#ultra flare arc
oceandiagonale · 4 months
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grumbling forever and ever as I make a reference of the general layout of the aether foundation so I can actually know where everything is in it >:(
other references I pulled from to try to figure this thing out:
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anonprotagging · 8 months
shjdkf I know it's because I stayed up a little too late drawing both other nights this week but I'm 😔that I fell asleep after making dinner bc I wanted to also stay up a little too late tonight too FKSDHFKJ
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pinkhairandpokemon · 6 months
D.o not. Do NOT bring up Xerneas right niw
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marketfreshfics · 22 days
Saturn of ULTRA - Prologue
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Plot summary: When a futuristic Hogwarts is constructed after a massive catastrophe, a new threat to wizard-kind emerges in the wake of such advancement. An unlikely pairing must work together to prevent history from repeating itself.
Tags: Hogwarts AU (canon divergence) | friends to lovers | aged-up characters (7th year) | NSFW content (magical violence, smut, language)
Waking with senses so ill-equipped ought to be outlawed. Incandescent lamplight induced squints and her eyes squeezed shut, annoyingly so after having been closed for so long. Her sense of sight shook the dust from misuse, eyelids dry and stinging as she strained to make sense of colours, disconnected from dreams, and, albeit reluctantly, reattached firmly to reality and the demands of the present.
She was horizontal, thank Merlin; standing was a language she lost to lack of use, especially if she didn’t have legs. Did she? Was she still human?
Her toes could curl, and the blankets shifted over her limbs, temporarily relieving her delusions. Remarkably, her joints did not crack from fusion, though atrophy had done a number on her.
Seconds passed as she gathered her bearings again, or at least enough to look around a second time, inhaling sharply when she met a pair of brown eyes wide as saucers.
“You’re awake!” cried a familiar voice, familiar despite the haze of memory that nearly failed her thrice. Female and soft, she combed through her mental faculties to place a voice to a face, and, once fully visible, a face to a name.
It all connected at once. “Poppy?” She croaked, the sound a hollow wrack, coughs immediately following suit.
"Yes, yes it's me!" Poppy's joy manifested in a giddy seat-bounce in the armchair at the bedside, radiating relief. "Can you sit upright? Shall I ring for a nurse?" But before her bedridden friend could manage a partial response, she was calling for one anyway, unwilling to leave risk to chance on this momentous occasion.
The waking girl found her voice again with an air of confusion. “A nurse?”
Small, spry hands grasped hers then, and with a feeble sense of self, she was soon sitting upright with pillows to prop, blinking snapshots of her surroundings as if to process them slower than experiencing the now at full speed. Sense began to manifest then, as she recognized lying in a hospital bed, all manner of potion stores lining the nearby shelf, the black chalkboard enchanted to mark up a real-time display of her vital signs, arcing and dipping with her rapid heart rate.
Abruptly, the nurse on staff was erased with a sponge, one Miss Ophelia Derby replaced with the healer taking over, Miss Nova Fenwick. 
A proper lot to digest awaited as she looked to Poppy for a slice of normalcy. With her, fresh memories of feeding mooncalves and scritching baby snidgets under their beaks soothed her brain ache, a small respite; call it intuition, but an inkling writhed in her unfed gut that the situation outside her bubble of awareness was grim.
As if to cram the notion deeper, Poppy’s subtle glance shift from eyes to throat fisted her self-consciousness, and so she felt about her face, noting all the important bits and bobs were still there, though something felt different…
Fingertips brushed the slip of fresh, sensitive skin, where it connected to the jagged, familiar skin of her neck. She followed it, from her earlobe to the hollow of her clavicle, scrunching her neck in an attempt to see it despite being physically unable to contort in such a manner.
The attending healer politely rapped her knuckles on the open door, asking if all was well before her eyes flared wide with the shock of finding her previously comatose patient sitting up and fully conscious. She spun on her heels, plaited hair whipping with the abrupt motion as she hurried off to hail a doctor. 
Alone with Poppy once again, the burden of her two most prominent, must-be-spoken words fell on her shoulders. “What happened?”
The weight of the question buckled then, as Poppy’s chest swelled with the kind of inhale only meant to precede difficult conversations. She let it out unbearably slow and prepared the words that would provide clarity. From her solemn expression, she wasn’t exactly eager to know.
And so, Poppy told her dear friend about the night that everything fell apart.
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A Ravenclaw through and through, her pursuit of knowledge knew nary a bound.
But this was information she ought not to have asked for.
Though her wand rested in her lap again, the hawthorn conduit pristine save for a small scorch mark on the hilt, she felt as if the ancient magic in her had somehow perished. The news that Poppy shared had been so devastating, so life-shattering that she wasn’t keen on the next steps, the what-nows unspoken for the time being, almost in mourning. She was left with this lead ball of news in her gut, liable to pull her down with it as it sunk.
