#tw weapon mention
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 18 days
Moon: ‘Can’t be lethal weapons’ you say. Well, I say differently!
Eclipse: …This is about marshmallows, Moon.
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mint-mumbles · 2 months
Guys… who approved his blazed post…
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Linking to this wonderful post debunking Cybersmith
(Here’s his main points for those morbidly curious:)
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Who’s gonna tell him about NUCLEAR WEAPON RESTRICTIONS?
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Have bans on actual functional, working technologies EVER been successful?
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mousesquared · 2 years
if you make genders based on real life tragidies such as unsolved crimes, specific murder situations, honestly any specific harmful crime, war (non specific war related items are ok*), specific events in war, and specific people's death (no matter if they were a bad person or not) please get off our blog i think thats disgusting
*im sure some people make genders based on weapons, i know we like some radioactive and nuclear genders (and obv those can be involved in weapons) and i think those are fine but if you specify idk like a certain bomb that was involved in a specific war (if you know what i mean). by non specific war items i dont mean like "oh hey i think you are wrong for making a gender based on an ak-47 but making one on a gun is fine" those specific types i dont mind (i dont like those genders cause i hate guns but i dont think they are morally wrong to make genders on those)
anyway that was a long explaination but yeah this is definitely based on something i saw and im not upset at the person who reblogged it and realized their mistake, im upset at the original coiner cause i think thats gross
this isnt meant to be a callout post which is why im not saying specific names but please if you make genders based on those things i said before i advise you to not do that but definitely please unfollow me
(lemme know if i need to tag anything else)
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Yay! I thought I was overpowering my MC but nope! She can have as many weapons as I want is suitable for her :D
The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi (1645)
Version: Translated by Thomas Cleary
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aspd-culture · 1 year
Aspd culture is not understanding why people think your violent thoughts are fucked up. Like am I personally hitting YOU with a chair right now? No. Am I actually torturing someone with various instruments? Clearly not. Am I, in any way, shape, or form physically endangering you with some level of weapon or attack? Unless you count my lack of fucks given, no, you are relatively unharmed- if spooked by my thoughts. Also if I was going to act on them I wouldn’t have told you I had them in the first place. I can’t get caught like that do I look dumb to you. Just relax, nobody’s dead or going to be dead. Or better yet, you can leave me alone.
aspd-culture is wondering why tf prosocials think we would incriminate ourselves if we were actually gonna do anything violent.
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greenleaf4stuff · 11 months
Incorrect Pathologic #15
Bad Grief, holding a gun to Andrey's head: I'm gonna take you out...
Andrey: Great! It's a date!
Bad Grief, blushing: It was a threat!
Andrey, already leaving: See you at six.
(Source: @incorrectquotetemplates)
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aloneintheafterglow · 5 months
Billy breaks into your muse’s shed while running away from a dangerous situation.
Open to anyone.
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Heart pounding in his chest, almost louder than the steps he’d outrun, Billy’s back was literally up against the wall, nostrils flaring as he tried to calm his breaths in fear that he hadn’t lost the tail of the two men that had chased him with their weapons aimed toward his back. He could make out a light on the inside of the shed he was holding up against.
His revolver against his chest, he felt blindly for the doorknob he had spotted during his sprint, turning the cold metal. After a mental countdown from 3 to 1, he pushed the door open and spun his body into the space. “‘M not here to harm you. I just need a corner for the night,” he promised the occupant already there, revolver in his grip, ready to fire in self defense. “Please,” Billy swallowed as he finally made eye contact with the other.
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tepli-mravenci · 1 year
normalize talking to your weapon like it's your friend even if it literally doesn't care about you
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the-faketiccit0by · 1 year
Lunar: The only thing I'm guilty of is being adorable...... and also assault with a deadly weapon
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thatgenderlessentity · 10 months
Patton- *to Roman* You might be fine but I'm finding it hard to erase the image of my best friends being stabbed.
Source: DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 months
Moon: What’s happening?
Sun, staring at Lunar chasing Eclipse with a knife: I think therapy.
