#treech my beloved
poppinspops · 2 months
Treech dating headcannons
My opinions on how treech would be like in a relationship, in and out of the hunger games, meaning lamina didn't get picked!
kiss me is playing rn, It's so his song yall Trust!
Um... accidentally made a bit of a fanfic rather then a headcannon oneshot... oops??
Warnings: none really just bad Grammer and maybe spelling mistakes as it's like almost 1am and I'm too tired to look over this
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before the hunger games back in D7
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Treech and you met in grade school back when treech talked a whole lot more
Treech definitely was a big talker up until he hit twelve years old. He hardened a bit more and started working, being pulled out of school like a lot of kids his age usually did, like how you did.
You two shared your first kiss in a tree at the ripe age of twelve, that's when treech finally seemed to get what his father and mother would always tell him about meeting the right girl, how he'd want to cherish and protect her from everything and everyone
Just like how he felt right now looking at you with his small hands on yours, beet red in the cheeks just looking at you
Looking away as he thought back on his father's words, he now understood him better to a point still he couldn't fully grasp the whole thing but all that mattered to him was making you smile that big smile you always did when he made silly faces or when he picked up big logs of wood (not very big but still)
"Treech, when you meet the right girl-" his father started, but treech interrupted him like always his face scrunched up in disgust likr how boys usually acted when on the topic of girls at twelve "EW! I don't need a girl!" But treechs father just laughed at his son before continuing ruffling treechs hair a bit as the boy huffed. "You'll want to change to protect her. You'll want to spend every waking moment with her... you'll understand when your older" treech looked up at his dad with confusion, not quite understand what he meant in that moment
You worked for your father's lumber yard people sold you wood for coins, your father usually was there working the shop as you carved small little trinkets in the corner of the shop, treech would come in and sell the wood he had. Most of the time, if he had any free time in that moment, he'd come and sit next to you, watching you carve a small bird. He watched you intently smiling at your flustered face when you couldn't get the angle just right admiring your features from. The chair
When he relized his feelings for you after that kiss he started working not long after, his parents like many others pulling him out of school to go and chop wood for a living a 'lumberjack' was what you called him
And soon after he started callin you 'carver' for your wood carvings
He didn't speak much after that kiss but he seemed to spend every second of his free time to just stay by your side, even going as far as to put your shoes back on your feet when you'd take them off to run in a lake, making you blush and look away thanking him under your breath missing his slight smirk and dark eyes looking at you like you where his whole world.
He knew what his father truly meant by and even more wanting to devote himself to her and wanting for you to do the same for him.
It has taken a few years but finally you two got together when you were fourteen when you couldn't take it anymore and had run up to treech one day in the rain taking him by the shoulders and screaming your feelings at him.
You two where almost inseparable, it made your father smile as he saw you happily chatting away with your lover boy at the counter though he did always have to walk over and tell you to get back to work cuz chatting away with your lumberjack ain't making money you'd sigh and kiss treechs cheek before waving bye to him watching him quickly walk out the door ears slightly red.
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The reapings and meeting the tributes
You had heared the man from the capital you couldn't remeber his name buy you did know that his clothes looked expensive, making you grit your teeth at how he smiled whilst talking about a literal death game they forced children to participate and die in.
You stood still as he called the female tribute first
The man on the stage cleared his mouth as he spoke Into the sqeaky mic flinching back a little at the noises the mic made before saying the female tribute of your district "Lamina" He spoke into the mic making your head spin around to a girl that was shaking like a leaf. She was a red haired girl just a year younger then you making you bit your lip as she shakingly walked out of the line the girls all stood in slowly walking up the dirt path looking around until her eyes met your own making you gulp before speaking up impulsively "i.. Lamina! I volunteer as tribute!" You hadn't thought that through at all. All you were thinking about were those scared eyes knowing she wouldnt last long in the arena or at least you thought she wohldnt, you didnt get to see the relieved look lamina had before you were grabbed and dragged onto the stage not getting the chance to walk your feet being dragged in the dirt the man in the fancy outfit looking surprised at you before coughing a bit and continuing
treechs' name got called soon after everyone was done being shocked at your 'stunt' or rather your act of compassion and pure kindness. You felt a tear drop down your cheek as you stared over at him from the other side of the stage, accidentally catching him looking at you with a terrified but also almost angry look
Treech didn't get the chance to say anything
You two where sitting in the old dirty train, your back against treechs front as you let tears fall down your cheeks at the situation you had just out yourself in.. almost regretting your choice to volunteer, almost.
Treech gad helped you out of the cattle car holding out his hand for you to use to hop out of the cattle car, he made sure you stuck to his side not letting his guard down looking around as the other tributes got out of the other parts of the cattle train or whatever you two had just been sitting for hours on.
