#vex x keyleth
uselessgayshit · 1 year
cr and probably dnd ships in general are wild because it’s like
1. the sexiest bitch with a bow to ever live x a very cute, to be queen who is sometimes stricken by acute social anxiety
2. literal anime guy with a gun x a hot half-elf with daddy issues
3. an affected bisexual with a death wish x an immortal, god-like woman with only grief in her future
4. a stoic man of the sea x an erotic graffiti artist with an impulsive streak
5. a bde jock x a tiefling that wouldn’t know how to bottom if her life depended on it
6. flower girl with a vicious past x traumatized lesbian who harbored a crush as a joke and then accidentally fell in love
7. the rich kid with stage fright x a widowed ballerina
8. a horse girl x the creepiest motherfucker you’ve ever seen
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monasoft · 7 months
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“You can have it, you know…”
“It’s not mine to have.”
You Know I'm in Love with You, Right? - PenMasterShepard [@penmastershepard]
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somethingwritey · 1 year
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Pretty Little Things — a Vexleth Fic
The Solstice is approaching. Keyleth is overworked. Vex has a duty to Whitestone. But when Vex's marriage begins to fall apart and Keyleth invites her on a scouting mission to Issylra, they both end up getting a little more adventure than either of them expected.
Vex and Keyleth have been in love with each other for years, and it's coming to bite them in the ass.
In other words, I've finally posted the first chapter to my newest Vexleth longfic, featuring pining, marital issues, sexual-tension stake-outs, and some ill-timed kisses.
Read Chapter One Here!
This lovely art was done by my dear @anklebit on Twitter and Instagram. Thank you, darling, for letting me use it as my banner!
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ogdoadfates · 1 year
Time for some Vexleth Modern AU fanfic prompts, ideas, ect for fanfics~
Keyleth moves into the apartment building that houses all the rest of Vox Machina (or just the twins), Vex experiences a bit of gay panic when she first see's keyleth. Keyleth and Vex keep accidently having moments/meet ups in the hallway between their apartments. eventually Vax catches on and trys to push Vex to confess when it becomes obvious that she likes keyleth (Feel Pike would also try to push Vex to confess as well. Gilmore and Vax are dating as well) (can also have it that Vex or Vax work at a gay bar and end up seeing keyleth at it)
College AU Keyleth and Vex end up as roomates. Vex a vet or medical student, Keyleth a law student while also taking some botany classes. Over time they get closer but Vex only realizes she in loves with Keyleth when they both are half drunk and dancing in their dorm after a event.
Vex helping trans keyleth when she's having bad dysphoria. Hot coco, blankets, sandwiches, movies, ect!
Vex & Vax go to a local festival and meet Keyleth and Gilmore causing the twins gay panic but schooling themselves and befriending them. Vex ending up going and hanging out with Keyleth at her work (A Plant nursery) where she learns that Keyleth is quite buff causing more gay panic on Vex's end. (I think it'd also be fun to see a fic that treats Keyleth and Gilmore as good friends! Helping each other out and such!)
Vex helping autistic Keyleth who is having sensory issues
Keyleth sticks up for Vex when Vexs dad tries to be an ass. Keyleth saying that Vex is being offered a job at her familys famous Animal sanctuary as a Vet (it was suppose to be a surprise but Keyleth was getting mad at Vexs dad)
Keyleth helps a trans Vex when she is having a bad dysphoria day.
Chat fic / Medical AU Keyleth has had heart problems for as long as she can remember to the point who ever her doctor is she has to have them basicly on speed dial and such. She gets transferred to Vex (her new doctor) and what starts as just general back and forth professional medical talk slowly turns into a budding romance between the two.
Vex and keyleths pets keep getting into the others apartment to hand out. Trinket and Minxie (Keyleths white/grey ragdoll cat) this eventually leads to a romance between the two that starts out great but something happens and it turns into a bad break up where Vex ends up packing up and camping out with trinket at Vaxs apartment, Vax tells her she needs to patch things up an such which Vex only really takes once she notices both her and Trinket are sad and eventually Her and Keyleth make up and get back together
Vex and Keyleth stay in bed on a rainy morning enjoying each others company and just being cute sappy girlfriends
Vex, Keyleth, and trinket on a roadtrip to Zephrah. Nature girlfriends enjoying a roadtrip stopping for snacks and the sights on the way.
