#true buggy situation
erideights · 9 months
Little pieces here and there (3)
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Pairing: Buggy x Fem!Reader (One Piece Live Action)
Chapters: one, two, four, five
Word Count: around 2K again.
Warnings: minimum context of the arlong park part of the story (background), MUTUAL FLIRTING, forbiden pinning of them both, Buggy has his body back *wiggling eyebrows*, sexy times
A/N: devil works hard but i'm working harder, every 5 free min i have from work/class/practices i'm writing on my phone, i'ts actually insane and i love it (ROAD TO CHAPTER 4?? If you like this one and want the next one, please let me know!)
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Oh, he was mad. He was really mad.
Maybe "sexually frustrated" was a way more accurate term given the circumstances but the feeling was so strong, so visceral, he was sure he was reaching a point where jumping to the sea to end that agony -even if a bit exaggerated, like him always, everywhere and for everything- was justified.
Somewhere in Arlong Park, Buggy could feel the boner pressing his pants, demanding to be satisfied; dirty talk was one of his true passions and when (Y/N) played that card on him, being capable of picturing himself with her on his lap, that damn woman so -actually- close to his face in that moment he was already tasting her lips, her low, smooth voice driving him insane, he could not help it, but get turned on so easily and so strong is been hours, and he's still mad, incapable of stop thinking about that.
That is, perhaps, the reason he feels relief as soon as the sun rises and Usopp is back on the helm again, asking for directions as Buggy, in fact, demands to go faster. Like instead of slicing and dicing his body, his power could control the wind that propelled the boat or the force of the waves against the hull.
(Y/N) ran away just after such a -even if brief- conversation. She may have broken his balls with that dirty trick, but she was equally a victim of her own game. She knew what to say to push Buggy and leave him so stunned -to speak- that the poor clown didn't have the chance to fight back at that moment, not without his body to help him keep her in that kitchen, lift her up on the counter, force her to back down, regret even thinking she could do that to him, and then, only then, yes, fuck her until she wakes up the rest of her little and - according to him - pathetic crew with her moans.
Or so the girl imagined, leaning against the door of her room, eyes closed, heart slightly racing, fighting the temptation to lie down on the bed and masturbate thinking about what had just happened.
Which included him. Him!! What the hell, was she actually losing her mind? All that damn flirting had really gotten into her, for fucks sake, because regardless of her finding him quite interesting when they met, this attraction was something else.
Lately everything around her was something else. Did she really think through the decision of leaving her mercenary life behind and follow those kids to the Grand Line? Did she really think through the decision of flirting back with a psychopath clown?
Because in the end it's just that, right? Flirting. Was nothing else, is nothing else, and will be nothing else. She doesn’t want it to be something more, that's for sure; there's no need for unnecessary complications and extra headaches. In the meantime, it's fun, a bit of a backfire kind of situation, a bit -sexually- frustrating, but fun.
After a good ol' resting night and already some hours into the new day, (Y/N) notices that it's been a lot, since their encounter in the kitchen to be precise, that Buggy not only doesn't flirt with her, but doesn't talk that much or even look at her as amazed as before. Of course, he is, also, way less annoying, which Zoro subtly points out clearly pleased with how calm, nice and silent this morning is.
At some point she shakes her head, knowing, or at least guessing, the reason for this behavior, so she decides to check no one's around and the rudder is locked in the right direction, and then goes to where the bag with his head is, closed probably by the sniper when he got the last indications he needed from him. She opens it, lowering it until the clown's head is free on top of that barrel.
"How are you doing, Bugs?" she starts with a funny little smile, looking intently at him as she leans her back forward to leave her face level with his. "It's been hours I don't hear your raspy voice, I'm starting to miss it."
Silence. Absolute indifference besides the sidelong glance he gives her because let's face it, Buggy is annoyingly proud, extremely, exaggeratedly, but he loves attention. He likes nothing more than receiving it, no matter where, when, and from who, and she could see it as soon as they met.
"Also your silly nicknames for me" She grants, giving in. She would also be mad as hell if someone leaves her as horny as she knew she left him, so she doesn't have any problem being the one to start the tug-war this time.
"Already tired of the shidiots?" He finally asks, almost drily, after a minute; now he is the one to play difficult, huh? "No wonder, they don't even know where to start being pirates."
"Oh, of course, because no one compares to the famous Buggy The Clown, the colorful nightmare or the East Blue." Playful, she retreats a bit, resting her hip in the barrel, arms crossed over her chest.
"Quit the sarcasm doll, you know I'm right." Well, he was, in fact, right. None of them had real experience in the whole i-wanna-become-a-pirate thing, still, they were doing pretty good to be newbies. She was quite proud of them.
"I cannot wait to have my body back" he then murmurs, adding before she could say anything else about her new friends. "To do what?" She asks, you know, like she didn't know.
"Take a guess"
"Recover your spotlight? Find a new crew and a way to enter the Grand Line to go search the One Piece and be the king of the pirates?" (Y/N) mocks, clearly enjoying being the annoying one this time.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah'' Buggy rolls his eyes, scoffing. ''All that, but not before making you regret what you did last night." To that accusation she gasps, resting her right hand over her chest "What did I do last night?"
The clown falls silent again, but his mood is completely different. Right now he's not pissed off, it's obvious that this time, instead of flirting with her in a casual and natural way, he’s thinking what to say, choosing carefully his words to return a fraction of the effect she had on him hours ago.
His eyes darken, and his voice goes octanes lower and raspier. "Sweetheart, there will be no possible escape from what I plan to do with you. At the slightest opportunity I will make you cum on me so many times you will be the one to find the One Piece without needing to go to the Grand Line, but first…'' He pauses, breathes, and lets it go calmly, like the intimidating, psychopathic calculator she saw at the circus and not that flirty cartoonish version she got to know on the ship. ''you will beg for it."
She knows she shouldn't surrender to this type of tease, but she also can't and doesn't want to avoid it. Getting heavily carried away, without thinking about it twice, one of the girl's hands slides to the back of his neck, slipping under the bandana, and tugs his hair aggressively as she leans in again to speak close to his face. He grunts in pure satisfaction, closing his eyes for a second. Of course (Y/N) is, once again, taking advantage of the fact that he cannot defend himself no being more than a head, and the fact is that he enjoys like a condemned bastard those small but intense gestures the girl has given him since they met at the circus.
He can't wait to break a woman like her. And oh, he will.
"Are you sure about that?" Hearing distant steps, someone from the crew coming out on deck and climbing the stairs, she gets some distance from him, acting naturally, closing the bag again around his head. "My expectations just skyrocketed, I hope you don't disappoint."
By the end of the day, the Konomi Islands begin to appear on the horizon, and as soon as they set foot on them, shits get really serious. The situation of the poor people who live there is heartbreaking, so for two days, no one dares to make a single joke, Luffy's usual energy and bubbly positivity is nowhere to be seen, and of course, the interactions of (Y/N) and Buggy are reduced to = 0. The clown's head is no longer of any real use to them, and it’s poor Sanji, the new recruit, who’s carrying it around just in case.
At least until they reach Arlong Park.
Again, (Y/N) is not exactly the type of mercenary expert in martial arts and although she knows how to defend herself, fighting like Zoro or Sanji is, in few words, impossible. Her only advantage is being very, very fast, and knowing how to use the scenery to her advantage, so it doesn't take long for her to hide here and there among the different tents and attractions in the area to get rid of the most straggler fishmen, with a knife she got long ago during one of her jobs, capable of cutting their tough skin easily.
Everything happens so fast and is so chaotic that apart from some screams and blows in the background and having seen Usopp running towards the forest, (Y/N) is completely unaware of what is happening in the main complex.
A strong pull on her left arm activates her flight or fight response as one last fish falls dead to the ground in front of her. Raising the knife, in a quick movement, she tries to defend herself by aiming at the stranger's neck, although in vain; a pair of lips whose red has already been worn for days impact against hers, stealing her breath, a small moan escaping her. Eyes wide open, she barely registers the blurry color of Buggy's nose when two strong hands squeeze her hips as if the life of the clown depended on it, pushing the girl against the wall of the building behind them, cornering her without any type of delicacy.
She hadn't heard from him since they reached the island. Hell, she didn't even know he had got his full body back and was already so close to it that air was unable to pass between each other.
Of course, the moment the clown's head joined the rest of himself -the feeling much better than he remembered- he fucked off his captors and decided to flee. Not before making a vital stop along the way.
The ideas about how to proceed with her once he was whole were very, very different in his wild fantasies, but when he saw the girl's back, he knew that the only thing that would -partially- calm his yearning would be to kiss her before disappearing as fast as possible. To taste her lips, to feel her warmth.
Still not recovered from the shock of the kiss, Y/N doesn't remove the knife from the clown's neck, but he couldn't care less; quite the opposite. He is so turned on and waited so much -again, exaggerated- for this he doesn't know yet how he will be able to break the kiss, take distance from her, and run away.
Passionately carried away, moved by his most primitive instincts, Buggy sneaks one of his legs between hers, pressing in between them as Y/N inhales through her nose and her free hand flies to his vest, pulling it a little.
It wasn't the time, nor the place, to think about fucking that asshole, but damn, after all the teasing and the tension and the adrenaline of the fight--
And just when she starts fully giving in to him, he retreats just enough, panting a bit, and looks at her now red, stained lips, eyes darkened and full of lust. Just like hers.
"Hate to leave you like this sweetheart but I have things to do and places to go. I don't want people relating me to Arlong, I would hate the bad press on my persona." He whispers, cracking his usual cruel, playful smirk when he finally puts some distance between each other.
‘’It's time to exit stage left.’’ Buggy adds, theatrically raising both hands in the air. ‘’I promise I’ll see you around.’’
And like this, he stars running away again. Where? She doesn't know, or even guess at this moment, too busy registering the kiss in her memory, the way his lips felt on hers, how his nose pressed her cheek the entire time, or his hands grabbed onto her for dear life.
''You better'', she whispers to herself.
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goingmerryfics · 3 months
Arguments w/ Shanks, Buggy, & Mihawk
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Content: Gender Neutral reader, no NSFW. Maybe some slightly angsty stuff? Not really though.
Arguing with him is either exhausting or it’s pointless, there’s never an in-between
Shanks doesn’t really take most arguments seriously because they’re either started by something extremely unimportant or he’s already made his decision and he’s not going to back down on his opinion
Pointless, because he’s not going to change his mind and he’s laughing at you while you’re trying to talk to him
“You’re so cute when you’re angry.”
Yup. Pointless. It’ll just make you more angry and him more entertained
The exhausting arguments are when he’s actually serious- and while he’s not mad at you, he’s mad that you can’t see his reasonings for doing what he’s doing
Especially when it comes to keeping you safe
Shanks won’t back down and it’s impossible to change his mind while he’s this pissed off, so it’s always best to just separate and come back later to talk it out when you’re both calm
While you do what you need to do in order to relax, Shanks festers in his anger and reflects on the things that were said between the two of you. His crewmates try to cheer him up- they offer him booze, they crack jokes, but he’s not in the mood for either and everyone is concerned
Truthfully, he’s worried. While he’s still not willing to change his mind, he doesn’t want to lose the relationship you two have worked so hard to build and maintain
He gets up out of his seat 3 times to pace around, mind racing back and forth on if he should go talk to you, and then convincing himself that it’s best to wait for you to emerge first so he knows you’re ready to talk
But he grows tired of waiting, and does actually end up coming to your shared room to resolve the issue
You’re still steaming just a bit. Your arms are crossed over your chest, and you don’t look up when he enters. You know it’s him, because a few others on his crew have already come to check on you, and you’d asked them politely to leave you be. But you don’t protest when he comes to sit beside you
He doesn’t touch you
It’s painfully silent for a while
Then he finally speaks up and breaks the tension
“I’m sorry. That got a little more heated than I wanted it to.”
You peek up at him just a bit. He notices how red your face is, and a strike of fear shoots through him at the thought of possibly having made you cry and then left you on your own for hours
He stretches out his hand, offering it to you to hold, and you shift in your position to take it
He goes into a rant on how much you mean to him and how he’s only doing what he has to do to keep you and the rest of the crew safe
“Because I love you. You know that, don’t you?”
