#wandering words
druidx · 2 months
Writing Patterns/First 10 Lines Tag Game
Tagged by @hannahcbrown, TY! Apparently the last time I did this was literally a year ago, 15 April, so it'll be quite cool to look and see if there's been any changes with my opening lines.
Tagging back my whole list because this isn't limited to fanfic and I think can count for OG fiction: @aalinaaaaaas-sequel @thewriteflame @wildswrites @aquadestinyswriting @artdecosupernova-writing @autumnalwalker @blind-the-winds @eli-writes-sometimes @hannahcbrown @oh-no-another-idea @rhikasa @swordsoulwrites @winglesswriter @andromeda-grace @writingmaidenwarrior @wispstalk @late-to-the-fandom @athenswrites
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
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Last time I did this there was an even split of dialogue to prose for my starters. This time there's only 3 (not counting stories in 1st person). Previously, it seemed that I started with dialogue when the work was shorter, but this isn't the case with these more recent ones. For example, No. 1 is a 100k longfic, whereas No. 5 has the shortest word count. With both types I do seem to prefer to hit with a hook rather than set the scene - 7 of these are nebulous in the 5 Ws, but are (I hope) intriguing enough to have the reader continue. So that's my pattern - give enough info to ask questions but don't give answers straight away.
1 Her Countenance was Light:
"What's it doing?"
2 A Light in the Darkness:
The month of Morning Star is a drear and dreadful one.
3 It's Fashion, Boss:
"Griffiths, you're late."
4 Greetings After a Long Departure:
It's been a few years since… Everything.
5 A Floral Surprise:
Dawn crept along the streets of London as if chasing the shadowed heels of the lean figure as it lept a fence and scaled a wall, delicately prising open a second-floor window.
6 Night Exercises:
Aderyn shivers as the night breeze brings the acerbic scent of pine down from the ridge on their right, mingling with the bog-brown smells of the heath.
7 A Little Something-Something:
Grubby, weed-filled concrete below, and grubby overcast skies overhead.
8 You Never Forget Your First:
"Where you go, I'll be right behind you…"
9 Home That Our Feet May Leave, But Not Our Hearts:
Somewhere, an alarm is chirping incessantly.
10 Crasberry Saviour:
The space station hummed and buzzed around us as we waited for the Rotik Sales Representative.
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nine-blessed-hero · 6 months
A Light in the Darkness
Universe: TES IV: Oblivion (Vanilla) CW: Alcohol Words: 619 Context: Written for the @tescheer prompt "Lantern".
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[Being an excerpt of Arkved of Cheydinhal's journal, c. 3E431]
The month of Morning Star is a drear and dreadful one. Even Anvil, jewel of the Gold Coast, is not immune to winter-tide storms filled with freezing rain and howling gales. The Abecean grows bitter and cruel under leaden skies, goaded by the winds to make rubble of the docks and soak through even the toughest oilcloth. The desperate weather, however, could not deter me from attending a most interesting event with my good friend, the painter Rythe Lythandas.
Attired in our glad rags and oilcloths, we ran through the sheeting rain from the Count's Arms to the Great Chapel of Dibella; for what better time than this dark and dreadful month to bring the light and cheer from a celebration of the Arts?
And cheer there was, in plenty! The church's main floor had been rearranged, with great trestles down the center and pews becoming seats at the feast table. And those pews were filled bursting with painters and playwrights, weavers and tale-spinners, artisans and lutists. The raucous crowd rhapsodized with animate flailing of limbs. Snatches of song, as took the players' fancy, filled the air. Laughter danced, sprinkled between lines of poetry.
The Sybil welcomed us in, bade us relax and find a place in the myriad company. I found my hand filled with a cup of mulled wine and with Rythe gayly beside me, took my time in admiring the chapel. It may surprise you, dear reader, that despite this chronicler's wide travels, I had yet to be inside this very chapel.
