#true mate au
ruthless-rainbow · 1 year
A Call from the Ocean (Introduction)
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Ohmygoodness, you guys, I finally finished my concept art for my big Thiam project and this is the introduction to my latest AU. (This is just the beginning, so I hope you are ready for a bit of a ride. 😅) I am so happy for you all to finally meet my little mer!Theo. 🥺 & Welcome to; A Call from the Ocean Summary; Liam Dunbar likes to think he's just your average, everyday, twenty-two year old guy. A College student majoring in history. Captain and star of the swim team. And seemingly just a happy go lucky person. But if only life were that simple. And for Liam, living with his disorder is anything but. Not everyone will and can understand what it's like living with IED. Forced to explain his outbursts of what others see as irrational anger and feeling like a freak. Liam finds solace and peace in one place. The ocean. He's felt the pull of the sea for as long as he can remember and it's like a second home to him. But could there be something else that calls Liam to the waters edge? Something more that lurks beneath the waves? And somewhere deep under the surface of that very ocean is where Theo calls home. An outcast of his kind, a survivor despite the odds being against him and leader of his small pod of three. Theo wonders if there could ever be more to his cold, painful existence. He wonders if he'll ever know a real life, a life lived and not just survived. He wonders if he'll ever experience a touch that's more than claws piercing his flesh and littering his skin with scars. Theo would give anything to know that there is something out there better than this. ..... A few things about this AU, I love mermaids/merpeople and have always been fascinated by them. So, I really couldn't resist making an AU for my all time favorite OTP. And when I imagined Theo as a mer, I fell in love with him and I just couldn't get him out of my head. I jumped all in and let it consume me for months. 😅 Waiting until MERMAY to finally post him. 💜 I had a lot of fun with his design and I didn't want 'frilly Disney mermaid' vibes. I wanted Theo to be beautiful, of course. But I also wanted him to be just a little bit terrifying. 😅 like, yes, he could rip your throat out and drown you before you can even scream, but he would look so pretty while he does it that you may just thank him for the experience. 😅🤣 Also, yes, I did one of his concept arts twice because I wanted to show the fact that parts of Theo are bioluminecent. I mean, c'mon, Bioluminecense is one of the most beautiful and magical things about the ocean, so it only felt right to make him that way. So I did a 'night' version but I still wanted you to be able to see the colors of his fans in both kinds of lighting. Last but never least, I have a few people that I really need to give a shoutout to for this AU. I was truly nervous about it, so I decided to reach out to a few of the wonderful friends I have made on here to get their thoughts and opinions. I honestly couldn't have made this peice if it wasn't for you all because your feedback and support has been vital for this. And we are talking months of y'all having to deal with my nonesense. 😅😅😅 @sterekshipper-writer​, @thiamsxbitch​, @sydney-winchester​, @wolfboy88​, @sapphire-rising-sun​, @stitchkiss​ All of you are so f*cking amazing and I heart you all so much. 💜 I really, really hope you all will like my little mer!Theo and I really hope I will be seeing you again when I post the first chapter to the story in the next few weeks. 💜 Ya’ll . 😘 ✌️💜🌈
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omegaversetheory · 3 months
I've got a very interesting concept: Pseudo-Mate Syndrome. Basically a person gets so attached to someone else that their bodies and minds start reacting as though they are truly mates. Heat/rut syncing up, being repulsed by the scent of other people (especially their aroused scent), being highly sensitive to that person's moods (mating in my verse allows for an empathic bond, and while it can't fully work because it's one-sided and not technically 'real' Pseudo-Mate Syndrome mimics it somewhat) but it's not all wonderful, there is also the issue of Rejection Syndrome.
Rejection Syndrome is just a fancy name for what happens when someone is rejected by their mate. It can cause extreme distress, and heartbreak, grief and even physical illness and pain, depending on how severe the rejection is. People with Pseudo-Mate Syndrome are at much higher risk of Rejection Syndrome because of the fact that the other person hasn't consented to this sort of relationship. Rejection Syndrome is typically not long lasting, only lasting between hours or days. The longest lasting one lasts years and is most accurately called "Grief Syndrome" but it's basically the same thing just longer. The cures for Rejection Syndrome are: being comforted by your Mate, waiting it out, taking your mind off of it (this sounds like an easy fix but it's much harder than it sounds because they become fixated on what happened) or in more drastic situations, medication and/or therapy.
I currently have three people with Pseudo-Mate Syndrome in my story (all of them alphas by pure coincidence. Anyone could develop this condition, Alpha Beta or Omega. But this isn't just a casual crush situation. It's a very serious condition that develops over YEARS of desiring to be this person's mate, and it's pretty rare.) and all of them experience Rejection Syndrome somehow. (One is very susceptible to it because he's got RSD and low self esteem. One experiences Grief Syndrome when he is told his beloved is dead, she's not actually but he believes it for YEARS, and a third has a VERY volatile relationship with his beloved and they fight often)
The treatments are as follows: become actual mates, fall out of love with that person, or take certain medications (worth noting that the medications are just to manage stressful symptoms. There is no medication to make you fall out of love or make the bond go away)
Love hearing about your AU! Please share more sometime!
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itfeelssogoodmrstark · 5 months
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Someone Else's
Peter hates the fact that his whole life will be dictated by an alpha. All he wants is to ban these ancient laws that perceive omegas as mere objects. Being chosen by Tony Stark at a mating run event might be just the thing he needs.
Tony Stark didn't expect to find his true mate after 30 years of looking. It doesn't take him long to realize he has so much to learn. Not only about Peter but also about himself and why he’s so afraid to give Peter his mating bite.
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blorboazula · 1 month
I've been sorta exchanging ideas with @the-genius-az and that whole thing is fully to blame for the upcoming A/B/O fics :)
the context for this is: Maizula are "true mates", Mai still betrays Azula in the boiling rock and it basically breaks Azula. despite all the healing, Azula still can't form actual bonds with people and the closest she gets to do it (and to form a pack) is with her own pup and the Gaang's pups. cue to Mai watching Azula with babies in the garden (this is also the version they're a little bit aged up in canon). it's alpha!Azula x omega!Mai.
During the short years when Mai tried to give Zuko a chance, she thought she could love him when she watched him being soft. Soft and gentle with the turtleducks, sat on the grass and allowing the tiny creatures to climb on him.
She could fall in love with him, if he was the only option she had. She could fall in love with him, for showing genuine affection towards a pup that's isn't his.
Nowadays she still likes watching him, she thinks he looks great playing with the turtleducks and spending time with Izumi, still spending time with Ilah. Years later, she still loves it.
Nowadays, she has a better sight to enjoy.
It's not surprising at all, not really, to see Azula in the garden. All the rough, sharp edges have always hidden the softness inherent to the alpha. Searing heat to harm, soft warmth to make you feel safe and loved. Azula is soft when she's allowed to.
Her father never wanted her to, he wanted a weapon (and Azula needed a parent).
It's a heartwarming sight, it truly is. Azula, who grew to be a strong, handsome alpha. She healed enough to let her inherent protectiveness shine through. Mai can see it often, and can see how Azula now has good days more often than bad days. Can see it in the way Azula isn't that afraid of allowing herself to be an affectionate mother to their daughter.
(It's so, so beautiful, Azula playing with Ilah, showing how beautiful her firebending is.)
Sometimes Azula sits with the baby turtleducks, they climb her lap, seeking a human's soft warmth. She pets them, picks them up to give them soft kisses on their little head, allows them to nip her fingers and her toes. Gives them bread and fruit cut in tiny, neat cubes.
