#two random people (a cowboy. a lord) can just walk right in
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Maybe the real Dracula was the HIPA violations we made along the way
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moondal514 · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about this ask from @theravenkin’s blog that talks about how AFTG is a fandom that likes to do random ass and hyperspecific niche au’s so naturally I thought I’d make a fic rec list of 5 of my faves:
Under A Sea of Mist by puddlejumper99/ @writingpuddle
For a thousand years the Lord Ruler has reigned over the Final Empire. Ash falls from the sky and strange mists shroud the night. The skaa labour in the fields and the nobility dance in their Keeps, their glittering lights blinding them to the cruelty in their hearts.
The skaa rebellion is a fantasy and Neil knows it. The Lord Ruler is immortal; there's no overthrowing him. It's as much a surprise to him as anyone else when he gets recruited. But as he gets drawn deeper into the plot, he starts to discover things that will change their understanding of magic forever.
There's always another secret.
Mistborn au. There‘s probably only like 4 people that love both of these fandoms like me, so reading this felt so self-indulgent, like it was ripped straight from high school me’s wildest dreams, and it just makes me clap my hands with joy like a child every time I think about the fact that this fic exists
Whispers in the leaves, shadows in the moonlit night by Silveriss/ @wulfrann
Monsters and ghouls of every age,
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Far beyond the graveyard and its renowned Spiral Hill, the Woods prevail. There are no animals to be found there, not one sign of life but for the shifting of the mist and gentle caress of the wind.
Neil has lived in Halloween Town for as long as he can remember, though memory is a fickle thing.
Since his mother, Mary Finkelstein, died two years ago, he hasn't been as good at following her orders as he used to be.
He's made friends. He's not sure how it happened, really - it feels like he just woke up one day with his life suddenly entangled with a whole group of people he hadn't noticed getting slowly closer.
He's also taken the habit of looking at the Woods.
There's something calling to him. He can hear them in the wind, the whispers in a hundred incoherent tongues.
They say crossing the threshold is always the most difficult part.
Nightmare Before Christmas au. Really gorgeous atmospheric writing and adds some v cool worldbuilding elements to the Nightmare Before Christmas universe
The Real Folk Blues by moonix/ @annawrites
Captain David Wymack and the bounty hunter crew of the Bebop spaceship might be a little out of their depths chasing down the infamous hacker and notorious runaway Neil Wesninski, whose bounty exceeds even Kevin's wildest dreams. Worst of all, Andrew might actually enjoy it.
Cowboy Bebop au. The Foxes are space cowboys, I think that’s all I need to say
I'd Never Want to Complicate Your Heart by jingerhead/ @jingerhead
Andrew glanced at the board and found his name at one of the pods of two rather than four (thank god), right next to the windows. Next to his name was ‘Neil Josten’, one Andrew didn’t recognize, but he had to be at least a sophomore to be in this class. Turning to find the right seats, Andrew found himself pausing as he walked, seeing the person he’d be sitting next to for the foreseeable future if Mr. Browning had his way.
And shit, this was either a good thing or a bad thing, because Andrew is very, very gay, and Neil was good looking enough to become a distraction very quickly.
Or, the Heartstopper AU nobody asked for but that I absolutely needed to write.
Heartstopper au. I called this fic Heartstopper for the asexuals in my bookmark notes and in my comment on it and I will stand by that until I die cuz some of Neil’s experiences with his sexual orientation in this fic echo my own so well I got chills
Andrew Minyard's Diary by fuzzballsheltiepants/ @fuzzballsheltiepants
Andrew is comfortable with his life. He helps edit bad books. He has his collection of people, an apartment, and a novel he will never finish writing. If only his cousin and best friend would stop trying to set him up with one Neil Josten.
Except...perhaps he wouldn't mind being set up with Neil after all.
In which Andrew is Bridget Jones, Kevin is Daniel Cleaver, and Neil is Mark Darcy. Except none of them are like their inspiration characters at all.
Inspired by @scribbleb_red, who said on Twitter "What if there was a Bridget Jones AU?" and when I said, "Yes please!" she handed me the reins. I hope this is even remotely what you were looking for.
Bridget Jones’s Diary au. Absolutely hilarious concept with just perfect character dynamics
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Fun Sized Matchmaker
ICBeing The Elite Part 2 
Click right HERE for Part 1, It Started with The Janela Zone
Pairings -  Adam Page x OFC, Chuck Taylor x OC, Marq Quen x OFC
Category - Fluff, comedy, more angsty than the last
Warnings/Promises - Anxiety attacks, cussing
Word Count - 2216
Summary/Desc - Parker struggles to believe Chuck really likes her, Gabby meets the Elite, Bri and Marq wonder what they are. 
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“Marko leave me alone about it!” Parker bursted out, carrying her legs away from one of her newer friends. Marko had to practically jog to catch up with her, for one, she was way taller, and two, she walked fast. “Oh come on! It’s pretty clear that he likes you!” She stopped all of a sudden, making him run into her back.
“Oh my God- Marko get up.” Parker gave him a hand before continuing, “It’s been ONE, I’ll say it again ONE, UNO, EINS, ODIN week. And plus he wouldn’t want someone like me.”
“Yes he would! He’s been talking about you the whole week, even Jack is starting to like you.” “Ha ha, very funny jokes.” 
This was normal behavior for Parker. She wouldn't believe anyone liked her, because of past relationships, all, clearly, never worked out. Even if he did, he would probably get tired of her, like every other boy, girl or person. Marko gave her a look, “You don’t know that. Plus it was meant to be.” Parker looked down at him for the last sentence. “Have you NOT seen all the posts people have made about you two?” Her eyes widened, “What. Posts. Marko.”
He pulled out his phone, showing her the posts from Instagram, Twitter and even Tumblr. Parker instantly wanted to just curl up in a ball and die. Anxiety felt worse than what it usually did. And just to make things worse, she looked over to see Trent and Chuck standing 20 feet away. So what’s the first thing anyone would do? Run and run till you reach outside. She made it outside and broke down, she’d had her fair share of anxiety attacks, but this one seemed different. 
She felt way more sick, mouth dry and felt like she was about to pass out. She heard footsteps approaching, “What was tha-?” Marko noticed the state she was in, and tried his best to calm her down, “Hey hey, you got this. You gotta be ready for your Being The Elite segment later.” She went through her usual steps to calm down, and they took a while but they worked. She stood up and dusted herself off, “How bad did it look like I was crying?”
Marko shrugged, “I think it’s a good idea you decided to do your makeup later.” Parker lightly shoved him, “Dork.”
Gabby and Adam were walking down the hallway, hand in hand when Adam had a surprise. “Ok close your eyes.” Adam said, moving in front of Gabby. “Oh lord.” Gabby shook her head but still did what the cowboy said. Adam pulled out this small suede black box. “Ok open.” Adam had the biggest smile on his face. Gabby opened her eyes, with a smile on her face and gave him a big hug, she said no words in that moment.
Gabby pulled her hand out for Adam to put on the ring. “You like it?” Adam questioned. “I love it! thank you so much, I love you” Gabby was excited. Adam had bought her a promise ring, both of their names on each side with a diamond in the middle. “How did you get this so fast?” “Don’t worry, I know people who know people.” They laughed it off.
“Well don’t you think this is a lot for us not being together that long? Like I love you, but isn’t this a bit much?” Gabby tilted her head in confusion. “I don’t plan on leaving this anytime soon, you don’t plan on leaving this anytime soon. What’s the wait?” Adam palmed her chin rubbing her cheek. “You right, I guess we aren’t moving that fast.” Gabby smirked. The couple walked towards the rest of the roster, hands locked as always.
The Elite
The The Elite
The Elite
The The Elite
The Elite
The The Elite
Superkick PAAARRRR-
Jack Daniels bottle in one hand, Gabby’s waist in the other. A drunk Adam Page and a sober Gabby walked into the EVP’s room where you would find The Elite hanging out as usual. “Hey guys!” Adam lifted his bottle, greeting them. “Who the fuck is she?” Kenny questioned. “Yeah Adam you can’t just bring one of your female friends in here.” Matt stated.
“Guys just chill, this is Gabby. Remember Joey's friend?” Adam said, putting his bottle on the coffee table.“Hi! Just thought I’d ya know introduce myself since me and Adam are-“ Adam placed his finger over her lips in the middle of her talking. “I know who she is, what’s that on your finger gabby?” Nick pointed at her hand. “Look I wasn’t gonna tell y’all but, we are together and are in love.” Adam pulled Gabby in tighter.
“You’re dating?!” The trio of Kenny and The Bucks yelled. Gabby put her hand up with the ring on her finger, “Yup, and he gave me a promise ring!” “Who would’ve thought Adam would be in a relationship.” Nick softly smirked. Kenny looked down and laughed in silence before getting up and walking out the room. “Kenny!!! Don’t leave!”' Matt screamed then walked out to the hallway.
“Wonder what’s wrong with hi-“ Gabby pulled Adam into a kiss, cutting off his words.
sHoTs sHoTs ShOtS
Bri and Private Party were walking down the hallway again, way more calm than last week. They were almost off camera when they, once again, bumped into Nick Jackson. He sighed heavily, “I already told y’all last week I wasn’t interested.” Marq put his hands up, “Woah woah woah, Nick. Slow your roll there.” Nick looked irritated. “We weren’t tryna set y’all two up last week.” “So what? You’re gonna try and do it this week?”
“Nah,” Marq put his arm around Bri’s shoulder and pointed at her, “This mines now.”
Nick squinted, “Yeah right.” “You don’t believe me?” Nick crossed his arms, “Nope.”
Marq detached his arms from Bri and got up in Nick’s face, the tables had turned, “I’m deadass!” Nick had jumped back, surprised from what he just heard and was left silent while Bri and Marq walked away. Nick was about to continue down the hallway when Isiah put his hand up to stop him. Nick looked at him and shook his head, whispering no multiple times. When Isiah put his hand up and did a motion like he was dropping a microphone.
Nick was left stunned, “Damn. Alright then.”
Attempted Murder
There was a knock on a locker room door, you heard “Come in!” from the other side and when the door opened, you saw The Best Friends accompanied with Parker, eyes widened. “Hey...Brandon.” Trent let out quickly looking towards Parker, glaring.
“Do you guys by any chance know who hit me last week?” Brandon asked from behind the camera. They all shook their heads. “Are you sure? Cause the Bucks found me last week in here, stuffed in a suitcase.”
Chuck shrugged, a plain look on his face. Parker spoke up, “Actually, I might know who.” She paused, “I’ll tell you where they are!” She got up and walked out the door, motioning for everyone else in the room to come out. She started stating random directions and pointing, Best Friends stood behind her. “Wait so who am I looking for?” “Oh.” Chuck said, looking at Parker. “Well, y’know.” She shrugged, before they all took off running, well, except for Orange, who lazily walked behind them.
Hey, did you like that video? Click the screen for more.
And where do you think you’re going?
Before you check out our official merchandise page found at prowrestlingtees . com/youngbucks.
And to support the entire cast you can visit prowrestlingtees . com/aew
And thanks so much for Being The Elite.
The Elite The The Elite
What Nick you’re not gonna sing it all with me this time?
The three friends had gone their separate ways this week after the show. Bri with Private Party, Gabby with her love and Parker packing up by herself.
The newest couple, Gab and Adam, were sitting at the bar at Daily’s Place, drinking as always. When they both heard a very familiar voice, one Gabby knew pretty well. “Long time no see huh?” said Joey Janela, he sat right next to the two of them. “What’s up Joey?” Adam took a sip of his drink before wrapping his arm around Gabby’s shoulders. Gabby didn’t really think to tell Joey about her and Adam , after he left with Sonny last week they rarely talked. “My bad Joey, I didn’t really tell you about last week.” “It's cool, what happened?” Joey questioned. “That’s bae,” he motioned towards Gabby, “is what happened” Adam added. “Please don’t mind him Joey, he’s drunk. But he ain’t lie.” Gabby looked away from Joey.
“Oh really? I’m happy for you! Guess I can call myself a matchmaker right?” Joey smiled. “Guess so, I’ll catch up later.” Gabby said before getting up and giving Joey a hug goodbye, Adam just waved at him. “Don’t act like that Adam, we are friends, geez.'' Adam just took another sip of his drink not responding to what Gabby said. “You’re so lucky you're drunk right now, otherwise this would be an argument” Gabby playfully sneered before walking away from the bar.
In the corner of the bar, Bri was talking to Marq, what happened last week was in the back of their heads. They were both laughing when he asked the question, “Did you mean to throw up? Or did you mean to kiss me?” Bri shrugged, “Well, I would like to do the second one right now, since I didn’t get to last time.” Marq shook his head, “Then what are you waiting for?”
Bri leaned forward and attached her lips with Marq’s. It wasn’t long, but it sure was sweet. Like they had been waiting to do that forever. They had both smiled. “Wait so what are we?”
He shrugged, “Guess we’ll see.” She had smiled and kissed him again, before going back to the conversation before.
Far away from the bar, packing her bags was Parker. Still upset from talking with Marko earlier. She liked Chuck, she really did. But she felt scared, what Marko has been saying could be a lie, or it could be the truth, but those feelings could easily go away.
Before she knew it, a tear rolled down her cheek. There was a knock on the door in the room she was in when she quickly wiped the tear. “What, what who is it?” In walked Marko, smile on his face, “So? How do you feel?” She sighed, “Great, I really hope we all get to keep coming back. Even though we aren’t really wrestlers.” Marko rolled his eyes, “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“Then what?” “Didn’t he ask?”
She put her stuff down and looked at him like he was crazy, “I’m gonna snatch that nose ring out if you don’t tell me what you’re talking about!”
He sighed annoyed, “Chuck said he was gonna come talk to you about last week cause y’know, he really wanted to ask out the question, but I guess he chickened out.” “What?! Where can I find him?!”
Marko thought for a second, “Oh! He said he was riding by himself tonight, unless you said yes, but he might be in the parking lot.” She quickly grabbed her phone and ran out, but came back in and hugged Marko, “Thank you.”
Off Parker was, like it was some cliche romance movie, and once she reached the parking lot she quickly looked around, but Chuck was nowhere to be seen. She mentally slapped herself for not exchanging numbers with him last week. She wanted to cry again, but instead she just started attacking a bush. Punching, kicking, and cussing out, a fucking plant.
She was clearly causing a scene, even though most of the people were gone and weren’t coming out. She heard a voice behind her, one she for once, wasn’t that nervous to hear, “Parker? What the heck are you doing?” She turned around and looked at the voice. Chuck looked concerned and confused.
“Did you chicken out?” “Chicken out of what?!” “Asking me to be with you! You Kentucky Born idiot!” “Marko told me you’re the one who chickened out!”
They looked at each other, confused before they exploded in fits of laughter. Parker looked up at him and just smiled. Chuck broke the silence, “So, are you just gonna continue to beat up an innocent bush or?” “Shut up!” She laughed and walked towards him, playfully hitting him over and over.
He laughed before grabbing her wrists, and they were silent for a moment. They had FINALLY done what they had both wanted to for a whole week, and that was to share a kiss. Chuck pulled away to ask, “So what do I call you? My girlfriend? Boyfriend? Significant other?”
Parker smiled, “Call me whatever.” “Alright, Parker, you’re my whatever.” They both just smiled at each other when you heard a small voice across the parking lot, “See! I told you he liked you!” Parker groaned, “Excuse me while I go beat him up.”
“Alright, don’t take too long, my whatever.” Parker ran after Marko, with a smile on her face. 
She wasn’t his thot anymore.
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Hey fam, make sure you also follow @westanaew​ , the co writer for this series. Hope you enjoyed this part, come back next Monday for part 3!
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dolantmego · 5 years
94 and 95 with gray plsssss ❤️❤️❤️
A/N: Alright. This is way too long and this the first ask that I have ever done. So hi doll! Thanks for sending in! I hope this is what you were looking for? Sorry it took so long I got carried away. Also this is the first like SMUT SMUT I’ve done so hello hi. Who knew I’d be doing all these things for Gray first? Lord above.
Warnings: Smut? Language? TERRIBLE WRITING????
94. “Saddle up doll.”
