#we also went to our favourite record store n got a few records!!!
inkykeiji · 1 year
hi hi good morning i hope u have a lovely wednesday!!! *。ヾ(。>v<。)ノ゙*。we had such a good day yesterday!!!
lil blog post under the cut! <3
my boyfriend was feeling kinda down yesterday so we decided to go to the aquarium in the city to try and cheer him up because he loves fishies!!!
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the jellies and the sharks are always my favourite when we go to visit hehe c: the lil puffer fish is sooo cute tho because he always looks like he’s smiling??? he kept swimming right by us pressed up to the glass with his lil mouth open like :D
then i treated bf to ramen at our favourite ramen place because it’s also his favourite food!!! <3 he also bought me a bag of salt water taffy at the aquarium and we ate like half of it on our walk to the ramen place HAHAHA but it’s soooo yummy ugh blue raspberry is my favourite!!!
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy jack and tubbo
requested: yes/no
an: part 6 of the great adventures series - swimming with the boys
warning: cursing
an: starts with tubbo&y/n friendship as i had an idea, sorry if tumblr messes up paragraphs again, tried to make this gender neutral i’m sorry if it doesn’t come off that way, as always anything with y/n and the others especially tubbo is platonic
twitter had been going crazy the past few days. you had been telling your community something was happening, however you weren't going to tell them what. today was the day you were going to reveal what was happening, tubbo made a tweet that he was outside, and sent you a text he was in your street and to start streaming.
you started your stream like any other stream, however this time you were streaming from your phone rather than your pc, and at a much later time. you spent 10 minutes talking to chat, making comments that someone was going to randomly walk into your room of course your chat didn’t believe you until,
“Hiya y/n!”
tubbo walked into your room and stood behind your chair leaning over in order to give you a hug. chat started spamming asking what was going on.
“well chat tubbo is here for a reason and we’re not allowed to tell you why, but we did decide to stream late for a reason. you may notice it’s getting dark outside, however we’re doing a camping stream, except you ain’t watching us sleep!”
the stream wasn't going well, you and tubbo couldn’t put the tent up, mainly because you lost the pegs for the tent. you did however have an air mattress and two thick blankets. you both looked at each other and nodded. within 10 minutes the air mattress was blown up and had a blanket laying on it, and you and tubbo sat comfortably chatting to the viewers. within minutes the pair of you were trending again, this time with pictures of you both sat together with the blanket and fairy lights wrapped around you both so that you could both be seen on stream.
“well chat it’s getting pretty late we’re going to do something for a little while-”
“guess we’re going to stare at the stars for a bit, then figure out if we actually want to sleep outside. we will see you all later, thank you all for showing up to this random stream. i’m gonna raid ranboo, goodnight!” you waved goodbye and tubbo ended the stream for you. a shooting star was passing, full of excitement you tapped tubbos thigh and pointed at the star telling him to make a wish. the pair of you laid on the air mattress under the stars, eventuality you both drifted asleep.
the both of you woke up to the sound of your mother telling you that you had around an hour to get ready before jack and tommy would be there. soon enough, as always you and tubbo were sat in the back of jacks car while you set off on your adventure. like normal, you all sang along to the radio, until you and tommy decided to yell at random cars that passed you, giving jack flashbacks from the time he took you and tommy to tesco and a lake. this went on for a long time as the water park was a lot further than any other adventure you all went on. “is now a bad time to say i can’t swim?”
“are you joking y/n? please tell me you’re joking!”
you just sat laughing, tubbo took this as a sign to tell the now concerned jack that you could in fact swim, you just wanted to see their reaction.
“i thought you both said you were never going on an adventure with us again?”
“you know what they say...people change like the tides in the ocean...did i say that right?”
you and tommy filmed the intro to the vlog and then you all walked into the changing room. you and tubbo went off straight away to get ready, tommy and jack instantly commented on how warm it was, then putting the blame on the lights that looked like the sky, before deciding to get ready. like the others you wore a shirt over your swimsuit, the four of you then made your way to the pools.
“holy shit!”
“what the fuck there’s no one here like at all!”
you all passed the lifeguards on the way to the pools, thanking them for their service. you could already tell this was going to be a long day for them watching over all four of you, especially because you and tommy kept joking about drowning each other.
“this is ours...for the whole day!”
you stood recording your pov whilst tommy ran into the water, the rest of you following shortly after. for a few minutes you all decided to float in the wave pool, realising that shouting you were drowning or couldn’t swim probably wasn’t your smartest idea. everything was going well till you heard tubbo shouting to you and tommy as he realised he still had his phone in his pocket.
“next vlog is going to the apple store so tubbo can replace his phone..”
whilst he went to put his phone away, tommy dragged you under the water with him and jack for a split second, and wouldn’t tell you why.
“stop tryna drown me!”
you watched as tommy struggled to climb onto the surface nearby, followed by tubbo climbing on and being pushed off in seconds.
walking up the stairs you and tommy joked about this being physically exhausting,
“you both literally did a military assault course...this is a water park for children.”
you started defending your point that this was a lot more exhausting, especially as your ankle had only just healed from the military assault course. once up the stairs you were met by a capsule, you knew this as jack kept repeating that it was one. “thanks, jack we all know it’s a capsule now!”
you stood with jack as tommy decided to go first. you couldn’t lie you were thankful he was going first as that thing looked scary as hell, tubbo clearly agreed with you as you turned around to see him nervously laughing and walking around in circles. you turned around to jack making several comments about how scary it is, “looks like something jigsaw would put you in. it even has a control thingy.”
“i was taking you seriously till you said control thingy.”
you stood as a group watching as tommy got ready to go down the slide, you were nervous for him. you stood counting down as jack waved and tubbo stood with his hands covering his face as tommy went down the slide. jack went down next and like before you and tubbo waved him off. “hope you don’t die bossman!”
it was now time for you or tubbo to go
“are you going tubbo? you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
you messed with his hair as he nervously laughed, questioning if he should go down. “i’ll go down first. if you don’t wanna go down, that’s completely okay, you can go down the stairs.”
you got into the capsule, tubbo watched nervously as the lifeguards began counting down. he waved as you were sent off laughing and screaming as loud as possible. once you were with the others, you stood waiting for tubbo to come downstairs.
you and tommy stood questioning a lifeguard about if he knew your friend george before you all made your way to the next slide, this time the four of you were carrying inflatable rings with you. you went first again, screaming due to the fact you started spinning. within a couple of minutes the others stood impatiently, waiting for you to pass them on your way near the end as they were told that they’d be able to see you go by. “oh look there they go!”
tommy went down next and encouraged you to go with him to the spinny thing he saw earlier rather than wait for the others. you agreed and made your way to the slide with a lifeguard asking him what he thought about the pair of you.
“he thinks we’re awesome y/n!”
“i agree tommy.”
the pair of you stood looking for tubbo and jack. tommy found them first and lightly tapped your arm pointing to the childrens pool, causing the pair of you to laugh.
tommy went first and you stood laughing as you heard him scream.
"just wanted to see if it was safe, you know?”
it was then your turn to go down the slide. you honestly loved it and it very quickly became your favourite slide there. as soon as you got out the water, tommy was waiting for you to go to the others. you both made your way to where you saw them last, the children’s pool.
“i am the leader of the children’s kingdom!”
you tilted your head to the side as tommy told him what he said was dodgy.
tubbo informed you all that the wave pool was on so the four of you ran to the wave pool. you and tubbo stayed together floating as the waves were rather light, and tommy bragged about you both going on the hard slide whilst they stayed in the children's pool. once tommy finally got his goggles off, he was met by you and tubbo floating. the water constantly splashing over your face and jack messing around under the water.
“y/n is drowning!”
“no, we're riding the waves.”
you looked up to notice tommy and jack constantly jumping up then going under the water shouting.
the four of you walked with the lifeguards to the next slide. tommy attempted to make conversation with one of them, however it didn’t go to plan, resulting in everyone else laughing. you stood with tubbo listening to jack joke about tommy having to sit on his lap, it was only till tubbo pointed out there was three slides.
“ill go down after you tubbo!”
“nonsense y/n you can go down with me, they can do that, right? they just have to sit in front of me and i keep them safe?”
the lifeguards nodded, so tubbo helped you get ready before the others were also ready to go down the slides. they counted down and the four of you raced down, you and tubbo made it down first. you cheered before pulling tubbo into a hug. jack came down next followed by tommy, claiming that he won the race. after arguing who won, the four of you went down again for a re-match. you and tubbo won yet again and tommy finally called it quits. you overheard tommy telling jack his face throbs because he’s ageing followed by jack getting his age incorrect
“jack i hate to tell you this, but you’re wrong hes 17 now.”
tubbo wanted to go down the spinny slide and dragged you with him, whilst the others went swimming in the other pools. you went first and tubbo followed shortly after, he noticed you waiting for him and reached his hand out to you so you could help him up, or so you thought. this was not the case, instead he decided to pull you back into the water whilst laughing. “TUBBO!”
after few minutes of tackling each other in the water, you decided you probably should find the others so they don’t think you both drowned.
“i’m not built for this kind of action, i’m made for much more relaxed things.”
“me either, wanna watch the office later with ranboo?”
“you read my mind!”
the pair of you went to go find the others. as the floor was now extremely slippery from all four of you walking around, you nearly fell several times. tubbo then made you hold his hand so you didn’t fall and hurt your ankle again, “i’m not 4 tubbo.”
“maybe not but you’re extremely clumsy...where the hell have they gone? WHY IS THERE A WATER JET THING?”
“i think they’re drowning tubbo!”
you were both told they turned up the intensity of the wave pool. you then ran to the wave pool whilst tubbo ran to tell the others. a few moments later they ran to the pool to see you floating with the waves, or at least you were trying to do that.
“think they're drowning again!”
jack swam over to you and dragged you over to the others. the four of you then swam joking about being pulled into the waves, and how you were drowning and needed a lifeguard. once the waves stopped, you stood with jack as tubbo and tommy prepared to race by running across the floats that lay on the water. within seconds they fell and you and jack bragged about how you could do better, so of course they made you both race against each other. somehow it was possible for the pair of you to do worse than tommy and tubbo as you both instantly fell.
you all made your way to the fast moving water. jack yelled to tubbo that it was rapid, this however did not stop him as within seconds he was dragged away by the water. tommy grabbed your arm and swam into the water taking you with him.
“hold me y/n!”
“you’re weighing me down bud go hold onto jack!”
tommy clung onto a bar, jack followed. you and tubbo however did not and would have continued to go around if jack didn’t grab tubbos hand, and you didn’t hold his. “HEY I'VE ALWAYS SEEN THIS IN FILMS!''
“we saved them we're heroes!”
the four of you went to the hot tub for a few minutes to relax, as the afternoon was pure chaos, and to ‘celebrate tommy and jack saving you and tubbo.' you sat laughing as tommy struggled to put his swim shirt back on and was asking jack to help him, despite jack repeatedly saying he wasn’t going to help him clothe.
not long before the final slide, you and tubbo ran off to get the double ring so you could go down the final slide together. jack found the pair of you spinning around whilst singing ‘you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby,’ you all then made your way to the final ride. tommy and tubbo bickered for a few minutes about who got to go down the slide with you, whilst you and jack just stood laughing. jack joined the conversation telling them to either pick or he was going down with you, tubbo wasn’t having this and pulled you into his chest “mine!”
“fine you can go down with y/n,” tommy rolled his eyes.
tommy and jack went down first, a few minutes later you and tubbo were sent down the slide. laughing the entire time as tubbo cheered about the fact he won. you were sat in the front, then tubbo announced he could reach your hair, and began playing with your hair. in other words you now had a tangle in your hair that was going to be a pain to get out. within seconds you made it to the colourful sections of the slide, “Y/N LOOK ITS ALMOST AS BRIGHT AS YOUR HAIR!”
the first half went well, but you ended up going backwards down the second drop.
once you got off the slide, tommy told tubbo he was going down the capsule slide since he was the only one who hadn’t gone down, and ended up going down the slide with you. you agreed to wait at the bottom of the slide so you could greet him when he came down, 5 minutes later you were met with a unhappy tubbo who instantly pulled you into a hug.
“that was awful!”
once you made it back, jack dropped you and tubbo off at yours. you thanked them for taking you both, and tommy told you to keep checking your discord as he was planning something. you agreed and said your goodbyes. you and tubbo went up to your room, you set up netflix whilst tubbo rang ranboo, nights like this were your favourite. you were huddled up under the blanket with your best friend, whilst on call with one of your other best friends, watching your favourite show. tubbo noticed the tangle he left in your hair and began untangling it, he went on to start playing with your hair whilst the office played in the background. hours later ranboo ended the call to stream, leaving you and tubbo to fall asleep in each other’s embrace.
@l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @c1loudee
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
Hihihi! Been scrolling through your blog and I LOVE EM!!❤️ May i request a kuroo angst with fluffy ending? Let your brain run 🤩🤩
Hi!!! Yes ofc you can! I was actually debating making Kuroo cheat but our man ain’t no cheater so I thought this was better! I really hope you enjoy🤩💗 and thank you for the request. Please let me know if you ever have any other requests!! And if it’s not what you envisioned please feel free to tell me😬
In sickness and in health...
Pairing: Kuroo x fem!reader
Genre: angst!!!! And fluff soft boy at the end🥺🥺
Summary: You and Kuroo have been in love for the longest time. You’re both well into your 20s now but you’re so used to the wild life that you both are too afraid to slow down. But what happens when an uncontrollable circumstance gets in the way?
The sound of the car engine roared and blended with harmonious sounds of you and Kuroo’s laughing. The music blasted and the wind in your hair made you feel like a movie star. Because that’s what it was like being with Kuroo Tetsurou. He was the man of your dreams. Before meeting him, you never felt like anything special. You never even left the house. You owe him everything.
You feel his hand reach over and rest your thigh. He gave it a reassuring squeeze as thought he knew what you were thinking. You pull out your phone so you can record this moment forever. The atmosphere was perfect. Your boyfriend’s smile was contagious and the the 3am moon beaming over head was so exhilarating.
“Where are we going tonight, beautiful?” He asks as you continue to film the adventure.
“I want food. I want to go to a diner!!” You exclaim.
“Anything for my queen,” he responds.
Your breathing is quickening in the thrill of the moment and you can feel the lightness in your head.
Everything was going well... until you landed in the hospital.
