#unordinary episode 137
Do you happen to know the UnOrdinary episode that had young Blyke and Isen in it?
Chapter 137 according to the wiki I found it on!
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the8worldking · 5 years
UnOrdinary Episode 137
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 137
Honorable mentions:
I love how blyke called arlo out so dramatically in the middle of the night
One of the ‘King’s responsibilities’ that Arlo mentions is “organizing school events.” …? Like what lol. Turf wars was a separate item on that list, so it can’t be that…?
Blyke and Isen were babies once, true story
#forklo is sailing guys
Was going to make a separate category, but everything kind of merged into one long blurb oof.
I really do assume way to much in these haha
    Blyke believes that to be king, you have to be a fighter and your ability is what makes you a good king. I don’t know what to think about this other than the fact that Arlo should kind of be offended. Like, wow, this kid really believes that my ability got me this far? I mean, yeah it really did play a big part of his kingship early on, but that was because of Rei and what he did, not because all king’s should beat everyone else down. Did Arlo really only show Blyke that by fighting good, you will command and lead well, making the right decisions for everybody and maintaining the order that is necessary for the hierarchy to work as intended?
    But then Arlo says, “It’s not like you lucked your way into becoming a royal. After I’m gone you will be the strongest male in school. That makes you qualified.” At first, I thought this was extremely out of character for Arlo. Like, really. Arlo saying that all you have to do is be strong to lead. But like… I feel kind of stupid now because he is totally in character and I’m just being ignorant (sorry guys, you all probably already knew this). Arlo secured his kingship with his strength. He reshaped the school that Rei had left behind and turned it into something that was functional. Reshaped is the wrong word. It’s more like he defeated it, burned it, and let his hierarchy rise again from the ashes. Because that’s what he did. I really liked that in this episode, we learn how much Arlo had to rely on his powers rather than his given authority. He had to fight to gain control. He didn’t get Isen and Blyke to listen to him by just telling him that he was king. He had to beat their asses to show them who was the boss (granted they were freshmen and hadn’t been really exposed to Rei’s reign). But like also, the girl in the back when Arlo was stealing the fork said, “Who does this guy think he is.” They have no respect at all for Arlo. None. They don’t even know who he is. The only way that Arlo created the name for himself that he has today was to use his ability and “beat them back into their place.” So, yes. Because of the nature of his reign and of his strict belief in hierarchy, it is natural to understand that Arlo thinks the ability makes a person.
    But now, I want to bring up another king. Not Rei, but John. John, the king of New Bostin. Because of his ability, he was qualified to be king. I’m sure everyone reading this know what I’m about to say, but I just want to add another Arlo quote from this episode. He said (to Blyke), “As long as you continue to grow your ability and remain at the top the others will naturally follow you.” Not only is this incredibly sad and disheartening once you really read into it, because Arlo is basically admitting that he can do nothing else, the school will wind up following John, but also this is really ironic because of what happened to John at New Bostin. John was powerful and never weakened. He ruled with an iron fist. And, ya know what, John was turned on by everyone (kjshdfkkjshf you know what I meant). There’s truly not much difference between the actions of John and Arlo as they became king (and notice I said actions not motives). They beat people down to establish their dominance, to establish their claim as the strongest and both did it to gain power and respect, to be in their “rightful place”. So then why did they turn on John, but not Arlo?
    This might have a bit to do with their lack of unity, as Arlo calls it, but Wellston never decided that Arlo was too much of a tyrant to try to overthrow. Because, if we consider how John led to be tyranny, Arlo can’t be treated with any less contempt. So I’m going to attribute that to Rei’s leftover faith. Good thing that that isn’t the kingship I want to compare to John’s because I wouldn’t have gotten far.  Arlo didn’t get overthrown because of Rei, but what kept everyone from turning on Rei?
    Perhaps one of worst reign’s ever shown on UnOrdinary was Rei’s, which is impressive considering how peaceful the guy’s ideologies were. Like Arlo said, he repressed the powerful and gave the weak false hope, absolutely destroying the hierarchy that ruled the world at the time. I honestly don’t know why the authorities or principal didn’t step in. But I’m more shocked that the students didn’t. Sure, the low-tiers didn’t have any reason too, but no revolution was won by the weak. Only the powerful could take down the powerful. One problem...
    Another quote from the latest episode is, “But because Rei was the most powerful at the time, we all had no choice but to listen to him.” Another Arlo quote. Also, really wise when we compare it to the events of literally any uprise in UnOrdinary ever. Because, when the students of New Bostin all teamed up against John (unity and all), they still ended up the ones bloody and beaten. They still fell into their rightful places under their rightful king (which John was, but I won’t get into that).
    Yeah, I’m sick of details, so I’m giving y’all my answer. Rei and John’s reigns ended differently because of the people at their side. (hear me out).
    John had Claire at his side. A usually peaceful girl who only wanted the best for the greater good. The fandom may crucify her, but she reminds me a lot of Remi. She reminds me even more of Rei. Her beliefs that the strong shouldn’t just be able to take advantage of the weak drew her to John in the first place and later caused her to betray him. I refuse to believe that the girl only became friends with John to gain power. Surely if she had that strong of clairvoyance, she would’ve at least seen some of the outcome of her mutiny. Even if her ability is really crappy and she only gets a vague and short look into the future only once in a while, any look after John’s massacre would’ve told her how it ended. So I stand firm in my belief that she was similar to Rei, that is, carried his beliefs to some extent.
    Rei, however, was close to a young kid named Arlo. We don’t know what Arlo believed in before he took over as king. We don’t know how far Rei had gone when Arlo first went to Wellston. We do know that Arlo, before becoming king, had to be like Claire. I don’t mean traitorous, but he had to (at least to some extent) believe in what Rei did. Claire turned on John because her friendship with him and her beliefs were conflicting. She chose her beliefs. Arlo had no such conflict and so, voila.
    (I hate the end of this small analysis, so just focus on the upper paragraphs)
    (like seriously, I could’ve sworn I had something better to say… D:)
    My point here isn’t that anyone who holds the superheroes beliefs is going to screw everything up (though that is an important takeaway). I want everyone to understand that all it takes is one thing to change the outcome of things. All it took was a separate set/coupling of morals to keep Wellston to turn into the bloodbath that New Bostin was. Not to be all dumb and stuff like “be nice because you could make a difference.” More like the butterfly effect. Not original I know, but I feel that the journey was more meaningful then the destination (i preferred what i said in the early/middle paragraphs [most everything but my outcome lol]). But like I just want to say that I applaud uru-chan’s writing. Other than that, I really don’t know what I want to be my point. Because that’s all I’ve been trying to say from the beginning. Uru-chan’s writing makes me so happy and just her in general lol.
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