#vlog squad blurb
dirtydobrik · 3 years
your heart was glass, i dropped it - j.w.
plot: you and jeff have been together for a few years but when you stumble across an engagement ring, your relationship changes
word count: 1650
note: i started writing this over the summer with no direction on how to end it but champagne problems by taylor swift inspired me to finish this (title is a lyric from the song)
“Babe, can I use your computer?” you asked, as you poured yourself another cup of coffee. You had spent the night at your boyfriend's, and even though you had taken the day off from work, you needed to check if any emails you had gotten required an immediate response.
“Of course,” Jeff said. "Just don’t get sucked into work, you took the day off for a reason," he reminded.  
"I'll only be an hour, two tops," you promised, giving him a quick kiss before taking your coffee mug into his office and settling into his desk chair. You powered on his desktop computer and silently hoped you didn’t have a lot of work to do.
You opened a new web browser to log into your email account, but a website in the bookmarks bar quickly caught your eye. Curious as to why he had a jeweler bookmarked, you clicked on the link. Your heart stopped when you saw a diamond ring pop up on the screen. The ring was stunning: it was simple and elegant but also modern and everything you could possibly want in an engagement ring. But a part of you knew you didn’t want the ring, or any ring. Despite being together for almost three years, you and Jeff hadn’t really talked about marriage, and to be honest, you weren’t sure it was something you ever wanted.
An engagement ring made everything real. It elevated what the relationship was and required a level of commitment you weren’t sure you could handle. Aside from the pressures of a marriage, you were also worried about how this would affect your career. You were currently working as an intern for an entertainment attorney and in your third and final year of law school at UCLA. Your future was still ahead of you and you had no idea where you would end up. Jeff's life was heavily based in LA, and you knew you didn't want to do a long distance relationship with him but you also didn't want to force yourself to stay here.  
You needed to get your mind off of the ring, and finally got to work. You logged into your email to reply to the few you had, as well as reviewing a handful documents and answering a few phone calls. An hour and a half later, you were finalizing your last email when Jeff knocked on the door. He poked his head in to make sure you weren't on a call before crossing the room and wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You felt yourself tense up when you felt his arms and prayed he didn't notice as you took a deep breath and tried to relax. Jeff rested his chin on the top of your head, looking at the post-it notes you had randomly placed on his desk.
"Busy morning?" he remarked, and you nodded.
"But I'm done now," you said, your eyes quickly scanning the email you just written and hitting send. You signed out of your email account and closed the browser. You set the sticky notes you needed to keep into a pile and tossed the others into the small trashcan before spinning around to face your boyfriend. "What's our plan for the day?" you asked, needing something to distract you from the looming thoughts of a proposal.
"Let's take a drive," Jeff grinned.
His hand rested on your inner thigh as he drove along the coast. The windows were rolled down and Jeff was humming to the songs playing softly on the radio, but your mind was elsewhere. You absentmindedly picked at the skin around your nails as you imagined potential scenarios that could lead to a proposal tonight. You knew you weren't thinking logically right now, but the engagement ring Jeff had bookmarked kept clouding your judgment. You knew stopping to watch the sunset over the cliffs wouldn't necessarily lead to a proposal, you guys did that all the time. But the fact that you did it so often made you think it was a reasonable way for Jeff to ask you to marry him.
You saw Jeff's mouth move but you didn’t have a clue what he was saying.
"Babe, are you okay?" he repeated, looking over at you.
You nodded. "Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind and a killer migraine right now," you lied.
 When you got back to Jeff's apartment, you told him you were going to take a nap while he edited a video.
  “What’s goin on with you?” Jeff asked, as you diced an onion for the homemade tomato sauce you were making for dinner.  
“Nothing,” you muttered, not wanting to start a fight. You scraped the diced onion off the cutting board and into the hot pan. He could tell you were distant and distracted by something but he had no idea what it was.
"It's obviously something. You've been quiet and ignoring me all day," he pointed out and you scolded yourself for making things obvious.
"Jeff, I really don't want to talk about it," you insisted, your eyes silently pleading with him to drop the subject. He sighed, desperately wanting to have the conversation. He hated how closed off you were, how you never talked about your feelings, how you used work and school as an excuse to get out of things.
But he knew you wouldn’t say anything, so he dropped the subject, instead telling you about his day. He watched you force a smile as he talked and even though he knew you were trying to act interested, your mind was elsewhere.
You added crushed tomatoes into the pan, and asked Jeff to fill a pot with water so you could boil it for the pasta.
 You took two plates out of the cabinet and plated the pasta. You brought them over to the kitchen table, where Jeff was already sitting.
“Smells delicious,” he grinned, and you gave him a half smile and a quick thanks.
You sat down across from him, telling him about how work had gone and what your schedule for next week looked like, but the entire time, you couldn’t stop thinking about the engagement ring. The candles on the dining table remained unlit and you knew Jeff was a romantic, but thoughts of him getting down on one knee and proposing kept creeping into your mind. As badly as you wanted to be fully present with him today, you just couldn’t.
"Are you sure everything is okay?" Jeff asked, putting his fork down and locking eyes with you. You nodded, unable to form a sentence, but he didn’t believe it. “Honey, talk to me,” he urged, annoyed that you had been avoiding something all day.  
You sighed, dropping your metal fork on to the ceramic plate. “It's nothing, I just don’t want to ruin what we already have,” you said, staring blankly at him.
Jeff’s eyebrows knit together, confusion plastered across his face. “What the hell are you talking about?” he questioned. Things between the two of you were fine and he didn't have a clue what could ruin it.
“I know about the ring, Jeff,” you admitted and his jaw dropped. Not wanting to start a fight, you stood up from the table, pushing your chair back. Jeff reached for your arm, his eyes meeting yours, and you reluctantly sat back down. His hand wrapped around your fingers, as you rested your hand on the table. He didn’t know what to say, so he waited for you to talk.  
 "I can't say yes," you whispered, looking down at the kitchen table. Jeff slowly ran his thumb across your cheek to wipe away your tears. He was at a loss for words. "I love you, Jeff, I truly do. But I'm about to graduate law school and I'm just starting my career. I don't want to pass on an incredible opportunity because it's not in LA, and I know that your life is here, and I wouldn't ever make you move for me but long distance sucks," you rambled on, telling him about how you weren't sure you ever wanted to get married or have kids and how you were too young to make life decisions. You could tell Jeff was biting his tongue, trying to hold back.
"I love you," he spoke softly, his eyes watering.
"I love you, too, but that's not all that matters. You deserve to be with someone who can commit to you. You deserve to have the family you've always dreamed of. You deserve someone better than me."
"But I want to be with you," he insisted. Your teary eyes met his and you slowly shook your head. You couldn’t let him stay with you, not when you knew you couldn't give him everything he wanted in life.
"I'm sorry." You stood up from the table, trying to hold back your sobs, leaving him lost and confused.  
"I didn’t buy it," he muttered, his eyes bloodshot as he leaned against the doorframe of his bedroom, where you were packing all of your things. "But would it have been the worst thing in the world if I asked you to marry me?"
You took a deep breath, turning to face him, but when you opened your mouth, no words came out. All you could do was nod, silently breaking his heart.
You finished filling your duffle bag and slung it over your shoulder. Your eyes filled with tears as you avoided meeting Jeff's gaze, not wanting to make the situation worse than it needed to be.
"I love you," you said, standing on your toes and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "And I'm so sorry," you whispered before opening the front door and walking out, leaving behind the love you shared and the life you two had built together.
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fathertaurus · 4 years
Could you write a blurb about running into your much older ex boyfriend (maybe famous) with dave and him feeling jealous and petty? maybe he gees super quiet/weird with him there and you have to talk him down from jealous rage afterwards.
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It was supposed to just be a simple outing together. Some lunch at a nice restaurant—away from the house, away from editing, where the two of you could get some fresh air, good food and a view that was a laptop or phone screen. But as you were finishing up dessert that instantly changed.
“I told you you’d like it here.” You gush, waving you finger across the table at David who was busy scraping at the last morsels of the chocolate dessert that the two of you split earlier. He could only respond with a snort and a show of his middle finger.
Rolling your eyes you grabbed at your clutch, “Okay well while you finish absorbing those crumbs through your skin I’m gonna settle the check.”
“Aht aht.” Before you could even pull out the cash to pay David (with a mouthful) was shaking his head and pulling out his wallet from his back pocket, sorting through it to find his card. Despite being well off due to your own career of acting for the past however many years David never allowed you to pay for anything. It led to lots of silly fights and arguments to the point in which you would have to sneakily find your own ways to pay, but, nevertheless, you found it endearing.