95. “Did you just look me up and down and then bite your lip? ‘Cause if you did we’re having sex. Right now.”
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“Grayson you look like an idiot.” You giggle at Ethan’s words and nod in agreement, giving your boyfriend another once over. He’d forced the two of you to sit in the living room while he went to grab the surprise he’d been planning for the next video. The camera panned between Ethan and Grayson, who had deflated slightly.
“We’re going to the rodeo!” Gray imitates pulling guns out of side holsters and makes small noises while jumping from side to side. The whole ensemble–hat, chaps, boots, belt buckle, the hilarity of it all–struck you all at once. You couldn’t contain your laughter at this point and you start cackling.
You slump back in your chair and listen to the boys argue. It was always funny, when one boy had an idea to do something stupid, the other hated it. And they would go back and forth and back and forth. But as always, lo and behold, a few hours later and the twins were decked out in the most ridiculous rodeo garb you’d ever seen.
Thank god you had chosen to be in the background for this video, because you were able to dawn something a bit more normal. I.e. jean shorts, boots, and a button up. The boys on the other hand–or Grayson rather–had gone all out. Huge belt buckles, colorful boots, chaps with fringe. They really looked dumb, cute, but dumb. But that was half the fun of hanging out with the two of them, they made life interesting.
It took all day to get footage of the boys running around and trying crazy stuff. You just thanked god that the bull had been mechanical. Seeing Grayson on a huge animal like that would have given you a heart attack. Not that both of them didn’t try to get on a real bull. As well as fail miserably on the mechanical one. You had been the one who had made it the longest atop the machine.
“What can I say gentlemen? I know how to ride.” You wink at Grayson, who had been secretly foaming at the mouth for you all day, but after that wasn’t even trying to hide it anymore. He pulls your hips against him by your belt loops, and wow were you just now noticing how sexy he actually looks in that hat. Ethan groans in annoyance, and grumbles about definitely NOT putting any of that in the video.
The final activity for the day was the one you were most looking forward to, going horseback riding. Luckily not at the rodeo since the boys weren’t into sticking around for the nightlife part of the experience. Which made sense since they a. Didn’t drink and b. Couldn’t drink. Not that you were complaining. The whole day had been fun, but the crowds of people, animals, and food had started to really unsettle your nerves. So a quiet horseback ride with your boyfriend after the camera shuts off was going to be the highlight of your day.
Both boys had lost the chaps by the time you got to the horse ranch. Grayson’s had ripped on his thighs and Ethan declared that if Grayson didn’t have to wear them than neither did he. So you looked like a relatively more normal crew. Or as normal as three teenagers dressed in rodeo outfits with an entire camera crew surrounding them screaming “PEACE” could possibly look.
As soon as the cameras are down Ethan hops off the horse and hands over the reigns to you. Your eyes go wide at being face to face with the prospect of getting on the giant creature. Had horses always been this big?
“Saddle up doll!” Ethan says chipperly. Usually the nickname makes you feel better–much to Gray’s annoyance–but not this time. You look back and forth between him and the horse, slightly panicked. “Y/N you haven’t shut up about this all day and now you’re not even gonna get on it?” Ethan huffs and tries to force you up onto the horse, but you can’t do it. It’s too big. You’re exhausted. This animal looks terrifying up close. No thanks.
“Maybe another time guys. I don’t think…” You trail off and look up to Grayson–still wearing the jeans, button up, and hat–and the air in your lungs evaporates. The sun is setting behind him and he looks tan and perfect on top of his horse. And he’s staring down at you with heat in his eyes.
“Just ride with me.” He says, holding a hand out to you to join him on his horse. You walk over slowly and take his hand, Ethan disappears to return the other horse to the stables. Grayson helps pull you up behind him and your arms instantly wrap tight around his waist. “ Come on mama. I gotcha.” He assures before flicking the reins so the horse moves toward one of the trails.
Once you get used to riding the horse it is actually really nice. The trail leads back through a wooded area, the sun is slowly setting, and being pressed up against Gray like you are right now? Well you couldn’t really complain. This would fuel your cowboy fantasies for the rest of your life. So much so that you’re flat against his back as you can be, peppering kisses on his shoulders, running a hand up his thigh when you can, and digging your small fingers into his waist.
Grayson stops the horse in front of an overlook and slides off the horse easily. He turns around and holds his hand out to you and you swear you almost swoon. How did he look so hot like this? The goofball persona now gone, and now he was just Gray. Gray dressed as a cowboy, but just Gray. Being himself and knocking you off your feet.
“Ma’am.” He says in a gravelly voice, as he pulls you down off the horse, pressing you against him as he slides you down his body. You turn bright red when you can feel how hard he is through his jeans. This boy could go from goofball to, well, daddy, in two seconds flat and it always shook you to your core. He lets you go once you reach the ground, and tips his hat to you dramatically.
“Why thank you…sir.” You return the small playful language and give him a slow once over and suck your lip in between your teeth. He was sweaty and he looked like every girl’s fantasy. You whimper slightly, and that? That is what does it.
“Did you just look me up and down and then bite your lip?” He growls, wrapping an arm around your waist and jerking you to him. He’d felt you press closer to him on the horse. Felt the bounce you had behind him. Your hands had drifted down to rub his thighs more than once. This boy is turned on and beyond ready to be inside of you. “Cause if you did we’re having sex. Right now.” And before you can even open your mouth to say anything his hand is in your hair, pulling it back roughly and he is capturing your lips with his own.
You moan into the kiss and that gives him the access he needs to slip his tongue inside your mouth. He tastes like the mint gum you gave him on the drive over, and vaguely of the cotton candy you’d shared at the fairgrounds. He tugs on your hair harder and his fingers dig into your hips. He loves it when you make the little sounds that you do, the pants and whimpers of want. You pull back to breathe and Grayson immediately moves to your neck, digging his fingers into your hips at bruising point now.
“Gray,” You pant, trying to get his attention, he hums into your neck, “Gray please.” He pulls back and takes your hand to pull you back from where the horses are to a tree on the edge of the trail. His tall frame traps you against the tree and his arms, his endless gorgeous arms, trap you between them.
“Don’t worry mama I’ll give you what you want.” He grins cockily and lifts you against his waist and the tree, you yelp and wrap your legs around his waist, a panicked look on your face. He chuckles again and runs his nose down your cheek lovingly, “Where’s my brave girl?” He rocks his hips against yours slowly. Enough so you’re eliciting those little whimpers again. “You looked so sexy up on that bull today. I couldn’t stop thinking about you bouncing like that on my cock.” He bites your neck and sucks the skin there hard enough to make you cry out. “But after that little stunt you pulled rubbing up on me on the horse?” He tisks and flicks his tongue before shoving you against the tree harder, “I just wanna see you take it.”
And with that he’s balancing you on the tree and unzipping your jeans and slipping them down your legs. You’re out on a random horseback trail bare from the waist down. And you’re begging him for it. He groans at the sight of you and you reach forward to help him unzip his pants enough to get his cock out.
Despite the fact that you’re dripping and Gray is beyond the need to be inside you, he still reaches forward to drag his fingers through your heat, swirling around in your wetness almost languidly. His fingers brush your clit each go around and you start squirming against him and the tree, needing more friction than he’s giving you. He chuckles and leads forward to get right next to your ear.
“Look at you Y/N. Squirming around from just my fingertips. You look like such a slut for me right now. You want it so bad you’ll let me fuck you against a tree, mama?” You nod frantically at his question and he nips your ear, “You know better than that mama. Use your words yeah?” He slips one finger inside of you and growls when you tighten around him, his cock gets impossibly harder.
“P-please Gray. Please I need you.” You whine, you actually whine form him. Nothing else has your focus at this moment expect doing anything you have to, to get this man inside of you. His finger feels good, but it’s not enough. Even when he adds a second finger and curls them inside you, you only whimper more. “It’s not enough please please I want to cum. I need you Gray.”
That seems to satisfy his needs to hear you beg because the next thing you know he is pushing into you hard and fast. Two fingers wasn’t enough to stretch you open for him and his pace is relentless. You’re sure his groans and your screams echo through the trees, and the nail marks in his back will definitely bruise tomorrow. But the way he feels inside of you makes you feel so full and tight, its got your eyes rolling in the back of your head.
“Rub that clit for me mama. I wanna feel you cum on my cock.” He groans, knowing he isn’t going to last for much longer. You reach down with the free hand that’s not wrapped around his neck and rub your finger over the hard bundle of nerves, your body tightens as that familiar feeling starts to wash over you. “Fuck Y/N you’re so tight. Cum for me baby. Come on.”
“I want you to fill me so bad Gray. So bad.” You whimper, and his pace quickens, he loved it when you begged for him to cum in you. You rub faster on your clit and finally hit that spot that has you practically milking Gray’s cock while you scream your release. He can’t take the sight of you coming undone for him like that and joins you, latching his mouth to your neck as his cock twitches inside you and fills you up like you love.
After a few moments of nothing but heavy breathing, grayson easily lets you down and you wobble on your legs slightly. He chuckles and wraps an arm around your waist before kissing your sweaty forehead.
“You’re so good for me.” He grins against your skin, and you smile back tiredly. “You’re a mess right now though.” You scoff in mock offense and shove him slightly. He grins and pats down your hair a bit before you smack him off so he doesn’t make it worse.
Gray, ever your sexy goofball.
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Pieces of the People We Love, Part 6. (The Borderlands Series)
Description: Not many people had the chance to see a vault or to mean anything in the world of Pandora. Will a hardly built relationship in the loneliness of the desert have the potential to change anything in the world of anarchy and chaos - or will the friends try to murder each other?
Chapter description: The journey is destined to be - or at least, so it seems. Alongside Scooter and your two favorite bandits, you had to leave the Hells Cauldron behind your back.
Warnings: A lot of guns, violence, reader is a tough badass - not a vault hunter tho. They’re badass and don’t give a fuck. And Scooter is a dumb bitch, as always. All Psychos and Fanatics are various Vine references - oh, what luck that reader can understand them since she is friends with Bandits.
Word count: 2.1 K
Tagging: @notaliteraltoad​, @nemodoren​
Series master list:  H E R E
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Shortly after what Walrus had told you, the Bandits lead you to their monstrous truck. At least he made Blindy and Rayray go with you and not some random idiots.
As Peter promised, they even packed you some food, money, and munition to go with. But there was something weirdly odd about Peter being so nice - if you would come alone, he would never help you. You were one hundred percent sure of that.
"What you're after, Walrus?" - You asked him quietly, aside from the boys, just before you were set to go on your journey. - "You don't do any of this just to warm your heart, do you? You're not such a good person. I know you, my man."
"Vaults are rumored to hold treasures with enormous value. Be a dear and grab me some while you'll be at it, will you?" - Walrus patted your shoulder with a fatherly smile. Of course. That motherfucker. He was a sly one - not caring that much about Scooter, his well being and meeting with his friends. All he cared about was the vault. And its treasures.
"I am not a VH, how many times I'm going to tell you? Scooter isn't one either, he's just... A local mechanic. That's what he truly is." - You tried to talk him down to let you just take your hands off the whole deal. But you knew how much could Peter be persistent.
"But you were aspiring to be one when you listened to all the podcasts on your ECHO from that guy named Tyron or what... Or am I wrong? Correct me." - The midget looked you right in the eyes. You could just murder him, take the car and then leave Scooter alone to continue his journey.
"I was ten, Peter. Vault Hunters aren't nothing but a bunch of posers. And you know that. How anyone like me ever got the chance to at least get closer to a thing like a vault?" - You mumbled, moving your metal arm uncomfortably. Vault hunters were a great part of the reason why did you had your metal arm in the first place. Damn monster hunting.
"Come on. It's an adventure, it's fun and you have a hell of debt in my bank. You have to do this. And if you'll be a naughty girl, Cowboy, my boys will drag you back to me." - He smiled and with his guards, four extra-armed psychos turned back to The Throne Room. You wanted to yell, shout, shot and kill something. Or somebody.
But you kept it all in and turned to crawl into their truck, to sit on one of the benches. You looked at Rayray who seemed to be extremely happy. Was there a reason for that?
"What? You reached the fourth quarter or what's your problem?" - You mumbled while Blindy and Scooter were settling down in the front of the car. Scooter seemed to be overly fascinated by their car type, so you just rolled your eyes and let him be.
"Back at it at Krispy Kreme." - He answered simply and you closed your eyes, laid down on the bench and prepared yourself for some sleep. It was only proper since it was already around midnight.
"Oh yeah, this is going to be a hell of a road trip, I tell you that." - You answered ironically and closed your eyes.
The next four days were a hell of a time to think. You were changing on the steering wheel pretty periodically - you were driving from the morning to midday, Scooter took the wheel after lunch to evening, Rayray was driving until midnight and Blindy himself was driving until you woke up.
You had... Fun. That was as unnatural as it seemed, but you had some fun. Sometimes, they randomly stopped from the quest to find Janey Springs, the most famous rocket engineer on Pandora, when they saw an interesting lookout. One night, you even took a short break in a local pub to have some beer and small talk. Rayray wasn't too happy about that since he had to stay sober.
To your surprise, these guys were fun. They were telling you stories and answered every question you had - you played poker with them one night. And Scooter himself wasn't too bad. He even snatched your playlist from the car you drove into Ham's Creek, so you could jam around to Rapture while driving.
You drove through deserts, forests, mountains which were snowy and even through the miles and miles of Eridium-cracked lands, where Eridium was in huge rocks around the way. And then you drove through even more deserts. It got repetitive over the week, yeah, but as you checked, the COV was still preparing to set to Athenas. Wherever Scooter's vault hunters were, they still didn't have the chance to kill them. Which was good.
After a whole week in their car, you finally reached the destination. It was a town in a cave, very far away from where you started your journey. Its name was Hollow Point and your rocket engineer was supposed to be there.
"Okay man, I will take ya to ma old workshop which I owned with Janey before I, you know, died. Be nice to them, okay?" - Scooter looked especially at you and you rolled your eyes. You weren't about to chew their heads away or anything. You just wanted that damn rocket.
"Fine. I won't try to kill her if she looks at me. Happy?" - You rolled your eyes like a professional and Scooter sighed at your behavior. You were now allies - you weren't friends, but wouldn't get him killed either. It was a thin ice situation, but at least it was something.
"Ya can try, but her girlfriend won't approve that and maybe cuts ya skull opened up with her shield. She's like scary-scary shit. Be aware. Ya shotgun won't help ya against Athena." - He warned you and your small party slowly went down the hill to Hollow Point. It was a silent town - there was a human being here and there, but overall, nothing was happening.
It was almost a ghost town. There was a small pub which you walked as far away from as you possibly could because of its stink and exterior. There was a doctor's office and a gun shop - but it was people you never heard of. Some sister Nina and Mrs. Gunslinger.
Suddenly, everyone stopped in front of a closed mechanic's garage. There was Scooter's name on it, but the light wasn't shining. The shop looked to be closed for a long time now, full of boxes and webs. You didn't like that feeling that anyone's home.
"Is Janey totally supposed to be here?" - You looked inside and made sure that the hat won't fall off your head. There was no one. - "Scooter, did you just dragged us through the whole Pandora to look at your old, abandoned workshop?"
"No, no, no, I swear to God! She's here, man. I'm super duper sure." - Scooter looked scared at you because he knew that you're furious at that moment.
"You think I'm gonna believe you such bullshit? Oh, you're so in trouble now. I thought we're allies!" - You rose your eyebrows and demanded the explanation with the way you stood.
"We are! Janey is here, we just need to find her. Be patient, Cowboy." - He was still walking backward, and now, you for him in a tight corner. An ideal place to kill him. And you were about to.
"Imma about to kill you, Scooterboy, Imma about to kill you so hard." - You rose your hand to pick up the shotgun on your back, clenching your jaws together. Just as you loaded the gun, something flew next to your head, you were barely able to somehow jump to the side.
"What are you two doing here? We don't kill people here since three years ago." - A robotic voice spoke to you from the darkness. You tried to search for the source, but that someone was hidden in the shadows. - "The mayor doesn't have enough money to rent the Hyperion machines. What are you doing in front of my garage?" - The person put their hand high and a red light started to shine on her forearm. The thing flew directly back and clicked silently at that moment.
