#way different from 7 weeks when he was just a sea monkey. i mean i got to watch him eat his hand
cheapcheapfaker · 6 months
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heheheheh :3 (that’s his tongue out and then chewing on his hand)
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petersasteria · 3 years
To Dye Or To Die - Holland!Reader
Pairing: None Requested? Nah 2,040 words
Holland!Reader Masterlist || Ultimate Masterlist || New Year, New Taglist
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As soon as you turned 20, you wanted to color your hair. You told your mum, Nikki, about it before and she promised that she’d take you to the hair salon herself to dye your hair. So, you asked her about it and she said, “When you turn 21, I promise this time. I figured that you’re still a bit young to get a hair dye.”
That made you furious. You’ve been waiting to dye your hair ever since you were 7 years old when you saw Sharpay Evans’ beautiful locks in High School Musical. Being the only girl in your family, this made you become your dad’s favorite.
“Dad, can you please take me to the hair salon?” You asked sweetly with the smile you knew your dad couldn’t resist.
Without looking at his phone, he asked, “What did your mum say?”
“She said no, but-”
“Then, I won’t take you to the hair salon. Sorry.” He finally looked at you and gave you a sympathetic smile. Your jaw dropped and went to your room. You were majorly annoyed and pissed.
On the way up to your room, you saw Sam getting ready for work. You knocked on his door and he looked at you whilst fixing his hair. “What?” Sam asked.
“I just want to say that out of all my brothers, you’re my favorite.” You smiled and Sam did too.
“That’s really sweet, Y/N.” Sam smiled.
“You’re also my most handsome brother and obviously the best Holland brother. You’re the superior Holland.” You rambled, getting on his good side.
Sam gave you a look and fully turned to you with his arms crossed. “Okay, now you’re just chatting shit. What do you want?” He eyed you suspiciously.
“What do you me-”
“You’re saying shit because you want something from me. What do you want?” He asked with a raised eyebrow raised.
You sighed, “Can you take me to the hair salon?”
“No.” Sam shook his head. “But I’ll take all the compliments you told me.”He took his backpack and walked to his door. You immediately blocked the way and said, “You know, I take all of those back because you said no.”
“Oh, gee. I’m scared.” He said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.
“Just take me there and then you can leave me!” You whined.
“You’re so annoying, I swear.” Sam shook his head. “Move, you little shit. I’m late for work!”
You moved out of the way with a big frown on your face as you watched Sam leave. You called out to him, “I HATE YOU, SAM!”
“Love you too! See you tonight, sea monkey!” He shouted and left.
You groaned and went to your room and slammed the door. You grabbed your phone and called Harry. He picked up in the first ring and before you could say anything, he asked, “If you’re going to ask me to take you to the hair salon, my answer is no. Listen to mum, for fuck’s sake.”
“How do you know about that?” You asked.
“Paddy and Sam.” Harry answered. “Don’t ask Tom as well because his answer will be ‘no’ and he’s out at the moment.”
“You know, for brothers, you guys suck!”
“And you swallow, bitch.” Harry said nonchalantly.
“Calm the fuck down!” Harry laughed. “I’m hanging up now. I have shit to do.”
“Fine. Bye.” You said coldly. Despite not seeing him, you could feel him rolling his eyes at you as he said goodbye and hanging up.
“You know, you can just do it yourself.” A voice said out of the blue which made you jolt in surprise. You looked at your door and saw Paddy standing there, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.
“Get the fuck out of my room.” You said to your little brother. He didn’t listen, though. He proceeded to go inside your room, closed the door behind him, and sat next to you on your bed.
“I’m here to claim my title as the best Holland.” Paddy said confidently.
“Calm down, you’re not Tessa.” You told him.
“I assure you that Tessa can’t help you with your hair problem. With my help, not only will I be the best Holland and best brother, your hair will be dyed just like you want it to be!” He exclaimed excitedly.
“Why do you want those titles so bad?” You squinted at him.
He shrugged, “Bragging rights. If they ask me why, I can say it’s because I helped you ‘achieve your hair goal’ and that’s the best thing to happen, right?”
“I guess so.” You said slowly, falling into his trap.
“Our older brothers aren’t the boss of you, you know.” Paddy added.
“Fine.” You said and looked at him. “What do you suggest?”
Paddy grinned, “I won’t fail you with my idea, sis.”
“Just tell me!” You pleaded.
“I heard that Melanie Martinez colored her hair without telling anyone. So she just went to the hair salon and dyed one half of her hair. She walked in the house with her real hair color facing everyone and she turned to everyone only to reveal that half of her hair was dyed.” Paddy explained.
“And what’s your point? That I should dye half of my hair?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“You’re so slow sometimes.” Paddy said. “I’m saying, you should just go out and dye your hair. You’ve been saving up, haven’t you?”
“So just go for it! Mum might kill you herself, but what’ll she do? Dye your hair like its natural color?” Paddy snickered.
“I mean… she might.”
“She won’t and I know that because she doesn’t waste money.” Paddy said and it was true. “Now what are you still doing here? Go out there and dye your hair blonde!”
You smiled at him and grabbed your jacket, phone, and wallet. With that, you’re out the door.
You arrived at your favorite hair salon and immediately told them what you wanted for your hair. Thankfully, there were only two other customers so they sat you down and quickly tended to your hair.
Unbeknownst to you, Tom was in the same area. He had a few weeks off and it was only his first week. He decided that it’d be a great idea to walk around town and relax. He walked out of Lacoste with one paper bag and his phone on the other. He called Harry as he walked around more.
“So, where are you? The thing you bought online just came and I want to open it.” Harry said on the other line.
Tom looked at the place behind him and said, “I’m in front of a hair salon at the moment.”
He looked through the glass and his eyes widened when he saw your hair which was practically white at this point because of the bleach.
“Oh my god, Harry.” Tom said in horror.
“What?” Harry said.
“I’m not sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but I think Y/N’s in the salon getting her hair dyed.”
“WHAT?!” Harry shrieked. “Mum’s going to kill her.”
“Not if I do it first on behalf of mum.” Tom said. “I’m going in there.”
“Yeah, you should. I bet you look like a creep just standing outside a hair salon. Can you imagine the headlines? ‘Spider-Man star, Tom Holland, found peeping at a hair salon’. That looks weird.” Harry said, laughing.
“Yeah, shut up. I’ll be home soon. Bye.” Tom said and hung up. He opened his phone’s camera and took a video. “Guess who I found.” He said as he filmed his way to you. The camera was facing you and you were too busy texting your group chat updates about your hair.
“I found Y/N!!” Tom said loudly, earning weird looks from people. You looked up with your eyes wide and you quickly turned to Tom.
“Tom?!” You panicked. He laughed and ended the video. He put his phone in his pocket and said, “Surprise, motherfucker.”
“You slumped in your seat and covered your face, “Oh my god.”
“You’re so grounded.” Tom cackled.
“Mum said I can color my hair when I’m 20 and I turned 20 already! It’s only fair for her to keep her word.” You huffed. Just then, the hairdresser called you to rinse your hair. You got up from your seat and walked to the area where your hair will be washed as Tom decided to sit in the waiting area.
An hour and a half later, you were finished and already paying. Tom looked up from the magazine he was reading and his jaw dropped. You were now blonde.
“Oh my days.” Tom said. “C’mon, I’ll drive you home.” He got up and walked out of the hair salon with you trailing behind, happy as ever.
Tom parked his car a little far away to enjoy his walk, so when you got in his car you were already tired.
“My sister’s fucking blonde.” Tom said as he started the car. “I mean, it looks good on you, but oh my god mum’s going to skin you alive.”
“Thank you.” You said with a smile.
Tom glanced at you with a weird expression before driving, “I just said she was going to skin you alive.”
“Yes, but you also said that it looks good on me. So, thank you.” You said playfully. “At least I’ll die with my dream hair color.”
“I’m disowning you as my sister. From now on, you’re Harrison’s sister.” Tom said.
“Meh, he’s cool anyway. I don’t mind.” You shrugged and unlocked your phone.
Tom was gobsmacked with your response, “Are you saying that I’m not cool?!”
You smirked, “You said that, not me.”
“You’re so un-fucking-believable.”
“I fucking know right.” You mocked.
 In a few minutes, you arrive at home. As soon as Tom parked the car, you took a mandatory car selfie with your new hair color. Tom looked at you and rolled his eyes before getting out of the car. You followed after at least taking 10 selfies.
He went inside first and you followed and closed the door behind you. He stood in front of you, completely shielding you from your parents.
“‘Tom! What a surprise, love.” Nikki said happily as she gave your older brother a hug. Tom hugged back and pulled away after a while.
“Look who I found today.” Tom grinned and stepped aside for your mum to see you. “Your beloved daughter is now blonde.”
“Oh my god, Y/N!!” Nikki screamed.
You made a face as if saying ‘yikes’ and said, “Hi mum.”
“What’ve you done?” Nikki asked with her eyes wide in shock as she touched your new blonde locks. “Oh my god.”
Dom walked in with Paddy and both of them had different looks on their faces. Dom was just as surprised as your mum and Paddy had a proud look on his face because he helped you.
“I’m surprised that you went with that color, but it looks good, love.” Dom said and nodded in approval. “I like it.”
“Thanks, dad.” You smiled and looked at your mum. She nodded and said, “I mean, the more I look at it, the more I’m getting used to it.”
“Do you like it?” You asked.
She was silent for a while and everyone was waiting for Nikki to say anything. After a minute, Nikki said, “It looks good on you, sweetheart.” She smiled genuinely.
“Thank you.” You smiled and you glanced at Paddy who had a smirk on his face and gave you a thumbs up. Everyone went back to their business and Tom went home shortly after that. Paddy pulled you aside and said, “I believe a payment is due.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Payment? I didn’t agree on paying you.”
“My help doesn’t come for free, you know.” Paddy said. “You should know that by now.”
“No wonder our brothers don’t like you getting involved with their shit.” You shook your head.
“Yup.” He said, popping the ‘p’. “I’ll get your desserts for two months.”
“What? No! I love Sam’s desserts.” You exclaimed.
“Fine. One month.”
“Three weeks or nothing at all.” You said. “Deal?”
* * * *
𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃!𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blueleatherbag @thatforgottenangel 
𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓:  @holland-styles @trustfundparker @calltothewild @holland-parkers @hufflepuffprincess24
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 14
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 5213 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Doflamingo, Violet, Baby 5, Trebol, Diamante, Monkey D. Luffy, Robin, Sanji, Usopp, Franky Notes: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he's 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law finds a strange connection to Monkey D. Luffy, which offers a glimpse of something he's repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Two Days Ago
Law stood at the helm of the Thousand Sunny, one hand light on the wheel as he watched Dressrosa come into focus. Though Law’s own ship was a submarine, he’d learned how to sail other vessels well enough and directed the Sunny toward the port. The sea, as expected, was calm, so there was little maneuvering he needed to do. With the weather warming up as the ship approached Dressrosa, Law had discarded his coat and rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie, though he was still warm beneath his hat. The ship was eerily quiet, considering whose home she was.
Law glanced down at the hat in his other hand; he could have put it down on the deck alongside his coat and Kikoku, but he hadn’t been able to when the feeling of the worn straw under his fingers was such a stark reminder of those weeks on Amazon Lily two years earlier—where the whole mess Law now found himself had begun.
As Law steered the Sunny into the familiar docks and dropped anchor, the only people greeting him were dock workers, already unwinding ropes in preparation for securing the ship to the dock. Curious. And fortuitous. The last person Law wanted to run into before seeing Doffy was Violet; the less she knew about what Law had gotten into on Punk Hazard, the better for them both. Though she’d obfuscated for him more than once in the past, she’d never outright lied to Doffy for him—and he wouldn’t ask her to, knowing what she was risking. He’d take the small victories where he could find them.
Straw hat still in hand, though with his heavy coat now draped over it, and Kikoku resting in her usual place against his shoulder, Law pocketed his log pose and hopped down from the ship. He peered down the docks to see the Polar Tang shining brightly in the late-afternoon sun. His chest gave a twinge at the thought of the ship that had been home for the last decade. Would she be able to take the Hearts to freedom? Or would she be stuck docked in the Dressrosan harbor without a crew to sail her after today?
He shook his head and glanced back at the Thousand Sunny once more, looking for anything out of place. When he saw nothing, he took a breath and turned back toward the city. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed the harbor master hurrying toward him.
“Corazon, sir!” he huffed once he reached Law. “My apologies for not greeting you immediately.”
“It’s fine,” Law said, waving him off.
He really wasn’t in the mood for this, but the harbor master’s mood could be a good indicator of how he would be received in the city; if news from Punk Hazard had reached Dressrosa and Law was walking headfirst into a trap, Doffy likely would have had the harbor master and his workers watching for Law’s arrival and trying to detain him until Doffy himself could arrive. The harbor master, however, like most Dressrosans, was too terrified of the executives to lie to their faces—even on order of the king. That he didn’t seem to be hiding any ulterior motives was a positive sign.
“Shall I call a carriage to bring you back to the palace?”
“I’ll walk,” Law said, talking a few steps up the dock.
“Are you sure?” the harbor master asked, falling in step with him. “It’s no trouble and would be faster.”
Law leveled a stare at the man, and he quavered. “O-of course, I didn’t mean to challenge you, sir.” He swallowed before nodding at the Sunny. “And this ship?”
Law forced his lips into a smirk. “A trophy from a defeated pirate crew. Keep it in good shape until the king can inspect it.”
Doffy loved keeping trophies, from plundered goods and hijacked ships to defeated crews themselves—many of whom turned into merchandise—from his many victories, so the harbor master didn’t so much as blink at the explanation.
“Of course, Corazon.”
They’d reached the end of the docks, and the harbor master bowed Law out into the city before turning back to the dock workers and yelling orders at them.
Law strode the familiar streets of the city toward the palace, ignoring the eyes and murmured whispers of his title by the Dressrosan citizens and the toys as he passed; Law always drew a fair amount of attention when he was out, considering his status as second to the king. Being watched didn’t mean Doffy knew what had happened. He forced his tense shoulders down as he walked. He was returning from a straight-forward mission, as he had hundreds of times before. There was nothing different about today.
Pushing aside his paranoia, Law trekked the familiar streets until he reached the palace. The grounds were quiet as he stepped through the gates, and he licked his lips. He was used to the palace being busy, members of the Family and servants alike scurrying around the grounds at all hours of the day. In the late afternoon, he’d expect to see preparations being made for dinner, but, as he walked toward the courtyard, he only saw a few figures moving about in the distance.
“Ah, Corazon!”
Law started as Rosalie, Doffy’s personal aide, came hurrying out of a side hallway. Forcing his expression neutral, he nodded at her.
“The Young Master asked me to find you once you arrived. He’s waiting in his office.”
Law nodded for Rosalie to lead the way, and she turned on her heel to head back into the palace. As they walked, Law considered whether he was more or less likely to be ambushed in Doffy’s office. On the one hand, it held fewer people, which meant fewer enemies for Law to fend off in the case of an attack. On the other hand, it was more isolated from the rest of the palace, meaning fewer people would know what was happening—not that Law would find himself with many allies in the palace if he was outed as a traitor to the Family.
He shook his head; there was no point in catastrophizing until he assessed what information Doffy had. Instead, he addressed Rosalie. As Doffy’s personal aide, she was aware of more goings on in the palace than most, as she was regularly required to track down Family members on short notice for the king.
“The grounds are quiet. Where is everyone?”
She looked back at him to acknowledge that he’d spoken before returning her gaze forward as she strode forward with purpose. “I believe Trebol is with Sugar. Diamante is at the Colosseum, making preparations for the upcoming tournament. I believe Machvise is with him. Pica is at the training grounds, drilling soldiers,” she said, ticking off executives with her fingers. “Dellinger is at the beach with Jora and Lao G. Señor Pink and Gladius left for a mission this morning. Buffalo and Baby 5 went to the market an hour ago. Violet retired to the library after lunch.”
Law nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing a bit. None of that seemed unusual and explained why the grounds were as quiet as they were.
Once they reached Doffy’s office, Rosalie knocked on the door and waited for the king’s call to enter. She ducked inside to inform him of Law’s arrival. A few moments later, she stepped back into the hallway and gestured Law inside.
Law took a steadying breath then strode past Rosalie into the office, suppressing a flinch as the door shut behind him. Doffy sat at his desk, papers spread out in front of him and a pen in hand. Law stepped forward but remained just outside of Doffy’s wingspan—not that it really mattered with his strings. He could have Law trapped with no more than a thought. Law’s fingers itched to activate a Room, but he knew that would only give him away. Instead, he did his best to wrap himself in the cloak that was Corazon, second in command to a Warlord and a king.
Even Corazon, however, knew to wait until Doffy was ready (having learned that lesson the hard way), so he waited. Once Doffy finished signing a document, he put his pen down and looked up at Law. He crossed his arms and tilted his head.
“Welcome back, Corazon.”
Law was unable to read anything in his expression or vocal tone so pressed forward. “Thank you, Young Master.”
“I trust you ran into no further complications?”
Law quirked his lips into one of his trademark smirks. “Of course not. I even brought presents. One is in the harbor.”
Doffy chuckled, a deep, pleased sound that rumbled lightly throughout the small room. “I heard.” Of course he had. “Very impressive. What else?”
Law pulled the straw hat out from under his coat and tossed it onto Doffy’s desk. Doffy froze as he realized what had landed in front of him.
“A trophy,” Law said. “From the head of one of the Worst Generation.”
“Take it, Torao. If it’ll make Mingo believe I’m dead, then take it.”
“Straw Hat-ya, I can’t take this.”
“Shishishi, I know you’ll give it back. I trust you!”
“This hat—” Doffy murmured, turning the worn thing over in his hands, the straw crinkling in the quiet between the two pirates. Doffy looked up sharply at Law. “Do you know who this hat belonged to?” At Law’s frown, Doffy shook his head. “Never mind,” he said, voice gentling. “This is quite the prize.”
Law blinked and caught the hat on instinct when Doffy tossed it back to him.
“You defeated its wearer, my Corazon. It is your trophy.” His lips twitched. “Though I think your own hat suits you better.”
Law snorted. “Not a lot of use for a straw hat in the North.” And Law was, at his core, a child of the North Blue—of winter islands and warfare.
“Was there anything else?” Law asked, raising an eyebrow. Impertinence was one of his defining traits, after all.
Doffy waved him off, already looking back toward the paperwork in front of him. “Dinner’s in an hour. Get yourself cleaned up.”
Law gave a shallow bow then turned to leave. Presenting his back to Doffy was one of the hardest things he’d done in a long time, but he forced himself to offer that vulnerability, since, if nothing were wrong, Doffy at his back would be no threat. Breath caught in his throat, Law headed out of Doffy’s office, part of him waiting to be impaled with an onslaught of strings…
But it never came.
He let out the breath he’d been holding when the door shut behind him and very nearly slumped against the wall. But the walls had eyes in the palace, so Law instead straightened his spine and headed to his chambers. He wanted nothing more than to make a direct line to the Hearts’ wing of the palace to check in with his crew, but with the distance he’d kept from them in the previous years, doing so would look out of character.
