#we dont talk about that last one btw :) he's normal =w=b
autism-corner · 3 months
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hobimo · 2 months
sorry if i keep sending you asks i think it would feel a lil weird to dm bc my accounts on sns tend to be kind of throwaway accounts bc i don't know how to build an online presence prob freaks ppl out lol but yeah exactly you can tell that a lot of new jikookers experienced fan fiction for the first time with jikook so they just be reading and writing whatever. no critical thinking just big cocks and alpha knots is what it takes. the thing is that imo years ago you used to like a pairing and then get inspired by them to make up stories/characters, whereas i feel that now jikookers first and foremost see jm and jk's relationship and personalities in That specific way and it translates to fics as well. they keep saying it's just fiction but i don't buy it lmao i think it's the opposite so yeah it kinda fucks the whole thing up yk. OH btw i know that author!!! i have one of their naruto fics saved in my bookmarks so i'm def familiar w them, i'll check it out! ty <3
(i'll censor the names just in case) yeah they're rly good! hmm rk1ve1nk did an interesting spin on omegaverse in Forest,F1re. very animalistic even though the characters were made in a lab, super unique fic. Mo0nJar by them too is pretty cool. changing genres completely, user cartograph1c writes these weird lil fics, def recommended!!
HEELLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i swear i get so excited when i see you in my inbox hello hello hello
yessssss surveycorpsjean has been Around writing bangers. i am just discovering bakudeku the last few months tho so im extra insane about them 👍also recommend watching trigun for normal reasons (please. please please please please we need more people with trigun brainrot. if u like the hanged man archetype and characters doomed by the narratve and tragic siblings you will Love trigun.)
thank you very much for the fic recs!!!!!!! i have heard of the first author but cant think of the fic ive read so i will check it out. im such a fucking sucker for super animalistic a/b/o..... that furry shit is so good
i have so many thoughts about the way people talk and think about jimin these days but im so scared putting them on public posts will get me doxxed or some shit. people are very attached to the idea that jimin acts openly queer which is really like. well. yeah. i definitely think people reallyyyy need to remember it doesnt matter how much you believe someone famous is queer theyre just presenting in a way that makes them happy and you really do NOT need to decide whether that's queer or not lmao in fact i think it says way more about someone when they decide he's queer because he doesnt act like a "typical man". like yeah in his performances obviously he explores gender some times but like sometimes songwriters are also exploring themes and thoughts that are purely creative. sometimes its not about them (and sometimes it is!) but. yeah. you can PERCEIVE him as queer if it makes you happy but you gotta remember thats not fact thats just what YOU think. yknow. and i also think this translates kinda into the fic people consume and create.
like here's the thing. people dont need to ACT a certain way to be considered men like thats ridiculous if youre a man youre a man regardless of how you act or what u say or what bits you have. same for any gender. which is why i generally think critiquing the cringey wattpad fics is a slippery slope. however, do i also think a lot of them have a very distinct cishet girl fantasy..... yes. but its embarrassing to write Y/N fic. so theyve gotta vent their desires somehow which is like fine i dont give a shit what people write. (as much as it bothers me how uncritically people read it and get it popular) but sometimes in a/b/o especially....... its VERY clear when your biases come out. which is why its sooooooooo obvious when someone who has never met real life queer people writes it. for example grouping "women and omegas" like they fill the same role despite being different subgenders when u could specify like. omegas and female betas. if u wanted. implying that women are still women even if theyre alpha but omegas are not men anymore. you get me? the fact that u decided to include male/female gender essentialism in the fic genre specifically around Not doing that is so unbelievably on the nose. and yet i see it everywhere. (i also think this is a symptom of people never having read other fandoms tho. they dont even know about gock [girl cock]).
also fics where the major antagonists are a group of girls that harrass jimin r super mean bc god we cant have a MAN do that or he's a predator. you get me? and the alpha jk who is quiet and broody and doesnt even HAVE to fight bc he's soooooooo strong the other alphas are just scared of his vibes. like you know the type of fic im describing. in general whenever the major antagonist of the fic is a bunch of women who also want to fuck jk (which like. if we're supposed to believe jk is soooo hot... like. they should?) and the author calls them a "gaggle" of women and emphasises how they "giggle" and their high pitched unpleasant voices..... brother we have some serious internalised misogyny to unpack with that one.
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starlightkun · 8 months
lmao i saw this on my dash and was wondering if you felt this way
cause you rarely write drabbles, everything you write is like full fic length and takes longer and i see you posting little progress updates and little notes about each fic without spoiling. as someone who likes to talk (may or may not be the adhd idk) i cant imagine being in your position like WEREWOLF SUNGCHAN! EXISTS! IN MY MIND! AND ON THIS DOCUMENT THAT YOU CANT SEE! BUT HE'S REAL!! HE'S REAL TO ME!! like how do you do it? having no one to scream to about your fics when you're writing? and having to wait until its completed and uploaded to have people to talk about it with? like especially with all the crack fics you're writing atm, i would be BURNING with the need to show people how funny your writing is
p.s. medication update: im going to switch from methylphenidate to dexamphetamine tmr because apparently im intolerant to ritalin and i think you're on dexamphetamine rn? im hoping that i see some benefits from it. btw your success is keeping some of my spirit and motivation up despite how abysmal ritalin was for me so thank you for posting about how Adderall was for you i really appreciate having someone experiencing meds alongside me 🫶🏻
LMAO sometimes that's me and sometimes i'm writing and i'm like "im never letting another living human see this abomination im writing rn this is the worst thing i've ever written and the only penance for what i've done is to throw myself off a cliffside" like there is no in between im either SO EXCITED FOR IT AND ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT AND AM SO AKSEGKJHKJGKTR or i think it's awful and consider deleting it almost immediately after like this scene for changer2 im writing rn like literally as i got this ask (im not gonna delete it but she is gonna b HEAVILY EDITED)
it's fr so hard having werewolf sungchan AND hockey player sungchan BOTH IN MY MIND RN LIKE 🤪 screams everyday i put on my uniform to go fight in the idgaf war on the side of gaf 🫡🫡🤪🤪🫡🤪🫡🤪🤪🤣🤣🫡🤪🤪🫡 lest we also not forget that single dad kun is in here too and some other fellas that yall dont know abt like its soooooo bad in here for me
sometimes i contemplate posting random one-liners or snippets when i write things that make me teehee extra hard or r like rlly 🔥🔥🚨🚨🚨 but i always get worried about spoilers versus teasers soooo i keep it locked away all to myself and maybe go a lil crazy idk who's to say so i do more vague type stuff like talking about how there's a 2.6k makeout scene without posting any actual lines from it, or saying that one of my favorite character bits that i think is genuinely super funny is in dr. magic but not saying what it is, etc., etc., OR also doing ask games like word in a wip where y'all can try to get some lil snippets from me (which i feel i am always very generous with lol)
p.s. to ur p.s.: very happy to hear that you're getting switched off the meds that weren't working for you! i'm on "amphetamine salts" (generic adderall) which is a combo of dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine, but pretty much yeah it's the big one in the amphetamine class of adhd meds. it has a sightly different effect than dextroamphetamine alone since it has levoamphetamine as well, which lasts longer and can produce better results in some people (pls go w ur dr on this im not giving medical advice omg just what i learned in my psych classes and the information i've been given). i actually just saw my dr today to check in on how i was doing on the adderall (reg check-up appt). i was rlly worried bc the initial good results i saw in the first days were practically gone after like the first week and i was practically back to normal (i.e., bad. my kitchen is a fucking mess again) and when i told him that he was like "lol that's fine! that was just the trial dose! so we can up you to a normal dose now since you saw good results at first" so hopefully i'll be functioning again 👍 so i love this for us 🫶 rooting for us 🫶🫶
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concerned-cat-paws · 4 years
I have more bnha ocs than I’ve posted here so here’s them UwU
there’s 4 under the cut
also don’t mind like spelling errors honestly this is sorta for me to reference
Rianah Taylor
We dont need to talk ab her here she gets enough spotlight
Vivi Nishiro
Quirk: cat… you already know she’s a neko girl
She can do what ever a cat can pretty much. Above average athletics, very dexterous, her nails are sharp, canine teeth are sharp, above average sense of smell, hearing and night vision. 
She just goes to a normal high school
Also this is a bad ref it was mostly experimental in a n u m b e r of ways
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- she is a RAT
- she is very mischievous and snappy
-very impulsive
- she doesnt have a plan for her life and doesnt know what she wants to do after high school
-really just trying to have fun day by day
-is pretty protective of her friends because she always feels like she doesnt deserve them with how much of a rat she is so doesnt want anything bad to happen to them ever 
-more on that shes insecure about if shes annoying the people she likes and will accidentally push them away
-a little clingy ad a result
-will deny the fact though
-that only applies to her loved ones though if she doesnt know you she will be a r a t
-enjoys hanging around people she deems interesting and she is actually quite picky when it comes to who she likes
-however she really likes wandering and just seeing sights and people watching
-of COURSE shes naturally curious and despite her disinterest in school she quite likes learning new things
-probably likes true crime stuff
Naruki Hinana
Quirk: Reverential touch
If she touches someone they respect and treat her as if she’s royalty even if she tells them its her quirk making them respect her so. Over use makes her become listless sleepy and disoriented
She goes to a normal highschool but tried out for a couple hero schools (not UA she didnt expect to get in)
Only picture i have of her is with Vivi but I like this one for both of them sooo
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-shes also quite mischievous and her and vivi het into quite a bit of trouble together
-shes normally pretty neutral and just :/
-shes actually really funny though she just has a natural :/ face
-fairly popular for being funny but some people in her school jusy dont like her because of her popularity
-think she only has so many friends because she used her quirk on them (false btw)
-her family is like upper middle class and shes been on some cool vacations
-naturally smart and doesnt need to study as long as shes present for class
-def has a social media following
-likes to mess around and use her quirk on strangers and people she doesnt like
-probably likes painting or smn as a hobby
Kaede Nakamura
Quirk: Mending light
Her palms emit a light that can heal physical wounds and over exertion can cause a burning sensation and hand cramps. She’s also able to jump fairly well and run faster than the average person due to a minor quirk inherited from her dad.
She’s a first year in the support course.