You do
You also know that no matter how many times you two get upset with each other, you’ll always find your way back into his arms
Arguing with him would come often, but the content of the arguments is what matters here
Only for the reason that Buggy is adamant about being correct in every situation, even when he is not and knows it
Everyone knows it’s best to just simply let him believe his delusions and let the natural consequences come through
But this guy seriously has weirdly good luck, and somehow all his delusions seem to come true for him in one way or another
Half of the time it’s just funny watching him be completely wrong about a subject, other times it’s a little infuriating
Arguments don’t last long between the two of you, though
Buggy craves attention, and attention from his favorite person is a must. It’s basically a necessity of life
Food, water, shelter, you. Not in that order, though
He realizes too late through his incessant rambling and gloating that he’s said something that hurt your feelings and immediately starts to backpedal
“Wait, wait, wait! That’s not what I meant! What I meant to say was-”
He’s red in the face, almost so much so as his nose
He hates to admit it, but you look really good glaring down at him like that as he tries to save his own skin
He clams up, sweating. Unsure of himself. Not sure what he was even saying a second ago
As much as you need time alone to chill out, he can’t seem to leave you be. It’s scary for him, seeing your usually smiling face so serious
He takes a seat outside of your room, and then breaks into pieces no, literally while he waits for you to emerge again
It takes you a few hours, but he’s there the whole time. His feet are pacing around, his head is whining, cheek on the floor. His hands are tapping and picking at the dirt in the wood, but every part of him lights up when he sees you again
“Aha! I see you finally caved. Couldn’t stay away from me, could you?”
You pause, and then move to go back inside before he yelps and his hands grab at your ankles. His parts come back together again, using the rest of his body to hold you in place
“Wait! I’m sorry! Please don’t go back!”
He shouts it all in a rush. He’s crying, and there’s snot running down his nose
He looks like a damn mess
It kind of makes you laugh at how desperate he is for you
he pouts up at you and you cave
He basically crawls up your body to hug you. You hug him back, petting his hair and waiting for him to relax, sitting right there in the doorway of your room. People pause as they pass, but a sharp look from you stops them from staying for very long
If Mihawk is actually worked up enough to argue with you, there’s a good reason for it
Usually he makes his point and that’s that. No other words exchanged, nothing more than a slight glance towards you
Mihawk is an introvert, and he gets exhausted from others very easily. He’s not trying to be rude or dismissive towards you when he does this, but that is how it comes off sometimes
He’ll turn his attention back to his book because after he’s said what he wanted to, he figures everything is fine. He understands his logic, why wouldn’t you?
But you, like a lot of people that aren’t Mihawk, are more emotional than he is
Your silence isn’t acceptance, it’s hurt
Only when you get up to leave the room does the thought cross his mind that maybe what he’d said didn’t come off correctly, and you might have just been insulted. But he figures you would come tell him if that were the case, so all is well and he returns to his book
This could go forever, really. Until he notices that you’re giving him the cold shoulder, and then he would stop whatever he was doing- even if he were in another room at the time of realization -and find you to clear things up right away
“Darling, we need to talk right away.”
Straight to the point. He doesn’t really ask you if you want to talk, because he knows if he doesn’t at least make an attempt at this it will haunt him like Perona’s ghosts all night
The thing about Mihawk that not many people know is that he’s got this cool, collected, silent aura about him because he simply does not have the energy to play nice with everyone
So when he’s just arrived home from a Warlord meeting, or somewhere that he was obligated to be present for, all he wants is time to himself to recharge
Having a relationship and balancing this need was something he was still learning
But he loves you so much and the thought of upsetting you over a misunderstanding gnawed at him and gave him massive amounts of anxiety and uncomfortability
He’s not this untouchable guy that everyone thinks he is. You’ve seen this; he laughs and cries like everyone else does
And you understand him. He couldn’t ask for someone better than you are
If you’re willing to, he’ll take your hands and kiss your knuckles.
“I apologize for my behavior. I should have given my words a second thought before I spoke them out loud. What can I do to make this up to you?”
It’s an easy thing to answer- it’s all you wanted since he’d returned, why you kept invading his space before he was ready to emerge and what lead up to the situation in the first place
You tell him you want him. His attention, to be wrapped in his arms. You just want to spend time with him, even if that’s in silence
He can work with that
He presses a kiss to your forehead and makes you promise that you’ll tell him if he ever says or does anything to upset you again. He wants to communicate, not lose out on precious time with you over something small
He goes above and beyond, though. He makes up a very romantic candlelit dinner that night for the both of you to share and even if it’s a very quiet dinner, (minus the music playing softly in the background) it’s perfect
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pokemon1oadvanced · 9 months
Thoughts on the live action one piece
Spoilers 😉
Yes, I binged all 8 episodes, and have work today and can’t see out my eyes but worth it.
I’ll try to keep it short.
Luffys character was immaculate. The way Inaki portrayed him and brought this man to life was so amazing to see. Oda really saw Luffy in him and he did not disappoint. The moves looked great, CGI was on point for a live action, and they really did break the curse.
Zoro’s character was beautiful. I love that he was more serious, and him throwing up the finger in his first scene?! I’m star struck. You can say what you want about the live action, but theres no denying this cast was perfect for these characters and the fight scenes were choreographed to the point where it looked so clean.
Nami 🥳 The emotion! The conflict! I absolutely love the way she had more action scenes and was more open with her care for the crew early on. Nami has always been my favourite character, and Emily did her justice.
I will be listening to her song on repeat.
Ussop! Ussop! Are you serious! Why do I love you in every reality! And Ussop and Kaya! The kiss! The scream I let out! I died😵‍💫 I wish he had more shooting scenes, but his true potential wasn’t seen until later in the anime so I can’t complain, cause season two Ussop is gonna pop off.
Sanji😳 First off, live action Sanji has a hold on me😮‍💨 Like what happened to the guy who couldn’t get any girls. Ngl, was keeping an eye out for the blonde at table 8, looking out for my competition👀 His kicks were so smooth and all, and I mean ALL, his fight scenes were perfect. Like how did they do this. You can see the care and effort he put into his character.
Buggy? I love our unhinged clown. His making a circus with trapped towns people. His CGI? Amazing. The little goof we were left with when they trapped his parts in the chest made me cackle!
The pacing of the show was done so well. I was worried that 8 episodes wouldn’t be enough (and I was right where’s season two I want Vivi), but the retelling was more then I hoped for. I will always love the anime more, as most of us know there’s not enough episodes in the series, but the live action did great in that respect. I did miss some of the characters they had to cut to make it flow better though. The ussop pirates live on in our hearts
Don’t get me wrong, there was some scenes I missed from the original show, like Zoro lifting Luffy’s cage, Nami burning her hands on Buggys cannon fuse, Nami stabbing Ussop. BUT, they wouldn’t have fit in this version of the show.
They did give us Zoro lifting the safe like he did Luffys cage which was cool. And Nami holding Ussops hand when Zoro was fighting, Nami showing up for the fight rather then leaving. I love her. Even though Nami didn’t get to show her care through the actions of saving Zoro or stabbing her own hand, she was still able to show those emtions through different actions. The hand holding with Ussop rather then the stabbing of her hand was so good to see. This version of Nami seemed more fragile in a way, so this suited her version well.
It was like watching One Piece for the first time all over again. I didn’t know what would happen. Getting more marines, and Garps relationship to Luffy being revealed so early in the series to cause tension within the crew *chef’s kiss* And Koby? ‘Be a good pirate.’? Like I love you? Not doing what Garp asked? Standing up for his beliefs? You are going to be a good Marine. You’ll be the greatest 💕
The relationships they explored?
First off Ussop and Kaya 😵 I love them so much. Them talking to the straw hats about their relationship was so cute, and Zoro saying it wasn’t his area of expertise 💅🏻✨ Jokes 👀
Nami being besties with Kaya😍 Her telling Kaya not to let someone tell her how to run her life, drawing connections to her own situation, telling Kaya not to be trapped. Her returning the treasure! I loved it so much. Ussop’s and Nami’s friendship has always been the one I cherished in the crew, and for Nami to support Kaya, and Ussop to see how Nami was good to his girl I feel will only strengthen their relationship.
Nami and Zoro besties? Didn’t know I could love them more.
Nami caring so much for Zoro after his fight with Mihawk showed her love for her new friends, and mirrored her care she had in the original series where she saved him from drowning at Arlong park. Even though we didn’t get the original scenes, they were supplemented with new scenes that held the same feelings.
Zosan- I mean Zoro and Sanji. The wings of the pirate king? I love their bickering in any universe it seems. The fish men fight was so good, them being unbothered with the guys trying to kill them as they fought with each other was so them. And Zoro licking his plate clean and saying Sanji’s food was okay? Not bad for a waiter huh?
And the most important pair. Captain and his first mate. I just loved how many times they reiterated that Zoro is Luffys right hand man 🥰 Luffy not stepping in the way of Zoros dream was beautiful, and his care afterwards reminded me of how he cared for Nami when she got sick in the original series. Asking Sanji to cook his favourite? So cute. He couldn’t decide if it was best for Zoro to eat or sleep or drink and him stressing for Zoro. All amazing. I’ve used amazing so many times but its just the word I need to explain it. Zoro waking up, Luffy engulfing him. I could go on and on.
Nami and Luffy? The amount of love I have for them. They were everything I wanted from them. The scene. THE scene. Beautiful.
I could go on and on about this show, but sadly I have work. Please show this version love, and don’t go into expecting the same series. It is different. It’s its own version and deserves its own category.
I love the cast! Thank you for making history with this adaptation! Xx
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onyx-syn · 9 months
Halfway through the workings of a fic (technically two)
But in the mean time
Take this- Buggy being given a blow job cause he's a subby dom in my mind
18+ only. Minors be gone
Waves crash against the ship lightly, making the ship rock back and forth in the darkness of night. The moonlight shimmered down on the waves of the sea, the lights of Buggy's ships illuminating the deck onboard.
In the quarters of the ship, a lantern lit from the corner of the bedroom. As well as two occupants having their nice time on the hanging bed.
Buggy laying on his back on the bed, his trousers down to his mid thigh leaving his cock and balls out in the warm air of his room. He tried to relax in his new position, making a nice hum sound as you pressed light kisses on his hard redden tip.
Buggy's cock was a delight to see in your eyes. He wasn't too big and he wasn't too small, he was a nice size and was quite girthy. Much more of a shower than a grower, but the 'genius jester' himself knew how to use it.
A low sadistic hiss leaves Buggy's lips as he feels the wetness of your saliva coat the tip of his cock. His watercolor eyes watching as it drips down his sides.
Buggy leans his head on each side of his shoulder, his way of holding back a moan, feeling your hand grip his cock, greeted by your saliva. He leans his head back, cursing aloud as he feels your hand move up and down, slowly but surely, coating his cock more and more with your saliva.
"F-Fuck" he whispers, closing his eyes. Had his makeup not been applied so often on his face, a hint of a red dusky blush would be on his cheeks.
Buggy prided himself as a Dom much often, trying to boost his ego of how dominant he was in bed and how he could get his way easily. Which wasn't false, but not entirely true either.
He thrived off of being a receiver. Deep down wanting nothing more but to be loved and praised in bed like the good boy he was. grace by the touch of your hand stroking his length, speeding up the process creating immense wet sounds throughout the room.
He leans his head forward slowly, his thighs slightly jiggling from the stroking. He opens his eyes slightly, taking in the sight of you, his beautiful partner on their knees, bare and naked, holding his length in your hand stroking. Your other hand gripped on his thigh, pressing your lips on his bare thigh which sent a shock wave up his spine. He didn't know he needed that.
As much as buggy loved the attention, he wasn't all that easy to give in.
"ooh fuck, damnit. Shit okay. Nnn! Ugh" he kept cursing, getting his teeth a bit, almost whining at the sudden change of past of your stroking. You sped up the process, which sent a tingling sensation to his stomach, building up pressure.
Buggy could feel himself closing in on his release. His gloved hands gripped the sheets of your guy's bed tightly, trying to keep himself composed of the situation. Sweat tears were sliding down the sides of his face, smearing just a smidge of his makeup.
He thought he could make it through, not giving in so easily to you.
But God you made it so hard to do so.
All hope of him not giving into was lost once your lips hovered over his tip. Buggy nodded his head slightly, lips parting and his eyes becoming half lidded.
"please baby- pl-" he stopped himself midway, shaking his head. "No goddam- FUCK! YOU- hmmm~"
His words were cut off as he felt your tongue, starting off at the base of his girthy cock before licking a long stride up the underline of his cock -where a long vein was placed at- to the tip of his cock, coating it.
You could feel Buggy's thigh start to quiver under your touch, bringing a smile to your cheeks.
"is my boy feeling too good~?" You question him, smirking as your lips go back hovering over his tip, slowing down your stroking.
You could hear an annoyed whine under Buggy's breath. His hand reaches down and grips the back of your neck. He so desperately wanted to grip harder, pushing your head down on his cock, taking him all in as you began to choke on him, begging for him to fuck you.
But instead, his eyes gazed down to his cock and back at you, looking a bit embarrassed, his chest rising and falling every few seconds with how intense of heat he was feeling.
"plea.... hmmm" Buggy tried to speak, looking away still.
You giggle, slowly stroking still as your lips got closer and closer to his tip, to the point where your lips were right against the soft red skin.
A low moan left Buggy as the hot breath from your lips escaped and met his skin. "Fuck just- please" He spoke, his lips pressed in a tight line as he held back another moan. "I need you, please?"
