soundlessdragon · 12 days
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lycanthropic-omega · 7 months
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Art cred: @.sweatermuppet
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A lion filled with rage and guilt.
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midnightisgod · 2 months
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Artwork by: Gary B.
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moonriver0312 · 11 months
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Attachment (1829) by Edwin Landseer | Requiescat (1888) by Briton Rivière | A Dog Mourning Its Little Master (1866) by James Archer | The Faithful Hound (ca. 1830) by Edwin Landseer | Ein Lieber Besuch (1894) by Max Kurzweil | Fidelity (1869) by Briton Rivière | Angoisses (1878) by August Friedrich Schenck
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marrowcrunch · 1 month
No more squirrels.
No more robins. No more squabbling starlings and sparrows, no more northern flickers trilling harsh and wild. Not many birds at all, really.
No more chipmunks, bright-eyed, scurrying across the back yard. No more cicadas buzzing in the noonday heat.
I’ve been promoted from first shift to third and now it’s raccoons, opossums, foxes staring at me in surprise from across the road, eyes gleaming in the streetlights like molten mirrors.
Crickets chirping. Stray cats yowling their love songs. “Listen to them— the children of the night, what music they make.” There are fireflies, if I don’t dawdle getting out of bed, and yes, of course there are bats— big brown, northern long-eared, hoary, red. And once, one tremendous, gorgeous great horned owl, sailing down out of the trees so slow and close I could have touched it.
I haven’t seen any coyotes yet, but I know they’re out there somewhere.
When I was alive the only weasel I ever saw was a dead one, roadkill, skull crushed open. Now I’m dead and I’m looking at a live one as it stares back at me from the bushes. The tiny rabbit kit in its mouth is still alive, too.
I feel the echo of my former existence in my horror at its weak, pathetic spasms, and then the admonishment of my current one—
Well, what were you expecting?
Everybody’s gotta eat.
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spell-fox · 1 year
Quell the beast (Animalism 3)
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Calm the husband! Quell the Beast gets a fair amount of use in our game haha. Here is Kuro using Empathy edition trying to prevent/pull Eli out of frenzy
Loved the fangfest disciplines idea, I thought about trying to draw as many dots in different disciplines starting with my faves
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guardwyrm · 2 months
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defense of the heart
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crownedinmarigolds · 1 year
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I didn’t realize it was already in the 20s of May (why is this month going so fast??) so I’m trying to play catch up with Fangfest!
Day One: Animalism - My Ravnos and her saviors. Day Two: Auspex - A musical Malkavian reads the room like a book. 
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0dd1 · 1 year
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madrut16 · 1 year
Fangfest '23 Moodboards Days 1 and 2 (Animalism and Auspex)
I'm back for year two! Last year I did moodboards for Fangfest and I decided to try my hand at the prompts this time around. I completely forgot yesterday was the first day so I decided to combine it with today's in one post. I'll also be adding these to my masterlist from last year! That way they can be found all in one place and if you haven't seen last year's batch and are curious you can do so!
Day One: Animalism
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Day Two: Auspex
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An eagle betrayed and burned in fury.
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canadiankazz · 1 year
VtM Animalism Haiku Poems
For the #vtmfangfest23 I've decided to write a series of haiku poems to fill the prompts! Here is day 1:
Animals tend to Flee from me, but not this one. He’s tasted my blood.
Red eyes in the dark. I can see your Beast inside, I know it’s hungry.
Can you understand the secret language of beasts? Feral whispering.
Most Kindred don’t know that succulent animal blood can satisfy.
Beasts can be so damn loud sometimes! Shut the fuck up, and go to sleep now!
An unliving hive; A body becoming home to the crawling swarm.
I send my mind out to run on borrowed paws and see through borrowed eyes.
Why only control one animal, when you can control ALL of them?
I will not allow my Beast to frenzy. I’ll make yours do it, instead.
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ferallyartistic · 9 months
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Fox Tawna : *WHAT IS THAT!?*
Graham : " We're just headin' on the train, no need to panic. "
One of the first times Tawna stayed long enough to see what a modern train looked like in America. Often times she would just run before it got close because of how loud and awful it sounded
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badass-at-fandoming · 1 month
I need to get a personal headcannon of mine out of my chest or I will combust.
Kindred purr.
Like they are depicted hissing numerous times, so why can't they purr?
I imagine they would do it during feeding to further calm down their victim or when they are injured (cats actually purr to themselves/other cats/people when they are hurt, as the purr frequency promotes bone regeneration)
Hi Anon! This doesn't have to be a headcanon, because Animalism and Protean exist!
Protean turns Kindred into cats, purring included:
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[[Image ID, screenshots from Paradox Wiki's Protean page. Shapechange grants Kindred the ability to change into an animal with a similar body mass. Metamorphosis allows Kindred to extend Shapechange to transform them into an animal larger than the Kindred's mass.]]
Here's a link to the v5 wiki page. The 20th Anniversary Edition has some even more bonkers Protean powers, like turning into a swarm of bugs. Wiki here.
Animalism allows for speaking to animals and that includes purring at them in Fifth Edition. The 20th Anniversary Edition is telepathic communication (wiki page here). Here's the v5 wiki entry for Feral Whispers:
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[[Image ID, screenshot from Paradox Wiki's Animalism page. Feral Whispers allows for two-way communication with animals, or summoning.]]
If you're interested in these powers, I'd recommend making a Gangrel character, like Ramona, Ellenore, or Beckett.
If you mean like, a Kindred, without using Disciplines, can purr the same way a house cat does, that would be a headcanon! Treat yourself to it 😄
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