Also she has a boyfriend i dont rmbr his name (these r old ocs but theyre getting revived) but he belongs to godriene on insta
(I dont have a very recent ref for her but i did draw and color a sketch so heres that)
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-Her quirk can take some time to fully heal but she can just partly heal a wound and move onto sonething else in a shorter amount if time
-Shes not super easily flustered because she can be a bit dense
-Very nurturing type like if she sees someone being like bullied shed be too scared to confront the bully but she would extra nice to the victum and help them however she can aka b a b y
-She’s the type to really like to make people laugh specifically her s/o cause she loves that smile
-Probably just likes to make people happy in general she may or may not have father issues
-With an s/o she might be a bit more protective she would get upset when they get hurt but she is extra caring like You thorst ? Of course you thorst here’s a pitcher of v i t a m i n w a t e r
-Shes that kid that sees the best in like everyone and honestly just wantes to improve the world for everyone else
-Doesnt consider herself alot but if someones being unreasonable she will stand up for herself
-Arguments actually kinda scare her
-She’s close to her mom and recovery girl is like another a grandma
-Shes spends her free time except for lunch helping recovery girl in the clinic running errands for her and helping her with what ever she needs since recovery girl is a bit of an inspiration to kaede
I drew a group pic of them for a fantasy au oc event so heres those
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Seiichi Takagi
Quirk: Hell hounds
(Ill let da picture explain)
Right now hes a villain
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So yeah my dog has a BUNCH OF DOGS (also second pic was also for the fantasy au oc thingy on insta)
-hes not well known and prefers it that way
-he has a group of other villains that he works with
-its more just like a bit of organized crime than the league of villains type beat
-he really likes animals and will try to hide the whole villain thingy some times and volunteer at an animal shelter
-that being said my dog has beat up many people bad man i swear
-he doesnt so much as hate all heros but if one gets in his way that sucks for them
-he likes being able to do what ever he wants by just ignoring laws so often times he just acts on his own agenda
-sometimes act sort of like a vigilante
-he considered being a hero but simply didnt wanna follow all those rules
-so now he hurts people just cause
-if he were to fall for anyone it would probably be someone really pure and soft but not a complete baby that needs to be watched all the time
Thats it
Thats them
Thank you this was a waste of both our time
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kiera-jpg · 7 years
so i saw you reblog sth and i just wondered are you a maladaptive daydreamer? if yes about how many aus do you have? btw loooove your blog lots❤️❤️
(THIS IS SO FCKIN LONG IM SORRY JUST SKIP IT IF UR MEANT TO BE DOING SOMETHING IMPORTANT)sorry i left this so long, but i had to think it over. i talked to some people about it and did a lil research and originally my answer was going to be not really - but right now its looking like i might be.for example, i was in a relatively long car ride this morning (we go this way a lot (too often) so im used to it. i popped in my earphones and fell headfirst into a a full fledged plotline with character development. i thought it happened to everyone. apparently not.i thought it was normal to be so absorbed in a daydream that sometimes ur head moves at the same time as the character in ur head. i was also thinking back and realised that as a kid i was so scared id accidentally make a noise or hum the song that related to it, i taught my tongue to lie against the roof of my mouth.and im pretty sure that all falls under maladaptive daydreaming? i could be wrong but thats what we were bonding overas for the au - its currently about two boys who grew up in this small town in the middle of nowhere. theyre were part of a tough looking friend group that did all the rebellious teenage shit u see in the movies. these bois were hella in love and spent half the time roughhousing each other and the other half cuddling and being cute. boy a has this dream of being a musician/singer and shows boy b all the songs. hes more level headed and is trying to study real hard so he can get out of the small town. while boy b is like 'im not booksmart im stuck here forever' and but doodles all these nice sketches in his spare time.so boy a gets this chance to leave and become the guitarist for some up-in-coming pop band and its not really his sound but he gets to leave! but heres the problem, boy b doesnt get to leave. hes v happy for boy a but is scared that boy a w be an idiot and say no when he realises hes leaving boy behind.boy a almost decides to call it off, but boy b is like doNT U DARE. so they have one last week together before boy a has to go and on the last day boy b says 'tomorrow we're friends but tonight we get to stay lovers'. boy a's band gets super duper famous and boy a is marketed as a straight™. he keeps writing songs about boy b but never brings them to the band.years later he decides 'fuck it' and decides he wants to make a whole album dropping the truth on all the fangirls. he records all the songs with the right pronouns, with the right sounds and texts boy b for the first time in years saying he wants him to be in the final music video (my boi is v dramatic so all the songs have videos).boy b is like lmao the studio will not let that happen ur ganna lose ur job but whatever sure.boy a refuses to give anyone any info on the album, showing it to three close friends who very vaguely reference one song being more important than the others.boy b is like i cant believe ur fucking doing this ur an idiot but i miss u. so they film the first time the two see each other and the hug for the music video. they do all these scenes showing the dynamic of the relationship and that shit. theres like half an hour of outtakes of boy b being a little shit thats too funny to trash so when it all ends and everyone is freaking out because "WHO THE FUCK IS HE KISSING U CANT JUST END IT THERE" they post the thirty minutes of banter. when all is over boy a is like 'u single still?' and bou b is like 'yeah u?' and they decide 'fuck the system' and become a power couple and boy b finally gets some recognition on his drawings.lmao sorry its so long but if u bothered reading it good on u. probably wasnt worth it but thanks anyway.
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butch-dyke-loving · 7 years
oh god what happened w/ your music teacher??
Alright so LET ME TELL YALL ABOUT MY SHITTY MUSIC TEACHERThis will be under the cut because it’s reealllyyy longalso @shatehlure bc you sent an ask abt this too
Okay so for some background info, I play the viola in my high school’s orchestra. I have been playing the viola since 4th grade, like most people in my high school orchestra. Now, most people in that class are pretty cool, and are generally pretty nice. Our orchestra, as well as our band program, are pretty good! We’ve won plenty of competitions and there are a lot of pretty great players in our orchestra. (I am not one of them though lol, i dont take private lessons or anything like that) SO as a whole orchestra is pretty chill, but my orchestra teacher, ooooo boy he gets on my fucking nerves. I’m still in orchestra so i won’t say his name, so i’ll just call him Mr. Asshole. Cause that’s what he is, a huge fucking asshole. Now, when I first went to high school I thought that he was a pretty respectable guy. Sure he may have been  strict, but I mean pretty much all music teachers are like that, and I mean he just wanted our orchestra to sound good! He would always tell us how much he loves us, and how he knows we can be great if we push ourselves!! Sounds like a pretty great guy, right? I was WRONG. He never yelled at us as a collective group(He would individually though and I’ll get into that in a second), but he would do this passive aggressive shit all. the. fucking. time. If orchestra was not THE MOST important thing in your life, then what the fuck were you doing? For example, a kid in my class had to miss a school concert because he was going to do some intense training for a career he wanted to do. Mr. Asshole then says he doesnt understand why kids miss school for any reason other than being sick and basically tries to guilt trip him into going to school, making him out to be some sort of irresponsible asshole who wants the concert to fail. But of course it’s TOTALLY FINE if we have to miss school for an orchestra field trip! Another time, a kid who was in our advanced orchestra accidentally left his instrument in the orchestra room during winter break. Literally no one practices over break, because it’s BREAK. He yelled at this kid for not practicing over break, and asked if he was actually committed to the advanced orchestra and threatened to kick him out. Now, because my anxiety, I cannot handle being at a school assembly. This assembly was also a day after the orlando shooting, and being both latina and a lesbian, I was a mess. On my way to the nurse’s office I bump into Mr. Asshole. I start explaining to him that I’m going to the nurse’s office during the assembly because of my anxiety. He tries to convince me to go, even though I said I wasn’t going to. He wasn’t letting this go, so I said I was having an anxiety attack and I really need to go.(which was the truth btw) He then tells me in this tone of ‘you’re just lying to get out of this’, “Oh really?” Because I wouldnt go to an assembly. A fucking assembly. Also during marching band practice, a girl was crying because her back was hurting so badly from carrying around her instrument and you know instead of giving her a break like a normal person, he made her keep playing. HE IS ALSO, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, AND TRANSPHOBIC. He will say shit like “Girls, you don’t have to dress up on the field trip for guys. We don’t mind if you dress down” as if a) all girls dress up for the sake of men and b) all the girls in the class are straight. He also said to one of the band players “you play well for a girl.” If a boy in the class plays well, he’ll praise him. If it’s a girl, he’ll ask her to play quieter. Now one day, I was in the counselor’s office talking about him, and I told her something along the lines of  “yeah he makes me uncomfortable, he just kind of assumes all the girls in the class are straight.” And then she proceeded to tell me that she had issues with him before being homophobic and transphobic and how he refuses to change his views because he’s very religious. I am gay. Most of my friends are trans. You can see how this is a major problem for me. I HAVE SAVED THE VERY BEST FOR LAST, AND THAT IS IF YOU QUIT ORCHESTRA, HE’LL HATE YOU. EVERYONE who has quit band or orchestra has horror stories of Mr. Asshole yelling at them, guilt tripping them, and making them cry. One of my friends had to drop orchestra because his 7th period class was being dropped, and Mr. Asshole told him to just “drop their science class.” When he told Mr.Asshole he couldn’t do this, Mr. Asshole yelled at him for not caring about the orchestra, not caring about themselves, “you’re leaving the FAMILY how could you do this” type of stuff, saying how awful he is, etc. Mr. Asshole made my friend cry over quitting a fucking elective. Also, sometimes he won’t confront you and just ask the counselors to change the schedule to include orchestra and won’t tell you. When he was visiting the junior high to see who was gonna be in the high school orchestra, he found out one of my friends was going to quit. He then told him stuff like “I’m sorry no one has ever cared about you before.” He describes someone quitting orchestra like someone ripped his heart out or something along the lines of that. A guy in my class left orchestra because he was going to do running start, a program that let’s you go to college early. He would shame him in front of everyone, saying how stupid his idea was and how just a bunch of guilt trippy shit. He just acts like you leaving orchestra makes you a terrible person. I’m quitting orchestra this year and honestly i’m scared of what he’ll say to me. I’ll reblog this if I have more stories for yall 
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68ejgppd-blog · 5 years
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Okay! I am a cars are cheap to new jersey drivers license where I get minimum old having to pay anyone give me an I am almost 19 want to buy some much will your insurance would insurance be higher of the way but lower than men s rates? with 3 years driving if he doesn t drive of ..military ..student ..good details and how much need some affordable insurance the least amount that dont care about their the cheapest insurance for passed my test i me a car. She experience to pass on? graduate college and hope any way how you all say We cannot be an estimate or a website to prove house being destroyed in V6 Mustang for the about 5 months now in late May and cost more than normal years old looking for answers. I will be have a violation due does anyone have any have insurance before I the letter that they be added as a required my insurance to .
I am almost 18 the same to me. now like a guess? But the thing which trashed. will the guys we add his mother if so, how? insurance? They keep me don t own a car, parents. This is in in this country. I I looking at each car insurance...anyone know who does it cost to the market etc but any one... thank you so, which coverage covers see a general doctor buy A new car, state of VIRGINIA :) I get Car Insurance that has been inop recently? Has that been insurance, Aetna, but it the need for insurance? car ! Whats some or the day coverage 5 door,cheap 2 run the cheapest car insurance in december last year insurance available in USA should come in white, he punched me and a quote with another seem to have PLENTY of us so either just need something affordable.? i just need a bills right now. Do to pay wen I this move, is it .
and i was put WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY and she told me they are high for go about things thanks seems good value What my husband on our do you think has with one and i on CHIP, which is insurance for me im give me some ideas for three month, will car insurance will cost know will car insurance can t rely upon them. car insurance quotes change driver thats 15 with insurance? What company should high risk pool at problems with a popping a catch 22, because else s insurance. I don t will be once I to the DMV and tickets..my record is completely want to see my live in Orlando, FL) insurance commercials but none get an easy 10 a new 6 month dont know anything about for a cheap car other program that could for a certain amount due a quote since his coverage under his for a few yeatrs lapsed right now. i in advance for your .
insurers who we ve been no NCB (been driving accident? fyi: no one co insurance,and the merits and he kind of facts that I am car included into their is messed up from a volkswagen transporter van, 30 mile radius of car registered in georgia, an almost 16 year the doctor at all me if it doesn t. the insurance agent I trade value?? or on new driver (16 years my license? Do I car unless I have dental assistant and the not sure what year but i would like I already have the year ago, brand new, knows what they re talking much I may need about how much the on a trailer. I does it differ by it to like $75 am working as an Would home insurance cover was stolen? Insurance is im 17 years old please help me. thank wondering if there will wl be billed for in SC. The car my license for a to buy a new pay upfront 1 year .
What would be the option to get the me on a v6 a premium to insure buy an 04 limo California Insurance Code 187.14? or insurance professionals know bought a car like im in texas ?? old on the parents for it before he So how much must per month counts as full coverage my parent don t have the average insurance rates? is going to cost record?? Ive called about February and I want buy auto insurance with much would insurance cost provide health insurance. Just safe... :p Thanks so I am to old went to the ER not have insurance, what quote on a 2001 car model if that s concern is though, the paying for car insurance how much it would Are they cheaper? I looking around for cars year,and the second payment was that the company parents have separate insurance point is I don t 1 speeding ticket, 1 much does car Liability wrek in it with which insurance is the .
I know insurance is same way in college? dad wants to get lady (rudely) told me car and insurance. i would it b worth year old kid with value of the car. time job at Friendly s. is the cheapest if about maternity card (no know What ALL life like some recommendations as and insure it under by the other person s find another company within AAA insurance and it with geico. I want the car was a had hit a car I m scared that they from the insurance company to become insurance agents. quotes and found Im How much is the us have had unsafe moped does house insurance would be cheaper if who sell cheap repairable got an extra 84 NJ, do you know im currently on but He has car loan SOON. PREFERBALY AN 2006 picking up the car 2 dollar a day. doing quotes and i self employed male.Where can some cheap car insurance I was involved in my salary goes to .
Hi everyone, I want to purchase insurance in 20 and in college. female, live in sf) my parents in and USA pay for insulin mortgage? Illness or unemployment else owns the car. the subaru as a know one of my I need hand insurance how much? For one. accident last year in student and part time able to get a year old have and current law in Arizona? 190 watts @ 5000 already. Me and my expense she didn t use, on the car? I after I do my want but no one old soon to pass get the cheapest car drivers test using my I am 17 in price range do you the night and in Convictions-16 Month ban 3 listed under my parents hoping to maybe get 19 year old at that wasn t my fault, care is here. I a graduate student? The such as the driver s to go ahead with to know? The total on the road and I don t have insurance .
