#um. how do I tag lumi. I did not think of this. She's not like. Technically an OC? She's a canon character but like. Halfway. Sort of.
ratcandy · 1 month
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happy lesbian visibility week . everyone say hi to Lumi, who is now visible
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For those brave souls wondering, "Who is Lumi?" well let me tell you. Lumi is a character that is referenced exactly once in-game offhandedly by the current Lighthouse Keeper, with an unused sprite to boot,
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and she and Monch kiss each other very passionately by the fire, and nothing goes wrong in their lives ever ever. (To clarify, Lumi isn't her canon name, it is the name I have bestowed upon her. It's also never stated that this unused sprite is/was the old leader of the lighthouse, but that is the headcanon I'm running with. Just to avoid any confusion!!)
and if you're thinking to yourself, "Hey wait a second, isn't that one off-handed bit of dialogue about how the previous leader of the lighthouse was murdered by the Fox?" well u'd be right. but don't worry about it :)
SHe and Monch are holding hands and kissing and whatever else people who love each other do. Why? Because they love each other very much. Thank you and goodnight <3
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malleux · 3 years
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☆ Day 1 - Prince Zhongli ☆
-> zhongli x fem!reader | royalty!au
-> fluff, conflict
-> warnings: mild cursing, fighting and blood, talk of human selling
-> “pick a prince” masterlist
a/n: day one! how’s everyone feeling about mr. zhongli? personally, i’m rather intrigued 👀 i hope you enjoy! sorry this is posted a little late at night, i didn’t realize how busy this week would be when i scheduled my event!
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The library was somewhat of a safe space for you. It was where you ran when the burden of an entire country rested heavily upon your shoulders, giving you an outlet to simply live.
After the slightly traumatizing dinner your father had hosted with your seven suitors, you ran to the library. You knew your mother, who was also rather uneasy about the entire arrangement, was there and that provided yet another layer of comfort that you so desperately needed.
Your mother read stories to you that night- uplifting tales that did at least a little bit to lighten the mood you were in. She read book after book, not once stumbling over her words despite your tears staining the paper and making the words smear across. It was as if your mother had read these books to herself numerous times before, trying to comfort her own mind when she was put through a situation similar to your own.
She didn’t put down her books until you had cried yourself to sleep. Then, your mother gently laid you against the plush velvet of the couch, draped a light blanket over your form, and kissed your forehead, bidding you goodnight and wishing for a better tomorrow.
☆ ☆ ☆
“Um, excuse me?”
You scrunched up your nose and huffed, pulling your blanket closer.
“Princess? It’s well past morning. You may need to get up.”
Who the hell was talking to you?
Albeit reluctantly, you yawned and opened your eyes, sitting up to stretch. Suddenly, you were looking into a pair of amber eyes. They seemed to glow in the dim light of the library, looking at you with slight concern.
“Wh- who’s there?” You mumbled, scooting back on your seat to shy away from the man’s gaze.
“It’s- it’s Zhongli. Just Zhongli. We didn’t see you at breakfast, your father is a little upset.”
“Shit- I missed breakfast?” You were wide awake in an instant.
“Such language is rather unbecoming of a princess, don’t you think?” Zhongli’s smirk gave away his playful comment, and you couldn’t help but laugh a little as well. “Anyways, as far as your father is concerned, I saw you earlier this morning. You weren’t looking too well so I sent you to take a long bath to relax. After breakfast, you showed me the library, which leads us here.”
You sighed in relief, thankful that Zhongli had practically saved your ass from a long lecture. He outstretched his hand and you took it, allowing him to help you stand up fully.
“Why don’t we take a walk through the market? You can tell me more about yourself and spend some time away from the stressful castle life.” Zhongli offers.
“Gods, yes, please.” You agreed, and allowed the polite prince to whisk you out of the castle.
The market was bustling at this time of day. It was early enough for the sun to warm the faces of your citizens, but cool enough to not scorch those who may venture away from the shaded roofs of the market stalls. You held tightly onto Zhongli’s arm as he browsed the goods your kingdom had to offer.
“This is a beautiful necklace, Princess.” He held up a dainty neck piece, the emblem of your kingdom hanging delicately off of a small golden chain.
“Buy it then.” You mused. Zhongli had been window shopping for a while now, and yet you hadn’t seen him buy a single thing he claimed to like.
“Unfortunately, that’s not possible.”
“Uh, why?” You quirked an eyebrow. With how Zhongli acted and dressed, you were sure he’d be able to afford everything in the market twice.
“I, um, seem to lack the funds.”
Maybe not.
“Aren’t you a prince? Shouldn’t you have money?”
“I suppose- anyhow, look at the gems over in this stall. Do you believe they’re real, or are your citizens being scammed by a merchant?”
He was avoiding the question.
You didn’t understand. If he was a prince, then his financial situation should be rather promising, right? What was there to hide? Unless, he wasn’t actually a prince?
No, you shook your head. Your father wouldn’t have invited him to the castle if his background was even slightly sketchy.
Where did he go?
Zhongli had disappeared from the gem stall he was at previously. You looked around the area, trying to scout him out. He should have been easy to find, standing out amongst the rather bland clothes of your citizens, but you saw nothing.
You began getting a little worried. You were dressed down, wearing a cloak and a hood that shadowed your face from most people’s views, but you were still a beautiful young woman. Even your lovely kingdom wasn’t a stranger to crimes.
Pushing forward, you started to make your way through the crowd. You considered just going back to the castle, but Zhongli didn’t know his way back. You had to find him. The only way he could’ve gone without you noticing was forward. Your forcefulness while moving through the market streets didn’t go unnoticed as people began giving you glares, whispering harsh comments as you shoved past. You couldn’t care less, you were on a mission to find Zhongli and go home-
You cursed as arm shot out and grabbed your bicep, yanking you between two stalls and into a narrow alleyway. Even more hands grabbed at your clothes and mouth, trying to keep you from yelling out.
“You look like you’ve got it real good.” A harsh voice spoke against your ear. You shuddered. A cold object rubbed against your cheek and you felt a contrasting warmth trickle down to your chin. Whether it was blood or the tears you were trying to hold back, you couldn’t tell.
“What’s in that nice little sachel you’ve got there?” Another hand grabbed at the bag around your torso. “I bet you’d be just fine without it.”
He pulled it off of you and threw it to the ground, letting a third man rummage through it. You stayed quiet, afraid to let out even a whimper as the first man pulled the hood of your cloak back. You heard his breath hitch a little bit.
“Now this is a sight.” You could hear the smirk in his words. “The little princess, all alone, with no knight in shining armor to help her. Forget the bag, she’ll go for a pretty penny worth way more than anything in that shitty old thing. C’mon, Princess, let’s get movin’.”
“You’ll have to get through me, first.”
Tears of relief fell from your eyes now at the sight of the very man who had inadvertently gotten you into this situation in the first place. He stood in the entrance of the alleyway, the sun shining behind him as if he were some god, appearing for the first time to come save you. Some broke, secretive, oddly polite god.
The first man sneered. “Yeah? What are you gonna do? Can’t get that dandy little suit of yours dirty.”
Zhongli practically scoffed. “I could deal with you lot without even wrinkling it.”
He rolled his sleeves up. “Let’s see about that.”
He charged at Zhongli, swinging his fist wildly at the prince’s face. Zhongli dodged the punch, stretching his leg out and sweeping the man’s legs out from under him. He fell to the cobblestone beneath him and Zhongli stepped on his chest, pressing his weight onto his body until he was gripping his ankle, begging for a break.
The second man came next, leaving the third, scrawniest man to try and hold you back. While Zhongli was dealing with him, you snapped your head back and smashed into his nose. The guy let go and grabbed onto the definitely-broken cartilage, practically helpless as you swung at his face again.
You backed up from him and ran into someone’s chest, jumping when their arms wrapped around your shoulders once more.
“Easy, Princess.” Zhongli’s deep voice immediately soothed your guard. “I apologize for losing you.”
You turned around. “I lost you.”
“No, no,” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small bag, handing it to you. “I thought you were occupied looking at the gems, so I snuck away to get this. I didn’t realize you’d go all over looking for me.”
Zhongli placed the bag in your hands and you opened it up. In it, the necklace he had shown you earlier. You smiled at him and held it out to him, turning around so that he could put it on. The feeling of Zhongli’s fingers against your bare neck sent a small shiver up your spine- one you wouldn’t mind feeling again.
“Thank you, Zhongli.” You smiled at him, “But, if you didn’t have any money, how did you get this?”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” The prince replied. “Come, you’ve had an eventful day. I think tea and a nap is in order.”