He stood from his seat and winked in your direction before darting his way through the array of tables to the front desk. Huffing a sigh you beamed brightly at him you went to close your purse but mistakenly over guessed the distance from it and your hand, knocking it over onto the ground.
Stretching down to grasp at it you were apparently beaten to the punch as another hand latched its way around the strap.
Brows furrowing together your eyes followed from the fingers of indistinctive hand all the way up its arm to the owner’s face. A face you knew all too well.
Standing before you in all of his glory was your superstar ex Tom Holland of 3 and a half years—whom you hadn’t seen in 2.
The relationship was orchestrated by both of your managements after the two of you starred as love interests in an A24 film. And although it started off as a publicity stunt feelings truly did begin to blossom between the two of you—leading to said 3 and a half years when the original contact stated a year.
But as time crept forward things just slowly started to fall apart between the two of you. Between the extreme distance and opposite schedules it led to misplaced anger, which grew into unnecessary gaslighting Tom and resentment from you. The split was messy and blown even moreso out of proportion than you expected when certain details from your relationship got leaked by Tom’s team to the press and all in all, cutting off all contact from him was quite literally the least you could do.
You met David shortly after at an awards show and had instantly hit off. You were obviously hesitant to fall for anyone after your whole charade with Tom and made David extremely aware of that, so you simply started off as friends. But his crush on you from the beginning was apparent and the closer the two of you grew the easier you too fell for him. And the rest was history.
But now here you all awkwardly were.
“Hi love,” his tone and the use of the pet name urged chills all up and down your arms—the collection of them only growing more fervent as your eye line connected with his own. He had a smirk to his lips and a glint to his eyes. “Thought that was you, saw you from across the room and had to come make sure.”
The way he laughed so casually like you had been friends forever, or like he hadn’t smashed your heart and peace of mind one shard at a time twisted your stomach. You were worried that your big lunch wouldn’t stay down for much longer.
“Well..it’s me.” You simpered back hesitantly, “What..what are you doing in LA?”
Tom shuffled closer to you, his free hand now resting on the table top—blocking your view to the rest of the restaurant, only being able to see him.
“Oh I’m here filming a new movie for Netflix.”
He continued to drawn on but you could only catch so much. You were way more focused on trying to find David through what you could see over Tom, silently praying he was on his way back already.
“But enough about me,” Your eyes flickered back to Tom who was now sitting across from you in David’s seat, arms crossed over his chest looking all too comfortable, “How are you? Or I guess I should say, how are you and that YouTuber boyfriend of yours?”
If it weren’t for how inexplicably uncomfortable you were right now you probably would’ve cracked a smile at how the word ‘Youtuber’ rolled off his tongue with so much disdain. You could see it in the way his lips coiled and his nose scrunched—he was bothered, jealous even.
“We’re doing great.”
Both Tom and yourself whipped your heads to the side at the new voice, finding David stood at the end of the table. The red in his cheeks was apparent just like the darkening to his browns. Again—if the circumstances were once again different you’d probably be turned on right now.
He was staring Tom down with a look you hadn’t truly seen before; David was always, or at least more than not, collected. It truly took a lot to piss him off to the point in which he had to be physically defensive but if anyone could do it it was definitely your ex.
Before the conversation could even continue David had gently taken your hand, bringing you out of your seat and to his side.
“Thanks for asking.” His tone was clearly acidic, along with the daggers he was currently shooting at Tom who seemed to shrink a bit into the seat he had so graciously occupied. Tom’s face with filled with a series of emotions that you couldn’t exactly place but did’t care enough to anyway.
You were more concerned on how tense David’s frame was. His touch on you was gentle per usual but the rest of his body was flaring in red and flexed. Unconsciously you drew your free hand to back of his neck, drawing circles at the base of it with the tips of your fingers. He soften slightly.
Reaching down David wrapped his hand around your clutch, quite literally ripping it from Tom’s hold with a smile as bright as the one Tom himself appeared with prior to.
“Have a great evening man, don’t forget to try the chocolate mousse!” He cheered before spinning the both of you around and heading towards the exit.
“I fuck hate that guy.”
David was seething as the two of you stepped out the building. His face was a blistering red and shoulders shook with pent of adrenaline, whole body still just as tense as before if not more. Fists clenching in and out of his palms he staggered forward towards the car mumbling a slew of insults and other thoughts about Tom that were nothing close to pretty.
“Fucking smug British piece of shit, did you see the way he looked at you? The way he looked at me?! I could’ve just picked him up by his damn collar and thrown him god. And he was so fucking cocky, y’know what—I’d be a better damn Spiderman than him that’s for sure—"
Instinctively your hand found its way to one of his and clasped around it easily, knowingly. The gesture stopped him in his tracks, now glancing down in your direction and all over your figure.
A wisp of a smile crossed over your lips before you brought his balled fist to your mouth, pressing a kiss to his tired knuckles.
You noticed how much tension left his body the moment he could feel your skin on yours—an expression so simple to onlookers but so so sweet to him.
“Thank you.” The words trickled out at the volume of a whisper, only for him to hear, staring at him with adoration. His face softened before you, eyebrows falling and the wrinkled skin around his nose fading.
“For what?”
A giggle found its way out of the back of your throat before you shook your head and pulled him close, arms wrapping around his frame. He followed suit with his own arms, curling them round your shoulders to bring you into him.
David’s eyes molded into all aglow, looking at you like you put the damn stars in the skies. But then again when didn’t he?
Pressing a chaste kiss to your lips he pulled back with a settled grin, shifting you so his arm was over your shoulder and your’s stayed tucked around his torso before you both carried off down the street once again.
“I’d totally be a better Spider-Man than him though.”
“Of course you would babe."
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imkylotrash · 4 years
When In New York City (Part 2)
Pairing: David Dobrik x reader
Song: All These Years - Camila Cabello
Summary: They meet randomly after a couple of years and decide to get a cup of coffee.
A/N There will be a part 3. I couldn’t fit everything into part 2. 
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A couple of months pass before you see David again. You get the occasional text from him but overall you don’t stay in contact. You’ve almost given up that you’ll see him again when your phone lights up. 
“David is asking if he can come next weekend,” you say looking over at Melissa. 
“Did he break up with his girlfriend?” she asks suddenly focused on the ground. You know what she’s thinking.
“I don’t know. But it would only be as friends. He’d find a hotel room.” You tell yourself that this means nothing. He’s always been a big fan of Manhattan and this was just him showing an interest in that. 
“Okay, now say it like you actually believe it,” Melissa jokes but you know she’s right. You’re already putting way more into this visit than you should. He’s in a loving relationship and you need to respect that. So when Friday rolls around, you’ve managed to put your feelings into a little box hidden away in your mind. You and David are meeting as friends and nothing more. 
“You should’ve gone for the blue dress,” Melissa notes looking at your jeans and shirt. 
“It’s not a date,” you remind her before grabbing your purse. 
“Keep telling yourself that,” she laughs before walking away with coffee for one of the tables. It’s quiet for a Friday evening but even New York has to sleep at some point so you’re not that worried about business. 
“I have to get going. You’ll be okay?” you ask Melissa when she returns. 
“Go have fun, boss.” And with those words you hurry out the door to meet him at the corner of 68th and Columbus. The subway is packed with people just trying to get home after a long day at work. This is normally your least favourite time to take the subway because it’s the most likely time for people to get into arguments. Everyone is tired and on edge. The constant state of New Yorkers. 
“Hi,” you smile when you see him already standing there with two cups of coffee. 
“You went for a coffee?” you ask surprised. David’s never been a fan of coffee. 
“I asked them to put a hot chocolate in their coffee cup,” he admits sheepishly making you laugh. Something’s never change. 
“Cheater,” you laugh leading the way to Central Park. It’s beautiful this time of year with the lights and everything. One might say romantic even, but you quickly shut down that kind of thinking. 
“Penny for your thoughts,” you say to distract from your own thoughts. 
“Just thinking how glad I am that I could come. I had to get away from LA,” he replies looking at a couple wrapped up in each other on the bench. 
“I didn’t think you’d ever need to get away from LA.” Ever since you met David, he’s been talking about LA like it was the only place to exist. When he got his first apartment in LA, he’d cried out of pure happiness for an hour straight. He loved LA like other people love their dog. 
