#walked away and abandoned them there???
Ealier, I decided to make some green beans an so, like usual, I put them in a dish and put them in the microwave and set the timer for three minutes and then apparently I just. Walked away.
And now, like...six hours later, I remembered they were in the microwave.
I abandoned my beans 😔
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ave-immaculata · 11 months
“...They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, and they have carved out their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water."
Jeremiah 2:13
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designernishiki · 1 year
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shout out to reina for being one of the only characters Ever to make kiryu shut the fuck up and stop trying to be a pointlessly self sacrificial lone wolf for a second by threatening to scream on the street like he’s attacking her if he doesnt get his ass inside
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keeps-ache · 2 months
i don't wanna take over the world, it sounds like a lot. but you know, laying siege to a golf course sounds really nice sometimes
#just me hi#i'm giggling thinking about it hfbvhs#you can use the sandbanks for cover and if you plan far enough ahead you can start farming around those little ponds#and you can steal golf balls :D and use them as currency ?? or just collect them :3#and you could use the tennis ball guns to shoot the balls at people of course!! and you're supplied with sticks when you get there !! free#weaponry !! :D#and if you can hold out for long enough you could start planting rose and blackberry bushes in places they wouldn't look#why? bc roses Always Come Back#and blackberries will take a minute but who can get mad at a blackberry bush !! nature's surprise :D#oh and of course you could have a noble steed too (golf cart) !! :DD#and you could make the building a castle#and make a little gnome town in the fields once the battle is over#OH you could build a miniature golf in and around the town too :D for the funsies#/places are very cool i like places#could some be used better? oh yea for sure#i have dreams for abandoned malls hfvbs - some of my favorite places ever#that's one big odd thing i want. to have a mall to live in hfhs :3#is it a lot of space ? ye. but it's also SOO much space.. the possibilities !!#//anyway i Need to go for a walk in a city sometime soon lol#i miss the riverwalk aaa#GASP campus martius during the winter. my dearest#i didn't realize the threshold for being a city was so low lmao ?? like man these are just big towns what is this hfvbsh#//but aside from the city pining MAN#i got to drive earlier today ('got to' they put me in the seat and it wasn't very fun hfvbshf) and oooohhh#you know that feeling on a roadtrip when it's all worth it for just a little while.maybe when you broke over the top of a hill or looked up#from whatever you were doing to find a storm ahead and the rear lights of the cars seemed to blink in agreement with how gorgeous it all is#just that hfbsh :3#i like places a lot. sobs [<- crying candy hearts]#//okey i'm goin to go do my somethings now hfvhs :3 :D#music and caffeine are SO good ehehhehghhg [slinkies away so fast]
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mediumhonor · 2 months
because who am i without immedaitely making a rambly run-on braindump meta post as soon as i sign in anywhere BUT ANYWAY...
i need to go off about how different arthur and john’s dynamics with dutch are, how dutch’s ‘you’re just like me’ @ john in rdr1 isn’t just a villainous throwaway line but is actually the culmination of years of projecting onto john and years of trying to mold john into his image. the fact that dutch managed to shoot john from such a distance in rdr1 + the fact that he can double-wield so effectively really just. makes me think of how good of a gunslinger dutch is and there’s no way much of john’s gunslinging prowess isn’t part of dutch teaching him....
i just. hm. think arthur ‘eldest daughter’ morgan vs john ‘golden boy favorite youngest brother’ marston duality is pretty neat, and how both of their identities are so entwined w dutch’s perception of them even (in john’s case) years later to the point where neither of them can directly kill one another...
and of course, arthur's constant need to impress dutch/for his approval vs john's total lack of effort, because i think john left the gang for the first time because he's always seen dutch for who he is in some capacity, and dutch's favoritism successfully alienated him from everyone else. that being said, the only other person besides abigail who john has verbally admitted to loving is dutch.
i could say more about arthur and john's dynamic and a lot of arthur's resentment coming from imo john having the agency to leave the gang for the first time that i think a lot of people write off as arthur being angry at john for being a deadbeat (which is. you know. true too).
the van der linde cult is so fun... and by fun it makes me want to cry
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fellhellion · 10 months
can’t think too much about how Miles is this wonderful point of connection for every single character in the spiderverse series, and esp for spideys who all begin their intros speaking to the isolation they believed was inherent to their position as heroes and miles ending itsv taking so much comfort in the fact he isn’t alone. Or I’ll cry.
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hella1975 · 11 months
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listening to call your mom rn (god it feels wrong spelling it like that)
gripping u by the shoulders. this song is everything to me.