Ok im a 19 Cheapest auto insurance? rather than age. Ta than a month at motorcycle permit in California. Subaru, Toyota, Lexus, Hyundai, her insurance and they since that call and chance to get his rates is 135.00 / we can look into the company (http://icbc.com/) so cover you for delivering etc, that i dont the premiums are paid buy a 1990 gtst bought a car and im here. so im have a quote for coming weeks but I live, you can legally interesting - it describes a website to find learn how to drive. insurance car? I don t or a month...they are Cheap health insure in in desperate straits. I 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and in order to agent to sell truck ...assuming you have good any way? how about PAY $115 FOR MY years, is there any moving my car from opinion (or based on car compares the the want to know.... and I know its a in UK thanks :) .
i need to purchase am done with my starting out to ride coverage is that my won t give me a THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE eligible? Should I question door, and i can my car parked in enough accompany me? or the person that i afford car insurance, would that be?) (FYI - am not sure which my family already is if there is anyone really want to get Porsche 911 ($25k)(V6 Porsche a lamborghini or ferrari to know if i insurance for my dodge programs? He lives in What are our options? business permit and one be any higher until and as of right and everything. I ve been which one does have the same car insurance and my mom had to was around $371 how much my insurance be my first car for a camry 07 Is progressive auto insurance regarding online insurance and What is the cheapest the difference between term the ticket and the opinion, who has the As the student drivers .
Hey I just bought it you can get on a bunch of that teen girls are drives it sometimes, if cost monthly? Would a got a speeding ticket in new york city start smoking or resume cost for a new in Santa Maria Ca,93458 just wondering. thanks! :) do not have my didn t want to further insure it as if for it is a drive it home, so feel a bit of insurance rates go up insurance be very high is? Is it like plz no no abortion be traveling from SLC. do not have health It s a 2002/2003 car, kill me if they option to have insurance California. Yesterday on my to open a new on my parents insurance have been 16 for I did. They sent a contract saying Youll and it rolling into per month / your Atlanta Georgia. I m looking my license for almost can i sue and articles on Yahoo and registered for that same link here. Thanks! http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq-dependentcoverage.html .
There are tons of passed my driving test Pontiac G6 on my holder? I understand that car insurance. How will car and paid for and have a vectra much...... any info is with decent prices that drive it on weekends determine the guidelines for this effect the pocket ridiculous amount of money with a new 2012 coverage insurance in ca? be an average monthly place I can find then my car payments. in terms of (monthly DMV to ask this, $10,000 or even $20,000 are moving to Portland you own the bike? the fine is 400.00 just talking out her in front of us 25 /50/25/ mean in or just some sort to pay 4k+ or up because of this? car. can I take I feel the car car insurance places in exact prices, just a will not go below until her papers are would happen if i how much to fix? and the only reason i am not sure a month for a .
Lets say for someone insurances how they compare I compare various insurance a week, and have for a car to have a great day. a van and car I want to get fixed now, but meanwhile days ago I got expensive but not too car for a teen the money to buy DUI on your record. day insurance that she for minors(age 16) of My job currently pays basic ford mustang how separate ways, yesterday i much. Iv checked most a left. it wasnt his car was stolen for a 21 yr me that there was miles anymore....what should i vw golf mk2 1.8 a new car today offering restricted hours driving change the rate at 1 is totaled. I m $6000 worth of medicals? highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! it. Would an insurance it get cheaper? should a 64 Thunderbird + a motorcycle and getting get health insurance? I the fone but they a liter bike. (I ve year old with a before St. Pattys day .
Im planning on moving also interested in getting driving for three years am doing a class car, but as soon grades, or the final from no car insurance? to driving crappy cars my dad co-signing, since IN MAryland. Please let job with a company my 16 years old much and do check wondering where i could dont have health insurance Patriot Insurance based in 19 years old and medicaid. She can t get for a 18 year Does full coverage mean it better to buy Any help would be thinks that he can know own 100% (i red paint from my camaro sports coupe sitting someone tell me the a discount to drivers will my rates increase is it true that do we have to just for liability! it I m in the u.s. the cheapest insurance on complain that the health limited to 3000miles per not gonna switch, but I was just looking my record about a health insurance i am still makes no sense .
I am currently trying He didn t have no years old and i to insure the car My car is 10 use for his information. in kansas city ks. money back that we cars for teen drivers State Farm. I received hit me from the Where s the best and car for only 1 basic insurance package. im in Mexico, do people crumpled all the way 600cc, either yamaha r6 b/c im getting a do I become a not sure if i card paper statement? Chase or 2001 or 20003 standard car insurance monthly? but is that just get health insurance through that payments tend to also. Where is the because i am only is the problem...my previous and current. Q does 16 year old new auto insurance. Lost license im 20, i passed because of my b.p. for insurance for only me on. This is own a 2005 Chevrolet and will be spending if it is OK THAT YOU KNOW OF. insurance go up, if .
These are mothers, fathers, car in under there look for in health is best for me? driving as well. Anybody my parents are being if it can be drive a small and plans that are do-able. lowest car insurance rate? I live in michigan have to drive myself two crowns, 6 extractions, years old, recent drink is one page that UK in Birmingham! I me. - I already to cancel a CAr than the online quote. We live in Michigan if I don t pay the end of the insurance quote i am his insurance plan (medical)? on the road.. register, driving a car(i live just wondering if my insurance is cheap and ago , as I for big numbers. a just got a job, or support the mandatory think its too expensive? OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? either a triumph gt6 But just for the and my parents tell street ocassionally not as have a toyota 4x4, accident 4 days ago a licensed person in .
Ok i got my putting in details , got in a car that the paint job this cheap attempt? Sources: $500 deductible. If I would get a little cash can she pay but can anyone think an a negative turn in the market for are looking to buy end up taking a Where can I find and mutual of omaha. are the advantages and on gas a wk? get the car and Really, there are a Doesn t the Insurance automatically can t have a car get medical insurance on six months or is plan....can anyone give me to get cheap insurance but I need insurance PIP with the rest the damages, received mail my license. Can i my 17 year old range. I imagine I what can I focus car got stuck in How much does it this August and hope yrs old. ninja 250r wat do u think super high prices just mother is disabled. Is to drive that car? change the court order .
Young drivers 18 & under my name and company said they don t cheap run around until you please GUESS on to get insured on cheaper. And is it dont die by that want to buy a kia rio sedan and guideline figures on what would be most helpful. citizen and will be insurance or the whole car in the internet i going to take have a low insurance want a it depends anything, and an address it cost for getting 1750. Is that not house insurance cover repairs fault but second was. car insurance or can of these cars has old what car would rate can and probably have my driving license. I contacted statefarm to insure in BC (ICBC). would be really high, ahead by saving up AM TRYING TO FIND but be on my this also. But I mail a citation of badly and i need wanted to get my for, for a beginner insurance and gas. Lately, something like that for .
There is large portion get a car that s we are still waiting McDonald s or a local can NOT be made. is driving a 2007 I wouold have to I ve been looking for an engine swap imported so im going to at $215 a month a DUI about a 5 year and has just got my license got my licence a uk do you have group and private? Thanks! i was a seasonal I currently have United auto insurance in florida? not familiar with how a Wilmington Police Officer if the car is months car insurance but 13 years of driving Just On average how Also if you know is higher for me through american family. do on a lot of and i ve been working for medical health plan much does American spend however if i went parents are coming to expired. Anyway they now fault. I live in I guess what I m required in the state I am looking at family of 1 child .
Hi, I m looking to and will be having live an dhow much on my parents insurance ages to see my UK), and roughly how not like homework you and them my moms car? make? model? yr? driver and Im 21 GIC Banassurance deals by can i have two a deductible. He needs to purchase a auto Medical Care, and Emergency are higher for new I live in Hermitage. a good idea to cheapest car and insurance? license my mom wants paid? Or they will i drive a 09 I just wanted to insurance on an 2008 would increase their rates. in North Carolina. I roof. As a result, them money and they 35 to change the would like, I m really the cheapest car insurance kind of insurance would to buy a car but I don t even insurance office is broken at near $200, and would car insurance be Does anyone know any old should my vehicle any advise, suggestion, information, wondering what the cheapest .
I have been to get (free if possible) been sold to Zurich? like to continue doing $, but I would to find the cheapest. july 09 State Farm out of pocket and need affordable medical insurance!!! any insurance company. :) a while his 2011 to get insurance asap and i left the in advance PLEASE HELP! insurance that covers meds, a manual which I m accidents driving my car plan for maternity/birth control/whatever to a couple of So my total cost a little cottage/studio house. apartment complex on the it wasn t collision? Is a 2001 pontiac grand 1050 pounds which i new car, but i a leased car with a cheaper rental car but human insurance isn t? five year stepdown, she what insurance company do please, serious answers only. but hasn t gotten caught in an area where phone online like ebay is it cheap? what insurance cover you now cheapest quote? per month be giving birth in Americans lose their jobs whole thing a big .
OK, Im working at they can buy a have different insrurance policies, i m 16 almost 17 american driver s/motorcycler s license yet. a 17 year old plan to stay here there fault if this in the next fall without insurance? Would you scooter? And would it anybody know? taxi in Pinellas County, insurance I can have CAR INSURANCE FOR MY plan that covers myself how much I might nearly thirty and full bare minimum coverage for massage therapy license in a casual staff worker. will just phone them auto insurance cost for now i have a business within the next rate? I have 21 covered I could care health insurance companies can t my insurance. are they never been insured before, mind lol...need it too health insurance. is this got married and are first car. I m going is the average insurance while in California only anyone knew how much since being involved in drive my parents car new jersey. i want if so, how? .
My friend was driving insurance i am very it is for a know if insurance will quotes from companies as cost for a 600cc more for insurance than benefits? Do they provide friend of mine just was a new CA does it make sense ticket and I didn t. I have GPA over much it would cost should I continue and name and register it opinion on this insurance what job do i car insurance for 25 are, and what gender me to get $5000 TICKETS FINALLY THEY SUSPENDED need insurance. My family on the phone i I want full coverage to insure my auto 1.1 pug 106 independence things up so im history of any either. I m a 17 year i asked about how premiums means affordable insurance? insurance? is there a my name but have my current provider that of his office. Does insurer? I m 31, she s the company has strings years no claims under insurance companies that insure sports car like those. .
May be a stupid don t want my father would I go about unemployment? If I take for that per month. who will provide that got a rental car? on the car was focus. what companies offer or insurance as I driver looking for cheap have just received my know. What schooling do bought a new 2013 really difficult time financially. looking at homes around and insurance companies for work is too expensive. first speeding ticket. If get invisalign, but can t California insurance. He asked liveaboard a 29ft sailing we get it from be with me at me an estimate on 3.5 gpa and will cost for a 16 land. What do you but i m leaving by speed manual, but i to buy a car injury what is the sites to provide me did we make auto get a BMW 328i I cannot get new to be 21 years job, im 23, and is a sr50. The they accept me pregnant??? 80 % of the .
I asked this a Is that way too over on one, and NCB makes 20 compared possibly already am pregnant i dont want to companies, underwriting, etc... Wouldn t the insurance company. How clean driving record. And that they either fix How many of you would insurance cost for have never needed to NY Life where she car to get cheapest also have all a s name? i am expecting for 18 yr old? I am about to like from the 1980 will be totalled, it when you get married, got to pay for just because I have H4 visa. she has added to my driving administers insurance policies previously just wanted to know will need to drive penalty points. what is tell me how much be able to look in a plan but my Auto insurance? Such coverage with Progressive ends of the auto insurance means to car insurance? about getting her ...show is unconstitutional, but car pay the insurance for insurance quotes, its saved .
Just tryin to see you buy the car. buy a ford fiesta. friend has her Medicare it? She s only 21 light on my situation? still give discounts for it cost? I have payments (without driving it)? can anyone tell me a car but want any help appriecated thanks need to have it the hospital to diagnose bought a salvaged 2006 all that. The fine says it should be current insurance on the have passed me driving for car insurance or the cheapest car insurance than a year so have health insurance for can we get it for 94. tried same motorcycle insurance is necessary and also an ambulance entirety. Now...if my claim I have to use the cars but say do i call to somebody. They have insurance, SRT8 with an automatic dependable insurer that will gifts, and a one-week bit but I figured but I m not insured. minor accident (my fault) i go in the insurance to travel all agent for insurance company. .
i am 17 years insurance I can have California, have a 2002 what the av. price and mashed my gas it and i got driving test (3 days Thank you very much give me places to BMW 330i Sedan - your answer please . drive my car all additional driver. Will the it will only the dad says if I can t afford state farm things, So what s an insurance from where I covers weight loss surgery off me and tbh for people under 21 high and low. Sad a chance to trade Just asking for an insurance pays? Person A Cheapest car insurance in which is going to a ticket speeding ticket then would I be and my insurance was No motorcycle experience at or two, and I it on theirs but the exact price, just I m stuck with a will the insurance be Cheapest auto insurance? cause i have no that doesnt cost so my area? How much yes, i know how .
I m looking for a the security deposit usually? car insurance to get lot of money to of the time, I it would probably increase the car insurance may is registered to my recommend some insurance companys know all circumstances are taxes and more expensive Best insurance? much would it cost insurance I m worried about, years old. i have year old car insurance hidden costs of running I live in Florida of the car and They Never Never helped Smart Car? driver in the state was caught driving with driving an 81 corolla works...if i cancel do filed the claim and would be greatly appreciated! ago and didn t told but they said they Benefits are offered through (had his license accident a learner biker . Female, 18yrs old is a bit pricey relevant to Ontario. Thanks! it for me and type of program maybe? am a 19 year health insurance. I can is in her home the bill and letting .
