Dick’s annoyance when Jinx tells him to kiss Kory and break the spell had me cackling. Our man Grayson was preparing for the task. He looked like why didn’t you say so earlier 😂 Did you see how close to her he got and how tight he was holding on to her 🥰 He’s so in love! What is he going to do when she actually gets hurt 😢
Listen anon, our man has been waiting for YEARS to kiss her again. You best believe he was ready albeit Jinx was toying with his emotions. She was so wrong for that but also so  right because we got to see his love for her shine through his actions as always. 
The death grip bestie, the death grip, Richard was holding on for dear life even after she told him she was okay. He is down bad and, oh the angst that’s coming our way when Kory gets hurt. It’s going to be feral husband Grayson at the asylum x 1000. Pray for your fellow DickKorians, cause it’s going to destroy us all in the best possible way.
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Gifs by @not-so-mundane-after-all 🖤💙
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colins-bridgerton · 3 years
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#batfam being cuties #love my batfam 
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legendsofentity · 3 years
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rachel’s expressions here break my heart but THIS IS THE FATHER-DAUGHTER CONTENT I WAS WAITING FOR ALL SEASON--
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stefanotis · 3 years
Me claiming I was done with Titans but then seeing Mar’i:
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mejcinta · 3 years
Interesting thing about these new stills is that you can classify the (paired) characters based on their role this season.
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1. Team leads/ parents (Dick and Kory),
2. Protege's/ children of the team leads. (Rachel and Gar).
3. Martyrs (Hank and Dawn).
Then we've got these other pairs who are basically:
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1. Ghosts from Dick and Kory's pasts (Barbara and Blackfire).
2. The 'resurrected' (Donna and Jason).
3. The dual ones. (I insist there's a duality to both Conner/Luther and Jonathan/Scarecrow's natures).
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legendsofentity · 3 years
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mejcinta · 3 years
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What I like about this picture is how the Titans are showing their unique facial reactions to whatever impending threat they're seeing.
We've got Gar who looks like he's already growling and a beast is ready to rip out from his human body any second:
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Gar: *What's self control again?*
And poor Conner's clenched fists just say it all in this one, as he's retired to what he's about to do:
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Conner: *Lex Luther side, don't fail me now*
Then we've got Dick and his tight-lipped look full of contempt at what he's seeing or hearing. He's fed up and set to go full feral mode:
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Dick: *If you touch one hair on their heads, I swear I'll make Batman look like a saint.*
Special mention to Krypto. Doggy just can't wait to bite.
Finally, we've got Kory who looks fed up with whoever they're facing and wants things done with already. After all, she's got more pressing issues to deal with on her own and this loser doesn't know the IED they're stepping on by messing with the Titans.
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Kory: *Can we just take him already? He talks too much.*
I love them sm.
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mejcinta · 3 years
Scarecrow and Dick Grayson in the same car was comedy gold.
It reminded me of this dynamic (in a car) 😂😂😂:
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Dick: (makes a point)
Scarecrow: (acknowledges point before proceeding with a completely contradictory point).
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mejcinta · 3 years
This cast are the best. So adorable. It feels like we've been waiting forever, but here we are!!!!
11 days to go.
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mejcinta · 3 years
The way Faddei heaped compliment upon compliment on Kory last season...the way he got her that necklace on display (not knowing Earth laws) because a Queen should get whatever catches her eye. The way he wanted to know if he could marry Kory on Earth...
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I'm sorry, but WHY did they kill this man. I can think of a MILLION ways he's more useful to Kory's plot this season than dirty-hands Psychiatrist 🙄🙄🙄
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mejcinta · 3 years
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People seriously need to chill and wait for the show to come out. Because at this rate these complaints only make us look childish.
Source: my Twitter account.
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mejcinta · 3 years
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Love the first two posters better. Only reason s3 poster is getting some love from me is because Dickkory are set close together. 🙃
Otherwise, they'd make that poster just a bit better.
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mejcinta · 3 years
I don't think we're prepared for the twisted shit Blackfire is going to do to Kory. Damn!
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mejcinta · 3 years
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That crest with a plane behind Kory... Is this an army facility that Blackfire's imprisoned in? Has Blackfire caused some chaos upon arrival to the point of being captured and imprisoned, and now Kory has to bail her out?
"Why are you here?" Blackfire sounds retired and defeated in her state.
"You called me here!" Kory is doing this purely out of obligation. She wants to help whoever is in charge of the prison to give leads as to why Blackfire is on Earth.
I suppose Kory partially knows why Blackfire's come, but she doesn't want to give it a thought. She's still in grief of what's supposedly happened to her parents. She's blinded with rage at the mention, and sight, of Blackfire...but still, she's a Titan and must help with quelling tension before it explodes onto innocent people.
Whichever facility this is, Earth or beyond, this might be where the seed of mental and psychological instability is planted in Kory. Where Blackfire officially begins messing with her head.
Honestly, what exactly are Blackfire's powers? How did she manage to do what she did with Faddei and the innocent mom she took possession of in the season 2 finale?
How can Kory be sure she's safe from. Blackfire's trickery?
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mejcinta · 3 years
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Cute that it just happens to be National Sisters Day month and we get the Kory/Kom content we've always wanted from Titans.
Fangirling. It's been 2 years since writing specifically a Kory and Kom saga. You can't imagine how delightful it is to finally see this manifest on the screen.
Damaris is going to be wonderful. And Anna is going to serve us perfection for the third time. 🙏😁🤓📝🍸
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colins-bridgerton · 4 years
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kate’s tv male characters: (updated) 9/50
↳ dick grayson
↳ titans 2018-
↳ “i had to [walk away]. when you hide behind a mask for so long it starts to give you a license to do things. it was getting out of hand.”
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