#twawb wind
socialc1imb · 1 year
The Soul Eclectic - A TWAWB (bad end) Animation
And just like that, it’s finished! Time to sleep forever.
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serenedash · 2 years
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pov you're an 18 year old army captain but you're also friends with the hero of winds so you can't catch a break
(@socialc1imb's au is living in my head rent free)
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destructokats · 1 year
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Wind from @socialc1imb's Train Whistles and Wedding Bells. I always thought his design was cool.
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Train Whistles and a Raging Fever
Febuwhump Day 11: Fever
Rating: G
Whump count: fever
Word count: 550
Summary: Spirit doesn't realize that he's sick.
Characters are from Train Whistles and Wedding Bells, a Linked Universe AU by my awesome friend @socialc1imb!
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“Spirit, why don’t you take a break? You’ve been up front all day.”
The conductor startled at the voice, which was nearly yelling to be heard over the train. He dumped a final shovelful of coal on the fire, then turned to see who had entered the cabin.
It was Wind, who was doing a poor job of hiding his concern. “Come on, I know you’re excited to be back home but you haven’t eaten all day.”
“’Cause I’m not hungry. Go enjoy the view,” Spirit said, wiping sweat from his brow. It had been too long since he had worked with his train; he was hot and tired after only an hour or so.
From the corner of the car, Wild waved to get Spirit’s attention. ‘I think I’ve learned the metaphorical and literal ropes by now,’ he signed. ‘Go get some food.’
Spirit pointed an accusatory finger at Wild. “I know you just want to abuse one rope in particular.”
Wild only gave him a gremlin-like grin, and Spirit sighed and followed Wind out of the car. Behind them, Wild leapt to the control panel and made the train’s whistle sound long and loud.
“He’ll be fine. You will be too, as soon as we find some food for you,” Wind assured him, pulling him through car after car until they found an empty one. Wind instructed Spirit to sit on the nearest bench, then left to track down Wild’s food stash.
Spirit sat without hesitation, wondering why he was so exhausted. He pulled off his thick gloves and wiped clammy hands on his overalls. The passenger car was cool, but Spirit’s head pounded from the residual heat of the locomotive. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to close his eyes until Wind came back…
“Ha, I knew it! You’re too tired to even think about driving a train right now.”
For the second time that day, Spirit jumped when he heard Wind’s self-satisfied voice. He struggled to open his eyes, blinking blearily at the sailor.
“You should still eat something, though. I found plenty of food a few cars down.” Wind dumped a pile beside Spirit, who turned his head away.
“I said I’m not hungry.” The smell of food reached Spirit, and he choked back a gag. Even the thought of food was suddenly making him nauseous.
“Hey… are you alright? You’re acting really weird.” Wind pressed his hand to Spirit’s forehead, only keeping it in place for a moment before recoiling with a hiss. “You’re burning up!”
“Yeah, I’m just hot from the fire. Don’t worry about it,” Spirit mumbled.
“No, you’re really hot. I think you have a fever,” Wind said.
Spirit hummed. “That would explain it.”
Then, despite Wind’s surprised and frantic attempts to prevent it, Spirit’s consciousness slipped away.
He wasn’t aware of much after that. Somebody laid him across the bench and wiped sweat and soot away with a damp cloth. A blanket was tucked around him, kicked off, and replaced when he immediately started to shiver again. Worried voices, deeper than Wind’s, spoke above him but he couldn’t make out any of their words.
Spirit drifted in and out of a fitful sleep, surrounded by concerned brothers and the sound of his train taking them to whatever destination he would find himself at when his fever broke.
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ilaiawanderlust · 1 year
B6….. wimdy…… please.. ….
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he's your wimdy! i added the fairy emboidery to his tunic cuz it looks cool lol
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
Aka, I'm trying Febwhump! Twelve prompts, spread throughout the month! LET'S DO THIS THING
@socialc1imb ANYONE ASK FOR TWAWB?!
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Guess who came into existence on this fine day! Thisssss girlllll! I’m 10 out of 10 baby! 
But no in all seriousness you guys, while technically birthday’s are supposed to be about the b-day person. This year I just can’t do that, so. 
@socksandbuttons my bestie, my dear, thank you for sticking by me for so many years. Guys she met me when I was 17, I’m 22 now. That’s so hard to believe, Thank you for standing by me Alex, throughout the years. Thank you for being one of my rocks through Covid. Honestly if I didn’t have you egging me on with art and story ideas I have no idea where I be right now. (Hugs) Honestly guys I would not be as good of an artist or writer if I did not have her. Thank you for letting me join you in your journey with making the UnderRem Au. It’s been a honor to laugh, cry, yell, celebrate and vent to each other. And just honestly being one of my best friends, despite how strange and weird I can be....Thank you, I love you Alex. 