He held his arm out for you once more and you took it, leading the way back to the castle. You couldn’t help but gaze at the man through the side of your eye, grateful for the sweet gift.
You quit wondering how he bought it when you noticed that he was only wearing one expensive earring, as opposed to the two he had started out his day with.
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taglist: @xenia-cenia @murder-and-mistflowers @osmiumtrash @rebeljustforkicks137 @heisenwurst @writingmi @dilucs-thighs @wiseeggspickleslime @cotton-candy1709 @emerald-smile @luckymuddypaw @mercurysmaiden @Violeteyesofevergarden @darthsokaaa @aaaaalona @lehra @peepeles @hopeless-path @chaiteabeebee @murderisfantastic @janieatlanta @naritecs @a-cutiecatie @hanniejji @optimestick @trashy-mctrash @9ineine @akatherinque @spqcebun @milkxteaa @spooderkat @4everanimesimp @asheseiler @hnpriscilla @m0na-l0ver @welcometomypersonalhell098 @simplysm1le @lumi-ying @y2ndere @2-player-game @craptainlou @myheadcanonz @Piprapie @calicolaaaa @Traveler-Lumine @starrysurprise
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takuyakistall · 4 years
blue feather | epel felmier
summary: epel decides to make a decision he's sure he won't regret.
tags: fluff, fem!reader
tagging: @poisonepel @ghostiebabey @xxunrxvelingxx @lynni-lumi @lethlia
author's notes: this is set after epel and reader graduates from NRC. Also,, i got the idea from harvest moon and town of harvest.... i connected the dots
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         Epel wasn't sure if he was making a big mistake. He invited you to his hometown, The Village of Harvest, during the holidays to introduce you to his grandmother. For him, introducing you to his grandmother was a huge step he was willing to take with you. You've been with him long enough for him to consider life changing decisions with you. Taking a huge breath, Epel knocked on the door gently with you by his side.
          Epel's breath hitched as he heard the door unlock it's gears. His hands were sweaty from nervousness, you noticed his state and gently took a hold of his hand, entwining them with yours. His tense face became more relaxed as he gave you a gentle smile, thanking you silently. His grandmother appeared on the other side of the door the same time it was opened. An old woman with grey hair greeted you, 'She has Epel's eyes' you thought, staring at her for a while before bowing quickly, trying to hide your embarrassment. "Epel! I'm glad you're home." His grandmother wrapped her arms around him and gave him a bone-crushing hug. 
          "M-Meemaw! I can't breathe!" Epel struggled free from her iron grip. She realized what she was doing and reluctantly let Epel go. Epel breathed a sigh of relief as he tried to catch his breath. His grandmother offered to let the both of you inside, and you happily obliged. You were nervous to actually talk to his grandmother, what if she doesn't like you? Would she try to separate the two of you? Who knows. All of you sat down by the table out in the garden and were offered tea. (or whatever your preference is)
          "So Epel, do you mind introducing me to the pretty lady ya got here?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows a bit as she let out a heart laugh. The tension you were feeling all along was suddenly replaced with overwhelming relief. Maybe, this could work out. Before you could introduce yourself, Epel went ahead and did it for you. "Ah, She's (Y/N) (L/N). My um, girlfriend." Epel flushed at the last few words. Even after all this time, it was still embarrassing for him. He wasn't used to it.
          His Grandma's grin grew wider. A girlfriend? This is the first time, she knew Epel wouldn't just bring home anybody, so she knew that the girl must be very special to him. Special enough to make Epel think seriously about their future together. Though his grandmother was a bit worried for him. Would he be making a wise decision? Or was he going too fast? Grandma tried to talk to you as much as she could, her questions are often about your relationship with him. What was your relationship like while studying in NRC? After that? How did you manage to stay together despite all the hardships life threw at the both of you? You answered them all patiently, with a gentle smile covering your features, remembering all the memories the two of you shared.
          When it was time for you to leave, his grandmother grabbed you by the wrist gently. Tugging you towards a more private room where Epel can't hear you. She whispered something in your ear that made you as red as a tomato. When you returned to Epel's side, he could only wonder what the two of you talked about.
          "Epel-kun! Could you tell me a bit about your hometown?" You suddenly asked, Epel has caught your attention lately. He seemed like a gentle natured pretty boy from Pomefiore, but you were proven dead wrong. You found him amusing whenever you hung out together and eventually wanted to know more and more about him. 
          "My hometown? Well- I came from the Village of Harvest. Long story short, there are a lotta farms and gardens there. Meemaw- I mean, My grandmother sent me these apples from our farm. Would you like some?" It was cute to see him trying to correct himself with the whole meemaw thing- you found it cute! He handed you a beautifully carved apple, you wondered whose skillful hands made such a masterpiece when you noticed that Epel was holding a small knife.
          "Epel-kun, don't tell me you carved these…!?" Epel's face had a look of confusion as you gave him a shocked look. "Yes…? I did." Reluctantly, he continued carving the apple he was holding. "You're amazing!" Epel almost cut his finger when he heard you say that, "W-Whaddya mean amazing?!" He became as red as the apple he was holding. 
          "It's getting a bit late but I want to show you something before we leave, is it alright?" Epel was right, dusk was falling rapidly. Even if you preferred going home immediately, you wouldn't pass up the chance to spend more time with your lover. You wondered where he was taking you as the both of you stopped by a river with stepping stones. "We're gonna have to use the stepping stones to cross the river, can you do it?" The stones seemed stable enough for you to nod. Epel went first, holding your hand as you followed along. You almost tripped several times, had it not been for Epel clutching your hand tightly, afraid of the possibility that you might fall and injure yourself. 
          After crossing the river successfully, both of you had to walk a bit more- there was no path, you couldn't tell if Epel knew where he was going or the both of you were lost. The more you walked, more flowers kept on appearing. "Epel! Are we there yet?" You were growing excited but at the same time, impatient. You couldn't wait to see what Epel had in store for you. "We're almost there."
          You finally spotted something in the distance, your pace went faster as you went towards it with Epel. It looked like an old rickety door without a look. Moss and vines camouflaged it well, you were lucky you're with Epel or else you wouldn't have noticed it. Epel took hold of the doorknob and turned it, opening the door. 
          You entered through the door and there you saw what seems like a Secret Garden. Flowers and Vines adorned the hedges, in the middle was a small pond with a small stone stool besides it. It was gorgeous. The night sky tinted the hues of the flowers while the pond illuminated the moonlight. "Do you like it?" Epel asked you, a small pink tinting his cheeks. You nodded eagerly and sat down on the stone stool and admired the view further.
          "You wanna know more about my hometown? Well- there isn't anything that interesting about us except for how our marriage proposals work." Epel tried to quench your curiosity with the stories and traditions of his village. "Instead of rings, we use a blue feather to propose. And don't you dare try to think about freaking me out by giving me one!"
          Epel took a deep breath. He pulled out a blue feather and held it tightly with both of his hands. You didn't notice this as you were too mesmerized by the reflection of the moon in the pond but when you did- you forgot to breathe for a moment. Clutching a blue feather under the moonlit night, Epel looked ethereal. You wondered how someone as beautiful as him could exist. You hadn't paid attention to what he was holding, but when you did, your eyes widened. You remembered what his grandmother told you "I bet he'd make you his wife."
          Epel glanced towards you and gave you a beautiful smile. He held out the blue feather towards you and asked you something in a serious tone. "Would you accept someone like me as your husband?" 
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jphbk1982 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, WWE NXT - Fandom, Professional Wrestling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Indi Hartwell/Dexter Lumis | Samuel Shaw Characters: Indi Hartwell, Dexter Lumis | Samuel Shaw Summary:
What happened when Dexter took Indi to medical after she faked being unconscious in the 8 person tag? Why was she so happy when she showed up to the interview with The Way later?
Had this idea floating around in my brain for a while, decided to get it out. Hope you like it. More InDex stories to come later. Link above or read below:
Indi half-opened her eyes as she bounced slightly with the rhythmic footsteps of the man who was holding her. He was staring straight ahead with a purpose. He turned them effortlessly through a doorway and past the gym. A slight repositioning of her body as their respective sweat caused her skin to be slippery in his arms.
She watched him and fought hard the urge to give up her ruse right now and attempt another kiss. Instead, she became transfixed on his profile. She was struck by how handsome he actually was. Not scary at all like so many people would lead you to believe. She saw warmth and a softness in his blue eyes as they began to dart around in search of something.
A quick spin to allow him to push a door open with his backside and Dexter had carried her all the way to the office of the trainer and medical team. He stood holding her and Indi heard people approaching them. As they got closer for a moment Dexter stepped back slightly.
