#transhet king i think
t0bey · 2 months
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some headcanons ive formed over the years that i rlly like,,
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gay-otlc · 8 months
Maybe this is a weird ask but I wanted to say that I really like and appreciate seeing your posts about being transhet specifically. I’m a straight trans guy and honestly it’s nice to see someone else speaking on the same experiences I’ve had, esp because being a straight dude is pretty alienating from the queer community lmao. So yeah, epic posting king
I don't think it's a weird ask at all! I've gotten a few like this, and it's really nice to see. It's good to know my transhet posting is appreciated by some people out there, and it helps to quiet the voice in my head that sometimes says I shouldn't post so much transhet stuff. Thanks :)
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becker-call · 5 months
what's your stick figure sexuality and pronouns? Ai
i'll do you one better! i'll also throw in my gender hcs! bc why not lol
tsc/orange: he/him, he's probably transhet but at the same time i think he's a wee bit bicurious
green: he/him, cis male, aroace
yellow: she/they, either nonbinary or demigirl, lesbian
blue: she/her, trans woman, lesbian
red: he/they, unlabeled (in the sense that he has never thought about where he stands in the gender spectrum). no idea if he's gay/bi/pan but i think they'd definitely kiss a guy. as long as you're not mean to animals
purple/violet: they/them, transneutral, aroace
king: look at me in the eyes and tell me that king isn't a straight white man. you can't
victim: read king
i haven't thought about chosen or dark very much so i'll get back to you on that. i use he/him for them though
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dearinglovebot · 2 years
top 10 jurassic characters rated on how transgender they feel to me
1. alan grant. super transgender. i know he has top surgery scars. he’s my transhet king but in the sense that he still has homosexual gay gay thoughts about ian
2. claire dearing. mega transgender. they make her homemade estrogen in the creation lab. so like diversity win your uncle was killed by the actions of a trans woman!
3. ian malcom. if you don’t think he’s non-binary then I think you’re lying to yourself. all pronouns user. owner of all the gender.
4. ben pincus. undeniably transgender. you “understand yourself better now”?? do you have new pronouns to share too EH??
5. sammy gutierrez. another win for the trans feminine community. assigned cowboy at birth, a cowgirl in reality. yeehaw
6. franklin webb. more like frankTHEM am I right. a clear he/they user.
7. henry wu. dinosaurs were actually a fortunate side effect of his attempts at perfecting bottom surgery. dinosaur enjoyers, say thank you trans people
8. zia rodriguez. ok this one might be controversial but zia is hesbian realness. like that’s trans masc lesbian if I’ve ever seen one
9. ellie sattler. ot3 is t4t4t and only the girls who get it get it. the elder trans fem who gives baby transes hugs at pride. she’s my mom :)
10. soyona santos. i think she takes evil estrogen pills and illegally changed her name and got evil top surgery
honorable mentions including but not limited to: kayla watts (non-binary), sarah harding (demi-girl), zach mitchell (egg vibes), darius (agender, user of xenogenders), yasmina (bigender), ramsay cole (trans man), maisie lockwood (non-binary)
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sonarsunbeam · 2 months
drop your bombshell bestie, give me Lazarus
wow that's almost the whole main six! all we need now is chandrelle and swk
Sexuality headcanon: yall are gonna hate me for this but he's straight to me. im so sorry i cannot picture him with a man
Gender headcanon: trans man, my transhet king. he never got proper top surgery his tits just got blown clean off in vicious galaxy
A ship I have with said character: STORMBLEEZE FOREVER. they are t4t, no you cannot convince me otherwise. he had the hots for her from the start
A BROTP I have with said character: dig him and swk getting close after the events of the gameworks mission. they form a brotherly relationship, laz is the older brother that looks out for him while weasel kid is the younger that encourages laz to live a little
A NOTP I have with said character: him and junior. even if junior's an adult in vicious galaxy it still makes me super uncomfortable considering that he was a young kid in SoL
A random headcanon: due to how physically strenuous vicious galaxy can get he has quite a few cybernetic implants and has had a handful of general surgeries done in order to acclimate him to his environment. the cosmic radiation isn't actively hurting anymore however hes forever green now and his immune system is genuinely shit at this point. if he gets even a tiny cold hes down for the count
General Opinion over said character: PATHETIC SOPPING WET GREEN CAT OF A MAN. i think he needs to smoke some weed and see a therapist. i could fix him honestly (lying)
ask meme
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transngin · 11 months
this might be random but do you have any headcanons of the Daltons/lucky luke cause now they are my hyperfixation and yes I've joined a pretty much dead fandom but I was to hear your thoughts.