You looked around and caught the gaze of a little girl and a boy next to her that only had one arm you waved at them the girl waving at you with a smile as the boy only nodded at you
Treech only stared at the others, not saying a word as he held your waist, tightening his grip when the Capitol guards would come too close to him and you
You two got ushered into another car along with the other district tributes, though you here seated next to the one-eyed boy from District 10. He'd been staring at you with his one eye his gaze harsh like he was trying to see if you where good enough to him the whole ride making you gulp and look away eyes back on treech and the District boy that snuck on the cart for who knows what
You had smirked when the boy had been pinned to the car wall by the tall boy named reaper, you already liked reaper you two had said a few sentences to each other 'surved him right capital filth.' You had thought as you clapped gleefully at this, treech gave you a look smirking. You two hadn't noticed that you both had caught the attention of a certain red-haired tribute
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Okay ima end it here. My hand hurts, but umm.. may do a part two if yall want one anyways I accidentally made a fic instead of a headcannon, my bad..
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Superhero AU because why not honestly. I’m back on the lumberhouse train and had an idea for a true drama hijinx goldmine:
Coral, Tanner, and Brandy are two of the most powerful supervillains in the world. Lucy Gray, Lamina, and Reaper are heroes trying to foil the plans of them and other bad guys. Other characters make appearances but I’m not sure what to make them exactly. Now, all of them have civilian identities, and Treech is Lamina’s childhood friend who is completely out of the loop regarding her secret superhero life. While Lamina knows he could and would help her in valuable ways, the risk to his life weighs more heavily than the potential aid he could give. This attempt to keep him out of the superhero business is… unsuccessful.
Somehow, Tanner starts dating Treech in civilian identity. Once he and Lamina meet it takes them both less than a minute to clock exactly who the other person is, but neither of them can do anything because that would upset Treech. So they’re stuck shooting each other covert glares and suspicious side eyes while Treech remains blissfully ignorant. Shenanigans ensue.
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losingmymindrn · 2 months
Coral headcanons cause yeah (bits of coralbaird as well)
● loves to "water wrestle" with mizzen
● she seems like the type of person to have sea themed tattoos, and her frist one was two little starfishes on her wrist w/ Lucy Gray's and mizzen's initials <33
● very protective of the ones she loves, which means she can and will beat someone up
● those on her list of loved ones are: Lucy gray, Mizzen, and unfortunately for her Tanner and Treech
● Coral is Lucy Gray's lipstick tester, aka, she is covered in lipstick stains when LG gets a new one
● was genuinely horrified when she found out how bad Lucy gray is at swimming
● plays sports with the covey boys & mizzen
● the children love it when she tosses them into the water. Like. Actually fucking tosses them
● absolutely adores Lucy Gray's eyes. She can never say no to them, especially when our songbird hits her with puppy dog eyes
● can play the harmonica, only plays sea shanties, though
● calls mizzen 'starfish'
● has pet fish :>
● extremely cuddly when alone w/ Lucy gray or mizzen
● absolutely beams when Mizzen makes her smth
● loves long walks on the pier. At midnight. Lucy gray was sleeping over one night and wakes up at 2 in the morning to an empty bed and house. She's like "????"
● hates mornings, Lucy gray loves them.
● yknow that one "draw your ship like this" and its the fucking elegant ass robe and them old man jammies??? Yeah, it's coralbaird, but coral wears heart boxers
● has caught a fish with her bare hands bc tanner dared her to. She won 20 bucks that day
● Lucy gray has wrote many songs for her, but her favorite is the first one called "sea lover"
● you can not tell me she's not the sweetest lover boy for Lucy gray. Coral will buy the biggest, most colorful bouquet for her, along with any stuffed animal or any thing Lucy gray has been eyeing lately
● gets teased by tanner, treech, n mizzen for being fucking whipped for Lucy gray, but you can't blame her
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk🤭🤭
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Treech: Why are we in this witchcraft shop? We don’t have any money.
Lamina, stuffing crystals in her bra: Just browsing.
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sephirothsplaything · 3 months
a/n: chapter is a tad bit shorter than i'd like but I have a lot of story to spread out so womp womp. also this is my second time writing smut so..
anyways <3
TW: NSFW,MDI, did i say smut already?,reader is lowkey crazy,black fem!reader, black fem! obsessive reader,
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“I need to get Marcus out of there.” Sejanus said. He was pacing back and forth anxiously in his room.
You rolled your eyes at his antics. You had been gracious enough to keep him company in his time of distress, and here he was, fretting over things that were entirely inconsequential. 
“He’s probably being transported by now Sej,there's nothing you can do.” You sighed out.
Why did you agree to come home with him after class again?
Sejanus plopped down next to you on his bed. You sat up from your position,scooting closer to him.
“All you can do is try to make it easier for him,or maybe even win.” You said reassuringly. Sejanus gave you a sharp look,almost making you inch back.
Although,you did quite like when he was like this. You liked when all the anger and frustration he felt was visible.
You also liked it when he took it out on you. 
“Maybe Coryo will know what to do.” Sejanus said. He allowed his body to fall back into the plush bed. Your eyes followed him. His need to share his thoughts with Coriolanus was strange to you.
Could he not see what you saw? Coriolanus was a vile poison.
“I doubt he’d be interested in something like that.” You said. Coriolanus did not strike you as a bleeding heart for district trash like Sejanus was.
Sejanus turned his head to look at you. Your wide,brown eyes captured him. His large hand softly ran over your knee.
