott Allen (might change last name idk)
He’s transmasc and goes by he/they pronouns
He’s a vampire (I love vampires and I am one)
Works at a tailor with someone whom he known since their great grandfather (bc some backstory shenanigans)
He loves making outfits as a way to express himself and his feelings
Not everything is set in stone but these are just some ideas I have
Obviously, Elliott was born a girl and for the most part was fine except that they felt more masculine on the inside while still enjoying feminine stuff
elliott was also known to be pretty fragile (ik very cliche) so he picked up sewing to pass the time but eventually starts to like it
I have no idea how elliott would become a vampire tbh, so if u have any ideas, lmk
anyways, what made elliott realized that he’s a man was a nice tailor he met when he was window shopping
he and the tailor became good friends and later he learned that it was ok to be a man while accepting his femininity
I should note that he met the tailor after becoming a vampire
He soon became a sort of assistant/apprentice and continue on doing so for every generation pass down
At one point, the tailor built a separate room for Elliott so kinda like a studio but adding a bedroom in the same room bc they learned that Elliott never really comes out of the shop (at this point, lives in the shop)
madam red and her husband were one of their regulars so elliott had some sort of attachment with them
which kinda leds to the next part
The two met shortly after grell became a full ledge reaper and basically elliott was like “omg you are the one I need for this outfit I’m working on” and particularly pushed grell to their tailor to try on the outfit and omg grell looked so pretty
after that, grell would frequently stop by at the shop during closing hours bc she’s aware that that’s when elliott is pretty much active (she doesn’t know they’re a vampire yet)
it would mostly just grell talking about her work and complaining while elliott measures her for his next week or making the outfit has he actively listens
nothing really changes once the two learn of each other’s true nature but it just made the two fell of each other even more
well… for elliott. it takes grell even longer to kinda realize it
bc grell had always fancy other men, it made elliott somewhat jealous and insecure of himself for not fully being the man she wanted
which somewhat led to having the worst gender dyphoria of his life
grell later catches on and basically realizes that elliott was the man she wanted all her life
bc he did not care about the fact that she used to be a man, and loved her as a women and treated and cared for her like one
she realizes that elliott was basically treating her the way she has always dreamed of, for who she is inside and outside
buuuttt it took a while for her to get to elliott bc he was so emotionally closed off
this is where madam red comes in, she was sorta the stepping stone to help grell realizes elliott's pining love for her
she also helped grell by telling elliott that the commission was from someone she knows very well
anyways, elliott just made the dress as he was told only to find out that the person that madam red was talking about was grell and grell basically was like "sooo.... i didn't realize how much i was hurting you and i didn't really mean it..." (idk how to write this without making her out of character)
grell put on the dress and basically fell in love with elliott even harder and basically confessed her love to him by hugging and kissing him (yes in those cartoon fashion ways where lipstick stains was all over elliott's face as he gots heart eyes)
after that, elliott slowly becomes more open with his life and his emotions with grell
he does eventually learn that just because grell fancy other men, doesn't mean she feels any sort of romantic feelings towards them
it doesn't fully stop with elliott possessiveness and jealously towards other men but it wasn't as bad as before
pov: elliott grips grell's waist and basically says "trying to eye my lovely grell aye?" as grell shivers at the possessiveness in elliott's tone
when elliott meets sebastian, the jealously went somewhat off the roof
he was relieve when sebastian verbally shows that he isn't intersted in grell
but elliott was still jealous of him bc sebastian is partically elliott's dream masculinity (if you know what i mean)
it took some time for elliott to open about it with grell and when he did, grell basically spoils him for the rest of day
also yes, elliott does drink blood from grell and ofc grell enjoys it, a little too much but hey, it's a win win for the both of them
elliott did not fully liked the idea of sucking off from other people before he met grell
he still doesn't but he wouldn't mind if it's grell bc he loves her and she enjoys it
even tho it’s not rlly official (they both don’t know when it will be official), they like to call each other husband and wife
“why, this dress is for my lovely wife in red 😙”
“Isn’t my dress lovely 🥰? My hubby made it just for me 😘😘😘”
besides the whole vampire aestheic, he was partically inspired by phantom of the oprea
he can dance, specically he can do ballet
he loves doing the waltz with his mannequin in dresses, but now he does it more with grell whenever she models for his outfits
edited: N/A
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yandere-romanticaa · 4 years
hi i just wanted to say that grell from black butler is a trans woman and their pronouns r she/her . i just wanted to tell u, so u can keep it in mind and not use male pronouns for them again
Noted! In the past someone sent me a DM and told me this too and aplogies for messing up. I meant no offense to our lovely Grell ❤❤❤
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hajimeow-archived · 3 years
answer this then send it to 3 cool mutuals!