“I think I just needed to get away from one person in LA, if I’m being honest.” This sparks your interest. And foolishly your heart starts to hope that he might feel what you feel. But your brain knows that you’re getting way ahead of yourself. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” you ask focusing on his hands holding the coffee cup rather than his eyes. 
“I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, I kn-” he starts but you cut him off. 
“We were friends long before anything else, Dobrik. Tell me your troubles.” A catch phrase the two of you used whenever the other needed to vent. So he does tell you. He tells you how his work has been driving him crazy lately with deadlines and fans waiting for his next video. How he’s had trouble juggling everything and that’s put too much pressure on his relationship. 
“You probably don’t want to hear about that part,” he says suddenly and when you look into his eyes, you know he’s thinking of whispered promises between the two of you. The promises broken in the light of day a long time ago. 
“We broke up a long time ago, it’s fine.” A lie you tell him as much as you tell yourself. But it’s all he needs to go on. How he doesn’t know how to find time for her and she doesn’t understand it which he gets because she shouldn’t have to understand it. Everything seems to fall apart around him and he’s just trying to hold on to the pieces. 
“You know, when I came to New York. I thought I’d never find happiness. I was working two other jobs while trying to get the business up and running. I was living with roommates that I didn’t even know. I’d just lost you. I thought life would never be good again and that I’d made a huge mistake.” You stop to take a breath allowing yourself to think back at how miserable that time in your life had been. 
“But I pushed myself and when I felt like giving up, I pushed a little harder. Somewhere along the way I started to find balance. I quit one of the jobs, I got my own place,” you look over at him to find him staring at you already, “what I’m saying is just that it gets better. And I’m really sorry that it’s hard right now, but I know you can do it.” 
“You always had such faith in me,” he says. The two of you has stopped walking altogether and instead just stand and face each other. He looks beautiful as his features are illuminated by the lights. His hair is a little shorter than last time. The circles under his eyes have turned darker though and you catch yourself wondering if he gets enough sleep. 
“I still do. The whole reason for you staying in LA was because I knew you were meant for great things.” It’s a mistake to bring up the past because it makes your heart ache for him in a way it hasn’t for a long time. And with him standing so close now, you can hardly keep it together. 
“I wish you’d stayed.” It comes out a whisper, almost like he’s scared to say it. 
“Don’t say stuff like that,” you dismiss him not daring to let your mind imagine a present with you and David still together in LA. Is he leaning in? You can’t tell if you’re just hoping he’ll lean in or if he actually is. 
“Why not?” He’s definitely leaning in. And you want to say that no matter how things are between him and his girlfriend, he still has a girlfriend at home. But his cologne is overwhelming making you lose focus on what matters. Your heart is beating hard in your chest. It’s been too long since David’s been this close to you. Mere inches from your lips and there’s nothing left in the world except you and David. His warm breath giving you chills down his back. At one point your hands has found each other and intertwined. There was something you had to remember. But then you can feel his lips meet yours and the world implodes. All the clichés come to life; stars, fireworks, you see it all. 
“I’m sorry,” he says breaking up the kiss. He looks down at his ringing phone almost in shock. 
“Who is it?” you ask even though you already know the answer. And you feel horrible about yourself. 
“It’s my girlfriend.”
Tagging: @outerbnx-stiles​
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jeffwittekk · 4 years
The soft morning light wakes you up, followed by the snoring of your dog Nerf. You turned around to face your boyfriend, not wanting to wake up yet but also not wanting to go back to sleep ; the view was just too good. Your boyfriend Jeff was sound asleep, his lips slighlty parted and his two arms holding his pillow like his sleep was depending on it. You couldn’t help but smile, thinking back when you met him for the first time.
One quiet morning, you were taking your usual morning walk in your neighborhood in the canyon of Hollywood. Only this time, a buzzing sound wasn’t leaving your head, your skull felt like it was gonna explode, every step you took you weren’t sure if the content of your stomach would come out and your lips were still tinted from the too many glass of wine.
After a few minutes walking, which felt like the worst idea after a small night of two hours. I’m too old for this you thought to yourself. You finally arrived to your favorite coffee shop, coming inside you already felt a tiny bit better.
‘‘Please tell me you have the cure for the worst hangover ever ?’’ you ask, full of hope, to the barista
‘‘oh yeah! A good cup of coffee coming your way dear’’ he sympathize with you.
While waiting you could feel someone looking at you, a random feeling but it still made you turn your head to look at your left. And here he was, in all his glory. A tall brunette man, smiling from your interaction with the barista.
‘‘You definitely need a health shot’’ he said. His voice was deep but soft at the same thing. How was this even possible ?
‘‘A what? .. that sounds disgusting’’
‘‘Two health shots please’’ he practically yell to the barista, who smile back at him as a sign he heard him.
A few minutes later, the barista gave you your coffee and the two health shots. Jeff lead the way outside, on a small table on the side of the coffee shop.
‘‘Cheers’’ he smiled at you before swallowing the contents of the glass. So you did the same, even if the greenish brown color of the drink made you want to throw up right there.
The taste was... not good. But not as worse as the tequila from last night.
‘‘How was it ?’’ he asked you while taking the glass out of your way
‘‘It was okay. Thanks.’’
‘‘I’m Jeff by the way’’ he gave you his hand, which you took right away and shake it while presenting yourself.
‘‘To be honest Jeff... it was totally disgusting’’
He laughed out loud and right there at this instant, it sounded like the most beautiful sound ever.
‘‘You’ll feel better, trust me’’
‘‘Alright, i’ll put all my trust into someone i met ten minutes ago’’ you joked. ‘‘Well I should get going, need to fix this head of mine. Thanks for whatever that was Jeff’’ you smiled, the most sincere smiled you ever gave to a stranger.
‘‘So um, if i want to know if it helped you, how would i do that?’’
‘‘Maybe you can checked in the paper for my death notice? Or I could give you my number, could be easier’’. Joking was your way of cheekily flirting with someone, because let’s be real, flirt isn’t your cup of tea.
Jeff came into your life in the most unexpected and random way, and you wouldn’t change it for the world.
I got super inspired a few days ago about this idea and then Todd did an ig story with jeff about drinking health shot, I took it as sign i had to write my idea 😂
Nothing crazy but hope y’all like it ❤️
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
omg can you do a short lil blurb of david helping you straighten your hair (idk if you do blurb's i just saw the one on your acc today and thought it was cute)
aw thank you- I don’t normally do blurbs but they’re easy to do in 2 mins so I have time I’ll do them 🥰
- you were just sat staring at the straighteners as they began to heat up
- when you were younger your friends would help and the hairdressers often did it too
- but we all know heat damage isn’t a joke so it’s a rare occasion now, which is why david was so intrigued when you plugged them in
- “whatcha doing?”
- “I’m going to straighten my hair”
- “I’ve not seen you do that ever.”
- “that’s because you haven’t seen me be a bad bitch.”
- David sat down on the bed, looking through the reflection to see you part your hair and begin
- safe to say the boy thought it was magical and wanted to help
- he burnt himself several times, and to make it worse the glove provided didn’t fit his giant hands (I know you guys love his hands don’t lie to me)
- but he sits and brushes through your hair as you close your eyes, finding comfort in the action
- he chuckles as you hum in content, feeling his fingertips glide along your hair
- “okay, you do look like a bad bitch.”
- “I told ya. But I’m your bad bitch.”
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fluffblurbs · 5 years
matt king flufffff
𝘮𝘳𝘬 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦
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The sun was set up high, subtly burning the skins of everyone who had come to the park. Although this meant it was already noon, the day had only just begun. Matt knocked on your door after texting you mysteriously that he was going to take you with the only demand being dress for hot weather. “Wow. I said dress cool, but girl you look hot!”
“Thank you, bub. I’ve missed this sight. So what are we doing today?”
“I’let you guess. I have a basket of food in the car, a pretty park waiting for us, and a beautiful girl who has always had a picnic date on her bucket list.”
“You are the best! Come on let’s go!!”
You held his hand while the other hand was holding his bicep all while he was carrying the basket full of homemade sandwiches.
“Not that I don’t appreciate this, but what’s going on? It’s not every day that you sweep me out of the house on a date with food that you made. Are you leaving on another trip again?” you asked with a slight pout, considering that you just got him back from Alaska on his ‘bros trip’ and he was about to leave again to Fiji. 
“No… well, not exactly. I’ll explain once I butter you up some more! Now come on, slow feet don’t eat”, Matt picked up the pace while smiling at your giggling. 
After the two of you laid out the blanket and the food, Matt called you over to sit in between his legs. With his arms wrapped around you, chin atop of your head you sighed contently. 