“I don’t know why you hate him,you two are so similar.” Sejanus said. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You were nothing like him. You were perfect and he was the dirt under your shoe.
You crawled over to him,swinging your leg over his waist in a straddling position. Interlocking your hands with his,you brought them to your waist.
“ I don’t really wanna talk about him right now.” You said. You leaned in to kiss him. Sejanus met your mouth eagerly,slipping his tongue into your mouth causing a satisfied moan to erupt from you.
Sitting up,you took a moment to savor your position. You were on top of him. The way it always should be. You’d hope that all his persisting thoughts regarding him would just disappear.
Hastily, Sejanus reached around to unzip the back of your dress. The blue fabric pooled down to your thighs. 
Leaning back slightly,you dragged your hand to his middle,his hardened bulge protruding through his pants. Humming in approval,you palmed him harshly.
“ah..” Sejanus softly moaned. His grip on your waist tightened. Sliding back,you slowly grinded yourself onto his cock.
Yes you and Sejanus were close friends. So very close. This dynamic had been going on for a while now. Sometimes you worried that Sejanus was stupid enough to read too deep into it.
You had zero desire to be his girlfriend. He wasn’t nearly ready for that yet.
And maybe he knew that.
You remove yourself from Sejanus. Protest was clear in his expression but you ignored it. Undoing his pants,you pulled down the band of his boxers to reveal the rather enlarged cock.
You rubbed your thumb over the slit of his cockhead,his precum glistening. Taking his cock into your mouth,leisurely sucking him off.
“f-fuck”. Sejanus’s moans filled the room. His hand carefully took a fistfull of your braids,pushing your head down further,completely filling your throat.
“Mmmhm,just like that angel,keep going.” Sejanus encouraged you. You thought about stopping,leaving him dry like that.
But you had a goal here. And you fully intended on seeing it though.
“Keep going.” Sejanus whimpered out.
You continue swirling your tongue,going to the tip of his cock once more. Sejanus harshly bucked up into your mouth,cock hitting the back of your throat.
The vibrations of your moans were getting to him. His hand reached down to your swollen pussy. In tight rapid motions, his fingers touched your clit.
Your eyes rolled,deep in pleasure. Your head was getting fuzzy. 
Sejanus continued rubbing the bud of your clit until cum dripped down your legs.
You let go of Sejanus’s cock with a pop. Sejanus rid himself of his shirt and you followed suit,along with your bra and panties.
Taking his cock in your hand,you situated yourself on top,sliding it in.
A hot moan left your lips. You took a moment to adjust.
No matter how many times you fucked him,he was still always so big. Your hands found his broad shoulders,resting there. Bouncing on his cock,the squelching sounds of your drenched pussy filled the air.
“ahh..shit.” You hissed out. Sejanus wasn’t doing any better. His eyebrows were furrowed in pleasure, letting out a long string of curses that filled your ears.
“You’re so fucking wet..shittt.” Sejanus moaned out. You had no response for him,too lost in the way his fat cock was stretching you wide open.
One of the few things Sejanus was good for. 
Sejanus’s large hands grabbed your tits,harshly fondling them. His thumb brushed over the brown sensitive bud of your areola. 
You sped up your pace,coming down on his cock,the pace sending you further into cloud nine.
Swiftly, Sejanus flipped you onto your back. You gasped out in surprise. He grabbed your legs,pushing them towards your head.
Re-entering you once more, he fucked you brutally. Clearly,he was trying to get something off of his mind. He pulled coat after coat of cream from your weeping pussy. 
“Sej..m’gonna cum.” You whined out. Your head lolled to the side. You very well might pass out.
That idea turned you on.  Your pussy tightened around Sejanus,gripping him as if he’d leave you.
You knew he never would. You simply wouldn’t allow it.
“Should I p-pull out?” Sejanus asked. It was obvious his heart wasn’t completely in it.
Your brown legs shined from the sweat,they wrapped around Sejanus’s midriff,locking him in.
“Cum in me.” You commanded. 
And he did. Long spurts of thick,hot cum shot out from his cock, hitting your cervix.
Sejanus collapsed on top of you gently,so as not to crush you. You sighed out,half of the job was done.
Your hand brushed the dark curls sticking to Sejanus’s forehead. Silence filled the room,but your brain was far from.
“Sejanus?” Your voice was soft.
“Hm?” He responded to you. 
“Do you think that Coriolanus sees the games in the same way you and I do?” You asked innocently.
Naturally,you already knew the answer. 
You heard Sejanus sigh out.  “ I think deep down,his heart is in the right place.” he said.
You thought differently. And at his response you officially made up your mind. 
Both Sejanus and Coriolanus were problems you needed to deal with quickly. You needed Sejanus all to yourself. Coriolanus would place ideas into his head that would interfere with your own. Coriolanus wanted the Plinth fortune as much as you did,you had long since concluded.
And you could not have that. But for now,you needed to focus on your new puppy.
Your Treech. You readjusted yourself to indicate that you wanted Sejanus off of you.
Sitting up in the bed,you raked your fingers through your braids. You were slow to stand,your legs slightly shaking.
One by one you gathered your articles of clothing,putting them back on.