Destiny or not, Mai never had a chance of not loving Azula.
When their friends come around, the kids flock Azula the same way the baby turtleducks do. Ilah is always a little jealous, but Azula makes sure that her pup isn't left out in favor of the other kids. Nowadays she's too big to fit on Azula's lap when she has Bumi and Kya and Lin, but she glues herself to Azula's back. (Mai is infinitely happy that the early years separated didn't mean that Ilah's bond to Azula was permanently damaged). Izumi too, more often than not, it's adorable how the cub is close to her aunt.
Today Toph brought Suyin too, so Azula is really under a pile of cubs.
And she's glowing.
Really, Azula's giving off happy pheromones like there's no tomorrow. And the cubs respond to it by doing the same, so the whole garden is smelling like happy alpha and her cubs.
Mai loves it.
Mai loves that Azula gets to be happy, even if it's with pups that aren't hers. Azula gets to be happy, and it's all that she needs. All that she deserves.
Mai doesn't dare intruding, not when Azula is softly telling them a story. Probably a play, even if the alpha still won't admit that she loves those plays. That she likes theater as much as Zuko. That it comes from her grandmother, probably the one person of her family that never gave her so much trauma she can barely look at them.
The world feels right like this. Not perfect, but much better than Mai would have dreamed.
Better yet when Azula seems to find a moment to look back at her, and offers a small smile. Amber eyes shining with happiness that Mai feared would never be there.
Really, not loving Azula was never an option.
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biggukuma · 2 months
A fanfiction or a series (my god, a series about this) in which Eli explains (in the voiceover for the series?) just how weird his family is.
Starting with Eli's many aunts and uncles, 3/4 of whom share no blood ties with him. ( Yes, the puppy pack is part of the Hale pack. Yes, Alec was Eli's babysitter. )
( Erica and Boyd would have twins about the same age as Eli. Why would that be? I have no idea. )
( For those who love Scott/Isaac/Allison, they would have 4 children. Yes, exactly, so that 3 of them would come from duos and the last one would come into the world thanks to the magic and presence of 3 DNAs. )
(The whole pack would not live in the huge mansion that is the Stilinski-Hale mansion. Thiam and Morey would have their own place. Sheriff would have refused to move in. )
Then his cousins, of all ages, each more unusual and annoying than the last. With whom he shares the same grimaces when they learn that most of their parents have gone out with each other.
( - Sweet Home Alabama-
- Shut up! )
His dziadzia, who had never been angry with him for ruining his wallpaper (he had every reason to be. They were horrible drawings-) and who had taught him to lie to his tata while making him promise never to lie, understood, you little rascal, when they went to get the greasiest order in the whole fast-food restaurant. And his babcia and his abuela and his abuelo and his tias and his tios and his primos and his primas he knew only in grave form.
Finally, his dads, who look like they hate each other half the time or would kill someone if it made the other half smile. His two dads who have criminal records but brunch with the station cops once a month. His two dads who are both biologically men and who have biologically managed to have a child together.
(Eli politely asks anyone who jokes about him being his parents' little shit to fuck off. His dads told him his tata had a C-section, okay ?!)
A fanfic or series in which we discover the famous Hale Pack that has risen from the ashes and is so feared and respected. Where we discover how Eli feels so alienated from the pack he loves and cherishes, so alienated from his family. How Eli feels he's not cut out to be the next Alpha of the pack. How certain Eli is that he'll never be anything like his incredible, powerful, famous dads, no matter how many times he's told he's the spitting image of Stiles or has Derek's eyes and sourwolf face.
Eli sees himself as the boring kid in this extraordinary family, the boring offspring of a rich heir to a famous werewolf pack, a bad boy with a tragic past in his youth, a DILF today with his dad's super skills, a fair and fierce true Alpha (alive and not DEAD) and an FBI agent as sarcastic as he is intelligent, a supernatural detective in his spare time, a fearsome spark, emissary and Alpha mate. Like the good old cliché of the character with no friends but his cousins and an overpowering entourage, so beloved and popular and so much more remarkable and interesting script-wise than he is.
(Perhaps Eli never could and never will be able to shift? Perhaps being human is in part the source of his fear.)
And being the good old cliché that he is, he apparently becomes interesting when he gets superpowers. (Stiles is not at all happy that the Nemeton has chosen him to be its guardian. In fact, no one in his family seems happy. Great.)
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lilyharvord · 6 months
been thinking about AUs lately, mostly becuase I have had so little time to write due to craziness, and I got back on my bullshit about meeting your soulmate and their first word being tattooed on your skin. And just... the implications of that?
Mare with the word "thief" tattooed on her wrist and having to cover it so as to not give herself away in the Stilts, but when/if she gets caught by officers they see it while they detain her and even if she didn't do anything she ends up locked up for the night because of that word. So she comes to hate it with a passion and tried scrubbing it off, and mutilating it as she grew up to remove it, to hide herself better as she starts to steal more and more to survive. But she would wake up with it perfectly healed. And it is in such pretty penmanship, waaaaay too nice to be a Red's handwritting, or even an officer's in the Stilts. And that scares her, so she forces herself to hold onto the belief that maybe it belongs to some Red who assists a general or something and they have to write a lot and she will meet them at the Choke. When Kilorn sees it for the first time while he is helping clean her up after a particularly bad night in a cell, he realizes he can never be hers because it was no where near his first word to her.
Cal has the word "obviously", and it is so obviously the dumbest fucking word to have. It is literally the most common word. The amount of times he has heard the words "obviously" in his life and turned around only to realize it is someone he already knows? Stupid, absolutely ridiculous. And not to mention that the way it is written on his wrist is horrific and makes him question if this person ever really learned how to write properly. The good news? He can hide it underneath his flamemaker and forget about it if he needs to. And he does, pretty much decides that he'll probably just never meet whoever it is. Besides... he has to marry a lady of a High House, and he's already met all of them and none of them said that word to him on the first go. And it doesn't really matter... it is so rare for a future king to marry their soul mate through Queenstrial anyway. His father was just lucky with his mother, and his grandfather of course met his but got away with keeping him and marrying a Queen. And maybe it's for the best if he never meets this person, it would just be a twist of the knife if he is already married and meets the person who is meant to complete him.
And then, one night, on a dirt road, in the hours before night and dawn, when the stars are still out and the world is dreaming, a thief sticks her hand into the pocket of prince, who catches her wrist, and accuses her with a surprised and confused tone: "thief", and she tilts her head to the side, her eyes sparking as she replies "Obviously". And it takes everything for him not to flip her wrist over and look for the word he just uttered, but he lets go instead, terrified that this is the girl who is meant to come into his life and complete him. And she backs up a step, her eyes darkening as she looks him over anew. Neither comments, neither admits to anything. And Mare is glad for it, because the next day she learns he is a prince, and not just any prince, he is The Prince, and she immediately is relieved because there is no way in all of heaven and earth that she is paired with this man. She didn't see her reply on his wrist... she forces herself to believe that there is a different word tattooed there. That if she were to lift up his sleeve she would see something else, some meaningless word to her, that means everything to him. She never looks though, and he never takes off his flamemaker, so she never has the chance to see.