“I really hope this isn’t a goodbye picnic because I’ll actually cry and end it all.”
He chuckled, “No, I’m not leaving you, and I hope to god you aren’t leaving me. I don’t know if you realized but today is our six-month anniversary. I know we agreed to only do big anniversaries, but I figured this was necessary. I was missing my girl.” You felt a kiss on the top of your head as you replied with a chortle, “Matt I literally texted you happy anniversary this morning…  however, I agree. I missed you so much.”
“Speaking of missing me, my parents have asked me to come down before I head out to Fiji, and I wanted to ask you to come. But if you don’t want to its okay,  know you work and have all-”
You turned around and kissed him with a huge smile. You pulled away to say, “that’s a yes if you didn’t catch on.”
He gave a big belly laugh, “thank god! I didn’t even feed you yet, so I was so nervous.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re happy now because now I’m scared out of my mind. What if they don’t like me? What I suck? Matt, maybe this is a ba-” you didn’t get a chance to finish spirling because he had shoved half of a sandwich in your mouth and kissed your temple. 
“They’ll love you because I love you. But if they truly don’t like you I would like a refund on your plane ticket… I figure its best to ask in advance.”
𝘩𝘪𝘪 𝘪 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴! 𝘐’𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘭𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨- 𝘐’𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘰 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵!! 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘣𝘵𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 (𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵 :)
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Number One | Matt King x Reader
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I just really love that boy and I couldn’t find enough pics about him so i wrote one ~
You don’t always go to the ‘vlog squad’ parties. They’re a far too wild and a little too spontaneous for your usual taste, but you’ve been working a lot, you just finished a big project and you haven’t seen your friends in too long. A little bit of crazy us what you’re after.
Its not even that late in the night but you’re not sure who’s apartment you’re currently in. You’re ‘one decision away from not remembering anything’ drunk, you’re feeling flirty and most importantly you’re completely enamoured with your best friend Matt King.
Matt King who makes you laugh more than anybody you’ve ever met, who drives you home from group days out and lets you get food on the way. Who sends you videos of cats and says ‘WATCH THIS’ and also sends you videos of in depth visual analysis of a movie you’ve never heard of and says ‘WATCH THIS’.
The best friend who always let you crash at his rather than get an uber home alone after a party, who’d let you sleep in his bed. Then sometimes you’d share his bed, and it was always easier to fall asleep with his arm at your waist. One time you’d kissed him and it was nice, and then suddenly you were best friends who hooked up when you got the chance.
You’re blindfolded, sat on a kitchen counter, surrounded by people you kind of know and you’re going to kiss three guys and then guess who was who.
Matt is first. You know as soon as his hand meets your cheek in the place it always does. It’s nice enough, you can tell he’s not quite as drunk as you, and nervous.
Todd is second, you take a moment to think afterwards, acting it up like you’re tasting a fine wine, and then you reach your hands back out
“number one?” everyone laughs as Matt lets you pull him back in again, and you feel him smiling against your lips.
“Okay, mmhm” again you feign seriousness  “number three please” Zane is wasted. It’s not a good kiss, mostly because you both can’t stop laughing, but zane is dramatic as ever and dips you down against the counter. You laugh and fan yourself with your hand as he pulls you back up.
“So what’s the verdict Y/N?” you straighten your back and clasp your hands together like you have a difficult decision to make.
“Can I get number one again?” you joke to an eruption of laughter
“but seriously Matt where are you?” It takes a second for the room to register that you’ve sussed out the mystery kisser, but Matt doesn’t miss a beat. You pull him back in for a much deeper kiss and he settles between your legs, hands resting on your thighs as yours cradle his cheeks as the room explodes around you. The game doesn’t seem important any more.
“How’d you know it was Matt?” David asks later as you’re all stumbling out of the apartment complex.
“He’s the only one who wears glasses, dumbass” you grin and David explodes into laughter, almost missing Zane tripping and pulling you down with him.
This time everyone, including David’s camera, notice when you and Matt leave in an uber together.
A few weeks later and you and Matt are all but official, and 
“So everyone thought Matt and Y/N got together after the vlog of them making out, turns out they’ve been hooking up secretly for MONTHS”
“it was hardly secretly, you’re just oblivious” you roll your eyes from your position under Matt’s arm on the couch. Matt just looks smug.
“Yeah bitch we been knew” Zane chimes in without looking up for his phone.
“When did you first hook up then?” David is like a kid on Christmas, the way he always is when he comes across a fresh crop of content.
“Vidcon-” you begin, but David interrupts “Okay so only like four months-” “In 2018” “TWENTY EIGHTEEN?!” Zane screeches
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daviddoughbrik · 5 years
Our winner is Jeffery Wittek!
Jeff - 13
Ilya - 9
Zane - 1
So! Get to sending in your thirsty concepts to be done with Jeff! It’s Thirsty Thursday, y’all!
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4rlbym · 2 years
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Him as a Father j.w
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Jeff Wittek x F!Reader
summary. what Jeff would be like as a father
genre. fluff
warnings. none that i can think of
word count. 476
an. this is so cute, i can definitely see him doing all of these things.
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- First and foremost it’s important to stress that family is by far the most important thing in Jeff's life, he’ll do absolutely anything to keep you all safe
- Jeff's big on educating your kids, making sure they know all about road safety and stranger danger so that he can try and worry about them less when they’re out and about
- Whenever your kids need him, he’s always there. Jeff's is a very affectionate dad, plenty of tickle attacks to keep them laughing
- Never misses an event at your kid’s school, if they get an award in assembly or parents evening, Jeff is always the proudest one in the bunch
- if Jeff ends up missing bedtime because he’s busy filming at the barbershop, he’ll tiptoe into your children’s rooms when they’re sleeping, with soft kisses being pressed to the tops of their heads to let them know that he is home
- And then he’ll make sure that he spends time with you too to apologise for leaving you to look after the kids all evening long by yourself
- When it comes to your kids, Jeff is a bit of a pushover, if they want to paint his nails or draw on him, he’ll usually let them, sometimes even filming or spending time with the guys while having hot pink nails
- Talking about his family for too long is a definite topic that will make Jeff blush, talking about you all is most definitely a weakness of his
- Every time he sees you guys, Jeff's stomach knots, he can’t quite believe just how lucky he is to have you all
- Your family also absolutely adores him, they love the fact that he’s so caring.
- You love seeing the looks the other moms give Jeff when he shows up to the playground, knowing that he’s all yours
- If he misses out on any family occasion, Jeff always makes up for it, returning home from filming usually with your kid’s favourite food to get them smiling again
- If you fall asleep in your kid’s room, Jeff will always carry you across so that you can sleep comfortably in your own bed and let him look after the kids
- This man loves learning from you, how to cook your kid’s favourite meals, their favourite outfit combos, so that he can do all of the jobs that you do when you’re not there
- He loves looking after them by himself too, giving you plenty of time to spend with your friends and family
- Jeff would definitely take your children adventuring, like taking them on walks up the mountain or down into the forest, showing them how beautiful the world can be
- No one is a prouder parent than he is, that’s the one thing that Jeff refuses to be beaten on
- You couldn’t believe quite how lucky you were either to be able to call such a loving man the father of your children
- Even though he loves being a dad, he never forgets about you either, making sure that at least one day a week is reserved for a date night between the two of you
- He often catches himself humming along to the theme tunes of the kid’s television programmes that he just can’t get out of his head
- If someone dares to say something about his family that Jeff doesn’t like, he won’t be afraid to put them in their place
- More than anything else, he loved being a dad, his children are his pride and joy in everything that he does <3
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dirtydobrik · 3 years
pillow talks - d.d.
plot: late night conversations with your boyfriend about your relationship and your future
word count:  1000 
this is something different from what i typically write, but i wanted to write a fluff piece. this is a series of short blurbs, each is separated by —, rather than one cohesive story, although it follows the same relationship 
“What are you thinking about?” you whispered, nudging your boyfriend softly. David rolled over so he was facing you. 
“Honestly?” he asked, and you nodded, curious what was running through his mind at the moment. “I’m thinking that I love you,” he smiled, reaching over and tucking a strand of hair behind your hair. "And that you're the best part of me."
You could feel your cheeks turn pink and a smile cross your lips. "David, stop it," you said, playfully pushing on his chest as you buried your head into the pillow.
"I'm serious,” he insisted, running his fingers down your back. “You’re my best friend and you bring out the best in me, you always have.” His voice was just above a whisper but you could tell he meant everything what he saying.