The chapel is a vast space, with arching hights – velvet-dark on this night of revelry – decorated in sheets of dainty lace. Planters of sunrise-coloured flowers adorned the altar, but what most struck me were the garlands of sacred lotus flowers. They hung suspended on threads of gold between the chapel pillars and, like joyful lanterns, glittered by some magical fancy. Under their soft incandescence, as if the hand of the goddess was laid upon my brow, I was filled with peace and awe at the marvels and wonder of our world. At my side, Rythe nudged me. "Committing it all to memory, eh?" "Indeed," said I, my gaze lingering upon them, "They're extraordinary in their holy beauty." "Take good note then, my friend. You can describe them to me anon, and I shall paint them for you." "Oh! You're the painter with the 'magic' brush," Rythe's neighbour cried, and Rythe turned away to converse with them, while my own – on hearing I was a scholarly adventurer – implored me to tell of my travels. And thus the night was spent in amiable chatter and the trading of stories; but ever did my eyes find those most sacred of blooms…
Several months later, Rythe invited me to dine with he and his Lady wife, and bade me recount the glittering lotus blooms to her, her delighted smile widening as I spoke. As we were saying goodbye, he handed me a small rectangle, wrapped in cloth. I should not open it, said he, until I was at home. Dutifully I did so, and found to my most pleasant surprise a portrait of myself, gazing up at the golden blooms, my face dusted with buttercream light. It hangs in my study, mere feet from where I write now, lending me the joy of that night.
Although… I would swear to you, gentle reader, there is something otherworldly about it. On nights most foul, when winter has his firm and frozen grip upon the world, the painted blooms will glow with an echo of the revels in Anvil, dusting my room in Dibella's golden light.
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dru-plays-starbound · 5 months
Too Many Critters!
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First, it was the slug in the kitchen leaving slime-trails over Sparkfoot's ingredients.
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Then it was the sackbag in George's bed, followed by...
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...the tiny croc in the showers which had Kata running, dripping and screaming.
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Next was the ore nibbler causing Freya to waste a whole day fixing the atomic furnace. (But the narfish in the hologram didn't bother anyone).
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The final nail was drilled by the steam spider in Fife's infirmary.
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"The Captain can't keep leaving critters running around the ship!" cried Sparkfoot. "It's unsanitary!" "It's alarming!" cried Kata, and George nodded along. "It's dangerous!" cried Freya. "Something," Fife said, "must be done!"
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"Boss," said Kata to Yuudai, "please will you speak to the Captain about this?" "Imploring. She listens to you," said Sparkfoot to Xictli. "Alright," Xictli and Yuudai said. "We'll see what can be done."
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"Come," said Captain Mio when Xictli knocked on the bridge door. "Captain," said Yuudai. "The crew are concerned with the number of critters you keep abandoning on the ship." "They are becoming a nuisance and a danger," said Xictli. "Oh?" Mio asked. "The ore nibbler ate through the atomic furnace." "The slug spoiled food and the steam spider left rust in the infirmary." "And the crew don't like being surprised in their quarters." "Oh dear," said Captain Mio. "I'll see what I can do."
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The first thing to do, thought Captain Mio, was to collect all the critters together. So she went around zapping up all the critters with the relocator tool. All the siders and the scarabs and the blobs and all the other critters.
Then she though 'well now I have them all, where shall I take them?' She couldn't just dump them on any only planet - they were too use to being fed. So the Captain thought long and hard. "I know!" she exclaimed to herself. "I can take them to the Zoo on Altais! The keepers there will be able to take them and look after them for me. And I can visit them any time I like."
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So off she went and talked to the zoo keepers. "Of course we can look after your critters!" the zoo keeper said. "We'll be happy to have them." Mio put the critters in a special box for the zoo keeper and petted them all. "Visit any time," the zoo keeper said, smiling. "Of course. I'll see you soon!" Mio said, happy that the critters and her crew would all be happy again.
Made for the Jan 2024 prompt: Critters
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dru-reblogs-stuff · 4 months
I think I've been bitten by the art.jpg bug 😅️ I may have gone and bought myself some more canvases and some gouache paint...
I've got two ideas for what I want to do next. For one of the canvases I want to do a layer trick I remember from school, where you pick a colour and create a gradient of shapes like mountains or a city skyline.
For the other, I'm going to buy some lighting gels* and LED string, and make a stained glass window by cutting holes in the canvas, then using the LEDs to illuminate from behind.
Wish me luck! 😄️
*These are like heat-resistant vinyl that go over theater lights to make coloured areas on the stage. Eg, when pale blue is used to create a 'night' scene.