Then, one evening, in a soldiers barrack, on a Piedmont base in the middle of a summer shower, complete with the distant growl of thunder: Mare glances at his bare arm, wrapped around her bare waist. It would be so easy for her to just, gently turn it and look, to answer the question that has haunted her since a Blackrun fell from the sky, and he held her like they were going to die. She shivers subconsciously and gently reaches down to slide her fingers through his, her heart pounding against her ribs. She can't decide if she wants to see the word there, or if she doesn't. She doesn't know which way would be better, whether it would break her heart if it wasn't, or if she were be terrified if it were. He sighs against her neck and pulls her a little closer when she first goes to rotate his wrist, she freezes, tensing for a heartbeat. He's a soldier, they sleep lightly, and this feels like an invasion even though she has now seen and touched every part of him. For some reason this one spot of skin feels forbidden. Inhaling, she slowly rotates his wrist to face up, and her entire skin erupts in goosebumps as lightning illuminates the room and thunder crashes a heartbeat later. There is her hand writing, her ugly, horrific handwriting, and there is the word she said to him with such tenacity on a dirt road and changed their lives forever. She flips his hand back over and pressed it to her stomach, knots her fingers with his as she tries to slow her breathing back to a sleeping rate. It's no use though, his sigh against her neck is no longer a gentle whisper, but is instead one of relief. "I wanted you to look first." He murmurs against the vertebrae at the base of her skull, before lightly running his lips up to her ear. "I think knew in my heart since the Bowl of Bones." He squeezes her fingers softly, and they never speak of it.
Then he choses a crown, a crown over what those words on their wrists' mean. And that betrayal is so much worse than it ever could have been.
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sea-owl · 10 months
I found this in my drafts. I don't know if y'all remember, but I have an au around here somewhere where omega Penelope makes up a fake suitor to avoid being engaged to alpha Phillip, something they both want to avoid. Phillip is the only one she tells her suitor is fake but to the surprise of both if them the person Penelope has been writing to wasn't her penpal Eloise but instead her brother, the very real alpha Colin Bridgerton. It was probably my first omegaverse idea for Bridgerton.
"I must confess, Mr. Bridgerton, I did not believe you to be real," Penelope said the next day.
The couple was promardeing around Hyde Park. After the initial awkward first meeting, which Penelope played off as being tired from the long journey, the couple had arranged to meet up the next day.
Phillip was playing as their chaperone. Following them at a distance. Penelope was grateful her mother allowed this as Phillip was probably the only one she felt comfortable doing so.
"Rereading your letters over the past week, I have to say I am not surprised," Colin replied. "Though it was nice to write to someone and not worry about proprietary."
Penelope giggled. "Yes it was."
The two stopped, alpha and omega staring at one another.
"So what are we to do now?" Penelope asked.
"Nothing I told you in our letters was false. I was serious about our courting when you came to London," Colin said. "Meeting you in person has not changed that. If you will have me, I would like to make our courtship official with the possibility of marriage."
Penelope nodded. If Colin was like he was in his letters, then she could imagine a marriage between them. And if not, then Penelope will still be okay. Her earnings from her novels was more than enough to keep her comfortable, and she'll always have Phillip's friendship too.
"Yes Mr. Bridgerton, I accept your courship."
Colin smiled, lifting Penelope's hand he placed a soft kiss on the back of it. "I shall call on you soon then, and by then I want you to call me Colin."
With that, Colin handed Penelope back to Phillip. The two then making their way back to Featherington House.
"So all went well?" Phillip asked. "It seems like it did from where I was standing."
Penelope laughed, giving her oldest friend a slight shove. "As well as one would expect when they learn their fake caller is real. We plan to give courtship an actual try now. Now we must find you a lovely lady to call upon!"
"Unfortunately that might be a little harder-" Phillip cut himself off. Sniffing the air his eyes glazed over. "Lonicera periclymenum. . ."
"Pip?" Penelope shook her friends arm. Sniffing the air, she could smell honeysuckle but nothing really out of the ordinary. "Pip? Phillip!"
Phillip shook his head. "I'm sorry Pen, what?"
Penelope looked over the alpha. She hasn't seen that glazed over look in a while. "Are you alright?"
Before Phillip could respond, Penelope found herself being tackled by a fellow omega. This omega smiled of honeysuckle and had the same chestnut hair as Penelope's suitor.
"Oh Pen! I can't believe I finally get to meet you in person!" The omega excitedly said.
Penelope blinked. "Eloise?"
The omega nodded.
Eloise Bridgerton, Penelope's pen pal, and sister to Penelope's new suitor.
"When Mama said you and Colin were going to promenade in the park I knew I had to rush over!"
Penelope nodded, Eloise was just as chatty in real life as she was in her letters. As the two girls talked the red haired omega noticed the looks Eloise would sneak over to Phillip. She also noticed the slight blush on Phillip's cheeks.
Interesting. Penelope may be getting a ne idea, maybe she'll end up writing another Lady Whistledown novel on it.
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Hey do you guys remember when Bubbline from Adventure Time wasn’t supposed to be a thing, like, at ALL but as time progressed and the shippers grew louder at the ship’s potential with each crumb the writers went, “fuck it, we ball” and gave us an amazing slowburn that paid off in the end? Do you guys remember when everyone thought Robin from Stranger Things was straight but then NOPEEE as the show progressed she eventually came out as a lesbian in an incredibly heart wrenching scene? (Ronance truthers rise up!!)
Stay loud homies, and don’t give up hope. Give the show and the characters time to grow, and give the creators a clear signal of what we want. This pirate cruise ship is a slow and steady one, but OH is it gonna be fun to try and ride out the waves (it’s a pirate ship because pirates are cool as fuck and known fer saying Gay Rights™️).
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grtmnick · 6 months
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All that Emma could muster was an exhalation of a profoundly worldweary sigh. It was now very clear, acquiescing to her parents accompanying her fiancé Regina on a wedding dress shopping excursion had been a tragic miscalculation.
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
Could you try and do one for the Maleficent AU where Maleficent herself shows up somehow. Maybe Gilgamesh is like hello there beautiful and Thena gets all jealous and protective and then they have a fluffy comfort at the end.
She was elder than Thena, not that one could tell a fae's age based upon appearance. But something about her...she was a faerie of old magic. Black horns coiled from her head, her wings were black in some light and brown in some. They were huge, long and silken, practically dragging on the ground behind her.
Her lips were red like a fresh pomegranate.
"Thank you for escorting me, captain," she thanked in a silken voice. She smiled, the colour of her lips making it clear when they tugged upward gently.
Gilgamesh blushed.
Thena pursed her lips to herself, observing from a respectful distance.
The fae was from the Moors, word had it. She belonged to another mothernest entirely, one more inland and to the north. She had a great control of magic that most fae didn't even possess anymore, much less know or teach. But her relationship with the humans was good, and thus she was acting as an ambassador of sorts.
"I will bring word back to the queen and to my own flock. I'm sure the mothernest will welcome any of yours who would like to see our ways."
"I'm sure some of us will take you up on your offer."
Thena tilted her head, trying to get a look at Gil's face as he said it, but his back was facing her. She didn't like how eager he sounded.
"You have done good work to associate with the humans here, it is admirable," she congratulated him, her eyes still catlike and intimidating.
A bird - a crow, or perhaps a raven - cawed on the head of her staff.
Thena tried to at least get a good look at the fae's familiar, but its head tilted too often.
"It hasn't been easy at all turns," Gil admitted freely. "But I think we're making real strides. Some of us here have good history with humans, so we're trying more, I guess."
Thena smiled; he was mentioning her, in not so many words.
"I value a fae who can see past a human's nature," the woman said with a hint of a laugh in her voice. "I have a...complicated history with them, myself."
Gil laughed. "I gotta admit, I wasn't all that fond of 'em. But I guess they're growing on me."
Thanks to her, Thena mused as she waited and waited and Gilgamesh to conclude his conversation. He usually wasn't one for idle chatter with his charges.
"They have 'grown on me' as well."