#OKAY STORYTIME THAT NO ONE ASKED FOR:#do u guys remember that girl that was basically my bi-awakening and we had the very stereotypical#intense homoerotic friendship that traumatised the both of us? yeah her#well basically i still have a lot of love for her and we're still friends like she's in my hometown friend group so when i talk about them#i still mean her and out of our entire group she's the ONLY one who didn't go to uni and me and my other friend spoke recently#about how unhappy we know she is bc she got abandoned by us in this awful hometown and we dont think she loves her boyfriend#so much as she stays with him bc she literally has no one else until we come home her life is literally just waiting for us between terms#and i worry about her all the time and one thing that happened a while back was she did drugs w this one guy by the river#and she completely whitied like it was just weed but she was 17 and had never done it before and turns out she's like me#where edibles just do NOT agree with her on a good day let alone when she took as much as she did and she was with a random boy#by the fucking WIER (basically a big dangerous waterfall) and we were all at our mate's house that was a 40 min walk away#and she RANG ME. i was the one she rang. that still sticks with me. and omg it was so scary bc she was so out of it on the phone#and all i managed to get from her was that Something Was Wrong (didnt know what) and that we needed to pick her up#so we did. we got on bikes and fucking RACED to this girl and we picked her up and in the end she asked for her mum#and i was the one to take her to her mum and knock on the door and stand there with her daughter's arm around my shoulder#barely conscious her sick on my shoes and explain what happened. like WHAT#& yeah basically i still have so much love for that girl and i know she struggles with shit hence why that even happened in the first place#and it's like. im still here. i still love you. i'll call your mum. i'll come and get you. just ring me and i'll pick up. stay on the line.#so yeah this song did unimaginable damage the first time i heard it. literally gives me chills and transports me to my 17 year old self#we were young and didnt know what we were doing and the town was suffocating us#AND WE WERE BOTH DROWNING AND DIDNT KNOW HOW TO SAVE EACH OTHER BUT THERE WAS AN UNDERSTANDING THAT WE WERE DROWNING TOGETHER#ask#noah kahan
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goldenkid · 6 months
hi guys. has anyone ever thought about an au where martha stayed with 10
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lollitree · 1 year
Hi! Not only have the professors done the deed, they're also divorced! And Arven's parents
Hello! Yeah I'm aware, that's why I think it in the first place! I just didn't want to say it in my tags because then I'd have to add a spoiler tag to an otherwise non-spoilery post
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mediumhonors · 2 years
now that i also have dutch on here, i need to go off about how different arthur and john’s dynamics with dutch are, how dutch’s ‘you’re just like me’ @ john in rdr1 isn’t just a villainous throwaway line but is actually the culmination of years of projecting onto john and years of trying to mold john into his image. the fact that dutch managed to shoot john from such a distance in rdr1 + the fact that he can double-wield so effectively really just. makes me think of how good of a gunslinger dutch is and there’s no way much of john’s gunslinging prowess isn’t part of dutch teaching him.... i just. hm. think arthur ‘eldest daughter’ morgan vs john ‘golden boy favorite youngest brother’ marston duality is pretty neat, and how both of their identities are so entwined w dutch’s perception of them even (in john’s case) years later
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
I'm into season 2 now but the Vatos mean everything to me, like they are the official representation of the spirit of humanity to me, they are how and why human society has come as far as it has, and yes I know about the deleted scene but I'm ignoring that, it was deleted, let me have this grefhiuowdi
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chisatowo · 2 years
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Got another new oc!! This is the eel girl's adopted sister, Brady!
