#vtm protean
crownedinmarigolds · 1 year
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Day eleven of the VTM Fangfest - Protean! The boar doesn't taste good, but it is filling enough for what he needs. The resonance gives him power, and the power protects his friends. It's messy and a bit different but I just really wanted to draw one of my fave coterie members on a hunting camera!
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spell-fox · 6 months
shape of the beast lessons with Aiden and Eli !
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she coyote ! After attempting to return back to the customer service job she had in life, Aiden had a small frenzy moment in the pub toilets. It left her with beastial features trapped, unable to sneak out without an entire pub's worth of kine seeing her half-coyote frenzied self. Some well-timed protean lessons were in order. After which some running in the park to eat squirrels and showing her off to everyone
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bastiantj · 2 years
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found out you can get protean from beckett as any other clan and it’s all over for you bitches
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calimaricutlery · 5 months
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thelatexshapeshifter · 6 months
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i wanted to draw Sabrina Protean wolf form again after that last post about it and decided to make it a little christmassy and no one expects the christmas crowbar to the knees swung by a wolf with potance active
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discodiablo · 5 months
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This game sure gives him a lot of guns for a former detective in the tabletop who can't shoot to save his life
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badass-at-fandoming · 1 month
I need to get a personal headcannon of mine out of my chest or I will combust.
Kindred purr.
Like they are depicted hissing numerous times, so why can't they purr?
I imagine they would do it during feeding to further calm down their victim or when they are injured (cats actually purr to themselves/other cats/people when they are hurt, as the purr frequency promotes bone regeneration)
Hi Anon! This doesn't have to be a headcanon, because Animalism and Protean exist!
Protean turns Kindred into cats, purring included:
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[[Image ID, screenshots from Paradox Wiki's Protean page. Shapechange grants Kindred the ability to change into an animal with a similar body mass. Metamorphosis allows Kindred to extend Shapechange to transform them into an animal larger than the Kindred's mass.]]
Here's a link to the v5 wiki page. The 20th Anniversary Edition has some even more bonkers Protean powers, like turning into a swarm of bugs. Wiki here.
Animalism allows for speaking to animals and that includes purring at them in Fifth Edition. The 20th Anniversary Edition is telepathic communication (wiki page here). Here's the v5 wiki entry for Feral Whispers:
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[[Image ID, screenshot from Paradox Wiki's Animalism page. Feral Whispers allows for two-way communication with animals, or summoning.]]
If you're interested in these powers, I'd recommend making a Gangrel character, like Ramona, Ellenore, or Beckett.
If you mean like, a Kindred, without using Disciplines, can purr the same way a house cat does, that would be a headcanon! Treat yourself to it 😄
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unlimited-puppies · 1 year
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canadiankazz · 1 year
VtM Protean Haiku Poems
#vtmfangfest23 Day 11
Eyes are glowing red, I can see through the darkness As I hunt at night.
Weightless as I fall, So landing will not harm me. Simple and useful.
Wicked talons grow, Slicing flesh into ribbons. Weapons most feral.
The Tzimisce know How to shape their flesh and bone, Sculpting their bodies.
Sink into the earth, Sleeping deep in the soil, No haven needed.
I am the master Of crafting your flesh into Whatever I want.
Vampires transform Into a wolf, bat, or cat. Embracing the wild.
I can be truly The most terrible creature You have ever seen.
A variety Of animal forms are now In my repertoire.
Trapped inside a room? Better hope it is air-tight - Mist form sneaks through cracks.
I’m one with the land, And aware of everything Inside my domain,
Protean master; My heart is malleable - Difficult to stake.
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what clan is Siobhan?? o:
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Siobhan is a gangrel! She's a mess, but she's also a lot more caring than her appearance often suggests :)
(but her main deal is starting fights and choking people out, so like, take her soft side with a spoonful of salt)
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melonbear51 · 1 year
VTM character concepts that I am compelled to share as they have completely taken over my brain: Part 2, Electric Boogaloo!
So since my last VTM character concept post BLEW UP and my brain is once again back on its bullshit, here are some more ideas! As usual, feel free to use these to your heart’s content! I’d love to hear about your characters too, so feel free to message me about them! Now, on to the main event:
1. A Malkavian researcher obsessed with statistics who hunts down “statistical outliers” in order to make sure their data is “pure and untampered with.”
