#vicência santos
afrenchaugurey · 1 year
Hello ! I just published the second chapter of my fic' "The Day of Books and Roses"
You can find it here :
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I didn't know what to choose as an excerpt, so here is the first paragraph of the chapter
The next morning, Newt and Tina apparated in an almost lunar landscape, dried up by the burn of the sun, where only a few scrawny trees and bushes managed to subsist. In front of them, the panorama was cut in thin rocky columns, adjacent and parallel, colored with a shading of brilliant tones, from ocher to terracotta, which created a very different impression than the evening before. During the twilight, fairies had, indeed, offered a breathtaking show, their bodies twinkling with kaleidoscopic lights, buzzing everywhere, generating a second firmament in the night. Under the sunshine, however, only persisted the continuous humming escaping from the pipes of this gigantic organ, the tiny beings remaining almost invisible, similar, at first sight (and listening), to a huge swarm of bees. Newt nevertheless stopped for a moment, no matter if the scene wasn’t as magical, and assessed the phenomenon. Fairies’ habitat diverged here a lot from what he had observed until then, beyond all comparison, far away from the humid forests. Thus, he was resolved to compile all these new discoveries, as much as he craved to do with what he had learned about dragons. 
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potterharryloves · 1 year
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None of our heroes took off the cruciatus from Jacob. Only Santos did. Why? Albus, Newt ?? Is this typically for the purposes of justifying the choice of Santos?
It's what you said. It was just to show where Santos stands and to have this action add up along with a few smaller scenes to justify her being the Qilin's second choice.
Frankly, it's canon now so I accept it, but it was a choice of convenience. There's no instance of the Cruciatus curse being lifted by anyone other than the caster. Also, to me this choice necessitates another change: If we get the three-way duel one of the changes/additional information, has to be that Albus lifted the cruciatus curse from Aberforth. There was no chance that he was unable to do it, considering how talented he was, or that he didn't do it instinctively.
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fblover · 10 months
Underdog list!
If you didn't find your favorite rare and unpopular character from FB in this list, write me in replies who is it, I'm really interested!
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loomoffateleprojet · 1 year
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Il est des familles qui sont à la recherche d'une excellence académique dans tous les domaines. Installé au Guatelama, ils sont originaires de la capitale du pays. Sorciers réputés dont l'influence est reconnue dans tout le sud du continent. Cette famille compte les plus éminents sorciers, médicomage, alchimiste, magicozoologistes, chercheur en sortilège, historien. On compte des directeurs et professeurs de la célèbre école Castelobruxo dans cette famille, et c'est un plaisir pour eux de transmettre leur savoir. Mais s'ils Ils sont réputés dans bien des domaines, il existe une domaine où ils sont les meilleurs. Il s'agit de la métamorphose. Tradition familiale oblige, être un animagus est une réussite qui symbolise l'esprit de cette famille. Sang pur, ils ne cultivent pas spécialement cette pureté et sont connus pour leur bienveillance. Ils ne sont pas contre l'idée de voir dans l'avenir leur sang mêlé à des moldus ou des sorciers de sang mêlé.  Qu'il s'agisse de politique, d'humanitaire, d'œuvres caritative, ils sont les premiers impliqués. Mais cela a pour effet de se créer beaucoup d'ennemi. Si la branche principale est établie au Guatemala, il existe une branche de la famille exilée au Brésil et dont Vicência Santos est désormais la présidente. Mais quel est le rapport avec la France Magique ? Une partie de la famille a choisi de s'exiler pour plusieurs raisons. Mais la première est finalement un sens des responsabilités et du devoir. Il faut stopper la progression de Grindelwald en Europe. Toutes les familles de l'Ordre du Temple ne sont pas française. L'Ordre reste une société secrète qui est présente partout dans le monde. Le patriarche Santos  est actuellement le Sénéchal de l'Amérique du Sud, et nombre des Santos sont membres de l'Ordre Du Temple. La seconde raison de leur exil est plus obscure, plusieurs ont été menacé de mort dans leur pays pour des raisons politiques. En effet, le vent tourne et la vie n'est plus aussi sûre qu'hier pour les Santos dont la grandeur est plus menacée que jamais.
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brasilnovosatores · 2 years
O cenário da atuação do Brasil nesses últimos anos vem crescendo em escala global. Notamos isso com a entrada de Wagner Moura na tão concorrida academia do Oscar, como jurado.
Recentemente Maria Fernanda Cândido, fez uma célebre aparição em Animais Fantásticos: os Segredos de Dumbledore, dá vida a Vicência Santos, ministra do Brasil e ao final do filme se vê bruxos comemorando sua vitória no Parque Lage, Jardim Botânico, Rio de Janeiro.
Que em minha opinião foi uma ótimo escolha, já que fora dito que o Brasil era o mais conhecedor sobre herbologia e o Castelo Bruxo se localiza no Rio de Janeiro.