Keyleth being taller then Vex and 5 times Vex used it to her advantage and 1 time Keyleth uses it to her advantage
Vex coming home from a hard long work day to Keyleth baking brownies and/or other pastries for them.
Selectively mute keyleth finally is able to tell Vex she loves her verbally a year within them dating or on an anniversary. 
beach date
working out together
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I saw you're open for prompts! Not many people ship Vex'leth and I adore them so much. I saw a list running around for comfort, and what about their first kiss, in a confined space?
Oh sweet! Sure thing! Here’s what I’ve come up with.
Rating: general 
Tags: first kiss, everyone rolled a nat 1 at least once here, Vex is dodging feelings like daggers but fails
“Bloody, stupid, thing-” Vex is teetering on her tiptoes, fingertips straining to reach the bottle of something,  Keyleth can’t quite see what– before she grabs the shelf with her fingers and desperately scrabbling to gain hold and pull herself up, swinging her legs for some reason and swearing up a storm. Thankfully there isn’t much in this store closet, there’s just enough room for Vex’s impressive flailing– not much for her to break or knock over but still, it’d be rude not to offer a hand. 
Trying not to giggle, Vex won’t like to be laughed at, Keyleth comes up behind her, “Can I help?”
“Oh!” Vex near shrieks, she lets herself drop and whirls around, braid hitting Keyleth in the bicep as she turns. “Keyleth, what are you doing?”
“Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you, I just thought maybe you could use some help?” Reflexively Keyleth raises her hands in a placating gesture, trying not to offend.
“I’ve–” Vex looks back up, seemingly debating if pride is worth not getting her prize. “A minute more and I would have gotten it, but since you’re here now.” 
“Yes, sure! I’ll get it, don’t worry!” Keyleth springs into movement without thinking, crowding Vex as she leans up on her toes to snag the bottle. 
"While I'm sure people would appreciate this view, could you hurry, please?" Vex's muffled voice comes from Keyleth's bust.
"Yup! Almost– got it– oh!" She does manage to grab it with her fingertips but it doesn't make its way into her hand securely; when she tries to settle back to her normal height she loses her balance, free hand swinging wildly trying to catch hold of something before she can fall. 
"Don't drop it–" Vex hisses and tries to grab for the hand with the precarious glass but only manages to unbalance Keyleth further, the gangly woman's foot catching the door and slamming it shut before she hits the ground with a loud thump. 
"Ow." Keyleth’s head is aching after ricocheting off the wood and then the floor. She rubs the spot and rights her antlers while blinking rapidly to get used to the sudden loss of light despite still being able to see.
"That was impressive.” Vex snorts then casually offers a hand, pulling the other woman up easily. Leaning down once more she gathers the bottle in hand and salutes Keyleth with it,  “Even more so that it didn’t break. As fun as this was, I’ll be going now. See you at dinner.”
The knob turns but the door doesn’t open. Vex rattles it once, then another time more violently as the wood doesn’t yield. “No. Way.” She says, trying a third time even though she knows it’s useless. “Hello?!” 
Keyleth winces at her loud shout, reaching up to cover her ears as Vex tries to catch anyone’s attention.
“Where. Is. The. Housekeeper!” Vex punctuates each word with another bang of her fists.
“Everyone had the day off, she’s not here.” Keyleth offers, “but Scanlan or Grog should be coming home sometime soon, they only have a few things to do.”
“Great, fantastic, just what I needed today. Why does this door even swing open this way, who built this idiotic place!” Vex says in frustration, slamming the palm of her hand against the thick wooden door. She takes a deep breath and says with put-upon calm, “Keyleth, do you have anything you might be able to do here?” 
