#well not so much the latter when it’s the main gang. but for their one shots… unfailing!
casketears · 2 years
in every single dnd game ive watched there’s always been at least one person that annoys me. this is, of course, to keep me well fed in other ways by giving me something to complain about to friends
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aetherialpiplup108 · 3 months
So, I've always been a little upset at the way Thalia was cast aside after TTC considering how important she was as a thematic clinch for the narrative (like, how wild is it that her death was a primary instigator pushing Luke towards his warped ideology—bro literally spends books 1 and 2 going "oh, you want to talk to ME about Thalia?? Well guess what, she'd be on my side"—and then she shows up with an uno reverse card, effectively ensuring his downfall etc. etc. etc.) and the neglect of her character comes to a head in the climax where she's irritatingly not present even though the entire moment centered around her dynamic with Luke and Annabeth.
There is something to be said about how the only reason Annabeth is there to shock Luke into disillusion is because Thalia shoved her to safety, getting trapped underneath Hera's statue in Annabeth's stead. Thalia never gets the "lost family" emphasis that Luke and Annabeth get because she's always pushed out of the storyline (spending the first half as a three, the latter as a hunter) but even so, her love for them is embedded into every action she takes throughout the series. Luke might have been the one who made the promise to the little girl they found on the streets, but Thalia's the one that kept it.
Still…how cool would it be if the statue fell after the gang already reached Luke—forget Hera, what if it was Kronos/Luke that caused it to fall—and Thalia instinctively pushes Annabeth out of danger at cost to herself highlighting that the main difference between her and Luke is not their feelings towards the gods but that Thalia can't hurt Annabeth or another innocent demigod whereas Luke is so blinded by his personal anger, he's forgotten who he's supposed to be fighting for. And Annabeth sees this and just snaps because this is her family, the only people who were there for her as a kid, and they keep hurting each other over and over for a cause they each believe will serve her. It hurts so much that Annabeth doesn't even look up as Kronos stalks over and Percy screams for her to get out of the way, but she does spit out a bitter, "Family, Luke. You promised", and Luke flinches, turning unconsciously to look at Thalia and sees the legs she broke trying to stop him from hurting Annabeth of all people, and realization crashes upon him like a pile of bricks that he's hurt the two most important people to him in the world. So then he begs Percy—who's watching all of this with a damn, what soap opera did I just walk into expression—for the knife and tries in his last moments to rectify the ridiculous mess he's made and offers a well-deserved apology to the girl who stepped up when he did not and the other who never gave up on him.)
or maybe that's ridiculously cheesy and dramatic and totally stupid. idk.
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woodchipp · 6 months
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OMORI spends a considerable amount of time trying to ingratiate you to Mari as a character. In Headspace, she plays a motherly role to Omori and the gang, providing endless positivity and advice to the party whenever they take a break at her picnic blanket; at one point, Kel even begs Hero not to tell Mari about him and Aubrey knocking Basil over the same way a child would beg someone else to not tell their mother after messing up. In the real world, everyone who knew her only ever speaks of her as being kind and gentle, and the official walkthrough guide even calls her “the glue that holds everyone together”.
As wholesome as all of that may seem at first glance, this is one of the main problems with Mari’s writing: the game tries to get you to love her so hard that it comes off as overly aggressive character shilling. For instance, during the second picnic Omori and his friends can have with Mari en route to Basil’s house, Basil wishes to be more like Mari and notes that she always seems to have everything under control, Hero compliments her on how she always makes everything look easy, and Aubrey describes her as "effortlessly graceful". As with Basil summing up each of the characters via flowers, the game spells out the character’s personality for you right at the start rather than allowing you to parse it for yourself over the course of the story.
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[Pictured: complex and nuanced characterization.]
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[How should I know? I literally just met her a few minutes ago.]
If the shilling had been limited to Headspace, it could’ve been a powerful narrative tool to show how much Sunny idolizes his big sister and foreshadow that his perception of her is unreliable. The problem is that what we learn about her in the real world reinforces said unreliable perception; as with the photo album and the main characters’ childhood, the narrative paints the real Mari as too impossibly perfect of a person to be remotely believable. Not only did she switch beds with her brother when the latter started to have difficulty falling asleep, she also let him sleep with her when he had nightmares, took the blame for him breaking one of their mother’s vases and even saved him from drowning once. She also bought Basil his signature photo album, bought Sunny a giant building block set as a gift for one of his birthdays, carried Sunny back home after he fell asleep on the bus, pitched in along with Sunny's other friends to buy him a violin for Christmas, was the perfect match for Hero and generally served as the group’s caring mother figure in the real world as well. C’mon, love her already!
Of course, such a flawless angel is too good for this sinful earth. That is why, after spending the entirety of its runtime building up to Mari having killed herself due to her own mental issues, the game pulls a last-minute plot twist and reveals that Sunny accidentally killed her by shoving her down the stairs during an argument they had over Sunny breaking his violin on the day of a recital they were to perform at. As evidenced by the datamined text from the “Truth” photo album, the game gives no consideration to Mari’s perspective on the matter and only focuses on Sunny’s feelings. It’s all about how he was overcome, how his fingers were shaking in pain and how he was sick of practicing over and over. How did Mari feel when she saw her brother destroy the fruit of her and his friends’ hard work in one fell swoop? How did she feel being perpetually dissatisfied with the waltz she obsessively practiced, trying to reach the unreachable standards she set for herself? These are questions the game doesn’t bother answering, because Sunny and his feelings are of central priority to the story at all times, even if it comes at the expense of other characters, their own feelings or even logic. 
(speaking of logic, the game never explains why Sunny and Mari were arguing at the top of the staircase in the first place. the piano room, which is most likely where the two practiced since Mari's piano is located there, is on the first floor of their house, while Photo of an Argument shows them them having said argument on the second one. peak writing)
Additionally, the story fails to properly establish just how strenuous violin practice was for Sunny. The only bit of set-up for the argument the game provides during the main story is Lost Library's “Saturday morning cartoons” book, which isn’t much and requires the player to make a giant leap from “Sunny doesn’t like violin practice because he misses out on watching cartoons with his friends” to “violin practice physically hurts Sunny and he resents Mari for her perfectionism”. Likewise, the narrative’s prior and consistent portrayal of Mari as flawless is incompatible with the plot twist’s insinuation that she overworked Sunny and was harsh on him when he made mistakes, which makes the twist feel even more inorganic than it already is.
If the game left the twist at Sunny shoving Mari down the stairs, that probably would’ve been enough. However, it subsequently inserts Basil into the scene, him having bore witness to the argument and Mari’s murder. This doesn’t make sense on a logistical level because the game never explains how Basil managed to get inside Sunny’s house and why he was there in the first place. Not only does Basil not try to call an ambulance/find the nearest adult to help, he comes up with a plan to cover up Mari’s murder by framing it as a suicide. Basil’s multi-step plan is not something one would come up with in a situation of high anxiety and stress: it feels nearly premeditated, and at no step of the way does Basil seem to have had second thoughts, like one would if they were acting irrationally. Furthermore, the sheer tonal dissonance created by the fact that Basil of all people came up with an idea this demented isn’t disturbing as much as it is absurd. It reeks of the writer assuming that a topic like murder instantly makes a story Deep and Complex without putting any thought into it, and it seems Basil was written into the twist solely to absolve Sunny of any responsibility for the cover-up. 
Finally, the game inadvertently implies that Mari's suicide wasn't investigated properly, if at all. The clues indicating that she didn't hang herself are obvious, such as the fact that she seemingly used a jumping rope and her stockings being clean as opposed to stained with grass and mud from the ground around the tree. Such a break from reality isn't much of a significant problem, but it does become rather conspicuous once you notice it. Fans tend to theorize that Sunny's parents somehow knew the truth and possibly bribed the police into dropping the case, but there isn't enough concrete evidence to support this theory.
The knowledge of the twist is imperative to understanding just how aggressive and transparent the shilling becomes. Some of the most notable moments that explicitly demonstrate what the player is meant to think about Mari include divine light shining down on her grave in the town’s cemetery, her farewell to Sunny at the end of the North Lake segment, where she is briefly shown walking on water, and her brief conversation with Sunny in his house's piano room on One Day Left, where she apologizes to Sunny for “pushing him too hard”, implying that her brother killing her was somehow her fault.
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Mari isn’t a character in her own right - she is the quintessential fridged woman, existing purely as the object fueling the main characters’ grief and being important only when the game needs to assure the player that Sunny killing his sister wasn’t much of a big deal. After all, even the person he killed is shown to forgive him for what he did.
Speaking of Sunny, his actions in the aftermath of the incident paint him as rather reprehensible. Not only does he vandalize Basil’s most precious belonging and then leave him alone, but he also chooses to lie by omission to his friends and his parents, letting them believe that they failed her because of the assumed nature of her death as a suicide. On top of all that, the game seems to heavily imply that Sunny blacked out the photos due to Omori’s influence; considering that Omori is apparently meant to be the personification of Sunny’s depression, this reads as a convenient way to absolve Sunny of any responsibility for his horrible actions by making his Evil Mental Illness the culprit.