“You’re leaving?” Sejanus asked. His tone was laced with disappointment. His parents weren't home and he was no doubt feeling lonely.
Unfortunately for him, you didn’t have room for his feelings right now. 
Adjusting your dress, a buzz from your phone indicated that your car was here.
Turning to Sejanus,you offered a small smile.
“ We have a busy day tomorrow,Sej.” You said. 
Well,you were gonna be extra busy,you were unsure about him.
Leaving him there you stepped outside,greeted by the cool night air. You wanted to reach your tribute before anyone else could. 
As you got into the back seat,you raked over ideas on how to best approach your tribute.
You’d be an idiot to think that Treech would want anything to do with you, you were Capitol after all.
You needed to make yourself look demure,like a lamb among your classmates of wolves. You wanted Treech to feel the urge to protect you from the evil manipulation of the Capitol.
You had decided on how best to proceed.
Arriving at your apartment,you entered through the gold plated doors. You lived alone. Just as you liked it. The apartment was paid for by your grandmother and you had zero complaints. 
You stripped from your clothes,leaving them on the floor for the help to pick up.
After your shower you walked around the large apartment. Your eyes landed on an apple. Grabbing it you placed it on the dresser next to your school bag. This would be your gift to Treech.
Sitting at your kitchen table,you drummed your fingers against the pristine wood. One thing that your grandmother had drilled into your head is that hunger can be used as a weapon.
But had she ever considered it can be used as a branch of goodwill? You highly doubted it.
“Mila.” You called out into the empty hall. Seconds after, your maid appeared. You weren’t sure where she was from,she was district,obviously but you never cared to ask which one.
“I need you to put in an order for some new clothes,one for a male.” You said. Mila nodded her head slowly. Food would not be enough to attain what you were after. 
If you were going to win the Hunger Games,you required an angle. 
And knew exactly what angle would be the perfect spectacle. 
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dr4wingfranciss · 2 months
hear me out on this one:
Treech who's a Dyonisus child who loves being with the Apollo kids
& Lamina who's a Demeter child who loves being with the Hephaestus kids
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sery-chan-13 · 2 months
Holding Hands
Warnings:none unless you’re intolerant to fluff
Characters: Tanner, Treech, Sejanus, Coriolanus, Reaper, Jessup
Tanner: He's sweet and shy with you. He doesn't want to scare you by going to fast or by accidentally breaking your boundaries, so he prefers you starting contact. Of course, he gets more confident as the relationship goes on. He likes when you guys hold hands. When walking around town his hand is usually intertwined with yours. When he wants to hold your hand, you'll see him tapping his thigh anxiously and clenching his fists almost like the prospect of doing it was the most nerve-wracking thing he'd ever done. Just look at him softly and ask him to hold your hand, make an excuse. He loves it.
"Mmm... Tanner... can you hold my hand? Please? 'M Cold..." you whisper looking at him with those pretty eyes of yours. How could he say no?
His face was covered in a red blush and grabbed your hand softly, his other hand lying on top of it. Your hand in the middle of both of his because he genuinely thought you were cold. Your soft smile and the feeling of your lips on his was all the gratification he ever needed.
Treech: He is nervous to hold your hand. After years of working out in the woods and the lumberyard, gripping onto the axe... And his stupid need to impress you means he had a few cuts and bumps. He kind of hates how rough his hands are, yet is never saying no because he likes making you happy. There's nothing sweeter to him than how you gently trace his hands and press kisses to them. He will notice your hand getting closer to his and will intertwine his fingers with yours.
Watching the sunset out in the woods near a creek with the love of his life next to him was a perfect way to end his day.
He noticed your hand creeping towards his and hesitantly placed his hand on yours. Your soft hands were a juxtaposition to his rough ones. So different but held by each other. Holding hands turns into you, softly tracing his hands.
"I'm so lucky..." he mumbled pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Why's that?"
"Because I have you."
Sejanus: He LOVES holding your hand, especially when you're just relaxing at his house. It is a simple act of intimacy and he lovessss it. Out in public he'd much rather have you hook your arm with his, he thinks it's cute especially since his Ma and Pa do it. you will be the future Mrs. Plinth, he has decided. Just because you like holding his hand. Most times he softly reaches out. At first, he just places his hand on yours for a while before intertwining his fingers with yours.
As his fingers interlocked with yours, you sigh happily. He was so sweet, and smiled at you brightly, bringing your hand up to his lips.
"Thank you (Y/N)," he said, looking at you with those stupidly love-sick eyes.
"For what Sej?"
"For loving me, my beloved."
Coriolanus: Coryo is an asshole. If you go to grab his hand in public like in class or something, he pulls away. Has swatted your hand to keep it away. Holding hands is something he does to subtly show you are his in public. He doesn't hold your hands as much as he holds your wrist and your hand wrapped around his pointer finger. In private he's a bit kinder, doing a "come here" motion with his fingers. When you put your hand in his, he will press a chaste kiss to it and then just... hold it.
You pout as the blonde next to you lightly swats your hand away in class. He's so mean.
Later in the hallway, he's reaching out for your hand and you, while stubborn, simply give in.
