#we'll try to make my memory work later
kingofthering · 3 months
oh my god I'm an absolute idiot
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literaila · 3 months
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: the past comes back to haunt you, as it usually does.
warnings: angst, allusions to disassociation, hurt/comfort, mama is sad
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year five.
"wait for me," satoru tells megumi, as soon as he starts walking away. 
you're watching as megumi hangs his head, looking like he'd failed at his one objective--escaping--and turns around, glaring at satoru. 
you've all been out shopping for the past two hours. getting the kids new clothes, shoes, whatever else satoru swears they need... 
honestly, he's kind of cute running around like a maniac from store to store. showing tsumiki a cute dress she could wear, or teasing megumi into trying on a sweatshirt that matches his. 
it's quite possibly the only reason you haven't complained. 
or pointed out that both of the kids are on the verge of whining all the way home. or that he doesn't need to spend 100,000 yen to make them happy. 
"hurry up," megumi tells the man, basically growling at him. 
satoru grins and ruffles his hair, resting a hand on his back as the two of them begin to navigate through the crowd. mostly likely, neither of them knows where they're going. 
you're not even sure where a bathroom is in this district. 
"we'll wait here," you call out, nudging tsumiki. satoru turns briefly to give you a little peace sign, a little grin, and then he murmurs something to megumi you can't hear and they're both gone. 
you're a little worried about them being alone together in this state but you ignore it.
"guess it's just you and me, miki," you say to the little girl at your side. she beams up at you, nodding. "do you want to sit down? how do the shoes feel?" 
"mmm," she looks down, blinking at the sparkly shoes satoru insisted were perfect for her. "they're rubbing at my ankles a little." 
"we can get some new socks, too. that should help. c'mon, i think there's a bench over there." 
she grabs your hand as you begin towards the bench, humming something under her breath. 
you look down to smile at her and don't notice the person walking by, accidentally bumping into them. "oh, i'm sorry, excuse us--" you turn and your entire body lurches away from you. 
for a brief moment, you're not yourself. your conscious moves in an instant, ready to defend itself from everything, anything. you're not yourself, but someone else. someone you used to know very well. 
"i--" you breathe, freezing at the person in front of you. 
tsumiki pulls on your hand a little, confused when you stop suddenly. she looks to the woman standing in front of you, with a bizarre look on her face, and then tsumiki's brown eyes go back to you, her face riddled with curiosity. 
i don't remember a lot about her but i remember hugging her when she got home from work, and the way she said my name-- 
you want to forget it all. 
it's clear now, several years later, that you would rather forget everything about her--about this woman standing in front of you, basically a reflection of yourself--than have to do this all over again. then have to face the memories of what she did to you. then put that child through any of it. 
"hi--hey," you say because you have to. 
here's the thing about seeing your mom for the first time in a decade: you can't just pretend you didn't. 
you'd like to turn right around and walk away. you'd like to pretend that you've grown sometime in the past nine years, that you've turned into someone who doesn't need to stay and talk to her. you'd like to think that you're someone who can cut her right out of your life and feel all of the better for it. 
but you're not. 
you can't run away from your mother. you can't apologize for bumping into her and turn around with tsumiki's hand in yours and forget about it. actually, you can't even move right now. 
because there's still this girl inside of you.
there's still this child, a teenager who tried so desperately to earn the approval of this woman and never got it. who tried so hard to be everything that this woman wanted, but could never try enough. 
and she's clinging to your chest right now, breathing into your skin like a toxin, digging her nails into your heart and begging you to try again. telling you that you've got another shot, a chance she couldn't have--
so you can't leave now. not when you owe it to her, to yourself to try, to trick yourself into believing that it was just a fault of your own, that your childhood memories are only the result of some flaws you've already fixed. 
you can't walk away when your mind is stuck on her, her, and--tsumiki. 
your broken eyes turn to her.
your little girl who is standing right beside you, waiting for your next move. if you told her to run, she would. if you told her to stay by your side and say nothing, to hide behind you, she would. she wouldn't even ask you what was going on. 
but for no reason at all, you can't tell tsumiki anything. you can't whisper to her that it's fine, that everything is fine. you can't introduce her or drag her away. 
you can't do anything and it's never felt worse. 
"i thought that was you," your mother says, tilting her head at you. she's staring like this is just a casual bump in. like you're colleagues who haven't seen each other since she went on vacation. "you look... grown." 
you feel naive. there's nothing you can say to this woman to prove to her that you're better than you were. that you're far too good for her.
"thanks," you whisper, even though you know it's not a compliment. it's an instinct to appeal to her. to be polite and perfect.
your mom clasps her hands together. if you were looking at her--which you're not, you wouldn't dare--you might be able to tell that she's uncomfortable with you being there. almost surprised. 
maybe she just assumed that you'd die as soon as you left the comfort of your childhood home. maybe she thought that they would've kicked you out of jujutsu high a day after you arrived, leaving you to starve on the street just like she did. 
"well, how are you?" 
you swallow. "i'm good." 
she nods, and then she looks to your side and finally notices tsumiki there. 
tsumiki, with her precious face, her beautiful brown eyes, and carefully organized hair. 
you're not sure what your mother sees when she looks at her.
you wish more than anything that you could hide her. you don't want your mom's--you don't want this woman's eyes on her. you don't want her to say a single word to your daughter. 
"and who's this?" 
but you can't just send her away. you have no idea where satoru went, and tsumiki can't walk around on her own. not right now, not when you're so preoccupied. 
you just can't walk away. 
tsumiki holds her hand out, just like you taught her. "i'm tsumiki fushiguro." 
"it's nice to meet you," your mother answers, shaking her hand warily like she's certain that she might get an infection from tsumiki's skin. and then she looks at you, not daring to ask what she wants to.
you clench your jaw, wanting to slap her hand away from tsumiki. 
you should've put up a barrier a minute ago. the only possible block between you and a woman who doesn't deserve the pleasure of meeting tsumiki. who deserves no explanations from you. 
but your cursed energy is frozen in place, and you know that if you shut yourself in, you'll never get back out. 
"my daughter," you add, a bit louder now. 
your mom's eyebrows raise immediately and she pauses, looking between the two of you, searching for some useless resemblance. like it isn't obvious that you share a bond, just from the way your hands are intertwined. like it's not obvious that you braided tsumiki's hair, or helped her pick out the shoes she's wearing. 
like it might not be true. 
still, she asks tsumiki, "how old are you?" 
and you know where her mind goes immediately. thinking that it can't be possible. she knew you when you were twelve, and you certainly weren't pregnant with the little girl standing beside you. you certainly weren't developing any maternal skills locked away in your room, with only the curse that liked to hide in the walls to teach you.
it brings that resentment to the surface of your core, threatening to burst through your skin. you feel suddenly so angry you can't bear it. 
and you're not that girl anymore, you realize. you haven't been since you met nanami and haibara and satoru. 
since you learned that you were only a child and not a trophy that needed to live up to its name. 
"well," your mom sighs, shaking her head. "i can't say this is what i expected." 
"excuse me?" 
"really, what do you know about children, y/n? don't you think you're a little young?" 
tsumiki looks up at you with a frown, about to ask what she means when you stop her. 
you squeeze her hand and look away, into the eyes of the woman who created you--who has that string of biology she just judged you and tsumiki for lacking--and still didn't care. 
she is nothing if not the proof that dna means absolutely nothing. 
"what do you know about children, mom?" you repeat, rhetorically. "at least i know that a ten-year-old shouldn't spend every hour of the day locked in their room, waiting for someone to come let them out." 
"i'm shocked that you--" 
"at least i know that a child is a gift and not a toy to hide away when you get bored of it." 
your mom scoffs. "i can't believe this--"
"neither can i," you say and look to your daughter, who's got wide brown eyes and a confused sort of fear on her face. she doesn't need to hear anything else you have to say to this woman. you smile at her, soft as ever. "go look for dad, okay? he shouldn't be far." 
it's been five minutes, and satoru's probably right around the corner, you rationalize. he's going to come pick up tsumiki and rescue you any second now. 
tsumiki nods immediately, letting go of your hand. she turns to go do what you said, but before she can there's a strong hand on your shoulder, a body right beside yours, and you almost gasp in relief. 
"found him," tsumiki tells you, softly. 
you turn to satoru, wanting to beg him to carry you away from her, to get you away from her--but the words won't come. you're too struck by the view of his face, and the knowledge that when you finally escape from this, he's going to be right there. 
satoru was there the first time, and he'll linger for the second. 
his shaded eyes look back at you, observing for a second, reading your mind, and then he turns. 
megumi is trailing at his side, holding a shopping bag. he looks between this stranger and you, a cautious look on his face. 
tsumiki is telling him something without any words. 
"hello," satoru says, smoothly, breaking the silence. "i don't believe we've met. do you know y/n?" 
your mother frowns, scoffing. "i'm her mother." 
you can see it when satoru reels back, looking between the two of you for a moment, an intense realization on his face. 
maybe he can see the resemblance. the face that might be your own in just a few years. 
or maybe, finally, he can feel the horrors of being raised by her. all of the things you've never dared to tell him. 
you're pleading satoru for something with your eyes but you're not even sure what.
"there's another one?" your mom asks, almost disgusted, as satoru processes. "how old are you?" 
megumi frowns. he walks over to tsumiki, who's already picked up your hand, and asks you: "this is your mom?" 
you nod at him, relieved more than anything that he's there, with the rest of you. and that if you can't explain, satoru will handle it. 
megumi considers it for a second. "are you sure?" 
and you want to laugh so abruptly that it shocks you. you want to grab him by the face and kiss all across his cheeks. 
tsumiki is already smiling at you like she knows this. her grip is strong against yours.
satoru smiles at your mom, a vicious ugly thing. "did you need something from her?" 
"i--no, we just ran into each other," she tells him, seemingly confused by his entire presence. she looks at you. "who is he? another child of yours?" 
satoru licks his lips. "not quite." 
you're about to answer when he grabs your empty hand, shaking his head. "i don't think there's anything y/n needs to say to you," he tells her, coldly. then he looks at you. "is there?" 
"no," you whisper, coveting the feeling of his hand in yours. the two children at your side, who know what it's like to be loved. megumi and tsumiki, who will never feel unwanted, as long as you have a say in it. 
satoru nods, guffly, and turns. "it was a pleasure to meet you," he says, and he moves all of you away. you can almost feel it when he shields the three of you from the rest of the world.
with his hand in yours, the other in tsumiki's, and megumi on the other side of her, satoru leads you all away from her. 
and you let him. because the three of them are more of a family--a better, safer one--than that woman ever was. 
you can't thank them all for being there, being yours, in this moment, but you will. 
at least you know that. 
satoru has been watching you for hours. 
since you all got home and the kids' questions began. 
that was your mom? 
why haven't we met her before? 
i haven't seen her in a long time. 
was she upset? 
because i'm happier than she thought i'd be, you said, i have a better family. 
are we going to see her again? 
absolutely not. 
after that, the two of them quieted. satoru could tell that they had more questions, that megumi was curious and tsumiki was worried--but neither of them continued. 
it was almost unspoken that you couldn't take much more. that you needed a break from it, even if you wouldn't say. so they both moved on, resuming their usual antics and talking about the clothes they got, when and where they'd wear them. 
well, mostly tsumiki. but megumi entertained her thoughts for a while at least. 
satoru just watched you. the tiny break within your eyes, the gap between you and the rest of the world. you've remained all the same since you got home. cursed energy small, unchanging. your face in one position like it'll kill you to move it. 
satoru can't stand it, but he doesn't want to intrude. he doesn't want you to push him away too. 
so he only sat there, trying to fill your role (which was impossible) at the dinner table. 
and several hours later, after dinner, after space, satoru still hasn't brought it up. 
but he doesn't get the chance to. because as soon as you've put both of them to bed--insisting on tucking them in and talking to them both separately tonight, like you're making up for something--you're sneaking into satoru's room. 
and he's waiting like he always is. his arms are wide open when you walk into the room, and there's not a moment of hesitation before you fall into them. you don't blink or breathe before you're right against him, keeping yourself up with nothing more than blood and bone. 
satoru hugs you close to him, trying to let everything he feels go, just for you. 
(because he's just angry. 
he's angry that she showed up and ruined your day. he's angry that he wasn't there to keep it from happening. he's angry that when he walked over he could tell there was something wrong because you were frozen--because you were almost barren. no cursed energy, no expression. nothing to draw him to you like usual. 
and he's so angry that he can't do anything to fix it. 
so angry that being the strongest sorcerer of the modern age means nothing when he really needs it to. 
satoru isn't a person who hates. he never hated the people who attempted to tie him down as a kid so he couldn't escape observation. he didn't hate toji when he cut him through the throat. he didn't hate suguru for leaving, or yaga for asking why he didn't stop him. 
he doesn't hate. 
but he hates her.
for taking your face and twisting it around. for stealing your childhood and pretending like she didn't. for holding your precious heart in her hands and acting like it was nothing of value.
he hates her.) 
you both sit there, rocking back and forth, sinking together for a moment. 
and then you sniff, and satoru closes his eyes against your head, not sure what to say to make it all better. 
what he can do to erase this feeling from your body. what he can do to prove to you that you're worth so much more. 
"do you think i'm a good mom?" you whisper to him, as he moves back and forth. 
his heart pauses, needing a moment to consider this. to not feel a fire in his soul at the very suggestion. 
satoru pulls back, frowning. and he makes sure that your eyes are on his when he says, "there's not a person in the world who could take better care of them than you do," he swears, feeling like it's the most honest thing he's ever said. 
he wants to brand the words into your skin just so you never ask such a ridiculous question again. 
"thank you," you say, voice breaking, and satoru wipes the tears falling down your cheeks away. each one a different memory, a terrible moment where someone showed you that you didn't matter. 
and when they continue to fall, satoru continues to wipe them away. 
"do you want to talk about it?" he asks, almost hesitating. he's not sure that he can handle hearing about it--but he would if you needed him to. 
"not tonight," you whisper and fall against him again. 
satoru holds you close. 
and he swears, to whoever is listening, that he'll love you enough to make up for that woman. he'll love you enough to make up for everything.
he loves you enough to be sure of it. 
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orchidniins · 3 months
oh i NEED pt 2 of Serendipitous Beginnings🙏
Serendipitous Beginnings Pt. 2 | Arthur Frederick
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Summary: Y/N and Arthur finally spend some much time together and go on their first date. Between movie nights and cute museum dates, it's clear they've fallen hard for each other. Pairings: ArthurTV x afab!Reader Warnings: Mature content, Smut, Fluff Word Count: 6k
A/N: Thanks to everyone who showed love on my first post! I wanted to write a part 2 for this with all the cute little ideas in my head. This fic is basically a little collection of events and just a little sprinkle of smut right at the end. I hope you enjoy!
Part 1
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You awaken on Saturday, later than your usual wake-up time, feeling a faint headache throbbing behind your temples. Despite the headache, your mind is abuzz with the memories of last night's conversations with Arthur. The lingering memories of the night's events are still fresh in your mind.
As you reach for your phone, a smile tugs at the corner of your lips, eager to see if Arthur had messaged you. Sure enough, his name lights up your screen, and you can't help but feel a rush of happiness as you read his message. The two of you had stayed up pretty much all night texting, the conversation flowing effortlessly between you.
Eventually, it was mutually decided to stop texting and finally catch some sleep, but now, even with maybe only two hours of sleep, you're still buzzing with excitement to keep the conversation going. You couldn't help but grin at your phone, fingers tapping out quick replies
Arthur: Hey! Morning! 😊 Arthur: Did you manage to get any sleep in? Y/N: Hey! Good Morning 😊 Y/N: Yeah, I did. Just barely. Did you sleep well? Arthur: Yeah, I managed to get a few hours in too. Couldn't stop thinking about our conversation though. Y/N: Haha, same here! I guess we'll just have to continue it in person, huh? 😉 Arthur: Did you wanna maybe grab some lunch today? Y/N: That sounds great! I'd love to. Where were you thinking? Arthur: How about that place we talked about yesterday? Y/N: Perfect! Can't wait 😊
Eagerly agreeing to meet Arthur for lunch, excitement courses through you at the thought of spending more time with him. However, as you're about to set your phone down, a sinking feeling settles in the pit of your stomach. You had completely forgotten about your plans with Sienna to meet up with a mutual friend who was in town for the weekend.