The fae had an interesting speech pattern, like she wasn't used to conversing with her own--or conversing in general, perhaps.
"You are welcome in the Moors as well, of course."
Thena's wings bristled, her feathers raising in their follicles. Just what kind of invitation was that? An invitation to the mothernest was one thing, but was this fae proposing Gilgamesh come and take a tour of her home?!
The bird cawed again (definitely a raven).
The woman's hand stroked its feathered head, and Thena saw that she even had long claws on the end of graceful fingers. Perhaps it was a trait of northern forest fae. They had trees to scale to make their nests.
Thena pursed her lips, raising her wings into proper posture as she decided that she had waited enough. "Excuse my intrusion."
"Thena?" Gil said aloud, surprised by her interruption.
"Of course," the female observed her with those same predatory eyes.
Thena did her best to keep her wings still behind her as she stopped behind Gil's shoulder. "I was rather fond of the humans who inhabited the Isles a number of decades ago. I understand you have a good rapport with the human kingdom close to your mothernest in the north."
She tilted her head, her bird mirroring the action. "Indeed, the queen of the coastal kingdom and I are quite close."
She said it like there was more to it than that. Thena tilted her head in return, "Gilgamesh does well with the humans. They're fond of him."
She smiled, "I'm sure they are."
Thena's feathers raised again, although she did her best not to seem too ruffled by the technically innocuous statement.
"Thena's the one who's built the best relationship with them," Gil shifted, even putting his hand on her shoulder. "It's thanks to her that we've made any progress."
Thena tried to look at Gil in thanks for his praise, but she had far too much trouble taking her eyes off the woman facing them. She seemed amused; was what Gil said humorous?
"Thank you for your hospitality," she smiled at Gilgamesh again. Then, she turned to Thena, "I hope we will cross paths again. You should meet the humans of Ulstead."
Thena nodded, not entirely sure what to make of the exchange.
"Until then," she nodded, her ruby lips upturning again. Her wings outstretched, and her familiar took to the sky ahead of her, "guard, Thena."
Thena and Gil nodded to the woman as she launched herself into the sky. Her wings were truly strong, letting her climb at an incredible rate. Beautiful too.
"She was nice."
Thena glanced over at him, with his hands on his hips and a dumb grin on his face. She sighed, letting her fangs breathe.
"I figured you'd like her."
Well, since he seemed to like her so much. "Hm."
"You should see the Moors, I bet you'd like them, based on how she described them."
"Would I?" Thena asked him, irked that he was suggesting so openly that she go visit this...stranger. "She told you about them at length, did she?"
"Well sure, she asked about the mothernest here, what the forests are like," he shrugged as they started walking back in the direction of the cliffs. "The Moors sound interesting--magical, she said."
"Did she?"
That came out a little too sharp. Thena felt it as soon as it was off her tongue, and obviously Gilgamesh received its sharpness. She avoided his eyes as he looked at her. "You okay?"
"Of course," she muttered down at the sandals on her feet. "I'm glad you enjoyed your time with her."
That came out even sharper, somehow. Gil tilted his head but Thena even moved somewhat away from him as they walked.
"Hey," he said more gently, pulling her back by the hand, "wait, just look at me."
She didn't want to. She felt flustered by how strongly she had reacted to a strange fae smiling at him. Well, it wasn't just that, it was how he had smiled at her, too. Thena squirmed (as did her wings).
"Thena," he prompted, "did she...bother you?"
She frowned, feeling heat creep up her neck. "You seemed rather impressed with her."
Gil stepped closer to her, his smile turning more gentle. This was more like the Gilgamesh she knew and...knew. "She was nice. She knows a lot about humans. And she's flying back to be with her family."
Thena peeked at him.
"I told her all about you," he said with a grin. "Told her about how you came up from the southern Isles and I've been enchanted by you ever since."
She rolled her eyes. He would not charm him way out of trouble this time.
He leaned closer, though, moving his hands to her cheeks to make her meet his eyes. "Don't believe me?"
Thena's eyes fluttered, his breath hitting her cheeks. "You seemed rather enchanted by her, as well."
He chuckled before leaning in, touching their lips together gently. "Did I?"
He damn well did. Thena kissed him again, rising up on her toes.
"How could I be?" he smiled, moving his lips to her cheek as he slid his hand up her back and between her wings. "When I've already found the most beautiful fae in all the realms."
Thena inhaled as her nose hit the robes over his chest. He smelled of sea air and of pine forests. She nuzzled into him, although she felt something in the folds of his tunic.
He had her feather slipped into his robes, over his heart.
"Am I forgiven?" he asked as she wrapped her arms around him as well. He massaged between her wings with one hand and held her waist with the other. Their heads hovered close, their horns even knocked together slightly in their proximity.
"Just," she offered minimally. She still wasn't happy with how taken he seemed with the beautiful fae, no matter how little she blamed him for it.
"What if we stop by the human farms on our way home, ask for some apples?" he suggested as he grasped her hand in his.
"Hm," Thena sighed, parting with him somewhat reluctantly. Her wings fluffed behind her. "I suppose that would be agreeable."
He could clearly tell her ire wasn't nearly what she made it seem to be. But he played along, bowing to her as he would when they had first met and were coming to know one another.
"Will you carry them home for me?" she asked needlessly. Of course he would, but she was savouring the idea of a feeling like a fae with a perspective mate wrapped around her finger.
"Anything for you," Gilgamesh promised her, bending his head to kiss her shoulder as she passed him to take off first.
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crashdevlin · 1 year
Forbidden Fruit 1- Just Helping Out
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Author’s Note: This is part one of Forbidden Fruit. It is a high-school set, adopted sister Wincest, non-Supernatural, a/b/o series. This is brand new, never been posted (not even to my patreon). There was an Omegaverse week over on @spnkinkevents and there was a prompt of Heat/Rut which I think this will fit pretty well.
Summary: When John and Mary Winchester adopted Y/n into their family, Dean never imagined he'd grow to think of her as anything other than a nuisance. Imagine his surprise when his sister becomes the single most important person in his life.
Pairing: Dean x Sister!Reader, Michael x Reader
Word count: 3342
Story Warnings: sister wincest, alpha!Dean, alpha!Michael, omega!reader, 18+! HERE BE SEX!! DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!!, masturbation, phone sex,
Dean Winchester stepped out of his car and slung his backpack over his shoulder, long bowed legs carrying him toward the last building in town he wanted to be in. His brother followed at a slower pace. His friend, Richie, approached him as soon as he entered the school, looking around pointedly.
"Where's your hot sister this morning?"
Dean rolled his eyes. He was more than tired of his friends trying to get with Y/n. Just like he was tired of reinforcing that she was adopted. "Fuck if I know, man. She was sick or something this morning. Mom told me and Sammy to head out without her."
"Sick, huh? She ain't pregnant, is she?" Richie asked. He always took it to a sexual place.
Dean scoffed. "Be real hard 'less it's the second coming of Christ, man. She's a virgin."
"You sure? 'Cause word around the locker room is-"
"You finish that sentence and I'm gonna rip your fuckin' lungs out. That's my sister and she is not a topic for your locker room bullshit," Dean growled. He knew there was no way the rumors might have substance but the very idea that Y/n let some guy touch her made his alpha show itself.
"No, no, man. Not me! I would never disrespect you and yours like that, but...I mean, Mike...Cas' big brother...he was sayin'..."
All anger flowed out of him. "They went to one movie and I escorted them. Nothing happened. He's a lying piece of shit."
"Maybe...but he's telling everybody that he nailed her so…"
"I'll deal with it."
