#trad witchcraft
New witch tip:
Practice is more important than study.
You need to fuck up in your path in order to learn and if it doesn’t work try again or try a different way.
Witches of the past majority of the time learned from their spirits so while it’s nice that we have a large community to learn from, pay attention to your spirits and learn from them first and foremost.
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kiaqtexistuku · 1 year
People seem to love my Satanism posts sooooo
I thought I’d post another! I wanted to talk about how queerness is such a huge thing in Satanist culture and there is no space for homophobia. The horned god (if you believe he is Satan or the devil) Is known to be very bisexual (if we have to give him a label) he in my experience is super sexually positive for any gender and sex. Non binary ness is so natural in his practice and it’s never something odd or out of the norm. He is very gender fluid in a way and always has been throughout history. But also modern Satanism has anyways been a space for the queer outcasts of the world, we made the culture, we are a huge part of it! And queerness cannot be separated from Satanism to fit someone’s hateful views. The devil is gay and he loves his queer children. 👹💋❤️ so don’t let anyone tell you any different ;)
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cryingmadam · 5 months
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Crying Madam At The Cemetery
Taken By NixyMixy | Edited By Crying Madam | CM
Cemetery Taken By Crying Madam | CM
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hauntedromantic · 2 years
Alchemical Moon Goddess Greeting Cards
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the-trans-folk-witch · 10 months
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Pretty, pink, and delicious. Till death do us part. A Venusian twist on fate. Patron saint of trans women.
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gothikaghoul · 2 years
It’s their 23rd Birthday!!!
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On this day October 5th 1999, at 10:00. Scooby-Doo and The Witch’s Ghost was released straight to video In stores.
…also in 10 hours it will be my 23rd birthday too!!! 🦇
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nightgob · 5 months
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when tumblrs photos finally work for me again
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999lcf · 2 months
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angiethewitch · 5 months
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𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔡𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔤𝔦𝔯𝔩
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bloodvampyr · 1 month
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Let’s have conversations, let’s talk about our spirits, initiation, old ways and new, the virtues of flora and fauna, let’s talk about how we plan to debunk misinformation and EXPLAIN WHY we are debunking it.
Tumblr has been a hub for many new witches to access information that isn’t a 30 second clip or an Instagram ad for services by mystic Sarah (just an example not a literal person). So let’s bring that back let’s be more than just reblogging posts from 3 years ago.
Let’s talk!
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thehexwitch · 1 year
Some animistic bone-reading tips
I've been practicing bone-reading for about five years now, and through that I've picked up on a few things that I don't regularly see people talking about, so I decided to put together a list that I would have personally found helpful at the beginning of my divination practice. Please be advised that I come at bone-reading from a very animistic perspective, so if that's not a viewpoint that you believe in, most of these tips probably won't be helpful to you.
The method of bone-reading I use is to ask a specific question and toss the bones to read. This is a common method, but there are also alternate practices, such as tossing bones in the fire and reading them based on the burns and heat cracking.
Choose your bones carefully. Pick ones that want to be worked with, and ones that you're personally able to resonate with. Bones that don't want to be read can't be used effectively from my experience.
Feed your bones. This is the practice of giving your bones offerings to maintain their willingness to work with you and to build your relationship with them. I find divinatory herbs and blood to be a great offering, though blood should not be used without experience and caution. Food the animal would have eaten while alive can also be effective (for example, if your set is made primarily of fox bones, a small offering of meat might be appreciated).
Listen to your gut. Bone-reading is an incredibly instinctual and personalized form of divination. Don't try too hard to logically assign meanings to your bones - from my experience, they will usually let you know. If you can tell a bone would like to be used for a reading but can't tell what the bone might mean, add it to your set. It will let you know once you start doing readings with it.
Use a mat. This is partially a mundane recommendation; if you throw your bones straight onto the floor, they're eventually going to break. This also makes it easier to tell when a bone breaking is significant to the reading. A mat can also serve as a center of the reading; the bones in the middle may be more significant, whereas the bones that fall off the mat may be irrelevant to the reading. This isn't a format one has to use, but it can be helpful, especially to beginners.
Just start bone-reading. Obviously you should go into it having done research, and with a cautious and respectful attitude. However, at a certain point, doing research and preparation isn't helpful. Because bone-reading is so personalized and instinctual, there is so much you can only learn once you start. During your first few readings, pay close attention to each bone, where they fall next to each other, and what they may be telling you about their meaning.
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cryingmadam · 3 months
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Savanna Cheetahs.
Taken By _Nixymixy_
Edited By Crying Madam | CM
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strixessabre · 6 months
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Enjoy a wonderful sale! I wanted to give everyone a chance to treat themselves or gift something to a friend. I have so many goodies!
( Strixes' Sabre )
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the-trans-folk-witch · 7 months
Spirits within-
Part 1 The Fetch:
The Witch’s Shade and Its Distaste For “shadow work”
Alternate title: The [Un]Holy spirit of the Witch.
This blurb is meant to be lost to the internet as an opinion of one witch. This is not an academic writing documenting the fetch of folklore or of other traditions found in traditional witchcraft systems. Rather, it is a hot take on the mass hysteria and spiritual psychosis masquerading as “shadow work”. There will be discussions of the shade, the fetch, and the witch’s relationship with healing (or lack of) to follow. I am purely sharing my own beliefs from the tradition I’ve built. If anything here resonates please take it and add it to your own praxis. If you disagree then… cool I guess. Keep it to yourself lol.