You raise an eyebrow at him, teasing him, edging him on, "Oh really now? Does my good boy want my touch? My mout-"
With a flustered look, Buggy cuts you off "For fucks sake yes! Just fuck me with your blabbering mouth! Enough monologuing... "
You gave him a reassured smile, giggling a bit from his little outburst, "Of course, doll~"
And with that, Buggy went from an embarrassed mess to an absolute moaning catastrophe when your lips took in his tips in your mouth.
It felt so different, the warmth of the inside of your mouth. Only furthering his pleasure factor up once you mouth continue going down his cock more and more.
Your tongue met his length once more, the wet muscle gracing it as you began to swirl it around his length. Your hand at the bottom of his shaft, and the other still gripping his thigh. Buggy couldn't handle it, his chest rising more and more.
"Oh fuck candy! Nn~ Bah! Shit, that... feels so- ah!" His sentences stopped mid way, losing his breath and his ability to speak.
Your tongue swirled around his cock, feeling your saliva coat him entirely. Once you reached the base of his cock, you slowly moved your head back up to his tip, sucking on it. Your tongue swirled around his tip, moving over the slit of his cock, tasting his salty precum leaking.
You could feel his hand softly but fastly caress the back of your neck, trying to compose himself but failing miserable.
"So... good. Please. Please keep g-going- fuck" He said, more sweat tears dripping down his face and his jaw, onto his clothes and the sheets below.
Noticing your man's enjoyment, you moved your tongue under the slit of his cock, on his tip, putting pressure onto that area with your tongue. Licking over and over that area. He threw his head back, letting a deep groan rumble out of his chest as a string of low moans left him. The amount of pleasure and pure euphoria of sex was bringing him a feeling he hasn't felt in so long.
"Shit! F-Fuck babydoll, I-i knew you said you were a street performer, heh, guess you're a-a sheet performer now, huh-"
Your tongue moved away from the special place of his tip as you began to bop your head up and down on his cock, taking him as much as you can in your mouth. You could feel his pre cum smear all over in the inside of your cheeks, his tip hitting the soft flesh of your inner cheeks before taking it back further to the top of your throat.
Buggy was losing it, his body could barely continue itself as you continue to ravage his cock right in front of him.
"Damn, fuck fuck- god this is hot" he moaned, his eyes closing shut again, letting you take control of his body now. The pure amazing feeling he felt from you, sending the pleasure and lust from his cock all over his body was ascending him to another part of the seas.
His hands gripped your neck harder, pushing it down making you bop your head on his cock more and more. The intense wet sounds of lip smacking against skin throughout the room most likely kept the crew members awake.
But buggy didn't care.
He spoke aloud, looking down at you. His body trembling as you gave him the sucking of a lifetime. He smugly smirked at you, his eyes almost rolling back as your tongue swirled all around him, using your nose to breath through now.
"god. You're so fucking hot like this. I can't wait to fuck you. Give you the final act of this show we got going on here~" he was able to manage to say to you.
He hissed, feeling his stomach build up with pressure of pleasure, ready to bust. You were about to burst too, feeling the edge of your jaw start to sore with how fast you were sucking on his cock. The grip of your neck was no better in the making of this either.
With his help you were able to take him further up your throat, his red tip feeling hot once pressed against your soft and tender flesh inside your mouth.
Buggy liked the way he was hitting your throat like this. He started to change the control, thrust his hips a little up, pushing your mouth down on his cock back. The tip of his cock hitting a certain part of your throat, where the end of your mouth met the beginning of your throat.
He kept thrusting up forward faster and faster, watching as tears started to build up at the edges of your eyes. Your face was burning with intense heat of the situation, feeling a nice tingling sensation building through your body, erotic one would say.
Buggy spoke, "gonna... cummm~" he extended the one as he pushed your mouth harshly down on his cock, ooing aloud as his liquid spewed from the slit of his cock into your cock, coating it in his own product.
Buggy could feel the bliss of his body release from him, slowly but surely, as he came. It was an incredible and triumph feeling, out of this world. He can see the effect it had on you too.
Your face completely fucked now, some small tears streamed down your cheeks as you pulled your head back from his cock coughing up a little from the constant gagging. A string of his cum connected to your lips and your mouth. You sit back on your knees, panting a little trying to massage your jaw from the position it was in.
Buggy, on the other hand, relaxed, sitting there as he gained his breathing back normally. His list coated eyes watching as left over cum and saliva dripped down each side of his cock.
He glanced back to you in front of him, seeing you look almost out of it. He shakily got up and leaned down, kissing the top of your forehead before falling back onto the bed. Still in his euphoric state.
"good job baby" he thanks you in a genuine tone of voice. He detaches his one hand to cup your cheek in the palm of you, your head nuzzling into his touch, kissing it. His thumb caressed your cheek.
A little smile tugged at Buggy's lips, looking at the sweet scene in front of him. His lovely partner wanted the feeling and love of his touch. Something he too wanted more of from you.
Buggy, though he was almost out of it, was gonna give you the same treatment back and give the head of a lifetime for sure.
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cozage · 1 year
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She's Kind of Stupid, but... (Mihawk, Shanks, Buggy) Fire and Water (Ace, Sabo) Kinks-NSFW (Ace, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Law, Kid) Teaching Moments (Ace, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy) Children Crushes (Zoro, Sanji, Shanks) Confession (Zoro, Sanji) From Friends to Lovers (Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Shanks) A Hand to Hold (Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Law) Scandalous Reading-NSFWish (Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Law)
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Made for Two fic (Sanji x gn reader) completed :)
Prologue: Sunset for One Set for Two Recipe for Two Dance for Two Dessert for Two
The Moss that Grew in Gloom (Zoro x female reader) (ongoing)
The Fall of a Swordsman Honor in Asking for Help Training and Teaching Celebrating the Little Things A Secret Code
The Daughter's Return (Ace x female reader) (ongoing)
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The Meaning of Justice: A short fic (ongoing)
Chapter One: Loguetown Chapter Two: Nanohana Chapter Three: Alabasta Desert Chapter Four: Yuba
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turtletaubwrites · 4 months
Numbers Game ~ Part 6
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Numbers Game Masterlist
Pairings: Cross Guild x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2864
Ao3 Link
Summary: You are tempted by Crocodile and Mihawk's offer. What would your sister say about you now?
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Alcohol, Cigars, Swearing, Angst, Smut, Established Relationship, Manipulation, Humiliation, Pet Names, Power Imbalance, Cross Guild boys are VILLAINS, Guilt, Possessive Behavior, Teasing, Threats, Size Difference, Dom Dracule Mihawk, Cuckolding, Vaginal Fingering, Biting
A/N: I feel like my brain has been scraped out and replaced with this fucking fic, lol. I hope you enjoy the ride 🖤
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“You heard him,” Mihawk tutted, gesturing lazily. “The clown wants to watch us take care of you. No reason to feel guilty then.”
It felt like every part of your body was clenched together, shaking with more intense need than you ever thought possible. You were a raw fucking nerve.
“Let her be, Mihawk,” Crocodile sighed, but his large hand still burned your shoulder. “Just tell us when you’re ready.”
Buggy’s eyes had fallen away from you, staring at the coffee table. 
Your mouth opened and closed again, nothing but air coming out. 
“Of course, Crocodile. All we’re here to do is take care of our little treasure. I’d never want to start before she’s ready,” Mihawk drawled, leaning away from you as he sipped his wine, humming to himself before continuing.
“But I believe you are ready, aren’t you, little rabbit? I believe the only reason you’re not begging right now is because your body is aching so badly you can’t speak.”
Your lip quivered, the smallest whimper you’d ever heard pushed from your throat.
“Is that true, darlin,” Crocodile soothed, his low voice vibrating through you. “Do you want us to help you out?”
You didn’t know why you were stuck. Every part of you was screaming, ‘yes.’ But you’d piled so much guilt onto yourself over the past few days. And there was Buggy.
When Buggy had looked you in the eyes, and said he wanted to watch, your stomach twisted with something that wasn't guilt.
You managed to move, bringing your shaky hands up to cover your face.
“Alright, Miss Y/N,” Crocodile said, patting your back before removing the warmth of his hand. “Let’s call it a night.”
“Give her a few minutes. She’s almost there.” 
Mihawk sounded almost bored again. Detached. He’d stopped touching you, and his voice had lost its teasing tone. 
You could leave. You could go to bed. 
You wondered what your sister would say about you now.
That there’s something wrong with me. That I got myself into this fucked up situation. That I’ve got some kind of death wish.
Your hands dropped down to your lap, shaky breaths bringing you back.
Back to your body that was vibrating with near painful need.
There probably is something wrong with me.
You dug your nails into your thighs, shivering from the sensation.
But I might as well enjoy it. 
The word was barely audible, so you cleared your throat.
“Whatd'ya need, sweet girl,” Crocodile asked, his voice making your eyes flutter.
You looked up, Buggy’s eyes almost wild as he watched you. Your breath caught, losing momentum under his gaze. 
But he nodded. The corner of his mouth pulled into a smile, not of sadness, or joy, or anger. But of acceptance. 
A weight lifted. Parts of your brain tried to hold it there, to keep you feeling guilty. 
“What would you like, Miss Y/N?”
Mihawk’s voice made you sigh, even without its devious pressure.
You leaned back against the couch, the scent of these two men like some heady bait, luring you toward the hook.
Maybe you wanted to be caught.
“I want you to take care of me.”
It felt like you were a puppet, and all of your strings had been tied together, leaving your body trapped, frozen. 
Speaking those words cut your strings, and your body came loose, almost limp now as you felt free from your own bindings. 
Free to follow their strings now, and beg to be caught on their hook.
Crocodile shifted in his seat, turning toward you. His fingers trailed through your hair, coming to rest on your neck again.
He leaned down over you, kissing your temple.
“You’re our girl now, Y/N. I’ll make sure you get everything your pretty little heart wants.”
Mihawk startled you as he took your hand, laying a soft kiss on your knuckles.
“He’s right. You’re ours.”
His gaze was heavy, almost frightening again. Until this man who never smiles gave you a wicked smirk.
“Although, it’s not your heart that’s doing the wanting right now, is it? What does my little vixen crave?”
Once again, all he’d done was touch your hand, look at you, say a few words. But your head fell back onto Crocodile’s hand, and your mouth parted as you fought to keep your eyes on his.
He stared at your mouth, eyes focusing as you pressed your tongue out slightly to wet your lips. 
He squeezed your hand, tilting his head. Reminding you that he’d asked you a question.
“Please, sir. I want you to touch me.”
Oh, the thrill you felt at the way Hawkeye fucking Mihawk reacted to your words. He sucked in a breath, eye’s fluttering as he looked up slightly. 
It all looked muted, as if he had caught himself.
“Crocodile, I’m going to take care of our girl. Do you accept, or are we going to have a battle every night?”
Every night?
“I’ll watch the show, for now.”
He squeezed your neck, his gaze heavy on your skin. 
“Perfect. There is something I’ve been curious about,” Mihawk mused, bringing a hand to your jaw to tilt you toward him. 
You stopped breathing as he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, his mustache and goatee lightly tickling your skin. 
It was almost chaste, until his tongue found its way into your mouth, dancing with yours. There was a rhythm to his kiss, and you could feel it slowly build. Like an ember into a wildfire, the heat grew until you were reaching for him, soft whines in your throat.
Then you moaned into his mouth, your eyes flying open to see his squinting slightly, almost mischievous. 
His fingers were under your dress, sliding easily between your thighs, the evidence of your need leaving you drenched.
You ate the satisfied hum from his mouth before he pulled away from the kiss. 
“Magnificent,” he purred, withdrawing his fingers from your thighs to hold them in front of your face.
Your skin flushed, and you pressed your knees together, embarrassment pulling at you.
“Our little pet may have ruined your coat,” Mihawk chuckled, spreading his fingers to show the other man the thick strings of slick, dripping down his hand onto your lap. 
The scarred man gave you a crooked smile, touching his hook to your chin. 
“Our sweet girl can get the money back for us, huh, sugar,” he teased, the potential threat only speeding your pulse. “Besides, we weren’t taking care of you. You should have told us how needy you were.”
He kissed the top of your head again as Mihawk reached down for more, letting his wet fingers shine in the light. 
“Did she ever get this wet for you, clown?”
You tensed, meeting Buggy’s eyes over that dripping hand.
He stared at it, jaw clenched. And said nothing. 
“You chose to stay and watch, Buggy,” Mihawk sighed. “If you’re going to sulk, then you can go back to your room like a child.”
“N-No,” Buggy answered softly.
“No, what,” Mihawk prodded.
Crocodile, started rubbing your neck with that large hand, soothing the tension that had built again. 
“No, she never got that wet with me.”
He could have left. He could have left.
You tried not to carry guilt for his humiliation. Not when he chose this one. 
And then he was ignored again, all attention back onto you. 
“Come here, darling,” Mihawk said, offering his hand. Crocodile lit his cigar, giving big puffs as he watched you stand. 