He encountered only a few servants as he headed for his room. Once he shut the door behind him, he leaned back against it tiredly and ran a hand over his face. He hadn’t been locked up in Seastone and thrown in the dungeon yet, so that was a good sign. Maybe, just maybe, he could get his crew out after all. They’d be on the run, but that would be better than the prison they found themselves in now—and they had allies.
Law dropped his coat on his bed and rested Kikoku on top of it. He placed the straw hat on his desk and pulled his Den Den Mushi from his coat pocket. He put the snail on the desk next to the hat then went into the bathroom, as if to wash up; instead, he activated a Room. He Scanned for the surveillance snail in the vents that kept an eye on his room and, with a quick Shambles, switched it with a snail he’d set up years earlier to broadcast a recorded feed of his empty room. Now it would simply appear that Law was in the shower. He’d found the surveillance snail immediately after he’d moved into the palace at seventeen, though he had no idea how often Doffy checked the feed nearly a decade later. The snail had never been removed, though, so Law worked under the assumption that the Warlord regularly monitored it to be safe.
Law then stepped back into the bedroom and went over to his desk. He pulled out a scrap of paper and scribbled a note: After dinner. Crew meeting. He folded it and pushed his Room in the direction of the Hearts’ quarters until he found Bepo’s room. The bear wasn’t in the room at the moment, but that was not unusual at this time of day. Law switched his note with pen on Bepo’s desk then retracted his Room once more.
That done, he turned to his Den Den Mushi and dialed. He only had to wait two rings before the other side picked up.
“Torao, it’s about time!”
“I told you to give me until nightfall to check in, Straw Hat-ya,” Law snapped, glancing out the window at the late afternoon sun. “I’m early.”
“But it’s boooooring on your ship,” Luffy whined.
Law rolled his eyes. Before arriving in Dressrosa, he’d come up with a plan to sneak the Straw Hats in without them being noticed. Because Doffy had eyes on all the ships coming into and going out of the harbor, it was imperative the Straw Hats stay out of sight as the ship approached. They would stay below deck as Law steered the Thousand Sunny into the harbor.
Then, while Law then checked in with Doflamingo at the palace, pretending the Sunny was a conquest of their fight, the Straw Hats would use their submersible to make their way to the Polar Tang; Doffy would undoubtedly have his men examining the Sunny to see what Law had brought him, so it would be a poor hiding place. The Tang, however, was generally left alone except for some basic maintenance, meaning she would be safe for the Straw Hats to hide out in until Law could contact them with an update and to decide their next move. He’d left them with a hand-drawn map of the palace as well as a rough map of the city itself for them to study while they waited.
Luffy had protested, wanting to see the city and, naturally, try the local cuisine, but his crew had reminded him that they were all supposed to be dead; being recognized would put Law and his nakama in danger, and—after his suggestion that they go into the city in disguises was thoroughly shot down—that had quieted his complaints.
“Boring?” Franky called, affronted, from somewhere in the background. “This ship is super! I want to know everything about her, Tra-bro!”
Law sighed. “Please tell Robo-ya to refrain from destroying my ship before we leave Dressrosa.”
“We’ll rein him in, Torao-kun,” Robin promised, though there was humor in her voice. “What happened with Doflamingo?”
“Mm, yeah. What happened with Mingo?” Luffy echoed. It sounded like he was moving around the Den Den Mushi, likely bursting with pent up energy. Law only hoped his ship would survive the Straw Hats’ cyborg and its bored captain.
“He seemed to take my report at face value,” Law said. “But there’s no telling when he’ll hear from his sources in the Marines about what happened. We’ll still need to move quickly.”
“When do I get to kick his ass?” Luffy asked. Several of the Straw Hats groaned in the background.
“That’s not the point of this, Luffy,” Robin reminded him, not unkindly. “The goal is to get Torao-kun and his nakama out of Dressrosa unnoticed.”
“We’re trying to avoid a fight with a Warlord, Luffy!” Usopp added, a tinge of panic in his voice.
“Fine,” Luffy grumbled.
“I’m expected at dinner with the Family this evening,” Law said, breaking in. “If I skip it, it’ll raise suspicions.”
Luffy whooped in excitement at the thought of food, and Sanji snapped that he’d brought food from the Sunny, which only made the younger captain more excited.
Law grimaced, wondering not for the first time why the mysterious pull in his chest had brought him to these people. He knew the Family was its own type of ridiculous, but the Straw Hats took that to a whole other level. Why did he think he could entrust something as important as his nakama’s lives to them?
“I’ll see my nakama after dinner and contact you then,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Good luck,” Robin said over her chaotic crewmates.
“Same to you,” Law replied then hung up.
For a moment, he stared at the snail then at the hat on the desk next to it. This was a terrible idea, but Law was already in too deep to turn back now.
After a quick shower to wash off the travel and battle from the last two days, Law changed into a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt then switched the surveillance snail back to the one with live feed and dropped his Room. Pulling his hat on, he glanced at Kikoku but decided not to bring her to dinner; he didn’t usually walk around the palace grounds with the nodachi in hand. His head was starting to ache—the concussion symptoms, while improving, were still bothering him—so he took some painkillers before heading to the dining room.
Though Law was on edge, dinner was a standard Family affair. The only executives not present were Señor Pink and Gladius, who were off the island. Law easily fell into his typical standoffish self, meandering into the dining room a couple of minutes late and sliding into his seat with an insincere smirk. Doffy, who was in the middle of a discussion with Trebol, merely raised an eyebrow at him, and Law shrugged. Doffy huffed once before turning back to Trebol.
Law rarely invited conversation at meals, though Baby 5 wanted to tell anyone who would listen—and for some reason, she thought Law was listening—about the wares she’d found at the market. Law ignored her, picking at his plate without much enthusiasm. The food, as always, was excellent—Doffy had high expectations of those who worked for him; Law’s stomach was simply tied in knots. It was a good thing Law rarely finished his meals, so his lack of appetite tonight didn’t appear unusual.
More than once, Law looked up to see Violet trying to catch his eye from several seats down the table. Law shook his head minutely and looked back down at his plate. He didn’t need to get her involved in this.
Law started when he felt a smack on his arm. He rubbed it with a frown at Baby 5. “What was that for?”
“Are you even listening to me, Corazon?”
Law snorted. “Of course not.”
Baby narrowed her eyes. “You’re such a jerk,” she muttered.
“Don’t act so surprised, Baby,” Law replied, lips twitching. It was easy enough to fall into this familiar pattern of banter with her.
She sighed dramatically. “You have been a jerk since you were ten.”
Law rested his chin on his hand, angling himself toward her slightly. “You want me to hear about your day, but you didn’t even ask me how my mission went.”
She scrunched up her nose then sighed resignedly. “How did your mission go, Corazon?”
Law shrugged, turning back to the table. “Fine.”
“You asshole!” she squawked, whacking him in the arm again. “Did you get rid of all your manners with your spots?”
Law gaped at her a moment before laughing in surprise. He would miss this; Baby was one of the only members of the Family he cared about. She’d been one of the few things that made his return to the Family tolerable.
“Just my people skills.” He picked up a piece of silverware from the table. “I still know a salad fork from a dessert fork.”
The rest of their conversation was cut short as Doffy pushed back from the table and rose. He nodded at the members of the Family gathered around the table.
“The rest of the night is yours. I have work to attend to.” He glanced to the side. “Pica, Machvise, a word in my office.”
As the summoned executives stood to follow Doffy from the dining room, Law pushed himself away from the table and headed for the hallway. He had a few things he needed from his room before meeting with his crew so headed that way; he could have just opened a Room and summoned them, but something told him to reserve his stamina for now.
He was about halfway to his chambers when he stopped. “What do you want, Violet?” He turned to see her turning a corner to face him.
She crossed her arms. “Why were you ignoring me at dinner?”
Law suppressed a sigh. “Because I’m an asshole.”
“True, but that’s not it. Try again.”
“I have a lot on my mind. Now, if you’ll excuse me—” Law started to turn back toward his room. He knew he was being unfair to her, but he didn’t want her reading him. Not today.
“Corazon, stop. Something is going on with you.”
Law turned back to her, jaw clenched. “Violet, don’t.”
“I can just read you to find out,” she threatened, lifting her hands.
Law grabbed her wrists before her hands could reach her face. “Don’t.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Let go.”
“Don’t try to read me, Violet,” Law practically growled. “I mean it. Not this time.”
She let out a huff then nodded. “Fine. Now let go.”
He released her wrists, and she rubbed her left wrist absently. “Something happened on your mission.”
Law chewed on the inside of his cheek for a moment before agreeing, “Yes.”
“What can I do?”
He blinked at her in surprise. “What?”
“If you’re in trouble, let me help.”
Law shook his head. She’d been trying to help him almost since he arrived in Dressrosa, and now the only way he could repay her was to keep her out of this mess. She had her father and niece to think about.
“Not for this one.”
“Let it go, Violet.” Then he did open a Room and Shamble himself into his chambers, leaving a pen in his place in the hallway.
Years of practice with his powers allowed him to avoid landing awkwardly on his desk, and he dropped to the floor. He opened a drawer in his desk and pushed aside the items inside. He pressed on the right spot, and the false bottom opened. He reached in and grabbed the papers inside then replaced the false bottom and shut the drawer. He spread the papers out on his desk: blueprints of the castle. Violet had once mentioned that there was a secret passageway in the castle that only the Riku family knew about. She hadn’t revealed its location, though, and Law hadn’t asked.
If he could find that on the blueprints now, perhaps he could use it to get his crew out without being detected. He leaned over the paper with a frown, looking for anything that looked out of place or that he didn’t recognize. He could have asked her in the hallway just now, but he didn’t want what he was looking for getting back to Doflamingo—not before he and his nakama were gone, anyway.
He was so focused on the blueprints that he was taken by surprise when his door slammed open, rattling on its hinges. Law jerked upright but didn’t have a chance to react before a wave of mucus slammed him into the far wall. Law’s head slammed back against the wall. His vision darkened, and his body went slack, air leaving his lungs in a sharp exhale.
Goddamn concussion, he thought blearily as the world slowly started coming back into focus in front of him. His doctor side was distantly outraged at the battering his brain was taking, but the rest of him—the part in the here and now—was just trying to breathe.
As he came back to his senses, the first thing he recognized was that he was being held upright against the wall by Trebol’s mucus. Gross.
The shapes in front of him slowly materialized into Trebol and Diamante standing in his doorway.
“What the fuck, Trebol?” Law growled, though his voice lacked the power he wanted to put behind it.
“That’s what we should be asking you, Corazon.”
Law’s stomach dropped as Doffy entered the room behind his two executives. Law could feel the anger radiating off him.
He knows, Law realized. I wasn’t fast enough, and he knows. Fuck.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Law said, glancing around to assess his options. Though the mucus was holding him to the wall, his lower arms were free, so he could still form a Room. Kikoku was on the bed, but he could summon her with a Room.
He just had to do it at the right moment.
Doffy paused at Law’s desk and looked down at the papers. “Blueprints of the castle?” He turned back to Law. “And how did you get your hands on these?” Then he shook his head. “Never mind. I know how resourceful you are. And why would you need blueprints of the castle? Looking for an escape route?”
“Escape? Because that’s gone so well for me in the past,” Law scoffed, though he knew it wasn’t lost on Doffy that he’d side-stepped the question.
“I just heard from some sources in the Marines,” Doffy said, resuming his approach into Law’s space. “You’ll never believe who they have in custody.”
“I’m sure you’ll tell me.”
Law winced as a string sliced through his cheek. It was a shallow cut, but blood dripped down the side of his face. A warning.
“Monet and Caesar,” Doffy said, tilting his head as he looked down at Law. “And I can’t imagine how that could be when you told me you saw them this morning, Corazon.”
Law licked his lips, hating the way he had to look up at the Warlord. “I did see them this morning.” That wasn’t a lie. He’d just… withheld the condition he’d seen them in. “If they were careless enough to get arrested after I left, that’s not on me.”
Another string sliced through Law’s cheek, this one a bit deeper, just below the first cut.
Doffy leaned over to whisper in Law’s ear, “I’d be very careful of what you say next.” The temperature dropping with Doffy’s icy words.
Law swallowed but remained silent. Doffy could probably feel the racing of his heart at this proximity.
“I’m only going to ask once. Did you see Vergo on Punk Hazard?”
“I thought Vergo was here.” Which was true—he had thought that, until Vergo had shown his face on the Straw Hats’ ship the day before.
Doffy straightened and, eyes never leaving Law’s, pulled a Den Den Mushi from his coat. He dialed a number from memory.
The discarded coat on Law’s bed started to ring.
Law cursed silently. He’d completely forgotten to get rid of Vergo’s Den Den Mushi. He’d planned to look it over on the trip from Punk Hazard, but he’d gotten distracted by making plans to get the Straw Hats into Dressrosa, and the snail had remained untouched in his pocket.
Doffy finally tore his gaze from Law and went over to the bed. He grabbed Law’s coat and dug around until he found the buzzing snail. Law’s own Den Den Mushi was on his desk and silent, cutting off that potential excuse.
“This is Vergo’s Den Den Mushi.”
“Vergo’s dead,” Doffy said, the snail still ringing in his hand. Doffy’s voice remained low, and Law had, from his childhood, found Doffy’s restrained fury far more terrifying than when the man lost his cool. “His heart had been removed from his chest and squeezed.”
Law was well and truly fucked.
Deciding he had nothing to lose, he flexed his fingers ever-so-slightly in preparation to open a Room—
Then cried out as a blade impaled itself through the palm of his right hand.
It took a moment for his abused brain to register why, other than the pain, this was such a problem.
It was his dominant hand.
The one he used to wield Kikoku.
The one he used to control his Fruit.
The one he led with in surgery.
“Nuh uh,” Diamante said from the other end of his waving blade. “No tricks, boy.”
“Nene, Corazon. Don’t surgeons need their hands?” Trebol chuckled.
Law made a choked sound as Diamante pulled the blade out. His thoughts spun as his hand dripped blood to the carpet beneath him. He’d felt worse pain than this—nothing he’d experienced had been worse than the final stages of Amber Lead Disease—but this was his hand.
“I can do the other one, Doffy. Make sure he can’t pull anything,” Diamante offered.
“No,” Doffy said, eyeing Law. “He’s no good to me if he can’t use his Fruit.”
Trebol’s mucus retreated, and Law fell forward. Without thinking, he reached out with his hands to catch himself then crumpled into a heap with a cry, hand coming to his chest as an electric shock jolted from his hand through his entire arm. The breath caught in his throat and the room around him fuzzed.
He’d failed.
He’d failed as an executive.
He’d failed as an ally.
He’d failed as a surgeon.
He’d failed as a captain.
He’d failed as a friend.
He’d failed Cora-san.
He barely registered the snapping of Seastone restraints around his wrists, the little strength he had left draining from his body as he went limp on the floor.
From somewhere above him, Doffy spoke, though Law couldn’t make out the words. He winced but didn’t struggle as Trebol and Diamante each grabbed one of his arms. The two executives dragged him bodily down the hallways of the palace, his feet trailing limply behind him. In his peripheral vision, he caught Violet’s shocked expression as the procession passed.
Law grimaced as they reached the stairs to the dungeon but didn’t have the strength to try to get his feet under him, so his legs thumped against each stone step as he was taken down. At the bottom, Trebol and Diamante exchanged a few words with the guard then followed him to what Law assumed was one of the Seastone cells. The guard opened the door, and Law was pulled into the cell and shoved against the wall, forcing the breath from his lungs. The chain between his wrist shackles was hooked above Law’s head before all the figures retreated.
Law slumped forward in defeat.
But he jerked upright at a familiar voice.
Next chapter
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sleepymccoy · 4 years
Could I request a weird fact from your everyday life? You’re super interesting!
This is a wild ask for me! I don't think I'm that interesting at all, but I'm very flattered that you do, thank you
As I have no idea what to say, I'll just tell you a few things that I thought were talk-about-able enough to put on instagram over the last few days. Bear in mind I'm in a stage 3 lockdown with mandatory masks rn, so the bar for interesting social media posting is low lol
Atm I'm trying to tempt myself into finishing that if you like fic I'm nearly done with, so I've lit some candles to set the mood, as it were. I am, admittedly, procrastinating by answering this instead tho. But I only own one candle of my own, a scented one I've had for so long it crackled w dust when I lit it. And I have four gifted candles that my colleague gave me a few weeks ago when I mentioned off hand I was struggling to feel calm. So it's kinda weirdly christmas-y right now!
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I'm still working four days a week, so I'm having a different lockdown to my housemates who are at home all day every day unless they go for a walk. So their stir crazy is much worse than mine. As such, monkey brain go high had taken over and they've begun climbing onto the roof to hang out. Gabes can be seen flipping me off because I said I'm scared of heights and don't want to join them. Tayg looks wonderful and handsome in contrast cos he's not flipping me off
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I did go for a walk the other day. It was killer, like 11 km (a quick google tells me that's 7 miles) to see my dad on his birthday. On the way back I went by my childhood cemetery. I live on a block that's like next to the cemetery, so you can't see it from my house but it's right nearby. And there's nothing to do in that suburb except go to school so I would stroll around the cemetery sometimes. Got kissed there once by an Indian guy called Zeus.
Anyway, the cemetery is gorgeous and I love reading the details people put on headstones. Especially the older ones. One said, "she lived a generous, useful, and short life" for a woman who died in her 40s in the 1880s. It said she'd come from Ireland and died in East Melbourne. Also in the plot w her were her two kids and a plaque for her brother who was lost at sea on a voyage to New Zealand.
I like thinking about how I can imagine them in some rough way based on that, but she wouldn't've ever imagined me. A 25 year old woman listening to a cover of ring of fire, wearing a mask although they're alone in the cemetery because it's required by law now. This woman died before the world wars, my life is so many steps removed from hers, but I feel like hers is quite close to mine.
Anyway, it's a gorgeous place
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This morning when I headed off to work my bike had a flat! To cut a long story about bike maintenance and how I don't do that apparently, I ended up at the bike shop in my fancy mask that's difficult to talk in (no pleats mean it likes to slip off my nose when I chat). The (very attractive, butch, gorgeous, I was blushing the whole time) woman who was on staff mentioned that my mask reminds her of the rainbow fish story book, which I'm hoping is international not Australian cos it's gorgeous. If you don't know it but have kids in your life in some way, I rec it heartily
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I'm very fond of this mask. I mainly use it to get from my bike to my work, where I put a disposal one work supplies on. Or for walks on my own cos I don't need to talk then
I hope you're doing well, anon! Come chat any time
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sailing-elitsha · 3 years
Thinking about a header for this report I am struggling, it’s from boring because of no wind from all directions in the doldrums, over: exited to come closer to the Amazon river, over: we saw Neptune, over: not being sure if we can do this up to total exhaustion. We have been so tired that we could not even show excitement and joy anymore by our safe arrival in Paramaribo, after a very difficult 11 days stretch.  Let me first write everything down and see which heading we will choose.