Hogwarts was destroyed.
Once Ranrok accessed the final repository beneath the school, a chain of events followed in deliberate, gutwrenching succession. 
First, her ancient magic amplified the effects of the repository. In Poppy’s words, it was like a magnifying glass held beneath a blinding ray of sunshine at high noon.
Second, when Ranrok was defeated, the magic was rendered unstable, and despite the ancient magic wielder containing it within a vessel as a source of rest, it remained hostile, churning continuously in the moments following, the volatile power fermenting in its own subatomic mass.
Then third, terribly so, the unbridled magic began to spread outward and up, pulverizing the very foundational bricks of the castle like shale rock beneath boots. Luckily, the professors were able to evacuate the school grounds exceptionally fast, with Aurors arriving on the scene to assist, but there was nothing that could be done to preserve or save Hogwarts. The clock face was first to fall, followed by the west tower, the Ravenclaw and Astronomy towers crumbling simultaneously, and then one by one, history, stories, and an era in itself were laid to rest in ruin.
That was in February. Seven months ago.
And the descendant of ancient magic had slept ever since. “Well, the muggle term is 'medically-induced coma,’ but that sounds awfully bleak,” Poppy sighed. 
She cried through her physical exam, tears ceasing only while being coached through learning to walk again, but as soon as her personal effects had been returned to her on the day she was discharged, they sprang forth with renewed agony, facing the outside world without knowing what came next, as if the pages of a book she was halfway through reading were promptly torn out, the ending lost for good.
And to add more fuel to the flames of guilt consuming her insides, she learned her advisor and mentor over the past six months had perished along with the castle as well. 
Professor Fig deserved far, far better, she thought, watching the valleys and hills of the highlands pass by in a blur of evergreen beneath the setting sun, as the Hogwarts Express rolled smoothly along the tracks en route to… well, whatever it was now.
Of course, they’d rebuilt the castle, she thought when Poppy went on to explain the aftermath. Students and staff banded together to erect a replica of the fortress they adored, though the unfettered magic, left floating about, anchored to the school grounds from the repository had… altered it, as time passed. When prompted for further explanation, Poppy refused to elaborate and remained blatantly cryptic, advising her to “keep an open mind.”
She ruminated endlessly in the weeks leading up to the start of term, during her physical rehabilitation appointments scheduled alongside the magic refresher compendium that Professor Sharp had oweled to her over the summer. “Seventh year awaits,” he wrote, each flourish of his rushed penmanship as punctuated as his tenor drawl, “see to it that you maintain your upward trajectory.”
Despite everything, the wielder of ancient magic felt wholly useless to the cause. Ever the diligent friend, her Hufflepuff companion provided reassurance, reminding her that she was bedridden and healing for the heftier half of a year. “Everyone is eager to see you again,” she added affectionately. “Especially a certain redhead.”
Bloody hell.
He was the first of whom she asked Poppy for updates about, steering the topic of conversation back to brighter prospects. Before Hogwarts was felled, before Ranrok and his arsehat loyalists encroached beneath their sacred place of study, Garreth had gone ahead and topped off the culmination of months spent flirting back and forth, their friendship toeing the line marking uncharted territory, with an admission of his feelings that left her chest tight and her center of gravity knocked clean off its axis.
And despite being deemed one of the brightest witches of her time, she hadn’t a clue how to react before mumbling a pathetic, “I need to think about it,” scrambling off to anxiously breathe into her bed linens. 
Award-winning, frustrating, remarkable display of utter stupidity, that was.
She wouldn’t have the gall to approach him now and ask him to backtrack his feelings, months later, without a responding peep bridging the gap with a swell of awkwardness. 
A Ravenclaw through and through, yes, but she was certainly dimwitted to matters of the heart.
Commotion in the adjacent booths tugged her from the self-flagellation stewing in her feelings. She poked her head out of the lonely compartment, curiously eavesdropping on a swath of fourth years discussing some sort of ward approaching. “Once the train passes through, it’ll light right up! My uncle helped with the redesign, incredible what that magic has done…”
“Quite right, I’m excited to see it happen.”
It only prompted more questions, of which she was about to pose to the younger students, when the train slowed considerably in its locomotions. 
The voice of the stately conductor echoed through the corridor then, announcing to a chorus of animated titters and chatting. “Attention, students! We are now passing through the school ground wards, so you will notice some changes occur. Please remain seated, and ensure your personal effects are tidied, packed, and ready for arrival.”
Everything began to change in rapid succession, and she was wholly unprepared.
The first thing she noticed was how dark it became, all at once, without the ebb from daylight to night.
Then, immediately after, the train compartment transformed from the timeless warmth of woodgrain and upholstery, to sleek metal fabrication and dazzling light fixtures that glowed an otherworldly shade of teal.