“This is a lost cause anyway,” the swordsman declared, pulling the larger man's jacket off the couch, and spreading it across the coffee table. 
Your knees were shaking, and you didn’t know what to do with your hands as you stood on the plush carpet, and waited. 
Mihawk sat back down, motioning for you. He grabbed your hips to stop you from passing him to your seat on the couch. 
“In a few minutes, I’m going to lay you on that table, and give you that release you’ve been fighting for these last few nights.”
Your hands clenched in embarrassment again, but he soothed the words with gentle strokes of his hands along your hips and waist. 
He tugged at the bottom of your dress.
“Let me get it,” Crocodile demanded, leaning forward. Mihawk didn’t stop you from taking the few steps away. 
Crocodile pulled you gently, and you found yourself kissing another ex warlord of the sea. You stood between his thighs, tasting the rich flavors and smoke of his cigar. 
His fingers dug into your lower back, as if he was keeping you from running away.
You didn’t run.
That frightening face. 
It had smiled at you. It was kissing you. 
You traced your fingers on the sides of that face before wrapping your arms around his neck. 
His low growl pulsed through you, and his grip got even harder, the kiss deep and intense.
“Mm, I knew you were a sweet girl,” he praised, gently pushing you back a step.
“You won’t be needing these cheap rags anymore.”
You didn’t understand his smile. Until he pulled your dress forward with his hand, then pierced into it his hook, tearing the red fabric from your skin.
Gasping, you’d gripped onto his arm for support. 
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart,” he breathed, pulling you close again as his hand roamed over your lingerie and bare skin. 
Mihawk cleared his throat. 
“Yeah, yeah, swordsman. I just wanna check one more thing.”
He kept intense eye contact with you as his hand started at your knee, then slowly traveled up to find all that proof of how they affect you. 
He teased his fingers through the slick, sliding between your sticky thighs, until he reached your core. 
His hands were bigger than anyone's you’d even met. You didn't think any human could be as tall as him. 
Just one of those big fingers teased along your panties. 
Just the barest touch over your clothed clit sent you moaning, knees loosening. 
He’d used his one hand to tease you. When you stumbled, he caught your weight in that hand, cupping your needy pussy. You grinded yourself against his palm, digging your nails into his expensive shirt.
His laughs sounded more pleased than teasing, and he gave you a peck on the cheek as he helped you over to Mihawk, who seemed to be losing his patience. 
“Hold on,” Crocodile called after picking up his cigar again.
“If I knew it would be such a nuisance to shar–”
“Sweetheart,” Crocodile cut the swordsman off. “Are you on birth control?”
“Oh! Um, yes,” you blinked at him.
“Good. There’s more coming with your clothes and things for when your stock runs out.”
“Uh… Thank you,” you choked out, not sure how to feel about him buying you birth control before you’d had sex. But you were grateful that he had. 
“I told you, we’ll take car–”
“You’ve gone and distracted our pet now,” Mihawk pouted, finding his comfort wine again. You caught Buggy staring at you, and tried not to look his way again. 
“All that work I did to drive you mad,” the golden eyed man almost whined, “and now I won’t get to watch you break on my cock.”
Your eyes rolled back, and you stumbled again in front of him.
Chuckling, he tugged you down onto his lap. He pressed your back against his chest, all that bare skin sending heat right through you. You whimpered at the hard press of him against your ass, that tightness in your core begging you for release.
“Maybe it’s not all lost after all,” he purred in your ear, the tickle on your neck making your shoulders tense up. 
“Maybe my little rabbit doesn’t need much to make her desperate.”
One hand splayed across your stomach began trailing up to your chest. The other hand on your thigh teased closer, starting to slide in all that wetness. 
You didn’t mean to. But your hips dug in, grinding down to feel more of that hard length beneath you. 
He bit your shoulder, making you cry out, arching your back.
“Mm, you even like a little pain, do you? You are such a good girl for us.”
His praise felt incredible, almost like he was touching you, pleasing you. Your head fell back against his shoulder. You’d been ashamed when you let it happen earlier. 
But now you writhed in his lap, whimpering as he teased your neck with kisses and bites, the tickle of his facial hair adding to it all.
He hummed against you as one of his hands reached into your bra, massaging your breast, making you gasp with light pinches on your already hardened nipple. 
Finally, finally, his fingers reached your core, and you twitched at his playful touches. He spread your legs with his knees, then tapped his fingers up and down over your panties.
“I’ve never seen someone this wet before. You must have wanted us to take you so badly.”
His taunts weren’t questions, so you just kept whimpering, trying to press against those fingers to get some relief. 
“Is that what you’ve been picturing while this poor little pussy soaks your fingers each night?”
“Please,” you almost sobbed.
“No,” he chided, robbing you of even those torturing little touches, his hand rubbing over your thigh instead.
“Fuck, please…”
“I promise, little rabbit,” Mihawk rasped in your ear, his touch, his voice taking over your entire existence. “I will make you come so many times that you’ll beg me to stop. But first, you need to do what you’re told.”
“Y-Yes, sir.”
His heavy breath, the hint of a moan sent your eyes rolling back, arching your back against him even more. 
“Tell me, what did you think about while you touched yourself these last two nights?”
Your head fell to the side, and you saw Crocodile watching your every movement, smoke curling in the air above him. His legs were spread wide again and…
Mihawk bit your neck, your body jerking at the sudden sharp pain.
“You won’t like what happens if I need to ask again, pet.”
“It was… I was thinking about — Fuck… I was thinking about both of you fucking me at the same time.”
You cried out with pleasure as Mihawk’s long fingers dipped into your panties. He played along your folds, then his masterful touch over your clit had you so close already, so fucking desperate. 
“Does my pretty pet want to come?”
“Yes, sir. Fuck, please.”
Two fingers slid into you, all your wetness readying you for him. 
His fingers curled, and he preyed on that perfect spot within you as his palm rubbed over and over on your clit.
You had never come that hard before. Your vision went blank, and you dug your nails into that velvet couch while you twitched and screamed. 
“You had better scream my name, rabbit,” he growled in your ear, biting your neck again.
You obeyed. You screamed it so many times, until your body was limp.
He hugged you against him, tracing fingers over your skin as he kissed your neck softly.
“Astounding. What a little treasure you are, hm? You did so well for me.”
You whined in his arms, eyes watering as your breath started to slow. 
“My turn.”
Crocodile’s gruff voice poured through you, making you twitch again. 
“I’m not done.”
“What else do you have planned, swordsman? Because I’d like a taste before you knock her out.”
You giggled, sitting forward. Mihawk grabbed your shoulders as you swayed in his lap. 
He sighed. 
“I suppose you’re right. I was going to make her come on my tongue next before testing how well our little darling can take cock.”
He hummed again, pressing kisses to your shoulder after you’d moaned at his words.
“Give her here,” Crocodile commanded, reaching out his arm. “I could use somethin' sweet to eat.”
Mihawk sighed, but helped you move, scooting you down the couch toward the larger man. 
Crocodile pulled you against his side in a hug, kissing the top of your head. You couldn’t help the contented sigh that left you. 
“Find somewhere else to sit, clown.”
You sat up, seeing Buggy’s red face, the faded greasepaint shining under beads of sweat. He stared at Crocodile with wide eyes, not meeting your gaze. 
“I said move. I’m gonna make Miss Y/N come in my mouth on that chair. Don’t make me–”
Buggy jumped up, twisting his body around to face the other direction. But he wasn’t fast enough to hide the press of his hard cock jutting from his lap, that stretchy fabric doing nothing to hold him in place. 
“Looks like the showman is enjoying the show,” Mihawk drawled, pouring yet another glass of wine. 
Buggy hopped around behind the couch. He leaned on his elbows over the back of it as Crocodile shook his head, helping you stand.
“Do you think the fool is capable of learning,” Mihawk wondered aloud. “Maybe if he watches–”
“Doesn’t matter,” Crocodile growled as he leaned over you. He smiled at you again, touching his fingers to your chin. Then he brought those huge fingers down to rub over your clothed clit again, drawing a breathy moan out of you as you fell back onto the chair. 
He knelt in front of you, gripping his hook below the armrest to pull you, and the chair, toward him.
“The clown’s never gonna taste anything this sweet again.” 
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a/n: I don't even know what to say anymore. I'm going to go disintegrate.
Tag List: @shewrites02 | @caniseethefourthsword | @hey-august | @chaoticqueen33 | @destinationmars | @novakitten0901 | @h0n3y-l3m0n05 | @dorky-birdie | @szired | @pinejayy
Part 7
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stinkysam · 9 months
Roronoa Zoro - I don't need saving.
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Warning : none (opla spoilers ?)
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "I’m partial to head cannons these days! Maybe some smutty fluffy ones, if you could?! Or even a zoro x reader fic where he THINKS he’ll save them but they ends up saving him, then the sexual tension and relationship builds from there??" - @ericaand
Reader : gender neutral (You/yours)
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Zoro ? Who told Buggy and his crew to drop their weapons or he'd kill them while he himself had no weapons ?
Zoro, the 19 years old man who confidently asked Mihawk, the best swordsman of the world, for a duel to the death ?
100% believe he doesn't need saving and will be the one to save people.
He realized he wasn't as strong as he thought twice. The first time was when Mihawk defeated him with a small knife. The second was when you saved him in extremis from an enemy.
Oh, he didn't take it very well. His training was already quite intense since his defeat against Mihawk but now it was on another level.
He wasn't mad at you. Well, okay, that's not true, he was a bit mad at you for saving him. But more at himself for being so weak.
It took some time for him to overcome it and also for you two to have the talk*.
*Talk about if you're allowed to save him again and why.
The answer is yes you're allowed, he has no choice, that's what loyal crew members do, they protect each other. Zoro had to begrudgingly accept it.
Despite this, he didn't hate you completely. He admired your strength and envied you. You who he thought would need saving.
You're full of surprises, apparently.
But now he knows you can and will stand your ground in a fight, he won't need to worry about helping you.
Now that he trusts you and your strength, that's where his feelings for you can blossom.
He's definitely a personality over physical appearance kind of guy. He doesn't care what you look like, that's your heart that matters.
He made the "first step" by accepting you didn't need saving, now it's your turn. You have to make it clear you have some interest in him, simply chatting won't get you closer.
You'll have to flirt with him. He will be more confused than flustered at first, not understanding what you're doing. But once he finally registers it, he'll definitely get sheepish and a bit flustered.
That's the best way to shut him up.
Quickly he'll try to come up with smart comebacks to shut you up but they never really work or they sound… suspiciously weird.
That's where the sexual tension kinda arrives. Both trying to shut up the other with the flirtiest remark.
It's not the same competitiveness as with Sanji. It's more about ego. With you it's simply his way of flirting back.
Though he's definitely the one that gets the most flustered, not used to this kind of attention. He knows he's a good looking man, but still, it feels a bit weird to get flirted with.
Zoro accidentally confesses parts of his feelings for you while trying to find a snarky comeback for you. You know, those weird comebacks that sound awfully suspicious.
You stare at him while you smile and he just looks at you, unsure on how to recover from the situation. He blushes even more as you tease him about it but he refuses to elaborate on what he said.
It takes days of pestering and teasing him for Zoro to explode and finally let out his feelings for you. Repeating what he said days before and admitting his feelings.
He's more pissed than anything.
Surprisingly you didn't react as bad as he thought you would. He thought you'd tease him again and boasts about it. But instead you just smiled and told him you felt the same.
He said "Okay." with his usual scowl on his face, unsure of what to do now. He never thought you two would get this far.
Even though you reciprocated his feelings he doesn't know what you want to do. Do you want to move back to before and keep flirting or do you want to become… lovers ?
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goddessofmischief · 8 months
Hey, thanks for tagging :) I am 34, so the "old men" are not so old to me and quite frankly, watching Shanks, Buggy and Mihawk in OPLA is feeling like coming home to old friends back from 20 years ago. (I was crushing on Shanks and Buggy so much...😅) So I thought, maybe you could write something where fem!reader already knows them and has a soft spot for each of them, since back when they were flirting and making fun when they were young. Now as adults they meet again and the chemistry is still there.
I remember one of my stories from back then. I was jealous of mermaids, because all the pirates got stupid once they're around, and a drunk Shanks said: "nah, you wouldn't like to be one; You'd be missing slamming doors and Buggy would drown on daily basis just to say hi-." Both Buggy and Reader: "shut up! So not true!". Just like young stupids are... :)
Anyways, thanks for your writing and I can't wait to read more about the "get-shit-done"-squad Mihawk, Shanks and Buggy
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A/N: Hope this is alright: since your formal request was so in line with what the theme of the series will be anyway, I used the excerpt of your line as basis for this particular fic. All credit of course goes to you for coming up with the lines and the idea. On a personal note, I just want to say how much I respect that you were an OG fic writer and still have interest in and love for these characters. Welcome home.
You would have believed that you had been at sea for years, until Buggy reminded you that it had only been weeks.