Very quiet Dick said, “I saw you praying with your hands folded.” “Yes, I did that.” Whoever up in heaven, the universe or wherever feels I could have meant him or her: Thank you. Dick agreed.
Towards the end of this stretch, we could not think straight anymore, did not sleep because of the funny moves, Elitsha made, encouraged by Jip and Janneke, and the waves. Sometimes we really heeled onto our side after sliding down steep waves or swell. Realistically and objectively, there was no real danger, but at times it felt differently. Elitsha did a great job.  And let’s be honest, while in a force 8, in gusts 45 knots on our wind vane at sea with a currant of 3,5 knots, 12 knots showing on our log, knowing shore was close even though you do not see a thing and to sail in a river mouth with low tide, you make one wrong move……… everything can happen. But we did not make a wrong move. Dick knows what he is doing, and I am not too bad a sailor too.  Most importantly: when I was losing it and panicked there was Dick for me and when Dick was tired and miserable, I was there for him: Interesting self-studies of a relationship therapist, I am telling you. Do not do this if you don’t have a good relationship. But if you have good relationship, this is so special and amazing to go through together.
And… perhaps or most probably, this is normal and not a big thing for cruisers on an ocean crossing, but for us as beginning cruisers, it was a big thing. The challenge was, that for the last 4 days we hardly found a longer stretch of sleep than 1 or 2 hours and that breaks you at the end. That was, I think, the reason why we were desperate to arrive and stay somewhere for a while.  
But let’s start at the beginning:
We started relaxed after leaving Fernado de Norunha. Although, sailing without wind is never relaxing. You are looking for wind all the times, changing your sails and finally if you can’t stand the slapping of the beams and sails anymore you start the motor and you get annoyed by the noise of he motor and the fact that you are a sailing boat and not sailing……all of those things. Fortaleza just didn’t want to come closer, and Suriname seemed unreachable far for us. The promise was that we at least will find the strong current which would push us along from Fortaleza to the Amazon delta and Suriname.
On the 8th of Mai at 2.23pm Brasilia time we saw Neptune and served him an Oude Jenever. He seemed to like it. We originally wanted to go and swim with Neptune but just at that time Neptune on his turn treated us with some wind and we made 7 knots: 3 of them from the current. But in the doldrums, you are happy with everything what moves you along. Anyway, he (Neptune) had to do it with the Jenever, and we kept on sailing.
Just before the Amazon river at the end of day 6 of 11 it started blowing. Yeah!!!!!!!! 180 miles a day and no motor anymore. That’s great. Forecast: 12-15 knots with gusts of 20 knot. Lovely!!!!! From late afternoon of day 7 the constant wind was 32 and the gusts up to 40, RAIN and it started with a close-by lightening flash and a thunder clap. And that carried on till close to Paramaribo. The funniest: Nothing of all was forecasted on the Iridium weather report: as I said: ENE wind 12 – 15 knots, gusts of 20 knots and some possible thundershowers, but in our case they were not gusts any more, but constant hard wind 30 knots plus for 3-4 days in a row. The Amazon, even we passed him on a big respectable distance, and later the Suriname river brought trees down to the sea. You had to have your eyes everywhere. A whale, a humpback, close to the Amazon, just next to Elitsha, I saw him thinking: you are here and not in Africa? (we see whales in Hout Bay on a regular base), that close he was. For weeks we didn’t see more than a handful ships. They were huge, okay, but we saw them on AIS far before we could see them in real. Now there were lots of fisher boats around who didn’t feel like using AIS (they don’t want to be seen by their colleagues), tankers from Venezuela who switch on AIS only last minute, and this all at night, without moon and stars assisting…...and then………..always this “gale wind”, waves and massive swell.  Another thing made us nervous: the “shallow” water.  After having sailed for month now in blue water, REALLY blue water of 4 000, 5 000 meters deep, we suddenly sailed up the plateau of the South American Continent: only 200 meters of depth. You should think: That’s deep enough, Sylke. Yes, but it’s just what you are used to, right?! And we were used to 4000 to 5000 meters. The water was green, closer to Suriname, when we had no more than 20 meters it was yellowish. The Amazonas brought trees with big branches and fields of green-brownish weed, leaves…. and always the strong wind, the rain and thundershowers and you can’t step out of this train or leave the movie……you have to hang in there. This paired with not sleeping and being exhausted and Navionics giving us problems at this very moment, we saw the lights of French Guyana as the lights of Suriname (same character) and panicked that we would have passed Paramaribo already. After having struck sails and heading Elitsha into the wind, to check out if we are right or wrong, we finally followed our way towards Suriname with only the Genua, which was still fast enough. Holger, one of our shore captains confirmed, that we have the entrance of the Suriname river 20 mile ahead and not behind us. Ufff, what a relief. We still didn’t see land………. only 60, 50, 40, 30 foot of water under Elitsha, no entrance buoy in sight…….  Via radio we got in touch with  MAS ( Suriname Harbour authorities). Anneke, our other shore captain, had arrange contact and allowance with them already. In times of Corona regulations this is essential. You can’t just go to a harbour. Everything has to be pre-arranged. When we called MAS, to ask if we were somewhere close to the entrance buoy of the river mouth, a deep voice in Dutch with a heavy Surinam’s accent answered: “ik zie jullie on AIS.” YES!!!!!!!!!!! Eventually, we saw not the entrance buoy, but the first green buoy and shared this” achievement” with him. His dry and short reaction: “Mevrouw, u bent op de goede weg!!!!!” (“Lady, you are on the right way”). Not more and not less, but it was like music to our ears. It was low tide and our echo sounder told us, 20, 10 and then 9,60 foot. Elitsha needs at least 5,50 foot of water to float. We motor sailed (to be more controllable). Still 30 knots of wind, rain, and buoys not visible all the time. On the river we almost got stuck twice in the mud: 6 foot on the depth sounder. We were blessed to have sailed for years on the Dutch Waddenzee. This was very similar. The only difference: ELITSHA is not a flatbottom with leeboards.  It looked exactly like you sail from the Stortemelk into the Schuitegat towards Terschelling with low tide and it felt exactly like that.
I could tell you more about my fear of sailing over the many wrecks alongside of the coast, our chart showed us and Dick’s fear of hitting ground in the bottom of the waves (that’s why he looked for more shallow water without swell and waves), about comforting and encouraging each other that we will make it, that the fishermen would look out, that 30 - 40 knots of wind is actually not that bad and we are not in real danger but that we just needed some sleep and rest, after 2 antibiotic courses and, and………  And then we just arrived……just like that!!!! We picked a mooring buoy, made the dingy ready to go and went ashore. I did not eat for 4 days, actually ate the other way round (if you know what I mean). In the bar of the Marina, where everybody welcomed us, we ate and drank because we felt, we must celebrate. But the feeling was not there like in St Helena and Fernando. We went back to our brave ELITSHA and slept like we got paid for it. The next day we celebrated full time. We ate the whole day, talked to everybody who came across. We did 5 washes in the Marinas washing machine, had I don’t know how many showers and Elitsha got a very good clean up: you don’t want to know how it looked like inside her: flour everywhere, everything everywhere and because of the salt water everything was sticky, wet and just ick.
Now we have a fruit bowl and candles on the table, new sheets on our beds, nothing moves, and we can just move without getting thrown into one of the corners of the ship, fall of the toilet and stuff like that. Okay its rainy season and if it rains, it REALY RAINS, buckets of water coming down, but that is not such a problem: cleans the boat and fills the water tank. A bar with nice music and good food where you meet nice and friendly people, a shower, free internet: that is what we were craving for.  We are on the Suriname river in Domburg, close to Paramaribo. We hear the howler monkeys on the other side of the river, where it’s already  pure jungle. I am telling you, it’s REAL heaven.
I remember from the old days of sailing in Holland: the feeling of arriving after a tough stretch in bad weather and under poor conditions is unbeatable. Leaving under difficult condition makes you nervous, hanging in it, you just do what you must do, and arriving is heaven.
Wednesday we will go for the stamp in our passports and on Friday we will sail with ELITSHA  70 miles down the river to meet caiman, anaconda, howler monkey and jaguar in the real jungle. No Sonny and Crocked anymore, Dick as Tanzan and I will be Jane.
………to be continued.
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thequietmanno1 · 4 years
Thelreads, Vigilantes 12, Replies
1) “And I’ll be here eating popcorn and laughing every time I guess what trope will happen next.”- Were you still laughing when you completely guessed the persona 5 plot parallels, or have you learned not to play rock, paper scissors with that monkey’s paw yet?
2) “Yeah it seems like its her, alright. Shame that she went to talk with Koichi while he’s absolutely disconnected from reality due to how tired he is, he probably doesn’t even realized he’s talking with a girl yet.”-Of course not, he’s able to speak articulately with her and not devolve into a tongue-tied gibbering mess, just Like izuku tends to when the subject of romance and intimacy pops up. The only reason he doesn’t do so with Pop is because Koichi hasn’t really come around to thinking of her in girlfriend terms, and not just ‘friend who is also a girl’, and the only reason he can continue to eat solid foods is because he’s never said this out loud in Pop’s presence.
3) “OH MY GOD NO, OF COURSE POP WOULD BE HERE RIGHT NOW, WE CAN’T HAVE LOVE-TRIANGLE-SHENANIGANS HAPPENING OTHERWISE, RIGHT?”-I look upon pop’s misfortunes here as karma for Koichi’s pudding….and the numerous other deserts that have gone missing from his house over the past several weeks
4) “Oh what pop? What’s wrong? A bit ashamed to be seen here? What? Wasn’t Koichi supposed to know you’re sneaking in his house while he’s away?”- Comeuppance is a bitter pill to swallow, which makes it the perfect after-dinner condiment for Pop here after her latest pudding snack.
5) “If he had a flame quirk he could at least pull a Yukio from Blue Exorcist, but he has no way of hiding those things quickly if he gets caught, so he doesn’t even try to be sneaky. Good thing that I mentioned that scene because…”- If only Koichi could use his quirk to affect things other than himself, he could have used his ‘sticky’ effect to hide everything on the celling, like that one scene when Norman Osbourne came round for tea. Superpowers sure make tidying up easier most of the time.
6) “Well, even though she’s only after his body help for own personal reasons, she at least was not lying when she said that she was going to help him.”-Hey, studying’s studying, and ulterior motives or not, anybody named Makoto seems destined to be a hard-working, studious individual determined to improve the intellectual capacity of her peers whether or not they asked for it, and Koichi really ‘does’ need all the help he can get, least he flunk out of collage from a poor work/life balance
7) “Koichi please, how could you not remember something so cool like that? Hell, I’d love to learn history if it involved people shooting lasers and flying around, I’d be all over those books 24/7, how do people get so used to it to not care about the awesome stuff I don’t know.”- Well, I mean, we walk around in a world with people who fly through the air on metal tubes, weapons that point at a man and kill with a finger, and ships made of metal that sail under the sea, and we’re not really that phased or interested in these things because we’ve grown up with them- unless that’s your area of interest. 
Superpowers are the new normal, so for Koichi it’d actually be weirder imagining a history ‘without’ quirks and their influence of humanity. It’s still pretty awesome to us muggles, but comparatively, it’s be like a 12th century man getting catapulted to the modern age and being terrified by everything he’s seeing in this unfamiliar world, whereas those around him can’t understand his POV because that just how things are to them.
8) “I think its fairly realistic, if powers started to show up, you can bet your ass there would be a lot of weirdos putting costumes to protect people. There’s way too many people around that would love to help others, but feel like they don’t have the power, both literally as well as figuratively, to make a difference.”- Speaking of realism, you can bet your ass that early-day vigilantism was probably far more brutal and violent than even knuckleduster gets in his pursuit of justice. This was back before people even really had laws and regulations for this sort of thing, and if technology and societal progress halted, there’d be far less modern oversight that would come from filming a violent action and posting it on the internet. 
Heroes and such are basically moderated in their actions to prevent them going too extreme in their apprehension of villains by their public image, but back there, there was no publicity associated with the job, and a lot of people running around with powers they had to self-train in order to take up the role of vigilantism. We’ve seen how knuckleduster fights dirty because he hasn’t got any powers in a super-powered society, imagine how crime apprehension back then would have gone if either the arresting vigilante or the thugs they were fighting had abilities and no oversight to hold them back- not to mention all the poor schmucks caught in the middle who didn’t have powers, including the actual law enforcement, who probably needed to rely on army-grade weapons to stand a chance or the goodwill of these wandering individuals who were almost certainly nearly as dangerous as the criminals they arrested.
9) “Oh lord we’re going all the way to the U.S. of A. for this part of the history course… Huh, glad to see that for once the name “New york” wasn’t used as the place where it all started.”-Well, if MHA is going to lean so heavily upon western standards of heroism, it may as well acknowledge that in the official lore to include its eastern counterpart as much as it rips off themes and ideas from it.
10) “Oh, I think that a lot of them weren’t accepted as official heroes, some probable due to their behavior, like you already thought about, but some were probably too dangerous with their quirks, or maybe too underpowered to keep with the imposed standard.”-It’s also possible some of them had friends or views of a more radical or volatile nature, and thus were seen to be too ‘extreme’ to count as heroes in an extremely unstable climate where the official authorities had no choice but to rely on superhumans to enforce law and order. Even beyond their suitability in terms of powers, their characters would have also been a point of contention as to their suitability to be ‘official heroes’. 
The people of that time didn’t just want to make things safer by relying on super-powered forces, they also wanted to reassure people that safety and normalcy was still a possibility even with the whole world going mad, and for that they need more than a empowered attack squad, they needed to assemble icons that could inspire others to follow their example.
Congratulations to the U.S. government for establishing official heroes, and immediately creating 182 new villains for them to fight against. Really bold move there.”- Well, the ‘league of just heroes’ probably did immediately come to blows with their former comrades when the dividing lines were drawn- I kinda think some of them would have had a similar relationship like Tensei and Koichi share, wherein they cooperated after a fashion to achieve the same goals, and tried to stick out of each other’s business- even if they were suddenly recognised as ‘official’ it doesn’t mean they immediately had the manpower to start enforcing the ‘only heroes can use their quirks to fight crime’ rules, especially not when they were outnumbered in the beginning. 
Granted, there would have been friction at the start, but I see things as being along the lines of them more of less doing the same job they were before, just some with official backing, and others making do on their own, like they always had, but now keeping a lower profile and avoiding public contact. Things probably got more dicy down the years as the scope of ‘official’ heroism expanded and started to become more restrictive, leading to such issues as the MLA and the current societal instability, but in the beginning, those early heroes wouldn’t have seen those kinds of conflicts coming, and since they were similar professionals all seeking to enforce justice in their own ways, they wouldn’t have been fully willing to incite conflict between their former comrades in arms. Of course, that sentiment changed as more and more people developed quirks and unfamiliar faces started getting involved from Rhode Island on outwards.
12) “Oh boy, this particular topic keeps coming back, and I’m sure we’ll see a lot of in this series as well.”- It’s doubly fascinating because we get the same issue explored through different angles form these two series. Questions in one story may be brought up again or answered in the other, like the Mystery of Stain’s Missing Nose. Izuku’s story is more about peeling the varnish off the exterior glamour of heroism to expose the uglier truths of the role as time goes on, whereas Koichi’s is more about exploring the topic form the unseen angles, getting to see what life is life from the opposite end of the spectrum, without oversight or official recognition for your actions, and the pros and cons of choosing to do a worthwhile job that you are seen as being suitable for from a societal perspective, if not a personal one. 
Both heroes explore this problem through their intertwined, yet separate stories, and both are on a personal journey of self-discovery, to find out not only what kind of person they really are, but what actually makes a true hero in a semi-realistic setting such as this. It’s a very complex question, and neither one is really at all certain they can even provide an answer, but they’re still following their oaths out of a desire to become something other than themselves- to take a little bit of the magic and wonder of heroism that inspired them and drives them onward.
13) “Oh, that’s an interesting question, and there’s a lot of things I can think of that could be said factor. “Quirk power” being the first one, people too dangerous wouldn’t make good heroes, but it could also be that some people simply decided they didn’t want to follow the restrictions that came with being an official hero-
Is this the “Civil War” debate again?”- Well…..kinda? if you think about it, the MLA and the PLF are using much the same arguments to enact their more radical opinions about the way society should be run, more free and unrestrained, but from what we’ve seen about the way they conduct operations so far, things wouldn’t be better off for the majority of people, especially innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of their war. 
One of the most important aspect of choosing a hero, it seems, was finding somebody who was willing to follow and enforce the system, even in opposition to their fellow superhuman, since those without powers were naturally at the mercy of those with them, and without super-serums in development and technology stagnating, it wasn’t possible to manufacture ways to even the playing field other than relying on mother nature to generate more quirks and individuals willing to enforce law and order, until enough of them had accumulated to start enforcing stability in society.
14) “Because since she’s a Makoto™ she’ll be investigating you and your gang, and you’ll be in hot water trying to not blow your cover.”-
‘L casts rock!’ ‘Monkey’s Paw casts Scissors!’
“Monkey’s Paw wins!” L: Hey, that’s not how that wor-- ‘Monkey’s Paw pokes L in the eyes!’
15) “Also, that imagine spot she had is really fucking cool, they look badass there.”- Fantasy vs reality- Koichi’s spit-take face there is even framed similarly to Makoto’s imagine spot of him up above, to highlight the contrast between his ‘reputation’ and the actual guy in the flesh. He’s got quite some ways to go yet before he’s ready to get some legitimately cool moments of his own that don’t involve leaving him in hot water or about to die immediately afterwards.
16) “THE TRASH GREMLIN IS NOT AMUSED”- ‘The trash gremlin demands a ritual sacrifice of pudding from loyal follower Koichi to repay it for this Mockery of its reputation and dignity.’
17) “YOU MOTHERFUCKERS I CAN’T BELIEVE IT THAT I JOKED ABOUT P5 MAKOTO AND IT TURNED OUT IT FUCKING IS JUST LIKE HER”- Hey, look at it this way- Now we get to see what Tsukauchi’s palace looks like. Bet you didn’t see this coming, eh?.
18) “WELL, SHE’S AT LEAST FAR FROM COY ABOUT HER INTEREST ON WHAT HER SIBLING IS DOING, WHICH MEANS THAT SOON ENOUGH SHE’LL BE JOINING THEM AND USING THAT CONNECTION IN HER FAVOR.”- Hey, if you’ve got a direct line to local law enforcement, who regularly rubs shoulders with real-life crime fighting celebrities on the job, you’d be super-interested in their day-to-day activities too, term paper or not. That evening news report about a foiled hijacking of a bus? You can ask your big bro to give you allll the juicy details the report omitted, and you absolutely won’t repeat a word of it to anybody, swear on your heart….
