#watatsumi island
luxthestrange · 25 days
G.I Memes#6
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chiricat · 1 year
water gorl 🐟
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cynosfunnyjokes · 2 years
Held in the Arms of Another
Characters: Gorou (Lumine and Kokomi Mentioned (Reader is not Traveler))
Genre: Angst
Summary: The Vision Hunt Decree is finally over and your lover, Gorou, is finally back in your life- but things aren’t how you thought they would be…
Notes: A lil angsty fanfic I wrote for myself like a year ago that my lovely friend proof read! It was originally meant to have a happy ending but I never wrote a second part (gotta love good ol angst to fluff). but uhH- if enough people are actually interested, I might write a second part?? This is also posted on my AO3 (cynosfunnyjokes)!
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With the Vision Hunt Decree and war finally being over, thanks to the dear Traveler and the group of people who helped alongside her, everything was finally calm. Everyone could now relax and life was able to continue on as it had before.
By default, you had assumed that Gorou, your lover, would be able to spend more time with you now to make up for the time that you both had lost to his position as General of the Watatsumi Army. During that time, he had prioritized everything else- which was fair, with people having their Visions stolen from them by the Raiden Shogun and then the whole issue with the Delusions- but that didn’t do much to deflect the slight pain you felt when he would scurry off in the early hours of the morning with a light peck on the lips and a quick mumble of, “I have to go see Her Excellency.” or anything along those lines.
Many nights were spent alone in a cold bed that was much too big for one person. His side of the bed would remain vacant until the early hours of the morning when he would finally step through the door…. If he would even show up. 
Sometimes, you would have to remind him to take care of himself- to rest when he was tired- and more often than not, it would lead to small arguments. By the end of the night, one of you was embraced in the other’s arms with a loose promise of trying to do better.
Then, one day, the mysterious Traveler showed up with her odd floating companion. The legendary Traveler, who had brought down a dragon to save Mondstadt and won a fight against a Fatui Harbinger, was now joining the Resistance to help take down the Shogun. You were grateful, really, you were, along with the other Inazumans that she had saved, but after everything settled…. Why was she still here? And why was Gorou all over her? Even with the extra free time, the hybrid was still barely at home.
Was he growing tired of you? 
The Traveler was far better- it was a fact that you couldn't deny. She was amazing at everything and hell, she was more attractive as well. With this thinking, you couldn’t find it in yourself to blame him for wanting to be around her more. Honestly, who wouldn’t?
Watching him leave early in the morning to follow Lumine like a lost puppy only to come home late at night when the moon was in its trek through the sky, it really hurt. Maybe this was his way of indirectly ending the relationship- by distancing himself almost completely. 
That thought alone almost had you in tears half of the time.
This went on for two weeks before you'd finally had enough. It was tearing your heart apart the more you saw your dear lover less and less. Would it kill him to spend a day with you? Apparently so.
Some days, he would rush off early before you would wake up. Today seemed to be one of those days.
The room was mostly dark, save for the small rays of sunlight peeking over the window sill, flooding a cold, and dim light. However the sun wasn’t what drew you from your slumber; it had been the sound of your lover clumsily pulling his clothes on. All that was visible to you was his back, tail softly swaying back and forth as he tugged on the armor that usually adorned his upper body. Sitting up with a yawn escaping your lips, you raised a hand to rub the grogginess from your eyes, as the other moved up, muffling the yawn.
Fluffy ears twitching at the sound, Gorou whipped around, facing you with eyes wide in surprise. A nervous smile settled on his lips soon after. “Love?” His voice cut through the silence of the room like a knife, “Why are you up? Did I wake you?” One of his eyebrows quirked up as his head cocks to the side.
Oh, how you missed his voice. It was calming. Comforting. 
Instead of answering his question, your eyes shift to his, and your lips part to ask a question of your own. “Are you going out with Lumine again?” Even you were shocked at the coldness in your tone, although at this point, you were too tired to show it. You already knew the answer, but there was a lingering hope that you clung onto. The hope that maybe- just maybe- he would stay here with you instead. Finally.