“I’ve used up most of my magic today already and there’s not exactly enough space here for Minxie to work…” When Vex’s eyebrows angle down even further into an angry V, Keyleth shrinks in on herself, “I can try Burning Hands, maybe? Melt the lock?” 
“Has that honestly ever worked?” 
It sounds like a hypothetical question but, “Maybe this time it will!” Keyleth says with only slightly forced enthusiasm. 
Vex pinches the bridge of her nose and waves a hand, “I don’t suppose things could get much worse, either it works or we still have to wait for someone else to come.”
It can’t get worse, in that much Vex is right, the door is still firmly shut when Keyleth pulls her hands away. They’ve only now had the unfortunate realization that the key was still in the lock on the other side and now will be forever, melted completely into the gears.
“Another comedy of errors that seems to follow us as the plague.” Vex says.
Keyleth sinks down to the floor, back against the stone and wraps her arms around her knees in the small space, Vex heaves a exasperated sigh and in the weird muted colors that darkvision allows Keyleth watches as Vex join her on the ground, one leg stretched out so that her foot is touching the outside of Keyleth’s hip.
“I can still cast Light, if you wanted me to.” 
“On what, darling.” Vex says dryly, “It’s not as if you have your staff-”
Silently Keyleth reaches up to tap the doorknob, illuminating the space suddenly and Vex throws up a hand, shielding her eyes. It’s bright, but the colors are the way they should be at least. A minute passes. 
It’s awkward. 
Two minutes.
It’s so awkward.
“Uhm, so,” Keyleth pats her hands against her knees rhythmically, “what was that for? The bottle?”
For a second it seems like Vex is just going to ignore her until they get rescued. “It’s a very potent cleaner, I’ve spilled wax on my favorite nightgown.”
“Oh.” Keyleth shuffles her feet closer to hold her knees tighter. All she’s doing is bothering Vex, and it’s her fault they’re even in this mess, “I’m sure someone will be home soon, it’ll be fine–”
Vex scoffs and shuts her eyes, leaning back against the stone, her mouth in a taut line. Keyleth studies her for a moment before daring to ask something that’s been bothering her for awhile,
“Vex? Why… Why don’t you like me that much?” Vex opens one eye to stare at her before digging the heels of her palms into her eyes like she’s tired.
“Oh, darling,” Vex sighs, seeming like she’s fighting something internally before offering, “my biggest vice has always been jealousy.”
Most people, Keyleth included, would say it was actually greed but she’s too flabbergasted by the notion of Vex wanting anything she could possibly have to think about that too deeply, “You? Jealous of me? Are you serious– wh– ha, why?” 
Vex narrows her eyes and hmms in thought, finally she says stiffly, “I spend most of my time thinking on how to be charming, how to get what I want out of people and yet you do that on your own without trying. People look at you and just want to help, it’s infuriating.” 
“Oh.” Keyleth drops her gaze, placing her chin on her knees, there’s something close to tears at the corners of her eyes, her throat feeling tight. It feels like the hurt might also be joined with indignation, and she’s blurting out before she can think it through, “That’s really really unfair. And kind of mean, do you really think everything has just been handed to me?” 
Vex is quiet next to her for a moment, her jaw working as she stews on how to respond. “I– that was very rude of me to say.”
“That’s not a no,” Keyleth points out.
“It’s… complicated.” Vex glances over and softens. She brushes her fingertip lightly underneath Keyleth’s eye, gathering the moisture there before seeming to catch herself and quickly wiping her fingers on her pants. “I always seem to be hurting your feelings.”
“Yeah, I know; I’m sensitive, I’m working on it.” Keyleth quickly wipes under her eyes, keeping them trained on the ground.
“It’s a frustrating quality sometimes I’ll admit but… It does make you strongarm us into better choices, I cannot blame you so much for that.” Vex half smiles when Keyleth looks up at her, “Being so tenderhearted, I never thought I’d want someone like that in my life. But I do, I admire your hopefulness, your spirit. I suppose that’s why I’m harsher than I intend to be with you sometimes, I don’t want to be hurt by someone’s ideals. That’s not a proper apology but I am sorry.”