Your eyes open only to see a very concerned Kuroo by your side. It was morning now. Your hand is intertwined with his and you can see the bags under his eyes. This was your least favourite Kuroo. You never wanted to see a sad expression on your boyfriend’s face. The Kuroo you know and love is always fun loving and energetic.
“You’re finally awake, princess.”
His voice is tired. You heard his voice crack. 
“What happened?”
“You had a heart attack. You fell unconscious when we were about to get food..” his voice trails off. 
You furrow your brows. A heart attack. But how?
The doctor knocks on the door and makes his way into the room. 
“Hello there y/n, I’m Dr. N and I have the results. You’ve been suffering from a coronary artery disease. Do heart diseases run in your family?”
His words did not completely process through your mind. Are you hearing him correctly? Kuroo’s eyes are widened in shock and he’s shaking. He’s shaking because of you.
“What exactly does that mean?” You ask, trying to stay strong for your boyfriend. 
“Your arteries are clogged and there is a buildup of cholesterol on the inner walls of your arteries. From now on you need to be more cautious with what you eat and focus on your health. Don’t do anything too wild,” the doctor’s voice trails on.
You’re breathing hard. You couldn’t even cry. The doctor leaves the room so you can have some alone time with Kuroo, but you can’t even meet his eyes. How could you possibly believe that your exuberant lifestyle could carry on when your health is dragging you down? Dragging Kuroo down. 
“We’ll get through this, y/n,” Kuroo whispers. 
He never uses your real name. You’re clenching your fists even as he reaches for your hand. You didn’t want to look at the disappointed look on his face. 
“Hey, look at me. They said we can go home. I’ll cook you a healthy meal or something. Maybe stay in and watch a movie?” 
Who were you to argue? You grumbled in compliance and he helped you get off the bed. The car ride home was silent. You could sense his gaze on you every few seconds as if he was making sure you weren’t going to pass out on him again. That bothered you. You didn’t like being looked at as a fragile doll. 
“Stop staring at me,” you mumble. 
“Oh, sorry princess,” Kuroo responds and nervously chuckles. 
The silence was deafening and filled with a million unsaid words. 
He tries to help you out of the car but you refuse. You walk ahead into the house. The distance between you two is strange. All you wanted to do was embrace him and stay there. You wanted to feel safe because this was scary for you. But how could you expect that of him when all you two have known was the dangers of life? 
“Let me take care of you,” Kuroo starts.
You reluctantly fall into his arms. 
A few days have passed now and you two have not been going out. Kuroo is very dedicated to keeping your health in top shape. The doctor recommended not eating fatty foods for a while and to get enough exercise so he was avoiding taking you out to eat altogether. 
Your conversations only consist of empty words and distant feelings. You felt like a burden and he thought he wasn’t doing enough for you. 
“I know we’re not going to be able to have as much fun for a while... or maybe even longer because of my health and I know how much you like to have fun so-” 
“Enough with the negative talk! If you have time to think that you should also know how I feel about pessimism,” he says.
That was your first argument in a long time. 
The tension and was only growing and you can feel your body being accustomed to the life indoors. It felt normal to not be running about all the time. The days that passed seemed to be much quieter. Kuroo was slowing down for you and you felt guilty because that was never how you envisioned his life to be. Were you being too insecure? 
“Say, y/n, how about we go out for a walk? The sun is shining!” Kuroo offers.
He’s never asked to go for a walk before.
“Why can’t we go out and hit the beach or something. We can open the sunroof in your car and just go wild. Wouldn’t that be more like old times?”
You see him shudder at the mention of riding in his car. It was apparent that he was not over the fact that you literally had a heart attack in his car. 
“I’m not feeling it today, princess. Lets just chill.”
“What the actual fuck, Kuroo?”
“You don’t have to slow down for me. Why are you treating me like I’m not capable of having fun?” 
You didn’t know why you were screaming now. Kuroo was just as surprised and his expression showed that he could barely recognize you. The lightheartedness was gone and you two were forced to face the reality that this was real. 
But neither of you were ready.
“I’m gonna leave for a bit..” Kuroo murmurs. 
“Answer my question!”
The desperation sounded disgusting. 
“We need to both relax a bit.”
“To hell with relaxing! Look at me! I’m. still. me. Stop pretending the woman you love disappeared the moment she landed in the hospital!” The tears were overflowing and the cracking of my voice was a pitiful cry. 
Kuroo was flinching at your harsh words. 
“Maybe you are gone...”
Your voice caught in your throat. 
“You don’t mean that. Kuroo look at me.”
“You’ve been pushing me away since the hospital. And I understand. I couldn’t even take care of you that night. You were passed out cold and I had no idea what to do. We’re both always so caught up in the fun we never focused on real life like the tears and pains. I was the one forcing your body to overwork itself and go out all night and... maybe your life would’ve been better without me.”
“This is MY burden to carry, not yours. Why are you giving up so easily?” But I’m whimpering now.
The silence went on for too long. 
“Lets just go on a break for a while I don’t know,” Kuroo suggests but you can hear the strain in his voice. 
“What... get out. Get out right now,” your voice is soft but deadly. 
The sound of the door shutting without the usual goodbye kiss from your ex lover is what broke you. In one second, your had lost everything. Your bottled up emotions immediately erupt. You’re clenching your fists and your tears are streaming down your face. The scream that escaped your mouth was deafening. The pain was real. And the worst part was that the breakup wasn’t the result of lost love, but a punch from reality. 
The days that passed were slower, more monotonous. You play the video from that night on your phone. You can hear the cheerful laughs and see the genuine smile on your boyfriend’s face. All was well. But a series of miscommunication and insecurities brought you to where you were. 
‘I should call him. I should apologize...’ you thought. This thought pondered your mind for countless days now.
‘If I hadn’t been so insecure of what we had things would’ve worked out. We had something good’
Your checkups to the doctor were lonely.
Your car rides to the grocery store were boring.
Your attempts to imagine the feelings Kuroo once brought out in you were useless.
God you wanted this boy back so badly it was starting to become unbearable.
You were struggling as you got out of the car carrying a few bags of grocery when a large hand extended itself towards you.
You look up to see the familiar black-haired male looking down at you with concern and regret. You started shaking and immediately dropped the bags. Your pride was out the door the moment you saw him and you leaped into his arms. He trembled at your touch but he returned your embrace with just as much intensity.
Once again, there were a million unsaid words, but the silence was comfortable. He releases you and his eyes search for answer within yours.
“Why are you being so nice to me? I-I abandoned you when you needed someone the most!” He cries out.
“Let’s just do what we should’ve done in the first place and talk things out properly,” you decide.
The two of you make your way into the house and you feel him squeeze your hand. He caresses your face with his other hand and you two begin your long conversation about your biggest worries and greatest fears. You talk about the misunderstandings and how you were both so busy living in the moment that you never stopped to think about how your relationship could potentially have doubts and pains.
Eventually, you two have ended up intertwined on the couch. You’re crying silently into his chest and he’s running his hands through your hair while placing soft little kisses on your head. You both lacked balance, but you were willing to rebuild.
“Let me take care of you,” your boyfriend repeated against your hair, “let me be your rock.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go out and have fun?” You ask.
You can feel him smile into your hair, “who says we can’t have both, princess?”
And that’s what happened.
You both were more in love than ever. The silence that was once painstakingly heartbreaking was now filled with unconditional love. And you didn’t feel insecure the way you did because you ARE special even without Kuroo.
You step into Kuroo’s car and he’s grinning from ear to ear. The comfortable feeling of the wind blowing in your hair made you feel like you were on top of the world. And the feeling of Kuroo’s hand on your thigh was exhilarating. You look into his eyes and you see the promise that he’s been trying to make since the beginning:
I will love you in sickness and in health.
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coffeeyeol93 · 3 years
Hi! So ever since I have read Yours (may I add extremely cute) Minhee timestamp, image of him decorating ipods case with stickers lives rent free in my head and I was wandering if I could request timestamp/imagine about stationery shopping date with him?
I hope You will enjoy this prompt i mean it kinda takes a particular type of person to enjoy writing about buying stickers lmao. Also take Your time with writing and i hope You are doing well! Take care!
[ 14:02 ]
prologue to the minhee timestamp [ 16:57 ]
a/n: aah hii ! you’re my first request so i was so so happy to see you !! i really enjoyed writing this prompt so thank you <33 + thank you for your compliments on my writing, it really means a lot <3 i really hope you like this + i hope you’re having a lovely week !
word count: 1094
genre: fluff
warnings: none :)
the sound of ‘broken record’ by gsoul poured into your ears as you waited by the entrance of the mall for your best friend minhee. he eventually appeared as he turned the corner, his face was tinted red and his lips slightly parted, letting out deep breaths as he jogged his way over to where you were stood. “took you long enough”, you remarked as he bent over to catch his breath. “hey cut me some slack y/n, not everyone can be as weirdly on time as you”, he replied with a smile, standing back up. you passed him the list you had curated the night before as he scanned it for anything that might spark his interest. you could see his eyes light up as he read over the last thing on the list ‘stickers for airpod case’ as he looked back up at you. “can i be in charge of the stickers?”, he asked with such enthusiasm that you couldn’t deny his request. “okay min, you’re in charge of the most crucial part of this shopping trip”, you responded with a wink as you began walking into the abyss of shops.
you had wandered aimlessly around a few shops, buying useless things that your subconscious persuaded you to waste money on, when you came across a store you had never seen before. stepping inside, your lungs were filled with the comforting scent of vanilla and orange, your eyes pleasantly surprised by the interior. the store was more spacious than you had imagined, a simple pink and white colour scheme running through the entire space which was filled with every bit of aesthetically pleasing stationary your heart could ask for. obviously as stunned as you were, minhee appeared from behind you and began ambling around the store, mindlessly picking up different coloured pens and pencils. as you made your way over to the stand of sticker sets, you saw minhee testing out a purple gel pen from the corner of your vision.
sensing your eyes on him, he quickly put the cap back on the pen and joined you in front of the stickers. “okay min, choose whatever ones you think would look good”, you expressed, holding your airpods case up to your face and batting your eyelashes. he answered with a quick nod, facing away from you for a second in attempts to hide the growing blush creeping across his freckled cheeks. leaving him to choose the stickers, you made your way around the rest of the store, stopping when you got to the keyring section. as you looked over the selection, one set of purple keyrings stood out. you and minhee had always favoured the colour purple as it was your favourite colours mixed together, yours being blue and his being red. it was adorned with sparkles and letters in the middle which read ‘soulmate’, a word often associated with yours and minhee’s friendship.
you quickly picked it up and strolled back to minhee, happily wondering which stickers he had picked out for you. he turned to face you as you approched, the pile of sticker sheets that had accumulated in his arms coming into view. “don't you think you went a bit overboard min?”, you inquired, looking down at his arms filled at least 15 sets of stickers. “i think this is just about the right amount”, he replied, “besides, i got some really good ones i think you’re gonna like”. he gave you his signature smile and you melted, no longer annoyed at how much money you were spending.
you made your way over to the tills with the stickers and keyrings, ready to sacrifice your entire wallet for the sake of your best friend’s happiness. as you were about to pay, he suddenly insisted on paying for the stickers himself, the financial weight of the abundance of stationary now resting on his bank account. you swiftly paid for the keyrings after him and started to make your way out of the store, promising minhee you’d catch up with him. your mind subconsciously stopped you from leaving as you remembered seeing minhee write something with a pen earlier, your curious instincts were getting the best of you. sauntering over to the stand, you started looking for the pen testing section.
you found it in good time as you tried to remember what pen he had used. a note on the paper, written in purple gel pen, stood out to you as it seemed to flick a switch in your memory. you read it over and soon realised that it was indeed in your best friend’s handwriting. the words, ‘i wish my best friend knew i was in love with her’ were inscripted on the little piece of paper, they were only ink on a page but knowing that minhee had written them made your heart jump out of your chest. you quickly tore the piece of paper out of the notepad and made your way out of the mall, meeting minhee, who was busy with his head in his bag full of stickers.
“took you long enough”, he mimicked your words from earlier on in the day with a smirk, earning a slight push from you in response. “so when can i decorate your case huh?”, he asked in anticipation. “we could just go back to my house now and do it together?”, you replied, the corners of your mouth turning up at the thought of spending more time with him. “sounds cool”, minhee said, trying to make his words sound as laid back as possible, despite his heart rate increasing.
you began walking away from the mall when you realised that you hadn’t told him about the keyrings.“oh, i bought us these”, you began, taking the keyrings out from your bag. you felt as though you could combust when you saw his reaction to the gift, his eyes visibly lighting up as his ears started to turn a dark rose colour. “it’s our purple”, he remarked as he turned the keyring over in his hands, reading the words printed on it. “this is 100% my new favourite thing”, he continued, swinging his bag around and attaching it to the zipper. his eyes travelled down to your lips before meeting yours as he straightened out his bag, prompting a shy laugh to escape from your lips. “let’s go home so we can get to business”, you proposed, trying to fight the blush growing across your cheeks as you thought back to the note, safe in your pocket.
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Dunder Mifflin Meets Intelligence AKA
Volomag and Vodka Part 2
Warnings: swearing, mention of vomit, numerous times, pranks
Written by @anotheronechicagobog
A/N I hope you guys laugh at this as much as I did writing it. The pranks are from a show called “The Office U.S.”, I do not own that or One Chicago Also, Kevin’s sister Vinessa makes an appearance
Whoever coined the term ‘morning sickness’ deserves a slow and painful death. Kim thought bitterly as she was hugging the toilet at ten at night. “Kim? I made you some ginger tea and I got you a glass of water.”
“I fucking love you.”All Adam could do was laugh as he sat on the edge of the bathtub and gathered Kim’s hair in one hand and rubbed his hand up and down her back. Kim let out a grateful hum before her stomach lurched again. The gruesome sound of Kim spewing more stomach acid (because let’s face it, there’s nothing else left for her to throw up) into the porcelain toilet bowl.
Several minutes later Kim felt better, not good, but better. She felt okay enough to get off the floor. She stood up and grabbed the glass of water Adan had brought her from the sink counter and washed out her mouth before grabbing her toothbrush to complete the process of removing the acidic bitterness from her mouth. By the time she raised the mug of tea to her lips it was cold. “Thank you, Adam. For everything.” Her eyes met his in the mirror as he came up behind her to wrap his arms around her middle. “No thanks is necessary. This feels like a dream come true.”
