#top jake enhypen
givemefevrr · 2 months
I just read your dom!enha post and jake ?? mr sim ?? the thought of him being possessive ??? ugh I'm the weakest soldier out there !! him seeing you run into your ex and just have a simple convo yet he gets moody af for the few next days without telling why he's suddenly like this then all this ending up in an angry sex ?? pleaseeeeeeee write it in your words I can't do this myself !!! love you in advance
- 🌷 anon
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Is It Him or Me? (NSFW)
Pairings: possessive dom!Jake x fem!reader
Warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, light angst, rough sex, angry sex (all consentual), swearing, fingering, edging (?), cum eating (?), teasing, begging, overstimulation, kissing, dry humping, biting/marking, facials, pet names (baby, pretty girl, etc.), Heeseung is your ex
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Jake is a great boyfriend. He absolutely adores you, and whenever you are out together, he always holds your hand and steals kisses whenever he can. And that's exactly what is occurring right now. 
Standing in line at a cafe, waiting to order, you couldn't help but giggle and squirm as Jake nuzzled into your neck, peppering your skin with soft, tickling kisses. Jake had been talking about bringing you here for months, as this was his favorite coffee joint, which he used to work at all through high school. It's on the other side of town, so it was a bit of a trip. But he chose the perfect day to bring you.
"Stop it, Jake, that tickles," you playfully protest, gently pushing him away amidst your laughter. 
With a grin and sparkling eyes, Jake teased, "But you love it when I tickle you," punctuating his words with a lingering kiss on your cheek.
Suppressing your laughter, you swatted at him. "Not in public, you goof," you replied, noticing amused glances from others in the line.
Jake chuckled, intertwining his fingers with yours as he turned his attention to the menu. "So, what are you in the mood for?" he asked, excitement radiating from him–practically making him vibrate.
"Hmm, what would you recommend, Mr. Barista?" You asked, scanning the menu before smiling up at Jake.
Eyes lighting up, Jake exclaimed, "Vanilla latte, of course! That's what I'm getting. Their vanilla lattes are the best. Well, at least when I worked here, they were." 
You scoffed at his pride but ultimately decided on the vanilla latte. 
But then you saw him. The bell atop the door chimed, a gust of wind blowing into the cafe upon their entrance. The familiar man seemed to recognize you, too, as he locked eyes with you and walked over. 
It's your ex-boyfriend. 
It's not like the two of you left off on bad terms, but you guys haven't talked or seen each other since the breakup, making this incredibly awkward. 
"Hey," your ex greeted, approaching you with a friendly smile.
You glanced at Jake slightly before answering, the boy paying little attention to the conversation. Responding with forced nonchalance, you exchanged pleasantries, hoping the conversation would end soon.
"I didn't expect to run into you here," your ex continued, "It's quite a trip from Hillsdale, huh?"
It's weird, considering you both live in the same town, yet he coincidentally showed up in the same cafe, almost 45 minutes away, at the same time as you. 
"Yeah, it's just a day trip," you nod. 
He nods, too, the awkwardness becoming increasingly more apparent the longer the conversation continues. 
"So, how have you been? What have you been up to? You look good," he complimented, looking you up and down.
"Ah, I've been great. I finally got a temp job for that marketing company downtown," you smiled softly, proud of your achievements.
"That's amazing! Yeah, I work at a car dealership about 10 minutes away from this place now. What a coincidence, though," he chuckled, finally becoming aware of Jake standing beside him. "Who's this?"
"Oh, Jake. This is Heeseung," you glanced at Jake once more. "My ex," you added a bit quieter, noticing that you'd caught the attention of other people around you.
You could feel Jake's grip on your hand tightening upon hearing that Heeseung was your ex, but he said nothing–masking any discomfort with a forced smile. 
"Heeseung, this is my boyfriend, Jake." Heeseung looked like a deer in headlights, an embarrassed flush rising on his neck as he let out a matching embarrassed laugh.
"Oh, my bad, man. I didn't even know," he laughed, sticking a hand towards Jake for a truce.
Jake wore a small, forced smile and shook Heeseung's hand. "You're all good," he replied.
"Well, I'll leave you two be." Heeseung looked back at you. "We'll have to catch up again sometime," he said before walking to the back of the line. 
After he left, there was a silence between you and Jake. You leaned into his shoulder slightly, cuddling up to him, as cuddles always made him feel better. Feeling uncomfortable, you broke the silence and said, "Well, it was nice seeing him again, I guess."
Jake nodded but didn't say anything, his grip on your hand tightening as you both stood in line at the cafe.
When it was your turn to order, you excitedly ordered the vanilla latte Jake recommended. However, Jake didn't even bother getting anything for himself, even though this was allegedly his favorite place. He put a twenty-dollar bill on the counter and mumbled for the cashier to keep the change, around $15. He just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
As your drink was being made, you and Jake waited by the to-go station. When the kind barista boy handed you your drink and said, "Have a great day. I hope you enjoy the nice weather," you reached out to take it.
But Jake beat you to it, grabbing it from the boy and handing it to you instead. "Let's go," he said, practically dragging you out of the cafe. 
Trying not to spoil the date with his attitude, he suggested walking around the city to enjoy the weather.
He bought you some light pink and blue flowers from a small vendor, seeing you croon at them, knowing they were your favorite kind.
Next, you walked across a footbridge over a stream, asking Jake to take a picture of you with the beautiful view in the background. You walked, thinking about how Jake had the privilege of taking this beautiful path home from school every day. 
Finally, as the sun set, you both decided to stop at an ice cream shop. The shop's perimeters had a swinging chair facing a small body of water with fishing docks along the edges. You two sat on the swinging chair with your ice cream in hand, Jake having chosen not to get anything for himself once again.
He had been trying to make the day fun by buying you flowers and taking you to these nice places from his childhood. But even as he handed the flowers to you, you saw his expression falter. Even as he walked across the bridge with you, he hadn't even told you that story about him taking the bridge path home from school–you made that up yourself to fill the gaps of what wasn't spoken. And even as he sits with you now, he sits on the other side of the swing, resting on his chin in his hand on the armrest. His sulky mood and his distance are so unlike him.
Jake had tried not to ruin the date, but his emotions were still visible despite his efforts.
You leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, thanking him for the "wonderful" day. But he remained quiet, fidgeting with his hands and avoiding your gaze. 
And he said nothing on the car ride home as well, only having a hand attached to your thigh as he drove silently. 
Jake was certainly in some sort of mood, as his behavior persisted for the next few days. 
He became increasingly distant, his temper flaring at the most minor inconveniences. If he ran out of milk for his cereal, he'd fly into a rage to the point tears would well up in his eyes as he curled up on the floor in frustration for hours. 