His hold is tight on your wrist, and you grab onto his pointer, whispering he's hurting you. He loosens his grip a bit.
In his room, in the apartment he hates and loves, your head on his chest as you read a book, he motions for your hand. You softly place your hand in his, and he places a kiss on your wrist, almost whispering an apology.
"Mm... Coryo...  Why can't you do this all the time," you whispered, laying your head on his chest, one hand in his, the other in his pretty blond curls.
He looked to the side, unable to meet your eyes. Truth was he didn't know why he did it. So people couldn't see how he cared for you? So people couldn't see that you're his soft spot?
"I don't know," he whispered.
There was a short silence before you hummed and mumbled, "I know. It's ok... just don't grab my wrist again. Or I'm gonna need more kisses."
Reaper: I think he is a big physical contact person. He loves having his arm around you or wants to be touching you all the time. Sometimes it's too much especially in the heat of the summer, so holding hands is the way to go. He will just grab your hand and doesn't even notice he's done it. He honestly just likes having you next to him.
You had been complaining of the heat since the morning. And hot it was. Especially with the human heater that was your boyfriend.
"Noooo it's too hot," you whined as his arms wrapped his strong arms around you, engulfing you in even more heat.
He lets go, albeit with a small huff. His hand is then reaching out. A compromise, you would think to yourself. You wouldn't die of heat and he could touch you. There was a small smile that spread across his lips as your hand met his.
Jessup: I think he's not too big on physical contact. One reason is he works in the mines and you work as a seamstress. He thinks he'll get you dirty and he doesn't want that especially if you are working on something. He would rather you initiate contact because then he knows it's okay. And yes, he knows you could easily wash your hands or go wash up, but he hates the thought of making you go through so much trouble. So, as a compromise, you hook your pinkie with his. You can 'hold his hand' and he doesn't have to worry about getting you dirty.
“Jessup pleaseeee,” you pouted, trying to hold his hand as he stubbornly took it away.
“You have to sew after this break you’re taking. You’ll get things dirty,” he whispers, looking at you with a smile.
You huff and curse your talent for sewing for keeping your sweet loving thoughtful boy from holding your hand.
You feel his pinkie hook onto yours and you smile brightly.
“I told you I’d find some compromise…”
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persephoneprice · 11 days
ace treech my beloved. poet treech my beloved. bisexual treech my beloved. loser treech my beloved. actor treech my beloved.
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softie-rain · 2 months
Mizzen my beloved!!!!!!!!!! Hope you like these :) Sorry for any grammar mistakes. Sorry this took so long 🫶🏻
Obviously you're not from the same district, I think you're probably from District 5 or 6
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He'd notice you on the train that brings you to the Capitol, but build up the courage to talk to you only later on when you're in the Zoo
You're very shy and quiet at first, but who can blame you? You're scared and also don't want to trust anyone. You know that in the end, one way or another, each one of the tributes will try to kill you
But Mizzen is so nice to you. You can't help but smile and talk to him!! You share little anecdotes of your days in the District, and he does the same with you, trying to distract you from the inevitable. And you do the same for him
You spend lots of time together at the zoo, talking and comforting each other
During Arachne's funeral (if you're from 5) he'll try to comfort you by subtly leaning his hands over you, though you can't take it because you're chained, but you surely understand the gesture and will hug him right after ):
The night before the Games Mizzen will talk to Coral and ask her if you can join their small alliance
Although you're the same age, you're shorter and look weaker, which leads people to underestimate you, which is exactly what Coral does.
When the Games do starts you don't even try to go for the weapons, you'll try to escape and hide instead
You somehow manage, and when the dust is settled, Mizzen will come out to look out for you. Totally against Coral's advice lol
When he finds you, your first instinct is to run away. But when you notice it's Mizzen you calm down, and I feel like he'd hug you and tell everything is alright IDC THAT YOU'RE IN THE ARENA, OKAY. HE WOULD
Coral will reluctantly let you join the alliance, where you live in constant fear of Treech and Tanner
But Mizzen will do anything to protect you and save you from any threat you may receive from them!!
Literally everyone but Mizzen hates that you joined them because they think you're weak and will just slow them down until Coryo and Sej get into the arena
You despise them because they're Capitol, and when you manage to injure Sejanus while they're escaping, the others start to re-evaluate you
You're still terrified, but survival instinct kicked in
you help kill Lamina 😔💔
After that you don't have much more time together alone cause, you know. Snakes
Which is what kills you both. At least you don't have to see the other die. It just happens
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poppinspops · 8 days
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Lamina and treech drawings
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Hmmmmm I drew pirate Lamina in my TreeMina Pirate AU… should I draw Treech as a siren too?
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It’s my boy!
Drew this a while back and finally finished it. This is Treech at the end of When The Clock Stops Ticking (We’ll Be Painted Red) plz don’t mind the quality I’m not amazing at art.
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poppinspops · 26 days
Oh how I adore you..