There’s definitely something else she’s not saying but Keyleth can’t puzzle it out, “You’re mean to me even though you like me? That’s very backwards.”
“It’s all wrapped up together, don’t you see? Kash, my brother, they look at you like you’re the sun, and I want–” Vex clamps her jaw shut tight. 
There’s a few dots that had been missing that finally connect in Keyleth’s head at the near admission, “Wait, Vex, is this…” Keyleth shifts around, kneeling at Vex’s side, hesitating before resting her hands upon Vex’s. When she doesn’t immediately pull away she holds them tighter. Wishing that she wasn’t so clumsy with her words Keyleth tries again. “You’re jealous of them too?”
Vex purses her lips, looking away but still admitting, “It would seem so.”
“Indeed.” There’s a heavy pause before Vex whispers, uncharacteristically quiet, her usual confidence lacking, “What do you think of that?”
“I’m not sure what to do with it. I–” Keyleth’s cheeks warm, “I like when I see you looking at me. I think you’re incredible, you’re so strong and beautiful.  I like knowing you think about me that way.” 
She’s trying to think of how to voice everything in her head, wishing as always that speaking came more naturally to her but then Vex’s hand is soft and light against her cheek, hazel eyes intent and intense on her, and she doesn’t have a chance in hell to make a coherent sentence now. “Keyleth, darling, may I kiss you?”
And oh, no one has asked her before, they’ve simply taken surprised and confused kisses from her. There’s power in having a say, knowing with near certainty that if she were to say no, Vex would drop her hand and they would surely go back to their normal existence. 
Digging her teeth into her bottom lip Keyleth nods, nervous but sure, “I’d like you to.” 
With the confidence that Keyleth is more used to seeing on her Vex smirks, one corner of her mouth curling in delight before she leans in, pausing a hair’s breadth away to let Keyleth sit with the anticipation a second before closing the gap. 
There is no comparison. No part of getting kissed by, no- kissing Vex is as different as the seasons. Because Vex is being firm but she isn't taking, guiding her through her insecurity and inexperience. The hand on her cheek has slid down to her neck, fingers digging into her nape to hold her in place, nails like sharp pin pricks against her skin but not unpleasant. Vex’s lips are soft and the lightly tinted balm she uses is sweet, a heady contrast to the way she’s kissing her, teeth catching Keyleth’s bottom lip and she can feel the soft puff of air as Vex quietly laughs at her gasp.
“Wow. Please, do that again.” Keyleth says breathlessly when they part and Vex laughs, the sound is very free, delighted and infectious. 
“Any time, Darling.”
“Oh-ho-ho, what’s this, you guys playing seven minutes in heaven without me?” 
Grog, holding the remains of the door looks confused, “how’d you get ta heaven and back so fast?”
“Shut it, both of you.” Vex snaps, pushing Scanlan aside by his forehead as she storms out of the tiny space with Keyleth in tow, her hand clutching Keyleth’s in a near crushing grip. 
“That wasn’t a no!” Scanlan calls after them yet thankfully doesn’t follow.
Keyleth can feel how warm her face is, knows how bright her cheeks must be, and she’s still confused. How to sort this out and put it in its place in her life? What does it mean? But Vex still hasn’t let her go and Keyleth is realizing that she doesn’t exactly mind. They haven’t talked about exactly what they are now; Vex is a mystery on purpose, armor she’s built piece by piece to protect herself from getting her feelings hurt still firmly in place, but when she’s holding her hand like this– when she’s talked to her like that, when they just… well, there might just be a chink in that armor. 
Oh boy this got long, hope this was something close to what you were wanting! Catch that darling getting capitalized as it turns from a turn of phrase to a title :)
Thanks @aughisky-miran !!!
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artemis-pendragon · 2 years
POV you're Keyleth 💙🏹🪶
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ghostpainters · 1 year
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Vox Machina Plays Mario Kart 
Vex’ahlia is obviously winning. Keyleth is better at this game than she gives herself credit for and isn’t doing half bad. Grog is being a little too aggressive with the turns and keeps crashing into things; and yet somehow, he’s still a place ahead of Scanlan. The game is clearly rigged! 
