#watched succession during
lcrdbyron · 4 months
I did it. I worked out at the gym.
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appsa · 17 days
Challengers was so diabolical for presenting tashi as the cool one who never says i love you back to art at first, and then later revealing that she wants nothing more than to stay with the man who loved her the same even after she couldnt play tennis anymore to the point where she asks patrick to throw the game so that they can stay together 😭 its not that she refuses to say that she loves art and wouldnt love him the same when they no longer had tennis to share between them, its that ART needs that to be uncertain because he never grew out of being 18 and playing for her number and he's still playing that game 15 yrs later even after shes married him and had his child
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dragonsandducks · 2 years
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nordicbananas · 3 months
if we were dating expect for my hand to reach out for yours, constantly seeking to link your pinky with mine. I manspread often but I'd fix that js so you can lay your head in my lap after a hard day. id listen while you rant about whatever's on you mind until we both eventually fall asleep after being silly <3
(you'll never guess who this is (maybe))
you don't understand im so wild about hand holding. i love it so much <3 <3 <3
HAHAHAH REAL wait <33 hehehhe <333 that's so sweet :}
bro. I dothat with twiggles sometimes where we call over discord and they just let me rant and we watch stuff and i show them music and it's. an amazing feeling. we usually do it at the end of the day too so then i go to sleep feeling all warm and fuzzy <33
i also do that with a person named kita... you wouldn't happen to know them? hm.... (no but fr. talking to twiggles or kita at the end of the day <33 best thing ever.)
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magic-magpie · 8 months
Thinking abt the Mishima household when Kazuya and Lee were growing up like imagine your father kills your mother then throws you off a cliff and you haul yourself back up and vow to kill him but you're too weak rn and you still live under his roof and are still his son and he trains you ruthlessly and you're thirteen and burning with hatred too big for your barely-teen body and then he adopts a boy close to your age and it's clear what he's doing this boy is only here to threaten your status as heir to the Zaibatsu this boy isn't even given the Mishima family name and your father (and you) call him by his surname because although he learns the fighting style and learns the business he'll never be Heihachi's blood son, and by all accounts you shouldn't hate him it's not his fault he was adopted but you do hate him and he quickly realises what kind of household he lives in now and he grows to hate you too but neither of you hate the other as much as you hate your father and so maybe sometimes you'll smoke together after having bloodied your knuckles from beating each other bruised in training because beneath the rivalry and resentment is someone who gets it, who knows what it's like living on these grounds, who you don't need to keep up false pretences for because the shadow looming over the two of you is the same
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randomnameless · 3 months
Adrestian: "Why would we follow someone who can't dye their hair properly?" Willy: "Show them the spin dive Seiros!" Adrestian: "The spin wha-" Now I'm imagining major crest people doing the most wild critical animations during the WoH or Rhea is an outlier who also surprised Nemesis by punching him in the opening. (Nemesis' thoughts: "Great... We're both disarmed‚ what's she gonna do punch me-")
Willy was the worst enabler ever, and encouraged her to do shit like the "spin drive" (since he didn't know what was a bullet) which is another reason why she's so fond of him!
I just find it funny how Seteth's seminar is all about proper and refined lance skills (hell is seminar is "A seminar on an ancient Fodlan fighting style utilizing lance skills"), like Cichol is a proper instructor... and then you have Seiros the Warrior doing random things like the "spin dive" and throwing her sword away to kick/punch people.
(also I just noticed but lol@Catherine's seminar's definition "A seminar on a fighting style in which practitioners dominate their opponent using improvised sword and melee techniques" -> it's just like Seiros the Warrior's technique, but given how Catherine mentions how Rhea only uses magic and sword when she fights, Archbishop Rhea dropped the "melee" techniques when she stopped being a fighter, maybe Catherine read some stuff about Saint Seiros and wanted to emulate her?)
HC Nabateans use the power of their crests in various ways when they fight, Rhea's spin dive has her kind of, jump and stand in midair before jumping, and given how she can jump 200 meters high, maybe her crest has some power to make her able to "walk/stand" on air, or something like that.
(Given how Cichol tried to teach humans, he used his crest less than his siblings, but the "Swift Strike" arte he invented is the way to mimick, for humans, the thing he does with his crest, when he hits someone and that someone is stunned, being open for a second blow.)
But in general, given how Nabateans can use their crests freely and at will (unlike humans) they can shape or use their powers in more creative ways that humans do.
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anotherpapercut · 9 months
the concept of messaging someone to let them know you're unfollowing/blocking someone is so funny. like just go lmao
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 6 months
Pokémon Horizons Episode 33 spoilers under the cut!
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toadallytickles · 1 year
Got to celebrate Valentine’s Day early and all weekend at the Super Bowl tickle gathering!! Tons of fun as always! ❤️🏈
- Clay and I did everything we wanted to do this weekend! Like playing with certain people! Meeting friends in-person for the first time! I watched my very first Super Bowl game!