"See? I told ya that Janey and Athena would still be here, man." - Scooter got up from the corner and ran away from you as possible. - "Thanks for savin' ma life, Athena. Nice to see ya, ya still kissin' a lot with Janey?" - He disappeared to the darkness to greet someone. When he came back to your small group again, a woman was standing next to him.
She looked dangerous in some way. Let's face it - she was terrifying. But staying in your character, you just pressed your lips together and furrowed at her.
The woman, whom Scooterboy was calling Athena, had violet hair and a cute face. But the cute face and big eyes weren't making her any less not dangerous looking. She may be thin, but those thighs were enough to snap your neck instantly. You took a few steps back and fused the shotgun again.
"Is it you, Scooter?" - She snapped the next moment and wondered. Then Athena put a hand on his shoulder and carefully scanned his face with her eyes. - "We thought you're dead, oh my lord?" - She mumbled unbelievably and hugged him. She truly knew him, but no way she had something with Scooter. Athena was out of his league.
"And no way I'm going to answer your question. And don't ever touch me again, please." - She mumbled and turned at you, Blindy and Rayray standing in the background. You were pretty taken away by the way Athena embraced Scooter. - "Who that?"
"Ma new friends, Athena, say hi. That's Cowboy and she has a few temper issues and a hothead. Those men, they are Bandits, but like... Cool ones, ya get it? One name's Rayray and the other one's Blindy. They saved me and help me to find you two." - Scooter pointed all of you proudly and you nodded to Athena, clipping the shotgun back on your back. Boys were clearly too scared of her, so they just acknowledged her person.
"Nice to meet y'all. I suppose you're searching for Janey?" - Athena walked to one of the building's door and opened up the door. There was some music playing inside while Scooter and Athena were chatting. Athena seemed to be in a good mood just because Scooter showed up.
Your deal with Walrus suddenly came upon your mind - maybe Scooter was a truly close friend of the vault hunters and could get you close, after all? That would be nice. Janey and Athena could ride back home just like that. That would be incredible.
Janey was in the back dancing in a rhythm of some rock song, not paying attention that someone entered the building. She had a messy garage, you needed to say that - oil was everywhere, just as her stuff tossed around like wrenches and shit. Janey was a genius at her worst - genius, but messy as fuck.
"I bring you a surprise, dear." - Athena sighed and trailed off to the next door, leaving you there with Janey.
From under the car, a blonde woman rolled on a small skateboard or whatever it was. You noticed the scars on her uncovered belly, neck and arm; she was probably set on fire or some other shit. That was freaking you out a bit. Janey was apparently a strong woman.
But when she stood up to look at you, she looked like a little loving pure ball of smile and energy.
"Hey, what can I do for ya?" - Janey cleaned up her fingers with a cloth thrown over her shoulder. Her stare almost ended up on you, but then she noticed Scooter standing there. She was amazed and wonderstruck since she stopped and looked only at him. - "Have I fell asleep again?"
Then they also went into a tight hug so Janey would definitely know that he's real-real. It was a nice, friendly moment. The last thing you needed to do was to convince Janey - to build you a rocket.
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Fourteen
Part Thirteen
Pairing: Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx x OC
Word Count: 5.2k
Warning(s): Language, mentions of drug abuse, minor sexual situations
Tag List: @oskea93 @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry
**Let me know if you want to be tagged**
June 30, 1983 approached with the speed of a Ferrari. Our wedding day held the same nerve racking energy as skydiving: we knew that jumping was going to be a thrill, but we didn't know whether we had a body of water or pavement waiting for us, or if our parachutes even worked.
"Vivian, are you nervous?" Tansy's mother, Diane asks me as I sit with curlers in my hair, Tansy putting foundation on me and I look at her.
Diane was a Barbie. I'm almost certain that she and Vince actually slept together at some point. She was a former Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader from '62-'63 before she got pregnant with Tansy and moved back to Mississippi. There wasn't a time I ever saw Diane with a platinum blonde hair out of place. Public imperfection equaled social suicide in her eyes and she made sure Tansy understood it down to the science of it. But Diane never tried to stop Tansy's partying because no one else who actually mattered knew about it. Everybody in the public thought she was innocent aside from showing her body in a magazine...until Tansy "accidentally" forgot to cover the tracks on her arms with makeup at one of her photo shoots in 1987. Diane nearly had a stroke —not because her daughter was so deep in a hole she couldn't get out of by herself—but because the world had found out her kid was on heroin and she was embarrassed.
"Depends on what Nikki's response to that question was." I tell her and she laughs.
"I haven't seen him yet." She tells me and I nod, licking my lips.
"I had to get him a couple shots of Jack earlier." Tansy comments, and I look up as she dots concealer under my eyes and pats it in.
"I'd be concerned if he weren't drinking." I reply.
"As long as he's drinking, we're good?" Diane states and I nod, looking at her with a little smile.
"As long as he's drinking, we're good." I repeat. "...unless he gets sober." I add.
"If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise." Tansy pipes and I look at her.
"That is the most backwoods thing I have ever heard you say." I mumble to her with a little chuckle.
"Mississippi." She reminds me of where she's from.
"Oh, I forget you're from Mississippi." I reply.
"Because she's got a attitude from L.A." Her mother states matter-of-fact, a sour tone to her voice.
"I'm a nice person, Mama." She argues just as Vince and Tommy are opening the door of the bridal sweet. "Guys, tell my mom I'm sweet."
"As taffy." Vince states sarcastically, and Tansy cuts her eyes at him.
"How's Nikki?" I ask Vince and he chuckles.
"He's fine." He replies to me. "We left him with Mick for a second. I was hoping I'd come in here and see some skin." He plops in a chair.
"Vince, do you not think it's inappropriate to want to see your best friend's wife naked?" I ask him, glancing at him as Tansy powders my face before applying mascara.
"You're not married yet, Saint Viv." He retorts, raising his brows.
"No, but you are." Tansy tells him smartly. "Should I go get Beth to come tighten your leash?"
"I'll tighten your leash." His voice is overly sexualized, looking her up and down and she pretends to gag in disgust but he turns it on her. "You've always had the prettiest little gag."
"Dude, I know." Tommy adds, sharing a mutual grin with Vince.
"You morons are disgusting and, Vince, you're drunk." I shoot at them. "Go sober up. I don't need you being messy." I speak sternly, and Vince exhales and stands, stumbling a little before heading back to the door with Tommy to make sure he won't face plant.
The tiny church is hot and stuffy due to lack of air conditioning and while we wait to start, the only thing keeping me from passing out is Tommy fanning me with a paper back bible he snagged from the back of a pew in the sanctuary as Tansy puts my veil in my waved hair.
"You're so pretty." She coos, admiring her hard work on my hair and makeup.
"You are, too." I reply in the same tone, looking at her perfect blonde hair that's curled flawlessly, the very top of it pinned back out of her delicate face. Big blue eyes are a contrast against her flowing emerald green dress that reaches just above her knees.
I finally found my dress just in time for it to be altered and ready for pick up a couple of days ago.
It's slightly itchy, the off the shoulder fitted lace sleeves reaching down to my wrists are slightly uncomfortable, but other than that it's perfect. The skirt of it is a little poofy, but nothing compared to the mountain of tool the first dress I tried on, was.
"Alright, I'm gonna go out there." She tells me hesitantly once the piano starts up, grasping my hand in hers.
I told you she just knew things the way Mick just knew things, and she knew Nikki and I had no idea what we were getting ourselves in to, she just didn't have the heart to tell us.
"I'm fine, Tansy." I assure her when she silently refuses to let go of my hand incase I need her to hold it due to fear. She just gives me a little smile and lets go, patting Tommy on the cheek before stepping out in the sanctuary.
Tommy's grinning ear to ear, seemingly about to burst.
"I can't believe two of my best friends are really doing this." He exhales through his large smile, looking at down at me. His smile falters a smidge, and he licks his lips, clearing his throat. "You sure you're alright, Viv? No cold feet or anything? Because there's a window up by the ceiling in the bathroom and I'll give you a boost out if you don't wanna do this."
"I'm okay, Tommy." I chuckle and he lets out a breath of relief. "Has Vince gotten sobered up a little?"
"Yeah, I made him chug some water."
It's our turn to walk out now and I hook my arm through his, my right hand gripping at my bouquet of Purple lilies, and I'm practically panting to calm my nerves.
"If you trip and fall, I will, too, so you're not alone or anything." He assures me and I have to keep from laughing loudly.
The church ushers open the door for us, and we slowly make our way down the aisle.
There's people Nikki invited that I've either never met or have seen them hanging out with the guys from time to time.
Diane, Sparkie, and Tommy's girlfriend are seated together beside Beth, Vince and Mick, and even as I'm walking down the aisle, Beth and Roxie are solely focused on shooting Tansy death glares as if they have rabies and want to tear in to her. Tommy’s parents and Doc weren’t able to come, but I highly doubt Nikki’s holding it against them, so I’m not worried with it either.
I don't look at Nikki until we're merely feet away from the alter, then my grip on Tommy's arm tightens to steel and I'm scared to let go because I might just trip and fall.
We get to the alter and stop, the minister asking who's giving me to Nikki. My best friend tells him he is, before lifting my veil and kissing my cheek. I hand my flowers to Tansy and Tommy takes my hand that he's holding, about to pass me to Nikki.
He stops midway, though, to hug me tightly, and I swear his eyes are watering but I don't give it a second thought.
The hug only lasts a few seconds and he's giving Nikki my hand before stepping to his side as his best man.
I'm hit with the weight of all of this the second Nikki's skin touches mine, our grips on each other's hands tightening as we both give out nervous smiles, waiting for the minister to start.
"We have gathered here today to celebrate the joining of Nikki and Vivian in holy matrimony. I didn't have much time to prepare a message being that Miss Kinston contacted me only two weeks ago and asked if she could have her wedding here."A few people, including myself, chuckle as he continues. "But we'll make it work the best that we can." He smiles at me and Nikki, opening his bible. "Before I begin, is there anyone who finds any reason as to why these two should not be joined together as husband and wife? If so, speak now or forever hold your peace." No one says a thing, and he nods at the two of us slightly before starting.
"A marriage between any two people is a direct representation of Jesus' commitment to his church. You will make sacrifices for your wife the way Christ sacrificed himself for his church, while you will love your husband the way the church is suppose to love Christ."
Nikki rolls his eyes and I squeeze his hand, causing him to cut his eyes a little at me while I silently scold him.
"To know love is to know God because God is love. 1 Corinthians states that, 'Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.'" He tells us. "A marriage is not meant to be two halves coming together to form a whole, but two complete people coming together to form a team and a partnership. Your triumphs will be your partner's triumphs to celebrate with you. Your struggles will be your partner's struggles to mourn with you. You two will go through the greatest highs together but also the most heartbreaking lows. You must never lose yourselves or each other in turmoil, however. Support each other, encourage each other, comfort each other, fight for each other. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sin.” He explains and I let out a soft breath, feeling my nervousness start to fade. "Before we start the reciting of vows, I would like to precede with a passage from Ruth. ‘And Ruth said, Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall by my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you." By the time he’s finished reading, I’m nearly tearing up. “The rings, please," The minister motions to Tommy and Tansy. Tommy hands Nikki the small diamond ring for me and Tansy hands me the simple gold wedding band for Nikki. "Nikki, repeat after me, 'I, Nikki, take thee, Vivian, to be my lawfully wedded wife.'"
Nikki takes a deep breath and licks his lips before saying:
"I, Nikki, take thee, Vivian, to be my lawfully wedded wife."
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse."
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse."
"For rich, or for poor, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,"
"For rich, or for poor, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,"
"Till death do us part."
"Till death do us part."
"Vivian, do you accept these vows promised to you by Nikki?"
"I do." I nod, sniffling.
"Nikki, take Vivian's ring and place it on her finger."
He obeys, his hand shaking slightly as he slides the ring to rest beside the plain silver band he proposed to me with. "With this ring, I thee wed. With all I am, and all I have, I honor you."
"With this ring, I thee wed. With all I am, and all I have, I honor you." He repeats after him.
"Vivian, repeat after me. 'I, Vivian, take thee, Nikki, to be my lawfully wedded husband.'"
"I, Vivian, take thee, Nikki, to be my lawfully wedded husband."
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse."
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse."
"For rich, or for poor, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,"
"For rich, or for poor, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,"
"Till death do us part."
"Till death do us part."
"Nikki, do you accept these vows promised to you by Vivian?" He asks after I am done with my vows.
"I sure as hell do." Nikki assures us and I squeeze my eyes closed and laugh with everyone else at his blatancy.
"Vivian, take Nikki's ring and place it on his finger."
I do so, my eyes meeting Nikki's and refusing to look away.
"With this ring, I thee wed. With all I am, and all I have, I honor you." The minister states for me to speak to Nikki.
"With this ring, I thee wed. With all I am, and all I have, I honor you." I restate.
"So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate."
I barely hear the cheers and hollering of our guests due to the unexpected urgency Nikki pulls me to him with, wrapping me tightly in his arms as his lips press to mine.
I'm a sobbing mess and I'm not exactly sure why, but I tell myself it's because I'm overwhelmed with happiness.
When he pulls away, he's wiping my tears with his thumbs.
"You taste like booze." I tell him, and he smiles and kisses me again chastely.
Our reception was at Tansy's mother's beach house in Malibu and I apologized to her in advance for the shenanigans that would inevitably take place under her roof.
"Alright, one, two, three." Diane counts off and the "click" of the camera softly sounds off.
"Next!" I motion for Mick and Vince to join Me, Nikki, Tansy and Tommy as we take our wedding party pictures in the formal living room.
"Sooner we get done with this the sooner we can get wasted." Nikki reminds everyone as Mick and Vince step to us.
Mick stands on the other side of Tommy and Tansy as Vince stands beside me and Nikki.
Another "click" initiates Nikki shooing everyone away so me and him can have our own picture.
Just as the camera captures the picture, Nikki's hands curve under my arms and grasp at my breasts, causing my eyes to widen as the flash hits us.
"Nikki!" I scold him, nearly hitting him with my bouquet.
He and the guys think it's hilarious while I'm swatting at him, trying to hold back my laughter.
We calm down so she can take another photo, and like the last time, he's got something slick up his sleeve.
Before I know it, he's lifting the back of my skirt and grabbing between my legs, opting me to squeal and laugh so hard my eyes are squeezing closed once the picture is taken.
He's kissing my cheek when he stands back up, fixing my dress to take an actual serious picture.
It's taken with ease, the last picture left to take is of me and Tansy and once we're done with that, every one of us are ready to go eat food and the guys are ready to get wrecked.
People are soon scattered throughout the house with plates of food, sitting and standing wherever they can get.
"Guys," Tansy mother's says to us, holding her video camera. "Say 'hi'."
Me, Nikki, Vince, Beth, Tommy, Roxie, Mick, Tansy, and Sparkie are all gathered around the coffee table, seated on the carpet.
We look in her direction, Tansy and I give actual smiles to the camera while the boys shout profanities and shoot birds.
"Nikki, are you excited to be a husband?" Diane asks him in a teasing tone and he looks at me and smirks.
"So excited that I just might conveniently accidentally croak of alcohol poisoning tonight." He states, taking a swig of his wine and I give an unamused look at the camera, feeling Nikki take my left hand in his right before I say:
"That's why he's not getting laid tonight." Just after I say it, Nikki's digging his teeth in to my wrist, causing me to snatch away from him as he chuckles.
Everyone's pretty tipsy, and I'm 99.9% sure Tansy, Tommy and Vince are a little coked out while Sparkie tries to sneakily down a couple Quaaludes with his whiskey.
When it's time to the cut the cake, Diane wants a million pictures and to capture it on tape like she did the rest of the wedding and majority of the reception.
"You do not know how to cut a cake." I tell Nikki as we both hold the large knife, trying to find a starting place.
"Hush or I'll cut you." He threatens me in a almost serious tone but I know he means it playfully.
"Shh, people can't know I'm in to kinky shit like that." I mumble.
