#warhammer book
cillianwilder · 1 month
'Are you willing?'
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Yarrick: The Omnibus
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skrankku · 17 days
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I like it when the miniature painters give Magnus rainbow wings. He's a technicolour evil wizard.
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robot-roadtrip-rants · 3 months
when you think about it combining thousands of supersoldiers literally incapable of fear with a strictly atheist, rational regime was a colossally stupid decision, and not for the reasons you're thinking of
y'know those cheesy old horror movies where the protagonists are spectacularly stupid? like, they find a spoopy book bound in suspicious leather and go, "haha lets read from this WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG" and twenty minutes later they're being chased by demon minotaurs or something. and the whole time you're screaming "NO YOU FUCKING MORONS WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT WAIT WHY ARE YOU GETTING UNDRESSED NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO HAVE SEX" and then the demon minotaurs kill them while they're having loud passionate sex because god forbid horny teenagers should ever have fun. ok so hear me out, astartes and primarchs in the pre-heresy are the same as the dumbass teenagers, except for the sex-having part (i think they T-pose at each other instead)
think about it. THEY KNOW NO FEAR. they're missing one of the key instincts we possess for recognizing dangerous situations. most people who find a spoopy book bound in suspicious leather are gonna be, y'know, spooped spooked. they won't want anything to do with it. the more anxious/scared will straight up leave. but astartes literally can't get spooked! they might burn the book for being xenos filth or something but beyond that there's nothing to balance out natural curiosity and/or lust for war trophies.
and this combines really badly with the imperium's rationalism! see, even if you don't fear the spoopy book, superstition/religion/fairy tales/etc. still provide a powerful incentive to stay away from it. you're gonna look at it and go, wow, that book looks satanic, messing with it might summon demon minotaurs, i should stay away. but the imperium actively discourages that line of thought! there's no way the spoopy book can do any harm, it's just a spoopy looking book! in fact, you SHOULD read the spoopy book just to demonstrate how not-superstitious you are!
yeah so this is why fulgrim walks into a creepy temple full of ritual snake orgy and thinks, hmm that snazzy sword the snake guys are obsessively fucking around would make a nice trophy. or why it never occurs to magnus that making deals with the fair folk might be dangerous territory.
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xolen1 · 3 months
One of my favorite parts about warhammer books that feature space marines (especially chaos space marines) is that they are all catty bitches. Every single one is basically a high-school girl who loves starting drama. They can't go five minutes without making an underhanded comment or calling each other a bitch it's very entertaining.
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gotogull · 7 months
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I post Kirby and WH40k art exclusively now.
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utane · 2 months
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Sannet, chief curator of Solemnace Sassmaster extraordinaire and short king
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aethira · 4 months
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Trazyn the Infinite ✨
So, I’ve been getting into Warhammer 40K, and I listened to the audiobook of ‘The Infinite and the Divine’ recently. It was really really good tbh
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Red flags 🚩 to recognize when dealing with the self-called "lore masters".
When they say "I know the lore more than everyone else ever": 🚩🚩🚩
When the only time they actually explain some lore is after a funny meme about it has gone viral: 🚩🚩
When they only quote basic/surface level/ Wikipedia knowledge (especially if this happens at the same time as the previous point): 🚩🚩🚩
When they consider themselves "content creators" but literally give people no content except for basic wiki knowledge to random people: 🚩🚩🚩
I'll be adding more later, but if you got any suggestions feel free to add them.
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moodymisty · 4 days
I have another new idea for Cato Sicarius, so we’ve been talking about how Cato Sicarius bullies the reader and sends a truckload of mixed signals with each of their interactions. Now, Sicarius can afford to take this long and painful approach to ‘romancing?’ the reader because he’s doesn’t seem to have any active competition. But what if this wasn’t the case?
Just imagine it, Cato Sicarius sulking and stewing in a corner in rage, watching as another space marine compliments the baseline human and gets her blushing. Now because Sicarius is incapable of basic emotional awareness, he can’t understand that the reason he’s furious, is not because the human woman is wasting his time with frivolously bantering with another marine, but because this space marine is flirting with his human
Now as for the other space marine in this scenario, the obvious choice would be Titus. Because of his natural charisma and being quality husband material. However, you could also have it be a space marine from another legion, someone who’s on Ultramar to meet with Guilliman. Someone who would feasibly come across Guilliman’s favourite cute diplomat. A White Scar who being fun and flirty with the lovely human he just met. Or an Imperial Fist who’s genuinely impressed by the reader’s accomplishments and makes their interest known. Basically Sicarius looks on in envy as he cucked by his cousins
I love this lmao, any opportunity to make Sicarius cope and seethe is good in my books. I wrote this at like 4 in the morning while playing WUWA and keeping an eye on a very sick bird, so forgive any errors.
Warnings: Sicarius’ shitty attitude and being jealous, a dtf Astartes gets all flirty with you, the implication that Sicarius thinks you’re a little harlot for Astartes and really is he wrong?
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The Ultramarine couldn’t stop his brother fast enough, speaking to Captain Sicarius through the vox channel connecting their helmets.
“This is going quite well.”
Both Ultramarines then suddenly freeze under the deathly stare of their captain, and they see his heartrates steadily rise in their helmet HUDs.