Do you know any languages other than English?
What was your first fandom experience?
Reason for your URL?
Least favorite character from your favorite [insert media here]?
Favorite character from your least favorite [insert media here]?
Favorite color?
copy and paste this into the inboxes of 3 cool mutuals!!
(i’m so sorry for this but i got it and you’re a cool mutual so here. also bonus points if you know who i am)
1. girl i barely know english i- short answer is no :)
2. ummmm i saw shipping in the warrior cats fandom when i was like 7-8 and i was literally like ew why do ppl ship cats and then i went to roleplay on a warrior cats amino which was super fun i had rp friends on there and everything
3. YES!!!! OMG IVE BEEN. WANTING TO ANSWER THIS FOR SO LONG SJDJFDJJ OK SO. when i was making a new blog cus i forgot the password to my old one i was using a really old laggy phone and the page constantly kept crashing and coming up with the page that said sorry! this page is not available :( so then i was so fucking pissed that i retried it and typed my username as that and it FUCKING WORKED. and it’s been 3 years and i have not changed it since i’m too attached to it
4. i am literally so hyperfixated on danganronpa but no characters come to mind?? i guess i don’t really like kaito since he slapped shuichi for crying and told him to man up YES IM STILL PISSED ABOUT THAT SJFJFJDJ also hiyoko bcus she’s an asshole to mikan for literally no reason. like what did she do to u i’m- :|
5. ngl i don’t even think i have a least favorite media,,,, ummm maybe black butler? it was good but it felt sorta weird and oddly written idrk but the only reason i watched that was for grell she’s literally the only good character in that show ffs i love her so much
6. purple because red feels really angry and loud and blue is really calm and sad so purple is like a perfect mix between those two,,,,,,
and no it’s fine!! i really don’t mind getting any sort of asks tbh. & i bet ur @the-3d-sky-sister huh
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years
What would be some Grell omorashi headcanons?
Quick Note: I tend to use she/her for Gr/ell and hc her as a tra/ns wo/man, but I also understand between canon sources, non-canon char interviews, author intentions, dif cultural views, The time period the canon takes place in vs. The year the media was published vs. Our current time now changing views/terms, it's ALL a giant clustertruck question mark blob. So feel free to hc Gre/ll differently, be that a very feminine ga/y man or b/i or nonb/inary or whatever, I genuinely don't mind how anyone hcs characters and fan content does not affect my enjoyment of canon in any way. I'm never gonna pick fights and claim somebody's playing with their imaginary Barbie wrong lmao, kindergarteners know better than that
Now to the actual ask:
ANON I LOVE YOU!!! Gr/ell is one of my fav chars EVER but I never get to talk about her hhhhh ❤❤❤
I've had 8 dang years to think about this so enjoy a varied selection 😼 I'm sorry in advance bc half of these are very lemony oops
* Reapers have stronger bladders than humans (in terms of capacity/general strength), but they're still much weaker than a demon's (goes for all bodily functions tbh. Demons don't really have any, the only reason they would need to go is if they chose to partake in occasional food/drink, and could easily hold it for weeks or even months at a time). A reaper can probably hang in there with a full bladder for a day or two if very determined, less if they've had any strong diuretics/alcohol (I imagine the humans' stuff is p weak tho and barely gets them buzzed).
* Gr/ell's bladder is stronger than a newbie like Ro/nald's, but weaker than someone like W/ill's. Mostly bc she's frequently drinking unhealthy stuff and has no problem up and ditching to pee as soon as she's tired of waiting.
* Not bladdershy in the slightest, and not dysp/horic either. (While she wants a womb/too look more womanly, she also seems fairly content with her body and even takes pride in it in several scenes.) The only time I could see her getting nervous/locking up is if she had a really bad day or felt extra self-conscious, and it wouldn't be a very severe condition.
