woodland-roaming · 2 months
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cloudberry-sims · 9 months
The Florbottoms are a family of 5 - A father , a mother and their 3 beautiful daughters.
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Ofelia was the oldest , and probably the fairest girl in all of Hopebury. Enjoying the simple life that the gods provided for her.
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Primula was the middle daugther , hardworking but ill-tempered. She was like a ranging thunderstorm on bad days.
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Sweet Gale was the youngest and with the most tender heart of all. To think these 3 girls were the fruits of a union of love , but now that love has almost burnt to cinders, alongside their mothers sanity...
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gatesofjudgment · 2 years
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                                                heaven is here -                                                             if you want it.
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chichirid · 3 months
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✦ furina id pack ✦
(names, pronouns, titles)
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names: athens, atlantis, catherine, celine, charlotte, cheyenne, claribel, constantina, cora, diamond, drizzle, eden, eloise, evian, fleur, flotte, gabrielle, gazeuse, isla, jewel, juno, lucienne, marina, melena, mirielle, mirabelle, moni, neptune/neptunia, nereida, nila, nira, olivia, opal, pearl, precious, promise, ria, ruisseau, theresa, vaitiare, valeraine, yardena
pronouns: dew/dews, ri/river, cle/clear, tide/tides, sea/seas, mari/marine, act/actress, hy/hydro, song/songs, god/gods (or goddess), arc/archon, furi/furina, blue/blues, rain/rains, shine/shines, reflect/reflects, 🌊 /🌊 s, 💧/💧s, 🎭/🎭s
titles: (prn) who is covered in sparkling dew drops, (prn) in a downpour of secrets, (prn) with a swirling facade, (prn) who dances on a stage of water, (prn) who performs with a flowing persona, (prn) whose true self hides backstage, (prn) who pirouettes on the crashing waves, the princess performing an endless waltz, the actress in the sea’s play, the songstress sinking in solitude, the princess on a throne of bubbles, the princess whose chords echo across the ocean
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peanchxes · 5 months
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My COS character Winslow Valeraine!! She is an assimar grave cleric, with the seraph transformation from the grim hollow book.
She is so preachers daughter and biblically accurate angel core.
Also hi sorry I forgot to post for a million years teehee :3
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squidresearchlabs · 2 months
hii can I rq makoto yuki npts pls and Ty :3
yeah of course !
n-jima , headphones , bleu , wave , ocean , raymond , orpheus , mako , amadeus , truth , constantine , ashby , piscis , animo , veritas , valeraine , vincent
sword/swords , protag/protags , persona/personas , mp3/mp3s , tech/techs , reload/reloads , dark/darks , time/times , tick/tocks , courage/courageous/courages , cure/cures , retro/retros , else/elegants/elegance
the one with earphones , the one who wields a blade , the protagonist , (prn) who is silent , the one on (prns) laptop all day , (prn) who is reckless , (prn) who experienced the dark hour , (prn) who has true courage
i tried my best !! thank you for requesting !!
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Hi, I absolutely love your voidbeast series and wanted to know if you have any visual aids for Valerian's character? I'm just having a hard time visualizing a cosmic being in mortal form.
Thans :D It might be time for me to commission some art of Valerain 🤔 I'm currently in the middle of commissioning a new banner, so it will have to wait a month or two :)
If it helps, it's kind of hard for me to imagine his skin a lot of the time, because it like contains galaxies This is not my OC and is actually a Fornite skin, lol, but it's kind of what I picture it looks like
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delightingintragedy · 4 months
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Venus Correspondences
From Christian Astrology by William Lilly
(It is mostly word for word. I tried to format it to fit into a nice correspondence list, but the information itself is untouched.)
Zodiac: Rules Taurus and Libra. Exalted in Pisces, Detriment in Aries and Scorpio, Fall in Virgo.
