#vinnie tiktoks
cuddblez · 2 years
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via: @/vinniehacker on twitter
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minjix · 1 year
valorant → Vinnie Hacker x female!reader
summary: in which Vinnie defends you
warnings: men being boys, slurs, hate towards women. speed like behavior - hate that man, boy. swear words , mentions suicide + pissed of Vinnie – overprotective!Vinnie, mad!Vinnie, angsty!Vinnie & soft!Vinnie
a/n: women can’t do anything without some men being butthurt about it :) I also don’t know ANYTHING about valorant, men scares me so I will never touch that game so I apologize in advance for all the incorrect information in this imagine <3
word count: 1.0k
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You two had been playing for hours on end, Vinnie’s comforting voice in your ears as your eyes were stuck to your screen. It was your first time playing the game and when you had told him this; the boy immediately begged you to play with him, so here you were– tongue out in concentration whilst Vinnie carefully guided you through everything.
He made it less stressful, his whispers of ‘that’s my girl’, every time you managed to kill someone. His voice burning a hole in your chest, your wound on display. Your nervous laughter only grew the smirk on his lips. He wished to be sat besides you instead of listening to your laughter and frustrated grunts over discord. But he gladly stayed, constantly asking how you felt about the game, quietly asking you for this to be yours and his thing; playing Valorant together.
Everyone had been respectful, since they respected Vinnie, but it all went to shit when one of your teammates decided to blame you for losing that round. Swear words were thrown your way, so loudly that his mic went static.
‘go back to the kitchen, you whore’
‘ugly fucking bitch’
You sat frozen in your seat, dumbfounded with a slack jaw. Your heart was beating so fast you were sure it’d fall into your stomach. Your mouth turned dry and your eyes wet with tears as the abuse continued on. You were embarrassed for some unknown reason.
Vinnie still couldn’t understand what was happening, one moment jokes were thrown around and then the abuse towards you came out of nowhere.
“The fuck did you just say?” His voice was low as he spoke into the mic, his eyes dark and the muscles in his arms flexing as he gripped his controller.
“This fucking bitch is ruining everythi–“
Vinnie interrupted him. “Shut the fuck up.” His face was red as he could only imagine how you felt.
The coward on the other end laughed, a mocking one that made Vinnie’s controller crack under his grip. Other players tried their hardest to get him to shut up but to no avail.
“What are you gonna do about it, bitch?” And before Vinnie could say something; the coward disappeared from the party.
You were still quiet and then you left too. Vinnie quickly exited the game and grabbed his phone, sending you a simple text.
‘on my way.’
He blamed himself for putting you in that situation, knowing how bad the abuse gets. The dark pit in his stomach growing as he floored it to your apartment downtown, his eyes constantly glancing to see if you texted him back, but nothing.
The rapid knocks quieted the sobs from your lips. “Y/n, please open the door.” You quickly got up and opened the door despite the confusion you felt about him taking his time to check up on you.
Your face was wet from tears and your breaths came out in gasps as the pain in your chest wouldn’t lessen. “Shit,” he swore to himself before inviting himself in and embracing your shaking body. Over your cries he could hear several plings, one after another. Your computer was placed in your living room, right where you both stood.
His eyes squinted, recognizing it. Someone was chatting with you on valorant. He carefully let go of you and walked over to your computer despite his name leaving your lips in a warning.
His eyes widened at the words that burned a hole into his irises. Threat after threat came in, all from the very same player who couldn’t handle losing a match.
“What the actual fuck?” He whispered as he quickly muted the guy before blocking him. His arms rested on the table, his head hanging in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered.
Your brows furrowed in confusion, his back to you as you spoke, your voice hoarse and cracking with each word. “Why are you apologizing?”
He slammed his hands down on the desk, needing to let go of the weight on his chest. “I knew that this shit happens all the fucking time,” he gestured to your computer, “and I still convinced you to play, all because I’m a selfish fucking asshole,” you quickly crossed the room to him to stop him from saying more.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You sniffed as you stared at his shoulder which were rapidly moving up and down in beat of his rapid breaths. “Vin, calm down…” you trailed of as he faced you, his eyes red and the veins in neck standing out from withholding his cries.
“I wanted to have something with you, and it ended with some fucking asshole telling you to off yourself?!” He was near hysterics now, hands in his hair as he looked everywhere but you.
He continued to speak over you trying to calm him down, “I can’t lose you because of this!” Your hands grabbed his arms and pulled him towards you. You held him tightly while he tried to catch his breath.
“Hey-it’s okay, you won’t lose me over this; I promise.”
His voice cracked, “that’s not what I meant.” He spoke quietly, begging you to understand so he didn’t have to say it himself.
“I know,” you whispered into his chest. “I’m with you til’ the end, remember?” A teary chuckle left him from the memory of you and him, drunk, sitting in a bathtub together, promising to never leave each other.
He took a shaky deep breath to gather his courage. “I really like you, Y/n. Really, really like you.”
You hugged him tighter, a smile growing on your lips from his confession. You’ve always dreamt of this moment except for the tears and the situation that brought you two here, embraced by each other.
“I really, really like you too, Vinnie.” His grip on you loosened, his lips met your hairline to softly whisper, “can I kiss you?”
You whispered a ‘yes you can’ before his lips carefully placed themselves on yours. The knot in your stomach snapped and exploded into millions of butterflies as his lips moved together with yours.
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celebtf · 2 months
Vinnie & the Car-shop
It was a hot summer day, Mid-july and and I was taking my Car to work. I woke up and I was not feeling well today, my head hurt, I was tired and hungry but I needed to work so I could afford rent and have food on my table.
I sat in the car, I got the AUX and put on some music from my regular playlist. The playlist is around 10h long so I have some songs to shuffle through.
As I was driving on the highway my car started to make this strange noice, I was in a rush and needed to hurry. I continued to drive even with the strange noice but the more I drove the more the sound got worse.
I picked up my phone and called my boss " Hey Joe, I'm sorry but my car just broke down on the Highway. I might not come in on time today, but I'm making it up to you" I heard my boss laugh a little " Hey man, it's okay, take the time you need and be safe while driving on the 40 highway. "
I hang up and called my local Car-shop and they send a car to pick my truck up. They come and I get a ride to the car-shop.