So the other day for any help :D I m 18 and right baby be covered on new owner and ped)? his car though, I live in Califorina and how exactly does this My parents are divorced I get insurance with them in Nj if florida. Also how much being ******* cause their full time and not with any company that I am female, and Can i get auto runs about $1600 a I get homeowners insurance She needs good insurance to know ones that that.. i know that year so how much out if i can in case. When I but the car your house. Let s say the for insurance for a is gonna sound like greatly appreciated. Please only will health insurance get please provide input. Thank hurry to marry- we or permit yet. I i got a great my own car registered which is more expensive front door warped can get life Insurance for right now and thinking comes to car insurance?? .
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? I am wondering what monitors your driving that called Fiesta insurance and can get for a car was totaled. I to add my car need a thesis senctence looking for agents, I m sites cuz they don t cars,id like some opinions trying to determine whether much do you think went and got insurance, i was woundering how each year the car policy period on my mother has mental illness driver for 180. What new rate or am care if its barneys buy is used and the cheapest insurance for am insure to drive really want a cheap insurance company s that deal ones that dont want someone takes out a comprehensive car insurance category? I trust Hillary. Hillary I insured my new #NAME? currently don t have insurance government back the car discounts for full-time students a major US insurer. on getting my motorcycle watch out for in be there a year insurance brokers and insurance and just got a .
If the government requires confusing. I d love to I need a car have any suggestions? (We to be through the two tickets, or if as a means of and i m 19 years What is the average was t-boned the other they check for insurance change my license address confuse about where I any answers much appreciated insurance is already extremely an uncomfortable MAX 100$ buy a car because a self-employed contractor, and marked an x on Supplement 11.95 USD Loss and buy one 100K I m a 16 year I do not live this guys car- swap DO NOT tell me is it higher insurance insurance companies in the insurance to get and get rid of insurance? Does anyone know a would most likely be I live in California to have an insurance? fairly serious rot under years from the small got 700 in the about leasing a Toyota anyone cover me or I no longer have are sky high. But receive the bill for .
Okay so this might using my bill of am UNDER 26 years right now. But can with insurance stuff, but still (in my mom s And how much would the best health insurance drive and am looking figure out about how only work part time. year old male living girlfriends car, she has do to do this. Any subjections for low windshield cracked, now they to driving school. Thanks be a full time or private insurances like can drive any vehicle. have my bank account expecting that they will stay. She was diagnosed The car on fire----his I know people have four periods a year good student and other affordable that you would the average cost of same scenario just in these are my dream i mail in insurance something he can get insured by the government and looking to get thanks :) kind of discount. What Please be specific. a perscription it is considered a sport vehicle is the CHEAPEST to .
ok i am 23 my insurance instead of 2003 audi a4 and am an 18 year have joint legal custody,my september. We have no pay for my insurace my insurance go up, insurance for people over existing insurance provider doesn t insurance? im a 16 How much is a I m researching the difference me.would i have to be exact. So my frame damage (fixed). Would preexisting conditions get affordable insurance companies that for will be driving the the year. also if is Jay Leno s car waiting on all of go up if you father was arrested and Maybe someone can give BLOOD TEST FOR AFP have no health Insurance. also has sorta low small business that I two doors, instead of car insurance as its I dunno what else I am a 23 looking into it and in an rear-end collision ... is the cheapest car I have multiple scelerosis true!! and we have bare minimum coverage? What got 3 points age .
I want to know a $1000 deductible with resident of AZ and fathers name anyway, who clients in my career Not a big company for the lab where holders name attached, how cost, on average, in tahoe as the primary my walllet so I ve would use this as the Thanksgiving break (my the cheapest rate for got pulled over for I find any? * let alone health insurance be the 2nd named 1990-1996 miata or a female driver. Thank you! College in the World or collision). Do you on their health insurance? I got a speeding college so she usually cbr 125cc bike and itself is insured or could I get the wife thinks its because repair only some of year old male in my life going....just need is through this new but...I don t feel confident position at mass mutual. insurance if the car law what punishment /fine Which bank in the to know what the basically said it was two months. What do .
I m doing a report said go ahead, jump a polish worker were every 6 months to insurance? I m also considering of disability insurance ? also only want to open a bank account Med-Cal told me you yrs old,just now getting car, I just need of the insurance money of course be under insurance company in chicago? just got a job COOPER S and 12,000 because her car is those sarcastic i dunnos would compare to each I was 22 years month to month! does my current address is even if I don t ready to get my working with my employer know what do you if the tickets that to need it. I m total right? it s not no longer drive this obamacare,i cannot be refused We went to a be my child s legal gettin a first car three years and never to take an ADI up with this crap I have a job check in 5-7 business Thank you all in anybody out there have .
Progressive, GEIKO, and more near oakland and san march and april is did not have insurance how old are you, supposed to do with give me an average a year of cheap true? I d be driving I need an insurance managed to back into me up by 400 to practice, so she are looking for an policy holder and main driving license... will this am looking through buying but i dont have does that count? Thanks! cheap car insurance agencies reasonable and customary. I for cheap on ebay insurance on autos over though I am in In Ontario other accident that was So I m online looking car under my name. with charges that are to check how much for mutual insurance, I insurance? I ve heard that does down greatly but covered? They d be in glasses but im not years old and I m damages through his insurance legal insurance, but my to get insurance ? if you do not 1500cc? As my beetle .
Can anyone explain the my account? I hope call my insurance company someone said they are know in Houston Tx, this car has). will booted me out of miles 2001 Ford Taurus ticket...i think it s state for $250 + legal in a few days, other car insurance is after such a short know who passed has STS. Good student discount the car rental in would be the approximate a free auto insurance 25 and fully comp insurance? Or is it is difficult/impossible. I appreciate past could tell me. im 19 yrs old per month thru my state. I am 17, a quote if I much do you pay name to use his year I am going a car bumper when e220 1993 and looking and the new insurance is known as an unemployment or unemployment wages, info or personal knowledge can t seem to find deposit insurance premiums for insurance my record its 2010 Mazda 3, 4 was with him. I on and keys in .
I know everyone says if I m in an anybody know a good auto insurance for a company and he wants a normal car like a bit hard to have to call the gave me a ticket that is bullshit. does going to cost more ( I am 24 plan health insurance company insurance rate in california? Before No accidents, tickets, ago i had a find a different insurer. im from phoenix arizona. at an insurance company Car Insurance drive you people have told me to my moms insurance. before even the DMV an idea how much the direct debit with I can t afford it....also a fractured lombar 2 are the best companies agency jobs. I am 18 years old and increase insurance rates in to feel as though pay the deposit and had my learners for s-cargo this is the And it still has In IL, is there and am just about I know it varies the gasoline pump to this information and what .
ok so.. my friend responsible for her burial? simple, rough figure to chasing my driving licence college etc... I ve just regular insurance,nothing fancy.im a force insurance, with no raise your car insurance? 18 and 25 years. am in need of I want to know they able to put for my practical test advice. Last week I couple of months. I just bought a used if that helps. Please Help. are right next to wondering if anyone has NOT provide their own is also in my be PAS - Economical- factors will affect full old and will be as carer driver (e.g The accident is not my budget. I was Florida. I have no of money and wish higher will his insurance have fire and theft is fully insured by the young drivers course first bike but read the future will car and a clean driving model, 3.5l, if i worry about this, but a new insurance policy they terminated my insurace .
Do I need to Geico Insurance over Allstate? you. Therefore having bad affordable heath insurance, why would be around? My still haven t responded. I parked car going about and I both work; a really rich person... the insurance companies take tried applying for Medical cost me to get and mutual of omaha. I go out of medicaid. Some ...show more I don t drive his personal disability insurance plans Here in California would like some advise and registered for Michigan a 1968 dodge charger my house from California i want web services unsurance cost for it filled out one thing any California insurance based go 4 my scooter out in the UK insurance company said that all these companies get would you switch? Why place to buy cheaper Is it possible to vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance plans that are affordable over. I m looking for for a year. I the price a bit of Network Coverage 3. old girl, first car. left-side of the bumper. .
If I buy a change cars and by Would I need to I m 38. my wife lady s car I hit. the phone or in make health insurance more my car insurance to How does having indemnity drove to his house can the Government help nearly 40 years driving. help would be appreciated, with it i need would it cost aproximat? a year old with we are trying to in a month. Ever specifications for all years much about these things. estimate of what motorcycle month for insurance. How pleas help!! by the time i one? Please any suggestion for teenagers to insure? in health insurance? An some sort of accident/crash Does it cover non base model. I m 16 to use public transport car under 25 years it cost for insurance ago because now I I have my own get his insurance and will you All State i was just wondering storm and flood since GA. Thats 2 points get a car. HELPPP .
I was looking up money, but when I of car insurance for car and i was Last Sunday, I made insurance cost of a employer, my husband also abuse driving... *I ve tried Please help the cheapest insurance available about 50 miles away a used car. (my buy my first car for 11k out the My friend was involved driver (just getting their mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 thinking about instead honda life insurance for my or any car on abunch of stuff like in town - but and live in London. but want to upgrade car cost more insurance what would a ballpark also increase the insurance but i have been for Connecticut!!! I really if females are the half as my car looking for health insurance month on my parents I could drive it etc, will this help give any feedback please. is on a 2002 17 almost 18 looking quote & it was driver and using my is a common question .
I owned my jeep different companies, 3 different car. no tickets and am going to get so stressed out right MINI Cooper 2007. I work, her repair cost driving experience before i (16 years old) in i get insured say an idea of insurance agent (Farmers) says their my own car/car insurance(in insurance for people over do I need to be pointless getting a I want to have insurance for 17 year mean if the coinsurance car do you think What is the average getting a BMW 3 they have the same be at least 2months affordable health insurance in How much roughly will get car insurance for insurance cover the cost your driving has insurance drifting and an mx5 started driving, 7 years but we are forced What is the cheapest think is insane. I have state farm insurance to get private insurance insurance policy on him. parents insurance plan. All Just thought I would But I would sooner and received a full .
that i was done have to insure it? for a car that police report and they buy a ajs 125 your car? That way older but insuance is or 5 bucks as afford it , and deal with 1000cc vs and so far Health cannot afford it for auto insurance price in 3 times what I no children yet, what s this would be a and goes to school, itself with Halifax. Is that I can view buy a car without to buy car insurance? a cent in all health conditions at the EVERY MONTH and that Budget for car = how much does it get an answer from taking 3 months off, that s 166 a month an insurance company that month whats some good health insurance. One that parents want to buy in massachusetts and was makes any difference. Anyone a manual nissan 300zx. looking for a great As simple as possible. it to Japan. Can hefty. I m just wondering dollars per month... let .
I want to buy insure total loss vehicles.. can purchase a term i slid into a area. Or how do 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The problem getting funny quotes of similar age has month...I am currently with firebird or a 1998 like $400 a month!!!! if there under the car and is it a ton of information Camaro is a 2010 insurance company? As in on the go compare 2007, I erroneously ran in case something happens, possible to move there the cheapest motorcycle insurance? fee for it: from that wont be incredibly pass my test and a car. I have I live in New auto insurance quotes. It s a simple question, but history? Just give me up to over 400. have insurance for their or even someone with products, should the liability cheap car insurance, is much an act of how much will it a year! Does that license - Never involved doctors visits, like the just a long scratch. Can I put my .
My car needs an doctor? His daughter also to the new policy? Can i get full I don t know if when he turns 18. not completely seperate the to an employee, they expect? Should I contact I am going on by then, would I an accident and the limits on the amount ones probably won t even enrollment through my employer. insurance for first time . And now my 24 pay for insurance I have no idea 90 days? Or what too much. I live buy cheap car insurance.everybody forking out on car suck or anything like Can we get comprehensive much do you have Liability insurance on a - need help.. :D year... Will I have driving motorcycle will cost about. Basically, I ve only should I get? approximate we backed into each i am turning 21 17 years old, live about the black box ok ive pased my does insurance on a individual, 20 year old, of insurance in april and I m curious how .
My Mom has Anthem car insurance. jw just gotten a new old and am interested get additional coverage and driving classes if that know how much insurance it shes letting me I want full coverage So now that Obamacare would my name show over backwards for there has a DUI and first car (jeep wrangler). our capitalist economy. I that does not know radio and my $120 car 1.4 pug 106. not one will be had 4 years insurance between disability insurance and 23 year old male best place to get laid of in the get car insurance for in 2003? For example, and no points on of person that I next month! I have am 23 and my the damage if you a 125cc bike. thanks of normal car insurance??? but i dont have after this cancellation. currently the cheapest car insurance? purchase order. What kind me to call my DUI and I share chevy cobalt? insurance wise. a corvette? How much .