“Yes. I... I don’t think that I’ve been this happy in a long time. I know that we’ve had our issues, but I love you. I have for years. Even when we broke up, I can’t stop. Even if I wanted to.”
“I love you too.” And she did. She might not know where she stands with him right now, she might not want to be labelled as his girlfriend right now, but she does love him. Dating after Adam was hard because she was always comparing them. No matter who they were or how much she tried to stop it, none of them came even close to the bar that Adam had raised. “C’mon,” he kissed the crown of her head, “let’s go to bed, we’ve got work in the morning and you might wake up a few more times in the night.” She smiled softly as he guided her towards her bedroom.
They hadn’t moved in together, but they were looking for a place. Three bedrooms. One for the baby, and one per adult. Adam and Kim, they had such a dramatic history, that they weren’t actually sure how to handle it. They wanted to have this baby, they wanted to parent together, they just weren’t sure if they should be in a relationship while doing so. It was a complicated situation, but they were doing their best to make it work.
The next day Kim was standing behind the desk at the 21st district. It was a... Unique change, because despite her bubbly personality, she’d managed to be grumpier than Trudy was behind the desk. It had absolutely nothing to do with the work, the officers, or the civilians, and everything to do with her pregnancy symptoms. Nausea and soreness kept her awake at night, causing her to be exhausted and in need of coffee, but she can’t have coffee! And on top of all that, people were constantly bringing food in that thrust her into a constant state of “if I don’t keep my mouth closed I’m going to hurl on everything in front of me, yes I have tried ginger ale, saltines, and ginger tea, and no, none of them have worked”. She was excited to be a mom but she was ready to behead somebody.
“Hey mama, how are you holding up?” Trudy, yes she was letting Kim call her by her first name now, had become her saving grace. Since Kim was covering the desk Trudy was free to do work in the back office and go on patrol. In return, Trudy was making sure Kim always water, Gatorade, and Polish beef barley soup (it was the only thing that didn’t make her hurl). “I haven’t disintegrated anyone with a glare today, so good.”
“Ha! Well, I brought another blue raspberry one for you. I’m gonna head out with Tay for the day since O’Donnel is out sick today.”
“I’m so glad that you were able to get her assigned to 21 again. I missed her.”
“Spare me the love fest, Burgess.” Her tone may have been snappy but the smile on her face and light in her eyes gave away just how happy she was. “Have a good day Sargent.”
“You too.”
Hailey and Vanessa had been keeping her up to date with all the goofiness of intelligence. All the jokes and all the pranks. When they noticed that Kim looked like she was going to cry, scream, and throw up, they figured they should do something to cheer her up. And since nothing ridiculously funny was happening on its own, they decided to make it happen, with some inspiration from one Jim Halpert.
First, they decided to try one of Vanessa’s favourites. The vending machine prank. They grabbed all of the small knick-knacks from the guys’ desks (excluding Voight because they didn’t have a death wish) and convinced the vending machine guy to let them put them in the vending machine. Adam’s Groot bobblehead, name plaque, and Chicago Bears bouncy ball, in places C4, D2, and H7 respectively. Kevin’s Chicago Blackhawks hockey puck, large globe pencil sharpener, and small Chicago bears teddy bear, in places A6, I3, and F2. Jay’s magic 8 ball, Deadpool figurine, and ‘cereal killer’ spoon, in places G5, D9, and A3.
Second, they moved Kevin’s desk into the bathroom. Phones, computers all plugged in. And aside from the items in the vending machine, all were where they normally were on Kevin’s desk. Vanessa even placed all of his files in order and each spine of the folder a couple of centimetres forward each level. So it looked kind of like a staircase made of folders, and that was how he always did it, according to Vanessa. That earned the dark-haired woman a knowing chuckle from Hailey who, Vanessa reminded, really didn’t have room to talk.
Third, they moved Jay’s desk into the corner of the bullpen, where Al’s used to be, and put a large navy blanket over it. Figuring that was enough to keep his desk out of sight. Together, with some scrap wood from one bewildered Matt Casey, they wrapped the pieces of wood together in such a way that they imitated a desk, a chair, a computer monitor, a phone (that one was a pain), his file divider, pencil cup, pencils and pens, and stacks of files. They were both so proud when the got to look at the finished product.
Fourth, Hailey had gone to a hardware store and gotten a spool of red wire. She plugged on end into Adam’s monitor before placing the wiring with tape along the front of his desk, the floor, all around the edge of the break room, out into the bullpen again, before going down the hallway to the interrogation room, up the wall across from the gun safes, attached to a plastic tub filled with neon coloured ping pong balls. This one went a little off-script, but they were both excited to see how it would turn out.
Fifth and finally, they took the containers out of the fridge that they had made first so that the contents would have time to solidify. Taking off the lids of the three containers, the two women flipped them over quickly onto plates. Thankfully the jello stayed completely intact, each confection clearly showing the mugs inside.
Giggling they stood back and high fived, feeling good and excited for the next day. A heavy cough interrupted them from their internal praise and sense of accomplishment. “Sargent. Hi. What are you doing here so late? We don’t have a case.”
“I was about to ask you two ladies the same thing Upton.” The two women looked at each other and sighed, knowing they were caught, Hailey answered.
“We were setting up pranks for the guys.”
“Don’t you two think that’s a bit childish?”
“It’s to cheer Kim up. She’s been so stressed, and the pregnancy symptoms have been so awful that we thought she needed a good laugh. Plus, it’s not like the guys will get mad at us. Adam and Kevin will go puppy-eyed once they realize this was all for Kim, and Jay’s in love with Hailey so he won’t be mad at her, and he can’t be mad at me if he isn’t mad at her since we came up with all of this together.”
“Hey! He doesn’t... Whatever,” she muttered when she saw the look Voight gave her, “Plus, we didn’t do anything that involved your office, your stuff, or you.”
“... Alright. At least there’ll be some entertainment to distract from the boredom of spending all day doing paperwork. Now get out of here, get some sleep, you have to be back here in five hours.”
“... Where is my desk?”
“Forget that, why is mine wrapped up like some kind of present?”
“Mine looks fine... But different? Does that even make sense?”
“I’m gonna need coffee if I’m gonna deal with whatever th fuck this is.”
“Start a big pot, Kev.”
“Hey what is this red wire? And duct tape?”
“It’s a computer, Ruzek. It has wires.”
“Thank you for your sarcasm Rojas, but seriously, what is going on? And why are your and Hailey’s desks normal?” Hailey pulled out her phone and started recording Adam as he unplugged the red wire and pulling it up. The duct tape came up with a sticky ripping sound. Everyone watched closely and angeled themselves to get a better look as the tape lifted up from the bullpen floor and continued into the breakroom, Adam growled in frustration as he exited the breakroom pulling the wire up just after he had entered and gone in a circle. Everyone followed him curiously as he went down the hall to the interrogation room, just as Jay was about to shout out an agitated question, the tape went up the wall. When Adam gave a final tug, the last bit of tape came off the wall, but he’d also pulled the rest of the wire, at what it was connected to, down to him. Causing started gasps and shouts from the guys as 100 neon ping-pong balls rained down from the ceiling all over them. “Okay seriously, what was that?!” Hailey, Vanessa, and Voight were all in the background enjoying the show.
“Wait, wait... Do you hear that?” The shouts stopped and everyone strained their ears to listen to what Kevin was pointing out. A desk phone ringing. From the men’s bathroom. Voight subtly took Hailey’s phone to continue the recording. “What the hell?!” Kevin, Adam, and Jay had found Kevin’s desk in the bathroom. Looking confused as hell he looked to his brothers before picking up the phone. “... Hello? Oh, hi Vinessa. Listen I’m gonna have to call you back, something’s going on at work. I love you okay? Say ‘hi’ to auntie for me... Okay, I’ll tell Kim you say ‘hi’. Bye.” He hung up the phone before sitting down and stretching his arms out over his desk. Almost nothing is out of place. “What the ACTUAL fuck?! And where is my hockey puck?!”
“Okay, now I’m even more curious as to why my desk is wrapped up like a birthday present.” Numbly nodding their heads all the men left the bathroom and cornered Jay’s desk. Vanessa had Hailey’s phone and she watched with her boss and roommate as they did their best not to blow their cover. Jay shook his head, puzzled at the state of his desk before putting his arm on his desk and plopping down in his chair... Everything immediately collapsed. Leaving the girls pushing back tears as Jay tried to stand up in the sea of slippery wrapping paper and wood. “Fucking hell someone please tell me that the coffee is done.” He looked like Bambi on ice trying to get up as Kevin hollered from the breakroom, “pot’s done! And thank fucking God for that! Hey! Why is my hockey puck in the vending machine?!” Hailey and Jay followed the crowd in last, Hailey having to help her partner get up. They entered and Adam looked like he was about to blow a gasket. “My name plaque! Groot! Who- Why would someone do this?!”
“Who the fuck put Deadpool in the vending machine?! And where is my desk?!”
Taking shaky breaths all the boys muttered the holy word; “coffee.” Kevin went to get the creamer when he stopped dead in his tracks. Three thuds later, and each of the boys’ favourite mugs were on the counter, floating in piss yellow jello. “Why is my mug in jello?”
“I washed these last night! First the ping-pong balls and now this?!” Adam reached into the jello and pulled his mug out, the jiggly substance still visible inside the mug. The two pranksters (and witness) burst into tear-jerking laughter. Hailey snatched her phone back and sloppily emailed the video to Kim before the boys could stop her. “O-oh - oh m-y- Fu- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
“You two did this?!” The girls quickly got off the floor and hauled ass to the women’s bathroom. The lock clicked just as the guys reached the door. “Hey!”
“Get out here now!”
“What did we do to deserve this?!” Their voices were lost in a mixture of laughter and yelling. Hailey and Vanessa were curled up on the floor hugging their stomachs and each other as the laughter became painful.
Suddenly the yelling stopped, and their boss’ voice made it’s way to the two hyenas. “I think it’s time to explain, ladies.” They took deep breaths, their laughter finally coming to an end. They untangled themselves and stood up, but didn’t dare leave the sanctuary of the ladies’ room. “Kim’s been really sad lately. We wanted to cheer her up.”
“And you thought that pranking us was the best way to do it, Hailey?!”
“Yeah, Jay. We all get a kick from joking around now and then, and she’s told Vanessa and I numerous times that sending pics and videos of funny work mishaps brightens her day.”
“We just wanted her to smile again, guys. She constantly looks like she’s about to burst into tears or rip someone’s throat out with her teeth.”
“... Fair enough. I know that this has been hard for everyone, but Kim and I really appreciate your support.” The click of the lock and squeeze of the door had Jay looking into the delighted eyes of his favourite person and... he wasn’t angry. He’d calmed down when they were talking about Kim, but seeing Hailey smile? Really, truly smile? He’d do anything for that. Vanessa stepped out of the way, and into Kevin as Jay wrapped Hailey in his arms, tucking his face into the crook of her neck.
“Kim is my best friend.”
“Shut it, Adam. Kim is my best friend. Thanks for caring about her.”
“Don’t thank me, it was really, really fun.” And just like that, the intense emotional mood was broken. Causing laughter, from everyone this time, to reign supreme.
“As much as I love this... I’ll call it team bonding and get HR paperwork on hand, we have a desk day today. And we all need to work. So let’s put Atwater and Halstead’s desks back in their rightful places.”
“Okay seriously, where did the two of you put my desk, Hails?”
The signature footsteps of Trudy Platt raced up the stairs to the intelligence bullpen, drawing all eyes to her. “Can any of you explain why Kim had to excuse herself to the back room to roll on the floor laughing?”
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sugagimmesugar · 5 years
Only Fools Fall for You Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Just Namjoon.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (In progress)
Finally he got a day off. He loved his life, his job, everything about being RM, but after months on tour, he really needed some time alone. All the members felt that way so they had parted ways right after breakfast. They had all tried to cook together, a rare treat of homeliness that as per usual ended up in chaos. The fact that they were cooking in someone else’s kitchen, since they were staying in an AirBnB, probably didn’t help either. Jin and Yoongi somehow managed to whip up something edible for all the guys, so they all left well-fed towards whatever they each had planned for their days.
Namjoon only wanted to discover yet another new town, so he spent the day wandering through the streets, occasionally popping into a shop for this and that.
This time, they had played a concert in Gothenburg, in Sweden, so the weather in Septembre was quite cold for his standards. Everybody in town was bundled up and covering their faces against the wind, so his features were easily hidden against the views of anyone who might recognize him.
After walking around town for a few hours, he decided to take a break at a record store that seemingly also had a little café and some seats where customers could listen to some of the albums for sale.
He found a table in a lonely corner and left his bag and jacket there “claiming” it for himself.
The shop was fairly empty, as to be expected on a monday in septembre. So he didn't worry about being recognized, and just went on to browse the endless shelves of records. With a low chuckle he discovered the “K-Pop” section. It was obvious that K-Pop had not quite reached this country yet, no matter how huge it already was in other parts of Europe. The “section” only consisted of one shelf which was 90% BTS and then some BlackPink. He quickly moved on to the more general selection, getting stuck, as always, on Rap.
“Hej, behöver du nån hjälp?”, he hears a voice behind him.
“Huh, sorry?”, he turns around, slightly startled by the store’s clerk, a girl around his age.
“Oh, sorry! I just asked if you need some help? Are you looking for anything in specific?” She smiles broadly, and as his surprise ebbes off, he notices more about her, the vintage jeans and red converse she’s wearing. Suppressing a laugh, he notes the sweater she’s wearing, which sports a print saying “Seduce and Destroy”.
“Haha it’s fine, I am just looking around a bit. You guys have a huge selection here so I’m just taking my time. Thank you, though.”
“Ok sure, just holla if you need something.” A short pause …..”Oh, by the way, I moved your stuff behind the counter …. a group of teens came in and you can never be too careful. So, yea, don’t worry it’s not stolen, just protected.”, she smiles at him again, his breath catching in his throat.
“ Ah, I didn’t think of that, thank you!”, trying to think of things to say to keep her in a conversation, he blurts out: “What’s your favourite artist? I have been looking through the collection here but still ended up with my old faves, I think I need some new jams. Any recommendations?”
She laughs, and looking around the store she heads straight for the pop section.