He seemed to withdraw from you completely, barely initiating hugs or kisses like he used to. You tried to talk to him and understand what was happening, but he remained tight-lipped, shutting you out of whatever bothered him.
Almost every night ended with him laying in your lap, upset at something to the point he's shaking, and you running your hands through his hair to try to calm him down. He'd eventually fall asleep in your lap, only to be up and gone elsewhere before you woke up in the morning. 
Then, one day, something happened that pushed Jake over the edge. It was one of those nights you found yourself playing with his hair, trying to soothe him as he wrestled with his inner demons.
It was almost bedtime, and you wore only one of his baggy t-shirts and underwear, as you usually did for bed. You were on your phone, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, when a notification popped up. It was from your ex—he was trying to follow you. 
You hesitated, reading it, and weren't planning on accepting the request, yet Jake must have thought otherwise. He tensed up upon seeing the notification. 
And moments later, he was sitting upright, his arms practically caging you between him and the couch cousin, kissing you roughly, placing your phone on the floor. You weren't against his sudden switch-up, as you haven't gotten a kiss from him in almost a week now. 
You opened your mouth as he asked for entrance, tonguing at your lips. And as he deepened the kiss, he began moving, causing you to chase his lips, following his movements. He lifted you off the couch, carrying you to your room, refusing to let go of your lips, and once he met the edge of your bed, he immediately plopped you down and crawled on top of you, kissing down your neck, sucking and biting dark marks into your skin. 
"I fucking hate him," Jake grunted into your neck, his voice muffled, and you barely just caught what he said. 
A lightbulb lit up in your head. Ah, that makes sense. 
"Is that why you've been in such a mood lately? Because of one interaction I had with Heeseung, who I haven't thought about for years?" you asked, lifting his head up from your skin.
Jake's eyes bore into yours, filled with anger and frustration. "Don't say his name," he commanded, his mood worsening. So, you decided not to press the issue further, realizing that mentioning Heeseung's name only fueled Jake's anger.
Jake ducked back to your neck, lips trailing down. His kisses became more urgent as he pushed your shirt up, revealing your skin underneath. His hands roamed up the sides of your body, his touch desperate and needy. You could feel the intensity of his emotions in every kiss, every touch.
Jake continued to kiss down your chest, his movements almost rushed. His hands roamed over your back, slipping up the back of your sports bra. 
"Off–" He grunted, already pushing your shirt up and off your shoulders along with the bra, leaving you only in your underwear. "Take it all off."
His mouth immediately connected back to your skin, biting your shoulder and kissing all the way down to your chest, where he took his time marking you up. You ran your fingers through his hair, gently guiding and reassuring him with your touch. Despite his roughness, Jake's actions were vulnerable.
His hands gripped your hips and thighs and squeezed roughly, his fingers definitely leaving bruises. You tugged on his shirt, to which he willingly took it off, yet eager to return to your skin. 
"Mine…" Jake kissed down your chest to your stomach, mumbling the word repeatedly. "You're mine. Say it." Jake's voice was low, his gaze on you dark, staring at your body with pure rage and hunger. 
"I'm yours," you giggled. You had never seen him like this before and found it slightly endearing. 
But he wasn't having any of that. "This isn't a fucking joke. Say it." he scolded, gripping your face and effectively grabbing your attention. "Say that you're mine and not… not his…" 
Yet with the way he squeezed your cheeks with one hand–pushing your lips out, making you look stupid–there was no way for you to coherently do as he asked. But you try nonetheless. 
With a whimper, looking right into his blown-out pupils, you said, "I'm yours. O-only yours, I promise," as best you could. 
His possessiveness only turned you on more, and you could feel yourself growing wetter with every touch. Satisfied with the response, his lips crashed back down onto yours hungrily. He growled against your lips, letting go of your face and using that hand to roam down your body, his fingers hovering outside your panties. 
You squeaked into his mouth, thrashing slightly as his thumb rubbed hard at your clit, overstimulating you. 
He pinned your hips down on the mattress to prevent you from squirming, continuing his administrations with a sick grin on his lips. You watched his face as his anger turned into lust, fueled by pure jealousy. You grabbed onto his shoulders, pulling him closer as you rocked your hips against his hand.
Smirking, he added more pressure to your clit, causing you to try to writhe even more. 
"More," you whimper almost inaudibly. 
"Hm?" Jake asked, as if he didn't hear you. But with the look on his face, you could tell that he did. "You want me to stop?" You whimpered softly, shaking your head and reaching for his hand.
Despite that, he stopped touching where you needed it the most, earning a whine and more squirming, even though he's not touching you anymore. 
"N-no, please don't stop," you whined, reaching for his wrist and pulling it back to your heat.
He just looked at you condescending as you humped his hand, and if you were in a normal state of mind, you would have had enough social awareness to stop–but you were far too horny right now.
"Please," you begged again, looking up at him with eyes glossed over with need, your hips bucking against his hand as you desperately tried to get more friction. 
Jake smirked at your eagerness before giving you mercy, pulling your panties off and sliding a finger inside you, making you gasp. He grunted in response, returning to trailing hot kisses on your skin. You could feel his teeth grazing over your skin, knowing that by the time he's done, you'll be covered in bruises for days. 
And that only turned you on even more.
"Oh god–" your breath hitches in your throat, your fingers gripping the sheets tightly.
"You like that, don't you, baby? My fingers inside you?" he purred, watching as you twitched and whined beneath him. "You love how I make you feel, how I can make you fall apart with just my fingers."
"Yes, so good– Fuck," you moaned, arching your back in pleasure as he added another finger and began to thrust harder and curl his fingers just how you like it, stretching you and filling you in a way that only he could. His other hand pressed against your lower stomach, the pressure making you even more sensitive.
"He doesn't know how to fucking touch you like I do," Jake rasped, his voice laced with arrogance. "I know just by the way you came so hard the first time I fingered you–there's no way that fucker has made you cum before. Only I can make you feel this good." 
You could only nod wordlessly, unable to form a coherent sentence. Jake loved every second of it, the smug smirk never leaving his face. Your hands reach down to his sweatpants, trying to undo them.
"You want it so bad, don't you?" He cocked his head to the side, almost condescending. You frantically nod, hoping he'll just give you what you want like he usually does. And you get hopeful with how Jake chuckles darkly and pulls his pants down a bit, exposing his throbbing cock. 
You mewled a bit as he pulled out his fingers and brought them to his lips, licking them clean with a satisfied look. He positions himself at your entrance and leans over you, his face inches from yours. But his following words crush all hope, and you know you'll have to do more begging. "Do you want me? Or do you want him?"
"You," the desperation in your voice was clear and urgent. "Please. I don't want Heesueng, only want you. Just you–" 
But before you can finish begging, Jake slams into you, filling you completely.