(only if u want to ofc)
hiiii anon its been. so insanely long since ive thought abt lucky luke and the daltons rotated them in my small brain but i love looove them as a characters so very dearly to this day and id be more than happy to give u. some of my carefully thought out (brainrot induced) thoughts :]
- JOE ADHD KING. no but seriously this fucking guy is so nd and mentally ill in so many ways. hes collecting them like cool rocks (<- im nd and mentally ill (obviously) and have always related to him)
- i know the entire thing abt the daltons is how theyre only distinguished from each other when it comes to height but i love playing around w the idea that they have like. subtle differences in their appearance that you wont notice unless you squint and use a telescope. like william having heterochromia, jack having freckles and joe having beauty marks and whatnot (cant think of anything for averell when it comes to this trope sorry </3)
- aroacespec gay lucky luke is so real and true and my alltime fave sexuality hc. also a little transgenderism for him as a treat. sometimes
- adding to the former: luke telling ppl he got his diy top surgery scars from a brutal shootout
- i dont like the modern daltons cartoon (it kinda sucks) but i really really like how they characterized william in it (bookworm and man of many talents iirc) and i really like the idea of him potentially being a graduate/of higher education but sticking with his brothers out of loyalty/peer pressure (<- potential for him to be the black sheep of his family and give him more character than in the comics and the old cartoons)
- luke and joe's archnemesis relationship oh my GOD [head in hands] ive always loved the multiple layers of their dynamic and the "cool hero who loves toying with the bad guy" vs "batshit crazy unhinged small guy villain" thing they always got going on. lukejoe is so good whether its platonically or romantically or anything in between i still care them so much. funny guys who hate each other fight each other are friends are besties are outlaws kiss kill each other have repressed homosexual feelings have never had friends before killed people with no remorse and have issues. i like that in men
- t4t lukejoe is. so good. perfection
- while im a professional les daltons #hater i love that one guy who showed up for like one episode and was never brought up again except in the bg of some episodes. unlucky luke (small dark haired manloser) if youre out there...
- el gee bee tee hc lightning round:
cis bi (sometimes transmasc) joe [wtf is a pronoun i will kill you], transhet jack [he/him], nonbiney [he/him] william, unlabeled averell [he/she + any] and ofc aroace gay trans luke [he/they]. idc abt other characters enough to form opinions on them
- ill most definitely add to this later if and when i start binging the entirety of ll again but for now. thats all. come get your food lucky luke enjoyers <3 shoutout to the three of you who still enjoy this media despite its many many MANY flaws
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evilneo · 1 year
now for Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King, Gravity Falls: Legend of the Gnome Gemulets, and Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer!
edit: im (fern) gonna finish this post. my shit will be in bold arties will be in normal text. if this breaks containment and youre wondering whats going on:
ok so. i named my character Tavzee which ABSOLUTELY dates this game and what era of my life it was in. be nice to me i was a kid ok </3
artie never finished this game lol. hes kinda still in mid-early game i think? he also doesnt remember what hes doing in here. i think hes planning to restart his save file or make a new one.