I walk in to the shop seeing a young man, im his early 20's, he can't be much younger then me, sitting on a box with his face in his face.
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I go up to him and start talking " Hey man, what's up? How's it going " I asked to he polite and to see if there's anything I can help with.
" Hey man, I don't know, I'm having trouble with this thing over here, I don't know how or if I can fix this thing " the young man, who I now can see is that one tiktoker... what's his name, Vinnie hacker I think.
" Okay man, give me that thing over there " Vinnie gives me the screw and I show him how he can twist this and do that " Also, my fingers are getting dirty can I Barrow your gloves real quick " I ask him.
He gives me his gloves and I start to work on the car, and a bit later I feel the place getting hotter " I'm so sorry, but it's just so hot, I need to just take my shirt off" I said, throws the shirt and start working.
As I'm working I can feel my hands heat up, but I can't take the gloves off, my hands start to cramp and I can see them grow. My arms began so gain muscles and I can see a few, not a few alot of new tattoos for. My shoulders get bigger and my pecs too. I can feel my nipples getting hard and touching them feels really Nice. I felt something that felt like a punch to my stomach and I can see a pac of abs start to appear, a hard sixpack of Washboard abs.
I feel my face starting to heat up, my jaw cracked and got sharper, my eyes burned and my eyebrows grew bushier and my hair suddenly grew a bit longer, and blond. I'm usually not blond.
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" Hey vinnie, wasn't your workday over 30 minutes ago? Why are you still here?" The owner comes up to me " I'm sorry I didn't hear you, what did you call me?"
He just looked at me and laughed " Vinnie you're always such a jokester " I didn't really understand him, but if I needed to leave then I would have to get going..
I went to the Bathroom before closing and that's when I finally saw what he meant. I was really vinnie, but how? And where was he now? But my mind started remember things, everything in my mind as Vinnie's memories.
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" Okay I look really good, even better then before, I think I can get used to this"
I laughed and left the shop
Hey, I'm back, I wrote this story last week after trying to get out of this writters block I have had for like a month. I'm okay with this story not being the best. Just wanted something out and to post.
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skinnyducky · 1 year
in her defense // v.h.
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a/n not gonna lie.. this was supposed to come out a LONG time ago. however, the og idea i had in mind just didn’t fit my writing style so i scrapped it and rewrote the entire thing. so, here’s what i came up with. hope you enjoy :)
p.s. i missed y’all soooo much !
vinnie hacker x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.3k, edited
WARNING: language, bladder mentions, and m*x. that is all. 
Surprisingly, dinner with Vinnie’s friends wasn’t as awkward as she thought it would be. This was her first time meeting them, and honestly, she was a bit nervous in the beginning. It’s not like she didn’t have a reason to be, though. Sure, it wasn’t like she was meeting his family, but still, these were friends. These were the people he spent the majority of his day with—besides her. Their approval meant everything to her because if they didn’t like her, that could definitely put a damper on her and Vinnie’s relationship, and she definitely didn’t want that.
The group had arrived at the fancy restaurant around nine. It was nearing eleven. They spent almost an hour and a half just chatting amongst themselves and sharing embarrassing stories they all had about Vinnie. It wasn’t until midway through Jack’s story of Vinnie almost electrocuting himself that Y/n felt the need to use the bathroom. She crossed her legs, fighting against her bladder in hopes that she wouldn’t miss this story. But her bladder was putting up a good fight, one that she was on the brink of losing.
She flew up from her seat and turned to Vinnie. "I’ll be back. Gonna go use the restroom."
Vinnie nodded in response, sending a smile her way. "Alright, babe. Take your time."
After pecking the boy’s cheek, Y/n sprinted to the restroom. Upon reaching the ladies’ room, she flew inside and stumbled into the nearest stall. "Oh, that’s nice." She smiled, relieving herself of the pressure on her bladder. Once she was done, she wandered out of the stall and towards the sink. As she began washing her hands, she took the time to check herself over, ensuring that she didn’t look like a complete mess. While she was doing so, she noticed something strange.. something that looked like it didn’t belong in the women’s restroom. Shutting off the sink, Y/n slowly turned around, hoping to herself that what she saw was just in her imagination. Unfortunately, it wasn’t.
There, clinging to the wall, just a few feet away, was a row of perfectly polished urinals.
"No way." she gulped.
There was surely a reasonable explanation for this, right? There had to be a reason for urinals being in the women’s restroom. After trying to come up with every possible explanation, Y/n concluded that she was in fact in the men’s restroom. It’s not like she strolled in here on purpose; she really had to pee and didn’t think to look at the signs on the door.
"I gotta get out of here." She started sprinting towards the door, ready to make her escape. But before she could even lay a finger on that door handle, she heard the sound of laughter coming near. But this wasn’t just any laughter; no, this was.. male laughter.
"Shit." She slapped her lavender-scented hand over her mouth and ran into a stall before she could get caught. Locking the door behind her, she climbed onto the toilet and crouched down so no one would see her head poking out.
The guys entered the bathroom, and based on what Y/n was hearing, there were only two of them. However, that wasn’t the only thing that she heard. There was something familiar about those voices. It only took a second for Y/n to recognize those voices as belonging to Vinnie and his good ol' pal, M*x.
"Jack's such a dick," Vinnie chuckled, his stream trailing behind his voice. "Thank god he didn’t say any of that in front of Y/n. She’d probably leave me in a heartbeat if she heard all of that."
M*x joined in on the laughter. "Can’t argue with that, man. Can’t argue with that."
It was silent between the two as they tinkled. The second they finished, however, M*x cleared his throat. "Uh, can I ask you a question?"
After flushing the urinals, both boys walked over to the sinks. "For sure. What’s up?" Vinnie asked.
"Are you positive she’s the one?"
The question made both Y/n and Vinnie confused. Based on how things were going at dinner, Y/n was confident she made a good impression on all of Vinnie's friends. Although, come to think of it, M*x was a bit standoffish. Maybe she didn’t leave as good a mark as she thought she did.
"Uhm, yeah. I’m pretty positive." Vinnie chuckled. "Why? Is something wrong?"