Warning: mild cursing, violence, closeted lesbian, homophobia and just bad Grammer, me giving treech a last name, I was tired whilst writing this, so yes spelling mistakes aswell
Summery: A drabble about a relationship with Lamina from a fic I'm working on and how it would kinda work, sadly it's one sided love lamina is inlove with you whilst your inlove with treech
Pairings: Lamina x reader (one sided)
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Lamina had known you for most of her life as you two went to school together before you had been pulled out early as your father needed help with his shop
Lamina ended up just walking to your shop straight after school so that she could hang out with you again on your breaks and when it was a particularly slow day
When it came to lamina, you learned quickly that she was a rather affectionate person and would randomly grab your hand or interlock your pinkies together or just her randomly wrapping her arms around your shoulders
It would catch you off guard at first but soon you started to do the same back not as much but stuff like holding her arm as you two walked down the cobblstone path from your house, or resting your head on her shoulder things like that
You never noticed how her face would heat up or how she would stare at you after interlocking your elbow with hers when you're walking. You make it hard for Lamina not to stare sometimes..
You and Lamina were walking back from your house as you insisted that you walked her home, walking down your cobblestone pathway from your house.
You interlocked your elbow with laminas swinging your now interlocked elbows up and down as you stared at a sparrow that you swore was staring straight at lamina, too caught up on staring at the weird sparrow you failed to notice how laminas face flushed at the contact of your bare arm against hers and how you seemed to lean yourself against her..
You both would so braid each others hair if your hair is long enough to be braided. If not, then you would just braid laminas hair into two or more braids
Lamina Braiding your hair
You where sat criss cross on laminas bed your back turned to the other girl as an hour ago lamina had asked you if she could braid your hair and of course you agreed i mean who could say no to lamina?
so here you where back turned to lamina as she braided your hair listening to you rant about your day or really anything you wanted to say or that was on your mind she just enjoyed listening to you talk.
Her hands in your hair as you just talked on and on, he birds chirpping outside lamina's window, the sound of just your twos breathing, lamina wished everyday could be like this just the two of you in her room as she braided your hair honestly even if you didn't return her feelings all she wanted to do was be by your side.
And if that meant that she was nothing but yourr best friend than that was enough for the girl as long as she was with you than she was alright with anything.
You braiding laminas hair
You giddily braided laminas hair as you showered her in compliments about how beautiful her hair was as you braided laminas hair into two braids.
Lamina was a mess, she was beat red as you braided her hair thanking you for complimenting her and as usual you said it was no problem, smiling at lamina as you tightened the braid apologizing if you had hurt her though your words fell on deaf ears as lamina wasn't listening at all she was too flustered in that moment to even think.
You were the bane of lamians' existence and the light of her life at the same time.
Laminas mood would dampen when she'd notice how you'd recently started staring at a boy that she'd talk to every now and then treech Miller lamina believed was his name
Lamina knew the boy as he came into your father's shop quite often. He was a part-time lumberjack, as was lamina, though, unlike Lamina, treech was in the circus as was his family they ran the circus in town and man was it popular
To laminas misfortune you had been a big fan of it and always tried to make small talk with the boy who was around yours and laminas age maybe a year older than you two
Lamina tried not to think about it as she was just happy you where at least trying to make a new friend even if it was a boy.. anyways
Lamina and you made a promise a few years back when you two first became friends, that if one of you did get picked in the reaping which it wasn't likely that out of hundreds of girls one of you got picked in the hunger games
HAH, as if but you two still swore that the other would volunteer as tribute and take their place though you heavily doubted that you'd need to
Not knowing that maybe you'd be the one to follow the promise through..
I adore lamina, but I adore doomed yuri more..
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The urge I have to use the lore of the book I’m writing for a TBOSAS AU… or the several magic systems I’ve thought up for other possible future original works…
It’s too much to put in a post though and I’m lowkey insecure about it so instead have a hidden magic society TreeMina AU. Order vs Chaos and they have to learn to work together.
Treech is a child of chaos, Lamina is a child of order, and they find each other in their quest to save the world. Both from an impending apocalypse and from the threat of non-magicians finding out about their hidden world. They learn about each other’s cultures and fight their way through the perils of young love while uncovering the rot in both their societies and realizing that they can learn a lot from each other. Might post actual story beats later.
@crazycriter 💜
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poppinspops · 2 months
Here is a treech one I made yesterday. It's not as good as the last one, but I FINALLY FOUND A TREECH SCENE PACK. so bear with me. I didn't have many songs..
