carlyraejepsans · 3 months
hibiscia!!! Sorry if youve explained before but is there something specific about reset-remember fics that you hate? I don't really like them either but for me it's just because I feel like a lot of authors type sans in very ooc ways
They're completely antithetical to Sans' character arc for the sake of cheap and easy angst. The nature of his brand of cosmic horror isn't in reliving his life again and again, that's Flowey's. Sans knows OF the anomaly, knows that it's manipulating time and knows it's a threat to the entire universe, but he doesn't know how or why, because he doesn't remember.
And that's crucial! him being mostly in the dark in spite of the MANY warning signs about us... because it's in that doubt that he remains hopeful. YES we could potentially end the world... but what if we don't? yes we have unimaginable power over everyone else and we can bring back time, but what if we're just.... sad? he needs that gap in his knowledge so he can take a leap of faith across it, it's his entire character arc in the pacifist run. sans THINKS he's given up, he wants to have given up, he chose to do it because there's a comfort in that. in contenting yourself with good food and bad laughs. there's peace. but he hasn't given up, not really. on himself? maybe. but not in us.
there's no way to have that arc if he remembers resets.
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kokorose-a · 10 months
ume insists people call him ume-chan. by the same token, he pretty much exclusively uses -chan when referring to others, half bc he likes cute things (who doesn't like cute things?!) and half bc ume is a master at weaponizing the difference between miyakaze-chan (affectionate) and miyakaze-chan (derogatory). man is irreverent as fuck.
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shrenvents · 3 months
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Warnings: Minors dni, smut, oral, cunnilingus, unprotected, fluff, some violence, biting
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Witch reader
Summary: You're a witch with a specific skill set, one that has intrigued a certain hybrid.
Word count: 2.7k
Voodoo. Magic. Impulse. Obsession.
She was his newest fascination.
He heard her laughter cracking through the walls of the barren bar before it cut short. Klaus observed how the sunlight blazed across her, poorly parked, car. His lips slanted in mild amusement. He told himself, that’s all it was, all she was. Mild amusement for an immortal. Though, something felt different.
He strutted into the place, head hung high as he scanned the bare vicinity. His eyes halted on a man behind the bar, rinsing glass cups. The bartender's eyes adverted from Klaus, the second he caught his stare. The man's nerves were duly noted as Klaus approached him.
“I’ll have a glass of your finest red,” Klaus spoke artfully, with a fake smile plastered on his face. The worker shuddered. “Ug- we’re not serving right now.”
“No worries mate,” his mellifluous voice paused. “The red I fancy isn’t something I’d find on your menu.” The man's gaze shot up to Klaus’s. His lips trembled as Klaus continued his jest. “Unless you intend to provide me with a bite, I suggest you tell me where she’s hidden.” Klaus’s threat echoed through the building, till silence took its place.
Suddenly, the sound of a back door, opening and slamming shut jolted Klaus away from the bartender. He instantly raced to the door, ripping it open. He watched as her frame scattered into her rusted car. He growled. There was no way he'd let her escape once again...
Your body was convulsing with anxiety. Who were you to know a little magic truce with the “other side,” would have a certain hybrid on your front doorstep. It didn’t help when you levitated everything in your apartment at him, including your freshly made spaghetti with bolognese. It was to be expected, that would piss him off...
Yanking the car door shut, you forced the key in and started the engine.
“Where are we headed this time darling?”
“Ahhh!” You screamed, snapping your head to the uninvited passenger. Klaus sat leisurely beside you, and you swear your life flashed before your eyes. “I must say, I enjoyed our time in Chicago. Perhaps San Fran may be the next best thing, love.” His smug face adorned your features, absorbing the way your face contorted in both fear and frustration.
“Jesus,” you huff, and Klaus’s smirk grows. “As much as I love the idea, somehow becoming your personal chauffeur isn’t that appealing.” Klaus chuckles lowly, leaning in, more and more.
“Well, if you hadn’t decided to run off, you crafty little thing," he drawls sweetly, "We wouldn’t have the pleasure.”
“If you weren’t trying to kill me, maybe I’d stick around.” Klaus’s brows twist like he's appalled by your words. “Who said I was interested in killing you?”
“You- I- then, what do you want?” You stammer. Klaus went quiet. You watched as his expression goes blank, before he acts as though he was in deep thought. Then, his mouth gaped in 'awe,' as if the answer suddenly came to him. “Your talents of course.”
“My talents.” You repeat, baffled.
“Yes, do keep up, my dear.”
“Why? You could have any witch at your disposal, at a moment's notice.”
The corner of his lips elevate once more. “I’m flattered.”
He’s become so close now, you feel his breath, and you try not to shiver as it grazes your neck. He, on the other hand, basks in your scent.
“But, unlike my other witches, you have a gift,” he muses. “Your connection with the dead is something to behold, and something I crave.”
After a prolonged silence, you speak. “If I help you with whatever," you move further into your seat, "When it comes to an end, you’ll let me walk away, unscathed?” Your brow quirks, and with every fibre of your being, you manage to maintain eye contact. “Yes, you have my word.” Klaus’s expression went stoic, holding an unflinching seriousness that made your heart rate stutter. And strangely, you knew you could trust him.
That's how you ended up as his lackey. For the past 5 weeks, you were at his beck and call as he tormented humans, werewolves, and vampires alike.
Like any other day, your conscious is eating away at you, as you call upon another ancestor of those he plagues. Today though, you finally broke. He had been cruelly punishing a guy for hours, as you questioned his late brother through the veil.
“That’s enough!” Klaus’s eyes dart to yours, and his angry appearance softens. Instinctively, he grips your forearm and drags you out of the motel room.
“Love, what’s wrong?”
“What's wrong is that I’m tired, and his brother is telling me jack shit about those ‘hunters.’” You huff, closing your eyes.
Klaus firmly presses himself stock-still, resisting every urge that wishes to devour you, as you naively allow him to hold you so close, let your guard down, and close your eyes. Such an urge that has only worsened, and become insatiable since you started your venture together…
“Love, why don’t you grab a bite from the cafe across the street, while I fill up the car's tank?” He says heartfeltly, "That way we both can have a break."
Your eyes flutter open, and you nearly tremble at the gentle look that flickers in his gaze. However, his body language, which clutches you tightly, suggests he is anything but. “Okay.”
After five minutes alone in a booth, you gather up the last of the courage you were trying to dispel. Now, heading back to the rented room, to release the hostage. Stupid, very stupid, you think. But you can’t help it.
When you enter the room, the door slowly creaks shut, and shadows engulf you. It’s too quiet, and you can’t see the hostage. Unease fills your system, and you begin to regret this decision. That impending regret soon became alarms going off, when the captive grabs your torso, roughly caging your arms. His grip is inescapable, and when you try to scream, his free hand covers your mouth.
“You fucking bitch,” he murmurs with disgust, and you wince. “How about I leave you bleeding out here, all laid out for you bloodthirsty master.” The man crackles with humourless laughter. “I’m sure he’d appreciate that.”
While his venomous words made you cower, you relentlessly struggle against him, fighting with all that you could muster. Unfortunately, your captor was a werewolf, and far too strong for you to at least break free, to cast a spell.
He muffles Klaus’s name with his palm, and tears prick your eyes. Even after the numerous times you’d bicker and argue, he was still the first person who came to mind, who you hopelessly called out to.
The man began lifting your body towards the door, urgently turning the knob. Just as the outside light cuts into your vision, you're wrenched from him, pulled into a powerful embrace. With ease, Klaus’s arms carry you away, swiftly placing you in the backseat of your car, locked safely inside.
His figure then disappears just as quickly, and you hear your aggressor's voice wail in pain. Shaking, you curl over yourself, covering both ears pathetically.
After what feels like an eternity, two large hands cup your tear-stained cheeks, bringing you out of your shell. He quiets you, as he slides inside the vehicle, smoothly pulling you onto his lap. One of his arms supports your back, while the other strokes your hair. Calming you down, he mutters things like: 'Everything’s fine now love,' 'I’m here,' 'I’ll take care of you...'
“I’ve never felt so helpless,” you mumble.
He shakes his head. “There’s nothing you could've done to stop a werewolf, especially when a full moon draws near,” he soothes. You press your cheek further into his broad chest. “Though, I wish you would’ve just listened to me for once, and stayed put.”
You shoot your head up, adjusting to face him, close enough that your noses nearly meet. “If I listened to you, I’d probably be dead by now.”
“Oh really?” He grins, eyes creasing, “How so?”
“Well, for one, that time you ordered me to question that vampire chick's dead boyfriend about his affair, right in front of her.” Klaus guffaws. “You're laughing, but she would've bit my head off.”
“She wouldn’t have,” he denies, still chuckling.
“Yes, she would have Klaus.” You start to laugh too.
“You know, I wouldn’t have let her.” His face deadpans, “Like I didn’t let our were-friend hurt you," he voices, airily. "I gave you my word.”
“Yes, of course, your word.” You giggle nervously, glancing at the hand currently bracing your thigh, gliding its thumb back and forth. “It’s not all that I’ve given you.”
You look up and are met with a mysterious look this time. Your brows furrow in confusion. He smiles dreamily, “Your skills as a witch truly know no bounds.”
“The hell are you talking about now?” You retort, making Klaus laugh loudly.
“I’m talking about your spell," he whispers. "The one that has bewitched me.”