It’s time to talk about this game’s depiction of mental illness, then.
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akwolfgrl · 2 months
I've had an idea for a while now, but I don't read much one-piece modern aus. (Opps I posted a little to soon lol)
Sanjis life is similar to cannon. He ran away when he was 8 and found Zeff when he was 10 had to return to his birth "family" at 21. He grew up with the younger gang, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper.
Sanji and Zoro were roommates in college, just as they finally confess thire feeling for each other. Sanji dissappears, and no one can find him, and the police are of no help. 8 years latter Zoro after returning home from a major Kendo championship, runs into Nami and a child of 6 years old with curly eyebrows.
Turns out Judge demanded Sanji marry Pudding (18 not 16) or eles he would charge Zeff with kidnapping and/or ruin his business the reastrunt. Sanji recltuntly agrees to this deal. The Vinsomkes were a once powerful family that are losing that staus but still have enough to get away with shit.
Pudding was in love with someone eles but also didn't have a choice in this marriage and after becoming pregnant (with she didn't want but didn't have a choice) had bad post partom and did receive help from a therapist for it but she kept dissapeing. For awhile, she would evently come back, but one day, she never did.
Sanji was able to get a divorce but had to sign a contract that he would work exclusively for the Charlotte Family. Devopling recipes and useing as many of thire products in cooking vedios as ge can. (They make four, suagr, cooking and baking utnicles, they make premade baked goods. All sorts of things.) Robin was his lawyer In all of this. That's how he met her and Franky. He moves back to town when it's finally safe to do so. He moved back while Zoro was out of town and was finally able to reconnect with his friends and real family.
The reason Nami is babysitting is because Sanji is showing off a new project to Katakuri, his main concatct to the Charlotte's.
Pudding does come back after the divorce and sees her daughter once a month. Part of the reason she dispared is so they could get a devioce. When Zoro is dating Sanji, she makes sure he's good for them both. She did care for Sanji she just was in love with someone else and wanted her own life. Wanted to make her own decisions and be her own preson.
Sanji has a flouting home that he and his daughter live on. Franky designed it with help from Usopp.
At some point, I'm thinking that the vinsmokes show up again. Judge wants to marry Sanji off again to someone eles. However, Sanji is no longer a Vinsmoke, and Robin made sure the Zeff would be under Big moms portcestion as well.
Zeff is very involved in his granddaughters life and definitely thinks Sanji shouldn't have gone, that he should have put up more of a fight, but what's done is done.
I'm thinking something sweet for the little girls name, but I'm not sure what. Uncle Kat is her favorite of her mothers and her father's siblings. She has only met Reiju once but not the other 3.
Zoro-swords he is going to run the dojo with kuina (not dead in wheel chair)
Nami- works as a fashion bloger/model
Usopp- writes and illustrations children's books
Robin- lawyer
Brook- in a band
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amxrany · 3 months
Hi I just got home, so let's get to it (Part 1):
Picking up where we left off, where the main gang meet up with Idia. Sebek thought that all of them were awake in the real world but Idia was like "nah we're still stuck in the dream world"
I completely forgot that Idia barely touches grass (joke) in the main story so he introduces himself to the Silver and Sebek and when Sebek introduces himself Idia got scared cuz of how loud he was 😭
Since Idia's awake, Silver immediately goes on defense thinking that the darkness or even Malleus will attack. But then, Ortho comes on screen (like literally he appears on a monitor) telling the gang that they don't have to worry about that for a while.
Edit: There's this one part I legit forgot to add which I will now cuz it's funny where Silver and Sebek were just sandwiching Idia and Idia's says something along the lines of getting hurt from being squeezed between armor (Sebek) and HARD MUSCLES (Silver) LIKE WE GET IT IDIA WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE
Ortho then explains to the rest about how he managed to escape the dream world and transfer his consciousness to STYX. Although he's not able to conjur Unique Magic because he's not a mage, but rather a humanoid robot, he still has his unique perks (aw that's cute)
Flashback Time: So we have Cerberus Ortho investigating the current situation of Sage Island, trying to prevent the thorns from spreading as well as break through the shield, which is apparently much harder than the open gates of the Underworld. But don't worry guys the Shroud Parents are also there to help him out.
Ortho was given a 20 minute time limit to analyze Malleus's magic, because once those 20 minutes are up he shuts down, which was difficult. UNTIL THE MAN OF THE HOUR MALLEUS APPEARS, who's surprised that Ortho was awake. But Ortho tells Malleus that he simply switched bodies cuz he's an AI, which is something Malleus probably doesn't understand (damn AHAHAHAHAHA)
Knowing that he needed to buy some for the machinery thingies (idk what they're called don't even ask) to collect the needed data, Ortho challenges Malleus. Malleus admires the fact Ortho can keep his sanity for so long, thinking that it's the pinnacle of technology. It was a crazy battle, with Ortho losing one of his dogs
OH MALLEUS I LOVE YOU BUT YOU BITCHHHH (mostly the latter btw)
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Ortho's running out of time, with only 30 seconds left and Malleus is about is to put him to sleep. he says he's sorry to his parents NOOOO
BUT SOMETHING HAPPENS, the attack stops; STYX came in just in time to intervene. The Shroud parents uses their drones to attack Malleus's shield and Ortho uses a full blast to get him out of Sage Island and land himself back to STYX and we get this moment of the Shrouds (minus Idia) collapsing into each other's arms.
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Ortho regains consciousness after awhile and tells his parents that he's guilty the the two robot dogs were destroyed (oh yeah forgot to mention the other one was destroyed too whoopsie), but Mama Shroud said that they can just repair them and we just have this heartfelt moment in the family.
That is, until Papa Shroud brings up that the magic used by Malleus reminds him of the ancient magic surrounding Grim. Another thing is that it's downright impossible to destroy Malleus's realm from the outside UNLESS Malleus himself disappears. They can't destroy the realm by force either because it will also permamnently lock all victims inside of it. The only thing they can do is to be as persuasive as possible to let Malleus let go of everyone (but trust me when I say I don't think that will work)
So they bring up Maleficia as someone who can persuade Malleus, but Mama Shroud has something else in mind and shows Ortho a live from Idia's dream, which is when he notices something was off. It's possible that she found a way to access everyone's dreams (and let's just say Idia is just like his mum). That;s when Ortho realizes what his mom meant, and that is to find a way to get everyone to wake up and find a way to disrupt the dream world.
Okay Ima end the first part here for now, sorry this took awhile guys I had lots of things to do the moment I got home 😭. But I promise to get things out as quick as I can (I still have a reflection paper to speedrun lmao)
Next: Part 2
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harrysmmm · 10 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 - 𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚
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Fanfiction:The Relics of Hogwarts (CLICK THE LINK BEFORE READING THIS)
Draco malfoy x Y/N Riddle (f!reader)
A/N: I wrote this in a day (once again hihi) chapter 5 will be up tomorrow. Hope you enjoy this one. Don't forget, if you want to be added to the taglist write me through an inbox or put it in the comments! love you x
W/C: 3.2K
Warning: swearing, verbal violence.
Taglist: @jay-isgay @butterflyreads
masterlist here
Cloudy days had been passing by at Hogwarts. Classes were following each other; lunches were eaten one after the other; nights were slept through soft rain. There was a week left for Christmas break and it could be sensed that students were eager to unwire from schoolwork and get to relax for a few days.
Within the Slytherin main friend group, things were a little tense. Draco and Y/N barely talked to one another after the Chamber of Secrets’ incident. Blaise had subtly tried to cool the air between the both of them a few times, but it would make the situation far more tense – he eventually gave up on it. Y/N felt far too embarrassed to make any move. There was no explanation that could be made because she didn’t understand her feelings herself. She didn’t know she had that desire for Draco so strongly in her.
There wasn’t much time to dwell on the situation either because exams took place that week. Y/N had spent most of her time studying at the library or at the Great Lake when snow wasn’t hitting so hard. She wouldn’t really study with Pansy because the latter was not very academic – in fact, most exams she would attend unprepared. Y/N knew that it didn’t matter that much the grades she had but for some inexplicable reason she fondly enjoyed the act of studying. Besides, it would also distract her from the incident with Draco.
“Hey Y/N.” A girly voice interrupted the silence of her study session. She was sitting by herself under the shade of a tree, next to the Great Lake. She turned around and recognized Mary Rookwood, from the Slytherin-Gryffindor quidditch match.
“Hey Mary, what’s up?”
“Not much. Are you studying Potions?” Y/N hid the book of the Half-Blood Prince in case she knew about it.
“Yeah, got the test tomorrow.”
“Well, from what I’ve heard you don’t really need to study. You’re like the best at Potions, Slughorn won’t shut up about it.”