Granted, this is how he reminded you:
"It's been wee-eks," Buggy whined, stretching out on his hammock. Shanks was collapsed against the wall, fingers knotted together, eyes not really focused on any particular place.
And you? You were lying on the floor, gazing up at the wooden ceiling, wondering if it would be a good idea to leave the cabin and see the stars.
Being on the ship for weeks was highly irregular for your crew. Great captain he was, Roger knew he could only keep this ragtag group sane if they stepped onto shore and ate an orange every once in awhile. This concern was triply inflated by the fact that he had three young adults onboard who became very antsy if they had to stay in one place for too long. Your patience certainly rivaled Buggy's or even Shanks', but even you had your limit, and you had met it long ago.
The ship would have planned to make port nearly a week before, but the World Government was closer to finding you than ever. It was simply too dangerous.
You soon learned how your friends reacted to a situation such as this. Shanks had retreated mostly into silence, with exception of the odd joke or attempt at conversation, and Buggy had decided he blamed you both somehow for this situation and that any words exchanged with either of you would only be of the complaining nature.
"I know, Bugs," said Shanks, and you were surprised to hear him answer Buggy's complaint. You exchanged glances with him, then turned back to Buggy.
"Let's go outside, yeah?" you suggested. "Do something fun."
"Everyone's outside," Buggy complained. "They've been yelling over something for hours."
"And you didn't think that was important to mention, Bugs?" Shanks asked, irritably. Buggy shrugged.
The thing that had sparked such interest in the crew was simply that, as your ship had sailed very far into the deepest waters, much farther than usual, you had sailed into a home of mermaids. Extremely dangerous, and the crew knew it.
It did not negate their interest whatsoever, though.
Pirates get stupid when mermaids are around. It is a core trait of pirates and no less than a sacred tenet of piracy itself. More than a few decent men have been seduced to the sea by the very concept of mermaids, and to that end, the idea of finding one.
Shanks and Buggy were no exception.
You had never really taken the care to notice how they behaved with girls. Their flirting was of no interest to you, and so you didn't bother to surveil it. But it came to your attention now that they had terribly different styles: namely, that Buggy was mostly content to sit and watch from the edge of the deck, and Shanks was more interested in yelling, waving, and nearly falling off the boat.
Granted, by this time, alcohol had become involved, and all bets were off.
Despite all the excitement, the first in weeks, Shanks had begun to notice how quiet you'd become. He approached you, somewhat cautiously, hoping you wouldn't react with a retort or a threat.
"You okay?"
You nodded, staring at the drink you held.
"You sure?"
You shrugged, whispering something under your breath that Shanks struggled to hear.
"What's that?"
You spoke again, slightly more than a whisper, but Shanks heard it all the same.
"...I wish I was a mermaid."
"You wish you were a mermaid?" He repeated loudly, almost outraged. You shushed him, and he just laughed.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just... nah, you wouldn't like to be one. You'd be missing... slamming doors, and Buggy would drown himself on a daily basis just to say hi-"
"Shut up!" you giggled. "So not true!"
"And then, of course, there'd be all the pirates. I wouldn't like sharing you with them."
"I'm a pirate. You're a pirate."
"I'm a different sort of pirate. And you're barely a pirate at all."
You shrank back, inexplicably hurt by Shanks' drunken offhand insult.
"I'm as much of a pirate as you."
"Of course you are. I didn't mean that. Not like that. I mean, you're just... you're very careful, you're much too good for us. You're not messy or mean like the rest of us are."
"What do you think I am, then?"
"A princess," he blurted out, and you tried not to laugh. "I've always thought so."
"Mhm. The whole time."
You studied Shanks' face, seeing him in a new light that you'd never glimpsed anyone in before. Had he always been this cute, or charming, or kind?
Well, it didn't matter if he always had been, because he was now, and before you had given much thought to it at all you were pushing his straw hat back and he was meeting your lips in a kiss, your first, his first.
"You're a terribly nice pirate," you mumbled.
"You're a terribly beautiful princess," he replied.
You both parted awkwardly, staring at each other with confused half-smiles and resigning to focusing your attentions back on the ocean. For now, it was merely a strange evening, a shooting star, but later on, you would remember that night as the precise moment you began to love Red-Haired Shanks.
And Buggy, watching from across the ship, would remember that night as the second time a deep knot of resentment grew in his chest, one that would only become larger with time. The first time had been as a child, when Shanks had done something exceptionally well where Buggy had failed, and Roger placed his famous straw hat onto his head.
The second time was tonight, because of you.
taglist: @sawendel @twinklesnake
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acescorazon · 7 months
Crocodile x Mihawk x Buggy fic idea for you: Mihawk and Crocodile are stunned when they each discover both Yoru and Crocodile's gold hook missing. The both of them immediately suspect that Buggy did something. Pissed six ways to Hell they go looking for their "fearless leader". They find him in one of the workshops and all anger is replaced with astonishment when they find Buggy polishing Yoru to a radiant shine, while Crocodile's hook hand is already gleaming like it's been kissed by the sun itself. When they get closer, Mihawk is quietly stunned to see that Buggy has gone so far as to rewrap the hilt of the strongest blade in brand new gleaming white leather. Buggy does his best to be non-chalant as he explains that he simply wants his " Lieutenants" looking their best as he hands Crocodile his hook and assures Mihawk he's almost done polishing Yoru. The gesture actually shifts Mihawk and Crocodile's attitude towards Buggy after that. Before he knows it, Buggy is the one getting stunned when he winds up with the world's strongest swordsman and the former but still formidable leader of Baroque Works declaring that they are both in love with him and mean belong to him just as much as he does to them. Cue the absolute chaos that somehow becomes a genuinely loving throuple and a true for to be reckoned with in the pirate world.
IK WE'VE ALREADY TALKED BUT HI AGAIN POOKIE LOL. Anyways this is going to be another one of the requests i turn into a little series, if you didn't see the post where i went into more details click here. (That's if you want to, you don't have to LOL.) ALSO PT2 this is going to be the series i was talking about where i'm going to try and experiment with alternating POVS as mentioned here.
Anyways i hope everything goes well, and i'm going to debut the first three chapters before we get into anything serious, (but again, as mentioned before, i want everyone's feed back please so i know this is something yall might want again in the future. ((OR MIGHT NOT LOL) ) ) I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS THO POOKIE AND ILY MUAHHHHH.
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Title: Buggy's guide to bagging boyfriends
Ch: 1/?
Rating: PG-ish for now ig (But let's talk later about it.)
Word count: 2835
Chapter except:
The room fills with tension as the two other members of Cross Guild glare at him, and Crocodile is the first to speak up, “Where’s my damn hook?!” He asks, and even though it's first thing in the morning, his voice is still, loud, deep, and intimidating, and he doesn’t sound like he’s in a good mood… but, then again, Buggy doesn’t think he ever is. Mihawk follows suit, asking his own question afterwards in a significantly quieter, yet equally as intimidating voice, “...And why do you have my sword?”
Well, so much for the surprise...
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It’s not like Buggy’s a workaholic or anything like that, he’s far from it actually. It’s just that even after he’s done doing his duties for the day, he often finds it hard to shut his brain off at night. He often tosses and turns in his bed, thinking about what he has to do in the morning or for the week, and sometimes finds himself wanting to get a head start on things. Tonight, he finds himself in another one of those situations, unable to sleep no matter how hard he tries because he keeps on thinking about Cross Guild and all that he has to do.
He has to have new weapons and medical supplies ordered, and he also has new men to welcome into the crew, each of whom he has to find a job for because Mihawk and Crocodile, while skilled in many things, aren’t big fans of doing the more simple tasks; like assigning their men jobs or giving them pep talks, or sending their families money after they’ve made an enemy out of themselves for attacking the marines. Damn, he has more bounties that need to be made too, and he has old ones that need to be taken off the market.
There’s so much to do, and part of him wants to go to sleep, but another part of him also wants to get back up and get right back to work again. It’s weird. 
Two, three, and then four o'clock, quickly passes him by as he continues to think about all that he has to do. He feels full of energy right now despite the fact that prior to lying down, he felt exhausted. He kept yawning and could barely keep his eyes open, but now, as he lies in his bed, it seems like he can’t fall asleep no matter how hard he tries. It seems like his previous exhaustion was just a sick prank his brain played on him. Thanks, brain. He continues to think about Cross Guild, he wasn’t exactly serious about it before. He was more or less just in it because he needed to repay his debt to Crocodile, but now… Well, he can’t say it’s the worst thing in the world. 
It has its cons of course: Mihawk and Crocodile are always bullying him, plus they make him run around like a chicken with its head cut off, doing what could only be considered more of a manager role than the big boss role, but Buggy kind of enjoys it actually. It makes the days go by a little quicker because he has so many things to do and men to look after these days, and he thinks his responsibilities are only going to grow in the future. 
His thoughts shift slightly, and he goes from thinking about all the things he needs to do to thinking about his ‘subordinates’ and his relationship with them. Buggy’s always had a rather rocky relationship with Mihawk and Crocodile but…It’s not like he would be opposed to being their friend or anything like that, the two just never seemed interested in anything other than a work relationship (or beating him up.) But maybe if Buggy actually put in an effort to be their friend, they could fix things and this Cross Guild thing could really kick ass! Perhaps if he did something nice for them, they’d stop hating him and see that Buggy’s not that bad of a guy after all. 
Should he do that? 
He finds himself wondering if he should just give this whole Cross Guild thing his all, you know, make the best out of a bad situation because he’s not going anywhere any time soon… Maybe there are ways to make his, Mihawk, and Crocodile’s relationship better, like, maybe he could get them all matching red cloaks, that’d make them look like a flashy team, right?? Okay, they’d probably kill him on the spot if he did something like that. Oh, uh, maybe he could gift them some sake! Wait…They’re kind of snobby and only drink aged wine or some crap. Uh, uh… what could he do for them? 
A sudden idea pops up in Buggy’s mind and he glances over at the clock by his bedside again, wondering how in just a few short seconds it went from four in the morning to almost six. Gah, time doesn’t make sense, but that doesn’t matter right now.
What are the most important things to Crocodile and Mihawk? Why, it’s their hook and sword of course! Well, actually, he’s pretty sure the most important thing to Crocodile is money and power, but that doesn’t matter! What if he shined their things for them!! That would be nice, wouldn’t it? And then they would definitely stop hating him and being mean to him, right? They’d have to! They’ll want to be his best friend if he does something that nice!! Buggy will give Crocodile’s hook and Mihawk’s sword a nice shine, and then they’ll be all like, ‘Oh, my god, Buggy. You’re so amazing, you’re so wonderful, you’re so sexy and smart, we love you!!!!’ Okay, wait, they probably won’t do the last thing, but Buggy can hear their praises now.
God, he’s so smart. 
Buggy hops out of bed, quickly gets himself dressed, and then makes his way out of his tent. The island feels so calm and peaceful right now as his men continue to sleep in the early morning hours. Everything is deserted and quiet, and Buggy enjoys the scenery, finding Emptee Bluffs island the most beautiful during early summer mornings such as this. Buggy just so happens to notice that the sun is just barely beginning to peek over the horizon as he heads to Crocodile’s tent first, and he takes a moment to admire its beauty before continuing on with his tasks. He's so excited for this! He’s going to have two, not one, but two, super cool best friends!   
As Crocodile’s tent comes into view, Buggy’s heart starts pounding in his chest because, despite knowing he has nothing but good intentions, he knows that if Crocodile were to discover what he plans on doing, then he’d wring his neck for sure. So, he quietly sneaks into Crocodile’s tent, and in his room, he can just barely make out the soft sounds of snoring coming from over at his bed. Perfect, Buggy thinks, hoping that there might be a chance that Crocodile doesn’t sleep with his hook on, and as he crouches down and makes his way slowly across the dimly lit room, he notices the object of his desire lying right on top of Crocodile’s nightstand. 
Perfect. He’s going to be so surprised! Buggy’s going to just take this for a little while, but he’s going to make sure he returns Crocodile’s hook, and of course, Mihawk’s sword, before either of them realizes that their belongings have even gone missing! 
Buggy quickly snatches up Crocodile’s hook, clutching it close to his chest, and then goes after his next target: Yoru. He thinks things might be a little more difficult considering that Mihawk may very well be awake at this time since he seems like an early riser, and Buggy has often seen him taking morning walks around the island or getting a cup of coffee from the cafeteria. It’ll be alright though, maybe he’ll be asleep or out of his tent. Buggy wastes little time making his way over to Mihawk’s tent, peeking his head in first to see if he’s awake or even inside, and when he realizes that his tent is empty, but Yoru is resting against the side of his bed, he grins, grabbing Mihawk’s beloved sword and quickly making a run for it.  