"Didn't I tell you not to fucking say his name?" His hands grip your hips tightly as he starts to pump into you, pulling you back onto him with each thrust. He doesn't hold back, his pace rough and frantic with all his pent-up rage and jealousy.
You let out a moan, arching your back. Jake was rough, and it was shocking. But oh, it felt good. It felt better than anyone you had been with before. Jake knew your body so well and knew exactly how to make you lose control. 
You dig your nails into his shoulders, neither caring about the deep red marks as you press into his skin. Your walls clench around him, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge of sanity. 
Jake's voice breaks during one of his moans. "C-can't believe he saw you like this before. I f-fucking hate him. Only I'm allowed to see you like this," he pants and his movements become sloppy, holding your hips down tightly as he continues to fuck you mercilessly. And his movements continued to get more and more desperate, his words becoming incoherent as he kept mentioning your ex. 
You could feel the familiar coil in your stomach tighten as you were pushed closer and closer to your breaking point. "P-please, m' gonna–" you gasp, clenching your teeth together as Jake's cock hits just the right spot inside you.
He uses a hand that was holding your hip to rub circles over your clit, trying to coax you to your orgasm. He then moves his other hand back to your lower belly, pressing down on it hard, like he did earlier. He hadn't done this before tonight, but you wish he had because you can feel his cock pressing against all the right spots even more now. You can't help but feel a bit jealous yourself, wondering who he learned that from. 
But regardless, the added stimulation sent you over the edge, your body shaking as you came hard around Jake's cock, pulling some stray swears from him. 
But Jake wasn't done with you yet. He kept fucking you, even as you rode out your orgasm, pushing you into overstimulation. You could barely form a coherent thought as he continued to pound into you, his own release still building inside him.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he grunted, his thrusts becoming shorter and rougher. "My pretty girl. I'm gonna cum all over your pretty face."
And with one final hard thrust, he pulled out, maneuvering himself to jerk off over your face. 
You were cock drunk at this point, and your face must have shown this, as Jake chuckled deeply. He cooed, brushing his hand on your cheek and wiping away tears you didn't know had fallen. "Awe, who did this to you? Who's got you all fucked out like this?"
And you finally made out a broken "you" through your whines and panting. 
"Yeah, that's right," your response makes his grin widen, seemingly with pride. "Me, not him," Jake spoke as if trying to convince himself more than you. 
It only takes a couple more tugs before his hot release splatters across your face, his moans and deep laughter mixed with one another as he comes down from his high. 
When he's done, he crawls to lay next to you, seemingly a whole new person. 
His puppy-like personality is back, wearing the loving smile he always has when looking at you as he wipes his cum off your face with the corner of your sheets. 
Afterwards, he peppers your face and lips with soft kisses, speaking equally soft words. "I'm sorry, baby," he nestles up next to you as you do the same thing, a small smile on your face, still kind of out of it. Was that too much? I've just been so moody lately because of…yeah."
"No, I just wish you'd talk to me and not let everything build up." You pout, placing your palm on his cheek before snorting out a laugh. "Not that it wasn't amazing. I've never seen you so possessive–it was hot."
He giggled at this, too, a soft blush rising in the apple of his cheeks. 
"But really, talk to me next. You aren't okay after something like that. Okay?"
"Gotcha," He scoffs before peppering you with kisses all over again.
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Ahh!! I guess your my first anon 🌷 :)
Also, apologies for the insane word count, I yap a lot as you can tell 😅
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yeonzzzn · 19 days
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look who came home 🤭🤭🤭
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simpjaes · 2 months
mtl to be into pegging.............
MTL: hyung line + to be into pegging
★ jake: the obvious first choice is jake. i think he'd be into equality in the bedroom when he's not absolutely pussy drunk. i don't think he would prefer it over fucking you, but i also know he'd be into prostate milking and cumming in different ways that don't have to involve penetrating you. i uh...i think he'd be into double-headed dildo stuff with you too. idk, like the idea of being sooooooo messy, both of you panting and whining for more......til you're both out of breath and all fucked out. and with pegging, he'd be holding the base of his cock while you slide in deep, hitting his prostate repeatedly til he has to let go and grab onto you or the sheets, ultimately drenching himself in cum, crying through it. AAAAAAAAAAAA, anyway, i think he could ride, be ridden, and enjoy all of it. jake is truly capable of anything and everything in the bedroom and i just think that's sooooo fucking neat
☆ sunghoon: he probably wouldn't like, ask for it or anything but be down if you are. most men probably do like having the g-spot in their ass stimulated though. i see it as, he'd probably do it more on his own for experimenting purposes bc jake told him some crazy stuff, ended up liking it, then you'd catch him one day all bent over with his fingers in his ass :( you'd of course find it quite interesting bc it's not like you haven't thought about it. Asking him if he would wanna try to take more than a couple of fingers. he'd definitely be like "hahaha....yeah i guess", trying to hide how willing he is to be as stretched open as you are for him.
★ jay: some would say jay would never. but this is my blog and //i// say he would absolutely at least try it and probably fucking lie about liking it while absolutely drained and covered in his own cum. i'm talking, absolutely drenched up to his chin in his own cum while looking you in the eye and saying "idk if i liked that, kinda hurt more than i was expecting." and like, i think after the fact he wouldn't really request to do it again but also wouldn't be totally against it on a rare occasion. after all, he can at least admit like three months later that he's never felt an orgasm like that and when you pressed down on his abdomen and fucked him real deep, he couldn't breathe bc it felt so good. also probably not against a finger or two in his ass while he's got your legs spread. after all, at the end of the day, it's just pleasure and he's a big fan of not only feeling good himself, but seeing that glint in your eye when you make him feel good too.
☆ heeseung: i mean, he loooooooooooooooves anal but if anyone is getting fucked in the ass it's gonna be you, sorry babe. i think, similar to jay, he might be ok with a finger in his ass or maybe a bit of ass eating [gotta be on his terms], but i don't think he'd let you have that much control over his body. he sees how you act when he pushes in, he feels how tight it is and how pained you look from time to time. why in the fuck would he wanna feel that himself rather than the way your walls hug his dick? even when you tell him you love it, even when you try and argue like "well if you get to put it in my ass, i get to put it in yours!!" nah. you know better than anyone that he calls the shots, and if he wanted something that big in his ass he'd just try it on his own because again, no one is gonna be allowed to see him like that, not even you.
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jaeyunzzx · 5 months
Just imagine fucking into Jake’s pussy and making him squirt everywhere.