Nature: She is a Feminine Planet, temperately Cold and Moist, Nocturnal, the lesser Fortune, author of Mirth and Jollity; the Elements, the Air and Water are Venereal; in the Humours, Phlegm with Blood, with the Spirit and Genital seed.
Profession: Musicians, Gamesters, Silk-men, Mercers, Linen-Drapers, Painters, Jewellers, Players, Lapidaries, Embroiderers, Women-tailors, Wives, Mothers, Virgins, Choristers, Fiddlers, Pipers, when joined with the Moon, Ballad singers, Perfumers, Seamstresses, Picture-drawers, Engravers, Upholsterers, Limners, Glovers, all such as sell those Commodities which adorn Women either in Body (as Clothes) or in Face, (as Complexion-waters.)
Sicknesses: Diseases by her signified, are principally in the Matrix and members of Generation; in the reins, belly, back, navel and those parts; the Gonorrhoea or running of the Reins, French or Spanish Pox, any disease arising by inordinate lust. Priapism, impotency in generation, Hernias, etc. the Diabetes or pissing disease.
Colour: White, or milky Sky-colour mixed with brown, or a little Green.
Savours: That which is pleasant and toothsome; usually in moist or sweet, or what is very delectable; in smells what is unctuous and Aromatical, and incites to wantonness.
Herbs & Trees: Myrtle always green; all herbs which she governs have a sweet savour, a pleasant smell; a white flower; of a gentle humour, whose leaves are smooth and not jagged. She governs the Lily white and yellow, and the Lilly of the valley, and of the water. The Satyrion or Cuckoopint, Maidenhair, Violet; the white and yellow Daffodil. Sweet Apples, the white Rose, the Fig, the white Sycamore; wild Ash, Turpentine-tree, Olive, sweet Oranges, Mugwort, Ladies' mantle, Sanicle, Balm, Vervain, Walnuts, Almonds, Millet, Valerain, Thyme, Amber, Ladanum, Civet or Musk, Coriander, French Wheat, Peaches, Apricots, Plums, Raisins.
Beasts: The Hart, the Panther, small cattle, Coney, the Calf, the Goat.
Birds: Stockdove, Wagtail, the Sparrow, Hen, the Nightingale, the Thrush, Pelican, Partridge, Ficedula, a little Bird Feeding on Grapes; the Wren, Eagle, the Swan, the Swallow, the Owsel or Black bird, the Pye.
Fishes: The Dolphin.
Places: Gardens, Fountains, Bride-chambers, fair lodgings, Beds, Hangings, Dancing Schools, Wardrobes.
Minerals: Copper, especially the Corinthian and White; Brass, and Lattenware.
Stones: Cornelian, the Sky-coloured Sapphire, white and red Coral, Marcasite, Alabaster, Lapis Lazuli because it expels Melancholy, the Beryl, Chrysolite.
Weather: She foretells in Summer, Serenitry or clear weather; in Winter, rain or snow.
Winds: Southern Winds
Angel: Anael
Planetary Alliances: Her friends are all the Planets except Saturn.
Week Day: Friday
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Correspondence posts for the other planets: [Sun] [Moon] [Mercury] [Mars] [Jupiter] [Saturn]
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dark-lina · 1 year
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Valeria felt a bit uncomfortable. She was between two taller versions of her brother. One of her older brothers, with whom she worked, laughed and lived, and the other. Slightly dark mysterious hiding eyes behind the same glasses as her uncle Valentino. Valerian tightened his arms around his sister. "Let her go you imitation," he muttered softly. "Humhh… we have a right to her the same… Valeria was my sister too, but I let her go, now I regret it" Valerain overlord whispered softly.
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woodland-roaming · 8 days
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This image was created with Picrew
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captaingondor · 2 years
1 & 26 for Valeraine, 4 & 19 for Artemis, 16 & 24 for Isolde, 9 & 21 for Jacinth, 10 & 14 for The Machine, and 8 & 11 for Space Roomba, please?
thanks for the questions!