The scenery outside her window drastically altered before her eyes, as the Hogwarts Express slowed in its approach of the train station.
And when Hogwarts Castle appeared in the distance, alight with fluorescent saturation, electric in its very existence, she was left in gobsmacked awe.
Thank you to @wedonthaveawhile for letting me 'borrow' her OC Nova from her story, The Serpents Hold 🤍 you are a total peach and I LOVE YOU
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zozo720 · 3 months
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Okay okay okay, memes aside... I'm so happy right now!! Love them or hate them, X/Y and Kalos in general is the most underdeveloped Pokemon region/generation to date, and the ONLY one that never got any sort of follow-up. Everything pre-Unova has had at least one remake (Kanto got two), and every other game either got a definitive re-release, a full-on sequel, or a hefty chunk of DLC content. But Kalos got nothing. We only ever got one adventure through Kalos, and it was held back by being the first 3DS entries, and having a lot of things cut for time (From Team Flare, to aliens, to an entire sequel game we never got). The closest we ever got to closure was ORAS expanding Mega Stone lore, and Zygarde's final form being thrown into Sun/Moon (which at least delivered on the alien idea with Ultra Beasts) Pokemon Z has been a meme in the community for a literal decade, and while I always had hope we'd revisit Kalos eventually, I was prepared to wait. So to get news that a real revisit to Kalos is on the horizon, AND the Legends series isn't a one-hit wonder, all at once... It's honestly like a dream, it doesn't feel real. I can't wait to see what the game's actually like, and what it takes from Legends Arceus and Scar/Vio. I can only hope that the release date of 2025 means they learned something from S/V's launch. As for my hopes for this game... - Regional forms of Galar/Paldea Pokemon - New Mega Evolutions for Gen 6/7/8/9 Pokemon - MEGA FLYGON, DO IT, DO IT NOW - The Legends Arceus gameplay is intact but in a modern setting - Shauna - SwSh-tier Trainer Customization. It's Kalos, the trainer customisation HAS to be good - We finally get the last few Pokemon with no Switch game to go to
And most of all... can we PLEASE not have another Ingo situation? I don't care how cool it sounds to throw someone into Future Kalos or whatever, or have Emmet show up for a chapter just to say "I am Emmet! My brother went missing forever! Oh well! :3" because I don't trust the post-PLA Submas fandom to be reasonable about the train men anymore. Either conclude their arc or don't bother starting this with another character.
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navcommrelay · 25 days
/////Transmission Start///// CFRI OPSCOM N. LINDSBORG TO ALL OPERATION TOUCHDOWN SLDF AND ALLIED ELEMENTS: At 1526 hours local standard time, CFRI Angel Squadron performed an escort operation alongside a DropShip from @seafoxmathias delivering 'Mechs to in-field forces of @harwood-pmc-official. During this operation, COMSCAN detected a spike in ambient heat bearing southwest of the operational zone, and directed Angel Squadron on a pass-by course to check the area... Captain Molly Sanders was the wing lead of Angel Squadron. Had been for the better part of a decade, now- ever since Captain Raiken had that unfortunate engine failure. Captain Sanders was confident, assured, and in control- especially in the cockpit of her Sparrow, Angel-1.
Right now, though, she was none of those things.
The cockpit was alive with panic alarms- proximity warning for incoming Long Range Missiles, radar lock warnings, damage control warnings, and- most notably- the piercing whistle signifying her canopy had been breached by whatever the hell had taken potshots at Angel Squadron as they breached the horizon over the main road. Cursing wildly, she peered through the spiderwebbed ferroglass in front, trying desperately to assess whether her flight path was stable. The damage was impact- no molten airframe, no scorching heat filtering in through the damaged cockpit meant whatever had hit her wasn't an energy weapon. A world-shaking BOOM rocked the Sparrow in midair, sending the craft arcing through the sky away from the rest of the formation as Angel-6's bomb load detonated midair. The cloud of smoke and ash provided a reference point, and as she frantically righted the crippled aircraft, a blurry and fractured silhouette was visible below. Angel-4, unable to avoid both the debris from the bomber and the incoming autocannon fire, started coming apart piecemeal, blasts tearing great rents through the light armor of the fighter before it simply broke in two. A momentary flash of light, heat- not only visible but tactile even at this distance- lit the world like a thousand fireworks as an impossibly bright beam lanced up from below and simply erased Angel-2 and Angel-3. No explosion, no flame, just a streak of light and two puffs of smoke. Careening towards the ground, Molly frantically grabbed for the canopy breakaway lever, hauling with all her might, before the seals gave and the wind tore the structure from her aircraft. Blinking against afterimages, she banked, ejecting chaff, flares, and her reserve fuel tanks, desperate to outrun the incoming missiles. A last-minute ping from her craft's sensors sent a brief, surface-level analysis of the strange structures below that had turned her squad into a memory, before she joined them in oblivion. PAN PAN PAN EMERGENCY BROADCAST ANGEL-1 TAC ASSESSMENT: Manufacturer: Unknown Production Year: Unknown Model ID Beacon: JHA-000 Jericho Class: Superheavy 'Mech Type: Word of Blake Drone Hex-Mech Error: 'Mech size exceeds integer bounding parameters. Override. Mass: 250 Tons Chassis: Reinforced Structure Armor: Improved Ferro-Lamellor Engine: UNKNOWN Heat Sinks: UNKNOWN Speed: UNKNOWN Armament: 1x Experimental Extra-Light Naval Subcapital Laser 2x Gauss Rifle 2x Extended-Range LRM-20 6x LBX Autocannon-10 6x Ultra Autocannon-2 12x Micro Pulse Laser 6x Variable-Speed Medium Pulse Laser 6x Laser Anti-Missile System Improved C3 Computer Beagle Active Probe ARCHANGEL Advanced ECM Suite WARNING: Multiple units detected. WARNING: Accompanying elements detected. Error: Transmission offline. Get ready, everyone. /////END TRANSMISSION/////
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You're right, beautiful things do make people happy...