"I just.. I just don’t think she’s the one for you, dude."
"And why is that?" All traces of amusement had left Vinnie’s tone. Now, all that was there was curiosity, and a hint of anger.
M*x swallowed the lump in his throat before saying the unthinkable. "Not gonna lie, bro, I think she’s a hoe."
Y/n felt her nails dig into her skin as she fought back the urge to fly out of that stall and give that dickhead a piece of her mind. Who the hell does he think he is? He’s barely said two words to her, and already he’s come to that conclusion. What a douche!
Vinnie scoffed, clearly offended by M*x’s accusation. "What the hell, dude? Why would you think my girlfriend’s a hoe?"
"I mean, she was practically flirting with every guy at the table. You saw the way she got all handsy with Jett. Don’t act like you didn’t."
Now, Y/n was a believer in many things. She believed in ghosts, aliens, and mermaids, but not this—and she hoped Vinnie didn't, either. How could M*x mistake her being nice for flirting? And what the hell did he mean by her getting "handsy" with Jett? She was picking a piece of lint off his sweater. "Hmph, talk about jumping to conclusions," she thought.
"You know what, M*x, you’re an idiot." Vinnie stated.
This time around, M*x got offended. "Vinnie, how am I an idiot for telling you the truth? I’m just telling you what I’m observing, and from what I’m observing, your girlfriend is playing you."
"And that’s just it," said Vinnie. "This is what you’re observing, not anyone else."
"Bro, I’m your friend. Shouldn’t that count for something?"
"It would if you had solid proof, but you don't, so no, it doesn’t count for shit."
"Why are you acting like this man?"
"You just called my girlfriend a hoe and then accused her of flirting with you guys with no evidence whatsoever." Vinnie snarled. "How would you feel if I accused your girlfriend of flirting with us without any proof?"
Max was quiet.
"Right, you wouldn’t like it. So, if you've got some sort of issue with her, just say that. Otherwise, keep her name out your mouth. We good?"
"Yeah, sure. We’re good."
With that, the two boys exit the bathroom, the stench of tension following closely behind. Leaving the stall, Y/n couldn’t fight the smile that broke out on her face. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't concerned about Vinnie believing what M*x said. In situations like these, boys tend to believe their friends, and considering the fact that she and Vinnie hadn’t been together for that long, she really didn’t know if he’d see through the bullshit. Thankfully, he did, and Y/n couldn’t have been happier.
Escaping the horror that was the men’s restroom, Y/n practically skipped back to the table. Just before she sat down, she planted a kiss on Vinnie’s forehead.
He giggled, blushing like a schoolboy. "What was that for?"
"Just a thank you."
With furrowed brows, he asked, "For what?"
"For being the best boyfriend ever," Y/n replied. "Also, you’re gonna have to tell me what Jack said and why in the hell it would make me want to leave you."
"Yeah, for sure." Vinnie laughed. As he was about to stuff his face with a spoonful of mashed potatoes, he paused. "Wait, what?"
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svftvluv · 2 years
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going feral for all of these.
god vinnie hacker is just so fine it hurts😮‍💨😮‍💨
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prettygirl-gabi · 11 months
Rainy Streams
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Rating: General Audiences
Warning:Fluffy fluff, even more fluff
Fandom: Vinnie hacker (streamer,  tiktoker)
Relationships: !boyfriend Vinnie x !f reader
Summary: You and Vinnie do a late night 24 hour stream
Vinnie has become a household name in the online world, especially with the teen girls and gamers. However, what many people don't know is that behind his charismatic persona lies a soft-hearted and affectionate person who loves nothing more than spending time with you, his girlfriend.
One rainy night, you and Vinnie were cuddled up on the couch in the cozy apartment watching your all time favorite anime. As you snuggled closer together under a warm blanket, Vinnie turned his head to rest on yours and said, "I have an idea. How about we do a 24-hour stream together?"
You looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure? That's going to be a lot of work, plus its like 3 am right now."
Vinnie grinned mischievously. "Come on Y/n, it'll be fun! We can play games, chat with the fans, and just hang out all night long. Please baby."
You couldn't resist Vinnie's infectious enthusiasm and agreed to the idea. You and Hera watched as Vinnie quickly set up the equipment and started streaming.
"Hey guys I wanted to do a 24-hour stream at 3 am how smart of me right, but I'm gonna have help form my lovely girl to keep me up with you all!" Vinnies stated as he pulled you onto his lap.
As the hours ticked by, you and Vinnie played games together while chatting with the fans who had tuned in from all over the world. The rain continued to pour outside as you laughed and joked around like old friends with chat. The both of you kept taking turns plaing a few rounds with some of the fans from chat just to keep this interesting.
At one point during the stream, You leaned on head on Vinnie's shoulder with Hera in your arms as he wrapped his arm around your waist. "I'm so glad we're doing this," he whispered.
"Me too," you replied softly as you kissed his neck without squashing Hera.
You were about 12 hours into the stream
As the both of you played game after game. Exhausted but happy from how early you both decide to start streaming together, you both had ended up in the pull out bed from the couch in each other's arms.
But the stream was still going and you could tell that some of the fans we just rolling in or just lurking the stream.
"That was the most amazing sleep ever," you said with a yawn.
Vinnie smiled sleepily at you as he rubbed his eyes."Yeah, it was. But you know what's even better?"
"What?" You asked while yawning once again.
Vinnie leaned in and kissed you gently on the lips. "Spending time with you."
The cause you to blush and snuggle closer to him. "I love you," you whispered.
"I love you too," Vinnie replied as they took turns keeping the stream interesting while they each got ready and freshend to finish out the stream.
"So Vinnie they said we should cook dinner to end the stream, watcha think." You asked us you look up with the most purest doe eyes ever. "Yeah, yeah let's do it."
Buy the time the both of you were done the kitchen was a mess, the food had long been devoured and stream was ticking closer to the 24 hour mark.
"Alright chat, we're done with our food and it's almost 3 am. I just wanna say thanks for watching and staying the whole stream, and also if we don't post for two days we're sleeping." You chuckled at his statement but nod in agreement.