Y/N: Hey, Arthur! I'm so sorry, but something's come up for today. Can we reschedule for tomorrow? Arthur: Oh, no worries! Tomorrow won't work for me, I've got a shoot scheduled. Y/N: Ah, got it. No problem. Maybe another time then? Arthur: Definitely! Let's figure something out soon. 😊
After a bit more back-and-forth, the conversation trails off, leaving you feeling disappointed that your plans with Arthur didn't pan out. With a sigh, you set your phone aside and get out of bed, heading towards Sienna's bedroom to check in on her.
Entering her room, you find her sprawled out on the bed, half of her body hanging off the edge, her hair messy and makeup smeared. You try to wake her up gently, but she protests, murmuring, "No, not yet, five more minutes."
"Siii," you say, nudging her shoulder, "you know I turned down a date for this lunch today, so you better get up, or I'm gonna have to use violence." Sienna groans in response, still half-asleep, but your mention of a date piques her interest. "A date? What do you mean, a date?" she asks, her eyes fluttering open as she tries to grasp the situation.
You chuckle at her confusion. "I was just kidding, but we better make it to that café on time. You're the one who insisted we go there, even if it's a 50-minute drive from here. Now, get up." Sienna, still groggy, fixates on the idea of a date. "Okay, but what date?" she mumbles, her words slurred with sleep.
With a laugh, you shake your head and say, "Nothing, just get ready," before leaving her room to get ready yourself.
Over the next few days, despite the promise to meet up, neither you nor Arthur seemed to find the time. It had been over a week since the initial plan was made, and your schedules were keeping you both occupied. Arthur had spent a few days away from London for a shoot, while your own commitments to classes, coursework, and your TA job filled your days from dawn till dusk.
The conversation between you over text seemed to flow effortlessly though. Whether it was during breaks between classes or late at night after a long day of work, hours slipped by unnoticed as you traded stories, shared interests, and laughed at each other's jokes. Even through the screen, you felt like there was undeniable chemistry.
In person, however, it was a different story. Whenever you crossed paths with Arthur in person, whether for the few minutes you had while entering or leaving your apartment, the atmosphere became charged with a hint of awkwardness. Your face-to-face interactions were tinged with an unspoken tension. Probably owing to the fact that neither of you had addressed the hot and steamy kiss shared the other night, leaving many unanswered questions. And neither of you knew how to broach the subject, leaving the issue lingering between you like an elephant in the room.
Today, you're rushing out of your apartment, a whirlwind of activity as you stuff papers into your backpack, your mind preoccupied with the evening class you volunteered to handle for a professor.
You stand outside the elevator, tapping your foot impatiently, waiting for the doors to open. As they slide open, you're about to step in when you're met with Arthur's smiling face.
"Hey," Arthur greets you warmly, his eyes brightening at the sight of you.
"Hey," you reply, mustering a smile as you step into the elevator beside him.
"How're things going?" Arthur asks, his voice laced with genuine interest.
"All good," you respond, offering a brief nod. "Just heading to TA for an evening class."
Arthur nods in understanding. "You've been pretty occupied lately, huh?"
You chuckle softly. "Yeah, well you know… Where are you off to?"
"I'm meeting some friends for a drink.", Arthur responds.
"That sounds fun," you say, though inwardly you can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that your paths are diverging once again.
The elevator ride continues in silence, the awkward tension lingering between you like a thick fog. You bite your tongue, racking your brain for something to say to break the uneasy atmosphere. Finally, just as the elevator doors slide open, you blurt out, "Are you free tomorrow night?"
Arthur's eyebrows raise in surprise. "Um, I think so," he replies, sounding intrigued.
"I was thinking of having a movie marathon," you explain, feeling a surge of nervous energy. "And I was hoping to have someone along for it."
A hint of a smile plays at the corners of Arthur's lips. "That sounds like a plan," he says, his eyes brightening with interest. "What were you thinking of watching?"
You grin, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. "How about 'The Lord of the Rings'?" you suggest eagerly.
Arthur's eyes light up at the suggestion. "Yes! I love Lord of the Rings. Have you watched the extended versions? If not, we could watch those," he says, genuine excitement in his voice.
Just as excited, you reply, "Yeah! I’d love that."
"Great, sounds like a plan," Arthur confirms with enthusiasm.
Feeling a weight lift off your shoulders, you say, "My place tomorrow? I’ll text you the time."
"Definitely. I'll see you then," Arthur replies.
With that, you bid Arthur goodbye as you step out of the elevator, feeling a sense of excitement building in your chest. Maybe this movie marathon would finally give you the chance to address the elephant in the room and see where things could go with Arthur. But your thoughts are interrupted by the fact that you didn't want to be late to set up for class. You wave him goodbye and head out.
Before you know it, the day of your movie night arrives. You make sure to stock up on snacks and drinks, preparing for a cozy evening. With Sienna out of the city for work till next week, you have the place all to yourself. You take the time to set up the couch with extra pillows and grab an additional blanket from Sienna's room, ensuring everything is just right for your evening with Arthur.
However, for a fleeting moment, you can't help but overthink why you're going to such lengths. It's not like this was a date, just two friends hanging out. But you quickly brush off the thought when you hear a knock on your door. Taking a deep breath to shake off the nerves, you stride over to the door and swing it open, revealing Arthur standing on the other side.
"Hey!" he greets you with a warm smile, holding up a bag of snacks. "I brought some snacks for movie night. Hope you like popcorn and chocolate!"
You return his smile, feeling relieved at the sight of him. "That's perfect! Come on in," you say, stepping aside to let him enter. "I've set up the living room for our movie marathon. Make yourself at home."
As Arthur steps in, you close the door behind him, trying your best to calm your nerves. Tonight was supposed to be fun, you remind yourself, a simple movie watching experience between friends. Definitely not a date, just two friends hanging out.
You settle onto the couch, gesturing for Arthur to join you. He takes off his jacket and joins you. There's a brief moment of silence as you both get comfortable, but you're determined to keep the atmosphere light.
"So, how's your week been?" you asked, turning to Arthur in an attempt to break the awkward silence.
Arthur leaned back against the cushions, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "Kind of busy," he replied with a chuckle. "Filming schedules have been hectic lately, but it's been pretty fun filming with my mates. How about you?"
You shrugged, a wry smile playing on your lips. "Same old, same old. Classes, TA gig, grading papers, dealing with undergrads….," You trail off, not wanting to bore him with the details of your day-to-day responsibilities.
But Arthur seems genuinely interested. "I bet you're great at it though," he says, leaning closer, his eyes sparkling with sincerity.
You feel a warmth spread through you at his words, grateful for his encouragement. "Haha, thanks, Arthur," you reply, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, your eyes locked with his.
As the movie progressed, you found yourselves immersed in discussing your favorite scenes and characters. The initial awkwardness began to dissipate, replaced by an easy flow of conversation and laughter, and soon the movie became nothing more than background noise.
Before long, you realized that as the conversation flowed, you were sitting much closer to Arthur. Your knees brushed against each other as you faced one another on the couch. His arm draped over the back, his fingers lightly grazing your shoulder, sending delightful shivers down your spine.
Lost in the moment, you couldn't help but wonder why you had ever felt awkward around him in the first place. It felt as though the universe had conspired to bring you together. The desire to kiss him again bubbled up inside you, igniting a warmth that spread through your entire being.
With each passing second, it became increasingly difficult to ignore the palpable tension between you, leaving you hopeful that perhaps Arthur felt the same way.
In the silence that followed, the air between you seemed charged with anticipation. Slowly, almost hesitantly, the two of you leaned in towards each other, the space between you narrowing with each heartbeat.
His gaze met yours, "This feels familiar," Arthur murmured, breaking the silence. You couldn't help but laugh, relieved that at least one of you had acknowledged it.
"Does it now?" you replied, a playful grin tugging at the corners of your lips. "So, you do remember."
"How could I forget?" Arthur's voice was barely above a whisper, his words sending a shiver down your spine. "It's been on my mind ever since."
As he leaned in closer, a surge of excitement coursed through you. "Well, good then," you replied, your heart pounding in your chest. Without hesitation, his lips meet yours.
You shifted closer, your hands finding their way to his shoulders, his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you into him. With a gentle but firm grip, he pulled you onto his lap, your bodies fitting together perfectly as if they were meant to be intertwined. The warmth of his touch sent a jolt of electricity through your body.
You melt into each other in a passionate kiss, the world around you seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you in your own private universe. His lips were soft, moving with a rhythm that matched yours. With each brush of his lips, it sends the blood rushing down to your core.
Lost in the heat of the kiss, you pressed yourself closer to him. Tangling your hands in his soft hair, savoring the feeling of his arms around you, the warmth of his body against yours.
When you finally pulled away, breathless, you found yourself lost in his gaze, unable to tear your eyes away from his. And you couldn’t remember the last time someone looked at you with such intensity.
As you both caught your breath, a wave of relief washed over you, the tension that had been building between you finally dissipating. With a gentle smile, he breaks the silence, his voice soft but determined. "Let me take you on a proper date," he says, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Okay," you chuckle softly, feeling excited at his words, a fluttering in your stomach as you look back at him. "I’m free this Friday," you reply, your voice filled with warmth. With a playful smile, you lean in and give him a little peck on the lips.
You were thrilled when Arthur suggested meeting at the history museum after class, eagerly looking forward to spending time together. You even took the extra effort to dress up a bit for the occasion. However, as you hurriedly made your way there, excitement turned to frustration as you realized you were running late. The class you were assisting in had unexpectedly extended, leaving you racing against time as the museum's closing hour approached. You quickly texted Arthur, apologizing for the delay and assured him that you were on your way, determined to make it there as soon as possible.
Y/N: Hey, sorry I'm running a bit late 😅 Y/N: Class ran over, but I'll be there soon! Arthur: No worries at all. I'm just glad you can make it Arthur: Take your time 😊
With determination, you quicken your pace, determined not to let the opportunity slip away. As you finally arrive at the museum, you spot Arthur waiting patiently outside the entrance. He looks great, dressed in a nice crewneck sweatshirt and black cargos, it makes your heart skip a beat at just how good he looked.
You hurry over to him, eager to make up for lost time. "Hey!" you exclaim, a wide smile spreading across your face as you reach him.
"Hey," Arthur greets you warmly, his eyes lighting up with genuine delight at the sight of you. He opens his arms, inviting you into a warm embrace.
You gladly accept the hug, reveling in his warmth and the comforting scent of his cologne. "Sorry I'm late," you say softly, pulling away slightly to meet his gaze.
Arthur shakes his head, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "No need to apologize. I'm just happy you're here now," he assures you, his voice filled with warmth.
You feel a surge of relief at his response. "Thanks for waiting," you say gratefully, reaching out to give his hand a reassuring squeeze.
Arthur squeezes your hand back, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. "Of course, it's no problem. We can always do something else if the museum's closed," he suggests, ever the considerate gentleman, despite the museum being almost 15 mins past closing.
But you shake your head, determined not to let the evening go to waste. "No, no, just trust me on this," you insist.
Arthur raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your enthusiasm. "Alright… I trust you," he says with a smile, willing to go along with your plan.
With a grin, you take Arthur's hand and lead him towards the side entrance of the museum. As you walk, you quickly glance at your phone to confirm the last-minute plans one final time, the ones you made on the subway over, sending a quick text message. Then, slipping your phone back into your pocket, you look up to flash Arthur a smile, and he returns it with warmth in his eyes.
You head to the side entrance and spot your friend. Waving enthusiastically, you exchange greetings and shake hands, expressing your gratitude once again. "Thank you again, I owe you big time," you say appreciatively.
"Not a problem at all," your friend responds warmly as he lets the two of you in "Anything for a friend. Just make sure to leave before 8 p.m."
You nod in agreement and turn to Arthur, excitement bubbling within you as you lead him inside. His curious gaze prompts you to explain the situation. "That guy was an old graduate advisor of mine," you begin, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "He's works here as a curator now."
Arthur's eyes widen with interest as he looks around, taking in the museum's atmosphere. "I have to say… that’s quite impressive," he remarks, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
"Yeah, his job's pretty cool," you reply, nodding in agreement.
But Arthur interrupts you before you can say anything further. "No, not that… you. You are quite surprising… in a good way," he adds with a playful smirk, his hand still holding yours. You feel a blush creeping up to your cheeks at his compliment.
You chuckle softly, feeling shy at his words, "Just give me more time to impress you further with my wildly interesting mind," you playfully quip, unable to contain the grin that spreads across your face.
Arthur's smile widens in response, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he admires your playful banter.
Turning away to hide your embarrassment, you reply, "Anyways, we have two hours now… best not waste any time," as you pull him towards the main hall.
The museum is bathed in the soft glow of a few lights, casting a gentle ambiance over the now empty hall. Excitement courses through you as you eagerly lead Arthur around, pointing out each exhibit with enthusiasm. Arthur listens intently, his eyes filled with genuine interest as he witnesses how passionate you sound.
With each second passing, he finds himself increasingly impressed by just how intelligent you are, finding himself melting at each of your words.
He often found himself just looking at you, mesmerized by your beauty, and sometimes forgetting to even glance at the displays. It still felt surreal to him that you were here with him right now.
"You know," you share, a hint of nostalgia coloring your voice, "when I was a kid, my dad used to bring me here whenever he had work in the city. He’d always bring me along with him."
"It's always been one of my favorite places in London," you conclude with a smile.
Arthur smiles warmly, his admiration evident as he responds, "I can see why."
As the two of you continue to explore the halls, the world outside the museum fades away, leaving you in your own private sanctuary. Stolen glances, brushes of hands, and a shared electricity fill the air, making this the most enjoyable date you've ever had.
As the evening progresses, you find yourselves completely immersed in each other's company, sharing stories and laughing without a care in the world. Arthur's admiration for you grows with each passing moment, his heart feeling lighter in your presence. Lost in the magic of the moment, you both find yourselves laughing and running around the museum halls, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Arthur captures candid photos of you, the echoes of your laughter filling the empty corridors.
Caught up in the magic of the moment, Arthur can't help but stare at you with admiration, his eyes drinking in your beauty. You stand before a display of jade artifacts, leaning closer to examine the intricate details, while sharing a story about a similar find or an excavation you volunteered on last year. "This is fascinating, isn’t it?" you remark, turning to Arthur with a sparkle in your eyes.
As you await his response, you're met with a lingering gaze, his eyes intense and unwavering. Feeling a warmth spread across your cheeks, you can't help but inquire with a small chuckle, "What?"
"You know," he begins, his voice soft with sincerity, "you're absolutely stunning."
You chuckle at his compliment, feeling a warm blush spread across your cheeks. "Oh, stop it," you tease, playfully nudging him. "You're not so bad yourself."
His gaze remains fixed on you, his expression filled with genuine affection. "I mean it," he insists, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're truly amazing."
You meet his gaze, feeling a flutter of excitement in your chest. "Well, I guess I can't argue with that," you joke, a playful grin tugging at the corners of your lips. "But I must say, you're not so bad at dishing out compliments either." You pause, your tone softening. "Thanks, Arthur."
Arthur smiles warmly, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of his words. "Anytime," he replies, his hand squeezing yours gently. "I just call it like I see it."
With a contented sigh, you fully face him now, reveling in the comfortable silence that envelops you both. The quiet of the museum amplifies the intimacy of the moment, and you find yourself drawn to Arthur, his presence filling you with warmth and affection.
Arthur leans in closer, his heart pounding in his chest as he presses a soft kiss to your lips. As he pulls away slightly, his breath tickling your skin.
You smile back at him, your cheeks flushed as your hand finds the back of his head, gently pulling him closer. As your lips meet his, you eagerly return the kiss, losing yourself in the sensation of his lips against yours. In that moment, nothing else matters, not caring about the passing time or potential interruptions.
As you reluctantly pull away, a soft smile plays on your lips. "It's getting late," you murmur, glancing at your watch. "A lot later than we were supposed to stay."
Arthur rests his forehead against yours, smiling down at you. "Okay, let's head back," he suggests, his voice tinged with a hint of disappointment.
"But hey, how about we grab dinner on the way back?" you suggest, a playful glint lighting up Arthur's eyes as he nods eagerly.
With a smile, you reach for his hand, intertwining your fingers as you make your way out of the museum. As you walk, you take a moment to text your friend, expressing your gratitude for letting the two of you sneak in and apologizing for overstaying your welcome.