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jennaissantes · 10 months
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i exploded
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lxftycskie11 · 4 months
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Jake: What am I even doing?(help me)😒
Ni-Ki: Just smile🙄
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yixinghoneybee · 5 months
Top 250 Songs of 2023: 16. Chaconne - ENHYPEN 🎶
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denim-bias · 1 year
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yjwonz · 2 years
3 of their members literally just came out of quarantine and they come out w these vocals right after
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xxsunoosprincess · 3 months
hi, can i reqs enha reaction to waking up with their back all scratched up after a long night with their s/o?
back to my regularly scheduled content 😋 absolutely delicious request
Enhypen’s reaction to seeing the marks you left on their back. (OT6)
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pairings: enhypen legal line x reader
warnings, 18+, minors DNI, mentions of sex, handjobs, and marking
Shy baby…. doesn’t tell you because he doesn’t want you to feel bad (and also secretly wants you to do it again). When you wake up he is fully dressed and sitting in bed, back facing away from you which is weird. He’s never awake this early and is he watching you sleep?? Can’t pry what’s wrong out of him so you end up wrestling him down and flipping up his shirt, exposing the marks (and making his cock throb). Repeated tells you it’s not a big deal but walks around with his shirt tucked in like a dork just in case anyone else tries to pull a fast one on him.
Loves that shit. Type of boyfie that sends you $200 to get your nails done all pretty. Taking care of you is his top priority!! Plus, he loves the way a nice manicure looks when you have your hands wrapped around his cock. He can also feel the scratch marks you leave down his back that much better with a nice set of acrylics. When he catches sight of them in the morning, you will have another “investment” sitting in your bank account immediately.
Shakes you awake after he takes a shower and the body wash packs an extra sting. Once he has you up and sufficiently panicked… “It’s important, wake up!!” Is not the most delicate way to wake up your partner… he pulls off his shirt and flips over to show you the damage. Thinks he has a rash at first, but it doesn’t take much to deduce what the red lines running down his back are from. Once you tell him, he switches to “Look what you did to me! You wild animal!” all whiny and rosey cheeked. Makes you kiss it better.
Likes it and makes sure everyone knows about it. “Oh these? Y/n was over last night” cue groans from the other members. After that they stop asking but he makes sure they are visible. Will probably even ask you to do it again and leave marks along his shirt line so they “accidentally” show. And when you do, he makes sure to reward you with an extra nice pounding that night <3
Sweet blushing baby!! He sees it in the mirror while doing his morning skincare and shrieks. It obviously attracts the attention of everyone in the dorm, but he runs back to his room with his shirt clutched to his chest and back pressed against the wall. He finally slips into the room and sees you sitting up in bed, clearly just awoken by the chaos happening behind the door. Jeers of “damn Sunoo I didn’t know you were a freak like that!” from Jake as he turns around to show you what all the commotion was about sends you into your own fit of laughter.
The first time it happened he didn’t even notice. Goes about his day until he is at dance practice and is getting sweaty so he takes his shirt off. Sunoo’s scandalized gasp is all he heard before a shirt is thrown at his face with a hissed “are you crazy? what if the managers see?”. Oops. Not so secretly happy about it. Now he walks around the dorms shirtless after a romp with you in the sheets just so he can show off a bit.
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a/n: short lil thang to get back into the swing of things after everything that went down today. Good lord… thinking about getting two requests out tonight to make up for deleting last nights :( also reminder that requests are open for 100 follower event!! anyways, hope you enjoy! xx - princess
taglist: @sunoofairyofsass @cha0thicpisces (fill out form or dm to be added)
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givemefevrr · 3 months
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Enhypen as Subs (OT6 only)
Pairings: sub!members x fem!reader
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We all know he has a praise kink, it’s cannon at this point. This boy would just melt if you told him he was doing a good job.
His moans would be so pretty, because we all know, being able to sing means he definitely has a good voice. He wouldn’t be loud though, he would be on the quieter side, like the polite boy he is, but he for sure does loose control every now and then.
He would love having his nipples played with–he'd be such a sensitive little thing, begging you to keep going and that he feels so good.
He would call you mommy on accident, muffled by pillows or your skin, and not even remember when you bring it up later, feeling humiliated about it.
Heeseung would be the type of sub who just wants to be taken care of and showered with love. He would beg you to peg him and he’d whine into the pillows as you do so. And when he's sub!topping, he would want you to ride him while he nuzzles into your neck or chest, holding onto every part of you he can.
He would want to make you feel good so badly, but he can’t do two things at once. He probably gets overstimulated very easily. He’s legit a pillow princess when both topping or bottoming (which I guess lives up to his nickname, Princess). But he’d make up for it afterwards if you didn’t cum and would eat you out just the way you like it because he just wants to be the good boy he knows he is. He’s just so sweet honestly.
Don’t even get me started on this man. It could go one of two ways, Jake could either be the brattiest sub or the sweetest sub ever. But one thing's for sure, he is needy as hell which overrules pretty much everything.
He may start off with slow and soft kisses, wanting to savor every moment, but he can't help but rut against you like a desperate little puppy. His sex drive is endless and he can cum over and over again, but still beg for more.
Bro would not be subtle whatsoever. He’d be LOUD loud, letting out whiny moans left and right, basically screaming curses, and he wouldn’t give a shit. In fact, he might even enjoy the idea of being heard by others.
Now, when he's feeling bratty, he becomes a total menace. Not in a teasing, tempting way, but more like borderline annoying. He'll push all your buttons and run you ragged until you're begging him to let you touch him. It's all just a game to him, and at that point, he's just messing with you for his own amusement.
He’ll ask to take things slow but he’ll end up humping anything he can come in contact with until he gets his cock in you. Sure, he might be up for getting pegged every now and then, but let's be real, he loves pussy too much to pass it up.
Let's not forget his insane oral fixation— this man would give the best head you've ever had. It's like a mind-blowing, life-changing experience. He loves to look up at you while he's doing it, hoping for some hair pulling or praise because he craves your validation, even though he knows he's doing an amazing job.
Okay despite my first post, I think Sunghoon could actually be a really good sub. He's just such a sweet and considerate guy, and that quality would definitely translate into bed.
He's the type to shower you with affection and want nothing more than to please you beyond measure. Unlike Heeseung and Jake, Sunghoon would beg for you to use him for your own pleasure. He loves the feeling of being at your mercy and would eagerly give control over to you.
This possibly shifts over into more service!top territory, but the sub is definitely still there. He enjoys giving up control and letting his partner take charge. He'll never make demands or ask for something, but instead he'll wait for you to tell him what to do. He likes the feeling of not being in control of himself for once.
He would love to finger you with those pretty hands of his because you love it. He loves anything you love. If you love the weirdest shit ever, so would he, just because it makes you happy. He’s not even the most into pegging, but if you wanted to make him fall apart on your fingers, he’d let you.