- We also met a few fans of our content! That’s always super flattering and awesome! Happy we met some of you!! 🥰
- I was quite switchy this weekend, usually I lee, but this time I equally lee’d and Ler’d~. Definitely have special cravings for certain tickle boys hng~. 🍽️
- Got to be switchy with someone I usually play with at gatherings.. I love being tickled by them.. but wrestling them and tickle-dominating them was so much fun too.. especially when they’re bigger than you…. Their reactions .. so fueling unf im feral… I also got to introduce them to the position where their wrists are cuffed behind my back, so I have easy access to a ton of upper body spots~. 🥴💦
- also we got walked in on while they were sitting on my back tickling me ….. 🥴🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤💦 i love being caught~
- then Clay and them GANG TICKLED ME WHILE I WAS HIGH EEE!! (〃˘▽˘ ʃƪ)*:・゚✧♡ (even tho I was actually really shy and embarrassed about this like it was so gross omg like 🙄 let’s not remember this please)
- A c t u a l l y, I Ler’d more than lee’d.. Clay got tipsy Friday night, I was high. He was curled up in blankets and I just felt like being mean to him 1. because I can, 2. I knew he wouldn’t and couldn’t fight back, so I tickled him into this ticklish lil ball.. he was extremely ticklish to light tickles.. his laughter was so high-pitched and giggly.. so funny, I couldn’t stop laughing at him and torturing him~ 🤭❤️
- oh yeah we found out there was a dispensary nearby so we got edibles~ :)c
- I somehow found the confidence to wear 2 different crop tops (in one day lol).. very shy about that but I got a lot compliments~ :)c ❤️
- And then no one can do anything more embarrassing during a session than me now, I’m still cry-laughing about it honestly: Clay and I were playing, he already made me cum once and then was overstimulating me with the Hitachi.. I have an amazing second orgasm but I wet-fart basically in his face during it, and then I actually squirt unexpectedly but it’s just yellow against the white hotel sheets (and I wasn’t drinking enough water) .. so I pretty much peed the bed…. our session ended after that LMAOO, but we’re both laughing, and Clay’s glad I’m laughing instead of crying. I clean myself up and then Ler him~. On the drive home, I think about how much of a green flag that is in our relationship and as play partners. Anyone else, I’d be mortified. But with Clay, it’s hysterical and now another fun memory~.
- Lastly, I’m just really happy with how this gathering turned out for me because I could apply my growth and what I have learned at past events and kink classes to curate my experience! It’s been a lot easier navigating kink communities when you know yourself, your boundaries, and what you’re looking for~. 🥰
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thedevilsrain · 11 months
What’s the deal with Peter Grant???
sorry for the late reply, its been A Day
but, he was Ied zeppeIin's manager. he was always known for being an extremely intimidating, loudly abusive, greedy little man, he had this whole 'mafioso' persona (probably more than a persona, depending on how you take the whole 'taking underage women (groupies) on tours in a private plane' thing), to the extent that he inserted himself in the song remains the same movie to have a cameo as a werewolf mafioso
in the same movie he's shown yelling his brains out at a venue owner because people outside were selling "pirated posters" of Ied zeppeIin (aka printed paper), and lastly theres this perhaps infamous quote by ritchie blackmore where he basically goes "yeah bonzo didnt want to be in the band anymore but grant wanted to keep making money so he bribed him with cars"
and bribe him he did! and then john bonham died at 32
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tortoisebore · 11 months
How are you doing? How’s the fic writing (no rush!)
good morning 👹👹👹👹
writing is going well! chapters 8 and 9 are very much in progress. i’m having fun piecing it all together, it’s been so great to finally fully flesh out remus and sirius’ characters through their backstories. i love them both sm they’re my precious little babies 🥺🫶
i’ll keep u all updated! 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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haloiisms · 5 months
RAAHHH MATTMAC WIN!!!!!!! a victory for tomgirls everywhere. i miss my princess tom wambsgans every day
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frogspawned · 1 year
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"...considering how emotionally unaffected he has seemed to be following their father's death." oh okay
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cupofwater6 · 1 year
tom's always got some shit to say in front of people. breakdown in saferoom with an audience of people huddling from a perceived shooter, threatening greg in his own apartment while his guests sit 5 ft away, blowing up on the balcony with shiv while party members just watch from the thin glass doors. The world is a stage tommy
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mizumonohomo · 8 months
ok fiiiiine i'll say it. i was mad that Last Night in Soho wasn't toxic yuri. you got me.
#yes this was based purely from the trailers#but ooooooo the idea of a current day design student falling in love with a woman from the past that she only sees in her dreams#and at first its just a 'design inspiration' that helps her career/grades#but more and more she becomes obsessed with this woman she is dreaming about. the untold intimacy of seeing the world through her eyes.#shes beautiful. glamorous. fashionable. a smooth talker. singer. dancer. how could a poor overburdened student resist falling a little?#and at times it starts to feel like this woman can see her too#knows somehow that she is being watched#the student starts seeing her when she's not sleeping. during the day. in mirrors.#and grows more and more obsessed.#DO YOU SEE IT DO YOU SEE THE MOVIE I AM WRITING IN MY HEAD#where the student is eventually pressured to let go of the fantasies and live in the Real World. cant you see its tearing you apart???#but in one final dream the woman from the past extends her hand and pulls the student into the past#finally they can really see each other. they can touch.#que shining style fade-in on a picture of them together at a party and newspaper clippings of a verrrry promising new designer in town#whose ideas seems so modern and fresh and new! and she dedicates her success to her muse and partner. a dancer and singer and fashion icon.#ORRRRRR twist and the past woman was trying to possess/take over the student's life and crawl into the future to escape her past!!! yeah!!!#anyways ignore me im being delusional.#if i were a writer id just write this fanfic and be done with it.#but im not so it sits in my head. rent free.
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rars · 1 year
i want to watch the new succession season but what if it’s Too Scary. i need a woman to watch it with me. and\ kiss me during the scary parts
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