2. A Ventrue who has created an up and coming adult toy empire (pun fully intended). They currently are in the midst of a fierce battle with the local Setites over who can cash in on the pleasure business the most.
3. A Brujah who was a successful athlete pre-embrace. Unable to participate in their sport and driven by extreme bitterness and jealousy, they now strive to turn the public against this particular as a whole by ghouling athletes and ordering them to discover, leak, and in some cases create, scandals. All the while, they rage against the sport they once loved under the thin disguise of false activism.
4. A dance instructor and head of a renowned academy known for producing performers who constantly seem to be breaking the limits of what the human body can do, much to the delight of audiences. What these audiences (and many newer students) don’t know is that this instructor is a Tzimisce and the performers have been carefully tweaked and trained during “private lessons” using a combination of Dominate and Vicissitude. Additionally, the Tzimisce is in search of a prospective childe worthy of being their dance partner, and has been carefully monitoring select students.
5. A Gangrel cryptozoologist who aims to be able to eventually master Protean to the point where they can turn into mythical beasts. 
6. A Gangrel veterinarian who was embraced after attempting to transport what they thought was an injured dog to their hospital, only for it to have actually been their hurt and very annoyed future sire.
7. A fledgling Baali abandoned after their embrace who thinks they are just some weird Caitiff.
8. A Banu Haqim who was traumatized after they were almost diablerized by a Sabbat vamp. Thoroughly disgusted by the practice, they now hunt diablerists, all the while attempting to ignore the cravings and habits of their bloodline.
9. A Hecata “fixer” who makes their living by disposing of bodies, whether turning them to ashes through the use of Oblivion or by adding them to their collection of undead servants.
I’m a little tired, so these are all I have for now, though I plan on dreaming up some more. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these!
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thelatexshapeshifter · 6 months
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so i could lie and say something like the colour and more complete the images represent how free she feels in that moment and while it fits its kinda just a happy accident and i just wanted to test colours for the beast forms and transformation effects but here is Sabrina first time using Protean beast forms, shes locked to bat and wolf cos shes a tzimisce but those are the forms she would have chosen anyway also her first magic transformation, well at least one that's not body horror also i still don't know if she can here her music in the beast forms, cos clothes and stuff disappear and come back dose the music keep playing in her ears magically or is it just gone ?
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trupowieszcz-moved · 6 months
trying to assign a vtm clan to carmilla and its not going well because while she has exactly 3 "disciplines" described they can be assigned to celerity potence and protean and no clan has that combo
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vixensdungeon · 10 months
Ultimate TTRPG Rating System, Part 2
Now that I'm back from a convention, I think it's time to tackle D&D's biggest rival and see how it fares in the most important aspect of tabletop roleplaying games: can you make a foxgirl? That's right, it's
Vampire: The Masquerade (1st, 2nd, and Revised editions)
This one's sort of complicated. Yes, it is quite possible, but you have to work for it as you play the character unless you have a kind Storyteller (and I try not to rely on GM fiat for these ratings). While Clan Gangrel's Protean discipline only allows shapeshifting to wolf or bat form, their "weakness" is that they gain animal features whenever they fall to frenzy. So you sort of have to fail your way into being a proper foxgirl, but you can do it if you believe in yourself! Unfortunately if you get yourself anything other than the ears and the tail, you'll start taking penalties on Social rolls, which seems unnecessarily mean. Also the Tzimisce might be able to fleshcraft some appropriate features but… I don't know, it'd probably look a little off. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
VtM 20th Anniversary Edition
As above but the features gained are usually temporary, though can become permanent (the process for this isn't explained). ⭐️⭐️
VtM 5th Edition
The features are always temporary and only occur during frenzy. :( ⭐️
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sinisteryuri · 16 days
Vampire the Masquerade and Blue Lock
Assigning Blue Lock characters VTM Clans and Disciplines.
Part 1: Bastard München
Michael Kaiser
I think it makes sense to assign Kaiser to the Gangrel clan, specifically with the Protean and Fortitude disciplines. Gangrel are described as "closer to beasts than other vampires...apex predators...[with] ability to endure, survive, and thrive in any environment." This reminds me of Kaiser's sort of status, and I feel like in a vampire setting it would be interesting to see his recent spiral and decline. "Gangrel will sometimes establish their dominance and cow their pack into line while taking a form of ownership," which can translate into the relationship Kaiser and Ness have. I feel it's interesting to have Kaiser embody a vampire who is close to a beast, animalistic, while himself considering Ness his dog. I think he would be a Gangrel vampire who is particularly showy, who stands out from those around him, forces himself to the top, more focused on appearance than his peers.