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zephyrine-gale · 2 years
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thinking about scaramouche team dynamics ft scarabedo
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snarkspawn · 4 months
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it's missing wenzhou hours friends
happy lunar new year!! 🧧🧨🐉
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twistedappletree · 4 months
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chaos0pikachu · 5 months
word of honor is a comfort show specifically for scenes like when Cheng Ling the accidently adopted child of two mass murderers gets kidnapped by Soft Butch Assassin and her girlfriend High Femme Assassin for a piece of the glazed donut when Zhou Zi Shu shows up like "UNHAND MY CHILD!!" And CL is all "omg I'm your son 🥺🥺" and ZZS is like "I suddenly can't read I don't know mariah carey.gif" meanwhile our lesbian assassins are like "god people have no respect for torture time anymore" and they all have a swirly twirly fight b/c everyone is dressed to the NINES b/c if you're gonna be a murderer in a wuxia show you are also gonna look PEAK FABULOUS thank you very fucking much and then ZZS is like "oh no my nipple nails of cancer are acting up" and whenever his nipples are aching who shows up but Wen Ke Xing busting through the door like the koolaid man with the energy of a queen lip syncing for her life on Rupaul all "HOW DARE YOU HARM MY HUSBAND AND OUR CHILD" and ZZS is like "he's not our child!!" and another swirly twirly fight happens and the lesbians dip so our marital arts family chases them outside only to be confronted by ZOMBIES or crackheads whichever and WKX is like "husband, take our child and run" and ZZS is obviously not gonna do that cause like both a feral cat & a millennial he's always Down to Fight and also lacks general self-preservation so WKX is like "dying alongside you is also a beautiful way to die" meanwhile CL in the back wondering if they could all just not die like he didn't stick a piece of the glazed donut in his stomach and hang out with his boring, beige, busted uncles for 2 weeks just get eaten train to busan style the fuck
and then Scorpion King (not the rock) floats down from the sky in slow mo like a Jrock act floating down onto the stage playing his little guitar like "HELLOOOOOOOO ANCIENT CHINA!! HOW WE FEELING TONIGHT?" and ZZS is like "not a fucking band kid" so he throws smoke bombs naruto style and they all dip
and in the end of all~~~ of this CL is like "so I'm your son right?" and ZZS is like, "fuck it, fine" and signs the adoption papers while wwx is like planning an autumn wedding
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year
Imagine you and scaramouche have a language barrier and only talk through translations and one day he started learning english so he can express his feelings to you
"I r-rye— I ryek yu— " but he's having a hard time pronouncing it.
"Aghhh kuso! suki da! daisuki da yo!" (Aghhh damnit! i like you! i really like you!)
He's just screaming in japanese while you're waiting there for him to sizzle down so you can say you like him too.
(was meant as modern!au)
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
if zhongli is the type to give us up to save the world, who is the type to give up the world to save us?
Imagine after thinking about it for the past few days. Scaramouche is the type of being, lover that would sacrifice the world for you.
"It's okay."
"What's okay?" He frowns, looking at your unbothered face as you continue to admire the scenery right across you.
"It's okay to give up on me."
Imagine as you smile gently at him, he scoffs. Crossing his arms as you look away from you to look at the stars but not even a moment later, he looks back at you. He was never the one to look at such things after all, nor was he the type to appreciate the little things in life. But ever since meeting you, he finds himself learning to slowly appreciate every little thing.
"Stupid." "Oww!" You groan, holding up a hand on your forehead as he flicked you real hard.
"You know I can't do that."
"I don't want to see you get hurt."
"And I don't want to loose you. We've talked about this already, (First name). Even if I have to ki- wipe out every single person in Teyvat I would do it just to keep you safe and sound by my side."
Imagine as you watch him from afar, a tear roll down to your cheeks. What a fool, you thought. You always thought it was alright to have the freedom you never expected to have. But upon seeing your lover, all bruised up and bloody right in front of you, fighting for the sake of your living. Maybe you had all wrong from the very beginning.
"The world want me dead, I guess that's just how it is. It's just me against the world."
"Wrong." "Huh?"
"It's you and me against the world. Don't forget that."
Imagine, you see. Scaramouche was indeed the one who had the right mindset enough to give up the world for the sake of you. But you see, in the process of saving you, you'll lose him. You see, he was strong. It's not a lie that he was strong and capable. But not enough for him alone to face the world.