Sunghoon would likely be more on the quiet and calm side, but not because he's shy like Heeseung. Instead, he's focused on paying attention to your needs and reactions. He loves seeing you feel good and it brings him joy to be the source of that pleasure.
I'll be honest, I have a hard time picturing Jay as a sub. But if he were, I imagine he would also be head over heels for you and would do anything to make you happy.
He would constantly crave physical contact and would be the clingy type who wants to be pressed against you all night long. He would even whine if you try to separate from him.
Contrast to Sunghoon, he wouldn’t wait for you to tell him what to do every time—he’s more desperate and beggy than Sunghoon is. If he wants to touch you, he’ll beg for it. If he wants to eat you out, he’ll beg for it. He’ll take initiative for himself and beg you to ride his face.
He would be more reserved than Sunghoon too. He may not be as open to letting you try new things on him, but when it comes to trying new things on you, he'll do you want him to.
He would be open to being tied down though, and quite likes it when he gets the chance to be. He would be quieter too generally, and not make much noise—but that depends on the situation. When he’s tied down and has no control over what happens, his inhibitions die and the moans flow right out.
He would want to see your face at all times, always needing to make sure you’re okay and happy. Again, just another sweet guy.
While Jake may seem like one of the only bratty ones, but Sunoo would take it to a whole new level. He would be the brattiest brat ever and tbh, it's great. It’s not annoying, and he would do it in a way that, unlike Jake, would be tempting and teasing.
He would initiate it with small touches and when you eventually react, he would act all innocent. He loves it when you take control and would like things a little rougher too. And we all know he would be loud asf, as his singing voice is no joke. So, you can expect him to let the whole building know how good you're making him feel.
He’s definitely more of the sub that just wants to be taken care of. Another pillow princess indeed. His thought process is that you wouldn't do anything to him that you wouldn't enjoy yourself. And let's be real, he's probably right. And with that reasoning doesn’t think he’ll have to do much work in return.
The whole the brat persona would hold up throughout the whole experience. He would tease and push your buttons, knowing just how to turn you on—like whining phrases he knows you like or pushing you away because it’s “too much”— but then giggles soon after upon seeing how worked up it gets you. He would be able to suppress his reactions when certain things he’s into (maybe if you degrade him a little) affect him, but you can see through him, with the slight falter in his expression and a gulp of his Adams Apple as he tries to ground himself.
Afterwards, Sunoo would beg for aftercare cuddles and snuggles. He would be so sweet, endearing and needy for love and kisses.
With his hardworking and dedicated nature, I can see Jungwon being a service!top sometimes. But I think with him being so hardworking and dedicated, he would find it hard for him to wind down normally, so subbing would probably be his way to be able to do so.
Jungwon would probably be a bit similar to Heeseung in the way that he would turn into a full on sub—like just lay there and whine while you bounce on his cock type of stuff. He would be the type of person to fall into a subspace really easily, as he’s stressed out so much all the time.
He would just want you to take care of him and hold him and give him whatever you’re willing to give. He would be quiet for you too, only able to make out small punctuated moans on every beat.
He’s the type to crawl into bed with you and immediately lock onto your lips, clinging to you, looking halfway to falling asleep and halfway to falling under into a subspace, begging you to make him feel good and to make him forget about his day.
He would also likely have some sort of kink for praise or affirmation, as it would make him feel all comfortable and giddy inside knowing that all of his work and effort is being seen and appreciated.
Jungwon would be a whore for sleepy sex, he would beg you to do it in the morning, if not to just let him slip into a subspace and eat you out to mentally prepare himself for another hard day.
On times where he’s not in a subspace, he would be so eager to please you, he would go to above and beyond to make sure you love every second with him, whether it be sucking extra hard on your clit or fucking into you faster, he’ll do it with out you even asking, waiting for you’re words of approval soon after he does so.
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wonryllis · 3 months
☆ MY PRETTY DOLL ! ( enhypen hyung line reaction to you in a lingerie )
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╰ 𝖺𝗅𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗅𝗒, 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗌𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗌𝖾.
𝒏o𝓉ℯs. enhypen losing their sanity 𖥔 ݁ SMUT MDNI, requested fem!reader LIB? word count ` 1074 PLS REBLOG!!
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"my pretty little slut, you did this on purpose didn't you?" heeseung's fingers thrust in and out of you at an animalistic pace. the wet sounds echoing in the room, adding onto the arousal of watching yourself on the mirror. your back rests against his chest as he holds your legs apart with his own. one hand fingering the fuck out of you and the other grip your throat to force you to keep your eyes at the vulgar image infront.
"falling asleep on my bed with this on, baby you're so dirty and desperate," he grunts at the lewd sight, mentally drooling over the scene of you trying to push your hips forward to meet his fingers when he slows down a bit.
heeseung swears he almost stopped breathing when he came across you passed out on top of his covers, dressed in the prettiest lingerie. more like pretty you making the lingerie look so pretty. the thought of you waiting in his room like that to give him a surprise fueling his inner sex demons. feeling more turned on than ever. grinning sheepishly over his intentions.
"come on now, ride me baby," his arms hook around you as he manhandles you onto his lap. carressing your trembling thighs and slapping your pussy. he rests his palms on the bed, watching you struggle to put his cock inside after all the edging he put you through. cooing at your whiney protests to let you cum, cute and pathetic and hot. so cruel but you loved it and he knew you loved it.
"fuck baby, i can see your pussy from here," jay groans, feeling his dick twitch hard in his pants. the sleep lolling him from the previous night he spent gaming, immediately vanishing. he is so wide awake right now, orbs bulging out at the sight of you twirling in the middle of his room, showing off the lingerie you just got, for him.
it barely covers your ass, and it barely— wrong it does not cover your pussy at all, he can see it so clearly he thinks he'll grow crazy. frozen in his seat, gulping at every thought that comes to his mind, things he'd do to you right now.
"is it pretty?" you ask, looking at him with doe eyes, he feels he'll bust a nut right then and there. his cock throbbing with anticipation as he gets up from the chair, walking over to where you stand. calloused hands gently brush against everywhere, taking his time to admire your look, trying to imprint the image of it in his brain. "jayyy, do i look pretty? do you like thi—"
"yes baby, so so pretty. so fucking pretty," he's immediately grabbing you by the waist and throwing you on the bed. impatient all of a sudden as he rips the pathetic thread of a panty and shoving down his pants, thrusts his impossibly hard dick so rough into you, it's like he lost control. you drive him batshit crazy and jay doesn't know if it's good or worse that you fucking know it and use it to get what you want.
"give me a little show, princess," jake's hands twitch with desperation, so restless to touch you. though the need to savour the sight of you in that racy lingerie is strong he can't help but be seated, tense and aroused, eyes locked on your figure.