"I'm gonna start putting a tally mark on my arm every time you cuss just to see if you ever do it more than five times a year." He pokes at me.
"I cuss all the time." I argue as he settles on a place to cut the cake.
"The only time you really do is when we're fucking and I won't count those times or I'll run out of room on my arm in a couple minutes." He replies with a smirk.
"I don't do it that much when we're fooling around."
"Viv, I forget whether my name's 'Nikki' or 'Oh, fuck' anytime we do anything." He states, the two of us cutting in to the thick icing.
Oblivious to our quiet conversation, everybody claps once we get the piece of cake on to the plate I'm holding in my other hand and Diana hands us both forks.
Just as we get the cake on our forks, the both of us are taking our fingers and are trying to swipe cake down each other's faces, laughing like idiots.
It's smeared around his mouth and on his cheek but he's painted the white icing and sponge from my forehead, down my nose and to my chin.
Before I can wipe it off of me, he's licking it off of me.
People whistle suggestively, while others laugh, and I look at Tommy just in time for him to get a Polaroid picture of me wearing my cake and my husband licking it off of me.
Nikki licks off what he can, before kissing me with a wide smile, then grabbing a napkin and wiping the rest off before he wipes it off of his face, too.
I reach up and kiss him again once we're finished actually eating our cake as people each get their own slice, and Tommy finishes his and clears his throat, standing up and clinking his fork against a bottle of Jack.
He's standing on the coffee table in the living room, in our view from where we are in the kitchen, and everyone goes quiet as he says, "Hey, I'd like to say a little something."
I brace myself for his words, no telling what is going to come out of him as he stares at me and Nikki.
"I have known Vivian for a majority of my life. She's super nice, most of the time, and really smart and talented," He says, smiling at me. "I don't know how many of you guys know her all that well but she's not exactly like any of my other friends. She'll go party with us but be the only one drinking water, stay out with us Saturday nights until five in the morning and then get up and go to church every Sunday. Her ideal guy was a preacher's son or some shit and Nikki humped anything. So I didn't expect it to get this far. I thought she would get tired of all our bullshit and leave all of us, or Nikki would get tired of her not being wild enough or something. But she loves Nikki and all of us exactly how we are and Nikki loves her enough to not care whether she's crazy like us or not because she's wild where it counts and doesn’t get on her knees to just pray." People "ooh" at his claim and I feel my face heat up a little bit as Nikki pats me on the head. "Sorry," Tommy reads my expression and gives me a nervous smile before continuing. "Seriously, though, she chose Nikki over her own parents." He adds, looking directly at me. "Which was something I wouldn't be able to do if I were her. Just like I wouldn't be able to do any of this music stuff by myself the way Nikki was doing when I first met him." He switches his attention to Nikki. "They're two of the coolest and strongest people I know and it's pretty awesome that they're married now. So," He holds his bottle up. "cheers to the motherfucking Sixx's."
Everyone says "cheers" and takes a sip of their drinks, including me and Nikki.
Within a few minutes, Nikki’s convincing me to let him try to take my garter off with his teeth so he can throw it to the men at the party to fight over it like animals.
I eventually agree, sitting down, my hands digging in to the fabric of my dress as I hold back nervous laughter because I'm ticklish and I know he'll milking the hell out of it. He's crouched in front of me, picking my right ankle up, looking at me deviously as he presses a kiss to the inside of my ankle.
I already know where's he's going with this and so does everyone else, his buddies egging him on as he continues pressing little kisses up the inside of my calf muscle, heading up the inside of thigh.
I don't know why I expect him to actually stop at the garter but he doesn't.
I bite my tongue to keep from squealing when he gets to the hem of my panties, squeezing my eyes closed and covering my face with my hands as he gives one little bite to my lace covered core before tugging my panties off with his teeth, taking the garter with him as he heads back down my thigh and gets them passed my heeled feet. All the guys are like piranhas as he ties the panties and garter together before throwing them in to the small crowd of men that's gathered.
They fly over the crowd, though, and land on the back couch cushion right by Mick, who's got his sunglasses on and nursing a bottle of Vodka.
There's no one else I'd rather give my panties to. Mick's a God.
When it's my turn to toss my bouquet, some girl and Roxie are nearly fist fighting over it, completely disregarding the flowers themselves as they bicker over who caught them.
Tommy takes advantage of the bouquet that's now on the floor and sneakily grabs it and hands it off to Tansy who runs up to her room in the house to hide them.
We never planned to have a first dance together, however, about another hour in to the reception, Tansy randomly shuts off the record player and puts in to sing a cover of Ben E. King's "Stand By Me", and begs a drunk Vince to accompany her a cappella. Nikki's nudging me out of his lap, from where we're seated on the couch, and sets his drink down.
Before I can ask, "what's wrong?", he's grasping at my hand and pulling me to him with a slight sway, smirking at me when I raise a brow, a little shocked that he's actually dancing with me without me having to beg him.
His right hand rests at my waist as his left holds at my right hand, my left hand resting on his arm.
Tans and Vince are easy to catch a rhythm to, despite the blonde singer's intoxication. Beth's livid at the fact he's interacting with Tansy, though, and Nikki's silently laughing at her pissed off expression.
We're surrounded by people but he's the only person I see right now.
He looks down at me and I feel immense déjà vu. I'm suddenly back at the Starwood, seeing him up close for the first time. We hated each other back then, and now we can't get enough of each other.
My lips and tongue meet his, my arm reaching to his back to pull him as close as possible to me and he does the same, pulling me to him by my waist.
Once we pull away, he's smiling at me, his eyes locking with mine.
I could stare in to his eyes for an eternity. His eyes were so beautiful. They always had this lively sparkle to them. I always thought he had poetic eyes that told a million stories to whoever paid attention. I would've stared in to those eyes longer, had I known that would've been one of the last times I saw that sparkle bursting with enthusiasm and life before they just turned cold, dead and void.
Later on, I'm with Tansy when Nikki comes up to me holding his keys, Tommy and Roxie trailing behind him.
"Are we leaving?" I ask him, about to stand up from where I'm sitting but he stops me.
"Um, me and Tommy were gonna head back and stop by a friends house for a couple hours." He tells me hesitantly as if he's a little and he's nervous of being told "no."
I know a "friends house" means a party and a "couple hours" means all night.
"Nikki, it's our wedding night." I state as if he forgot and he gives me a grin.
"I know, I won't be gone all night." It's a blatant lie and I know it, but he's convincing like he always is.
"Okay, just be careful, please. I'm serious." I say without a trace of leisure and he nods, his smile growing from ear to ear as he and Tommy glance at each other.
He kisses me one last time before turning to go, announcing to everyone he's "fuckin' outta here" and thanks them for coming.
Before Tommy can get out the door I'm snatching him by his sleeve and stopping him.
He snaps around in my direction with wide eyes and I don't give him time to speak.
"Don't be overzealously stupid. Don't let him be overzealously stupid." I threaten him.
"Yes ma'am." He assures me, giving me a shit eating grin.
"I'm serious, Tommy." I snap.
"Chill out, Viv. We'll be fine." He is waves me off before leaving and that nagging feeling I felt when Nikki told me where they were going isn't eased in the slightest.
By the time everyone leaves, including Mick, Vince and Beth—me, Diane, and Tansy are starting to finish cleaning up while Sparkie’s passed out.
“You can head home, Vivian. I don’t want Nikki to get there and you still be a couple hours away.” Tansy tells me and I shake my head.
“He’s at a party. He probably won’t be coming home until morning.” I tell her and she nods.
“Well, me and Sparkie are gonna crash here. You can, too, if you want to.” She offers.
“I probably will. I’m just ready to get out of this dress.” I mumble, glancing at the clock on the wall to see it’s already two o’clock in the morning.
Tansy lends me a T-shirt that practically swallows her whole, and a pair of pajama shorts.
By the time I’ve gotten my makeup off, taken a shower and crawled in to the bed of one of the spare bedrooms, I’m nearly half asleep.
Until the phone starts ringing.
I hear Diane answer it downstairs, her voice just as tired sounding as I feel, but she suddenly snaps out of her sleepy daze.
“She’s upstairs asleep.” I hear her say, and I furrow my brows and sit up. “I’ll go get her.”
Within a moment, she’s opening the door and looking at me with wide eyes and a pale face.
“Doc McGhee is on the line—”
I don’t let her finish before I’m darting past her and almost tripping over myself to get down the stairs to the phone.
“Hello?” I ask, a panic to my voice. I hear him take a deep breath before calmly stating:
“Vivian, you need to get back to town. Nikki’s wrapped his Porsche around a pole.”
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 6x15: “The French Mistake”
THEN: Angels are a thing. Raphael vs Castiel. Balthazar, known for stealing heavenly weapons that Cas needs. He happens to be on Cas’ side. Demonic calls. Ruby. 
‘Twas a dark and stormy night...
Hello, Balthazar.
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“You did. Twice. Good for you.”
Love that snark.
Balthazar just trashing the place just to find his ingredients.
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Oh dear.
Hello, Virgil.
Oh my god, the casual butt slap that Dean was not ready for, hahahaha.
And it begins.
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Why would that be your first question, omg.
“Or we could have them fly at the window, then freeze frame. Then cut to black, act out.”
“Freeze frame.”
“Um, yeah, freeze frame.”
Oh goodness.
What an ambitious episode.
“Oh crap! I’m a painted whore!” Hon, there are worse things than wearing makeup.
“No, seriously. Why? Why would anybody want to watch our lives?”
“Well, I mean, according to that interviewer, not very many people do.”
Multiple Babys.
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“Dear Castiel, who art maybe running his ass away from heaven, we pray that you have your ears on. So... Breaker breaker...” Why does Dean keep mentioning Cas’ ass in these “prayers”?
I can’t stop giggling. This is clearly not Cas.
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You know what tho? This scene they’re “rehearsing” is all somewhat true.
Misha’s so cute.
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“Hola Mishamigos. Jsquared got me good. Really starting to feel like one of the guys.” ‘Mishamigos’ is too fucking cute.
Is this what their trailers are really like?
Dean’s okay with being from Texas.
Not as okay with being on a soap opera.
Sam’s little flinch when Dean “stabs” him.
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Omg, the crew member who had to run after them.
“Dude, we're not even in America.” Dean takes such such personal offense to being in Canada.
The paintings!
The alpaca!
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Their actual wedding photo is so sweet tho
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Who came up with this??
“Well, looks like you did all right.”
“Yeah. Yeah. I should figure out her name.”
Perfect joke, perfect timing.
Omg the picture of cowboy Jared.
“Money, man. there is nothing like it.” Amen.
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“You have been Sam Winchester way too long.” Aww.
“We’re not doing anything illegal, are we?”
“Would it make you feel better if I said no?”
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omg Misha.
Oh lord, here we go.
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Why does Dean get so damn stiff??
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I’m gonna bust a lung from laughing, omg.
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Misha watching what he believes is a breakdown.
“imho J and J had a late one last night. rotflmao”
“Plus, Clif says they're smuggling illegal stuff in from Mexico.” pfft, Clif snitched on them.
“Misha's celebrity tweet says it's a black-market organ thing. I'm betting drugs.” lmao.
“Look, I was up all night, looking online.” Sam didn’t even sleep.
Magic and the supernatural doesn’t exist in this universe.
“No angels.” Basically, they’re trapped.
Why hello, Virgil.
OH MY GOD. Beating the shit out of Virgil looks so wrong out of context.
“You're dead, Virgil! Virgil! I'm gonna break your friggin' neck!” LMAO WAS YELLING THAT NECESSARY.
“Maybe it'd help if I – I'll fly up and talk to them.”
“You know, I'm not sure Jared and Jensen...know who she is, strictly speaking. She's, you know, new. No offense.”
“Yeah, I think what we might need at this stage is for Kripke to come up himself. He created the show. They'll listen to him.”
Ok, the bullshit part of this episode. Not cool, guys.
Aww no, here comes the sad part.
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Sam’s just now realizing the damn key is gone??
“You heard my brother. That's right, I said 'brother.' 'cause you know what, Bob? We're not actors. We're hunters. We're the Winchesters. Always have been, and always will be.” Dean no. NO DEAN.
“And yeah, okay, here, maybe there's some – some fans who give a crap about this nonsense.”
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Me neither.
I feel so damn sorry for Meta!Misha.
“What are you about to do?” Meta!Misha’s last words.
RIP Meta!Misha Collins. Killed by Virgil.
“Misha! He’s been stabbed to death!”
“Where?” “Where?”
How did they even get past the police?
Dean was kind enough to pay the homeless man. 
“I mean, how bad can an angel with no wings be?” Pretty bad if he has guns.
RIP random guy who walked into the gun shop. Killed by Virgil.
“No hell below us, above us only sky.” Ha, “Imagine.”
“We just don't mean the same thing here. I mean, we're not even brothers here, man.” Aww.
Real Eric Kripke? [After episode edit: Nope.]
RIP Eric Kripke. Killed by Virgil.
RIP Bob Singer. Killed by Virgil.
RIP 2 or 3 people. Killed by Virgil.
Hello, Raphael.
“Raphael? Nice meatsuit. Dude looks like a lady.” REALLY DEAN.
“You see, they were so well-hidden that I needed time to find them. So, I volunteered these two marmosets for a game of fetch with Virgil. You two were such an adequate stick. Thank you. Thank you, boys.” Cat’s out.
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“If you don't want to die tonight, back off.” I FUCKING LOVE ASSERTIVE CASSSSS.
“Well, Cas...Now that you have your sword, try not to die by it.”
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“Cas, what the hell? Wait, wait, you were in on this, using us a diversion?” 
“It was Balthazar's plan. I would have done the same thing.” 
“Yeah, Cas. We know the stakes. That's about all you've told us!” The stakes should be enough to make you understand!
Cas constantly apologizes for “all this”.
And Dean always complains about “freaking angels”.
“Oh, and, uh, we're broke again.” That’s the biggest loss.
“Hey... at least we're talking.” ha ha, Sam.
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rqfwaefse · 3 years
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kostovas · 7 years
my diary post about my feelings before going to college
august 22, 2017, 10:06 pm, my room in El Paso
The way that I tend to deal with my problems/worries is that I don’t think about them and ignore them and keep ignoring them until they get so big that I’m forced to think about and deal with them.
That is basically what I have been doing this entire summer. I don’t even remember the last time I wrote in my diary and I’ve decided to start typing it out instead since I’m afraid I won’t have the motivation to literally write out my diary in COLLEGE, aka, the problem/worry, which branches out into a bunch of other little problems/worries (I’m going to be living 10 hours away from home, what if I mess up while doing the laundry, what if the work is too hard, my parents are going to be sad,) that I have been pushing away
Although to be honest about 90% of the summer consisted of me in my room writing fan fiction or watching Netflix or scrolling through twitter, I still really didn’t think much about it…
Orientation? Did I even write about it? It was fine, it was good, I instantly clicked with my roommate sara, yes, same name as me, and my orientation-roommate was nice but I have a weird after-taste about her because she told me she was Latina because although she is German Swedish Irish french Spanish insert a billion other super white ethnicities here, her mom is from New Mexico!
Orientation just felt like a more cramped, panicked version of NSLC camp which I went to last year. NSLC was like, a random pocket-universe where I met new people who I spontaneously had a lot in common with and thought about my future in entertainment business with just for fun. Orientation is where I met new people who I very un-spontaneously had at least one thing in common with, starting ut, and thought about my future for real.
I feel like I’ve got some things down, aka my class schedule and what music I could potentially listen to while walking around campus (my Austin playlist is a lot of vampire weekend and sza and I know that sounds like a weird combo but it feels insanely fitting) but for the most part I still very much have ABSOLUTELY ZERO IDEA WHAT I AM DOING!
I…. AM PANICKING BIG TIME RIGHT NOW… I CRIED LIKE A MINUTE BEFORE I STARTED WRITING THIS… WHICH I HAVE NOT DONE (at least not over anything that wasn’t a book or a tv show or a movie) THIS ENTIRE SUMMER!!!