You freeze, heart dropping.
“You don’t mean that...” Your sentence trails off as Klaus stares through you.
He’s so unpredictable, that a part of you believes he's most likely playing some sick game. But, there was also a possibility that he meant it, and all the hidden desires, for your unconventional boss, were about to bubble to the surface.
“I've meant every word, from the moment I met you, when you got the better of me.” He smirks, breath fanning your face. “Witchcraft.”
Then his lips take yours, slow at first, but the entanglement shortly turns desperate. Slightly hesitant, you grind on him, eager to pull him closer. He groans, and his hands enthusiastically roam your waist and back, beckoning you nearer.
Moving in a frenzy, as your fingers tangle in his locks, you swing your leg to straddle him. He moans your name in between kisses, and palms your ass.
Continuously rolling your body into him, makes you feel his arousal, causing a whine to escape. When your lips break apart, his mouth runs down your jaw, to your neck. You gasp, but you don’t stop him. He audibly tells you how much he’s enjoying himself, and you squeeze your thighs over his.
“I can only imagine how sinful you taste here darling.” He remarks as his hand slides over your core, and you whimper. “How about you let me try?” He hums politely. “You know you want me to.”
“No,” you huff.
“No?” His voice rises questioningly, and a hand gropes your chest, while the other grips your chin, tilting your head down to peer into his eyes. “Not here,” you finish, and he smirks wildly.
“Then, I’ll just have to get us a private room?” He purrs seductively into you ear, making you shiver. “One that is, unoccupied,” he rolls his tongue, and you shiver again at the double meaning behind his words. You don’t even want to think about what he did to your assailant…
“Please,” you sigh into a kiss, pecking his lips, which seems to surprise Klaus momentarily. His surprise briskly turns into a beaming smile. “To be continued,” he utters before shifting you off him, and rushing out the car.
Not long after, Klaus reappears with that same childlike cheer gracing his features. Jerking the door open, he outstretches his hand like a gentleman. You accept it, and his palm completely envelops yours. He tugs you to his hip, and nibbles on your earlobe while you walk to a random room.
As soon as the door locks behind you, he presses himself against your backside. “Now, how about that taste?” He mutters while lifting your hair to kiss your nape, and rubbing himself against you. You press closer, before spinning around to enclose your mouth on his again. He groans into your mouth approvingly, backing your body toward the queen-size bed.
His lips free yours when your back legs hit the edge, and you fall backwards with a yelp. His hands soon make work of your lower half, removing your clothes as he kneels infront of your cunt. You inhale deeply, as cool air hits your bare body.
He goes silent, so you raise your head to peek at him. Klaus ogles you heatedly, like the predator he is. “Lovely,” he sing-songs.
He abruptly grips your thighs and heaves your core to his mouth, so close, his breath warms your skin. “K-Klaus.”
“Hmmm,” he hums shortly, before delving into you. You sob a cry of shock. His tongue expertly runs over your folds, sucking the nub with such a slow deliberation, like he can’t decide how he wishes to take you at first, as if he’s imagined every which way he could.
You whine, motioning him to make his choice, bucking up, feeling his stubble scratch you. Then he grows aggressive, hungrily lapping your clit, over and over, until he ushers out your orgasm.
When your lengthy climax finishes, he moves to sigh pleasantly into the crook of your neck. “You’re incredible,” he emits with a chant of your name, thoroughly relaxing your shaking form.
“Fuck, take off your clothes,” you beg. He immediately abides by your command, tearing off his shirt and pants. You grab his necklaces to haul his lips to yours. You savour every inch of yourself on his tongue, and he relishes in how dirty the act is.
“There’s only so much I can do before dawn, and it won't nearly be enough to satisfy my hunger for you.” His poetic words erupt something within. You exhale, “It seems you’re going to break your promise then.”
He stills at your words, befuddled. You elaborate, “There’s no way I’m coming out of this unscathed.” A timid smile spreads across your face, and he almost nods in understanding, feeling a strange quiver in his chest.
Wordlessly, he pulls himself from his slacks, and you take off the last of your clothes. Suddenly feeling a little out of body, you decide to take back some control of the situation. So, you flip your positions, once again, surprising Klaus, though he allows it.
You straddle him, and lower yourself onto his thick cock. You whimper the second the tip enters, and he growls, pressing his fingertips into your hips, definitely leaving bruises.
“You’re too big,” you gasp.
“You can handle it, sweetheart,” he states mindlessly. He wraps his arms around your waist and arms, pulling you down onto him. His hips press completely into you, pushing himself inside to the hilt. A wheeze leaves your lungs as he grounds into you. “Klaus, it’s too-“
“It’s perfect,” he finishes for you. You barely have any time to adapt to his size before he begins pounding. Pleasure wracks through you, and he takes whatever control you had away. His pace is unnerving, and you utter incoherent words, while his fangs graze your neck.
“Tell me,” he groans through his panting. “Tell me you want me.” He demands, though it almost sounds like he’s begging for it. “I-I want you.” The words stumble out as his thrusts reach your center.
“More,” he just about whines.
“I want you Klaus,” you shout. “You feel so good- fuck I’ve always wanted this, you.” You ramble, egged on by him. He loves it, and you feel it in his strength. He holds you tighter, and the air abandons your body.
Feeling his leg tremble, you know he’s close. “Bite me.” His clamped-shut eyelids pop open, and his dark pupils bore into yours. You kiss him, and take his bottom lip between your teeth. “Bite me while you cum,” you command.
He gulps before taking his last few pumps into you. He moans into your neck as his teeth puncture your flesh. You cry out at the mixture of pain and pleasure that shatters you both.
After almost 10 minutes, he releases you from his firm caress and kisses the holes in your neck.
Still inside, he turns you both on your sides. You catch your breath. “How are you still hard?” You sigh in exasperation, and he chuckles breezily. “I told you, you’ve bewitched my very soul darling.” He smirks.
“This is only the beginning.”
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callsigns-haze · 6 months
Oh, baby, baby, Merry Christmas
This is part of my Haze and Hangman universe but I'm so thankful for @sailor-aviator making this challenge and allowing me to participate! This was so much fun to write so thank you!
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Y/n 'Haze' Mitchell
Word count: 1.9k
Summary: Y/N and Jake decide to hop on some Christmas fun....including some candy sweet.....
Based of the song: Lavender Haze by Taylor Swift
Warnings: SMUT!!! Anal fucking, use of candy canes in sex, cursing, kissing and fluff
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"Hello?" You call out breathless, exhausted from the broken elevator causing you to take the steps, into your shared apartment expecting an answer at the door. "Closet!" Jake's melodic voice echoes through the shared home. 'Well that's no use to me,' you think putting the two heavy white shopping bags on the kitchen counter.
You slip off the fluffy ugs Jake bought you weeks earlier and make your way to the closet in your shared bedroom. The apartment wasn't really big.
The kitchen was open to the living room, down a quite small hallway you found yourself at the bathroom and a few steps further at the doors of two bedrooms, your shared and a spare [for if you ever want a kid or more]. In your room was a walk in closet with a very luxurious bathroom and the spare room had an ensuite.
"Hey Jakey, when did it get cold in San Diego? It's actually freezing," you say entering the room that is entirely covered with cardboard boxes and bubble wrap.
"Hey angel," Jake lets out with a huff while putting down two stacked cardboard boxes on top of each other and starts making his way over to you. "Well it looks like you had a very interesting day off," you mumble into his chest, pulling him close while sighing deeply, finally feeling relaxed after a long work day.
You and Jake are excited to start putting up Christmas decorations, as it's their first Christmas together. You share a warm and caring relationship, despite their competitive nature at work. You're cold and sigh due to the cold weather, while you take his hand to warm up. The two share a bond of caring, passion, and protection, despite the cold weather in San Diego. The shared home is a safe haven for them to bond and celebrate the holiday together.
"My poor angel, means I have to warm you up now," he says suggestively, smirking toward the bed. "Yeah you could make me some hot cocoa and I have some festive treats in the shopping," you say pulling away from him happily jumping towards the kitchen. "You know that is NOT what I meant Haze!"
He says shaking his head, quite disappointed that he won't get any festive fun out of it…but he does have to be good, right? He enters the kitchen shortly to find you unpacking the shopping, the only thing left is cocoa powder and some candy canes.
"How about a movie with hot chocolate and then decorating?" he suggests, unwrapping a candy cane and swirling it around in his mouth like a toothpick he would use from time to time. "As long as it's a Christmas movie, all fine by me," you say taking out one Santa shaped mug and the other being a penguin.
It would be 'illegal' to put on anything else, angel." "Hey! Those were for later and the hot cocoa!" You squeal as you see that Jake had already gotten to the candy canes. He always did this, you should have known.
Never leave sweet things in front of Jake, they'll be gone in seconds. He's like a child truly. You can't leave anything out in his reach before he gets to it. But that sometimes makes him worse than a child. He CAN get to Everything.
"You know what, Haze? I think we could use these perfect little canes in our night exploring. You know, bringing a little Christmas into bed besides the special lingerie you're leaving to Christmas," he smirks, sucking on the cane as it leaves his mouth with a 'pop' and his lips shaped in a 'o'.
"You wanna fuck me with a candy cane, cowboy?" You ask, truly hoping that's what he's suggesting. To be honest, this idea would never come to your mind; Jake is usually coming up with these and truly you don't judge him, you love them as much as you love him.