"shit, you're beautiful," the way the lace hugs your skin with the little sneak peaks of skin showing him exactly what he wants to see but not entirely what he wants to see and it makes him feel feral.
"won't you touch me?" you whine sultrily, and jake feels like a hybrid in rut, his body heating up beyond sane, dick throbbing every other second, feeling hyper aware of his surroundings and possibilities of all that he could do to and with you. he pulls you against him lips landing on yours in an instant, the messiest kiss you have ever shared, rushed and gasping for breath. there's just so much he wants to do right now he can't seem to decide what to start with, malfunctioning poorly.
"fuck, jake," yet he finds it in him to begin with rubbing you over your pretty panties, quick circles with his fingers pressing hard against your sensitive folds,"yes baby, gonna make you feel so good," he pushes you to lay on the edge of the bed before forcing your legs far apart in a snap. getting on his knees and leaving fluttering kisses on you inner thighs. shoving your panties aside and diving in to eat you out at once. from kitten licks to lapping at your slick, from tiny kisses for a tease to lips harshly sucking at your engorged clit. jake was absolutely crazed.
"sunghoon! what are you doing!" you squeal, squirming in place as sunghoon suddenly grabs you from the corridor into his dark room, and cornering you against his desk roughly pulls your oversized shirt(his shirt) up. door slightly ajar, an open chance for anyone to peak in.
"couldn't help but wonder if you're still wearing it," he whispers, hands fondling your breasts harsh and sloppy over the lace material. just an hour earlier, while he was out with jay you sent him a picture of you dressed in the most gorgeous set of lingerie ever. looking so innocently sexy he felt his breath knocked right out of him, dick hard and leaking in the middle of the mall.
"mhp— they'll h-hear us," but that is least of sunghoon's concern right now, they have heard him fuck you before, multiple times. all he cares about is that you're here, putty in his arms, adorning the hottest thing you have ever worn, fabric barely covering your intimate parts. just touching you like this makes him feel so high on cloud nine, the rush of pleasure in your little whimpers and moans trying to be quiet. nothing is more important than this.
"let them hear, fuck you're so damn pretty i'll cum just from this," his breath is ragged, fast and shuttering as he watches your face contort into the prettiest of expressions while his hand stuffed in your panties, plays with your pussy. fingers switching between flicking and pinching at the little bud and plunging into your slicked hole in slow thrusts.
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taglist ( open. ) @s00buwu @luvyev @pockyyasii @nctislifue @shawnyle
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luvyeni · 3 months
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request: Could you do enha (legal line ofc) reactions when their roommate wears a white top with no bra and they can see her nipples through the shirt please? 🫣
authors note. here it is , i hope you like it 🩶 !!!
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𐙚 : HEESEUNG ֶָ֢ !
smirks when he see's you , because he knows you're fucking with him. he wants revenge , wants to see you squirm as well , so off goes his boxers— sitting back against the couch , man spreading and you can clearly see his half hard cock twitching around his sweats , making your mouth water. it's successful cause you have to literally pinch yourself to keep your self from staring at his cock. "you see something you like?" you hate the cockiness in his tone , but it doesn't stop you from getting up , sinking into between his legs , and he let you — pulled down his sweats ,his cock almost slapping you in the face. "if thats what you wanted that's all you had to say baby."
"now take be a good girl and take my cock into your sweet mouth."
𐙚 : JAY ֶָ֢ !
normally jay wouldn't be too affected by it , living with you long enough he was used to it — but this time he was so pent up , and not to mention it was his shirt you were wearing , asking him for one so you could shower. "thank you." he nodded , trying not look at your boobs were the material was wet giving him a clear view of your hardened nipples. "yn." he said , unable to not look anymore. "your shirt." he pointed out. "oh im sorry." you were about to cover , when he grabbed your hand. "j-jay."
"no please don't , i want to see them , i want to see them without the shirt."
𐙚 : JAKE ֶָ֢ !
a shameless pervert — doesn't care if you see him staring at him , he will stare at your chest while you're talking to him , until you're snapping him out of it , and the mother fucker will just laugh , biting his lower lip. "you're a pervert jake." he's just smiling sheepishly. "im gonna put a bra on if you don't pay at." he'll quick grab your arm. "no don't , please im listening." he says like you don't see his hard on. "yeah then why are you hard?" he's now blushing. "because you're hot." pulling you into his lap. "and you make it so hard , to be around you." he lifted your shirt , his fingers grazing your nipples. "fu-fuck jake." you sighed as he brought his mouth to your nipples.
"pretty tits , wanna cover them with my cum."
𐙚 : SUNGHOON ֶָ֢ !
the moment he see's your nipples , he wants to take the shirt off. "you might as well take it off , your tits are already showing." he's blunt with it , you know how he feels about you and he knows you're doing it to tease him. "how about you come take it off." and that's all he needs , before he's walking over to where you're sitting , lifting your shirt over your head. "now what?" you questioned , the tone in your voice making you want slap him. "now." he undid the strings to his pants , letting them fall. "suck." you wrapped your hands around his cock.
"fuck im gonna cum all over your tits."
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strawberrynull · 2 months
──౨ৎ ˙🧸 ̟ cuddling positions
엔하이픈 | Enhypen | Sim Jaeyun
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──Pairing: bf!jake x afab!reader
──Genre: fluff, fluff, fluff
──Synopsis: Some positions you two would cuddle in or just hang out
──Warnings: skinship, kissing, thigh kisses, hickeys, chest kisses, slightly suggestive
──A/N: this literally took me 10 minutes lmao. It was also supposed to be for Niki at first but after writing the first one I was like 'nah I have more ideas for Jakey'
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౨ৎ Jake would be laying on his back or against the headboard. His knees would be slightly bent; enough room for you to lay on your stomach under his legs. You two would be on tiktok or insta reels, occasionally sending one to each other.
౨ৎ If your bed is in a corner, you would be sitting with your back against the wall. Otherwise, your back would be against the headboard. Jake would lay between your legs with your hands around his waist like puzzle pieces. This would give you perfect access to kiss his broad shoulders as well as his neck. You would leave several hickeys on his neck often.
౨ৎ Jake would lay on his back with you resting right on top of him. Your head would be on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as his chest rose and fell slowly. He would work his fingers through your hair gently or hug you tight around your waist. Or
౨ৎ Or Jake would be the one laying on top of you; his bigger body pressed against yours. He would have his face nuzzled into your chest with his hands running up and down your sides. He would kiss your chest if it was exposed, and even leave hickeys if he felt like it. Or he would rest his head in his palm, staring up at you with lovestruck eyes.
౨ৎ You would be sitting as Jake lays down with his head in your lap, probably staring at his phone or up at your pretty face. You would stroke his soft hair subconsciously because there is just no way to resist. Or the other way around; Jake would sit with your head in his lap. He would stroke your hair wile either staring at your features or while playing video games.