After leaving the museum, the two of you walked a few blocks to a cozy restaurant nearby, to grab some food before you sadly had to end your date. The warm glow of the restaurant's interior welcomed you as you stepped inside, finding a quiet corner to enjoy your meal together.
As you savored each bite and shared lighthearted conversation, it became evident that neither of you were quite ready to end the evening just yet. With a reluctant sigh, you eventually found yourselves back in the lobby of your apartment building, waiting for the elevator to arrive.
The anticipation hung heavy in the air as you stood side by side, nerves buzzing beneath the surface. Unable to resist the urge any longer, you finally turned to Arthur, your voice tinged with nervousness. "Do you want to come back to mine?" you asked, your heart pounding in your chest.
Arthur's gaze met yours, his eyes reflecting a hint of apprehension. Slowly, he nodded his head, his own nerves evident.
He had been to your place before, but tonight felt different, the stakes somehow higher, or perhaps that was just the horny part of his brain taking over. He wanted nothing more than to be glued by your side, yet he also wanted to be respectful of your boundaries, especially after the wonderful time you had today.
A nervous chuckle escaped him as he tried to ease the tension. "I'd love to," he replied with a slight voice crack. You couldn't help but laugh, your laughter bubbling up uncontrollably, joined by his as you both shared in the moment, breaking the tension that had settled between you.
As soon as you and Arthur step into your apartment, the door closes behind you with a soft click, enveloping you both in the intimate glow of the dimly lit space. The air feels somewhat thicker, and though you had spent quite a cute and romantic evening, all you could think about was just how much you wanted him right now.
As if on autopilot, your body moves on its own accord. You close the distance between you in an instant, pressing your lips against his. Your hands instinctively find their way to his firm chest, while his slowly rise to grasp your waist, pulling you closer as you usher him further into the apartment. The kiss is hungry and urgent, reflecting the desire between you two.
You continue to kiss each other, your lips locked in a fervent kiss. Occasionally, you break apart just long enough to catch your breath. As the heat between you grows, your hands roam eagerly.
In the midst of your passionate exchange, you manage to breathe out a whispered "Bedroom," your warm breath grazing his skin, sending shivers down his spine. Without hesitation, you both stumble together towards the bedroom, both of you equally as eager.
Once you're in your bedroom, you guide him to sit on the edge of the bed, your movements fluid and confident. You position yourself between his legs, feeling the heat radiating from his body as his hands find their place on your hips, pulling you closer.
You lean in, capturing his lips again, igniting a fiery passion between you. His hands trail up the back of your shirt, leaving tingles in their wake as you deepen the kiss, your fingers tangling in his soft, fluffy hair.
With newfound boldness, his hands move down to your ass, giving it a teasing squeeze that sends a jolt of electricity through you, before he trails his hands down to the back of your thighs.
Arthur pulls you onto his lap, a low hum escaping his lips as you shuffle over his growing arousal. You bite down on his bottom lip, a gasp escaping you as you feel the hardness beneath his clothes. "God, Arthur," you breathe out, your voice heavy with desire as his hands continue to knead the soft flesh of your thighs.
As your shirts come off in the heat of the moment, your hands eagerly explore his body, tracing every contour and eliciting soft groans from him. His mouth and tongue muffle your shuddering gasp as you grind yourself against his clothed crotch, the friction sending waves of pleasure coursing through both of you. Your kisses grow more passionate, tongues intertwining, exploring each other's mouths desperately.
You pant out his name, your body overtaken by the intense sensation, but Arthur suddenly pulls away from the kiss and grips your hips firmly, halting your movements. Confusion clouds your expression, wondering if this wasn't what he wanted after all.
He notices the flicker of self-doubt in your eyes, his hand instinctively reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his smile as reassuring as ever. "Don't worry, darling," he begins, his voice gentle yet earnest. "I love what we're doing, don’t get me wrong…big fan of sex, and you are incredibly sexy. But I just want to make sure you know that I like you very much, Y/n. I mean, really like you. This is more than just something physical for me. I love spending time with you, and I think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever had the opportunity to lay my eyes on."
You melt at his heartfelt words, a blush creeping up on your cheeks at his sincerity. Arthur's genuine expression reassures you, his intent clear as day. It's endearing how he takes the time to ensure there's no doubt in your mind about his feelings.
You reach for his face, holding it gently between your hands as you stare deeply into his captivating eyes. "I really like you too, you know," you admit, sincerity echoing in your voice. "I don't just jump into bed with any odd guy." A smile dances on your lips as you share a brief moment of understanding, sealing it with a small kiss on the tip of his nose.
As you pull back, his fingers linger on your waist for a few seconds, sending goosebumps rippling across your skin in a sweet, tingling sensation.
As you resume kissing, your hands begin to trail down to the button of his trousers, starting to undo them. But once again, Arthur stops you, gently pulling away from your embrace. "Wait," he murmurs, his voice low and husky, "Lay down on your back for me."
You comply, as Arthur gently moves you off of him, the anticipation building as you settle onto the bed, watching intently as Arthur moves closer. With ease, he helps you slide off your jeans and panties, his touch sending tingles down your spine, each moment feeling more intimate than the last.
Once you're fully exposed before him, Arthur takes a moment to admire the sight before him, his gaze filled with desire and admiration. He begins to remove his own clothes, his movements deliberate yet filled with an undeniable hunger.
The atmosphere in the room shifted from one of urgency and desperation to something lighter and sweeter. He leaned over you, his touch gentle and reassuring as he positioned himself between your legs. With one hand resting softly on your hip and the other providing support beside you, he lowered his head to spread kisses along your body. Each touch of his lips spreads a heat throughout your body, making you even wetter than you already were.
As his lips found their way to your breast, a soft sigh escaped your lips. Arthur's mouth moved with a practiced rhythm, his movements calculated to elicit the sweetest of moans from you. With each kiss and gentle suckle, he drew out your pleasure, his touch igniting a fire within you that burned hotter with each passing moment.
His lips trailed from your breast to your neck, peppering delicate kisses along the sensitive skin. Finding a spot that made you gasp and arch your back, he lingered there, his ministrations drawing out a deep, primal moan from deep within you. He had surely left a mark, something that you would have to worry about covering up tomorrow.
Arthur shifts slightly, supporting himself as he rises, granting you an enticing view of his hard cock. With a few quick pumps of his hand, he looks at you, both your eyes glazed with undeniable lust. Without a word, he poses the question, "Condom?"
Your body slightly moves to the side and your hand reaches instinctively to the nightstand drawer, quickly retrieving a foil packet. You tear it open, pulling out the condom. As you carefully slide it down his throbbing length, a soft groan escapes him, his body responding eagerly to your gentle touch.
The anticipation hangs heavy in the air as the two of you lock eyes, dark with desire. You search his eyes for any hint of hesitation or doubt, but all you find is pure admiration reflected back at you. And in that moment, there was no need for words, you knew how much you craved each other.
He gently rubs the tip of his cock against you. Your eyes shut tight, a soft moan escaping your lips as you feel the sensation of his cock exploring your wet folds.
Arthur's voice breaks through the haze of desire as he asks, "Ready?" You nod eagerly in response, your body craving the intimate connection that only he can provide. With a gentle thrust, he enters you, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from your lips. Your hands instinctively grip his shoulders for support, while his hands firmly grasp your hips, guiding each rhythmic movement with care.
You pant out his name between breathy moans, the sound reverberating in the air as he continues to thrust into you. "Arthur," you gasp.
He pauses, his movements slowing, and he looks down at you with genuine concern. "Is this okay?" he asks softly, his eyes searching yours for any hint of discomfort. In that moment, the connection between you felt deeper than mere physicality and it all started to feel more intimate and meaningful.
He waits for your response, his breath mingling with yours as he gazes into your eyes. When you nod in affirmation, a wave of relief washes over his face. With a tender smile, he resumes his movements, each stroke of his cock against you more passionate and deliberate than the last.
Arthur murmurs, "Y/N, you feel absolutely amazing, darling," as he grunts with each slow thrust, a subtle force behind each movement now, hitting your sweet spot deliciously.
You grip his shoulders tighter, your voice a low moan. "Fuck, Arthur."
Your moans and grunts intertwine, echoing throughout the empty apartment as the two of you become lost in each other.
Arthur rests his forehead against yours, his movements still steady as he continues to pleasure you. A soft smile graces his lips as he whispers, "You're so beautiful, Y/N," planting a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Your mind swims in a sea of pleasure, every sensation heightened as you surrender to the moment.
Arthur maintains his pace, gradually speeding up as the intensity between you heightens. Each movement feels like a perfect fit, as if your bodies were made to intertwine in this exact moment. As you feel your orgasm approaching, you can't help but release a string of uncontrollable moans, "Shit, Arthur, I'm close."
Arthur slows his pace slightly, his thrusts becoming deeper and more intense with each movement. You can feel him filling you completely, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. "Me too," he responds breathlessly, his arousal evident in his voice, matching the urgency in yours.
Moments later, Arthur reaches his peak, his release triggering your own. You cry out into the crook of his neck as waves of ecstasy wash over you, your bodies trembling in the aftermath of shared pleasure.
Both of you are left as absolute panting messes, your bodies still intertwined. His lips move across your face, peppering tender kisses everywhere, trailing down to your neck where he places a kiss at the mark he had previously left.
Gently, he pulls out of you and excuses himself momentarily. He returns with a wet towel from the bathroom, carefully cleaning you up before tossing the towel aside. A gentle peck on your lips follows, his affectionate gesture speaking volumes.
Settling into the spot next to you, he pulls you onto his chest, his arms wrapped protectively around you. "I'm so lucky to have met you," he murmurs softly, his words laced with sincerity. He places a sweet peck on your forehead, feeling the weight of the day finally catch up with you as sleep begins to overtake you.
You snuggle closer, a contented smile gracing your lips. "No you have no idea how lucky I am," you whisper, your voice barely above a breath. With a final sigh of contentment, you drift off into a peaceful slumber in his embrace, the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat lulling you into a deep sleep.
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A/N: Thanks again to everyone who sends in requests. I appreciate all of you so much. I have about 6 works in my drafts right now that I am working on getting out as quickly as possible.
Check out my other fics and oneshots here. Requests are open...or just drop in for a chat! 😊
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extracted messages to kutner from his official virtual obituary. the site is no longer up (it used to be at fox.com/kutner) but an archived version can be found here!
thanks to hugeegosorry and dorkylittleweirdo for contributing in the notes w/ the missing letters and the web archive link :-)
(im working on adding alt text to these, but for now transcriptions for the letters can be found under the cut)
Dr. Chris Taub:
I really don't want to write anything. I Have nothing to say… I'm pissed off. Why didn't you talk to me? Idiot. I miss you.
Chris Taub
My first memory of you is when you got fired as #6. My second memory of you is when you reappeared as #9. My third is when you set that patient on fire trying to restart his heart. Later on, I was the one you confided in about your parents. About what happened to them. And I always felt there was so much more to talk about…
I wish we had more time.
Remy #13
Eric Foreman:
I wish I'd gotten there sooner
I'm sorry
Dr. Allison Cameron:
I don't know if you knew this, but… out of all those new people, I'm pretty sure you were House's favorite.
Allison Cameron
Lisa Cuddy:
I think what I remember most was your kindness. When I first adopted Rachel, a lot of people offered to come help, to babysit. But you're the only one who actually did. Nobody could make Rachel laugh like you. We'll both miss you.
Dr. Robert Chase:
I didn't know you that well – I guess nobody did x
Robert Chase
Dr. James Wilson:
When you gave me some of your short stories to read, I remember you practically apologized as you handed them over; that's how shy you were about sharing them. But I don't know why. They were actually pretty good.
James Wilson
Gregory House:
[Left blank]
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 2 months
Ok everyone is on a shadow milk train so might as well submit a shadow milk thing....I can submit other stuff later.
Shadow milk x reader....after reader had a terrible nightmare and wakes up, upset...shadow milk can comfort em and cheer em up...aaaand possibly help them go back to sleep.
I should be doing my older requests but fuck it- I want some of this shit
I have no fucking idea if Shadow Milk even sleeps since his soul is locked away and all, but we'll just say he does.
Tw: mention of trauma, clown music
You wake up in the middle of the night, shaking slightly. What you had just gone through? Those memories, those terrible memories. They all kept repeating in your mind, stabbing you over and over again with the same blade of trauma. You feel movement beside you, a grumble coming the jester.
"What's wrong?" He turned his head to face you, his eyes less vibrant than they are in the daytime. He reached out to grab your hand, briefly glancing at it. "You're shaking again." He reached out his other arm to hold you close. His voice sounds a bit croaky from sleeping, but comforting compared to the screams of your nightmare.
"You're fine. You're no longer in that treacherous place, dearie. No one can give you a fright, except me. Your one and only clown." He poked a few jokes to lighten the mood, and it worked. A little. You feel yourself coming back to your body, no longer in that dream world. You put your head on his shoulder, staring up at the ceiling.
"Shadow Milk..." You mumble, still a bit lost in your thoughts.
"Shush. Don't waste your time thinking. Just remember I am here. You should focus on me instead." His words might seem mean or ignorant, but you could tell he meant well. He wants to be there for you. He wants to distract you from your mind of swirling agony.
He starts to lightly hum, and you immediately recognized it. It was The Entry of the Gladiators. The most iconic clown song on earth. You almost wanted to laugh. He holds your tighter, practically squishing you to his side.
"Go to sleep. We can clown around in the morning my dearest." He continues to hum the silly song, making it seem like it was a lullaby for you.
Perhaps it was. He is your clown after all. You feel weight on your eyes. You can't resist the pull of slumber. You fell asleep in silence, his crazy self now the topic of your mind.
I wrote this in like 30 minutes so I apologize if it's a bit messy. But hey, having fun is more important.
I love how I try to make a softer post- which always ends in some form of shitpost.
If you don't what The Entry of the Gladiators is go search it up. I'm 100% sure you'll recognize the song.
(da da da-da-da da-da)
- Celina
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jadeee · 1 month
My Favorite Fairytale
Kento helps your daughter with her first loose tooth, but does she have to grow up so fast? 1.7k ⁑ slight mention of depression @ittosbigfatmantitties @ner-dee @luneariaa @jaix-chan-blog @stressed-cryptid
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"Don't touch it. Your hands aren't clean."
Kento placed his hand over your daughter's which inched toward her mouth. A soft sigh left her tiny body as she watched the screen.
Connecting ... connecting ... the blue screen disappeared once you filled its space.
"Hey, did something happen?"
Kiyomi's brows jumped up to her forehead, eyes widened with a huge smile to match. He'd only taken in a breath when she grabbed his phone.
"Look," she wiggled her tooth.
"Kiyomi..." Kento gently pulled her hand down again.
"Ohhh, is it ready?"
"I think so, but papa said to wait."
He glanced at you then nodded. Moments ago, he attempted to pull the tooth (with a gentle hand) at his daughter's request. Her brows pinched ever so slightly, eyes shut, muscles tensing for what was to come next. When he heard the beginnings of a squeal, he'd let go. His hand rested on his knee as he'd knelt down to her level. Looking into her eyes felt like a mirror. The familiar mix of frustration and determination, much akin to stubborness.
"We should wait."
"Let's call mommy. She can help us!"
Kento was pulled back to reality by the sound of your voice.
"If papa said to wait, we should wait, sweetheart."
"Ugh," her dramatic groan aimed toward the ceiling as she threw her head back.
"Kiyomi." Kento and you said in unison.
"Can we try one more time?" Please?"
For a moment, the two of you stared at each other. Speaking a secret language only parents could understand. Kiyomi watched then beamed when she saw you both nod. Thus, the daily ritual began once more with Kento washing his hands, grabbing a paper towel, and kneeling in front of his daughter. His fingertips held the small ivory in her mouth. A slight tug... she held her breath and so did he. 
"It's not ready, darling." he rested his hand on his leg.
"You can pull harder. I'll be okay."
His hazel eyes met hers. He found himself attempting to commit the moment to memory in the moment of silence. The truth was: he couldn't bring himself to do it. It was only a tooth, but she was his little girl. His stomach twisted at the thought of her  yelping or crying. Then there'd be blood and another tooth that'd grow in... would she ever need braces?
"We'll try again later. How about a snack?"