"Only if you let me." He says his eyes never leave yours as he continued to suck on that cane already knowing your answer, he knows you too long and you could never say no to this kind of proposition.
"Take me to bed or lose me forever." "What about your cocoa?" He asks, even though he'd prefer to go down on you already but you were in the middle of making it. "Fuck it. You'll warm me up in a million better ways…or in this case your canes." He sweeps you up by your legs causing you to giggle the whole way to the bedroom, maneuvering through the millions of boxes and throwing you down on the bed.
Jake is a man who is engrossed in his partner, Haze. He kisses your jawline and neck, sucking on her delicate skin, causing future marks to form. He murmurs into your collarbone, knowing the pleasure and noises he can get from sucking here. Haze moans out loudly, knowing this is only the start of the pleasure he will give her this evening. Jake whispers, delicately with a strong Texan accent, leaving gentle tugs against your earlobe and occasional kisses.
"How about we spice it up a bit more, cowboy?" You suggest as he unzips your zipped fleece, the one you have for several years now. The one he got you before you left…
"What are you suggesting?" He asks, throwing the fleece somewhere onto a barricade of boxes and slips his hands underneath your t-shirt about to tug it over your head. "How about those canes go into a tighter hole tonight…" You were shy of saying it. Obviously you were. You and Jake have had anal sex before but this was something completely different.
You shouldn't be shy though. Especially not in the bedroom with Jake or during any sexual activity with him. Many times he has informed you that everything is YOUR choice, any move or idea has to be approved by you, his are just suggestions but everything has to be okay and approved by you.
The 'boss', he told you once even though Jake is pretty much in charge… "Heyheyheyyyy… Don't get shy on me angel, and to let you know I like that idea even more," he says, assuring, every single time he makes sure your respected and okay.
Jake would never push you towards anything in bed. Your more important than anything. Like the time, when the two of you slept with each other for the first time again but he was so big that you bled a little, or the first time you took his cock in your mouth and went a bit to hard causing you to gag.
Every single time he would stop. He cared about you. He never wanted anything to happen, he wants you to be safe and ok, overall that's all that matters, your opinion. "Let's do it then," he lets out into your bra covered breasts, slowly but passionately leaving soft kisses on the very thin material and starts to get up to get the lube and towels from the bathroom at the side of the room.
You loved him truly after all these years you still love him. You have no clue how the feeling has stayed or why it did but you were thankful. Very thankful over this, over him. Jake was an extraordinary person. He was forgiving. He forgave you for leaving, he even wasn't mad at you over the hardest truth you told him at your third date, he was understanding and could never be mad at you.
Haze and Hangman are in a perfect relationship, working together better than ever. Jake takes off your jeans and panties, crawls to the bed's bottom, and unwraps a candy cane, sucking hard on it while he opens the lube. He drizzles it on your tight hole, teasing you with pleasure. Hangman unwraps another minty sweet and sucks it in, pulling it out slowly and pushing it back in, smirking as he gets a gasp out of his girlfriend.
Jake, a man, is preparing for a romantic encounter with his angel. He inserts a second candy, pushing it in and out, causing the angel to fuck with it. You're impressed by Jake's beauty, but Jake chastises him for being greedy. You requests more, and Jake enjoys this behavior, causing him to tease the angel even more. The situation is filled with emotions and tension.
Jake teases you, who is desperate to understand what was happening. He moves the candies, pushing one out slowly and pushing the other slower. You snap, demanding Jake stop teasing him and pointing at Jake's dirty mouth.
Haze is a mess with three candy canes in her ass and Jake at her clit. Jake pushes another cane into her ass, smirking at her eagerness. Haze moans and struggles to form proper clenches. Jake admires her beauty and flicks at her clit before pushing the canes back and forth, watching her ass pull them in and clenches around them.
Jake was fucking with candy canes, causing you to become a mess on the bed. He pulled the canes out, causing you to protest. Haze cursed Jake, who curled his tongue into a point and pressed it into the your entrance. Incoherent whines fell from your lips as you pulled Jake closer, his fingers tangled in you hair.
Jake alternated tongue fucking and lapping at your hole with broad strokes of his tongue. Violently rubbing your clit, he'll have your whole body twitching in anticipation. All you want is him inside of you, but he won't give that to you. Not just yet. Rubbing your swollen clit, that alone is enough to send you over the edge, cumming right there in a frenzy of moans.
His fingers were going fast, rubbing your clit roughly with his other thumb. Your back was arched and you could feel yourself building up. You let out a final scream before your body collapsed onto the bed and the juices squirted from your heat.
They covered the bed, making the white sheets translucent. Jake's tongue was licking up any left over, continuing to make you moan, even though the initial orgasm was over.
Jake sat up, licking his lips, "Mmm you taste minty" he said with a devilish glint in his eye as he leant down to kiss you, it was a heated, filthy kiss, both of you groaning into each other's mouths.
Jake pulled away and picked up one of the discarded candy canes that were starting to stick to the sheets, he put it in his mouth and sucked on it, greedily lapping up the taste of mint and his girlfriend, he let out an obscene moan as your eyes widened at the sight of your boyfriend sucking a candy cane that he had been fucking you with just minutes before.
"Do you have any idea how hot that is?" you asked, Jake just grinned around the candy. "'just wanted to see if it tasted like you." "You know we made a big mess right, cowboy?" "Well I guess we got a bit naughty for Christmas."
Tagging friends:
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howlonomy · 2 months
Here it is:
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Alright, the Lore Shit: After killing Zenith Martlet and absorbing Asgore's SOUL, Clover decided to kill literally everyone in the Underground (minus the Ruins since they can't get back there) to make sure that any humans to fall in the future can't be killed by them (their ass was NOT listening to Flowey about how the Barrier works). So the constant release of ambient magic from the killed monsters plus them having Asgore's SOUL started to, slowly but surely, turn them into a Monster (and because of how slow it was, they didn't have any balance issues with the tail). Unknown to them, Asgore's SOUL had been collecting that magic, which is what caused them to change. They don't even realize that they've transformed since, as Sans states, they have distanced themself so much by having a LOVE of 20 that they don't even really seem to be there (also they have not looked in a mirror, no "It's you"s to be seen here)
For some reason I thought of this too, but their theme would either be straight up Enemy Retreating or a remixed All's Fair (which I have decided to call "Is It Fair?")
Stats: Same as always for the same reason, it just makes sense here.
Sorry, but yeah. Traitor in the sense of "You killed everyone who cares for me" and "You killed all* the monsters while also being a monster" (a "You have become the very thing you swore to destroy" moment if ever there were). And "Justice" because killing people is never justice (unless it's the death penalty and ruled by a court of law but eh, semantics)
Clover seems hesitant.
Clover can't seem to attack!
Are they... crying?
Because this fight is from the POV of a Pacifist Ending Clover (most likely in between exploring Ceroba's house and meeting up with Martlet on top off UG Apartments, again I have thought this out way too much) that means that nmm!Clover is fighting a human, which they really don't want to do, especially since that human is themself, so they hesitate and sometimes just straight up don't attack (I thought about including Familiarity again, but decided against it just so that I could have new material, it would absolutely fit, though)
Also, fun little fact I guess, but this is a complete inversion of the dt!Clover vs. nm!Clover fight! A murderous monster Clover fighting a pacifistic human Clover, and BOTH don't want to fight this time!
I realize that this may be a bit much considering this IS your au, but I can't help it when my brain starts thinking of this stuff, and it's so cool that I can't NOT draw it and share it.
ANYWAYS now I only have like one idea left. I am so close, but I will probably gain like seven others as soon as it's done, oh well. Enjoy!
WHAAAAATTT ALL OF THIS IS SO FUN???? the concept of slowly turning into the thing you swore to destroy is SOOO EVERYTHING…. and the play on alls fair??!??!? literally insane i am obsessed with it being called is it fair. because its not but i imagine nmm!clover being so distraught about being turned into a creature they hate and having to fight themselves. but its almost like penance for what they did.
AND THE INVERSE IS SO FUNNNN so many interesting new dynamics there; like if this fight took place before the final ceroba fight, clover wouldnt be nearly as close with everyone. sure, theyre angry at nmm!clover but also. they get it. im sure they would understand where they were coming from.
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alfiely-art · 4 months
Since the UG spent so much time and money making a Yuma of their own I think we should all make Yumas too. Here's mine he's a robot clone of Yuma and errmmmm. Ya 👍 this goes with my post-game Yuma thing where he's forgotten his time in Kanai Ward and is NOT doing well. Which is what the second image is about . Teehee. The guy is at his limit and doesn't want to deal with another clone of his. Anyway I need to find a name for this little fella. He's so scrunkly... might change his design a little tho
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After we make our Yumasonas we need to ship them all together. Like. Sans. And the Onceler
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jizzlords · 11 days
— get to know helvetica !
