#trans lyfe
thatstormygeek · 3 months
The vast majority of repro-rights stuff I've seen is centered around cis women. Which makes sense, as those are the vast majority of people intimately affected by legislation on reproductive issues.
Some articles will have a paragraph mentioning trans men (occasionally even using language that includes other transmasc & nonbinary people), and many will utilize "pregnant person" or other non-gendered language to some degree. Which I appreciate.
Often, however, when trans folks with uteri speak up and ask to be considered in these discussions, we're met with the attitude that we're asking too much, or demanding to center ourselves. The default position is to pretend we don't exist, and we should be thankful to get the crumbs we're offered.
Each time I go to read a piece about abortion or reproductive rights in general, I've noticed a tendency to steel myself against the likelihood of being completely excluded. It's not a major thing - just sort of a mental gritting of teeth - but it happens every time, even when the piece is appearing in a self-proclaimed progressive outlet. And even mentioning it feels too much like attention seeking, because it's not that big of a deal. But erasure takes its toll over time.
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Lad who recognized my kudos ao3 pin, you will always be famous to me
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notagarroter · 4 months
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Oh man I am so far gone, I would absolutely not have questioned this. Hold me down by my weak little bee wings! Repopulate the hive!
83% chance I would click on a fic with this description.
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deanwinchesterf · 4 months
unhealthily attached to my skyrim character and her follower
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coridallasmultipass · 24 days
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BroCal 4 lyfe.
So, I had this idea of Dave being nosy (I love nosy Dave), and hearing Bro talking on the phone to someone, and it's a side of Bro he's never heard, Bro is all totally mushy and in love, and Dave really wants to know who tf it is, and he's trying to put together a picture of who Bro could possibly be dating, since Bro never brings anyone home, he's always just on the phone or probably camming them. Dave tries to sneak in when he thinks Bro's got them on cam, but all he finds is Bro sleeping on the futon with Lil Cal, his computer off. It's a mystery he just can't solve.
Turns out the call was coming from inside the house.
[Trans Dave and Trans Bro.]
Image description and text below the cut:
The image is a split-panel drawing, divided by the wall between the Strider living room (Bro's room) and Dave's room, captioned with "Bro gets home. 4:37am."
On Dave's side, he's listening through the wall. He's imagining that Bro is on the phone, the way he's talking and pausing and then answering. Dave is in a loose shirt and boxers, having woken up when Bro got home.
On Bro's side of the wall, Bro and Lil Cal are laying on the futon. Bro's tenderly placing his hand over Lil Cal's chest, like lovers. Bro looks very soft and smitten. He's shirtless and has facial piercings. Lil Cal has an arm wrapped around Bro's neck, and his other limbs are draping off the edge of the futon.
Bro: Hey, baby. Lil Cal: ... Bro: How was your night? Lil Cal: ... Dave, thinking to himself: is bro actually dating someone? why havent we met? Bro, rambling on: So, listen. I've been thinkin'. About what you asked last night. My answer's 'yes.' Obviously, no one will marry us here, but what if we do our own thing? Just us. Dave, internally: wait... wtf?!
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miasmaghoul · 10 months
Aether: Shorter but fat. Just over 5", but so t h i c k you feel him for days. Causes many jaw cramps. Uncut. Has a very pronounced tip that goes purple when he's edged for a while.
Aeon: Average, but really nice. About 6", not super thick, curves up towards his stomach when he's hard. Cut. Less sensitive for it, but that just means he can take more abuse. Lorum piercing.
Dew: LITTLE DICK DEW 4 LYFE. Short and skinny, 3" hard, so small and cute when he's soft. Everyone loves playing with it. Uncut. Goes so, so pink and slippery when he gets worked up.
Rain: The communal favorite, a real crowd pleaser. A solid 7", decent girth, sticks straight out when he's hard. Cut. Super duper veiny, and gets SO wet.
Swiss: This ghoul is PACKING. Hung like a can of Arizona iced tea I stg. 7.5", but so thick you need both hands to jerk him off proper. Uncut. Mushroom tip. Flushes super dark when he's close. Has a Jacob's ladder.