“Okay, now don’t be judgemental but this dude right here, Troye Sivan, he is incredible. I saw you with Kanye and Eminem albums so I reckon Troye is a bit different from what you usually listen to, but i recommend him 100%!” She holds up an album “Blue Neighbourhood” and another one “Bloom”.
“I will check out whatever you recommend, you’re the pro!”
“I’ll set up a listening booth for you with his albums and bring you back your stuff.”, she grins triumphantly. “As I said before, just holla if you want or need anything else.”
A few minutes later he is set up in a booth, just as she said. To top it off, he got some coffee.
Coincidentally, from his booth, he can see her workplace, the bar that is half register half café bar, so he (not-so-sneakily) watches her as she works, interacting with customers and shooting him the occasional smile or even wink.
As the music stops he realizes he didn’t even notice any lyrics or melodies, too entranced by the cute barista/clerk. “Ah shit…” he mutters to himself, trying to figure out how to restart the album as she comes walking over.
“What did you think? His voice is pretty amazing, huh?”
“Unfortunately I was a bit distracted, I didn’t manage to catch much of the music.”
“Oh sorry, that must be my fault, huh?” Another wink. It must be his lucky day.
“How ‘bout you join me at the bar. I can just show you some general recommendations and if you want you can show me some of your faves. Maybe something more interesting than Kanye and Eminem?”, she smiles at him again.
Is she flirting? No, it’s her job to be nice to customers, she is being cute for tips.
“Sure, show me all your favourites. I promise I will buy one album from your recommendations. I’ll finish my coffee and then I’ll join you.”, he smirks.
Whatever this is, a proper flirt or just a nice store clerk, he is having fun. And that’s what today is about. He already bought way too much stuff just by getting lost in all the different shops, he might as well spend his afternoon hanging out with a cute girl. Not RM, not the leader of BTS. Just some guy who likes music. Easy.
As he is sipping his coffee, he pulls out his phone to check what the others are up to.
Hobi: “Why the FUCK is it so cold here?”
Jin: “We are in Scandinavia, if u didnt notice. It’s cold here….”
Tae: “Stop being a pussy Hoseok” *image attached of the maknae line eating ice cream by the seashore*
Hobi: “….”
Namjoon can’t help but laugh, everything is as usual. Yoongi has sent him a rough mockup of a track for the next album and he plays it while checking the personal chats with the other members.
JK: “Hyung where r u”
JK: “We are somewhere at the seashore, Tae just kinda went off track somewhere….”
JK: “turns out we were just like 1 street away from a bus stop so, uh, no need to    worry… we found our way to some ice cream”
JK: “since i can see youre not even reading these i guess youre having a good time. Cya”
He rolls his eyes, of course the youngest ones almost got lost in another foreign country. He quickly types an answer.
Looking up from his phone, he catches Her staring at him. She winks at him and pats the bar in front of her. He shoots her a quick smile back and gets back to checking in on the guys.
Yoongi: “new track mayb w jin & hobi??? U decide”
Joon: “ sounds good, we can work on it together when we get back”
After checking that the members are having a good day, he quickly takes some selcas to post for ARMY later.
“Done sending selfies to your girlfriend?”, the girl smiles at him as he sets down his bag at the bar, taking a seat right in front of her.
“No girlfriend, just…. family. They always want to see that I am having fun no matter where I am.”
“How sweet! Well, if you promise that you don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend I’ll introduce myself. I’m y/n. I am a student here but originally from y/h/c. Nice to meet you!”, her eyes sparkle as she smiles at him again, and he almost forgets to answer.
“I’m Namjoon, I’m visiting here from Korea for a few days.” He holds his hand out but exactly at that moment a customer comes to the register, so she turns away with an apologetic look.
She returns a few minutes later: “How ‘bout I put on my favourites on the store radio and you make me a little playlist of yours so I can check out what hot korean boys listen to. Show me some stuff I don’t know yet!” A small laugh and she bounces off again, fixing two coffees and soon he hears a synth riff playing on the speakers.
With a wide grin y/n comes twirling towards him, holding two iced coffees. Before he can think he is grinning at her and bouncing along to the music.
“This one’s on me, Namjoon. Don’t worry.”, she says as he holds out his card.
“I guess I am gonna have to buy you a drink later to make up for it.”, he laughs and takes the coffee.
Leaning on the bar, she watches him click away on his phone with a smile. His playlist slowly takes shape as he keeps stopping to properly listen to her music.
“Oh, wait! I just remembered, I actually know one korean artist, maybe you like his stuff. Let me just put it on for you.” A few seconds later he hears the notes he would recognize anywhere and almost bursts out laughing.
*we’re born in the moonlight… ain’t a fantasy*
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idkhyuck · 5 years
Not to be confused with my “MEETING TOM HOLLAND” Series. i heard Here Without You- 3 Doors Down and listened to it for like 3 nights before falling asleep and it hit all the right feels. still getting a feel for writing for Tom so feed back is appreciated. also for the full effect listening to here without you by 3 doors down helps. 
~summary~ Tom is SUPER busy and misses you like crazy. this one is a little more angsty but mostly just !sadTom !sadreader but still vv cute. 
i woke up to the grey New York sky.another rainy fall day, normally you wouldn’t mind. You dreaded the commute to work. you dreaded having to come home to an empty apartment yet again. you missed being held, you swore you forgot what holding Tom felt like. the pillow you hugged at night not doing you any good anymore. it’s been at least four months since you last saw Tom. from promoting his latest whenever he could, to him constantly back and forth between Vancouver and LA working on his new project it felt like forever. you would facetime when you could. He’d made many a promise to fly home for the day only to have his plans dashed. you’d made plans to go out and see him only to have his schedule change last minute. between the two of you constantly working you’d think you were never meant to see each other again. You checked your phone and saw a few texts from tom. He was telling me all he did on set that night. it was a night shoot so he wasn’t able to call me before work. he was so sorry. 
“only a few weeks darling.” he sent as a voice message. hearing his voice sent a pang of loneliness through me. I played it again and kept it. I got out of bed, the floor cold against my feet, the wind whistling through the busy streets below me. I went to the bathroom and went through my usual business. i looked at toms side of the bathroom clean and untouched for the past few months and sighed. ugh, i hate myself for feeling like this. he’s not dead, that thought only hurting my heart even more. He’ll be back, i thought to myself trying perk myself up. A few more weeks. i sighed as thoughts of something coming up, preventing him from actually coming back raced through my mind. i ended up making myself sad again. I was allowed to be sad, my feelings were valid. it’s been four months. i thought trying to convince myself a i walked into the walk in closet we shared. Four months... wow. i thought back to the last night Tom and i spent together. We were at the premiere for A spider-man movie. We shared many a kiss in that theater that night and that night at the hotel we said our goodbyes with hopes of seeing each other sooner than later. now here we are far past later. i often wondered if he felt the same way i did. was he as lonely as me, did he miss me as much as i missed him. i had no idea how insecure i really could be if left alone to my own devices for too long. a text or phone call always coming in at the right time to save me from myself. i picked a long sleeve t-shirt and one of tom’s spider-man flannels he “borrowed” from set for me.
 you worked at a record store in Brooklyn, you practically owned it with all the work you did for them. Every day off you got you had to fight for and usually ended up spending them alone and upset at ruined plans. The last four months have been less than ideal and it was all taking a toll on you. you used to love working at the record shop and now it’s just another thing to pass the day. you never knew you were capable of feeling this low because of love. you’ve dealt with depressive episodes before all with completely valid reasons. you hated admitting to yourself that you felt this way because of how dependent you’d become on another person. yet that thought alone made you so happy, and hopeful. you loved tom with all your heart after struggling to let him in and let it happen. you felt a full range of emotions with him, you didn’t have to act or hide or put a facade. as much as that could scare you it was ultimately more comforting in the end.
 I looked in the mirror one last time as i brushed through my hair deciding on a messy bun because this weather was doing nothing for my hair. i put on a little make up feeling less than inspired to look good today. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a banana from the bowl sitting on the counter. i’d have to go grocery shopping later tonight or tomorrow. I grabbed my raincoat and umbrella and my work bag and made my way down the hall of our apartment complex. i approached the door dreading stepping out into this rain. i took a deep breath and swung open the door and opened my umbrella. The sound of the rain hitting the top of my umbrella kind of soothing. i had one headphone with some sad music playing. The one perk i love working at the record store was getting to borrow records from what we had in stock. i loved asking customers for their recommendations on artists they bought that i’d never heard of. it was always so much fun discovering new music, i’d send it to tom. I can’t wait til he gets home, we’d dance around the house listening to music like we used to. He was always a great customer coming in once a week to buy some new music for us at home. The manager loved when he came into store, it was great publicity. Once at work i emptied my bag back onto the shelves and went to my spot behind til. i had to pick our rotation for the day. i picked one of the albums i was listening to that weekend, a new release from the week and some of our customer favourites. I truly loved working at this store. We had polls online and customers would vote on their favourites run by me. i’d tally the votes at the end of the week. i hoped one day i’d be able to own a record shop like this one day. The slow tracks came to life. a perfect start to my morning. i checked my phone, i sent a good morning message with a selfie to tom knowing he’d check it when he could. i could only imagine how tired he must be. I loved how much of himself he truly put into his work. He worked so hard and he deserves all the good opportunities that come his way. i will stand by his side as long as he’ll have me as his number one supporter. 
Tom’s POV 
I woke up to my alarm screaming at me. i sighed. it was all a dream once again. I missed Y/N so much it hurt to wake up in bed alone. I picked up my phone and shut off the alarm. I had a few hours before i had to be on set. 
“Good morning my love.” was what i saw, i opened my phone to see her beautiful face, i see the hurt in her eyes, the fake smile not working on me these past few weeks. i know she’s sad and lonely, it hurts me to know that i’m the reason for that. she’s at work, i wish i could call her. 
“morning love.” i send back. “miss you.” 
“miss you too.” she send back followed quickly by “What are you up to today?” 
“call time in 2 and half hours. probably go out for breakfast.” i lied, i’d be in this hotel room dreading going out. Fans figured out the cast was staying here. i was on high security to and from set. not allowed to go out much. 
“That’s good!” she sent back “call me tonight?” she asked
“yes, for sure.” i replied 
“i have customers.” she sent with an eyeroll emoji indicating she had to go. I turned on the clock radio needing something to drown out the too silent hotel room. i flipped through the room service menu. the words hit me like a knife in my chest. 
A hundred days have made me older since the last time that i saw your pretty face  A thousand lies have made me colder And I don't think I can look at this the same. All the miles that separate Disappear now when I'm dreamin' of your face.I'm here without you baby But you're still on my lonely mind. I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time.
I dream about Y/N all the time, It’s been so long since i felt her kiss, he always cold hands, her arms wrap around me from behind when she wanted my attention. All her little quirks, our dancing around the house, The way she managed to make me feel real despite whatever was going on around us. i can’t wait to go home and not have someone watching me like a hawk, to feel my bed, my home. have someone who knows the real me. i love my job, but it’s exhausting to put on a happy face when your so tired. i’d done nothing but work for the past four months. promo tours, shoots, travelling. i haven’t even been to the UK at all this year. I sighed as i listened to the song some more. i ordered my breakfast and found myself listening to the song  again and again. i did some googling and sent a text to y/n
“track 6″ and it was picture of the album. “listen to it at home off to set. love you will call tonight”
Y/N’s POV. 
i was almost done my shift, I had a good morning, a few tourists had come in and loved the vibe of the store and even tipped me. i was almost completely distracted from my bad mood. my phone buzzed a text from tom. He sent me this song to listen to at home. i searched around the store knowing we had this in stock. I found it and signed it out for myself. My replacement came in as if on cue. i was now excited to head home and listen to the record. i knew of this band but never actually listened to them. i clocked out and made the rainy commute home. i was able to enjoy the sounds of the rain on my umbrella once again soothing me. i picked up a sandwich from the diner down the road from our apartment and made my way home. once inside i resisted the urge to play the song right away but instead opted to change into something comfy enough to go out grocery shopping later tonight. i cracked the window in the living room to let the soothing rain sounds in. i grabbed my late lunch and set it down on the coffee table, i put the record on the turn table and grabbed the remote. i hadn’t realized how cold i really was until i was comfy under the throw blanket tom bought my for christmas this passed year. it was now spring. the last real date i had with tom was eating at a rooftop restaurant in Manhattan just before new years after we came back from our christmas travels. 
I pressed play on the remote and heart the sad guitar intro, oh lord. The words sounding pained, i could hear tom saying this and feeling the same way. By time the chorus hit, tears were streaming down my face, i couldn’t hold it in anymore. i let a soft cry out as the song played. i missed him so fucking much and i hated myself for it. He didn’t need to feel bad about leaving me behind. if he was as hurt as me, he didn’t need that added stress. the song ended, i pressed the button to play it again. I sat there listening to it. Tom was so sweet, he knew the way to my heart was through song. I hated that he felt sad about missing me. He didn’t deserve to be sad. Ugh i loved him so much. i wanted nothing more than to hold him. for him to hold me. tell each other we’d be okay. why does love have to hurt so much. i thought to myself as i played it again. i took a few deep breaths and composed myself. I picked up the phone and typed out a message to tom 
“hello my love. how are you feeling? i hope works treating you good. i miss you so fucking much, but you knew that.” i sent it with a picture of the record player in the background. the song now beginning it’s fourth rotation. i listened to it once last time before spinning the rest of the album. i ate my sandwich, still feeling down but feeling better after my cry. despite the song being heart wrenching it actually brightened my spirits. i thought of the next two weeks without tom and thought it would be lonely i could only await what our reunion had in store for us. our love was special, I met tom after he rose to fame but we connected on such a real level it scared me at first. i knew he was the one for me from the start and he continued to prove that to me when i didn’t believe it.
 i did a load of laundry, made a shopping list and quickly went out to the grocery store. i saw couples holding hands, men buying flowers, stealing kisses in the aisles as they pushed their cart. i knew tom would be calling me soon so i rushed home. “on my way back to the hotel. will call soon.” was a text i got in  the uber sending a small jolt through me. once home i quickly put the groceries that would spoil away, my phone on the counter, ever present in my mind like a ticking time bomb only i couldn’t wait for it to go off. i was in the freezer organizing the chicken i bought when the phone rang scaring ten years off my life. tom’s face shone across the screen. my heart racing as i struggled to answer it in my excitment. 
“Hello?” i said
“Hello love.” He said his voice sounding tired 
“Tom.” i said sighing “hi!” 