SAVOIR FAIRE - Beautiful things give you a *rush*. It's power -- crafting your style, draping your flesh in silk and leather, deciding how to present yourself to the world.
Remember, when they come to take it *away* from you -- you *worked* for those shoes. Whether you like it or not, wearing these shoes has made you more liberal -- *ultra*liberal.
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JOYCE MESSIER - "You're back. Good." She takes a sip from her silvery thermal cup. "What can I help you with?"
6. "I've got some more questions about *reality*."
JOYCE MESSIER - "More lessons in basic reality?" She's positively surprised. "My favourite part of the day! Go ahead, ask me anything."
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7. [Conceptualization - Impossible 20] What is… (Reach for something fundamental.)
+12 Jamais vu thought complete.
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CONCEPTUALIZATION [Impossible: Success] - What is... all of this? The scent, the sound, the air?
"What *world* is this?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "What world?" The fading pearls of her eyes look to the sea. "The only one, I suppose -- the world of matter and its pale antipode..."
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - The camera of her mind glides over the surface of the water.
"What do you see?"
Say nothing.
JOYCE MESSIER - "Great bodies of water, forest-covered surfaces... clusters of light where the cities lie. You've seen the montage, we all have -- this world is enough," she concludes.
"There is a term of endearment they coined for it. In the Dolorian century, when humanity was *high* on this world, discovering more and more of it -- these archipelagos included..."
"What is it?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Elysium."
"Wait, is this the one with the evil apes?"
"Elysium... the world needs a term of endearment."
"This world does not deserve a term of endearment."
JOYCE MESSIER - "Not in this case, no. That sounds more like something the Mesque petrofascists might say..." Her gaze wanders.
Her eyes return to you. "It isn't enough to call us animals. Even animals aren't animals."
"What are animals then?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "They're like you and I, I suppose. Living organisms don't identify with abstractions. Elysium is for particular beings."
2. "Elysium... The world needs a term of endearment."
JOYCE MESSIER - "It does. There are those who would call it *Hell*..."
"What is *Hell*?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "A term of hatred that originates, like many such things, with the Mesque petrofascists."
"I don't feel like I have got the whole picture yet."
"I've got a clear picture. Let's proceed to another term."
JOYCE MESSIER - "Oh, you want a *picture* of the world?" She raises her finger to her lips. "There is no complete set yet, dear. They're having some trouble reaching orbit."
"How come?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Great things are difficult to achieve. For now, we're viewing the world from the inside -- sideways."
"How about -- it's a ball."
"Inside sideways? What *shape* is this world then?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "We used to think it was a sphere, but that is beginning to look less and less likely by the day. You wouldn't know it from the tabloids, but the ORG nations have been launching weather balloons into the lower ionosphere since the Thirties."
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Trivial: Success] - ORG: Occident-Revachol-Graad.
JOYCE MESSIER - "There's a steadily increasing trickle of images. Between the big three scientific contributors, they're piecing together a dark grey corona."
"A dark grey corona?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "Yes." She pauses. "Pale covers 72% of the surface. There are grey flares and prominences, even arcs above entire isolas... The images are blurry, but if there was a sphere in there it certainly looks like it fractured a long time ago."
HALF LIGHT [Easy: Success] - A cold fear seeps into you.
"Oh my god, wait -- what the hell are you telling me?"
"The pale...? And what do you mean *corona*?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "You seem to be spooked. Please don't be." Her voice becomes homely, calm. She lets a moment pass.