Dean wasn’t sure how he'd deal with it, but he knew he would. There was no way he would let everyone think his sister was a ho.
"Well, don't hurt Mr. President too much. You don't want to get arrested."
"I'm not gonna hurt him," Dean argued. "Well, I might, but if I say that then it's premeditation and I don't have the 'crime of passion' thing to fall back on." He scoffed as the bell rang through the PA system. "See you in English, Richie."
"She wouldn't want you to fight with him. She likes him," Sam said, walking up to his brother as Richie rushed down the hall.
"She doesn't like liars and she doesn't deserve to have him spreading rumors like that about her."
"Then let her deal with it."
"She's not here today, is she?"
"And you gotta deal with it today?"
Dean turned on his little brother and let out a growl. "The longer he's out here spreading this shit with no pushback and no one defending her, the longer it has to take hold and the more people are gonna believe it. I am not going to let that happen."
Sam sighed, his hair swinging as he shook his head. "When she gets upset and cries about you beating up her boyfriend, I'm not gonna hold back the 'I told you so'."
"He ain't her boyfriend!" Dean called before heading into his homeroom. He threw his body down into his desk and rested his head against his fist.
He never would have thought he would end up so protective of Y/n. He hated that girl when his parents decided to foster her. They put a seven-year-old boy who only ever had a little brother with a brand new six-year-old 'sister', they were naive to not expect some pushback. She was living with them for almost a year before he called her anything other than 'Foster' and he remembered making every single thing a fight even after they decided to adopt her and make her his sister. He was an unbelievable ass to her and that still showed up sometimes.
But despite the genetics, despite the rocky start, Y/n was his sister. Y/n was his little sister and he was not about to let the student council president get away with telling everyone that she gave her virginity up to a piece of shit like him. Fuck Michael Novak.
Four other people mentioned "the rumors" before lunch. By the time he saw the tall green-eyed teen across the cafeteria, Dean was seething. He was laughing with a group of other wealthy, popular seniors and Dean was itching to hit the smile right off his face. At least it wouldn't be an unfair fight. Michael was the same age, same height, same build, and both were alphas. In a lot of ways, Michael Novak was just like Dean Winchester, so much so that people sometimes mistook them for each other in the halls during hotter months when Dean only wore t-shirts instead of his many layers of plaid and leather.
"So tell me, how'd you manage to get some from my sister when I was with you the whole damn night?" Dean asked without preface and definitely without tact as he walked up to the group.
The group collectively blanched before turning to the gruff boy. Michael's blank green eyes found Dean's rage-filled ones. "What are you going on about, Dean?"
"You been tellin' everybody that you had sex with my sister and I'm just wondering exactly how that could have happened when I was with you the whole date. I picked your lame, Abercrombie and Fitch-wearing ass up. I drove you to the theater. I sat next to her in the movie. I drove your lame, Abercrombie and Fitch-wearing ass home. When did you put her ankles behind her ears and make her see God?"
Michael looked caught for a moment, obviously unsure what to say. "You weren't around the whole night," he responded, eventually. "She and I were alone while you went to the anime store in the mall."
Dean nodded, angrily. There was a short gap where he let them out of his sight but… "I was gone for ten minutes. I just needed to grab the new Twilight Princess manga. My baby didn't smell like sex when I got back in and you really think anyone's gonna believe you talked Y/n out of her virginity in the backseat of my car in ten minutes? Also, dude, if you're only giving girls ten minutes of time, you're doing sex wrong. Have you ever had sex?"
Michael obviously took offense to the question, eyes going wide. "More than you, I'm sure, you...white trash, thrift store-shopping, piece of-"
"Well, you're wrong there. I steal my clothes and if you think I'm trash, what do you really think about Y/n?"
"I think she's been trying to get me to knot her for months and she would have been easy if you hadn't been a constant presence during the date!"
"Did you just call my sister 'easy'?! And like hell, she's been tryin' to get your dinky little dick!" Dean's fist clenched and he moved to step closer, but his phone vibrating in his pocket stopped him. He growled as he pulled it out, softening a little at his mom's contact pic on the screen. "Yeah, Mom?"
"Hey, I need you to take Sam over to Bobby's after school. You boys and your father are going to be staying there for a few days."
"Wait, wha--Why? What's goin' on?"
"Because Y/n's becoming a woman and having two alphas in the house when an omega is going through her first heat would make everything harder and Sam is going to want to be with you wherever you are so...meet your dad at Bobby's, we'll see you in a few days, okay?"
"Y-yeah." Dean turned away from Michael and his friends, phone pressed to his ear. His cheeks went hot as he heard Y/n moan in the background. "Is she...she okay?"
"She'll be fine. First one's the worst one. You remember your first rut, how you wanted to fight everyone and went through half a bottle of lotion?"
"Com'on, Mom," he groaned.
Mary laughed. "I'll take care of her. We'll see you when she's on the other side."
"Yes, ma'am. See ya then." He sighed before pushing his phone back into his pocket. "Stop lying about my sister, you dickbag...and lose her number because no way is she going out with you again," Dean called over his shoulder as he walked away. Y/n was under enough stress. She didn't need to come back to school to find out that Dean got in a fist fight with Michael over her.
"You didn't hurt him?" Richie couldn't believe he just witnessed Dean walk away from an opportunity to defend Y/n's honor. "Who was on that call, man?"
"My mom. I'm not gonna…not gonna hurt him. I called him out, his friends know he lied, and I'm never gonna let Y/n go out with him again so…" He shrugged and sat on the table, boots resting on the seat. "He really said she'd'a been easy if I hadn’t been on the date, blockin' him. He obviously doesn't know anything about her."
"You let that slide?! 'Cause your mommy called you?"
"Richie," Dean started, licking his lips. He had a hundred things he wanted to say to his friend, but his mind kept replaying the moan he heard in the background of his conversation with his mother. He adjusted how he was sitting as he started to get hard. "Shut up."
"So, we gotta sleep at Bobby's until Y/n's feeling better?" Sam asked from the passenger seat of Dean's Impala.
"Yeah. Dad brought clothes over for us and we're gonna be sleeping on the couches. Dad gets the guest bed, of course."
"How long does an omega stay in heat?"
Dean looked over at Sam for a second before looking back to the road. "Aren't you takin' sex ed? Isn't there a whole section in that book about gender presentation?"
"It's all vague. 'One to five days'. That's not helpful. Come on. You know stuff. Cassie was an omega, right?"
Dean rolled his eyes at the mention of his ex. "Yeah, Cassie was an omega...and her heats lasted three. Mom's last two. So...we'll probably have to stay at Bobby's 'til Saturday."
"Thank you. Was that so hard, jerk?"
"Harder than you think," Dean said, shifting on the bench seat. Just thinking about Y/n in heat gave him a hard on...which was wrong. So wrong. That's his sister.
Bobby's front door opened and Ellen stepped out. "Hey, boys. Jo Beth and I put pillows an' blankets out on the couch and loveseat and y'all can do your homework in the library. Bobby and yer dad'll be back from the body shop at 6 so you got plenty'a time to get that stuff finished before dinner. Fried chicken. Come on in." The Winchesters followed the brunette woman inside. "As always-" she started as soon as Dean walked in.
"'Hands off Jo'. Yes, ma'am," Dean finished for her.
"Good," she said before disappearing into the kitchen.
"Get caught playing doctor once, ten years ago...never let us live it down," Dean grumbled under his breath as he tossed his backpack through the open doorway into the library.
"She'll get over it one day," Jo said, walking up to pick Dean's bag up.
"Not fucking likely. But it doesn't matter, does it?" Dean chuckled as he slid the door closed and sat at Bobby's desk. "Her threats didn't actually stop us."
