alphyadventures · 7 months
I made my own pokemon type icons/symbols cause why not
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shobiolovechild · 3 months
there are 2 kinds of mangaka when drawing: the ones that hate woman and the ones that love woman
And, guys...
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i think ryoko kui really loves woman.
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fagtainsparklez · 4 months
having such an obvious favorite character trope is life ruining bro
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loathsome-sickness · 5 months
"people show their true colours in life threatening situations" no, they show you what they act like when they're mortally terrified, an emotion notorious for literally turning your entire brain off to the point where people who go into those situations as a profession need to be literally trained on how to not have that happen
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qrowpilled · 9 months
hate when you find a character whose so infuriatingly Your Type that its embarrassing like yeahg no one is gonna be surprised when i announce this is my new Guy Of The Month
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the-typing-dragon · 5 months
tumblr needs a hug button. sometimes you wanna just give a mutual a hug
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lesbianralzarek · 4 months
"life doesnt get better, you just get stronger" does NOT include ages 11-17. life does in fact just get better from there. those years are dogshit. like, you do get stronger but its mostly just a factor of not being 11-17 anymore. positive thinking helps but it doesnt fix whatevers going on at 15, you have to brute force through that one raw
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liquidstar · 7 months
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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ratcandy · 2 months
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we just keep naming bugs like this
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kidovna · 10 months
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obsessed with Her.
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bulletproofheartless · 2 months
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bardofavon · 2 months
not to be controversial bc I know this is like…not in line with shifting opinions on fanfic comment culture but if there’s a glaring typo in my work I will NOT be offended by pointing it out. if ao3 fucks up the formatting…I will also not be offended by having this pointed out…
‘looking forward to the next update’ and ‘I hope you update soon!’ are different vibes than a demand, and should be read in good faith because a reader is finding their way to tell you how much they love it. I will not be mad at this.
‘I don’t usually like this ship but this fic made me feel something’ is also incredibly high praise. I’m not going to get mad at this.
even ‘I love this fic but I’m curious about why you made [x] choice’ is just another way a reader is engaging in and putting thought into your work.
I just feel like a lot of authors take any comment that’s not perfectly articulated glowing praise in the exact manner they’re hoping to receive it in bad faith.
fic engagement has been dropping across the board over the last several years, and yes it’s frustrating but it isn’t as though I can’t see how it happens. comment anxiety can be a real thing. the last thing anyone wants to do is offend an author they love, and that means sometimes people default to silence.
idk where I’m going with this I guess aside from saying unless a comment is outright attacking me I’m never going to get mad at it, and I think a lot of authors should feel the same way. ESPECIALLY TYPOS PLZ GOD POINT OUT MY TYPOS.
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hoaxghost · 7 months
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People on the internet love to recommend the complete opposite of what you're looking for
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starberry-kat · 1 month
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Eeveelutions 2.0!
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lazaruspiss · 9 months
People know that the whole "don't portray [harmful action] because viewers might recreate it" thing is a rule for children's shows right? It's supposed to be shit like "don't show peppa pig playing with fire so we don't get sued if a kid watches it and burns their house down." Not like, fanfiction for adults.
Edit: this was me venting about fandom cops. not me making some nuanced hot take. don't be weird in my comments.
Edit 2: turning off notifications. PSA: do not use pet names for strangers, especially not without asking. it's creepy.
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venusforfran · 5 months
oh BTW here's my teeny tiny list of my favourite pigeon species
White breasted ground dove
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Nicobar pigeon
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Cinnamon headed green pigeon
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Yellow footed green pigeon
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Pheasant pigeon
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Yellow breasted fruit dove
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Many coloured fruit dove
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Crowned pigeon
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