"Please... That's enough. He did nothing wrong. It was all on me."
"Please have mercy. Let him go, take me. Take me instead." You cried as you shield him away from the world.
"What... What are you saying? Get out of here and hide." He gripped into your clothes that was slowly soaking with his blood.
"No, it's alright." You smile at him with tears rolling down your tears.
"My Scara."
"No wai-!"
"Forget about me, okay?"
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
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ra-vale · 3 months
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Nothing new, just a regular Sunday with tyk fandom. Have a nice day.
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druidx · 2 months
Snippet 1 from Elowyn Investigations
CW: Stabbing, blood, near-death of a main character This raw, unedited, plot-holey snippet from Elowyn Investigations is to provide context for a later chapter of Her Countenance was Light. Tagging HCWL list: @aquadestinyswriting, @hannahcbrown, @jacqueswriteblrlibrary, @babyblueetbaemonster
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We arrived at Rowbottom's house, the front door still ajar from where he'd fled, I suppose. "Where is she?" I asked, drawing my nightstick. "Under the stairs," he whispered, hiding behind me. "All right, stay here," I said. He nodded mutely and I entered the house. The stairs ran from the middle of the reception hall, and I padded around the side. The door was closed though, and I frowned, before realising this building had more than one story. I silently cursed myself; I should have asked which set of stairs he'd meant. But no matter, I'd just have to go check the next level. I cautiously went up the stairs, treading carefully to avoid making them creak, and listening hard. Halfway up, I heard a slight scuffing sound, and paused, hardly breathing. I stood for a long while, but when no further sounds came, I carried on, reaching the top of the stairs and coming onto the landing. It was dark up here, and I was having trouble seeing. Clouds obscured the moon, and no lamps had been lit. I looked around. The landing bent left, curling around on itself, and a small hatchway led from it. My heart scudded in my throat. I reached for the handle, but before I could touch it, I felt the delicate touch of sharpened steel against my throat. I froze. The sense of a body behind me. Breath against my ear. "I give you this one warning: stop looking, Watchman." I swallowed, carefully. "What if I don't?" I asked, shifting the nightstick to lay along my arm into a defensive position. "Then you get to meet your maker," the voice hissed. I felt the blade at my throat withdraw and took my chance. I spun to the right, blocking the figure behind me. They gave a wordless cry and parried my blow. I tried to step away as they thrust at me with a second blade, but my back hit the wall. The dagger skittered off my badge, where it lay on my heart, and sank instead into my arm, slipping neatly between the leather shoulder plates. I cried out, instinctively gripping the wound. My assailant let go, clearly considering the blade not worth the effort of retrieval. I dropped to the floor, as my assailant turned tail and ran.
Blood bubbled from the wound, and I stared at it. I'd not been stabbed before, nor seen such a wound since the Demon Wars, eight years earlier. Keep the blade in, I heard Alexis telling me. If you ever get stabbed, and have the option, the blade stays in so you don't bleed out. I was suddenly aware of a high-pitched keening sound and then realised with a start that was me. I had to get help. I needed help. I wanted my legs to move, but they wouldn't. There was a crashing from below. I jerked out of my pain and panic induced catatonia. The gnome! He was still downstairs, what if… I struggled to my feet, and lurched forward, only just keeping my balance. "Elo!" I heard someone calling, desperate as I felt. "Elo!" I fell against the bannister. "Here!" I called back, feeling light-headed. I closed my eyes for a moment, then there was the crash of someone kneeling down near to me. I jerked awake, blinking in the light of a lantern. "Oh piss and blood, Elo!" Farren cursed, taking a look at me. I blinked sleepily at him. "Oh, no, no no!" he grabbed my face in his whole hand and shook it. "Don't you dare! Stay with me!" He slapped me, and I came alert. "Stay with me!" he shouted, then he was tying something around my arm, above the wound, twisting it so tight it hurt more than the blade. "You stupid girl!" he was saying. "You should have waited. Sindla save you; you never go anywhere alone!" "The gnome…" I warbled. "What gnome?" he asked. "What are you even doing here?" "Rowbottom…" "Was nowhere outside," Farren said. "Piss and blood, I need to get you to the Hedge. You need a proper healer for this. Come on." He scooped me up like a child, then we were outside, running through the damp night air.