This summer, although filled with a lot of nothing and empty spaces, felt so perfect and so teenage-me. Maybe not truly me, truly what I would have done in my perfect world, but just… what I would do as a teenager. I know I’m still technically going to be a teenager for at least awhile in college, but, not like this. Not the El Paso bred high school boredom tennis court by Lorde Gilmore girls crying teenager. I’ll be something else, whatever it is, and I have no idea what. I am afraid to meet her. I am excited I am scared I am going to vomit all over this new computer I bought for college
I went to a lot of movies this summer, mostly with nicole and mostly at the Alamo draft house and mostly before they came out (baby driver, good time, which I both liked but baby driver way more).
I got my drivers license and I passed the test by literally oNE POINT
I drove by myself to nicoles apartment and we had weird conversations about our psychic feelings and premonitions about our own lives and deaths. That was the first time I drove by myself and it was for about five minutes and I sung out loud to dua lipa the entire time because I feel like falling asleep any time I go in a moving vehicle and theres no music and my dad drove me back later because it was raining.
I also drove to pick up alondra the Friday before she left for college. Her first day of school was today and she left like a week early. She’s in South Carolina at college of Charleston and I’m even scared for her. We got chick fil a and went home and talked about da Vinci and being Latina outside of El Paso and random memories and feelings and nothing and everything and nothing again
I hung out with my grandpa a lot, who has been staying here all summer. Yesterday he showed me a picture of my great grandpa who I had never seen before and I was so shocked, he looked like a real Mexican movie star cowboy, I have no idea what John Wayne looks like but he should look like my great grandpa, panfilo vela. Yesterday in particular my grandpa worried about pregnant women because the solar eclipse was happening and they were not wearing safety pins, a latino superstition he said so firmly as a scientific fact that I was really confused and briefly wondering if there was some sort of pregnant women’s medical pin. My dad said ‘that’s part of his charm’’ believing things so intensely, I guess. I think I got some of that from him
I went to San Antonio last week with tia 1 and valerie and Abuelita and my family. Tia 2 is usually the one to go on vacations with us, but she has this new best friend who she is in a two-person cult with, with her BFF/Bestie/Twinsie (yes, she is a 40+ year old woman, who calls her that) being the leader and her being the devout follower, paying for all her tickets to schiltterbaun and the movies and everything she buys while shopping and all her food and yelling at her employees for getting mad at her for something to do with a water bottle I don’t know but it’s definitely throwing off the balance of the universe.
But it was fun, tia 1 is very loud and charismatic and doesnt give any fucks and now I like to say “no mas mis chicharrones truenan aqui” also I am mad I am not more tan
I learned how to make crepes I have made at least 7 successful ones
Okay. so. crying. Here’s a text I sent to the vampire weekend group chat earlier:
(redacted) I really feel like my dad raised me mostly and he just took me out to the fanciest dinner of my life as a “father-daughter dinner” before college and he ran into some friends who were older than him and they were like “ur gonna miss her it’s gonna suck!” And I think my dad almost cried and we talked about heaven in the car and now I’m home and there’s boxes in my room and I’m staring at them and crying
end text
My dad put together those boxes for me with longhorn tape. Burnt orange duct tape with white longhorn shapes on them, literally That’s where my arts and crafts related headassery comes from
I’m going to be staying in a dorm at UT with my own restroom and now I’m thinking do I even really know how to clean a shower NOT REALLY
I’m gonna end up googling it while I’m there
I feel like I don’t actually know how to iron like I’m doing it wrong for sure
The restaurant was called cafe central it’s in downtown El Paso which I think is really truly beautiful even though objectively it’s ugly I’m super emotional and so I think it’s extremely beautiful and it’s just. I feel . It’s just how I feel.
I feel so in touch with the El Paso city it doesn’t even feel real. I feel like all the abandoned buildings are just cardboard cutouts and I have the power to knock them over with my fingertips. the homeless guys there don’t even scare me that much even though they probably should, not even the old lady with the bandaids all over her hands who stole Isaac’s hot dog once
god. That dinner was so fancy and I kept thinking about all these early 2000s chick flicks where a girl eats in a fancy restaurant for one reason or another and I kept thinking about how I love my dad and I kept thinking about how why do we need four different knives and I kept thinking about how that place started in 1918 so it probably wouldn’t have allowed someone who looked like my dad in there for awhile but there I was sitting with my dark brown dad eating food with names and ingredients I have literally never heard of and the chocolate cake melted into itself and chamomile tea is a gift from god
I read a lot of matt Murdock fanfiction today.
How am I 18 years old? I don’t want to… do anything ever… I want to read fan fiction and lay face down on the floor, but not even those two things can be accomplished at the same time.
NOTE: (redacted) means I took something out in case some certain irl people read this, maybe I should’ve taken the thing about tia 2 out but, well, I am somewhat at peace with death
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emilyzh2019-blog · 5 years
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My Craziest Travel Story
Somewhere In Mexico…
This is the story of how I accidentally wandered into an extremely remote Mexican village that was openly controlled by a ruthless drug cartel — and what happened next.
The other week I was taking an Uber from the airport, chatting with the driver about traveling and working around the world as a nomad.
After asking the standard question everyone asks “what’s your favorite country”, he wanted to know if I’ve ever felt in any danger while traveling.
Sure, I’ve been scared before.
When I crossed the border into Afghanistan by myself on foot.
Balancing on rusty beams 300 feet over a canyon in Spain.
Attempting to wade across a crocodile-infested river in Costa Rica.
Scuba diving without a cage in Fiji face-to-face with bull sharks.
Spending the night on an erupting volcano in Guatemala.
Illegally hopping a freight train while hitchhiking across America.
Yes, looking back, I’ve done some stupid & risky stuff over the years…
But the most scared I’ve ever been — was on a journey through Northern Mexico about 7 years ago. And it’s a story I’ve NEVER shared on this blog.
I wrestled with writing about this experience for a long time.
It just didn’t feel appropriate to share publicly, or even very safe for that matter. I was worried about the possible consequences for myself and others.
Yet I think enough time has passed that I finally feel comfortable sharing my crazy (and pretty dumb) encounter with dangerous members of a notorious drug cartel in the lawless mountains deep within Mexico’s Copper Canyon.
Maybe the story will be entertaining, but I hope you’ll learn something too.
The Sierra Tarahumara Mountains
Once Upon A Time In Mexico…
My tale begins in the Mexican tourist town of Creel. A major stop for the popular Copper Canyon Train which runs from the cities of Chihuahua through the Sierra Tarahumara mountains to Los Mochis on the coast.
After a very scenic (but uneventful) train journey through the mountains, I planned to explore more of this mountainous area on my own. Hoping to spend time with the Tarahumara, a Mexican indigenous group.
While chatting with locals, I learned of small villages at the bottom of the canyon that would present a more “authentic” Northern Mexican experience. Off-the-beaten-path if you will.
These places were not easy to reach, and the drive would take hours on rough mountain roads. I mentioned my plan to a local guy (let’s call him Fede) who I’d worked with earlier, and he offered to take me in his vehicle.
Fede wasn’t just some random dude. I’d already spent a few days traveling with him. Even crashing overnight at his family’s house. He was a well-known local professional. I trusted him completely.
Rugged Dirt Roads in Mexico
Surprises Down In The Canyon
I’m not going to name the specific village I traveled to in this story. However, I’m sure if you dig deep enough, you’ll probably be able to figure it out.
Because it’s not like what goes on down there isn’t unknown within Mexico.
Over the course of our 4+ hour drive down winding dirt roads into the depths of the Copper Canyon, Fede starts to share some unsettling information with me.
“When we get there, you may see some stuff that’s alarming. But don’t worry. They know you’re coming.” – Fede
“Wait, what?! What kind of stuff? Who knows I’m coming?” – Me
“The Cartel. They control this town. But when the guesthouse has a tourist, the owner informs The Cartel. They won’t bother you as long as you don’t do anything stupid.” – Fede
“……….” – Me
The Cartel he was referring to is the Sinaloa Drug Cartel. Aka Cártel de Sinaloa, aka the Guzmán-Loera Organization, aka The Blood Alliance.
The same cartel controlled by the notorious drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, who was just on trial in the United States for drug trafficking, murder, and money laundering.
What the hell did I just get myself into?
The Golden Triangle – Drug Production Area in Mexico
Mexico’s Golden Triangle
The Golden Triangle is the nickname given to a remote and mountainous region in Northern Mexico that encompasses the states of Chihuahua, Sinaloa, and Durango.
It’s where Mexico’s powerful cartels have been growing billions of dollars worth of heroin & weed to supply an insatiable demand for drugs from the United States.
Cartels are able to produce drugs in the Golden Triangle because the area is so rugged & inaccessible that it can take hours to reach these small villages on unmarked dirt roads.
Mexico’s Copper Canyon, if you haven’t heard of it before, is a massive canyon that’s technically larger and deeper than the US Grand Canyon. It is the perfect hiding place for fields of illegally grown opium poppies & marijuana plants!
Combine this fact with a desperately poor workforce of indigenous people called the Tarahumara, and you’ve got a Mexican drug lord’s wet dream.
This is where I found myself.
On the edge of the Golden Triangle, in a village controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel.
The Only Bridge Into Town
A Surreal Travel Experience
As we pull into the village, over a narrow bridge, I see a kid talking into a military-style radio. He’s announcing our arrival to the cartel. My heart begins to race.
Further down the road, we pass a group of men dressed in black, armed with assault rifles. I begin to sweat.
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all…
Fede notices my apprehension and assures me everything will be ok. I’m not the first tourist to visit this town.
Because the cartel doesn’t want to draw any attention to themselves, they’d never harm a tourist. That would force the military to intervene and ruin everything.
I check into my guesthouse, the only one in town, and we eat lunch at his friend’s place, which is basically a small restaurant run out of her home.
One of the Cartel’s Trucks
Keeping Tabs On Me…
Fede says his goodbyes and leaves town. He has to go back to work. So I’m on my own now. I walk around town. I visit some abandoned silver mines nearby.
I stop into the local museum and sign the guestbook (the last signature is over a month old).
I pass by the group of cartel members I saw earlier. We say hello to each other. While they certainly appear to fit the stereotype of hardened criminals, they seem friendly enough.
I still can’t quite believe this is happening.
My goal for the day is to visit an old Spanish Mission, located a few miles out of town. On the way, I run into a pickup truck with blacked-out windows on the side of the road. As I approach, the driver’s side window rolls down.
“¿A dónde vas?” says a large scary dude in a cowboy hat. There’s a beautiful woman half his age in the passenger seat.
“La misión Española” I reply. He nods, and the window slides back up. They’re keeping an eye on me. Making sure I don’t stumble into their fields of poppy or marijuana.
Friendly Mexican Drug Farmer
This Sack is Full of Weed…
Everyone Works For The Drug Cartel
Over the next few days, I learn that basically the whole town is working for the cartel. They are the sole employer.
I’m not sure if it’s by choice, or by the threat of violence, but growing and trafficking drugs for the cartel is how this town survives.
And some of them are not afraid to talk about it. Growing marijuana is as normal as growing corn. It’s just another crop — only one that pays much better.
After chatting with one local farmer for a while, he takes me up to a small barn behind his house, pulls out a large sack, and offers me two giant handfuls of freshly picked marijuana buds!
I start laughing, thanking him for his generosity, but explain that there’s no way I can bring his gift back into the United States with me.
But… because I’m a polite guy, I accept a few flowers so he isn’t offended.
This man isn’t some murderous cartel member, he’s just a friendly, impoverished farmer trying to make a living for his family with very limited opportunities.
Making Friends in Town
A Very Surreal Experience
So while the whole cartel situation had me feeling pretty nervous, this next part was the scariest moment of the whole few days I was down there.
My comfort level had been improving. I was getting used to chatting with cartel members each day. Maybe too comfortable.
One evening, a young Mexican guy dressed like a rodeo cowboy walks into the home-based restaurant where I’m eating dinner.
He’s wearing a pair of beautiful, very fancy white-handled revolvers on his hip. Like right out of your typical Spaghetti Western movie.
A heavily armed bodyguard wearing a bullet-proof vest waits for him outside.
We happily chat for a minute in Spanish, asking how I like the food, before they both disappear into the darkness of night. Everything is getting very surreal, and I seriously feel like I’m trapped in a movie.
On another occasion, I watch a team of five armed men loading blue 55-gallon drums of something from a truck into a guarded building.
Weed? Opium poppies? Human remains dissolving in acid? My imagination starts to run wild…
Sinaloa Cartel Members (Faces Censored for Safety)
Getting The Shot
I REALLY wanted a photo of one of these guys. No one would believe all this happened to me unless I had a photo!
So the next morning, I cut a small hole into the side of my backpack and tape a GoPro inside. My plan is to use “time-lapse” mode, quietly shooting photos automatically as I walk past them.
However as I approach, I decide to stop and chat. With my adrenaline pumping, I simply ask them directly. Pointing at the camera around my neck. What’s the worst that could happen?
“¿Puedo tomar tu retrato?” (Can I take your portrait?) – Me
“Jajaja… no.” – Cartel Dude
“Please? My American friends back home would love to see your big gun. I can leave your face out of it if you’d like.” – Me
“Jajaja… no. But you can get a photo of my amigo here.” – Cartel Dude
So, without thinking about the consequences, I aim my wide-angle lens at the truck driver sitting next to him. *CLICK*
Cartel Dude is in the photo too, but just doesn’t realize it.
Immediately I start to panic — internally. What if he asks to see the photo? That was so dumb! I’m going to get myself killed. Maybe I can quickly use the zoom button before showing it to him…
Fortunatley he never asks — and just assumes the camera wasn’t aimed his way.
I try to act normal, end the conversation, and walk off down the road contemplating just how stupid that was.
I think it’s time for me to leave this town.
Patrolling the Village
Mexico’s Remote Golden Triangle
Cartel Wars In The Mountains
As someone who has spent almost 2 years of my life both living and traveling through Mexico, I’ll be the first to tell you it’s one of my favorite countries.
I certainly don’t want my story to scare you from visiting Mexico. This is NOT a typical Mexican vacation experience.
I specifically went out of my way to visit a remote area that isn’t very safe. Even for the Copper Canyon itself — if you stay on the normal tourist trail you’ll be fine.
However if you venture off-grid in this region, there’s a lot of sh*t going on.
Mexico is an amazing and beautiful destination, but like any country, it can also be a dangerous one if you go looking for danger.
Golden Triangle In Flames Again (Borderland Beat)
Extreme Race in the Shadow of Extreme Danger (New York Times)
Drug Gangs Delay Sierra Trail Riders (My San Antonio)
One particular story that shook me recently was the murder of North Carolina teacher Patrick Braxton-Andrew, who was visiting a similar remote village in the same region last year.
That one hit close to home. A curious traveler looking for adventure, trying to get off the beaten path, exploring a dangerous area on his own… mistaken for a DEA agent and shot by the drug cartels.
When I first started traveling, I did many risky and stupid things seeking that addictive jolt of adrenaline. Hell, I haven’t completely cured myself of it even now!
Luckily everything has turned out ok so far, and I have some pretty incredible memories and stories to show for it.
But that isn’t always the case for everyone.
My Scariest Travel Story
I’m not sure if there is a lesson in this story. Maybe there are many.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? Young people traveling with no responsibilities often take unnecessary risks for fun? Don’t be an idiot like me?
I’m sure I’ll be judged and ridiculed a bit for writing about this. That’s ok. It happened, and I have to live with it. I’m probably lucky to be living at all…
Have you ever done anything stupid like this while traveling? Taken on too much risk? Gotten yourself into a sticky situation that you regret later?
Frequent travelers have this insufferable tendency to “one-up” each other’s travel stories — and this one is mine. The one I share at bars after a few drinks.
Now it’s your turn to share.
Take a minute to quickly describe your scariest/dumb travel story.
If only to make me feel like I’m not the only one out there who’s done something stupid on the road…
Maybe we can turn it into a guide on “what-not-to-do while traveling.” ★
Enjoy This Post? Pin It!
My 50 Best Tips After 9 Years Traveling Is Instagram Ruining Travel? How To Take Better Travel Photos Why I Quit Being A Digital Nomad Tips For Starting A Travel Blog
What’s your scariest travel story? Have you ever done something dangerous or stupid while traveling? Drop me a message in the comments below!