“I love you,” you smiled, leaning in and kissing him softly. “I’m in love with you,” you giggled as you ran your fingers through his hair, thinking about how lucky you were.
You had started dating David only a few months ago but you knew he was the one for you. There was something about him that was different from all the other guys you had dated and you never wanted to lose him. You were happier than you had ever been and it was all thanks to him.
“For what it’s worth, I can’t imagine my life without you. I’m so glad I get to be the one you’re in love with,” you confessed. 
You curled up into him, the flicker of a candle on your nightstand illuminating his face. You rested your head on his shoulder and placed a hand on his chest. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him, kissing the top of your head.
“Move in with me,” he whispered.
“What?” you asked, his words catching you off guard.
“You should move in with me,” he repeated.
“You’re serious?” You questioned, looking up at him. He nodded, wanting you to know that he meant what he was saying. 
“I’ve been thinking about buying a new place and you hardly spend the night alone at your apartment. Besides, your lease is almost over and we’ve been together for a while,” he rambled, listing all the reasons he had for you guys to live together.
You sighed. “David, that’s a huge step.”
“And I think we’re ready,” he insisted, kissing the top of your head again. “Will you at least come look at houses with me?”
His hand softly ran up and down your arm as you thought about his proposition.
“Of course,” you promised, tilting your head up for him to kiss you.
“Where do you see us in five years?” you asked, your head resting on David’s chest. You had imagined your future so many times, and every time you pictured David by your side. Each version of your future included him, and he had made it clear to you that he wanted you in his.
“Obviously married,” he said. “With a kid or two already, and another one on the way,” he chuckled.
“Really?” you questioned, propping yourself up to look at him.
He nodded and you smiled softly at the thought of having a family, especially with David. He had always been great with your nephew and it made him so much more attractive.
“You’re going to be a great dad,” you said, playing with the rings on his hand. “I can’t wait us to have our own family.”
“I want a little girl, just like you,” he insisted. “I want her to have your eyes and I want her to have your smile and your laugh.”
“I want to be making pancakes for our kids on a Saturday morning while they watch cartoons in bed with you,” you confessed, smiling to yourself as you thought about this future.
You both could see it so clearly: married with twin boys and a little girl, living in Los Angeles while David worked full time and you stayed home and raised the kids.
“Tell me about your dream wedding,” David said, both of you face to face as you laid in bed, your white duvet keeping your warm.
You smiled, thinking about all the times you had stayed awake at night scrolling through Pinterest trying to plan an imaginary wedding and how after you met David, all those plans changed. You absentmindedly played with your engagement ring as you let your mind wander.
“I want a big wedding, with all of our friends and family around to celebrate. I want the ceremony to be outside, overlooking a gorgeous ocean view, like the cliffs in Malibu. And I want it during golden hour so the light just our pictures turn out perfectly,” you paused for a second, seeing a smile on David’s face as he pictured the venue. “I want all of my bridesmaids in a really pale blue that almost looks white. And a stunning white dress that makes me feel like a princess.”
“You always look like a princess,” David whispered and you felt yourself blush at the compliment.
“I’d want a huge party for the reception,” you continued. “Incredible food and an open bar. I’d want disposable cameras so everyone could capture the wedding from their perspective.”
“That sounds like a pretty great wedding,” David chuckled, reaching over and tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“But if we got married at the courthouse, it would still be my dream wedding.”
“What do you mean?” David asked, giving you a puzzled look.
“I’d be marrying you,” you smiled. “It doesn’t matter where or how it happens. I just want to be able to spend the rest of my life with you.”
You and David both leaned forward until your foreheads were touching. “I love you,” David whispered, giving you a soft kiss.
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fathertaurus · 4 years
It’s the return of blurb night!!!!!!!!
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You may now send requests or send in your own blurbs!! Either small ones in my inbox or you can even submit one for me to post!
Please also feel free to chat about your Vlog squad fantasies in the ask box as well!
No requests resembling non-consensual sex
Nothing extreme/triggering
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imkylotrash · 4 years
When In New York City
Pairing: David Dobrik x reader
Song: All These Years - Camila Cabello
Summary: They meet randomly after a couple of years and decide to get a cup of coffee. 
A/N: There will be a part 2 for this. Let me know if you want to be tagged. 
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“Y/N?” You freeze. It’s been two years but you’d never forget that voice. 
“David?” you ask turning around with a smile. His hair is a little longer and he’s grown some stubble. He looked like a man now. 
“That’s crazy to bump into you. How have you been?” He’s smiling from ear to ear and it makes you think about all the times you’d catch him looking at you smiling when he thought you didn’t notice. 
“I’ve been good. Very busy. Your retweet really got the business going, thanks.” You’d left LA and moved to New York to open up a book shop that had special deals like bring a book and exchange it for new one. It also housed a small cafe with coffee and tables so you could sit and enjoy the book you just bought. And things had been going fine but they really took off after David retweeted one of the shops tweets. Suddenly all your days were busy and you’d even been able to afford to get your own place rather than share a flat with three others. 
“No problem at all. Just glad to help,” he smiles hesitating for just a second, “God, it’s been so long. Hug?” You shouldn’t do it. You’ve worked so hard to leave David in the past but when he looks at you like that you can’t say no. So you hug him and he smells just as good as you remember. He wraps his arms around your waist and squeezes you tightly. 
“So you’re still doing the youtube thing?” you ask noticing the camera in his hand. Of course, you already know that he’s still doing the youtube thing because you’ve got his post notifications on. But you’re not about to admit that now. 
“Yeah, it actually worked out pretty well.” It’s an understatement but David’s never been one to brag and you’re not going to correct him. 
“Listen, I’m actually late for a meeting, but we should grab coffee tomorrow? Is your number still the same?” For a moment your brain checks out completely and you just nod because yes, your number is in fact still the same but maybe coffee with your ex isn’t the best idea. Seeing him in New York has just reminded you of how much you’ve missed him and how you still wish he’d have come with you. But his youtube career was taking off and he couldn’t leave LA where he had his huge friend group to help with content and already a few sponsorships as well. But you couldn’t stay in LA since there was no market for you and your dream of owning a bookstore. Everything was digitalised in LA and no one wanted to open a book anymore. New York had always been the dream and none of you had wanted to stand in the way of each other. So you’d let each other go instead. David had driven you to the airport and kissed you goodbye. And that was it. The epic love story was over. 
“Shoot, I’m already late. I’ll text you,” he yells over his shoulder before leaving you in the streets of Manhattan lost in your memories of him. The rest of the day is a blur to you but you find your way home. You don’t really sleep that night but somehow it’s already 7am and you’re getting dressed. Looking in the mirror you shake your head to try and focus. You’re not 16 anymore - besides you’ve heard he already has a girlfriend that he’s very happy with. So there’s really nothing to be nervous about. It’s just two old friends getting a cup of coffee. Thankfully today is another busy day at the store so you don’t have time to think about it until the clock strikes 5am and David is standing in front of you. 
“Hi,” he says. You’ve already cleared it with Melissa to cover the evening shift and lock up when she leaves. She’s a very nice student for NYU and works harder than most people her age so you had no troubles leaving your beloved book store in her hands. 
“Let me get my apron off and I’ll be right out,” you smile before heading back. 
“You did not tell me that you were going out with David Dobrik!” Melissa squeals almost dropping the stack of books in her arms. Apparently, she’s a fan.
“We’re not going out. He’s an old friend.” 
“Sure. But my friends don’t look at me like that,” she smirks before walking out. When you return he’s surrounded by people all wanting a picture. He looks at you apologetically before returning focus to the swarm of people around him. It’s a good half hour before you can go but you don’t mind waiting. It’s nice to see him so in his element as opposed to when he first started out and turned into a blushing mess. Now he looked calm and confident which made him 10 times sexier. 
“Ready to go?” you ask once everything has finally calmed down. He nods offering his arm. You hesitate for just a second before accepting it. You have to be careful not to fall back into old habits. 
“So where do you want to go?” you ask looking up at him. 
“You’re the one who lives here. What’s good?” he counters with a smile. 
“Well, there’s a really small place just next to Central Park that has the best coffee you’ll ever taste. And the hot chocolate is amazing too.” 
“Lead the way.” As you walk to the cafe the two of you talk about everything and nothing. David tells you about moving in with Natalie and how he found Jason. He talks about SeatGeek and how he’s been able to do all these amazing things for his friends. In turn you tell him about getting the store up and running, all the renovations and the marketing. You talk about your family back home and how you might be getting ready to expand business. It’s like no time has passed since you saw each other last but you constantly remind yourself that a lot of time has in fact passed. You’re not the same people you were when you last saw each other. 