Light blazed into my eyes as we burst into the Watch-house. "I need the Hedge!" he yelled above me, and in the light, I saw his brown eyes shimmering with water. "Oh Telak," I heard someone curse. "She's not here, she went home hours ago!" "Take her to Snips!" someone else said, and we were moving again, the air getting colder as we descended into the Tombs. "What the devil are you- ah!" I heard the goblin say. "What happened?" "She's been stabbed. Help her," Farren said. I felt the solidity of stone suddenly beneath my back, and knew he'd dumped me on the autopsy table. "I don't deal with live ones!" Snips protested. "Take her to Matilde! Take her to the Hedge." "The Hedge isn't here!" Farren snapped. "By whatever gods you believe in, I swear to them I will do you great harm if you do not help her, you snivelling cur!" "Yes, yes, alright," Snips said. "There's no need for name calling." I heard him shuffle over, and a moment later his long pointy green nose filled my vision. "Hello Elowyn dear," he said conversationally, working to remove my armour, his quick fingers unbuckling the straps for the shoulder plates, and down the side of my torso. "I do quite beg your pardon at this intrusion but I need to get to the wound site, and well, your armour is in the way. Farren, a hand." I felt Farren's clumsier human fingers pulling at the strap across my chest that secured my badge of Office, and the shoulder straps on the opposite side. "I'm sorry Elo," I heard him murmur as I passed in and out of consciousness. "This is… I'm sorry." He levered me up, and I whimpered as between them they pulled off the leather torso armour. I felt thin goblin fingers on my arm, and whimpered as Snips poked and prodded. The goblin's nose came back into view. "I'm afraid this is really going to hurt quite a lot. One of your arteries has been struck, and you are going to bleed out, unless I cauterize the wound. This is, unfortunately for you, the quickest way to deal with it. Farren, I need your belt," he said and looked across me. In a moment, a nasty strip of leather was being put to my mouth. "Bite down dear." I did as I was told, and Snips vanished from my vision. My eyes started to close again. I was so tired. Farren slapped me again. "Hey! No! No sleeping on the job. C'mon girly, let me see those green eyes." "Farren, hold her down," Snips said, somewhere to my left. I couldn't see what he was holding, but I felt Farrens hands pressing down on my slim shoulders. Snips gripped the handle of the dagger. "I'm really very sorry about this my dear," he said and wrenched the blade out. That hurt, but then I felt his hand on my wrist and a searing agony as something was pressed against the raw flesh of the wound. I screamed through the leather belt and tried to buck myself away, but Farren and Snips held me tight. For an eternity that must only have been a few moments, it was just me and the burning pain, flaring in my head like a white light. Then the pain dimmed, the flare went out, and I flopped back, trying to remember how to breathe. "Don't let her go just yet," Snips said, and vanished from sight again. "I still have to clean what's left," he said, coming back. Farren pressed hard down on my shoulders again. And there was another sear of pain, as Snips wiped something cold and damp over my arms. I cried out again, whimpering more this time, and flopped back. "There, bug, it's over," Farren said, releasing my shoulders and stroking my hair. I saw him look at Snips. "That's it right?" he asked. "She'll be okay now?" The goblin nodded, grim. "She'll live," he said, rubbing his hands on something. "Put her to bed now, she'll need rest." Farren nodded, and I felt myself rise again. "Wait," I murmured, tapping Farren on the chest. "Wait." He looked down at me. "Evidence," I said. Farren looked at Snips. "Bag the blade, would you?" my partner said, instantly understanding me. "I'll send someone down for it."
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nine-blessed-hero · 10 months
Greetings After a Long Departure
Universe: TESIV: Oblivion Warnings: None Words: 1014 Context: A gameplay event I remembered, and wanted to write out - see below fic for details Taglist (ask +/-): @writeblrsupport @jacquesfindswritingandadvice
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It's been a few years since… Everything. Maybe many. Time has passed and Rowan has stopped counting.
Time enough that when xe teaches the rookies how to shoot, xir shoulder and elbow joints pop. Time enough that xe has become a Master of Alchemy; that xe is expanding xir repertoire and learning how to move in heavy armour.