The fetch has been called many things by different folks. Some titles being largely misused but nonetheless accepted: The witch’s shade, the hag, the shadow self, the inner child, and even the Unholy spirit. A creature within the pit of the stomach and/or the nether regions. In the average person, the shade is curious, animalistic, childlike, and sexual. It carries selfishness, trauma, greed, and lust. This is the part of the soul that sins and day-dreams. Everyone has one. Only, they all behave differently and the witch embraces its dark nature.
This is also the part of the soul that carries trauma. Within many modern occult circles this “inner child” is seen as something in need of healing. Something that needs to be nourished. This belief is valid from a folk healing perspective. The trad witch however, finds power within the shade’s restlessness. Healing it is antithetical to witchcraft. Before you run off saying otherwise, I wanted to stress that I am a huge advocate for therapy and self reflection. But as you may have guessed, My mental health practices do not overlap with my religious practice. Just as the folk healer is valid in the loosening of this spirit’s grip on their life. As is the witch in allowing their darkness to fester.
A term becoming more common within recent years would be “shadow work.” I have a complicated relationship with this term’s use. Again, there is historical necessity of spiritual healing. And many folk practices find importance in it. However, the western occult community has allowed toxic positivity to invade this idea of shadow work. The term is forced on all magical practitioners and psychology is being forced upon modern practices by people who are not licensed to truly deal out psychological advice. Many times have I heard false teachings such as “don’t do magic until you’ve done shadow work” as if it’s a one-and-done-chore. As if it’s linked to a spirit’s ability to help you. I can assure you, my money bowl will bring me money even if I have ignored my daddy issues and various traumas.
Shadow work has become a white E-girl’s fantasy that allows her to flex her DIY therapy and compartmentalization skills. And yes, it’s always white girls. Although, the white-ego and woman-traumas are a different type of blog post…..
Non initiated “witches” have removed the concept of the fetch and replaced it with psychologically obsessed and compulsory beliefs. There is an unhealthy blending of psychoanalysis and spirituality plaguing our world. Sifting through the healthy kinds of healing based practices verses the hysterical is daunting. But as a Witch I see all of it as unnecessary within my practice.
As I stated, everyone has a shade. But to the witch it is corrupt. It is not just curious, but hungry. It does not need to heal but to curse and steal. This spirit is not like the shade of the common folk. It can not be ignored, cleansed, purged, or healed. It is the witching spirit. It is the fetch. It is the hag. It is this self-serving and devilish outlook that has separated our shade from the others. This is not to say shadow work and the ever increasing interest for people to psychoanalyze their spirituality is unnecessary. In fact I’m saying quite the opposite. Despite the obsessive and compulsory need to constantly be healing and “breaking generational curses/trauma”; healing is important for humans of all beliefs. Folk healers have a long history of healing mental and physical ailments with prayers and the aid of spirits. But modern occultists have forgotten, the witch is not a witch if they are not hurt or oppressed. The witch is the opposite of healing and peace. The fetch reflects that. Our soul is stained by the devil. There is no healing it despite what the church tells you.
We all have a shade. But unlike Christians, I will not ignore it. I feed it. I will not shamefully confess the acts it urges me to do as a catholic would. I do not see it’s chaos as something bad. I do not believe that overcoming my trauma and getting therapy will effect my ability to craft spells as new agers do. I also do not think my spirits will refuse to help me just because I didn’t buy that stupid shadow work journal being advertised all over the internet. I am a Witch. A messy, cruddy, muddy, selfish, entitled witch. I am the villain society has told queers to be. I am the bad guy in most social settings. I purposely usurp, overthrow, and evade all social norms and authority figures just to make your skin crawl. I am THE edge lord of all edge lords. I do not seek to heal that wound. It fuels my witch fire.
TLDR: A shade born into oppression is likely to become a whitch’s shade. A living haint if you will. Blurring the lines between therapy and magic is not witchcraft. But it is not invalid either.
Now that I’ve established my beliefs in the shade and it’s transformation into the fetch; allow me to discuss how I view it as a spirit that can be worked with as a sentient daemon.
As an animist I quite simply view this shadow version of myself as being alive inside of me. It is a spirit I can send out to do my bidding and it is the hag I take the form as when I fly. An “astral body” as they call it these days. I will mention that many trad witches do not approach the fetch as a sentient spirit but do acknowledge it’s existence within them. Just as people doing shadow work do not approach this shade or “inner child” as an actual entity. But I prefer to view it much like Christians do the Holy Spirit. To me it functions as the Unholy Spirit which is placed within sinners by the devil. Wether it’s born with us as Catholics say sin is, or is placed within us upon dark baptism/initiation is up to debate. But it definitely is an outside source being blended with my own power. Hence the birth of it from trauma and magic.
My fetch appears in visions and dreams. Sometimes it’s beautiful and appears as a fictional and impossibly beautiful version of myself. It’s a jab at my insecurities. And other times it’s a gross wound of a being. Covered in wrinkles, hair, and sometimes bugs. The fetch is both my ideal dream and my worst nightmare. So, I use it to instill such traits in others. I take this spirit’s form upon myself and hag ride enemies. I steal beauty and wealth via dream visitations. I bestow disease and sour luck to those who have created this fetch (read ‘trauma’). It is the spirit within and without. A spirit that is me that has been made infernal and other. It is the Unholy Spirit made flesh.
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gothikaghoul · 1 year
Peter Steele’s songs are all about eating out goth woman and how horny he is.
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“Lovin’ you was like lovin’ the dead… like fucking the dead!”
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“I’ll do anything… to make you come”
Horniest man alive
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