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what's your phone wallpaper: my boy, binx.
last song you listened to: kalam eineh but then as the world falls down.
currently reading: mo dao zu shi, 2nd novel (reading 2 books but nvm that)
last movie: HM... mm... sleeping beauty? i think? comfort...
what are you wearing right now?: black loungewear. riveting. racy, even.
how tall are you?: 5'6" physically, 6'1 spiritually.
piercings / tattoos?: 2 tattoos (count on 3 more soon), ears are pierced. 🍒 next + 3 more on the left ear.
glasses / contacts: both. contacts are my go-to.
last thing you ate?: chili. coffee for dessert lol.
favorite color: black, black, black. "iTs A sHadE" purple, blues, sage. what do u want from me?
current obsession: ozzie. and drawing. hand in hand.
do you have a crush right now?: i dunno. there's sometimes the feeling of wanting to take care of someone so i pour that into muse ngl.
favorite fictional character: ozzie. fizzarolli. male/ficent. evil queen. lan wangji. mor/ticia add/ams. cesare (bigtop). vil sch/oenheit. lil/ia vanro/uge. reg/ina mi//s. jessica rabbit. gi/bert nigh/tray. roxas. mett/aton. this is in no certain order.
last place you travelled: was gonna be san fran. plans changed. so maybe ... hm... los angeles? riveting.
tagged by: @maimedaffair blows raspberries on ur cheek tagging: @clwngasm, @yukikorogashi, @gctchell, @therealricksanchezpleasestandup, @plasticsouled, @helluvahotelx, @hamactiia idk if tumblr will let me tag more so.... take it, tag me. im nosy.
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luna-is-lost · 7 months
Papyrus’s POV:
Home… It’s… strange, but Sans is here, so it’s perfect. I’m happy? Or maybe it’s just the euphoria of being free. Again… I have no idea how long I’ve been gone, but the other monsters here didn’t seem to realize I was ever gone. So, maybe I was only gone for a day. The ‘base’ is mainly concrete and metal, but the hammocks look clean enough. Undyne is making some instant ramen for me. Though, I’m not sure if I can eat right now. I’m really tired. Somehow it feels like I’m still alone, even though silence doesn’t seem to exist anymore. There is always something… Yelling, talking, whispering, the arguing… Everything is so loud. My skull hurts… I don’t think I belong here… sir said I don’t belong anywhere… Sans keeps staring at me… at my face… at my scar… He’ll turn as soon as he realizes I can see him… Undyne and him are calling me the Great Papyrus, but I don’t feel all too great…
Sans POV: After grabbing the noodles from Undyne I begin walking over the Papyrus. He looks anxious… or maybe paranoid…. Guess I can’t blame him. I don’t think I’m helping that by staring at the scar mutilating his face. It’s just… why?… I want to care more, but there’s nothing I can do now… I was always lazy anyway… “hey, papyrus, i’ve got your food.” He must’ve zoned out because he look’s surprised to see me. “O-oh! Hello… Uh… Sans!” That’s something we’ll need to fix… he can barely remember anything anymore. It still hurts… just a bit… It must’ve shown because he apologizes before taking the instant noodles. “don’t worry ‘bout it bro’ nothing gets *under my skin*.” Papyrus let’s out a sigh and shakes his head. I still got it. I walk over to a hammock and sit down, patting the spot next to me for Papyrus to sit as well. Since he was… standing there awkwardly, and cause I missed him. As soon as he sits next to me I ask him if he is ok and he chokes on his food. “I’m Fine, Brother.” He says nervously. I disagree. He disagrees with my disagreement. This goes on for about a minute before we both burst into laughter. Quietly of course… I don’t know if Papyrus will ever be loud again. Which is strange… I’m happy he’s here, though. After he finishes his noodles he tries to stand up and recycle the box but I stop him. “Sans, What Are You Doing?” I yawn. “stopping you” “Why?” “cause you need t’ go to bed.” I say as I smile lazily. “I-I Want To Clean Up…” He looks worried. Like he’s not allowed to say no. Well he’s sorta right, he’s going to bed no matter what, but like he’ll be in trouble or… hurt… “come here, paps” He lays the box on the floor and sits sideways on the hammock to face me. So, I lean on him till he falls backwards onto the hammock. Then, I hug him. I know, an inescapable trap. “Sans!” I pretend to be asleep. After a minute or so he lays on his side and hugs me back. “Good Night, Brother…” It’s nice to have him back and I think for the first time in weeks, I might actually get some sleep. ”good night, bro.”
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bxttxrflybxddie · 1 year
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LETS FINALLY TALK ABOUT MY FAV POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW ((aka, me simping for mime bomb for an entire episode)) ((beware))
so starting off, i really enjoy that we see things of carmens past get to her. i love love love it when our heros arent always perfect robots and do go through emotions; including past traumas that get to them
to this day shadowsan shouldve called foul idc idc lol
black sheep doesnt get it the first time, thats fine! she knows that shadowsan is a very skilled thief. but the more she misses the more agitated she becomes until it seems like shes stealing for her life. this is a lovely detail!!
also crackle watching her w a big smile on her face bc ugh shes so cool, theres no way shes gonna fail! right?
she falls and D: but tigress is being a meanie as usual
player knowing whats wrong bc hes a great bestie
i've never personally been to san francisco so learning about the fog was a nice touch! i havent seen any movies or shows go over the fog either!
her charity fit is so slay oh my god
what an expensive stamp
i wish we couldve seen players stamp collection el oh el
devineaux yet again being a Guy, i love him lol what a Dude
julia being smart againUGH shes my WIFE.
julia being correct again.
wh. whwere is mime bomb calling the faculty from????
I think shadowsan continues to send Tigress bc he knows shes gonna fail. to this say i wish they wouldve touched on this.
i also enjoy the detail that dr bellum watches cat videos lol shes a cutie
MIME BOMB SITTING ON NOTHING??????? WALL SITTING ON AIR. THE CORE STRENGTH???????? (sidenote very attractive imo bc im crushing on him)
i think tigress' day outfit is cute. shes a fashionista.
Mime Bomb is visual comedic gold. One of the many things I enjoy abt his character and how he steals the show everytime hes on screen. give him more screentime. revive the show for him, pls,.
tigress is a grown woman bringing up old shit. cmon girl.
i also enjoy the differences between how carmen and tigress open the lucky cats. I LOVE CHARACTERS.
ug hes my husband i gotta say more abt him. mime bomb is so smart, hes such a genius lil mime whos a code breaker and a quick thinker. i wish we couldve seen him be more intellectual than the rest of his peers more often. dumping the big obvious cat to not only distract carmen but to get away w the stamp? genius, he deserves a kiss. mwah.
"Another street clown, so what?" HES A MIME!!!! U SILLY GOOF!!!!!!
HIS DOUBE LOOK BACK STARE IM. i need him to be real. i need to omg.
miming running away to be tackled pt.2, cmon babe this is a pattern now.
'~' (((hes very cute)))
they handcuffed a non-verbal fella. i feel like this is more messed up then i think.
julia being pro-mime. we stan.
now rewatching this, chase straight up SLAMMED our sweet mime into a CONCRETE WALL. i need to fight a frenchman for that very reason.
his expressions r very cute. mmmmwah
slay tigress being smart!! shes not dumb she just makes some brash decisions!!!!!!!!!!! characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"what about 'Where did you hide it'? >:( ma'am yall are in PUBLIC. CARMEN DOES THE SAME THING.
for 2 people trying to follow a mime these acme agents are doing a bad job at figuring out what he's doing.
*how episode wouldve ended if they looked a little deeper*
julia: "Inspector, could you check your left, inside pocket?"
chase: "ugh, if it pleases yWHAT-"
and then they wouldve also seen him act this out Very Publicly to a woman that is Not Carmen Sandiego which would help them for future investigations at least
mime bomb didnt even keep the 26 cents tigress gave him lol
((tw: talk about the taking care of witnesses rule)) if tigress can rip up an entire article of clothing without chase even feeling a tug, then i hate to imagine how swift she takes care of witnesses tbh
((tw: mention of rule again)) also this victim was a witness. he saw her face. is she gonna come back to him orrr???
chase being a dummy dumb pt. 28374
okay but like. so the cleaners werent planned to pick her up given shadowsans reaction. h. how was she going to deliver the stamp?? teleporting????
this kids also is why u dont text and drive
sidenote tigress took a precious stamp out of a little baggy in one fist close without damage to the stamp, well done!
whyyyy does tigresssss put the stamppppp in her hightop boooot ((that could not only fly out easy)) in front of the woman who has been known to be an improving thief and has crashed one of her missions before. she didnt get a dollar bill once. shes mad at that. TIGRESS, IF 2+2=4!!!
mmmm side profiles
i wanna be like "oh tigress why didnt you fight her" but at that point i wouldve gave up too
also the cleaners saw this all happen lmao
also slay devinaux being in actual danger, puts actualy fear and tension into the characters future!
tldr: WOOHOO MIME BOMB!!!!! and chase + tigress are silly geese
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goat-and-coat · 4 months
UT Yellow Spoilers Ahead.
So. Here’s some buffer text so this shouldn’t show up in your notifications. The spoilery parts. The spoiliest. Consider this your spoiler warning.
Yeah, this is probably long enough. I’m just gonna shotgun this lol.
We’re going to start with the good.
So the good!
Yeah. There’s a LOT. Way too much to mention, so here’s some highlights.
Toriel showing up is obviously a necessity. But it was such a cool little moment to have the rescue ending (:
Nice callback to UT’s little “wait for something to happen” moments that happen in the Core and Ruins.
The music, of course, is amazing. Whether it’s the original music or the remix (I dig that Hopes and Memes remix), they did a phenomenal job.
On the front of artistic expression, the art. Sprites are amazing. The flashback art is amazing. The videos are super cool. The animations are really good.
Gameplay is pretty in line with Undertale. You’ll find yourself holding X a lot more to slow yourself down than you did in UT.