"Just... um... put her down over here," Indi recognized the voice of the head of the medical team. She cringed a little realizing her ruse had led her to this point. She was being walked over to an open table now. Just as Dexter started to hover her over the table to release her she clenched her grip around his neck tightly.
The action prompted Dexter to look down at her for the first time since he had taken her into his arms. She started to open her mouth to speak and explain but something about his eyes. It rendered her as momentarily mute as he was.
He was cocking his head slightly at her now and she felt she should probably speak. So she cleared her throat a little and stole a glance over at the still awaiting medical staff. She knew she was blushing she could feel it in her face.
"I... um... I'm fine," Indi cringed slightly as the words left her mouth. She watched Dexter's face for a reaction. She didn't get much, just a slight raise of his eyebrows. He took his eyes off her and immediately she craved his gaze. He was looking up at the others in the room with a blank look on his face.
After just a moment he managed to slightly shrug with her still firmly in his arms. The motion making her involuntarily giggle. This got his attention again. His eyes were scanning all over her face. She was sure to most this would be uncomfortable but she was finding herself welcoming it.
She suddenly felt his grip on her loosen and she was being lowered to her feet. She wanted to protest but couldn't bring herself to. He sat her down and stood directly in front of her to make eye contact with her. She snuck a peek down his bare chest and noticed his breathing, she found it to be completely in sync with her own as she moved a hand up to touch his chest.
Before skin could touch skin he backed away from her. Slowly at first, seemingly unsure of her. She inched closer and this only prompted to him withdraw and turn to walk out of the room, leaving her standing there with an outstretched hand and a wounded heart.
"Are you okay?" A voice from behind her barely registered as she purposefully jogged from the room and into the hall.
"Wait," Indi's voice was not loud. No one outside of the immediate area would have heard it. He did though. She watched as Dexter stopped just at the door leading out into the large training area of the Performance Center.
He kept his back to her but turned his head to acknowledge he had heard her. He was denying her the eye contact she craved so she inched closer to him. She could feel her heart racing. If it went any faster she might end up actually needing a medic.
"Don't go..." Indi echoed her earlier sentiment. The sound of her voice causing him to turn more in her direction. Still not fully facing her but his eyes were on her now.
She smiled upon seeing this. She didn't expect him to smile in return of course. She had never seen that. However, he did finish doing the turn and faced her fully now. That was enough. She opened her mouth to speak and his eyes moved down to her lips, effectively derailing her train of thought for a moment.
"I... um..." Indi stammered. She gestured behind her at the room they had just exited. "Thanks... for... you know... bringing me to get checked out..."
His eyes darted past her momentarily and then settled back onto her face.
"Even if you know... I didn't really need it," Indi shrugged. His body language changed again and he started to turn from her.
"Wait..." She took a chance and reached for his hand. This gesture seemed to truly shock him as his eyes widened and he raised their respective hands into his line of sight.
Indi gave his hand a soft squeeze in hopes of getting him to look at her again. It worked.
"Are you upset... I'm sorry that I was pretending to be hurt..." Indi stated. She watched his face for signs of recognition of his words. His expression didn't really change but his head dipped just a little, she took that as a sign he understood what she was saying.
Indi was suddenly keenly aware they were still holding hands and she felt her face flushing again. She ducked her head slightly. She was completely gobsmacked by what happened next.
Dexter's hand was so gently on her chin as it coaxed her to look back up to him. She smiled in response to his action and his demeanor changed. His posture loosened and his own face seemed to be on the verge of a smile.
"I did it because..." Indi took in a big breath in an attempt to spit the next words all out without taking another. "I really like you and I just wanted you to hold me and I thought... hoped maybe you could like me too."
She was searching his face desperately now for even the slightest hint of something. Anything.
He stepped closer to her and Indi genuinely felt like she might faint. She had never felt an adrenaline rush like this moment. Something about Dexter was dangerous, but in every way, you could possibly crave it. He was inches from her face now and his eyes were locked into hers, unmoving.
"Do... do... you?" Indi whispered.
A slight nod and curl in the corner of his mouth might as well have been an outright declaration of undying love for how it made Indi feel. She was beaming now.
"You mean it?" Indi asked, her voice still a whisper.
Another nod.
"What do we do now?" Indi's voice was back to its usual register.
His eyes moved back down to her lips and she understood exactly. She leaned in and their lips made the lightest of touches before the door to the hallway behind them opened, and Dexter stiffened and released her hand.
"Hey Indi... Johnny and Candice are flipping out trying to find you... I think McKenzie is trying to calm them down and talk to them," NXT ring announcer Alicia Taylor spoke from her position in the doorway. She eyed the two for a moment before grinning.
Indi nodded and then glanced up at Dexter. She started to move past him and he gave her hand the gentlest of squeezes prompting her to smile widely as she followed Alicia out.
It didn't take her long to find her family. She just followed the sound of their frantic ranting to McKenzie as she attempted to get a word with them. She composed herself as best she could and made her way up to them. It didn't take long for them to start asking questions, she attempted to answer all of them, but it was all just noise. In her mind, she was still in the hallway waiting for that kiss from Dexter Lumis. One day... one day she would get it.
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corrupted-shadows · 3 years
Repairing Bonds
Evalyn lets out a yawn as she glanced up from the spot she sat
Pandora was seemingly sound asleep laying on the ground as both Serenity and Trinity laid against her asleep as well
“Never saw those two so drained”
Rain chuckled softly as they closed up their faint white wings against their back
Basil glanced around quietly at all the dimmed lights
“Everyone is asleep”
Basil mumbled as he picked up Serenity and Trinity allowing the two to turn back into their fairy forms, he moved them up to a tree branch where their other siblings laid
Rain took a moment before glancing over at their sister and smiled softly
“I’m so happy to know you’re here and happy”
Rain smiled and Evalyn chuckled rubbing her neck
“Here, yeah, happy? That’s...probably in the making”
Evalyn sighed before standing facing her sibling observing them
“You know fairy fits you well”
Evalyn chuckled glancing at their outfit, Rain smiled moving their hand down to the end of their dress
“Do you think so? It’s been so long since...I ever thought about my actual human life I kind of forgot about it”
Rain chuckled before looking at Evalyn
“Where have you been anyway? I know you crossed the bridge but what’s over there?”
Rain asked curiously and Basil looked at the two quietly
“You seriously haven’t been over there?”
Evalyn tilted her head
“Well it’s forbidden to go over the bridge, no one in at least my history of being here has ever crossed that bridge”
Rain said and Evalyn thought for a moment
“Well there’s cities...farm life and everything that is remotely...like Earth, I guess, well besides some things”
“Just like Earth huh?”
Rain chuckled and glanced around the forest they stood in
“Here it’s completely different”
“What do you guys call this place anyway? I mean we call it like the floating islands cause ever since...well I don’t know the story that well I uh...Pandora does”
Evalyn said glancing down at the sleeping soldier, Pandora’s bow was rested against her back as she wore a belt full of weapons and arrows
“Well you two should go home”
Basil started as he fixed his crown
“Go back, don’t come back I don’t care”
Basil mumbled and Rain glanced back at him
“Honey she’s my family you can’t just say that, I’m sorry Evalyn he’s...a bit old school with the rules”
Rain sighed fixing their hair as their blue eyes shined in the double moonlight, Evalyn chuckled
“It’s okay...um...Pandora is just the same way”
Evalyn said pulling Pandora up and on her shoulder, she lets out a shaky breath
“Okay maybe not this way”
Evalyn whispered to herself and moved to carry Pandora in more of a bridal way avoiding the knives that rested against Pandora’s waist
“Do visit again sister we have so much too-”
Rain started before they heard a few voices come from the bridge
“Who is it now?”
Basil mumbled and started to walk
Evalyn held Pandora walking over, spotting Dark and Wilford they noticed them
“There she is”
Dark grumbled walking across the bridge
“She seems to be a tired lassy isn’t she?”
Wilford chuckled taking Pandora from Evalyn’s hands
“What are you two doing over here?”
Dark said glancing at Evalyn holding his cane
“S-she just took me to find my sibling that’s all”
Evalyn said gesturing over to Rain who gave a smile
Rain smiled giving a small bow as the crown was still clear as day
“Oh it’s a royal, didn’t expect to see that here”
Wilford chuckled
“Wilford we know nothing about this area, I don’t think-”
“Ah, it's nothing now! Let’s get going! You did promise all the others a trip to the movies”
Wilford smiled and casually started walking back
Dark sighed rubbing his face before looking at Basil and Rain
“Sorry he’s uh...he can’t focus on one thing for too long”
Dark said and gave a nod before starting to leave
“Those two are strange”
Basil said observing them
“I never understood Dark and Wilford honestly, their history is unknown to our part so”
Evalyn shrugged before glancing at Rain offering a little hug
Rain smiled and stepped up hugging their sibling tight
Relaxing into their hug Evalyn smiled
“I’m so happy you’re here with me, I don’t...know why any of us are here in this void but I’m glad”
Evalyn chuckled and Rain smiled letting go
“Yeah...go ahead home, we all need some rest”
Rain said softly
“Hey, Evalyn are you coming?!”