Mountain: I mean. C'mon. 10", average girth (for his size, comparatively he's as thick as Dew's forearm). Hangs down even when he's hard. Curves to the right. Uncut. Also very veiny. He's super weak to having the head polished.
Sunshine: Trans Sunny is REAL. My girl is a grower, doesn't look like much when soft but stiffens up to a solid 5.5". Slender, but nicely curved. Cut. Wants it pierced but doesn't have the patience for the healing process.
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danganronpa96 · 2 months
idk if you've said them before but what are your gender sexuality and disability headcanons for the cast?
The crazy thing is, no one has ever asked this before. That being said I will gladly answer with open arms and a warm glass of milk (lest you not ask for a cookie too).
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The funny thing is I've kept most of these sexuality HCs for a while, but I'm always unsure what to assign Brian specifically 😭 That man be fruity but I've always got my sights set on him being a-spec also (but I quite like greysexual for him). For anyone wondering about the second flag on Hayasaka and Natsuki, that's the demisexual flag!
As for the gender one, I think my strongest HCs would be Ena and Jesse (trans Jesse 4 lyfe). For Latte, I don't really have a big preference, so I don't mind what other people say she is. And I don't know why but Hiroshi is kinda GNC to me. He just feels like he could be.
As for disability headcannons? Honestly, I don't really have a ton. That being said, Kaidou, L and Brian all have autistic swag and I will not be convinced otherwise 💪
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artoriarts · 7 months
Ok I don’t want to go make art and I don’t want to go find something good to scrounge up and post so I will instead spout assorted madcom headcanons. these are far from the last you will see from me.
- sanmos 4 lyfe (big sloppy heart emoji) they are both like playfully flirty in diff ways with other people but also so so monogamous at the same time they love eachother sooo much have the healthiest relationship known to man. ignore all the killings.
- 2bhank with the same energy as medic tf2 x heavy tf2. but like also 2b is catboy herder for hank. he holds the laser pointer in the relationship. hank isn’t like full creature I’m still the kind of girlie to place him solidly as kind of the stoic and dysfunctional sociopath but he’s got some of those beasty tendencies in him. the two have such strong attachment to each other but they both have such difficulty expressing it. hank doesn’t know how human well and 2b simply isn’t a soft person even when he wants to be. but they work with what they have. deimos and sanford are so invested in their relationship they chitchat about it constantly. in the most supportive way they want it to go well they just talk about the two being cute and try to help when they hit rocky points. the power couple is so stable they can take on other couple’s drama.
- I don’t know what the ship name is for tricky and hank but there’s like a tiny bit of that too. tricky is hank’s crazy ex but they were never in an actual relationship clown has just been desperate for the dick day one and has not let up for a single second. especially after the halo fiasco literally everyone hates them but they stay silly
- whitehank exists because of something along the lines of hank’s genome getting copied to aahw database when he went in the magnifier and using that agency got the bright idea that if they can’t beat hank. they can make their own. I don’t know actually how she should fit into everything but I like the idea it feels appropriately silly for madcom. the only thing I’m really decided on is that she eventually switches sides and 2b, carrying the entire trans community of nevada on his old man spine, hooks her up on titty skittles and him and hank informally adopt her because cold sad clone babygirl needs parents. she’s like all of hank’s feral swagger if you made it sopping wet and also like garage band punk. I can’t decide if she’s musclegirl as I’ve drawn her before or make her skinny legend I need to lock down the vibes. One important design thing that i know is coming however is that since she’s a copy of mag hank specifically, while hank gets demagnified in my little post canon design shit, she does not, so she is de facto tallest out of the. what do you even call the gang. just the gang? agency for hank wimbleton? the motley crew. the dnd party. nevada’s most wanted. that one actually works we’ll go with that
- funny thing I’ve considered for sheriff is that after whatever happens in project nexus dude just. pisses off somewhere. half hooks up with jeb to make a neutral party for people who just want to fuckin live. while jeb’s on the offensive side of that trying to actively stop the madness sherrif is the defensive side just making settlements for normal people to live they lives. something along those lines. it’s quaint. him and whitehank get together maybe. little guy woos the giant cryptid lady with his southern charm.