* She doesn't like going in weird/gross places because she is a Beautiful Lady With Standards, thank you very much. If she has absolutely no choice she'll suck it up and pee in an alley like the commoner humans, but she will complain about it for the next few years at every opportunity.
* That being said she's also a huge hypocrite, and if the situation was reversed would immediately snap at someone like W/ill or Ro/nald to just go in the alley already instead of failing to hide their desperation on the job. You bunch of damn babies, grow a pair.
* If she needs to be serious/doesn't want ppl to know, she can hide desperation fairly well (a little clumsy/flushed and sweaty, but that could be mistaken as her normal goofy behavior), masking how bad it really is until she's a minute from wetting herself.
* If she doesn't care and wants to complain though, she's obvious af. Whines and gripes the whole time, full-blown potty dance to garner sympathy, legs crossed and bouncing, everything. By the time she gets to the suspiciously e/rotic moans ppl usually hurry to find her a bathroom/yell at her to leave lol
* There have definitely been times when Gre/ll used going to the bathroom as an excuse to ditch work for a LONG time or took many frequent smaller breaks to do her nails/read magazines/flirt with Seb, etc. Needless to say, this backfires terribly the one time she actually does have to go because W/illiam definitely isn't putting up with her bs no matter how much she begs or squirms. He's even madder at her when he realizes he'll have to clean the floor. If she wasn't so mad/embarrassed herself, she'd have taken joy in his karma and gladly told him to suck her d/ick.
* That's def not the first time W/ill's seen her desperate or piss herself. As young stud reapers in training I guarantee G/rell got shitfaced at company parties on more than one occasion (or just went out drinking the night before work on a weekday lol). Frequently showed up for field work having to pee every other hour and driving him nuts c':
* She and Ma/dame Red definitely fooled around a couple of times (she's the only woman Gr/ell's ever been attracted to) . Maybe Gr/ell already had the kink and brought it up, or maybe Red saw Gr/ell squirming and asked (insisted) she let her watch until she lost control, but either way things got dirty real quick lmao. Red slapped a demon's ass in the same room as her nephew, she's dom AF (and inappropriate lmao). G/rell's a giant masochist/sadist combo. Do the math 👀👌💯
* I personally love the concept of her ending up desperate after inviting herself along and crashing one of C/iel and Seb/astian's missions and just being miserable the whole time trying to hide it. Because she def can't embarrass herself in front of B/assy, but even worse she will NOT prove she has to take a potty break before some human kid. Naturally, C/iel being the complete brat and posessive bitch he is, immediately picks up on her predicament and torments her the whole time/makes a fool of her without letting Seb know the real issue. She can't lay a finger on him because she'd be Dead and she can't whine for B/assy to get him to stop bc that would mean explaining her problem so it just keeps escalating in comedic fashion. (This isn't even an omo hc really sorry lol, I just love any plot with those two bickering like petty babies as rivals for Seb's attention, even better if Ci/el consistently pulls one over on her and is the more mature one. You killed my aunt and then tried to steal my butler, Get Rekt Bitch )
* In any aus where she isn't hooking up with Red or trying to get Seb, I ship her hard with Un/dertaker (they're my otp actually don't judge me). In those he's actually the one with a massive piss kink and she's weirded tf out at first, but I mean if ur bf already eats dog biscuits and sleeps in a coffin u can probs learn to live with it. She indulges him periodically and he spoils her rotten afterwards. (I actually had several fic ideas for those two back in the day. One day maybe I'll finally get around to it).
* No matter what she draws a hard line at drinking it. No thank you. Golden showers are a maybe but they better have some gr8 shampoo to scrub her luxurious hair with afterwards.
* Wetting herself in that too small choir outfit from s1 that basically made short shorts and a crop top? P l e a s e
Dom G/rell:
* Has totally tried to pin Seb down/trap him somewhere and use his increasing desperation as leverage to get what she wants since he's too proper to wet himself. It probably doesn't work bc he's crafty and also could just throw her across the room, but u know. Points for trying.
* When someone lets her dom them willingly she's an absolutely sadistic fiend. W/ill completely torment them until they're begging and broken, and they have to pleasure her first before she'll show any mercy and allow them to let go. That said, she's got an almost sweet tone to anything she says and is very affectionate the whole time. It's a dichotomy that leaves any subs an absolute wreck. Her absolute fav part is watching ppl squirm and start to leak, it's cute.