“Here,” you say noticing that you’ve already arrived. You quickly order some drinks for you before heading to Central Park. 
“Have you ever seen Central Park in December? It’s the most gorgeous thing ever.” 
“I actually haven’t. But maybe I should put it on my to-do-list for this year. You could show me around?” Say no. Just say no. 
“Sure.” Damn it. You look over at him and you feel this need to kiss him. After all these years he’s still the one person you want. Every date and every hook up just made you miss him more. 
“I have to take this. One second,” he says before taking a couple of steps away to create the illusion of privacy. 
“Hey babe. What’s up?” You shouldn’t listen. 
“I told I’m out with a friend. I’ll be back later.” It’s an invasion of his privacy. 
“I know. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, okay?” Why are you insisting on twisting the knife in your chest right now? 
“I love you too. See you.” He returns to you completely oblivious to what’s going on in your head. 
“So where to next?” he asks. 
“Home,” you say and quickly add, “at least for me. I’ve got an early morning.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Have I kept you too long? It’s just been so good to catch up with you.” He doesn’t mean it the way you want him to. You know he doesn’t but someone forgot to tell the butterflies in your stomach. 
“Yeah, it’s been great.” 
“Listen, I’m flying home tomorrow. But maybe I could be lucky enough to see you next time I’m in New York?” For the love of God, listen to your-
“Sure.” You’re an idiot.
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jeffwittekk · 4 years
This is just a little preview for my upcoming mini serie (maybe 2 or 3 parts). I was too excited so I wanted to share a little bit what i worked on tonight with you all 💖
It’s you.
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For a winter's night, the temperature was perfect, or maybe it was the fact that the man I loved was there, walking by my side after a month without talking. Nonetheless, the winter cold and the warmth of my cheeks created enough contrast to remind me that this was not a dream.
He walked beside me in silence, his hands in his pockets and head down. The only noise around us was the crunchy of our boots in the snow and only the lanterns lit us up on this empty street. He seemed so close but so far at the same time, yet he was the one who drove four hours to see me. He was the one who ended our relationship by bringing a girl to his apartment. He was the one who thought we shouldn't be together, so why should it be me breaking this awful silence?
For a moment, all I wanted was to feel his lips on mine, feel his breath on my neck and his hands on my thighs. For a while, all I wanted was to go back to where we were a month ago. After what feels like a long time, he finally broke the silence. His voice was raspy at first and then it softened. His voice. So soft and comforting, felt like velvet.
“I don't know where to start,” he said. I noticed how the warm air from his mouth blew smoke with the cold air from outside.
‘‘Why are you here?..’’ I whispered.
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avenging-fandoms · 3 years
Write something about showering with Jeff plllleeaaaassseee! 🤞🏻
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you announced yourself as you walked into jeff’s apartment, setting your purse down on the counter and kicking your shoes off at the mat. you squat down and pet nerf, letting him give you a few kisses before standing back up. 
“where’s daddy, hm?” nerf seemed like he understood, running into the bedroom where jeff was taking a shower. you smile and slowly peel off your clothes, knocking on the door and walked in when jeff yelled for you to come in. you knock on the wall and you opened the curtain. “there’s daddy” you smile and he leans forward and kisses you. 
“you found me” you step in and close your eyes as the warm water hit the top of your head, jeff’s hands holding your shoulders and slowly rubbing down your arms. you step forward and open your eyes, his necklace basically touching your nose and gasped softly as your eyes came in contact with his wet chest. 
you look up at him, jeff’s hungry eyes staring at you as he leaned forward. he pressed his hand against the shower wall, your breathing slowing as his necklace hit your face. 
you lean forward and stick out your tongue, his chain hitting your tongue and he smirks. he stepped back and opened his body wash, making you sigh and shake your head. “you are such a fucking tease” 
you lean against the wall and he closes the bottle, putting it back and scrubbing his hands together, pushing the suds around his chest and stomach. you put your hands on top of his, your eyes watching his as you help push his hand over his body. 
“doesn’t this body wash smell so good?” he smirked and the water his hit chest, and you had enough. you grabbed his chain and pulled him down, kissing him hungrily and his nails scratch your sides. 
jeff pulls you into him, your hand slowly falling down his stomach and looking up at him and stroking his cock slowly. jeff bit his lip softly and grunted, holding your hair in his fist and pulling your head back. 
“i want you, in that bed, right now” he shut the water off and opened the curtain, the both of you not even caring about the fact that you two were soaking wet. you held his necklace with your index finger as you back up into the bedroom, jeff’s fists right next to your sides as his tip rubbed up and down your pussy. “jeff, please”
“not my name” he held your jaw and pushed your legs apart, his free hand rubbing your clit as he looked at you. “what’s my name, gorgeous?”
“daddy, please, fuck me i’ve been waiting for you all fucking day” you held onto his biceps as he pressed his forehead against yours, pushing his dick into you slowly. he never fails to make your back arch, slowly thrusting his hips until you tell him to go faster. 
jeff’s chain dangled in front of your face and he went to take it off but you stopped him, letting it hit your tongue again and he chuckled. “fuck you are so sexy” he pulled his chain away and kissed you, letting a moan out into your mouth. 
“are you gonna cum for me daddy? are you gonna cum in me and fill me up, huh? cum in me, daddy, fuck” your fingers gripped the sheets as his fingers rubbed your clit, your body trembling as you came around his. 
“fuck baby i’m cumming” jeff dipped his head into your neck and left a few hickies, moaning your name as he came inside of you. “fucking shit. i’m sorry babe”
“it’s okay, jeff, i’ll go get cleaned up” you kissed him a couple times, heading into the bathroom and shutting the door. jeff smiled and got dressed, wiping his hair with a towel and brushing it, pushing it backwards. you came out and put on a pair of jeff’s boxers and a shirt, laying in bed next to him. he puts his arm around you and you laid your head on his bicep, your fingers rubbing up and down his stomach. “jeff?”
“you do smell really good” you smile and he laughs, kissing you softly. “i love you”
“and i love you, yn”
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fluffblurbs · 5 years
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hi im in love with matt king and he deserves more 🥺🥺
as a joke they go country dancing (srry bubs I’m a tx baby); Heath may even hop on that trend ; like the vs takes it as a joke at first but then they all start to do it
imagine David trying to make a vlog about leaving how to dance ; seatgeak is shaking
AlSo thE trIps bAck tO tx would be so meaningful and wholesome :,)
matthew king hugs.
him being extra sassy to make you laugh in the middle a disagreement
him turning bright red during an argument
being a power couple at trivia/game nights
having a map of japan hung on the wall/jar for money for your trip (inspo: the movie up)
being the one to surprise him with the trip to Japan
lots of carpool karaoke
him always taking pictures of you/ videos of you
Ahaha bitch it’s to make you cry during his next video that’s dedicated to you or it’s at your wedding or smth romantic like that bc Matt king is that type of king
if you aren’t a partier or you work you tend to babysit Jason’s kids and he literally swoons when he sees you with them or when he hears you being called aunt/auntie y/n
on the nights that you do go out and drink matt always having an arm around you or dancing with you whilst making sure Zane’s funky drunk ass doesn’t kill you
being the mom to zane and matt but a daughter to mariah and heath
sorry I sUcK but dO nOt tell me this man cannot get it
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westsidewittek · 4 years
|Swear off | Jeff Wittek
Requested: yes
Summary: you’ve built this fear that you’re always the problem in your relationships, until Jeff convinced you otherwise
Words: 4K
A/N: HEY GUYS!!! Sorry for disappearing like that, my brain tends to shut off creativity like that haha also I’m surprised it’s this long even tho I feel like this could’ve been better but enjoy
You know when two people break up and swear they will stay friends, but it never stays true? You and your ex were actually able to stay connected, regardless of the awkward moments you ran into. You had the same friends, being friends yourself before the relationship, and you really did want to stay in his life, until he met someone else. You didn’t expect him to turn to someone else so suddenly, not that you can tell the heart what to do. Even so, it was to hard to be around him while he was seeing someone else, so you naturally started to distance yourself from them, only agreeing to meet if he wasn’t. It sounded childish, but it broke your heart, causing you to retrace your relationship with him. Was it something you did, or didn’t do? It was a mutual break up, but only because you didn’t have the confidence to fight for it, feeling like it was an inevitable fate. There’s only so many reasons for a falling out, and you usually blamed yourself.