“you okay?” He asked 
“yes.” i said “just running about the house putting away groceries.”
“oh i can cal-”
“NO!” i interrupted him “i was just finished.” i said making my way to the couch
“you sure your okay?” He asked 
“no.” i said hoping i wouldn’t end up crying. “i actually hate you for sending me that song.” i laughed 
“aww darling.” he said laughing “ did i make you cry?” he asked 
“yeah.” i said as my throat got thick and tears welled up in my eyes.
“aww my love.” he said sounding so so sad and that just made me cry even more. “i didn’t mean to upset you.” he said sounding sorry
“no.” i said trying to sound normal “it didn’t upset me.” i said my voice uneven” it just made me realize how lucky i am.” i said really crying now. “i- i was doubting myself again” i admitted “ a-and i wasn’t sure how much longer i could put up with feeling like that and it was scaring me and i just love you so much and i know you do too.” i said trying not to sound like i was outright sobbing. 
“Awww darling. i hate putting you through this.” he said sounding sad 
“no. i hate putting you through this.” i said stopping him. “the last thing you need on your workload is worrying about me.” i said 
“y/n” he said sternly “worrying about you will always be my number one priority. you’re unfortunately stuck with me and all that comes with me.” he said “the only time i’ll ever stop loving you is if you ever tell me to stop.” He said “and i hope that i never drive you to that.” he said sound defeated
“tom.” you said “don’t talk like that.” i said through my stream of tears. “i’m afraid i’ll love you for the rest of my life.” i admitted 
“good.” he said “hold on.” he said then suddenly my phone was ringing with tom wanting to facetime. i answered and saw his face, his beautiful eyes tried, his lips looking as kissable as ever. his curls a mess all over his head like he’d been running his hands through them. “you look absolutely stunning.” he said i looked in my reflection i had swollen eyes and a red nose, my cheeks were damp from the tears. i couldn’t help but laugh at his comment “i mean it. two more weeks and i’ll be home to kiss those beautiful lips of yours.” he said “play the song.” he said i reached for the remote on the table and pressed play, it came on. we sat there staring at each other listening to it. “oh the dreams i’ve had of you darling.” he said. a hint of lust in his voice 
“we’re not leaving this house for a week.” i said to him. 
“can’t wait.” he said smirking at me. just like that, i felt okay again.i knew tom loved me, i knew he would always love me. “i’ve been shopping.” he says 
“really now?” i ask 
“yes, stopped off on rodeo drive one afternoon.” he said “and all i could think of was what you would like, what you would want.” 
“Tom...” i scolded 
“don’t worry i didn’t go crazy.” he said “i got stuff for my mom too.” he said “ harry wanted a new watch.”
“tom.” i said disapprovingly 
“I have nothing better to do out here!” he said “and i miss everyone so much.”
“i’ll book us a flight later tonight.” i said
“thank you.” he said. i yawned i didn’t mean to i knew he would pick up on it. “go to bed babe.” he said 
“i want to talk to you.” i said sounding sad already 
“i’ll get ready for bed with you.” he said. 
“fine.” i agreed. i turned off the music. “we have some groceries to put away.” i sighed as i put him on the counter behind the sink so he could see the whole kitchen. 
“place looks nice and clean.” he said 
“yeah, theres’ no one here to mess it up.” i said laughing as i put some boxes in the cupboard. i turned to see him make a pouy face. “kidding” i said blowing him a kiss. two more weeks and i’d be standing at the stove with tom hopefully wrapped around me. i turned to put stuff in the pantry and was bent over looking for something and i heard tom 
“missed that ass.”  i stood up 
“i’m sure you did.” i said smirking at him through the phone. i placed the last few things 
“Where to next?” he asked 
“brush my teeth and change.” i said 
“oooh.” he said i just rolled my eyes at him as i walked into the bedroom and through the bathroom. i grabbed my tooth brush and started 
“Brush brush brush your teeth.” tom sang through the phone nearly causing me to choke on my toothpaste.i heard him giggle as i was rinsing my mouth. i gave him the finger. and took my hair down to brush it. a few more flirty remarks from tom as i was changing and i was in bed. i placed tom on his pillow and looked at him. 
“good night Y/N.” he said i’ll stay right here.” he said as i was drifting off to sleep. 
4 days until tom came home,we talked every day leading up to today. He was busy busting out the few last minute days of shooting and finishing up what he needed to get done. He was so happy he was almost done. I was working hard to get things ready for tom over here. I washed the sheets, i made sure to go out and buy all over our favourite things to cook together, i had a nice coming home gift for him. a hoodie, A new pair of sweats , a nice baseball cap. everything comfy he’d need for you guys trip to the UK in a week and a half. i also had a case of his favourite beer waiting. you asked his dad to send it to you. i was all ready for him so now the the last two days have been dragging on like crazy and there was four more to go. i walked into the shop my late afternoon shift starting soon. i saw my manager sitting at the til
“did he not show up again?” i asked referring to our one coworker who was always dipping on shifts last minute. but then  i saw him coming out of the back room with a box of records. 
“i just needed to grab a few things.” my manager said as i approached the counter “can you get me the receipt book in the back real quick i don’t want to lose my train of thought” he said eyeing me a small smile on his face.
“k” i thought. he was being so weird, maybe we finally had enough for that expansion he’s been talking about for years. i thought to myself as i walked towards his office. i saw a hooded figure standning in the room. fear rose in my chest as i gasped. the figure turned the first thing i saw was the chestnut curls and my heart nearly stopped. his face came into view his eyes lighting up at the sight of me. i ran towards him, tears sneaking up on me. i crashed into his body, his arms catching me. my heart was racing, my eyes were blurred with tears. 
“oh. tom.” was all i was able to choke out. it felt absolutely amazing to feel his arms around me, i felt safe, content, ecstatic.
“happy to see me love?” he asked holding me out at arms lenght “aww don’t cry.” he said his voice soft as he wiped away the tears. “i love you.” he said pulling my back into him, taking a deep breath. 
“so, you can have the rest of the week off as well as next week.” my manager said in the door way clearing his throat. 
“are you sure?” i asked wiping the tears from my face, pulling my shirt down. trying to look presentable again.
“yes, you deserve it.” he said “i’ll be fine here.” he said 
“don’t get too used to life without me.” i teased as i walked over and gave shook his hand.
“wouldn’t dream of it.” he said looking around his office i’d spent one afternoon organizing. “get out of here.” he said “there’s a car in the back.” i smiled at him in thanks and made my way out to the ally with tom. sure enough there was a car waiting at the end of the block. i stopped and pushed tom against the wall. i looked at his lips and he looked at mine, his eyes darting up as he pulled my face towards him. our lips met all the feelings of loneliness and hurt and sadness gone now fueled by the fire in my heart and soul. recharged as we kissed in the alley. his hands wrapped around me pulling me close to him. the kiss felt like it went on forever yet i missed him the moment i pulled away. 
“let’s go home.” i said grabbing his hand and leading him towards the car. 
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justfollowmyhansel · 7 years
October 13th – By the Gold Light of Your Halo
And the end of this sentence has never been truer. I was almost close enough to touch him…. (Not quite, but I sort of tried to a couple of times since I was literally second row aisle seat.) But I’m getting ahead of myself. Or is that a-Hed? You decide.
I was actually awake when Miya’s alarm went off the first time. Pretending to be asleep, but I’d checked my phone a time or two already.
Shortly after, my mom texted saying she’d talk with my favourite person at the bank about my debit card. I had more than enough to cover what I had tried to buy with it and yet…. Both she and Vicki were going to try to get down to the bottom of this because clearly, this wasn’t good.
I decided to answer the message when I actually got up. Which as it happened was about an hour later when John posted.
Of course 4G in Japan is still super slow and it takes forever to load, but whatever. It’s still John.
The previous afternoon, it was announced that there was no stagedooring. A little disappointing, but the stagedooring aspect was making nervous. What if I said something stupid to him like ‘You were great except for .“ Or "What the fuck is up with your wardrobe? Don’t you know how to dress yourself?” What if I lost the ability to speak my first language? (“John, ich lebe dich. Du bist der Hellstestern, meine Schöner.”)
I mean…. That’s the sort of thing that he might appreciate more if he actually KNEW me and knew that I was meaning that as teasing and that I wouldn’t actually want him to change the way he dresses or that I’m not actually all that fussed about whatever line changes there were (that weren’t supposed to be there.) I know it must be frustrating as hell for him when he forgets his lines or loses track of where he is in the script, but I think it’s cute. Very Hedwig. Very rock n roll. Very…. Robbie Williams. That man sold out STADIUMS and still would forget the lyrics to his hits. (Now he has a teleprompter XD)
Miya and I had breakfast. I had bought a waffle-thing at the store the previous night, but instead I tried some of the raisin sandwiches that I had purchased the night before. They were a sort of hard biscuit cookie with a soft, almost whipped, crème with raisins in it. And tea made with the lactose free coffee creamers that Miya had generously bought for me the night before.
We packed up our stuff to go to the theatre and ride the train. On the way down, I photographed every few stops so that I know where I’m going. On the way in, I saw an ad for a record store. Tower Records. I briefly daydreamt about running into John there. I know we probably wouldn’t if we went, but…. Still. Records. John. Not only two things I love, but things that actually go together.
The station we arrived at was actually under construction, the usual signs in English and Japanese having either been covered or taken down because of the diversions. In their place were signs reading only in Japanese and with arrows. I took photos of the ones I needed to remember to either turn at or follow.
Miya showed me around the Hikarie a little. In the back of my mind, this word sounds familiar to me, but it’s not until the next day that I can begin place it. The tour is more or less just walking by the various shops, occasionally discussing what they are, but more often discussing what’s likely going to happen with the show or Japanese culture questions. We actually went to lunch shortly after arriving.
For lunch, we picked the sushi 🍣 place on the 6th floor. The entire 6th floor is restaurants. Some of the other floors have restaurants and cafes too, like the 11th has a cafe right outside of it, but I wouldn’t know that for a few more hours.)
We go in and are seated.The restaurant has a very Deep Space Nine ordering system. You can click for your own language on the wall-mounted menu, there’s pictures, you tell it how much of everything you want, and the food comes on a short little track thing that looks like one of those short train things you used to see in westerns. And there’s a sushi conveyor belt. Very cool.
Miya remembered that sometimes shops in the Hikarie give discounts if you have a ticket to that day’s/that night’s show at the Orb. She calls it up on her iPad and then calls over the waitress. We get free drinks because we’re seeing Hedwig! I ordered tea, Miya stuck with the water and matcha powder.
We cancel the drink order off of our digital menu and then get down to actually ordering lunch. Miya orders one of the lunch specials, whereas I go a la carte. 
The first things I picked were a tuna roll and two pieces of salmon avocado. I miss avocado. I miss when avocados didn’t cost $5 per fruit…. The food arrives and is incredible. The best salmon with avocado I’ve ever had…. It was one of the few times in my life that I have ever had avocado that was light and melt-in-your-mouth and the salmon was So. Fresh. just… so fresh. 
I then opted to try some of the conveyor belt, pre-made sushi that was circulating around the restaurant. I grabbed the first thing that looked interesting – some small fried shrimp on top of a small pad of rice that was then all wrapped in seaweed. It had a nice, surprising yet mild heat to it. Feeling less certain in my ability to put the whole thing in my mouth, I picked some of the shrimp off of the first piece with my chopsticks. I also tried squid with a little bit of rice.
What I had forgotten about squid from the other time I had it at Wasabi is that it’s a very chewy piece of fish that’s hard to break pieces off of. Which in turn, makes it very hard to eat any of without putting the whole thing in your mouth. And when you swallow it, gives the unpleasant sensation that the whole thing is about ready to come back up.
The last unique thing I ordered was a couple of pieces of red fish on top of rice. I think this one was also tuna, but I’m not sure. And another salmon with avocado.
After we ate, Miya and I went to Bic Camera.
What necessitated going to Bic Camera was getting printer ink. And what necessitated the ink was that Miya wanted to give me maps to help with the getting around. At this point, I was just happy to be along for the ride. I’d never been to any of these places and possibly wouldn’t get a chance to go to them again anytime soon so why not? Just because it’s seemingly mundane, doesn’t mean comparing the differences isn’t interesting. We arrived at Bic Camera and were told that we actually needed to be in a different building for Bic Camera. Later, looking at the map of Shibuya that the Hikarie had for tourists, I learned that there are actually three buildings for Bic Camera in a relatively short amount of space. Who would have guessed!
Once at the correct Bic Camera, we went upstairs to get the printer ink. This building of the BC was set up like a department store, but entirely for computers, cameras, phones, and other electronics with a single floor dedicated to laptops, a different one for printers, a different one for phones, and phone cases hanging off of the edges of the levels as you rode the escalator up. This is the one of the stores I would love to have had the time to truly explore, but this was one of the few days where everything didn’t seem like it was going in such a rush to go here or go there or get this and get that.
We bought the ink and returned to the initial building for Bic Camera. Miya showed me some of the shampoos on offer since I had mentioned wanting to buy some the previous night. I explained that I had meant that I would buy her more of her own shampoo as a thank you for letting me stay with her! (They didn’t actually have her kind of shampoo and then we both forgot about it before I left Japan.)
The next thing on our list of things to do was to pick up the movie ticket for How to Talk to Girls at Parties. About two weeks before the start of the trip, it was announced that John was going to have his Japanese premiere of the film at the end of the week he was performing Hedwig. Of course, the tickets were again done by lottery and while we had won tickets to all of the Hedwig performances, I wasn’t certain that our luck would hold out enough to substantiate changing the plane ticket and extending my hotel reservation on the off chance that this would be the thing we weren’t lucky on. As a sort of consolation, when it was announced that fans could buy advanced tickets for when the movie actually opened in Japan, Miya offered to buy a ticket and give me the promotional pins that came with it. I had thanked her and offered to buy the ticket for her, again as a way of thanks. She had that said she did want to see the movie, that wouldn’t be necessary.
What was interesting then and what’s interesting to me still now is how many buildings in Japan have that department store structure. Where either it’s a multi-floor building that all of the shops belong to one business and you pay on at each floor or where it’s multiple businesses that are still interconnected and you have to walk through a shoe store to get to a dollar store. Being from the midwest where department stores are kind of the sole purview of malls and most businesses only get a single, possibly up to three levels, of their own, this was a fascinating anthropological difference. It wasn’t until I got to Osaka that I started to see more stand alone single story businesses.