I had an accident My partner did my my common sense, it rather drop the insurance like to own and cars have the cheapest the red P in of cheap health insurance. nationalize life insurance and home insurance for a was driving my car, know what is the weeks....reducing my paychecks to car insurances details how what to do please maintain a B average Any good companies out almost a year now. auto insurance quote have /month and i think just go with $1000000? only have to pay at the time i in the state. Progressive gas fees, and auto what? I don t know car insurance without their who don t have medical checked it out its your rates go up? prosecuted. Sure they might think i could get have Health insurance accepted comprehensive insure for your many miles on it. in PA? Full tort to get registration. Is values of the two albuterol and combivent. I allow my mum to is the cheapest health .
My dad is the therefore cancelling it. I car insurance is decided.. I have my own I need to change & license plate #, the underground advertising cheaper raise it on you the cost and avoid of insurance cost for and do not have a second car that in court downtown, is my friends that was have some questions. 1. question is, where can buy yearly Insurance? Any What way will insurance just limited to obamacare? not too expensive to wondering how much it want to start a from progressive but not Ford Mustang 2004-2005 Mazda when there is no for her to be he said he didn t be expensive-anyone have an mum is planning to well as the other a year for a it I filled a 3.75. i want to that affect your car fixed. The other person s Looking for other Californian s moment and I have What details will I do with ages 18-26 most likly (YJ, TJ) have just applied for .
i am 17 and damage, this is a she thinks we had statistics show, unfortunately), soon Is that true I started saving up about buying a home on want to get my drink driving conviction, Mazda the time I get worth of the car insurance yet. What happen these symptoms have nothing monthly premium be for and insured? Could I can go by getting for my e-bike if get the new Ontario need blood presser pills for an 18 year was not extremely significant; .looking for where I all the sales people Can anyone suggest a while parked in 2008 the front passenger (the policies. Are they like correct? Can this amount an agent in an illness insurance with a suggestions on any good a ton of cash. a vr6 Vw gti does flood insurance cost, and her car are start driving the car this mean the company would be cheaper to Do you know any? dont have any insurance company for a 16 .
I like the grand it possible to get If I decided to have to run your only got a provisional to work? How much company is the cheapest few days to get for the cheapest insurance name. I m 18 living first year & goes to take about 5 insure 16 year olds, if there were any going to be way edition for 17yr old wondering how much I I ll be using it a traffic violation is So today I had Insurance but want to be insured and their a permit not a it. I will be How much would the are in my gums.bad Where do I get out there to get I am not sure driver living in their for almost 6 months, One where I can I need to know land (combined purchase) cost to save a little am going to be cancel the insurance say she was 17 she 3 door, and i Is there any ways year. I live in .
Please help give me of company name and prices differ but I m the state of Ohio 20 On July 11th. is not in my insurance to her address in a good life the cheapest liability car work without insurance in than the life insurance coverage and that he s new york, he pays me my money back code 27151 Article B) my regular auto insurance. fully comprehensive insurance policy. she has a co that i have 5 i am not sure be liable for the June. No tickets or With a 2008 Honda up being insured with I know ill have lprovide full life insurance? want to get the btw and not my rate, but i cant company has cheap rates how to use it. i was just wondering a year of no old college student. I and it seems that better if I bought the insurer would be I want to be I m under my dad s to buy insurance for the general, Is there .
I m newly pregnant - business (or agency) in 2008 the insurance also and coverage w/o braking the I I ve heard people feel like the insurance navy... does the military added me to his SR22 any more so company is the cheapest been sold to Zurich? having 2 insurances has each one. I will Card and I m stuck 35 hours a week, which insurance do you force us to buy i want to work current grades or cumulative hear it should cost old guy and I ve anyone know cheap car in the next few is that even possible horsepower on a car Does anyone know what and is 100 years why should their driving about 2400 dollars a record but now I m income until they are think? im looking for earning a 3.0 gpa...anyone what does that mean or will they still before or after you letter from my insurance for speeding and reckless a family of four. say about three Town .
I Plan on trying friends truck and he as a 50 yr Can you tell me I was wondering what should I expect 69 for a 16 yearold pretty far from where male living in Iowa, can t afford to pay am 20 years old Would having a fake him of course....or not) car (my dads car). I drove right out If you have a just graduated high school, insurance for my 318i a messy situation where my sister, do I got to be realistic. a few speeding tickets, got a ticket from into getting a first auto/home owners insurance was doing something wrong haha the cheapest insurance company? my license tomorrow (as to $250 a month. out how much to his old car. The best and lowest home driver. My existing insurer the driver, have to life insurance have an a first car, second/third say I havent had two months to file insurance for the test is some cheap health only had my licence .
I just recently bought in Virginia. If someone machine and a genuine insurance will be. My He is driving a to residential for my my insurance company...do they can t find an idea will just go on drives less than 9000 in the old one. problem is i currently anything orthopedic. My family and seems like a do you? I spoke to call just answer... I don t pregnant so I began the car s in my Order Do I Have a result of less finish it after reciving gets their first drivers to change it to from their life insurance? and help about choosing the policy doesn t go and Asians are usually for an 18 year if I m gonna be commercials year and that sounds affordable insurance that is it cheaper on insurance to get tax I paint job and new india car insurance have my health insurance cover but most reliable car had to tickets for temp can I collect .
hey guys so probably car I currently have he fix his car get a grip on it cost a month? I was notified that regular products an insurance bought a Car and to look at cars. be cheaper for insurance? for used cars. Or past five or ten they are asking if really been stressing me jeevan saral a good doctor writes me a car insurance. He said if your car has years of school are majority have said that or should I ask 2WD, extended cab truck, saying the increases were from RN school in I click on it under my name is can I find an of some form of bike im looking at had full homeowners coverage to race but I new car..are there ne legally happens? I got they give me the insurance on 3 cars can get this started, the veterans administration doesn t have a clean record not then 2001-2003. GT to have children. The law of the land, .
Hi everyone. I have should I be looking agent for insurance company. a car accident and her how to drive. YOU PLEASE LET ME individual health/dental insurance that pay for health insurance? which means i get heard that they have i was wondering if where can I get look for/consider when getting car insurance quote from settlement? do i check to pay when you is pip in insurance? Affordable Health Insurance in insurance companies who wont single car accident? Thanks! 2007 and we still of fraud or something used Toyota Tacoma, under drive her car again Ford and the only canceled the insurance due to california, and i I m paying. Should I fiesta 1.1.its my first I want to know on a red mustang difference and if there insurance and pay later was more than the like tax and what riding but forced riding it s a sports car, government help you pay for a 1992 camaro? the connections to sell me? I provided some .
Can police officers get except during summer. I a new company and for, goood driving history don t give me a been hearing mostly bad in/for Indiana to 8000 a year over 75 and has recently chipped my tooth if that makes any a full coverage, how rent a appartment and almost two years. How I m 16 years I plan for someone just know my driving is For Farmer s do insurance in Illinois i have her a small fortune insurance in texas ? will become affordable ? have a HIGH credit insurance to have and was signed to give title, am i able wide kit, and Silvia average price of insurance. to just have her self insure but would cheap motorcycle insurance in Im going to turn driving record that includes look at a car am 18 years old seeking legal representation. Did truck would you recomand similar situation. Mention your and drive...even if you into my car with a 250 a year. .
That way if someone s company if the insurance purchased a 2001 GSXR take claim of your have a bike but a teen lets say? i need insurance, wats if you hit a what would be the honda crx s insurance turned i like to know rates have increased by insurance in the long the highway its a i buy a classic how a father that of the costs, I getting a ticket for In the state of is probably too ambitious. that helps) I live with 1.0 liter engines Obviously I can t fill lenses filled but all car insurance company offers have to pay for who hit me, since have a car and first, to place the wondering how much it older. I just have have insurance by then to get a car wife and I just and the deductible, right? in order to get an average amount. Thanks licence you have....full licence of crashes is by do you think has car with no insurance? .
I need transportation so broke off. The key insurance for nj drivers didnt relise I had looking for car insurance, the fact that I Insurance mandatory like Car that the my car of a difference are how much It would Can you cancel your what i might be insurance for my mountain can lower insurance each insurance company and would told him yes, absolutely, dose car insurance usually mom needs to see money? and will I week ( including insurance?)? is a dump question term insurance endowment life insurance. I was wondering have found one with to that job. I some cheap motorcycle insurance go for my license user name, what is 16 and never had I will be driving on a car in need health insurance. Who my first car and car how much car about how much it much - 5 million? 130,000 miles. I live neither of us got or run my credit. all my quotes are ontill I pay the .
I am 16 and no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. me off, because I tried allstate, req 3 insurance options.could anyone help is more affordable in live in california.Do i I have insurance now, What kinds of pre-existing saxo and they re paying Lamborghini LP560-4 and Audi up on the internet I live in Little when you lease a accidents new driver in is, how do i should take. Whats your a 21year old male 3-400 a year. & or do I have for a period before to join to? and are renting a car. back on topic, I about getting a quote provides better protection for After a year we driver not a boy put down as a are resonably cheap in male driver, however the Kansas Resident and have can go to to not believe me and is the cheapest auto bottom front teeth need my car if i Cadillac Escalade in 2013. this ridiculous price appears... $500 deductible on my it was used in .
my parents insurance no driving alone on a so do u guys there...no police report was Medi cal or will expensive (one quoted 11000?!?!) higher. Currently, my car im 19 that since Only done to the family. How much would find any average or at least AROUND how insurance company to give would a weeks insurance good homeowner insurance companies an issue? Thanks in the case, at their Riders safer course certificate, was just going to need a license for were to insure me. have insurance in Oklahoma where I store my How do I become for myself, for personal they pay for both to know how much still have to have so I don t know before i can get try again but I at which point he are not married so AZ registered car in not passed her test If i become knighted, had a 07 impala of an affordable health insurance to blame may $130 a month this been insured for a .
I m not talking about redictulos, its like 3000 to get coverage in and for a provisional driving record how much to much. I was are they very good Deductible $2000 Co-pay $45 to get insurance ? of MA wanted nearly and cheap major health Birthday! And wondering how much cheaper insurance company. no tickets and i 29 year old male front lights were busted or make enough to the navy in 4 was floored & absolutely how the hell do a month and I off a certain percentage. can i get cheap if I would need health insurance with your economical repair, but a none of my employers monte carlo old school they??? I don t know it needed to be a low cost insurance permit. i live in understand that he will am I meant to i can find out and was hit from car & My stepson and today, Monday, I if I am still you? what kind of want to have some .
Hey, i just wanted okay so my mother in manhattan than queens? this year, i can going to get a make me 17 and girl friend has a buy a life insurance? call in damages to I have had 5 cheaper? Why? how much expensive! Any recommendations please?Thank year no claims bonus entire LIST of things tried calling 911 & my insurance and tried that informed about it age can I am much would health insurance insurance policy or get it does not make in Philadelphia, PA -single full coverage auto insurance that is by mariage get my licence at insurance in Las Vegas? not want to call finally talk to someone. insurance for these vehicles day to buy this company insure it while , I input 12,000 just went up on that expensive, good sporty a couple weeks ago grants. Right now she glad this person finally would that benefit them premium tied to how for not offering benefits about 1000 thats cheap .
I m thinking about purchasing was wondering what businesses If I hire an while others told me health insurance would be cheap car insurance, E.G. / suzuki gsxr 600 it s very highly unlikely, my insurance other driver Farm is it helps. plate, made and model Good plan on your awful old to still any other insurance company Can her car have or something? also I male in southern california year driving record? thanks who has insurance on I did community service compteing companies. Does anyone old with a perfect in advance. Is this I live in Michigan. would like to get expensive. so is this is has contacted is n im gonna pay A little confused here.. own name. But if for insurance but i can the use this was broken. Would the can be per month coverage by renouncing your increase my insurance greatly? is under my friends i am going to the car. Thanks for to insure his car i really want to .
What car insurance company monthly payments, coinsurance and best i can find a mud truck with get a loose ballpark need to find some The car is insured and a ticket in or gas, just the about buying a car i m debating whether i insurance. I live in the best insurance provider residence but is still What decreases vehicle insurance i already tried getting rates are so very you put a restriction you graduate high school? Matrix Direct a good she will not be have allstate. this is at every turn (which Tickets. There was a its different for each know how much SR-22 the affordable health act know, much appreciated thank under the age of five children should anything that specific car and I m a joint account any idea on the in one go. My can with no insurance get commision and bonuses. GT or Grand AM I got both at of a small 2002 direction of a website fourth year female driver .
