#vote in every election
jomiddlemarch · 2 years
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slayerchick303 · 10 months
To all of you who said we were being alarmists when we said Trump being elected president would decimate the United States indefinitely, I offer you a hearty, "FUCK YOU!"
Just some headlines from the past few days:
Fired gay teacher becomes first test of Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling (msn.com)
Iowa Republicans pass a new 6-week abortion ban (msn.com)
Man gets life sentence for raping 9-year-old Ohio girl who traveled to Indiana for legal abortion - ABC News (go.com)
We warned you that my-religion-should-give-me-the-right-to-discriminate-against-LGBTQ-people cases would open the door to more rulings to fuck over the queer community. And here's the proof we were right.
Even people with standing appointments for an abortion are fucked over because cowards in Iowa passed legislation at 11 PM to nearly eliminate abortion access in the state.
My mom was a high-risk obstetrics nurse practitioner for decades. She delivered babies from FIVE 8-year-olds. The child in the article was able to travel across state lines to receive a legal abortion, but many other people won't have that ability. We can expect many more children to be forced to give birth because of these evil rulings.
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Interesting Statistics
In the recent midterms, 27% of people aged 18 to 29 voted. This is the second-largest turnout for this age group in 30 years.
Of those young voters, 63% voted blue.
Just think how well Democratic candidates would have done if more of this age group had bothered to vote.
Please vote next time, and in every single election. It WILL make a difference if everyone who is eligible actually votes. Georgia, I'm looking at you:
"Walker embodies everything the Republican party has claimed to oppose: violent crime, abortion, homes broken by absentee fathers, race-based affirmative action and straight-up incompetence. And yet no matter what Walker is accused of, up to and including acts many Republicans define as murder, he retains the support of the Republican party, and his race for a Georgia Senate seat remains a tight one."
(x) (Read the whole article)
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harpersplay · 2 years
Fellow citizens of the USA, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check your voter registration. Also check any new rules that Republican state governments have put into place (because voting matters, that's why they fuck with it) and be prepared for what you may encounter when you go the the polls.
Then VOTE. Get your family, friends, neighbors to vote. We got this!!!
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rosielindy · 2 years
The extreme power of sharing your personal story to get people to care. This is the kind of action that will bring us back to sanity.  it’s absolutely the most effective way to reach people.
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swiftthisway · 2 years
Hoping this year enough really means ENOUGH
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exemplarybehaviour · 3 months
I keep seeing people say things like this: "You know what does matter to the politicians, even more than us voting for them? When we DON’T vote for them."
No, absolutely not. This is not how the US electoral system works. Under the current system, only votes cast matter. Only people who are going to vote matter to campaign strategists.
The last election, less than 20% of my district voted. The 80+% of the people who abstained? Their opinions on the results don't matter. The system does not take them into account. They gave up their right to have a say. Some strategists for future elections might look at the numbers and say: wow, why didn't those people vote, and can we GET them to vote? But ultimately, the system is designed so that if only one person votes, that person gets to decide the winning candidate. You get the representatives voted on by whoever shows up to the poll.
If a candidate thinks you cannot be swayed to vote (because, for example, you've joined a weird anti-voting movement), then ther campaign is not going to cater to you. Their strategists won't care about you. Someone in the next cycle might try for your vote, but you are giving up your right to have a voice for this cycle.... and voters with a history of voting are more promising targets for any campaign strategies.
(Your actual vote is a secret, but they DO monitor that you have voted. This will affect how much annoying campaigning materials you will get, because they do target active voters.)
Also, "if I don't vote, that will make a point!" is just a stupid take in general. If you don't vote in November, and then Trump wins, what have you really done? Do you think the Biden admin will care, as they're leaving office? Do you think the Trump admin will care, as they enter office? Republicans want fewer people to vote! Your abstention will be nothing but a footnote in history about how Trump won.
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sheisraging · 11 months
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suerose · 2 years
I keep getting things in the mail like, wow you are so good at voting you voted in every election you could, or most people have voted in 70% of elections any voted in 100% of elections you are so cool keep that up. I am 20 I have voted I ONE election this isn't remotely a fair comparison.