A voice yelled out from the bridge and she glanced over at Faith who was peeking her head through the invisible wall
“Oh hello! I love your dress!”
Faith smiled looking at Rain
“Oh uh thank you”
Rain chuckled at the compliment glancing down at their dress
“Well guess I should go huh, bye…”
Evalyn said and started to walk away
“Bye, love you”
Rain said and that caused Evalyn to stop, she lets out a shaky breath
“I love you too”
Evalyn smiled a bit before walking off with Faith
Back safe in the void Evalyn glanced at the egos
“Man there surely is a lot of you”
Evalyn said
Pandora grumbled still waking up
“Ready to go?”
Wilford smiled
“Yeah about time!”
Bing said in excitement
“I still don’t see the purpose of going to the movies if we can just watch this at home”
Google mumbled
“It’s some family bonding time! Cmon what’s better spending time with us?”
Bim grinned as he held Silver’s hand who kept trying to wander off
“I can think of a few”
Google mumbled
Evalyn stood alone watching the group start to walk away, holding her arm she glanced down and started to walk home alone
“Aren’t you coming with us? I’ll pay for your ticket”
Faith said glancing at Evalyn who walked by
“Me? Why would you want me to come?”
“Come on! I know...you and my sister never got along well but shouldn’t we all have a chance to try and bond?”
Faith said and Evalyn blinked
“Yeah...yeah that sounds nice”
Evalyn smiled softly
Walking with them she glanced over at Luca, Alex, and Lumi
“Have any of you ever slid on ice before?”
Lumi mumbled to the two
“No? I don’t think Dark would want you-”
Luca said before letting out a yelp, Lumi giggled as she ran along causing ice to form underneath the whole group
Sliding down the streets Lumi giggled making sure to watch for any people walking by
“Lumi what did I say about doing this?!”
Dark said trying to keep his balance holding onto Wilford’s arm who seem to be sliding just fine
“You’re all slow walkers when its constant arguments”
Lumi chuckled, in front of the movies the entire ice trail disappeared from sight
“What the fuck just happened?”
Evalyn said standing and rubbing her back
“Ugh I hit so many rocks on the way here”
Illinois groaned rubbing his back
“But we’re on the streets’ how did you get hit by rocks?”
Alex asked confused and Illinois shrugged
“Have no idea! They just randomly appear”
Illinois said
“If I had a dime for every time I was chased by a boulder or something...I would have...a few...which is strange to think about now”
Illinois said confused thinking and Alex chuckled
Watching the group from the back Evalyn lets out a hesitant breath
Juliette suddenly said and Evalyn glanced at her
“We’re a riled up bunch but it’s alright...you’ll fit right in”
Juliette gave a small smile and Evalyn smiled back
“Thank you”
Evalyn said softly
The two went inside with the rest of the group
@timeless-aces @springybreadpringles @why-killed-markiplier @jack-attack @worldtravelerbuff
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salty-dracon · 7 years
SA Hunters- Part 3
(Check out the tag #sahunters for the first two chapters of this SECRET Agents sidestory. Also, I would really appreciate feedback, since I absolutely suck at writing romantic anything!)
My eyes slowly opened in the morning. The sun was shining on my face, in a way that didn’t burn or make me squint. I glanced next to me. Someone was curled up in bed with me! I didn’t find myself startled, but I stayed still.
It was then that I realized that the other person was a girl. I took one look at her red hair and glasses and then I realized.
“Morning, Brid.” I whispered. I wanted to hold on to this moment. I tried not to disturb it.
Brid snuggled closer to me. She pressed her face to my chest. I smiled, even though her glasses were kind of poking me.
Wait, her glasses?! Why’s Brid sleeping with her glasses on-
I woke up.
It was the middle of the night.
It was a dream.
I sighed and sat up. I was thirsty.
“AAGH! Don’t scare me like that!”
I glanced up. Sam was standing in the hallway, holding a cup of Jello and a plastic spoon. I guess he had been midnight snacking again. He certainly didn’t expect to see me awake.
“Sorry.” I curled back up under my sheets.
“Something wrong?” Sam asked.
“Bad dream.” I said.
“‘Kay.” Sam walked away.
I tried to remember the dream. Dreams aren’t easy to remember. You get bits and pieces. Sometimes you don’t remember anything but a sensation. Like warmth, or cold, or darkness, or foreboding… but I couldn’t feel anything.
I didn’t remember anything except that Brid was curled up in bed with me. And she was wearing her glasses. Those stupid glasses, poking me and knocking the sense into me and waking me up.
I lulled myself back into a deep slumber.
I stared at the lined sheet of paper. “Write a poem with seven lines,” she said. This is an Honors English class. We’re supposed to be studying literature, not writing poems. It’s super early in the year. I wanted to discuss Jane Eyre, but, hey. Work is work.
I didn’t really know what to write. So I started with the simplest thing I could think of.
My name is Lumi Dayze.
What next?
I am a girl, and I fell in love.
Those beautiful locks, like strands of silk, tickling my chin.
That joyous smile, revealing a heart as white as teeth.
Those slender fingers, tickling my waist.
The warm embrace, enveloping me in its love.
I fell in love with a girl.
I hoped the teacher wouldn’t think it was too weird. My aim was to pretend I fell in love with a boy, but plot twist! It was a girl.
Yeah, that wasn’t such a great idea. I’d have to think of something else.
Speaking of girl, what was Brid writing about?
She was going through a book full of doodles. She only had a few words written on her page. I stole a glance.
Is it wrong to fly?
There was nothing more.
Why “flying”? I thought back to that drawing she had a few days ago- one of the Dark Angel. She seemed to have a fascination with him. Or, at the very least, his wings. I had to know why.
Me. Being obsessed with someone. A girl, of all people.
I didn’t know how I felt.
“Something wrong?” Sam asked when we were at home. “You haven’t been yourself all day.”
I nodded before I knew what I was doing.
“What happened?” Sam asked urgently. “What did you dream about?”
“Huh?” I asked.
“You said you had a bad dream. What was your dream?”
“Nothing… nothing.” I said.
“Lumi, you had a bad dream.”
“I… It’s a bit embarrassing.” I said.
“Tell me.” Sam said, leaning in. “Tell me. Seriously. Get it off your chest.”
I nodded. “I… um, I have a crush on someone.”
“Well, that’s news.” Sam commented. “Who? One of my friends? I-I can-”
“Actually, it’s Brid.”
“Brid? Brid Shao?”
“Brid? As in, girl Brid?”
“Yeah… ”
“You’re gay?!”
“Maybe, I mean, it could just be a-”
“Okay. I’ll hook you two up or something.”
“No! Don’t do that!”
“Why not?”
“What if she doesn’t feel how I feel? I’m sorry. I… I just need to think this through a bit more… ”
“Best you can do is ask.”
“But I’m not ready!”
“Whatever.” Sam said. “I won’t press you. It’s fine.” Sam held my hand. “I care about you, okay? It’s totally fine to be-”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Both of our cell phones vibrated at the same time. Sam and I both stole a glance.
Need to come to HQ right away. Getting information out of prisoner.
Sam and I heard a car pull up outside.
“Let’s go.” Sam said.
“That’s them.” Gray, the vampire we had captured a while back, was staring at the ground. His green eyes didn’t meet ours.
“You haven’t even looked at them.” A human addressed him. He or she was using a voice filter and wearing a mask that covered their entire face.
Gray glanced up. He raised an eyebrow and said, “That’s them.”
“We want you to talk to them.”
Sam and I found ourselves in an interrogation room. On the other side of a glass screen was Gray. He was staring at us angrily. Sam and I were wearing a special pair of glasses- they indicated several things about our subjects. They were even used by our sister organization, but ours had some… special properties. We could see Gray’s body with a red outline. Next to him was a number: 3.
“Um, hi.” I started. “Long time no see.”
“It’s been one week.”
“Okay… ”
“Well, do you want to talk to us, or-”
“No. Duh. I want to go home.” The number next to Gray jumped up to 5, and then dropped back down to 3.
“Where’s home?” Sam asked.