"Hm... okay." she hung her head.
His chest tightened at the sight while the guilt seeped in.
"What would you like?" your voice filled the dead air, "We can have papa make Super Special Salad?"
Kiyomi nodded as she wiped her slowly falling tears.
"You'll have that tooth out in no time."
Kento placed his hand on her shoulder as your words worked to comfort her.
"We can have taiyaki too."
She looked up at him, "Really?"
"Yes," his thumb wiped the damp tears from her cheeks "but until then, it's Super Special Salad."
Without warning, she wrapped her arms around his tall frame. He patted her back then gave her a small squeeze, "Aishiteru."
He chuckled, realizing they needed to work on her Japanese a bit more.
"Alright," he patted her back once more "let's make that salad."
"Wait, I have to use the bathroom first."
She ran down the hall before he could utter a word. The man rose to his feet then glanced down the corridor. A remnant of a smile flashed across his face before washing his hands to start on the snack for his daughter. If you aren't a regular at the Nanami household, then you may mistake Super Special Salad for your usual lettuce, tomato, and carrots. This is where you're tremendously wrong. Kiyomi hates tomatoes... and lettuce... though she doesn't mind the "orange sticks" as she calls them.
Super Special Salad is a Kento classic of fruit cut into a medley of shapes. It's one of the ways he helped her learn circles, triangles, and such. Kiyomi's absolute favorite are the flower shapes. He's made sure to add more of those as she's gotten older.He proudly prepared the area for his sous chef, straightening the cookie cutters as they lay on the cutting board.
"Kiyomi!" he stood in the kitchen, listening for any sound of her. "Kiyomi?" his fingers untied the apron he'd put on then set it onto the counter.
"Kiyomi." his voice was steady and stern, unlike his heart which beat hard in his chest with each step he took toward the bathroom. The light poured out into the hallway, a sliver of a shadow decorating the center. "Ah!" its limbs flinched back. The sound caused Nanami to rush forward. His hand pressed against the doorframe, eyes looking dead ahead for the threat only to find Kiyomi holding her tiny tooth between her fingers.
"I did it!" she held it up at him. Her eyes were slightly damp from the tears that dared to spill over moments ago. "It didn't hurt that much! Can we have taiyaki now?!" 
His heart resided to its usual rhythm as he stared at her in disbelief. 
"Are you mad? ... I washed my hands first like you said! See." she held her free hand up to his face. 
The smell of soap wafted toward his nostrils. He knew that he should've chastised her then. I said we would try again later. You should've waited for your mom and I, so he knelt down to her level. She drew her hand back and clutched onto the tiny ivory victory she'd been fretting over for days. He placed a hand on her shoulder "I'm very proud of you." His eyes softened when he looked at her gap-filled smile.
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For the last few hours, his face remained that way. As if he were frozen in time in a perpetual state of bliss. Rosy cheeks, soft lines gracing the sides of his mouth and eyes from smiling or laughing at something his daughter said. Hands that were consistently making their way over to you, whether it was to take the spoon from you so he could make dinner. Occasionally, they'd squeeze your thigh, rest it on your waist, or find their way to your very own hand. Lips that started to tell Kiyomi a bedtime story as he held onto her. 
"You're smushing him." she gestured to Paprika the Red Panda, as she'd so aptly named him.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Paprika." he grabbed the stuffed animal then placed it on his lap "Do you think he wants to join us?"
"Of course," you peeled back the covers so Kiyomi could tuck him in next to her.
"Ready for storytime?"
You nodded along with Kiyomi then Kento cleared his throat. "Once upon a time, there was a man. He wasn't very happy. He was sad a lot but he didn't talk about it, so --"
"Why was he sad?" Kiyomi glanced up at the storyteller.
"We'll get to that later." Kento brushed a spot of leftover taiyaki from her cheek. Your fingers found their way to her hair which you mindlessly played with. She leaned a bit more into your touch, her head in your lap while her arm rested near her father. He took his hand in hers.
"So, he'd eat, work, and go to sleep. Only to do it all again the next day."
"Did he have any friends?" Kiyomi chimed in again. Kento went silent then shook his head, "Not really. He did but he wasn't very good at talking to them."
"Why not?"
Your fingers gently grazed over her scalp "Kiyomi... sometimes people don't feel like talking and... it feels better to be alone."
"But if your sad, you should talk to someone?"
"Right," Kento squeezed her hand. "If you're sad, you should talk to someone. Promise you'll do that, okay?"
Kiyomi nodded "I promise... but what about the man?"
"Well, he lived like that for a long time until he met a lady who was," his eyes landed on you "... incomparable."
Your eyes flicked up at him and he saw the light in them immediately. In the few seconds of silence, you two exchanged a loving glance.
"What's incomparable?"
"It means that there's nothing else like her."
"Super Special Salad?"
He shook his head.
"Taiyaki?" you challenged him and he chuckled then shook his head once more "Nothing."
"She's warmer than the sun and softer than moonlight. If I tried to compare her to anything, I think it'd be quite rude... we can say.. she's magic and I can't imagine living in a world without magic."
"I like magic!" Kiyomi's eyes lit up "Uncle Gojo showed me a magic trick."
Your laughter filled the room and Nanami only smiled to himself. "Let's stay away from his magic tricks for now."
"Okay, continue with your story." your laughter died down.
"Anyway... a few years later, the man found that he couldn't live without the magic woman so he asked her to grow old with him and y'know what she said? She said yes."
"Was he still sad?"
"Hm... sometimes but being with her helps him... they're kind of like a quilt. He has these holes and pieces missing, but she comes in and fills it with a patch."
"Mommy, what's a quilt?"
"It's like a blanket," you caressed her cheeks as she started to blink slowly, giving in to sleep.
"Papa, why'd you tell that story?" she rubbed her eyes.
"I kind of like it. Did I bore you?"
He glanced down at her then noticed the steady rise and fall of her chest. Her lashes unmoving as she slept soundly.
"It was a great story. Even if it wasn't a fairytale." You looked at your husband and cupped his cheek.
"Who said it was a story?" his eyes gazed into yours, skin growing hot from your tender touch. The remark made your breath hitch, you were stunned by his words. He placed his hand over yours, never breaking your gaze. The Look of Love fails short when describing the emotion that resided in his face. Yes. his hazel eyes were warm. A soft smile permanently stuck on his face... yet, there was something more. You'd felt it in the way he squeezed your hand. The silent "thank you" for simply existing and making everything better.
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lilacevans · 1 year
'*•.¸♡ 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒈 𝒎𝒚 𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 ♡¸.•*'
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: ̗̀➛ werewolf!ari levinson x human!reader. background: werewolf!curtis everette x reader, werewolf!andy barber x reader, vampire!lloyd hansen x reader, hybrid!nomad steve rogers x reader, vampire!ransom drysdale x reader, werewolf!jake jensen x reader
: ̗̀➛ summary: the new moon triggers some unusual behaviours for ari, and you need to make more than one hard decision.
: ̗̀➛ part of the kills & kisses verse!
: ̗̀➛ word count: 5,110
: ̗̀➛ warnings: mild descriptions of violence, smut, oral (f!receiving), fingering, grumpy ari, ari in a rut.
: ̗̀➛ notes: this was supposed to be a blurb completed within a night; it's become whatever the fuck this is. i hope u enjoy it. this is my first proper fic on here. like, well, at least one of this length. pls lemme know what u think!! send me some asks & we'll talk about it. *this is unfinished
: ̗̀➛ playlist: the kills & kisses playlist is here!
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In the days before the full moon, Ari usually struggled a little with his moods. This time, however, things seemed much worse. The week before, his mood began to deteriorate, he became tenser and less talkative. He'd tuck himself away more often in his study, finding comfort surrounded by dusty books, rather than in the company of his housemates. 
On the first day, you would notice nothing out of the ordinary, just a tightening of his jaw, downturned lips, and heavy, long sighs over trivial things that wouldn't normally bother him. A split cup of coffee, a mess in the living room, shared attention. 
Whereas a few days earlier, he would be patient and thoughtful; by the third day, he would become snappy and in some cases downright mean; cruel, even. His harsh words and sudden outbursts made tears flow down your cheeks, and your head hung low before you could hear him apologise and wrap you in a warm hug.
''Goddamn it, Pup!'' Ari suddenly explodes, interrupting your excited and enthralled ramblings over a new book, forcing you to jump out of your skin and clutch the book to your chest, and clam up. ''I'm trying to fucking work. Bother someone else!''
You stared at him, swallowed the lump in your throat, and willed the tears in your eyes to not fall. You took a step back and whispered a small apology before darting out of his study. You told yourself it was just the full moon, repeating it like a mantra in your head as you made your way to your room. As soon as the door closed behind you, you threw the book to the ground and sat by the window as tears began to fall while looking out at the manor grounds.
An hour later, Ari let himself into your room, closing the door behind him with his hands tucked in his pockets and a dejected look on his face. Seeing him stand so sheepishly brought back memories of when you first entered the house before it was your home; reminding you of how scared you were, how you never wanted to be ever again after you found he was safety disguised as danger. No one would ever know what a true, sweet soul he was. His softness was something he reserved for you in spades. 
''It's the moon, pup,'' he explained, cutting into the silence, still a tightness to his voice. ''I don't mean to be like this, and I'm overdue for a rut, it's just… Fucking with me. I'm sorry. I know this isn't fair on you.'’
''I know you don't mean it,'' You sniffled as you pulled your legs to your chest, wrapping your arms around them and resting your chin on your knees, peering up at him with wet doe eyes, ''I just wish you didn't have to feel like this. I can't imagine what it's like.''
''You'll find out once you choose what you want to be, either way, you'll be battling mastering control and suppressing gnawing impulses,'' Ari sighed, tightening his lips into a short smile as he made his way over to you. ''And, there ain't no way I'm letting you age past me, pup, so you better get to choosing,'' Ari said with a subdued laugh.
''Still thinking,'' You hummed, eyes falling closed as he leaned down to briefly kiss your forehead. You smiled despite still being stung by his off behaviour. ''Seeing you like this, watching the others struggle with their own things, I'm not sure I want to be either,'' you admitted, sighing as Ari nodded slowly. ''I just don't understand why the others don't get the same way. Yeah, Steve can be a little moody. Andy gets all quiet... Curtis doesn't seem to mind it much, not even Jake, and he's like, a newborn werewolf, but nothing like how you get.''
''Everyone handles it differently, pup. It affects us in different ways. I wish it didn't mess with us at all.''
By day five, getting him to talk to you became impossible. He'd be withdrawn and quiet, and everyone would end up walking on eggshells around him. He'd become more possessive, more handsy, you couldn't move without him following close behind. 
Even during the most mundane tasks, he was right beside you. 
You'd be making breakfast, and he'd be standing right behind you. His fingers crept under the hem of your shirt and rubbed at the skin of your hips, before smoothing his hands over your belly and nosing at your neck. Soft rumbles vibrated from his chest, wet lips grazed behind your ear. Sometimes, he'd dip his hands down your shorts and dance his fingers along the waistband of your panties. 
Every time you attempted to push for a little space, you'd earn a defiant growl in response, and he'd cling harder to you.
''Ari, I can't move,'' you whined, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. Ari nuzzled his nose further into the crook of your neck, a soft growl emitting from deep in his throat, fingers massaging the meat of your waist. ''I need to get to the stove,'' You tried again, but it was no use.
''Let her move, Ari,'' Steve instructed as he strolled into the kitchen, coffee cup in hand. ''We ain't gonna get to eat if you don't let the little lady cook for us.'
Before you even got the chance to laugh, Ari was gone from behind you and snarling in Steve's face. The men were so close, their foreheads were almost touching. Ari's shoulders were back, hands balled into fists, and breathing heavily. Steve had his hands up in defence, a feeble attempt to defuse the situation. You dropped the spatula and knocked the egg mixture to the floor as you rushed over to pull Ari back.
''Hey, none of that,'' You scolded, pulling on his arm. ''Come away from him,'' you said sharply, placing a hand on Ari's shoulder and waving for Steve to back up, which he did slowly and cautiously. You tried to gain Ari's attention, but his eyes stayed locked on Steve until he left the kitchen. The door swung heavily behind him. That's when Ari relaxed and closed his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest, his face buried in your neck again.
''What the hell was that?'' You demanded, but got nothing but a grumble in response as Ari ran his hands over your back. You let out a defeated sigh and lifted your arms around his neck. ''You're gonna end up killing someone,'' you murmured, shaking your head when you get nothing but a short growl in response.
You spent the rest of the day putting out fires. Ari had lunged at Curtis, teeth inches from his neck, for simply tucking a stray hair behind your ear. Attempting to pull Ari back from Ransom after he ended up with a bloodied nose for placing a hand on your hip. Stopping Ari from jumping up off the couch from where he has curled himself around you, Lloyd leaned down to kiss your cheek and earned a boot in the rib from the temperamental wolf. Andy was left nursing three broken fingers for daring to squeeze a hand around your waist while you welcomed him home. Jake was left with claw marks down his arm for attempting to cover you with a blanket during movie night.
Each incident was followed up by Ari dragging you close to him and snarling out a threatening, ''mine.'' The only word he had spoken in the past twenty-four hours.
''Yours, Ari,'' You agree, hands stroking the sides of his face, curling your fingers in his hair. ''All yours.'' Not entirely true, but it has to be during this time for the safety of your housemates. ''Let's go, come on,'' you say, and pull him up from the couch, mouthing apologies to everyone before guiding Ari away towards the bedroom.
'What am I going to do with you?'' You sighed as you closed your bedroom door behind you, eyeing the grumpy werewolf as he climbed onto your bed and reached out to you with a grumble. You tilt your head back, your shoulders dropping, letting out a sigh at the lack of response before strolling up to the bed. 
''You can't keep fighting everyone, I know the moon is fucking with you, but Jesus Christ, Ari,'' You scolded as you joined him, letting him pull you close to his chest, legs tangling with yours as you listened to his strong heartbeat pound through his chest. ''You're gonna have to stay out of their way, this isn't fair on them,'' You try again, looking up at him and snorting out a little laugh at his knitted eyebrows and sour look. ''It isn't fair on me,'' You stress and reach a hand up to scratch your fingers through his beard.
You spend the next two days hauled up in your bedroom, Ari only letting you leave to make food and grab snacks and drinks. The rest of the time, you were dressed in his t-shirts, wrapped in his hoodies, sat snugly in his boxers, reading a book out loud while Ari massaged your thighs and waist. He kept his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck, nose rubbing against the skin behind your ear, placing small kisses and licks. 
Having to deal with his protests of letting you shower unless you're using his shampoo and body wash, you need to be there to get his scent right back on you once you've washed it away. While you sat at your desk, he'd sit between your legs, arms snug around your waist with his head in your lap, soft rumbles demanding a kiss, or for you to comb your fingers through his hair and scratch the space behind his ear.
The night before the full moon, Ari was a wreck. Irritated growls, a sheen of sweat on his brows. Suddenly, he couldn't stand the smallest touch, pulling away from you each time you tried to; your fingertips were burning right through his skin. 
Pained whines as he clutched his stomach and gripped his thighs, making your heartache and your stomach twist in knots. He refused to eat, unable to even keep water down. He was too hot and cold all at once, causing him to bundle up and strip off within the next second. You pleaded for him to tell you what you could do to make him feel better, but never got a response. 
While unable to touch him, he still needed you nearby; shaking his head with a defiant growl every time you suggested talking to the others for a solution. You had never seen any of the wolves go through a new moon like this.
''Ari, there's got to be something I can do. This can't just be the moon. Please let me go and see what they can do.'' You pleaded, hands hovering over his curled-up form, not daring to touch if you caused more pain. ''Ari, please.'' You sigh in defeat as he let out another pained whine, followed by a throaty growl and a shake of his head. ''Just get on the bed, you can't be comfy here,'' You tried once more.
You wiped away a stray tear from your cheek as you got no response from him. You let your legs give out, sitting back on your legs, desperately wanting to reach out and pull him to you, while also damning yourself for not being strong enough to just lift him. You were lost, since meeting Ari, you'd never seen him in such pain before. The occasional grump, or low mood during the moon, sure, but never pain. 
That's when it hit you.
''Oh my God,'' You said slowly. You got to your feet and looked down at him. ''You're in a rut, aren't you?''   