Higher and higher and higher it goes, as Sicarius’ helmet turns from them back to the scene in front of them. They’ve been tasked to stand guard for you as you greeted the guests aboard the ship, and stand in silence. At least the younger two marines do, the way Sicarius is boiling in his armor is anything but silent.
“Well little one, if you ever find yourself on Fenris, you’re in welcome company.”
A Space Wolf captain gives a wide, toothy smirk at you, and Sicarius turns up his nose at the nonstandard protocol on display at the marine’s red mane of hair. A mess waiting to happen- braids getting caught in armor, something to be grabbed.
“I’m glad to hear that!”
You smile back at him, completely wooed by the Wolf’s obnoxious boisterousness. He’s also massive; Sicarius can see plates of terminator armor blended in with the standard make Astartes armor. The three Space Wolves behind him are smaller, around his size.
The youngest Ultramarine that had nievely commented is visibly confused by his captain’s behavior, while the others, though also confused, have dealt with it for longer and stand in silence. None of them have the command to doubt Sicarius unless there are concerns of him breaching Ultramarine protocol or committing some form of heresy, and so they keep their mouths shut.
“Ahh, but we never realized that the Ultramarines kept such funny little maidens on their ships. Maybe they aren’t as stuck up as we all thought.”
Sicarius seethes; The disrespect on display against the Ultramarines, their primarch, and you! They didn’t even say your proper title, how dare they-
You laugh more, crossing your arms and conveniently accentuating your chest. Sicarius nearly fogs his visor from the heat of his breath. You smile, and the disgusting things that enter his mind at the thought of you and this Space Wolf sicken him. You’ve never displayed the female proclivity for idle chatter so much, he thinks.
Do you, like them? You never act like this in his company. Unless it’s Titus.
“They aren’t as bad as they seem I assure you, they just are very by the rules.” The massive Space Wolf chuckles, before tapping against the bottom of your chin with a knuckle. Sicarius’ heartrate makes a jump, watching you give the wolf a smile with gentle, lazy eyes. He would call them wanton.
Are there no Astartes safe from you? Titus, Helix, half of his men, and now this Space Wolf. He would utter what he thinks you are if he wasn’t dedicated to standing here in silence.
“Alas we should return to our ship. Fenris calls. But we’ll owe you and your Ultramarines a good deal for this assistance. We will not forget this, should you ever call on us for aid.”
Your Ultramarines?
Sicarius swallows a knot in his throat. You do not own him; If anything, Primarch Guilliman owns you, though Sicarius doesn’t understand still why his primarch deems it so valuable. Have you wooed him all the same?
No; His primarch would never fall for such a cheap display of whorish charm. Never. He will not falter either, unlike Titus.
You smile warmly again, face warm at the wolf’s tender touch.
“Then we wish you all safe travels on your return to Fenris.” The space wolves leave, and you turn around to face them all, including Sicarius. You’re much more composed now, smile much smaller and contained. Proper and respectful, unlike moments before.
“That went well. I should report all of this to Guilliman.”
Sicarius doesn’t say anything more than an irritated grunt, turning away.
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Necromunda: Book of Ruin - Abomination of Zone 12 by Thomas Elliott
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cillianwilder · 1 month
'...nothing more than the prologue to horror.'
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Yarrick: The Omnibus
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eschergirls · 2 months
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madfishmonger submitted:
"File this under "The artist's barely disguised fetish" It took me a minute to realize, but she's supposed to be wearing this style of fetish shoe (ballet heels). To WAR. She's going to WAR. In THOSE."
Nothing wrong with fetish shoes. PROBABLY not a good idea to wear them in war though, but what do I know? I don't exist in the post-apocalyptic space war universe.  Maybe one needs to stand on their tippy-toes to see the entire battlefield.  Maybe having hooves commands respect.  Maybe the soldiers are better motivated knowing that their commanders are suffering as much as they are standing in those things.
Maybe my brain is just melting.  That happens too when I stare at my inbox too long.
(Cover of Warhammer 40,000 - Codex: Sisters of Battle, Games Workshop)
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galgannet · 4 days
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Based on a role-playing game. Sometimes you have to team up to get out. Drawing stage 2/3 It will be in color later. Pictured: Nacht, the Great Lord Sorcerer and Tech-Priest Wilhelm March of the Explorators (and of course Guillermo servo skull).
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valhallasoutlaw · 7 months
I think we as a community need to stop gatekeeping Warhammer based on wether or not you've read the Horus Heresy. I've seen a few reviews from people who don't really like the Primarchs or the Primarch-centered novels, and homie that's a whole lotta books about shit you don't like.
Anywho, theres almost a merit badge you have to get before people take your knowledge of the lore seriously, and I think we need to let that go. Warhammer is meant to be fun, and I don't think people are obligated to read 150+ books, short stories, audiodramas and novellas to be considered a "Real Fan." That's hundreds of hours of 90% space marines and Primarchs, and if you don't like either of those, you're gonna have a bad time.
I don't care if you've only read the Infinite and the Divine or if you checked out a few AdRic episodes about xenos you like, you're a real fan of Warhammer the minute you walk in the door. It's the hobby of all hobbies and there's something here for everyone.
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terminumart · 1 year
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utane · 1 year
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Ideas for little chibi charms of Trazyn and Orikan?
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