#trial 4
octobergothyc · 1 year
Trial 4 in a nutshell
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mqfx · 5 months
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kirexa · 1 year
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fairycosmos · 3 months
actually blows my mind that at one point you could walk into a business with nothing but a resume in your hand, do a single interview and walk out with a job that pays you enough to be able to live a full life. what a world
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akiacia · 2 months
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the myth of eros and psyche
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seven--secrets · 2 years
Final Save Point || Chapter 4 End
“Silly bird…” G.B. shakes his head, having seen the scene play out. He had stayed back. If that violence drew him in, everyone here would be at risk. Best leave it to Kaz. The straw heron was built for this fight. “I suppose that leaves the two of us in charge then, Rei. Alright, everyone, gather everything you need. Rei, can you handle the dead? I’m going to find somewhere safe for us to stay. Maybe the village. …Aiko is going to be annoyed.”
In all of the excitement and chaos, most likely didn’t take note of Rei’s movement. From where they had been reluctantly standing at attendance, Kaz’s bursting into the room was as good a sign as any to vacant the judge’s stand. The delicate sound of their strained strings would mark their arrival on the opposite side of the room as they removed their eyepatch and held out both hands. While smoke pooled from their own visage, they made a point to keep the missing half of their face turned away from the group until Kaz and the onryo finally departed.
At present, their full attention was on dismissing their own strings which had formed a makeshift barrier between the fighting yokai and the living. Rei’s trembling hands could finally fall back to their sides as they, back still turned to the group, clumsily go about replacing their eyepatch.
“...D-Do whatever it is you need to do, G.B. They can deal with it.” The doll spirit bristles and hangs their head. “Every future... Every time... He’s a fool to the last!” With a shuddering breath, Rei finally rotates around once their eye is covered. Their expression is riddled with anger and grief, though they address the group as calmly as possible.
“What he’s done is temporary. A brief reverie from their hold. If you do nothing, what just happened will be meaningless. Am I clear?” A glance is spared to GB before everyone can feel their gaze pierce through them. “From the outset, I did not agree with him. I did not believe that his actions would have merit. Unlike him, my faith in humans’ capabilities has been- was lacking. Part it still is, but this is a cause my friend clearly still believes in.”
“You all are in need of rest. Wash up, eat, and prepare. Because once you are able, you must pursue them. For the sake of your classmates’ spirits, and Kaz.” With a final turn, Rei’s eyes fall back to the gateway. “These will be your final preparations. Make them count. GB and I will do our parts as well.”
You leave the trial room, still nine strong. Hime picks up Kenta’s discarded ring on the way out, and rushes over to the still-alive Kaneko. All of you made it through this trial somehow, and if it all worked out from here, you would all make it out of this nightmare alive.
But ahead of you was your toughest challenge yet. 
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the-phantom-peach · 9 months
How’s your Pikmin run going (are the little guys surviving?)
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I finished it! Yet another great pikmin game. Here’s some doodles I did between expeditions
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templegate · 1 month
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ultimateyakazoo · 1 year
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chapter 1 trial
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doctorsiren · 6 months
every time I mention Ace Attorney around my (defense lawyer) father, he asks if I’ll be going to law school now
the best bit was me telling him that if I did that, I would be fulfilling the Phoenix Wright prophecy because I’d be dropping my art degree to pursue law
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lampochkaart · 4 months
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For me, the most tragic aspect of Gonta's character is that he is the one who insults himself the most. Others, of course, do not dissuade him, but still the person who tells Gonta the most of nasty things is himself. The person who treats him most cruelly is himself. No matter what happens, Gonta always blames himself. And I think it's absolutely heartbreaking💔
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nicoathogwarts · 1 year
some nico headcanons I have
Nico’s fighting style is mostly greek, but while on the run in the maze Nico learned to fight by raising the dead and having them teach him. Because of that it’s not uncommon for him to do something that surprises and terrifies everyone
ever since the Jar Incident Nico’s become a lot closer with the Ares kids
just like the Athena kids have arachnophobia all Ares kids have some degree of claustrophobia which can either kina suck or “the bunk beds are going to kill me if I have to sleep on them”
Nico grew out of the Ghost King nickname and he thinks it’s cringe but it’s been so long that everyone calls him it. It makes him think of Minos and the worst time in his life when he was living on the streets and so so angry and full of grief and hate.