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wren-der · 2 years
Telemarketer/Survey Taker just made me remember to request my absentee ballot for Novembers election. Filled out, printed, postage stamped and ready for the mail. I'm early even.
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jomiddlemarch · 2 years
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short-wooloo · 8 days
I cannot overstate this enough, but with the threat of trump and project 2025, there is GENUINELY a chance that this year's pride month could be the last...
I want y'all to really think about that, think about it when you hear or think "I'm not voting" or "both sides are the same
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philleegirl · 2 years
I can not stress this enough:
I am a White, Christian, Female and I am terrified.
I am a Cisgender, Asexual, Biromantic and I am terrified
I am an Educated, Professional, Independent and I am terrified
I feel like I'm suddenly living in 1980s Afghanistan, going about my life and not realizing what the Taliban is doing. But here is the thing: We know! We see it coming and we must stop it. I refuse to let a far right, evangelist Republican society strip away my rights and tell me I have no worth because of my gender, sexuality, or beliefs.
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We should have a law where programming has to state every full name that has died in a mass shooting. Like the disclaimer at the end of medicine commercials, it has to be a part of the segment and no exceptions for time constraints.
When the list is long, listeners feel the exorbitant amount of time it takes to speak through the list. That feeling will continue to carry weight in the news for several weeks when a shooting like this happens. Imagine the neutral-voiced name reading on the radio, or in the background on the TV, an entire 30 second to 1 minute block of time. Maybe you recognize pieces of a name, or worse, somebody you know is one of the names. Imagine how inside, people may want to fast forward or mute until the list is finished because it's the third or fourth time that day that they've had to listen to that list of names.
Anytime they are annoyed with that style of programming, in the back of their mind they will know it was because somebody has access to a certain type of gun or mod and they used it for what it was designed to do: kill very efficiently.
This change will really begin to affect people psychologically. In a few days or weeks, another list of names is mandatory to repeat at each reporting segment. These names sear into the minds of the public as well in all 50 states.
Perhaps, after six months of this, something in people's brains will think about the fact that one person was able to snuff out so many lives in a small amount of time... and how often that happens here... and why? Perhaps they will really think about why. Perhaps they come to the conclusion that they want to take action in order to prevent this level of death. We take one step at a time until the list of victims is shorter and shorter ... and until this reporting topic is a thing of the past in this country.
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rosielindy · 2 years
After watching Bowers testify Tuesday I’m gobsmacked to hear him say he’d vote for TFG again in 2024 because of all the “good things” he did pre-COVID. Working class and marginalized Americans and Mother Earth would like a word! 🤦‍♀️
“If he is the nominee, if he was up against Biden, I’d vote for him again,” Bowers told The Associated Press. “Simply because what he did the first time, before COVID, was so good for the county. In my view it was great.”
More context, from Robert Hubbell’s newsletter yesterday.
“Bowers is apparently referring to Trump’s signature legislative achievement—reducing the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. That tax cut resulted in a loss of revenue that propelled the budget deficit to near-record levels ($1 trillion) before the Covid stimulus packages. Setting aside the efforts of Bush and Obama to save the economy from collapse in the Great Recession of 2008, Trump owns the largest deficit of any US president.
Other Trump achievements include:
Legislation ending an Obama-era regulation that prevented coal-mining companies from dumping debris and waste into nearby streams;
Legislation ending financial disclosure requirements for energy firms;
Legislation repealing an Obama-era regulation requiring internet service providers to seek customers’ consent before sharing private data;
Legislation prohibiting the Department of Education from adopting the Common Core curriculum (which was created by agreement among the states, not the federal government);
Imposing protectionist tariffs on China that were paid for by US consumers; and
Pardoning Jared Kushner’s father (Charles Kushner), Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
And let’s not forget the ban on travel from Muslim countries, separating children from parents at the border, and wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a “wall to nowhere.”
Ah, yes, Rusty Bowers! Those were the “good old days” when government favored business over the people’s interest in privacy, the environment, education, and financial transparency, and when the president’s “cronies” received a “Get Out of Jail Free” card!”
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