#keese draws#oc art#ocs#oc posting#eyestrain#she/he/it prns btw#Ive gotta settle on pronouns for everyone else I wanna make them lil bios on toyhouse#but yeah brady was raised by the side of the eel girl to do some fun political assasinations for their parents but brady ran away#he initially wanted to bring his sister with him but assumed that shed be better off without him thanks to a bunch of internalised shit#meanwhile her dear sister had previously believed that they always were gonna have eachother's backs so she felt super betrayed#honestly a big reason that she went with the main crew without putting up a fight is that she wanted to find her sister and get revenge#because shes like that#but by the time she finds it shes had ~character development~ and isnt sure if she even wants revenge#she still feela deeply hurt by brady's abandoning of her but honestly at that point she more so just wanted to know why than anything#she still wanted to make her feel the pain she felt but she also didnt want to hurt her at the same time#but before she could decide what to do abt finding him he freaked out abt her being there and glaring at him and he attacked her while she#was out on a night walk to think abt stuff#he quickly ended up hurting her much more than he meant to though and as he was freaking out the rest of the sister friend squad found them#still deciding how that particular series of events ends for it but Ill probably give it some side character stuff afterwards#its probably not gonna like join the main crew or anything but it might become a secondary pov idk#she has Issues lol
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ode to the oceans rise
dancing on a tightrope/lying through our teeth look at us darlings/how we feast the waters have risen/the hems salt stained pretty little dances/soon to meet there ends the clothes are old/and let out again these pretty delusions/are wearing gossamer thin dont look down/dont break the spell but you look up/and see how far away are the stars feel the water/lapping at your gown dont look down/dont look down you would hate/to drown its what you daddy ran from/its what your mama only saw his friends all drowned/hers still just holding on son of salt/daughter of air you new fellows above/old peers dying below take the shining hand/rise up above above the desperate hands/you claimed to love guilt makes your dance clumsy/but survivals no team game unless someones winning/unless your the one in pain pick your ally's/chose wise and smart they wont drown/wouldn't know where to start children of air/who dance so pretty don't know the ocean/and its boundless cruelty you rose above/how daring of you but can you resist the call/of what made you
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
oooh 1 and 11 for the horror fic with Lup and Taako ! :3
Ooh!! I never get to talk about this one :3 I worked really hard on it too, and not a lot of people saw it so I'm just gonna sliiiiide a link right here <3
Also, anyone can send in a question about a fic from these questions here or just other questions in general! I like talking about my fics and never know how to shut up lol
What inspired you to write the fic this way?
So this was back when I first started getting back into writing and had virtually no following of anyone who consistently read my stuff or sent me prompts. Actually, I think at the time of writing it, I may have not even reblogged a prompt list yet. It's hard to say because this was obviously before I got an ao3 account, and when I tried to upload all of the fics I had written by the time I did get an account, somehow the publish date on some of them got mixed up and was set for the day after I actually published them?? And I didn't know how to fix it, so I no longer know the order in which I wrote everything. That's neither here nor there though. Point is, I used a prompt from a pdf of a prompt book I got in an online writing bundle called Roll-A-Prompt Writing Journal Box Set, box set meaning that it had prompts for horror, sci-fi, and fantasy. I used that book a lot in the beginning because it's a really fun book to use the few times I used it. Basically you pick a set of prompts from any of the three genres, and the prompts are ordered in three different aspects of the prompt (in this case, it was character, mood, and word, but there are other options depending on the prompt set you choose), and each aspect has a list of six options. Then you roll a d6 for each aspect, and you generate a prompt by combining the three different options you rolled. Like the monster factory from Wonderland! lol Only, I took it up a level and rolled a d4 to determine what genre I was going to do (usually I use it as a d2 to pick between sci-fi and fantasy), and then I roll a d100 to pick what prompt set I use because there's thirty prompt sets in each genre. I just used this roll as leaving it as is if it landed on 1-30, then if it was 31-60, I would just subtract 30, and if it was 61-90, I would subtract 60, and if it was 91-100, I would just reroll. Then I count that many numbers down starting from the top of the chapter until I got to the right prompt set.
If anyone is interested, I could share it! It is a pdf though, so I think I'd have to send it through email because I don't think that's something I can just share elsewhere.
Anyway, I felt like throwing in a little extra, why not? that day when I decided to roll up another prompt and added horror as an option to my d4 roll, and I ended up getting that, so that's what I went with lol I am definitely not a horror person though and know very little about the genre, and I'm unwilling to do anything too gory or gross. The most I can handle with horror is creepy and abstract concepts of other horrific events, and the top thing that came to mind that day that I thought I could pull off was someone torturing students to bring back an old dead god. So I looked up wheel torture methods because I couldn't remember exactly what the torture device I had in mind was called or did, it was the wheel thing that like, you get tied to on the side and it's supposed to stretch your body apart? Idk, it's the torture method that always stuck out most to me besides quartering, and there was no way in hell I was writing that. I get uncomfortable even rolling that idea in my head and have to try really hard to not picture it every time I remember it exists. Anyway, so I looked up wheel torture methods, and the only thing I could find was the wheel that is called a female name that starts with a c then wheel? Cathie's wheel? Cassandra's wheel? idk I don't want to look it up. Last time I looked it up (to write this fic), I literally gave myself nightmares, and I already watched a fucked up movie today. It's past 11pm and I have to be somewhere at 1pm tomorrow, so I have to go to bed soon, but the grossest part of the movie I watched is still playing in my head and aaaahhhhh
So yeah, that's why I went with a hopefully more creepy vibe for most of it (also to build up tension), and I used physical descriptors of the dead bodies in the wheels very sparingly. Probably not the most immersive experience, but hey, I'm not a horror writer usually lol
Anyway, so I needed characters to be in this scenario, and I thought doing a sibling bonding moment would be cool, and it definitely seemed like the kind of weird shit that would happen in Taako and Lup's lives pre-stolen century. Also, it gave me an excuse to end the story with Taako saying he'd always find Lup >:3
I was really proud of how it turned out when I wrote it, and I suppose I'm still proud of it because it's something I wouldn't normally do, and I do feel like it's okay. But I can definitely tell I grew in my writing capabilities since then, and honestly, the twin interactions after Lup gets kidnapped is so cringey lol 🤦🏽‍♂️ I was so worried about trying to make sure that I didn't portray either of them as weak or like a damsel in distress, especially Lup, that I didn't just let her need to be saved. I wanted to show that I still think of her as a badass who can take care of herself, especially because I was really worried about the weak woman trope or whatever, that I didn't let her just need help. I honestly thought about switching the roles, but Lup just seemed like the one to pick up on something being wrong first while Taako got distracted by how hot the professor was than it being the other way around, and of course the person who picks up on it first has to get kidnapped lol