“Like you need to know.” Gray turned around. The number jumped up to 10 and stayed there.
“Do you have family?” I asked calmly. “Parents? Brothers and sisters?”
“Hmm.” Gray contemplated the question- or, I suspected, contemplated whether or not to give us information. “An older brother.” The number lowered to 5. I smiled. The number, by the way, is an indication of a vampire’s emotions. Emotional level varies directly with their power- the higher their emotions run, the more powerful they are. Normally, the calmer they are, the lower the number is. We use it as a rudimentary lie detector.
“A vampire?” I continued.
“No.” Gray said. The number jumped up to 13.
I paused.
“YOU’RE-” Sam began to accuse Gray of lying. I held him back. “Gray,” I continued, trying to keep my voice as calm as possible, “we believe you’re lying. If he’s a vampire, then-”
“Then you’ll kill him.” Gray snapped. “He’s my only family, and you’ll take him away from me.”
The number was steadily rising. 17. 24. 29. 32. The red aura around Gray’s body was growing bigger and bigger. If that number reached 50, he could feasibly break through the glass separating us. And we didn’t have any of our equipment. I had to think fast. How would I calm down a friend that was afraid I was going to hurt their family? Think, think, think…
“Does your brother hurt humans?” I asked.
36. 38. 35. 28.
“No.” Gray said. “He wouldn’t do that.”
25. 21. 16.
“Then we have no reason to hurt him.” I replied.
12. 10.
“How do I know that?” Gray asked.
“A lot of people think you should die for just existing.” I continued. “But I think that some vampires are careful. They know when they’re overstepping their boundaries, and they probably made the sacrifice for a reason. If you and your brother never intended to hurt anyone, then-”
Sam slammed his fists on the desk in front of us. “Then why were you a lookout for an operation clearly involving the kidnapping of human children?!”
“Sam!” I scolded. I quickly checked his number. It was 9 and hadn’t changed.
“You already know.” Gray said.
“The lady paid them money.” I explained to Sam. “Twelve thousand dollars for each of… um, eight, was it?”
“Yeah.” Gray said. “I really need the money. Me and my bro. We’re trying to move out of Rubicon City. Go somewhere else. We think we might move to Machverne.”
“All right.” I said. “But I am curious. Who was the lady with the beret?”
“She’s what you’d call a serial killer.” Gray said. “Not a vampire. Human.”
“Any particular pen name?” Sam asked.
“The Heart Thief.”
The name struck a chord. The Heart Thief, huh? As in, the woman who robs banks, takes the lives of businesspeople, and steals valuable jewelry, for no joy other than money. She also steals bodies sometimes. Oh yeah. She also wears, like, no clothing. And somehow is still alive.
“Why children?” I asked. “She normally steals cash or bodies.”
“We don’t know.” Gray said. “All she said was if we wanted money, we’d give her a group of unconscious kids between the ages of 5 and 12.”
Five and twelve? Sounded like someone else.
“As in, Dark Angel?” Sam asked. “Those are the kinds of victims Dark Angel steals.”
“You don’t think they’re working together, do you?”
“They’re not.” Gray said. “They’re a present.”
“A present?”
“Wait.” Sam stood up. “When Blank steals bodies, she mainly steals men. And they’re men often perceived as handsome by their friends and family. If she considers Angel handsome… ”
“I guess she wants to steal Angel’s body.” I finished. “And she wants to get close to him by presenting him a gift of children.”
“I’m telling all of this to the higher-ups.” Sam bolted out of the room.
Gray and I were alone.
“Why am I here?” Gray asked.
I stared at the ground. “I… I don’t really have an answer to that.”
“Aren’t there better things to do?”
“Like what?” I asked.
“Play with your friends. In the sunlight. Live every day without fear of silver or chopsticks or anything. Be able to survive without killing squirrels for breakfast.”
I didn’t respond. I guess I didn’t understand what it meant to be a vampire. Of course. I wasn’t one. What was it, anyway? An addiction? A disease? An identity?
“You don’t want to hurt anyone, right?” I asked.
��Of course not.”
I nodded. “Your interrogation is over.”
Gray nodded. I pressed a button on the wall. A door opened, allowing Gray to leave the interrogation room. Two hunters escorted him away.
“Well?” Sam asked when I walked out.
“He’s completely harmless and innocent. I believe him.”
“Whatever you say.” Sam said. “Hey, do you want to talk about… you know?”
“Brid?” I asked.
“I wish I could explain how it feels.” (AN: Because I... really can’t... and I’m trying and failing because i’m ace/??ro)
“No, I understand what it’s like to crush on a girl.” Sam said.
“I mean, what’s it like to be wrapped in her arms? I just want to watch the stars with her.”
“Easier done than said.” Sam pulled out his cell phone.
“NO!” I snapped. “Not now. I need to be sure of my feelings.”
“All right.”
“Child rescued from Angel?” Sam was reading the local news story. I nearly spit out my tea.
“Check it.” Sam pointed to an article on his phone. Sure enough, that was the title- “Child rescued from Angel”. It showed a picture of a blue and black blur headbutting him in the stomach. Ouch.
“Two mysterious figures, one clad in white, the other in black, rescued a young boy, 10, from the Dark Angel’s clutches. One, nicknamed Peace Dove, is an angel herself, flying at high speeds and seemingly disappearing and appearing at will. The other, Cathode, is described by many as a cyborg who fights empty handed. According to one bystander, she was ‘bouncing off the walls of the buildings, dealing numerous blows to Angel before the other one incapacitated him and rescued the kid’. What will become of these young heroines? Only time will tell.”
“They look pretty cool.” Sam pointed to a picture of their backsides. One had long hair and the other had short. I could tell that Cathode had a cloth or something around her mouth. Peace Dove, on the other hand, was wearing a mask of some sort.
“Is it wrong to fly?” The line popped into my head again.
No, Bridget. I thought. It’s not wrong to fly, as long as you’re fighting for what’s right.
My phone rang while I was writing a report in French at home. I checked it.
the intricacies of shipping
The true message read, “Blatant destruction in the old part of the city. Powerful vampire responsible.”
Oh, Jesus…
I heard the car pull up. Time to hit the road.
The old part of the city. It’s an interesting place.
This place was built around 1990. That was fifty years ago. Builders used to live here while they built the rest of the city. Things have seriously advanced since 1990. Most of these houses don’t even have wired Internet. They were all quickly abandoned once the bigger apartment buildings were erected. And they’ve never been torn down.
There’s just old and crumbling houses. Stray dogs and cats wander here and there. Cobwebs clog the ceilings. It’s like I’m standing in a ghost town. More like a ghost city. And the pavement is so cracked, it’s like an cobblestone path of everything but rectangular bricks. I can almost see the old newspapers rolling through like tumbleweeds.
People used to have families here. In that house, there was probably a husband, wife, six-year-old girl and one-year-old infant, babbling while she was fed, and the dad and daughter were playing Patty-Cake, or some other clapping game. Maybe over there a man lived all alone, collapsing into bed, then getting up and pouring himself some Cheerios. Over there a grandmother might have been sick, and a man was taking care of her while his wife went to work. It feels lonely, yet like home.
“It would be cool to live here.” Sam said.
“I’ll keep my modern appliances, thank you very much.” I replied.
We heard a smash. Sam went running in that direction, but I stopped him. I flipped on my lie detector sunglasses and looked in the direction of the smash.
A tall person. He was holding a large sledgehammer. And the number next to him read 75.
“Call in backup.” I said. “This guy’s reading 75. He’s dangerous.”
“No.” Sam said. “You’re calling. I’m getting a watch on this guy.”
“You’re NOT killing him unless you’re going to be killed or I say so.”
“You’re the boss.” Sam scaled a building to watch the action.
“Hey, Z.” I called in. “We’ve got a read on the perpetrator. He’s at a 75. I’m terrified.”
“Sending in backup.” was the reply.
“Thanks.” Thanks to God! Sam and I aren’t going to survive out there alone! Especially since, after 60, vampires can survive in sunlight!
I ran behind a building to sneak a peek of the vampire. He was sure angry. He was tearing down buildings with his sledgehammer, screaming like a madman. I winced as he tore straight through a wall, smashing a painting. He then began to hit a support beam. The house nearly fell on him.
“He’s better off dead.” Sam said.
“I’ll tell you when he’s better off dead.” I ripped the mylar off a sunlight-infused sphere and chucked it at the raving vampire. It hit him in the head, and he turned in our direction. Glowing red eyes and a foaming mouth. He roared and charged towards me. I shot a few crossbow bolts at him, but nothing slowed him down.
“Silver.” Sam said. “Bind him with silver!”