I like how the game makes callouts to beloved characters we don’t see directly, like Alphys and Undyne. It was nice to see more of the same side characters, too. The expansion on monsters is good- like Dalv. And we finally see farms.
I love Clover, Martlet, and the Feisty Five. Cerboro… well, we’ll talk about her later. Their dialogue is always great. I don’t think there was even a single bad line.
The hugs at the end! And the hand holding! And how much everyone just loves Clover aaaaah
Also Flowey (:
Good cowboy representation!!!
Snowdin expansion (:
More of the Ruins we never got to see (:
We got to see the city up close wooo!!
The map is just good. My favorite part was the Dunes. I liked seeing the UG Apartment Complex. The Royal statue specifically. Nice smaller detail that I’m glad didn’t go forgotten.
Also! UT Yellow successfully retains the writing and goofiness of UT. While the drama doesn’t hit AS hard, it’s still definitely a tearjerker! It really makes you see the six kids as more than just a number. Helps to put gravity and weight on that.
But most importantly, the creators very clearly have such love and respect for UT. It shows in their creation. A lot of hard work and effort went into it. UT Yellow is what all fan games should look to do in my opinion. I want you to keep this in mind for what I’m going to say about the dislikes.
Here’s what I didn’t like:
Do you wish every fight was as bad as Sans? Do you hate everyone and yourself? Do you wish to inflict pain on your mental well-being? Do you straight up suck at dodging, but love seeing game over screens?
Congratulations. This game is for you. It’s a mix bag for me. Extra challenge is good, but this was extreme.
The boss fights don’t hold back. So this could easily be in the “good” category if you’re a masch… maschochist? Masc… enjoy pain. I can’t spell it, okay??? And I ain’t gonna Google it.
Axis took me close to two and a half hours to beat (in comparison, the dance boss took only about an hour and a half).
That’s my only real complaint about the pacifist run as far as combat goes. No way monsters would’ve been locked away without a single soul during the war if they were this strong.
I will say the world makes the Underground seem TOO big, which contradicts the whole “the underground is too small” narrative Undertale pushed. I think Yellow mentions it once or twice, too? HOWEVER!! I am totally and completely willing to ignore this because cowboy hehe (:
Plus, it explains some food source. Little curious how they’re growing crops underground, but I’ll just go with “it’s magic so it doesn’t need sunlight” as my excuse.
Flowey. I know I said I liked him, too. So here’s what’s going on.
This is gonna be weird to people because Asriel and Frisk are my favorite UT characters. And I don’t even dislike Flowey in Yellow! He’s super funny.
But he should not be there.
His presence opens up a whole can of worms.
1- He can save and load while Clover can’t (he is Clover’s save point). This isn’t an issue in itself, but it is an issue at the same time because Flowey’s goal to take human souls would be ten billion times easier if he just bodied Clover at the very first opportunity like he tried to do with Frisk. This is a kid who throws a temper tantrum after about five seconds of you not dying to his bullets. I don’t think he would have the patience to play the long con.
2- Flowey doesn’t seem to have met a human other than Chara and Frisk… and the ones who killed him, I guess. The True Lab implies that before him, LemonBread had the SAVE/LOAD ability for a short time.
3- Flowey’s presence also stuffs the timeline in a box. We’re to assume Flowey in UT woke up relatively recently, because he’s been screwing with timelines. But Toriel tells us a human hasn’t been underground in “a long time” in both games. I can picture this being 7-10 years minimum.
Are we really going to believe Alphys had people locked in her basement for ten years? Because I couldn’t see that lasting more than 3 months tbh. 6 months would be a MASSIVE stretch before people stormed the gates. I feel like Alphys’s mention should’ve been left at “the new Royal scientist made a robot.”
Leave out the subplot of Cerbora’s blatant disregard for child safety. You wouldn’t even need to do away with the (frankly busted) fight she had (I did most of it with the silver scarf btw).
My final thing that is a total complaint is the genocide ending. Clover gains the LOAD/SAVE, one shots Asgore, murks Flowey, and frees the souls. But they’d still be trapped down there lol.
I feel like Asgore should’ve just skewered Clover and that should’ve been the genocide ending. Flowey being left out would’ve nullified my dislike of him dying (for realsies).
Though I will say, the art made exclusively for it is disturbing as heck and belongs in a horror game. So they definitely did a great job on that part of it.
Speaking of Asgore… he seems really out of character to just fire someone like he does. I can disregard this as him wanting kids to NOT die. Axis is very clearly a way bigger threat than MTT could ever dream to be.
So really, my complaints boil down to:
1- Game too hard ):
2- Biiiig place but cool so it’s worth it (but how the heck is there a desert down here? Who cares!? Worth it!)
3- Genocide ending sad and dumb and I hate it because sad and weird):
4- Flowey’s presence
5- Timeline confuzzlement.
The first is a skill issue (even if I know I haven’t had nearly as many issues as some other people).
The second is really just a mix bag. It makes sense in most places (Snowdin, Hotland, New Home, Home/the Ruins) but less so in other places (the Dunes, aka my favorite spot in Yellow. Damn, I’m willing to compromise just to keep this tho.)
The third is just personal preference I guess… I don’t like how it’s contradictory to UT. As a stand-alone thing, it’s perfectly fine. Just too depressing for me.
The fourth… well… okay, this is the only complaint I don’t see myself budging on.
The fifth just needs some minor corrections.
How is Yellow overall?
If Undertale is a 9, which frankly it is, I’d give UT Yellow a solid 8.75. It should be impossible to make a fan game that’s almost as good as the content it was based on, but the absolute madlads did it. They really did it.
Jury’s still out on DeltaRune, but I rate it around an 8.25 so far.
For context, out of all of my favorite games, I’ve never once thought of a game as a ten. Not even the fantastic Fallout: New Vegas or the reliable (Halo) Reach.
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A3! Izumida Azami | SSR - Mankai Encore | Translation
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Note: There are notable differences in the character’s emotions from the original play in Act 7. If you have the card, I recommend to watch the backstage along with the translation.
Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me. By the way, Director’s name will be Izumi.
Encore: Abel / 1
Izumi: Finally, it’s the local performance’s opening day! Omi: Our makeup is on point too. Taichi: As expected of A-chan! Izumi: (Maybe it’s because he has polished his skills with different experiences that the makeup is more realistic than the one for the first run.) Azami: … Banri: Are you nervous? Azami: …No. Banri: Well, let’s just do it as we practiced. Juza: Yeah. Taichi: Let’s get pumped up! Banri: Then, leader, give us a word. Azami: Are we doing that again… Banri: Of course. Azami: … Azami: I’m gonna put on stage none other than the best. You guys make sure to follow me. Omi: Haha, a big shot, as always. Juza: No doubt. Banri: He is definitely like Sakyo-san. Sakyo: Shut up. Izumi: (They are relaxed as usual. Let’s make a great stage today as well!)
Izumi: (In a world where the human flesh eaters called undead have spread— The hunter Ivan meets Abel.) Ivan: “Ngh…” Abel: “...” Ivan: “--An undead?!” Ivan: “Damn it, so you’re today’s prize winner? If you leave me at room temperature for too long, I’ll rot and become unfit to eat.” Abel: “I don’t eat foul-tasting things like you.” Ivan: “...Heh. So I look like a foul-tasting one for you.” Abel: “Not only you. Everyone looks like that.” Ivan: “Isn’t that unhealthy for an undead? Or maybe you are some crazy gourmet.” Abel: “That doesn’t matter. More importantly, I want information about humans. Join forces with me.”
Izumi: (They start hunting undeads together and head toward the informant Doggie’s place.) Ivan: “Doggie, I got you a souvenir.” Doggie: “Thanks for your patronage. But I ain’t gonna give you a discount.” Ivan: “Tch. Stingy bastard.” Abel: “...Doggie?” Ivan: “I know it doesn’t go with him. He says it’s more like a back street dog. He was small and cute in the past, though.” Doggie: “Shut that mouth. I ain’t giving you any information.” Ivan: “He was always following me but falling with an about-to-cry face. Hard to believe, don’t ya think?” Azami: “...Heh.” Doggie: “I ain’t lying here. I have information, you don’t want it?”
Izumi: (The grief for Roy deepened their trust, and now they enter Red’s hideout.) Red: “What’s wrong with you; taking your food for a picnic? It seems handy, though. Guess I’ll do the same.” - Red hurts Ivan - Ivan: “Ug—h” Red: “You know if I stuff you in a box and freeze you, you’ll never rot.” Abel: “Don’t say those disgusting things.” Red: “But it’s important to preserve one’s food.” Ivan: “You bastard…!”  - Red hits Ivan - Red: “You’re lively prey, huh?” Izumi: (Omi-kun has a good presence as the antagonist… It’s more polished and threatening than in the first run.)