A smile spreads across his face as he nods enthusiastically. “Yeah, I am!” He sighs as he turns to grab his gloves and accessories for his arms. Unfortunately, by doing so, he missed the crestfallen expression that shifted onto your face.
You could almost feel the shattered pieces of your heart piercing through your ribs like glass. 
The sound of Gorou getting ready hardly overruled the tension in the thick sound of silence. 
“Really?” The tone of your voice, so soft and sweet, but tainted with heartbreak, “You seem to always be with her as of late. It’s almost like you’re dating her instead.” Your eyes darted down to the blankets, not wanting to meet his anymore.
Gorou froze in his spot for a moment, visibly taken aback by your statement. He turned, facing you with confusion written on his face, “What do you mean?” His voice matched his expression. Had he not realized how much time he had been spending with the Traveler? Or was he playing innocent? Maybe he would deny it until he would finally end it with you. 
“Well, you’ve been spending so much time with Lumine. It’s almost like you’ve replaced me with her.” Your voice was wavy and full of hurt, but your gaze shifted back up to him regardless.
Something seemed to click in his head, his confused expression shifting into a blank look. “Are you...jealous?” He scoffed, almost in disbelief, “Y/n, you know how she saved us. Why are you- Why would you…” his voice got quieter as he trailed off, watching your expression shift to a sour one. He could see the tears welling up in those beautiful orbs that he adored so much, threatening to spill over.
"Y/n…" Your name left his lips, his voice was soft- completely different from the one he had just been using- as the realization set in. He lifts a hand, reaching out to touch you in hopes of comforting you, but you flinch away. Gorou’s heart all but shatters in his chest as his ears flatten slightly.
Defeated, you stood from where you had been sitting, and slipped your shoes on, not bothering to grab anything except for your vision, the elemental emblem lighting up as you grabbed it. 
“I..” your voice small, and shoulders drooped with tears falling freely now, “I should’ve figured you would respond that way. I’m not even sure why I tried.”
Gorou stood speechless as he watched you open the door with shaking hands, “Hey!” His voice cracked, “No, no, wai-!” The door slams shut, cutting him off. All he could do was stand there as the quick and steady sound of your footsteps began to fade away.
He was left alone, in the silence of the room.
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boomie-123 · 5 months
kokomi profile sets! (nitro boost needed)
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hex!: #e7d6e1 , #415694
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hex!: #bdadc4 , #332154
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hex!: #d0cfdb , #6ec0de
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nen-shin-impact · 8 months
i’m going feral over a stupid crack theory i had y’all need to hear me out
childe tartaglia ajax. love em or hate em, mr. worldwide is here to stay despite his,,, current predicament.
we all know how his hydro weapon sword spear things are essentially identical to the weapons found in enkanomiya (picture from ZeroFucc on r/childemains)
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because of this, i’ve come to believe that skirk (his mentor) has some relation to enkanomiya. i know she already has connections to the abyss (obviously) and there was that whole quest with enjou in enkanomiya so it’s not too far-fetched to say that abyssal beings can enter enkanomiya.
(4.1 spoilers below the cut)
and THEN 4.1 HAPPENED AND WENGOT CHILDE FINDING THE FUCKING WHALE AGAIN i never really paid attention to his whale theming tbh, i thought it was just design choice
and then we learn it’s a replica of something he saw in the abyss and then he sees the whale AGAIN after escaping the fortress of meropide. and i was like “man why’s this seem so familiar?”