“Trust me, it’s not enough,” she replied.
“I think you need a break. I’ve seen you come here almost every day for the past week. Why don’t you join me and my friends? I can’t tell you what we’re doing, you’ll have to see it for yourself,” she playfully said.
“That sounds intriguing, hum…” she meditated the answer for a few seconds. It wouldn’t be counterproductive to join some Hufflepuff’s gang, taking into consideration that she had to get the cup of Hufflepuff. “Yeah, sure, why not?”
“Brilliant,” she replied. “Come on, hope you’re not afraid of heights.”
They both walked through the Forbidden Forest. They made some small talk about the school and their interests. Y/N came to really enjoy Mary’s company – she was a social girl who seemed to have little preoccupations; a half-blood that grew up in Manchester, her mother being a researcher on cures for fantastic animals’ diseases and her father being a baker, whatever that was.
“And we’re almost there,” Mary said.
“You still won’t tell me what we’re doing here?”
“You’ll see it in…now!”
Y/N looked ahead and saw a crowd of Hufflepuff students and one Gryffindor. They seemed to be cheering someone in the air, but Y/N couldn’t see anyone.
“Who are they cheering, Mary?”
Y/N looked up again and saw two giant animals flying, with one student on each of them. They were white winged horses that were fiercely soaring through the sky. One of them drastically landed on the ground, a few seconds later the second one followed it.
“And Finnimore wins the race! Woo-hoo!” A Hufflepuff boy shouted, while a Gryffindor got down from the winged horse.
“Fair race, Pince,” said the Gryffindor guy to the Slytherin.
Pince didn’t shake his hand, rolling his eyes at Finnimore.
“Hi guys,” Mary greeted everyone. “I brought someone today, this is Y/N Diggory. Y/N, this is everyone.”
“Hi,” she said.
Some of them said “hi” back to her.
“You’re Cedric’s cousin, am I right?” the Gryffindor guy asked her. A silence lingered in the air.
“Yeah, I am, you knew him?”
“A relative to Cedric is a friend of ours. Will, nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, Will.”
“Alright who’s next?” said a Hufflepuff guy. “Finnimore, you won. You can choose your opponent.”
“Very well.” He looked around at everyone, lastly his eyes meeting with hers. “Diggory, you up for it?”
“To ride a winged horse?”
“Yeah, that’s the basic idea,” Will added.
“I’ve never ridden one before, I thought they were forbidden at Hogwarts.”
“Well, they technically are,” added Mary. “We keep them as a secret here. This is not something you want to tell around the school.”
“I see,” Y/N replied.
“The horses do technically ride themselves, and if you do fall, you’ll fall into the Great Lake which is not that terrible, speaking from a guy that has fallen,” said Will to convince her.
“Alright, why not?” she finally gave up and approached the two horses.
“One last thing, Diggory,” Will added. His eyes were deeply staring into hers while a smirk was seen on his face. He had a sort of curly dark hair and deep brown eyes. He was objectively good looking. “We have to bet on something.” He looked back at the Hufflepuff guy that spoke earlier. “What do we have left, Logan?”
“Who wins, gets a jar of Amortentia, deal?” She knew what Amortentia was: a powerful potion that could make someone fall in love with someone else. Tempting.
“Deal,” she said.
Both riders got on the horses.
“What breed are they?” Y/N asked.
“Granians. The fastest of all of them.”
“On my mark!” shouted the Hufflepuff boy.
“May the best win, Slytherin” Will said.
“You got it,” Y/N replied.
“Three, two, one, go!”
Both horses flew up to the sky so fast that Y/N couldn’t tell why she hadn’t fallen from hers yet. They were flying so vertically that she had to hold very tight the reins, her feet almost hanging loose if it wasn’t for the stirrups attached to the animal. Both horses were gaining on height, getting at a certain point above the clouds – Y/N’s sight being all blurry. Once she was six thousand five hundred feet above, the horse started to spin around, like if it was dancing ballet. Y/N thought it would’ve been a beautiful sight to see in hindsight. Suddenly, the horse stopped and went all the way down again, getting Y/N scream so loud she could’ve sworn it was therapeutic. Once they were a few feet above the lake, the horse started to speed up in a horizontal direction. Y/N couldn’t see where Will was, she didn’t know if she was beating him – she just wanted to enjoy the ride at that point. The horse got really close to the water and Y/N took a risk to leaf her hand through it – the experience was really liberating. When she got to one of the trees, the animal took a run and propelled itself straight ahead, to get to the finish line. Y/N caressed the animal’s head to cheer it to get to it. That seemed to work, and it fastened, landing next to the other students in the Forbidden Forest. Will wasn’t there just yet.
“Diggory! Diggory! Diggory!” the students were cheering.
Will landed a few seconds later.
“And Diggory wins the race!” Logan, the Hufflepuff boy, exclaimed.
“Woo-hoo!” Y/N screamed.
“Well done, Y/N! It had been a while since someone beat Will,” said Mary, hugging her to congratulate her.
“The proper Slytherin had to come to do it,” Y/N said, teasingly.
“You have it in your blood, Diggory, I reckon,” Will said, shaking his hand with hers.
“There you go, Y/N,” Logan said, handing her the jar of Amortentia. “Use it wisely.”
She took the jar, a pink liquid bubbling inside. She smiled at him.
“Who is up for a butterbear, guys?” blurted Will.
For the first time in weeks, she forgot about why she was at Hogwarts in the first place, and felt young, carefree, and happy.
“Who would you shag if you had the chance?”
Y/N was in bed. It was eleven p.m. and she was making small talk with Pansy.
“Never really thought about it, to be honest with you,” Y/N replied.
The brunette startled in bed. “Come on Y/N, that’s rubbish. It’s still valid if it’s not a Slytherin, won’t judge. There are some fine Gryffindor guys I wouldn’t mind fooling around with.”
“Pansy,” Y/N laughed. She did the same. “You start,” Y/N continued.
“No, I asked first, you start.”
“I won’t start.”
“Why won’t you start?”
“Because I don’t want to! You start!”
“Merlin’s beard, I’ll start! You’re mental, you know that?”
Y/N just laughed.
“Okay, it’s someone we both know,” the brunette started saying.
“We’re playing guessing now?”
“Yes. It’s a Slytherin.”
“No! That one is for you!”
Y/N was the one that startled then. “What?! Why?!”
“Haven’t you seen the way he looks at you?”
“He’s totally into you, Y/N. I thought you knew!”
“I told you, I don’t really focus on those things!”
“You’re so odd.”
“Well, who’s your guy then?”
“He’s friends with Blaise, though.”
Y/N started to get the hints.
“He’s quite tall, and lately rather mysterious too. He has a dark sense of humor, quite childish if you ask me.” She started ranting. “He, for some odd reason, is always bringing around green apples with him. He loves black-”
“Alright, we got who he is, don’t need to further explain.”
“I love him, Y/N.”
Something stopped within Y/N.
“No way,” she said.
“Since first year, actually. He was always so childish I never really thought he looked at girls any differently, until this year. He’s matured so much over the summer; I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but I think it’s the perfect moment.”
You knew what had gotten into him. He was not dealing with kids’ problems no more.
“I don’t know. Haven’t really noticed.” Of course she had noticed but she wasn’t up to talk about that with Pansy.
“You notice nothing, Y/N,” the brunette said.
Y/N ignored the comment.
“What is that?” Pansy asked, pointing at something Y/N had on her open bag. “Is that Amortentia?”
Y/N proceeded to close her bag. “Yeah, no big deal.”
“But it is a big deal. How did you get it? Did you steal it?”
“For Merlin’s beard, no. Slughorn gave it to me, for the good grades.”
“He gave you Amortentia? That’s so twisted.”
“Yeah, well… You know Slughorn, he lets himself carry away quite a lot.”
“Be careful with that. It’s very powerful.”
“Won’t use it.”
Both students got silent. Y/N noticed Pansy was ready to go to sleep, so she turned off the lights, the thought of her and Draco still lingering in her mind.
Exams had finished that very same day. Defense Against the Dark Arts was the last exam of the term – Y/N was feeling like she hadn’t really aced that one, but she was grateful that Snape was the one grading them.
She had also been invited by Slughorn to a Christmas party, only exclusive to the best potion students. She had to bring a plus one but she hadn’t asked anyone yet. She had thought of asking Blaise in the first place, but after Pansy’s revelation of the latter’s liking on Y/N, she had thought it was not appropriate to ask him. Draco was, of course, out of the picture, the two still not talking to the other. The only person that came to mind was, against all odds, a certain Gryffindor boy.
“Would you go to this Christmas party with me?” Y/N asked.
“The Slughorn one?” Will asked back.
“Yes, is there any other one in place?”
Will laughed. “Sure. Sounds fun.”
“Isn’t it odd that a Slytherin is asking a Gryffindor though?” Will asked.
“It just is if you want to make it that way,” she replied.
“Alright Diggory, pick you up at six thirty?”
