#trouble kelp
artemisfowlcodex · 5 months
Trouble, meeting Juliet: Hey, aren't you that girl that tried to Tornado-DDT Commander Root?
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dykemcqueen · 20 days
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everyone's favorite clowns
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The Mudman (again)
This one goes out to @eldewinddolly
“What in Heaven is that?” Trouble barked, drawing a gun on instinct. The target he was currently aiming at scurried back and forth in the torchlight, acting agitated. It hissed, its shining black shell chittering in the firelight as it darted around in the sand. It was almost like the disgusting little creature had realized that it was in danger.
Artemis smiled almost draconically. “Beautiful is what it is, Mister Kelp. Beautiful.” He knelt down to inspect the beast, which took the opportunity to leap up at him threateningly. “Fascinating little creatures,” Artemis continued, dancing out of the bug’s range. “From the family Scarabaidae. This branch of the tree appears to be particularly partial to an all-meat diet. In fact…”
Holly, who had drawn her own weapon when her academically inclined kin opted to wax poetic, knocked her shoulder against Artemis. “We get it, you’re in love,” she said through tight lips. “Now step on it. It’s freaking me out.”
“Step on it?” Artemis asked, spinning around to regard his sister with a look of shock and disgust. “I expected better from my own flesh and blood. This creature is a snapshot of history… you saw how they swarmed earlier, we haven’t seen a beetle quite like it in… well, I don’t believe there is anything like this on record! We ought to -”
His lecture was cut off by the sound of a sickening crunch.
Trouble pinched the bridge of his nose. “Holly. Please tell me that thing didn’t just take a bite out of Artemis,” he groaned. “I’d really rather not have to dig a man-eating bug out of your brother today.”
“Wah feen?” asked a muffled voice, its owner standing over the beetle. Or rather… standing over where the beetle had been only a moment before.
Holly made a quiet gagging sound and turned her face into Trouble’s shoulder. “It’s somehow worse,” she managed to say after a moment. “Much worse.”
“Worf thah wah?” the hairy little man asked, popping the other half of the beetle into his mouth and biting down. He chewed for a moment, then grinned. “Now come on, love,” he chuckled, noting Holly’s discomfort. “Beetles like this are a part of my heritage. My grandma practically raised me on these little beauties.”
Anger flashed across Artemis’s countenance for just a moment before he managed to school his features into a mask of calm indifference once more. “Mister Diggums… you might want to reconsider your dietary habits in regards to this particular source of protein. You may be interested to learn that they are carnivorous.”
Mulch flashed Artemis his signature tombstone grin. “I’ve been accused of the same, my friend,” he said with a wink.
Artemis let a smirk of his own cross his thin lips. “That may well be, Mister Diggums, but pause to consider with me for a moment… have you seen many natural animals running around Hamunaptra? Anything that we didn’t bring with us?”
The mirth in Diggums’ eyes cooled ever so slightly. “Can’t say as I have, no,” he said slowly. “What’s your point?”
Artemis slowly paced toward the hairy fellow, tapping his chin theatrically. “Well, Mister Diggums, if there are no sources of meat to which these fascinating little creatures might be availing themselves, just where do you imagine they’ve been sourcing their nutrition?”
Mulch swallowed nervously, any trace of humor now gone from his face. “You don’t mean…”
“Oh yes, my friend.” The smile on Artemis’s face was more unsettling than ever. “I believe they’ve survived off eating what remains of the mummies here.”
Several long moments of very tense silence passed amongst the group. Finally Holly holstered her sidearm. She dusted off her hands and turned away from the poor stunned fellow still looking, somewhat terrified, at her brother. Trouble matched her step for step, looking significantly paler now.
“Don’t worry,” she said with a smirk at her companion. “Artemis was embellishing to make a point. These mummies are all far too old to be feeding any of these surviving beetles.”
Trouble stopped cold, turning to look at her. Then he began to laugh, long and loud. “You two are evil,” he said, shoulders shaking. “Pure evil.” He shook his head, his eyes twinkling as he smiled at her.
Holly felt her cheeks redden slightly. “He’s the evil one,” she defended herself. “I just play along on occasion.” Then she rested her hands on her hips, looking around the subterranean tunnel they traveled through. “Still,” she whispered confidentially, “that thing seemed pretty aggressive. Try not to get cornered by a swarm of them.”
Then she was off again, leaving a somewhat perturbed Trouble cautiously inspecting the shadows behind her, his hand trailing to the heel of his pistol.
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irunaki · 10 months
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valhelos · 11 days
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More Mad Max AU This time with the obligatory Mad Max: Fury Road cover redraw.