Buggy can try to hide Crocodile’s hook but, obviously, it’ll be a little hard given its size, but there’s no way that he could possibly hide Mihawk’s sword, so he makes a quick run for it towards one of the island’s workshops, grunting on the way there from the sheer weight of both items. He looks around the shop once he’s inside, searching for some polishing cream and a rag, and struggling for a moment because he doesn’t usually come to this place. Usually, he just stops by for a few minutes to check up on his men, so he doesn’t know where anything is. Everything is so familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time, but he eventually finds what he needs and begins working on his surprise, having a seat on a stool and polishing Crocodile’s hook first.
He grunts again as he holds the heavy metal in his hands, wondering how Crocodile can even use this as a prosthetic with how heavy it is. He thinks it has to be at least a good thirty pounds alone, but that’s none of Buggy’s concern, he just took it so that he would be able to give it the shine it needs. Not only does giving this bad boy a good shine seem nice, but wouldn’t it be cooler if Crocodile engaged in battle with the Marines or even one of the mighty four emperors (not Buggy though.) and he had the coolest, most shiniest, most bad ass hook the world’s ever seen?!
Hell yeah, it would be! Crocodile is going to look so freaking cool thanks to Buggy!!! 
He polishes the hook once, but it honestly doesn’t look shiny enough the first time around, so Buggy decides to polish it again, and then actually a third time because he wants that bad boy to shine like a diamond…even though it’s gold. It doesn’t matter, he just wants it to look pretty. He wants it so shiny that light will bounce off it and blind people, that’s how shiny he wants Crocodile’s gold hook to be, and as he finishes polishing it, he smiles to himself, now a little sweaty because of the poor ventilation in the workshop. 
Buggy moves on to Yoru next and as he holds the sword up, he once again takes the time to mentally complain about the pure weight of the object alone, wondering how Mihawk carries the damn thing on his back all the time without having any problems. He must have a spine made out of steel.
(Buggy wishes he could say the same.)
Buggy stares at the sword, admiring its beauty for a moment before lying it down on the workbench in front of him, he notices as he begins to polish the blade that the bandages around the hilt are a little ragged and dirty now, most likely from how much its owner uses it, and Buggy gets another idea in his head at that moment, wondering if there’s anything that he can rewrap the hilt of the sword with. He figures that he’ll worry about that a bit later though as he begins to polish Yoru, and just like with Crocodile’s hook, Buggy can’t help but think that the sword would look so much cooler and prettier if it was shinier. Like, yeah, it’s already stunning, but it just needs that extra layer of flashiness to really make it stand out, and so he takes his time polishing the blade, shining it until it’s bright and pretty, and so dazzling it makes Buggy’s eyes hurt, and once he’s done he looks for something to rewrap the hilt with. 
It takes him a little while, but he does eventually find some white leather that he thinks could probably be used to wrap the hilt with, and he begins to unwrap the bandages from around the sword, which, by the way, takes a whole lot longer than Buggy thought it would.  He eventually manages to get the bandages wrapped around the hilt off though, and then proceeds to wrap, and unwrap, and then wrap the sword again. He does this several times because this too, isn’t as easy as he thought it would be, but he slowly starts to figure out how to make the leather around the hilt look juuuust right...When all of a sudden, he hears loud, quick footsteps coming from the outside of the tent, but he figures it's just his men ready to start their day. 
How long have I been here? Buggy wonders as he continues to wrap Yoru’s hilt. He doesn’t have a watch on him, but he doesn’t feel like he’s spent that much time in the workshop, maybe because he’s genuinely enjoying himself and likes the idea of possibly making Mihawk and Crocodile happy? 
“Hey, Clown, you in there?!” 
Buggy pauses in an instant. Crocodile…? He wonders, taking a moment to figure out who the gravelly voice that just called out to him belongs to. Oh no! The surprise, it’s going to be ruined if he doesn– 
Too late. 
Mihawk and Crocodile come barging into the tent, both red in the face and looking like they want to snap Buggy’s neck but to be fair, they always look like that. Buggy pauses for a moment and stares up at his two chief officers, unsure of how to explain himself now that he’s been caught. Damn it, he really thought that he could get everything done before they realized their stuff was missing!! Seriously, how long has he been in the workshop?!
The room fills with tension as the two other members of Cross Guild glare at him, and Crocodile is the first to speak up, “Where’s my damn hook?!” He asks, and even though it's first thing in the morning, his voice is still, loud, deep, and intimidating, and he doesn’t sound like he’s in a good mood… but, then again, Buggy doesn’t think he ever is. Mihawk follows suit, asking his own question afterwards in a significantly quieter, yet equally as intimidating voice, “...And why do you have my sword?”
Well, so much for the surprise... 
Buggy places Yoru down for a moment as the other two former warlords approach him, and he notices how their expressions go from unbridled rage to pure confusion in a moment’s notice as soon as they get a little closer to him. He stands up and picks up Crocodile’s hook first and hands it to him, “I know I shouldn’t have taken your stuff,” He admits, and both Mihawk and Crocodile’s confusion only seems to grow, “But I just suddenly thought to myself: ‘Wow, i want to do something nice for them so that maybe we could be friends…and that you guys would look so cool if your weapons were all clean and shiny…” He chuckles lightly for a moment, trying to find the right words to explain how he got ahead of himself, but everything was all out of the goodness of his heart.
 “Seriously, guys, i was hoping that i could get everything polished before you even noticed your things were gone, but obviously that didn’t happen…” He sighs, rubbing the back of his head, “But, yeah, i wasn’t trying to make you guys mad or anything, just wanted you to look cool and to be friends!”
There’s absolute silence after Buggy’s explanation. Crocodile looks down at his hook, twisting and turning it in his hand as he examines it, and then suddenly he mutters a quiet, “Whatever, just don’t steal it again.” before he makes his leave, and honestly… Considering this is Crocodile we’re talking about, Buggy feels like things went a lot better than they could have… but still, he’s a little disappointed at that reaction. Was Crocodile’s hook not shiny enough? Or is he just really upset that Buggy stole his hand in the first place? Ah, shucks… Maybe he messed up. Maybe he should have done something else for him instead…Is his relationship with Crocodile going to be even more strained because of this? 
Aw, man. He hopes not! 
Buggy turns to Mihawk next, who is still staring at him speechlessly with wide eyes. He gives him a small, little smile, hoping that he hasn’t screwed things up with Mihawk too, “Uh, no offense, but the bandages around your sword were a little worn out, so uh, i thought i’d rewrap your sword too. I’m almost done, just give me a second,” Buggy tells him and then sits back down on the stool he was using, quickly finishing his job and wrapping Yoru’s hilt tightly, and afterwards he stands back up and gives Mihawk a proper grin, hoping that he might be a little more appreciative of his gift. “There! All done,” He says, handing the sword back to its owner. 
Mihawk continues to just stare at him even after he gets his sword back, and honestly, Buggy didn’t do any of this for a thank you or praise, even though that would be nice, he did this because he genuinely wanted to change things between him, Hawkeye, and Crocodile…So, he’s a little shocked when Mihawk simply sighs before quickly leaving the workshop too, not even saying another word to Buggy.
…So, are they not going to be super cool best friends?
((A/N: Hopefully this isn't ASS.))
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yujo-nishimura · 6 months
Cross Guild Headcanon - Part 3
Comment: I saw this idea posted by @spaceagerabbit and really wanted to write it! And somehow it also fit perfectly with my ongoing fiction... so here we go - I present you a smut with submissive and whiney Buggy. This is also for @lostfirefly and @hellbaby237
Warning: smut, Buggy x female reader, a bit of force and violence, Buggy is a virgin, NSFW, minors do not interact!
English is not my native language, this has not been proofread.
Part 1 - Part 2
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As you leave the room, ready to get help for your captain you suddenly are grabbed and pushed against a wall, screaming in surprise as you gasp for air. 
The scent of cigars seems to suffocate you and you immediately know who was pinning you against the wall next to the room you just had left - Crocodile was smiling at you with a sly grin. 
“Gotcha! Did the clown send you to run some errands for him? Then he needs to wait..”
You try to break free from his grip, realizing he is too strong to get away. 
“What do you want? My captain needs medical aid, I am in a hurry.” “Your loyalty is really admirable. What do you find about this loser so enticing that you are going all the lengths for him?”
"You wouldn't understand, would you?!" you seethe, directing your frustration towards Crocodile. You're well aware that such words could easily escalate the situation, leaving you battered and bruised just like your captain.You manage to restrain yourself from acting impulsively and instead wait for his response. Slowly, he releases his grip on you, seemingly impressed by your audacity.
"Would you be interested in joining the cross guild, little girl? Do you believe Captain Buggy would willingly share you with us?"
You stare at Crocodile in utter disbelief. What could he possibly mean by that?
"I don't think it's customary for a pirate captain to share their crew members," you cautiously reason, carefully choosing your words.
"Aren't you just Buggy's little plaything? Here's a proposition: demonstrate your true loyalty towards that clown, and perhaps we'll reconsider collecting the debts owed by your captain..."
"I refuse!" you exclaim, feeling as though you're repeating yourself. Deep down, you have an instinctive understanding of what Crocodile wants, but you simply cannot fathom accepting it.
Without giving you a choice, Crocodile swings open the adjacent door and forcefully propels you back into the room. Buggy was still sitting on the sofa, anxiously awaiting your return. His defeated expression transforms into one of sheer terror as he witnesses Crocodile's firm grasp on you, exerting pressure to push you forward.
"Change of plans, clown!" Crocodile declares, his voice laced with menace. "Y/n here has agreed to assist you with your debt."
"Really?" Buggy's face illuminates with a mixture of disbelief and hope. Before you can utter a word, Crocodile delivers a forceful shove, causing you to emit a startled shriek as you stumble and land directly at the feet of your captain.
A resounding laughter erupts from Crocodile, his amusement unbearable for you in front of Buggy. 
“I’m sorry, Captain, I couldn't get you a doctor. Crocodile stopped me…” 
Buggy remained silent, his body trembling with fear, uncertain of what would unfold next.
"I simply fail to understand why Y/n here would risk her own life for a worthless individual like you," Crocodile remarked, a twisted amusement evident in his voice. "But as I held her captive outside, I couldn't help but notice the spark in her eyes, her unwavering determination. It seems she truly loves you, clown. And now, I want to witness her express that love for you with all that she possesses."
Embarrassment floods over you, causing your cheeks to burn as you tremble, feeling utterly humiliated to have your emotions laid bare in front of your captain.
You can hear Buggy gulp, and you purposely avoid meeting his gaze as he cautiously asks, "Is that true? What do you mean by showing her love towards me, Crocodile...?"
Your gaze still lowered, you notice Crocodile has settled into a chair on the opposite side of the room, crossing his legs in a comfortable position.
“I want to see her fucking you. To say it bluntly. That beautiful body of hers on a loser like you sounds like the best entertainment I can get here on this island…!”
Crocodile's laughter fills the room, causing your heart to skip a beat upon hearing his words directed at you and Buggy. Desperately, you attempt to stifle the tears welling up inside, refusing to believe that this could be anything more than a cruel joke.
"In your dreams, you damn bastard!" Buggy's voice resonates with a sudden surge of courage. "You can humiliate me all you want, but my crew members are off-limits!"
You watch as he rises to his feet, placing himself between you and Crocodile, while you remain frozen on the floor, unable to move.
However, Crocodile proves to be quicker and stronger. Transforming into sand, he swiftly disappears from the chair he had been occupying, reappearing behind Buggy in an instant. With brutal force, he shoves your captain back onto the sofa, causing Buggy to emit a cry of pain. Unable to bear the sound any longer, you lift your gaze.
"I'll do it! It's fine! If you'll just stop tormenting my captain and erase all his debts, I'll do whatever you want!" you yell, desperation lacing your voice. Crocodile gazes at you, a smirk dancing upon his lips.
"That's it! That's the fire I want to see, little girl!"
Taking a deep sigh, you turn towards Buggy, who remains seated on the couch, clutching his injured arm in pain. 
"I'm sorry, Captain," you begin, your voice filled with remorse. "I wish I could have found a better moment to tell you this..."
Buggy's gaze shifts towards you, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. His eyes widen in surprise as you start to fumble at his pants, trying to open them. 
“We do not need to do this, Y/n…!”, he stammers, but you have already freed his cock from the red fabric of his clothes and you start gently rubbing it. It is so big and veiny, you can hardly fit it in your hand. As you feel the heat rising from your stomach to your head you realize that this was all you had ever dreamed of - you just had hoped it would have happened in a different time at a different place and without an audience watching.
Crocodile has sat down again on his chair, watching you carefully as you slowly start to pump Buggys throbbing dick. You try to avoid his gaze, feeling embarrassed but you can hear Buggy hissing, his hands instinctively move to stop you, but instead of exerting force, they gently guide you, encouraging you to proceed further.
“Y/n, please..!”, he groans and you are not sure if it is a plea to stop or continue further. You realize that you no longer want to entertain the thought of Crocodile and the humiliation he has subjected you to. At this moment, your sole focus is on Buggy, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to make Crocodile finally leave your captain alone.