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oh fuck yeah gravity falls. it was arties first big tv show hyperfixation and were thinking of rewatching it soon :) also when you select the game on the ds menu it plays the last few seconds of the opening theme which is cool. also holy shit we havent played this since 2016 so i started a new save file to preserve that one. i know 12yo artie had a lot of fun with this game :)
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interior design is my passion. artie named his character after an old name for one of his ocs which dates this massively lmao. what also dates this is the old lesbian and aro flag in the custom designs. also peep the transhet flag he made. we really loved this game
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pictures: kid cat has an aspec and nonbinary discourse conference. cocos loss. merrys room. cafe
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noted hcs from arties childhood that he incorporated into the rooms:
benjamin: bisexual
coco: pan ace demigirl
fuchsia: lesbian. shes putting the fuch in futch lmao
molly: based on the flowers outside their house: genderqueer and bi
quillson: transhet man
cobb: truffles dad
olaf: bi transmasc demiboy
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vaugarde · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈 well now i wanna see you draw duster (looks at yoy sweetly)
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somehow this just became a normal duster doodle and a pride pin didnt feel clever for this pose so i gave the rope snake the flag. its duster's but the rope snake can also be trans if you want
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ursie · 3 years
What are your lotr gender/sexuality/ect hcs?
Ok ok the problem I have w answering this question is I literally cannot decide on how the diff races view gender. Like Gimli and Legolas are all of the lgbts at once. You could actually make an argument for Gimli being a woman as Dwarves present as masculine outside of their homes and there being little to no visible differences between the two. That’s not even getting into elves.
Gandalf : I think unironically he should be a drag queen. Old gay man. Physically disabled-I would like to see him use his staff as a cane. Also probably shouldn’t be white
Aragorn : I run on the rule of comedy and I think it’s funniest for him to be the only cishet man in the fellowship. Everyone is limping wrists at each other and he’s just trying to fight orcs so he can go home and get married. Literally the #1 ally put up w Gimli and Legolas’s gay bickering across countries. There is no one stronger. Has chronic migraines just from that. Chronic pain obv, Autistic, depression. I don’t think he should be white the blood purity stuff with the lines of kings ect does not need to represented w a white guy. I don’t know if anyone’s seen the old animated film but I always thought he was Native in that. Anyway indigenous king 🥰
Boromir : gay king. “No time to marry” “permanent bachelor” he’s gay. Chronic pain, I saw Sami Boromir once and that’s literally all I want indigenous king 👑
Legolas : Femme/twink jokes aside he’s a Bear as far as elves are concerned. Masc4masc bear4bear king. Cis in the elf way.chronic migraines. Chronic fatigue, depression, autistic. Again probs shouldn’t be white. Indigenous king yet again
Gimli : god where to start. Yes. Bi and nb. Whoever you are if you’re into him you’re gay. Hoh, impaired vision, arthritis, chronic pain. Jewish in the all Tolkien dwarves are Jewish way. No racial hcs outside of canon.
Pippin : Trans. The entdraught was magical hormones. Adhd. Depression. Ptsd. Chronic pain. Chair user post battle of Mordor. No racial hcs outside of canon
Merry : see above. Autistic, depression, Ptsd, unspecified disorder, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, arthritis. No racial hcs outside of canon
Frodo : GAY, cis but in the hobbit way. Depression, multiple unspecified mental illnesses and disorders, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, chronic illness, ptsd, anxiety, probs shouldn’t be white given his relationship to Sam who was at the least described as brown. (Yes Sam probs wasn’t meant to be read as brown but that’s hardly the point). Chair user post battle of Mordor
Sam : BI KING, nb, full of love, anxiety, unspecified mental illness, chronic fatigue and chronic pain, cane user post battle of Mordor. Brown. Also I think he should be a bear 🐻
Faramir : unironically lesbian king. Enby legend. Trans icon. All of the lgbts at once. Literally all the mental illnesses. Chronic pain and fatigue, ptsd. See Boromir
Eomer : Transmasc king. Bear. Mlm legend. Sm going on in his head. Hoh, inferiority complex, impostor syndrome. Tbh I read him as white. No racial hcs outside of canon
Eowyn : dyke. Depression, ptsd, bpd, bipolar disorder, inferiority complex, impostor syndrome. Chronic pain and fatigue, arthritis. No racial hcs outside of canon
Arwen : Transhet. Chronically ill. Indigenous.