Anyway, I've rambled on about that long enough sldgkhsldaghd
11. What do you like best about this fic?
Honestly, the part where Taako gets hit with Phantasmal Killer. It was interesting figuring out what exactly would be his number one nightmare that Keth could conjure up, and between having an inconsistent childhood where either the twins left places for their own safety or people left them and them only having each other, having Lup being the one to yell at him, blame him for fucking up a great opportunity, and then leaving him would probably be something major psychic damage worthy lol I also really like how I wrote that confrontation in his mind in general, though I feel like I could do it way better now
It's just a perfect way to spin the situation on its head you see, and fuck the both of them up just a little bit <3
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yoakkemae · 2 years
musical  instruments  that  my  muses  know  how  to  play: 
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melinda:  piano.  learnt  as  a  child  ,  kept  the  habit  as  an  adult.  the  house  she  had  with  andrew  had  a  piano  ,  but  she  left  it  and  music  behind  after  bahrain.  
alex:  none.  alex  didn’t  have  the  patience  for  an  instrument  and  preferred  more  physical  sports.
shōto:  none.  endeavour  wouldn’t  let  him  waste  time  with  a  musical  instrument  when  he  could  be  training  to  be  a  hero.
xiaolang:  piano.  he  can  read  a  music  sheet  and  play  accompaniment  but  he’s  not  the  best.  he  sucks  at  playing  the  recorder  ,  but  he  learns  it  in  school. 
spencer:  he  never  actually  learnt  it  ,  but  he  started  playing  around  with  a  keyboard  after  meeting  sammy.  he  can  play  melodies  ,  but  he’s  not  good  even  if  his  notes  are  accurate.
kanda:  violin  ,  not  learnt  in  this  life.  he  rarely  plays  it  just  because  of  that.  
dick:  guitar  and  ukulele  !!  he  learnt  guitar  at  the  circus  and  wasn’t  good  at  it  at  first  ,  but  he  kept  practising  and  got  a  lot  better  at  it.  ukulele  ,  he  learnt  when  he  was  an  adult.
rose:  none.  never  was  anything  she  was  interested  in.  she  did  do  cambodian  ballet  when  she  was  younger  until  her  mother  /  sisters  were  killed.
ben:  violin  and  piano.  just  a  part  of  princely  lessons.  
yaling:  none.  also  not  really  interested  in  it  and  preferred  to  do  sports.
kaito:  piano.  he  got  bored  one  night  and  taught  himself  to  play  the  piano  because  he’s  one  of  those  assholes.
shinichi:  violin.  i  feel  like  i  don’t  need  to  share  the  reason  why  (  sherlock  holmes  fanboy  ).
ran:  basic  guitar.  has  two  lessons  under  her  belt.  she’s  not  that  fond  of  it  ,  but  she  does  think  it’s  cool.
martha:  none.  leo  was  the  artistic  one  of  the  three  ,  and  martha  was  always  more  into  the  hard  sciences.
ahn:  a  little  bit  of  guitar.  he  knows  how  to  play  a  few  songs  ,  but  that’s  it.
jayoon:  technically  none  but  she  could  spend  a  few  hours  and  learn  how  to  play  any  instrument  perfectly  ,  cold.
nobleman:  same  as  the  above.
kakashi:  guitar.  had  to  learn  it  for  an  undercover  assignment.  hasn’t  used  it  since.  
sasuke:  none.  not  with  vengeance  on  the  brain.
naruto:  none.  no  money  and  no  time.
satoshi:  none.  not  with  training  on  the  brain.
tsubasa:  none.  his  parents  were  too  busy  trying  to  prepare  him  for  the  future.