There is always more to learn, xe tells the apprentice Mages. You never stop honing your skills, xe tells the Fighters Guild hot-shots. There's always someone who can teach you fresh ideas, recent papers to study, some new knack to discover.
Rowan – leading by example – is in the Imperial City proper for the first time in… oh, probably a year? Time enough to notice that the fresh white stone of the Market District, replaced after Everything, is now dull and grey; that the joyful colours splashed around the Arena in his honour are faded and chipped; that the Arboretum is not as deftly pruned as it once was. But xe is not here to critique the architecture. Xe has heard word and whisper of someone even better at the art of stealth than xe and is hoping they are willing to teach xir.
It is to xir horror then, that Armand tells xir xe is looking for the Imperial Spymaster, Marana Rian, found in the Temple District. Rowan who takes the most circuitous route to the Waterfront; Rowan who has not set foot in the Temple District since Everything was over; Rowan who makes airs of not recalling what happened That Night when asked, but will not deign to look in that direction should xe catch sight of a marble toothed maw over the walls.
But perhaps it has been time enough. Time enough for a heart to heal. Time enough xe can think about That Night without frailty overtaking xir limbs. Time enough that xe went back to see him.
Xir foot rings off the cobbles of the Temple District. It's impossible not to see him, life-like twisted marble. Xir heart lurches. A guard looks curiously at xir, as a palid hand gropes for the wall. Xe flashes a sickly smile. Xe almost turns, running back to the safety of hearth and home. But no – it has been time enough. Xe straightens xir tunic and goes forth.
Xe's greeted, as xe enters the Temple, by a fresh-faced novice. No lines of care on their scaled face, only nubs of burgeoning horns ridging their brow. When the novice asks xir business, xe gestures to the statue, feet tucked in with garlands and offerings. The novice clearly doesn't recognise xir, taking xir to be some distant pilgrim, as they jabber about That Night while leading xir towards the statue.
He is bigger than xe remembers. With his wings held aloft and head thrown back, he takes up most of the space in the not-small temple. So tall, once they stop at the edge of the field of offerings, xe barely comes up to his knee. Rowan feels lost, for a moment, craning xir head back as if it were possible, this close, to see all of him; and wonders how xe forgot he was the size of a building.
Xe can touch it if xe wants, the novice says. It's just a statue. Tests were done; it's perfectly safe. From here they can see the shimmer on one claw, worn smooth and shiny by many hands and many prayers. He isn't there. That's what they'd told xir after the tests were concluded. Still – the need to give some recognition to the man transformed gnaws in xir breast.
The novice natters on as Rowan picks a way through the flowers and offerings, but xe doesn't hear, recalling only that last conversation; the way he made it sound as if he were taking a trip – not too far, not too long. Finds xe knows just what to do.
Rowan takes a breath. Smiles. "Hello, you." Reaches out as if to cup his cheek. "Read any good books lately?" Xir fingers skim the statue. A soft and golden sunlight finds xir. Xe feels warm and full; content as if after a hearty meal in the company of loved ones. In xir mind, a noise like the bones of the world sliding past each other; words, perhaps, but they're so slow and bass xe doesn't understand – can only let them resonate through xir being.
Slowly the incandescence fades; the sense of a lingering hug, reluctantly parted from. Xe's left feeling comforted; the grind of everyday lifted and lightened. As if things will start going better for xir, and everyone is a potential new friend.
When Rowan turns, xe finds a small crowd gathered behind xir. The novice is gaping. Several people are in prayerful stances. Xe can hear the word 'miracle' being uttered. "What-? But the- It's never-," the novice stutters, their eyes flaring wide. "Who are you?" Before Rowan can speak, the crowd speaks for xir, calling out xir titles: Fighters Guildmaster, Archmage, Champion– "The Hero of Kvatch!"
Well, shit.
Rowan smiles, picks xir way back through the collection of offerings. "I apologise for having interrupted your afternoon," xe says. "But… the Statue-" Rowan raises xir voice, knowing that the crowd will just make up some half-truth otherwise. "They told me, 'he's gone'. They told me it was just a statue, and the man I watched transform into our saviour was no longer on Mundus. I guess they weren't quite correct." Xe swallows to stop xir voice from cracking and glances back at the statue. "He's still here, in his own way. He's always been here, patient as ever, awaiting my return." Xe turns fully now, damp eyes cast aloft. "I'm sorry, Martin. Time and again, you've waited for me; it's been time enough. I promise I won't be so long again."