3 pontos para Corvinal pela inteligência e 5 para lufa-lufa por trazer a conhecimento público.
Terminado meu texto, deixo que saibam que neste blogue escreverei sobre NOVOS rostos de atores ou aspirantes à atores Brasileiros.
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meteor752 · 2 years
Just gotta love that the candidates who were considered to like, rule the wizarding world in FBSOD were a man of colour, a woman, and a gay man. Like, say what you will but they were hella progressive even back in like the 30s in that world, can’t help but applaud ‘em
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azaravaras · 2 years
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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Brazilian actress Maria Fernanda Cândido is Vicência Santos, Brazilian witch in Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore. It seems she’ll be a candidate for Supreme Head of the International Confederation of Wizards!
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jornale · 2 years
#animaisfantasticos #mariafernandacandido #atriz #filme #harrypotter #movie #cinema #vicenciasantos #brasil #jornale #news
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fantasticbeasts · 2 years
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Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore — Character Posters
The Global Wizards
Oliver Masucci as ‘Anton Vogel’
Maria Fernanda Cândido as ‘Vicência Santos’
Dave Wong as ‘Liu Tao’
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potterharryloves · 2 years
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alrightsnaps · 2 years
The Secrets of Dumbledore First Impression rant
– Jude Law and Mads Mikkelsen are the best Dumbledore and Grindelwald we could've hoped for and I'll NEVER shut up about it, I don't know who that ugly fossil in CoG was
– as far as I'm concerned the movie was back to the first installment's standards if not better (my grindeldore heart is biased sorry lmao)
– I don't know how anyone could watch Albus and Gellert in SoD and call this movie queerbaiting, not only is it repeatedly mentioned that the two of them were in love but everything about Jude and Mads' acting in their scenes shows the love and heartbreak and longing for one another
– still can't believe they killed off my girl Leta, they really picked the worst movie for her to feature in I needed her in SoD
– they'd better keep sidelining Newt in favour of Dumbledore and Grindelwald not to mention political figures like Vicência
–  I've been hyped af about Lally's character since it was announced she'd be a main character in SoD and she did NOT disappoint
– Jacob keeps being a ray of sunshine and delivering 80% of the comedy in the movie
– there was some heavy exposition at the beginning of the movie but I get why it's there tbh
–  I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get to see Rio and the Brazilian Ministry of Magic (I think it was originally meant to be in this movie but I guess with the rewrites it must've been pushed back for the next one?) but my guess is that we'll be seeing more of Brazil's wizarding world very soon given Vicência's character
– I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I'M A SUCKER FOR THE POLITICAL BACKGROUND AND WORLDBUILDING. That's the aspect of the franchise that most appealed to me when I watched the first movie and I loved everything about the International Confederation of Wizards and the election plot
– still bitter that these movies have wizards dressed as Muggles even in the wizarding world GIVE ME THOSE ECCENTRIC WIZARD ROBES MAN
– another personal criticism is the lack of Grindeldore flashbacks! I need a flashback of Toby Regbo and Jamie Campbell Bower as Albus and Gellert being young and in love WHO DO I HAVE TO BRIBE FOR THIS TO HAPPEN
–  this is officially a Vicência Santos fan account and if they don't make her into a main character in future installments I'm suing
– my sexy evil French lady Vinda Rosier doing evil things while looking stylish af >>>>
– baby slytherins being pranking little shits lmao I love them
– maybe I'm biased because of the abusive piece of shit that is Ezra Miller but I couldn't care less about his knockoff Snape character, I just hope he's dead by the next movie
– on the other hand I found the way Credence fits into Aberforth's story heartbreakingly suitable given Abe's hp arc? The way he treasured Ariana and watched her suffer because she couldn't control her magic as an Obscurus and then history repeating itself with his son....the tragedy there
– the scene where Dumbledore recounts the events that led up to Ariana's death, his guilt and heartbreak...it just made me weep
– I really liked the fighting scenes! Though I grew up with the hp books and love them I've never been a fan of the movies post Cuarón and the fight scenes have been one of their most underwhelming parts imo, so I was glad to see some improvement there
– the scene were Dumbledore and Grindelwald finally confront each other was simply EPIC and so emotionally charged, I do not have the words to explain how much I loved everything about it
– I loved that they gave Queenie her happy ending with Jacob rather than having her go full villain! I think she offered some pretty realistic representation of how people with good intentions can be manipulated by demagogues until they're too far gone. Her pain and anguish when she meets with Jacob in Bhutan convinced that there's no way back for her after what she did? I'm a Queenie apologist idc
– kinda disappointed by the way the cruciatus curse was visually portrayed??? also the way it was brushed off by jacob afterwards just felt weird
– more of tina in the next movie please!