@midnight-the-goth-artist girly, girly! Thank you for bringing me so much fun, and imagination into my life, and giving me a opportunity to add to your world. Honestly when someone younger comes to me and ask for guidance, or friendship I do not take that lightly. Thank you for letting me be a character mentor for you even if it is in a fictional world. You are so sweet, and every piece of art you bestow upon me I cherish. Your such a sweetheart and are so talented I can’t wait to watch you grow even more. (Hugs) 
Now for my new people! 
@silvercaptain24, I know we’re just getting to know each other a bit better, but thank you so much for your support. You’re one of the first people who commented on my fanfic, which gave me the motivation I needed! You’re so talented and I can see you’re going to go far! You’re doing amazing! 
@socialc1imb YOU! You’re on this list because I still can not thank you enough for the Drunken Sailor Fanart! It is still my screensaver, and also I wanna thank you for willing listen to my rambles. Either in your ask or in your post tags. I love twawb’s au and thank you for seeing some ideas I share as good idea’s. You’re really cool and talented, and its such a honor to be in the fandom with you. 
@squigglywindy​ my beloved (HUGS) Thank you for just looking at me and going. “You like Wind?’” “Yes? You like Wind?” “Yes...Cool We’re friends now!” “Okay?” New friends, but still friends, also thank you for making me feel included. Honestly both you and Silver have. I’ve always struggled making friends. In real life, and online. It’s been pretty hard for me to find my place in the fandom, and among mutuals, but you made it so much easier so thank you! 
And finally to the rest of my Hurricane family, and my fellow Mutuals and Friends. Thank you for sticking by me and supporting me! For my old follower you know how I started and how I’ve grown and I hope I make this year another year for you to keep watching. 
I love you in the way, a online creator with respectable boundaries should. 
God bless you, 
2000/Toon ❤️
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shyrule · 1 year
twawb british au where wind is like ‘well, wars, ur 18 now and you know what that means: we’re going to the pub.’
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socialc1imb · 2 years
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awkwardpossum0 · 1 year
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"You lookin' more an' more like me everyday!"
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destructokats · 1 year
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Decided to finish this sketch that I did for @socialc1imb. He's nice and shiny now.
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Itty Bitty
Summary: Legend takes in an orphaned baby bunny.
Word count: 1655
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Based on this art by my awesome friend @socialc1imb! Happy Birthday, Sky! <3
It was supposed to be a completely normal search for wood. Time had stopped them early for the day in a relatively peaceful area and had sent Wind and Wild to blow off some extra steam. Legend tagged along, partly to keep an eye on them and partly to avoid as many Links as possible. As long as he could escape the majority of the group for even a few minutes, he could count that as a win.
Predictably, the younger two were not even pretending to focus on their task. They ran from tree to tree, investigating mushrooms and flowers and ignoring the sticks scattered on the ground. Legend sighed and scanned the area, resigned to being the sole wood-gatherer. He heard Wind shout something excitedly, then a smack as Wild lightly hit the kid’s arm. Wind quieted a little and Legend’s curiosity got the best of him. The sailor wouldn’t get that excited over some forest plant.
Legend turned around and saw the others crouched in front of a bush, concealing whatever it was they were looking at. “What are you two doing?” he asked, daring to hope that they weren’t about to get themselves into trouble.
“Champ found a lil’ bunny!” Wind said, and waved him over.
All rational thought immediately left Legend’s mind and he gasped, “Let me see!” He ran over and pushed past Wind- or rather, shoved Wind to the side via hand to the face. He ignored Wind’s protest, his sights set on the tiny form huddled on the ground a few feet in front of Wild.
It was a gray baby bunny, quivering in terror but not making any attempt to escape. Carefully, gently, Legend scooped it in his hands and lifted it up to get a good look at it. It looked at him with wide eyes full of cautious trust.
“Hello there, little one,” he cooed, continuing to ignore Wind and Wild’s confusion from behind him. The bunny relaxed at the sound of his voice and nuzzled its face into Legend’s scarf. “Well, look how sweet you are!” Supporting the bunny with one hand, Legend raised the other to stroke its ears. Its velvety-soft fur didn’t hide the fact that it was too frail and skinny, and Legend tutted in concern.
“What the hell?” Wind muttered.
Legend turned to speak to them, still cradling the bunny against his chest. Wind stared at him confusedly while Wild clasped his hands, delighted at the sight.
“We need to find his mother,” Legend said. “Wind, you keep looking for firewood. Wild, help me find the little one's den.”
Wind looked a little hesitant to leave the bunny, and Legend knew that he hadn’t forgiven him for shoving him aside, but the kid ran off readily enough. Wild didn’t begin his search right away, instead signing something with a fond expression on his face.