- the auditor is workplace sexual harassment personified. simultaneously in the fanfic suave way and the restraining order kind. they talk like stephan weyte. they think they’re soo cool and when someone doesn’t think they are when they want them to they run away and cry.
- I wish I could come up with something for jeb to like round out the primary cast but like honestly he’s the one I spin around in my head the least. I like his motive of make shit normal but maybe he’s just like too clear cut. he’s already got a full character there’s nothing for me to add.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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thatstormygeek · 1 year
When I started my transition, I thought I'd be going from a guy to a girl, but I went from a guy to a political issue
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krikeymate · 7 months
Top 5 moments of your life thus far.
These can be good, bad, or any variation thereof.
Please feel free to disregard if it's too personal of an ask.
Honestly, I... am so boring. Not a lot has happened in my life to be honest, for better or worse.
Top has definitely been deciding to make those Scream posts back in March, I've got to talk to and befriend so many incredible people because of that, and I've never been in a better place mentally. Even in my low moments, I've bounced back faster than ever before. It's really made a significant impact on me as a person and helped continue my growth, and I don't have the words to describe how thankful I am. This fandom experience has been my favourite so far from the past... god, 20 years. I want to give a special shoutout to Bailey and Dreamer, who have inspired me so much and I am so incredibly lucky to call them my friends, I don't remember what it's like before they started talking to me and gave me a chance. One that people really haven't before. Friends, real friends, aren't something I have much experience with.
I guess another formative experience has to be my first foray into fanfiction, I was like 9, maybe younger, it was Pokemon, it was an independent little website as was the norm back in the day, AAML 4 lyfe. God I feel old. Anyway those fics were NOT APPROPRIATE and I still think of them to this day. Would love to reread them, but doubt they're still around, and even if they are it would be impossible to find I think.
Over a decade ago now, when I was much younger, I made a couple of fandom friends, that ended badly, but I don't regret making them. They were important and formative for me too, and more importantly, one of them was the first person to ever call me Kai, instead of my full username Kaishei, although now I tend to go by Kailyr, and that... it changed my life. It felt right.
Uhm. I can drive? I passed my driving test in 2021... on like the fifth attempt or something in two years - and barely at that. The instructor literally said I was a borderline fail, but he decided to pass me because he can see that I know how to drive. And also because I said I was probably going to give up if I failed. I hate driving, it's very stressful, but necessary where I live now.
Oh, when I was like five - yes, literally 5 - I played my first real video game, back in 1999. I'd played some, some educational ones. But this was a real video game, and it was - there's a pattern you see - not age-appropriate. The game was Dungeon Keeper (Gold), and it is to this day my very favourite game of all time, the game that nothing since has matched for me.
As a bonus, here's some things I'm really looking forward to: Top Surgery, eventually (the UK trans medical system is a joke); Dreamer coming to visit me next year; when I eventually get to go visit Dreamer on their turf too; and getting to decorate my new bedroom in the house my parents have just bought, and having some real space to make it my own and exist.
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boxofneedles · 3 months
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trans (line cook) lyfe
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sultrystarlet · 5 months
are you trans?
tranny 4 lyfe
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chenqing9 · 1 year
Personal rant- neurodivergence, closeted trans lyfe, deadnaming regardless of gender acknowledgement in this case
Navigating my birthday has actually been so stressful I haven’t really slept in a few days. I was so honored by a bunch of people doing a surprise thing for me and also my parents visiting. But masking on that scale is basically impossible. I only made it 45 minutes at my own party and that was all spent trying to acknowledge people for doing this nice thing for me and simultaneously trying to escape lol. It was basically hell that not even cake could fix. Probably a surprise party is the literal worst idea for neurodivergent folks holy shit.
Throw being deadnamed every 2 minutes by my parents in with that (and them talking with said people within my earshot about how weird it is that I changed my name 12 fucking years ago and they still can’t get onboard because it’s “not my name” and I for real want to crawl back into my safe space and just never come out haha.
Whenever I consider coming out to my parents I remember that they couldn’t even handle a name change. They are also older and beginning to be forgetful, so it adds a layer of challenge. I can’t help but feel that they choose not to understand and it makes me feel trapped. Anyway, that’s my rant and obviously these people are all trying really hard to love me and just going about it wrong. But yeah I figure you guys may understand. I hope I sleep soon.