We picked up the ticket, and I picked up some flyers for the movie. Miya stuck the pins and the ticket into her bag so that they wouldn’t get lost in my relatively huge Hello Kitty duffle bag that I had brought with me to carry my things and then we went back to the Hikarie. We still had over three hours before the show was supposed to start and had exhausted all of the errands that we had to do that day. 
Miya asked what I wanted to do, if there was any shops that had caught my eye, or if there was any particular type of store that I wanted to visit and I remembered seeing the billboard ad for Tower Records on the way in. Off of the prompt ‘record store’ (cos I couldn’t remember the name), Miya found where we needed to be and we set off again, past Bic Camera, and arrived at the record store.
What I was looking for most was David Bowie or Queen things. Both musicians are ones that I have numerous antidotes and stories both from and about in Japan. Freddie in particular absolutely adored Japan and had his house decorated in a Japanese/Victorian England style and David, well Japan was the first time that David felt like a success. (In addition – the story that he told in one of Mick Rock’s books about how he was given a beautiful cape that had writing on it, that he used in his Ziggy shows a lot, but didn’t know what it meant for over 20 years. It was his name.)
We entered on the second floor, and like I usually do in record stores, I found the clearance/discount section on the floor I wanted and started looking through. I didn’t find anything for David, but I did find some Beatles and George Harrison. It wasn’t until we started looking through the aisles that I found David. His section had the last photo that was ever taken of him as the header section – it’s by Jimmy King, it was taken on his birthday, I was not expecting to see that photo on that day. I started looking through the collected CDs, finding a few that I took photos of for later purchasing or eBay searching. (At this point, I was still using the money converter to estimate about how much each thing would cost.) All the while, I’m telling Miya little antidotes about David or about the recording of each particular album, session, or concert. It’s the first time this trip that I nearly start crying…..
Eventually, we leave the section – or rather, I decide that we have to leave the section – and go looking for Queen. It occurred to me in the process of making that decision how silly it would be to be crying on the day that I was seeing Hedwig for the first time.
Along the way, I found Freddie’s solo section. The price for his singles was just a little too high for what I was willing to pay at the moment, but I took yet another photo of the back for later research when I had the time and wasn’t anticipating potentially buying a lot of merchandise at the show. So far, the only things that had been announced were the t-shirt and the program, but in the back of my mind, I kept thinking that more things might have been announced. And of course, dropping a LOT of money on Hedwig merch was the reason I had come out to Japan right now anyway. Well, that and seeing John.
Unfortunately, the Queen section was the same story – I either already had it or didn’t want to pay as much as the asking price for it. According to Miya, it’s because of the import charge. I found this highly ironic since in the US, it’s usually the Japanese things that have the extreme import charges. 
Since that was it for that floor, after a brief flick-through of the clearance section up front, I purchased a David interview CD, a small magazine for my mother with The Smiths on the cover, and a bag of record sleeves since they were cheaper to buy here than to wait to get in the US.
We walked back down to the floor that we thought Ataru’s music would most likely be on and outside, I picked up some more flyers and booklets for things that I thought sounded interesting or cool. I ended up buying one of Ataru’s CDs – her most recent – before we moved onto the last floor we visited that day: soundtracks and movies.
That particular Tower Records had nothing for Hedwig nor RENT on the day that we visited, but I was able to snag some photos of the press for Trainspotting 2 (my favourite film with a US release this year) before we left.
We headed back to the Hikarie again and still had about an hour and a half before the show was going to start. Miya asked if I wanted to go get something on one of the lower levels or at the cafe outside the theatre, but since re-entering the building, it was all about Hedwig. Every part of me was focused on Hedwig. And like I usually am before seeing a show I’m highly anticipating or talking to a crush, I was trying not to vibrate out of my skin. Definitely too nervous to eat.
We went to the convenience store outside of the theater, this time a Lawson and not a 7/11, and I bought a pack of something that was shoved into my bag for later and a hot bottle of tea. The flavour of the tea was what I’d imagine hot barley to taste like, not bad, but not really….flavoured at all. Not that it mattered. Not that any of it mattered since it was getting down to ACTUALLY seeing the show.
A few minutes of nervously waiting outside the theatre passed and Miya opted to take another swing around the building again. We take some photos out of the windows at the now, very night time, Tokyo and then literally walk around the building. When we return, the doors have opened to go upstairs. We take the escalator, show our tickets, and are allowed into a room with posters advertising the program, a tv screen showing the currently static stage, the merchandise booth, and the many, many cosplayers for the evening. (While we had been waiting, I had looked up to one of the upper levels and very, very briefly mistaken one of the cosplayers for John.)
I bought the merchandise for myself and for Risa, Miya bought a program for herself, and then we went to find our seats. Our SECOND ROW seats.
They were playing Love Will Keep Us Together as we sat down and I was trying not to completely freak out since it’s one of the songs mentioned in the script! And then immediately after, Young Americans by David Bowie. Another song referenced in the script!! When they played Lust for Life by Iggy Pop, I figured the show would be starting since it was traditional that Iggy was usually the last artist played before the show started. In Japan, it wasn’t. Light My Fire by The Doors was.
And the show started with Ataru coming from one of the side doors and announcing “Ladies and gentlemen, whether you like it or not, Hedwig!!! Hed-wig! Hed-wig! Hed-wig!” getting the audience to cheer and chant for Hedwig, clapping for her arrival into the venue. I was turned, looking at Ataru, clapping of course, chanting for Hedwig’s arrival when the show started.
On Broadway, Hedwig had descended from the ceiling; Off-Broadway, she had come from the back of the venue, sauntering up to the stage…. but here, here Hedwig was standing behind the screen projecting an image of the Berlin Wall with graffiti on the Western side and stark nothing on the East. As the audience chants, the wall develops cracks in the middle, eventually exploding from the middle with Hedwig standing triumphant, beautiful…. in the sudden divide between East and West. I… had been looking in the wrong direction.
I whipped my head back towards the stage so quickly you’d have developed second-hand whiplash watching me.
Part of the performance, I’m watching the show completely amazed that this is happening, that this is real. That I’m actually in the same room as my favourite show being performed. I’m not sure I blinked the entire time I was watching the show. The other part of the performance, the part that features Yitzhak more than Hedwig, I’m still looking at John, looking to see how he is reacting to Yitzhak as Hedwig or simply being Hedwig without speaking and without making grand movements at that point. Mostly just…. being. To me, it’s fascinating, being in the second row. Being able to see all of the little reactions, expressions, costume alterations behind semi-opaque screens. In a way, it’s like a “How It’s Made” of my favourite show. Sometimes, during these moments I feel like I should probably actually be watching Yitzhak since she’s the one driving the action at that point….
The show was staged completely different from any version of Hedwig I’d ever seen before with new lines, new alterations to the script and to the format. For the first time since the movie, I’m seeing a production that doesn’t either actually have Emily Hubbly’s drawings or someone imitating her style. The design of the animations is specifically more Japanese than the other versions, which of course makes sense being as the show is set in Japan.
The show was also basically a public dress rehearsal; something that annoyed some of the people on Twitter later (apparently), but I found completely wonderful. Again, this is a show that I know so well that I can follow international versions where I don’t speak the language just based off of intuiting a few words, of course I want to see a messier version of the show. A less polished version in terms of performance. My two favourite differences that weren’t in the script were 1.) where Hedwig is talking about masturbating Tommy in the bath and her wig completely popped off. She looked very surprised for a moment before picking up her wig and continuing perfectly. And 2.) the line change that Hedwig had in Wicked Little Town Reprise? She sang it so confidently for being the absolute wrong lyrics…. And of course, a million other little improv things stood out, like Hedwig calling Yitzhak her “oto” and then asking “what’s the other one again? [Yitzhak supplies word] Oh that’s right.” And the golden Hello Kitty patch on her ass (up towards her hip more than centered like the handprints were on Broadway.)
At the end of the show, I felt like I had probably smiled through 90% of the show it was performed so well. John, of course was amazing. And Ataru was completely incredible. I had anticipated loving her from the things that I had seen of her on YouTube and she blew away any expectations that I had had of her, she was so good.
Afterwards, as Miya and I walked out of the venue, she asked what I wanted to get for dinner/snack after the show. I said I didn’t care; wherever she wanted was fine because I had literally just had one of the best experiences of my life.
We opted to go back to the sushi restaurant, this time actually sitting at the bar/lunch counter. She ordered some a la carte sushi this time, I took more things off of the sushi conveyor belt. Since we had seen the show now, we were technically entitled to more free drinks. I opted to go for a not-free option of cold sake and Miya had…. I think iced tea? Maybe more matcha.
Honestly, cold sake tastes exactly like hot sake, but just a little bit smoother. While I liked the smoothness of it, I think the hotness of the hot sake helped it out a little bit more. I definitely would not drink sake on a regular basis, but it is interesting to me to see how that strong of a taste when blended into a sauce for Chinese food is completely minimized outside of an afterburn when you swallow. Miya had a sip or two of it too and I don’t think she was all that impressed with it either. I accidentally knocked over my glass at one point, getting the menu and the counter wet and sake-covered. I think the waiter thought I was drunk, but truly, I was just that clumsy.
While we ate, I searched for that one video I had remembered John posting about being worried about a lot of serious things and then his ass. I thought it would be a good idea to say “I don’t know about the other things, but your ass looked amazing from the second row!” I swear to you, I came up with that before I even thought about ordering the sake.
We paid and left both the restaurant and the Hikarie. I was feeling very optimistic. And a little sleepy.
The journey back went very smoothly and unlike the previous night, we did not stop at the 7/11 before going back to Miya’s.
Back at her apartment, I flipped through my own copy of the program by cell phone flashlight before falling asleep. Only a few Instagram posts by John of various backstage photos and rehearsal video keeping me awake.
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you-andthebottlemen · 7 years
18 - Van’s POV
Request: “can you do running into van after breaking up but he still loves you?”
This one’s very much ‘Van lost in his own head’ - hopefully I managed to capture that since I obviously have no clue what that boys’ inner monologue is actually like. This one kinda tugs at my heart strings too wahhhh xx 
Larry had gone out tonight without me, which was a rare occurrence. 
He’d told me he had forgotten to get stuff to do the laundry with and we were out, so he sent me to the shops in his place. I hated grocery shopping, there was just too much choice and it irritated me. These things didn’t have to be so complicated, you know? 
Why were there so many different types of laundry detergent? Surely you only need one to wash your clothes? You have your deep clean, high-efficiency, eco-friendly, downy and scented, top loader...but what the fuck is ‘liquid relaxation laundry’ detergent?
I stood there in the aisle with my arms crossed, staring at the many varieties of detergent. The fluorescent yellow lights of the supermarket made me feel a little dizzy and they flickered every so often, which only made it feel like I was in some eerie film. I’m only a simple lad, these fancy detergents seemed unnecessary. I shook my head and finally settled on the eco-friendly, excited to get out of there and head home to watch some Austin Powers reruns with the place to myself. 
“Van?” An all too familiar voice said hesitantly, bringing me back to reality and out of my deep laundry detergent contemplation.
My stomach dropped at the sound. I turned slowly and saw y/n standing halfway down the grocery aisle, arms full of toilet paper and a stunned look on her face. I glanced around briefly before giving an awkward smile. I hadn’t seen y/n since she broke up with me. Something I was trying and failing, to forget about. I walked over and took some of the packs of toilet paper from her arms as she was struggling.
“Thanks,” she said awkwardly and I nodded, still not saying anything.
What could I say? ‘Hi y/n, I still love you even though you broke my fuckin’ heart’? No.
I followed her to the checkout, laundry detergent under my arm. I placed down the packs of toilet paper for her and stood there staring while she rummaged through her bag for her wallet. She still wore her mum’s old leather jacket and her silver charm bracelet. My heart ached. 
When she looked up, I quickly glanced away from her and pretended to be interested in the chocolate bars on the counter. 
“I thought Larry did the shopping?” Y/n asked as I paid for my detergent.
“Uh yeah he does. Couldn’t do it today though,” I replied bluntly, not able to meet her eyes. I felt empty.
We left the store together and headed into the half-empty car park. My palms were sweating like mad and I was clutching onto the plastic shopping bag tightly, my knuckles close to turning white. I couldn’t help but have flashbacks of the last time I saw y/n. 
She was crying in the back of the tour bus frantically looking up flights, telling me it was too hard to be with me. I begged her that it wasn’t, that I’d fix things and try harder. She said that my life was just too chaotic to fit her into it anymore. Once she’d made up her mind about leaving, she didn’t look back. She packed her things that night and even despite my arguments she left as soon as she’d filled her suitcase. I followed her to the airport but she had already disappeared. She even blocked my number. All of it. As if I never existed.
Every day I regretted not making her more of a priority. Like somehow that would have changed things. She always told me the band came first but I wish, even just once I’d put her first instead. Stopped to realise that while the band was the dream, she was too. I wish I’d never cancelled dates for an unexpected interview or chosen to sleep the day through instead of staying up to watch her favourite films with her on days off. I wish I’d been there when she’d lost her job and when she got told her best friend was sick. I wish I hadn’t tried to drag her on tour when I knew she couldn’t leave her life behind, just because it suited me better. 
I wish I’d been better. 
“Do you want to grab coffee, Van?” She asked me and I hesitated, totally lost in my thoughts, before agreeing.
We sat across from each other at a small corner table at the cafe down the road. I pretended it didn’t hurt to be back here with her. I tried to push away the memories of the few coffee dates we’d had and the times she’d drop by the studio with jaffa cakes for Larry and banana bread for me. She didn’t seem at all phased by this though. I guess she’d moved on. In a way I was glad for her, I was a piece of shit boyfriend. 
Y/n ordered me a Yorkshire tea and a latte for herself. She drank coffee now; that was new. I couldn’t help but look at her and notice all the things that had changed and all the things that hadn’t. It had been a solid half a year since I’d seen her, maybe more. Her hair had grown out longer and her nose was dotted with new freckles. It killed me that I hadn’t watched it happen, that she was changing without me. She didn’t have those soft purple circles under her eyes anymore and her cheeks were full of colour; she looked healthier, less stressed. She was as beautiful as ever. Her eyes still sparkled and her lips were still ever so slightly chapped in a way that made her look humble and soft. I could see the thick layer of chapstick over them; obviously, she still had that cute habit of slathering it on when she went outside.