This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.
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i-am-ultimate42 · 7 years
Chapter 12 (week 23)
Sky shoved a broken lamp off the top of her 5th pile of destroyed belongings she was working through. How could Peter have done this? She shivered at the though of her obsessed ex-land lord. He truly had gone over the edge with her. She would never respect the man again. If Ryder hadn’t been here to rush in and save her from Peter’s clutches, she feared what would have happened to her. She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking the horrid image from her already troubled mind. No point in dwelling on the bad that could have taken place. Instead, she should dwell on the good. But, she didn’t wanna dwell on the good. That would lead to thinking about her savior. Her protective, helpful, overly friendly Ryder Clinton. He was beginning to mess with her, the random shock when they had touched just minutes ago still burning on her hand. She brushed more ruined items away. She could not, would not believe it. That she, Sky Rose Evergreen, was attracted to Ryder Clinton in a more- than- friend’s way. It was simply impossible! There was no way she could feel like that, not again. She had locked her heart away a long time ago, specifically so that this occurrence wouldn’t ever happen again. She could never survive something like she had been through before again. It just wouldn’t happen. She wouldn’t allow it! “Is this of any importance to you?” Ryder’s deep voice from behind made her jump. She whirled around to face him, taking in his handsome expression. “Whoa,” he chuckled, his charming smile unnerving her even more. “Relax. It’s just me.” Actually, that was the problem. It was just Ryder. Lord help her. “Are you okay?” Ryder questioned her, his face becoming slightly worried. “Yah,"she began fiddled with her fingers unconsciously. "I’m fine.” Ryder continued to stare at her, his brilliant blue eyes studying her silently. She glanced down at his hand, not able to return his intense stare. He held a metal cylinder, one specific cylinder she had been searching for. “Yes,” she held her hand out,“that is really important to me.” Ryder handed it to her, letting out what sounded to be a disappointed sigh. Sky popped open the cap of the unlocked canister. Excellent. Peter hadn’t thought to check inside. She shook out the wad of cash she had stored in it years ago, holding the money lightly in her hand. Ryder whistled, crossing his toned arms over his chest. “Smart,"he commented. "You should always store some money away, just for emergencies like this.” “I’m just glad he didn’t find it,"she responded back, tucking her saved funds in her back pocket. "Right.” Ryder glanced back at her. “So,” he said, rubbing his hands together. “What else are we looking for?” “This was the most important thing really.” She gazed over the pile of belongings. “Now that I don’t have an apartment though…I’ll look for some clothes to take and some of Jake’s stuff. That’s all we’re gonna need at a shelter, at least until I can save some more money up to perhaps buy another cheap apartment.” To her surprise, Ryder started to laugh. Double over, to be correct. He clutched his sides and let out loud howls of rich laughter. “You really think,” he asked breathlessly,“I’m gonna let you stay in a shelter? All by yourself?” He wiped his eyes, still shaking with laughter. She was a bit baffled at his behavior and his question. Where else was she suppose to stay? “You go on and find whatever else you need. I’m gonna make a quick call, then we can head out, okay?” He seemed as if his strange behavior had left him. She nodded after making sure he wouldn’t erupt with laughter again. “Okay.” Sky watched as Ryder headed back to his truck. He pulled out his phone and pressed it on his ear before stepping into his vehicle. “Alright then.” She hurried off to find the specifics. She had her wedding photo album, her stack of money…what else? She scanned the area and found a stuffed trash bag laying a couple of feet away. She yanked open the bag and smiled. Well, at least Peter had the decency to throw all her clothes into a single bag. She rummaged through the bag. And Jake’s clothes too. She tossed her findings into the bag with her and her son’s clothing and searched around for anything else. She came up with her son’s favorite car set, her and Noah’s wedding rings, a medical emergency kit, Jake’s prized cowboy hat and scuffed up boots, her worn out Bible, and her son’s favorite cotton white blanket. Everything else could be taken or soled. She didn’t care. Most of the things left were broken anyways. No use in trying to fix them. Sky collected everything she had chosen to keep into her trash bag, carefully lifted it onto her shoulder, and started towards Ryder’s waiting truck. Ryder stepped out of his truck and met her half way. “Here, let me take that,"he said as he sent her another warm smile. She willingly gave up the heavy load, carful to not touch Ryder’s hand, and continued her walk once he adjusted the bag onto his shoulder. He stepped into stride with her never the less as she tried but failed to make it to his truck first. "You got a place to stay,"Ryder began. "Never doubt me when I say I’m here for your every need.” Sky jerked her gaze to him, amazed that he had somehow found some place for her to stay so quickly. “Where?” She asked. “Well,” he glanced at her with a slightly embarrassed look ,“ it’s not anywhere special. I just…know someone who would love to meet you and to have you stay at their place, since you do need some help.” “Who is it? Who wants to meet me?"she wondered aloud. Ryder stopped walking, making her halt her steps as well. Running a hand through his tussled black hair, he grinned at her, flustered. She had to be honest with herself. It was a great look on him. "My…my mom.” He closed the small gap between them, moving once again towards the truck. She followed behind. “Your mom?” “Yah,” he answered over his shoulder, still smiling,“you’ll love her. She a riot. Always trying to get me out more, you know, talking with people, socializing. Crazy old woman. I know you two will work out great together. She has 2 guest bedrooms that she never uses and she’s always complaining that she’s so bored while she’s home alone. You’ll be great company for her and she’ll in return, allow you to stay for as long as you’d like.” “I don’t know. It sounds like I’d be taking advantage of her and I would never wanna do that,"she whispered under her breath as they arrived at their destination. Ryder helped her into her seat then headed back to the trunk to drop her load of things in. She couldn’t believe it. He had really found some place for her to stay. And, if his mother really would let her stay, that would be fantastic! But…but no she couldn’t just barge into someone’s house cause she needed a place to stay. That would be taking advantage of someone. She had never even met Ryder’s mother! She would not, a total stranger, stay in someone’s house, even if they had said she could. She was going to tell Ryder this, but as soon as he got in his seat, before he even pulled out, he turned to face her and spoke. "Look,” he began,“ I know we haven’t really know each other for a long time and we’re basically brand new friends, but please, I wanna help you, in anyway I can. I just witnessed an complete idiot try to hurt you and toss all your stuff away like they were nothing. I know you had a great marriage that was ripped apart by sickness and death, and that you love your son with all your heart. I know you try to be strong and not be in anyone’s way. I know you are a simple, intelligent, funny, soft hearted woman who just wants to believe in God and let everything play out on its own. All that’s good, that’s really all great. But, Sky, sometimes you have to just let someone help you. You have to share your cares and worries with them. You can’t hold onto stuff forever. Eventually you’ll burst. So, what I’m asking is that you’ll trust me. Trust that I can help you. Trust that I can ease your burdens some, if you would just let me. Trust that we can get through this thing together. Just, let me help you. Please, that’s all I wanna do.” Ryder gently took her hands in his. The warm sensation in her palms immediately returned at his touch. She couldn’t look away, stuck in the glowing compassion in his eyes. God, why did this man have to be so kind? Why couldn’t he just be mean or rude to her when they had first met? Why did he have to come back? Why did he want to stick around? “Please,” He asked again in a low voice, rubbing small circles on her knuckles with his thumb, spreading his now annoying but wonderful heat. It was too much. She couldn’t tell him no. She really didn’t want to go there, really didn’t want to give him her trust, but what could she do? She could hold everything else at bay, but now, she would give him what he wanted. “I’m not the best at trust. It’s actually one of my weaknesses, especially when it comes to people.” “Then we could fix that too. Together.” Ryder reached out his other hand and placed it lightly on her shoulder. The uncomfortable heat seeped from his hand into her shoulder, scaring her just a tad bit. “Okay,” she gave him a shaky grin, still worried about where this trail of action would lead her down “You win. I’ll try to…to trust you. Really trust you. But know this, I still don’t agree with staying at your mothers. I’m a total stranger to her. What if I can’t pay the bill?” Ryder tilted his head back to the roof of his truck and let out a stream of laughter. “There is no bill Sky. No bill what so ever. Trust me, you’re gonna be just fine.” Trust me. Such a small phrase, but such a phrase that affected her deeply. Ryder didn’t know how hard this trusting business was gonna be for her. Not one bit.
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janetchavezcom · 5 years
My Run-In With A Notorious Mexican Drug Cartel
My Craziest Travel Story
Somewhere In Mexico…
This is the story of how I accidentally wandered into an extremely remote Mexican village that was openly controlled by a ruthless drug cartel — and what happened next.
No, this is not an April fools post. Posted April 2nd!
The other week I was taking an Uber from the airport, chatting with the driver about traveling and working around the world as a nomad.
After asking the standard question everyone asks “what’s your favorite country”, he wanted to know if I’ve ever felt in any danger while traveling.
Sure, I’ve been scared before.
When I crossed the border into Afghanistan by myself on foot.
Balancing on rusty beams 300 feet over a canyon in Spain.
Attempting to wade across a crocodile-infested river in Costa Rica.
Scuba diving without a cage in Fiji face-to-face with bull sharks.
Spending the night on an erupting volcano in Guatemala.
Illegally hopping a freight train while hitchhiking across America.
Yes, looking back, I’ve done some stupid & risky stuff over the years…
But the most scared I’ve ever been — was on a journey through Northern Mexico about 7 years ago. And it’s a story I’ve NEVER shared on this blog.
I wrestled with writing about this experience for a long time.
It just didn’t feel appropriate to share publicly, or even very safe for that matter. I was worried about the possible consequences for myself and others.
Yet I think enough time has passed that I finally feel comfortable sharing my crazy (and pretty dumb) encounter with dangerous members of a notorious drug cartel in the lawless mountains deep within Mexico’s Copper Canyon.
Maybe the story will be entertaining, but I hope you’ll learn something too.
The Sierra Tarahumara Mountains
Once Upon A Time In Mexico…
My tale begins in the Mexican tourist town of Creel. A major stop for the popular Copper Canyon Train which runs from the cities of Chihuahua through the Sierra Tarahumara mountains to Los Mochis on the coast.
After a very scenic (but uneventful) train journey through the mountains, I planned to explore more of this mountainous area on my own. Hoping to spend time with the Tarahumara, a Mexican indigenous group.
While chatting with locals, I learned of small villages at the bottom of the canyon that would present a more “authentic” Northern Mexican experience. Off-the-beaten-path if you will.
These places were not easy to reach, and the drive would take hours on rough mountain roads. I mentioned my plan to a local guy (let’s call him Fede) who I’d worked with earlier, and he offered to take me in his vehicle.
Fede wasn’t just some random dude. I’d already spent a few days traveling with him. Even crashing overnight at his family’s house. He was a well-known local professional. I trusted him completely.
Rugged Dirt Roads in Mexico
Surprises Down In The Canyon
I’m not going to name the specific village I traveled to in this story. However, I’m sure if you dig deep enough, you’ll probably be able to figure it out.
Because it’s not like what goes on down there isn’t unknown within Mexico.
Over the course of our 4+ hour drive down winding dirt roads into the depths of the Copper Canyon, Fede starts to share some unsettling information with me.
“When we get there, you may see some stuff that’s alarming. But don’t worry. They know you’re coming.” – Fede
“Wait, what?! What kind of stuff? Who knows I’m coming?” – Me
“The Cartel. They control this town. But when the guesthouse has a tourist, the owner informs The Cartel. They won’t bother you as long as you don’t do anything stupid.” – Fede
“……….” – Me
The Cartel he was referring to is the Sinaloa Cartel. Aka Cártel de Sinaloa, aka the Guzmán-Loera Organization, aka The Blood Alliance.
The same cartel controlled by the notorious drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, who was just on trial in the United States for drug trafficking, murder, and money laundering.
What the hell did I just get myself into?
The Golden Triangle – Drug Production Area in Mexico
Mexico’s Golden Triangle
The Golden Triangle is the nickname given to a remote and mountainous region in Northern Mexico that encompasses the states of Chihuahua, Sinaloa, and Durango.
It’s where Mexico’s powerful cartels have been growing billions of dollars worth of heroin & weed to supply an insatiable demand for drugs from the United States.
Cartels are able to produce drugs in the Golden Triangle because the area is so rugged & inaccessible that it can take hours to reach these small villages on unmarked dirt roads.
Mexico’s Copper Canyon, if you haven’t heard of it before, is a massive canyon that’s technically larger and deeper than the US Grand Canyon. It is the perfect hiding place for fields of illegally grown opium poppies & marijuana plants!
Combine this fact with a desperately poor workforce of indigenous people called the Tarahumara, and you’ve got a Mexican drug lord’s wet dream.
This is where I found myself.
On the edge of the Golden Triangle, in a village controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel.
The Only Bridge Into Town
A Surreal Travel Experience
As we pull into the village, over a narrow bridge, I see a kid talking into a military-style radio. He’s announcing our arrival to the cartel. My heart begins to race.
Further down the road, we pass a group of men dressed in black, armed with assault rifles. I begin to sweat.
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all…
Fede notices my apprehension and assures me everything will be ok. I’m not the first tourist to visit this town.
Because the cartel doesn’t want to draw any attention to themselves, they’d never harm a tourist. That would force the military to intervene and ruin everything.
I check into my guesthouse, the only one in town, and we eat lunch at his friend’s place, which is basically a small restaurant run out of her home.
One of the Cartel’s Trucks
Keeping Tabs On Me…
Fede says his goodbyes and leaves town. He has to go back to work. So I’m on my own now. I walk around town. I visit some abandoned silver mines nearby.
I stop into the local museum and sign the guestbook (the last signature is over a month old).
I pass by the group of cartel members I saw earlier. We say hello to each other. While they certainly appear to fit the stereotype of hardened criminals, they seem friendly enough.
I still can’t quite believe this is happening.
My goal for the day is to visit an old Spanish Mission, located a few miles out of town. On the way, I run into a pickup truck with blacked-out windows on the side of the road. As I approach, the driver’s side window rolls down.
“¿A dónde vas?” says a large scary dude in a cowboy hat. There’s a beautiful woman half his age in the passenger seat.
“La misión Española” I reply. He nods, and the window slides back up. They’re keeping an eye on me. Making sure I don’t stumble into their fields of poppy or marijuana.
Friendly Mexican Drug Farmer
This Sack is Full of Weed…
Everyone Works For The Cartel
Over the next few days, I learn that basically the whole town is working for the cartel. They are the sole employer.
I’m not sure if it’s by choice, or by the threat of violence, but growing and trafficking drugs for the cartel is how this town survives.
And some of them are not afraid to talk about it. Growing marijuana is as normal as growing corn. It’s just another crop — only one that pays much better.
After chatting with one local farmer for a while, he takes me up to a small barn behind his house, pulls out a large sack, and offers me two giant handfuls of freshly picked marijuana buds!
I start laughing, thanking him for his generosity, but explain that there’s no way I can bring his gift back into the United States with me.
But… because I’m a polite guy, I accept a few flowers so he isn’t offended.
This man isn’t some murderous cartel member, he’s just a friendly, impoverished farmer trying to make a living for his family with very limited opportunities.
Making Friends in Town
More & More Ridiculous
So while the whole cartel situation had me feeling pretty nervous, this next part was the scariest moment of the whole few days I was down there.
My comfort level had been improving. I was getting used to chatting with cartel members each day. Maybe too comfortable.
One evening, a young Mexican guy dressed like a rodeo cowboy walks into the home-based restaurant where I’m eating dinner.
He’s wearing a pair of beautiful, very fancy white-handled revolvers on his hip. Like right out of your typical Spaghetti Western movie.
A heavily armed bodyguard wearing a bullet-proof vest waits for him outside.
We happily chat for a minute in Spanish, asking how I like the food, before they both disappear into the darkness of night. This is seriously feeling like I’m caught in the middle of a movie.
On another occasion, I watch a team of five armed men loading blue 55-gallon drums of something from a truck into a guarded building.
Weed? Opium poppies? Human remains dissolving in acid? My imagination starts to run wild…
Sinaloa Cartel Members (Faces Censored for Safety)
Getting The Shot
I REALLY wanted a photo of one of these guys. No one would believe all this happened to me unless I had a photo!