“Sounds good.”
Will went down to the dungeons, where the Slytherin common room was located. He was wearing a black suit, and a light blue tie. He was waiting for Y/N outside the stone wall. His thoughts traveled to quidditch, how the next day he had a match against Ravenclaw. He was one of the chasers of the Gryffindor team since his year three. He had been recruited by Oliver Wood when he was still the captain. He loved sports, that’s why he was also quite natural with winged horse race. Among the school, he had gained quite the reputation of social, popular boy. In fact, that same night he had been invited to a Hufflepuff party - party that he had politely declined to go out with Y/N to Slughorn’s. He didn’t really know what was in her that attracted him; he also didn’t know if it crossed the limit of friendship just yet. But he did know he liked her, in what way? He was still unsure of that.
Y/N appeared from the stone wall.
“Hey you.”
“Hey! Shall we?” Will asked.
Will noticed Y/N’s attune. She was wearing a silk silver dress, paired up with white high heels. Her hair was partly pinned so her face was fully uncovered. She was wearing light, glittery makeup that accentuated her high cheekbones. Will thought to himself that she looked gorgeous.
They walked through the castle gaining some looks from almost every student they crossed path with. It was already rare that a Gryffindor had something to do with a Slytherin, but especially if that Gryffindor was the popular Will Finnimore and that Slytherin was Cedric’s cousin, Y/N Diggory. They arrived at the seventh floor, where the party was located.
“Drink?” asked Neville Longbottom, a Gryffindor student, to the couple.
“Neville!” said Will.
“I didn’t get into the Slug Club,” said the white-dressed boy. “It’s okay, though. He’s got Belby handing out towels in the loo.”
“Oh well, you want a drink Y/N?”
“Sure.” Will grabbed two drinks for the both of them.
“Thanks, mate,” said Will.
Will looked around the place, seeing if he could find someone he knew - it seemed like he actually knew everyone in the place. His hand waved at some Gryffindor girl named Sasha.
“Y/N, could I talk to you for a second?”
Will turned around and bumped into Harry Potter talking to Y/N.
“Y/N, could I talk to you for a second?”
Y/N was confused as to why Harry wanted to talk to her, after the stolen book accusation. She looked over at Will.
“Do you mind, Will?”
“No, go ahead. Hi mate!”
“Hey Will,” replied Harry.
Will went over to talk to a certain girl. Y/N focused on Harry.
“What is it, Harry?”
“I just wanted to apologize to you, for having accused you about the book.”
“Oh,” Y/N wasn’t expecting that. “That’s alright. Have you found it yet?”
“No, but it was wrong from me to accuse you, just because you seemed to do good in Potions.”
“Alright,” replied Y/N. “No hard feelings, Potter.”
Harry smiled at her. He seemed to look behind her at someone. Y/N looked back and saw Hermione hiding behind some curtains.
“I might’ve to go check on her.”
“Yeah, she seems wanting to avoid someone.”
“McLaggen,” clarified Harry.
“Oh yeah, that guy is the worst,” added Y/N.
“If you’ll excuse me.” He went over to her rescue.
Y/N stood there alone when Slughorn joined in.
“Y/N, you made it!”
“Of course, Professor. Wouldn’t miss it!”
“Good, good… Oh the photographer!” A girl with a camera flashed at them. Y/N didn’t even have the time to pose. “That might end on the shelf, Y/N… Oh, Professor Snape, what a surprise!”
Y/N was alone again until Will approached her.
“Lively party, innit?”
“To Slughorn’s taste,” she replied.
The room was covered with green curtains hanging from the ceiling. A cozy fire was warming up the place.
“How come I’ve never seen you around before?”
“I came this year. I was homeschooled before.”
“Oh, you lived with your parents?”
“No, I lived with my uncle and aunt. My parents died in an accident.”
“Oh, sorry about that.”
“It’s fine,” she just replied, not wanting to have to further explain her fake story.
“I was raised by my mom, my dad died when I was a kid,” he continued.
“Oh, are they wizards?”
“Slytherins always so focused on blood. No, I’m a muggle-born, does that change something?”
She had been taught that changed everything but never really understood why. “I don’t know,” she replied.
“Well, Cedric was a half-blood, and he was one of the brightest guys I’ve ever met.”
“You were close?”
“Yes. He was two years older than me, but he never made me feel younger.”
“You’re a year seven, aren’t you?”
“Hadn’t I said that before?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Yeah, I am. I remember being in year five when he passed away. He was actually in year seven. I had always looked up to him, everyone loved Cedric. In fact, during the commemoration act almost everyone in the school came to say goodbye, even Slytherins.”
“What did you do?”
“You don’t know?” Y/N shook her head. “We honored the house of Hufflepuff and threw their more possessed item into the Great Lake, the cup of Helga Hufflepuff.”
Y/N’s heart stopped.
“Their relic?”
“Yes. It is now in the deep water, probably the Grindylows own it now.”
“The Grindylows you say?”
“Yeah, they are some vicious little demons that live in the lake. You don’t wanna mess with them.”
Y/N was going to ask further questions until someone interrupted the party.
“Take your hands off me, you filthy Squib!” Draco and Filch abruptly entered the room.
“Professor Slughorn, Sir,” started saying Filch. “I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party.”
“Okay, okay, I was gatecrashing. Happy?” his eyes looked into Y/N’s and moved towards Will. Her heart escaped a beat.
“I’ll escort him out,” Snape said, getting in the scene.
“Certainly, Professor.” They exited the room.
“Alright, everyone. Carry on, carry on,” Slughorn laughed the incident off.
Y/N’s look went back to Will’s. “Will you excuse me for a second?”
“Sure,” Will said.
Y/N found her way out of the party. She bumped into Draco outside, Snape already having left.
“Draco,” she called him.
Draco turned back, looking at her. “What?”
“What were you doing out there?”
“What do you think I was doing?”
“Are you angry at me?”
“Piss off, Y/N. None of your bloody business,” he violently replied.
“But it is my business, Draco. You know that, and don’t you dare talk to me like that!”
“I talk to you as I please!” He got closer to her, a very angry look on his face. “You leave me the fuck alone from now on, I don’t need you to be asking sneaky questions. I don’t love you.”
Y/N held back her tears, never having been talked like that before. “This is all because of the vision, isn’t it? Isn’t it?!”
“I couldn’t care less about your pathetic desire.” Just like that, he left, leaving Y/N with the sourest heart she had ever had to bare. She didn’t know a certain scarred one had been eavesdropping their conversation.
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rubywolf0201 · 3 months
Thoughts on the latest episode of BUCCHIGIRI?! Episode 5
WARNING: *May contain spoilers so be cautioned*
- We get to see that NG Boys actually has a factory where all the members are doing unpaid labour. Making that faction all the more horrible.
- Matakara’s entrance and declaring to see where Akutaro is just so badass!
- But when Akutaro called in Arajin, who he now calls AJ, the latter ran in only just with his underwear. Poor Mata was so shocked at that and it’s pretty priceless to say the least.
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- BUT that’s beside the point, because just as Matakara was questioning Arajin, Akutaro ruined the moment and Mata was prepared to fight him.
- Unfortuantely, because he has Ichiya with him, Mata was easily beaten by Akutaro and was promptly sent down to some dingy dungeon, tied up. 😢
- Arajin doing one act of small kindness by taking out the tape out of Matakara but still refusing to acknowledge him just made me a teensy bit upset.
- Akutaro kills the reunion scene again and Arajin not wanting to look at Matakara is just….heartbreaking in and out of itself. Not helped by the fact that Matakara kept crying out for Arajin’s name over and over again before the door slammed. It killed me.
- The whole flashback of that childhood incident is revealed. Apparently, some older kids trespass kid Arajin and Matakara’s secret training ground. Mata tried to confront them but sadly, he got beaten up pretty badly to the point of unconsciousness. Arajin on the other hand hid from them until said older kids decided to target him and all Arajin can do is run away all the while abandoning Matakara. And this all happened when they’re just 6-7 year old!
- I want to hit Arajin with a goddamn rubber chicken because of the earlier flashback scene of how Akutaro just drafts him into NG Boys easily by using his weakness for pretty women at the nightclub and he just falls for it easily.
- Oh well, at least, Senya is the only one who is aware of that. He was the one who sensed Ichiya in Akutaro after all.
- Just about any scene with Akutaro and how he invokes fear onto his members is just bone-chilling in and out of itself.
- Ok so we do have a backstory on Akutaro’s history with the gang, esp with Kenichiro and Minato Kai. Apparently, during their younger years, Kenichiro saved Akutaro from a bunch of thugs. This of course made Akutaro admire Kenichiro and so decided to train himself to be on his level and even transferred school to be admitted into Minato Kai (well he did wore a different school uniform in the flashback).
- Unfortunately, during his time at doing the daily matches Minato Kai, Akutaro decided to cheat and go against the honor code Minato Kai upholds by using a police baton and hit one of the members on the head. Kenichiro saw that and gave a pretty disproving look alongside the other members who watched that.