#⤷ melinda m.【 ❝ there’s only moving forward. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ alex r.【 ❝ i don’t want to be a spy. if i had a choice i’d walk away. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ shouto t.【 ❝ never forget who you want to become. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ xiaolang l.【 ❝ we can still make more memories from here on. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ spencer r.【 ❝ i know what it’s like to be afraid of your own mind. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ yuu k.【 知識 / ❝ casualties of war are inevitable. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ dick g.【 ❝ becoming a crime fighter wasn’t a cure for my grief; it was an outlet. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ rose w.【 ❝ it has to be me. no mask. no remorse. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ ben g.【 ❝ we’re living in a fairy tale that someone else wrote. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ yaling c.【 ❝ disordered flowers have grown enough to confuse the eye. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ kaito k.【 ❝ there are some things that should remain a mystery. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ shinichi k.【 ❝ words are like swords. use them the wrong way and they’ll turn into ugly weapons. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ ran m.【 ❝ steel in her eyes and fire in her veins. there’s no wonder she’s dangerous. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ martha j.【 ❝ i don’t just follow. i’m training to become a doctor of medicine. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ ahn l.【 ❝ everyone leaves me when i touch them. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ jayoon k.【 ❝ people hate those who are different. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ nobleman.【 ❝ be careful. i’m not the same as before. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ kakashi h.【 ❝ those who abandon their friends are worse than scum. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ sasuke u.【 ❝ my dreams are not of the future. my dreams are of the past. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ naruto u.【 ❝ the pain of being lonely is out of its world. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ satoshi.【 ❝ he had to maintain the illusion of invincibility least the light die from their eyes. ❞ 】analysis.#⤷ tsubasa l.【 ❝ not moving forward is the same as being dead. ❞ 】analysis.
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cinematicbookworm · 6 months
#you know what I don’t get all these people saying they don’t wanna vote cause it supports an admin that supports genocide like what do they#think not voting is gonna do it’s also going to support genocide like unfortunately those of us who live in America live under a two party#system not all not voting this cycle is gonna do or even voting third party at the presidential level is gonna do is gonna place the#balance in favor of the republicans that’s how this works the only way it doesn’t is if you were somehow able to get a different voting#system in place by next year and that’s not happening obviously no genocide is better than any genocide but the argument that somehow there#will be less genocide if you don’t vote is baffling to me like you realize the republicans are literally running on a platform of genocide#like they want to genocide people here as well as people over there and all I’m seeing is people complaining that Biden supports genocide#like you think the other option doesn’t why would you actively advocate for making it harder to stop the genocide over there by allowing#the party who wants to take your right away to even protest the genocide an easier time getting into office#it makes no sense to me like did you not have any form of gov class in your states and if you went to college did you not take any gov#or political science classes or is your only learning on the political system made up entirely of tweets and tumblr posts by angry people#cause if it’s the second option please I beg of you to actually educate your self on how things work and then maybe go and try to actually#make a change realize that you have to grit and bear the untasteful shit in the short term I order to make changes in the long term learn#like you want a revolution learn about the consequences don’t assume it’s gonna be a cake walk get out in your community and make a change#actively go and put the effort in cause if your not doing that and you don’t vote this upcoming cycle then I have news for you you do not#the moral high ground in this argument you just don’t instead your just an appothetic idiot who doesn’t actually care#not voting is what republicans want you to do it makes it easy for them not voting is not a protest in this country it’s conceding the#fight it’s giving up all of you who say you want to punch those of us who want to actually be able to make a change slowly instead of#violently rising up you are either ignorant or malicious you and the people you claim to care about would likely not survive that act there#y’all are angry I get that I’m angry too but impotently calling for people to abandon the process makes no sense like do you want the more#genocide genuinely do you cause that’s what is going to happen not less why must the answer be all or none unfortunately none is not#currently a reality that we can get with a single election but it is something this election can move towards I am begging y’all to#actually study history and loom at what has happened pretty much every time a country has had people protest by not voting every time the#people who were the worse option got voted in the world is not black and white sometimes you have to make a decision that you don’t like so#that you can position yourself to make the actions for the greater good it’s sucks I wish it wasn’t like that but it is and y’all need to#wake the fuck up put on your adult pants and do the fucking work to change instead of fucking giving up and doing nothing
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