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Foaly, at Julius' grave: Our friends are doing pretty well for themselves. Holly is one of the most infamous LEP commanders in Haven history.
Trouble: And I'm pretty sure Artemis is running a cult.
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freefalasteen · 3 months
Artemis Fowl Headcanon
Artemis flirts with Trouble Kelp at every possible opportunity. It immediately infuriates and flusters Trouble. Artemis and Holly think it's hilarious.
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Also why does Trouble hate Artemis so much? Like he has genuine beef with him and it's like dude he's 14
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kleefangirl · 7 months
I feel like every year on Artemis’s birthday, Foaly gets him a toy car or something and a card that says: “Happy [whatever age] birthday, Artemis! May the fours be with you.” As a little joke
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corporategrrrlboss · 7 months
RAREPAIR TIME RAREPAIR TIME!! give it a read and let me know what you think :3
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agent-toast · 10 months
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artemisfowlcodex · 1 year
Chix: Holly’s gonna kill me, isn’t she? How fucked do you think I am? On the fuck-o-meter, where am I?
Trouble: Uh, ten?
Grub: Yeah, ten.
Chix: Out of?
Grub: Fifty?
Trouble: Oh, mine was out of ten…
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dykemcqueen · 19 days
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my hc is that foaly thinks trouble is hot but wont mention it bc it would be bad for his reputation. however he does seem unreasonably flabbergasted that holly doesn't want to date him.....
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Before You Know It
Everyone had rituals. Patterns they followed to give them a sense of familiarity. A sense of comfort before taking off into the unknown. Dwarf mothers taught their little ones to click their jaws three times before taking on any large tunneling jobs to appease the spirits. Sprites tended to shake their wings between five and seven times before flying first thing in the morning, because even numbers were unlucky and anything less than five was unbecoming. Goblins always spit into their hands before conjuring a fireball... no one really knew why, but they did.
For Trouble and Holly, they had a phrase. A call and response, as it were. The call was Make sure you come back to me. The response, I'll be back before you know it.
It had been good for them. Ever since Holly transferred to the LEP Air Force and they stopped working together, neither of them could help but fret for the other whenever they were apart. And so they had their standing orders. Come back. Neither dared to deny such an important command.
Holly thought a lot about their ritual. She wasn't sure when it had started. She wasn't even sure who had said it first. It just felt natural. Somebody said it one time, and they automatically slipped it into their daily repertoire.
Come back to me.
I'll be back before you know it.
It was so easy. So simple. So right. They said it every day. The most recent time they'd been fighting. Spent half the night switching between silently fuming and explosively shouting at each other. Still, after they'd both dressed in their uniforms and were parting at the door, Trouble reached out and grabbed her hand.
"Come back to me," he grumbled. His voice was still gruff, but his violet eyes shone with a sincere concern.
Holly had squeezed his hand back. Despite the lingering frustration over whatever it was that had kept them up and bickering that night, she leaned forward to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
"I'll be back before you know it," she'd answered. Suddenly she was nearly overcome with the desire to give up on the fight entirely and convince him to call in sick for the day. To hold each other and kiss the argument away. To curb that thought, she'd turned and marched away immediately.
Now, sitting on the ground with her back to the door, she wished desperately that she had given in.
It had been two weeks. Two weeks since their fight. Two weeks since she kissed his cheek in the doorway and promised to see him that night. Two weeks since the terrorist attack on the LEP Council. Two weeks since Trouble, the noble idiot, had taken the shot meant for Cahartez.
Two weeks since he hadn't come home.
Today was the day of his recycling ceremony. It had been beautiful. Too many fairies lost their lives that day. Trouble was just one name in a list of others. He would have preferred it that way. Didn't like to have too much attention thrown on him that way.
And after it all, there was Holly. Practically collapsed on the floor, knees drawn to her chest and face in her hands. Tears streamed down her face. She sobbed loudly. She beat her fists against the ceramic tiles until they bloodied, her magic immediately zipping through and healing any damage before it had the chance of scarring.
"Come back," she gasped, dropping her forehead against her knees. Tears dripped onto the floor. Her body trembled. "Please... come back to me."
The call.
Trouble didn't answer.
From this prompt list! I guess I felt the need to write some angst about these two? Absolutely NO idea why. Woof.
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irunaki · 10 months
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some shitposts xd
original photos:
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valhelos · 6 days
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Holly: I think this may be the Book of the Dead. Trouble: The Book of the Dead? Are you sure you wanna be playing around with this thing? Holly: It's just a book.
Fanart for The Mudman by @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask
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