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bandtrees · 3 years
Iceberg and/or lament headcanons hand them over
YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND. i do love me my headcanons :] these will range from serious to just whatever nonsense i think is funny!:
nonbinary. based on the fact when i saw art of him before knowing who he was i couldn’t tell his gender so nonbinary ice is seared into my brain forever. so there’s this he/they...
very VERY attached to his scarf and refuses to part with it. it’s seen hell and back and is so scorched and ripped but he’ll wear it as long as it still can be worn, professionalism be damned
specifically had it with him when he got into [nonspecific incident that did That to his body temperature] and it’s kinda been a comfort object ever since. gets legitimately very stressed if he loses it. people have lost fingers in mysterious explosions for making fun of him for it
also autistic! i just get very big vibes from him and also like to project. i will restrain myself from going off about this but i feel it very strongly. among other things he’s constantly fidgeting and has the world’s worst volume control - sounds like he’s yelling a good 90% of the time
does not really get along with any of his fellow personnel but ESPECIALLY not kondraki. those two hate eachother SO much - kondraki because he has little respect for people lower than him on the foundation pecking order, iceberg because he’s incredibly egotistical and cannot handle people treating him like anything but the SAVIOR OF THE SCP FOUNDATION!!!! 
has a massive appetite especially for sweets and junk food. one of those people who has a stash of chocolate under their desk. once ate 3/4 of a hamburger in one bite in front of a slightly mesmerized gears
WILL put his cold hands on people without warning. “MOVE, I’M GAY”
comically unlucky. this isn’t a headcanon it’s just a thing i wish people thought of more in regards to iceberg. he has the life of a down-on-his-luck cartoon protagonist and nothing goes his way ever no matter HOW much he wants it to
(suicide) prior to his suicide he just kind of had a mild breakdown and destroyed all of the memorabilia from his work with gears - so when gears walked into ice’s dorm he not only saw his body and note but also drawers ransacked, stacks of paperwork and files torn and burned up, etc. someone probably could’ve heard ice breaking shit and stopped him before it was too late but alas the rooms were soundproofed
was assigned to work with gears because the foundation saw his reckless behavior and thought being stuck with gears would mellow him out (read: turn him into another emotionless work machine) so he would be less disruptive n stuff: he was a smart person and the foundation saw use in that, but they couldn’t really do much with it while he was still a loose cannon blowing up everything in sight, y’know
these are only based on in his own image im sorry im not reading resurrection my brain is too small
transhet king!!!!
i’ve drawn him several times now but for the people at home i imagine him in a black suit with a trans flag gradient cravat. also black fingerless gloves because he thinks they make him look cool.
in-universe he’s iceberg’s replacement and a lot of it’s because they’ve got slightly similar personalities as gears’ superiors wanted to try the “what working with gears does to a mfer” stuff again - lament is way less rude than iceberg but both are emotional, impulsive, pretty silly and unprofessional and were newbies to the foundation at the time, etc. the perfect candidates for this sort of thing. gears saw iceberg in lament which... created a very scary situation for lament as he was pretty much trapped with gears knowing what happened to the last guy but being unable to get out
so very traumatized - specifically by the scp-106 stuff but in general by all the shit he’s seen as an agent and containment specialist - but because he doesn’t like glass or what he stands for he refuses to really... seek help. a master of ‘grinning and bearing it’ but it’s REALLY not good for him. 100% will break someday
because of aforementioned 106 trauma it’s not really conscious but he hates to stand near walls or in corners. lingers in centers of rooms and gears has made it habit to lightly grab him and pull him back when he stands too close to danger because he can’t bring himself to back up
dating light and he thinks her stout scarred up self is the prettiest sight on the planet and you know what? he’s RIGHT. i didn’t really like their relationship much in ihoi because it felt kinda tacked on but i CAN appreciate them together in concept
unlike iceberg and gears, has incredibly high empathy. im a simple man i see a character i like i project my hyperempathy
smart in his own way of course but he sucks ass at math. mixes up odd and even numbers constantly. good with science in a “remembering names/events/etc and being very observant” way but if you stick an equation in front of him he’ll start short circuiting
very easily spooked and defensive especially with the... trauma. while putting gears with iceberg was an effort to make iceberg less reckless and more cooperative, lament is very much someone who takes the brunt of foundation work very badly and mentally is bad at handling it all and for him it’s more... trying to give him thicker skin and make him “””adapt””” like gears did
...can you tell i love lament and really really wish more people did too? XD i get why people find him sorta generic and are indifferent to him but i am always very drawn to protagonist characters haha. thank you for the ask! i hope these headcanons suffice :]
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matoitech · 4 years
lio and alluka for the ask meme ! also hi fess i hope you are well !!!!