I dodged his sledgehammer. That thing looked terrifying in his hands. He brought it down on top of me. I dodged as fast as I could. The ground exploded behind my head. I quickly scampered on top of his body and held a stake to his neck. He fought hard. Almost like a bull trying to knock its rider off, he bucked and kicked with as much force as he could. Around him, as he lost energy, the number slowly decreased. 73. 71. 69.
“We’re slowing him down!” I shouted. I fiddled in my pocket for my silver chain.
“GIVE HIM BACK!” Finally, the vampire vocalized. “GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!” I watched his eyes, sneering at me, flash a little bit green before he tried fighting me off again.
Green eyes?
Gray’s brother?
There was no time to figure out a plan B. I tucked the chain back into my pocket and held on for a bumpy ride.
Gray’s brother smiled. I caught a glimpse of his fangs. He dropped his sledgehammer. Then, he charged straight into a building. I braced for impact against his body. The impact was harsh. It was like I was in a car crashing into a brick wall- which wasn’t far from the truth, if the vampire I was hanging on to was the car. Somehow, I lived. I jumped off his body. There was no way I could survive another run-in with a wall.
The vampire turned to me. His number was rising again. 70. 76. 85.
“Sam.” I said. “Sam?!” He better hear me, I thought. I had a level-85 vampire on my toes. And at 85, they become resistant to…
Silver. Of course.
I pulled the silver chain out of my pocket and ran at him. The vampire, without his sledgehammer, had no weapon with which to defend himself. He started throwing bricks from the rubble at me. I dodged the bricks and whipped him on the chest. My whip was weaker than I thought. It barely scared the enraged vampire. He jumped at me. Holding the chain like a jump rope, I jumped on top of his back and wrapped the chain around his neck.
Now I really felt like a cowboy riding a crazy horse.
Somehow, by yanking on the chain, I managed to steer the vampire outside. All the while, his level was slowly dropping. 83. 81. 79.
The chain started to burn his skin, but I was desperately afraid of letting go.
“STOP IT!” the vampire screeched. “IT BURNS!”
“I know where your brother is.” I said calmly.
“I know!” I shouted again. “Gray, right? Green eyes, like yours?”
The vampire stopped running. The chain around his neck dropped to the floor. Seeing as it was my only support on his back, I fell onto the pavement.
“Where’s Gray?” I heard him ask. Then, I heard him scream.
“Get into the shade!” I shouted, pushing him into the shadow of a nearby building.
As he was slowly leveling down, I saw that he had a very kind face. Like Gray’s, but older. “Is he okay?” he asked.
“He is.”
Gray’s brother smiled.
“Sam!” I shouted. “You can call off the backup!”
“Got it!” I heard a shout from far away. I wondered what Sam was doing.
“This is Gray’s older brother?” Hunter Z, in her mask, scanned Gray’s body. He was in handcuffs, and seemed uncomfortable, but I tried to emanate a protective aura around him. I needed to let Gray see his brother.
“Cada.” the boy said. “My name is Cada Homing.”
“Cada.” Hunter Z said. “Come on, we’ll take you to Gray right away.”
I watched as Cada and Gray were placed in the same room. They looked around, saw each other.
“Cada! You’re okay!” Gray exclaimed.
“Gray! They didn’t… ”
“Who got you?!”
“This hunter with orange hair, and-”
“No way!”
They embraced.
Sam looked really disappointed that they didn’t remember him.
Before I could congratulate them on their reunion, we were pulled out of the room… a little too forcefully.
School was agonizing the next day. I couldn’t think at all. All I could think about was Gray and Cada. What had become of them? Unfortunately, none of the other hunters ever told us. For all we know, they might have moved to Machverne like Gray said… or…
I glanced up. Val was sticking a bottle of painkillers under my nose.
“Suit yourself.” I watched as Val poured three pills into his palm and swallowed them all at once. He’s a psychopath, I swear. The teacher seemed to think so too, as he watched him walk past. 
“Val. No food in class.”
“Suck it.”
I glanced next to me. Brid’s notes…
They were neat, but filled with little doodles and notes on the side. Next to “Mitochondria” she wrote, “We freaking know”. Next to “Chloroplast”, she wrote “Mr. Green”. Next to “Cytoplasm”, she had a doodle of a puddle of water. I didn’t care to make sense of it.
But there was something at the bottom of the page that caught my eye.
It was a note, written in someone else’s handwriting. Written in some kind of code. A long one. One paragraph. Everything looked like normal letters, but scrambled or shifted in the alphabet. One line under the note read “V=E”. And you didn’t need a supercomputer for a brain to read the signature.
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corrupted-shadows · 3 years
Broken and Cuddles
As the hug broke apart Alex took a moment
“It’s been forever since-”
Alex started before noticing...foundation? On their shirt, Alex glanced at Luca confused
Alex said and reached up wiping away makeup from Luca’s face before he got to pull away, noticing the bruises hidden underneath Alex’s eyes widen
“N-no don’t tell me those dreams were real...please don’t tell me you were hurt”
Alex pleaded with worry in their eyes, Luca hesitated before rubbing his neck giving a little nod
“I uh...I don’t…”
Luca started before realizing a familiar red-head walking by
He said and Evalyn jumped before looking at him with widen eyes
“L-Luca what are you doing here?!”
Evalyn said and Alex glanced between the two confused as they stood there picking up the teddy holding it close
“You know...I mean...Why are you here what happened back-”
“It...crumbled, he’s gone”
Evalyn said with almost a smile, Luca lets out a scoff with a smile
“H-He’s gone…”
“Wait what is going on, who's gone? Luca, who is this?”
Alex asked curiously and Luca glanced down at their sibling hesitating before looking at Evalyn
“This is Evalyn my uh...my old coworker”
Luca said glancing down
“She uh, we both worked for not a very good person”
Luca said and Alex tilted their head watching the growing anxiety inside of Luca, they moved and puts the bear in Luca’s hand
He smiled with a little laugh holding the bear before glancing at Evalyn
“Hi...Luca wasn’t your whole goal too...ya know”
Evalyn said
“I couldn’t...I met someone I uh really like and turns out they are uh related”
“That’s the whole point Actor wanted them-”
Evalyn started before Luca cut her off
“You hate Pandora anyway, why are you here?”
Luca said and Evalyn shifted
“Wait you...hate Pandora? How can anyone hate her?”
Alex asked confused glancing into the other room
“She’s the best…complicated but the best type”
Alex said mainly to themselves as they held their arms with a smile
Evalyn watched for a moment confused before shaking it off
“...Pandora offered me something I couldn’t turn down, I am trying to put our differences aside…”
Evalyn admits and Luca nodded glancing between the two
Before he spoke he could see the group in the other room start to leave
Lumi held Faith’s hand as Faith started to giggle pulling her somewhere, Luca tilted his head
“Those two are strangely excited to be around each other 24/7”
Luca chuckled before glancing at Pandora and Juliette who were talking quietly just left in the room with Dark
“Well, what should we do?”
Alex asked curiously and Evalyn sighed
“I should get going, Faith paid for an um...an apartment for me that I need to go sign stuff for”
Evalyn said, giving their goodbyes Alex glanced at Luca
Alex stayed quiet trying to think
“It looks like I should uh go do my job, why don’t you hang out with Pandora?”
Luca said softly staring at the meeting room as it was a bit messy
“I can um do that, what is your job?”
Alex asked curiously
“Oh uh I’m the janitor”
“Oh wait you’re the one the town was talking about?!”
Alex said seemingly surprised
“Talk about? What do you mean?”
Luca asked confused
“It’s not every day this place hires people, you’re the first person in at least...who knows how many years that isn’t an...Iplier surprisingly this family is huge”
Alex asked and Luca nodded curiously
“Huh, I didn’t know that”
“I mean the last people to be hired technically are the Pattersons, and they’re Dark’s adoptive daughters...so about 100 years or so? He did home school with them so the girls didn’t work until they graduated or just were ready”
Alex chuckled and Luca smiled
“You know a lot about them huh?”
“The whole town does, this city is quite boring so hearing stuff from this family is always news breaking because it’s our only entertainment”
Alex smiled and followed Luca to the room, Luca watched as both Juliette and Dark left
“Hey you two”
Pandora chuckled and Alex smiled
They both said before glancing at each other confused, Pandora chuckled
“Man you two are similar”
Pandora said and Luca nodded as he started to clean
Alex followed Pandora as she started to leave
“Don’t you want to be with your brother?”