Izumi: (Then they finally confront Abel’s father, Bill.) Bill: “Hah? What’s this? Something weird snuck up?” Abel: “Father…” Bill: “I welcome you. Hey, your food is here.” Undead dog: “Gwoof!” Ivan: “What are those— undead dogs?” Bill: “All you humans are noisy. We plan how to keep alive too.” Ivan: “Abel, step back!” - A metal sounds while Abel steps back - Bill: “What a shame. You’re a prey with brain.” Abel: “Haaah!” Bill: “---Ugh.” Izumi: “After Bill fell down, they noticed a chip in the back of his neck which reproduced Bill’s hologram—) Bill: “...To my most beloved wife Sasha and my son Abel.” Abel: “--” Bill: “I hope this message reaches you both without a problem…” Abel: “Father…?” Ivan: “Stay away from it. It could be another trap—” Bill: “I’m running out of time… If I stay like this, I will hurt you… which I can’t let happen by any means…” Abel: “Father, father—!” Bill: “...I’m sorry, Abel… I failed to protect you again…” Bill: “Even at that time… if we had been more careful… you wouldn’t have been involved in that accident… and you wouldn’t have that body…” Abel: “--” Bill: “Abel… Sasha, please… stay alive for me…” Abel: “Father–!” Abel: “Uwaaah!” Izumi: (Sakyo-san’s duality in the acting and Azami’s expressions are impressive. I think it has touched the audience’s feelings.) Audience C: —. Audience D: … Izumi: (I can hear sobs from the audience…)
Ivan: “What are you going to do now? Will you live like a human or an undead?” Abel: “...I’m Abel. The idiot Ivan’s partner, right?” Ivan: “That bit wasn’t necessary.” Abel: “If I live as a human, I won’t stop until I eradicate them.” Abel: “I’m going to live as Abel.” Ivan: “Then there’s one last thing to do.” Undead A: G-Gaah…!” Undead B: “Let me eat you!” Ivan and Abel: “—Kill them all.”
Azami: …Thank you. Autumn Troupe: Thank you!
Encore: Abel / 2
Izumi: Good work, everyone! I’m glad the performance was highly well-received. Banri: Then, let’s conclude with this right away. Taichi: So awesome! Everything looks good~! Juza: …There are many desserts too. Sakyo: And a plenty variety of alcohol. Taichi: The champon is a must to try, right?! Also, the lemon steak~ and the hamburger, and~... Omi: The Turkish rice looks tasty as well. Izumi: Can you finish all that…? Banri: Yeah, easy to do. Azami: Oh, they have shishito pepper skewers. Omi: So Azami is of those who prefer his favorite food rather than the local plates. Juza: The cheesecake… looks good. Banri: Really? Sweets, again? Taichi: I’m curious about the milkshake dessert! Sakyo: …Geez, how much will you order. Omi: Let them be, Sakyo-san. It’s for our local performance.
Izumi: The lemon steak is refreshing and tasty! Taichi: The hamburger is fantastic, too~! Banri: You have sauce in your mouth. Omi: Sakyo-san, would you like another glass? Sakyo: Yes, please. Juza: Can I order the desserts? Azami: It’s too early for that. Omi: The sara udon is delicious too. The crispy noodles go well with the ankake. Izumi: If there is a way to pack them, I would like to buy them for everyone in the dorms! Azami: We’re taking the flight back tomorrow night, right? Omi: We have some free time until then. Izumi: Ah, you’re right, but there is something else… Taichi: Yeah, hear me out! I planned our day for tomorrow! I wanted to do sightseeing with everyone while being here! Izumi: Taichi-kun made many reservations for it. Omi: Heh. I’m looking forward to it. Sakyo: …I thought it wasn’t a group activity. Juza: Where are we going then? Taichi: A dream place for boys! Azami: What’s that? Banri: Director-chan knows where are we going, right? Izumi: Yep! I’m pretty excited about it. Sakyo: Well, we’ll know about it tomorrow. Taichi: Hehe. Please, look forward to it! Sakyo: Geez, you guys have to grow up already. All you do is talk about hanging out… Sakyo: You won’t be kids forever. So to become fine adults… yadda, yadda… Omi: Sakyo-san drank a lot of alcohol. Taichi: I’m having a déjà vu! Azami: Drink in silence, you drunk man.
Encore: Abel / 3
Azami: … Banri: What made you lost in thought? Azami: – Banri: That overprotective old man will make a fuss for you being here so late at night, you know. Azami: I don’t care… I wanted a change of pace. Why are you here, Banri-san? Banri: I came for the same as you. Azami: Hmm… Banri: How was it to play your character again? Azami: Guess it felt… a bit weird. I didn’t think we would do this performance again back then. Azami: But I knew I wanted to do a better acting than the one at that time. Banri: Well, that’s because it was your debut performance after joining the troupe. Banri: You’re still lacking in some parts, but part of you has grown and gained experience, don’t you think? Azami: Yeah. I guess. Banri: However, you’re also totally into acting now. Azami: …Sure, whatever. Banri: Oh, and you were rebellious against Sakyo-san at first. Azami: Shut up. Banri: Trashing that old man was my move in comparison to yours. Banri: I also picked on Hyodo at first, so I can’t really speak for others. Azami: But now you’re none other than an acting fool. Banri: I can’t beat some guys from our troupe in that, like Tasuku. Azami: No one is a match for him. Banri: Ah, right. We went to the Zombie Run Night around the first performance. Azami: Yeah… I can’t forget shitty Sakyo’s face when we cornered. Banri: Only that? Azami: I also had fun making your makeup, Banri-san. Banri: Your makeup skills have grown up compared to that time.  Azami: Well, they’ve entrusted me with it many times. Azami: I’ll improve myself in makeup, but also in acting. I ain’t gonna lose to Banri-san at it. Banri: Oh, I wanna see you try.
Taichi: A ghost town is similar to the undead performance world-setting! And boys like those things! Izumi: Wow… it’s impressive to see it in person! Taichi: I know it’s so cool! It’s a famous recording location for movies! Omi: Good thing I brought my camera. Juza: …Amazing. Banri: Heh. So it was this kind of place. Azami: It’s my first time coming. Sakyo: A decent location coming from Nanao. Taichi: What do you mean by that?! Banri: Yawn… Azami: …So sleepy. Izumi: Did you two not sleep well? Banri: …Guess that’s it. Azami: Just a bit. Sakyo: This happens for not going to sleep right away. Azami: Our body is built differently from yours, “early to bed and early to rise” old man. Sakyo: Hah? Izumi: Anyways, this looks extraordinary. Taichi: A zombie could pop up and wouldn’t be weird in this atmosphere! Juza: It reminds me of the Zombie Run Night. Izumi: I agree, but don’t start running here…! Azami: …These buildings are amazing. - camera sound - Azami: – (surprised) Omi: You looked pretty good there, Azami. Banri: Like out of a movie scene. Azami: D-Don’t take pictures without asking. Omi: Since we are in this tourist attraction, I have to take pictures of everyone. Taichi: Omi-kun, I want to take some too! Omi: Sure. Let’s take a commemorative photo later. Izumi: Yeah, I want to take a group photo! Sakyo: Well, it doesn’t hurt once in a while. Banri: No choice then. Juza: Yeah. Azami: A group photo in a ghost town will leave a deep impression… Azami: Well, whatever.
Notes: The milkshake mentioned (食べるミルクセーキ) is a type of milkshake that you can eat more than drink. It’s specialty of the place they’re visiting, Nagasaki.
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ditte-i-brisbane · 8 months
Tømmermænd og sport
Endnu en uge er gået i Brisbane, og denne har budt på lidt af hvert.
Ugen startede meget stille ud med lidt skole og opgaver og sådan lidt hverdagsting. Dog skulle dette ændres da jeg onsdag skulle til Bakar koncert med Chiara. Det lagde sig op til at blive en vildt hyggelig og sjov aften, men det tog en lidt øv drejning. Jeg har ikke drukket vildt meget de sidste par uger i Brisbane, da fokus har været mere på løb og vandring, også har jeg også haft nikotin stop i godt to måneder. I onsdags havde jeg så besluttet mig at tage den helt store festhat på, og det kunne kroppen ikke lige helt klare. Så en god blanding af rødvin på tom mave og et par hiv af en e-cigaret, gjorde at jeg måtte blive kørt hjem lige inden koncerten startede :(( Heldigvis jeg har nogle syygt gode venner og housemates som passede rigtig godt på mig, og fik gjort rent efter mit uheld i vores bil.. Kæmpe shout out til Brita og Will <33 Selvom jeg snart bliver 24, har jeg åbentbart stadig ikke lært, at man ALDRIG skal drikke på tom mave. Det skal lige siges at Chiara stadig fik set koncerten, og hun synes den var virkelig god :))
Trods den hårde onsdag aften stod torsdag på en stranddag i Caloundra. Det var en lidt presset køretur for mig derhen, men jeg klarede den uden at min morgenbolle røg op igen!
Her fik jeg for første gang prøvet chancer med surfing. Luca fra San Diego var min surf lærer, og det var han virkelig god til! Selvom jeg var træt og udmattet kom jeg stadig op og stå tre gange, hvilket var ret nice. Jeg håber at jeg kan prøve surfing igen, måske med en våddragt så jeg ikke bliver skoldet efter 20 min (UV'en er allerede på over 9 hver dag), og helst uden de bankende tømmerbobs.
Dagen efter, fredag, stod på kemiundervisning og om eftermiddagen lidt bouldering med Ingvild. Vi var i Urban Climb i West End, og det var vildt fedt! Glæder mig så meget til at tage brug af DTU's klatrehal når jeg kommer hjem :))) Fredag aften havde Rhys, vores Australske roomie, 22 års fødselsdag, så der blev fejret på fuld blæs! Jeg drak dog ikke denne aften, da jeg skulle løbe 10 kilometer om søndagen, og måske stadig havde lidt moralske tømmermænd fra onsdagens spektakler... Jeg havde dog stadig en vildt hyggelig aften, og nødt virkelig meget at bruge tid med alle mine housemates.