So the next morning, I cut a small hole into the side of my backpack and tape a GoPro inside. My plan is to use “time-lapse” mode, quietly shooting photos automatically as I walk past them.
However as I approach, I decide to stop and chat. With my adrenaline pumping, I simply ask them directly. Pointing at the camera around my neck. What’s the worst that could happen?
“¿Puedo tomar tu retrato?” (Can I take your portrait?) – Me
“Jajaja… no.” – Cartel Dude #1
“Please? My American friends back home would love to see your big gun. I can leave your face out of it if you’d like.” – Me
“Jajaja… no. But you can get a photo of my amigo here.” – Cartel Dude #1
So, without thinking about the consequences, I aim my wide-angle lens at the truck driver sitting next to him. *CLICK*
Cartel Dude #1 is in the photo too, but just doesn’t realize it.
Immediately I start to panic — internally. What if he asks to see the photo? That was so dumb! I’m going to get myself killed. Maybe I can quickly use the zoom button before showing it to him…
Fortunatley he never asks — and just assumes the camera wasn’t aimed his way.
I try to act normal, end the conversation, and walk off down the road contemplating just how stupid that was.
I think it’s time for me to leave this town.
Patrolling the Village
Mexico’s Remote Golden Triangle
Cartel Wars In The Mountains
As someone who has spent almost 2 years of my life both living and traveling through Mexico, I’ll be the first to tell you it’s one of my favorite countries.
I certainly don’t want my story to scare you from visiting Mexico. This is NOT a typical Mexican vacation experience.
I specifically went out of my way to visit a remote area that isn’t very safe. Even for the Copper Canyon itself — if you stay on the normal tourist trail you’ll be fine.
However if you venture off-grid in this region, there’s a lot of sh*t going on.
Mexico is an amazing and beautiful destination, but like any country, it can also be a dangerous one if you go looking for danger.
Golden Triangle In Flames Again (Borderland Beat)
Extreme Race in the Shadow of Extreme Danger (New York Times)
Drug Gangs Delay Sierra Trail Riders (My San Antonio)
One particular story that shook me recently was the murder of North Carolina teacher Patrick Braxton-Andrew, who was visiting a similar remote village in the same region last year.
That one hit close to home. A curious traveler looking for adventure, trying to get off the beaten path, exploring a dangerous area on his own… mistaken for a DEA agent and shot.
When I first started traveling, I did many risky and stupid things seeking that addictive jolt of adrenaline. Hell, I haven’t completely cured myself of it even now!
Luckily everything has turned out ok so far, and I have some pretty incredible memories and stories to show for it.
But that isn’t always the case for everyone.
My Scariest Travel Story
I’m not sure if there is a lesson in this story. Maybe there are many.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? Young people traveling with no responsibilities often take unnecessary risks for fun? Don’t be an idiot like me?
I’m sure I’ll be judged and ridiculed a bit for writing about this. That’s ok. It happened, and I have to live with it. I’m probably lucky to be living at all…
Have you ever done anything stupid like this while traveling? Taken on too much risk? Gotten yourself into a sticky situation that you regret later?
Frequent travelers have this insufferable tendency to “one-up” each other’s travel stories — and this one is mine. The one I share at bars after a few drinks.
Now it’s your turn to share.
Take a minute to quickly describe your scariest/dumb travel story.
If only to make me feel like I’m not the only one out there who’s done something stupid on the road…
Maybe we can turn it into a guide on “what-not-to-do while traveling.” ★
My 50 Best Tips After 9 Years Traveling Is Instagram Ruining Travel? How To Take Better Travel Photos Why I Quit Being A Digital Nomad Tips For Starting A Travel Blog
What’s your scariest travel story? Have you ever done something dangerous or stupid while traveling? Drop me a message in the comments below!
This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://expertvagabond.com/scary-travel-story-cartel/
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kevingbakeruk · 5 years
My Run-In With A Notorious Mexican Drug Cartel
My Craziest Travel Story
Somewhere In Mexico…
This is the story of how I accidentally wandered into an extremely remote Mexican village that was openly controlled by a ruthless drug cartel — and what happened next.
No, this is not an April fools post. Posted April 2nd!
The other week I was taking an Uber from the airport, chatting with the driver about traveling and working around the world as a nomad.
After asking the standard question everyone asks “what’s your favorite country”, he wanted to know if I’ve ever felt in any danger while traveling.
Sure, I’ve been scared before.
When I crossed the border into Afghanistan by myself on foot.
Balancing on rusty beams 300 feet over a canyon in Spain.
Attempting to wade across a crocodile-infested river in Costa Rica.
Scuba diving without a cage in Fiji face-to-face with bull sharks.
Spending the night on an erupting volcano in Guatemala.
Illegally hopping a freight train while hitchhiking across America.
Yes, looking back, I’ve done some stupid & risky stuff over the years…
But the most scared I’ve ever been — was on a journey through Northern Mexico about 7 years ago. And it’s a story I’ve NEVER shared on this blog.
I wrestled with writing about this experience for a long time.
It just didn’t feel appropriate to share publicly, or even very safe for that matter. I was worried about the possible consequences for myself and others.
Yet I think enough time has passed that I finally feel comfortable sharing my crazy (and pretty dumb) encounter with dangerous members of a notorious drug cartel in the lawless mountains deep within Mexico’s Copper Canyon.
Maybe the story will be entertaining, but I hope you’ll learn something too.
The Sierra Tarahumara Mountains
Once Upon A Time In Mexico…
My tale begins in the Mexican tourist town of Creel. A major stop for the popular Copper Canyon Train which runs from the cities of Chihuahua through the Sierra Tarahumara mountains to Los Mochis on the coast.
After a very scenic (but uneventful) train journey through the mountains, I planned to explore more of this mountainous area on my own. Hoping to spend time with the Tarahumara, a Mexican indigenous group.
While chatting with locals, I learned of small villages at the bottom of the canyon that would present a more “authentic” Northern Mexican experience. Off-the-beaten-path if you will.
These places were not easy to reach, and the drive would take hours on rough mountain roads. I mentioned my plan to a local guy (let’s call him Fede) who I’d worked with earlier, and he offered to take me in his vehicle.
Fede wasn’t just some random dude. I’d already spent a few days traveling with him. Even crashing overnight at his family’s house. He was a well-known tourism professional. I trusted him completely.
Rugged Dirt Roads in Mexico
Surprises Down In The Canyon
I’m not going to name the specific village I traveled to in this story. However, I’m sure if you dig deep enough, you’ll probably be able to figure it out.
Because it’s not like what goes on down there isn’t unknown within Mexico.
Over the course of our 4+ hour drive down winding dirt roads into the depths of the Copper Canyon, Fede starts to share some unsettling information with me.
“When we get there, you may see some stuff that’s alarming. But don’t worry. They know you’re coming.” – Fede
“Wait, what?! What kind of stuff? Who knows I’m coming?” – Me
“The Cartel. They control this town. But when the guesthouse has a tourist, the owner informs The Cartel. They won’t bother you as long as you don’t do anything stupid.” – Fede
“……….” – Me
The Cartel he was referring to is the Sinaloa Cartel. Aka Cártel de Sinaloa, aka the Guzmán-Loera Organization, aka The Blood Alliance.
The same cartel controlled by the notorious drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, who was just on trial in the United States for drug trafficking, murder, and money laundering.
What the hell did I just get myself into?
The Golden Triangle – Drug Production Area in Mexico
Mexico’s Golden Triangle
The Golden Triangle is the nickname given to a remote and mountainous region in Northern Mexico that encompasses the states of Chihuahua, Sinaloa, and Durango.
It’s where Mexico’s powerful cartels have been growing billions of dollars worth of heroin & weed to supply an insatiable demand for drugs from the United States.
Cartels are able to produce drugs in the Golden Triangle because the area is so rugged & inaccessible that it can take hours to reach these small villages on unmarked dirt roads.
Mexico’s Copper Canyon, if you haven’t heard of it before, is a massive canyon that’s technically larger and deeper than the US Grand Canyon. It is the perfect hiding place for fields of illegally grown opium poppies & marijuana plants!
Combine this fact with a desperately poor workforce of indigenous people called the Tarahumara, and you’ve got a Mexican drug lord’s wet dream.
This is where I found myself.
On the edge of the Golden Triangle, in a village controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel.
The Only Bridge Into Town
A Surreal Travel Experience
As we pull into the village, over a narrow bridge, I see a kid talking into a military-style radio. He’s announcing our arrival to the cartel. My heart begins to race.
Further down the road, we pass a group of men dressed in black, armed with assault rifles. I begin to sweat.
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all…
Fede notices my apprehension and assures me everything will be ok. I’m not the first tourist to visit this town.
Because the cartel doesn’t want to draw any attention to themselves, they’d never harm a tourist. That would force the military to intervene and ruin everything.
I check into my guesthouse, the only one in town, and we eat lunch at his friend’s place, which is basically a small restaurant run out of her home.
One of the Cartel’s Trucks
Keeping Tabs On Me…
Fede says his goodbyes and leaves town. He has to go back to work. So I’m on my own now. I walk around town. I visit some abandoned silver mines nearby.
I stop into the local museum and sign the guestbook (the last signature is over a month old).
I pass by the group of cartel members I saw earlier. We say hello to each other. While they certainly appear to fit the stereotype of hardened criminals, they seem friendly enough.
I still can’t quite believe this is happening.
My goal for the day is to visit an old Spanish Mission, located a few miles out of town. On the way, I run into a pickup truck with blacked-out windows on the side of the road. As I approach, the driver’s side window rolls down.
“¿A dónde vas?” says a large scary dude in a cowboy hat. There’s a beautiful woman half his age in the passenger seat.
“La misión Española” I reply. He nods, and the window slides back up. They’re keeping an eye on me. Making sure I don’t stumble into their fields of poppy or marijuana.
Friendly Mexican Drug Farmer
This Sack is Full of Weed…
Everyone Works For The Cartel
Over the next few days, I learn that basically the whole town is working for the cartel. They are the sole employer.
I’m not sure if it’s by choice, or by the threat of violence, but growing and trafficking drugs for the cartel is how this town survives.
And some of them are not afraid to talk about it. Growing marijuana is as normal as growing corn. It’s just another crop — only one that pays much better.
After chatting with one local farmer for a while, he takes me up to a small barn behind his house, pulls out a large sack, and offers me two giant handfuls of freshly picked marijuana buds!
I start laughing, thanking him for his generosity, but explain that there’s no way I can bring his gift back into the United States with me.
But because I’m a polite guy, I accept a few flowers so he isn’t offended.
This man isn’t some murderous cartel member, he’s just a friendly, impoverished farmer trying to make a living for his family with very limited opportunities.
Making Friends in Town
More & More Ridiculous
So while the whole cartel situation had me feeling pretty nervous, this next part was the scariest moment of the whole few days I was down there.
My comfort level had been improving. I was getting used to chatting with cartel members each day. Maybe too comfortable.
One evening, a young Mexican guy dressed like a rodeo cowboy walks into the home-based restaurant where I’m eating dinner.
He’s wearing a pair of beautiful, very fancy white-handled revolvers on his hip. Like right out of your typical Spaghetti Western movie.
A heavily armed bodyguard wearing a bullet-proof vest waits for him outside.
We happily chat for a minute in Spanish, asking how I like the food, before they both disappear into the darkness of night. This is seriously feeling like I’m caught in the middle of a movie.
On another occasion, I watch a team of five armed men loading blue 55-gallon drums of something from a truck into a guarded building.
Weed? Opium poppies? Human remains dissolving in acid? My imagination starts to run wild…
Sinaloa Cartel Members (Faces Censored for Safety)
Getting The Shot
I REALLY wanted a photo of one of these guys. No one would believe all this happened to me unless I had a photo!
So the next morning, I cut a small hole into the side of my backpack and tape a GoPro inside. My plan is to use “time-lapse” mode, quietly shooting photos automatically as I walk past them.
However as I approach, I decide to stop and chat. With my adrenaline pumping, I simply ask them directly. Pointing at the camera around my neck. What’s the worst that could happen?
“¿Puedo tomar tu retrato?” (Can I take your portrait?) – Me
“Jajaja… no.” – Cartel Dude #1
“Please? My American friends back home would love to see your big gun. I can leave your face out of it if you’d like.” – Me
“Jajaja… no. But you can get a photo of my amigo here.” – Cartel Dude #1
So, without thinking about the consequences, I aim my wide-angle lens at the truck driver sitting next to him. *CLICK*
Cartel Dude #1 is in the photo too, but just doesn’t realize it.
Immediately I start to panic — internally. What if he asks to see the photo? That was so dumb! I’m going to get myself killed. Maybe I can quickly use the zoom button before showing it to him…
Fortunatley he never asks — and just assumes the camera wasn’t aimed his way.
I try to act normal, end the conversation, and walk off down the road contemplating just how stupid that was.
I think it’s time for me to leave this town.
Patrolling the Village
Mexico’s Remote Golden Triangle
Cartel Wars In The Mountains
As someone who has spent almost 2 years of my life both living and traveling through Mexico, I’ll be the first to tell you it’s one of my favorite countries.
I certainly don’t want my story to scare you from visiting Mexico. This is NOT a typical Mexican vacation experience.
I specifically went out of my way to visit a remote area that isn’t very safe. Even for the Copper Canyon itself — if you stay on the normal tourist trail you’ll be fine.
However if you venture off-grid in this region, there’s a lot of sh*t going on.
Mexico is an amazing and beautiful destination, but like any country, it can also be a dangerous one if you go looking for danger.
Golden Triangle In Flames Again (Borderland Beat)
Extreme Race in the Shadow of Extreme Danger (New York Times)
Drug Gangs Delay Sierra Trail Riders (My San Antonio)
One particular story that shook me recently was the murder of North Carolina teacher Patrick Braxton-Andrew, who was visiting a similar remote village in the same region last year.
That one hit close to home. A curious traveler looking for adventure, trying to get off the beaten path, exploring a dangerous area on his own… mistaken for a DEA agent and shot.
When I first started traveling, I did many risky and stupid things seeking that addictive jolt of adrenaline. Hell, I haven’t completely cured myself of it even now!
Luckily everything has turned out ok so far, and I have some pretty incredible memories and stories to show for it.
But that isn’t always the case for everyone.
My Scariest Travel Story
I’m not sure if there is a lesson in this story. Maybe there are many.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? Young people traveling with no responsibilities often take unnecessary risks for fun? Don’t be an idiot like me?
I’m sure I’ll be judged and ridiculed a bit for writing about this. That’s ok. It happened, and I have to live with it. I’m probably lucky to be living at all…
Have you ever done anything stupid like this while traveling? Taken on too much risk? Gotten yourself into a sticky situation that you regret later?
Frequent travelers have this insufferable tendency to “one-up” each other’s travel stories — and this one is mine. The one I share at bars after a few drinks.
Now it’s your turn to share.
Take a minute to quickly describe your scariest/dumb travel story.
If only to make me feel like I’m not the only one out there who’s done something stupid on the road…
Maybe we can turn it into a guide on “what-not-to-do while traveling.” ★
My 50 Best Tips After 9 Years Traveling Is Instagram Ruining Travel? How To Take Better Travel Photos Why I Quit Being A Digital Nomad Tips For Starting A Travel Blog
What’s your scariest travel story? Have you ever done something dangerous or stupid while traveling? Drop me a message in the comments below!
This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://expertvagabond.com/scary-travel-story-cartel/
0 notes
marymperezga · 5 years
My Run-In With A Notorious Mexican Drug Cartel
My Craziest Travel Story
Somewhere In Mexico…
This is the story of how I accidentally wandered into an extremely remote Mexican village that was openly controlled by a ruthless drug cartel — and what happened next.
No, this is not an April fools post. Posted April 2nd!
The other week I was taking an Uber from the airport, chatting with the driver about traveling and working around the world as a nomad.
After asking the standard question everyone asks “what’s your favorite country”, he wanted to know if I’ve ever felt in any danger while traveling.
Sure, I’ve been scared before.
When I crossed the border into Afghanistan by myself on foot.