"The pale…? And what do you mean *corona*?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "They say there is a rarefied envelope of matter surrounding the darkened disc of our planet. That is, if we are still living on a planet. Or, to speak more plainly, imagine vast swathes of land disrupted by nothingness."
"I am sorry, dear," she looks around. "It must sound quite terrifying through the acute encephalopathy. Even scientific positivism isn't entirely convinced about what we're dealing with here…"
"But -- this is one of the great questions of our time. Maybe when they get the complete set together it will jolt us out of our rut -- bring us together. However naive it may sound."
"A fractured corona doesn't feel like it's gonna bring anyone *together*."
"Okay. And then everything will be okay?"
JOYCE MESSIER - "I don't know about things of that scale, my expertise lies in nations and trade routes, one or several layers below *everything*."
She thinks. "But yes, you'll be fine, don't worry."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - She does not seem convinced that you'll be fine. If anything, she is realizing how deep your condition runs.
"It certainly doesn't feel like I'm fine."
"Thanks. Okay."
"Okay, forget all this stuff. Let me ask something else..."
JOYCE MESSIER - "You have mis-imagined it. I don't have the power to convey to you the effect and geometry of the images that depict our world from below low orbit. It's..."
She looks up: "It's like the crowning of the world. It's insane. Very *disco*. You'd love it."
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mxstball · 11 months
What's a piece of worldbuilding for your blog(s) that you've scrapped?
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Hey, did you know that Lacey and Lauren originally came from another world that was taken through via a Magic!Anon? They were transported to Zinnia's world through the Latias Army!Anon, where 100,000+ Latias suddenly swarmed Sky Pillar and eventually (with the exception of Lacey and Lauren) were moved to another island that Zinnia visits on occasion.
The interesting bit was that there were times that Zinnia would actually use that plot point (and the eventual Braxien horde that followed) in RPs, whether to find somewhere safe to hide someone, or to overwhelm and raid an area like she did Flare HQ.
It's since been changed. There's no longer a Latias horde, and Heidi and Lauren got there via an Ultra Wormhole instead.
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Another one is something that specifically 4 people is going to recall I think. I had a HC that Rayquaza had a deathly fear of Joltik because he was taken advantage of thanks to them. Originally, that person was Aster -- the previous Lorekeeper. She apparently joined the beginnings of team Plasma and used Joltik to absorb his power and abuse him until he submitted (but she died instead). I even had a whole plot event back in 2017 where Zinnia and Rayquaza were to find a dungeon underneath Sky Pillar that housed long-dead and experimented-on Pokémon that Aster had... I don't exactly remember what the aim was for because it's been 6 years, but I definitely recall it was super fucked up.
Then, much later, I scrapped that and said that his fear was from the 6th Lorekeeper that would use Joltik as a way to weaken and eventually kill him.
All of this is scrapped for... I hope obvious reasons.
While I'm at it, have an interesting half-scrapped AU.
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Back when Heidi first regained her memories from encountering Friede, I originally thought of an AU where Heidi instead was evil instead of the good goirl she is today. Basically, this AU featured her back in Gaia always having a big aversion to humans and being closer to Lati, her brother, instead of Lauren. Then, when Heidi came to the world, she actually hated Zinnia and Rayquaza and secluded herself in Kalos instead and be like, Zygarde's on-and-off again girlfriend. The thing is that when Heidi eventually regained her memories and learned that Friede was going to destroy the world, she would join Friede's squad and always chase to basically become mommy's best little girl.
This was scrapped in part because the original person that rp'd Friede and Ruined Kingdom is no longer on Tumblr, but it was also because I didn't exactly like the direction it was taking... and the fact that I don't like doing story AUs (especially when mainverse story is so dense). That said, that doesn't mean that I completely poof'd the idea.
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Heidi's closeness to Zygarde, and the eventual three-way relationship between Heidi, Rayquaza, and her was inspired from this. Linking Rayquaza and Zygarde this way through Heidi really helped me flesh out Zygarde's arc and think about how she fit in Elysium.
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This idea is also how the idea of Lacey, Heidi's Shadow Forme, came to be. Keep in mind that I actually never played XD or Coliseum (no, I don't want to play it, so no, I won't play it) so the concept of Shadow Pokémon and Shadow Energy took some research and time to think about (obv, this was also before Go had Shadow Pokémon iirc but the eventual introduction of them in Go helped too). Now, Lacey is more neutral towards humans and just wants to find a way to either separate herself from Heidi or take over permanently.
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obsidian-warthog · 11 months
So catching up with the Pokémas story and just completed the Kalos villain arc. My current takeaway is that it didn't feel too focused on Kalos, Team Rocket basically hijacked the whole story with Lysandre feeling like an obligatory gacha promotion. The final showdown was Looker, Emma, and Anabel vs Team Rocket Admins, only one of those is actually from X/Y.