You took a few months to yourself, focusing on your career and making better life decisions, only wanting the best, until you met Natalie. It started with someone complimenting someone’s shoes, and hair, and just about anything that captivated one another. Then she wanted your Instagram, knowing that if she liked ninety percent of your style, she needed to follow you. A modern story friendship, really. It built from small comments on each other’s posts, to DM’s, to eventually inviting each other for quick lunches. It wasn’t long before she started inviting you out with the rest of the group when she thought was appropriate, until Zane and David themselves started asking her to invite you out more.
You connected with them instantly, feeling right at home. This is what you needed, a new start with new people. Not that you were ignoring your other friends, but it was growing harder and harder when he brought his new girl around. It wasn’t right, so you made your choice.
It didn’t help that when you and most of the group went out, for no particular reason, he was there as well. Of all places, he was there, at the end of the bar with another one of your friends. Immediately, you start looking around for the girl that never actually did anything to you, yet you despised her.
“Whatcha looking for, angel?” You turn to see Jeff’s devilish smirk as he leans against the railing.
“Me? Nothing,” you smile, forgetting about the previous moment once he bounces your way.
“Want another drink,” he asks, assuming that’s what you wanted since your head was in that direction.
“Are you,” you question, confused.
He shakes his head, “Not me, you know that. I’ll go get you one though.”
You quickly turn your head, finding him still there, hopefully oblivious to your presence. You turn back to Jeff, grinning, and clasp your hands in front of you, “Please?”
He beams, subtly squeezing one side of your waist since he was standing so close, before moving past you, “Stay here.”
‘Forget him, Y/N,’ you think to yourself, wanting to enjoy your night with your friends.
“So what’s up, are you and Jeff ever going to do anything, other then viciously flirt?” Natalie interrupts your thoughts, Todd right behind her as if he’s thinking the same thing.
“This would be so funny, my best friend getting with your best friend,” Todd jokes, crossing his arms.
“Getting? What’s this,” you laugh, feeling your face warm up. Luckily the area is dim.
“Let’s skip the ‘oh he’s just a friend, nothing would happen’ yeah whatever,” she rolls her eyes, mocking your voice playfully. “You know he’s into you.”
“He’s not-,”
“Ah! No,” she interrupts, pointing her finger.
“Listen to me, then,” Todd adds, “he hasn’t said anything to me, but it’s obvious, Y/N.”
“He flirts with everyone,” you huff, sounding slightly bothered.
“He’s nice with everyone, he flirts with you, and you only,” Natalie gloats, smirking.
“Yeah, Jeff with everyone isn’t like how he is with you,” Todd giggles, “I’m going to agree with the vicious flirting.”
“Why are we all huddled, what secrets are we sharing,” Zane grins, throwing his arms around you and Natalie to bring you all closer.
“Just talking, relax, sweaty,” Natalie giggles, playfully pushing Zane’s face away only to wipe her hand on Todd’s shirt.
You feel a hand on your back before you see Jeff bringing the drink around from behind, “Sorry, it’s pretty crowded up there.”
You turn your head to look up at him behind you, “No worries, thank you.”
You look back to Natalie and see her exaggerate her eye roll before she pulls Todd away. Zane chases after them, ironically leaving you and Jeff alone.
You wouldn’t have said that you and Jeff had been flirting these past few months, or at least admit it, because you genuinely thought that’s how he was. You noticed that he carried the same tone with others he talked to, especially girls, not that you were keeping track. Have you subconsciously fantasized moments with him, sure, but it was so easy too. He was so sweet with you, so gentle and soft spoken, it made you sick in a happy way. You really didn’t want to get into anything with someone new, only fearing that it will end eventually. It wasn’t just your ex that made you second guess relationships, it was all of them. Once you start something with someone, it can only end in so many ways.
You turn to Jeff and motion towards the small seating area.
“I know you don’t dance, you want to sit for a little?”
“With you,” he asks, receiving a nod. He chuckles, “You sure you don’t want to dance with them? I’m not much fun at these things.”
You roll your eyes, groaning, as you pull him by his arm, “Yes you are, just sit with me.”
He sits before you do, only then noticing how small the bench was. He clears his throat, sitting up straight as your arms are literally pressed together. You both watch people pass by, others dancing, some arguing, and anything that could happen, all while enjoying each other’s company. At least, you were trying.
“I’m not wrong by saying you seem a little tense right now,” Jeff quips, a lopsided smile mocking you.
As if he read you mind, you sigh, “I’m not trying to.”
“Wanna talk about,” he genuinely asks, not thinking that you were actually in an unhappy mood.
You shake your head, turning to his eyes, “I want to not think about it at all, actually, if that’s ok.”
“You don’t have to ask me,” he grins, “we won’t talk about it.” He looks back up at the crowd, seeking a different topic. His eyes light, “See that guy over there? In the green?”
You mind switches, looking through his direction, “Where? I see three guys with green. Green what?”
He gently puts his hands on your head, turning you in the right direction, then points with one hand while his other subtly runs down your side until it rests on your waist.
“Green hat,” he grins. “You think he’s looking to get some, or just enjoying the night.”
You laugh at the random question, aware that he’s trying to change the subject. “He’s definitely looking,” you giggle, taking his outfit into account.
“He either drives a Camaro, or a Subaru,” he jokes, giggling himself.
You lean into him as you laugh together, “That’s specific, of all cars-“
You stop as you feel another hand on your shoulder, noting that Jeff has one on your waist and the other right in front of you. You turn to see the only one you prayed you wouldn’t have to.
“Hey, Y/N, I didn’t know you’d be here, what’s up,” he smiles, oblivious to your distraught state.
Jeff, however, does notice and squeezes your side, silently asking you if you’re ok. You quickly glance at him before turning a bit to face him.
“Yeah, just wanted to come out, it’s all good,” you briefly inform, tight lip.
“Good. Um, I haven’t seen you in a while, everything ok,” he genuinely asks. Of course he doesn’t know that people usually hurt after a break up.
You give him a brief nod, “Mhm. Just been busy with work and all.”
You watch as he tries to think of something else to say, then chuckles. “Hey, sorry, man, you mind if I steal her for a second,” he asks Jeff.
Jeff feels like he understands what’s going on, so he only looks at the guy confused, “You don’t ask me, man, she makes her own decisions.”
He feels you quickly grab his free hand after he says that, making him wonder if you're uncomfortable with this guy around. You give him a tight smile, standing.
“I’ll be quick,” you softly say, slowly letting his hand go as you leave.
Following him through the crowd, he stops at a more private area. Feeling exposed, you slowly start to hug yourself, keeping your distance from him.
“You’ve been avoiding me right,” he cuts right to the chase.
You eyes snap up to his, caught. “No, I have been busy. I have a job.”
“It’s ok, Y/N. I understand why you did, you know, and I want to say sorry to you for putting you through that. Basically taking your friends. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I didn’t want that to happen.”
You look to your shoes, shrugging, “Well, it happened. Can’t change it.”
“When I saw you a few minutes ago, I was hoping you weren’t still mad about me an-“
“I’m not mad,” you interrupt, “I’m not. I’m ok.”
“Well, not mad, but you know,” he shrugs.
He takes a deep breath, looking around to find another topic of discussion before the real reason he pulled you away. He looks back to you and notices you staring off. He follows your direction and sees Jeff in your line of sight, staring back. He tightens his smile, clearing his throat.
“Moved on, huh?”
Your eyes go right back to his, almost angered at his tone, “Are you serious? No. You don’t ask me that.”
Jeff eyes followed you as you walked away with him to a more secluded area to hear each other better. He can see the way you’re holding yourself, as if you don’t even want to be around him. It makes him nervous, wondering if he should’ve just listened to his gut and ran the guy off.
“Where’s my baby,” Zane whines, stumbling back over to Jeff.
Jeff quickly glances at Zane before going right back to you, “She had to go talk to some guy, I guess.”
Zane forged a gasp, getting Jeff’s attention, “You let her go off with another guy?”
Jeff ignores him, and goes back to watching you, seeing you get more upset as the seconds go.
“Dude, Y/N is talking to some dude,” Zane cackles, talking to someone.
“Oh shit,” Natalie groans.
Jeff whips his head back to them, “Shit? Oh shit what?”
Natalie shakes her head, “Jeff, that’s her ex.”
“The ex?”
“She’s coming,” Natalie shushes, watching her friends stomp back over.
Jeff immediately stands, watching her as well as looking for the guy to make sure he left her alone.