* She also likes doing the whole fake sympathy play, where everything nice she says makes it 20x worse for the sub. Poor babies ❤
* Making out so they can't say anything no matter how desperate they are, just writhing underneath her with their whimpers muffled in her mouth? Perfection.
* Slowly pressing her boot into someone's abdomen is her signature move.
Sub Gr/ell:
* Loves the whole humiliation aspect and being all squirmy and nervous in front of (S/EBASTIAN) people, struggling to hide her problems and act casual but knowing her face is flushed red.
* When it gets really bad she gets super whiny and submissive, whimpering and moaning and really playing up the vulnerable aspect. Look how pitiful she is, it would be oh so easy for them to have their way with her~ (and then she bats her eyelashes and they just glare ajdkgk stop fucking around G/rell this is a Serious Scene we talked about this before we started)
* Sometimes she does public holds or gets desperate before a mission/visit just so she can see how long she can get away with it before she has to cave/people get suspicious. It's k/inky, exh/ibitionist, and oh so delicious~
* Lives for (S/EBASTIAN) the dom to get mad and disappointed in her, verbally berating her for not being more composed and embarrassing them in public, manhandling her as she's dragged somewhere more secluded to get ahold of herself, being teased and poked and prodded all while they're sneering in her ear. She wants to feel like the dirtiest, most ashamed and nervous person alive for such a simple need, knowing it's going to come out eventually no matter how hard she tries to be Good, having to beg and plead with teary eyes only to be denied access to the bathroom and told to suck it up and hold it.
* She really liked her original disguise/persona from the Ma/dame Red Days for this exact reason. Could be as shy and stuttery as possible and really play it up, got bossed around/teased by everyone, it was great. Totally got desperate once or twice so 'he' could beg Seb/astian to use the manor bathroom and get pitied. If he 'tripped' and just so happened to lose control and start crying, well, that couldn't be helped...
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yumenosakiacademy · 7 years
Me.trocon 2017 Day 1
This is a diary for future me bc i like to keep my important memories preserved to read abt later n stuff! uh.. feel free to read if ya want i guess or ignore but it’s just me in-depth talkin abt what i did today n what happened to me, negative n positive! [peace sign] Cosplayed: Tsuka.sa Suou in his summer uniform
okay so i got mcdonalds for brunch at like 1 after i left my house and dad dropped me off to go get registered and all and after leaving registration to go get myself a Schedule, someone stopped me and said “oh my god can i take a pic of you?!” and i was so surprised that someone recognized who i was but i said sureso they pulled out their phone and they had a ku.ro k/iryu phonecase and i was like “!! KURO !!” and i talked w them (they were cosplaying the human lady from the ma.id dragon anime) and they had sooo many en.stars charms on their phone and i was like “oh my god you’re into en.stars” and i asked if they were doing okay in the event and they said their cards were too weak and that they only had 1 five star and i was like dude that sucks! but i had to rush to the UT panel so i said bye to them and they said they were gonna be shinkai on sunday so i’m looking forward to that!
so i went to the UT panel and things were kinda annoying bc some alt. au sans kept asking lots of questions and making commentary tly loudly and sometimes answering questions like they were part of the panel?? i think even the panelists were kinda annoyed of her... and she’d be like “aww un.dyne u didnt do my dare [mutter] but u did theirs!!” but i dont hav much to say abt this panel tbh
so i went to the bl.ack but/ler panel and apparently the original panelists didnt come so a group of bl.ack butler cosplayers (a ciel, seb, alois, and grell) along w two random girls and a Shiro ran the panel but usually the audience was talking over them bc everyone was kind of joking around and thngs were more chatoic and casual than a normal panel but i talked to the pidge abt random stuff and we talked abt their wig (which they took off bc it was itchy lol) and how we both didnt sleep much last night and we kinda became friends n talked a bit 
and then i left the BB panel and had a LOT of freetime so i walked around the dealers room/artist alley (mostly in search of ES merch) and i found a rei cosplayer and i was like “wow i like your UNDEAD itabag- wait ur cosplaying rei arent you?” and they were like “yea, casual rei haha” and i was like “HOLY FUC can i take ur pic......” and we talked abt en.stars for a sec n i was like “im cosplayin tsukasa!” n they were like “i See that” and i told them i was on the hunt for ES merch and they pointed me in the direction of the other side of the dealers room and said there was an idol table that had a box/boxes full of ES merch and the table was blaring idol music so it was Noticable and i was like “HOLY SHIT im gonna go get some charms thnk u” and had i not noticed that the rei n their friend seemed to be semi-busy i probably wouldve tried to talk abt ES w them for a while aa...