Team Rocket and Giovanni have been an obnoxious stain on the whole villain arc, but the Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova arcs were still great and focused on their actual casts and continuing the stories of the main games. While Kalos feels like it got outright hijacked.
Anabel showing up and the tease of the Ultra Wormhole was great, but wasn't this supposed to be about the Kalos cast? Even in a crossover game Kalos seems doomed to have its own elements always be second fiddle to references to the other games. This felt more like a Looker story than a Kalos story, which would be fine it was an event and not the main gen 6 story chapter.
I'm glad we finally got something with Malva at least, though I'm confused by how only Looker seems to know she's Team Flare despite her openly admitting to it in X/Y. But the intrigue with her and Looker was a good enough part of the story to forgive that little ret-con.
Also Lysandre dishing out vigilante justice with the help of two Pokémon that count as weapons of mass destruction does not strike me as a good thing, so it's weird how okay with it the other characters are. We're talking about a guy whose version of justice includes committing genocide. Professor Sycamore stop being delusional about Lysandre challenge (impossible).
It especially feels weird with the Paulo interlude, which is amazing. But, Paulo and Lysandre are very much the same right now in terms of overall goals and methods, and the writers made a point of showing that. So why are we pretending this is a good sign when Lysandre is doing it?
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gnzma · 1 year
“You’re strong. Stronger than you’ll ever know.” (post flare arc!) [ questions & comments ; ACCEPTING ]
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He looks at Hau slowly. As if he didn’t fully register the words. Maybe he didn’t really understand they were for him. This is what so many sleepless nights do to a motherfucker! Makes him slow. Makes him react a little too late.
Guzma knows that’s the wrost way to deal with the problem - with Rockets, with Ultra Beasts, with whoever got their hands on the kid and made him go through hell and back, but... He’s the Boss, around here. If someone feels in danger, he needs to keep his eyes open to check on them 24/7.
A shaky hand still holds onto the giant cup of coffee, the other reaches for Hau’s head, giving him a heavy, yet honest pat.
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“Shut up, kid.”
It’s meant to be affectionate, miniHala. That’s his way to show affection when he’s sleep deprived.
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oceandiagonale · 2 months
I've been meaning to ask, is Cloress a part of Ultra Flare?
Yeah! He's working for Aether and Team Plasma both -- but he's mostly, honestly, working with Faba KJFHSDKF
(lab coat friends with questionable ethics regarding the treatment of pokemon in science <3)
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anonprotagging · 1 year
oh gods, between periods of being depressed and being too tired to stay awake, I'm sketching out gene being back in modern day to avoid drawing arceus. and like. 1 it's weird to see him in a house but 2 I can't help feeling like after the hisui arc everything with ultra flare is just silly dgdjchdj
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dysphoriaposting · 3 years
Thinking about the villains in the main Pokemon Games:
Besides Teams Aqua, Magma, and Yell, all the leaders in Pokemon suffer some sort of horrific or miserable ending.
> You can't tell me Giovanni's sudden disappearance was peaceful. Either he was killed in an unrecorded event by someone from Team Rocket, the International Police, or some third source, or he took his own life. Perhaps Mewtwo killed the man who tried to bend it to his will? I can't see that being the most pleasant ending.
> Team Galactic's Cyrus is my second least favorite ending of any Team. Being confined to the hellish realm of Giratina would most certainly be terrible. Are you saying that Giratina didn't try to attack a random living thing that just *showed up?* And if not, surely Cyrus starved (more far more likely, died of dehydration). To top it all off, even if this place broke the basic need to consume nutrients and water to live, he would definitely go insane with boredom.
> Ghetsis had the tamest of punishments by far. Not only was the Shadow Triad, a trio of ninjas who I definitely wouldn't mind tending to me hand and foot, still loyal to Ghetsis, but he still had all of his Pokemon! Sure, he was "on the run", but is that honestly so bad when you still have both Pokemon and ninjas to help you?
> Lysandre takes the cake for worst punishment in Pokemon games history (going off of only the main games.) After his plans for making the world beautiful cannot be fully realized, he realizes that the only way to make some semblance of his earlier goal is to blow up the facility containing the Ultimate Weapon (forgot its real name, pardon me), killing himself and everyone inside. However, the game suggests that he wasn't vaporized by the laser's blast, but rather crushed by the rubble of his own building. The impact (pun wasn't on purpose) really sets in when you think about the fact that some people irl can be stuck in demolished buildings for days, slowly dying because rescue crews simply cannot reach them. It's worse when you realize that depending on the game's version, he could've either been crushed outright OR rendered immortal and left to be underneath the several hundred tons of stone and steel, among the blood and rotting bodies of his fellow Flare members and their Pokemon. I can imagine no worse fate than crushing weights, eternal darkness, and the decaying stench of people who trusted me with their life.