- It was at that point that Akutaro swore vengeance against Kenichiro and the whole of Minato Kai for kicking him out despite all the hard work he put in. (As much as I want to feel bad and whatnot, dude shouldn’t have brought in a weapon to a fighting match)
- Akutaro proposing to Arajin about how he would give him all of the women at the NG Boys club and Arajin just fantasizing about it plus his delusions about Mahoro would always be funny to me but at the same time, it’s getting old. Utsumi, pls let our main lead grow out of it and have him realize that Matakara is waiting for him.
- Senya just looking done with Arajin is priceless and more or less represents how the fandom just wants him to grow.
- Mahoro being the fandom surrogate when Marito took off his shirt and accessories. Also her just beating the ground and barrel all the while name calling the main leads a ‘Stone Pervert’ and ‘Blockhead’ but worrying about them under her brocon attitude respectively is just the biggest highlight lmao.
- Zabu was the biggest MVP in that not only did he rescued Matakara but even admitted to the whole gang that it was his fault for being used by Akutaro. I mean damn why isn’t he promoted cuz that’s some big balls of courage he has to admit his mistake of being used.
- Mata and Zabu thankfully managed to stop all of the Minato Kai and Siguma Squad underlings from fighting but not the bosses themselves.
- Jabashiri and Hagure crumbs but no word on Outa. Like what happened to the dude? Is he still out of commission?
- The marking on Arajin’s butt just started to glow and this made Senya fused with him unknowingly and Arajin just punched Akutaro.
- Reason above is because Akutaro started to talk about Mahoro and how he wanted to use her as a trophy girl of some sorts 😬
- Although that being said, Arajin pissed off a whole of the NG Boys squad and brought all of the members to the main gang.
- But bad news is that Akutaro sensed Senya in Arajin already. Though then again, there was plenty of foreshadowing that he already sensed it to begin with so.
- Matakara beaming like a small puppy but still thinking that Arajin never abandoned the Honki people motto just make me want to go ‘No mah boi, he just pissed off the whole members of NG Boys! He’s still distant from you!’
- Episode ends in cliffhanger with Kenichiro and Marito duking out.
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yumedoca · 3 days
"Manga Kosuke" shows up in the anime more than once, including several episodes and at least one of the ovas, I think once he even got dialogue albeit in a crowd and not important dialogue.
Similarly curly haired stormtrooper shows up several times too, like once the Stormtroopers are throwing a party for Lum and he's just there with them and Ataru. Maybe it was the storyline where Lum left the earth and gave Ataru a doll of herself.
I also believe one Urusei Yatsura video game for the original Gameboy featured Perm and Kosuke; humorously they were an edit of the same base sprite!
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Hai again, hope you're doing great!!
Since these were all sent by the same anon, I figured it was best to answer them all together..
Firstly, relating to the first two asks, I'm aware of Kosuke's cameos in the anime, the wiki has stated which all episodes it is and I very much know the most obvious cameo he made which would be in the 'Goat and Cheese' OVA, aka my favourite of the OVAs after 'Inaba the Dream maker'. I also do think I've seen Megane pop up sometimes in the manga, albeit it's very rarely and it's really hard to miss, but I do remember spotting him for at least one or two cameos (didn't know about Chibi though, I'll keep an eye out next time). The video game fact is really cool though!! Onto the next few asks...
Actually, I'm pretty sure that Megane was actually the one who got most of Kosuke's roles, funnily enough, in the last Kosuke ask I answered, @superamatista said this as well..
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..one example being in electric jungle, the one who joined AtaMenShino in saving Lum was Kosuke in the manga but in the anime it was Megane. The main and obvious reason for this is because in the manga, Kosuke is Ataru's closest friend, but in the anime, Megane is given that role instead (while still having the antagonistic side to him), so naturally a lot of his dialogue is given to Megane instead. It's been a while since I've binged the original anime all together, but I've watched a bunch of UY episodes from the original series a while back after reading the manga chapters for them since I was curious how the anime would've adapted those chapters and literally most (like around 80-90%) of the lines and role belonged to Megane, even if he has added original bits. Now that I think about it properly, I think the other three stormtroopers mostly get their lines from Hokuto and the other nameless boys in the class, mainly Chibi and Kakugari (but there might be a rare chance where they do get Kosuke's lines I don't really remember though). Perm's lines are a combo of the nameless boys and a little bit of Kosuke, while Megane's is mostly Kosuke. Of course, they have added original lines which would suit their character added to the dialogues as well. I feel like the cases where they don't give Megane Kosuke's role and give it to Perm instead, is either when Megane already had a large original role or when the role doesn't fit Megane's character. The best example of the latter is the double date AtaLum went with Kosuke and his girlfriend, while in the anime it was Perm and his (not really) girlfriend because Megane WOULD NOT ever go a date with another girl, he's too dedicated to Lum and I think they even lampshade this.
And yes, I am aware Kosuke (and Hokuto) were in the first chapter, and then they disappeared for a while and reappeared permanently in chapter 26 I think. As to why I think Perm and Kosuke are different (and why I like Kosuke more) is mostly based on opinion really. And I'll be honest now, I've never really cared much about the stormtroopers (so sorry anon but it's true), I don't hate them but I don't really love them all that much either, Megane is the only one I like and it's mostly because of Shigeru Chiba's performance (great guy). The stormtroopers to me is just 'Megane and the others' because it's literally mostly Megane and to me at least, the others are just the one dimensional members of his gang. Since they show them off as 'mostly Megane' because favouritism, it's only natural that I don't pay much attention to the others. The only thing I remember Perm doing is going on the double date and that's it. But it isn't like that for Kosuke! To me, Kosuke has a sort of charisma that all of Rumiko's characters have, even the nameless students of class 2-4. I feel like the stormtroopers don't have this specific charisma since they are mainly Oshii's characters, not Rumiko's. I get Kosuke may not be the most noticeable character, but once you start paying attention to him, you'll get to see what a great guy he is. He's silly and a goofball and a very friendly guy, a good friend to Ataru and even though he does simp over Lum a bit, he isn't stormtrooper level obsessed, he only really is against Ataru when he does or thinks he'll do something wrong (unless he's a part of his scheme lol). He's decently popular with girls, he has a girlfriend (which even Mendo and somewhat Ataru don't have) and has got chocolate from a junior on Valentine's Day and he seemed to be getting along well with the girls at Asuka's school as well. His horny level is on average since he has been shown to read porn mags and such but he doesn't disrespect or grope women in real like like Ataru does. On his date with his girlfriend, they wore matching clothing and he seems forgiving of the fact that she's a huge eater and that she's a burden on his wallet, showing he does really love her (I distinctly remember Perm in the anime version stating he'll throw his girl off a cliff or something for Lum but I'm not sure if it's a real scene or not, I can't remember). Kosuke is one of the biggest menaces in the class with Ataru and Mendo, and teams up with Ataru and on rarer cases Mendo too to take Onsen down. And Kosuke just have a lot of moments I remember, the time where he was indirectly the cause for AtaLum to fall for the other (Megane did this in the anime), the time when he and Ataru and Mendo got drunk at school late at night, the time he got kidnapped by Mendo's giant octopus, all the times Kosuke and Ataru whack the shit out of Onsen and his little comedic remarks which feel much funnier in the manga than when said in the anime cuz the anime exaggerates the bigger jokes causing the smaller ones to fall flat (the jokes in the manga remain in a good balance and most of the jokes are around the same level of funny) Kosuke just has a lot to him which Perm doesn't have because only some of these things were either mostly reserved for Megane or split among the other stormtroopers or if you are talking about friendship, the stormtroopers together are much worse friends to Ataru than Kosuke. And like that, I disagree with the Perm is much more complex than Kosuke bit too. The manga omakes literally have an entire huge analysis on Kosuke (which makes me love him even more) and that's says a lot.
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I think if I had paid more attention to Perm and the other two, maybe I can get more things to be interested about? But I feel like the average viewer would pay the most attention to Megane and just regard the others as extras. And I'm so sorry if any part made it sound as if I was insulting them cuz I didn't mean to and was only stating how they seemed to me personally. And it's cool if anon or anyone really, loves the stormtroopers or Perm over Kosuke, whatever it is, I know how it is to love small underrated characters and we're all different and have our own perspectives and that's what makes us unique, and in the end, we are fans of the same series.
Considering I've answered five asks at once, I am going to declare that this topic is closed (I'm sorry, I have other stuff to do). Microsoft Word says that this entire post is over a page long so do me a favor and reblog this if you love Kosuke :)
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noaltbruh · 1 year
hi you should totally do what its like do what its like to live with the bucci gang in a house all together thxx
*Kicks the air, giggles, screams into a pillow, throws up, dies and comes back to life just to write this post*
No bro I don't think you understand, you've just awoken my most unhinged side ever, literally I think about what it would be like to live with this wonderful family 24/h. There is nothing else in my brain, just them doing shit.