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transgirlscreams · 1 year
So hear me out and reblog this because I want opinions from both the femboy and trans community.
So my best friend since childhood is a femboy and I'm a trans girl (pre-op 4 lyfe) and today I was hanging out with friends in the pool so everyone got out and decided to go to Walmart so I stayed behind. Still in my bathing suit I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink and she (preferred pronoun) walked in behind me and said meow which is normal so I said hey what's up? She said... nothing you? I said Im making a shake. I turned around and she was wearing her cat ears, school girl crop top matching mini skirt with low cut boyshorts that her girldick filled so well I for once didn't know what to say. We've never tried each other ever. she got on all four, crawled up to me and and got close enough to my girl bulge I could feel her lips barley touch then she stuck out her tongue, crossed her eyes and just hard licked my bulge through my bathing suit bottom and said Meow got up and walked away laughing....so my main question is would it be wrong to fuck my femboy best friend? She said she wants to be punished for not being a good friend lately. I'm kinda confused but she's fuckin gorgeous I just never felt that way. Help?!?!?!?
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alicedacreature · 1 year
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flydeltajets · 2 years
ok last post b4 i go do smth else
hi! ok so i just wanted to jot down some of the ocs i most frequently talk about
airline ocs nicholas collett sykes - delta airlines aldrich lloyd cyrus smith - american airlines louis (no full name yet) - united airlines diedrich (no full name yet either) - boeing vincent willem plesman - KLM shin sook-ja - korean air yu “freida” jinghua - cathay pacific dietmar pitcairn - eastern air lines henrietta clemence wendell - trans world airways alexandra quesada - federal aviation administration diana tripp - pan american world airways ashlyn (no full name yet) - virgin atlantic philippe (no full name yet) - air france
cruise ocs stefan wilhelmsen - royal caribbean international nomiki chandris - celebrity cruises astraea chandris - azamara club cruises casimir lichtenberg - serenade of the seas cordelia lichtenberg - jewel of the seas raelyn lichtenberg - radiance of the seas chen zhihao - quantum of the seas chen guiqing - ovation of the seas chen ming-hui - spectrum of the seas harmony bellamy - harmony of the seas fredrick (no full name yet) - oasis of the seas harald (no last name yet) - majesty of the seas (now majesty of the oceans) sarah (no last name yet) - empress of the seas (now empress) ingunn prima skaugen/strand - song of norway (rip) håkon wilhelmsen/strand - nordic prince (rip x2) kjerstin raphael vasa - logos hope (really neat ship u should check it out)
unrelated/human ocs willow “blue” mccarran - MH-60R and F/A-18E pilot for the US navy alexis sylvia stanton - blue’s cousin who’s in the army wilson moore - everyone calls him ceiling fan, don’t ask why andrew “andy” sullivan - commanding officer of the USCGC steadfast takahashi machiko - commanding officer of the USCGC polar sea annalise “anna” sullivan - andy’s twin sister and CO of the USCGC healy isaac “kabob” alonso - E-2D pilot and head of carrier air wing 11 (CVW-11) leslie hannaford - gunner’s mate on the USCGC steadfast caroline (no full name yet) - shooter onboard the USS theodore roosevelt holly janssen - head medic person on the USS theodore roosevelt viktorija “fountain” petrauskas - blue’s co-pilot and bff 4 lyfe cameron “cam” moore - wilson’s older sibling and USCG recruiter ioanna culianu - MH-65 dolphin pilot for the US coast guard liang “jackson” guiying - iykyk sanicas - mystical bird like creature that travels between worlds bhinnehawk - sanicas’s brother (literally that “i hope i dont have to fight my evil self” meme LMAO) emberly - dimension hopper (+ former pokemon trainer?? idk man) sadira - emberly’s sister chad - just chad. malcolm/mikhail/augustus - exists almost exclusively within my genshin au lore yes, i have quite a few military ocs. yes, i am very critical of the us military and i hate it as much as the next person with a lick of common sense. we exist.
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