"Yeah even though we took at 4 hour nap it didn't help much, but we will do another 24-hour stream in a few weeks and we shall be better prepared." You stated as you yawned once more for the 10th time
"Yes but for now everyone, everywhere, I hope you all have a good morning, day, or night, we shall be going to sleep now."
After you both said your final farewells you both crashed and you crashed hard. "Sleep well baby, you deserve it." You said in a low tone as you drift into a deep sleep.
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pepsicolapussy333 · 3 months
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no like u don’t understand how bad I want him
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cerezaumbran · 7 months
Gerne: Fluff
Warnings ⚠️: none
Summary: Pictures you would post on your Instagram.
[Y/N username]
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Liked by vinniehacker and 745,490,143 others
Y/n: .5 photos are crazy
View all 406,675 comments
[Bffs user]: he looks scary 😭
Beyonce: he's so silly
[Y/n username]
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Liked by vinniehacker and 745,490,143 others
Y/n: bro thought he was cool 😎
View all 817,483 comments
noahbeck: aren't those your glasses?
shawnmendes: bros majestic
[Y/n username]
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Liked by vinniehacker and 950,423,876 others
Y/n: Quick coffee run 🥰🥰
View all 934,110 comments
dojacat: bro how do you get him like this is so unfair 😤😭
ravon: he's so spoiled like gurl 🙄
[Y/n username]
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Liked by vinniehacker and 989,734,132 others
Y/n: he was taking pictures on my phone again 🤭🤭
View all 786,915 comments
larray: how many times do i have to tell you CHANGE YOUR PHONE PASSWORD!!
arianagrande: you need to zip up your jacket vinnie 😭😭
[Y/n username]
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Liked by vinniehacker and 589,236,629 others
Y/n: just him being a dork 🥰😍
View all 261,483 comments
vinniehacker: hey but i'm your dork 🤗😘🥰
zendaya: Y/n now your just making us jealous 😭😭💀💀
I gave you guys more 😌
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cuddblez · 2 years
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via: @/vinniehacker on snapchat
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minjix · 1 year
cherry pie → Vinnie Hacker x best friend!female!reader
summary: in which Vinnie risks it all whilst baking a cherry pie on stream
warnings: friends to lovers trope, Vinnie being insecure, few swear words. fluff ofc :)))
a/n: stopped writing because I got no engagement with my writing, no reblogs or comments, something that creators on this platform thrives on. This is not Instagram, you can’t spam like a creators posts and think that it’ll do anything, because honestly it’s all discouraging. with that in mind, i will block spam liking because it does nothing.
word count: 0.9k
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You loved Vinnie, ever since you two met it was love at first sight. You both were shy in nature, but the moment you were introduced you were so sure you’ve met someone from your past life. The conversation between you two came easily, no awkwardness, just a melody each time your eyes met.
Vinnie was special, his hand grasping yours so he wouldn’t lose you in the crowd. Always keeping a napkin in his pocket since you always seemed to spill something. He often found himself comparing you to the sun, but quickly realized that not even the big star above his head came close in comparison to you. Vinnie loved you too.
Both of you kept silent, choked laughs and glances to one’s direction when the other wasn’t looking.
It was clear to everyone else, the love of which was growing everyday keeping you both prisoners in its grasp.
Vinnie was convinced he’d die if he never admitted it, his chest tightening as his heart grew and doubled its beats when you were around. But he was terrified of losing you if he spoke the truth, so he hid, despite his world crumbling every time another content creator asked for your number, which you always declined with a reserved smile, the smile you promised Vinnie was his.
Vinnie wanted to do something different for his upcoming stream that weekend. Instead of playing the usual games he wanted to bake a cherry pie with you, and you immediately agreed before the tattooed blonde finished his sentence. So there you were, flour coating your cheeks and clothes after Vinnie decided to throw some at you.
The whole kitchen was a mess, eggs and crushed cherries staining cupboards and clothes. Vinnie’s eyes were on you whilst you spoke to the viewers. You were a mess, but you looked so fucking beautiful with that smile that Vinnie would die for. He scolded himself when his thoughts crafted a world in which you stood before him, dressed in white and his ring on your finger. It stung, so deeply that he had to take a deep breath to come back to reality, the reality where you were only his friend and nothing more.
He remembered Noah telling Vinnie how he was his own worst enemy, and now he wholeheartedly agreed as he watched you in this perfect light, a beckoning for him to tell you his deepest secrets, but yet his tongue remained still and a bitter feeling grew in his stomach as he continued to watch you.
You were his opposite. Vinnie bore a dark cloud over his head, sometimes it’d rain or thunder, but now it was merely there, darkening his thoughts while you radiated sunshine and warmth. He stood no chance.
You gave the blonde a soft tap on his inked arm to bring him back from wherever his mind traveled to, something you were used to see happening. “You still with us?” You whispered, a smile on your lips but your eyes held a spark of concern.
To play it cool, the blonde gave you a wink with a cheeky smile, “for you? "Always." He looked back to the monitor so he could read the chat, but every time you let out a laugh his mind wandered to that special place again.
“Honestly, it looks pretty good,” you spoke as you glanced down at the cherry pie. “Why do you sound so surprised?” He laughed, knocking his shoulder softly into yours.
“Vin, have you met us?” He had to agree on that one. “Besides I’m no chef, and you’re always distracted,” because of you, he wanted to interrupt with, but he bit his lip to force the words back down his throat. “And when you’re not; you play around too much.” You continued.
He turned back to the chat with a exaggerated smile and waved his arms around, “you heard it here folks, Y/n and I are no longer friends,” you quickly grabbed his arms with a giddy laugh, “finally!” He stopped and turned to look down at you. “Bullshit, you love me too much.” He looked serious, but the corner of his lips twitching gave it away.
“Yeah, of course I do. Gonna marry you one day.” You mumbled but Vinnie heard it loud and clear. “Don’t say that.” He quipped. His heart was doing painful somersaults in his chest. “I’m serious, don’t joke about that.” He was sweating as he spoke, his voice shaking with each word. His stream had been long forgotten as you stood in front of him, eyes staring into his.