– overall the damage control they did after the mess that was cog worked as far as I'm concerned, I was extremely disappointed when they casted d*pp as grindelwald and was pretty much done with the franchise (it took me like two years to even watch the second movie and it still kinda felt like a chore) but they've finally done him justice this time around and I'm very glad because my excitement about the movies is back in full force
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francysart · 2 years
Os Segredos serão revelados (?) …
Apesar das inúmeras polêmicas na qual J. K. Rowling tem se envolvido nos últimos anos, que inclusive, deixaram os Potterheads bastantes desapontados por declarações que atingiram, principalmente, a comunidade LGBTQIA +, o mundo da magia criado pela autora tem atraído a atenção do público mais uma vez. O terceiro filme de Animais fantásticos traz os eventos do mundo da magia antes de Voldemort, na juventude de um dos maiores bruxos que já existiram, Albus Dumbledore, interpretado por Jude Law, e sua trajetória como professor de Hogwarts na Londres que enfrenta uma grande ameaça, seu antigo aliado Gerardo Grindelwald.
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O primeiro filme da franquia apresentou Newt Scamander como protagonista, o excêntrico magizoologista leva seus animais fantásticos para os Estados Unidos, onde entra em contato com o Ministério da magia americano enquanto investigavam a existência de um obscuros em Nova York, na luta para recrutar Creedence (Ezras Miller), o obscurial, Grindelwald se revela ao mundo bruxo e é capturado.
Para alguns críticos (incluindo essa que vos fala) o segundo filme, Os crimes de Grindelwald, teve mais enlaces que respostas, deixando a história com um desenvolvimento confuso e apesar de parecer um personagem com grande importância na trama, Dumbledore teve uma participação pequena, deixando muita expectativa para o terceiro filme, Os segredos de Dumbledore, que deve focar na relação conflituosa de Dumbledore e Grindelwald, além de histórias que os fãs já conhecem desde As relíquias da Morte, como a morte de Ariana e sua obsessão com as relíquias. Os fãs, mais uma vez me incluo nessa lista, esperam que muitas dessas questões sejam abordadas.
Tempos perigosos favorecem homens perigosos.
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Grandes expectativas também estão voltadas para a atuação, não é mistério que o vilão desta vez será interpretado por Mads Mikkelsen, já que a Warner Bros dispensou Johnny Depp das produções do estúdio, minha opinião pessoal é de que a escalação de Depp como Grindelwald foi um erro desde o início, dispensando as polêmicas que envolvem o nome do ator, é visível que a figura de Depp não se encaixa com o ar sombrio do personagem, sempre senti que ele estava deslocado, deixando as cenas com uma atmosfera mais cômica do que o necessário, que é uma característica dos seus personagens, Mads, por outro lado, tem um ótimo histórico como ator em filmes do gênero, a escalação dele já deixa a trama com outros ares, espero voltar aqui depois da estreia e dizer que estava certa sobre isso [rsrs…]. Outra atuação que tem empolgado os fãs, principalmente os brasileiros, é a estreia da atriz Maria Fernanda Cândido como Vicência Santos, que pela análise feita deve ser a Ministra da Magia do Brasil concorrendo ao cargo de Chefe Suprema, o trailer lançado no canal oficial da Warner em 27 de fevereiro entregou bem mais do que qualquer potterhead esperava, o novo filme chegará nos cinemas em 14 de abril de 2022.
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Melhores reações dos fãs
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Espero que tenham gostado!!
até mais...
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Camisetas licenciadas de Animais Fantásticos que estão sendo vendidas nos Estados Unidos revelou que a personagem da Maria Fernanda Cândido é nada menos que Ministra da Magia e está concorrendo ao cargo de Chefe Suprema da Confederação Internacional dos Bruxos!
Como todos os produtos licenciados precisam passar por uma autorização da Warner e da própria JK Rowling, então muito provavelmente a informação é verídica, ou seja: VICÊNCIA SANTOS É A MINISTRA DA MAGIA DO BRASIL!!!
Via: Lorde Voldemort no Facebook.
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Fotos via: @MauraLeamy no Twitter.
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Eddie Redmayne : Norbert Dragonneau
Jude Law : Albus Dumbledore
Ezra Miller : Croyance (Credence) Bellebosse / Aurelius Dumbledore
Dan Fogler : Jacob Kowalski
Alison Sudol : Queenie Goldstein
Callum Turner : Thésée Dragonneau
Jessica Williams : Eulalie « Lally » Hicks
Mads Mikkelsen : Gellert Grindelwald
William Nadylam : Yusuf Kama
Poppy Corby-Tuech : Vinda Rosier
Victoria Yeates : Bunty
Richard Coyle : Abelforth Dumbledore
Maria Fernanda Cândido : Vicência Santos
Oliver Masucci : Anton Vogel
Dave Wong : Liu Tao
Alexander Kuznetsov : Helmut
Fiona Glascott : Minerva McGonagall
Katherine Waterston : Tina Goldstein
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