SO ANYWAY i found the idol table and there were 3 lil boxes of ES charms/buttons/etc and a box of i/7 charms/buttons/etc so i looked thru them and ALL THE STUFF WAS SO CUTE KRHNRGHB... but it took me abt an hour to look thru everything and pick out a natsume keychain and a mika christmas keychain but while i was there i was like.. bouncing to the loud idol music (they didnt play en.stars music but there was id.olmaster music i think and LL music) and the girl from earlier that took my pic (erin is her name i believe) and her friend and their other friend (?) who was umi came up to me and said hi again and looked at the charms (erin said she got a shu button and a lot of kuro merch tho, and she spent most of her money for the day lol) and i talked to them abt the things in the boxes and en.stars like which boys we liked or not (erin said she found ritsu annoying bc i showed her a ritsu keychain) and i gave erin and her friend lollipops and eventually left (the booth had 3 ES plushies and the 1st ES artbook w the cgs and va comments in it btw but i didt get those) and im debating going back to that table for a chiaki item or midori item.. maybe bc im tryna save up for a pillow or plushie i rly want
so i went back downstairs and saw the ann i first spotted near registration when i got inand i was like “oh!” but i sat down near them bc playing ES and putting my charms on my bag was more important and a lance asked me if i was yuki from tsu.ritama and i was like “nope! En.semble stars” and the shiro was like “OHH!!” and i asked the shiro n matt (they looked like matt but it might hav been a different character) if they were into en.stars and they said no sbut the matt said “all i kno is that eichi is Bad” and i was like “KJRGNRB YEA.. HES EVIL HES BAD YANNO THAT ;BABY BOY. EVIL.’ MEME? HES THE EVIL PART” and the lance kept laughing and i was like “he messed w ppl and kinda maybe emotionally abused someone hes No Good >:0″ but i told em that en.stars has a translation n stuff and then a serena helped me put my natsume on my bag 
and before i left i wanted a pic of the ann and akira but then i noticed there was a Makoto so i wanted to take their pic but after i did the makoto was like “YOURE COSPLAYING FROM EN.STARS ARENT YOU...” n i said yes and they squealed and said they were into ES and i hugged them and they showed me their mao itabag and apparently the ann and akira were into ES as well so we all laughed abt ES and i learned that makoto hates rei bc i said reis one of my best boys n makoto’s friend said she liked rei too and makoto groaned and i said “he’s hot!” and maggie (the friend) was like “yea!” and akira’s fav waskeito n he was like “i’d hug him. i’d kiss him. i’d spicy w him” and they were like “THOSE R GOOD UR VALID” when i said chiaki n ryu.seitai were my favs but apparently they had friends who loved chiaki too bc the akira mentioned it and we all laughed for a sec and makoto and akira said they were gonna be the tori n eichi at the en.stars panel on satudrday and i screeched and ann called over a DAN!akira she spotted (i took a pic of him earlier) and so he joined our lil hangout group and we all spotted a Joker akira so ann was like “...if i yell ‘akira’ ya think hell come over here” so i was like “let’s all yell it on 3″ so ann, DAN akira and i all yelled “AKIRA!!!” in unison and he came over and took some pics w the others n took a pic of me and i took a pic of him then he left but the DAN akira stayed and i gav makoto, ann, and DAN akira lollipops and we all hung out and ann and the umi from earlier (who was apparently their friend) danced to LL songs bc ann started dancing to em for us and before that the akira and makoto left and eventually the akira left until it was just ann, umi, and i w them dancing and i spotted my irl friend lynds so i said hi bc she was playing cards w her friendgroup then i said goodbye to ann and umi bc i wanted to find the wataru they mentioned they saw (erin mentioned it earlier too)
and so i walked around 4 a minute b4 the next UT panel and didnt find the wataru but oh well so i went to the 2nd UT panel and it was still p boring and the annoying chick from earlier was still there and some girl behind me was loud n had a handclapper toy they kept using and i hated it but w/e so after i left that, i wandered around a bit and eventually went to the phantomhive ball and mad.ame red (who was an ichigo earlier in the day who helped the ppl do improv for the BB panel for a sec b4 they had to leave) saw me and we kept talking and i was like “is this.. an actual ball or a Panel” and they said a ball so i was like “oh god” but they were rly sweet to me and tightened my tie and we talked abt our previous cons and who we’re gonna cosplay tomorrow and i also talked w their un.dertaker until the doors to the panel opened but un.dertaker n  stood in the corner n i didnt wanna slowdance so i called dad to pick me up, wandered around the con n played ES, then left at like 10 pm!