Pandora asked curiously looking at them and they shrugged
“I do but he’s working, besides it’s been a while since it’s been just us”
Alex smiled and Pandora chuckled with a nod glancing ahead
“Would you like to go watch a movie? I don’t have a particular reason to go to work right now”
Pandora said and Alex chuckled with a nod
The two headed into the movie room where they were alone, Pandora glanced through the movies
“Any type of movie you want?”
“Eh put on your favorite movie, I’m intrigued by what you like”
Alex said sitting down, putting the movie on Pandora sits beside them shifting around awkwardly
Over time Alex glanced at Pandora quietly then at the movie
“I...I should ask instead of trying anything um...can we cuddle?”
Alex asked and Pandora glanced at them
“...I...I never cuddled with anyone besides my sisters and that’s usually to comfort them...um sure? I think”
Pandora said and Alex slowly moved to make any sudden movements on Pandora, they cuddled up beside Pandora making sure their horns didn’t bother her
Pandora smiled and hesitated before putting their arm around Alex
Glancing up to the movie Pandora started to relax with a smile never having cuddled anyone else before
@timeless-aces @springybreadpringles @why-killed-markiplier @jack-attack @worldtravelerbuff
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corrupted-shadows · 3 years
An Invisible Secret
Ace sits up after a few hours, they rubbed their eyes confused fixing their glasses
“Where...Ah my head hurts”
Ace thought to themselves and closed their eyes tight trying to figure out what type of headache this is
Hearing the others come downstairs Ace glanced over
“Hey, you didn’t come up with us earlier?”
Nems asked confused and Ace rubbed their arm
“It’s nothing, what do we do about the invitation?”
Ace signed pushing their own needs away, the five glanced at each other thinking
“We should talk to Dark, I doubt he wants to...know about this but it is our only option”
Jack said rubbing their arm
“Such a long walk”
Angela groaned leaning back against the wall thinking
“I know Anti needs to get this bus system plan into actual action”
“Why don’t we ask Marvin?”
Nicole asked curiously and Ace glanced at the time
“We can, he doesn’t go to do a show for a while”
Ace signed and stood
Unaware that Anti even left the five heads outside
From pouring rain to an oddly bright and sunny day, Ace glanced around
“I wonder if the rain is always like that this time of year? It’s going to drown out the crops”
Angela mumbled as they started to walk down the hill, Ace nodded glancing towards the village as a few people were out and about
At the house, Nems sighed knocking
The door opened as Robbie stood at the other side, he tilted his head
Robbie started and the five glanced at each other
“Hey, Robbie um is Marvin here? We wanted to…”
Angela started before glancing up as Anti walked up beside Robbie putting his hand on his brother's shoulder
“What do you want?”
Anti grumbled
“Oh, Anti you’re not in bed? Huh”
Jack said before glancing around
“We...need a faster way to go see Dark”
Anti said and Ace sighed mentally
“We need to speak with him, can either you or Marvin teleport us to the city?”
Ace signed
“Marvin, get your ass over here and do it”
Anti said and Marvin grumbled
“It’s my turn in the game you do it”
Marvin said and Anti glanced at the five
“Be home by tonight”
He said and glitched the five away
Appearing in the city the five glanced around
“We should just walk around the city, we never got to explore without like supervision before”
Angela said softly glancing around curiously
“After we speak to Dark”
Nicole said softly and the five started to walk
Ace stayed in the back and glanced down one of the streets heading to the eastern outskirts of town
Spotting a blue-headed female their eyes widen
“It’s her again…”
She said mentally and glanced at the group hesitantly, slipping away unnoticed Ace started to follow the girl
On the outskirts of town the girl started to walk towards the edge, Ace watched curiously as they kept a distance
“Where is she going?”
Ace thought and continued to follow
Spotting the unknown floating islands in the distance Ace stopped
“There is no way she is going to just walk over?”
Ace thought watching as the blue-headed girl stopped at the edge
She glanced around before she took a step off of the mainland, floating seemingly on air she started to walk
Ace’s eyes widen watching as the girl started to run out towards the islands
Ace walked up to the general area she was at watching as she disappeared from sight
Ace glanced down off the edge as they started to feel sick to their stomach, Ace gulped slowly moving their foot off the edge
Feeling something under their foot Ace tilted their head
“An invisible bridge?”
Ace thought to themselves before taking a few steps back, Ace took a moment and used their hands creating an X right in front of the bridge before feeling their phone go off
Ace started to walk away with a sigh catching up with the group
At Dark’s place Ace decided to keep quiet about what happened, heading up towards Dark’s office a sound came over from down the hall
“I’m surprised you know that much about over there...are you from there?”
Juliette asked softly as she and Luca stepped out of a room
“The mountains? Uh...Um yeah...yeah I am”
Luca said glancing at Juliette as he held a bucket of cleaning supplies
Juliette smiled as she stared at him, despite being here for only about a month something sparkled in Juliette’s eyes that she hasn’t felt in awhile
Pandora’s voice echoed the hall causing the five to jump glancing up at her
“Hi Panda”
Juliette said softly glancing at her older sister
“Come on, we are supposed to go shopping today, what are you doing with him?”
Pandora raised an eyebrow and Juliette bit her tongue
“It’s nothing...come on we can’t keep Faith and Lumi waiting”
Juliette gave a smile following her sister
Nems glanced at Jack
“Think someone is starting to have a crush”
Nems chuckled gesturing to Juliette as they walked away
Jack chuckled before knocking on Dark’s door, while waiting they watched as Luca let out a sigh watching Juliette walk away
Luca said quietly with his shoulders slumping a bit
Hearing the door open the five turned their attention to Dark
“Come in”
Dark sighed stepping to the side
All inside the room each of the five glanced at each other
“Dark...we need to talk Anti-”
Jack started as Dark sits down, Dark picked up an invitation card from his desk glancing at the group
“He had the guts to invite you to the very thing that killed you?”
Nems scoffed in shock and Dark sighed glancing at the card in clear disgust
“I get everyone's mail before they receive them, he invited Wilford as well but I am not allowing Wilford to see the invitation"
Dark stated putting the invitation down, Ace glanced down at his desk noticing the number of papers all over
They tilted their head as the only part that remained clear had three crystals sitting there
“What do you plan on doing? I mean...is Actor here in the void?”
Angela asked confused
“Yes, unfortunately, he is…”
“But how did no one know? Don’t you three have a list of who lives in the void?”
“That’s the problematic part, we have a list but...Actor’s little city is not part of it”
Dark stated leaning back
“...Luca stated he’s from that city, so have you ever found his name on the list?”
Dark said and sits up moving the papers on his desk
“I don’t see his name anywhere”
Dark mumbled before glancing at the five
“You five seem certainly worried about Anti”
Dark pointed out, the five shift a bit
“It’s not that we are worried or care-”
Jack started before Nems glanced at them with a chuckle
“Okay fine we do care, we don’t want anything happening to any of you…”
Jack said and Dark chuckled a bit
“I can assure you nothing will happen...if Actor wants a poker night…”
Dark started glancing at the invitation
“I’ll be sure he pays”
Dark mumbled crossing his arms
He took a moment to think before looking at the five
“Do you all have plans for today?”
Dark asked and the five glanced at each other
“Not that I’m aware of?”
Nicole said and the others shrugged
Dark sits up picking up the three crystals off his desk
“You five go shopping with the girls”
Dark said and Nems tilted her head
“None of us have money-”
“Take it as a gift, I am paying for the girls to go shopping, and from what I can tell you all need it too”
Dark said and Ace glanced down at their worn-out outfit with a sigh
“Oh thank you, that is...nice of you”
Jack started before Dark sighed
“Remember, Anti isn’t the only one who has control”
Dark chuckled before he glanced at Jack
“Well besides you, I can see that Anti has you under his control now”
“It’s...a long story”
Jack shrugged before standing
“Thank you Dark”
The group said as they headed off into the halls heading off to the sound of the girls' voices
Dark puts his crystals down before letting out a sigh
“You want a poker night Mark? We’ll see about that”
Dark grumbled as he stood taking his cane, he looked at his reflection before sighing
“I know where you are after all these years, I won’t let you ruin my life again...not this time”
Dark grumbled as he sets off into the hotel
@timeless-aces @why-killed-markiplier @jack-attack @worldtravelerbuff
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corrupted-shadows · 4 years
Thank You Wilford!
Faith held herself as she just stared out the window into the void, with a mumble she hid her face against her knees. A soft knock echoed throughout her room and her tired eyes glanced over at the door, she slowly stood
She opened the door spotting Wilford, she puts on a smile
“Hi Will”
She smiled softly but the bags under her eyes told a completely different story, he stepped into the room shutting the door behind him
“Do you need to talk?”