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voidselfshipp · 10 months
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"[...]...He didnt take it to heart, he understood where the dislike towards him came from.-- very sunny. You said you like summer,dont you?. I preffer winter, because it lets me dress in all my goth glory
At this,jerico snorts and finally relents on their indifference-- Summer, every goth kid's worst nightmare. Trust me, I'd know-- they say in agreement.
Emil has seen them in their full goth look before. And the stark contrast between them and some of their partners (mainly Jackal and Harry) was nothing short of hilarious to behold. --Well...I think you look more like an earth diety rather than a goth right now, still beautiful though--He murmurs absentmindedly, not realizing he said it outloud until jerico clears their throat and smiles a little, cheeks dusted Pink.
But the awkward if not endearing air between them is blown away suddenly, jerico stops dead in their tracks and says--Okay. Act natural-- they start, nodding towards a Group of people nearby-- remember those goons that you guys detained in Spain? Those are some of their co-horts that they identified the other day
Fenrir looks discreetly and stiffens a little. The Group is about to make their way towards them, but it doesnt look like they noticed the pair yet.
--Follow me-- He says decidedly, taking their forearm and pulling them to an alleyway, the shade is a welcome chilly relief from the heat. Jeri is about to complain when his hand pressed up against their mouth.
Sadly the Alleyway is pretty small, which makes them hide behind a tall trash can. Fenrir presses up against his companion,his free hand against the smooth white wall. --Quiet-- he whispers.
--God, I hate you!-- they whisper shout once his hand removes itself from their mouth-- I bet they are here looking for you!
--Jerico now its not the time--He reprimanded with a growl in his voice. Both anxious and a little annoyed-- you can beat my ass once we are back to safety. Until then, please, silence.
They huff and trie their best to fold their arms over their chest. But as the goons walk by, they instictually Grab Emil by his clothes and pull him a little closer to them, their hands press over his upper back, Flat against his toned muscles. He leans fully over them with the hand on the wall moving to their waist to hide his extremity better.
Both of their breaths are ragged and anxious. Without weapons or armor they were easy targets. The goons pass the alleyway without much suspicion, not noticing the pair behind the tall trashcan.
Fenrir looks over the object they hid behind, his black hair falling infront of his face, he looks determined and incredibly serious. But jerico's eyes go wide, and without much thought they say--Jesus,youre beautiful
He turns to them,whipping his head so fast he might break his neck--Huh?! -- the Man exclaims, his Pale skin flushing bright Pink.
"Well" they think "there goes the neighboorhood". But their companions surprise is soon replaced by harmless smugness--Didnt you hate me?
--Its not that I hate you-- I mean yeah! You worked with fucking deimos!. But fuck you for being so damn hot and hmmpht!-- he kisses them and they kiss back, wasting no time in tugging at his clothes to bring him closer.
--i bet youre super conflicted right now-- he joked.
--Shut up..[...]"
Fenrir moodboard! I love him to bits.
♡Lovely taglist: @textreasures-rbs @malewifehenrycooldown
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gxlden-switchblade · 2 years
i think trixie trotter should've gotten a gun. it's what she deserves
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Sunny, killcodes aren’t evil, remember? If he’s extremely violent, it’s because someone made him like this. Try giving him some sheet metal and a hug.
Little busy running! He’s throwing nukes at me! -Sun💛
Come back, Sunnyyyyyyyy! -Lunara🧨
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aspd-culture · 1 year
aspd culture is getting frustrated every time you have to remind yourself that you have to engage as if human emotional responses are the obvious ones in any given situation. (I identify as nonhuman for very guessable reasons) Like sombody says 'someone close to you just died and you're in danger! of course you'd be upset' and you have to remind yourself to stop forgetting people actually get affected by that stuff
meanwhile you start to get slightly bored and then your old pal darkness comes creeping back to stab you in the ass with a saw weapon
aspd-culture is
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funny how you like to use a knife yet you can tear someone to shreds like paper, would that mean you have accidently cut yourself on some sharp bones while you tore someone up like confetti?
I have, but it never matters; not in the moment, and certainly not after! The ends greatly justify the means. . .
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