''Not yet,'' Ari gritted out, baring his teeth, voice strained and coarse.
''Okay, okay,'' You nodded, trying to hide your glee at hearing his voice. ''But, you will be? Right? I can help. I can help you,'
''No,'' Ari growled out roughly, shaking his head as he strained and propped himself against the side of the bed, making you pause and suck in a breath as his face twisted up and a whine escaped his lips. ''I'll hurt you.''
''You won't,'' You tried to sway, kneeling in front of him. ''I'll be okay. Let me help you through it.'
Ari gave another shake of his head, eyebrows pulling together as his head lulled back, whining.
''Where does it hurt?'' You asked, only to be met with a telling glare from the werewolf, making you blush and laugh nervously. ''Oh, I thought- I thought it was your stomach.'
''It radiates,'' Ari explained bluntly, rolling his eyes.
''What about a hot bath, or a shower?'' You suggested. ''Get the sweat off you, might make you feel a little better. Then we can try and get some food in you.'
''It'll only come back,'' Ari brushed off, letting out a huff. ''Please stop making me talk, pup,'' he begged, letting his head drop to his knees as he wrapped his arms tightly around his legs. For such a huge man, you'd never seen him so small.
''Come on, let's get you in the shower,'' You pressed again as you rose to your feet and offered out your hand.
Finally, he placed his hand in yours and allowed you to help him to his feet. Your eyes immediately zero in on the prominent outline of his cock, sucking in a sharp breath, and eyes widening at the sheer size. Ari groaned and tried to cover his crotch, with his hand murmuring out a whined, ''don't look,'' and used his other hand, hooking a finger under your chin to move your head up, making you meet his eyes before he turned away and began to waddle towards the bathroom.
''Too late, I saw it,'' You snorted, rubbing a hand over his back as you kept close. ''Pretty sure that thing classifies as a lethal weapon at this point,'' You joked and laughed as he groaned and shook his head.
The night before the full moon, you faced challenges you didn't know existed when it came to Ari. Usually the perfect gentleman, he had turned into a feral beast. While you managed to usher him into the shower and curl up with the freshly washed werewolf, he still refused to let you help him with his rut. 
However, once cuddled in bed, wrapped in the soft, pink cotton sheets, he couldn't stop himself as he rubbed his clothed, rock-solid cock against the back of your thigh while he held you tightly against him. He had his face buried against your shoulder, teeth digging into the skin as he moaned and growled, desperate for release. 
You continued to beg him to let you help him, only to be denied by a shake of his head as he continued to rut his hips against you.
''Gonna have to go,'' Ari said breathlessly, but did not attempt to move or still his movements.
''You don't have to,'' you said, attempting to turn back to face him, only to be met with a tight squeeze on your hip telling you to remain still. ''Just let me see, let me help.''
''You are helping,'' Ari grumbled, panting and breathless.
''Then don't go,'' you pleaded. ''Stay with me, and keep doing what you're doing.'' You tried to rock back against his thrusts, but he kept you firmly in place. ''Do what you need to feel better.''
''It's not enough,'' Ari contradicted suddenly, whining and digging his teeth back into your shoulder, making you laugh irritably.
''So, let me help.'' You reached a hand back and placed it over his grip, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand. ''Just my hands, nothing else,'' you offered. ''Lemme help, Alpha.''
That seemed to snap whatever resolve Ari had inside him. You were soon shifted onto your back, the large wolf of a man climbing on top of you with lust-filled eyes and hooking a hand under your chin, the pads of his fingers bruising into your cheeks as he crashed his lips against yours. Gone was the pain of fighting off the rut. 
The wolf seemingly allowed himself to be completely drowned in the throes of it. The kiss was filthy, teeth and tongue, almost like he was trying to drink down every gasp, whimper, and moan that tried to escape your lips. 
He was a man starved, feral, and unrelenting. 
You parted your legs and lifted them to encase him and keep him there, fearing clarity would set in and he'd suddenly be gone. Your fingers tangled and pulled his long locks, while his gripped your waist and kept snugly around your throat.
''Ari, please,'' You moaned breathlessly against his assault on your lips and rolled your hips up against him. You whined as you felt his cock firmly rub against your throbbing cunt.
''Alpha,'' Ari corrected, nipping your lower lip and with the grip around your chin and neck. He tilted your head to the side, began to pepper kisses, and licked down the column of your neck. ''Keep rubbing on me, pretty pup. Show your Alpha how much you want his knot.'
The whiplash made your head spin and your heart pound in your chest. Suddenly, the solemn and quiet wolf was talking filth in your ear while you rocked against each other and showed no signs of quietening down or slowing down anytime soon. 
Lost for words, you surrender to him, relaxing in his tight grip and moaning loudly into the open space of the bedroom, knowing all the other inhabitants would surely hear you and know exactly what Ari was doing to you.
''Wolf got your tongue, sweet baby? Where's my begging gone? Not gonna be able to hold back, gonna breed this tiny little cunt. 'Gonna fill you up and get you fat with my pups. You want that, little omega? I'm gonna split you apart on my knot, knock all those pretty thoughts out of your head. You sure you want this, honey? You sure you can take it? Can you take me, honey? All of me?'' Ari ranted into your ear, licking the shell of your ear and nipping at your lobe. ''Gonna fucking make you take it, sugar.'
''Please, please,'' You chanted. ''Please, Alpha. I want it, I need you, please.'
Ari detached his hand from your neck and lifted onto his knees just enough to give him the space to freely flip you over. You panted into the pillow as he got to work, literally tearing the clothes from your body, silk pyjamas in tatters on the floor, leaving you in your bra and panties. 
Ari quickly rid himself of his clothes before hiking your hips up, making your back arch and face press further into the pillow. You arched your back further as you felt Ari's fingertips rub over your panties, tracing the line of your folds, gasping as his ring finger ghosted over your button. You could feel the wetness pooling over your core, feel yourself throbbing under his touch. 
You felt his hands run down your sides, fingers meeting as he slipped down the arch of your back. You moaned in anticipation, feeling his breath on your thighs, before crying out as he began to mouth over your mound, wetting the fabric of your panties even more. 
You buried your face in the pillow, wanton moans muffled by the cotton stuffing as Ari hummed a needy growl over your core, sending vibrations that made your toes curl and your hands fist the sheets below you. His fingers massaged your thighs as he continued to tease you over your panties.
''Alpha, please,'' you pleaded, lifting your head to gasp in the air and look back, your view obscured by your hips and his large shoulders. All you could make out was the slight rocking of his hips, rubbing himself against the soft cotton sheets. ''Please,'' you whined. 
''Tell me what you want, pup. Tell your Alpha you want him to taste this sweet little cunt,'' Ari replied cockily, heavy-lidded eyes peering from around the back of your thigh while he nipped into the flesh and his hands moved to paw at your ass. 
You sucked in a shaky breath. ''Please, Alpha, please taste my cunt. It's all yours. It's yours. Please.''
Ari wasted no time, hooking his fingers under the band of your underwear and snapping the fabric, discarding it off the side of the bed. 
Ari crossed his arms over the dip of your back, face pushing between your legs, forcing your back to arch as much as possible. His lips attached over your clit, his tongue rolling with every suction; the rough scratching of his beard mixed with the tight suction of his mouth, the softness and heat of his tongue quickly brought you to the edge. 
You tugged on the sheets below you so hard, your pointed nails ripped through the sheet, and your loud cries of pleasure dominated the room, mixing with Ari’s lustful growls. You rocked your hips against his mouth, overwhelmed and overstimulated. A hot flash overtook your body, your thighs tensed, and a warmth spread over your stomach. 
Soon shakes overtook your body, your core fluttering as you came on his tongue; chanting his name with desperate moans. Ari held you still as you tried to wriggle away, trying to get a break from the assault of your sensitive button. He wasn’t finished with you yet. 
You reached back to try and push his head away, crying out and shaking your head, unable to form any words due to your mind swimming with Ari; everything was Ari. Ari let out a disgruntled grumble, and while his tongue flicked against your clit, he grabbed both of your arms and pinned them behind your back, using the grip on them as purchase to continue keeping you held in place. 
Your thighs were shaking at this point, your stomach doing flips, and your body was covered in a sheen of sweat. Ari hummed blissfully, seemingly feeling full as he continued to taste you on his tongue. 
The Alpha pulled orgasm after orgasm from your abused cunt, before finally giving you relief for a short moment. That’s when you felt his fingertip prod at your entrance, and they felt the bed dip as your arms were released and Ari rose to his knees. 
“Such a pretty pussy,” Ari cooed. If your face wasn’t already flushed red, it certainly was now. “Can’t wait to feel it around my knot,” Ari continued to you as he slipped a finger inside you. The large digit curling in search of your sweet spot. “Feel it cuming around me, so fucking tight, ‘mega, fuck.” 
“More, Alpha,” you moaned, thrusting your hips back slightly. “Need your knot so bad.” 
“Gotta open you up, pup. Gotta make it fit,” Ari replied, slipping a second finger alongside the first. The sting from the stretch makes you suck in a hissing breath. “Such a tight, little cunt.”
You didn’t know that pain could feel so good. The ache in your back paired with the ones in your thighs mixed with the tingles left from Ari’s beard, and his fingers spreading you open bloomed a need you didn’t know existed. 
Ari hooked his fingers in a come hither motion, finally bumping against that special spot inside you, making you cry out and become a boneless mess. Your shoulders sunk into the mattress, face squished against the pillows as you rocked your hips in time with his fingers curling. 
Ari growled and reached over your arched body to take a fist full of your hair, forcing your head up from the pillow. 
“Stop hiding, little one,” Ari commanded, his fingers pulling sounds you didn’t know you could make from you. “I wanna hear all those pretty moans. Wanna hear how good I’m taking you apart. I want all of it.” 
Wanton moans dripped from your parted lips as Ari continued to open you up. Your hole now stretched around three of his large fingers. He was unrelenting in his mission to get you prepped enough for his knot. Ari used the grip on your hair to spear you back on his fingers, your whole body rocking back onto his fingers. 
“Alpha, it’s enough, it’s enough,” you moaned, craning your head back to look back at him, hair stuck to his forehead, bicep flexing as he twisted his fingers inside you. “Please, I need it now.” 
''Not enough, pup,'' Ari argued. ''Trust me, it's taking every ounce of control inside of me not to tear into this pretty little cunt--'' Ari emphasised his words by scissoring his fingers inside you, making you gasp and hiss from the sting of the stretch. He curled his body over yours and chuckled in your ear before he nipped the shell. ''Gotta have you ready, pup.'' 
After what seemed like an eternity of fingers curling and twisting, obscene sounds of your slick around Ari's fingers; pornographic moans and dark chuckles, teasing remarks and filthy comments from Ari, he finally pulled his fingers from inside you and pulled a shocked gasp from you as he flipped you onto your back and lifted your legs to your chest. He locked one hand behind your knees, keeping your thighs flush against your chest, while he grasped his length in his other hand and nudged the tip through your folds.
You angled your head, looking around to see him slowly fuck himself through your slit. The head of his cock bumps against your clit, making little moans fall from your lips.  Ari was seemingly mesmerised, eyes locked on his cock slipping through your folds, and your delicate fingers rubbing the tip of his cock until he dipped too low and the head caught against your hole, making you both gasp and his hand tighten its hold on your legs. 
Ari let his cockhead rest against your hole as he guided your hand away, and readied himself on his knees, letting out a deep breath before giving you a checking glance. From here, you saw the man's sheer size, the wolf looming over to take his prey in any way he saw fit. You gave him a nod, mouth agape, and let your head rest on the pillow, fingers tangling in the sheets, preparing for the breach. 
''Holy fuckin' shit, sugar,'' Ari moaned out as the tip of his cock slipped past your hole, your hands ditching the sheets and reaching around to grip Ari's wrists. All you could do was chant his name, whine, and moan as he continued to slowly thrust into you. ''You can take it, omega. You can do it for me, can't you, pup? I know you can, look how well you're taking me, you can do it, pup.'' 
The stretch, the ache from your core, your legs, your back; the hands that clutched your thighs, the growls and moans from Ari, it was all too much. 
Ari parted your legs, slipping through the space to cover your body with his own, elbows planted beside your shoulders as he caressed the sides of your face, wiped sweat-stuck hair from your face, and smoothed his hands over your hair. Your hand stroked his biceps, kneading the flesh as he slowly buried his cock deeper inside you, dropping his head beside yours and moaning long and slow into your ear as he finally bottomed out. Your fingers tangled in his hair, whining his name as you lifted your legs and clenched them tightly around his hips. 
''Feel like heaven, pup,'' Ari moaned out, slightly rocking his hips into you, nudging his cock against the sweet spot hidden deep inside you. 
''Not yet, not yet,'' You chant, strung out and whining, stuffed to the brim. 
''Can't wait much longer,'' Ari growled, fighting against his feral urges. ''Need you, Omega.''
''You have me, Alpha.''
Ari lifted back onto his knees, fingers curling under your knees and holding them firmly as he slowly pulled out until only the tip of his cock remained inside you; pulling delicate moans and needy whines from both of you. 
From there, it was only a few short thrusts until Ari became unhinged.
The bed creaked and groaned from the brutal pace of his hips. Pain and pleasure mixed perfectly; intoxicating and addictive, under his sharp teeth and piercing claws, blooming red under his trail. Both of you were reduced to puddles, unable to form any words, completely lost in each other; consumed by need and lust. 
''Not gonna last long,'' Ari began to babble, moans and growls mixing with his words as he continued to spear you onto his cock. All you could do was cry out and grip him as he used you for his pleasure. ''Gonna breed you, gonna fill you up, keep you on my knot. Get you full with my pups, my perfect little bitch. My beautiful Omega. My sweet little pup.'' His fingers bruised into your hips, claws nipping the skin. ''So fuckin' good, 'Mega. So good for me, taking it all. You ready for my knot, pup? You gonna take it?'' 
''Yes, yes, yes,'' You managed to chant, eyes locked on Ari's and arching your back as the wolf pounded into you. 
Ari leaned back down, hand cradling under your head, the other cradling your cheek and keeping you close in the crook of his neck. Your heavy breaths coated his skin, while your fingernails left trails of blood down his back, making him rut harder, obscene noises filling the room. You locked your legs again around his waist, while Ari moaned nonsensical filth into your ear. Growls and grunts overtook him as he became desperate to fill you to the brim. His teeth pinched into your neck, locking you down against the mattress as he claimed you. 
You could feel his swelling knot catch against your hole, making your nails bite into the flesh of his shoulder. He lifted up onto his hands, heavy-lidded eyes and parted lips; snarls and teeth, and started down, watching himself fuck into you as he crept closer and close to his climax. His hips began to stutter and started to push the knot fully inside you, locking you together. 
Your hands find his face and draw his gaze to yours.
''Look at me, Alpha. Look at me. Wanna see you while you fill me.''
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Jack is disenchanted and disappointed. As exciting as it was to talk to Tiny Can, he'd expected more of the AI Therapist.
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Sai went back to sleep again, he's exhaused from crying and reliving his worst memories. And Ji Ho and Jack decided to play a bit. But the only 'game' available is a boring puzzle... Jack: "Oh my, I don't know what's more boring. This puzzle or our therapy... Have they never heard about gamification? Or fun? Or to make it a bit more interesting?" Ji Ho agreed. Though the insight about Vlad and his own locked away feelings was interesting. Maybe he should follow and explore these thoughts a bit deeper.
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Suddenly Saiwa was wide awake: "What did you just say, Jack?"
Jack: "Uh - probably something wrong? You finish the puzzle, Ji Ho, I go and run."
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Saiwa: "No! That's actually brilliant!
Gamification! The Game!!!
We combine the AI with our game and make it a Therapy Game!" Jack and Ji Ho: "..." (Haha you can see how Jack and Ji Ho's brains are working ^^') Saiwa: "And not just for us - for other creatures too! This would have been so helpful when we'd been so scared and alone! And who knows? This could be a sucess and we'd make money to pay Rubyn and the others back!" We barely get to see Saiwa this excited ^^' But here some of his main interests meet, his love for games and computers - and being there for others and help them.
