useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
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People from Valls (Camp de Tarragona, Catalonia) doing ball de diables (“devils’ dance”). This dance is a Catalan tradition done during festes majors (local festivities) where people dress as devils and roam the streets to the sound of drums while jumping and throwing firecrackers from their mace.
Photos by Carles Cubos Serra, DRAC 2018.
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vincentreproches · 10 months
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sassheliosazuras · 1 year
Sass doesn't trust Theron around handsome male chiss with perfect hair and bigger muscles then him now
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Theron *Speaks to one of his chiss contacts*
Sass *suddently appears* " Hello there, just gonna stand right here between you both I brought snacks" *glares at Theron*
Theron " Really babe?😑 Really? Nothing happened with Valls I swear!"
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anadelacalle · 26 days
Lo ético en lo político: del yo al nosotros.
La realidad avanza por necesidad inmanente desdela materia hasta la conciencia humana total, eso es, social. Hegel. La fenomenología del espíritu, por Ramon Valls. La vida en sociedad hace de lo político y lo ético los problemas más acuciantes con los que nos enredamos los humanos de forma inmediata. Desde el momento en el que un individuo interactúa con otro, y así sucesivamente nos adentramos…
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sentimentarlequinat · 1 month
El Filial compleix i fa un gran pas cap a l'ascens
Tarda ben plàcida pel Sabadell B, que s’apropa a l’ascens a Tercera després de guanyar i veure com el seu rival directe, el Vic, ha caigut derrotat. Els arlequinats han superat per tres a dos al Valls, gràcies als gols d’Iván Bustamante, Iván Sánchez i Miquel Ustrell, maquillats amb el doblet d’Alberto Rabassó. Primera part El partit va començar amb un ensurt pel Filial. Arribada del Valls en…
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querallltttt · 2 months
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Dogfilter remake
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peregrinatioblog · 9 months
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24.09.2023 UE Valls – EC Granollers 1:0 Estadi Municipal del Vilar (250)
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aliguesdecatalunya · 2 years
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#Repost @bonifas.cat • • • • • • Valls L'Àliga és l'encarregada de presidir la Festa Major de Sant Joan i per això aquests dies la podeu veure al balcó de l'Ajuntament contemplant com les vallenques i vallencs disfruten d'aquests dies festius. Per nosaltres és una figura molt especial i plena de contrastos ja que és de les poques que és platejada, donant-li així un toc diferencial! #firesifestes #gegantsdecatalunya #ninosdegoma #culturavalls #gegantsdegoma #regalacultura #figuresgegants #culturapopular #gegantscatalans #Valls #bonifasvalls #comercdevalls #altcamp #àligadevalls #AligaDeValls #AligaDeCatalunya #AliguesDeCatalunya #FiguresZoomorfiques #ImatgeriaFestiva #BestiariFestiuIPopular #BallDeLAliga #Aliga #Aguila #Aguiles #Aligues #CulturaPopulariTradicional #BestiariFestiu #BestiariPopular (en Valls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkohuR3N8Nq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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llortfiguerola · 2 years
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➡️Video UV a @licoreravallenca Dibuixat i pintat prenent una copa i menjant dos ostres! a #VALLS 👁#sketchbook #gallusbooks #llibretes #alafresca (at Festes Decennals de Valls) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgW1iQPNkk-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pxltown · 6 months
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🌻 if ever you come back, wherever you find your way to
@astystole real and true asdjfhajsf
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xolaanii · 3 months
Help my dad not be literally toothless
Hello, i hate to do this so relatively soon after quite a few generous people on here pretty much saved me from being in trouble with my university, but, right now, I'm making this post to ask for some help in giving my dad some of his confidence and life back.
When my dad was very young he fell down a wall and on his head and was in a 3 week long coma, turns out though that this had some very nasty long term consequences for his jaw. This fall coupled with the fact that he is a smoker (he is doing his best to stop and I'm very proud of his progress rn) has caused at least 97% of his teeth to fall out over the years.
This is obviously not just an aesthetical problem (no matter what the health system here says) it is also slowly but steadily sapping him of his health because he can't eat properly, and also of his confidence since ya know he is just 52 years old. He is mortified of leaving the house except to go to work and he is so so skinny it's pretty sad to look at.
All this to say that I am making this post in an attempt to help him get at least some new teeth on his lower jaw, since that's where he has none right now. The whole procedure to replace ALL of his upper and lower teeth is so frighteningly expensive that there is no way it would ever happen, so any help in getting him those lower teeth would mean the world to me, my mom and most all to my dad.
If anyone can and would like to help (pls don't if you can't I'm serious mwah <3) my ko-fi is right here.
Under this cut is proof, including a picture of his mouth that was hell to get because my dad was mortified to even take it:
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Toothless on the bottom and almost toothless on the upper jaw as well as you can see, there's also the scan the doctor made of his mouth just in case.
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useless-catalanfacts · 4 months
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February 3rd is Saint Blaise (Sant Blai in Catalan). In the areas of Baix Camp, Alt Camp and Conca de Barberà (Camp de Tarragona broader area, in Catalonia), it's traditional to eat these biscuits called blais or blaiets. Similar recipes exist in other parts of the Catalan Countries, like the coques de Sant Blai in Terres de l'Ebre, various Saint Blaise cookies around the Valencian Country, or the senyorets or blaiets from Menorca.
Blais are butter biscuits aromatized with vanilla or sometimes lemon. The most noticeable characteristic is that they're stamped with an imagine of Saint Blaise.
In the Christian belief, Saint Blaise is the patron saint who cures throat ache, cough and prevents getting a cold. For this reason, the tradition from this area take the blais to be blessed, so that eating them with green apples with protect from these harms.
Photo 1: blais from Valls, photo by Vilaniu Comunicació. / Photo 2: blaiets from Reus, photo from CatalunyaDiari.
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 months
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Castello di Saint-Pierre, ITALIA
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moodboardmix · 2 months
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Los Durmientes, Valle de Bravo, Mexico,
Courtesy: Bernardo Chavez Peón
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hotpocket2023 · 7 months
Andrea Dalmau Valls
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sentimentarlequinat · 6 months
El Filial topa amb un Valls irreductible
El Sabadell B ha caigut derrotat davant el Valls per 1-0 en un duel que els tarragonins van controlar des del principi, assetjant l’àrea de Nico fins a avançar-se al marcador a través d’un xut de Sergi Folch. El Filial respongué amb efectivitat, però es va veure perjudicat per la doble groga i expulsió de Miquel Ustrell. Això no va impedir que l’equip de Conrad cerqués l’empat, trobant-se com a…
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