Wilford said and sits on her bed softly, her smile faded into a frown as Faith sits down beside him
“I heard you slam your door before…”
He said and glanced over hearing a small sniffle coming from his pink friend, she leaned against him and Wilford held her petting her hair
“They ruined such a perfect moment...I finally met someone who’s outside this damn building and they ruined it…”
Faith said softly holding onto him leaning into his touch
“They were worried”
Wilford stated as he ran his fingers through her hair softly, she held onto him tighter as a soft cry came from her.
After a moment of calming her down he leaned forward and kissed her head softly, Faith glanced up at him softly
“Go see whoever it was”
Wilford smiled and wiped her tears softly, her smile grew before fading again
“They’re going to come look for me anyway...just be yelled at again…”
Faith glanced down and Wilford chuckled rubbing at his mustache before glancing down at his business partner
“I’ll tell them you’re setting up a set”
He smiled and she giggled
“You would do that?”
“Of course! Wilford Warfstache never breaks his promises...now where’s my buddies smile”
He softly tickled her side causing Faith to go into a giggling fit
“Will Will!”
She giggled and smiled hugging him
“Go see that special someone...Love is precious”
He smiled and she nods standing up
He started pulling out his golden gun putting it out towards her, her eyes widen and looked at him
“Y-Your gun? You’re going to let me-”
“Just take it”
She smiled and grabbed the golden gun putting it in her pocket and smiled
“Thank you, Wilford!”
She said and ran out of the building, her eyes sparkled as she ran towards Wilford's void in excitement
Wilford watched her through the window and chuckled standing up, he headed out of her room with a soft smile.
Faith walked around the void glancing around anxiously
She said hoping for a response back, she glanced around trying to spot any form of ice. Walking along heading deeper into the forbidden void she started to lose hope glancing down as she kicked a couple of rocks
Hearing something shuffle in the bushes nearby she drew the gun pointing it at the bush anxiously
“Who’s there?”
She said and a little hand popped out from the bushes followed by another, she tilted her head curiously
She said confused and suddenly a small boys head popped out from the bushes, she lowered her gun putting it away
“Oh hello, there little one...are you lost?”
The boy said walking towards her, she stared confused at the boy's heterochromia eyes
“I-I’m not your mommy...you must be lost…”
She said and offered her hand
“Come on I’ll take you back to the village”
She said and the little boy giggled, taking her hand
She started to walk glancing down at the brown-haired boy who seemed all dirty
“Where...how did you even get out here?”
She said softly and he glanced up making hand gestures to be picked up, Faith smiled a bit and bent down picking the boy up into her arms
He leaned his head against her just snuggling up to her, Faith heads towards the village holding the boy close. Entering the village it took a while before he found any relatives of the boy, parting way Faith glanced down with a sigh
“Maybe one day…”
She said to herself and glanced around, spotting a familiar blue head she smiled and walked over
Faith said and Lumi turned around, a smile appeared on her face spotting her
Lumi said holding a couple of fruits in her hand glancing around for a moment
“Oh, are you busy? I’m sorry…”
“No no I’m never busy for you”
Lumi smirked and a blush came to Faith’s face, she giggled softly playing with her hair
Talking and walking suddenly they heard a voice from behind
A young lady walked up towards Lumi, Faiths hand went down to her pocket softly grabbing the gun just in case
“O-oh hey…”
“You never paid for those, nor any of the other food you took!”
The girl growled and Lumi shifted glancing down at the small amount of food she was holding
“I promise I’ll do it one day…”
Lumi said glancing at the lady who rolled her eyes, Faith watched curiously and moved to pull her wallet out
“How much does she owe?”
“It’s ok”
Faith smiled and paid the lady who backed down and walked away, Lumi glanced at her worriedly
“Y-you didn’t have to do that”
“It was nothing...is there a reason you were stealing?”
Faith asked curiously and bought a nearby bag putting the food in there, A small choked up breath escaped Lumi before she just shook it off
“I um…”
Lumi glanced ahead at the rest of the villagers who were living their lives, some would glance at Lumi in slight disgust
“I don’t have any money...no food, no place to live…”
Lumi said glancing down, Faith glanced at her softly
“I know you’ll hate me for it so just go ahead...walk off like everyone else”
She said and Faith moved to stand in front of her, Lumi glanced at her worriedly
“Pumpkin...I would never do that”
She said and softly cupped her face wiping away the tear that fell down Lumi’s face
“Cmon...I’ll take you home”
“Home...your home?”
“Yeah, I promise it will be okay”
Faith smiled and Lumi’s eyes watered up as she leaned into Faith’s touch
“Thank you…”
Lumi said softly and reached up grabbing her hand, their fingers intertwined as they started to walk. Faith glanced down at the bag.
“Let’s go get you some actual food…”
“There's no reason too…”
“Pumpkin, I am going too”
Faith giggled and Lumi smiled as she started to relax, Lumi put her arm around Faith’s waist softly. Faith smiled and led her into the city.
After a date to the restaurant Faith walked up to the doors of the building, Lumi glanced up at it
“So you...live here?”
Lumi said and Faith nods opening the door she glanced around quietly
Down the hall, Wilford was walking towards a room and Faith smiled
“Hi Will!”
Faith smiled brightly and Wilford glanced over spotting her and Lumi
“W-wait he lives here?!”
Lumi said watching as Wilford started to walk towards the two
“Well yeah”
Faith said and glanced at Wilford
“Should have expected that’s who you go for”
Wilford chuckled and Lumi shifted uncomfortably glancing up at the leader who glanced at her, a soft sigh escaped him as he bent down to her level
“Treat her right Lumi, there are others who you should worry more about”
Wilford smiled and pats her shoulder, she lets out a nervous chuckle nodding
“Yes sir…”
She said and Wilford chuckled before standing up scuffing Faiths hair who smiled in response
Once he left she glanced over at Lumi
“Is he...like your dad or something?”
“Oh no no, we are business partners but...he did raise me and my sisters so I guess he’s considered my dad in a way”
Faith said and took her hand as they started to walk
“...Who are the others he said I should worry about?”
Lumi said as they walked by the meeting room, they glanced in and Lumi stared curiously
“He’s just being dramatic but Dark also raised me and my sisters”
She said pointing over at Dark who wasn’t paying any attention just focusing on Edward who was talking, Lumi watched his shell break and she lets out a hesitant breath
“Ah yeah he comes off like that, besides him, it’s just my sisters-”
Faith started before glancing ahead spotting Juliette and Pandora, Pandora's eyes locked onto Faith and Lumi
“Wilford said you were setting up the stage for your show, why the hell is she here?”
Pandora mumbled and Juliette elbowed her hard in the side causing Pandora to wince
“She has no home, so she will be living here”
“Wh-that’s not happening”
Pandora said and Faith lets out a groan
“She’s not leaving, cmon Pandora she’s the only person in my life that I ever met outside this damn building!”
Faith said and both of the sisters glanced at her getting caught off guard with the cursing
“Dark clearly said there are no rooms available”
“She’ll sleep in my room”
Faith said staring at Pandora
“Come on! let me have this...please”
Faith said and Juliette glanced at Pandora
“Just let her have this Pandora...she deserves it”
Juliette said and Pandora mumbled, a soft purple glow came from underneath Pandora's hair and she glanced over at the meeting room where Dark held onto a purple crystal
“Fine, don’t think I trust you”
Pandora mumbled to Lumi before heading into the meeting room to Dark, Juliette gave a soft smile and kissed Faith’s forehead
“Ignore her, I’m proud of you”
Juliette said and Faith smiled softly, Juliette glanced at Lumi
“I’m Juliette”
“O-oh um Lumi”
Lumi said and shook Juliette’s hand, Juliette followed after Pandora.
Into the bedroom, Faith sighed before turning around to Lumi who was glancing around at the decorated room
“I-I don’t deserve this…”
Lumi said glancing at Faith who sat on the bed
“Where do I...sleep?”
Lumi said and Faith’s face turned red never even thinking about that idea
“Well...if we can...would you like to sleep with me?”
Faith said and Lumi chuckled, she pulled Faith up and pulled her into a kiss. Faith’s eyes widen and slowly closed leaning into Lumi’s touch as they kissed
After a moment when the kiss broke, she glanced into Faith’s eyes softly
“Of course”
Lumi smirked at the blushing demon, laying in bed she felt Lumi wrap her arm around her
“Usually the bigger one would be big spoon”
Faith giggled holding Lumis hand
“Eh I’m more comfortable like this”
Lumi smiled glancing at Faith's soft pink hair, the two cuddled falling asleep to the moonlight that shone through the room.
@timeless-aces @springybread @why-killed-markiplier @jack-attack
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