#tw// body image
mothdruid · 10 months
I hope you know you’re worthy of genuine love and affection and care regardless of what size you are. I hope you know you are more than a number on tag in a pair of pants or dress or shirt. I hope you know you deserve better than someone who could be so careless with your feelings and your heart. I hope you’ll put yourself first. I hope you’ll choose yourself. 🤍
Your tags in that post made my heart hurt. So I just wanted you to know there’s someone rooting for you and wishing the best for you.
thank you very much anon.
tw// body image, insecurity, shitty relationship
it's just really hard because after five years? almost six? i know that i've gained quite a bit of weight over that time because i was coming out of an abusive relationship when him and i got together, but fuck. to hear that? i'm so self conscious now, which sucks cause i've felt amazing for the past year after my reduction. but now i just feel like i'm taking up space i shouldn't be all because of a man
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jessiesjaded · 1 year
Havin a bad bout of issues with my body more than usual and my immune shit flaring doesn't help bc all the flowery ~love your body~ shit feels ultra hollow when you do have legitimate things to hate about it
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ravenkings · 1 year
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if you hate this Thing, then the Thing you hate is actually just the female form
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jenderenvy985 · 11 months
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egosdeaths · 7 months
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llsadgirl · 7 months
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-from Pinterest
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incognitopolls · 2 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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duckydrawsart · 11 months
I feel like I've reposted and deleted these several times already lol but this time they're staying !! anyways, Shane x Liv sketches from a few years ago that I still like
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hinamie · 2 months
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the same flame that burns you; birthed you first
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I like the "Hua Cheng is actually an eldritch abomination and Xie Lian is just wearing rose-coloured glasses" joke as a joke. I love all the memes and the art it inspired. I don't think it's actually true, and I think it's important to Hua Cheng's character that for all his power and for all his facade of confidence, he has -1000 self esteem and it's his own view of himself that's skewed, not Xie Lian's.
ALL THAT SAID. I also think it'd be adorable if Hua Cheng's true form has """imperfections""" in a very normal way. He's got slightly crooked teeth, and one dimple so his smile is kind of asymmetrical, his nose was broken once and his true form still has the bend to it, and he's got a few random moles. And even though he's objectively gorgeous and those are all just everyday human features, he fixates on those perceived """flaws""" and hates them. Meanwhile, Xie Lian adores every single one of them because he knows that when he's seeing those little asymmetries and quirks, he's seeing the real San Lang.
*excess quotation marks to indicate that I am not saying these things are actually flaws.
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cursedimagedump · 7 months
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janedeleon · 1 year
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DREW STARKEY as RAFE CAMERON outer banks season 3
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girlscapitalism · 2 years
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MAGICIAN Lexie Liu (2022)
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egosdeaths · 11 months
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eddiesxangel · 2 months
Eddie would be so obsessed with your tummy pooch!!!
Especially when you would wear crop tops to bed with only underwear so it’s exposed for him to grab and touch and kiss.
At first you would be nervous to be around him and expose yourself like that. One day you were telling him how you are feeling self conscious about it and he bands over to kiss it a whispers “mine” and from that day on you no longer cared about what it looked like in front of him
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yamujiburo · 5 months
Hope this doesn't come off as too rude, but why are you making Jessie gain a lot of weight?
Sometimes it's health-related and it can't be helped but in this case, you're making her 'fatter' for what reason? Weight gain is a HUGE problem for thousands of people, and so is weight loss.
Sure, getting a little bigger is fine. Since Jessie is very skinny in the show, but not to the 'obese' point. It's sad to see her go from having a healthy body image to an unhealthy one
(I'm overweight myself. I'm not skinny at all. And I know for some it's probably nice seeing large women rep. But in this case, seeing a character go through what I went through and now I'm struggling with it and it causes a lot of strain on my mental health because of the weight I've gained... yeah...)
Everyone is different! It’s important to acknowledge that while losing weight may be healthier for SOME people, gaining weight may be healthier for others.
In Jessie’s case, she’s lived through poverty, literally eating snow, then even after getting a job at Team Rocket, she was still frequently on the brink of starvation. I would not jump to say her body was necessarily “healthy” given this context and I think it can be dangerous to do so. Healthy looks different on everyone! Her gaining weight is a sign of finally being comfortable and having the means to live happily.
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