#triple d dalmatian
spyrkle4 · 1 year
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Was on a 101 DS hyperfixation mood and felt like drawing Doug and Delilah’s family tree of the pups directly related to them (in my 101 ds hc)
I might do more with any of the pups that are related to each other 
Some extra details under the cut
-Dolly has more siblings from her mom’s side, but those pups don’t live with them so they’re not on the family tree
-Dexta is not in the other pup’s lives (bc she’s a karen dog and sucks)
-Dandy is in the other pup’s lives and has a good relationship with Doug and Delilah
-My idea of adding the pup song pups was I felt it’d be cool if some of them were directly related to Doug and/or Delilah and not just the canon pups n.n;
-Dolly, Dinga, and Dingo are in the same littler
-Delgato and Dandy jr are in a seperate litter
-Dawkins, Dylan, and Dafydd are littermates
-Triple D, Dee Dee, Dizzy, Dante, and Deepak are littermates
-Diesel, Derek, Denim, and the Debbies are littermates 
-Dorothy is from Dandy’s side and an unnamed mother, she was adopted into the Dalmatian family shortly after she was born 
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101 Mer-Dalmatian Seas aka The Little Mer-Dalmatian (Dolly version) by Baltofan95
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mdbjc · 2 years
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Triple D dancing
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yatesmal91 · 11 months
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imadumdumjewel · 1 year
Been in a 101 Dalmatian Street mood, so here’s some Triple D to brighten your day!
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bks-blogs · 1 month
101DS Series Bible Commentary Pt. 1
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How's it goin', my dedicated pups? Danuki here! Later tonight, I'll begin the live-tweet of the official 101 Dalmatian Street Pilot Episode, stating by reading through the series bible first!😁
Hope you dedicated pups are ready!👏🥳
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So… Let's start by looking into the series bible! The first set pages doesn't really show anything special.
It basically gives us the rundown on what we know about 101 Dalmatian Street. But the concept art of the Dalmatians residence shows, how much the series had evolved during the first stages of production.
To sum it up, the house looks nothing like the Radcliffe's former residence with how the structure was designed and aligned with other buildings.
A first sign that the show originally may not have been planned to take place in the original 101 Dalmatians film from 1961. Or if it was still planned to be set in the film's timeline, maybe at a different location?🤔
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We were able to learn more about an unused plot element of Dodie Smith (The author of the original 101 Dalmatians book) being the eccentric owner of Delilah Dalmatian and living on a faraway island. Well... actually, not Dodie Smith, but the name of this unseen character is Dodie McDot. As the name suggests, McDot has a weird obsession with spots, and an eccentric artsist who makes his living off of spot-related art. But at the time when the art world grew bored of his work, he ended up broke. This unseen character is FULL of mystery, and I hope for the staff adresses his character in some shape or form in a possible Season 2.
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The series Bible gives us a little bit more info of what we know about the two parents of 101, Delilah and Doug.
We get more insight of how the recent generation of 101 Dalmatians came together: Each parent bringing 15 pups of their own, while rescuing 54 from the streets, pet shops and shelters.
My dedicated pups, I think this may probably be the most canon backstory if the writers of the show decide to go with it in a potential second Season!😁
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Nothing really new to know in the bios of Dylan and Dolly. Just basically gives us what we know about our favorite duo throughout the first season.
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The first page of the original 15 siblings of the Dalmatian family. Again, there's nothing new we know about the members, aside from what we know watching through the 52 episodes of the series. And apparently, the 15 siblings had a bit of a different color scheme. Triple D originally had different shades of pink, possibly to stand out more, Dorothy's collar was originally light blue, and DJ supposedly was planned to have a black ring around his left eye.
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2nd page of the original 15 siblings of the Dalmatian family. Again, nothing new to learn about, but we do know that the Dimitrios do get a mention among the some of the other 101 brothers and sisters, despite not being in the series bible.
So, it's very possible the Dimitris were given their own designs after the success of the pilot.
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Next up, we get a look at the early concepts of the Dalmatians residence, as well as a black-n-white (Get it?) ref of the final designs the Dalmatians', Clarissa's and Constantine's houses. As the houses are modeled after the buildings in the UK, the designs chosen for the buildings are quite obvious. Of course, we also get a look at the early designs of the pinpoints in Camden, like the Canal and the Barista!