19) ““No way I can match you in a war of words”… That’s usually code for “I won’t discuss with someone that has so little self-preservation instincts that can’t see the danger in investigating villains”.”- As well as ‘I know that the more I tell you about why this is a bad idea, the more information you’ll glean about these individuals that you will then quote me on and spin to your advantage in your term paper as an official source’ Phelps has been down this route far too many times already- there’s nobody that knows how to beat you better than your own family.
I MEAN, WHO DOES THAT SORT OF STUFF?”- Subtly and self-reflection were never Pop’s strongest suits. The one time she got close to a breakthrough, she chickened out under the presence of knuckleduster, and she’s still trying to build herself back up to that state when Koichi apparently starts showing off hidden reserves of game and bringing new, prettier-looking and smarter girl to the house. That’s gotta be a low blow to pop’s self-esteem, one she can’t yet feel underneath all the raw anger circulating through her being right now.
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radishearts · 5 years
Confession week: ladynoir july
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,  Chapter 10,  Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13,Chapter 14, Chapter 15
day 4 part 15- Akuma:
“Al- bunnix!!” ladybug and chat noir shouted in unison as they parted the hold from dancing as they rushed over to her aid.
“Ladybug, chat noir, what? Where am i?” the pink headed heroine asked weakly
“We don’t know ourselves, are you alright? How did you get your miraculous?”
“Long story involving an old man, rings, and time travel.”
Ladybug offered her a hand as she stood up, the rest of the heroes (with the exception of viperon and the dragoness who they hadn’t seen since the afternoon) crowded around.
“Who is this? Some sort of super hero we don’t know about?” roi singe asked, really confused about everything.
“This is bunnix, she helped us save time tagger, well her future self at least!”
“Nice to meet you monkey guy.”
“It’s roi singe, but what's it to you, mary poppins.”
“Whatever,” she glanced back at ladybug and chat noir “we need to find that akuma, and escape, paris is worried, she’s threatening to take everyone here if you don’t hand over your miraculous by midnight, and a giant light bubble is hovering over the city, all of it’s superheroes are gone, I was the last resort, remember?”
“But aren’t there more miraculouses?” chat noir asked
“ iOf course, i said the same thing but master fu said that 10 was enough, we need to find it, i held her off for a while back in Paris, and her powers seem to be interdimensional travel between here and well back home and from what I can tell she’s writing a book, and we’re the characters in it!”
“So we’re in a book?” carapace asked.
“It seems so, I mean, everything that has come to pass only seems like it would take place in a-”
“Fanfiction, of course, this entire time, we’ve been stuck in an akumas world because she had a bad case of writer's block?”
“She was willing to get akumatized, because she couldn’t write?” roi singe laughed “if that happened at our- i mean my school, i’m pretty sure hawkmoth wouldn’t have enough akumas for that!”
“Although his calculations were an estimate, it’s a pretty good one, but I don't think it’s necessary to run the numbers in this situation.”
“The only book I ever want to be in is a biography.” Queen bee scoffed
As everyone ignored her. Ladybug spoke up.
“Ok, we need to split up and find the akuma, rena and carapace, roi singe and bunnix, pegasus and queen bee, me and chat!”
“This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!” Queen bee muttered.
“Stay safe, find the akuma and don’t get caught, don’t engage, just alert us of your location, and then we’ll come and get you.”
“Just a friendly reminder: make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.”
“It`’s true, superheroing is hard work, and nothing ever goes right.” ladybug added
Like many times before the conversation was cut short, the 8 miraculous holders crowding into a circle.
“Ladybug chat noir and you other insoldent minor heroes, give me your miraculous now, and we won’t have any problems.”
“We haven’t done it before. What makes you so different.”
“Fine be like that!”
She trusted her book open, shooting a light beam into the air.
“Finish the fairy tale!” she cackled. -
“What the hell is that?” the dragoness asked, to nobody in particular.
“I don’t kno-” his words cut short by the world rearranging.
The dragoness found herself in an epically disgusting dress which was a putrid shade of pink.
“Well, well, well.” viperon teased
“Shut up.” she met his eyes, he himself had changed, sporting a sea foam green waistcoat, with darker tones emphasising the fact that they both look like they were present in a baby shower. Although she had to admit, he looked like a prince.
She analysed her surroundings   - The beam of light, had disorientated chat noir, he looked down at his clothes, which had changed again, seriously he felt like lady gaga at the met gala.
All these outfit changes.
Chatnoir let out a silent scream when he saw ladybug slowly making her way up the stairs to style queen, holding a rose for her.
“That's right my pretty, just touch the rose, and everything will be fine.”
Chat tried to run to her aid, but it was too late.
She had pricked her finger, and almost instantaneously, she had collapsed into slumber.
The deathly type.
The type that lasts for a 100 years.
- “What the actual-” bunnix began
“Father God, what have we done to deserve this!” roi singe interrupted, lifting his hands up in a prayer position.
“Didn’t know you were christian.”
“Whoever is playing this prank, they are at god level.”
“I don’t think it’s a prank.”
She looked down at her own clothes, the signature baby blue color seemed to be a consistent, all though she was wearing a dress?
Did fairy tales have any practically at all?
Roi singe dusted himself off.
He was wearing his colours too, but yet it was different. He was wearing a cloak.
“ I think he went this way, robin hood, is nothing but trouble!”
“steal from the rich give to the poor, what nonsense! Lady Mariam is a fool for falling in love with him!”
She pointed at his bow and quiver of arrows and he signaled for them to climb into the treetops.
- “Ughm this is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Queen bee scoffed, dusting herself off and standing up to get a better view of the place, only to find the smart mouth partner standing behind her.
“Yeah, thought you’d say that!”
“If you’d be quite for a little bit, I could figure out where on earth we are, and what were doing.”
“Oh, I already figured that out, where in the Hansel and Gretel story tale, and considering she said to finish the fairytale, i’m pretty sure we have to add our own twist, any ideas partner?”
She held her silence, maybe he was useful after all. -
“Where the hell am i?” rena asked, when she received no reply she shot up.
“Carapace, carapace!!!!!!”
She looked down finding a turtle.
“What did that akuma do to you? Wait, no, am i supposed to kiss you and you’ll turn into a prince? Wait should i?”
The turtle stared at her with it’s eyes.
(well with what else )
That's right it was a turtle.
Which meant she couldn’t just ask it questions and expect answers.
She would have to figure this one out by herself.
Which was ethically harder than it looked.
Who even wants to kiss a reptile?
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itsbiablr · 3 years
How I’m still caught up with my EX, But I’m currently in a relationship
After I broke up with him 2 years ago. I think I made the wrong decision
“I am still holding on to that promise you gave me that night”
Over the past year, when the Pandemic started. I have contemplated a lot of things. What my life had turned out to be if I haven’t left him? If only I am courageous and contented enough to fight for the love, we have despite the distance we had to endure. There are so many questions in my head, regretting all my decisions in the past.
I am a very strict person. Like everything must be perfect, everything must be in order. And everything should go my way, talking to me with more sense. A single mistake will make me leave instantly.
I met him on Instagram. But he says he saw me on Tinder
“Too bad I already uninstalled the app; I wouldn’t see you swiped right” I said
He just smiled.
I was so amazed at how one foreign national would make me interested in conversing straight English back-and-forth. And my perception with Indians: to be perverts, well (all of them are, but it depends if they will be sensitive enough to feel they are already crossing the line). The topics we had didn’t end. I liked how he was so quick-witted with anything I would ask or anything we’d talk about, which I never felt before and was surprised a bit.
4 days into talking, he already popped the question
“Tiffany, would you like to be my girl?”
without any hesitations, I said “I would love to”
On our 2nd month of long-distance dating, Harsh mentioned that he is coming home from the sea (he is a seaman by profession). And asked permission if it's okay that he will be visiting the Philippines to be with me before going back to India. Hearing that made me thrilled, excited, but a bit nervous since this is my 1st ever to entertain a foreigner.
But I immediately said “sure, no problem. See you in a month”
He even planned to bring me back to India since it was “Holi” or Color Festival there that time. My passport, my Visa application was almost finished. And all I had to do was tell him, Yes and he will be getting a plane ticket for me already.  
“All I reason out was I was still new at work. I couldn’t leave so easily”
November came. He went to the Philippines together with his two seniors and went straight to Cebu. He was so pissed that he decided not to talk to me for two weeks for exploring Cebu and Bohol (for not joining him on the trip). Since his seniors had only a week for the trip, he stayed alone for that remaining week all to himself. I have already thought of lots of nasty things. Thinking he was with another girl since he wasn’t talking to me anymore.
On the day of his flight back home. He texted me on WhatsApp “You are lucky my flight got canceled, and I have a layover in Manila and will leave the day after tomorrow”
I replied “Thank God I still have a few hours to see you and be with you”
“See you in a bit” He said.
With no rest, and just got out from work at 7 am. I went home right away to fix myself and get some things and fetched Harsh at the airport. I felt so overwhelmed, thinking that this guy went here to be with me. We booked a hotel nearby so he could rest, then we will be heading out for some dinner.
Months have passed, and we are still together. The year 2019 came, but something felt different. Harsh became distant. And would not talk to me for weeks, then comes back just to let me know that it was okay and was just out with friends. It didn’t feel right. It did go for months
Then I met this guy, well he is my teammate. But I never really thought of us being together since I wasn’t into guys like him, and I am still in a relationship. Since it was just a virtual relationship with the Indian guy, I thought that “Kalu is already over me” (I call him Kalu, which means monkey). We haven’t talked for a month now. And thought that it’s going to be safe for me to entertain other guys since I felt that it wasn’t that serious between us with the virtual thing
So, I entertained Daryl. We’d go on dates. We’d go to lunch together at work and would sit beside each other every day. Everything that I wanted to do with Kalu, I was doing it with Daryl. He gives me all the attention and effort as a boyfriend that I was longing for, for that little amount of time we spent together. I have already forgotten about Kalu
I was still with Kalu while all of these happened. We reconciled. He found out about Daryl, but I just told him that we were just friends because he said he will try to be better and will make it up to me  
After a month of seeing each other behind Harsh back, I noticed that I had missed my period. So weird to think since I’m not late during my period.
I told Daryl, bought a pregnancy kit  
And it came out positive...  
It was a bit hard telling our families that I was pregnant that we had to go thru misunderstandings that I had to stay at Daryl's in the meantime. Still kept this secret from Harsh, thinking why would he care. He couldn’t even give me time to ask how my day went
A week later, a few days after my birthday, Kalu confronted me. He asked me what the reel score of our relationship. He sent all screenshots of our conversation and our pictures together that Daryl sent him as proof that we are dating
I was caught off guard ...
I had to let him know...
I told him that I wanted to break up with him because I want to be with Daryl. After all, he makes me happy different from him. Still, I didn't tell him that I was pregnant with Daryl's child. I don't know how to.
I went to the doctor that week and found out that I was already nine weeks pregnant. I was so happy to know that there will be a tiny human being in my belly that will be growing anytime soon. But I was told by my doctor that the child does not fit well. Don't stress too much
Sometime after that Kalu texted me out of nowhere and said “I miss you, please come back”
I just ignored this message and went off with my life since my happiness was overflowing
But then after 2 weeks, I had a miscarriage. Due to overworking
I was devastated. My doctor advised me to get two months to rest. I was all alone. I had some thoughts, and Kalu went straight into my head and checked my messages  
He sent me a message again
Asking me if I’m okay, and I miss you
But still I ignored them
And he will be messaging me every month
Just to ask how I have been, why did I leave him like that, what did he do to make me leave him, that he still loves me and he wants me to come back
After 6 months of constantly messaging me, I have had enough and told him what happened
Me getting pregnant, having a miscarriage, and having an uncomfortable life with Daryl
Kalu and I exchanged messages for over a month behind Daryl’s back. I was ready to leave him, thinking that I will be in a better situation now that I am no longer carrying Daryl's child, that I am free at last “Come with me in Australia” he said, “We will start a new life”
I didn’t reply. I don’t know what to say.  
After what I did to him, he was still willing to accept me in his life
But in my head ‘I am not 100% sure that he won’t be doing what I did to him before’
And thought about Daryl and the love and sacrifice he has given me this past few month
So, what I did is I ghosted Kalu and blocked him on all of my social media’s again
I only forgot to block him on messenger since his account was already on my spam folder
But nevertheless, he never stopped messaging me for a year
After some time, I unblocked him thinking he already moved on because it showed in his Facebook profile that he was already in a relationship. I, on the other hand, felt contentment with the simple life I have with Daryl.
But there was something inside me that was still waiting for him to message me again
I was right
He messaged me again and again
But this time it made me reply right away, since I have had enough
I have confronted him so that he can stop messaging me, and since he already has a girlfriend. Our dream together has to end here.
“If we are meant to be together in the future, we will be” I said
“Fuck destiny! I want you, I love you please don’t do this to me again” he said
“Why can’t you understand that me and Paul are already happy with each other? I thought you already have a girlfriend. Can’t you at least be happy with her?”
“That’s the problem with you Tiffany, you just assume everything”
“What do you mean?”
“You assumed that I already have a girlfriend just because of a Facebook status, just like how you assumed that I will not accept you just because I found out that you dated Paul behind my back and got pregnant”
“You didn’t tell me. Even if you did, we will still find a way to resolve the issue”
“But I got pregnant”
“Are you still?”
“See you we’re so selfish, and kept on shutting me off”
“You kept hiding secrets from me, and when I found out you will just walk out of my life and didn’t gave me any reason what was wrong”
“You didn’t even ask if I was okay”
“I’m sorry”
“But I am still willing to start again with you”
“I really am sorry, but I can’t”
“I think this is the last time I will ever talk to you”
“It’s okay, I just hope that you will find happiness and always take good care of yourself. I will forever love you, goodbye”
“It's been 2 years, but I’m still holding on to that promise you gave me that night”
0 notes
A Once And Future Thing (2/7)
Notes: Sorry this took so long! I struggled a bit. It’s been a trying week, ladies and gents. Anyway, it’s up and the next chapter might not be until Monday unfortunately. Anyway, thanks to @welllpthisishappening, @peglegsjones and @cynmoon for being awesome and looking this over! Cheers! Summary: Beth’s quest for vengeance against her boyfriend’s killer goes a bit haywire when she and her former best friend Jim Hawkins are sent into thirty years into the past. Now, they must figure out how to find a way back to the future without wrecking the first meeting between Beth’s parents, Emma Swan and Killian Jones.  Rating: T+ Chapters: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Epilogue  Word Count: 5,700+
“So those are your parents?” Jim whispered to her quietly as they trekked behind Mulan.
“Yes,” Beth answered tersely, not wanting to discuss the matter more than she had to.
“That’s your mother in the red? The blonde?”
Jim didn’t seem to understand that she wasn’t in the mood to have this conversation nor how dangerous it was. She didn’t want to think of what would happen if they were overheard. If Beth had felt like losing her balance, she would have attempted to kick him.
“Yes,” Beth bit out.
“And that’s Captain Hook? Your father?”
“I think this has already been established, Jim,” Beth replied through gritted teeth.
“And those two actually get married?” Jim continued as if he hadn’t heard her.
“In three and a half years’ time, yes.”
“And they’re true love?”
If her hands hadn’t been bound, she would have thrown them up in defeat. She honestly didn’t understand why he felt the need to reiterate all of this.
“Yes,” Beth sighed in defeat. “Confirmed multiple times over the course of the thirty years, some in grizzly and disgusting ways. Or else I wouldn’t be magical or some shit.”
“And they actually produced four children? Really? Them?”
“Seriously what is the point of this line of questioning? You already know all of this!” Beth hissed.
“Huh.” After all of his questioning, his grunt was a bit anticlimactic.
Beth gave him a sour look.
“Huh? That’s all you can say? Huh?”
“Well, yeah, it’s kinda hard to believe, but I can see it. I mean you look startlingly like your mother but with your father’s coloring and a bit thinner and a bit taller. I mean, the hair difference kinda throws it off and perhaps the cosmetics too, but I’m surprised they aren’t at least somewhat suspicious. The name that you threw up there doesn’t help matters. Emma Swan? Elizabeth Swann? Not your finest hour, love.”
“Fuck you, Jim,” Beth replied, but it sounded more tired than pissed off.
Jim chuckled ruefully and this time they were overheard by Mulan who looked back at them to give them a dirty look.
“What’s so funny?” She asked, narrowing her eyes at them.
“Nothing,” Jim replied smoothly. “Just passing the time with a few light jokes, which my partner here doesn’t seem to appreciate.”
“That’s because you can’t tell a joke to save your life,” Beth replied dryly.
“Let’s keep the jokes to a minimum then,” Mulan replied unimpressed.
A silence fell between them as they kept hiking through the woods. It was a hassle to walk with her hands tied in front of her and Beth was almost embarrassed by the amount of times she nearly fell. She was used to walking across decks during the rockiest of seas and during harsh squalls, yet being pulled by her hands had her veering every which way like a drunk monkey.
She glanced over at Jim to see how he was faring and she was surprised to see that his shoulders were shaking in silent laughter. He looked horribly amused more than anything. Beth stared at him in disbelief.
“What the fuck is so funny?” she hissed quietly, not wanting to catch Mulan’s attention again.
“I’ve imagined meeting your parents a thousand ways, love, but this…I never could have foreseen this.”
Beth blinked.
“You imagined meeting my parents?” she asked in disbelief.
Jim’s amusement immediately faded away and was replaced by an expression that Beth could only describe as extremely hurt.
“We’ve been friends for nearly three years, Kid, I would assume that would warrant at least meeting your parents at some point. I mean, you’ve met mine,” he replied with a small shrug.
“I’ve met Long John Silver,” Beth corrected, eyes cutting to his.
“And he’s the closest thing I have to a parent,” Jim responded automatically. “I certainly don’t remember Leland Hawkins, he died before I left the cradle. My mother died when I was at sea the first time with Silver when I was thirteen, so yeah, you’ve met my only living parent. I figured you would do the same courtesy since Will met them and all. I’ve known you longer than Will did.”
“Will was different though,” Beth said quietly.
“As in you were planning on settling down and having 2.5 kids with Will,” Jim concluded. “I didn’t realize that you had your sights set on being a queen. I never pegged you as one for domesticity.”
Beth stopped in her tracks, completely shocked by his words. They cut through her as sharp as any knife and they hurt more than she ever imagined, especially coming from Jim who had always been her pillar even when she never asked him to be. Her halt in movement was ill conceived however because she was almost immediately dragged forward by Mulan and sent crashing face first into the dirt. Beth coughed as she unwillingly ate grass, glaring up at Jim.
“What is your problem?” Mulan hissed, turning around.
“I tripped on a root,” Beth lied smoothly. “It’s hard to balance when your hands are in front of you.”
Mulan picked her up roughly, but made no move to help her aside from that. She merely gave Beth a cold look before she turned back to keep up pace with Aurora, Emma and Snow White.
“Next time, watch where you’re stepping,” she called over her shoulder.
“Beth…” Jim looked at her in concern.
“I don’t want to talk to you right now,” Beth replied, not looking at him. “You had no right to say that.”