Balancing on rusty beams 300 feet over a canyon in Spain.
Attempting to wade across a crocodile-infested river in Costa Rica.
Scuba diving without a cage in Fiji face-to-face with bull sharks.
Spending the night on an erupting volcano in Guatemala.
Illegally hopping a freight train while hitchhiking across America.
Yes, looking back, I’ve done some stupid & risky stuff over the years…
But the most scared I’ve ever been — was on a journey through Northern Mexico about 7 years ago. And it’s a story I’ve NEVER shared on this blog.
I wrestled with writing about this experience for a long time.
It just didn’t feel appropriate to share publicly, or even very safe for that matter. I was worried about the possible consequences for myself and others.
Yet I think enough time has passed that I finally feel comfortable sharing my crazy (and pretty dumb) encounter with dangerous members of a notorious drug cartel in the lawless mountains deep within Mexico’s Copper Canyon.
Maybe the story will be entertaining, but I hope you’ll learn something too.
The Sierra Tarahumara Mountains
Once Upon A Time In Mexico…
My tale begins in the Mexican tourist town of Creel. A major stop for the popular Copper Canyon Train which runs from the cities of Chihuahua through the Sierra Tarahumara mountains to Los Mochis on the coast.
After a very scenic (but uneventful) train journey through the mountains, I planned to explore more of this mountainous area on my own. Hoping to spend time with the Tarahumara, a Mexican indigenous group.
While chatting with locals, I learned of small villages at the bottom of the canyon that would present a more “authentic” Northern Mexican experience. Off-the-beaten-path if you will.
These places were not easy to reach, and the drive would take hours on rough mountain roads. I mentioned my plan to a local guy (let’s call him Fede) who I’d worked with earlier, and he offered to take me in his vehicle.
Fede wasn’t just some random dude. I’d already spent a few days traveling with him. Even crashing overnight at his family’s house. He was a well-known tourism professional. I trusted him completely.
Rugged Dirt Roads in Mexico
Surprises Down In The Canyon
I’m not going to name the specific village I traveled to in this story. However, I’m sure if you dig deep enough, you’ll probably be able to figure it out.
Because it’s not like what goes on down there isn’t unknown within Mexico.
Over the course of our 4+ hour drive down winding dirt roads into the depths of the Copper Canyon, Fede starts to share some unsettling information with me.
“When we get there, you may see some stuff that’s alarming. But don’t worry. They know you’re coming.” – Fede
“Wait, what?! What kind of stuff? Who knows I’m coming?” – Me
“The Cartel. They control this town. But when the guesthouse has a tourist, the owner informs The Cartel. They won’t bother you as long as you don’t do anything stupid.” – Fede
“……….” – Me
The Cartel he was referring to is the Sinaloa Cartel. Aka Cártel de Sinaloa, aka the Guzmán-Loera Organization, aka The Blood Alliance.
The same cartel controlled by the notorious drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, who was just on trial in the United States for drug trafficking, murder, and money laundering.
What the hell did I just get myself into?
The Golden Triangle – Drug Production Area in Mexico
Mexico’s Golden Triangle
The Golden Triangle is the nickname given to a remote and mountainous region in Northern Mexico that encompasses the states of Chihuahua, Sinaloa, and Durango.
It’s where Mexico’s powerful cartels have been growing billions of dollars worth of heroin & weed to supply an insatiable demand for drugs from the United States.
Cartels are able to produce drugs in the Golden Triangle because the area is so rugged & inaccessible that it can take hours to reach these small villages on unmarked dirt roads.
Mexico’s Copper Canyon, if you haven’t heard of it before, is a massive canyon that’s technically larger and deeper than the US Grand Canyon. It is the perfect hiding place for fields of illegally grown opium poppies & marijuana plants!
Combine this fact with a desperately poor workforce of indigenous people called the Tarahumara, and you’ve got a Mexican drug lord’s wet dream.
This is where I found myself.
On the edge of the Golden Triangle, in a village controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel.
The Only Bridge Into Town
A Surreal Travel Experience
As we pull into the village, over a narrow bridge, I see a kid talking into a military-style radio. He’s announcing our arrival to the cartel. My heart begins to race.
Further down the road, we pass a group of men dressed in black, armed with assault rifles. I begin to sweat.
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all…
Fede notices my apprehension and assures me everything will be ok. I’m not the first tourist to visit this town.
Because the cartel doesn’t want to draw any attention to themselves, they’d never harm a tourist. That would force the military to intervene and ruin everything.
I check into my guesthouse, the only one in town, and we eat lunch at his friend’s place, which is basically a small restaurant run out of her home.
One of the Cartel’s Trucks
Keeping Tabs On Me…
Fede says his goodbyes and leaves town. He has to go back to work. So I’m on my own now. I walk around town. I visit some abandoned silver mines nearby.
I stop into the local museum and sign the guestbook (the last signature is over a month old).
I pass by the group of cartel members I saw earlier. We say hello to each other. While they certainly appear to fit the stereotype of hardened criminals, they seem friendly enough.
I still can’t quite believe this is happening.
My goal for the day is to visit an old Spanish Mission, located a few miles out of town. On the way, I run into a pickup truck with blacked-out windows on the side of the road. As I approach, the driver’s side window rolls down.
“¿A dónde vas?” says a large scary dude in a cowboy hat. There’s a beautiful woman half his age in the passenger seat.
“La misión Española” I reply. He nods, and the window slides back up. They’re keeping an eye on me. Making sure I don’t stumble into their fields of poppy or marijuana.
Friendly Mexican Drug Farmer
This Sack is Full of Weed…
Everyone Works For The Cartel
Over the next few days, I learn that basically the whole town is working for the cartel. They are the sole employer.
I’m not sure if it’s by choice, or by the threat of violence, but growing and trafficking drugs for the cartel is how this town survives.
And some of them are not afraid to talk about it. Growing marijuana is as normal as growing corn. It’s just another crop — only one that pays much better.
After chatting with one local farmer for a while, he takes me up to a small barn behind his house, pulls out a large sack, and offers me two giant handfuls of freshly picked marijuana buds!
I start laughing, thanking him for his generosity, but explain that there’s no way I can bring his gift back into the United States with me.
But because I’m a polite guy, I accept a few flowers so he isn’t offended.
This man isn’t some murderous cartel member, he’s just a friendly, impoverished farmer trying to make a living for his family with very limited opportunities.
Making Friends in Town
More & More Ridiculous
So while the whole cartel situation had me feeling pretty nervous, this next part was the scariest moment of the whole few days I was down there.
My comfort level had been improving. I was getting used to chatting with cartel members each day. Maybe too comfortable.
One evening, a young Mexican guy dressed like a rodeo cowboy walks into the home-based restaurant where I’m eating dinner.
He’s wearing a pair of beautiful, very fancy white-handled revolvers on his hip. Like right out of your typical Spaghetti Western movie.
A heavily armed bodyguard wearing a bullet-proof vest waits for him outside.
We happily chat for a minute in Spanish, asking how I like the food, before they both disappear into the darkness of night. This is seriously feeling like I’m caught in the middle of a movie.
On another occasion, I watch a team of five armed men loading blue 55-gallon drums of something from a truck into a guarded building.
Weed? Opium poppies? Human remains dissolving in acid? My imagination starts to run wild…
Sinaloa Cartel Members (Faces Censored for Safety)
Getting The Shot
I REALLY wanted a photo of one of these guys. No one would believe all this happened to me unless I had a photo!
So the next morning, I cut a small hole into the side of my backpack and tape a GoPro inside. My plan is to use “time-lapse” mode, quietly shooting photos automatically as I walk past them.
However as I approach, I decide to stop and chat. With my adrenaline pumping, I simply ask them directly. Pointing at the camera around my neck. What’s the worst that could happen?
“¿Puedo tomar tu retrato?” (Can I take your portrait?) – Me
“Jajaja… no.” – Cartel Dude #1
“Please? My American friends back home would love to see your big gun. I can leave your face out of it if you’d like.” – Me
“Jajaja… no. But you can get a photo of my amigo here.” – Cartel Dude #1
So, without thinking about the consequences, I aim my wide-angle lens at the truck driver sitting next to him. *CLICK*
Cartel Dude #1 is in the photo too, but just doesn’t realize it.
Immediately I start to panic — internally. What if he asks to see the photo? That was so dumb! I’m going to get myself killed. Maybe I can quickly use the zoom button before showing it to him…
Fortunatley he never asks — and just assumes the camera wasn’t aimed his way.
I try to act normal, end the conversation, and walk off down the road contemplating just how stupid that was.
I think it’s time for me to leave this town.
Patrolling the Village
Mexico’s Remote Golden Triangle
Cartel Wars In The Mountains
As someone who has spent almost 2 years of my life both living and traveling through Mexico, I’ll be the first to tell you it’s one of my favorite countries.
I certainly don’t want my story to scare you from visiting Mexico. This is NOT a typical Mexican vacation experience.
I specifically went out of my way to visit a remote area that isn’t very safe. Even for the Copper Canyon itself — if you stay on the normal tourist trail you’ll be fine.
However if you venture off-grid in this region, there��s a lot of sh*t going on.
Mexico is an amazing and beautiful destination, but like any country, it can also be a dangerous one if you go looking for danger.
Golden Triangle In Flames Again (Borderland Beat)
Extreme Race in the Shadow of Extreme Danger (New York Times)
Drug Gangs Delay Sierra Trail Riders (My San Antonio)
One particular story that shook me recently was the murder of North Carolina teacher Patrick Braxton-Andrew, who was visiting a similar remote village in the same region last year.
That one hit close to home. A curious traveler looking for adventure, trying to get off the beaten path, exploring a dangerous area on his own… mistaken for a DEA agent and shot.
When I first started traveling, I did many risky and stupid things seeking that addictive jolt of adrenaline. Hell, I haven’t completely cured myself of it even now!
Luckily everything has turned out ok so far, and I have some pretty incredible memories and stories to show for it.
But that isn’t always the case for everyone.
My Scariest Travel Story
I’m not sure if there is a lesson in this story. Maybe there are many.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? Young people traveling with no responsibilities often take unnecessary risks for fun? Don’t be an idiot like me?
I’m sure I’ll be judged and ridiculed a bit for writing about this. That’s ok. It happened, and I have to live with it. I’m probably lucky to be living at all…
Have you ever done anything stupid like this while traveling? Taken on too much risk? Gotten yourself into a sticky situation that you regret later?
Frequent travelers have this insufferable tendency to “one-up” each other’s travel stories — and this one is mine. The one I share at bars after a few drinks.
Now it’s your turn to share.
Take a minute to quickly describe your scariest/dumb travel story.
If only to make me feel like I’m not the only one out there who’s done something stupid on the road…
Maybe we can turn it into a guide on “what-not-to-do while traveling.” ★
My 50 Best Tips After 9 Years Traveling Is Instagram Ruining Travel? How To Take Better Travel Photos Why I Quit Being A Digital Nomad Tips For Starting A Travel Blog
What’s your scariest travel story? Have you ever done something dangerous or stupid while traveling? Drop me a message in the comments below!
This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://expertvagabond.com/scary-travel-story-cartel/
0 notes
chantalloper-blog · 7 years
Cowboy strides and spittoons
I've met John Wayne twice. Both times completely by accident as I aimlessly wandered and thought in two different cities I've never called home.
In 2015, I found myself walking the streets of a town who's populous has yet to reach three thousand. The air was thicker than I had breathed in the entirety of my life. I had previously visited a few times, but this was different.  It was a month after my grandmother, while I held and prayed for her, had passed away.
Have you ever thought two words and tried to say them at the same time? This odd amalgamation of thought jumbled where great and awesome end up grawesome. Or "Yes!" and "Cool!" come out "Yool!"  I think my state of existence was probably in the cesspool of sorrowfulieved-ashamerwhelmed.  
A seven year battle of cancer was finally finished, five years after the longest estimation of time she had left. But my third parent, my quirky friend who forced my consumption of raw tomatoes at every meal despite it causing significant dry-heaving in me to this day, was gone. My personal access point to the last 90 years of history, and the heritage of my family long before then, was just silenced. The woman could remember more about the second cousin of a coworker of my father's best friend from 1970 than I could about the happenings of my own last week. I'm not kidding.  
I hadn't spoken to her over the phone in weeks, if not months, because the dosing of morphine and the cancer had finally started to affect her cognition to where she couldn't really understand or hear well.  My life, which prior to her death had already been the most disastrous it had ever been, felt like too much to even tell her about without just leaving her with worry and anxiety. My hopes for everything being calm and perfect actually ended up removing me from the relationship at hand. She was breathing but unresponsive by the time I got to her bedside, and I have no idea if a word I said could even possibly have been understood or heard. The plans I had to visit and see her face to face, celebrate her birthday, and explain what had been going on ended up being about a week too late.  Ashamerwhelmed.
And as we rummaged through old photos, mountains of newspaper clippings, piles of every card anyone had ever written her, and Tupperware from 1970, I needed a break. So in the Texas heat I walked and walked and walked, blaring some form of music to seemingly keep the devastation at bay. After entering and exiting every single place of business to occupy myself, I ended up in a minuscule art gallery filled with an excess of buffalo paintings and turquoise jewelry. Nevertheless, she persisted through the exhibits.
I turned the corner and there the Duke stood, nine-feet tall towering over the disaster of my existence. And I don't know why, but I just stopped and looked at him for a solid 15 minutes. That cowboy hip swagger had him in motion and on a mission. Yet his eyes seemed unbelievably kind for a gun-slinging bad-ass like John Wayne. His left hand extended out in this mid-stride way that made me want to hold and kiss it like a member of royalty.  I snapped a photo, relished in this tiny moment of release, and proceeded out the door back to my trudging.  
My grandma was a missions education lady for all the time I knew her, and decades before that as well. She pinpointed the decline of strength in the church to the decline of missions education. The trade of discipleship and challenge to serve the needy at home and abroad was swapped out for something more "entertaining and spoiling," as she put it.  This Okie, born and raised literally in the dirt of the Dust Bowl, had a longing and desire for the nations to be changed that she responded to by teaching the young to go instead. I found my own longing and desire for the nations over a decade ago through her persistence, though still unrealized in the ways I thought it would be. When she passed on, it seemed that her 'mantle' also was passed on for me to take it and run with it. To finish the task.
Regularly she and I would talk about how and when I would be a "full-time missionary" (her words, not mine), and I would have to remind her:
Grandma, the Lord told me to live on mission here and wait on going to the nations for now.
Oh honey, you do that and wait because the Lord's timing is just right.
A year later I was on a one-way ticket to Southern California to jump into a grassroots missions movement longing for revival for and through America's collegiate population.  It was costly. It made no sense. And it scared the hell out of me. But I could recognize Jesus' voice as he invited me to find and love his kids, so Jesus got my very confused and weak yes.  I knew very little, but it seemed somehow to be the first step towards carrying my grandma's calling.
Often I found myself going to dial her on the phone only to remember that though she would understand, she wasn't there anymore.  It often came up, this isolating feeling that I somehow was missing something in the middle of actually ‘doing the thing’ in tangible ways. Odd how the things of our future make us wrestle with our past.
On a brisk fall evening I found myself in a room with 100 revivalists and evangelists that have seen MILLIONS of people choose Jesus in just the last ten years. A few friends had been prayed for and were chuckling in a corner, and I wanted it. As I found myself quickly hunched in a corner laughing with my friends, one of them unexpectedly said: This is a defining moment. Something is changing and you are going to remember this as a healing moment.
It seemed so unrelated, so random. I’d had that type of encounter before, it wasn’t anything new. Releasing and kind of Jesus, for sure. But not new.
And yet out of the blue (car I was riding in back home), the Lord said: You can hang up those mourning clothes now if you want. You can be done with this.
Somehow my response to a call to go out for the generations lead me in to my own chaos simultaneously. Only Jesus could make a call to serve also an invitation to be served. That punk.
It took two more times in the airport terminal before I wandered and turned a corner, again to see that same John Wayne standing in all his swagger glory.  And somehow in those kind eyes I realized a sweet King was standing with hand extended, begging for me to grab on to it and just go.
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