1. What is the worst thing that's ever happened to you?
The obvious answer would be the loss of mother's ships, and our fortune. But as bad as that was, we could have dealt with that. It's what happened after - the way our old supposed friends deserted us.
26. What's a talent you have that you're proud of?
Diffusing arguments between Isolde and Jacinth. It's not easy!
4. What is your dream home like?
If it weren't for the girls, my dream home would be a ship. They're a bit more tethered than I ever was, though. I always thought I might retire once they were settled with their own lives and go flying around on my own... well, I don't think I'll get a chance like that now. I don't think I'd like to replace the ship I have - she feels like home now. But I'd get her all fixed up and shiny, if I could. And of course adapted from cargo to a living space for me. Well, maybe I'd still pick up a little work now and then. Gives me something to do.
19. If you could say one thing to everyone in the world what would it be?
Put out an advertisement, I guess. Not that I really have the best credentials to offer anymore as far as business. But I am a good pilot. Maybe I could find something better than what I've got. I don't know, I'd almost hate to pack everything up and leave again. Maybe I could find something better for the girls.
16. Who do you hate more than anyone else?
My dirtbag ex-fiancé
24. What would you do with 3 wishes?
I'd wish to be back on Hélène, to be securely well off, and to have the respect of our old circle there.
9. What's a nice compliment you've received?
Isolde once told me I was the most stubborn immovable woman in the galaxy in pursuit of worthless goals. Well, she meant it as an insult, but coming from her...
21. What are your hobbies?
Hobbies? I don't have time for hobbies. When I'm not working, I have to work on actually managing to grow anything on this hellhole, and looking for better work, and taking care of the house, and scouring for replacement parts for the ship at a good deal, and making sure Isolde doesn't buy parts that are so cheap they won't be worth it, and trying to keep Valeraine from taking up garden space on flowers...
The Machine
10. How is/was being a teenager like for you?
I was never a "teenager" as you would understand it. Long before I had been self aware for thirteen years, I was already far more advanced than any human adult. In my "teen years," as far as chronological years... that was still early in the time of this... curse, if you will. I was working on building my new form and tending to that rose. I was beginning to realize that it might not be broken very quickly after all.
14. What's your best memory?
I have a perfect memory. I recall everything that has ever happened to me with equal clarity.
(I explain to him that's not what the question means)
That's not very objective.
Space Roomba
8. What's something you'd like to learn how to do?
I enjoy learning about things, but there's very little I would want to do that I do not already know how to do. I suppose I always have been more of a creature of the mind.
11. If you could turn into any animal, what would it be?
Oh, that's interesting. I would be... well, you do not have a name for it, it's extinct now and no human ever saw one. Which is why I would pick it: so you might have a chance to see it. Of course there's a lot of options I could pick for that, but this one's my favorite - or maybe I'm used to being small and cute (it is also small, and I do consider it cute. Maybe it would seem too strange to humans.)
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cloudberry-sims · 3 months
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And if the baby was her biggest concern , she didn't need to fear - he would take good care of her.
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Tobold was unsure what made him decided to remove the tiny girl from the almshouse.
Perhaps there was a tiny shriveled up piece of compassion in his deformed heart , or a faded memory of what it's felt like to be abandoned and forgotten by the world and it's saints.
Maybe he was just lonely... But perhaps with Ameline in his life, he wouldn't have to be.
(Basically Tobold adopts Ameline , he is now her father in the in-game family tree. Valeraine is still her mother , same with Ofelia , Primula and Gale being her sisters, but Bildad is not her father anymore. I have a soft spot for vampire parents okay idk why)
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gatesofjudgment · 2 years
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lauren-valeraine · 1 year
'I love you.' You muttered into his neck, truly meaning it. 'I love you too.' He whispered back, and you hoped he truly meant it.
Where the Wild Things Grow, Chapter Nine
Lauren C. Valeraine
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anirogue · 5 years
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background doesn’t look that bad ngl
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Tell me all about it.
((I think an interaction between these two would be interesting.))
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