“That doesn’t make it any less true,” Jim muttered under his breath and Beth was almost certain he hadn’t intended for her to hear that.
Silence fell between them and Beth took this time to study the man and woman ahead them who would someday be her parents. It was strange seeing them so young and so distant from one another. Beth knew logically that the Emma Swan and the Killian Jones of this timeframe were nothing more than strangers, but her heart ached. They were always a united front all of her life; there wasn’t a damn thing that they didn’t tackle together even if they disagreed. And if they weren’t united in action, more often than not, they were always in each other’s space. Beth couldn’t picture her parents without them touching each other in some shape or form; her mother had a habit of running her fingers against the shorthairs on his neck or rubbing her thumbs against his collarbone. Her father, on the other hand, had always favored tangling his wife’s hair between his fingers or playing with her hands. Even when they sat together, they touched; Beth’s mother enjoyed placing her feet in her father’s lap on the couch or hooking her leg around his at the dinner table. This Emma of this era was not nearly so tactile, trying to keep a large distance between her and Hook.
These people weren’t her parents. They would be someday, but right now, they were little more than strangers wearing their faces. The more Beth realized this, the more she wanted to leave.
“I don’t understand this…” she murmured aloud without thinking.
“What don’t you understand?” Jim asked quietly.
“Why would she send us here? To this time period? I don’t get it. It’s not like she’s a fucking Weeping Angel or something,” Beth muttered as a piece of rebellious hair fell in her face. She glared at it and wished nothing more than to be able to tuck it behind her ear but with her hands tied up, she had to resort to blowing at it like a toddler.
Jim was silent for a moment and Beth was almost surprised by it. Normally he liked to have an answer for everything, which was sometimes good and sometimes bad. It was almost fun to pick his brain because it seemed to work on a different wavelength than hers, but at the same time, he could be a horrible know-it-all.
“I have no bleeding idea what a Weeping Angel is, but I think her plan is self-annihilation…or at least that’s my best guess,” Jim said after a few minutes passed.
“Self-annihilation. I’m assuming she sent you here because she knows you’re a goddamn bull in a tea shop and she expects you to wipe out your own existence, which is still a high possibility. One wrong move and that epic ass love story between your parents goes up in smoke. You die by your own hand, wipe yourself from existence and Ardeas lives.”
Beth closed her eyes, sighing heavily. Ardeas was the entire reason she was in the mess she was in. He had tried to assault her in order to get her cache of magic beans and she had responded by chaining him to a rock and dropping him at the bottom of the ocean while he screamed that he was immortal and she would regret this decision. Ardeas was not immortal, but she did come to regret the decision when his mother Circe had taken issue with her son’s death and had made it her mission to make Beth miserable. Considering that Will was dead and she was stuck thirty years in the past, it was fair to say that Circe was succeeding.
“It’s always what it comes down to isn’t it? That I killed him,” Beth responded, licking her chapped lips.
“Pretty much,” Jim said bluntly.
“I suppose that you think I was wrong to do that…” It wouldn’t surprise her if Jim had disagreed with the decision, though he had never made his opinion on it plain before.
“Out of all the idiotic decisions you’ve made in your life, it’s the one I judge the least. He got what he deserved. What you did was justice,” Jim murmured softly.
“And what I’m doing now isn’t?” Beth asked in clarification, raising an eyebrow.
“Nope,” Jim responded simply.
“Nope? That’s all you’re going to say? Just nope? No grand lecture on how you’re right and I’m wrong?” Beth questioned.
“It’s not my job to teach you ethics, Elizabeth,” Jim said impatiently. There was a lot of frustration in his tone and it made Beth bristle. He made her feel like a naughty school child sometimes.
“No, it’s not,” she agreed with some of her own frustration. “You’re not my fucking father.”
Jim made a strangled noise.
“The day that sentence ever comes true in any proverbial or literal form, I would kill myself.”
Beth tried to not to be offended by that.
“Better to kill yourself than to have a daughter like me?”
Jim blinked rapidly and shook his head in disbelief.
“Something like that.”
Another silence fell between them, this one more uncomfortable than the last. Every part of Beth wanted to scream, yell and cry a bit, but she could not. Such an outburst would do nothing for her. She needed to stay calm. She needed to be like Jim; calm, cool, collected and planning each move like she was playing mental chess. Beth hated chess. She had no patience for it. Maybe that was the problem.
“You said that we are at the beanstalk, what did you mean by that?” Jim said quietly, breaking the silence once more.
“Like I said this is my parents’ first meeting,” Beth replied tersely. “Their first adventure was them climbing the beanstalk to get a golden compass.”
“Beth, I need to know more than that. We need to know more than that. We need to keep the original events as intact as possible if we’re going to survive this. You know that, right?”
Beth made a low noise in the back of her throat.
“Of course, I know that. I’m not a fucking moron, so stop treating me like one,” she snapped.
“I know you’re not a moron. Stop getting so offended all the time,” Jim replied tiredly. “In fact, you’re clever as hell when you want to be, but you’re impulsive and this is emotional for you. You’re thinking with your heart and not with your head. We need your head right now. So, what do you know about the beanstalk?”
“All I know is that Mom and Grandma Snow were trying to go back to Storybrooke because they landed here by accident, much like I did three years ago. Anyway, Dad met Mom, Mom didn’t trust Dad but he knew how to get to them back home with a golden compass at the top of a bean stalk. So, despite their differences, they climbed the beanstalk together and got the compass then Mom and Grandma Snow were able to go home. Dad ended up in Storybrooke somehow, but not with them. I don’t really remember. It was their go-to story whenever I had to do a school project with someone I didn’t like.”
“That’s…not entirely helpful,” Jim sighed.
“Well, that’s all I got for you. Sorry,” Beth muttered under her breath.
“I know, I know, it’s just…” Jim let out a small huff.
Beth knew just by the look on his face that if his hands hadn’t been tied in front of him that they would be running through his sandy brown hair. He had a tendency to do that when he was anxious and right now, Jim Hawkins was more than a little anxious.
“It’s just we’re screwed,” Beth finished for him with a sigh of her own.
“You said it, not me,” Jim replied quickly.
“You didn’t have to say it, you were practically telegraphing it. I know your faces, J. I know that you’re privately thinking we’re fucked whenever you scrunch your eyebrows together like that,” Beth sighed.
“Scrunch my eyebrows together?” Jim asked, looking bewildered. “I didn’t realize I did that.”
“Well, you do,” Beth replied. “Like this.”
She furrowed her brows together purposely and set her lips into a deep frown, copying his expression. Jim’s eyebrows rose as he studied her and his mouth opened, making him look like a gaping fish.
“I do not look like that,” he said with a shake of his head.
“You totally do,” Beth responded, trying to keep from snickering.
“If you two don’t shut up soon, we’re going to separate you,” Mulan called from in front of them, rearing back to glare at them.
“I feel like I’m in grade school again,” Beth muttered under her breath.
“They bound you and dragged you in grade school?” Jim asked in disbelief.
“No, but me and my friend Sylvie were constantly being yelled at to shut up,” Beth replied with a small chuckle.
“Ah. That I can believe,” Jim grinned. “You are a bit on the loquacious side, love.”
“Are you calling me a Chatty Kathy, Hawkins?” Beth asked in amusement.
“A chatty what?” He looked confused.
“That’s it!” Mulan fumed, stopping and turning around. She jerked the rope, causing both Beth and Jim to stumble a bit. “Emma! Snow! Stop, we’re doing a prisoner switch because these two can’t stop plotting together.”
“We weren’t plotting,” Beth responded with a roll of her eyes. “Believe me, neither of us can plot to save our lives. Our battle plans last like two seconds. We’re more the make-it-up-as-we-go-along type.”
“I honestly don’t care, you’re just annoying me,” Mulan responded with her own eye roll. “You’re definitely going up front. You’ve got a mouth on you and I don’t appreciate it.”
“Really?” Beth smirked. “Most people do.”
Jim groaned beside her.
“You really couldn’t keep that one to yourself, could you?” he asked with a shake of his head.
“You know me too well,” Beth replied cheekily.
“I’m so not dealing with this anymore,” Mulan growls before shoving her rope at Emma. “You deal with her.”
“You’re seriously making me deal with Captain Flirt and Little Miss Flirt as a collective?” Emma groaned. “They’re just going to be flirting the entire time and it’s going to be gross.”
“Trust me, you don’t have to worry about that with him,” Beth muttered under her breath.
“You wound me, Black Swan,” Hook grinned, leering at her.
“Black Swan? Where the fuck did you get Black Swan?” Beth asked with a raise of her eyebrows.
“Well, you’re a Swan and she’s a Swan,” Hook said, tilting his head towards Emma. “She’s the Gold Swan because of her gorgeous blonde locks and you’re the Black Swan because of your own beautiful black hair. Being between the two of you lovelies…well, that’s just every man’s fantasy.”
Beth pulled a face and looked to Jim for support, but found her companion was biting his lip to keep from busting a gut. She glared at him. Nothing about this situation was funny. It was gross; so gross that not even Game of Thrones would touch it. Or maybe they would. The jury was still out on that one.
“If you let me out of this bind, I will beat him for you,” Beth remarked to Emma with pursed lips.
“Tempting, but no,” Emma remarked. “We need him. You, on the other hand, are expendable so I would be on my best behavior.”
Beth sighed. She had the strong urge to scream again.
“Don’t worry, love, I’ll wear you down, both you and the other gorgeous Swan,” Hook smirked.
“Keep dreaming,” Beth bit with a roll of her eyes.
“Now that’s something you don’t have worry about,” Hook winked.
Beth blanched, but said nothing. She didn’t want to add any more fuel to the fire. She couldn’t help but wonder how her father would react to see his younger self acting so aggressively flirtatious with his own daughter; knowing him, he would probably be mortified and run himself through with his sword.
They moved forward again, this time with Beth walking next to Hook instead of Jim. She tried not to look at him, but she couldn’t help herself. It was so strange to see him look so young. Her father had always been a handsome man, but as long as Beth could remember her father had silver hair, noticeable laugh lines and crow’s feet. Her father was a man that smiled with both his lips and his eyes and was full of warmth.
This man smirked but his eyes had a hardness to them that Beth had never experienced before. It made her feel cold. On top of that, she felt more like she was staring at shorter and skinnier version of her brother than her father. She always knew that Harrison had an eerie resemblance to him, but she never really saw it until now. Though Harrison was not one for leather nor did he swagger, not like Hook. It was just a strange experience.
“You said you were a pirate,” Hook said after a moment.
“I am,” Beth confirmed, trying to keep her answers short.
He snorted in disbelief. Beth nearly gaped at the sound.
“You don’t believe me?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
Hook smirked at him, his eyes slowly taking in her form. It made her skin crawl. No father should look at their daughter like that. Ever.
“Well, you look the part, but there’s more to it than that,” Hook replied, licking his lips. “I think you believe you’re a pirate, but you strike me as more as some rich noble’s spoiled daughter who is rebelling against Daddy in hopes he’ll pay attention to you.”
Beth’s nostrils flared.
“Is that what you think?” she asked tightly.
“You’re too well-bred and too demanding to be anything else, love,” he smirked.
“You think I’m well-bred? My mother would heartily disagree with you,” Beth replied tersely. “And too demanding? You wouldn’t say that if I was a man.”
“If you were a man, I would say you’re an ass,” Hook replied. “Take it as a compliment, love. I like demanding women. They know what they want and they don’t keep you guessing.”
“If my hands weren’t bound, I would run you through,” Beth responded. “You know nothing.”
“No,” he agreed. “Not yet, but I’ll learn. You wear your emotions on your sleeve. Makes you a bit of an open book.”
Beth nearly stopped at his words.
“Fuck you,” she spat.
“I’m delighted with the offer, love, but a man likes to be wooed,” Hook responded easily.
She made a noise of frustration. Beth honestly couldn’t believe how much of an asshole he was. She couldn’t believe this infuriating man would someday be her father; the man who was patient and taught her how to fight, tucked her in at night with a gentle kiss and sometimes even braided her hair. She saw nothing of that man in this one. It made her heart sink more into her chest.
“Given up already, love?” Hook taunted. “That doesn’t seem like you.”
“You don’t know me,” Beth replied snappishly.
“I’m starting to. Like I said, open book,” Hook replied easily. “Shall I prove it?”
“Something tells me that you’re going to anyway,” she replied dryly.
“Quite right,” he grinned. “Like I said, you’re wealthy. Lived well. Well-bred and used to people following your orders. You like being in charge, but you also crave danger. Hence the interest in piracy and your current…risky business. Though you’ve got some steel to you. You’re not a fragile flower or you would be complaining about the rope burns by now.”
Beth couldn’t help but chuckle a bit.
“What’s so funny?” Hook asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Steel,” she mused aloud without much thinking. “Dad says that too. He says that I was born with stars in my eyes, steel in my bones and the sea in my veins.”
“I’m guessing dear sweet Daddy is a merchant sailor?”
Beth couldn’t help it; she laughed heartily at that, amusement dancing in her eyes. Merchant sailor? Beth couldn’t imagine the man in front of her nor her father being happy with that descriptor.
“No. Not at all,” Beth snickered. “My old man was a pirate. My mother could be considered noble though, I guess. But my old man would be insulted to be called that.”
Her own mother would have been insulted by the descriptor as well, but regardless of how she felt about, Emma Swan was technically a noble considering she was born a princess.
“Hence the desire for piracy, then. I was right, a Daddy’s Girl. A pirate absconding himself a noble lady. He must be the quite the legend,” Hook mused.
“He is in his own mind,” Beth snorted.
“Your father suffers from delusions of grandeur?”
“Some would say so…” she snickered, licking her own chapped lips as she smirked.
“As entertaining as this conversation has been,” Emma said dryly, turning back to look at him. “I need Hook.”
“I knew you would warm up to me, love,” Hook smirked, arching a rakish eyebrow. “How do you want me?”
Beth was used to her father flirting with her mother. Normally she gave as good as she got and her younger brother Neddy would pretend to gag, causing them all to laugh. However, this Emma Swan was unmoved and unimpressed. She didn’t smile, just huffed in impatience.
“Cut the crap,” Emma said shortly. “Are we going in the right direction or not? How far are we from the compass?”
“We’re going in the right direction, so don’t you worry, love,” Hook replied easily. “We are just a few hours walk.”
“A few hours walk,” Emma repeats. “How much are we talking?”
“Judging by our pace, another five or six hours, give or take,” he said with a small frown.
“Five or six hours? How the hell do you know where we’re going then!” Emma demanded, looking more and more irritated.
“Don’t insult me, Swan,” Hook replied with a scoff. “I’m a seafaring man. I know my sense of direction. The compass is north. And north is that way!”
Hook pointed in the direction in front of them with his bound hands.
“And how do you know that?” Emma hissed. “It’s not like you have a GPS.”
“GPS?” Hook looked bewildered.
“He knows because every moron knows that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west,” Beth replied with a roll of her eyes. She gestured towards the sky with her head. “It’s late and the sun is in that direction. That’s west. He’s right, we’re going north.”
“I didn’t ask you,” Emma snapped.
“No, but that’s the answer nonetheless,” Beth replied with a snort.
“We should make camp here for the night…” Snow White said, breaking the tension between the three of them. “Sun is setting in maybe an hour or so. Walking in the dark is a bad idea. Best to continue this tomorrow.”
“Here? Really?” Emma asked, raising her eyebrow at her mother.
“Why not?” Snow White replied with a shrug. “I mean, it’s not the best place to camp but it’s also not the worst.”
Emma let out a heavy sigh before handing the ropes off to Snow White and pulling out her sword. She paused only to give Hook and Beth a dirty look.
“Watch them, I’ll make sure the area is secure and we haven’t been followed,” Emma commanded, scanning their surroundings and pressing her sword through the bushes.
“You think Cora’s following us?” Snow White questioned.
“Possibly. Probably not, but you never know, maybe Will Turner is,” Emma replied almost jokingly.
Beth stiffened at her words; her heart aching in her chest. She was a fucking idiot. She should have chosen a different name. She hadn’t been thinking about the Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner romance when she had made the Keira Knightly character her chosen alias. It had been in oversight of epic proportions.  
Emma immediately noticed her reaction and her joking demeanor grew more serious.
“So there’s a Will Turner then.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement.
At one point in Beth’s life, she had an excellent poker face. However, it appeared that was no longer the case. Another unwelcome change in her life since Will’s passing.
“Will Turner?” Snow White questioned, brows furrowed.
“Will Turner,” Emma repeated, and it felt like another knife to Beth’s gut. “The epic trio slash love triangle of Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner in the movies. I wasn’t certain there was one, but her face says it all.”
Beth closed her eyes. She didn’t them open to know that Emma was gesturing to her. She swallowed sharply. If her skin felt like it had been crawling when Hook had looked at her, it now felt like it was running off her bones.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” Emma asked, nudging Beth’s shoulder with her blade.
“He’s not here,” Beth said roughly.
“I find that hard to believe,” Emma snorted. “If your relationship is anything like the movies, he wouldn’t let you out of his sight.”
“That was true once upon a time,” Beth replied, biting her lip and opening her eyes. She stared her would-be mother in the eye. “But that’s no longer possible.”
“Why?” Emma asked, her voice demanding.
“Because he’s dead,” Beth snapped. Despite trying to keep her composure, all the anger and all the pain came out.
The eye contact between them was long and uncomfortable especially when Beth wanted nothing more than to scream. Whatever Emma saw in her, Beth didn’t know, but she gave her a quiet stiff nod. She put her sword back in its sheath.
Out of the corner of her eye, Beth could see Hook looking at her strangely. She straightened her back, making a point not to look at him or anyone. She couldn’t handle it right now. She felt like a livewire, vulnerable and raw.
“If we’re going to stay here tonight, we’re going to need to secure them,” Emma said, gesturing to Hook, Beth and Jim. “Tie them to the tree or something.”
“I’ll take care of them,” Mulan said, jerking Jim forward with his rope. “I’ll secure him. Then the girl and then Hook, if Snow will assist.”
“I have no problem with that,” Snow White replied, looking at Beth and Hook out of the corner of her eye distastefully.
Beth was used to her grandmother looking at her in disappointment or exasperation. They never really clicked. Snow’s idea of bonding was shopping for frilly dresses, having heartfelt conversations and talking about how to style Beth’s hair. Beth preferred talking about sword techniques, trying to climb up trees one-handed and out drinking her “cousins.” They loved each other, they just weren’t close. In all of Beth’s years, her grandmother had never looked at her like she was something distasteful like she was right now. It made her feel even more hollow.
“What can I do?” Aurora asked.
“Sit and be quiet,” Emma replied with little patience.
“But I want to help!” Aurora insisted and the whiny tone in her voice gritted on Beth’s nerves.
“Then collect firewood,” Snow White said in a cool and patient tone.
“Just collect firewood?” Aurora asked, slightly offended with being given such a menial task.
“Aurora, just do it,” Emma snapped.
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Mulan hissed at Emma, eyes flashing.