"Hush yer mouth," Jo whispered, furiously. "Momma would kill us!"
"She'd kill Dean." Sam flopped down on the loveseat and dropped his backpack to his feet. "No big loss."
"Yeah, shut up, you little bitch."
"Are you going to do your work or just-" Sam cut himself off when Dean put his feet up on Bobby's desk and pulled out a comic book from his bag. "Right." Sam rolled his eyes.
"I don't need to do the homework to pass the tests and all my teachers know that shit, man. They don't fuck with me about it."
Sam just rolled his eyes again.
Dean's phone ringing on the floor beside the couch woke him at a little after midnight. He was barely awake enough to recognize Y/n's contact picture before he had answered and put the phone to his ear.
"Dean?" Her whisper through the phone made him sit up, more awake.
"Yeah? You okay?" he whispered back to keep Sam from waking.
"Mom told you?"
"I don't like this," she whined and Dean was struck with the desire to go home and comfort her. "I've never been so…"
"Horny?" Dean guessed.
"I was going for 'uncomfortable' but...yeah," she admitted. Dean swallowed thickly and licked his lips as blood rushed southward. He felt a little bad about getting hard over his little sister's first heat, but it wasn’t something he could control. "I don't know what to do. I just wanna...make it go away."
"O-only thing that would m-make it stop for a few hours would be...an alpha, but, um...you can...you know...and that'll...take some of the edge off."
"I can't," she squeaked.
"Can't...what, masturbate? It's totally natural and okay to-"
"No, I just...maybe I'm too stupid or I'm doing it wrong but it...I've tried before and it d-doesn't work."
Dean's face went hot as his dick twitched. "Um...you could--you aren't stupid, you just don't--um, I could send you a few videos from Pornhub and-"
"I can't watch those kinds of things!"
"Don't be such a prude," he snapped before sighing. "Sorry. That was rude. I'm an ass."
"It's okay. I'm sorry, too. I'm just...I'm not eighteen yet. I really shouldn't look at those videos."
"Right, well…" An idea came to his head and it left his mouth before he could realize how wrong the idea was. "I've seen a lot of those videos. Maybe I could help you."
There was silence on her side for a minute and Dean almost laughed it off and pretended it was a joke until he heard, "You could do that?" Her voice was so small and hopeful that he couldn't call it a joke.
"Y-yeah. I could do that...for you."
"And that’s...okay? It's not-"
"I'm your big brother. If I can help make this a little more bearable for you...I should. So, uh." Dean shot a look at Sam's sleeping form and got up to tip-toe into the bathroom at the foot of the stairs. "You in bed?"
"Yeah," she said on a breath.
"Okay, so...I guess, just get comfortable and, um, close your eyes."
"And just get a clear picture in your head of somebody that you'd wanna touch you. It's better if you can imagine someone...when you can think about their voice and how they might look when they're hovering over you...looking down at you...runnin' their hands down your body like you're about to be doing."
"So, I should run my hands down my body?"
"Did you come up with someone to imagine?"
"Okay, now, imagine that guy and let your hands drift until you find a place that feels good. Imagine him kissing your neck and telling you how fucking pretty you are." A sharp gasp from Y/n made Dean's dick twitch and he reached down to run his hand across the front of his pajama pants. "Some girls really like their nipples being played with. Some like tugging and pinching real hard, but others like it to be all light like a feather touch. So you should-"
"Oh my god!" she whispered through a moan and Dean had to bite his lip to keep from moaning himself...and to keep from asking how she likes her nipples played with.
"Now, um, put your hand in your underwear, whichever hand feels better...usually dominant hand, but sometimes that left hand is just a bit different and that can be fun." He wrapped his fingers around his erection through his pants and tried to control himself. "Keep your other hand playing with your nipples and don't just go straight for it. Tease yourself before you get the fingers going."
"T-tease what? My…"
"You need to play with your clit, baby," he said, cursing himself for calling her that before squeezing his erection and moving on. "Gentle pressure, circular motions...when you-"
"Oh! Oh, fuck!" Hearing her curse was too much. His goody-two-shoes, Student Council Vice President, church choir soloist little sister was playing with her clit and moaning for him. It was so wrong...and a-fucking-mazing. He reached into his pants and boxers and pulled out his cock, sweeping his thumb over the head. "It feels so good."
"If you're...if you think you're wet enough, you can slip your middle finger in-inside you and...just kinda feel around. Don't thrust, just press your fingertip into your pussy." His hand started moving slowly down his erection and back to the tip. "Gotta find the spots you're gonna be aimin' for when you start thrusting."
"How do you know-"
"Dirty movies, nasty mangas, and some hands-on experience. Now...fuck...um, take as long as you want with the teasing, ya know. There's no such thing as too much foreplay, even when you're playing with yourself."
He started tugging at his cock as he listened to her breathing heavily. Something in the rhythm of her breaths told him she had found her pace and started fingering herself. "How's that workin' for you, baby sis?" He needed to hear her voice. He needed to know what she sounded like all wrecked with bliss.
"It's workin'," she whimpered.
"Yeah? You think you can make yourself cum like that?"
"Yeah. Oh, I'm so close."
"I bet you are. Bet you're about to gush all over those pretty little fingers, aren't you?"
"Fuck, so close. Alpha, I'm so close."
Dean dropped his phone in the sink as his whole body jerked and his toes curled, a powerful, unexpected orgasm taking his breath as he shot cum all over the counter. "Shit!" he hissed, grabbing his phone as he continued fucking his fist. He got the phone to his ear just in time to hear Y/n let out a shuddering breath and a relieved moan. "You...you feel better, Y/n?"
"Uh-huh. I...I'm sorry I called you that. It just came out."
Dean chuckled, grabbing some toilet paper to clean up the evidence of what her calling him that did to him. "It's okay. It's natural. You're an omega in heat. I'm an alpha you trust...you were doing that. It's not a big deal. As long as you're feeling better, that's the important thing."
"I'm feeling a lot better. Thank you. I knew it was the right choice to call you."
Dean tossed the toilet paper in the bowl and flushed before securing his boxers and pants. "Why did you call me?"
"Something in me said you'd be able to help."
Dean licked his lips and swallowed. "I'm glad I could help. Um...but we should probably not tell anybody that I did, ya know?"
"Yeah. People probably would think-"
"Thank you for helping, Dean. This won't be so miserable now."
"Try to get some sleep, Y/n."
"You too. Sorry I woke you up for this."
Dean smiled. "Don't be sorry. I'm glad I could help."
"Oh, um...can you collect my schoolwork for the week? It's gonna be in the front office tomorrow."
"Yeah. I'll, uh, grab it and drop it off for you tomorrow."
"Okay. Thank you. Love you, Dean. Night."
"Night." Dean disconnected the call and stared at himself in the mirror over the sink. "That’s your little sister, man. What's wrong with you?"
He shook his head and sighed, checking the time on his phone and wiping at his tired eyes. "Nobody has to know. Doesn't have to be a thing. I was just helpin' her out like any good big brother would." He flicked the light off and headed back to the couch in the library.