So yeah! I hope you enjoy ^^"
Life with the Bucci gang! 🐞🤐🔫🍊🍓⏪🎙 (or rather, a survival guide about living with them)
Alright, the main rule in this house is: "Don't kill each other. If you absolutely need to, at least hide the body well before it starts smelling like Mista"
Any other rule is either ignored, purposely broken, straight up not acknowledged, or only followed because Bruno said so and you don't disobey him.
Congratulations, you just got yourself free entertainment for the rest of your life and at any time of the day. Who needs Tv when you can just watch these guys do literally anything?
What are you in the mood for today? Trish kicking Mista with a shoe because he accidentally ruined her dress? Narancia blowing up with Aerosmith that one spider Fugo is afraid to squash? Giorno turning everything he sees into frogs? Abbacchio trying not to look like a total simp every time Bruno breathes?
With that being said, I hope you're not an introvert, my friend. There's no freaking way in hell they aren't going to drag you on their shenanigans. No, you can't choose, you will take part in whatever the heck they're doing, they're forcefully gonna make you tag along if you were to ooppose.
Buddy say goodbye to your privacy, that stopped existing as soon as you walked through the front door. 99% of the times there will ALWAYS be someone with you. Whether they're actually talking to you or are just in the same room as you doesn't matter. Rest assured that being alone will become a rare occurrence, no matter how antisocial you may be.
Don't try to lock the door of your room, they'll gladly destroy it and then ask Bruno to replace it with a zipper. Alternatively, some of them might even climb up from a window if they're feeling goofy that day.
I advice locking any snacks you may want to keep to yourself in a drawer or another place you know of. If you don't, there's a very high chance that whatever you were trying to keep to yourself will get stolen by the pistols sooner or later.
Another advice I can give you is to write down all important dates related to them, or little things you know they like. It must not be easy to remember those sorts of things when you live with so many people.
Most days you're gonna find Trish practising her singing in either the music room (yes they have a music room) or her own. Don't be shy and ask her if you can listen to her, she'll always reply with a yes :)
They have a very big and well taken care of garden. If you feel like spending some time with Giorno, helping him water the plants is a great idea! Prepare for lots of fun facts about gardening, while you're at it.
I suggest laying there particularly during summer nights. There's always a nice breeze to send the excessive heat away, and the stars look very nice from there. Someone else will most likely join you as well, you can stargaze together!
If you feel like having a conversation that requires more than two brain cells, Fugo's always there for you. He's used to some of the others calling him boring and such, but a nice chat about Latin, Politics, Philosophy or anything alongside those lines is always welcomed. Even if you don't know anything about those subjects but are willing to listen, he'll be happy.
Prepare for Narancia bursting in your room with a new dance, a song to listen to, or cool trick he's come up using Aerosmith, and way too much excitement. The latter one is only allowed if you're in the garden, but try to stop him from shooting any plants while you're there.
Drunk conversations with Abbacchio at 3 am. are a MUST. He'll only ever share his alcohol if he's feeling dizzy already, so wait until he starts getting a bit off and you're good to go. Do you remember anything you talked about after that night? Nope. Maybe you discussed the meaning of life, maybe you just yelled at the Tv watching old races of formula one, or maybe you've found the cure for cancer...But you'll never know.
Bruno is a safe space in the house. If you want to catch a break and take it easy from the others' chaos, he's the most reliable one. You don't have to necessarily do anything together if you don't want to, but his presence alone guaranteed to make you relax.
Don't go into the basement, please. It used to be a nice and tidy place where Bruno kept old stuff he didn't need anymore, but it progressively became more and more messy once the gang came along. Now legends say that old artifacts and mystical objects, such as Mista's hair, ended up there and were never found again.
The house has a lot of very pretty balconies with a wonderful view of the city. A couple of times a day you should go out and take some fresh air admiring Napoli, it's very soothing.
The roof is also a perfect place to if you look for a great sight of the town. If you're brave enough, you can climb up from one of the balconies. If you're not, that's fine: there's a safer ladder that will bring you there in the backyard, and you always have the support of the others if you felt scared anyway :)
Speaking of which...Yes, they may come off as extremely annoying and overbearing sometimes, but remember that once you settled in, you're family to them and there's no changing that.
They will ALWAYS be there for you, no matter what the problem or your reaction to it might be. Rest assured that you won't have to face it nor suffer alone, they'll all there to lend a hand for you and help you through it. Even if you're just feeling sad for no reason, someone will undoubtedly try to cheer you up, and succeed in doing so.
Sure, maybe some of them are not the best at expressing that they care, but they truly do and will show it to you in one way or another, whether it's direct or subtle, they will let you know you can count on them.
Movie and game nights are...Something else for sure! Every time one or two people get to pick what you're gonna play or watch, and since they have very different tastes, you can be sure as you can be that you'll enjoy yourself and have fun.
For example, one week you're watching the most gut-wrenching disturbing, complex and traumatizing movie of all time, picked by Abbacchio just to scare you all for his own amusement. Narancia will be screaming, Trish is acting like she's fine but is actually holding on to someone, Giorno is getting shushed by everyone because he's got a third eye and is somehow predicting the whole plot. A loud "SHUT THE FUCK UP, GIORNO!" from our goth man is gonna be obligatory.
The other week, instead, Mista and Narancia decided you were going to play Smash, and you WILL be playing Smash. Poor Bruno is trying to find the pattern to the attacks and fails to realize that those two dorks just spam random buttons hoping to win. Needless to say, they end up losing anyway. Also, Fugo almost threw the controller and broke the Tv a couple of times, but shhh it's okay they're rich, they can buy a new one.
The sweetest part about these "events", however, is that at the end of the night, you're all super tired. You'll just end up falling asleep all together in the salon, cuddling up against each other to feel warm, without even realizing it. The Morning after, whoever wakes up first usually makes breakfast for the rest, so you all also eat together before actually starting your day ^^
Get this through your system: no matter the time of the day, someone will be up. There isn't a single moment during those 24 hours in which they are all asleep. You'll find Mista sleeping at 3 pm on the living room couch, just to see him stealing salami from the fridge at 2 am while you were just trying to get a glass of water. He won't even let you leave and just ramble about his latest theory about salami.
Yes, your sleep routine is gonna get fucked up too, cope. Also, very often you'll hear noises coming from other rooms, although it's probably just Bruno and Abbacchio banging like there's no tomorrow . When that happens, spend time with someone until you both fall asleep, or get yourself something to block out the noise. (I'd choose the first option, but you do you).
The house has a sort of balcony that acts as an entrance to the garden. On some nights, you may find someone (usually the quietest members) hanging around there. Stop to talk to them for a while, they're weirdly more open about their feelings at that time of the day.
Mista, Narancia and Trish are going to CONSTANTLY ask you to hang out, these guys enjoy the outdoors way too much. Before you know it, you're dressed up to go party in the hugest, loudest, most crowded disco you're ever seen.
Or maybe they're dragging you to a bar and gossip about people all night, OR they're planning to infiltrate in some rich guy's party they only found out about because Trish is famous and knows way too many people.
Don't worry if you get nervous though, they'll stick around by your side to make sure you feel comfortable, and they'll leave if they see you starting get overwhelmed. All of you need to have a good time or it's no fun.
Group reading with Fugo and Giorno. I repeat: group reading with Fugo and Giorno.
Okay, the stuff they recommend might not be the most exciting, but I can guarantee you that if you manage to actually read it, the discussions and conversations you're going to have about it will make up for it. You can basically see their eyes light up and soon as you begin talking and discussing its themes, you'll find yourself carried about by their excitement without even realizing it.
While it's something they usually do alone, sometimes Bruno and Abbacchio will take you fishing with them. It's a complete moment of chill away from the excitement of your everyday life, not to mention that Bucciarati is a great fisherman and dinner that night will be delicious.
If you think these guys are enough chaotic as they are, brace yourself for Holidays time.
Get ready to help decorate the whole house, which, considering its dimensions, is no easy job. The best thing you can do in this case is go with the flow and, most of all, follow Narancia's lead: the two of you will be setting up everything for even DAYS, if it's necessary.
Prepare for constant snowball fights, dudes blasting Christmas music ridiculously loud, alcohol disappearing at an even faster rate than usual, presents flying all over the salon aand lastly...An actual quiet Christmas night where you'll simply be watching a movie together and drinking hot cocoa in front of the fireplace.
Don't be tricked, the next day the extroverted trio is already asking you to go with on them on a Christmas themed party. Good luck.
You guys fight over the best spot under the air conditioner during Summer time, and the winner always turns out to be Trish. Alternately, if someone's able to compromise enough, you'll go get something fresh to change the mood a bit.
One last thing I'd like to mention is that, in the middle of the living room, there is a big frame with all eight of you smiling together. If things ever get rough, look up and remember that your family is always there for you :)
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asmallmoon333 · 7 months
Halloween season! So monster AU Lawlight. What do you think they would be? The rest of the cast?