“Vinn-“ He didn’t let you finish. He compared it to blacking out as he told you how much pain he was in simply because you existed, and how he didn’t mind the pain because it made him feel alive. He came to when you told him how important he was to you too. “I can’t lose you Vin, I’m so scared that I’ll-“ he grabbed your face and quickly pulled you into a toe curling, passionate kiss. A kiss that warmed his heart and he could feel the cracks patching together. Your hands gripped his waist as the kiss continued to grow more passionate, and then you quickly pulled back in panic. “The stream!”
“Fuck em’” he smiled and pulled you back in for another breathtaking kiss. He couldn’t help the laughs escaping him as the kiss continued. He never felt like this and he knew that he would do anything to keep you in this life.
comments and reblogs makes a different!
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nikka-v · 2 years
Another day | Vinnie Hacker x fem reader smut
Summary: Realising that Vinnie is not that bad after all.
Warnings: nsfw!, 18+, swearing?, smut and Vinnie is hot as fuck which is warning as well 😏
I am sorry for any mistakes ♥️
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You did not like Vinnie that much since you met him and the feeling was mutual. No one properly knew why and honestly you two did not know as well. Maybe it was because you did not spend enough time together to get to know each other or maybe it was because your partners used to date and you two still felt the vibe between them and were mad because they wanted you all to spend time together. You just argued so much because of everything.
But even though there was so much hate between you, there was also something else. Something only visible to a few other people. Everyone always said that when you weren't arguing, you had so much chemistry and an invisible connection but that just made you argue again. And Joey with Sarah, your partners, hated it because they saw that too. And it wasn't different on a wedding to which were you all invited.
"I just do not understand why you have to argue with her all the time and then look at her later as if you wanted to fuck her." you were walking through the mansion where the wedding was taking place when you heard Sarah's voice almost shouting from hers and Vinnie's room. You were spending the whole weekend at the mansion and your room was right next to theirs so you snuck to the balcony and listened to the argument from there, naturally curious about the reason and outcome.
"What is your problem, Sarah? Am I bothering you with my thoughts about you and Joey?" you dramatically gasped and had to laugh quietly because of the situation. Of course, you knew how they were still looking at each other but you did not realise that Vinnie saw it too. After a few seconds of silence, you realized that he did not refuse what she said and leaned a little to try to see them.
"You are an asshole Vinnie, how can you speak like this to me?" I finally saw Sarah just as she walked out of the door and closed them loudly.
"You having fun?" Vinnie suddenly looked your way, making you lean back as if he did not already see you. You breathed deeply and watched as he walked on their balcony with a cigarette in between his lips, holding another in his hand, holding it out to give it to you.
"Thanks," you said, taking the small killer from his hand and after putting it to your mouth, leaning closer to him so he would light it for you. You had to admit that when he was standing there in black jeans and a white button my shirt he was really not bad looking plus how he was holding the cigarette made him even more attractive.
“I wanted to break up with her a few weeks ago because of how she still looks at Joey." he said suddenly, surprising you with his honesty.
"Why are you telling me this?" you could not stop yourself from asking causing him to chuckle a little.
"Because the only person you hate more than me is her so I know that you won't tell her." you nodded, that was the only possible response to what he said. He was right, wasn't he? You looked at him cause you felt his eyes on you and he just smiled with sadness in his eyes. At that moment you did not understand why he was sad.
"y/n?" as you heard Joey's voice you quickly threw the cigarette away, blowing the smoke out and gesturing to Vinnie to be quiet about it. Joey hated smoking and you had a few arguments about smoking already so you didn't want to provoke him again.
"Yes, babe!" Joey's head appeared from behind the curtain and he smiled at you, dimples showing on his cheeks. You quickly looked to where Vinnie was standing but he was no longer there so you looked back at Joey with a weird feeling in your stomach.
"What are you doing here? All good? You have a good time?" he asked and you frowned for a few seconds before quickly smiling. He was not usually asking more than one thing when he spoke to you, but you just thought that he finally started to act as a better boyfriend.
"I am all good, just taking a few moments to chill here," you said, putting your arms around his neck and kiss in him on his lips. The garden lights suddenly turned on, making the surroundings a bit more romantic causing you to smile a little at the kiss.
"Should we go to sleep?" Joey asked, looking at his watches all of a sudden. That weird feeling in your stomach happened again as if you sensed something weird happening. To be honest you expected Joey to want more than just a small kiss on a balcony.
"I mean, I thought we will have some us time," you said, making him laugh a little. He hugged you quickly before starting to walk away slowly.
"I am tired y/n. Maybe another day yeah? We do not have to do it every day right?" you wanted to talk to him more but he already disappeared behind the curtains and you heard the bathroom door closing.
"As if we did it in the last two weeks you asshole," you murmured to yourself angrily, almost jumping when you heard someone else's voice.
"That's how it starts you know? I am telling this to you because I care about you, he is doing it with someone else." Vinnie's voice resonated through your head, making you look at him with a shaking head.
"Sure you do care about me." you rolled your eyes, clearly angry. "He is not sleeping with anyone else. Unless you have proof, stop making up things." Joey would not cheat, would he?
"Whatever you say love." wanting to tell him off cause of the nickname you turned at him but he was not there anymore, leaving you alone with goosebumps all over your body. And as you were falling asleep you could not stop thinking about what he said.
Maybe because of that, you had some toe-curling dreams about him. Of how he would just touch you with those tattoed hands with rings. How he would bend you over the balcony railing or how he would just hug you and ask you about your day. The fucking minimum that Joey barely did. And you apparently moaned a little while sleeping cause Joey woke you up while there still wasn't so much light outside with kisses on your neck.
"What is going on?" you asked, trying to adjust your eyes to the darkness while you hugged Joey a little.
"You were having some hot dreams presumably with me so I want to apologise for leaving you wanting me. I did not realise yesterday that you wanted me so much. You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from telling him that he should stop flattering himself so much but he was still your boyfriend so you had to let him think that the dreams were about him.
So you decided to make your brain think more about Joey and sleep with him. And that did not go as planned. Half of the time you saw Vinnie unintentionally and the other half you imagined him to make you feel satisfied which was definitely not a good idea. For the first time in a few weeks, you really came and while moaning you moaned a different name. Vinnie's name. But to your surprise, Joey did not even say anything to it. He was so focused on his satisfaction that he just mumbled some things to himself, not paying you any attention. And then when he finally finished, he just kissed you, rolled over and fell asleep. You on the other hand could not just go to sleep.