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Now let's take a peak at the friends and Neighbots of 101 Dalmatian Street! Here we get a better clarification of Clarissa's friends, Prunella and Arabella. Apparently they seem to secretly enjoy the Dalmatians' antics unlike Clarissa. Also... I may be the only one here, but I actually kinda like Arabella's early design with the white fur, the black tips on her ears, and the pink accessory she was originally going to wear! Now, for Constantine! So, apparently in the Bible, aside from what we know about him in the actual series, Consantine is a YouTuber, making videos talking about meanings of life. We also learn why we never see his human in the show. He's a Russian Architect who travels the world as part of work, meaning he's almost never home.
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Going through the next batch of pages featuring Dylan & Dolly's friends and foes, let's take a look at the most obvious ones.
For starters, Fergus originally had red eyes in the pilot, and apparently those were still present in his final design before removing them altogether for the final product. I'm honestly glad they did it, cause I'm sure children watching the show would be asking their parents why Fergus' eyes are red.😂
Ignoring the red eyes though, Fergus' early pilot design definitely looks badass compared to final one, but I'm cool with either one of them.😁
We also learn that Roxy's pet human is a gamer girl, which my explain why our goofy rottweiler jumped at the opportunity to play Poodlewolf with Dylan in "The Perfect Match".🎮
Then there's Hansel, who was originally name Heathcliff. Apparently, he was originally supposed to be the leader of macho huskies, and Dylan and Dolly are too nervous to interact with him (Much like how Dylan was nervous meeting Roxy, I suppose). That concept was likely ditched in order to make Hansel a more sensitive, soft person with a cowardly personality. Which is what makes him cute, IMO!😍
Lastly, we get a look at a early concept design of Godfrey. Our Golden Retriever was originally going to look much younger in the early show concepts. We also learn that he's an overly cautious dog who senses danger possibly everywhere, which may explain his paranoid reaction to the mention of the fictitious Camden Kraken in "Long Tongue Day".😛
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We also get a look at one of Hunter De Vil's 2nd-to-final design alongside Cuddles! I honestly think this would actually make a great wardrobe for a reformed Hunter in a possible future Season of the show.
We also get a little backstory between Hunter and Cruella De Vil and how Cruella raised Hunter to hate Dalmatians through twisted bedtime stories. (Yeah, Best Aunt of the Year, am I right, my dedicated pups? LOL)
We also learn that Hunter is 12-years-old in the show, and apparently he takes from his Dad with his obsession with fluffy, spotted Dalmatians.
And… is it just me, or does Cuddles look a bit like Sgt. Tibbs at first glance? Maybe it's the early design, idk.🤔
To be Continued in Part 2!!
@disneytva @mandareeboo @msitubeatz @adrigummi @alioks-blog @aapaperbag @carlycmarathecat @cadpig101 @doglover502 @egonoidea @fenrisarts @ghostindeedee @higburger @incorrect101dalmatians @jayofthetrees @julie-ghouls @kit-c0re @notsoblackandwhite101 @polarpace @rahitoshi @rainbowchromatic @stoatfloat @straysketches @themilesfox @t00nified @versailercat @xfangheartx @samtheangelfox @cachicabra @chelledoggo @dramatic-disraeli @derektahki @aquarellewolf-blog @hyperaura @deadyoung45 @avalanchesparkgrenade @101dalmatianstreet @natedraws @retroartpup @julie-ghouls @mariakarmakova @mnmarsart @ratrrriot @marylikesstuff @marieecarlat @ninjaaa-go @pawreadingpup @sk4w-ro4r @aquarellewolf-blog @mel-toons @seisai1751 @egonoidea @triocat
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wdillustration · 1 year
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101 Dalmatian Street in Huminal Verison
101 Dalmatian Street is an animated series involving the adventures of Pongo & Perdita's great, great, great ancestral children Dolly and Dylan and their 97 brothers and sisters, along with their parents Doug and Delilah. So recently I've decided to draw 20 out of the 101 Dalmatians as "Huminals" just for fun, Here's the main cast down below...
Top: Doug, Delilah, Dylan, Dolly, DJ and Da Vinci
Middle: Dante, Dawkins, Dizzy, Deedee and Diesel
Bottom: Dimitris 1 2 & 3, Triple D(Destiny, Dallas & Deja Vu), Deepak, Delgado and Dorothy
Note: I didn't have time to color them since it was tiring to put on the details as well the looks, Hope you like this.