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Guess who continues to make themself cry with their own ideas? This gal :)
This idea has been in the drafts for a long time and because @crazycriter was interested I’ve finally decided to finish this behemoth of a post and the sequel in my drafts I’m debating on posting as well. I hope this lives up to your expectations in ways my big fic likely will not when I (hopefully) post it somewhere next week 💜
A few months ago I made a biiigggg AU post starring Lamina and Treech, and in most of them they’re siblings because family angst and all that. But them being in a romantic relationship opens up whole new doors!! So lets talk about one of my 25th Hunger Games AU’s, and I’ll expand on another one like I said I would in that past post. This will not be random AU blurbs like the past post, this will be a pretty detailed plot synopsis because I may write this if there’s enough interest. Only after I’ve both posted the big one-shot and finished The Losing Battle We Won’t Stop Fighting, because I try to limit myself to actively working on 3 WIP’s and I’ve got one lined up to fill one of those two spots already. With that out of the way, let’s go! :)
Basic concept:
So I had two main ideas for an alternate first quarter quell. The one that’s relevant for today’s barrage of my madness is the AU where the tributes are picked from the families of the victors, to show that even the strongest cannot protect their loved ones from the Capitol’s might (and monstrousness). Well, how about we change that from being unable to protect their loved ones, to being unable to protect their lovers. The only exception is if said lover is also a previous victor, because the 75th games was the first time they broke the promise that victors wouldn’t have to go into the arena again. To truly hammer in the message, the victors won’t be mentoring this year. Instead, the gamemakers are going back to the original system where the top performing academy students mentor the tributes in the hopes of winning a monetary prize. Previous victors are not allowed to even see their lovers, let alone talk to them. As for what kind of tributes will fight in the games this year… Pretty much all the victors stay far away from love the first few years after their victory, because the deep sea of trauma that comes with watching 23 kids die in the span of days and knowing that you’re only alive because of their horrific fates isn’t very conducive to building a healthy relationship. Therefore, the people now eligible to be picked as tributes are all pretty far into adulthood, the wives and husbands of the victors of the first few games, mostly.
The part where LumberKids/LumberLove/Lameech/Treemina becomes relevant:
District seven has only had one female victor so far, which is Lamina, and she and Treech were in a relationship before she was reaped. If there are any gay victors, they don’t have a boyfriend anyone knows of. Her talking about him in her interview and her mentor sending people to district seven to interview Treech during the games are a big part as to why she won, since it gained her a whole bunch of sponsors. They’re both well-known and beloved in the capitol, and the fact that the people love their love story so much is the only reason Lamina wasn’t forced into the more… unsavory side effects that come with being a victor (side eyes Finnick Odair I think it’s pretty clear age isn’t a dealbreaker for them). Because of this, Treech is the only possible male tribute for the Quarter Quell, and due to the before mentioned usual mental health break from dating he’s also the only minor who becomes a tribute. The person closest to him in age is over 25, and due to him being from the poorer area (headcanon) of one of the poorer districts (canon), he’s also the least well-fed. He doesn’t live with Lamina, and despite her offering he refuses most of the benefits her victory gave her because he’d rather give it to his family. All the other tributes are living with their partners, and thus healthier than Treech is. Their brains and bodies are fully developed and they’ve got a lot more life experience than he does, so all the odds are against him here.
The reaping is a sombre affair, because for a brief moment the district rejoiced at not having to send in their kids for once. It’s still horrible, but even the girlfriends/wives that are now gonna have to fight to the death are okay with it because at least they had a good run on earth and, for one year, their daughters are safe. But then they remember that there’s only one boy who qualifies for the reaping, and the mood sours instantly. All the other districts get to send in adults, but they’re still gonna lose a child. It’s not fair. There are still two bowls, and after the oldest woman (roughly in her forties) volunteers, the escort tries her damnest to be cheery as she swirls her hand in the bowl for the guys. It’s almost like she’s trying to prolong the inevitable, because there’s only one piece of paper lying innocently at the bottom and there’s only one person standing on the right side of the podium. It’s impossible for her to not feel any sympathy when the only sound filling the square is Lamina’s muffled sobs. After she finally reads out the name, Treech steps forward, far past the initial horror. Reality hasn’t quite crashed down on him yet, but the claws have been sunk into his soul for long enough that he’s dissociated.
He looks like he does during the reaping in the movie, but while the escort gives out her little speech tears do shimmer in his eyes. More due to Lamina’s obvious distress and his inability to console her than the fact that he’s probably going to die. He feels… numb, on that front. It doesn’t quite feel real. When the escort takes the hands of the tributes to raise them in the air, Treech stares blankly for a second before wiping the tears from his face and raising his chin high because he knows how the games work. Again, Lamina won partially due to the sponsors he helped her get. If there’s anything he learned from watching her games it’s that if you want to win, you have to be interesting. If you’re not, people will only bet on your odds of winning, and those are decidedly not in Treech’s favor. Especially since his age is going to be a stigma that’ll make people hesitant to bet on him. No matter how skilled he is, the simple fact that he’s so young will hang over his head. He’ll have to twist the odds he does have control over to balance it out. The one advantage he has is that he’s the only tribute that the capitol already knows and cares about, and they really like him. He’s a capitol favorite, despite seemingly having very low chances of surviving even the first day in the arena, let alone actually winning.
For the opening ceremony, the district 7 stylists lean into the nature aspect of their industry rather than their produce. The female tribute, who I’ll call Ascaia, wears a long dress made of colorful leaves and flowers. She gets a flower crown as well. Treech, on the other hand, has a less flashy outfit. Green pants and a green, sleeveless top that look like they’re made of leaves. His arms are covered with what looks like vines, and his outfit has subtle golden elements to give it a little pop. On his head is a golden laurel wreath, a symbol of triumph and victory. Two nature spirits, one bold and wild, the other calm and peaceful. They catch attention immediately, and after the ceremony they’re introduced to their mentors.