The Kitchen Sink Tags- @flamencodiva @sacriceria @lyarr24 @440mxs-wife @nancymcl @mariekoukie6661 @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart @cosicas-cuquis @queenoftheunderdark @myheartbelongsintz @squirrelnotsam @akshi8278 @muhahaha303 @agirlwithdemonblood @this-is-me19 @mrswhozeewhatsis  
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wildlife4life · 5 months
Hi for the wips I wanna ask for true heart and strength in tragedy
True heart is another witch Buck and werewolf Eddie fic, but they are not fireman and Buck is well over 400 years old. The basis of this fic is that Buck's heart remains outside his body and Eddie comes across it and immediately knows it belongs to his true mate. Eddie then spends a fair amount of time trying to court the very old witch, who is doubtful about the whole true mate thing. Here's a snippet:
Bobby’s gaze flickered around the office, taking in the pinned black wolf, the flying papers and crow, and a very terrified Chimney.  Then his eyes landed on the jar that sat on the desk and they went comically large.  “Howard Han what the hell have you done?!” “Can we discuss my ideocracy at a later time?!” Chimney screamed, “Just get Eddie to calm down and stop this damn wind!” Bobby huffed, “The wind is Buck’s doing and you know there is nothing I can do to stop it! As for Eddie.” The older man gave his attention to the snarling wolf, fighting hard to get at the halfling, “Why is he reacting like this?!” “I-I think he’s trying to protect Buck! Or at least Buck’s heart!” Chimney replied pointing at the jar. ‘You took what is mine!’ The wolf snapped in Eddie’s mind as he tried to surge towards Chimney again with all the strength within him. Bobby dragged a hand down his face, frustration and irritation pouring off him, “Apologize! Then give Eddie the damn jar and release him! Buck will be here any minute-“
Strength in Tragedy is an a/b/o verse with a major canon split in season 2 and mpreg Buck. Instead of kidnapping Maddie, Doug is interrupted and escapes alone. Buck and Maddie run away to keep her safe, discovering later on that Buck is pregnant after spending his last heat with Eddie. Doug finds a very pregnant Buck because of Shannon (who lives and moves back in with the Diaz's after Christmas) and kidnaps him. Its very angsty and a little dark, but I do promise a happy ending. Snippet below:
He missed Buck. The need to find him, be near him was becoming overwhelming and recently Shannon was pushing the matter of his very late rut.  They hadn’t had sex in weeks, Eddie was too angry and just didn’t want her touch.  He figured it went both ways, but for a short time now, Shannon had been all over him, convinced that she could get him to go into the primal state. But all Eddie wanted was Buck. His omega, with his crystal blue eyes that Eddie could stare into for hours, soft golden curls he loved to run his fingers through, and strong body that went pliant beneath him with a few soft kisses, even though Eddie knew the omega could easily toss him off. Buck wasn’t his. Eddie told himself repeatedly that he wasn’t, but his inner alpha screamed that he was. That Shannon felt wrong. And he didn’t understand why. Then Eddie opened his door and there stood Maddie. “Doug’s taken Buck and I need your help to get him back.” Maddie blurted as soon as the door was open.
WIP Tag Game
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auideas · 2 years
Hi! If you don’t mind, I’d like to request some soulmate AU ideas?
I’m a sucker for the soulmate trope, but I’m having serious writer’s block, and I need help
Hey!! Okay, so for this one, let's take a look at all the soulmate tropes floating around right now -- maybe one of them will click with you!
Classic soul strings of fate! You're connected to your soulmate by a red string that you can follow. Many stories explore what happens when this string is cut or when there's no string at all.
You can only see in black and white until you meet your soulmate; then, you world turns to color.
On your 18th birthday, you swap languages with that of your soulmate. This is normally not an issue, but what if the language you start speaking is ancient?
After you enter a relationship with someone, there's a chance that in exactly a year, something clicks in your brain that tells you whether or not that person is your soulmate. What would happen if that happened with your new best friend?
Soulmates could be a part of the worldbuilding, but what if they're just randomly assigned and the whole system is a lie?
Hear me out: what if both you and your soulmate know you are one another's partner, but you decide you hate each other too much to go through with it and decide to actively sabotage the relationship instead?
A rumor says that your soulmate will know the same weird piece of obscure knowledge you do, and no one else in the world will have any idea what it is. Everyone tries to learn and share everything they can so they can meet their soulmate, but really, it's just a farce to get everyone to share facts and ideas.
What if you could tap into any one of your soulmate's five senses at any point? Sight, sound, touch, etc. Or...what if you could tap into their sixth sense? Maybe you can feel that someone's watching them? That they're in danger? What then?
Feeling your own emotional peaks can be hard, but what if you also felt your soulmates'? What if they're fairly neutral until one terrible day when it feels like your heart was ripped out of your chest?
At birth, you're born with two eye colors: one is your natural eyes, and the other is the eye of your soulmate. When you meet, your eyes return to their natural state.
Whenever your soulmate is physically hurt, a flower blooms from the same location. This is never a big problem aside from special cases, but what would happen if a thorny rose cracked through your chest from your heart?
They say you have two soulmates in your life: one romantic and one platonic. Well, what if you were given the names of your two soulmates, but it's never specified which is which? What if you get it wrong?
There's also always the classic "you wake up in your soulmate's body on a random day and you have to live their life for 24 hours oh nooooooooooo."
Soulmark AUs:
When you write on your skin, the image or word appears in the same place on the skin of your soulmate. What if words started floating near a location on your body, almost like your soulmate has some extra skin where you don't?
The first words you say to one another are tattooed on your skin far in advance. Or, maybe the first thing the other thought when they saw you?
What about the worst thing your soulmate ever said is tattooed on your skin? This would open the door to a lot of possibilities and honesty, especially if the worst thing they said didn't seem all that bad...that is, until you get the context.
Alternatively, what about a stain where your soulmate will touch you for the first time? What if you can't find yours, so you think you don't have one until you go in for an emergency surgery and your abdominal cavity has marks everywhere...pretty crazy.
On your 18th birthday, you wake up to your soulmate's initials on your wrist. What if your soulmate changed their name? Maybe they're in witness protection? How do you find them?
You're supposed to get a mark on your birthday to tell you where you'll find your soulmate -- instead, you wake up covered in marks, all of which say "nowhere."
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arialerendeair · 10 months
Well Matched
By @arialerendeair
Chapter: 1/?
Pairing: Dream/Hob
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,356 - so far!
Summary: Dream Endless is an omega with a history who has no intention of ever being with or dating an alpha again. Despite that intention, he has still entered into the Match program in the hope of finding his True Mate, because if anyone was to love him despite his broken past, it would be them.
Hob Gadling is a beta (who trends to the more alpha side of the scale) who volunteers to work with omegas to help them get practice dating alphas, who was married once, to an alpha who wasn't his True Mate, and now he is holding out for true love.
They both, quite unexpectedly, find what they're looking for.
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Wukong had, thankfully, managed to coax his student into his house.
Mac won’t stop staring at MK, still trying to figure out if he’s a threat. Sun lets his ‘enemy’ cling to him even though he knows it has to be odd and concerning to MK. Macaque is still healing and the last thing he needs is for Mac to over-exert himself and get even more injured.
He ignores the small voice that says he just doesn’t want Liu’er to remember. That if Mac collapses, he might lose him again.
MK sips his tea with a raised brow. “So, why is he here? He was literally trying to kill us.”
“He’s my mate, human! Why wouldn’t I be here? Why would I ever hurt my sun?” Macaque stares at the disciple with a glare that could burn a hole through concrete. Wukong shushes him with a look. It settles the other, but his tail continues to lash.
“What? Mate?? Monkey King, what the fuck is happening??”
Oh boy. Sun could feel the beginning of a headache form.
Part 4
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sea-owl · 2 years
So I'm thinking ABO true mates polin and philoise, with childhood friends Phillip and Penelope, and some "I made up a fake suitor but turns out he's real and now we're planning a wedding. Oops" As always, I'm on mobile so I'm sorry for the long post.