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brick1458 · 2 months
Triple d wiki page
Destiny, Dallas and Déjà Vu Dalmatian, collectively known as Triple D, are triplet dalmatians and supporting characters in 101 Dalmatian Street. They are three of the 99 puppies among Delilah and Doug. They work as popular internet influencers, often starring in web videos and commericals.
Character origins
Storyboards for the 101 dalmatian street pilot
show Triple D in prototype form, with many of their design traits carrying over to their final designs. However, Déjà Vu wears a bow as opposed to a more traditional collar like her sisters. In later concept arts, the triplets were shown to wear pearls instead of collars. They also would have had dark grey eye shadow. Concepts show different collar designs, with Déjà Vu having meant to wear a collar with a '?' tag.
Triple D have identical designs, with the only way of differentiating them being their collars; Destiny has a heart tag, Dallas has a diamond tag, and Déjà Vu has a circle tag. Unlike other dalmatians, the triplets are given prominent eyelashes and highlights in their eyes. They each have a small spot on their right cheek that resemble beauty marks.
Triple D are pompous yet caring stars of commercials that advertise pizza, shampoo, and perfume, among other things. Because of their identical appearances, they are prone to getting mixed up by members of their family. As triplets, the three usually say sentences together in turn. They also have a tendency to ask “You called?” whenever they are cued into a scene. Along with Doug and Delilah, Triple D are a main source of income for the Dalmatian family.
"It's My Party" reveals that they each have distinct personalities: Destiny describes herself as a "deep intellectual who cares about the world," wanting to help those in need (specifically baby foxes); Dallas is glam with a heart, doesn't like it when others touch her fur and is the most serious out of the three; and Déjà Vu mimics anything her sisters do, often getting off track and causing awkward situations. "The Walls Are Alive" shows that Déjà Vu doesn't work well without her sisters.
Triple D have a brief line in the series premiere, "Dog's Best Friend." They are later given a prominent role in "The Woof Factor," where Dylan, Dolly, and Deepak impersonate them after they realize they've been double-booked for shooting commercials. In "A Date with Destiny... Dallas and Déjà Vu," Dylan follows Triple D around their commercial set after worrying about their saftey while Hunter tries to get a DNA sample from them. In "It's My Party," Dylan, Dolly and Diesel host a birthday party for each individual triplet, learning more about them in the process. Triple D also star in the Gigglebug Guarantee short, "Diva Pups."
Lines from each episode
Dog's best friend
Destiny " Yeah couldn't you
Dallas"have found like a
Deja vu" shinier one?
Boom night
Destiny " we're too young
Dallas " and beautiful
All3 " too die
Power to the puppies
Destiny " things are heating up here at 101 Dalmatian Street as Dylan and Dolly battle for top dog spot Dallas what's your take on the two contestants
Dallas " no idea I've been in makeup for the last hour how's my spots?
Deja vu " Wonder Fab Dolly's all freewheeling fun but Dylan's got some tricks of his own
Dallas "The only way to decide this popularity contest is for Dylan and Dolly to go muzzle to muzzle ... Dante you are so ruining my close-up
Destiny " the wag o meter has called it diesel is top dog
Destiny " we want walkies
Dallas" is there a kibble shortage
Deja vu" When's breakfast
All3 we gotta know
Destiny" uugghh I never thought I'd have to live through a kibble shortage
Dallas" What will become of us?
Deja vu " oh we're puppies in peril
Destiny " cause diesel's top dog
Dallas everything has gone to the dogs
Deja vu " you and Dylan just gotta
All3" bring back the normal
Destiny ( sarcastic tone) " in his new presidential digs
Dallas" my fur
Deja vu" I'm drenched
Destiny" to the bone
Snow day
Destiny " gasp our puppy shampoo
Da Dallas " that's like soooo expensive
Deja vu" the big bucks baby
Destiny "Woah he's gonna have
Dallas"such a glossy coat
Deja vu" totes
Perfect match
Destiny "What's up sis? Nah uh girlfriend
Dallas" fight for what's yours
Deja vu " yeah teach him a lesson
Destiny " woah woah woah woah woah!