Fun question!! I'd say in a Haloween setting we'd have:
Light: Demon, particularly one with powers of compulsion, contracts, and death. Makes a contract in exchange for a life, the contractees never get what they think they will and all end up dying of heart attacks. Alias Kira, goal to purify the world. He's a pretty young supernatural, only a year old after dying as a human at 23. Demons are humans or supernaturals that died with unfilfilled desires, but ones so strong they become demons rather than ghosts. Helps if they contracted another demon before dying. They can also very sucessfully pass as the human/super they used to be, making them difficult to find.
L: Vampire, very old and powerful, has spent most of the last few decades napping. May or may not have been due to an epic sugar crash. He heard Demon blood tastes wonderfully sweet from an anonymous source and now wants to confirm >v>. Goal: to have cake and nibble on Kira.
Misa: Witch, she's been working ages to make a love potion that works on a demon. Has been unsuccessful. In the meantime tries her best to kill L with unique spells. Also unsuccessfully. A very powerful witch as she has a demon familiar who shares her powers with Misa.
Rem: Demon familair, Misa's in particular. Her original form was something aquatic, deep sea horror-type supernatural. She bound herself to Misa willingly out of love and gave Misa full access to her powers. That's why Misa is a very powerful witch despite still being human, and why Light keeps her around.
Ryuk: Also a demon, but uncontracted. Was a tengu before dying. He was the one that made a deal with Light was the latter was human, and the reason Light was reborn as a demon after dying. Is having the time of his life.
Mello: Vamp, sired by L so he took some of his traits. Mello was dying one night from a gang fight and L saved him and then just vanished. Mello wants to meet L to ask him why he turned him. He's competitive against Near. Doesn't try to control his bloodlust at all, and becomes the head of the mafia that killed him in a very brutal takeover.
Near: Also a Vamp sired by L, doesn't care as much as Mello does, but is still curious to meet him. Was half-fae on his mother's side but no one knew it since he was an orphan, the fact that he managed to turn successfully into a Vamp shocked a lot of people. Is under constant watch by the US government. He can control his bloodlust very well and has muted emotions. He's ambivalent to Mello.
Matt: Sylph, electric specifically. Likes to static shock people for fun. Was Mello's friend when he'd been human but didn't tell him about the supernatural community. He and Mello are sometimes at odds because of it since Mello thought they'd told each other everything, considering they grew up together.
Watari: Mad Scientist/Professor Fankenstein type. Can bring inanimate objects to life. He woke L from a very long sleep and now works with him to police the unruly supernatural community in exchange for the blood of criminals L catches. His main goal is to stop Kira.
Kiyomi: Siren, her voice and words can compel people to believe her. Acts as Kira's public voice. She thinks her voice works on Light; it does not.
Mikami: Werewolf or werecat. Hates it. His main goal in life is to be able to suppress his animalistic transformation completely. Hates both humans and the supernatural community, loves Kira for culling them.
Matsuda: Wizard. Very bad at it lmao, but born into a powerful family so he has access to a lot of good tools and relics for hunting demons.
Soichiro, Sayu, Sachiko: All human, Light's family whom he still protects. Light pretends to be human still and lives close to them. Soichiro knows about supernaturals since he works in the government, and has his suspicions of Light.
Rest of the cast: a menagerie of humans and otherwise, but my brain is tired. In general, the governments of every country know about this but keep it quiet for public panic reasons.
So, yeah, thanks for the fun question!! It ended up turning into a whole AU with background involved lmao.
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wipverse · 10 months
random facts edition #2
what is their relationship like? (part one)
Complicated. Being the first official member, Killer's had the most to get used to all the unspoken rules that come with living in the castle (through breaking every single one a million times each).
While he is loyalty personified when it comes to missions and other serious matters, he knows exactly how much he can(usually) get away with and loves to tow the line, especially with the others. Before anything and anyone else comes his cat, which has been tested by Nightmare when he first considered Killer, originally as a goon for throwing off Ink and Dream.
Nightmare employs a hands-off approach with Killer, for the most part, and doesn't go out of his way to interact more(or less) outside of missions. He keeps his "employee" in check as needed, though he becomes more lenient over time(as Killer settles down more).
His feelings towards Killer boil down to someone who got a roomba for efficiency.
Being recruited second, Dust had to settle in with already established dynamics, which wasn't too hard for him, since he didn't care about any of them nor how he's expected to fit into them.
His feelings towards Nightmare are pretty nebulous, but so are his feelings towards everyone(or so he insists).
He sees Nm as his boss and retains a purely professional relationship with him, which the Guardian is more than content with. Dust's loyalties lie with his brother first, and himself second, but surprisingly enough Papyrus and him agree more often than not. He gains, over many years, a sense of belonging and loyalty to the gang, but it's a very slow process.
Nightmare appreciates how quiet Dust is, and his business approach to working for him. He does not appreciate how often he has to pull Dust away from trying to, well, dust Killer.
Horror comes third, into what is, at first, just shy of a battlefield. He's brought in to mostly be Dust and Killer's keeper, at first, which he's scarily good at. He has his Role, and his home depends on him being good at it, so he does what he's always done and becomes what people need him to be.
He feels equal parts hate and gratefulness towards Nightmare, but regardless of his feelings he does his job without complaining.
He's the strongest physically, but the weakest overall when it comes to magic reserves. His scare factor comes in handy to making the other two skeletons listen.
His loyalty ultimately lies within the bounds of his home, and as such he is willing to do anything to ensure everyone's safety, even joining a multiversal war...against the multiverse.
Nightmare, although he would never admit it, finds Horror to be his favorite, even as the monster hates his guts. He appreciates his work ethic and the fact he can keep his other troublemakers in check. After he recovers enough from his starved state, he finds Horror to be an asset in spreading negativity throughout the aus.
Cross is the last main addition to the castle. He struggles heavily with finding his place in the relationships and dynamics already set in stone, and is more than a little awkward(which is more often than not read as antagonistic).
Cross swears loyalty to Nightmare and his cause out of a sense of duty, after the latter locates his empty AU through his negative emotions and helps give Chara and him new souls.
His feelings towards Nightmare are not exactly positive, but he carries on with his duties regardless. He mistakenly calls Nightmare "Your Highness" in his little allegiance speech, and the nickname sticks.
Nightmare is amused by this righteous knight, who so clearly hates his job yet does it anyway, in the name of a misplaced sense of debt.
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theasterous09 · 3 months
Alright, so I've been off the internet for a few days because I was reading a fanfic (unsurprisingly), and it's a popular Boboiboy x Boku No Hero Academia fanfic (Elemental Hero), and it's so good but I'm so sad that it's still a WIP and it's been a year since it had a new chapter.
Anyway, I'm not that sad about it (kidding, I'm depressed), but I can't help but think of other crossovers for Boboiboy after reading it.
Obviously, I've thought about a crossover between BBB and RC9GN. It's an interesting concept actually, and it works well in my head. But recently, I've been thinking of a different series other than RC9GN that would be a cool x-over for BBB.
Miraculous Ladybug
Listen, I already said before that I don't really like MLB (I used to be a fan, but ehh-), but that's because of how it is written. It is so poorly executed that I just gave up on it, I like to look at the fandom's works more than the canon series at this point. I like the concept and potential the story that Miraculous has, and I think it's being wasted on.
That is one of the reasons why I love imagining a crossover between BBB and MLB. Like, seriously, I know that BBB is a pretty obscure show, and isn't as well-known as MLB, but I really thought there'd be more crossovers of them??? Wouldn't it be an awesome idea for Marinette, Adrien, and co. to enter the BBB universe? Or even the Kokotiam gang to enter the MLB universe? With plenty of villains on both universes, there'd be plenty of writing potential for these two shows together.
Personally, since I'm in the BBB fandom atm, I've been daydreaming thinking of a story where it's the Koko gang that somehow ends up in the MLB universe (thanks to the many amounts of crossover fics and that Elemental Hero fic I've read, I've thought of a way how they got there + it's easier to think of how they got there than how MLB characters would in the BBB universe). They have to find out how to get back to their world, while trying to fit in in Paris so they don't attract too much attention. The latter obviously fails when villains appear and, like the heroes they are, tries to save the day, but they bump into the local heroes of this world: Ladybug and Chat Noir (with additional other heroes depending on the timeline of MLB). Weird shenanigans ensues and the gang escapes from being questioned by the two heroes.
Now, Ladybug and Chat Noir are on the hunt to find the 5 weird people who had powers (just like them, but somehow more different), the gang tries to find someone who can help them find a way back home, and ofc, Hawkmoth (or Shadowmoth or Monarch, idk when this takes place in MLB honestly) takes a liking to these weird, new comers and tries to take advantage of them. And a new (or old?) threat appears from Boboiboy's world (somehow, idk) and tries to form an alliance with Gabriel so that they can both get what they want.