> Guzma, my poor boy Guzma. Whether he helped Lusamine because he desperately needed recognition or because he was in it for the milf cooter, his punishment was more than too much. In both the normal and Ultra Sun and Moon games, Guzma is shown to have some serious mental traumas from his time in Nihilego's realm. Not only that, but having to disband Team Skull, a group that he treated like his own family (albeit a dysfunctional and frat house-esque one), would surely hurt him in the heart.
> Lusamine got rekt. Okay, now that I got that out of my mouth, let's be more serious. In the standard Sun and Moon games, Lusamine treated her children like shit and definitely deserved what came next: being so hyped on Nihilego drugs that she went into a coma. That being said, she's given a suggested redemption arc when the postgame shows Lillie bringing her to the mainland to see if she can find medical help for her severely injured mother. Ultra Sun and Moon is when things feel offbeat. Lusamine wasn't so much punished as she was sorta pushed to the side to confront Rainbow Team Rocket. Lame, but I think her treatment in normal S & M is more than enough to make up for it.
> Rose had the modern nightmare of a fate. Once a man who had it all, his fall from grace after trying to bring about the Darkest Day sorta ruined all of that. His reputation as a world-renowned businessman tarnished and his social standing among both socialites and the basic populace of Galar would surely make him persona non grata wherever he goes. No way to make money when no one wants to hire him and banks would surely deny giving him loans. No person to turn to when everyone hates him for basically trying to destroy the region. Let's be honest, Rose's public personality and broadcasting of his attempts probably made his punishment worse off than it would've been if less people knew his name and tied it to the game's big event, like with Ghetsis or Giovanni.
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gameotheque · 2 years
Party check for Giovanni:
*Vesper lv 79
*Cinder lv 78
*Solvarg lv 77
*Psyren lv 77
*Bluefrost lv 77
*Meliorchis lv 77
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Fighting alongside Lillie and Guzma were unexpected moments added to USUM via the Rainbow Rocket arc, and while I wish both were longer, they are still my favorite part of it.
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My least favorite part of it was that they took Lusamine out of the equation entirely by some bogus throwaway line that also implies she'd be RR's servant, which... is a horrible look for a way to treat the first (and for now only) main female antagonist.
I guess it's kinda funny then that I don't have strong feelings on the premise of the Team Rainbow Rocket arc itself, because I guess while it's fun to battle all of the main villains again, I don't think it was implemented well enough, and it's such a silly concept that I could never take it seriously. Moreover I've always found Rocket to be the most bland* of the evil teams, so to see it supersede the others is... Meh.
(*I said bland, Flare is still the dumbest)
Nevertheless... I can safely say I enjoyed Ultra Sun more on this replay than in my original playthrough, in which I was mostly upset about how they axed aspects of Sun and Moon that I was very fond of. I still think the changes made for a lesser story, but I can see now with a fresh eye that the gameplay still makes it super solid as a whole. Onto the next title!
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
Here are a few times that the DBS manga copied the DBS anime. Most of these moments are praised by the fans. But, many ppl give credit to the manga instead of the anime.
We already know Toyotaro loves to poorly recycle scenes from the original Dragon Ball manga. Now, here's evidence that Toyotaro copies the DBS anime as well.
ANIME EP 84 - After Krillin achieved enlightenment in DBS EP 76, he advances his techniques like the Solar Flare x100 & he used the multiple guided Destructo Disks technique. This was BEFORE the Tournament of Power. (4/2/2017)
MANGA CH 57 - After Krillin trained with Gohan, Piccolo, and the others to prepare for Moro's invasion, he uses the multiple guided Destructo Disks technique. This was AFTER the Tournament of Power. (02/13/2020)
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ANIME EP 76 - Krillin awakens to a power similar to Ultra Instinct, conveyed through symbolism. Then, 34 episodes later, Goku awakens to Ultra Instinct & there is similar symbolism illustrated. (1/29/2017)
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MANGA CH 39 - Roshi randomly gets a power similar to Ultra Instinct. Then, Goku gets Ultra Instinct right after that moment. (08/21/2018)
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ANIME EP 109 & 110 - Goku has a jarring shock to his emotions, but regains control of himself when he almost dies in the Genki Dama. Then, he achieves Ultra Instinct. (10/8/2017)
MANGA CH 39 & 52 - Goku DOES NOT have a jarring shock to his emotions. He just gets upset with himself, then he achieves Ultra Instinct. In CH 52 of the next arc, Merus explains that self-control during a jarring shock to the emotions is how to attain Ultra Instinct. (08/21/2018) & (09/21/2019)