“So how have you been?” Y/n asked. What a question. 
“Alright. Touring, recording, repeat. You know?” I replied, unsure of what else to say. Nothing had changed since she left except I had a massive hole in my heart from where she used to be. As pathetic as that sounded.
The waitress then came over with our drinks, saving me from having to fill the awkward silence after she didn’t respond. I stirred my tea and avoided y/n’s gaze.
“I’m sorry,” she said simply and suddenly; as if the words had been trying to burst out long before now. “I shouldn’t have left you like that. I should have called you back, I should have spoken to you instead of just giving up.”
“Don’t be sorry y/n. I understand why it happened. I was a fuckin’ twat and I’ll never be able to properly tell you how sorry I am. For everything,” sadness and regret dripped from my tongue. 
As much as I wanted to get down on my knees in front of her and beg for her forgiveness and tell her I was sorry a million times, I knew it was no use. I couldn’t turn back time. 
We sat in silence, I sipped my tea and avoided making eye contact. Eventually, she asked me more questions about the band and how my parents were doing. I could only muster simple responses and I couldn’t bring myself to ask her anything about herself past a simple ‘how are you’. But she told me about her new job and her terrible boss and about how she now lived in a share house with four other girls. Explains all the toilet paper. She also told me her friend was now in remission; cancer free. Thank fuck.
I couldn’t take my eyes off the small lines that formed around her mouth and eyes when she smiled or spoke. The sound of her voice again was like a surreal memory coming back to me. It was clear she was happy and doing well; she didn’t seem to have feelings for me anymore. It was the most bittersweet feeling in the world.
“You’re quieter than usual,” she commented, sipping on her latte. 
She spoke as if we had only seen each other last week. A million different thoughts raced through my head, I felt like my heart was going to break out of my chest it was beating so fast. Fuck it.
“I’m still really fucking in love with you, y/n.” 
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india-fumarolax · 5 years
Evaluation- Pilot- 11/10/19
1. As a company, we decided to call the gig ‘Pilot’. We were allowed to make it into anything we wanted it to be, as it was our first gig. There were a small amount of originals and a lot of covers. The gig had a really good turn out with more than 150 guest coming to see us in the evening. 
2. I contributed to the decision-making process, firstly, by suggesting songs that I thought the group could do, secondly, I contributed by deciding who would sing what in the Medley and partly deciding who would sing what harmonies on the back to black part. 
3. In my group, my main role was obviously to sing. However, for certain songs, I did become sort of a deputy and try to learn chords for songs on the piano that the pianist wasn’t there for, but this was as a last resort. 
4. At first, I really struggled singing harmonies as I kept getting thrown off by the lower and higher harmonies. However, with a lot of practice with and without the piano, I was finally able to get it without wavering or going off-key. (CBTI)
5. For the medley, I did some research on how to do harmonies by watching multiple videos on it. Then I found a video of two girls who did a cover of back to black, however, it was a harmony cover and they expressed very well how the harmonies for back to black were supposed to sound. So I applied that to the song and we started working with it. 
Vidoe of our first performance
6. We produced two songs that made it into the show, The YUNGBLUD medley and Piece of your heart. I was also in another song called Spring day, this is a Korean song that I was added to for back up vocals. 
For the medley, one of the biggest issues we faced was the fact that two of our band members went on holiday at different times in the term. This slowed down our song-learning process meaning we had to find a substitute until they got back. 
A few things that went well in the process of us learning the songs were things like learning all the parts quickly, getting familiar with them. Another thing was being able to analyse where we went wrong and do work to make it right or find a way to improve it. 
The practices could’ve been altered if maybe we spent more time working on our stage performances and dividing our time up more efficiently to work more on things that really needed to be done. 
On our final performance, it was successful because we never went out of time, the singing was good. I think our guitarist, bassist and pianist did a good job when playing. The most clear evidence of success was that the crowd really jumped around and enjoyed themselves when we played
For piece of your heart, the biggest problems we encountered were finding a suitable drum line for the track and finding a suitable sound on the synth keyboard. For a couple of weeks, when working on this track, that is what threw us off the most. We finally added a drum pad and we brought a different keyboard into our rehearsals. 
What went well was that in the final piece, you can really see how much our song sounded like the original and how well structure it was in the short amount of time that we had. 
We could’ve improved it by adding more harmonies, and improving our stage performance. We could’ve focused more on the vocals than the actual song to be able to add more harmonies. 
7. I think Lennon did a good job on the guitar because he switched between songs very quickly and efficiently and he didn’t forget the notes he was playing. Alfie picked up the keys pretty quick after being away for a while and he didn’t forget it. Oli did a good job playing bass as he added his own techniques. Luke managed to put it together at the last second and not speed up or slow down at all. 
8. One song that we worked on was Bad guy by Billie Eilish. We figured everything out including chords and lyric distribution however when it came to it, we felt that we hadn’t practiced it enough for us to be confident playing it and we felt that the actual structure of the song was a bit basic and boring. And we didn't have enough time to alter it and work on it as we spent most of our time working on the other two songs. 
Another song that we wanted to look at was Blue lights by Jorja Smith. This was going to be an acoustic song with just our pianist accompanying us. But when he went away on holiday, we forgot about the song and never re-visited it. 
9. The only problem that we encountered was concentration. On most rehearsal days, after a certain time. We would just listen to music and not do any work. This is because we finished our rehearsals for the day and had nothing else to do until we were allowed to go home. This was also because we were starting to get tired of hearing the same songs over and over again as it was getting very repetitive and boring.
10. I found that it was very important to take care of myself and my voice as a performer, especially in this period of time where it is crucial that I make no mistake. Every Monday and Tuesday we would do a session, just for singers of warming up our voices. These sessions are so important because it helps us to avoid straining and damaging our voices. Before every rehearsal, I did a short warm-up just to protect my vocal cords from damage. 
I also felt that carrying water around with me constantly was very important. During my research, I found that it is good to stay hydrated and to keep liquid flowing past your vocal cords. The water tends to clear up my throat and help me to sing better. 
One problem I encountered myself was my confidence. At first, I was terrified of performing as I didn’t want people to judge me for how bad my singing was/is. I didn’t want people especially the other people in my course to hear my singing more than they had to. But with the help of Candice, she boosted up my confidence a little, giving me little pep talks and cheers before going on stage. 
Spring day- This performance went really well, it included a lot of people and it came together really quickly. Each instrumentalist knew what they were playing or singing and sung it really well. One problem I noticed was that when I did harmonies, you could barely hear them, so next time, I need to be a lot louder. 
This upbeat song went really well with the crowd. It got them singing and dancing like they were in a club. This made us perform it better as we knew that the audience was having fun. The only problem I found was that at one part in the song, our pianist messed up a little and stopped playing to figure out where he was. 
In both videos, you can clearly see that the energy reflecting off the crowd was so powerful, it really gave is the impression that crowd were having a good time, jumping up and down. This then impacted how we performed as a band. to see that the crowd really liked what we were doing gave us the motivation to enjoy ourselves as well and start moving around the stage a little more freely.    
One thing I feel that we should've done was to look at each other more during the performance. Just to show the audience how much connection we had as a band, to show that we really enjoyed performing together.
If I was to grade our performance out of 10, I would give it an 8. They were really good overall, but there are somethings that could've been done such as working more on harmonies.  
Yellow- For the strengths of this performance, I felt that everything was very well played and sung. This was my favourite song of the whole performance. You can easily tell that a lot of components went into making this song as great as it was. You can tell that the whole band practiced incredibly hard to make the song sound perfect. The main singer sang the song with so much passion, which really caught the hearts of the audience as it is such a meaningful song, her vocals are very strong and stable too.  
There aren’t really a lot of weaknesses to pick from as the performance was delivered so well. But if I had to pick one, it would be for the keyboard to be slightly louder as you can just about hear it. 
12. Our connection with the audience was very strong. For the day time show, the songs were very well suited to our audience, so we encouraged them to jump. Our main aim was to enjoy ourselves so the audience would and that is exactly what happened. For night show, although there weren't that many jumpers, luckily lost of people knew the songs and sang along with us.  
13. A friend of mine in the crowd said that she really liked how there was a variety of different songs in the show, serving everyone’s music taste. Which made the show more interesting and open for everyone. And she loved how all of the performers actually looked like they were having fun, how none of them showed an ounce of nervousness. She also said that she loved that even if we weren't performing, we were still being supportive of our friends that were. 
14. My greatest contribution would be just singing in songs I guess, and performing all my songs with enough energy to get the crowd moving. 
15. N/A
16. S. I will be able to Sing better and perform more confidently on stage. M. The outcomes will be that I receive more positive feedback to help boost my confidence levels. A. I will practice as much as I can and possibly get a singing teacher. I will spend a lot of time doing research on Youtube on how to improve my voice. R. I’ll make sure I Ill be on track by recording and storing videos of my progress T. I want to achieve this by the next gig we do.
0 notes
alexander40wong · 7 years
David Bowie’s London, Berlin and New York
Following his death in January 2016, tributes to David Bowie sprung up all around the world, showing that he was truly an international icon.
Although his lyrics were often cryptic, with fans and critics puzzling over the deeper meanings to both his biggest hits and bootlegged obscurities, the influence of cities in Bowie’s work was clear to see – from the Philadelphia soul sound of the Young Americans LP to his brief (but memorable) stint in LA, which resulted in both the album Station to Station and the film The Man Who Fell to Earth, both key works in Bowie’s catalogue.
However, there are three cities that played a particularly important part in his life – London, Berlin and New York. Here’s our guide to the sights and neighbourhoods in these cities that shaped Bowie’s life and music.
Bowie street art, Brixton
South London
Brixton High Street
Born in Brixton on 8th January 1947, David Robert Jones spent the first six years of his life in the area, living at 40 Stansfield Road, and attending the nearby Stockwell Primary School.
His family then moved even further into the South London suburbs, to Bromley, living at first on Cannon Road, then Clarence Road and Plaistow Grove. Bowie attended Bromley Technical High School, now Ravens Wood School, and studied the saxophone with musician Ronnie Ross, at his house at 6 Irvine Way in nearby Orpington.
Although Bowie’s time in Brixton was relatively brief, the town centre was the centre of London’s tribute events to him after he died, and you can still see the mural of him at Tunstall Road, near Brixton Station.
Denmark Street, Soho
While growing up in the suburbs, Bowie had his sights set on central London – and Soho in particular – which was just starting to swing. Several of his early songs focus on the London scene, which he had first hand experience of, from playing gigs in his early groups at the rock venues that were springing up around the city, and there are plenty of Bowie-related sights to explore in the area.
Denmark Street was the heart of Britain’s music industry in the 1960s, and Bowie spent much of the time when he was starting out at the Giaconda Cafe at number 9.
The Giaconda closed down in 2015, but you can still visit another of Bowie’s regular watering holes – The Ship on Wardour Street -which was one of his favourite spots to meet journalists for interviews.
Just off Regent Street, you’ll find Heddon Street, where the front cover image of the Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars was photographed – there’s a plaque on number 15 marking the exact spot.
Inspired by cutting-edge London venues like the Drury Lane Arts Lab, Bowie moved back to South London, and set up his own equivalent – the Beckenham Arts Lab, at the Three Tun Pub at 157 Beckenham High Street.
Initially Bowie lived in a flat at 24 Foxgrove Road, near Beckenham Junction Station, before moving to an apartment in Haddon Hall, Southend Road with his then girlfriend, Angie, who he married at Bromley Registry Office on May 19th 1970.
Both Haddon Hall and the Three Tun Pub are now gone (the latter is now home to a Zizzi restaurant, but its place in rock ‘n roll history was marked with a plaque in 2010), but you can still visit the Croydon Road Recreation Ground, where Bowie organised a festival in August 1969 – an event he commemorated in his 1970 single, Memory of a Free Festival.
Hop on a train from Marylebone Station, and head about 30 miles north to Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire. The pretty market town might seem to be a long way from swinging London, but it plays a major role in some of Bowie’s key works from the period.
In 1971, Bowie played a low-key gig at the town’s Friars’ Club, debuting some of the songs off his much-anticipated album Hunky Dory.
The show went so well that he kept his backing band from the night, later renaming them the Spiders From Mars for Hunky Dory’s follow up – Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.
The market square mentioned in the Ziggy Stardust’s opening track, Five Years, is believed to be Aylesbury’s, and the square will soon have a statue of Bowie as a tribute, after a successful fund-raising campaign from fans.
And that’s not the only link Aylesbury has to Bowie’s career – he also played the Friars Club twice on the Ziggy Stardust tour, including the opening night of the tour. For the second show, Bowie transported some of the world’s most influential rock critics to the small market town, as well as art icon Andy Warhol.
The Friars Club itself closed and reopened a number of times, but, following its 40th anniversary celebrations in 2009, it remains open for good, and still stages gigs at the town’s Waterside Theatre.
Eventim Apollo, Hammersmith
Eventim Apollo, Hammersmith
The Ziggy Stardust story came to an end in West London, at the Hammersmith Odeon. At the final date of the album’s tour – captured on film as Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars: The Motion Picture – Bowie killed off his creation, announcing to the crowd that this was the last gig that he’d ever play (needless to say, it wasn’t), before launching into Rock ‘N’ Roll Suicide.
Still one of London’s most famous concert venues, the now Eventim Apollo also hosted fellow Bromley-native Kate Bush’s record-breaking live return in 2014.
After a brief, but troubled (and drug-addled) period living in LA. Bowie moved to Berlin in 1976, along with his friend, former Stooges-frontman Iggy Pop.
Inspired by its architecture and history (as well as the famous interwar novels of writer Christopher Isherwood, who Bowie had met earlier in the decade) Bowie had a long-standing fascination with the city. He was also attracted to Berlin as it was a very cheap place to live at the time, and despite already being one of the most famous musicians in the world, it was also a place where he could live a fairly ordinary life, undisturbed by the locals.
The period Bowie spent in the city became one of the most productive in his career, inspiring not just his own “Berlin Trilogy” – the classic albums Low, Heroes and Lodger – but also Pop’s The Idiot and Lust for Life, which Bowie co-wrote and produced.
Bowie and Pop rented a flat at 155 Haupstrausse in Schöneberg. The area was, and still is, the centre of Berlin’s gay district, and Bowie was attracted to the vibrant scene.