She reaches them, shaking her head, “I want to go home, I don’t care who does or doesn’t I just need to go now.”
Jeff notices her eyes are glossy, looking back to Natalie and Zane.
“Let me text the chat, tell them what’s up,” Natalie says, pulling her phone out of her boot.
“No, you guys stay I’ll take her home,” Jeff offers, silently pleading with Natalie through his eyes. “Just stay, it’s ok, it’s not my scene anyway.”
She sighs, nodding, then turns to you, “You call me if anything. Anything.”
You nod, letting Jeff guide you away and towards the entrance. Once outside, Jeff realizes how hot your arms feel, not needing any type of coat for the chilly night air. They walk in silence to his truck, which isn’t far. He unlocks his door and let’s you hop in, sliding over to the passenger seat as he sits in the drivers, starting the truck. You quietly roll the window down and corner yourself by the door, wanting to cool down. Jeff doesn’t say anything for about seven minutes until he looks over and sees your eyes closed. He doesn’t want to bother you in the slightest, but boy does he want to help in any way he can to see you smiling ear to ear, or laughing, or anything but this. He knows you’re not ignoring him, but he hates to see you not your happy self.
He bits the bullet and sighs, “You’ll freeze like that, maybe catch a cold even.” He glances and sees you’ve opened your eyes, but still in the same position. He stays quiet for a few more seconds. “Even if you did, you know I’d be there, right?” He hopes you understands that he doesn’t just mean if you’re sick.
You scratch your nose before sitting up and rolling his window back up. You mutters an apology, still a great distance from him. He wishes he could reach over and pull you into his side while he drives, run his hand down your side in a comforting way, do anything to comfort you.
They stay quiet for another minute, before he speaks again, “You doing ok, angel?”
“He had the nerve to come up to me,” you start, ready to let it out. “Telling me about I’m sorry for everything with our friends and whatever, and then tells me all about the new girl he tried it with, only for him to end it months later! Telling me that he regrets breaking up with me and all this shit. Like, of course as soon as I start to get over him and enjoy my life, he comes back?”
He playfully scoffs, “Sounds like he has problems.”
It stays quiet for a minute, until you softly start. “I really did love him.” Jeff’s chest tightens at the loud thought, but he doesn’t react. “He was my best friend for years before we started dating. And, I really thought things were going perfect, he was still my best friend then, but he didn’t think anything changed. He felt like I wasn’t as into him as he was to me, and thought why not just stay friends.”
Jeff swallow hard, “You didn’t tell him that you were? As into him as he was?”
You shake your head, dropping it on his window. “What would be the point? Sounds like an excuse to end things. Why be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you.”
“This guy doesn’t sound like he’s worth worrying over, Y/N,” he shakes his head, getting upset with this guy for you.
“I don’t want to, but then I really think about it, and it just seems like I’m the problem,” you start strong, but falter.
“That’s impossible, there’s isn’t a flaw about you,” he speaks without hesitation, making him mentally kick himself. He hopes you don’t read to into it. He sees you lift your head out of the peripheral view and take a deep breath.
“The last guy I was with broke it off because he thought I wasn’t acting enough like a girlfriend, whatever that means. Not to mention, the one before that broke it off because he wanted better for me, at the time, because he was too focused on work for a relationship. Two years, by the way. And then the one before that one,” she bitterly chuckles, shaking her head, “well, he cheated. With the best friend he told me not to worry about. Isn’t that so funny? I mean, I was seventeen, but I trusted him.”
He nods his head the entire rant, letting you know that he was really listening.
“At this point, I might as well swear off dating again, it’s not worth it,” you mutter, going back to staring out the window.
“Swearing off? That’s a big jump,” he chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. “Come on, you don’t mean that,” he hopes.
“Why not? It’s a waste of time at the end of the day. Letting someone into your life, just for you to fuck it up and run them off because there’s something wrong with you, or something you did that turned them away that-“
“Hey, hey, woah! It wasn’t you, these guys sound like losers who don’t know how to handle minor situations. You’re better off without them, aren’t you?”
You sigh, “I don’t know.”
“No, you know, and you’re doing great,” he beams, glancing at you, “you’re doing amazing! Did they help you go through school? Start your career? Or get that pretty nice apartment.”
“Still,” you gently say, “sucks. I feel like they never really loved me. I don’t blame them, but at this point, feels like who can.”
“Why wouldn’t anyone love you, what’s there not to- uh, what’s not to like,” Jeff corrects himself last second, adverting his eyes.
You sigh, “It’s not that. I just don’t believe people these days can stay with one person before they get bored and want someone different.”
Jeff’s chest tightens, thinking of what you possibly could’ve gone through to think so certainly on love. He wasn't an expert, but how could you give up on a forever with that one person? Call him a hopeless romantic.
“You can’t assume that’s always going to happen, Y/N. One day someone-“
“I’m tired of one day,” you interrupt him, your voice slightly breaking. You drop your head in your hands, trying not to humiliate yourself in front of him.
He holds his breath, afraid of upsetting you further. Finally reaching your complex, he turns into your parking garage and parks in an empty space, right in front of the elevator. He lets you compose yourself for a minute before he speaks again, gently, “Hey. Y/N?” He hears your let out a shaky sigh. “Hey angel, can you look at me?”
You feel your nose start running, causing you to sniff. Nonetheless, look up into his eyes. He frowns, naturally, at the sight of your vulnerable state, causing your eyes to gloss. He clears his throat before he shifts his body towards you.
“You gotta stop thinking like that, angel. So what your last relationship didn’t work out, you’re life is just starting, trust me.”
“My last three actually,” you grumble, dropping yourself on the back of the seat.
“Guess what,” he mocks, the corner of his lips lifting, “That’s life experience. You have to through a relationship to find the right one, as cheesy as that sounds.” You don’t look at him, or react to his reply, causing him frown again. He title his head to get a better look at your face as you’re staring straight at his glove box in front of you. He waits until you finally glance his way, causing him to warmly smile. “You know, you have your whole life ahead of you, Y/N. Please trust me on that. You might have to go through a lot of people, but one day you will find that person that you love so much; love and trust and confide in, that you won’t ever think twice about their intentions.”
“So, why did you swear off it,” you question, catching him off guard.
He chuckles, sitting back against the seat. “I didn’t swear off it. I just wanted to focus on my work right now. I don’t want to start something if I know I don’t have the time for it.” He chuckles again, more to himself, as he looks towards his hands playing with each other. “It’s not like I’ll listen to myself anyway.”
You glance at him, quickly, before looking at your hands as well. “You say it so often, I thought you serious about it,” you softly say, the corners of your lips turning.
He gazes towards the wall in front of them, smirking, “I said that to keep people away, or at least let them know I wasn’t interested in anyone around.”
You nod, glancing at his side profile, “Do you ever regret saying that?”
He shakes his head, turning to look into your eyes, “Nah. I know what I mean when I say that.”
Your gaze almost turns into a staring match until you break, giggling. He follows right after, leaning closer to you. You quickly wipe your eyes from any liquid, taking a deep breath.
“I’m sorry for being lame about all this, you’ve been so cool about it,” you apologize, picking at your laces after you brought your leg onto the seat.
“You kidding me? If you asked me to kick that guys ass back there, I wouldn’t even ask why,” he slightly jokes, half serious.
She giggles, nodding, “Yeah, you would. I appreciate that.”
A few seconds pass, then Jeff sighs. “I know this isn’t something that you want to hear, considering what just went down, but I got to say it now because if I don’t I’m not sure when I will. I know you said you’re done dating and all that, but I need you to know that I am always here for you, whether it’s a friend or something more, and I hope down the road it’s more. Don’t let three idiots keep you from experiencing life, regardless if it’s me or someone else. You don’t deserve to hold out because of someone else’s mistakes. You live how you want to live, and you date who you want to date, and you go through ups and downs because you’ll never better yourself from them. Promise me.”
You didn’t even notice your eyes well up again until Jeff reaches over and wipes the tear that got away. You blush, leaning into his hand. He rubs his thumb up and down your cheek before you scoot over to tightly pull him into a hug. He instantly wraps his arms around you, tightly, letting you know that he’s really here. You quickly kiss his neck where your head is tucked and pull back, tucking your hair behind your ear. You’re both blushing, both unaware, as you giggle, playing with his door handle as you think of how to invite him to stay longer.
“I promise, by the way,” you quickly add, grinning.
“I’ll be here to make sure, anyway,” he smirks, gaining his confidence back.
“So, um, did you want to come in, maybe hang out for a little,” you softly ask, already nervous.
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