#ts Patreon
loganslowdown4 · 6 months
Logan giving Roman a ‘call back’ for a gift
Look, Roman may have cried, but he probably appreciated the sentiment and the fact that Logan did try to give him what he really wanted, despite the misunderstanding 🥲😂
I love them.
SO MUCH. 😭❤️💙
Logan would give Roman that actual tasting of Roman’s Royal Raspberry Cherriot and tell him it was delicious, even better than Logan’s Berry, no lies detected
There you go, Merry Christmas, secret Santa accomplished 😂❤️💙
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dyke-remy · 5 months
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went back to check the credits. yep. im sorry but im kinda starting to hate the patreon influence. i already know what the fandom thinks the sides would give each other. i wanna know what thomas thinks they would give each other. if he still cares
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busra-tr · 2 years
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(1-BD673) // (2-BD675) // (3-BD676) // (4-BD677) //  
(5-BD678) // (6-BD679) // (7-BD680) // (8-BD681) //
(9-BD682) // (10-BD683) // (11-BD684) // (12-BD685) //
(13-BD686) // (14-BD687) // (15-BD688) // (16-BD689) // 
(17-BD690) // (18-BD691) // (19-BD692) // (20-BD693) //
(21-BD694) // (22-BD695) 
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tstwitterupdates · 1 year
Hot take.. But Thomas gets 25k+ a month (Through Patreon) and hardly releases any new content that isn't some Merch plug disguised as as a true Episode/Video. I get that Burnout is real but this is taking the piss on that. He is constantly taking Vacations and making excuses left and right. I just don't understand it. ✨
from what i’ve seen through the tweets he has been writing for the finale for the past um.. couple months i think? don’t know how intensive that was but i assume he’s taking a break from that.
i support thomas taking breaks when he needs them, particularly since i think that when he has done it before there have still been uploads to his channel (not sanders sides of course, but the other stuff he posts) because other people are still working on editing and stuff. and it sounds like he only takes like 1 week, which sounds reasonable to me.
but i am annoyed and frustrated that for 4 years we’ve heard thomas talk about the stress and pressure caused by the videos and promise to take steps to correct it. and yet nothing ever changes and thomas is both still more stressed and still taking longer and longer with each video. so. something isn’t working. i don’t know how his team works but i keep thinking that there’s just gotta be another way…
also im mostly concerned about thomas. if the videos were taking longer because they found a way to work through them in a more balanced way or something then fine who am i to complain. but if they’re taking this much longer and he’s still under so much stress he’s got all these health issues and he needs several people to push him to take a few days off then?? im worried??
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autisticlogankin · 11 months
I hate the writers room, I genuinely think it's fucked up so many interactions we could've had. Interactions that could've been so much better than we have.
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sameglasses · 11 months
i wish i could say i was just bored at the new video, but the "i've convinced Thomas to lean into his intrusive thoughts today" bit enraged me beyond belief
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(idrk if censoring the username really helps since it's one of the top comments, but anyway)
putting aside the dumb comment in itself, why does Thomas like it?? is that really the same man who treated people suffering from IT with such respect and understanding?? now he's treating it as a punchline??
if people with IT let their thoughts "win", i promise you no one involved would get out of this unharmed. he, of all people, knows this is a serious matter, not a way to make people on twitter laugh. as someone who has IT, to the point i can hurt myself on bad days because of them, that pisses me off so bad
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emoprincey · 10 months
Logan in the patreon stream just going "Bravery... could do with less of that." Rip logince (2016-2023)
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pr · 6 months
have been informed the kaylorevidence website is like 90% dead links, which is incredinly frightening to me bc we are losing our history and that makes me so sad
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rosesradio · 1 year
does anyone want to make like a petition or something for thomas to donate at least part of the ad revenue on his sorting video to a trans charity? or at least put some kind of disclaimer in the video or in the description stating that he doesn’t support jkr, and maybe link some resources and/or charities to encourage donations? idk, it just sits weirdly with me that, upon checking the video a minute ago, there’s no alterations to how it was originally posted to address the bigotry of that franchise.