Your mind was all over the place. As you took a shower you had to think about the whole situation. You were sure that you did not have any feelings towards Vinnie, this was purely physical attraction, right? You expected Joey to talk about it but apparently, he was really not listening to you and did not bring it up for another two weeks. Those two weeks were strange because of how he was acting but in kind of a good way. He asked you about your day, took you on nice dates and brought you many flowers. It started to get even weirder when he stopped wanting us to meet Sarah and Vinnie so much. You were happy because of not seeing Sarah but you wanted to see Vinnie.
It all escalated at one of the parties when someone asked Vinnie to let you all hear his new song. He sceptically looked around the room, probably looking for Sarah before he pulled his phone out of a pocket and connected it to the speakers. Joey went outside a few moments ago to get you some drinks so you just leaned on a wall behind you and started listening to what Vinnie was saying before he put the song on.
"We called it ‘another day’ and it just popped in my head a few weeks ago," he said and when the song started to play, you liked the rhythm immediately. That was before you heard the words and realized it was about you.
You hated me
but you fuck him and say my name
This got stuck in your head. He knew about that night at the hotel. He heard you. You quickly pushed yourself from the wall and made your way out of the living room towards the stairs to get to another floor.
"Hey, wait." you heard Vinnie's voice as you reached the upper floor so you turned around to see him.
"What do you want Vinnie? Why would you sing about that? How did you even know about it?" you asked him quickly and looked him in the eyes. He took a deep breath before he took your hand and pulled you to an empty room, where you quickly pulled your hand away from him.
"I was standing on the balcony that night of the wedding weekend. I found out from other people that they saw Joey and Sarah kissing in the pool so I needed some time to think before I would go tell Sarah." you shook your head and stepped back a little, not wanting to believe his words.
"That's bullshit, he would not cheat." honestly you were trying to convince yourself more than Vinnie who was standing there, not knowing what to do to make you believe him.
"Okay, go search for them, I am sure they are together right now." he threw up his hands, obviously frustrated because of this situation. And so you did what he told you to do. You pushed him to the side to walk around him to the door so you could leave.
"If you are lying to me, I swear I will hurt you." you looked at him over your shoulder, making your way out of the room to find your boyfriend. You immediately saw a group of some guys, so you went to ask them for pieces of information.
"Jack, have you seen Joey?" you asked the curly-haired boy who you knew and he smiled at you nicely before he saw your angry face. He quickly pointed to a room which had closed doors and you almost ran towards it, taking a deep breath before trying to open the door. Locked. That made you even angrier so you knocked a few times before fully hitting it with your palm and then fist.
"Calm the fuck down, occupied!" you heard Joey's voice which made you kick the door and walk to the next room where you climbed a little out of the window to get on the room's balcony. And as you wanted to open the glassed door, you stopped and looked through a small space between the curtains. You put the palm of your hand on your mouth to stop yourself from screaming out loud. Vinnie was right, they were there, making out while he was fucking her on the bed.
A single tear came down your cheek before you climbed back to the other room. You weren't sad as much as angry. You wanted to hurt someone so much as Joey hurt you but you knew you did not have it in yourself to do this to someone you'd love.
"Are you okay?" you heard Jack as you got out of the room with only one goal. Find Vinnie.
"Don't worry about me, have you seen Vinnie?" you tried to smile at him but did not succeed. Jack understood that you were not in the mood to talk so he just shook his head.
"Not for a while," he said, making you think for a second before you walked back to the room where you saw Vinnie last time. And he really was still there, sitting on a dryer with a cigarette between his lips. Before you did not even realise that it was a laundry room.
"I guess you found them." he looked up from his phone and watched your face as he threw the cigarette out of a small window which you wouldn't even reach because of how high it was.
"Yes. I thought you were lying." you sat next to him on the washing machine and leaned your head on the wall behind you.
"Really? You did not believe it at all?" he asked doubtfully, making you chuckle quietly. Of course, you were suspecting it but never thought that it would be the truth.
"Okay, maybe a little but I just do not understand why." you never understood why would people cheat on each other. That was something you would never forgive anyone.
"I know it sucks but at least you found it out." Vinnie jumped down from where he was sitting and walked towards you so he was standing right in front of you. You just found out that your boyfriend was cheating and the only person you could think about was Vinnie. How he was standing there and could give you everything you've ever wanted.
"Help me forget about him, please," you whispered suddenly, not giving it much thought. But Vinnie was not that surprised about what you wanted the gently touched your knees, pushing them apart and coming closer to you.
"Are you sure about this? Don't you hate me?" he asked, leaning forwards to kiss you but stopping a few millimetres away from your lips.
"But I fuck him and say your name, don't I?" you used his own words to make him believe that you really wanted it. And he did not ask again, kissing you harshly and making you moan because of how his hand moved over your body.
You felt the cold rings which he was always wearing on your stomach before he moved his hands to the thin cloth of your lacy bra which showed a lot more than it should. His touch travelled across your body, helping you take off your cropped t-shirt before cradling your face and finding your lips again.
You moved your hands from his biceps to the hem of his shirt to take it off, taking a moment to admire his body and tattoos. Not that you've never seen him like that before but from this close, it was a premiere. You both were looking at each other's bodies for at least a minute before Vinnie suddenly kneeled at pushed up your skirt. You leaned back a little so he could move it even higher and before you sat properly again, he took off your thongs, leaving you almost naked.
"You don't have to. "you whispered as he got closer to you which made him stop his movements and look at you with confusion readable on his face.
"You don't want to?" he asked and almost looked disappointed.
"I do, I just don't want you to do it because you'd have to. Joey didn't want to. Never." Vinnie shook his head, suddenly amused.
"I don't do it because I have to, I do it cause I want to. I bet he wanted you to give him blowjobs all the time," he said, waiting for your answer which he did not actually need because of how you looked at him. Of course, he wanted to but when it came to giving back, he did not want to. Not that he would have a specific reason, it was because of how selfish he was in bed.