Buggy emits a startled shriek as you suddenly take his cock in your mouth, gently starting to suck on it. 
“I knew it. Look at that little slut, she is a professional!” Crocodile chuckles at the other side of the room, still keeping his gaze fixated on you, seeming to fully enjoy the show. 
“Come on, you stupid clown. You just want to sit there and let her do the work? Give her some love too!”, he demands and as Buggy does not react, he turns into sand again, getting closer to the two of you, forcing Buggys gloved hand under your shirt, with a swift motion finding your breasts under the fabrics. Your captain is moaning and whining, he wants to shake off Crocodile's leading hand, but he can feel how you tremble under the touch and how your nipples get stiff and hard. You can feel his cock getting even harder in your mouth - he really does not want to do this, but his body is just not reacting as he had wished for. “Take off her clothes, come on!” Crocodile whispers and finally Buggy seems to be more cooperative. With shaking hands he grabs your shirt and lifts it up, leaving you down on your knees only with your pants and a bare chest. “Look at her beautiful tits. Have you ever seen lovely rosy skin like this? Don't you tell me you don't want to suck on this…?”, Crocodiles voice has become a whisper and you finally dare to look up. You can see the former warlord, standing behind the sofa, whispering into your captain's ear with a mischievous grin. Buggys face is distorted in desire and humiliation, you can feel his cock pulsating on your tongue as you meet his gaze. He is totally into you, he longs for you and you can feel that he is close to cum if you do not quickly pull back. 
Taking control of the situation, you release your grip on Buggy's cock and carefully rise to your feet. You rub your knees, easing the discomfort caused by your position on the floor.
Having both men looking at you now felt kind of arousing and embarrassing, you quickly took off your pants and underwear, giving your captain and Crocodile a good view on your whole naked body by doing so. 
"I see you're starting to enjoy yourself," Crocodile remarks with a sly grin, leisurely circling around the sofa to draw nearer to you.
Refusing to let him derail your resolve, you don't allow his comment to interrupt you. The agreement was forged out of love for Buggy, and you were determined in not allowing Crocodile to undermine your actions any further. 
Seeing your captain's longing gaze and him blushing under his clown makeup made you feel light-headed. He was a mess, spread out on the couch, his eyes scanning your body in anticipation. His vibrant blue hair scruffy, cascading in an unruly manner across the surface of the sofa. You gently took his hands, allowing him to explore your body, guiding them over your breasts and your hips. A shiver ran through your spine, finally feeling his touch made you feel weak and craving more. “Do you want to continue, Captain?!”, you ask carefully, trying to meet his gaze, his emerald eyes glowing in lust and excitement. He is unable to answer, overwhelmed by the situation, but his body shows clear signs of not having had enough yet. 
You again take the lead, carefully kneeling on to the couch, lowering your wet folds against the tip of Buggys cock. You observe a mixture of painful longing in his expression as he realizes your intentions. Leaning closer, you whisper in his ear, your voice barely audible.
"Trust me, Captain. I will make you feel really good."
You can suddenly feel bare hands on your hips and your bottom, Crocodile had positioned himself behind you two and was now laughing again, his cold fingers grabbing your flesh. 
"We don't have all day for this, and I want to see more of the clown's suffering!" Crocodile's  voice is filled with impatience and sadistic anticipation as he pushes your hips down, forcing Buggy into entering your wet pussy without any resistance. You moaned loudly over the sudden forceful penetration, but it feels so good, that you immediately start moving - feeling Buggys cock completely filling your insides. Your captain has thrown his head back, he is whimpering and groaning, his eyes rolling in his head. He cannot look at you, feeling so humiliated, but his hips start moving into you, he really wants to cum, he is craving for release. You gently put your arms around his shoulders, he is still fully dressed, but you want to make sure he feels you close to him, feeling the heat from your body. 
"Captain, look at me!" you whisper once more, your voice filled with persistence. Drawing nearer to his face, you come so close that your noses almost touch. Buggy exerts every ounce of his willpower to meet your gaze. Beads of sweat glisten on his forehead, his mouth hangs partially open, and his eyes appear feverish with a mixture of desire and confusion. You realize that he probably has never done this before in his life. You might be his first. 
You try to go a bit slower, so he can enjoy this longer. You again take his hands and guide them over your body. He is hesitant but as his fingers reach your hip, he suddenly grabs you forcefully, leaning forward to kiss you. His kiss is sloppy and messy, you realize that he is starting to lose control but also he starts to understand what this was all about. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. I always.. wanted to protect you..!”, he just moaned and this was the moment he couldn't hold back any longer. He started growling and pumping even harder into you, you could feel the tip of his cock touching your cervix. Saliva was dripping out of his mouth as he was so focused on reaching his climax, his movements became careless and out of sync with yours, he was just reaching for his own sweet relief. “You feel so fucking good, I wanna do this again and again to you…!” he moaned in your ear, his voice was hoarse, you had never heard him talking like this before. 
“Is it true what Crocodile said…? Do you… ah… love me?”, he continued mumbling in your ear, making you blush and feeling even more vulnerable than you already were. 
Buggy suddenly slapped your ass and you shrieked in surprise. You could feel his dick pulsating against your wet folds, you knew he was close to cum. Instead of answering, you decide to stay silent, because he was talking like he was out of his mind and his feverish eyes just proved that. You leaned forward kissing him again, gently nibbling on his lips, delicately letting your hands run down his clothed chest. This finally breaks him, Buggy throws his head back and hisses: “You damn vixen, fuck!” and in that instant you feel his hot juices flowing inside of you, filling you up to the brim. 
You are both panting, you can still feel him twitching inside of you, unable to move he just stays on the sofa, breathing heavily. Crocodiles laughter fills the room and you suddenly remember that he had been watching the whole time. 
“Well done, little girl. He didn't even last for 5 minutes but I guess your pussy took him out better than any of our beatings…!”
You quickly try to cover your breast in a sudden realization of being completely exposed and vulnerable. As you try to get off from Buggy you could hear the wet sounds from between your legs, making you blush again. 
“Sweetheart…!” As Buggy attempted to sit up, a faint moan escaped his lips. However, before you could fully comprehend the moment, Crocodile reappears behind you, his presence overshadowing you. The pungent aroma of his cigar enveloping you, while his voice takes on the same hoarse tone your captain had used earlier.
"Do you think this is the end of it?" Crocodile rasps, his words laced with a sinister undertone. "That was merely a warm-up. Now, allow me to demonstrate how a real man handles such matters."
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fluffycalamari · 1 year
One Piece Relationship Headcannons
Content warning: Fluffy!!
Characters included: Luffy, Sanji, Ussop
Characters you can expect in other parts: Zoro, Law, Kid, Killer, Bartolomeo, Doflamingo, Crocodile, Buggy
I feel like Luffy wouldn't know how to express his attraction and love for you properly. Like he loves you so much he can't physically express it the way he wants to.
He's definitely asking you if he can take your food instead of outright taking it. I can also see him offering you a LITTLE bit of his food.
Definitely gives amazing hugs
A very affectionate partner
Very blunt; doesn't matter whose around he will tell and possibly yell about how gorgeous/handsome/attractive you are.
I can see him doing this goofy little thing where he'll act like he's dying very poorly for your affection like:
"Oh noooooooo!" luffy shouts, clutching his chest; falling to the ground all in dramatic fashion. You snicker at the scene while the other straw hats continued on with what they were already doing. "I think..." he throws his hands to his forehead, palms facing the crystal clear sky. "...I think it dying!! If only...." The goofball coughs a few times too many. "[Name]!" He snaps his head to you when he says that, eyes wide, tounge hanging out. "You can save me! With a kiss! A couple of kisses and I'll be better instantly!!" Who are you to deny saving the life of your captain!? You trot right on over to him, lie on top of him and pecker his face with kisses.
Over the top boyfriend!!
He loves you, he craves you, he adores you, he'll love you even more if you're a tad bit obsessive!!
Will love if you offer to help him cook, he loves instructing you!! Will make an amazing teacher if you want to learn to cook!
Showers you in gifts and words of affirmation, anything you do is amazing.
Hype man!!
He's a bit protective, but he trusts you entirely!!
Now when I say obsessive I don't mean it in the "I'll kill anyone for you" type of fashion. Sanji may be down bad but he isn't insane. This is what I mean:
Moments like these are what the both you crave; the ocean was calm and you guys were currently smooth sailing. You and Sanji laid together completely tangled on his bed in the male dorms. Smothering eachother in kisses and praise you cup his face. "I wish I could buy an island; kidnap you, and we could live together happily forever!" You beam and his face goes red. The fact that you basically admitted that you want to have a life with him warms his soul. AND HES THE REASON FOR YOUR HAPPINESS?!?! he'll eat that shit THE FUCK UP!!!!
Very flustered boyfriend
He knows exactly how he wants to show undying love to you but gets embarrassed or flustered and it never goes the way he plans. It adds to his dorky charm!!
I think he'd be constantly jealous, idunno my Usopp senses are tingling on that one
He loves to tell you stories!! Whether they're true or not.
Will tell you stories to sleep!!
Gets very defensive and will actually shoot at sanji whenever he makes a move on you
"[Name] SWAAAAAA~" The blond shouted from across the ship, running towards you with horrifying speed. It was hot as hell today, so you opted for a tank top and a pair of usopps shorts. "Hello to you too." You chuckle at his behavior, there were hearts bulgding from his eyes; literally drooling over you. "Sanji please...you know they're with Usopp, you KNOW Usopp doesn't like when you do this!!" Chopper shouts, medkit in hand; knowing how the situation was going to play out. "Sorry prince, I'm happily with Usopp; you can stop drooling over me now," You lazily smile. The blonde now on his knees banging on the ships floor dramatically shouts "What does that long nosed bastard have that I don't!! How did he manage to win your heart when I'M RIGHT HERE!!! This is-ACKK!" Sanji howls in pain as you notice rocks being shot at him. Not small rocks either, simular to an snowball. Ussop fires back to back everytime Sanji opens his mouth; only stopping when he's outta rocks. Ussop walks up to you, planting a big fat kiss on your left cheek, smiling. "I have [name], Sanji, you don't!" He retorts as Chopper quickly runs towards the1 bruised cook tensing to his injuries.
My writing is actually so bad I need to improve LMAO
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The captain’s laugh
Thinking of Buggy laughing without a care in the world and combining that with Jeff Ward's brilliant smile made me fall into the depths of angst again
This happens when he's out on the sea longing from a distance while you're taken to Makara (from 'The Sea Circus Captain')
Click on picture for more quality 🥹
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The crew only heard it rarely, mostly in the dead of night when most of them were asleep. Golden light escaped through the cracks of the doors to the captain's quarters.
No one was welcome there except you. And it was evident you were there with him, it was the only time they heard his true laugh. The one that wasn't like the others, when he put on a show or intimidated his enemies. This one felt free that if anyone had the privilege of listening to it, it made them feel a little less lonely. And it was clear that you were the most privileged, cause you heard it the most often.
He held that power within him, to make a dire situation seem light and though the seas had vicious pirates and captains of its own. Those that looked like monsters and were monsters. Buggy was different, he had always been.
Often overlooked for the way his eyes lit up and for his schemes not being hurting enough. It was only because he couldn't help but foster that light, the light he tried so hard to hide but now it ebbed uncontrollably from within him. Cause you were the source to that sensation of warmth, the eternal flame keeping him going.
And so the crew missed it, waiting for it like a myth ever since you were lost. Ever since you had been taken away, cause his room was never lit up night, the ship rocked with a silence that it soon got unnerving and desolate and depressing.
Without you on board, this place was a ghostown. And he was the ghost that haunted the deck with such determination. The smile that was painted on was a camouflage, a diversion because his lips never tilted up again. As he watched the distant island leaning up against the mast. His laugh too was lost with you.
The crew were never one for casting wishes when they spotted a shooting star or caught a starfish. But now everyone only has one wish, nodding as the other passed by if they ever held anything remotely special. Cause all they could do was try and wish you back, if it meant their Captain could light up again.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
I have this thought for quite some time, coming mostly from my twitter and Reddit interactions.
I kinda love the amount of hate I see towards Buggy. People hate how Oda loves this clown and keeps bringing him up, how he is getting more connections to story, how he gets that high bounty. They hate him because he doesn’t have powers, or isn’t smart.
And the fact that so many of them try to cope by putting Mihawk in place of Buggy is incredible. Mihawk is not some lost friend who is having insanely deep contention to shanks, BUGGY IS.
But I guess he’s not “cool and powerful” enough and they don’t get why shanks could be friends with “someone like that” (actual take I saw a lot).