Warmth stirs again, a lingering caress, drawing a sweet smile from xir. Rowan presses a small bag of coins into the novice's hand – "To keep up the Temple's good works." – and leaves the congregation to its awed colloquy.
So: I'd somehow missed all the spoilers about the Blessings of Akatosh from the Avatar statue, and when I went to find Marana Rian, many gameplay hours after completing the MQ, I got a sudden rush of nostalgia and went to look at the statue (I, like Rowan, maaay have been avoiding the area a bit. Y'know - MQ was ended, I had no real reason to go back there). Noticing the 'activate' fist, I did so and was pleasantly surprised by the Blessings. I later read a headcanon that this is a gift from Martin, an apology/ "love letter", only given to the Hero and unavailable to anyone else in Cyrodiil, which I really liked the sound of - hence why I've made it clear that to everyone else, it is just a statue; it's not until Rowan returns, that xe learns the truth.
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dru-plays-starbound · 9 months
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An Ancient Vault
"Ocean Tides, SAIL! I'm about ready to pack this in," I complained as I walked along the dusty surface of the planet. "I've been walking for ages. There's nothing here! " "I assure you, Captain, my scans are picking up an intermittent, anomalous signal. You are almost there." I looked up from the datapad, scanning the barren horizon. Nothing moved. Nothing called. Only the ever-soughing wind was present, moving dust into dunes, eating the rock away into eerie formations. "Better start running that bath, SAI-" My speech cut off into a scream as the sand beneath me gave way.
I tumbled, clawing at the sinkhole, SAIL's voice panicked in my ear. Then the light of the scanner caught the flicker of ground, rushing up to meet me. I activated my jump Tech on instinct, landing with a minor fumble. "Mi…! Ca…tin! D… you re…?" Static cut in and out as SAIL called out over the comms. "…io! Ar… kay?" "SAIL?" I tapped at the comm unit. It didn't seem broken, and SAIL could usually reach me no matter the depth. Something must be causing interference. "SAIL I'm fine. Repeat: I'm fine! I'm fine…" My voice trailed off as I looked around. Small yellow globes bobbed in the air, casting pale illumination around the cave I found myself in.
I'd fallen between twin pillars of dark stone. I ran my hands over the surface, the dust giving way to carvings. Some strange light – that same buttercream brightness – flickered from within. Why did these carvings seem so familiar? I looked around the pillars. In the gloom to the back of the cave, I could make out sparks of magenta and cyan. I turned. Behind me, looming out of the darkness, was a broken pillar. In the distance, a pale purple orb seemed to float above head height.
I glanced up, shielding my eyes from the dribbles of dust still falling. A hatch in the roof stood open. I blinked. It must have sensed my presence, and when it opened, the sand above fell through, causing the sinkhole. As long as the hatch stayed open, getting out should be no problem with my spike Tech.
I looked around again. This must be what SAIL's scans picked up. I dusted myself down. May as well have a look around, since I was here…
Built & written for the September monthly prompt, "Ancient".
Mods used: Idle Factories, nuggubs’ Mega Mod, Admin commands
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dru-reblogs-stuff · 9 months
Get to know you tag
It's been a while since I did one of these, thanks @eli-writes-sometimes
Favourite colour
Today I'm back to liking purple. My inhalers are a pretty mauve. I bought a hand-thrown mug recently which is a sort of pinky plum colour. I also bought plums which are the dark, rich purple of an Autumn night. My cyclamen are magenta and the top I'm wearing is wine shaded.
Currently reading
Generations (A Firefly novel) by Tim Lebbon. It's got rather simple, easy-to-read prose, but the descriptions and accents are good and it contains hijinks from one of my fave franchises.
Last series
Currently watching Ashoka, while also rewatching The Clone Wars.
Sweet, savoury or spicy
Been in a more savoury mood lately. Must be I need more salt...
Currently working on
Healing from a wound in July. Writing. Making stuff in heroforge. IDK I'm just faffing about, waiting for October so I can see the Gent over in Denmark.
Oh, I know - I'm working impatiently on having patience.
Tagging whoever feels in a sharing mood.
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newts-frogs-toads · 2 months
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