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(pictures from NoxxisGaming on yt and the genshin yt channel)
kokomi, who has a direct connection to the vishaps, vassals of watatsumi, and enkanomiya as a whole. i know it’s not the same whale they’re seeing (childe’s has some kind of,,, protrusions?? while koko’s is normal)
and normally i’d brush it off but they’re the only two playable characters with a link to enkanomiya. and childe’s link to enkanomiya is through his weapons, and who taught him how to make and use those weapons while he was in the abyss?
which leads me to my crack theory:
Is Skirk a vassal of Watatsumi?
the vassals of watatsumi were orobashi’s familiars. raiden ei killed orobashi, and who directly opposed the archons? the abyss. it would make sense for a vassal of watatsumi to at least work alongside the abyss order, since the archons would be a common enemy.
the vassals of watatsumi also protected the people of enkanomiya. who’s to say skirk didn’t see a young boy, stranded all alone in the abyss with nothing, and those protective vassal instincts kicked in?
now if there was a direct link between say, skirk and kokomi, this would be more than a crack theory. but right now it’s just silly goofy. anyways. hoyo please give us skirk content i’m begging you
if you made it this far i’m sorry you’ve been subjected to my ramblings lmao
ad astra abyssosque! 💫
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eileen-crys · 10 months
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Dracaena Somnolenta 💜🌊
My entry for Sangonomiya Kokomi's fanart contest. I was inspired by her story quest and her constellation's name, Dracaena Somnolenta, "Sleeping Dragoness" to draw Kokomi while resting after a long day of work.
As a former art student I love taking inspiration for the masters and so for her pose I used an illustration by Alphonse Mucha as my reference, called "Night's rest" from the series The Times of the Day (1899).
I also added parts of the process while drawing it, I hope you'll like it! Please don't repost 💜 reblogs and comments are welcomed!
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indieblueart · 9 months
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Noon in Watatsumi
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intogenshin · 11 months
destruction as a means for healing
there's very interesting parallels between watatsumi island and scaramouche.
there's so much i need to explain regarding lore and buddhism to understand how I'm almost giving up, but i really like the idea overall, so we persevere.
buddhism is divided into three branches. mahayana is the one that spread to japan and syncretized with shinto
inazuma's narratives take inspiration from japanese mahayana buddhism (obviously), especially for characters like ei and to a lesser degree kazuha
watatsumi was inspired on ryukyu kingdom (i wanna complain about this in detail but not today) who had their own religion, most closely related to shinto. they did receive foreign influence, but the pattern im tracing is only in terms of the themes, not implying buddhism is directly tied to its culture
the goal of buddhism is basically to meditate ur way out of the cycle of reincarnation. the world is illusory and ur trapped in it because u cling to ur suffering (im simplifying it), so ur supposed to follow the doctrines and practices in order to integrate them to ur life in a way that it becomes natural.
things like ei quelling her desires or being against visions or becoming disossiated from her sense of self are all nods to these buddhist principles. so is kazuha choosing to let go of his pain and burdens (material and emotional attachments) in order to live with inner peace.
on the other hand, we have watatsumi and scaramouche who do anything but. their lives are defined by the sins of their pasts and the resentment they carry with them.
watatsumi descend from enkanomiya, and i need to point out this pattern:
they were abandoned by a god (the primordial one)
then they were granted divine knowledge (from istaroth)
they used this knowledge to create technology (aberaku built the artificial sun, helios)
they turned this technology into a divine object of worship (the political class convinced their people helios was a real god and began the corrupt ruling of the sun children)
they suffered until another god helped them out of compassion (orobashi agreed to be their god and took them to the surface)
now read those again with scaramouche in mind.
it is curious then, that their paths would cross during the inazuma chapter via the distribution of delusions. (convenient sidenote, the concept of delusion is the source of evil in buddhism)
watatsumi feels a lot of resentment against narukami for killing their god. so much so, that they were willing to use delusions which drained their life force in order to defeat them, and even after the war is over there are some resistance soldiers who wont let go of their resentment.
the delusions here are a key element, since they were literally made with the remains of their god. and scaramouche was the one tasked with distributing the delusions. the allegory is so in ur face its kinda hysterical.
now heres where it gets fun: the remains of orobashi are the source of the problems scaramouche faced in the past. tatarasuna was built to smelt swords with jade steel, which is made from crystal marrow extracted from orobashi's skeleton. and the illness that takes the life of the little child later is caused by the tatarigami, the surviving resentment of orobashi.