He regularly hung out in the Anderes Ufer cafe, just a couple of doors down from the apartment. Now known as Neues Ufer, the cafe hasn’t changed too much since then – although there are now a few portraits of Bowie on its walls.
He might not have got its name quite right when he wrote about it on the Heroes record, but the district of Neukölln played an important part in Bowie’s stay in the city.
He first arrived in town at the district’s Tempelhof airport, and filmed scenes for Just a Gigalo in the imposing Stadtbad Neukölln on Ganghoferstrasse. Dating back to 1914, the swimming baths are still open – and just as impressive – today.
During the 1970s, the area was particularly deprived, and its housing blocks were the childhood home of Christiane F. a young drug addict whose autobiography became a sensation, later turned into a film soundtracked by and featuring Bowie.
Today, however, it’s one of Berlin’s trendiest areas, close to vibrant Kreuzberg, while the former Tempelhof airport site is now the city’s largest park, which hosts sporting events and music festivals.
Hansa Tonstudio
Hansa Tonstudio
Bowie, Pop and producers Tony Visconti and Brian Eno created some of their most famous works at the grand Hansa studios – including all of the Heroes and Lust for Life LPs.
Found at the edge of West Berlin, the studio’s view of the Berlin Wall inspired the lyrics to Heroes’ title track. Bowie watched Visconti’s secret rendezvous with his then-girlfriend outside the studio and transformed it into the story of two lovers who had been separated by the Wall.
Hansa studios are still in use today, and there are often tours around the complex, so you can explore the famous building and its impressive decor.
Potsdamer Platz to KaDeWe
Potsdamer Platz
During the period that Bowie lived in the city, Berlin was still very much a run-down, divided and even dangerous city.
For his comeback single in 2013, Where Are We Now, Bowie reflected on how much the city had changed, documenting a journey from Potsdamer Platz, to the Dschungel disco and the KaDeWe department store.
During his time in the city, at the height of the Cold War, the less-than-3km trip was a difficult journey, crossing the divide of the then-desolate wall-side surroundings of Potsdamer Platz to the relative opulence of Dshungel (known as Berlin’s answer to Studio 54) and KaDeWe. Now, in 2013, it was as simple as jumping on a train (you can do so too – just take the U2 line from Potsdamer Platz Bahnhof and hop off at Wittenbergplatz).
Today, Potsdamer Platz is a bustling area, surrounded by shops and offices. Dschungel closed down, but you can stay in its former home – which is now the Ellington Hotel (inspired by the club’s previous life as a jazz venue).
One of Bowie and Pop’s regular haunts that hasn’t changed much today (relatively speaking) is the SO36 club, in Kreuzberg. Bowie and Pop spent many nights at the club, which was the centre of the city’s punk scene. It still regularly hosts gigs by both local and international rock acts, as well as parties, gay nights and a monthly roller disco.
For a rather more refined night on the town, head to the Paris Bar at 152 Kantsrasse in Charlottenburg – an elegant French restaurant, whose steak frites Bowie was particularly fond of.
New York
Bowie street art, New York
Essex House
Essex House, Manhattan
 After spending much of the 1980s living in Switzerland, Bowie married the supermodel Iman in the early 1990s and moved to New York soon afterwards.
Settling in an apartment in the art deco landmark Essex House at 160 Central Park South, New York reinspired Bowie. Records like 1.Outside and Reality contained references to the city’s life, creative scene, and architecture and earned Bowie some of his best reviews in years.
The Essex House apartment recently went on sale, with an asking price of $6.5 million (although, as it comes with Bowie’s old grand piano, and amazing views of Central Park, that seems like a bit of a bargain).
Even if you can’t afford that, you can still get an experience of staying at Essex House, as the building is also home to the JW Marriott Essex House hotel.
Greenwich Village
Washington Square Park
Greenwich Village has shaped Bowie’s work in several ways. Its folk scene in the 1960s both inspired the young Bowie at the start of his career and was directly referenced in songs like Hunky Dory’s Song for Bob Dylan, and The Next Day’s (You Will) Set the World on Fire, which mentions the famous folk venues Gaslight and The Bitter End (which you can still find today at 147 Bleecker Street).
Bowie recorded the Young Americans album at Electric Lady Studios at 52 West Eighth Street. Founded by Jimi Hendrix, the studio is also still open today – recently hosting Lana Del Rey and Frank Ocean.
Greenwich Village is also home to Washington Square Park, which Bowie named his favourite place in the city.
Lafayette Street, Soho
After Essex House, Bowie and Iman moved to an apartment at 285 Lafayette Street, where he spent the rest of his life.
He was often spotted in the neighbourhood, record shopping on Bleecker Street or browsing the shelves at the Mcnally Jackson bookshop at 52 Prince Street.
The area also plays an earlier part in Bowie’s story. During the 1980s, he met Chic’s Nile Rodgers at the Continental – a bar well-known by musicians, and still in the same place by the Astor Place subway. The two went on to work together on several records, including Let’s Dance – which became Bowie’s best-selling album.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Bowie was a passionate art collector, and you can find some of the city’s best galleries within walking distance of his New York apartments. Lafayette Street is close to a number of private galleries, as well as the innovative New Gallery, which showcases upcoming talent. From Essex House, take a leisurely stroll through central park to some of the city’s most famous galleries, including the Guggenheim – with a world beating collection of modern art, with works by the likes of Andy Warhol, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Also known as the Met, the museum has one of the world’s greatest collections of art, including works by Tintoretto, one of Bowie’s favourite painters (he named his publishing company after the Italian old master).
No visit to New York is complete without a trip to its world-famous Theater District, and two of the city’s theatres have a strong Bowie connection.
At the Booth Theater in 1980, Bowie took over the lead role in the hit production of The Elephant Man, and won rave reviews. In 2014, Bradley Cooper also took on the role on the Booth Theater’s stage.
The New York Theatre Workshop, at 79 East 4th Street, just around the Lafayette Street apartment, is where Bowie created one of his final works, the musical Lazarus, which premiered just a month before his death.
Where next?
Why stop there? Bowie was known for his love of traveling, with the subject inspiring several of his songs.
If you’re looking to extend your own Bowie tour, you could head to Blonay, Lausanne or Montreux in Switzerland, where Bowie lived and worked during the late 1970s and 80s, or the Caribbean island of Mustique, where he and Iman had a holiday home.
The V&A Museum’s hit David Bowie Is… exhibition also continues to travel the world, and can be seen at Barcelona’s Museu del Disseny from 25th May, and the Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna (MAMbo) in Italy, from 14th July – 13th November.
The post David Bowie’s London, Berlin and New York appeared first on lastminute.com Blog.
from lastminute.com Blog http://www.lastminute.com/blog/david-bowies-london-berlin-new-york/
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sugagimmesugar · 5 years
Only Fools Fall for You
After seeing the insane amounts of BTS imagines and fanfictions I have decided to join the fun!
This is the beginning of a story I am writing at the moment. Its readerXNamjoon. And its music centered. I have one song per chapter that is “featured” and I am currently working on the playlist that is mentioned in the story as well as a playlist to convey the general emotions/moods in the story.
For now I am posting the first 1.5k world of what I have written so far. Please tell me what you think!
Fluff! ; OffDuty!Namjoon; Student!Y/N ; set in sweden
Finally he got a day off. He loved his life, his job, everything about being RM, but after months on tour, he really needed some time alone. All the members felt that way so they had parted ways right after breakfast. They had all tried to cook together, a rare treat of homeliness that as per usual ended up in chaos. The fact that they were cooking in someone else’s kitchen, since they were staying in an AirBnB, probably didn’t help either. Jin and Yoongi somehow managed to whip up something edible for all the guys, so they all left well-fed towards whatever they each had planned for their days.
Namjoon only wanted to discover yet another new town, so he spent the day wandering through the streets, occasionally popping into a shop for this and that.
This time, they had played a concert in Gothenburg, in Sweden, so the weather in Septembre was quite cold for his standards. Everybody in town was bundled up and covering their faces against the wind, so his features were easily hidden against the views of anyone who might recognize him.
After walking around town for a few hours, he decided to take a break at a record store that seemingly also had a little café and some seats where customers could listen to some of the albums for sale.
He found a table in a lonely corner and left his bag and jacket there “claiming” it for himself.
The shop was fairly empty, as to be expected on a monday in septembre. So he didn't worry about being recognized, and just went on to browse the endless shelves of records. With a low chuckle he discovered the “K-Pop” section. It was obvious that K-Pop had not quite reached this country yet, no matter how huge it already was in other parts of europe. The “section” only consisted of one shelf which was 90% BTS and then some BlackPink. He quickly moved on to the more general selection, getting stuck, as always, on Rap.
“Hej, behöver du nån hjälp?”, he hears a voice behind him.
“Huh, sorry?”, he turns around, slightly startled by the store’s clerk, a girl around his age.
“Oh, sorry! I just asked if you need some help? Are you looking for anything in specific?” She smiles broadly, and as his surprise ebbes off, he notices more about her, the vintage jeans and red converse she’s wearing. Suppressing a laugh, he notes the sweater she’s wearing, which sports a print saying “Seduce and Destroy”.
“Haha it’s fine, I am just looking around a bit. You guys have a huge selection here so I’m just taking my time. Thank you, though.”
“Ok sure, just holla if you need something.” A short pause …..”Oh, by the way, I moved your stuff behind the counter …. a group of teens came in and you can never be too careful. So, yea, don’t worry it’s not stolen, just protected.”, she smiles at him again, his breath catching in his throat.
“ Ah, I didn’t think of that, thank you!”, trying to think of things to say to keep her in a conversation, he blurts out: “What’s your favourite artist? I have been looking through the collection here but still ended up with my old faves, I think I need some new jams. Any recommendations?”
She laughs, and looking around the store she heads straight for the pop section.
“Okay, now don’t be judgemental but this dude right here, Troye Sivan, he is incredible. I saw you with Kanye and Eminem albums so I reckon Troye is a bit different from what you usually listen to, but i recommend him 100%!” She holds up an album “Blue Neighbourhood” and another one “Bloom”.
“I will check out whatever you recommend, you’re the pro!”
“I’ll set up a listening booth for you with his albums and bring you back your stuff.”, she grins triumphantly. “As I said before, just holla if you want or need anything else.”
A few minutes later he is set up in a booth, just as she said. To top it off, he got some coffee.
Coincidentally, from his booth, he can see her workplace, the bar that is half register half café bar, so he (not-so-sneakily) watches her as she works, interacting with customers and shooting him the occasional smile or even wink.
As the music stops he realizes he didn’t even notice any lyrics or melodies, too entranced by the cute barista/clerk. “Ah shit…” he mutters to himself, trying to figure out how to restart the album as she comes walking over.
“What did you think? His voice is pretty amazing, huh?”
“Unfortunately I was a bit distracted, I didnt manage to catch much of the music.”
“Oh sorry, that must be my fault, huh?” Another wink. It must be his lucky day.
“How ‘bout you join me at the bar. I can just show you some general recommendations and if you want you can show me some of your faves. Maybe something more interesting than Kanye and Eminem?”, she smiles at him again.
Is she flirting? No, it’s her job to be nice to customers, she is being cute for tips.
“Sure, show me all your favourites. I promise I will buy one album from your recommendations. I’ll finish my coffee and then I’ll join you.”, he smirks.
Whatever this is, a proper flirt or just a nice store clerk, he is having fun. And that’s what today is about. He already bought way too much stuff just by getting lost in all the different shops, he might as well spend his afternoon hanging out with a cute girl. Not RM, not the leader of BTS. Just some guy who likes music. Easy.
As he is sipping his coffee, he pulls out his phone to check what the others are up to.
Hobi: “Why the FUCK is it so cold here?”
Jin: “We are in Scandinavia, if u didnt notice. It’s cold here….”
Tae: “Stop being a pussy Hoseok” *image attached of the maknae line eating ice cream by the seashore*
Hobi: “….”
Namjoon can’t help but laugh, everything is as usual. Yoongi has sent him a rough mockup of a track for the next album and he plays it while checking the personal chats with the other members.
JK: “Hyung where r u”
JK: “We are somewhere at the seashore, Tae just kinda went off track somewhere….”
JK: “turns out we were just like 1 street away from a bus stop so, uh, no need to worry… we found our way to some ice cream”
JK: “since i can see youre not even reading these i guess youre having a good time. Cya”
He rolls his eyes, of course the youngest ones almost got lost in another foreign country. He quickly types an answer.
Looking up from his phone, he catches Her staring at him. She winks at him and pats the bar in front of her. He shoots her a quick smile back and gets back to checkin in on the guys.
Yoongi: “new track mayb w jin & hobi??? U decide”
Joon: “ sounds good, we can work on it together when we get back”
After checking that the members are having a good day, he quickly takes some selcas to post for ARMY later.
“Done sending selfies to your girlfriend?”, the girl smiles at him as he sets down his bag at the bar, taking a seat right in front of her.
“No girlfriend, just…. family. They always want to see that I am having fun no matter where I am.”
“How sweet! Well, if you promise that you don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend I’ll introduce myself. I’m y/n. I am a student here but originally from y/h/c. Nice to meet you!”, her eyes sparkle as she smiles at him again, and he almost forgets to answer.
“I’m Namjoon, I’m visiting here from Korea for a few days.” He holds his hand out but exactly at that moment a customer comes to the register, so she turns away with an apologetic look.
She returns a few minutes later: “How ‘bout I put on my favourites on the store radio and you make me a little playlist of yours so I can check out what hot korean boys listen to. Show me some stuff I don’t know yet!” A small laugh and she bounces off again, fixing two coffees and soon he hears a synth riff playing on the speakers.
With a wide grin y/n comes twirling towards him, holding two iced coffees. Before he can think he is grinning at her and bouncing along to the music.
“This one’s on me, Namjoon. Don’t worry.”, she says as he holds out his card.
“I guess I am gonna have to buy you a drink later to make up for it.”, he laughs and takes the coffee.
Leaning on the bar, she watches him click away on his phone with a smile. His playlist slowly takes shape as he keeps stopping to properly listen to her music.
“Oh, wait! I just remembered, I actually know one korean artist, maybe you like his stuff. Let me just put it on for you.” A few seconds later he hears the notes he would recognize anywhere and almost bursts out laughing.
*we’re born in the moonlight… ain’t a fantasy*
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