‘I didn’t know you were such a softy,’ Wild teased, and Legend guessed that it was taking some incredible self-restraint for the champion to resist pulling out his slate for a picture.
Legend’s ears flicked back in embarrassment. “He’s alone and hungry, okay? I can’t just leave him to suffer.” The bunny snuffled and he gave him a warm smile.
‘I won’t either. Let’s find his den, then.’
It only took them a few minutes of searching to discover a rabbit den nestled into the crook of a tree trunk. Legend was already worried; he knew that it would have taken dire circumstances for the kit to leave before he was ready. His hopes weren’t high, even as he asked Wild to check the den for the baby’s mother. He pet the kit as they watched Wild kneel in front of the den.
After a minute of investigation, Wild made a sad noise and sat up to sign to Legend. ‘No sign of a mother or other kits. The bedding is old and dry, and-’ he pointed at the ground. ‘Fox tracks. This kit was lucky to escape.’
“No…” Legend breathed, feeling a new surge of protectiveness for the bunny. Had it been too much to hope that the little one wasn’t completely alone? Well… “You’re not alone anymore,” he told him. “We’ll find you something to eat and a safe place to sleep… and we can figure it out from there.”
Legend learned very quickly that bringing an orphaned baby bunny to a camp of overprotective heroes was far from the easiest thing he had done. He knew how to handle a challenge, though, and managed to feed the little one with minimal interruptions. The others, for their part, weren’t being outright disruptive so Legend tried to ignore the barrage of staring and cooing.
“Are you sure that this is the best idea?” Warriors asked. “I’ve always been told that it’s best to leave wild animals where they belong.”
Legend glared at him. “If I left him where we found him, he’d be dead by nightfall. He’s too young to take care of himself, Wars. He doesn’t deserve that kind of fate.”
“You see some of yourself in him, don’t you?” Sky said softly.
Legend’s ears drooped and he stroked the bunny’s as he spoke. “How could I not?” The kit was young, alone, and scared, forced to navigate a new world that he couldn’t comprehend the dangers of. Legend knew how it felt to be a baby bunny in a big world. It hurt, and Legend would do anything to help soothe that pain.
“Y’know he’s gonna imprint on ya if ya keep touchin’ him,” Twilight pointed out. He was sitting the farthest from them; for some reason, the poor kit almost went into shock every time the rancher got close.
Legend’s ears twitched defensively. “So?” It wasn’t like the kit had a mother he could have imprinted on instead.
“We should name him!” Wind exclaimed. “Ooh, how about-”
“No,” Legend said firmly before Wind could even say whatever horrible idea had popped into his head.
“I’ve got one,” Twilight said with a smirk. “How ‘bout Better Legend?”
“What kind of name is that?!” Legend protested. “I can-”
“We could call him Bitty for short,” Four pointed out, gracing Legend with only a smug look as the vet glared at him.
“Bitty is a good name,” Time said, and Legend decided that he wasn’t in the mood to argue with the old man.
“Fine! His name is Bitty. Happy?”
“I love it! Bitty is such a cute name for the cutest bunny,” Hyrule said. He happily bounced in place as he looked at Bitty snuggled up in Legend’s lap, safely bundled in the vet’s purple scarf. Hyrule was sitting on his own hands and he had been gazing longingly at the bunny ever since Legend had brought him to the camp. Legend couldn’t stand to watch Hyrule’s fidgeting for much longer, and finally granted him mercy.
“Do you want to hold him?”
Hyrule froze. “Wait, really? I- I don’t know, I don’t want to hurt him or anything-”
“You’ll be fine, Rule. I trust you to be careful.”
Hyrule shook the circulation back into his hands as Legend slipped his own hands under the scarf. Keeping Bitty secure in his makeshift nest, Legend transferred the precious bundle to Hyrule’s lap.
Hyrule squealed delightedly and Spirit wandered over like a moth to a flame. The younger heroes gushed over the baby bunny, giving him sweet praises and reverent pets. Legend kept an eye on them, allowing himself a bittersweet smile. Bitty wouldn’t have to go through as much hardship as Legend had. He already had people to take care of him, to make sure that he was fed and safe and happy. It felt good to provide what he wished he had received so long ago. In many ways, it was too late for Legend. Bitty had his whole life ahead of him, and Legend would do anything to keep it that way.
A few days later, the group of heroes filed into Legend’s house for some much-needed rest. Ravio looked quizzically at Legend, eyeing the purple fabric that resembled a baby sling more than a scarf. Legend simply smiled at the merchant and pulled a half-asleep Bitty out of the sling.
“Is- is that what I think it is?” Ravio approached cautiously, staring at Bitty as if to assure himself that yes, Legend was holding a baby bunny in his hands.