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Vlad went back home to grab Saiwa, Jack and Ji Ho's content they'd already had created for their game over the last months and then they started their epic gathering to develop the:
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For the computer game they'd planned, Jack already made the concept art and design, Vlad wrote and Ji Ho composed the music and soundscapes. They are going to feed all this to Tiny Can and see what kind of 'gamification therapy' he'll create. How exciting! (For me it really is! Imagine this: a game that also is a therapy - supported by an AI! How amazing would that be if you could see the things that make you suffer from a distance and you'd find solutions for them by doing insightful AND funny AND interesting quests! You'd gain helpful new habits and get rid of unhealthy ones by playing a game! Where I live it's so hard to find a therapy place. We have to wait up to a year -.- I do have high hopes in AI. You could go by your own pace. And you wouldn't even have to leave the house!)
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After a very long gathering, Ji Ho and Jack relaxed in the hot tub. Jack's pain is thanking him. They sat silent for quite a while, lost in their thoughts. Very unusual for Jack, but his brain is running on hyper speed now. He's so excited :3 And Ji Ho was pondering about his locked down feelings. The Bond made it easy for him to love Luci. They had a whole different approach to each other. While his relationship with Vlad was doomed from the beginning (their story in (kind of ^^') short -> here).
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The only ocassions where Ji Ho was really comfortable with Vlad was, when they touched and made love. And this is also a benefit of the Bond and Luci because Ji Ho hated being touched in the beginning. After all he'd seen at the House of the rising Sun in the slums of Sulani. But Luci had approached him slowly and tenderly. Ji Ho shared his thoughts with Jack: "Do you think this might be a way to become more comfortable with Vlad and finally be able to love him? And to find my buried down feelings?" Jack: "I think that's brilliant! At least one of us learned something in that therapy. When you charge the Bond later, just try a bit more and we'll see how it goes."
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A little later Vlad came down: "Uhm, I'm leaving now. The Bond..."
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Ji Ho left the hot tub and went over to Vlad to charge the Bond - and try his new theory... They embraced each other as usual and then Ji Ho tried to kiss Vlad.
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But Vlad moved his head aside and whispered: "I want nothing more than you - but not like this." Vlad's breath ghosted over Ji Ho's still wet skin and made him shiver.
Vlad still has his principles - not to forget his foolish pride. No way he's going to have a plain physical relationship with Ji Ho - without love. There is no 'two out of three ain't bad' or 'it's better than nothing' in Vlad's world ^^' Only 'it's all or nothing'. He would do anything for Ji Ho, but he won't - and can't do that. It would break him apart. That does not mean it was easy for him to not give in and leave. Vlad really is the master of self control ö.ö
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And then Vlad left. Ji Ho seems a bit piqued after Vlad's rejection ^^'
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'I can't stop this feeling Deep inside of me Girl, you just don't realize What you do to me
When you hold me In your arms so tight You let me know Everything's all right
I'm hooked on a feeling I'm high on believing That you're in love with me'
Hooked on a Feeling - Blue Swede from the OST of Guardians of the Galaxy I
He will be mine, oh yes, he will be mine.
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Yang Mal: "Can we grill our corncobs now?" 🌽 Saiwa: "Uhm - sure ö.Ö'"
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Ji Ho checking the mail... 📬 Who might have sent that letter when Ji Ho looks like that?
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Tyalindo watching the sun set 🌅
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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Brat Tamer! Noah Head Cannon
A/N: So me and @artificialbreezy were talking and the topic of noah sebastian of Bad Omens and well...this happened 😅
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In all fairness, He just looks like he doesn't play that shit!!!
He said "Behave" you heard "Test my patience"
I also want to point out that he is 1000000% an ass man
ANyways, let's say you and the boys have been chilling in the house and you've just been running your mouth all day
As you're getting up to go to the kitchen the boys all ask for something including Noah
you're go into the kitchen and grab all the items requested except whatever it was that Noah wanted
"Here you go guys!" you say with a smile and hand them their respective thing and you go sit back down next to Noah. he lifts an eyebrow and clears his throat you completely ignore him and continue watching tv munching away
he pokes your thigh "where's my stuff at?" and without a second to spare you say "oh in the kitchen i figured since you had legs you would get it yourself" and turned back to look at the tv and eating
The boys nearly choked upon hearing your response
Noah is glaring daggers into the side of your face and simply sighs and gets up to go to the kitchen to retrieve the items
Later that night when everyone is getting ready for bed you walk into your shared bedroom Noah walking behind closing the door behind him and locking the door
THankfully he soundproofed the room cause bOI was it about to get loud in here
He yanks your arm and turns you around so you're facing him and grabs your chin so you are looking at him and can't look away
"Wanna explain what that fucking stunt was? Don't act fucking dumb either" you of course try to put on your best innocent act and say "I don't know what you're talking about sir"
he tightens his grip on your chin and says "oh yeah? well then i guess you don't mind me refreshing your memory"
tears running down you face along with spit as his hold on your hair doesn't let up as he drills into your mouth (your jaw will def be hurting tomorrow) "This is the quietest you've been all day baby...cat got your tongue?"
He'd gag your mouth and tie your hands together while attaching a vibrator to your clit because you've been running your mouth you must obviously want him to make you cry from overstimulation or edge you whichever works best right??
Other times he'll just put you over his knee or the couch or the bed or against the wall and make sure that your naked waist down he wants full contact with your skin when he lands a hit
He'd make you count every. single. one. regardless of your tears and sobs you better count "Oh what? Where did that attitude from before go huh? You were so tough earlier in front of the boys"
Couldn't keep counting? "Oh well it looks like you still haven't learned your lesson we'll just start again" and then he gets the belt
He wants to make sure you don't forget who has the power so he might tie you to a chair or the bed and make you watch him as he gets off
A/N: OMG this is long asf I got carried away my bad y'all 😅😅💙
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hi mousey!! been a while since I sent you an ask
I was putting on my make up earlier today and an idea came to mind, I need to know your opinion on this
how do you think the sdv + sve bachelors would react to a farmer who asks to do their make up? which ones do you think refuse? which ones ask before the farmer does, "can you do it?"? and which ones just accept?
hope you have a great day <3
Hope you have a good day too, dear anon, and thanks for the ask! ☺️❤️
SDV and SVE bachelors react to the Farmer who asks to do their makeup:
"Babe, I don't know anything about this."
Still, Shane tries to try to give them a makeup so they don't get upset.
Unfortunately, it didn't work very well.
But he does get a funny little face made of mascara on Farmer's cheek, heh.
Next time, however, he'll refuse, as he'll only make it worse.
Well, at least Shane and Farmer got a funny little memory.
Surprisingly, Elliott agrees right away.
And what's more surprising is that he manages to help Farmer with the make-up very well.
Everything is precise, neat and harmonious, like wow!
Surely our long-haired writer hasn't been a stylist before?
Elliott is happy to do Farmer's make up and tells them not to hesitate to ask him for help in the future.
"Oh, make-up? I'm sorry, my dear, but I don't think I can..."
Harvey does agree to help, though he doesn't count on success.
Totally calm when applying mascara to Farmer, but accidentally paints their cheek with mascara anyway.
On the third or fourth attempt, the doctor manages to give Farmer a simple and quite passable make-up.
Hey, a reason to be proud, he helped his loved one!
Hell yeah, Sammy can do quite good make-up! A little different, though.
The young musician has been thinking about make-up for his music band for a long time, so he's had time to practice.
Even though Farmer needs a light, simple ("and boring" as Sam described it) make-up, he can still help them.
And will do very well with mascara and foundation.
"You sure you don't want cool make-up like metal bands? Eh, okay..."
Sebastian definitely uses black eyeliner (my headcanon, you can't change my mind).
At times our dear emo was too lazy to do his own eyeliner, so will ask Farmer for help first. "Hon, can you help with the eyes please?"
Doesn't know much about the rest of make-up products, but if you need to emphasise your eyes, Sebby will never refuse a request.
And he'll ask for it himself if Farmer's okay with it as well.
What make-up? He's not a girl!
To be honest, Alex has only had a couple of make-ups, which are usually done by gridball fans, and, well, that's basically it.
So if Farmer's going to the stadium, then Alex can help with cool sport fan make-up.
If it's just some regular make-up, then no, sorry. He can't do it.
He could try, but he'd end up with paint all over their face. Oh well, at least he tried.
"Makeup? Oh, I've never done it, but my mom does her own makeup every day. Maybe she could help you?"
If Farmer insists on getting help from Victor specifically, he will politely decline.
He'd be interested in the idea, though, and a little later he'd watch tutorials on his laptop or ask Olivia.
The next time Victor offered to help Farmer with their makeup, wanting to practice.
"I thought it sounded interesting. Besides, we'll have one more common interest."
Magnus Rasmodius:
"Only with magic can I fulfil your request."
For Magnus, magic is almost the solution to all problems. He thinks magic will help here, too....
With his hands? Sorry, Farmer. A wizard certainly can't do your make up by hands. Only with a spell.
Well, he still has to remember the spell.....
Hold on, he should ask Camilla, she's definitely using that kind of spell.
Another clever mage from the magical society where agree to help Farmer with the help of his magic.
He also watches his appearance and sometimes uses spells, but he doesn't do his own makeup and tries to take care of himself without cosmetics.
How then he knows the spells of instant perfect makeup is a mystery.
A snap of his fingers and in a second, he has perfect makeup on Farmer's face.
Though in the future he may learn a couple of basics on how to do Farmer's makeup without magic. Just because the process itself is kinda interesting.
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abiiors · 6 months
Omg omg what about Ross’ reaction finding out that you are pregnant? That man is going to be the death of me 😭😭😭
omg omg omg okay 😭😭
i've already mentioned that you find out you're pregnant with april a week before your wedding. everything is already so stressful and chaotic. every single last minute change and finalisation is happening all at once and you haven't even had the time to breathe until you put your foot down and take the evening off just to relax a bit.
it's anything but relaxing though.
you see the notification pop up while you're scrolling through reels--your period tracking app reminding you to log your period in. it's innocent enough, you know you've forgotten to log it in in the past and received similar notifications but this one makes you sit up.
ross, next to you, also sits up in confusion.
"you alright?"
"yeah, uh... ross. fuck!" you swear so softly that he barely even hears it at first but the way your face goes pale alerts him. "fuck, two weeks!"
"what's two weeks? everything alright? you're scaring me babe!"
you wag the phone screen in front of him as if that's instantly going to clue him in but the confusion on his face remains the same.
"my period! it's two weeks late, it's... shit."
"o...kay?" he takes a deep breath and turns you towards him. "let's not jump to conclusions okay? do you think it could be the wedding stress?"
you wrack your brain to see if this explanation fits. to remember if you did indeed have your period and forgot about it in the middle of all the chaos. but absolutely nothing comes to mind. until... until another memory resurges.
both of you returning home drunk from your respective bachelor parties, coincidentally at the same time. sloppily fucking each other in the living room. and you can't remember if you used any protection.
"ross..." you squeeze your eyes shut as more of the memory plays in front of you. "remember the night of my hen do?"
he doesn't need to answer it because he pales visibly and curses softly under his breath.
"okay. okay here's what we will do, alright? just... i don't know, just lie down and i'll run to the shop and pick up a few tests if you want. how does that sound?"
he says all of it so quickly that you barely have the time to understand but you nod frantically and watch him run out the room.
twenty minutes later, he's back home--slightly out of breath and wide eyed but there's unmistakable excitement on his face. and something that suspiciously looks like... hope.
"i know, i know," he says, "we don't know yet but... fuck, okay! just take the test, okay? let's do that first."
and so you do. you do your business and keep the three tests on the counter, trying not to look at them when you wash your hands and as you're setting the timer. when you open the bathroom door, ross is pacing outside.
you nod and then bury your face in his chest. "what if it's positive, do you want it to be positive?"
ross lifts your chin to make you look at him properly and then smiles softly. "do you want it to be positive? i would be honoured to have a baby with you, sweetheart. you already are my family. expanding it with you would be the greatest thing ever."
if you weren't already on the verge of tears, that would have done the job.
"hey..." he wipes them away softly. "i want this baby, love, but that doesn't mean you don't get a say in it. if you're not ready right now, we have the rest of our lives ahead of us, yeah?"
"i know... just," you sniffle, blinking the tears away, "i want--i want a baby with you so so badly. i'm just worried--"
"about the timing?"
"yeah... about that."
"we'll make it work, love. if... if this is really happening," his voice sounds thick with emotion and his eyes shine brightly, "if we are really having a baby, i'll do everything possible to make it easier on you."
you nod, letting yourself feel just a smidge of excitement at the prospect of it.
"and if it's negative?"
"then we can start trying whenever you want." he grins and steals a quick kiss. "we can start trying right now. or on our honeymoon, or at the wedding. i reckon you'd look absolutely delicious in your dress, mrs macdonald."
"can't call me that just yet," you giggle and wipe away the rest of the tears.
"too late," he smiles, "i've called you that in my head for at least two years now."
you're about to respond when the timer goes off and you look at him, part petrified, part nervous, and entirely hopeful.
"let's look together?" he holds his hand out for you to grab and you take it gratefully.
ten seconds later when you look at the definitive plus signs on all three tests, you know your life is about to change for the best.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
bday girl (birthday partyverse!matty)
day 2 of The Birthday Party Project, first birthday as a couple - yours! this is my og friends-to-lovers couple, who've already had a very successful time of it at a birthday party, trying to manage your big day a mere few months after getting together. very fluffy, and very suggestive (because this pair especially cannot keep their hands off each other). enjoy! p.s. the pic of matty isn't thematic to the story, other than being an indicator of the era it's set in, i just think it's very pretty lol <3
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you're abruptly awoken by the tinny synthesised beeps emanating from your phone, informing you that someone wants to facetime you - something that should be illegal at this time in the morning (7am), you think. after flicking on the bedside lamp, you fumble to put your glasses on and pick up your phone, your irritation lessening rapidly when you see it's matty calling you. you tap the screen, and your boyfriend's handsome face fills it. he beams when he sees you, although you're sure you look ridiculous, all sleep-addled and askew. "happy birthday, darlin'! how'd you sleep?"
"terribly. s'not the same when you're not next to me. i miss you," you pout. "that, and i forgot how uncomfy this bed was. no wonder my back's fucked after sleeping on this for the entirety of my teenage years."
matty laughs as he wanders through what you recognise as his kitchen. "maybe you're just getting old. nah, i'm joking, babe, it's probably the bed."
"being mean to me on my birthday? you're evil, sweetheart," you say, rolling onto your front. "especially considering you couldn't make it up here with me today. but it's your loss, considering you didn't get to wake up to this, in a single bed."
at that, you balance the phone against the pillows and sit back on your knees, allowing your boyfriend an excellent view of your outfit - his mazzy star t-shirt, tight across your tits, and a pair of dark red panties. matty laughs then groans lightly, raking a hand through his curls. "fuck me, you're gorgeous. my fomo about not being with you just got a whole lot worse," he grins cheekily. "can i request you put on that exact outfit for me as soon as you get home?"
"yeah. but what about the eroticism of being pressed up against me wearing it in a single bed?"
"hmm, i suppose the couch will have to do. although i can't really spread you out there as i intend to, can i?"
your boyfriend giggles, although you both know he's being serious. his face softens, a wistfulness setting into those beautiful big brown eyes of his. "i really am sorry i couldn't come up to see your family with you, darlin'. s'shite that we're swamped with album promo right now. hate not being with my girl."
matty's words warm your aching heart (and "my girl" sends a burst of heat straight between your legs. muscle memory, you think - your boyfriend likes to say it when he's between them). "s'alright. what time d'you think you'll be done with work tonight? we could do phone sex!"
"i dunno, darlin', but i like the sound of that a lot. i'll text you," matty smiles. "and i expect texts from you today as well - wanna hear what you're up to celebrating, and you better send me outfit pics too. fuck knows i'll need to look at you being beautiful to get me through today."
you've known the man for the better part of a decade and been in a committed relationship with him for two full months; and yet, the constant casual compliments matty loves to shower you with never fail to both astound and arouse you. moving forward to lean on your stomach, you kick your legs back and forth behind you, giddy. "i can do that, yeah."
"god, you're so cute," matty sighs. his eyes flick upwards slightly, presumably to check the time on his screen, and fill with slight... dread, you'd describe it. "fuck. i'm so sorry, sweetheart, but i need to head to work now."
your turn to sigh. "don't worry, baby, we'll talk later. have a good day, yeah? i love you."