Treech’s mentor ends up being Pliny “Pup” Harrington, who somehow met and befriended Lamina during one of her visits to the capitol, though Treech had never met him before. Pup pulled some strings to switch assigned tributes with another mentor so he could give his friend’s boyfriend the best help he could possibly get. Not that the other student minded switching, given how disastrous everyone perceives Treech’s chances to be. Pup tries not to get too attached, but they end up becoming close friends by the time the week is up. Aside from Pup passing messages between the two lovebirds, they discuss strategy both in the game and out of it. Pup’s dad has clout because of his position in the navy, and Pup is fully using that to his advantage. People jump at the chance of getting in his good graces, so quite a few sponsors warm up to the idea of supporting him, although most are still on the fence. They may be swayed by the training scores, and that’s where it gets a little difficult. Treech has to decide how to approach these scores, and he has to decide carefully. On one hand, he can play fully into the “underdog destined to die soon” act that he cannot escape no matter what he does by getting a score around 2 to 4, but that risks putting off the sponsors who don’t want to invest in tributes that have no chance of making it. Or he could lean into getting sponsors by getting a high score and risk putting a massive target on his back, which is a horrible idea because his whole strategy is to play the long game. Stay hidden, away from fights, and sneak around. Prepare to use the deteriorated state of the last remaining tributes to his advantage at the end of the games. It’s a lot harder to stay out of danger when people are actively hunting you down. Especially because a lot of the other tributes could body Treech no problem when it comes to raw physical strength. So, he and Pup decide to go with the middle option and aim for a mid score. Not low enough to turn off sponsors but not high enough to really stand out. I’m not sure at what point training was implemented, but for the sake of the story I’m gonna say there was a massive technological development in the 15 years between the 10th and 25th hunger games so training is pretty much just like in the 74th and 75th games.
During training, Treech spends most of his time at the survival stations. He’s already good at climbing and fire-starting because he’s from district seven, but the rest is mostly new. Most tributes gravitate towards the weapons stations, but Treech ignores them in the interest of remaining as far under the radar as possible. The second and third day the weapons stations are empty enough for Treech to use them in short bursts, mostly the knives (at Pup’s suggestion, since they’re very common and versatile). He deliberately flubs the ax station, balancing it so that he’s good enough to be believable (since he is from the lumber district) but bad enough to not be considered a threat. The private session comes, and Treech needs to choose one skill to show the gamemakers. It’s a tough choice between the edibles, axes, and climbing, but since he doesn’t wanna risk straining his muscles too much he goes with edibles. They saw him climb plenty during the open training sessions, as it was his way of not losing his muscle strength without showing all his cards to the other tributes. It lands him a solid 6, showing sponsors he’s not hopeless without being outstanding enough that other tributes will pay more attention to him.
Lastly, it’s time for the interview. The only real advantage Treech has is that, again, the capitol already knows him. They loved Lamina, in part because they loved her relationship with him. He was central to her story and instrumental to her victory, and the Capitol adores him for it. And Treech milks it for all it’s worth. Most of his interview is spent talking about his life back in district seven after Lamina’s return, and his short stories about their hijinks with their friends leaves everyone aw’ing. He makes sure to also build up his own personality, sharing things about him that aren’t necessarily connected to Lamina so he comes off more genuine instead of making this sound like a shallow attempt at profiting from his girlfriend’s victory. So he’ll mention carving wooden figurines for her and shows everyone a small wooden box he made in the capitol as a gift to his stylist, to both reinforce his love for his girlfriend and showcase his individuality. It works, because Lamina won the 23d games (at 15. Treech is 16-17 during the 25th games) so he’s got a lot of room to work with. Their story happened recently enough that it’s still fresh in everyone’s mind, but long enough ago that it’s mostly smoldering coals for Treech to reignite without it feeling like a rehash of this sick reality show’s previous ‘plotlines’.
Treech manages to successfully recapture the hearts of the capitol citizens, and he becomes a favorite to win. Now he’s done all he can with his time in the capitol, and he’s a few hours away from going into the arena. Pup informs him that all the victors have to watch from back home, set on the stage so the entire district can see their reactions to their lovers fighting for their lives. In response, Treech carves Lamina one last figurine. A heart laid on a bed of dahlias and roses, symbolizing eternal love. From the top of one of the arches of the heart, a small bouquet of hyacints and poppies cascaded slightly over the edge. Hyacinths represent sorrow and regret, but also forgiveness, whereas poppies symbolize remembrance. The message was clear: “Our love is eternal. I’m sorry we didn’t have more time together, please forgive me for leaving you so soon. I love you.”
Just before Treech is taken to the arena, he gives the figurine to Pup and asks him to give it to his girlfriend for him. Pup agrees to give it to Lamina, but only if Treech promises he’ll do whatever it takes to be the one leaving that arena alive. Not just for Lamina, or for Treech’s family and friends back home, but for Pup as well. Treech promises to do what he can, and they both know he can’t do much more than that. They hug one last time, and then Treech is escorted to the arena.
Will he keep his promise? Will he live? Will he die in the first 30 seconds? Will he go insane? I know, but if you want me to write this as an actual story I’ll keep some details to myself :D
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