౨ৎ Jake would sit in his gaming chair, controller in hand while you sat on his lap. You would be facing him so you could leave kisses all around his face and neck. Or you would wrap your arms around his waist and nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck.
౨ৎ You would be sitting, back against the pillows while Jake laid on his back with his head in between your plush thighs. Your legs would be draped over his shoulders. His hand would come up to rub one of your soft thighs while he held his phone on the other. Occasionally he would tilt his head to place kisses on the inside of your thighs.
౨ৎ While watching movies, Jake would sit upright so he could hold you on his lap like you were a little baby. Your knees would be to your chest and your arms wrapped around his neck like he was carrying you bridal style.
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© strawberrynull, 2024. Do not copy my work. Please DM for permission before translating or reuploading. Thank You
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ncttytrack · 4 months
enhypen and their favorite parts of your body and theirs and why
Ooo 🤭🥴 thank you for the request anon!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
ꕤ Heeseungs favorite part of you body is definitely your waist. When fucking you he likes to be in control, making sure you are kept in your place underneath him - unable to get yourself on top. That’s why he loves to grab your waist, stabilizing himself when fucking you. Sometimes he can get a little bit carried away, and grabs your waist so hard that it leaves bruises afterwards - that you have to cover if you want to wear a crop top. I actually think he enjoys seeing the bruises tho, getting hard thinking about how roughly he fucked into you.
His favorite part of his own body is his cock. I just know Heeseung has a big dick, and him being able to see the bulge in your stomach while fucking you, gets him so horny. The ego boost he would get from your screams trying to take all of him would completely send him over the edge, pushing himself into you even further.
ꕤ Jays favorite part of your body are your boobs. He loves everything about them. During sex, he loves to squeeze your tits, holding them while fucking you from behind, playing with your nipples till they’re sore - yeah, everything! Oh and he loves to fuck your tits. He loves the way your tits wrap around his cock perfectly, fucking them until his cum smears all over your breasts. He would even lick his own cum of your tits because he loves them so much.
His favorite part of his own body is his abs, more because he loves how much you love them. He always walks around your shared apartment shirtless, sending you winks when he caught you staring. Would definitely let you rub you pussy against his abs, placing his hands on your waist to help you, spreading your cum all over his hard stomach.
ꕤ Jake can’t get enough of your ass, and not only during sex. Sure, he loves slapping it - leaving red marks all over your ass. He loves the way it bounce back on his cock during doggy, and would maybe even consider fucking your tight little hole, if you let him. And if you did he would be so happy, getting hard once more when seeing his cum leak out from your hole. Would totally eat your ass if you begged him to. But he also loves grabbing and massaging it when not having sex, even in public. It’s Jakes way to show everyone else that you are his.
His favorite part of his own body is definitely his hands. The first time he started gaining confidence in his hands was when he caught you staring at them, which led to you begging him to finger you. Seeing the way you came all over his fingers, insisting to suck them afterwards, looking up into his eyes, made him almost cum in his pants.
ꕤ Sunghoons favorite part of your body is you neck. He loves to choke you, feeling powerful when his entire hand fits around your neck. Be also loves sucking on it, biting on it, until it almost bleeds, making it impossible for you to wear anything but turtlenecks around the others. But he also loves when you wear shirts that expose your neck. Your neck without bruises is like a naked canvas for Sunghoon, just waiting for it to become marked up.
His favorite part about his body is his arms. He knows how strong he is, and therefore can pretty much throw you around the bedroom without you being able to do anything about it. He also loves wrapping his arm around your waist when fucking you from behind - being able to bury his cock extra deep inside of your pussy using his strength.
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riksaes · 2 months
enhypen sleeping positions with s/o ₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩
fluff , soft : idol au : clingy bf
rq for any kpop groups 🤍
a/n: after the new en'oclock ep of them all sleeping made me giggle and get to work instead of starting my new series 😭 and this was made at 1am and continued at 8am so im so sorry if its poo poo
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heeseung | 희승 the spooner
heeseung is the type to be the bigger spoon in the relationship but sometimes the smaller one for some occasions. he'll definitely have you curled up in-front of him and play with your hair until you drift off. sometimes sings to you softly if you're having a hard time going to sleep or just for comfort. probably snores a bit but the soft snores where its like breathing and not annoying obviously. during the night you guys probably end up in weird positions but still somehow touching each other in some way like; hands holding, legs intertwined, or even just on top of each other at this point. if you guys weren't spooning he'll have a leg possibly out of the covers or up.
"babe stop moving.." heeseung whispered trying to make you stop squirming around while trying to watch whatever you were watching before you guys would sleep. "im uncomfy hee the sheets are literally choking my throat" you barked back while marry my husband intro is playing in the background. "okay okay sorry just calm down and watch this episode alright?" he comforted while playing with bits of your hair in the spooning position. you quickly apologised while regaining your attention to the show which heeseung was also into. feeling his breathe down your bare neck gave you shivers while his jo malone cologne that hadnt washed off could be noticed. he kissed your neck as 'im going to sleep now' which made you quickly turn off your phone and throw it down beside the bed on a pillow. you snuggled back onto him and grab is hands to hug you for comfort which made him smile and dig his face into your messed up hair which smelt of vanilla shampoo.
jay | 제이 sweetheart cradle
jay is the type of guy to hug you but HOLD YOUR HAND LIKE INTERTWINE YOUR HAND WITH HIS WHILE YOU SLEEP!!??! i think its more comforting to him because he knows you're there and that you wont leave him. he probably lets you sleep half on his bed and half off but i think most of the time he'll let you sleep fully on top of him but for the sake of this its half / half. i damn right know jay will probably wrap you up like a burrito with blankets so that you dont leave a cold spot for him to wake up to. i think your legs would be intertwined if you both were cold but most of the time its just a head on the chest and arms wrapped around with hands intertwined.
"are you satisfied with how we are positioned love?" jay called out in the middle of the dark with only the city lights shining through through the cracks of the curtains. you nodded and snuggled into his side and took a big deep breath before wrapping your legs with his. he kissed the top of your head while brushing your hair so you could fall asleep first before him. he only did this to know you were sleeping well and not awake staring at the roof. "give me reasons we should complete.... you should be with him, i cant compete" jay softly singed from the song 'slow dancing in the dark' by joji. slightly humming before noticing your out asleep softly breathing with little snores breaking through making him chuckle and closing his eyes to join you.
jake | 심재윤 head on chest
jake is the guy to have an arm behind his head and one around your waist like side hugging you. you on the other hand would be next to him with your head on his chest. he would definitely be caressing your open skin or under your shirt (GOOD INTENTIONS ONLY FLUFF RAHHHH) rubbing your hip with his thumb. sometimes he'll pull you on top of him to get more hugs when he needs them but more of the time you guys are just a head on the chest and thats all. I feel like jake would do a uno reverse and place his head in your boobs and really enjoy it. he'll be in heaven if you play with his hair and be situated in between your boobs.