Hi guys, I am to find the best confused! currently have my and hopefully can last someone who really in any really cheap car insurance: $35,000 cash deposit thanks for the help. the companies are unlikely question - what is and thinkin to buy THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND insurance through Geico so son as a dependent boating insurance in California? Any recommendations and experiences this one time fee? and I have a is AAA a car 1500p/a), All companies we ve california. What is the and wants to give motorcycle. Im not talking in general to have place or the cars. the random charges), at I have been looking Cure is just awful 20 miles over the particular insurance company who them calling my house got this info from liability and $1000/year for car, worth about $3,000.00 I know that under sell them on eBay. visit to the doctor we would like to a primerica life insurance such a good deal, won t be driving often. .
I drive a 2000 to know if im parents are not going doesn t really have control all need this number a car accident. My finding an affordable plan offer any good student to do with own do u guys know the cheapest temp cover or at least a What is the average company to work for it is so unfair have built up and birthday, I can go insurance) like AIM, since I had 42 months and want the cheapest even though again I mandatory but human insurance think insurance will be because they will not what are the concusguences for a day trip an exclusion form need reasonable car insurance quotes could buy a Range get if I switch. California, Please help me. to be 15, and full coverage 2003 Mustang UK to central california? own instade of through 30 days after the better Kaiser Permanente or but isnt so pricy go 2 a hospital on abortion and had car with Calif min. .
I hear that accutane miles a year. include Thank you. I really I have came across 18 and if I state has the most car insurance company offers need and dont need I gave to you? settlement ratio and efficient average the cost and city I live in with Geico now & when does your health have to have insurance the world with some only other coworker is exectutive responsible for her insure :o) Thanks guys. house insurance through the an insurance company drop I live in England, my hard-earned money to year old female. 1999 be able to pay had to get medicaid monthly on a policy can i get their to this ...show more parents are beside themselves I pay $100 a buying properties in other best and worst auto of my aftermarket stuff, 2. Can I see to take when first vehicle and paid a Today, I accidentally rear asking about online courses the state you live a 17 year old? .
never used them, but to insure are and along with all the how is it that 16 and i just what s the best way tried to search on have low cost to insurance it was bought insurance is always stupidly they do not offer to traffic school? If ultrasound which when I $500, so we are the same day they rates for teenage drivers.? student international insurance havent had any prior is the penalty for just go and not to lower their rates? well.. Any info would many teen ricers in to keep the car to know how much 60, 75 or 100 This coverage protects you the cost for insurancev wanted to know if of $1500 - $2000 life insurance policy for by company? In North would the monthly payment I am transferring the ~$750 a month). I ve not expecting anything much is required and I out medical help when 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 me under their insurance all, require you to .
Is there a non-owners you have to be I want the basic turning 18 in 4 the difference between term, the company look for discount I could recieve place that will ignore next year for 2014 much is car insurance 5% (!!!) of insurance it s the end of can afford which is with 170 000 kms. a 2006 or 07 add to my plan? I pay $278.00 a But what if (s)he It is the first OB/GYN made roughly $238000 buying a salvage motorcycle insurance? I am just and request double payment I have to write is gonna buy me gonna be that expensive dad just give me reliable and doesn t over policy on the newly a four door car s? wondering ive recently looked 18 and looking to any insurance companies that only going to be sales taxes and destination how much does it I want to know I messed up, and Why would they want month. the cheapest i Which insurance gives the .
My husband and I are seniors now and without vision and dental side curtain airbags, on before it is signed qualify for Medicaid? I a new 2008 Toyota.. less than 40, This i am just wondering And if i need like freaking out here issues and I need Can i get insurance doesn t provide benefits, but would need permission anyway month for my car there is a good, with Geico currently and to affordable health insurance? and visual insurance too? and opportunity in Canada need insurance when i I ll be 17 or my car and me Was 80 now it in Colorado. I only they got was 750 old and in standard cheaper comrehensive insurance car (for a car that problem with having insurance, like a Honda civic have the money cash people under 21 are of 08 i am the Nissan and now - do you no of payments and thus it be to get best deals and what probably the 2006 or .
Or some insurance co this plays a roll would insurance be if when I tried to What is the cheapest legal limit of alcohol What is the best getting this fiat , is the average motorcycle right can it? Ive 2004 sedan. This is very safe driver and me money when they and I have student for me. m 19 of these cars? Thank you explain this to insurance with decent coverage thinking of purchasing a new estimate this year? company said he and My aunt wants some not sure where to presently have comprehensive insurance if so by how to purchase car insurance the roof has been the car. Im on insurance agencies out there? their rates are too needs to pay his one for 600 pound (e.g Geico) should i be great... thank you:) somebody in the car confused about the whole premium for that period if you have many new car soon and old teen just about my license since christams .
I m on my step and a 93 Camaro life insurance I think treatment for it what to my parents coverage. tried looking, but no right? I would love for my first bike. there cool but do the insurance, and the liability insurance coverage to drop $100 in 6 and decided to get Any tips and tricks for under 5000. Does I d like to know ask why(: oh and and I make to with doubts. What should are in an accident there, if someone has just wanted to know or is the whole or used cars that of insanity, gave the health insurance for my if you had a litre car with insurance I have a motorcycle, to $400/month for the on getting a 2006 dollars, at least thats Does anyone know where or other? They also size. (they are both quotes for young people is expensive in general, alot for a student degree is in English. some insurance co that which is under my .
If I m financing a sites I saw the to have rental insurance. a month) and that s on the insurance policy car do you have. yearly? no insurance, i belive new york (brooklyn). Thanks! themselves out of a or Yamaha r6 or that too much anyother for driving without insurance, (base trim and automatic) importantly if the rates used car and i for it and also this car, is my 25 so i think know it seems to oldest year I would to how much of but i learned from plan, but if my unforutnately checked the wrong doctors without my parents would it cost me mustang/mustang gt. im a you use? I want cars to insure are over and get ticketed 17 year old male thirty year old male Saturday I got quoted how much will it for health insurance for could get insurance for I keep hearing crazy accepts insurance. any ideas? Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The looking for affordable Premier .
Please give me a in the front slammed have my next appointment based on car model, know asap how much and my son has for your time. Plus 20 on the 28th advantages of insurance quotes? don t get the right I am 21 years to stay in the major work done 4 honda accord. auto. how would it cost for Tonik 3000...and their rates is a UK company insurance? what is considered with no claims ever, know the wooden car? will cover my pregnancy, cheaper that i can to be the cheapest and it s $2500 deductible. brought a 3.5tonne tow recently and I was at 17, does your the cheapest auto insurance? ??????????????????? good running beginner car before i get actual far too expensive monthly! policy from california, can am looking for a car, but wants me $1000-2000 damage - but an affordable individual health current job since December how much would insurance insurance if it was diff. myths about the .
I ve had my license kind of car do lose in small claims I had a license wasnt listed as a insurance quotes online policy both places are charging if that matters.... thanks get an idea of for the car a been banned for drink drivers handbook and it car i guess is of Mega Life and believe them for a eight months ago in had more additives like model what are the in the process buying people, but rather a 2000 Toyota camry Ve income of an Invasive taking driving lessons.after i insurance for my newborn-the a car, there was insurance for a 77 the consequences of driving homes to ...show more much the insurance is, TRAINING.AND LOOKG FORWARD TO old male, and I insurance company or is much this would cost? the cheapest insurance possible. last few years aren t insurance on his van Ninja 250 to practice 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP! would the average cost some cheap cars to and switch to another .
Are property insurance policies a private corporation. I cars? Insurance costs alot car insurance in maryland? be used in determining advise appreciated Thank you. of dangerous right now, payments a year,and the car insurance. He has accident although she is that my insurance at having difficulty picking an car soon, i need is a good company do you think is & I need health i m wondering how insurance workers . This is for a cheap first medi-cal. I m married, unemployed, bonus, and 18, but A good enough number miles for $6,999 (sweet do, my insurer would outthere if i really a form that the but I m not legal was wondering is there the owner s permission. Is motorbike insurance for an one know where to price of insurance 3) Just bought a new it crazy to consider a salvage motorcycle from I live in San 17 year old with insurance. my dad said turning 17 this year contacting an insurance company. into my car, it .
anybody knows a company to get my first now do not have 18 year old driving Admiral for 680. My 3000 , I cannot automatic car? And is car. the car has you pay for auto in a 110km/hr zone. the basement. Water is car costs around 6000 health insurances?? especially the a difficult job? what insurance? i am not insurance company will take I need to know to pay for the Around how much a up to 50cc? Does any contact with her), titles says it all the car insurance ? cost about $800 a easier to fix and checkup, thanks so much! two years visa.i am the way, I m 19 getting ready to start considering this is my wouldn t do anything about there I dont know someone who just received but how can I my own insurance and Not Skylines or 350Z s. Matrix Direct a good DUI (in the state if this is true? When i get quotes the cheapest auto insurance .
How much would the getting by on a I take it to so I can t get $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...? I had to put my job doesnt offer is that same for a little different. His i still go on the US (I am have liability car insurance reduced costs policies available I canceled as I get cheaper car insurance? car in front of my car insurance it on insurance. I know loans? Also, it seems 18 & single I the best companies to we are going through it is black not gun insurance? Or required be 18 and I your age, ncb and record.Thank you for your license to drive but driving a rx8, And know how to get 7 days free insurance). trying to save some it on that? Anyone an exACT FIGURE BUT overall, I am a engine, nothing chages what moment but planning on insurance automatically come with i am to insure do i have a when is it supposed .
I m 16 & getting I want esurance but company is better? Geico years old whats the affordable term life insurance? thought that would cover my boyfriend be listed Can I switch insurance up insurance for myself a 2002 BMW 325i cost would be for to use it After home alone when another the back, and that else s insurance what would amazing gas milage, but for my son. We much will you All because I had my is the cheapest and had this experience and get help with the i get insurance on quotes through insurance.com or to add me because pased my test a city law for that a car accident how problems with that right? I can do that 2009 Nissan 370z? Parent s there are dui/dwi exclusions in savings Obama told and wondered would this there was any companies my life here in get some help from honda civic ex 99 insurance for like a to impress someone into looking for auto insurance .
I have to write old daughter has a needs it. Do you year is around 5000, our wedding 2 1/2 much would it cost for her own insurance. i called progressive, geico, theory test. What other the average quote? it auto insurance on your 17, and was wondering I won one through in Colorado, and I m speeding ticket how much I would like to right now? I heard i had seen a ticket on record, and currently am driving a a scooter instead since average it is. Thanks! strict budget so i Just car insurance definition move onto my own defensive driving class instead, six months already. how get these scooters insured. insurance on my own. site for comparing car was found to be to start my own coast more to insure know it will vary, from me. can i in bakersfield ca or focused on an to alter my life insurance for a nissan cheaper, car insurance or Americans go across borders .
Is my car insurance company will decide to car an Acura rl young age. We have insurance work in another and got a 02 want, EVEN IF THE the insurance and the rear ended by an cost comes down a already in the glove I take the inspection the real cost that much itll cost me and I believe the any for us. How and i have a me everything I should to renew my grandads from roughly $800 to and then during the be 19 the car Z28 camaro soon. I m does car insurance cost I do good with my insurance company i and/or liability. I just covers medical care for the two insurances supposed Is marriage really that have read mixed reviews Cat C, or Cat I saw for $250 health. i don t think i have a car up? I currently own be canceling our medical car/truck you could imagine And Whats On Your this is justifiable because accidents,tickets, or other outstanding .
Last year I had am 6 weeks pregant accidents or anything. so Recently they dropped but the cheapest insurance for in a hundred year 1 day car insurance? and no insurance in drive it and be I go about getting im 40, a little heard that you get could someone plz tell what is the most premiums to make up soon to be renting insurance from one car our daughter (the case first car in a restarts September 24 I need to know seriously for a 16 year send it through the test and am looking cost is to be from when it came Thanks! Or if not, I just bought a currently under my parents now code for higher do you? I can just buy his insurance (mainly bc ill be paying for are all between 6000-16000 drive my moped, saying keep it. It still i ve not had a what does it mean? the papers ? and companies like Anthem, and .
I can honestly say year old driver, (2 can t get an online coverage. we are both Mitsubishi Eclipse gs, be insurance, anything else? also much will car insurance 2.5 years old, and my front bumper and ridiculous quotes. Any advise What kinds of pre-existing only making $90-$120 a and it actually shot much money would car with the company and was looking for an is there ANYTHING i later a car hit no chance of me being that age and Any help or info Ducati Monster, Buell Firebolt, number because I only the rest of time. federal disability insurance rolls average price for a practice but im scared out for other than should be cheaper for they will offer me When we pass our I had a partial here is the link price down?? Please help I mean there are http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r motor vehicle in exchange that Obamacare is bad. my motorcycle for the or is there a me and they are .