So, the Featheringtons are a family of betas, they haven't had an alpha or an omega born into it for generations, until Penelope. Portia who has no idea how to even raise an omega daughter sends Penelope off to live with their cousins the Thompson in Gloucestershire who also have an omega daughter, Marina. Penelope grows up with Marina and the Crane boys, Phillip being her best friend. At some point she starts a pen pal relationship with Eloise.
By the time Penelope is sixteen there has been talks about arranging a marriage between her and Phillip. As much as Penelope loves the passive alpha both of them cringe at the thought of being mates. It doesn't help Marina and George also seemed keen on the idea.
"Oh Penelope why not? We could be sisters," Marina said. The two omegas were cuddling in Marina's nest. Marina's heat was due soon and it always helped if another unmated omega was there before and after the heat.
Because Phillip and I only see each other as pack mates, Penelope thought. Because I would rather write my novels and Phillip wants to study his plants. Because it would be the most awkward marriage ever.
Penelope couldn't say that though. Her cousins didn't even know she was the novel writer Lady Whistledown, it wasn't something a proper omega did.
But her romantic cousin did believe in true mates.
Penelope leaned in closer to whisper to Marina. "I believe I have found my true mate."
"Penelope," Marina gasped. "Who is it? Have I met him?"
Penelope shook her head. "Do you remember my pen pal Elosie?"
"Ms. Bridgerton?" Marina asked.
Penelope nodded. "Yes, one of her brothers caught my scent from a letter I sent her. He sent me a letter with Eloise's and oh Marina. I just know he is my mate."
"Which brother?"
Penelope ran through a list of names in her head, trying to remember Elosie's actual brothers' names so she didn't choose one of them. How many did she say she had again? Three? Yes, that sounds about right, two older and one younger. The Bridgertons were so well known, even out here, for their being many in their pack and for all looking so alike that half the time most don't know which one is which from a distance. Surly no would notice if she added one more, and Eloise would help surely help her if she knew Penelope was doing to avoid marriage.
A name, she needed to pick a name.
"Colin. His name is Colin Bridgerton."
Later that night Penelope wrote two letters. One to Eloise, and one to the mate she made up.
Dear Eloise,
My cousins are once again trying to push me and Phillip to court, no matter how many times we tell them we see each other no more than as pack mates. I may have fibbed and told them I have recently started a long-distanced courtship with one of your brothers. Colin is the first name that came to mind. If you could please help me I greatly appreciate it.
with great thanks,
Penelope Featherington
The letter she wrote to the made-up brother was shorter, adding in a few details she remembers Eloise said about one of her actual brothers.
Dear Mr. Bridgerton,
Thank you kindly for your first letter. You will have to write to me while on your tour around the Mediterranean. I have heard you could find really good tomato plants there.
yours truly,
Penelope Featherington
On the back of her stationary, she added some musings she had once written on new love when Marina and George first started courting.
Two weeks later Penelope found herself having a picnic with Marina and the Cranes. Phillip and Penelope were sent to keep an eye on the engaged couple. She had also received two letters. One smelled of Eloise's warm scent of honeysuckle, the smell becoming more potent as she opened the envelope.
"I still can't believe you made up a fake mate," Phillip whispered.
"If I had not your father," Penelope spat the word, " and my guardians would certainly have us engaged to be married."
Penelope pulled out the letter. Eloise had written that she would certainly help Penelope, after all who else was she going to be spinsters with? No one in London that's for sure.
Penelope smiled. "Oh, this is wonderful Phillip, now you can continue your studies at Cambridge and . . .Phillip?"
Phillip sat next to Penelope in a daze, his body shaking, and his unfocused eyes staring at the letter in her hands. "Lonicera," he muttered, breathing in deeply.
"Phillip!" Penelope yelled.
Whatever scattered her friend's mind stopped it's control. Phillip blinked a few times before coming back to himself. "I'm sorry Penelope. I'm not sure what happened."
"You're not about to go into a rut are you?" Penelope asked.
Phillip shook his head. "No, I'm not due for a while."
Penelope stared at her friend for a few moments before turning back to her other letter. This one didn't contain Eloise's scent; she must have sprayed some sort of perfume on it. The perfume gave off a scent of an ocean breeze with hints of citrus. It was the most wonderful scent Penelope has ever smelled. She must remember to ask Eloise what perfumed she sprayed it with.
Over the next few years Penelope kept sending letters to her Mr. Bridgerton. She must really commend Eloise for her dedication to keep up the charade, even if she still hasn't told Penelope what perfume she sprays the letters with. If Penelope was not the one to make up Mr. Colin Bridgerton she would have sworn he was real. Eloise put so many details in of a young man traveling to different parts of the world that Penelope wonders where she learned them. She even pretended to send gifts from those travels. Penelope busted out laughing when the first one of tomato plant seeds came in with a note.
You were right Pen, there are good tomato plants here.
Penelope wished things went as smoothly with the rest of her life. When she was 17, George had went to battle and died, leaving behind an unmarried and unbitten pregnant mate. Phillip was dragged home by his father who had died two weeks after George. Now the lord of Romney Hall Phillip tried to honor his brother and look after Marina and her unborn child. They had married when Marina was three months along, but never mated. No one dared spoke about how Sir Crane and Lady Crane had no mating marks.
Marina was never the same. During the last months of her pregnancy, she had become snappy with Phillip, and almost always demanded that Penelope not leave her side. Phillip and Penelope had hoped that once Marina gave birth she would calm, but no such luck. After the twins were born Marina had become despondent. She never left her rooms and allowed very few to enter. For two years she lived like that before the sickness took hold of her and she allowed it to take her.
Phillip and Penelope were reading over condolence letters when she got the rare letter from her mother.
I am sorry to tell you this but your father has passed. Come next season when we go into half mourning, I will need you in London. It is time for you to be serious about your suitor.
Penelope stopped reading. Her father was dead. She supposes as her offical pack leader and sire she should mourn his loss. She's sure her sisters in London are.
Penelope read over the letter once more. Still she felt like she was reading about the death of an unnamed character in one of her novels.
Penelope puts down her mother's letter and picks up the one from her fake suitor.
My darling Pen,
I cannot begin to imagine the pain you are going through right now. It is never easy to lose one menber of your pack, much less two. I hear you are to come to London next season. I shall be waiting for you here. Mayhaps we shall finally see if we suit for marriage.
Eagerly waiting,
"My mother expects me to return to London next season. I am to join the marriage mart," Penelope said.
Phillip nodded. "I will accompany you. We will both be in half mourning and be able to begin courting others."
Penelope looked up, her confusion leaking into her scent. "You will come to London with me?"
Phillip smiled. Penelope could smell his smugness at shocking her in his pine scent. "I figured we would both like someone we would know there when taking on the marriage mart. I need to find the children a new mother."
"You should find yourself a mate," Penelope muttered under her breath.
Penelope was 20 when she stepped back into London for the first time since her mother decided she could not raise an omega. Her dress was lavender and her gloves black.
Phillip stepped out of the carriage beside her with his black gloves and coat.
They are greeted in the Featherington drawing room by Penelope's mother and three sisters, along with two unknown alphas and an unknown omega.
That familiar smell of ocean and citrus hits Penelope so hard she's thankful Phillip has given her his arm to escort her in. She's not sure she would be standing if he didn't.
"Penelope, Sir Crane" Portia said. "This is Viscount Anthony Bridgerton, Lady Violet Bridgerton, and Mr. Colin Bridgerton."
Phillip shot Penelope a look. I thought you made him up.
Penelope shot Phillip a look back. So did I.
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