I can’t wait for buggy to be more important just to see everyone lose their minds. If he gets to laugh tale, the best day of my life. And I’m not even that big on Buggy
These takes make me so angry because they're just??? Not true at all??? Most of these opinions come from the general audience and dudebros who don't take the time to analyze Buggy and just accept his character the way other characters see him. Instead of stopping for a second and thinking about why he does what he does and why Oda likes him so much, they just assume he's the lame clown everyone in the OP world thinks he is. Which is, in my opinion, extremely sad. And you don't even have to analyze shit?? Like, okay, I get it. Chapter 1082 is crucial for his character and perhaps if you don't read that you might think he's useless and Oda uses him too much for what he actually does for the story (bullshit, by the way, I'm just trying to find a reasoning behind their shitty takes). But after reading 1082??????????? Okay???? Whatever. Buggy haters get on my nerves, not because they don't like Buggy, but because they don't understand him.
Saying Buggy isn't smart is uhhh. It's just not true. The fact that he's constantly placed next to the biggest, most feared, and strategic pirates in the world just doesn't help him at all to prove that, tbh. I'd be scared af if I had gone through all the things he has, honestly. Like- People- People just ignore Water 7 and the whole thing with Usopp being a coward but wanting to be more than that because of his dream and that being scared doesn't necessarily mean something bad??? I think people just forget entire arcs and scenes to post these things. Buggy might not be the bravest but he understands the pirate world better than anybody and he's genuinely smart, he's just constantly placed in situations that force his character to be scared af (for obvious reasons) and everyone looks down on him for that. Which makes total sense for his character because his whole thing is feeling inferior and being compared to others when he has many talents himself. He isn't dumb, he just has the worst luck in the whole fucking world. Or the best. It sort of depends.
I think he lost his bravery and sense of adventure when he gave up on his dream, but now that he's being more confident in the fact that he could achieve it, we will see him using his full potential. And I am so, so excited for that. The speech he gives in chapter 1082 changed my life and it's easily my favorite chapter from the whole manga. I really, really hope they do something with that. I want him to have all the wonderful scenes he deserves.
And, okay, about the Mihawk thing: I don't agree with that that much? Like, okay, I can see people often making Mishanks relationship more than what it actually is, but tbf, Mihawk is barely a character here because Oda hasn't given him screentime of his own. He's always there for another character (Shanks, Zoro, Cross guild, etc). What we do know about him is that he went all his way to find Shanks and tell him about Luffy?? Like. Okay, babe, I know what you are. What we do know is that Shanks and him have something going on and I would really like to know WHAT exactly. I'm not even a huge Mishanks shipper but I completely understand why people like it. I prefer other ships like Shuggy and Cross Guild but, well, I don't think they use Mihawk to take over Buggy's place. I think they just want Mihawk to have some story because Oda barely gives him one. But I can see where you're coming from, though. I can see a lot of people using Shuggy's dynamic for them sometimes and it bothers me because these two have their own thing and they could easily just?? Ship both things??
People saying they don't understand why Shanks would be friends with somebody like Buggy is so funny to me, because we barely know anything about Shanks either, lmfao. He's the cool and powerful role model of the main character. He's literally the most cliché thing in the whole wide world, shut up. And I absolutely love him and he has wayyy more personality than these types of characters usually have, but I am tired of seeing takes like this as if Buggy wasn't one of the most interesting characters in this manga. But, also, Shanks would just?? Kick these people's asses for this shit. Saying you don't understand why Shanks would be friends with Buggy is just admitting you think the same way people in-world think about him, which is just admitting you don't understand his character. At least people in-world think that way because they don't know Buggy's story. You know Buggy's story. You should know why Shanks is friends with him and cares so much about him. But also?? Even if Buggy truly was a fucking loser with no talent and no dreams. Saying Shanks needs a reason for being friends with him is so dumb. Have you considered that... Sometimes... Most of the time... People don't have a reason for being friends with somebody and you don't need to find a reason for somebody's love?? Like- Perhaps Shanks just fucking loves Buggy because that's his childhood friend and he doesn't care about his abilities or talents. Perhaps he just loves him for who he is. I don't think it's that hard to understand, honestly.
You're not that big on Buggy, but I am. I really am. He's probably getting a tragic ending with Shanks but I do not care. If he ever gets to Laugh Tale or- Or if he ends up believing in himself finally. If he gets closure with him (which he will get, because Oda loves these two too much to leave them without closure). I will be the happiest person in the whole world. My mind and body say "Luffy king of the pirates!!" but my heart cries of happiness every time I think about Buggy being the king. I love him so fucking much.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 7 months
“Being a pirate is all about going your own way.” // “Come with me, Buggy!!”
is this post totally redundant after the similar post i made last week? idk. i guess the main difference is that this time i’m looking at the same topic in an unambiguously romantic light? the shipper goggles, as they say, are on, and i want to talk about these scenes in that context. so, if you’ll forgive me for repeating myself a bit, let’s talk about this again:
as much as i enjoy the heartbreak of “they always thought they’d be together but miscommunication tore them apart” takes on shanks/buggy, the very first flashback we get about them—the first things we learn about them at all, really—tells us this isn’t true.
and i think what we get is more romantic.
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Chapter 19, Pages 12-13. i know last time i said they’re at most 12 here, but looking at these lanky-ass teenaged designs that’s nuts. i fully believe oda hadn’t thought through their ages/the timeline at this point, and they were originally supposed to be about luffy’s age when buggy got his devil fruit. which is not relevant to this post in any way, but it’s my post so i get to go off-topic if i want.
Shanks and Buggy have their own goals as pirates, and at this time they understand them to be mutually incompatible. Buggy thinks Shanks’ travel-and-adventure-oriented take on piracy is soft and foolish; Shanks doesn’t care for Buggy’s exclusively treasure-focused take. They’re sometimes friendly, sometimes not, they’ve fought side by side, but they know this time as allies and crewmates is temporary. (Buggy plans on taking his treasure map and the Devil Fruit and leaving the crew immediately.) Maybe they’ll become friendly rivals, ‘fighting to the finish’ when they run into each other like Roger and Whitebeard do, or maybe the next time they see each other they’ll literally fight to the finish. Who knows?
“That’s also what being a pirate is all about.” It’s very sensible behavior. Smart planning for the future.
Which means the contradictory ways they act later—Buggy secretly deciding to follow Shanks, Shanks bluntly asking Buggy to come with him—are not about these characters thoughtlessly clinging to the status quo. They are not in a “we were always together and I never thought that would change” situation. Deciding to stick together is a considered, emotional decision: “I know we don’t make sense together but I don’t care, I want us together anyway.”
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Chapter 1082, Pages 8-9. i was cursed the moment i saw these pages with Unable To Stop Thinking About It disease; only time will tell if seeing it animated makes it worse or cures me.
This argument is a codependent breaking point. Buggy’s pinned all his dreams on Shanks, hoisted that poor boy up on a pedestal, and it all falls apart when Shanks reveals thoughts and plans that don’t match Buggy’s perception of him. He can’t bear to be around him now that the false image has been revealed. (Shanks, poor thing, seems to have had no idea any of this was happening.)
But if Shanks hadn’t said no to Laugh Tale in this moment—or maybe if he’d offered a soft no of, idk, “okay, sure, once we’ve got a strong enough crew”—Buggy would have gone with him, still projecting wildly onto Shanks. He’d convinced himself that being a member of the Pirate King’s crew was enough for him, that he didn’t need to be Pirate King himself if Shanks got the title and he was with Shanks.
…but would he have actually liked being a member of that crew?
Like, looking at the things the Red-Haired Pirates do, would Buggy have enjoyed being one of them? Wandering East Blue, hanging out in friendly port towns, collecting treasure here and there but spending a lot of time getting drunk and making friends with the locals? Eventually becoming famous for having a large, weak fleet of subordinate pirate crews Shanks has to sometimes physically step in and protect?
God, no, he’d’ve been miserable. Just seething with thwarted ambition, furious at the perceived disrespect. A real power hungry first officer stereotype, the kind of character that makes you think, Why’s he working for this guy if he hates him so much?
And Buggy must have suspected it would go something like that. But if Shanks hadn’t rejected Laugh Tale, he would’ve gone with him anyway.
(Better to be miserable with you than a loser on my own.)
Or say Buggy agreed to come with Shanks. Obviously his presence wouldn’t change the crew makeup significantly enough to skew the Red-Haired Pirates towards his way of thinking, but for the sake of argument: if he had convinced Shanks to do things his way, would Shanks have enjoyed the kind of piracy Buggy engages in? Taking over and destroying East Blue port towns, ordering your crew killed on a furious whim, single-mindedly hunting down treasure maps and single-mindedly hunting down treasure chests and paying no attention to anything along the journey? Eventually becoming the boss and administrator for a bunch of bounty hunters and mercenaries?
No way; most of that behavior is totally repellant to Shanks. If he let Buggy do that kind of thing under his banner, you’d be left wondering What happened to his morals? Why does he let this guy walk all over him?
And Shanks knew the kind of pirate Buggy was and wanted to be. But he asked Buggy to come with him anyway.
(Better to be miserable with you than have fun apart.)
It’s hard to see a way to make these very different styles of pirating work together. It’s probably doable… with a lot of compromise and honest conversation. The younger Shanks and Buggy had a point, when they said each going their own way was the obvious choice! It was certainly the easier one. Was it the happier one? Who can say.
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I know that I'm super late about this, and everyone has already talked about it at length, but if you're not caught up on the news then the reason there's an evil pirate clown staring at you on your dash is because of Netflix's live-action adaption of One Piece, which started airing today and tumblr's apparently doing some kind of promotional thing for it. The clown is Buggy, and he's first major villain of note the protagonists face off against.
Having been a One Piece fan for almost as long as some of my mutuals have been alive, I like him, but I understand that not everyone's into a clown staring at them 24/7. That said something I want to say about this whole situation is that I find all the animosity towards him super funny because his whole thing is that he's one of the most pathetic men in the entire series. Just the most sopping wet beast of a guy you can imagine. True cringefail malewife material. No one respects him or takes him seriously even in the slightest.
The thing I am getting at is that all the disdain he is receiving is in character. Your scorn is literally canon-compliant, and that's just so funny to me.
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secretpostsposts · 4 months
A yonko is a Emperor of the sea. Only 4 Pirates at a time can take such a title after being declared high class threats by the world government with bounties of 2 billion or more. In one piece, the first 4 yonkos at the start of the series were whitebeard, shanks, kaido, and big mom. Whitebeard and big mom are dead, and we don't know whether kaido is dead yet. The current yonkos so far in the series are buggy, blackbeard, luffy, and shanks who still holds the his title.
Say instead of branch being shanks, maybe he's whitebeard. Whitebeard was considered the strongest pirate in the world, having been on par with Roger. Whitebeard died in the marineford war, suffering 267 sword wounds, 152 gun shots, and 46 connon balls, less than half of his head was burned off and there was a hole burned into his chest and stomach. Even with the fatal injuries, he was still the strongest one present. He died only when he sucomed to his injuries after delivering the best death speech ever. He died stand straight up, not even death could bring him to his knees.
What if branch was whitebeard at marineford, and all of the other brothers were present to the war. And the watch as branch completely destroys the entire island leaving nothing be a bere and destroyed environment, crush thousands of marines including literal giants, relieve hundreds of fatal wound but remaining mostly unfazed, speak true words against the world government, and die standing proud with not a single scar on his back to show that he never ran from battle. How would the brothers take the situation during and after the war?
Does Whitebeard die?
You just spoiled it for me, what the hell, I'm not going to kill Branch.
But I had to watch part of that episode to understand the fight and, I cried, I don't know the character but I cried ugly.
So let's put it like this.
Pirates: Captain John Dory and Bruce (who joined John when he found out that there would be a war between pirates and marines that would indicate that his little brother Yonko would be there, so when he saw John's ship, Rhonda, decided to join, and knows fighting and all that so it's okay)
Marine: Lieutenant (or a high rank, I don't know, sorry) Clay and Senior Cadet Floyd (they managed to save Floyd from the V&V Ship, Branch was there and made it clear to them that he didn't want them around, but you know, they didn't listen to them, Floyd is under Clay's charge, so they are on the same Ship, although they are more worried about their pirate brothers than their own men, especially their brother Yonko)
So they are a mixture of proud, terrified, worried and bloodthirsty for whoever shot their baby brother.
Branch has bullets in his body, countless open wounds and possible internal bleeding, and he is still fighting, he does not turn his back on the battle, he helps the wounded and protects his crew.
John is impressed, but also worried, his little brother is losing a lot of blood, he could die, and if he dies, what would they do without his brother, he wants to apologize for so many things, but he won't see his brother die.
Even if Branch doesn't want them, they will fight by his side, I would kill for him and die for him.
On the other hand, Clay and Floyd want to catch Branch, they want him to be with them, but they know that if they capture him they would sentence him to death, so even though they hate that their soldiers attack their little brother (he is going to get revenge, Clay has a list of those who managed to shoot Branch, and he is going to make sure they pay for that), can only suffer in silence while their little brother is wounded by his troops.
I hope I have been able to answer correctly
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