He thanks the gods every day that Minos found him instead of Luke during that time because he knows, he knows that if Luke had offered him revenge against Percy back then he’d have taken it in a heartbeat. He’d have taken it because the gods needed to pay for letting his sister die.
Along those lines, Nico likes McDonalds because he had to like it. An ten/eleven year old can’t get much money his only options for food was finding change to get a happy meal or asking adults for money for food and praying they’d take pity on him
Nico collects sisters like mythomagic cards. Fuck with him and he’s the least of your worried when you have Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Rayna, Clarisse and just about every girl in Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter standing behind him ready to fuck up your entire life.
Nico can always see Thanatos, sometimes he stares at nothing but he’s having a staring contest with Thanatos. He does this a lot when Will’s trying to save a camper’s life. It works far too well. No one really minds, if anything it’s funny because Thanatos loses nearly every time, even when he doesn’t it’s usually enough of a distraction that Will’s stabilized the camper and Thanatos isn’t needed
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Thalia and Jason are Artemis and Apollo in a different font
u are so right
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pissfartboy · 8 months
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from Trials of Fatherhood ch 3 :) ao3 & wattpad by my favorite person Maxfox Jimininii
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seven--secrets · 2 years
...Is A Final Offence || Chapter 4 End
“Arayashiki: Shinra Gyakuten!”
The harrowing, suffocating sensation disappears as Kaz’s counterspell takes effect, and the pain and pressure fade to a numbness in the back of your head. The rings are still glowing, but in an array of dark and light seemingly fighting for dominance over who gets to shine brighter.
“Did you think I spent all of that time outside of the trial room doing nothing else?” Kaz hisses, even as more colour drains from his face. “Those students are under my protection, and I figured you’d go after them the moment you wanted leverage. They’re not coming under your control.” He declares, pulling out Kenta’s ring, which he had held onto all this time, and setting it down.
“You dare-!”
“And seeing as how you’re not even playing fair, how you have no more walls between us and the rest of your stronghold, and because you no longer have any spirits left to corrupt in this dorm,” Kaz’s wings flare up, cocooning him in straw until once again he is back in his divine bird form. 
“I’m taking the fight straight to you.”
With a screech, the onryo sends tendrils of sharp smoke at his form, but he swoops past them to hold onto the onryo with both wings. As they struggle, he turns back to face you. “I will buy you as much time as I can. Save your friends from their corruption, and enter their stronghold to find their true identity. With any luck, I’ll-” 
Shards of smoke splinter across Kaz’s bird form, cutting into his wings, but with another cry of open defiance, they dissipate into smoke. “I’ll keep them distracted! Rei, G.B. I leave things to the both of you. Keep them safe.” Even as a heron, you can see him smile. “I believe in you all. And I’m sure I’ll see you again later.”
Then Kaz flies up, and soars back down, dragging the onryo into the yin-yang symbol with him. They disappear through the barrier, into the unknown. The black and white energy surrounding the circle fades out, and the entire symbol turns grey.
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dlartistanon · 9 months
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I'm so looking forward to this because I love seeing my faves animated. Blaze jumping out of a helicopter? Mon3ter coming out of Kal'tsit's spine for the first time? GreyThroat being conflicting? Sewer rat Lin? Hoshiguma holding up two stories' of rubble? Eno and Sasha? Princess of the Yetis Yelena?
Also Nine gets a voice before she escapes NPC jail, trust me, my dog works at Hypergryph
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