“We don’t have time to coddle her. We need to get settled so we get moving quicker. I want that compass and to get back to my son. Nothing else. I’m not here to play nice,” Emma replied, narrowing her eyes at Mulan.
“How much do you want to bet that we could take the lot of them, love?” Hook’s voice murmured in Beth’s ear.
Beth nearly jumped out of her skin. She didn’t realize he was that close to her. It was unnerving that he had managed to get this far into her personal space without her notice. For the time during this entire insane experience, she felt genuinely wary of him.
“It’s three trained swords against one trained sword, a bowman and two unskilled women is good odds,” she muttered back. “But I’m not staging a break away. That’s not my game here.”
“We don’t need the navy man, love,” Hook whispered. “Just you and me. The princess is more of a burden than help to them. The brunette seems feisty but soft. The other Swan, while gorgeous, isn’t familiar with a sword as you cleverly pointed out earlier. The warrior is the tricky one, but we could manage.”
“In a hypothetical situation, sure,” she responded. “I’m not leaving him. I can’t leave him. He wouldn’t leave me. Not now. Not ever. Even though he should. And I’m not doing this. So, forget it.”
“What if I told you I could bring you to a treasure unlike your wildest dreams? A true giant’s horde, we’re talking. I think we could make quite the team, love. I think you’d find me a better and more exciting companion that big, tall and boring back there. What do you say?” he replied, stepping closer into her space.
Beth took a step back, glaring at him.
“I would say that you have no idea just how big my wildest dreams are,” she said firmly. “And no. It’s not happening, Hook. Besides, I thought you didn’t think I was a real pirate. What did you call me? A rich noble’s daughter rebelling against her father in hopes he would look at her?”
“I misjudged you,” Hook admitted.
“You could be misjudging me now,” she responded, turning away to watch Mulan tie up Jim. He wasn’t focused on his captor at all, but watching Beth and Hook warily.
“No…I don’t think so. Just answer me this…How did he die? Your Will?”
Beth sucked on her teeth at the question. If her hands hadn’t been tied, she would have punched him.
“Swann? How did he die?” Hook asked again, more insisted.
Beth let in a heavy breath, debating in her head whether or not she should answer him. His bound hands nudged at her side. He wouldn’t let himself be ignored. She hated him for it, but it was typical of her father. He refused to let her be if he knew she was upset. This man wasn’t her father though, not yet.
“He was killed. A spell meant for me killed him,” she monotonously.
“His killer?”
“She breathes…for now,” she whispered.
“You don’t want treasure. You want revenge,” Hook said softly, looking at her with sudden understanding. She wanted to hit him even more for it.
“I want justice,” she said firmly.
“Sometimes they’re the same thing, love.”
Beth didn’t get a chance to respond as Mulan somehow materialized at her side and jerked her towards a tree adjacent from where Jim was situated. She winced slightly as she was pushed roughly against the tree.
“You think you would be a bit more thoughtful considering that we willingly surrendered,” Beth muttered under her breath.
“Maybe, but I don’t like you,” Mulan responded easily.
Beth rolled her eyes, but said nothing. She watched as Aurora carelessly tossed sticks into the middle of the camp. She nearly snorted. It reminded her of the time they went camping and Neddy pouted constantly at being handed small tasks because he wasn’t as “big” as the rest of them. The thought of Neddy made her heart yearn for home, her real home. She wanted her mother to run her fingers through her hair and unknot the tangles. She wanted her father to cuddle her and whisper a story that she had heard a million times before. She wanted Harrison playing his guitar and singing to her something off a Jimi Hendrix album and Wes to crack a snarky joke while Neddy placed a whoopee cushion under someone’s chair.
Most of all she wanted Will and his radiant smile; the one that took up his entire face and made the corners of his eyes crinkle. She wanted to hear the laugh of pure joy he made that one time after they swam in the ocean naked during a warm afternoon on his family’s private beach. She wanted his kisses that were like a rip tide; taking you by surprise and pulling you in before you even had the chance to comprehend how it happened. But Will was gone and he wasn’t coming back.
And if she didn’t think fast, she wouldn’t get back to her family. Her real family. Not these people who were, but weren’t because those events hadn’t happened to them yet.
“Beth…” Jim called softly. “Are you okay?”
And for the first time in six months, Beth answered that question honestly. Whether it was because it was Jim, who had always been her rock and seen her at her lowest, asked or if she answered without truly thinking about it for once, she didn’t know. However, there something both liberating and almost physically painful about it.
“No. I’m not.”
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 years
THE NATIONAL - THE SYSTEM ONLY DREAMS IN TOTAL DARKNESS [6.40] And with this we wrap up inter-National Friday (ha ha... ha...).
Ian Mathers: Six weeks from now I'd probably give this another point or two; the National's little grace notes always grow on me, whether it's Matt Berninger's halting delivery of the title against the piano or those little guitar licks or everything about Bryan Devendorf's drumming, and it's exciting that after a trio of good (maybe great, depending on your demographics, genre interest, and mood) records that sounded pretty much the same, their palette feels like it's expanding a bit. And of course they've lost none of their knack for weirdly relatable, gnomic turns of phrase. If they feel a bit adrift, even confused by life in 2017, they're somewhere in a long, long line of people feeling the same. Did anyone else see it in those clouds at the end? First Nixon, then a frowning cartoon dog, then nothing. [7]
Joshua Copperman: After a series of projects post-Trouble Will Find Me, which branched off into dance-pop and zoney six-minute jams, in addition to a several-hour Grateful Dead tribute, The National have reunited and brought the spirit of those projects with them. "TSODITD" is something of a massive send-up, with a fuzzy guitar solo from an almost-always-solo-averse Dessner brother, an unusually bouncy bass line from Scott Devendorf, and Bryan Devendorf's normally tasteful drum fills replaced with a big, dumb entrance. Most of all, Matt Berninger is intentionally incomprehensible here; the punchline of "I can't explain it any other way" is so National, coming as it does after a series of surreal, even-vaguer-than-usual lyrics. The run-on line "...ALSO no other faith is light enough for this place" is one such example, which seems to emphasize trust in one another over trust in a higher power. Even as it takes multiple listens to understand what he means at first, the intensity of the arrangement gives his pleas for solace some actual urgency. "TSODITD", for all the ways it stretches their sound, retains the qualities of their best music; the times when every individual member locks in with one another, and densely layered textures creep in to the mix until the final product becomes grandiose, yet still intimate. [8]
Tim de Reuse: The National were supposed to try a different approach on this album, no? That's what I vaguely remember from some interview a year or two ago, which is just as well, because I think the band were quietly hoping we'd forget they ever mentioned it. There are, to their credit, timid, surface-level evolutions in sound: the open-faced production, the barely perceptible "oohs" underneath it all, the carefully manicured guitar solo. For the most part, though, this is a song by The National, with The National structure and The National chord progressions and The National melancholia courtesy of Matt Berninger's ever-strong penchant for stream-of-consciousness that occasionally happens to rhyme -- none of which are things I usually dislike, mind you! -- but there is still some strange sense of restraint through the whole tune that prevents it from reaching the levels of oblivious sentimentality necessary for this whole The National machine to function. I mean, guys, if you want so badly to repeat yourselves, whatever, follow your hearts; but I'd rather you just write "Sea of Love" again than this weird, flimsy compromise. [5]
Alfred Soto: "We're in a different kind of thing now," Matt Berninger avers, and I admire his delusions. Other than a dark and stormy guitar squall, garrulous title, and more prominent piano, "The System..." sulks as defiantly as any other release in the band's catalog. At this point you care or you don't, and I'm bored of claiming they don't matter -- the sound of post-thirty white angst, I suppose, deserves an airing too. [6]
Alex Clifton: I've never really got The National--something about Matt Berninger's voice is both beautiful and too unsettling for me--but I found myself tapping my foot while listening to this. There's something alive about this track that I've found lacking in indie rock over the last few years. My favourite acts--the Killers, Franz Ferdinand, the Arctic Monkeys--wrote fast, furious songs, stuff that leaves you breathless. Yet in recent years, that drive from rock music has disappeared; everything's a quiet dirge on the radio, sparse and unfulfilling. This song, however, is catchy and pulsating and moves forward, with a killer guitar solo in the middle to boot. It's the the best of mid-2000s indie rock mixed with something more dramatic, with trumpet and synths colliding with an edgy guitar to produce a song that's gripping and propulsive. It's urgent and breaks up the monotony of the charts. If this is what The National has to offer these days, sign me up. [8]
Edward Okulicz: The National's sound makes the distinctly non-lucid sound lucid, and in that sense this even beats the one about being afraid you might eat someone's brains. But played like this and sung like that it comes across as like a page out of an intriguing novella, or its audiobook form read by a serious narrator who's the only one aware of the terror ahead. [8]
Maxwell Cavaseno: Slowly, I crept through the dark shrubs, into the topiary prison. There I found the corpse of Ian Curtis, 85 percent of his body removed by Anton Corbijn still convincing people he has artistic talent over the last 30-odd years, and the plants moving over to take over the remainder. His one eye looked at me all mournful while moss had not only emerged in his pores to make him look more rancid than possible, but formed a beard with Errol Flynn mustache. Beneath this cadaver of a man the vines were snared around a dead boom-box playing "Lust for Life," but likewise the shrubs had claimed the carcass of the device so that the drum fill came out as a polite pulse and the guitar occasionally squalled out to sound like AOL dial-up. Solemnly, I turned away in disgust, knowing this would be a perfect tourist trap for indie dads across the world, who would take solace in how much they felt like he looked. Later, that tatterdemalion horror became a single released for a National album. [4]
Josh Love: The guys in The National were past 30 when they broke through to widespread notice and acclaim, so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that they haven't gone all gooey and benign like so many other bands at this stage of their life cycle. Matt Berninger thankfully still seems like a miserable bastard, laying out an exquisite tableau of romantic and spiritual isolation while a jagged guitar riff scrawls his real, ugly feelings on the wall. [7]
Thomas Inskeep: The rumbling rhythm track is reminiscent of "Ballroom Blitz," of all things. Matt Berninger's vocals are kind of bass-y and British; I can't necessarily explain what that means, exactly, they just come off kind of British to my ears. Then I remember that I was rather fond of his side project EL VY, and it starts to come together for me. This is a bit late '80s college rock, less Amerindie and more Bad Seeds. These guys find a groove and lock into it, and let Berninger do his thing above it: wise choice. [7]
Austin Brown: It feels like every album, The National moves further and further away from making full use of Bryan Devendorf's drumming, the thing that always made them far more interesting than the mope-rock they got pigeonholed as. Here, the neurotic precision that defines Devendorf's best work ("Bloodbuzz Ohio," "Apartment Story," "Squalor Victoria," "Graceless") is absent, replaced by a far less exciting rollicking slacker pose. This was a little true of some of the songs on Trouble Will Find Me, but there the rest of the band picked up the slack, with Matt Berninger turning in some of his most specific and acute songs yet. Here, though, he's on autopilot, droning through his lyrical habitus without letting anything distinctive poke up above the surface--and the rest of the band follows suit. Even the midpoint guitar solo feels like an empty exercise. I know the band is supposedly more relaxed now, far more at ease in their songwriting, and good for them. But it's starting to look like there was a lot of productive value to the tense recording sessions that produced Boxer and High Violet. [4]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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weliveunbound · 7 years
Mountain Therapy
I’m standing on top of Ijen Volcano in Indonesia hoping that this surreal, pandora-like landscape will not only make me look cool on Instagram but also give me some sort of clarity.
So I’m staring at the sun come up thinking, I would now like an answer to the question that is often in the forefront of my mind please. The question is a simple one – what future do I want to create for myself?
But when you’ve lost touch of yourself in a sea of open tabs and lucrative detours then the answer is not that simple.
As the clouds clear to reveal the turquoise lake below, any sort of insight is smothered by the need to capture this moment and… well… look cool on Instagram.
But there’s another reason why I’m not getting the inspiration I came for. It’s because this place was too easy to get to (well not that easy, a 3 hour night hike through the jungle) and if there’s anything I know well it’s that struggle creates meaning.
For example, when flying many people prefer the aisle seat even though the view from an airplane window can be incredibly beautiful at times. But let’s say they hiked five days for that view. Then it all of a sudden becomes the most wonderful thing they’ve ever seen.
So I know what I need – a real adventure.
I’ve been editing Reality TV the last four months, I’m so freaking hungry for it. And it’s all good because I’m about to get it in the form of a four day trek to the summit of Mt. Rinjani, Lombok. 
What you’re looking at is Lake Segara Anak (child of the sea), a 4.4 square mile lake inside the crater of a 12,200 ft (3700 m) Volcano. And yes, that’s another Volcano in the middle of the lake. Really? Yes, really.
Just a quick break down of the mission:
Day 1:
7:00 am hike 7 hours to the top of the crater / 8 miles (13 km) / 5000 ft (1525 m) elevation gain  
Day 2:
2:00 am hike 4 hours to the summit for sunrise / 4 miles (6.5 km) / 3600 ft (1,100 m) elevation gain
8:00 am hike 5 hours to the bottom of the lake / 7 miles (11 km) / 5600 ft (1700 m) elevation drop
Day 3:
9:00 am hike 3 hours to a different spot on top of the crater / 3 miles (4.8 km) / 2000 ft (610 m) elevation gain
1:00 pm hike 2 hours towards the base of the mountain / 2.5 miles (4 km) / 1000 ft (305 m) elevation drop
Day 4:
9:00 am hike 2 hours to the base of the mountain / 2.5 miles (4 km) / 1000 ft (305 m) elevation drop
I can’t wait!
I thought Mt. Bromo in Java would be a nice warm up but I’m quickly learning that it’s a bit of a tourist trap.
The problem isn’t so much that people are asking me to take their photos (thanks selfie sticks), it’s that they want me in the photos. I’m a nice guy of course so I agree but I’m plotting out an escape plan.
I see a narrow path alongside the edge of the crater and without any hesitation, I head in that direction. There’s no one there except a German couple who tell me to be very careful if I attempt to walk all the way around the crater.
An hour later I understand what they’re talking about.
The path is uncomfortably narrow and one side is a 60 degree slope ending in what I thought was lava but it’s just boring old sulfur. Either way I wanted an adventure and I’m definitely getting one.
But the experience isn’t really the moment of clarity I was hoping for. Too much focus on keeping myself in the manageable risk zone and not going too far. I mean what’s up with the ground here?? It pretty much falls apart when you step on it. I have no idea what I’m doing in Volcano land. I need a guide.
It’s 5:30 am when Hamdi, the Reza Trekkers Rinjani guide knocks on my door yelling, “Are you ready for this?” Still half asleep and not really sure what’s happening I instinctively respond, “Hell ya I’m ready!” Then I realize I’m not ready at all and I’m late.
Three hours of intense hiking in and out of clouds later, I’m noticing that the porters are zooming past me. Which is pretty impressive considering that they’re barefoot and carrying 85 pounds (39 kg) of supplies.
For real, I’m a bit baffled by this especially because some parts of the trail are borderline rock climbing. Hamdi tells me that he used to be a porter and on the first day of the job he cried. I think he was joking but maybe not.
He says they wear flip flops and sometimes hike barefoot because shoes are too heavy. Hmm… interesting. After my third fall of the day on the crumbling volcanic rock, I asked Hamdi if they ever slip. He gets all serious and looks at me straight in the eyes saying, “No, porters never fall.”
On hour five I'm covered in sweat, my legs are shaking and I start to wonder, “Why am I doing this?!” Then I turn the corner for a new incredible view.
Oh ya, that’s why.
I don’t want to make it seem like this is some superhuman trek. Actually anyone fit can do this. But I will say that some parts are pretty grueling or what one local called Indonesian torture.
We finally make it to the crater rim where Alto, our porter, hands me a plate of fried bananas covered in chocolate and cheese.
As I take a bite out of this unexpectedly delicious Indonesian delicacy, I feel connected to my six year old self who insisted on putting chocolate spread on top of every meal.
The clouds clear just in time to reveal a sunset so magical that I forget all about the mental struggle I had to endure to get there.
I pass out for a couple hours before my alarm goes off at 1:30 am for one of those, where the hell am I, wake up moments. I unzip the tent to see countless stars not only above my head but also straight in front of me. I remember that I’m 8000 ft high on the edge of a Volcano crater in Indonesia.
I strap on my trusty Forsake kicks and follow Hamdi into the darkness.
Three hours of zombie-like hiking later we reach the final mile which is an extremely steep, sand-like dirt ridge, 12,000 ft above normal, breathable air.
There’s that thought again – “Why!?”
But as painful as this is, I feel like some force has me hooked and is slowly reeling me up towards the peak.
Every couple of steps I look up at the Milky Way which is as visible as one of those long exposure photographs. I do a 360 while staring up at the sky, desperately trying to take it all in. I do this often while traveling – frantically scan the landscape as if I’m trying to catch a last glimpse before it disappears.
Then I realize that everything around me isn’t going anywhere and it’s me who will be disappearing. Hopefully after a long life but just in case it doesn’t work out that way, I’ll go happy because of experiences like this.
I’m actually thankful for this unsettling notion that there’s an end creeping up in the horizon. After all it’s this awareness that’s pulling me up the mountain.
It fuels this wild, one way ticket lifestyle of world and potential exploration. It reminds me to choose experiences over possessions, failure over regret and uncertainty over comfort.
In the exact moment the sun shows it’s first spec of light, we reach the summit. The Pyramid shaped shadow of Rinjani in the horizon stands next to Mt. Batur in Bali and the Gili Islands.
The sunrise is over way too fast just like my 20s and it’s already time to begin the long journey down to the crater lake. I take the first step without having to ask myself, “Why?!”
Did someone slip a molly in my cheese banana? Because I’m feeling way too giddy right now considering it’s a five hour journey, 5600 ft down. And wait, is that a monkey??
We descend further and further into an enchanted fairyland that I thought only existed in Disney movies.
On the other side of that grass hill I'm surprised to see a waterfall with hot spring pools on the bottom. Hamdi, that sneaky man, didn’t even tell me where he was taking me. I take a full shower with shampoo and soap under the waterfall. Whatever, I like to be clean, don’t judge!
We walk to a secluded spot on the lake where Alto has already set up the tents and is now fishing for our dinner.
The clouds are covering the Volcano but Hamdi tells me that it’s about 500 ft (150 m) away. He says that a year ago he was at this spot when it erupted.
He couldn’t hike out because there was too much ash so overnight he got the lava show of a lifetime. I told him I wish I could have seen that and he said, “No you don’t. I cried.” Joking again? I’m really not sure.
As the sun sets we have Ikan Goreng (deep fried crispy fish) for dinner which tastes even better than the fancy Bali food I had a week earlier.
At 7 am I unzip my tent to see that the clouds have cleared and the Volcano is right in front of my face. Hamdi hands me a cup of Lombok coffee, I put on some Bon Iver and sink into some sort of trance-like euphoria.