Alexis Ness
I imagine Ness would be Malkavian, with the Auspex and Obfuscate disciplines. Malkavian vampires also have the option for a Dominate discipline, but I don't think it necessarily fits. With the mysticism and ability to see the future of the Malkavian clan, I feel it really suits Ness's love for magic and desire to do something impossible, as Kaiser encourages him to. They are described as having "see[n] too much of the world at once, from understanding too deeply, and feeling emotions that are just too strong to bear." The nature of "disturbed individuals" usually embraced into this clan seems to suit Ness's demeanor, especially if he were placed in an alternate setting, and could create an incredibly interesting dynamic with Kaiser and those around him. Additionally, it would make sense for Ness and Kaiser to theoretically have some sort of blood bond, or the start of one.
Isagi Yoichi
I really think Isagi would be Caitiff! The versatility of the clan and the ability to pick up other vampires' disciplines really suits him and his metavision and constantly evolving play style. There is also a certain level of being an outcast, being shunned that comes with being a Caitiff, "they are scorned because of their lack of lineage but also feared for their unpredictability." I think this reflects the hostility that tends to come with Isagi's challenging of everyone he meets, and adds an extra layer to it. It also makes Kaiser's spite towards and interest in him far more interesting.
Kunigami Rensuke
Kunigami's ideals, pre-Wildcard especially, make me think of Banu Haqim for his clan, with Celerity and Obfuscate for his disciplines. Banu Haqim vampires "are fiercely devoted to upholding a moral code," and have a thirst for Kindred blood. Kunigami's pre-Wildcard idea of being a superhero makes me think of a set of personal moral ideals that he upholds to balance out his desire for Kindred blood that he starts to lose hold on post-Wildcard. This makes for a really guilty conscious and potentially an expression of guilt through punishing others for theoretical transgressions which could make for an interesting dynamic with other characters.
Hiori Yo
For Hiori, I think Tzimisce, with the Dominate and Protean disciplines is the best fit. Tzimisce vampires are very dragonlike, and "aim to conquer and rule the subject of their possessiveness." Because of how Hiori's parents view him it makes sense for them to have embraced him, as Tzimisce vampires often see the embrace as, "an act of ownership, seeing their childe in a traditional sire-childe relationship of old, some even go as far as consider their childers property." I think with Hiori's newfound "ultrasadist" thing, it's interesting to see him as a "master[] of [his] surroundings, charges, and even [his] own bod[y]."
Yukimiya Kenyu
I see Yukimiya as potentially a Banu Haqim vampire, similarly to Kunigami. This is mainly because he's idealistic in a similar way, as well as religious, and Banu Haqim vampires are often guided by ideals such as religion. Yukimiya would have the Blood Sorcery and Celerity disciplines. I would most likely place him as a "pillar of the Camarilla," due to the way he calls out Isagi and Kaiser's "rebellion" in pointing out that they are the same, that they are both selfish. In this way he is a voice of reason or tradition such as the Camarilla, in opposition to other character's more rebellious natures.
Gagamaru Gin
I'd place Gagamaru as a Gangrel vampire with the Animalism and Fortitude disciplines. This is mainly due to his background in the wilderness and trivia from the Egoist Handbook.
Raichi Jingo
Raichi reminds me of a Brujah vampire due to his rebellious and outspoken, slightly angry nature. I think he would have the Celerity and Potence disciplines.
Igarashi Gurimu
I think Igarashi would make sense as a Caitiff vampire. He seems fairly unremarkable and is sometimes dismissed or overlooked due to his Caitiff background but can surprise you with his effort.
Kiyora Jin
I honestly wasn't sure about Kiyora but I think he could be an interesting Toreador vampire with a specific love of breakdancing. I would make his disciplines Celerity and Auspex
Kurona Ranze
He could be a cool Brujah, with Celerity and Presence. The Presence discipline makes sense for him, due to his polite nature; I feel he would resolve conflict with words first. I also think it would be interesting for him to be in Coterie with Isagi.
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