Before you could've said something he moved closer to you, leaving a kiss directly on your clit. You almost jumped a little and felt how he smiled because of how he was affecting you. He stuck out his flattened tongue and licked you up your slit to your clit.
"That feels good, doesn't it?" you heard his voice and as an answer moaned. You were sure he knew how good he was and wanted to show you what you were missing out on.
"Too good baby, I don't think I am going to last long." you joked quietly, your hand wovening through his hair to which he reacted by adding pressure to your clit. Over and over again he was slowly alternating between gently sucking on it and teasing it with the tip of his tongue. One of his hands moved back on your chest reaching your nipples over the bra and gently carresing it and with his other hand, he was holding your hip.
As you were getting closer, his hand moved from your hip lower between your legs, filling you with one finger and in a few seconds with the other. With one hand still holding his hair, you moved the other to hold the edge of the surface you were sitting on. Suddenly you felt Vinnie's hand moving from your chest to your hand, locking your fingers together. This gesture made something in you shift, making you feel a stronger connection to Vinnie.
It did not take long for you to feel an orgasm building in your whole body which made you moan Vinnie's name out loud. Because of so much pleasure, you unintentionally pressed your legs closer to which Vinnie reacted with a quiet laugh and with one hand he hold your legs apart.
"You see what you were missing out on?" Vinnie looked at you before getting up and hugging you, planting a few small kisses on your hair and forehead. You could have felt his hardening dick through his pants which caused you to get wet again almost immediately. You moved your hand lower to touch him through his pants, making him quietly moan into your ear. That moan caused you to get goosebumps throughout your whole body. You weren't attracted to men moaning that much but Vinnie definitely woke something up inside you.
"I can help you with that," you whispered, slowly massaging him, to which he reacted with another moan before leaning to the space between your shoulder and neck, placing a small kiss on your naked skin. But as you continued and with the other hand started to push his pants and boxers down, he grabbed gently your hand to stop you from massaging him some more.
"I wanna come with you," he whispered, having his forehead against yours and looking you in your eyes. He looked so in love with you at that moment which you slightly ignored because of the situation between you.
"Okay then, fuck me, Vinnie," you whispered to his lips as you kissed him passionately and pulled both his pants and boxers lower. He had to laugh a little at how impatient you were.
He caught you by your thighs, moving you to the edge of the washing machine and kissing you again. There were so many emotions in those kisses but both of you knew that you won't be able to tell them out loud to each other. As he moved closer to you and pushed himself slowly into you, you could not hold the loud moan and neither did he.
"You feel so good." he was still holding your thigh, moving his hands to your waist to pull you more against him. You felt so good, maybe better than ever and leaned your head back, letting all the moans out. You did not care anymore who would hear you and even I moaned Vinnie's name.
"Someone will hear it, love," Vinnie said between breaths and on his lips appeared a cheeky smile. He definitely liked how you said his name so maybe that's the reason why he moved one of his hands to your clit. He knew what he was doing for sure because you felt your orgasm building up even quicker.
"I don't care that they will." you pulled Vinnie a bit closer when you put your arm around his neck." God, you fuck me so well, Vinnie."
"Say my name again love." he moaned, definitely getting closer as well, and so did you.
"Vinnie, please I am so close." it did not take long before both of your climaxes came. You were sure that was the best orgasm ever.
" I wanna do this again and again." he was looking into your eyes again. "You looked so good when you came." you had to smile a little, touching his cheek gently and with the other hand you pushed his hair behind his ear to see his face properly, you never quite looked at him from such a short distance.
"Okay then." you smiled at him which made him feel a bit confused. He did not think that there would be something more than just this one-night stand.
"Wait, really?" he looked really cute confused like this with a blush on his cheeks and heavy breathing.
"Yes, I think this little relationship or whatever it is we have, can work out." his eyes brightened before he kissed you quickly, making you laugh at his lips. He was always so serious when he was with you before but this was a nice change and you were willing to try it out. You were sure he would never hurt you just because of the look in his eyes. He loved you.
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nukacourier · 30 days
I can't believe (actually, yes I can) that people are complaining about "lefties pushing their agenda on Fallout" because like
New Vegas. The game that most of these bigoted weirdos cling to. Is SUPER progressive for a 2010s video game and probably the most upfront about the progressive politics woven into the story out of the 3 modern-day Fallout entries (3/NV/4)
It has two followers that are canonically gay (Arcade and Veronica), plus the whole overarching story of trying to free Vegas from either an egotistical millionaire or a facist military organization is obviously super anti-capitalistic and anti-facist. Like it's literally in your face
I keep seeing people talk about how media literacy is dead, and usually I don't care because it's just over small disagreements with media, but I think it aptly applies to those specific Fallout fans that somehow think the series "isn't political/isn't progressive" despite it being built on the very ideologies they deny
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skinnyducky · 2 years
...and what about it? // v.h.
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a/n was going to drop this like ages ago but i just didn’t feel like posting it at that very moment...lol. n e ways, here it is.
vinnie hacker x fem!reader
Word Count: 960, edited
WARNING: language, and i think that’s it.
It was nearing nine o’clock when Y/n got the notification that Vinnie had started streaming. With a smile on her face, she snatched her laptop off its charger and pulled up the stream. Her smile grew even wider the minute her boyfriend’s face popped up on his screen. She didn’t really know why she was so eager to see him, considering he was just at her apartment not too long ago. But that didn’t matter; she was simply happy to see his face.
Instead of starting the stream by greeting the chat, Vinnie was preoccupied with whatever was happening on his phone.
"Typical," Y/n muttered before typing in the chat.
DaddyY/n: get off your phone loser :P
The second she sent that message, the chat began flooding with fans acknowledging her. "y/n’s here" and "omg, the queen has arrived" popped up on her screen, filling her with nothing but joy. The relationship between her and the fans was nothing but amazing; they loved adored her, and she adored them. However, that didn’t mean that there weren’t a few fans who were indifferent towards her. She hadn’t done anything bad—no hurtful comments or scandalous tweets—that would warrant their behavior towards her. But, she honestly didn’t care. The last thing she was worried about was what a group of youngins had to say about her or her relationship.