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kokichi-owoma · 7 years
10 Facts about me
I was tagged by @suitcasesoffeathers Thanks lolol
Rule is to post ten Facts about yourself so let’s gooo
1. I have a cat named Chicken Nugget and she is a huge ass and doesn’t know how to cat but I love her
2. I’m scared of Birds that are larger than pigeons even tho I love most of them still. Except geese. Fuck geese.
3. I often Curse like a sailor and Its really hard for me not to Curse .
4. On that topic, I actually come from a family of sailors.
5. My first Anime as a kid was Pokémon and my first Anime I watched subbed was black rock Shooter
6. I always loved sailor Moon when I was in elementary school but didn’t actually get to watch it until I was 12. The only reason I knew about it was bc my aunt told me about it and gave me a book about it.
7. My favorite OTP are Haruka and Michiru from Sailor Moon and my favorite characters are Grell from Black Butler and Crona from Soul Eater.
8. I met most of my really close friends over the Internet
9. I absolutely adore magical Girls
10. I want to become a librarian
I’m tagging @starry-spaceneet , @leigh31– , @kunimno
@vncthings and @oyurio feel free to ignore it if u wanna thoo
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yumenosakiacademy · 6 years
metr0c0n 2k18 friday
diary 4 future me. cosplayed: tsumiki (sd/r2)
uh idk how to describe some panels due to barely remembering or not knowing how 2 word stuff so!! sry
okay so i arrived there early at like. 9:30 but apparently the con didnt open until 10 am? so i sat in the bottom floor lobby n played CR/went on tumblr until i went in and went to the bla/ck butler panel! ciel kept being dared to hug everyone, even ppl he hated like alois or soma n grell kept flirting w sebestian
then the bn/ha panel! they did trvia at first, n i think i got a question right, but didnt raise my hand so rip... anyway after short trivia they did the q+a and pr3s3nt m!c said he goes thru 2 cans a day w his hair n that he has endorsements w hairspray companies n later all m!ght said he was oth proud and disappointed in deku’s obssesion w him n i asked aizawa if any of the students ever vaped in his classroom n he said that the were rowdy
after that i walked around for a while n saw a momo (id0lish) n without thinking, asked 2 take their pic n they said they remember me from last year n they were apparently the momo i took a pic of last year??? haha whoops i was just Excited. i also saw a rei while talking to a tsumiki+nico n i was like “thats a yumenosaki uniform omg r u cosplaying ens/tars/into ES” n they said yes they were supposed 2 b rei but their friend had their wig but we were talking abt ES n i cant rly remember a lot of the convo but they said they only rly disliked eichi n i think they liked rei n ritsu n switch? anyway, also around this time, i was climbing the stairs n a fancy dre/amer jane was like ‘hey uh, are you looking for someone named x?” n i said “no...?” n they realized they got the wrong peron n apolgized n left but later i saw them again n asked 4 a pic n apparently their dress was $200 holy shit.. it was a rly nice outfit tho aa. 
then i went to the hs panel! not much to say tbh? stuff happened, questions were asked n all, yknow. kanaya n rose came in fashinoably late but the kanaya was pretty aa. they got asked abt vines n i remember the kanayas favorite was the “yall ugly” vine. aradias was “so no head?” roses was “we all gonna die someday” 
anyway, i went downstairs n stood arund then noticed someone that looked like 1st yr koga so as i passed them when i started moving, i asked if they were koga n they said yes n i took a pic of them (i didnt realize their friend was rei/fem!rei (i think) altho i slightlky wondered it but i had tunnelvision.. a onetrack mind...) n i was like “how r u doing in the event?” n they apparently dont play the game, but they’re into ES n i said “oh!” n i asked their best boy n they said keito or [someone i cant remember] n i said oh cool and i stan rei, since im thirsty, and chiaki n idk the rest of the convo, but they told me there was an ES person in the artist alley n i immediately ran off to go find the artist. then i found an iruma w an arashi in their itabag n complemented them on it (n also said arashi is valid) n their friend had a tsukasa itabag n we talked abt ES for a minute and i asked them abt the button artist.