My mind clears. As if a massive delete button was hit on all the unworthy thoughts that dominate my thinking. In this emptiness, something is brewing. Slowly expanding into what I came here for – answers!
For the past couple years I’ve been on a mission to catch up to this 2.0 version of myself that creates the incredible work I know I’m capable of. I know because I’ve caught him before and he elevated me to new heights in record time. Giving me a taste of success and then disappearing.  
But in this moment, I can feel him here. I get hit with a flood of ideas for creative pursuits and an unshakable belief in my ability to see them through. I pull out my journal and try to write them all down. 
This leads to an important realization. In order to align with this higher self, I have to stop chasing and instead create an environment where he’d want to live.
I think of it as having a good signal. Four bars means that my mind is fully open to possibilities, I work in a peak state with maximum enjoyment. One bar means I’m going to need a lot of coffee just to produce something that I don’t really care about and I doubt anyone else will.
For example, I know that adventures which push me physically and mentally give a certain energy that running on a treadmill in LA fitness just doesn’t create.
As I write down other conditions that could trigger a good signal, I feel an urge to shut my brain down and go for a morning swim in the lake.
After all, I’m not chasing anything right now. I feel content. I’ve arrived somewhere.
After spending some quality time with Lake Segara Anak, we hike up to the top of the crater and then down into the jungle.
I follow Alto on a detour to find a water pipe so we can refill our bottles. We finally find a thin pipe that runs for miles from a river up top to a small village below where it provides clean water for one hundred houses.
He detaches the tube to fill up the bottles and before attaching it back, I take another shower. I make a bold decision to not use shampoo today. Crazy I know but what can I say, I’m living on the edge.
Surrounded by curious monkeys, we set up the tents then have ramen for dinner. I go inside to relax but accidentally doze off and sleep like a baby until the morning.
We wake up early and complete the trek with an easy two hour hike down to the base of the mountain. I say goodbye to Alto and Hamdi who are still making fun of my ridiculous shower needs.
Feeling accomplished, I make my way to the south of Lombok where I can do nothing on the beach for a couple days.
If any part of you is intrigued by doing a trek like this then you should absolutely book a ticket right now. Just be careful because if you’re anything like me, your automatic excuse generator might kick in saying things like – I’m not fit enough, too old, can’t sleep in tents, scared of heights, not now maybe next year… etc. etc.
If this happens, try telling this voice, “Sorry buddy. I’m gonna go ahead and do this one anyways.” It’ll make one more desperate attempt to stop you, “Wait! What about altitude sickness??” Just hit him with a calm, cool, “Nope. Sorry.”
Why? Because sometimes it feels like you become as tall as the mountains you choose to climb.
   - Yali
P.S. Whenever life's craziness causes anxiety, I just think of the Rinjani porters and I feel okay again. I used to think of my greatest accomplishments but this works much better.
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travelguy4444 · 5 years
My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019
Posted: 3/19/2019 | March 19th, 2019
There are a lot of hostels in Medellín. As “gringo central” for Colombia, you can’t walk five feet without coming across one, with majority located in El Pablado (Gringoland) and Laureles (up-and-coming Gringoland).
In fact, if you look on Hostelworld, you’ll find 93 hostels in this city. That’s a lot of hostels.
I spent close to three weeks in Medellín: first for an extended time over the holidays and then again as I made my way from north to south. Like I do whenever I’m in cities that long, I decided to stay in as many hostels as possible to find out which were the best.
A lot of online lists purport to tell you the best hostels in the city, but I found that my experiences staying in them differed so greatly from the reviews, I began to think, “Ya know, I don’t think people really stayed here!”
So, after spending three weeks there and moving every other day, here is my list of my favorite hostels, based on actual firsthand experience.
The 8 Best Hostels in Medellin
1. Los Patios
This stylish hostel has themed floors inspired by Colombia’s natural surroundings: mountains, jungles, sea, and plains. It’s part of a massive two-building complex that also has a co-working space, a gym, rooftop bars, an organic garden (whose herbs you can use), a Spanish school, and communal kitchens. It was by far my favorite hostel in the entirety of the city. (In fact, I think it is one of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed in!)
Each dorm bed comes with a privacy curtain, and the private rooms are as comfortable as hotels. The bathrooms were amazing and the beds super comfy — I got some of my best nights’ sleep here. It offers free tea and coffee, great happy hours, amazing parties, and activities like salsa classes and street art tours, plus there are free bike rentals. The staff is also super friendly and welcoming. Overall, this hostel just gets it.
Beds from $17 USD, privates from $50 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Los Patios!
2. Hostel Rango Boutique
Hostel Rango is one of the more upscale hostels in the city. The dorm beds are super comfy, though the beds lack privacy curtains. Each bed comes with reading lights, two power sockets, and personal lockers. The bathrooms are nicer than anything I’ve ever seen in a hostel and rival that of a luxury hotel. I mean, that water pressure! That rustic design? So good! I want these bathrooms in my home. Private rooms are also available and come with a few additional touches, like TVs and mini-fridges, but they are as expensive as hotels, so skip them.
I found the open, industrial décor is super fashionable, and the hostel’s restaurant and bar area great for grabbing a meal and a really good professional cocktail (honestly the bar alone is worth visiting). The staff will also help to set you up with activities like food tours and free walking tours.
Beds from $18 USD, privates from $75 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Hostel Rango Boutique!
3. Sugar Cane Hostel
German- and Colombian-owned Sugar Cane is small. There are just a few private and dorm rooms on one level. The rooms are impressively clean, although they lack the character of the larger hostels in town. The roof has a common area with a few hammocks as well as the hostel’s kitchen. Breakfast is free (you serve yourself) and comes with all the essentials, like bread, eggs, muesli, coffee, and tea. Every Sunday the German owner (I forget his name) cooks up his famous barbecue of chicken, steak, sausages, and all the fixings! It’s a pretty standard, simple hostel, but the owner really makes you feel like family, and he helped me a lot during my stay.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Sugar Cane Hostel!
4. Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel
This is the largest party hostel in Medellín, so if you’re looking to get crazy, this your best bet! The staff works hard to keep people happy (and drunk), including organizing drinking games, salsa classes, and pub crawls. You’ll get free breakfast and coffee in the mornings. The drink are cheap here and there are two on-site restaurants selling sushi and tacos.
Thankfully, the huge bar area is separate from the rooms, so it’s pretty quiet. But the rooms are fairly basic and the beds nothing special — you’ll sleep but won’t be blown away by anything. The real reason to come here is to be in the middle of the party! A lot of pub crawls stop here.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel!
5. The Wandering Paisa
The Wandering Paisa is located in the upscale area of Laureles, which is the up and coming touristy area. All the dorms are covered in South American and Colombian cultural artwork by local students. Each bed comes with a large locker and a privacy divider, which makes it easier to sleep. While the beds are average, I was a big fan of the nice pillows. The kitchen is has the basic essentials. The Paisa Bar is a fun spot to hang out in, and local musicians perform on the sundeck. The hostel also offers free salsa lessons and Spanish classes. If you want to get out of Poblado, this is the place to stay.
Beds from $8 USD, private rooms from $23 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at The Wandering Paisa!
6. Black Sheep Hostel
The Black Sheep Hostel, one of Medellín’s most popular, was also the first in town. I really loved this hostel. The rooms, while pretty bare, are spotless, and the bathrooms have great water pressure and are cleaned regularly. There are lots of common spaces here, including a large balcony and terrace area. The beer sold is cheap and I found guests here were always socializing and hanging out (the way they should). The Kiwi staff owner is super nice and staff members are all university students that are great at handing out local advice. The hostel also offers a ton of tour options that you can book directly from and they’ll even exchange money if you need. This is another “classic” hostel that gets everything right! I loved it.
Beds from $11 USD, private rooms from $25 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Black Sheep Hostel!
7. Purple Monkey
This is definitely one of the liveliest party hostels in Medellín. It’s quirky and upbeat, with a massive rooftop bar area. I found the dorms to be small and cramped, and it was a bit weird to go upstairs and outside to the shower area, but the place is kept very clean, there’s free breakfast, and you really only come here to party, so who cares about anything else!
Beds from $11 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Purple Monkey!
8. Casa Kiwi Hostel
Casa Kiwi Hostel is another institution and located in the middle of Poblado. The dorms are small and I found the beds to be a little thin, but each bed has a locker, and overall, the building is clean and tidy. There’s a big kitchen with free coffee and tea, but the hostel’s restaurant serves up tasty and cheap food. It also has a rooftop terrace, a plunge pool, a bar, plenty of hammocks, and a mini-theater. As one of the most popular hostels in the city, it’s really easy to meet people here, as it’s always full!
Beds from $11, private rooms from $31 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Casa Kiwi Hostel!
Two places I would not recommend staying are Monet’s and Selina. Monet’s is new and cheap and has friendly owners, but it’s far from the action, the walls are thin, and the accommodations pretty basic. If you were on a tight, tight budget and everywhere else was full, it would be good for a night. I wouldn’t spend more time there than that.
Selina is a super popular hostel with digital nomads and has locations around the world. It’s always so hyped up that I was pretty excited to stay there. However, I was greatly disappointed with it. It was good spot to work from (they have a co-working space), there are resturants on site, and the bar, though overpriced, was nice place to meet expats and travelers, but the beds were hard, the rooms had little privacy, and the bathrooms weren’t well kept. Given the high premium it charges, I just didn’t see the value in staying there. Better to stay elsewhere and go party at Selina instead! You get more bang for your peso elsewhere.
So there you have it: the best hostels in Medellín based on my recent firsthand experience. You can’t go wrong with any of them, but by far the best, best, BEST hostel in the city is Los Patios. It’s one of the greatest hostels I’ve ever stayed in!
Did we miss any? If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments.
Book Your Trip to Medellin: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Colombia? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Colombia with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credits: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10
The post My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
source https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-hostels-medellin/
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melissagarcia8 · 5 years
My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019
Posted: 3/19/2019 | March 19th, 2019
There are a lot of hostels in Medellín. As “gringo central” for Colombia, you can’t walk five feet without coming across one, with majority located in El Pablado (Gringoland) and Laureles (up-and-coming Gringoland).
In fact, if you look on Hostelworld, you’ll find 93 hostels in this city. That’s a lot of hostels.
I spent close to three weeks in Medellín: first for an extended time over the holidays and then again as I made my way from north to south. Like I do whenever I’m in cities that long, I decided to stay in as many hostels as possible to find out which were the best.
A lot of online lists purport to tell you the best hostels in the city, but I found that my experiences staying in them differed so greatly from the reviews, I began to think, “Ya know, I don’t think people really stayed here!”
So, after spending three weeks there and moving every other day, here is my list of my favorite hostels, based on actual firsthand experience.
The 8 Best Hostels in Medellin
1. Los Patios
This stylish hostel has themed floors inspired by Colombia’s natural surroundings: mountains, jungles, sea, and plains. It’s part of a massive two-building complex that also has a co-working space, a gym, rooftop bars, an organic garden (whose herbs you can use), a Spanish school, and communal kitchens. It was by far my favorite hostel in the entirety of the city. (In fact, I think it is one of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed in!)
Each dorm bed comes with a privacy curtain, and the private rooms are as comfortable as hotels. The bathrooms were amazing and the beds super comfy — I got some of my best nights’ sleep here. It offers free tea and coffee, great happy hours, amazing parties, and activities like salsa classes and street art tours, plus there are free bike rentals. The staff is also super friendly and welcoming. Overall, this hostel just gets it.
Beds from $17 USD, privates from $50 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Los Patios!
2. Hostel Rango Boutique
Hostel Rango is one of the more upscale hostels in the city. The dorm beds are super comfy, though the beds lack privacy curtains. Each bed comes with reading lights, two power sockets, and personal lockers. The bathrooms are nicer than anything I’ve ever seen in a hostel and rival that of a luxury hotel. I mean, that water pressure! That rustic design? So good! I want these bathrooms in my home. Private rooms are also available and come with a few additional touches, like TVs and mini-fridges, but they are as expensive as hotels, so skip them.
I found the open, industrial décor is super fashionable, and the hostel’s restaurant and bar area great for grabbing a meal and a really good professional cocktail (honestly the bar alone is worth visiting). The staff will also help to set you up with activities like food tours and free walking tours.
Beds from $18 USD, privates from $75 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Hostel Rango Boutique!
3. Sugar Cane Hostel
German- and Colombian-owned Sugar Cane is small. There are just a few private and dorm rooms on one level. The rooms are impressively clean, although they lack the character of the larger hostels in town. The roof has a common area with a few hammocks as well as the hostel’s kitchen. Breakfast is free (you serve yourself) and comes with all the essentials, like bread, eggs, muesli, coffee, and tea. Every Sunday the German owner (I forget his name) cooks up his famous barbecue of chicken, steak, sausages, and all the fixings! It’s a pretty standard, simple hostel, but the owner really makes you feel like family, and he helped me a lot during my stay.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Sugar Cane Hostel!
4. Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel
This is the largest party hostel in Medellín, so if you’re looking to get crazy, this your best bet! The staff works hard to keep people happy (and drunk), including organizing drinking games, salsa classes, and pub crawls. You’ll get free breakfast and coffee in the mornings. The drink are cheap here and there are two on-site restaurants selling sushi and tacos.
Thankfully, the huge bar area is separate from the rooms, so it’s pretty quiet. But the rooms are fairly basic and the beds nothing special — you’ll sleep but won’t be blown away by anything. The real reason to come here is to be in the middle of the party! A lot of pub crawls stop here.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel!
5. The Wandering Paisa
The Wandering Paisa is located in the upscale area of Laureles, which is the up and coming touristy area. All the dorms are covered in South American and Colombian cultural artwork by local students. Each bed comes with a large locker and a privacy divider, which makes it easier to sleep. While the beds are average, I was a big fan of the nice pillows. The kitchen is has the basic essentials. The Paisa Bar is a fun spot to hang out in, and local musicians perform on the sundeck. The hostel also offers free salsa lessons and Spanish classes. If you want to get out of Poblado, this is the place to stay.
Beds from $8 USD, private rooms from $23 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at The Wandering Paisa!
6. Black Sheep Hostel
The Black Sheep Hostel, one of Medellín’s most popular, was also the first in town. I really loved this hostel. The rooms, while pretty bare, are spotless, and the bathrooms have great water pressure and are cleaned regularly. There are lots of common spaces here, including a large balcony and terrace area. The beer sold is cheap and I found guests here were always socializing and hanging out (the way they should). The Kiwi staff owner is super nice and staff members are all university students that are great at handing out local advice. The hostel also offers a ton of tour options that you can book directly from and they’ll even exchange money if you need. This is another “classic” hostel that gets everything right! I loved it.
Beds from $11 USD, private rooms from $25 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Black Sheep Hostel!
7. Purple Monkey
This is definitely one of the liveliest party hostels in Medellín. It’s quirky and upbeat, with a massive rooftop bar area. I found the dorms to be small and cramped, and it was a bit weird to go upstairs and outside to the shower area, but the place is kept very clean, there’s free breakfast, and you really only come here to party, so who cares about anything else!
Beds from $11 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Purple Monkey!
8. Casa Kiwi Hostel
Casa Kiwi Hostel is another institution and located in the middle of Poblado. The dorms are small and I found the beds to be a little thin, but each bed has a locker, and overall, the building is clean and tidy. There’s a big kitchen with free coffee and tea, but the hostel’s restaurant serves up tasty and cheap food. It also has a rooftop terrace, a plunge pool, a bar, plenty of hammocks, and a mini-theater. As one of the most popular hostels in the city, it’s really easy to meet people here, as it’s always full!
Beds from $11, private rooms from $31 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Casa Kiwi Hostel!
Two places I would not recommend staying are Monet’s and Selina. Monet’s is new and cheap and has friendly owners, but it’s far from the action, the walls are thin, and the accommodations pretty basic. If you were on a tight, tight budget and everywhere else was full, it would be good for a night. I wouldn’t spend more time there than that.
Selina is a super popular hostel with digital nomads and has locations around the world. It’s always so hyped up that I was pretty excited to stay there. However, I was greatly disappointed with it. It was good spot to work from (they have a co-working space), there are resturants on site, and the bar, though overpriced, was nice place to meet expats and travelers, but the beds were hard, the rooms had little privacy, and the bathrooms weren’t well kept. Given the high premium it charges, I just didn’t see the value in staying there. Better to stay elsewhere and go party at Selina instead! You get more bang for your peso elsewhere.
So there you have it: the best hostels in Medellín based on my recent firsthand experience. You can’t go wrong with any of them, but by far the best, best, BEST hostel in the city is Los Patios. It’s one of the greatest hostels I’ve ever stayed in!
Did we miss any? If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments.
Book Your Trip to Medellin: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Colombia? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Colombia with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credits: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10
The post My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Traveling News https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-hostels-medellin/
0 notes
joshuamshea84 · 5 years
My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019
Posted: 3/19/2019 | March 19th, 2019
There are a lot of hostels in Medellín. As “gringo central” for Colombia, you can’t walk five feet without coming across one, with majority located in El Pablado (Gringoland) and Laureles (up-and-coming Gringoland).
In fact, if you look on Hostelworld, you’ll find 93 hostels in this city. That’s a lot of hostels.
I spent close to three weeks in Medellín: first for an extended time over the holidays and then again as I made my way from north to south. Like I do whenever I’m in cities that long, I decided to stay in as many hostels as possible to find out which were the best.
A lot of online lists purport to tell you the best hostels in the city, but I found that my experiences staying in them differed so greatly from the reviews, I began to think, “Ya know, I don’t think people really stayed here!”
So, after spending three weeks there and moving every other day, here is my list of my favorite hostels, based on actual firsthand experience.
The 8 Best Hostels in Medellin
1. Los Patios
This stylish hostel has themed floors inspired by Colombia’s natural surroundings: mountains, jungles, sea, and plains. It’s part of a massive two-building complex that also has a co-working space, a gym, rooftop bars, an organic garden (whose herbs you can use), a Spanish school, and communal kitchens. It was by far my favorite hostel in the entirety of the city. (In fact, I think it is one of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed in!)
Each dorm bed comes with a privacy curtain, and the private rooms are as comfortable as hotels. The bathrooms were amazing and the beds super comfy — I got some of my best nights’ sleep here. It offers free tea and coffee, great happy hours, amazing parties, and activities like salsa classes and street art tours, plus there are free bike rentals. The staff is also super friendly and welcoming. Overall, this hostel just gets it.
Beds from $17 USD, privates from $50 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Los Patios!
2. Hostel Rango Boutique
Hostel Rango is one of the more upscale hostels in the city. The dorm beds are super comfy, though the beds lack privacy curtains. Each bed comes with reading lights, two power sockets, and personal lockers. The bathrooms are nicer than anything I’ve ever seen in a hostel and rival that of a luxury hotel. I mean, that water pressure! That rustic design? So good! I want these bathrooms in my home. Private rooms are also available and come with a few additional touches, like TVs and mini-fridges, but they are as expensive as hotels, so skip them.