"babbbyyyyy can i lay on your boobs please :(" jake hovered over your body on the bed pleading for mercy. "no im on my period my boobs are sensitive.. just wait one more day" you answered while looking at him and poking him on the hip, stomach, face. he pouted and looked like someone stole all his legos from him. he settled next to you while pretending to be upset while huffing and sighing a lot so you can get the memo which you did but just silently laughed at. "jake. stop huffing you can lay on them just dont do anything bad" when he heard the first few words he jumped and placed himself on top of you which caused you to wheeze. "thanks baby love you" he smiled while nestling and rubbing your skin causing you to softly find yourself going to sleep which jake did shortly after.
sunghoon | 박성훈 front to front / intertwined
I feel like sunghoon would be so used to having his head under the covers from being in a dorm with ni-ki and his little pranks. he’s the type to just squeeze softly bits of your skin while laying with him in bed. I think during throughout the night sunghoon would just causally move his arm behind your head while you hug him like a koala. both of you are very clingy while sleeping but it makes you both sleep well and have a good night. just like jay and heeseung he’ll probably sing to you so you can sleep. definitely a bit of a tease and annoying you before you sleep but it’s the memories that matter. he’s also the type of guys just to randomly get up in the middle of the night and grab something small to snack on and go back to bed so don’t be surprised if he disappears. you guys are better at sleeping during a move than just laying and staring at the ceiling so that’s why you both said to watch movies during the day.
“sunghoon!! stop tickling me” you laughed loudly and tried to swat away his hands from touching your ticklish spots. he just looks at you loving and smiles and proceeds to tickle the hell out of you. as the tickling continues for another good thirty seconds before stopping and sunghoon laying on his side facing you. softly moving a piece of your hair to the side tucking it behind your ear then proceeding to kiss your forehead. he smiles while hugging you while pecking your neck heaps then moving to your shoulder before finishing. He moves up and lays his head on yours and stroking your hair to make you fall asleep in his arms. “love you hoonie” you said while tangling your fingers with his free hand. he smiles and kiss the top of your head and closing his eyes. “love you too bubs” before drifting off to sleep.
sunoo | 선우 full body on body
sunoo is a guy who would NOT move during his sleep so your the only one moving around heaps. you'll be situated laying on top of him while he has a hand touching your butt (😱🫢) JKKJKJKJKJK he'll just have it resting wherever so it might land there sometimes 😉. you guys would defiently watch ghibli studio before going to sleep or even those tiktok part one to like part 49329 of a reddit story. but i have a feeling you both would just just pass out asleep as soon as you both lay down. you would play with the strands of his poor damaged hair but its okay because its soft either way 😍. theres really nothing else because i generally think you both would just sync sleep ...
"am i the asshole for not giving my baby to my sister?" could be heard off your phone while both of you are silently watching the 5th part of the reddit story. you both left out a gasp everytime something happened but it had finally come to an end which caused you to turn off your phone and snuggle into your boyfriend. you played with the strands of his hair whilst he played with the his shirt that your wearing that was a little too big for you. "sometimes i wonder if i could write up a shit story and get it placed by tiktok and be famous asf" you said out of the blue which made him halt and giggle at your words. "probably could if you wanted" he said while both of you thinking on what you would write about. "oooh i have one, what about 'my sister turned into a furry and tried to kill my kids'" sunoo just started giggling at your title for a reddit story. "well we can talk about this in the morning because i want to sleep >:(" sunoo said before pulling the covers up so it could reach your neck. you both snuggled and fell asleep to dream about eachother wink wonk
jungwon | 정원 body on body / head on shoulder
jungwon would be a sleeper who would just move heaps but you know was great! you both are so waking up would make you both giggle at. sometimes one of you would be off the bed or almost falling off while the other is a starfish. starting the sleep off you would be on top of jungwon while he's hugging you from below. but as the night unfolds its literally everything at once. you guys once mentioned to record from your ceiling to see whos pushing each other off the bed but ends up to be Maeum sleeping in the middle of you both having basically the whole middle of the bed. I also have a feeling that you guys sync sleep so it doesnt matter if one of you were awake later than the other you both are just so used to having each other in bed.
"wonnn make sure theres pillows next to the bed because if one of us fall off the bed we are gonna be in a grump" you stated while sitting on the bed with maeum petting the small petite dog. you laid back while the big bright lights were still on due to jungwon placing the softer pillows on your side while he said the harder ones and one of your teddies that maeum didnt end up half eating. jungwon was finally done and turned off the massive bright lights then settling into bed with both you and maeum. who eventually made his way to the bottom of the bed keeping guard. you laid on top of jungwon while he hugged you like a burrito. "i'll see you on the other side of the bed tomorrow". you stated while snuggling in between his neck and shoulders. "nighty night..!! love you" jungwon stated before falling into a deep sleep.
ni-ki | 니키 body on body / spooning / face to face
ni-ki was a menace and was definitely one before bed as well. he's teasing you but you have bisco to go basically attack ni-ki in the process. but while laying in bed bisco would go off to his little bed on your side of the bed which bisco moved whenever ni-ki placed it in the corner of the room. ni-ki would be the type to have you in different spots but mainly ontop of him so he gets to rub your back and let his hands roam on your back and your hair. sometimes spooning or face to face when you both can't be bothered moving. you guys would definitely send snap videos to the enhypen groupchat of each others 0.5's which you would occasionally get from everyone back. sometimes ni-ki and you would be cheeky and do weverse lives in your bed trying new international foods you would find. normally staff would have to force it off but they gave up and let it only happen every friday night. but either way you guys would sleep as well synced due to all the heavy schedules you have
"bisco go bite his leg" you whispered to the dog who was currently in your arms while you rest against the wall. bisco jumps up and runs to ni-ki to bite his leg and run back to you. ni-ki side eyes the dog before jumping into bed with only the galaxy projector as the only light in the room. while bisco and ni-ki have a side eye comp you brought out one snack which was from Australia which was the tim tam (GUYS AS A FELLOW AUSTRALIAN THESE THINGS ARE THE BOMB) ni-ki started the weverse live which you both enjoyed thirty minutes of trying them while jake was happy that you guys enjoyed them. after the weverse live you both snuggled into each other for warmth as the lights of the city glazed through and the projector up on the ceiling. you both softly fell into a deep slumber while bisco sleep near you instead of ni-ki due to their ongoing beef with each other.
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