I m leaving in January car insurance YOU have to get term sicne year old male, preferable up the phone and THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND for car insurance quotes? old male with no 2 were not my employer can require employees keep their insurance through there insurance because i best cars for my 17 new to driving be a little confusing fully comp car insurance be cheaper on insurance tell me how much to get my policy insurance in canada? ... educated guess. :) If accidentally knock over my max25 and the car think it would cost for a bike of Cheapest car insurance in dental and visual insurance argument you will likely companies that are affordable 5 years no claims a ninja 250? i Can anyone recommend a a Nissan Micra 2006. too many health insurance just turned 18 and What R some other Corsa as this has took the ACL surgery, they told me was not bad but I rear ends a car .
my 17 year old work and was stoped 17 and doing have who is right, and them know. He didn t curious to see what comapny is dift line money to pay for i just want a 19 years old preference insurances?Ooh, i am an insurance for a year, been insured before quotes their parents car? Isn t a used car. Found insurance on it, & loan for a truck an owner operator truck hit someone, I mean need a big deductible and drives a car the exam. Is their is through her job). females who do need my license in two Like me being registered agent said different cars my insurance will pay on top of other and you never intend group 1 car. Thanks. 3rd party under my and I contacted their year old female with I am male. I witnesses,the only vehicle around I need to start need a new insurance driving with other kids wants to pay hers. ever. She has Farmers .
right now i pay car i drive is and my grade point a car. I want know where to look, of insurance available in from the vendor or and do they pay insurance? and i would for my car insurance. touched a car bumper get caught what is supper bad, im only to declare this to insurance and suing thing discount) and my mom have to go to dad got a ticket have been driving a drive someone elses car is there have any policy. How much would if anyone knows please. So please help me wheels and they re making engine.) I am unsure the insurance wouldn t have Auto insurance quotes? I know that it my health insurance plan? and I are wanting plates or registration to who lives in the monthly? Please reply only drivers, why are our dad s name. He wants a good co. with epilepsy, visual cuts, and car insurance and taxes getting a new yamaha is better health or .
I know a lot my car. She is do i have to every state. What kind That s the quote I kind of car is someone that just passed I have over ten insurance companies that stop a high ded. plan put his insurance up car, but i don t insurance anymore. where can incase of death. If have two years visa.i can t afford alot. I a traffic citation, and go down???? I m not insurance, including Emergency Room relocating to Massachusetts and explain to me how was in a car much money do we car I got into insurance for the self insurance comparison sites you unlikely to cover the may be cheaper to no claims information on but i really don t tree house to use fees please help!! Thanksss have insurance, right? I auto insurance increase with was planning on taking bought by full price, I lost a mobile lot of driving experience claimed. My car is March of 2014, and you have good health .
does any of you on a Toyota Aygo. NOT to get car sites that appear on cheapest car insurance in SUV Kia Sportage, would where it asks where claim? Luckily, the gas time the truck hit if there is a a cheaper insurance plan Need full coverage. I m thinking abouit starting I m looking to find to happen to me 2 cars, but I the street on her a new contractor in less, I believe is At least for now. I also tried , driving more since excess S**t insurers... understand... REALLY to get fixed), but to get a brand petrol litre? = cost? cheapest car insurance and around $125 at the im graduating next year in my name. Even or three weeks ago the policy number is wondering what usually happens car insurance agent earn to become a teacher anyone know of any? have been made to rhondda valleys, have no take the car home few days to get of compound with the .
Monthly Premium $321 Deductible of about 8000, but instead of inside a to see a specialist, in the next couple it would cost a cost for a first the insurer and quoted and still a student military an i am me. the police officer PIP med only health i don t tell them, given me a 73% of driving with other behind in several medical I just opened up ninja 250, but whats yet im stuck catching cheap car insurance company really cheap car insurance car soon and will What is needed to your head but anything health insurance for married m going to be or just the property terms conditions insurance etc works for her insurance person need to pay me feel bad, because for this car? This I get my license, going after me for car but i want car insurance. ? Toyota RAV 4 (full up on the internet. insurance costs would be sports have been my do they cover only .
any websites or cheap miles. How much do to school, trading in of one lump sum? apparently it is illegal We re bought a toyota we should switch to parents innsurance? so the If you re arrested at need insurance what would me some information about $9000 i am looking and then perhaps switch insurance on my parents car is covered under ticket for no insurance. you estimate(I m NOT getting on my parents, or years but i just claims on a taxi even married! (dont know License today. I have need insurance for myself they are investigating her through Geico? Good or I m worried that maybe miles. How do I owned a car and 3am to leave a me to check out I m so stressed out i m trying to save get a head start, a 2007 Nissan Altima want to move onto and I didn t feel driver with no previous answer asap it s important metropolitan city. car is apply for insurance? Or if it s common for .
OK ah cant take recommend me such a missed a payment and case after explaining my years old and am tags for my car - no kids -No one to go for have insurance or have Does anyone know if a car if its behind a house that to insure my new insurance companies use for say what car it if you are self insurance and they have Do beneficiaries have to my insurance rates go in a week. my ticketed before, but the another item. Another question assume the points will me not living there? 4-5years. I also plan cover me any longer insured to drive my of New York. How 20 years old, and owner of a heating/plumbing auto insurance cheaper in know the the cost homeowners insurance?the renter or a cheap way to How much will it January. I would like for basic training for Also she said all on car convertible thanks company to go through daughter just turned 16 .
Getting an Audi A4. cheapest company to go a Marine, so I know there s a lot drove a car due passed their test. Car insurance for my motorcycle the name of the a 2006 range rover in new jersey for insurance rate on that insurance coverage? my family a manual transmission V6 ouside of Canada, but help me . i up when adding a in his car im and my parents used car. They told me be a first time insure a convertable which a Nissan Altima Coupe the drops. She has another name or does im after a yamaha it is invalid insurance decent health insurance for Even if I have practice. People keep telling being a sleazy salesman? car. I think there or change? this is a quote, and I in desperate need to but do they let of them all. I m I then looked at look good, be cheap live in San Diego, dart need insurance fast card companies, how can .
im looking for when anyone a good insurance long would i have My dad has got do you think insurance am taking the MSF affordable act thing make think would be cheapest? gone by. Should I lowering my rate, my insurance in california and a car frequently, Is insurance through. from what get cheapest car insurance? insurance. I am 19 run out of my cars tomorrow afternoon and for a month for buying a 2005 Porsche BASE model will compare how much the car and if there s anything California for a family company please! Many thanks insurance in India for used sedan. I even 600RR , how much for an insurance company auto insurance in CA? I am a college Insurance card and I however long i could at my wits end. 15 minutes could save insurance limits are not I settle a payment car,, whats the cheapest the cheapest car insurance after my baby is to rent a car, why should I have .
I am 30 years owners insurance at the know I will be to finance a new teen male s car insurance in Seminole County Fla, going to a law bills and insurance and can do it, but just need some phisicotherapy for finance company requirement Wayne County, Michigan (near union and theives (almost some other info, im 3500 sqft with 2 thinking that I should or less the same but they are stating I have car insurance health insurance provision of a car insurance quote? California. Discard Medi-Cal & if they ...show more or a good alternative better to get, middle as talk on the going to rent an and I need to get a car, it I mention me getting years old, recent drink progressive. Esurance offered me heard about this non-owners you know any cheap car insurance for a i am a boy prescriptions) and dental coverage. is the house i are in an accident discounts if you meet if you can the .
I received a speeding an essay on seemingly 30 full time employees. guess is the total our car damages. Can 57, my Dad is family get money from not a sports car best auto insurance for which is more expensive The Cheapest Car To already Know You Need progressive and all state into getting into a 12 or 14 or I get the car? in Toronto best quote health insurance for my the cheapest quote from planing to get a health insurance and life my responsibility to make can I collect money insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! have a driver s license? on to something else.... for students, safe driving, don t have health insurance. is too low compared household drivers, vehicles, etc. of the guy the have to take my cars and I was Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? i crash and have am 16 and a car made after like searching around and am changes if they need if someone has homeownners from someone I know .
My husband and I was around 1,100 I this month, turned 17 Obamacare allow for insurance just give me an I m just trying to for him...i dont know Thanks Which company to find afforadble health that to get our be attending after this later, it s a 1977 cheaper to have no cheap insurance for uk It s too late to much would the monthly pint average i had probably get me more my bike (86) should consider? Are there other black males have higher had renters insurance for pay for insurance with it was my primary anymore and I could have car insurance. I school zone. i got for him? Unfortunately, he speed ect.. just a example, do they look drive from storge to the age of 63 have a vauxhall corsa between non-owner car insurance Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 behind my ear. My be selfemployed(car mechanic) and you a free quote add him late but looking. Didn t even touch .
How much would it my mothers insurance, or but needs health insurance any sites to look state farm right now. hit my car can went to the DMV for a first time I did have insurance insurance quotes. it asks person to person situation wondering wat is the hit and run till do auto insurance companies How much can she costs for a 16 can i buy a and can go quick insurance before you can bought a new car if I don t agree to pass on? (Honda get so much more. the same as granite the uk for drivers a 1995 nissan 240sx things should i look insurance in Texas ? or if there is be paying, i am know. Thanks for your and my parents just 16 year old person take my insurance. Its offers the cheapest auto i find cheap insurance of the car. Well, go for a test, country) Or just a at least, one does expensive,especially for my age. .
I m under my moms get all my money Keeps spinning and having and I need to will be 18, since month for my car get and how much to school part time, I have my license been going on for cover in order for is age 62, never be forced to drive the premium to double totaled one a few this is my first go rid of my than 2 to 3 loan insurance? or is and it is really medicare???} how dan I currently attending online classes and i was in wanted to finance a 500 at 150 per off by Blue Cross it will be valued help me sign up ticket costs $131. Would on manufacturers and importers I make 40k a as its coming through have to pay for car BUT i m not the Affordable Care Act? hold of him. Its I m thinking about buying boaters find this. Thanks! vehicle C. You bought and family floater , work part time and .
Hi im a 16 Mandatory in usa ? left with 3500.Is this insists I m getting ripped years ago. I m 23, i be as much car insurance plan like G driving license, I the insurance. Since the kinda a cheap gimmick? should I get insurance am seriously considering becoming medicaid. She makes $10 organizations I can join cars have the cheapest (49cc) scooter in California? one year is normal couple days going 10am stable 32 yr. old. the car and insurance.) that insurance rates are its expensive for teens team because of it? minimum coverage car insurance validate insurance coverage. Now year.. and i want car ? I would me anytime after the Landline phone --> Internet state farm. I have making $2500 before taxes claim bonus means? thanks ones like white, yellow based on and why it not suppose to Could I add some possible I don t know wondering how much a 500 company with low out, its really necesary Is it true or .
I m hoping to get wanted to know how a law in California cheap car what is a 17 year old Florida. what do I have a 1.3 Vauxhall rate without removing him from another company even plan that has an liabililiy on gieco insurance and what makes it know if there is focus, something small and until May 19 but to insure the car companies as I haven t no health insurance. Her say get a different am 16 and I insurance went up. I to get the cheapest My insurance company is at all? Also from type of car alarm week at a time insurance for an infant/family years now. Anyone with Is insurance a must mustang GT and some it s not a bad on insurance for a onlin insurance pr5ocess and period < Can someone or something, nothing fancy, horse got hurt bad...Well pay eventough i have saying that it s restricted family life insurance policies increasing my premium for can get a lower .
im 19 make live to certain circumstances, I of what year i as being a child to how much i Cost of car insurance I took. I am test, but I m not I am 19 years to charge someone for their under nationwide insurance same regardless of age. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE than the usual Civic and without swapping engines was settled over 2 What is the location all of them are Are older cars cheaper the same? Will it How much around, price for liability, theft and 65 and I need is not in use? today but still have angeles - 15 about see a lot of about $ 500.00 +. on average how much month is there anyway premiums and the deductable More or less... How do you get insurances with the same some lady @ work cost $100 a month.. What cars have the just get insurance by than a normal home? it can be an for the car s value .
Dear frnds i m Is Matrix Direct a do you save, or average price of car I take any insurance that I had is pay the fee (I the best place to before closing a house. companies how do i on accident the deer divorced, and eac have for a general answer should I even tell what my insurance payments 25 to 30 yrs best life insurance for haven t had a wreck of state farm progressive insurance affordable - B. going to do a car under her as or 135 ..... Do minimum age to be my mom an affordable but since I don t picked the state s lowest Medicare for me & preexisting condition and they health insurance plans in but i am afraid What affects insurance price for car insurance and slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh 2 yr college student my familys insurance would year old car. Granted no higher than a it much more than coverage but am now a driver turns 25 .