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ANIME EP 116 - Kefla uses energy whips against UI Omen Goku. Goku dodges while charging a Kamehameha, then blasts Kefla after surfing her energy blast with his Kamehameha. (11/19/2017)
MANGA CH 59 - Moro uses energy whips against UI Omen Goku. Goku dodges while charging a Kamehameha, then blasts Moro after spinning around in the air. (04/21/2020)
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ANIME EP 121 - Anilaza has crystals that store his power. He is defeated when his forehead crystal gets shattered by No. 17. (12/24/2017)
MANGA CH 66 - Moro has crystals that store powers. He is defeated when his forehead crystal gets shattered by UI Goku. (11/21/2020)
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ANIME EP 121 & 129 & 130 - UI Goku uses air punches on his opponents during the ToP against Kefla & Jiren. UI Goku also uses rapid air punches that can't be seen when pushing back Jiren's ki blasts. (11/19/2017) & (03/4/2018) & (03/18/2018)
MANGA CH 59 & 73 - UI Goku uses air punches against Moro & Granolah. UI Goku also uses rapid air punches that can't be seen. (04/21/2020) & (06/21/2021)
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ANIME EP 11 & 72 & 105- Goku's body mysteriously heals itself while in SSG for the first time. Next, Goku resuscitates himself with god ki after Hit assassinated him. Then, Goku uses a similar power when he heals Roshi in the ToP. (9/20/2015) & (12/25/2016) & (08/27/2017)
MANGA CH 75 - Goku randomly heals himself in the Granolah arc without any suggestion of the power prior anywhere in the manga. (08/19/2021)
So basically, Toyotaro is taking moments that happened in the DBS anime, then rewriting them in later chapters of the DBS manga, but with slight alterations.
Now, for most of these, I believe Toyotaro is DEFINITELY copying. But for others, Toriyama probably liked how the anime handled it and told Toyotaro to include some things. Because the "jarring shock to the emotions" wasn't how manga Goku achieved UI during the ToP. THAT was an anime only thing.
I'm sure there are many more times where the manga copied the anime, but I'll let y'all find those if you wanna. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Cause the anime copied the manga and brought back SSG. Something I was glad the manga didn't forget.
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wyverewings · 2 years
My (very 100% won’t actually happen) Concept for the Next Kirby Game
Kirby Kirby Kirby that’s the name that you know!
Kirby Kirby Kirby here’s the star of the show!
...Well, not this time
So, I’ve been in the Kirby hyperfix lately, and so I’ve been playing Return to Dreamland before I can borrow Star Allies from my friend.  And while I was playing, I just got this concept for a new Kirby game which is probably never gonna happen
Basically, it would be a sort of sequel to Return to Dreamland, with the characters and Super Abilities (which idk how they’d make that work with 3D) returning, but this time, there’s a twist in that...
Kirby isn’t playable.  In fact, in this very hypothetical concept’s plot, they’d have been abducted by the villains so they can study their powers and possibly use them to revive some eldritch god somehow.  You know, the usual stuff.
The rest of the heroes, including Meta Knight, King Dedede, and Bandana Dee, and Magolor, will go to save our pink friend and stop the villains.
Some notes about the characters and story here:
There would be some unlockable characters, either through story or doing some of the minigames.  I’d imagine/hope Landia would be one of them.  I feel there should be up to eight playable characters, which would include Kirby when you complete the main story.
All of the playable characters would have a Super Ability specific to them.  Meta Knight would have Ultra Sword, Dedede would have GrandHammer, Magolor would probably have Flare Beam, Landia would have Monster Flame, and Bandana Dee would have... uh... Snow Bowl?  Okay idk what to do there, with both Bandana Dee and Snow Bowl.  Maybe Snow Bowl could go some friendly Ice Doomer or something?  And maybe for Bandana Dee there’s a Super Spear or whatever?  There probably would be two Super Abilities added, considering there’s eight characters, and Kirby would be able to use all of the abilities.
I feel like Susie would play some sort of role, considering her connection with Another Dimension.
I’ve seen stuff about the character development of the other Kirby characters, like how Dedede has grown from a greedy tyrant to a person who would risk his own life to save one of his subjects and how Bandana Dee has grown from a rather pathetic “boss” in The Arena to a hero who can keep up with Kirby, but Magolor has had somewhat of an arc of his own I’ve noticed.  After his antics in RtDL, he’s been very remorseful for his actions, and has always been an ally Kirby in his post RtDL appearances, whether that’s building a whole theme park or being a Dream Friend.  So here, he’d be very motivated to save Kirby to make up for what he did.
Obviously, that fluttery menace will appear, hopefully Galacta Knight makes their first canon appearance here too.  Maybe one of them is gonna be one of the playable characters here.
so yeah that’s my very very hypothetical concept for a new Kirby game, I doubt this is gonna be even close to what we’re actually gonna get... though I’m still gonna adore what we’ll get
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