Dallas " looks like your love birds
Deja vu" have built a love nest
Destiny " Uh oh here they come ... there she goes
All 3 awww
Crushed out
Destiny " you called
Dallas " we answered
Deja vu " bring bring
Destiny " roses are red
Dallas " violets are blue
Deja vu " Dylan sends frilly love hearts
All3" to you hoo
The Woof Factor
Destiny " Dylan where are my pro- biotic beauty kibble
Dallas " Dolly I want a paw massage
Deja vu " my paddy pads are Uber chaffed
Destiny " but we work hard
Dallas " we need pampering
Deja vu" what they said
Destiny " harder than you think
Dallas " and FYI cute keeps the roof over our heads
Deja vu " like yeah
Dallas " jump jet pizza
Destiny " scent of a manly man
Deja vu " oh no
Destiny and Dallas " we're overbooked
Deja vu " we're what now?
Destiny " it's tough to be this wonder fab in one place but two!
Dallas " at the same time
Deja vu " so that's what doublebooked means
Destiny " Ugh I'd like
Dallas " to see
Deja vu " you try
Destiny " ok you do Woof we'll do jump jet pizza
Dallas " do you have altitude training?
Deja vu" plus we don't like barf on take off
Destiny " besides any old dog can nail woof
Destiny " jump jet pizza delivery team
Dallas " to the rescue
Deja vu " at pizza
Destiny " peppy pizza
Dallas " packed to you
Deja vu " with puppy pizzazz
Destiny " Peppy
Dallas " puppy
Deja vu " pizza
Destiny nailed it
Dallas " like always
Deja vu " Wonder how our b team is making out with woof
Destiny " huh we should let you guys
Dallas " almost ruin our careers more often
Deja vu " a little to the left Deepak
Destiny " what what
Deja vu " Hey come back here
The nose job part1
Destiny " you are
Dallas " like so
Deja vu " b b b b busted
My fair dolly
All3 " you called
Destiny " atta Diva
Dallas " take it
Deja vu " to the street
Destiny " do something
Dallas " humans break up
Deja vu " pup fams
Destiny " no
Dallas " don't cross
Deja vu " the line
Destiny " what
Dallas " what
Deja vu" what
Flea Magedon
Destiny " why are you wearing your space suit?
Dallas " and hanging around in the bathroom?
Deja vu " classic Dylan
Destiny " it's just an itsy bitsy
Dallas " reaction to a new
Deja vu " grooming product?
A Date with Destiny, Dallas and Deja vu
Destiny " grrr * giggles*
Dallas" Nobody touches the fur!
Destiny " we went viral
Dallas "It's like exploded online !
Deja vu" Ka boom a boom!
Destiny " oh scratch that
Dallas " Ugh as usual
Deja vu " I'm with her
Destiny " are these like totally necessary?
Dallas " there isn't even any water in here
Destiny " just
Dallas " plain
Deja vu " nnnuuuuuttts
Destiny " not Dylan
Dallas " sooo embarrassing
Deja vu" yeah Dila ding dong
Destiny " yay
Dallas" later
Deja vu " later yay
Destiny " guess word got out that we're here today
Hmm I smell a leak
Dallas " so sue me I'm not fully limo-trained
Deja vu " oopsie I put it on the socials
Dallas " hey ! Nobody touches the fur
Destiny " gasp this chew toy's already been chewed
Dallas " What? no bows for our bones?
Deja vu " and look at this messy mess
Destiny " why is it so hard to train a human?
Dallas " I say we rub their nose in it
Deja vu " old school * giggles * me likey
Destiny " be nice they're just poor dumb creatures
Dallas " Nobody touches the fur!
Destiny " too pink not pink enough too pink not pink enough
Deja vu " mud pack ! mud pack! Awhoooo
Dallas "Okay you ... you can touch the fur
Dallas " Uh heee so he's got great taste
All3 whoo hoo
Destiny " just
Dallas " plain
Deja vu nuuuutts
Destiny " ha ha that was awesome
Dallas " heh heh yeah that was awesome
Deja vu " awesome sawesome
Destiny " say what!?
Dallas " that's like the whole point more danger means more hits
Destiny " you just don't get it
Dallas " stop cramping our style
Deja vu " style cramp ouchy
Destiny " oh no Dylan
Dallas " pretend we don't know him
Deja vu " yeah who is that?
Destiny " now there's someone
Dallas " who like properly
Deja vu " gets us
All3" yay
Destiny " this is way high
Dallas " I kind of wish Dylan was here
Deja vu "Oopsie sorry I'm not fully helicopter trained
All 3" whoo hoo
Deja vu " Hey!