(especially considering he bought a bunch of merch for the video, which he makes a joke about, potentially encouraging his viewers to sort & buy merch for their houses as well)
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delimeful · 2 years
rereading wibar again, i hope patton wasn't too freaked out right after they escaped and virgil instantly passes out the second they're no longer in immediate danger
you know cuz all the adrenaline's gone and he's just been tasered like 5 times
patton: D:
virgil: no i promise im not dying that was just a. rejuvenating nap. nothing to worry about, standard human feature
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Image ID: A photo of an edited meme from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, featuring a man holding a hand up and saying ‘That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about humans to dispute it.’ End ID.
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loganslowdown4 · 8 months
Green screen shots of your faves!
(From a patreon video of raw footage from the anime opening!!) 💙
More under the cut!
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Drama King 👑
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More in the reblog!
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thomas sanders looooooves fucking. doing shit doesn't he
I’d honestly rather him just bluntly say he does not care anymore than continue whatever this pantomime is
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alina-rubanenko · 2 years
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TS2 Summer Relax Family PoseBox on my Patreon Page
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beauty-and-passion · 2 years
I think Thomas needs a dedicated community manager or something if he doesn't want to face criticism directly or is too busy to give updates on what he's working on every week. One thing I particularly don't like is how it feels like he schedules the livestreams almost last minute, especially for weekdays in the evening for him, but at incredibly awkward times for other zones, often falling in the middle of the workday or late at night. This is particularly egregious for the writer's rooms, which aren't archived for people who can't attend live and makes me wonder why I am paying him $25 a month for a "bonus" that I can't participate in or even see what I missed, and that occurs less than monthly. I understand that he's busy and things slip through the cracks, but this is a pattern now and it seems so haphazardly slapped together that it feels like the Patreon is no longer a priority for him. I definitely feel like he was much more consistent about doing monthly livestreams when he was doing them for the YouTube members for $5 a month with no bonuses, and at least those were archived for months until he switched to Patreon.
Sorry for the rant but these frustrations have been building up more and more. It's been two years since the Patreon started, Thomas and his crew should have had things better organized by now, or at least give the Patreon patrons some actual updates instead of spending all of his time on Twitter.
I understand your frustration and it makes sense that, after two years, you expect some more organization.
There could be a lot of reasons why Thomas' Patreon is still so disorganized: maybe Mr. Sanders doesn't have the actual time to work on it, he's too busy with other projects or he just doesn't feel like doing it.
And it's a real shame, because a lot of people use Patreon in great ways. I am not an expert, but as far as I know, some creators use it regularly and make it worth every cent people are paying. Some give updates about the progress of their works, including the most technical aspects (materials, softwares, editing, hiring process etc). Others show a lot of behind-the-scenes or post small previews of their projects before the full thing comes out. Others use it to talk with their followers and develop a stronger relationship.
There are a lot of possibilities and it’s very sad Mr. Sanders doesn't want to make the most of them. His Patreon doesn't give me the idea of a place regularly checked or fully exploited, but rather of a big room simply used as storage, in which sometimes Thomas puts a new box, then leaves again.
Don't get me wrong: if he doesn't want to spend too much time on it, he's free to do so. However, it would also look very unprofessional, because Patreon's purpose is exactly  to interact with people, give them something and make their money worth. Leaving something once in a while isn't exactly professional. And just like the other big problem of the series (the lack of a full outline), could be solved by hiring a professional who deals with it on Thomas’ behalf.
Speaking of leaving stuff, there is the mistery behind the livestreams. I tried so, so hard to understand why Thomas decided to keep the livestreams around for a very short time, then delete them. I am still searching for a reason and I still cannot find it. Why deleting them? What about the people who cannot watch them because of plans/personal problems/different timezones and want to watch them days later? What if they’re busy and cannot watch them days, but weeks later? They lose the chance, because the livestream disappeared.
Really, I have no explanation for this, so if someone knows something and can give me an explanation that makes sense, I would really appreciate it.
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No LITERALLY??!?!? (See the note I put in my notes app lol) Girl has to be givered all these memories but she had THAT one 😭 And them seeing their future daughter in lawww 😭😭 No doubt in my mind now that even way back then they loved her
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2000sferrfgg · 2 years
So…Logan only fans is cannon now right?
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