these two narratives are so so closely tied its impossible for it not to be intentional. and u might ask ok but whats the point then, and to that i can offer:
mahayana buddhism was made as an alternative to theravada buddhism, and then vajrayana buddhism was created from mahayana buddhism. the differences dont matter much for the context of this post, in simple words vajrayana focuses on tantric practices and rituals. in mahayana u cultivate ur path out of suffering with meditation, and in vajrayana u add tantras and rituals to that meditation.
its probably not as simple as this, but mahayana sort of centers the worship on compassionate bodhisattvas (deities who have delayed their enlightment to help humans), and even though they all have the same symbols, there might be a bit more emphasis on wrathful bodhisattvas in vajrayana buddhism. overall these deities are idealized symbols, ur not meant to be them, they are symbolizing a virtue (i assume??).
whats important is a branch of vajrayana did make it into japan, becoming shingon buddhism, which centered its worship around one key wrathful bodhisattva: acala, also known as fudou in japanese. this is basically a symbol of enlightment through destruction. he's a deity that destroys ur pain and suffering, ur obstacles for enlightment. obviously its symbolic, but the feeling and vibes it invokes are quite different from the compassionate symbols of mahayana.
there is one ritual for fudou where things are offered to fire, so its basically purification through burning, through destruction and renewal of the self.
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scara/wanderer's design is based off a shugendo monk, a super syncretic religion made of everything that reached japan. but, they have special worship for fudou and the fire ritual.
scara literally faces his suffering and sins (as in, the accumulation of karma in buddhist concepts) in the form of shouki no kami, and he fucking obliterates it just as he gains his vision. this is healing through destruction, at its least symbolic form, reaching enlightment not through meditation and not through "peaceful" methods of quelling emotions, but through goddamn rightful rage. (i am screaming this into the void it makes me nuts)
in a less literal (and exciting) way, kokomi also finds a way to redirect the resentment of the watatsumi soldiers into a path of self advancement. she doesnt punish them for their desire to take this resentment into action against the shogunate, instead she lets them form a special division where they will train not for revenge, but for the protection of their people. the rage is not quelled, the violence is not stopped, just redirected into actions for collective and personal well being. which is what ur supposed to do in buddhism, as far as i understood (the concept of chanda, and all that)
anyway, yeah, healing through violence. i love scaramouche
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catgirlnyansense · 2 months
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🪼~ Sangonomiya Kokomi ~🪼
I love my favorite beautiful healer
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bonjin-no-kamera · 4 months
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The submission theme was "portraits". To nobody's surprise, most of my entries were of Kaeya.
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oritani · 1 year
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𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙮𝙖 𝙆𝙤𝙠𝙤𝙢𝙞, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙒𝙖𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙞 𝙄𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙. 🌊🐟🐚
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kojinxshi · 4 months
Watatsumi island, but in blue :)
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Original post :)
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sunshinies · 9 months
i cant find anything abt him, but can you do gorou names and pronouns suggestions? thanks u for reading !!!
Hi, yes!
🐾 Gorou name suggestions:
ace , archer , blake , carter , chase , chief , conan , declan , duke , hero , hunter , knox , luke , max , parker , rowan , ryder , sawyer , scout , spencer , theo , triumph , valor , wolfgang
🦴 Gorou pronoun suggestions:
chase/chases/chaseself , bark/barks/barkself , woof/woofs/woofself , paw/paws/pawself , arf/arfs/arfself , pup/pups/pupself , war/wars/warself , geo/geos/geoself , bow/bows/bowself , shoot/shoots/shootself , wag/wags/wagself , dash/dashs/dashself , 🐾/🐾s/🐾self , 🦴/🦴s/🦴self , 🐕/🐕s/🐕self , inu/inus/inuself , dog/dogs/dogself
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hinadraws · 5 months
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Watatsumi Island
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chichirid · 4 months
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sangonomiya kokomi layouts!
+ examples
divider credits to @rookthornesartistry, thank you
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https-choso · 2 years
kokomi | pics
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just some kokomi related pics!!
credits fanart: @Tatonxry on twitter
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