Destiny and Deja vu " Dallas
Dallas " Hey ! * growls and bites hunter*
Destiny " Dylan
Destiny " so then with no chute
Daring Dylan skydived down to save Dallas
Dallas " with the bubble wrapper
Deja vu " going boing boing
Destiny " yep ! He was the real star today
Dallas " can I have your autograph
Wow of miaow
Destiny screaming as she and Dallas were fighting over who was more stressed
Destiny " that's mine
Dallas " I'm so stressed
Destiny " I'm more stressed than you!
Dallas " No your not
Destiny " yes I am
Dallas "No your not
Destiny " yes I am" she said arguing as Deja vu was just bouncing around
Dallas " not
Destiny "am
Dallas " not
Deja vu " ow* gets swung to the door*
Destiny " am
The dog house
Destiny " pest control is coming for us
Dallas " I'm not a pest
Deja vu " mmmm sometimes you are
Destiny " every dog knows that humans wear too many clothes so voila
Dallas next humans have stupidly big head heads check out the balloon noggin
Deja vu "and last up humans never stop talking
Long tongue day.
Destiny " have you not heard about it?
Dallas " oh my dog
Deja vu " ha have you been living under under a rock
Doggy Da Vinci
Déjà Vu " let me translate Destiny and Dallas have lost their voices and I uh had a grooming fail
Deja vu " no pictures Da Vinci its evidence
Destiny " aha genius
Dallas " wonderfab
Deja vu I knows what I like
Deja vu " bad news Destiny's voice is back
Destiny " Hey !
Destiny " Da Vinci broke the internet
London we have a problem ( part one)
Destiny " I'm hungry
Dallas " I want a paw- dicure
Deja vu "Dorothy bit my tail
Deja vu " tra a la la la la come on in the water's fi-ine
Deja vu " sorry cuddle?
London we have a problem ( part 2)
Destiny " so
Dallas " not
Deja vu " cool
It's my party
Destiny " stop blinking
Dallas " we can't picture ourselves in those dresses
Deja vu " if you blink
Destiny " that was so crazy
Dallas " can you believe it?
Deja vu " no way
Destiny " I'm smelling major weirditude
Dallas " yeah what's your deal?
Deja vu " yeah like your deal is weirdly major
All 3"* screams in shock*
Destiny " wait
Dallas " you wanted to skip
Deja vu " our b day !
Dallas " I'm not Destiny
Destiny " I'm Destiny
Destiny " uuggh
Dallas " that's it
Deja vu " Wait I thought I was Deja vu?
Destiny " no one
Dallas " treats us
Deja vu " like individuals
All3" I want my own party ... me too
Dallas " uuggh
Destiny and Deja vu oohhh
Destiny " woah woah woah diesel? So not doing my party you are
Dallas " BTW I wanna cover everyone of my spots with diamonds
Dallas "and I want an ice sculpture
Dallas " OMD how square can you be? No I mean a sculpture of me
Dallas " oohhh this his one's one's a keeper I want it for my selfie cake
Dallas " moi , photo, on a cake
Dallas " make it happen oh and most important it should be a surprise party
Dallas " duuuuhh for me
Destiny " Glam? But I'm not glam that's Dallas I'm the deep intellectual who cares about the world
Destiny " OMD I so am and my party is going to be a fundraiser for cutesy wild baby foxes
Destiny there will be the most totes adorbs wild fox babies at my party and I will look incredible and caring I I I mean incredibly caring in the middle of them UNDERSTAND
Destiny " uuuggghh I am so not wearing this
Deja vu " my party needs to be a surprise for wild fox babies yeah ok like Destiny said Widdle wild foxes, but Dallas is like no puffy dresses, right? Yeah, Wild! No dresses! Digging! OMD Totes adorbs gotta tell my dogettes
Dallas " I Said Diamonds! Why am I wearing a fishbowl? No, it isn't I look like your doll, whatever it's name is! I am not an interplanetary princess! I am the glam one You don't get me at all
Destiny " it's bad enough that our fans don't see us as individuals, but our own family? I
mean how hard it to see that you're glam with a heart
Dallas "Right? and you're all about helping others while still being pretty
Deja vu " Dallas, Destiny party's ginger to be totes wild dogettes like the dig dub little wild foxes OMD totes adorbs
Destiny and Dallas " huh?
Destiny " uuggghh no one's ever gonna out diva you your the biggest bossiest one on the planet enjoy your Diva party queen d because I wouldn't be there even if it was being broadcast from space
Destiny " best
Dallas " party
Deja vu " ever
Dallas " right? Totes cray cray but I still look awesome
Destiny " and wild
Deja vu " awesome wild
Fox in the Dog House
Destiny " aww poor little wounded fox
Dallas " here you go
Deja vu foxie woxie chickie wickie
Destiny " oops
Dallas " our bad
Deja vu " sorry
Destiny " you monsters!