Legend angled his hands so Ravio could see the bunny. “Come say hi, Ravi. He doesn’t bite.”
Ravio giggled and stepped closer, reaching out to give Bitty a hesitant pet. “I can’t believe you found a baby bunny and brought him home, Mr. Hero! What do you even expect to do with him while you’re out and about fighting evil? The battlefield isn’t safe for him, you know.”
“That’s why I brought him here. You can watch after him while I’m gone, right?”
Ravio squeaked, quickly pulling his hands away from the baby bunny. “M-me? Watch after this fragile little thing? I couldn’t possibly- far too much responsibility- why you would trust me is far beyond me-”
“Ravi, slow down.” Legend shifted Bitty to one hand so he could hold one of Ravio’s flapping, flustered hands with the other. “I hate to say it, but… you take better care of my items than even I do. And you love bunnies, almost as much as I do. I trust you to take care of Bitty. In fact, I wouldn’t trust anyone else with him.”
Ravio finally calmed down and held his hands out in a silent request to hold Bitty. Legend placed the bunny in Ravio’s hands, smiling as the merchant cradled him like it was second nature.
“We’re gonna take good care of you, okay?” Legend said, stroking Bitty until the kit was soothed to sleep. “Things were rough for a while but you’re home now. You’re safe with us, little one.”
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ilaiawanderlust · 1 year
so ummmm.. i couldn't sleep at all last night, but instead of feeling sorry for myself, i decided to be productive!!
mild content warning for hypothermia, i don't go into detail, tho.
based on @socialc1imb's Train Whistles and Wedding Bells. (even though the only characters you see are wind and tet, theyre in the war of eras, ok? trust me) anyway, have fun!!
@whatcouldpossiblyg0wr0ng @kjpurplepineapple
Wind stood outside his and Tetra’s tent as the first tentative flakes of snow drifted down from the clouds overhead. His arms were decently cold, but he refused to wear a jacket.
Wind loved snow, the way it muffled the world and made everything feel peaceful. He hadn’t gotten to see it that many times, either. The most experience he had with it was on the Isle of Frost with Linebeck and Ciela, so he planned to make the most of the snowfall while he could.
Wind hated snow. Three days, three whole days! The captain had mentioned the snow might stick, but nothing was said about three days straight of heavy snow! It wasn’t slowing down anytime soon, either.
He and Tetra took turns bundling up in every layer they could find in order to brave the void of white, gathering food and as many blankets as could be spared. During one such outing, Wind accidentally stepped just off the path of compacted snow, his foot broke though the thin layer of snow on top, plunging him up to his chest in wet, heavy snow.
Wind could already feel the freezing cold seep through the layers, he was barely able to see the outline of his and Tetra’s tent nearby. He tried to maneuver to solid ground, but the movement only seemed to drag him deeper into the snow. Shouting for help was just about useless since the icy, snow-filled cyclone still raged full force, Wind tried anyway.
His fingers felt painfully numb, if that was even a real sensation. Wind’s chest was frozen, breathing hurt, everything hurt. He could barely feel his legs anymore, his throat was hoarse from shouting through the storm.
Wind tried once more to move to stable ground, moving his frozen limbs was nearly impossible, but the Hero never gives up. Eventually, he dragged himself on top of the hard, compacted snow path. He pulled himself slowly toward the tent, weak shouts for Tetra escaped his mouth between shallow breaths.
Shivers wracked Wind’s body as he finally made it to the door of the tent, he could barely lift his voice, let alone his hands, but he managed to get part of the flap open. By the time he felt Tetra’s arms pull him further inside the tent, he could barely keep his eyes open.
Wind felt Tetra begin to pull the soaked -now frozen- layers of jackets, blankets, and other clothes off of him. She took a dry cloth and ran it through his hair, breaking the icicles that had begun to form around the tips of his blonde locks. Wind was pulled to the pile of sleeping bags and blankets, where Tetra wasted no time in wrapping herself around him, then wrapping the veritable mountain of softness and warmth around them both.
Tetra’s warmth drove the icy chill out of his bones, eventually returning the feeling to his hands and feet. Wind settled even closer to Tetra, finally relaxing and letting himself slip into sleep.
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Oh yeah by the WAY 
This 100% a Lu Wind song. Literally just him singing this during the War of ages. Watching his younger brothers, and when the lyrics of “Always remember you kindness to me” Just imagine ghostly images of his other brothers appearing. 
Also @socialc1imb don’t know if you have this song yet, but  it’s a Twawb song, as well. 
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shyrule · 1 year
twawb wind and/or wars cosplay
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socialc1imb · 1 year
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I love his curly hair so so so much :D
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