hi tuesday i hope u r too!! thank u for the ask :)
Sexuality Headcanon: in my head i usually go w bi lio.. gnc bi men.. good shit i think. but i also love gay lio!!!!! i love lio in general. he said i like men and i was like yes good for you king
Gender Headcanon: TRANSED GENDER. in my head he exists as like transmasc nonbinary but ive seen amab nb lio and i think thats a sexy sexy take too. trans lio in general.. so good. also neopronouns lio Important
A ship I have with said character: galo is like. the only one. i know what im about! theyre MARRIED.
A BROTP I have with said character: gueira and meis <3 or thyma. also think him and aina might get along. i think she’d get along w lio better than galo. they’ll all be bros ill make it happen
A NOTP I have with said character: i think cishets watching lio do cpr on thyma and thinking THAT was the romantic scene in promare and not galo and lio kiss of life cpr has made it so the biggest grievance in my brain for him is getting shipped w thyma. also shes a lesbian. i mean theres like worse ships w lio but they dont bear discussing.
A random headcanon: he rly likes things that r pink he buys shit at the store just cuz its pink and smells good. hes valid. 
General Opinion over said character: i love lio so much i see him and im just like oh my god its lio i LOVE HIM SO MUCH. i love him. i love you lio
Sexuality Headcanon: well i dont rly think abt that stuff w the kid characters, ill leave that 2 actual kids (not like adults saying ‘alluka lesbian’ is bad or whatever ofc), but transhet rights is a good concept in my brain, tho bi alluka and lesbian alluka r both very good! shes got lotsa time to figure it out, her bro will support her w whatever!! god im gonna cry abt killua and alluka and nanika now
A ship I have with said character: none! i think ppl sometimes mention her and zushi meeting and being friends and that sounds cool
A BROTP I have with said character: she should be friends w gon. i cant rly think of chars that r around her age
A NOTP I have with said character: i think ppl who ship her w gon r hilarious. can u even imagine that being how togashi ended hxh
A random headcanon: her and nanikas stuffed animals have rly extensive Lore they keep track of, tho they tend to not play w them as much now that they can go Outside and do kid stuff like eat dirt or whatever, but theyre still a comfort! also i like the hc that her + nanika + killua + gon all make like a garden or something? i saw stuff abt it a while back. also :) system alluka + nanika. 
General Opinion over said character: i talked abt her a little bit the other day but i love her character im so sad the hxh kids cant get to b actual kids bc they go thru so many horrible things, im hoping that theyll have time to heal <3 also i LOVE trans characters of COURSE. id have to reread hxh but ofc my feelings on her r positive!! shes a great character
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eulangelo · 2 years
4 the fandom thing can u do ace attorney?
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): franziska von karma my beloved
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): probably klavier gavin
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): diego armando/godot absolutely i love u my transhet king, dont listen to the haters
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): diego is controversial/problematic but thats just bc of a mistranslation in which he used an endearing term/petname for his girlfriend so i do not consider him problematic at all. if anything i do like damon gant whos a bastard but he's also a dilf so 😔 also matt engarde bc hes so funny
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): miles edgeworth bc i wanna see him fall off a flight of stairs
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): i liked ron delite and desiree!! transhet icons and absolutely precious!!
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): dahlia hawthorne+max galactica and all the other pedophiles/demons from hell who wanted to hurt regina i hope they die a thousand deaths
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