Lørdag brugte jeg næsten hele dagen i sengen og chillede. Jeg havde det lidt dårligt, hvilket jeg nu tror bare var nerver for næste dags løb. Søndag morgen kl 6:25 skulle jeg nemlig løbe Bridge to Brisbane 10 kilometer. Her havde jeg et mål, om at jeg ville slå min PR med en tid på under 49 min. Dette mål blev slået gevaldigt, da jeg havde en sluttid på 46:50! Efter løbet mødtes jeg med Ingvild, som også havde løbet, og vi tog ud og spiste morgenmad (frokost) sammen i West End. Det var virkelig hyggeligt, og jeg er ret glad for at have mødt hende :)))
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Da jeg kom hjem smuttede vi et par stykker over til UQ res (lejlighedskompleks/kollegie) og hoppede en tur i deres tagterrasse pool. Ikke en dårlig måde at køle ned efter en meget varm løbetur.
Denne uge er nu min anden sidste uge af semesteret, og jeg kan godt mærke jeg lige skal klemme balderne sammen til det sidste skole. Jeg har virkelig mange afleveringer for til sidste uge af semesteret, så dem skal jeg ogå bruge lidt tid på i denne her uge.
Hvis i vil følge lidt mere med, hvad jeg laver i denne her uge, så har jeg instagram takeover på @dtustudyabroad fra onsdag til søndag, så det kan i bare glæde jer til! ;)
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the-comfort-den · 10 months
or even maybe perhaps sfw alphabet for g/sans 🥺🤯 whatever ur preference is okay! I simp either way
I can do that! Sorry for the wait!! Been having to figure out how to function lol- a lot has changed recently- ^^;
A ffection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Citrine is veeerryy affectionate! He's almost always flirting! Though he's clearly a bit more love struck when he's flirting with someone he actually likes, platonically or romantically!
B est friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend he's almost always flirting, joking, or teasing, but you'd also see a side of him he doesn’t want many people to see, one where he isnt hiding how depressed he is,
You two wouldn’t know how it started! You two just clicked and ended up becoming best friends!
C uddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He can be very cuddly! Though he's a little picky about who he cuddles, he's a skeleton so he knows he isnt the best at cuddling lol so when he does he normally forms at least some ectobody, but other than that he'd most often just sling an arm over your shoulder to cuddle! Like on the couch while you watch tv or something!
D omestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He's never thought about settling down, but that’s because when he does he realizes how soft he gets over it lol, he's a master at cooking, believe it or not, he may not be super picky but he prefers good food and good homecooked food is the best! He's also pretty good at cleaning, but has some motivation issues, but he's working on it, it's from his depression,
E nding (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He's pretty blunt about it and wouldn’t drag his feet about it, if he doesn’t love you anymore he'd rather let you know so you can find someone else to love,
F iance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He's a bit scared of commitment and wouldn't think of marriage for a while, but when he does he'd bring it up to you! He'd be pretty blushy about it too!
G entle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's oddly gentle when he know he can trust you, both physically and emotionally, he has depression so he'd know what that’s like and he isnt afraid to ask how you feel and do his best to understand,
H ugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs! He knows he's boney so he normally forms some ectobody for it but he loves bear hugs! He only really hugs people he likes, but he's a bit more open with hugs than he is with cuddles lol
I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He even says 'I love you' platonically, so really fast! He believes actions speak louder than words, so doesn’t mind saying the 'L-word' when he knows he can trust you!
J ealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He's not super jealous in the 'typical' way, he's more worried you'd want someone else, but if someone is flirting with you and you don’t like it? Hell no, that’s not jealousy though, that’s protectiveness,
K isses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He normally nuzzles your cheek over kissing, since he kinda cant- but he doesn’t mind if you want to kiss him! You have free range if you're his partner, but keep it to the cheek or forehead/top of his skull if you're his friend- don’t even think about it if you arent lol
L ittle ones (How are they around children?)
Not a massive fan of them- not babies or toddlers at least- other than that he's fine with them! He finds babies and toddlers to trigger way to many sensory issues to want to be near them-
He'd do his best to care for them but he's better at entertaining them than caring for kids, pre-teens and teens are easy for him to handle though lol and kinda prefers them over younger kids, he'd teach them how to cook things and would help them know how to clean things properly!
M orning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He's not much of a morning person- so he ends up staying in bed with you and cuddling, and love that more than he can put into words
N ight (How are nights spent with them?)
He's a nightowl, so late night cuddles and tv dates! After that he'd cuddle in bed till you both fell asleep!
O pen (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He will say off the wall shit, kinda like he's testing you to see if you'd be bothered by it, if not? You pass the vibe check! But he reveals a good bit about himself, without actually showing it, he's not lying, he's just seeing if you can be trusted,
P atience (How easily angered are they?)
He's really patient, he can take a lot before getting mad, sure, some things set him off- but that’s only because he hates seeing people he cares about be hurt,
Q uizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers a lot more about you then you'd think, he remembers more than he thinks too- lol even he isnt sure how much he remembers in passing because it only comes back to the foreground when he sees or hears something that reminds him of it!
R emember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He has to many favorite moments to even name one- but when you two first starting cuddling is up there! Or when you tow first moved in together, or when you two first started cooking together-
S ecurity (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He's very protective of people he cares about, even more so if you’re his partner, he isn't afraid to use his magic to protect you, but never expects anyone to protect him,
T ry (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He'd put in a good bit of effort for dates, gifts, and anniversaries, but with the gifts it might not seen like it lol, you'll get odd little trinkets and things he'd think you'd like, from a funky lil shell to a jacket or hoodie or a blanket or your favorite snack that is a pain to find-
U gly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He smokes, that’s it, without lungs he only gets the buzz/good things and none of the bad things(say for the bad taste and the yellowing of his bones, and the addiction to the nicotine-),
V anity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He's not super focused on his looks, he wears the same thing every day, granted it's not like he sweats or gets super dirty- and that’s a bit of a common thing with skeletons(and maybe other monsters since the also don’t sweat- they use magic to regulate their tempeture)
W hole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He would, after you start dating you can easily notice that he's gotten more clingy and cuddly,
X tra (A random headcanon for them.)
His hobbies are: Collecting pokemon cards, playing videogames(he has a lot of consoles- even a ds lol and he has a gaming pc), drawing, sewing, and sorta cooking/baking, since he'll make snacks for later when he's bored and feels like it!
Y uck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Anything that triggers his sensory issues, which is sticky things, some fabrics, some sounds, and some textures in food(hence why he cooks so much- he knows what tf its going to taste and feel like lol)
Z zz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He cuddles things in his sleep and has a habit of slightly laying on top of things he's cuddling when they're small(like think more of a pillow lol, he's woken up with a pillow in his ribs and being face first in the bed more than once lol)
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yoshikiofficial · 2 years
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So sad that Idei-san (former CEO of Sony) passed away. He was one of my best friends for many years. So many wonderful memories. He was an amazing person. Miss you Idei-san. Rest In Peace. ソニーの元CEOの出井さんが亡くなってしまった。 悲しい…素晴らしい人だった。 親友だった。 思い出は数えきれない。 安らかにお眠りください。 Yoshiki Story of our friendship 出井さんとの出会い https://forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/23050 #sony #ceo #idei #playstation #marcbenioff #yoshiki #xjapan #friendship #rip https://www.instagram.com/p/CeiffPcu-UG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kyne-grotto · 8 months
100 Tourney Event Hall Lore Masterpost
A thing for the Event Hall lore for the "100 Cooldude Tourney".
Beware: Long post
Event Hall: Beginning of construction
Opening of the Brackets + chronological events below the cut
Closing of Brackets, Vendetta is shot in the foot. Dave is added, FAITHLESS DUST and DESPERATION Discord submissions are revealed.
Round 1:
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Surprise Assassin
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(We don't talk about the first take)
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The character's entrances. Sometimes I added onto them to try and get a feel for the character, sometimes I didn't. Or there was nothing else to say. I tried to put them in chronological order.
Silo ends up kicking the door open as streamers of light go off from two seeming 'speakers.'
"Your winner has arrived!" Silo would announce, striking a pose. A few moments would pass and the lights as well as his pose casually dropped. It seems he was the first to arrive, and the person at the desk looked unamused. Silo abruptly tapped something on his gloves, the 'speakers' turning into two small 'gaster blasters' as he strolled to the desk to sign in.
"Why hello there.... Did everyone forget to show up or do I win?" The desk clerk looks unamused, but gives him a slot. He gave a dashing smile and thanks to the desk clerk, who just rolled their eyes. He then turned to the right, sitting down on one of the comfy chairs as he took out his phone, the facade dropping. Although he seemed to just be biding time, the phone also was scanning the area for any power sources or important building materials... Hey, if he didn't win he wanted to at least take something from here!
Entirely forget it's his turn to speak and sit in the crowd of people and wonder who's up next.
addition to Pie:
He sits in the common room next to a potted plant and a stack of old, worn, classical stories. He picks one up that has an interesting cover, and tries to not make eye-contact with anyone.