then the v0ltr0n panel! again, dont kno what 2 say, but it was p funny! “what’s yalls favorite ship??” “we all swore, the Castle” bhrghrt. then i meant 2 go 2 the su panel after the v0ltr0n panel bc it ended at 5:20 n the SU panel ws ongoing after it but i just Didnt. 
so i walked around the dealers room again n saw someone w a tsumugi itabag n i was like “their hair looks similar to tsumugi r they cosplaying tsumugi?? either way, ill complement them on their bag” but they Were cosplayng tsumugi like i expected n they said they were glad 2 b recognized n that tsumugi doesnt get enough love n i got a pic of them n we talked abt ES n they liked the natsume strap on my bag n they also like the oddballs, bc i mentioned i have all the oddballs on my  bag except shu n i learned the ES button person was the same one that made the buttons? they showed me a lil tori figure keychain they got n it was cute... idk if we talked abt much else but Yeah. i also ran into the rei n they found their wig n i was like “u got ur wig? nice! im proud [idk why i said this? i think i meant it in an ‘i believed in u!’way??]” n asked them n the dia they were w for a pic, and also ran into one of my tumblr friends n they had such a cuuuute outfit n they had a lil v!ktuuri charm AND a super cute clear keychain n i was like “MY EFFING BOY.. WUV” but we talked 4 a minute which was fun!!
then the v0ltr0n “opration whats goin on” panel! the operation was apparently that lance couldnt speak english thruout the panel but i knew a bit of spanish so i could kno some of the words but anyway i remember they all T-posed n i think they got asked a vines question too? yea! i remember at some point the kieth threw their starbucks cup in rp anger or smth (it was p much empty) but some of it got ont he carpet n everyone was like ‘KEITH...”
then i coudnt walk around the dealers room bc it was closed so i walked on the con floor n some person was walking around w a large speaker n they put on “Take On Me” n a bunch of us started a chain of people following each other doing that weird dance run that goes w that song n we went all around the con floor, up the escalators, up the stairs, circled around 3 LL cosplayers, went back down, went all the way to the game room, did it in circles around the middle floor of the game room, then the person changed it to “Nevr Gonna give u up” n said we all just got rickrolled but we continued the chain/conga n just danced along to it and motiond to others while lipsyncing all the way back to the middle floor area w the music then the speaker person put on the macarena n i did it for a minute b4 worrying abt my wig n getting tired so i walked around the area then stood near a corner n started reading a hypm!c smut fic then later sat down near the next panel room i was going to go in n finished it
then the dd/lc panel!! i was on my ipad 4 some of it oops sry but they were talking abt who’s best girl n what was it like for monika to delete the others n they got asked the meme and vine question too n they all T-posed as well n there was a kid in the audience who rly loved natsuki n monika n gave natsuki a hug b4 they had 2 leave b4 the panel ended n it was cute... someone tried 2 play your reality on an ocarina, yuri said f*ck, n sayori yeeted a pencil aiming 4 the center aisle of the room but it hit someone but yea Fun Timez
i left a few minutes early to go to the g0rillaz panel but apparently they had 2 cancel so i called my dad 2 come pick me up n saw my tmblr friend again nwe talked abt kp0p n con stuff then they left n i went to the game room 4 a sec but b4 that i saw kenyan n joked w him n called him a furry but how i met w hhim was that he was at the post near the game room (the badge check) n as i walked past he said “i told ur dad id watch over u it’s okay” or smth like that n i went “...excuse me? i dont know you.” but then i realized who it was n went “oh.kenyan sry hi” n he was like “yea, u do, iplay pathfinders n dnd w ur dad in 2 days....” and i said “in our house ur labeled as a furry” n said he should cosplay his furry characters
anywway after a while (i just sat down n waited) dad picked me up!
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