Dallas "How could you!
Deja vu " Poor little fox!
Destiny " poor little wounded fluffy tails!
Dallas "Come on in!
Deja vu "Aww your poor paw!
don't push your luck
Destiny " RAT!
Deja vu " Cow! Moo, chicken ba caw what? We're doing animal impressions right?
The Curse of the Ferry Dog
All3" three three three three-headed dog coming through the mist
Destiny " it's a prank
Dallas " to be frank
Deja vu " With your spooky spooky swank
Destiny " it's a prank to be frank with your spooky swank
Dallas and Deja vu " it's a prank to be frank with your spooky swank
All 3" it's a prank to be frank with your spooky swank it's a prank to be frank with your spooky swank it was all a prank your chain to yank she's an Uber crank
The Walls Are Alive
Destiny " maybe he went and...
Dallas " you know, like hid.
Deja vu " with pumpkins.
Destiny" you hear that?
All3" ahhhh
Dallas " the wall just like moved
Deja vu " Where's Destiny?
Deja vu " They never leave me alone, because I work better in a group
Deja vu " Destiny? Dallas?
Deja vu " what was that?
Deja vu " the wall ate him
Deja vu " it's just you and me now
Deja vu " does this mean we're wall food now?
Deja vu " how much do the walls need to eat before they get full?
Deja vu " what happens if the walls eat everyone up and there's no one left to build more walls and the walls they have to eat each other?
Deja vu " mm fishy fresh
Deja vu " pumpkins
Ride along
Dallas " who would do this to me?
Destiny " your sparkly collar
Deja vu " bye-bye sparkle
D factor
Destiny " Yeah uh your kind of like
Dallas I don't know furniture comfy
Deja vu " yeah and just like there?
Dante's Inferno
Destiny " are they back?
Dallas " I'm getting Deja vu
Deja vu " you called?
The de vil's wear puppies part 1
Destiny " it's too toasty
Dallas " can we open a window?
Deja vu " window window
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How would annette collette and danielle react to Destiny, Dallas and Déjà Vu?
Hm, good question!
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I definitely think that Annette and Collette would be a little weirded out at first. Not without reason; Triple-D may be a different breed, but it would definitely look at first glance like they had the same act going on, so there'd be some sore feelings that the others had copied them.
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I feel Annette in particular would be suspicious, Collette a bit caught in the middle... Personally I see Collette's a bit more Dallas in being the one who most cares about looking nice, while Annette falls closer to Destiny in being the smart and sensible one - although some of their other traits are distributed amongst the two in different ways (e.g. Collette being the more compassionate one of the spaniel girls, a trait that belongs more to Destiny of Triple-D).
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Meanwhile Danielle and Deja Vu would get along like a house on fire as soon as they had the chance. They're both just a little off-beat from their more collected sisters but enjoy going along with them regardless; Dani for sure would be thrilled to meet someone who's like her in that regard.
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The other two would be slower to warm up; but I think once they realise that being similar means that they can bond over shared interests rather than their trios competing with each other, they'd definitely come around. Even though Annette and Collette get along well together 98% of the time, they still have different mindsets and priorities over several things... so each having a Dalmatian counterpart who could relate to those differences would definitely be something they'd come to appreciate.
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judith-works · 4 years
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I don’t like this…..
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Triple d's new look
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spyrkle4 · 10 months
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A little pre-canon drawing related to KCA
Domino, DJ, and Diamond stuck together in the hoarder house, Diamond was the strongest of the trio so he was always the lookout whenever they got food so his brothers could get their fill first
When the house shut down, DJ and Diamond had been adopted by the Dalmatian family and moved to Camden while Domino was adopted by the Khans
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rose-i-guess · 2 years
SO LIKE. I started watching 101 Dalmatian Street,
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cryptid-moone · 3 years
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Surprise surprise! I posted something different!
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redundantmodule · 3 years
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Next: https://redundantmodule.tumblr.com/post/646711003422326784
Previous: https://redundantmodule.tumblr.com/post/646635902725210112/next-httpsredundantmoduletumblrcompost64668
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dazed-and-wandering · 4 years
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“Pumpkin Spice”
She... might have missed some key details in an earlier conversation.
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