"love you too, angel. i'll speak to you soon. bye!"
you say a goodbye in response, and the call ends. for a few minutes, you do nothing but stare at the ceiling of your teenage bedroom and think about how much you wish matty was with you, then you roll yourself out of bed and get ready to spend a "nice day with your family", as your mum put it.
and it is a nice day, despite the longing for your boyfriend veiling it all. you open your presents over a fry up breakfast, dancing around the kitchen in excitement at the vintage barbie t-shirt your brother bought you. when you and your mum go into town, you spend ages in the bookshop you practically lived in as a uni student, glowing with pride when the staff ask you to sign a few copies of your books, and spend even longer in the shopping centre that opened after you left for london, trying and buying shoes and dresses and makeup products you probably don't even have room for in your flat. you head to meet the rest of your family for dinner in your favourite restaurant, your mum ordering a bottle of red wine for she and you to get stuck into while you wait for the others to show up. it makes you think of matty, and the longing for him worsens. you excuse yourself from the table after greeting your just-arrived cousin, sneaking out the front door of the restaurant.
when you're outside in the still-warm early evening air, you pull your phone from your handbag and check your texts. nothing from matty since four hours ago, when he responded to your summer-dress shopping mirror selfie with a compliment so risqué that it made your cheeks go intensely crimson and had your mum asking if you were ill. lovesick, maybe, unable to cope without seeing your boyfriend for two days maximum. you're briefly reminded of those couples at school who used to make out in the corridors before having one single class apart; the thought you might be anything like them makes you shudder, and swap your phone for the pack of cigarettes and lighter also in your handbag.
you've no sooner placed the unlit cig in your mouth when you hear a familiar voice from further down the street. "don't you fucking dare light that, sweetheart."
your heart skips, and your legs go to copy them when you turn to see matty, looking tired but heartbreakingly handsome as ever, walking towards you with your brother in tow. cig in one hand and lighter in the other, you run to your boyfriend, throwing your arms around his neck and legs around his waist as he picks you up in a tight embrace and spins you round. "what the fuck?! i thought you were at work," you say, hugging matty tightly as he puts you gently on the ground. you lean over his shoulder, pulling one arm free to point accusingly at your brother. "and you! did you know this was happening? you might've told me, you little shit."
the two of them laugh at you, matty kissing your forehead before he answers. "i was meant to be working, yeah, but we wrapped promo yesterday morning. texted your bro here to organise coming up to surprise you, and drove up today - as soon as we hung up this morning, i was in the car."
"you drove?! babe, that's like a seven-hour journey!" you gasp, pulling matty into you again. "you must be exhausted. christ."
"worth it," comes the reply, muffled by your hair. "there was no way i was missing your first birthday as my girlfriend, not a chance."
you place a delicate, chaste kiss to the underside of matty's jaw. "you're so fucking cute."
your brother makes a retching sound. "i'm gonna go inside before you pair traumatise me. don't spend too long kissing out here, please, you'll hold the food up."
you roll your eyes, but matty chuckles and extends a hand to your brother. "thanks for all your help, mate."
"no problem," your brother replies, as they fist bump. "it's for my own benefit, really - the last thing i want to hear is this one whining about you all day."
he smiles as matty laughs, and then leaves the two of you alone. matty waits until the front door of the restaurant closes before he turns to you. "i, on the other hand, definitely want to hear you whining about me all day. well, more 'whining because of me', but you get the gist."
"oh my god, stop it."
"sorry, baby," matty grins, kissing you languidly. "can you blame me, though, after that outfit from this morning and the dress you tried on? it's taking everything in me not to drag you into that single bed right now."
you twirl your fingers into the curls at the nape of his neck just the way you know matty likes it, looking at him up through your eyelashes. "i think you should do that."
matty's breath hitches, before he takes a deep one and composes himself. "can't - there's a whole family of yours in there that i need to play 'wholesome, charming boyfriend' to, first. but after that, darlin', i'll take you home and be as dirty as you want me to be, alright?"
"i... i love you."
"i love you too, sweetheart. happy birthday."
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babyraptor · 1 month
in honor of Trigun Fan Fic Week, i'm going to try to make a post every night featuring some of my favorites. because i'm currently deep in rereading some AUs, i thought i'd start with a list of those. posted in alphabetical order.
a kind heart to haunt - by littleghost (and its sequel wild horses couldn't drag me away)
a cowboy AU where Vash is a rancher trying to put his past as an outlaw behind him and Wolfwood is a bandit who finds himself on Vash's doorstep one night. he leaves shortly after, but not without stealing Vash's horse and coming back again and again.
Ascension Day - by farseersfool
Wolfwood is a hitman turned bodyguard assigned to protect his boss's twin brother.
At the Top of the World - by Insomniac_with_dreams
a cowboy AU where Wolfwood answers an ad to come work on the Saverem ranch for the summer.
Bloodstained Devotion - by Bohemienne
a vampire AU where Vash returns to his clan after years of hiding. he selects Wolfwood as his human sacrifice in the vampires' ceremonial rites, but wants to show him that vampires and humans can live together.
by daybreak we'll be gone - by catachresis
Wolfwood takes a janitorial job at a facility where top secret research is being conducted. he realizes it must have something to do with the creature living in the tank in the basement.
Eyes of the Storm - by tenshinokorin
a reincarnation/cryptid AU where Wolfwood returns to the orphanage as a caretaker and is haunted by memories he didn't realize he had.
Fire on the Mountain - by Yuku_Laylee
a Jurassic Park AU where Vash is a cryptid living in the zoo/theme park where the others all work. there are mysteries and strange events galore.
i shot cupid (needle and thread) - by itsacoup
a mafia AU where Knives is a crime boss who sends out his crew to find his brother. Wolfwood gets to him first.
inter paradisum et infernum - by itsacoup
Western AU where Vash the outlaw finds himself in the town where Wolfwood is the town priest.
The Lighthouse - by EloFromMars
Wolfwood is fresh out of jail and accepts a job as a lighthouse keeper. Vash is an eldritch sea monster responsible for the constant storms surrounding the lighthouse.
More Than You'll Ever Know - by KiriKiriBonBon
a vampire/reincarnation AU throughout centuries where Vash tries desperately the find the man he loves after he loses him again and again.
nobody said it was easy - by procrastinatingbookworm
i almost didn't include this on my AU list, because it's not quite an AU in the same vein as the others i've included, but this is one of my all time favorite fics ever, and so i couldn't leave it out. a post Trimax AU where Vash and Livio meet up after it's all over and try to put the pieces back together.
Someday out of the Blue - by tenshinokorin (and its sequel, I Believe in the Kingdom Come)
a post Trimax AU where a hundred years later, Vash runs into the reincarnation of Nicholas D. Wolfwood.
Strawberries & Cigarettes - by Umbr_el_on
a modern day AU where Wolfwood is a tattoo artist and Vash is the new florist across the street.
Those were the days - by EloFromMars
a super sweet modern day AU where teen Vash and teen Wolfwood stumble across each other and road trip across the country.
Trillium & Ivy - by Shastafirecracker
the modern AU to which i measure all modern AUs against. Wolfwood is the new funeral director at the funeral home across the street from Vash's garden center.
Waiting at that shallow grave - by riotintheheartt
a non-linear narrative where Wolfwood is a hitman assigned to kill Vash who does not stay dead no matter what.
Wildflowers - by Shastafirecracker
a fantasy/medieval AU where Sir Nicholas the Punisher enters the Forgotten Woods in an effort to capture the Beast Lord and end the blight that is killing the lands.
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causeitsagame · 1 year
UNTITLED ANGST PROMPTFIC THE THIRD (out of four, I am guessing)?
Sequel to this and this, and will make zero sense without them.
"So as I have said, all this time," Peko quietly finished, "Fuyuhiko has not given up our location."
Hajime's heartbeat thudded irregularly in his chest. It was exactly two months later, and he'd demanded the long-promised explanation even before anyone could eat.
Since they'd left the islands, he'd settled on one awful outcome as the most likely path. Fuyuhiko had promised to distract their would-be captors; he'd do anything to protect the knowledge he held; he'd said a rescue would be pointless after two months. One week after fleeing, a horrifying potential explanation for all of that had erupted into Hajime, unbidden: a suicide pill.
He spent the next weeks trying to think of absolutely anything besides that worst-case scenario. Over and over, he'd failed. When the day finally arrived, he'd grabbed Peko early as possible, wanting to collapse that quantum state of "dead" and "alive" into some known truth, whatever it was.
Never had he considered something even darker than Fuyuhiko offering himself up to die.
Hajime's jaw hung open at Peko's explanation, useless. No words came. It felt like his throat was swelling shut.
"And you did not stop him?" Sonia demanded, teary-eyed.
"Stop him?" Peko's eyes were just as glossy. "It was his idea. His choice to make. His decision that saved all of us."
Kazuichi looked lost, like some young child. "You both lied to me. I wouldn't… I wouldn't have sent the plane."
Peko's gaze drifted slowly downward. "It was the only way. He knew that, and so did I. If any of you pretend otherwise, you're diminishing his choice and his sacrifice. I won't allow you to dishonor him like that."
"Fuck that," Hajime spat. His blood surged hot as nightmarish memories crowded his mind. He remembered exactly what it had been like to be slowly sanded away to fit inside someone else. "And fuck you."
Peko looked back up and met his gaze with bloodshot, hollow eyes.
Hajime regretted the words as soon as they clawed out of him, but he swallowed hard and said nothing.
For a while, there was silence. A measured voice eventually broke it. "Ultimately, this was Fuyuhiko's decision. Peko is not his keeper. This has been a heavy burden for her to bear, I'm sure." The Imposter's face was solemn and determined. "But now, the rest of us can help. Hajime, it's fortunate that you negotiated that two month timeline. We'll put it to good use, now."
Sonia nodded slowly and lifted a shaking hand to her chest. "I'll start listening for any directions we might pursue. Kazuichi, can you please work on enhancing the ship's surveillance?"
He nodded, still bewildered and heartbroken over how he'd been used months earlier.
Inhaling, Sonia turned. "Ibuki, when I begin listening to those streams, will you help me work through the static?"
Ibuki looked up from where she gnawed on her thumbnail and nodded.
With clearly feigned confidence, Sonia forced a smile onto her face. "Then everyone, let us all do our very best with all of the tasks before us. Teruteru, I know you will have a wonderful meal for us to start our day. Let us do that first, and then get to work."
In silent unison, nearly everyone filtered out of the meeting room on the ship they'd adopted as their new home. The remaining duo took a while to say anything.
"I'm sorry," Hajime eventually mumbled.
"Perhaps I should have spoken up earlier." Peko gripped her wrist. "I am supposed to be making my own decisions, after all." After a heavy pause, she looked toward him. "You can't go."
Hajime's jaw set. "I have to."
"You were the main factor behind his decision. If we all only faced death, he might not have left. Simple death probably isn't worth these extreme measures."
It felt like the room's shadows abruptly deepened. For an instant, Hajime was back across the Pacific, feeling himself be stripped away. "So, if not for me, Fuyuhiko wouldn't have…"
"No. I really don't think so." Peko's gaze softened with understanding. "I know you want to help. But it's like he said, months ago: if you get captured, everything he's gone through will have been for nothing."
"But… I won't, they won't get me. But I'll get him."
"What do you think he'd do if you said that to him?"
Hajime tried imagining that, and could only picture soul-deep betrayal if he even made the attempt. "I just…" Biting his lip, he looked toward a porthole. Through it, he could see the cliff face that their ship was anchored along, helping to hide it in this small, tucked-away bay. "It's my fault. Something worse than death, and it's my fault."
"We'll get him back."
Hajime felt the ship tilt under his feet. They'd gotten used to living on the waves, but he was suddenly dizzy as it moved. He again remembered the unspeakable claustrophobia of feeling like his entire existence was closing in, followed by endless, useless freedom after that existence shattered. Will we?
It took another sixteen days until the question was answered. C O L L E C T E D, came each letter with agonizing slowness. The obscure data route was undetectable, but the speed meant that they hadn't been able to update everyone else on their progress.
Hajime's heart leapt as he saw Peko's transmission. Finding Fuyuhiko meant he'd been alive to find. And even better, she wouldn't have sent that until she, the Imposter, and their target were safely back on the helicopter they'd acquired. (From an abandoned Canadian base along the coast, and modified to remove absolutely all tracking elements.) "Mikan, get the infirmary ready."
The rest of the group was waiting behind him, unable to see the small communications screen. "For everyone?" Mikan risked asking in a tiny, tremulous voice. "Or did the mission… did things not go…?"
Hajime turned, grinning like he'd almost forgotten how to do. "For everyone."
Relief ran through them in a messy, joyous surge. They allowed themselves a few rounds of hugs before Mikan demanded to be let through, with the sort of confidence that only came to her for a patient's sake. Hajime's own relief practically felt like it had hollowed him out, and his hands shook as he moved to follow her there.
As the two of them worked on preparing the small infirmary, Hajime's mind skittered away from considering what state Fuyuhiko would be in when he arrived. His mind didn't allow him to view today as anything but amazing, and so every darker thought that piped up was quickly squelched. "He might hate how cold it is, up here," Hajime cheerfully said as he took inventory of their medical supplies. "Of course, he complained about how hot the islands could be."
"He might like it more here," Mikan agreed with a bright nod. The infirmary was on the other side of the ship, and its portholes looked out over water and onto the evergreen forest beyond. It might be Canada out there, or might be Alaska, but there were no still-living towns for a hundred miles in either direction. Unless someone knew exactly where to look, the Remnants were undetectable. There was food out there, too: berries and fish and meat and various other things that only Teruteru and Hajime could name.
It didn't feel like a home, but it had been okay. Maybe it would feel like home when all of them were together, again.
The two of them needn't have rushed. The helicopter had a long path to fly, and needed a stopover at an abandoned base in the Aleutians to refuel. Slow letters appeared again as the next dawn touched the trees: A L M O S T T H E R E.
"Stay in the infirmary!" Hajime ordered Mikan as he ran for the landing pad at the back of the boat. "I'll bring him in!"
The message had taken long enough to arrive that he could see the approaching helicopter when he ran outside. Hajime threw an arm halfway over his eyes to block the whipping gusts from its blades, but unlike the rest of their group, he kept walking forward against the wind. He could see the Imposter at the controls; Peko must be at the back of the craft with Fuyuhiko.
He's here, Hajime thought, and felt his eyes swim with sudden tears. We got him.
When he could finally slam the helicopter's door open and see inside, Hajime's heart twisted with mingled joy and fear. Yes, Peko was in the back of the aircraft, tenderly holding a slender figure wrapped in a blanket, but that figure was absolutely still. It took Hajime a moment to process that Peko's expression would look very different if she were holding a corpse, and he forced himself foward.
His heart twisted again; this time, only with agony.
Fuyuhiko's exposed skin was a mass of overlapping bruises and cuts, new and old and poorly healed. The scar over his bad eye had been further mutilated; there was probably no going without an eyepatch, now. And beneath everything, his skin was sallow and dry, with cavernous hollows under his eye sockets and cheekbones. One arm extended out of the blanket, and its wrist was awkwardly, painfully prominent. Fuyuhiko had never had weight to lose, but they'd stolen it from him, anyway.
Hajime looked at all that, and at the ragged red tips to all of Fuyuhiko's fingers, and felt a crimson wash pass over his vision. Focus on him, he thought, and balled his fists until they hurt. Think about them later. "I'll get him to the infirmary."
"Careful," Peko whispered. Her cheeks were marked with tear streaks, some fresh.
Hajime's arms shook as he slowly picked up Fuyuhiko. Despite his care, Fuyuhiko hissed as soon as his torso twisted even a bit. Probably broken ribs, Hajime thought, and began cataloguing the injuries as he walked forward. Limited movement prescribed for that. Significant dehydration; IV fluids. And…
The group split as he approached. Gasps and soft cries welcomed Fuyuhiko back to them, but everyone had more sense than to make any noise louder than a whisper. If he hadn't needed to limit the jostling that Fuyuhiko's ribs received, Hajime's arms would have shook by the time he stepped back into the ship's interior.
As he walked into the infirmary, Hajime whispered, "We got him."
Mikan's eyes filled with tears, and she moved for her supplies.
