#ttte pretty polly
fireflameproductions · 6 months
The Gresley family
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I love this family so much, they are all so cool and I adore them all! Especially since these diverse characters are all related! Since I haven’t connected to half of these characters I won’t leave headcanons this time but maybe in the future once I get to know them more. Just enjoy the art for now ^^
Characters in order: Gordon, Flying Scotsman, Spencer, Mallard, Ryan, Pretty Polly (I had to include her even if she didn’t appear in the books, I love her so much)
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hazel-of-sodor · 8 months
Day 16-Too Late
Traintober 2023
Other Stories
Day 16-Purpose
Too Late
James was the one to find him. Thomas was hidden among the disused wagons behind Tidmouth. It didn't surprise James that none of the others had found him. Most tended to forget this part of the yard existed. James only knew because this was one of the spots he went to when everything became too much. As it had become for Caomhnóir.
The tank engine's fire had long gone out, his soot covering slowly washing away under the rain. Tear tracks covered his cheeks, but he was utterly unmoving. He had never looked so small to James as he did right then. Thomas had an energy that swelled past his frames, always moving, never still for longer than a second at a time. When he was upset it was easy to forget he wasn't as big as the main line engines. As Caomhnóir...there was a reason the likes of Flying Scotsman listened when he spoke. But right now? James just saw a little engine, bending under the weight placed on his frames.
James silently rolled to a stop in front of the tank engine, his crew walking away, leaving the two engines alone. For a long time, they remained in silence, James just letting him cry.
"I was too late." Caomhnóir finally whispered, his voice rough from crying. "She was already gone when we arrived."
James had no idea who he was talking about, but he could certainly guess at their fate.
"You can't save everyone." He reminded gently.
Caomhnóir's laugh was bitter and broken, "Everyone? Right now I'm failing to save anyone."
Well, that was enough of that.
"So you did dump that goods train on me last week for no reason."
Thomas looked up, confused, "No, I was..."
"And you had Henry sabotage the kipper the week before that for nothing."
"Of course not! I..."
"And Gordon derailed at Barrow completely by accident last month."
Thomas fell silent.
James raised an eyebrow, "Well? Did you or did you not need cover for engines sneaking in three times in a month?"
Thomas sighed, "I did...but it was not enough."
"No its not..and it never will be." James sighed, allowing his own grief to slip through. "But we can either accept that and help you save who we can, or let them take our kin unopposed."
"There's just so many." Caomhnóir sounded lost. "When I realized she was gone I grabbed who I could but..."
He was quiet for a long moment, " I moved as fast as I could but...." He looked helplessly up at James, "How do I tell Gordon Pretty Polly''s gone."
Oh. Well, that explained it.
"You don't," James said. "I will."
Thomas looked up to protest but James pressed their buffers together. "You have enough on your frames without this."
Thomas shook, "she wasn't supposed to be withdrawn yet. We had a plan, but suddenly they withdrew her, and by the time I got there..."
James took a deep breathe to steady himself, "it's still not your fault." He pushed on before the little engine could protest. "By all accounts, you made a sudden mad dash across the entire country undetected to try to save her. If you failed, then it was because there was no way to succeed, not because you failed in any way."
"I ran out of coal on the way back." Thomas admitted, "The midnight goods had to sneak me in."
Well, that explained why his fire was out.
"That only proves you did everything you could."
11 years later.
Thomas was resting at Tidmouth when he heard Gordon's whistle, joined by his siblings. He opened his eyes, expecting to see Gordon, Northern, and Scotsman.
Instead, a fourth engine was in front of him, the three expected Gresley's smirking on either side of her.
She, somehow was an A3 Pacific in BR Express Passenger Blue with the number 60061 on her buffer beam.
"I never got to thank you for trying to save me."
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uselessalexis165 · 6 months
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tried making some ttte memes (306)
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askyoungiron · 4 months
To Gordon: Deepest apologies if this question has already been asked Gordon, but I was just wondering. What was it like your first time ever meeting Pretty Polly?
GORDON: I have never met Pretty Polly. I heard a lot about her from my brother though and any engine that my brother sings the praises of must be a marvellous engine.
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blueart2001 · 4 months
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I love drawing Mike and Hiro :)
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trainsandkitties · 7 months
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Bonny. What have they done to you?