He's gonna nervously go get something to eat, but he ain't got no money, so it's gonna be very awkward and it'll finish with a shrug and an (oh well hehe-)
addition to Soulthirst:
The vendors are blank-- seeming to be stand-ins for people more than anything. They simply hand him whatever food and drink he decides to ask for, monotonously informing him that the food here is free of charge. Sans is able to find a shaded bench behind a generic taco stand, and is able to eat in peace.
Grimaces at the common room (doesn’t like company) and goes outside to ask the vendors for bacon bits discreetly.
addition to Jeffery:
The blank figure at the salad stand hands him a salad with a generous helping of bacon bits on the side. He makes his way to a shaded bench under a tree with pink blossoms, free to enjoy his spoils away from prying eyes.
Throws up in the common room, staggering from his latest bottle of shampoo and radioactive goo, and passes out in the middle of the stage before the show even began.
addition to DezRat:
Two blank figures collect him from the stage and carry him back into the common room. They set him down away from the other contestants and leave him with a puke trashcan that never gets full. They attempt to clean up the splotches he inevitably left on the stage-- and they do --but the wood now glows a sickly green in places.
addition to Silo:
Unfortunately, the only thing his phone is able to pick up is the lingering radiation after the Dezrat incident. He does, however, notice something about the event hall. It's new. He can smell the fresh paint on the walls, and the wooden floor barely looks a day old. Knowing how recently this building was constructed, he knows that there's likely still two-by-fours and bags of concrete around, but tactfully hidden out of sight.
Sighs in disbelief and doesn't buy anything
Mugg muttered a quick thank-you to the figure at the registry, trying not to stare at their unnervingly featureless body. He wandered off into the hall, getting his bearings.. Ugh, he had forgotten how much he disliked making speeches. As far as he remembered, the last one he did was for his adopted cousin's wedding way back when... Man, that one didn't land. He eyed the stage from a distance, fidgeting with the folded-up receipt that held the entirety of his speech notes in his pocket. At least this didn't look all that formal. He took a deep breath and moved on-- he needed to find out what he had to do from here. Being late was only going to make things worse.
Ten minutes of hunting for any sort of order to this event and not a hint was to be found. Typically he would've asked the person at the registry in a situation like this, but he wasn't sure he wanted to look at that blank, empty face one more time. Mugg grumbled to himself, stuffing his hands into his pants-pockets. At least he'd found a couple of people who actually *did* have faces. Could those be the other contestants..? They didn't seem to be in any rush to give their speeches. He probably had some time to kill.. if they weren't as confused as he was. He decided to grab a bite to eat while he waited-- it would help with his nerves anyways. He stepped outside and took a minute to peruse his options. ...Oh, great. The vendors at the trucks were just as featureless as the figure at the registry. What was up with this place? Why'd he let himself get talked into this..? He did his best to shake off the unease and brazenly approached one of the trucks, hastily ordering fries and a soda while trying to look at the vendor as little as possible. The speed of the order caught him off guard, not to mention the fact it was free. Eh, he wasn't complaining. Who knew what currency they used in this universe, anyways-- it was usually some iteration of "gold" similar enough that he could swap it between universes, but you never know when you'll be thrown a curveball. He thanked the vendor and scouted around for a place to sit. He spied some benches tucked away behind the wall of trucks.. oh hey, someone was already there. It was another faced person, hunched over some food of his own. He looked antsy. Mugg saw no problem with getting friendly with the other contestants, he'd be happy to hear a voice more authentic than the painfully generic ones of the people maintaining this event. He walked over casually to the person on the bench, giving him a friendly, albeit crooked smile. "Hey there. Got room for one more?"
(I) *Kill whoever's in the room with me.
He’d be utterly confused.
Dave closes his word-search book and tugs a blank Tournament form out of the nearby stack.
He tries to not let the apathy show on his face, but fails miserably.
"Hello, welcome to the Event Hall. Please sign this form, and I'll give you your lot number."
"Yes sir, that is a required question."
"No sir, I don't know why."
"I'm sorry sir, I didn't-- no, I didn't write this, the boss did.
"Technically. Alright, here's your lot number, please enjoy your time here."
Merch makes his way into the hastily thrown together Event Hall. He was "late", but Senze had recommended him to enter this silly little tournament anyway. Something about the head of the Tournament requesting him specifically…?
But who was he, Papyrus Underfell Cavern, to throw away a perfectly good opportunity to make inter-universe connections (safely, this time)?
He registers with the blank figure at the counter (Dave). Afterwards, he makes his way outside, fully intending to introduce himself to the vendors here and find some new stock. He is out of luck, however. These blank people seem to have no identity, no personality, and no real business. It was like they weren't even real people.
Unnerving-- but what should he have expected? This is a pocket world beyond even the Undertale Multiverse, after all. It had to be strange.
He obtains a bowl of borscht with sour cream from a Slavic food truck and made his way inside and into the lobby, narrowly dodging Desperation Sans's sudden assassination attempt. He flees into the Common Room, avoiding certain death taking a seat beside a potted plant and some books. A square, pulsing barrier forms between the Common Room and the Lobby, halting Desperation's murder attempt.
Ah, this isn't a Common Room-- this is a Living Room!
they enter most situations casually.
neatly signs the register and join because “competitions are fun!” then proceed to order a small lasagna in an aluminum tray. Eating it properly and sitting patiently down in the common room, a gleeful smile across their face as they await and see what happens
This place has been rotating in my head like a rotisserie chicken-- kinda wish I could've found a way to have made it more of a real story, though. Something interactive, a place to explore. I think that'd've been neat. Eh, another time.
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2n2n · 1 year
Bro. Honestly. JSHK is amazing but it’s not perfect, so is there something you don’t like? Then what is it? Anyway I’m a huge fan of the manga and your work and your husband’s, you’re both amazing!!
please do not call me bro… </3 I do not like to be called bro </3… you can call me 'miss' if you don't want to use a name.
Something I don't like ……………………………………………………………………… I mean, I don't like Kou… as he is presented thus far, he's an effective pastiche of 'shounen protagonists' replete with 'shouts all the time' and 'reactively violent' and 'pointlessly idealistic morals that can't adapt to complex situations'. 'Says very simple and basic things' 'has the most rote response to any situation and does NOT pause for thought'. I've read so many shounen that he makes me rub my temples, I'm like getting flashbacks.
When I reread Picture Perfect I struggle with the Kou + Mitsuba intermissions, and it feels tonally SUCH a far cry from the beauty and grace of the HanaNene, and Shijima-san. The fact they both just scream back and forth and are prone to lashing out, its just tedious. I wish Nene was in the Red House alone, Kou really sucks the beauty out of scenes with his, boorishness.
While I feel Hanako fight scenes have Hanako's vampiric sexy badboy allure to keep me engaged, things like the Kou and Hakubo fight really feel exhausting to flip through, just a stupid fuckin sword boy with a meaningless catchphrase promise to make everyone happy <- transports me back into generic shounen slog territory. I FLYING LEAP into the Sumire/Hakubo chapters lacing all of this, NEED THEM LIKE AIR, they are thankfully beautiful enough to more than make up for Kou. I feel like we're like ticking a box with Kou scenes. Like doing the required amount to be billed a shounen despite all the canoodling.
HOWEVER, I'm entirely sure that's the POINT of Kou, and I do trust AidaIro will unpack his issues in a way another shounen could not and would not. So far I'm perfectly excited about where he's going, how he's being challenged… I think in the end, I'll be satisfied, but I probably also would gladly just press a button to erase him from the manga.
Oh he also looks like such a hobgoblin comparatively. Crusty. Hanako is all sleek like a sports car decked in black with gold accents and red trim. Nene is like a delicate domesticated pink-eyed animal, soft and pretty. Tsukasa is a luxurious sacred object, silked and pleated out, billowing. Kou is wearing GIGANTIC splatoon sneakers all weighing down the ends of his feet like big mallets, ugely generic CARGO SHORTS, with his nasty calves bulging under knobby knees, a t-shirt with a lion on it (basic), he is all ripped and muscular and sinewy, he's not pleasantly petite and shrimpy with big golden eyes like the illustrious esteemed Hanako (also, Hanako has very flambouyant gestures lol). Kou's pupils are both weirdly oval-shaped and also blue and somehow they remind me of Sonic the Hedgehog, combined with his ever-present skowl. He really looks like Gollum to me. Just gnarly and nasty and without even an iota of feminine grace. He is so masculine and nothing else. All STOMP STOMP GRRR YELL RAAAHH HITS PEOPLE RRRHHHGGH GRRRR I completely check out. Oh you know what else sucks? Kou won't like wear a skirt in a fun side-image playfully... Hanako can get all slutty and dress in girl's clothes like TEEHEE AM I CUTE HEEHEE lift his skirt up etc, while Kou will be embar and hate it. Sucks so bad. Tsukasa can do a flawless impression of Sakura's feminine grace and beauty, he can twirl his lil hakama alllll about. Swagless Kou giving us noooooo gender play, no whimsy, boooooooo boo booo booo booboobooboo WHAT are you doing here? Loser
For the AidaIro oeuvre he's like such a random, thing, I basically don't see other Kou or Kou-alikes in their back-catalogue? There is Not A Resident Kou in MDLD, Fox-Masked Guardian Spirit, Snow White, etc, so I'm like, whaaaat is this guuuuuuy ... I can't really predict what's gonna happen with him, other than probably being mindbroken ? I do not know him. Don't know why he's here.
And: Thank you x3 for da complerment.....
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