Vox Machina House Rules: 1). No loud music before 9 AM 2). Butter knives are NOT weapons 3). PLEASE try the doorknob first 4). Whoever breaks the door down, pays for it.
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pocketgalaxies · 8 months
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C1E70 || C3E66
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cherubfae · 4 months
ways they show they love you || vox machina x reader
With Vax, Vex, Keyleth, Percy, Grog, Pike, Scanlan & bonus!! Trinket, the best boii c:
tags: fluff, wholesome, pre-established relationships, crushing/mutual pining
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You need your bow restrung? Here let me do it for you. Oh, you are cold? Take my spare cloak, please, I insist. Lest you catch your death. Vax prefers to have you near his vicinity so he can reach you should something happen. His hand brushes against yours as you pass one another. His chest pressing against your back so he can reach something on the top shelf for you. His nose runs along the column of your throat. A common phrase he said to Vex soon became one he said to you as well. Do not go far from me.
Offering her hand to help you down a rocky hillside or up the steep slope of a mountain. Instructing Trinket to keep a close eye on you, and as best boi, he does. She gives you soft forehead kisses when you're fast asleep, damn-near chokes when you crack an eye open to smirk smugly up at her. Gives you a bit of the cold shoulder after but it's only because she is so heckin' embarrassed and needs some time to cutely and stubbornly pout.
Did you get enough to eat? Want some more bread or stew? She doesn't mind taking the first watch if you're still tired, the group would benefit from you being well-rested. Huh? No, she definitely wasn't admiring you while you slept, that's insane.
Subtle touches. His hand at the small of your back or on your waist. He never strays far from your side nor you his. Leaning his head on your shoulder for a quick nap, feeling safe to rest his form against yours. Pressing a quick kiss to your hand when you need to part ways for a bit, it causes everyone else to groan, but he needs to do it. Just in case. No matter what, Percy needs you to know you have his entire heart.
Picking you up and spinning you around every time he sees you. Always wanting to sit by you at dinner or have his bedroll near yours. Picking you up and out of the way of danger. Carries you and Pike on his back easy-peasy! Excitedly waits for you to wake up every morning, oftentimes he's leaning over your face. You bump heads every time, but Grog still follows this ritual as long as he's awake before you. He hopes you'll do it for him next time!
Always healing your injuries no matter how minor. She hates seeing you in pain. She tries not to pick favorites when it comes to healing but if you're the closest to her when others on the team are downed, she's gonna pick you first. Pike's gotten better with going for the most-critically injured now! Loves to give big, warm hugs where you two spin each other around. The hugs linger longer when no one else is around. A heartbeat and your lips almost brush, causing her cheeks to light up a bright pink.
Gentle hand-holds lack his former suave flirtatiousness and instead are replaced with nervous, almost shy glances and soft reassurances. Frequent check-ins when you are injured, if there is anything he can do or get for you. Shiny pale blue puppy dog eyes making sure you are always safe. He brings you little wildflowers he collects, always writing new songs he isn't sure that he intends to sing. Buys you little tokens and jewelry that suit your taste as long as he can swing it.
Gentle pokes with his cold nose and soft huffs against your cheek, this sweet bear will nuzzle his face into your tummy. Often times plops down beside you in an upright sitting position. You're his favorite after Vex. ♡
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uselessgayshit · 7 months
i was sick out of my mind yesterday but found this vexleth fic and have been inconsolable about it. i truly don't think I've ever seen this good of characterization of the CR characters in any other fic. also the way its canon compliant is so good and until we get an actual reason for the vibes in whitestone the first time bell's hells showed up, this is my canon
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
If I care about someone super close to me I have a reflex of saying “I love you” with my goodbyes to them. I done it with my friends so many times they think it’s cute.
So what if with Vox Machina their crush was about to leave to go do something. Like go to the market, go nap, etc. and they’re just like “okay love you see ya later” and the crush walks off like as if they didn’t just say they love them.