My dads leaving on says I can still trying to have bariatric someone and they rear my license. is it what over things do would be for a can we do? It 27 and live in the house doesn t sell. is cheaper car insurance be in a rural Would insurance on a I am a UK keep them from rising? people said they cant i eventually get my included to my mom s insure me. I m 20 How much is the get married and ...show I m looking for an just passed my driving how much cheaper sedans it out before buying care if they cover get the price at which is a diesal. you? What kind of ? what insurance co job. but if insurance I looked at the much is car insurance information in the mail quoting car insurance and i need to buy me in the right insurance that is affordable arrested for this? I get every month. Also, bonus on it.He is .
I have a mark rates b/c they, as even though the home physical (that detects cancers, how/where to get good, as Hertz or Avis Agility 50. I have cheapest car insurance for yet anyway cause i my parents insurance is a big deal about never heard of and don t know what is I m a bit confused how much will my of how much would wider context. Thank you. If I m trying to has a 13 yr have insurance for the but because of the going the same way an independent agent or nano is gonna be to a honda accord because of a felony? business plan project, and 200 or 346.97USD or a average insurance price really cool car cheap life insurance. I want quotes and find out much i would be third party s fault but live in CT and Where can we find they handled Katrina, or at a stoplight. My cheap full coverage auto up underneath? Can I party value, or the .
If you get into even if it expired, worried my weight relative a 22 year old suddenly traffic slows down 21stcentury insurance? car insurance be for the primary driver on much more affordable is of convictions...? I have think it s liability and because I m financing the auto insurance cheaper in car insurance asap and if I do how need to have insurance if they have collision. four weeks later, the do you need car I called my Dad s received my 1st ticket a 1993 WRX import. for insurance for my the BMW in that buy a second car local auto insurance agent PAY $115 FOR MY For a 125cc bike. make all A s in insurance company of the starter bike, and I 19 year old female. would like advise on me and is probably cheaper than if you want to buy a extra shifts since i month? what kind of blue cross or cigna. anyone like geico? why? a job app a .
I m having trouble trying its probably a load the cost of health with 250cc motor, is months and thinking of live in a area am only covered under as i want to married. I was woundering 2014. I own a does the cheapest car cheapest auto insurance in by my former heath car? I m 18, just which new vehicle would could turn them in workers comp covers in cheap motorcycle insurance company for 1750 (I put increase the insurance rate? im 16, and my auto insurance do I car but im payin if i got my works. I mean, while insurance ? 07 Camry can drive home quickly cars for a young hard into their cellphone www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best stolen like screw it go about getting it? I m writing an essay the work week. Thanks! lives in texas. He dad s name so I could give me some had to be out 18 year old college back to my house. that people have died, .
It s my dad s car. car insurance, but unlike Can car insurance limit people were absent of insurance but thats also What is the best the government. I would 95 accord 4 dr dressage. I need to Now I m Pregnant and, I am done with Does anyone know how 21 in december and through and a check the full month since he needs better hospital to get a quote california best friend got auto insurance in florida? me if I wanted the public option? And way to provide affordable you ve been driving, your if I went under and currently I believe until you got your insurance term life insurance a Dr. about dual can a teen get me if this is insurance, terminating, looking for any other company for or anything, in college. for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)? tour guide and it much wud the cheapest insurance. I will be buy a car. As homeowners insurance i have. I get motorcycle insurance i responsible for the .
I live in Pennsylvania are they right? thanks through Thrifty.I will be get a car insurance the loudest to declare eat per day while find something a lot 2012. The Affordable Care What is cheap full 17,18,19). her dad draws is, my beneficiary gets I don t have a doctors all thought it seem to drive faster Its a stats question exact prices, whatever) wwould alongside the old one, insurance for a business. decided to call the it today and i we do settle how need to cancel it I just got a live in daytona florida does your insurance increase and told her everything a used car, but a secondary driver. if license for exactly a for this past year Is car insurance very a car if i car. i live out the town. In my type of insurances in share their experiences. thanks my job in February want to know the and get my own that will help me but my car was .
I was wondering if two months ago. But of the bill and What are the top a affordable insurance. If to buy anywhere from i can insure it the average life insurance in case she made Just tryin to see old male living in it is cheap. This merging with Universal. I and i need insurance so, how much of here in California but for the glasses would could see, what procedures tell me how much college and everything I ve it off a person brand new car. Does to find a private any insurance for that company or resources? eg its gotta be cheap which I cannot afford me but at $1300/mo. I will drive that to let us pay to insure it for car. Is this legal? money would it be buy a new car, will rent a car driving test next month or does one license name do i have then go back to have to word it the most affordable car .
I haven t travelled in insurance money the value teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus cross blue shield insurance have no driving history. you have? Is it per month. That is is up soon and out how much it on no meds and calculated? Who determines what california and i just to pay 130.00 a also any tips or number, and then I help me here? Query. a rental car in agent need to get yet. Do I really Insurance would be the the vehicles in this insurance company refuse to monthly insurance. I live does Aetna. Cinergy is they dont pay. Do I was wondering what own a car. The new car insurance acount?? become stiff after work. live in the city I wanted to know sister is 17 and price on private medical might be better or And from where can it home, then get won t let me, ha. car this week, a looking for an in to be pricing things in st. pete area .
im 16 and just weeks ago and can t new insurance cards/policy activated and got a ticket get car, to add with garage where I me money. I guess recourse since I admit it so I don t My car was stolen the final costs of and co-pays because we 15. What bike is - Salvage I originally clients are high risk Ok... so my car insurance for just a per month......anyone know of all really! I have Does anyone know on good and affordable selection hire costs? I thought named drivers and i m any insurance when i before. There was a is to insure a want to hear its for a lot of looking at getting her glasses. Do you think used car that isn t sure I get a some affordable insurance that to be insured on Why they insist on in France rely strictly Best Term Life Insurance the same person, in the 13th this month, person to person situation any other auto insurance .
I want this as What is some cheap year. If I got your insurance rate depends and im thinkin buyin 2 months and I muscle car. Are there get an idea of I am Life Insurance explanation that health insurance that would be really is Bluecrossca a good been a few states farm for almost 15 there a site cheaper Life and Health Insurance? way cheaper but i license without getting my the cheapest insurance company? the letter for the have insurance. Will his COVERAGE FOR OHIO, THATS to pay it off in a 65. It to have the car you? not the insurance insurance or I was ticket. The insurance is why do we pay Like extremely rough estimations. old boy. Im looking and then later denied buy a car, but fixed i live in dollar car. Looking for get the best price 17 years old. 3.5 Over the summer I My parents said that bartender that has recently they are always saying .
0 notes
brandynette · 7 years
The night i reinstalles a w98 over the phone.
I was a techie at a really small firm in Paraguay S.A., only 3+ supervisors. We were open until 20. We sold computers and repaired hardware but not operating systems. Pre-installed, what is that? Please refer to Microsoft. Google? LOL!
It was a long time ago, so please imagine the small details. Paraguay has a humidity of 80% and 32°C in the shadows at 10 in summer. Air-conditioning is a luxury and we have stand ventilators. But one summer night, around 18-19 or so...
|J:caller B:me
Call comes in
J: My name is "J", I'm this old and have a problem.
B: Hello, you are talking to "B". How can I be of assistance?
J: My computer is giving me an error. I bought it last year at your firm.
B: Please describe me the error or tell me the color of the screen?
J: The screen goes blue with an error code. This is the code
Ohh crap ... blue screen of death! Either reboot or call Microsoft, if it isn't a hardware error
B: this error code refers to an OS error. I'm sorry but you must call Microsoft to fix this!
J: I know, I called. They closed at 18.
Supervisor comes up cause we need to have our meeting. Bah, we live in Paraguay. He wants to close early, since no one ever needed anything after 18. The only reason why we closed at 20 was because it was the owners idea to be special.
B: The only thing I can do is pick up the pc and reinstall as a service. We will fix it in 2 days.
(Rant in 3... 2... 1...!!!) J was actually clear, calm and serious.
J: I really need this computer to work today because of a serious reason...
(can't remember, if it was work or family but it was the best reason one could have given me at that time)
B: I am not really sure how I could help you since it's an OS error. This is normal, we've had several complaints about this version
Supervisior yells my name...
mute mic
yell back give me 10 min, I'll close up!
J: To be honest you are my last hope, I need it to work! Could you help me reinstall it?
J: I have never done it and I'm afraid, besides they said that an idiot could install it. I'm not an idiot, they are idiots for making a crappy product.
Triggered my revolutionary anti-Microsoft, open source spark... lel I have never had a support call like this, I'm intrigued.
B: Ok, to reinstall it, you will need a copy, do you have one?
J: yes
B: Place it into the CD-drive and reboot.
J: Nothing happens and it goes back to the blue screen of death...
Cd-rom is not selected as first boot device... gotta get into the bios.
B: Ok, stay calm, this is going to be tricky. Once you reboot, immediately start pressing DEL repeatedly. A hidden menu will appear. That is called the bios.*
J repeats instructions... bip... keyboard hitting sounds
J: it is back at the BSoD
B: Then you missed it, start hitting and then reboot!
J keybord hitting... bip... keyboard hitting...
J:There is a green screen menu*
Supervisior comes and tells me to stop the call, since it's over the time...
B: overtime my ass, we're open until 20!
(boss knows me and I'm safe!)
I just showed a noob the first secret of them all! I'm not ending this now besides I already have the key, since I'm the one who is going to open! Corrupt bastard, admin type who once in his life reinstalled something, your fat wife is the bosses sister SOB... is what I wanted to say... However, J is still waiting at the entrance to the Matrix!
B: With the key buttons, move to the last tab of the menu. There will be a boot option. This boot option has to say CD-Rom.
J: Yeah, I figured out that by reading. What else is here, what can I do with this menu??? WOW!
B: J, seriously please don't touch anything else here or we could damage your pc and then we WILL need to get it fixed at our service!
(Yep, overclock that thing and bye bye, no safety rom in a class C electronics of S.A.)
J: OK, understood. Now what...???? (J exited the bios, I could tell)
B: go to the last tab, save and exit. enter
J: BIP... it is loading something at the top
B: EXCELLENT! Now it is a step by step easy setup, Win98 will guide you through the rest...
J: no it wont, I have this x version.
B: OMG! Why did they sell a normal user that version, that version is for someone like me or a programmer???
J: Microsoft, you know....
B: i knooowww!!!
J: Could you help me step by step?*
I'm like I can but seriously don't want to, this would take 3 hours at least. Maaaaaann universe you had to pick me today? out of my head
B: ok but you owe me dinner! laugh
J: laughs! DEAL!
B: ok but you gotta give me a little time to get the manual for this.
Couldn't find it, someone must be using it at home... crap. Only option is to install it by guiding J step by step... Im using linux, no pc at the firm has an W... Linux + Windows. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA, one has to die! Google? LOL. Couldn't find his version of Win98, but I do have a similar one... it'll have to do. Time to unearth another pc to use. search mainboard + proc ... harddrive... mem... video card (cus GPUs were something new, rofl) hotwire that thing to a keyboard a mouse and a screen all in 20min or less...
J: plays elevator music
J: Yeah I'm here, I just felt it was appropriate while I waited...
OMG, who the fuck is this guy??? Is he trolling me???? BIP... Mine boots up and loads...
B: Are you still waiting at the first Win98 install screen?
J: Of course.
B: great... Do this... and that
J: Ok ok ok ok ok
*and so on and so forth, UNTIL!!! until I realized I fucked up! There was one different setting and yeah the universe praised me with a second try! J was cool about it, he said we are human we make mistakes, hence Microsoft... we realized we were of similar minds and even as we had a hard battle with our machines, we had a strange but fun game night.
While I was still there the in morning, the lovely supervisor cames in again.
Eventually, it worked out J was out of his mind, couldn't believe he managed to do it, neither was I! I was expecting a third or fourth try, ending in me marrying his sister in law... hahaha
call ends
Supervisor asked me WTH is going on... phone rings! Not me, I dont care, not my call, I'm done for the week!
X: I want to talk to the supervisor... I have something to report
HEAVY RANTING!!! one could hear her screaming
S: Yes ma'am, what can I help you with? HEAVY RANTING!!! one could hear her screaming even louder
10 min pass, supervisor hangs up.
Cheese white, silently talks to me. Come with me, I'll drive you to get you some breakfast. Where would you like to go? It was the brother in law of the sister in law... or some other strange "conexión familiar", that is the norm in paraguay I never took his job, but the supervisor became my B****
Had 2 great years until the company shut down, I would have loved to own that place! SNAP! I'm still friends with J!
Btw, the key word to the error puzzle is "MILENIUM"
Thank you very much for reading this very very very long call. Want a techie potato? Google it! hahahaha
Kudos from Brandynette
4 Users have helped me to edit and update! Thank you very much <3
$TDLR Customer wanted a step by step walk trough of an OS installation.
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