CW: Eating Disorders, Abuse
November 16th, 1963 It's been two weeks since they burried them. A week and five days since I was sent here "for my own good". The doctor keeps going on about cherishing memories. But it's nothing I haven't heard before. I saw a woman today. She was visiting someone it seems, because no women are allowed outside their ward. She looked so eerily similar to Bonny. But it was the old Bonny. Fashionable, witty, full of herself. I can still remember getting that phone call. It was night and Polly called from a telephone booth, frantic, crying. Once I made my way to the mainland the sun was up. I was lead to the room by a nurse, and there was Bonny. But not quite her. They shaved off her hair clean off for the operation. I used to fear her gaze. It was so full of emotions, usually anger. But now there was nothing. She always had this snarky pout, but now there was nothing. The man she was married off to took everything away. Her dance, her heart and now her mind. After that happened Polly became her caretaker. I remember she called once, clearly upset. "I prefer her that way." she sobbed. I think the worst part is I did too. Maybe Bonny herself prefered it post lobotomy. She no longer obsessed over how many inches her waist had, no longer felt burning jealousy over the other dancers. She no longer hurt Polly, or me for that matter. She no longer hit us, but even the cruel words stopped. It felt peaceful, yet empty. Now it just feels empty. I'd rather have my sister at her worse, than not have her at all. I can't wait to get rid of this idiotic journal once I get out.
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LNER - Merry Hampton
A1/A3 Gresley Pacific - NOs: 2565 - 60066
A quiet and shy engine, Merry Hampton likes to keep to herself. She doesn't have many friends, although Pretty Polly is often seen spending a quiet moment with her. She avoids drama and strives to do her job to perfection.
Despite her name, Merry is a very sombre and sad engine which is often off-putting to others. The other engines also consider her 'unlucky' and 'cursed' because of her number.
1962 - Smart A3 at the 'Cross..
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tornadoyoungiron · 4 months
Young Iron - In Pursuit of Self
Chapter 29 - Conflict & Revelations
Things come to a head.
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Archive of Our Own | Fanfiction.net
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theluckystarfish · 6 months
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a lil play with between Gordon and Polly^^
i know that Gordon had alot of siblings but this AU of mine i limited to Scotsman, Solario, Polly , Typhoon and Hamilton
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bruhstation · 2 years
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and now for something new - the siblings of sodor’s greatest babygirl (ft. left thumb reveal)
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fraiserabbit · 2 years
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a rare relaxed family moment in the Gresley household. Gordon (20), Polly (15).
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Lily is going through a HUGE change. Lately, I haven't been satisfied with her character or... anything about her. I wanted to make her as interesting as the others but I wasn't really able to achieve that. So I left her to my sister and she's going through a makeover.
More characters coming in;
Adam (lily's sensible cousin who unintentionally spreads the plague everytime he coughs 24/7)
Colin (the mandela catalogue inspired spamton g spamton rip off who's a technicolor angel-ghost thingy)
Adeline (the sane and sweet old official of the heavens but stepped down for a rlly odd reason & dire need for revenge)
Lady (a pink reaper or god idk yet she's either rlly weird or...who am I kidding she's gonna be weird and she's either gonna be a shy rookie or a rebelious “teenager”)
Pretty Polly (thinks she's different because she stays inside and fawns over trains and doesn't go to parties & date but she's actually just trying to pls conservatives)
Blinky Bonny (polly's old sensitive cousin. thas all I have lol)
“98462” (alfie's twin brother whom his father adopted to replace alfred. edward and him have a horrible relationship.)
Tiffany (works too hard and is friends with RYAN thas all I have for now lol)
Theodosius “Theo” (sings survive the night and likes FNAF— wait what am I saying- the Bruno of the e2's and Timothy hates him so so much)
Andreas (his faces is as badly damaged as big Mickey's who he wears a mask- i didn't say he was any better than him- lives with duncan rent free (oh Duncan hates it)
Diesel 5 (his history with the Scottish twins is rather... interesting....)
Gosh there's a lot in this AU being added lol
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (218)
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askyoungiron · 9 months
Hi Askyoungiron!
I was just wondering if you had a sketch of what little Peony looks like in her human form?
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Here she is. LNER J75 (H&BR Class G3) - Peony!
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blueart2001 · 1 year
Ttte human parte 4
Duchess of Hamilton
Pretty Polly
Mike, Rex and Bert
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hey Mallard, how's Scott doingif you don't want to talk about him it's fine, but anyway have you heard the news about Gordon disappearance?
Mallard: "My cousin? How would I know how he's doing? We don't talk much. And who's Gordon?" Pretty Polly: "Gordon is a sibling of mine Mallard. Gordon is his nickname but his full name is Great Northern." Mallard: "Great Northern? As in the eldest of you A1's and the one born with three pairs of wings?" Pretty Polly: "Yes, him." Mallard: "Huh... well now I can definitely say I've never met him, but I would like to, even if he's clipped I bet he'd still be an amazing worker, like Mr. Truro." Pretty Polly: "If you're ever interested in taking the South Easter express from London to Sodor you'll probably have a high chance of meeting him since that's where the respective lines terminate." Mallard: "I'll think about it."
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