Looking up from his phone, Vinnie’s set his eyes on the screen. He grinned from ear-to-ear as he read the various messages alerting him of Y/n’s presence. "Yo, Y/n’s in the chat!" He cheered. "What’s up, baby? Couldn’t get enough of me?"
Y/n scoffed as she typed her response.
DaddyY/n: boy pls.. im just waiting for you to get off your phone and play the game
"Don’t rush me," he laughed. "I was mentally prepping myself."
After rolling her eyes, Y/n turned her attention away from Vinnie and to the chat. She found herself laughing at the fans’ response to her and Vinnie’s banter, one fan in particular referring to them as an "old married couple," which she agreed with. Then, her face fell when one comment popped onto her screen.
VinnieFan01: Can this bitch fuck off?
Now, Y/n wasn’t one to engage in conflict with Vinnie’s fans. If the moment ever arose when a fan had something slick to say in chat, being one of Vinnie’s mods, Y/n would just ban them. Though, for some reason, she was feeling frisky tonight…eager to jump at this fan’s throat. Stretching her neck and cracking her fingers, Y/n got to typing her response.
DaddyY/n: @/VinnieFan01 and who’s going to hit me in my mouth if i don’t? certainly not you
If this was the real world, there would have been a few ‘oohs,’ a couple of ‘ahhs,’ and maybe the occasional, "World Star!" But since this was the virtual world, the chat had gone completely silent. Of course, there were a few stragglers trying to get Vinnie’s attention, but for the most part, chat was as dead as a cemetery—no pun intended. As for Vinnie, he was oblivious, too busy playing the game to notice that the chat had slowed down.
It was clear that no one was expecting Y/n to respond. Hell, she hadn't even planned on responding. And while she didn’t care about what some random "fan" said about her, she didn’t mind going back and forth.
VinnieFan01: @/DaddyY/n You’re just a hoe. Nothing but Vinnie’s plaything. I hope you know he’s going to break up with you the second he realizes you’re nothing but a cum dumpster.
"Oh, so you wanna take it there?" Y/n snickered.
DaddyY/n: @/VinnieFan01 i may be a cum dumpster, but im vinnie’s cum dumpster. and if and when he does break up with me, who’s he going to run to? you? pls.. maybe in your wet dreams
VinnieFan01: @/DaddyY/n So, doesn’t change the fact that you’re a slut.
DaddyY/n: @/VinnieFan01 …and what about it? i got your fav and you got what... ? fantasies? sucks to be you i guess
It was at that moment that Vinnie decided to glance over at chat. The first thing he noticed was that barely anyone had said a word. The second thing was Y/n’s latest reply to VinnieFan01. "What…the…fuck?" He couldn't help the smirk creeping up on his face as he scrolled and read over the exchange between his girlfriend and his "fan."
He huffed, trying to hide the smile on his face. "Bro, what the hell?"
Y/n burst into laughter at his confusion. She wiped away a few stray tears before typing:
DaddyY/n: vinnie.. stay out of it boo. lemme take care of this
Throwing his hands up, Vinnie returned his focus back to the game. "Handle your shit, babe."
With that, Y/n resumed her conversation with the oh-so fantastic VinnieFan01.
VinnieFan01: @/DaddyY/n You’re exposing your true colors. You’re just as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside.
DaddyY/n: @/VinnieFan01 pee-pee poo-poo idc.. you got anything else to say?
VinnieFan01: @/DaddyY/n Just want to let you know that I can’t stand you.
DaddyY/n: @/VinnieFan01 well.. if im such a problem for you, i can take care of that
With a flick of her wrist and just three clicks, Y/n banned VinnieFan01. She was sure this wouldn’t be the last of angry Vinnie fans coming her way, but she was sure that most of them got the memo that she wasn’t the one or the two.
Once the first match of the stream was over, Vinnie peered over at the chat, finding it back to normal. "Are you done wreaking havoc, Y/n?" He teased.
DaddyY/n: you call that wreaking havoc.. i call that sending a message.
And that’s exactly what she did.
tag list: @barbietiingz @tvdsure @hwrteye​ @bxbyyyjocelyn​ 
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svftvluv · 1 year
Her Desperation
Pairings: Vinnie Hacker x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Just Vinnie having fun with his girl.
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, praise kink(lowkey), pussy play, edging
Author’s Note: Hi, i missed you guys🫶
sorry for the spelling mistakes
“Please, please, I need it badly.” she whined for what felt like the hundredth time to her, but in reality it was about the fifth. He had been edging for an hour, rubbing her clit slowly and rapidly. She had tried to bite back her moans to try and make it seem as if she wasn’t close, but it was no hope. He knew her body language a bit too well now. Even if there were no noises coming from her, her furrowed eyebrows and eyes rolled back gave it away. “Really? You wanna cum so bad?” He whispered as he used his index finger to press slow circles on her swollen clit. It wasn’t enough to bring her to her orgasm, but it was enough to make her want more. “Yes, yes, yes.” She let out as she nodded her head vigorously. “Hm, Beg for it.” He smirked, bringing his lips to her neck. “Be my good girl and beg for it.” God, was she a whore for this man. She hated begging for pleasure from men, especially her past boyfriends. Yet, for some reason with Vinnie it was the hottest thing ever. She loved begging for his cum, his fingers, his mouth, and his dick.
“V-Vinnie, I need it so bad, p-please make me cum.” Her eyes were glossy with a few tears escaping the corners of her eyes. The sight itself was pure ecstasy. He wrapped his free hand around her throat and kissed her. The kiss was rhythmic and filled with desperateness. She broke the kiss with a loud moan as she felt his fingers play with her clit. Her breathing became more heavy and more whines escaped her mouth. “Yeah? You like that, baby.?” He said knowing she could barely form any words. Her eyes glued shut as her orgasm began to take over her body. “Atta girl. Cum on my fingers.” He was mesmerized by the way her body reacted to his touch. Her back arched, mouth opened and hips thrusting into the air looking for more friction. After a high pitched whine her orgasm washed over her body, leaving her slightly shaking. He pulled back his fingers making her whine from the loss of contact and licked his fingers clean.
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itsvinniehacker · 11 months
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Vinnie pack
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gimarija · 24 days
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Vinnie Hacker x Polo Ralph Lauren
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