I found the open, industrial décor is super fashionable, and the hostel’s restaurant and bar area great for grabbing a meal and a really good professional cocktail (honestly the bar alone is worth visiting). The staff will also help to set you up with activities like food tours and free walking tours.
Beds from $18 USD, privates from $75 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Hostel Rango Boutique!
3. Sugar Cane Hostel
German- and Colombian-owned Sugar Cane is small. There are just a few private and dorm rooms on one level. The rooms are impressively clean, although they lack the character of the larger hostels in town. The roof has a common area with a few hammocks as well as the hostel’s kitchen. Breakfast is free (you serve yourself) and comes with all the essentials, like bread, eggs, muesli, coffee, and tea. Every Sunday the German owner (I forget his name) cooks up his famous barbecue of chicken, steak, sausages, and all the fixings! It’s a pretty standard, simple hostel, but the owner really makes you feel like family, and he helped me a lot during my stay.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Sugar Cane Hostel!
4. Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel
This is the largest party hostel in Medellín, so if you’re looking to get crazy, this your best bet! The staff works hard to keep people happy (and drunk), including organizing drinking games, salsa classes, and pub crawls. You’ll get free breakfast and coffee in the mornings. The drink are cheap here and there are two on-site restaurants selling sushi and tacos.
Thankfully, the huge bar area is separate from the rooms, so it’s pretty quiet. But the rooms are fairly basic and the beds nothing special — you’ll sleep but won’t be blown away by anything. The real reason to come here is to be in the middle of the party! A lot of pub crawls stop here.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel!
5. The Wandering Paisa
The Wandering Paisa is located in the upscale area of Laureles, which is the up and coming touristy area. All the dorms are covered in South American and Colombian cultural artwork by local students. Each bed comes with a large locker and a privacy divider, which makes it easier to sleep. While the beds are average, I was a big fan of the nice pillows. The kitchen is has the basic essentials. The Paisa Bar is a fun spot to hang out in, and local musicians perform on the sundeck. The hostel also offers free salsa lessons and Spanish classes. If you want to get out of Poblado, this is the place to stay.
Beds from $8 USD, private rooms from $23 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at The Wandering Paisa!
6. Black Sheep Hostel
The Black Sheep Hostel, one of Medellín’s most popular, was also the first in town. I really loved this hostel. The rooms, while pretty bare, are spotless, and the bathrooms have great water pressure and are cleaned regularly. There are lots of common spaces here, including a large balcony and terrace area. The beer sold is cheap and I found guests here were always socializing and hanging out (the way they should). The Kiwi staff owner is super nice and staff members are all university students that are great at handing out local advice. The hostel also offers a ton of tour options that you can book directly from and they’ll even exchange money if you need. This is another “classic” hostel that gets everything right! I loved it.
Beds from $11 USD, private rooms from $25 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Black Sheep Hostel!
7. Purple Monkey
This is definitely one of the liveliest party hostels in Medellín. It’s quirky and upbeat, with a massive rooftop bar area. I found the dorms to be small and cramped, and it was a bit weird to go upstairs and outside to the shower area, but the place is kept very clean, there’s free breakfast, and you really only come here to party, so who cares about anything else!
Beds from $11 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Purple Monkey!
8. Casa Kiwi Hostel
Casa Kiwi Hostel is another institution and located in the middle of Poblado. The dorms are small and I found the beds to be a little thin, but each bed has a locker, and overall, the building is clean and tidy. There’s a big kitchen with free coffee and tea, but the hostel’s restaurant serves up tasty and cheap food. It also has a rooftop terrace, a plunge pool, a bar, plenty of hammocks, and a mini-theater. As one of the most popular hostels in the city, it’s really easy to meet people here, as it’s always full!
Beds from $11, private rooms from $31 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Casa Kiwi Hostel!
Two places I would not recommend staying are Monet’s and Selina. Monet’s is new and cheap and has friendly owners, but it’s far from the action, the walls are thin, and the accommodations pretty basic. If you were on a tight, tight budget and everywhere else was full, it would be good for a night. I wouldn’t spend more time there than that.
Selina is a super popular hostel with digital nomads and has locations around the world. It’s always so hyped up that I was pretty excited to stay there. However, I was greatly disappointed with it. It was good spot to work from (they have a co-working space), there are resturants on site, and the bar, though overpriced, was nice place to meet expats and travelers, but the beds were hard, the rooms had little privacy, and the bathrooms weren’t well kept. Given the high premium it charges, I just didn’t see the value in staying there. Better to stay elsewhere and go party at Selina instead! You get more bang for your peso elsewhere.
So there you have it: the best hostels in Medellín based on my recent firsthand experience. You can’t go wrong with any of them, but by far the best, best, BEST hostel in the city is Los Patios. It’s one of the greatest hostels I’ve ever stayed in!
Did we miss any? If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments.
Book Your Trip to Medellin: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Colombia? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Colombia with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credits: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10
The post My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Traveling News https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-hostels-medellin/
0 notes
jeffreyclinard · 5 years
My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019
Posted: 3/19/2019 | March 19th, 2019
There are a lot of hostels in Medellín. As “gringo central” for Colombia, you can’t walk five feet without coming across one, with majority located in El Pablado (Gringoland) and Laureles (up-and-coming Gringoland).
In fact, if you look on Hostelworld, you’ll find 93 hostels in this city. That’s a lot of hostels.
I spent close to three weeks in Medellín: first for an extended time over the holidays and then again as I made my way from north to south. Like I do whenever I’m in cities that long, I decided to stay in as many hostels as possible to find out which were the best.
A lot of online lists purport to tell you the best hostels in the city, but I found that my experiences staying in them differed so greatly from the reviews, I began to think, “Ya know, I don’t think people really stayed here!”
So, after spending three weeks there and moving every other day, here is my list of my favorite hostels, based on actual firsthand experience.
The 8 Best Hostels in Medellin
1. Los Patios
This stylish hostel has themed floors inspired by Colombia’s natural surroundings: mountains, jungles, sea, and plains. It’s part of a massive two-building complex that also has a co-working space, a gym, rooftop bars, an organic garden (whose herbs you can use), a Spanish school, and communal kitchens. It was by far my favorite hostel in the entirety of the city. (In fact, I think it is one of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed in!)
Each dorm bed comes with a privacy curtain, and the private rooms are as comfortable as hotels. The bathrooms were amazing and the beds super comfy — I got some of my best nights’ sleep here. It offers free tea and coffee, great happy hours, amazing parties, and activities like salsa classes and street art tours, plus there are free bike rentals. The staff is also super friendly and welcoming. Overall, this hostel just gets it.
Beds from $17 USD, privates from $50 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Los Patios!
2. Hostel Rango Boutique
Hostel Rango is one of the more upscale hostels in the city. The dorm beds are super comfy, though the beds lack privacy curtains. Each bed comes with reading lights, two power sockets, and personal lockers. The bathrooms are nicer than anything I’ve ever seen in a hostel and rival that of a luxury hotel. I mean, that water pressure! That rustic design? So good! I want these bathrooms in my home. Private rooms are also available and come with a few additional touches, like TVs and mini-fridges, but they are as expensive as hotels, so skip them.
I found the open, industrial décor is super fashionable, and the hostel’s restaurant and bar area great for grabbing a meal and a really good professional cocktail (honestly the bar alone is worth visiting). The staff will also help to set you up with activities like food tours and free walking tours.
Beds from $18 USD, privates from $75 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Hostel Rango Boutique!
3. Sugar Cane Hostel
German- and Colombian-owned Sugar Cane is small. There are just a few private and dorm rooms on one level. The rooms are impressively clean, although they lack the character of the larger hostels in town. The roof has a common area with a few hammocks as well as the hostel’s kitchen. Breakfast is free (you serve yourself) and comes with all the essentials, like bread, eggs, muesli, coffee, and tea. Every Sunday the German owner (I forget his name) cooks up his famous barbecue of chicken, steak, sausages, and all the fixings! It’s a pretty standard, simple hostel, but the owner really makes you feel like family, and he helped me a lot during my stay.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Sugar Cane Hostel!
4. Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel
This is the largest party hostel in Medellín, so if you’re looking to get crazy, this your best bet! The staff works hard to keep people happy (and drunk), including organizing drinking games, salsa classes, and pub crawls. You’ll get free breakfast and coffee in the mornings. The drink are cheap here and there are two on-site restaurants selling sushi and tacos.
Thankfully, the huge bar area is separate from the rooms, so it’s pretty quiet. But the rooms are fairly basic and the beds nothing special — you’ll sleep but won’t be blown away by anything. The real reason to come here is to be in the middle of the party! A lot of pub crawls stop here.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel!
5. The Wandering Paisa
The Wandering Paisa is located in the upscale area of Laureles, which is the up and coming touristy area. All the dorms are covered in South American and Colombian cultural artwork by local students. Each bed comes with a large locker and a privacy divider, which makes it easier to sleep. While the beds are average, I was a big fan of the nice pillows. The kitchen is has the basic essentials. The Paisa Bar is a fun spot to hang out in, and local musicians perform on the sundeck. The hostel also offers free salsa lessons and Spanish classes. If you want to get out of Poblado, this is the place to stay.
Beds from $8 USD, private rooms from $23 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at The Wandering Paisa!
6. Black Sheep Hostel
The Black Sheep Hostel, one of Medellín’s most popular, was also the first in town. I really loved this hostel. The rooms, while pretty bare, are spotless, and the bathrooms have great water pressure and are cleaned regularly. There are lots of common spaces here, including a large balcony and terrace area. The beer sold is cheap and I found guests here were always socializing and hanging out (the way they should). The Kiwi staff owner is super nice and staff members are all university students that are great at handing out local advice. The hostel also offers a ton of tour options that you can book directly from and they’ll even exchange money if you need. This is another “classic” hostel that gets everything right! I loved it.
Beds from $11 USD, private rooms from $25 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Black Sheep Hostel!
7. Purple Monkey
This is definitely one of the liveliest party hostels in Medellín. It’s quirky and upbeat, with a massive rooftop bar area. I found the dorms to be small and cramped, and it was a bit weird to go upstairs and outside to the shower area, but the place is kept very clean, there’s free breakfast, and you really only come here to party, so who cares about anything else!
Beds from $11 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Purple Monkey!
8. Casa Kiwi Hostel
Casa Kiwi Hostel is another institution and located in the middle of Poblado. The dorms are small and I found the beds to be a little thin, but each bed has a locker, and overall, the building is clean and tidy. There’s a big kitchen with free coffee and tea, but the hostel’s restaurant serves up tasty and cheap food. It also has a rooftop terrace, a plunge pool, a bar, plenty of hammocks, and a mini-theater. As one of the most popular hostels in the city, it’s really easy to meet people here, as it’s always full!
Beds from $11, private rooms from $31 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Casa Kiwi Hostel!
Two places I would not recommend staying are Monet’s and Selina. Monet’s is new and cheap and has friendly owners, but it’s far from the action, the walls are thin, and the accommodations pretty basic. If you were on a tight, tight budget and everywhere else was full, it would be good for a night. I wouldn’t spend more time there than that.
Selina is a super popular hostel with digital nomads and has locations around the world. It’s always so hyped up that I was pretty excited to stay there. However, I was greatly disappointed with it. It was good spot to work from (they have a co-working space), there are resturants on site, and the bar, though overpriced, was nice place to meet expats and travelers, but the beds were hard, the rooms had little privacy, and the bathrooms weren’t well kept. Given the high premium it charges, I just didn’t see the value in staying there. Better to stay elsewhere and go party at Selina instead! You get more bang for your peso elsewhere.
So there you have it: the best hostels in Medellín based on my recent firsthand experience. You can’t go wrong with any of them, but by far the best, best, BEST hostel in the city is Los Patios. It’s one of the greatest hostels I’ve ever stayed in!
Did we miss any? If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments.
Book Your Trip to Medellin: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Colombia? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Colombia with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credits: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10
The post My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Traveling News https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-hostels-medellin/
0 notes
vidovicart · 5 years
My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019
Posted: 3/19/2019 | March 19th, 2019
There are a lot of hostels in Medellín. As “gringo central” for Colombia, you can’t walk five feet without coming across one, with majority located in El Pablado (Gringoland) and Laureles (up-and-coming Gringoland).
In fact, if you look on Hostelworld, you’ll find 93 hostels in this city. That’s a lot of hostels.
I spent close to three weeks in Medellín: first for an extended time over the holidays and then again as I made my way from north to south. Like I do whenever I’m in cities that long, I decided to stay in as many hostels as possible to find out which were the best.
A lot of online lists purport to tell you the best hostels in the city, but I found that my experiences staying in them differed so greatly from the reviews, I began to think, “Ya know, I don’t think people really stayed here!”
So, after spending three weeks there and moving every other day, here is my list of my favorite hostels, based on actual firsthand experience.
The 8 Best Hostels in Medellin
1. Los Patios
This stylish hostel has themed floors inspired by Colombia’s natural surroundings: mountains, jungles, sea, and plains. It’s part of a massive two-building complex that also has a co-working space, a gym, rooftop bars, an organic garden (whose herbs you can use), a Spanish school, and communal kitchens. It was by far my favorite hostel in the entirety of the city. (In fact, I think it is one of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed in!)
Each dorm bed comes with a privacy curtain, and the private rooms are as comfortable as hotels. The bathrooms were amazing and the beds super comfy — I got some of my best nights’ sleep here. It offers free tea and coffee, great happy hours, amazing parties, and activities like salsa classes and street art tours, plus there are free bike rentals. The staff is also super friendly and welcoming. Overall, this hostel just gets it.
Beds from $17 USD, privates from $50 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Los Patios!
2. Hostel Rango Boutique
Hostel Rango is one of the more upscale hostels in the city. The dorm beds are super comfy, though the beds lack privacy curtains. Each bed comes with reading lights, two power sockets, and personal lockers. The bathrooms are nicer than anything I’ve ever seen in a hostel and rival that of a luxury hotel. I mean, that water pressure! That rustic design? So good! I want these bathrooms in my home. Private rooms are also available and come with a few additional touches, like TVs and mini-fridges, but they are as expensive as hotels, so skip them.
I found the open, industrial décor is super fashionable, and the hostel’s restaurant and bar area great for grabbing a meal and a really good professional cocktail (honestly the bar alone is worth visiting). The staff will also help to set you up with activities like food tours and free walking tours.
Beds from $18 USD, privates from $75 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Hostel Rango Boutique!
3. Sugar Cane Hostel
German- and Colombian-owned Sugar Cane is small. There are just a few private and dorm rooms on one level. The rooms are impressively clean, although they lack the character of the larger hostels in town. The roof has a common area with a few hammocks as well as the hostel’s kitchen. Breakfast is free (you serve yourself) and comes with all the essentials, like bread, eggs, muesli, coffee, and tea. Every Sunday the German owner (I forget his name) cooks up his famous barbecue of chicken, steak, sausages, and all the fixings! It’s a pretty standard, simple hostel, but the owner really makes you feel like family, and he helped me a lot during my stay.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Sugar Cane Hostel!
4. Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel
This is the largest party hostel in Medellín, so if you’re looking to get crazy, this your best bet! The staff works hard to keep people happy (and drunk), including organizing drinking games, salsa classes, and pub crawls. You’ll get free breakfast and coffee in the mornings. The drink are cheap here and there are two on-site restaurants selling sushi and tacos.
Thankfully, the huge bar area is separate from the rooms, so it’s pretty quiet. But the rooms are fairly basic and the beds nothing special — you’ll sleep but won’t be blown away by anything. The real reason to come here is to be in the middle of the party! A lot of pub crawls stop here.
Beds from $10 USD, private rooms from $28 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Happy Buddha Boutique Hostel!
5. The Wandering Paisa
The Wandering Paisa is located in the upscale area of Laureles, which is the up and coming touristy area. All the dorms are covered in South American and Colombian cultural artwork by local students. Each bed comes with a large locker and a privacy divider, which makes it easier to sleep. While the beds are average, I was a big fan of the nice pillows. The kitchen is has the basic essentials. The Paisa Bar is a fun spot to hang out in, and local musicians perform on the sundeck. The hostel also offers free salsa lessons and Spanish classes. If you want to get out of Poblado, this is the place to stay.
Beds from $8 USD, private rooms from $23 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at The Wandering Paisa!
6. Black Sheep Hostel
The Black Sheep Hostel, one of Medellín’s most popular, was also the first in town. I really loved this hostel. The rooms, while pretty bare, are spotless, and the bathrooms have great water pressure and are cleaned regularly. There are lots of common spaces here, including a large balcony and terrace area. The beer sold is cheap and I found guests here were always socializing and hanging out (the way they should). The Kiwi staff owner is super nice and staff members are all university students that are great at handing out local advice. The hostel also offers a ton of tour options that you can book directly from and they’ll even exchange money if you need. This is another “classic” hostel that gets everything right! I loved it.
Beds from $11 USD, private rooms from $25 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Black Sheep Hostel!
7. Purple Monkey
This is definitely one of the liveliest party hostels in Medellín. It’s quirky and upbeat, with a massive rooftop bar area. I found the dorms to be small and cramped, and it was a bit weird to go upstairs and outside to the shower area, but the place is kept very clean, there’s free breakfast, and you really only come here to party, so who cares about anything else!
Beds from $11 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Purple Monkey!
8. Casa Kiwi Hostel
Casa Kiwi Hostel is another institution and located in the middle of Poblado. The dorms are small and I found the beds to be a little thin, but each bed has a locker, and overall, the building is clean and tidy. There’s a big kitchen with free coffee and tea, but the hostel’s restaurant serves up tasty and cheap food. It also has a rooftop terrace, a plunge pool, a bar, plenty of hammocks, and a mini-theater. As one of the most popular hostels in the city, it’s really easy to meet people here, as it’s always full!
Beds from $11, private rooms from $31 USD.
—-> Click here to book your stay at Casa Kiwi Hostel!
Two places I would not recommend staying are Monet’s and Selina. Monet’s is new and cheap and has friendly owners, but it’s far from the action, the walls are thin, and the accommodations pretty basic. If you were on a tight, tight budget and everywhere else was full, it would be good for a night. I wouldn’t spend more time there than that.
Selina is a super popular hostel with digital nomads and has locations around the world. It’s always so hyped up that I was pretty excited to stay there. However, I was greatly disappointed with it. It was good spot to work from (they have a co-working space), there are resturants on site, and the bar, though overpriced, was nice place to meet expats and travelers, but the beds were hard, the rooms had little privacy, and the bathrooms weren’t well kept. Given the high premium it charges, I just didn’t see the value in staying there. Better to stay elsewhere and go party at Selina instead! You get more bang for your peso elsewhere.
So there you have it: the best hostels in Medellín based on my recent firsthand experience. You can’t go wrong with any of them, but by far the best, best, BEST hostel in the city is Los Patios. It’s one of the greatest hostels I’ve ever stayed in!
Did we miss any? If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments.
Book Your Trip to Medellin: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Colombia? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Colombia with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credits: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10
The post My 8 Favorite Hostels in Medellín in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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