Awww! Dang it this is so cute!! 😭💞🥹🩵💙
a/n - this kinda got angsty 😅😪
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He’s got the biggest blush on his face ever but no, no! He’s not one to rush into feelings even if he wanted to (with you 👀)
Has the cutest reaction and picks you up in his big arms; honestly just go along with it he’s a sweetheart 😅
She’s like “wait? What?! Really!!?” and thinks you’re half serious until she’s kind of blushing, half relieved-half crushed
I feel like this could go one of two ways 😅
Romance wise (on his end), he just says it back like it’s second nature to him because that’s how loving you is to him
Platonic, he’ll just say it back casually too 😁 but still be kinda yearning underneath
Her head perks up like “oh wait? really?” until she realizes it was intended differently, then it’s like “pfft yeah, love you too but not like that”
Oh. Oh. Is this happening?? Is this right now?? Oh no, oh you didn’t mean it like that. Oh well… you’re free to love whoever you want darling
He’s so hopeful at first but then “tries” to play it off casually but gods damn it he wants to say it back to you too
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nowyoursoulisforfeit · 11 months
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That’s a little gay if you ask me.
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somethingwritey · 1 year
thanks for y'all's patience! pretty little things will be updated so soon, i promise!!!
every time they hint that keyleth is possibly dead in canon i freak out send help
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ogdoadfates · 7 months
If you're feeling up to it, could I possibly request a modern vexleth drabble with your coffee shop prompts, specifically
12. Pouring rain ?
(All those prompts were so cute btw)
Sorry for the wait! Ya got it! And haha aw thank you so much!! Sorry this isn’t that long and kind of all over the place, I’m a bit out of practice! (And also did not know what to do for it :'3 so this is what we got lol) 12: Pouring rain-Coffee shop related prompts
Vex wasn’t one to ever really let her guard down but with the sound of rain swiftly pouring and pitter-pattering against the windows along with the soft music and quiet conversation that floated about her and Keyleth’s favorite coffee shop she couldn’t help but let herself sink into the redhead's side, fully relaxed and even closing her eyes.
The two of them had made it a habit to go on at least one coffee date a month, even when the weather decided to disagree, so of course when it started to rain when they were only five minutes away from Keyleth’s apartment they just hurried up their pace to the shop instead of heading back. Now in the past, she would have insisted they just go back so her outfit and makeup wouldn’t get ruined but with Keyleth it just felt right. To run in the rain and giggle like a bunch of lovestruck teens. Keyleth in a way she most certainly didn’t have a conscious decision in had shown her the beauty of just being, not caring what others felt or how they think. To just live, to let yourself be free and it’s so truly funny that this thing, this way of life she’s found and cherishes is something that normally is the opposite of how her love spends her mental health on. Keyleth’s constant vigilance on doing what's right and worrying about how she is perceived, the two of them are such parallels and it saddens Vex every time how at first she had disliked Keyleth. This wonderful person has taught her to enjoy the small wonders of life even outside of the forests where she works.
Vex shuffles even further into Keyleth’s side causing the taller woman to chuckle lightly. Cracking her eyes open and looking up to her love-turned personal heater, Vex relishes in the blush she knew would be at home on her dear’s face. Keyleth gives her a soft smile before leaning down, giving her forehead a brush of a kiss as Vex yet again closes her eyes and enjoys the peace she’s been lovingly given.
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Back on my Perc’ahlia text post shenanigans.
And a bonus one because I really cannot stop myself once I start.
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ghostpainters · 2 years
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Vox Machina Bookmark Designs 
I just decided to do some more Critical Roll art because why not? The Legend of Vox Machina was a highly entertaining show. Even if you’re not really a DnD person, I’d recomend it. The animation is beautiful and the characters are just amazing. 
Speaking of characters, Scanlan seems to be missing. Poor man. He is missed XD. (I’ll try to do a part 2 tho, and he’ll be featured in that). I just don’t know when I can make that happen.) 
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