Fuyuhiko still hadn't come to, but faint groans and uncharacteristic whimpers suggested that consciousness was just below the surface. At one of those soft, vulnerable sounds, Hajime's heart seized anew. He couldn't help but kneel next to Fuyuhiko's shoulder, so their faces were close. "Hey. It's okay. You're safe."
That seemed to work, at least a little, so Hajime tried again. "It's okay. You're back with us. I'm right here and I'm going to help you. It's okay."
Fuyuhiko's good eye slit open. His gaze roamed slowly around the infirmary and eventually settled on Hajime, though he seemed to have trouble focusing. "Where's Peko?" The question came out as a cracked, tired sigh.
"We'll get her," Hajime promised, and nodded to Mikan. She nodded back and darted out of the infirmary. If Peko had been the one to actually carry Fuyuhiko to safety, he could only imagine what a relief she must be to see. They should have thought of that and insisted that she come along right away, despite the infirmary's tight quarters.
Fuyuhiko tried to run his gaze around the infirmary, again, but even that appeared to exhaust him. "Who're you?"
Hajime's heart skipped a beat. The optimism he'd used to brick off Peko's explanation of Fuyuhiko's horrifying plan began to develop thick cracks. "It's Hajime. Remember me?"
Fuyuhiko stared back at him, still unable to focus his vision. "You…"
Hajime barely kept himself from grabbing Fuyuhiko's hand to try to encourage him. Mikan hadn't bandaged the many, many wounds there, yet. "Yeah. Me."
"You must be all sorts of fucked-up," Fuyuhiko managed. "Looking at you feels like a whole burnt-out library."
Hajime's arms felt to weigh a ton apiece, suddenly. They hung heavy.
For the first time, Fuyuhiko's eye managed to focus, but he wasn't looking at Hajime. The relief and trust he'd hoped to see directed at him were finally there, but aimed only for the woman walking through the infirmary door. "So. What's the situation?"
"You're safe, young master," Peko whispered.
Hajime shook his head. Young master? He'd gotten her to stop saying that soon after waking up.
Fuyuhiko studied Hajime as critically as his barely-there energy stores would allow. "You mind?"
This couldn't be happening. It couldn't be as bad as Peko had described. It couldn't be that bad, not really. Not when he was back and alive. "Mind?" Hajime dumbly echoed.
"Private conversation."
"I. Sure. Okay." Numb, Hajime stood and stepped past Peko. She brushed down his arm with quick sympathy, but then stepped in to take the spot he'd vacated at Fuyuhiko's bedside.
Perhaps Peko didn't realize that he could still hear from there, or perhaps she didn't care. Maybe she even wanted him to hear. "Young master, these are the people I mentioned. You can trust them all."
"…You sure about that?"
"Yes. I am."
"'Cause I must've burned them out for a reason."
"You did. You were protecting them all, because you care very much. You even went back to memories of meeting them, it appears. Doing so much was very." Peko's calm wobbled momentarily, as did her voice. "Very brave."
"I get that. But." Fuyuhiko took a long pause. "I didn't burn out a chunk of stuff that was just about me. That way, I'd still know what year it was, and shit like that."
"That makes sense."
Fuyuhiko took a longer pause. "So I remember what I did."
Peko was silent for a while, in return. "Things are different, now. Very different."
"If these people know me… did they do that kind of shit, too?"
More silence. "Things are different, now."
"What about the guy who just left?"
Holding his breath, Hajime flattened himself more against the wall, like they'd somehow notice him eavesdropping.
"Hajime? What do you mean?"
"I look at you, and I know I burned out a lot of big memories starting in high school. I looked at that fat guy, and I burned out anything big, too. But that guy just now… everything. I burned out every goddamn thing I know about him. Why?"
Hajime's knees weakened, and he barely kept himself from collapsing where he stood. It took him a second to realize that Mikan, unable to hear the quiet conversation inside the room, was asking if he was all right. He ignored her.
"He was who you were most concerned about. You found it absolutely unacceptable for him to be at any risk of capture."
"He's who got me all fucked up, then? That guy?"
"Young master, that's not… the situation is very complicated. It is not Hajime's fault."
"Sounds like it is. Heh." The soft noise earned a hiss of pain.
That, Mikan was able to hear. With an apologetic look toward Hajime, she murmured something about needing to interrupt them and walked into the infirmary.
After a moment, Hajime walked away with slow, heavy steps, again feeling like his existence had been shattered.
His mind spiraled, veering between Fuyuhiko's horrific injuries, those dismissive words, and his own memories of existence burning away. With each such cycle, he spiraled tighter and lower, and everything began to overlap into a screaming, endless chorus. Soon, the doctors who'd stolen his own memories were the faces torturing Fuyuhiko, and they thanked Hajime for showing them the way.
Hajime started running. He barely made it back outside and to the ship's railing before he doubled over and coughed up a stream of bile. A large, strong hand gripped one shoulder while a metal one gripped the other, and both men asked if Hajime was all right.
"No," Hajime said dully, staring into the distance. He wasn't.
Because Fuyuhiko was right. And he'd been right, when he said it to Peko.
This was his fault.
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sugolara · 8 months
𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙚 𝘿𝙖𝙝𝙡𝙞𝙖
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ft. yandere! Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
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Good Taste
F/n was bored as she sat in detention. She had nothing to work on and so she stared ahead, her eyes passing by a sleeping Shota. She could hear a few other people talking quietly like Yuuga who looked at himself in a mirror admiring himself.
She then could hear Mina, Hanta and Denki trying to muffle their laughs and let out a few snickers. She could also hear Tooru talking to Kyoka.
So many people were in detention. It was probably for being tardy or messing around in class.
She was lost in thought that she hadn't realized Mina, Hanta and Denki moved towards her. A hand landed on her shoulder which caught her attention. One look at the three and F/n knew they were up to no good.
She raised her eyebrow, "I'm not going to do something for you. I'll get into even bigger trouble. Remember last time?"
Denki laughed at the memory, "That was funny."
Mina grinned, "We're not here for that. We're here for something else."
F/n grew even more suspicious, "What is it?"
Hanta cleared his throat as he sat backwards on his chair and a smile faintly on his lips, "Do you know why Katsuki hates Izuku?"
F/n hesitantly shook her head, "No."
"Well we do!" Mina quietly exclaimed as to not wake up Shota.
Although she was curious as to why the blonde disliked her friend, she didn't want to seem like a fake friend especially when Izuku had done nothing to her, "I'm not into drama."
Hanta waved her off, "It's not that bad, really. I'm pretty sure Katsuki exaggerated a few things. Dude must really hate him."
Well, it would be another 20 minutes until detention was over. Maybe it wouldn't hurt if she heard a few things. Besides, she wasn't one to judge people based on previous actions.
Yeah, it wouldn't hurt.
Lunch time arrived, the smell of food made their stomachs rumble. With Ochaco sitting next to F/n, she hummed in delight as she munched on some rice, "Lunch will always be my favorite subject!"
As always Tenya who sat in front of the two girls scolded Ochaco, "It is not polite to eat with your mouth full."
The brown-headed girl chuckled, "Sorry."
On the other side of F/n, Shoto twirled his soba with his chopsticks, "Did you hear they're opening a carnival later today?"
"Oh, I did!" F/n perked up, "We should all go!"
"But it is a school night." Tenya pointed out, "If we get home late we'll be tardy tomorrow and we'll have to serve detention. Being tardy stays on your school records until you graduate!"
"Can't you let loose today?" Ochaco whined.
Of course he didn't want to disappoint his friends so let out a small sigh, "I suppose I can. But I'll be chaperoning you all."
"Are we 12 again?" Shoto sarcastically said.
As her friends conversed, F/n had forgotten that Izuku was sitting with them. She felt bad that she had even forgotten about him, "..You are coming to, right, Izuku?"
Was staying quiet all it took to get your attention?
"Oh..yeah, that is if you don't mind." He softly said. He felt weird. He tried looking at F/n's bright e/c eyes but his own eyes darted elsewhere.
Why did he feel so weird?
It wasn't like before where he would be shy.
She noted his behavior. She understood how he felt on so many levels and tried her best to make him feel even more welcomed. The girl offered him a polite smile as well as having an energetic tone to her voice in hopes Izuku could feel a tad bit better, "Of course! We'll all go home and then meet each other at the carnival! How does that sound?"
They all nodded and continued to eat their lunch.
However, Izuku stared down at his bowl. His body was starting to hurt.
He focused on his food wishing that the pain would go away, the meat and rice no longer looked tasty. It was only for a split second, but the bowl of food did not look like..food. His eyes then began to twitch violently. It was bothersome as he tried to gain control of it but it seemed as every time he tried, it would retaliate. So he instead closed it.
Surely, if someone were to take a glance at him they would think he was crazy. He was just glad his so-called friends were too busy chatting and ignoring him once again.
For a moment, the pain and twitch left. Before he could let out a low sigh of relief, he jolted in his seat, his hands slamming the table causing his friends to startle. His body felt like he was on fire, it was terribly bad that he almost felt like he could pass out.
His chest.
His legs.
His arms.
"Izuku!" Since Tenya sat next to him, he held the shaking smaller male, "Are you alright!?"
F/n worriedly glanced at him as he later fell in Tenya's arms. She quickly reached to his side, his body felt extremely warm, "Izuku!?"
Ochaco also stood up as well as Shoto. People around began to glance at them with worried and annoyed looks.
Sensing the attention, Shoto walked towards the three, "We should take him to the nurse."
The three quickly nodded and unknowingly left Ochaco behind. She packed up her stuff, feeling the amount of stares made her embarrassed as she walked out and joined the rest of her friends. 
In the nurse's room, the old lady shook her head, "He's just got a fever going on, nothing too severe."
"I'm not sure.." F/n worryingly looked at a sleeping Izuku, "It didn't look like a fever."
Tenya agreed with her and looked at Ms. Shuzenji, "Yes, he looked like he was in pain."
"Apart from having a fever, he does look a little malnourished." Ms. Shuzenji let out a hum, "He will be fine as long as he gets some rest and food into his body."
Ochaco finally made it to the room. She stood next to Shoto, her brows furrowed as she looked at Izuku, "What's wrong?"
"A fever." Shoto simply said.
"But-" F/n tried to protest but the nurse began to shoo them away. "Your dear friend will be alright now, get to class. His mother will arrive soon so no need to worry about him."
The door slammed closed on their faces. They accepted defeat and headed to class where they quietly worried about their freckled friend. Tenya, as Class Rep, informed Shota of Izuku's situation.
The teacher nodded and resumed class.
From her seat, F/n eyed the back of Katsuki's head. She already knew that the blonde could feel her stare as he shifted in his seat and grumbled to himself, most likely cursing, but she didn't care. Not when her mind began to wander to today's events.
He looked normal, so what was it that caused him to react in such ways? She didn't know and only let out an internal sigh.
As she said before, she wasn't one to judge someone based on previous actions but, was it true?
What Katsuki had told Mina, Denki and Hanta and what they told her. Was it all true? Should she be the one to watch him carefully?
She rested her cheek on her palm. All this began to make her head hurt once again. Only this time, the pain wasn't as bad as it was before.
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drysdaleknieslee · 1 month
could you write some fraser minten smut? i am living off scraps rn🥲
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Mirror Mirror
Hello my love, sorry for responding so late. Finals are finally over and I have time to focus on my inbox.
Our Minten doesn't get enough recognition so I'm glad I got this request!
FraserMinten x female!woc
Warning Disclaimer!: oral (f receiving), penetration, mirror, body dysmorphia, Minten being a sweetheart, slight exhibitionism
"One more time ladies! This dance needs to be perfect for the recital next week! Oh, and y/n_"
Your head shoots up at the sound of your instructor's harsh voice, "Your solo better be PERFECT." she states before starting the music again. You've been going to this ballet academy for almost a year now. You've learned a lot while I've been here. Your teacher usually gave other girls the solos and you've usually always been...in the back. But you've been working harder to make my presence and talent known so that she could realize you were meant to have a solo.
All the hard work paid off, but you weren't prepared for the pressure that came with it. Being front and center was a lot but you deserve this spot and you'd fight to keep it.
After about five more repetitions of the routine, we were dismissed for the day. You planned on staying later to work on the routine some more and work on my solo. You needed this to be like muscle memory. When you went out to refill my water bottle you stopped when you heard giggles near the fountain.
"I still can't believe SHE got the solo of all people." "Misses probably gave it to her out of pity." one voice said with a laugh.
"Did you see her when we did our Temps Levé's? I thought she was gonna break the wood in the floor." one voice said causing all three to simultaneously break out into laughter.
"She can wear as many tights as she likes, but her thighs are still gonna move regardless. Surprised she hasn't burned a hole in them yet."
The laughter continued and faded as they got further away before there was nothing.
You ran back to the studio room and just crumpled to the floor. The only sound is your soft sobs. You always felt a little self-conscious of yourself. You weren't skinny but you weren't small either. Your thighs touched, you had a bit of a stomach pouch, and you knew you'd never be less than 150 pounds.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of your phone. You walk over to your bag to grab it.
'Minty 🩵'
Oh no. He's gonna know if you're feeling off just from your voice. He's bringing you dinner and probably calling to see if you remembered.
"Hey babe."
"Hey." Your voice clearly sounded off causing him to pause before continuing. "Who do I need to fight y/n?"
"No one," you try to mask a sniffle, "are you outside?"
"Yes. We'll talk more when I get there." You start to panic and quickly wipe your cheeks and get all the sniffles out. Your eyes were still puffy and redder than usual and your your locs were a mess from running your hands through them. You jump a little when you hear the door open and you turn to face the serious face of your boyfriend.
"Fraser-" "Who did it?"
"It's nothing-"
"It is because you have been crying and your slightly shaking." You start to tear up again but before you can he's already walked across the room and takes your face in his hands and forces you to look in his eyes.
"Baby please tell me what's wrong."
Your tears finally spill and he just puts your face into his chest and he just holds you and caresses your head. When you've got all your tears out, you finally tell him about the conversation you overheard. You told him you knew they were talking about you as your the only girl in the class who's slightly bigger than everyone else.
"I want you to listen to me and listen well, you are more than qualified to be here. I've seen you dance and your far more graceful than any of these other girls."
He wipes your cheeks while he continues, "And there's nothing wrong with your weight. I love your thighs, your stomach, everything about you."
You giggle lightly. "You're just saying that Mints."
"You want me to prove it? Get on the floor and face the mirror."
You look at him to see if he's joking but his seriousness doesn't waver. He wasn't asking. You get on the floor and sit facing the mirror.
"Lift your knees." You raise your knees slightly.
He then gets in front of you and hooks his fingers in the waistband of your tights and starts to pull them down.
"You should never need to wear three pairs of tights. I like it when your thighs move." His voice has dropped a whole octave since starting this and to say you don't feel something in the pit of your stomach would be a lie.
He gets your tights off and tosses them towards my bag. He starts to leave feather-light kisses from your ankle, slowly moving up your legs to your thighs and he stops.
"I'm gonna make you feel pretty." Your heart rate picks up to a dangerous speed at the sound of his voice.
"I want you to watch yourself while I eat you out. I'll stop if you close your eyes," he explains. "Do you understand?
You nod your head slowly before letting out a shaky "Yes".
At your confirmation, he puts his focus on the wet spot that's formed on your panties before moving them to the side to insert his index finger.
You hold your breathe, trying to be as quiet as possible, while also trying to follow his instructions and look at yourself in the mirror.
Your cheeks have a slight tint to them now, beeps of sweat have started to form on our forehead, and your chest is rising and falling heavily due to your shallow breaths. Your mouth suddenly drops open when you feel Fraser insert another finger and add his tongue.
You grab his hair for leverage and try not to break eye contact as you do not want him to stop contrary to belief. You and him had never explored this before, but the thought of seeing your boyfriend treat you so tenderly and being able to actually see your face did give you a boost of confidence.
"I know, I know."
He quickens his pace while he kitten licks your clit. He adds another finger and curls his fingers upward. You let out a silent moan and tug his hair lightly when you climax. It hit you so intensely your vision blurred for a moment.
"Remind me to do that again if it's gonna make you do that each time."
You smack his chest playfully and you try to hide your face in the crook of his neck. "Let's go to my place. You practiced enough today. We'll warm up the food, watch whatever movie you want and i'll pamper you for the rest of the night."
"I like the sound of that. Thanks Mints."
While he goes to grab your stuff you get an idea.
"...Can we buy a mirror for the house?"
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