How will the Kokotiam Gang get home? What will Marinette and Adrien do to find those weird people with powers? Once they find them, what then? Will Gabriel be able to get the Miraculouses now that he has a bigger threat? Who would the mysterious villain from BBB's universe be? And will Marinette still be pining over Adrien like in the original series?
That last question, if I were to write this, then I wouldn't do that. I seriously hate writing romance, and Marinette pining over Adrien in almost every episode is boring. So, romance wouldn't be the main focus of the story.
But for the rest of those questions? Honestly, idk. I don't have the motivation to make this into an actual story. I still plan on writing RC9GN: Ninja Watchception once I get the motivation to write again.
Though, it is nice to dream.
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areseebee · 7 months
The imitating-the-head-movement thing is soo great, tbh, I wonder if he was directed to or if he did that on his own. There's some really brilliant "little acting" in this show that's just so very good. I rewatched the S2 finale, and that scene with Cathy (not her eyebrows!), when she has that discussion with Ma Mary, he's full on beaming at his mother's pathetic claims about how much she's missed him, face completely dropping at Mary's "well you did dump him here quite a long time ago!", the way he says "Mum's had a lot going on" - that was sooo nailing the abandoned child in denial about their parent's lack of affection, brilliant, but also Mary's reaction!! When her eyes stay on James for a second before going back to Cathy going on about her business, you can literally watch Ma Mary's heart break for him! Considering there's some quite silly slapsticky comedy and over the top physical stuff in there as well, in some moments we really get to see how much *serious* acting talent there's assembled in this cast! ("Serious" acting talend in addition to comic acting talent, which is obvious in practically every scene I mean)
[this ask is referencing my tags on this reblog of a gifset of james in 3x07 as he watches his erin fancam footage]
yes, totally agree! there's some really, really top tier "little acting" from the entire cast (face acting, i think it's called? idk, don't quote me on that, i am not a trained actor).
in the same vein as the "little acting," the background acting in derry girls is just so excellent. i remember an interview with one of the main cast members where they talk about how tiring some of the long filming days would be because, even if they didn't many lines, they are always in the scene, reacting or doing something in the background. orla/louisa harland gets a lot of recognition for their/her background antics, but i think james/dylan llewellyn is really, really excellent with his background acting too. and, imo, it leads to a really rich text to work with as a fic writer and makes the show endlessly layered and rewatchable. i still feel like i pick up on new things when i revisit the show.
mine and @derrygirlstrash's fic, making moves, is grounded in only a look that erin gives james in the dark when the gang is sneaking into the protestant boys' room in 2x01. she's concerned about how she "doesn't have any moves," looks back at james anxiously, he very clearly notices, and then his next line is about how "boys like girls who are confident." like! why was she looking at him? had they talked about this together before? he's so quick to reassure her, to make sure she's not worried. boom - we wrote a fic about it.
or in 3x03, when james is about to sneeze on the train and erin is looking at him encouragingly, hoping she'll get to hear about his "hopes and dreams," and michelle is looking between the two of them like she suspects something, like whatever is about to happen needs to be stopped. did michelle really just happen on them kissing in 3x04 or had she been watching them for a while, seeing this develop right in front of her eyes and try to interrupt it? because i think it's fun, my headcanon is the latter and it's based literally on that one look in 3x03 alone. i'm not gonna write it, but someone give me a "5 times michelle suspected" fic!
there's just so much there if you've got an eye to it, so many spaces for fun ideas. it's the way i like to write and think about fic - to find those spaces in a source material, to find those opportunities within it to really explore what else could be there and to better understand who the characters are to themselves and to each other. imo not all source material has those spaces, but derry girls has it in spades.
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
Now I know Shadow not thinking of Eggman as family is the more popular take. But may I present to you: Shadow treating him as the baby of the family.
Him preferring Robotinik tech
Him always referring to Robotinik as Doctor as a form of pride
Protective of him if he’s hurt or mentally unstable.
Him resenting characters saying he’s pure evil.
Ivo is treated as much as a weapon as Shadow is and Metal
Shadow having baby pictures and scavenging for childhood ones.
Just, Shadow Robotinik.
(First of all, if you haven't already, required reading for this post is Robotnik Family Reunion.)
I'm not sure I agree with your take 100% of the way, but I do love to explore the relationship between these two as being closer than most people headcanon. I don't think Shadow acts as the older of the two- they're cousins, if Shadow's counting himself as Maria's sister, which makes them roughly the "same" age. But I do think that they have a strange sort of familial relationship that neither of them can really quantify.
Shadow is someone who cares very deeply about family. Not in an overt, loving sense; almost more of steely obligation. Rouge asks why Shadow even bothers with Ivo and the only reply he has is "he's family". Shadow can't just forget and move on. He's a Robotnik. If something truly happened to Ivo, (especially a chronic illness!) Shadow would be there. There's no other option to even comprehend.
Shadow holds a sort of respect for him. Calling Ivo by "doctor" is the main manifestation of this. But that's not to say that they like each other. They disagree on some fundamental things. Ivo reminds Shadow too much of Gerald's latter years with his desire to conquer the world, and those scars are still too fresh to heal. But there's also an understanding that comes from that. Shadow knows what it's like to be so angry at the world that the only solution you can see is violence. Instead of merely conquering, he tried to destroy everything. Ivo, at least, operates under the pretense that he's making the world better, and that's something Shadow can almost agree with, if it weren't for the scientific and callous disregard for the well-being of others that Ivo brings along with it.
Shadow remembers what it was like to be "evil", and knows it's much more complicated than that. When Sonic and the rest of the gang get to calling Ivo "pure evil", it doesn't sit right.
. . . but then sometimes Ivo does something so colossally stupid or evil that Shadow loses patience and considers just killing the man. To avoid making the decision, he lets Sonic be the one to give the final blow to whatever robot Ivo has himself holed up in for the latest scheme, and looks the other way as Sonic lets him escape every time.
They definitely have periods where they're closer than others.
Sometimes, during the good periods, Ivo lets Shadow get ahold of some of the old family heirlooms. He's got lots of things from old houses that he's inherited as the rest of the Robotnik family dropped like flies over the years, things with little use to him, so he lets Shadow pick through the remains. The most valuable find so far has been a blue ribbon that Maria wore as a baby before the ARK, along with a picture of her parents. Ivo says this exchange of family property is to bribe Shadow from breaking in and erasing his access to the PROJECT: SHADOW files from the EggNet, but. . . let's be honest here, he wouldn't have to go as far as actually giving gifts this important and meaningful to Shadow to achieve that.
Shadow talks about all this with Rouge sometimes. Rouge has had some unsavory family members in the past, so she's able to give some advice. With Omega, though, the topic is probably the biggest strain in their friendship. Omega made up his mind about the whole "family" situation since day one: Ivo is not his "father", and he is not a Robotnik. Shadow has only once made the mistake of implying that he and Omega were cousins once-removed. It took him a week to heal the injuries and even longer for Omega to start speaking to him again.
(Sometimes Shadow, despite himself and despite everything, catches himself feeling a strange sort of gratitude that Ivo built Omega. He keeps this very, very private.)
So, yeah- Shadow Robotnik indeed (no matter how messy the title and all the emotions that come with it may be.) Thanks for sending this ask. I'm always in the mood to have my brain picked about these two.
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mha-quotes-and-such · 6 months
That's exactly it! In the entirety of BNHA there has been what, 3 deaths? And none of them have been students? You're really telling me these full grown adult villains who have been training their quirks for YEARS can't take out 15/16 year olds that haven't even had a year of proper training? Miss me with that. There are NO stakes, so even when students get really hurt, I know they're going to be fine so I just don't care at all.
I'd have a character like Kirishima killed. I love that boy SO much but can you imagine the absolute heartbreak for every single character if Kirishima died? That's the good shit there. Or Uraraka is another good one to have die. A driving force for Midoriya. Or really any of the main students.
Or Aizawa.
I think characters like All Might and Endeavour are cop-outs for death. I want good characters that are loved to die. Like, Midnight and Nighteye(?) were sad, sure, but neither of them had enough screentime to really hurt. And while I won't say spoilers for the manga, let's just say the current arc for two characters has PISSED me off big time for cop out survival.
Honestly I think thats one of my biggest problems with media with young protagonists. Sure, if a villain was ganged up on by a bunch of kids that might be a problem, which the series does ok at points, but like. One on one combat these kids should not be winning so decisively?? Like you said, theyre 15/16 fighting people who have dedicated their entire lives to their craft, how are they handling this with little to no repercussions? Thats something I could go on about forever, but I digress
Those are all really interesting choices! Aizawa in particular is really intriguing, and I think could work well. I think killing off students, while it would absolutely be effective, could very easily become an issue of turning a beloved character into nothing more than a plot device if done poorly. Aizawa on the other hand I think is close enough to the students to work effectively, loved enough by the fandom to be a blow, but removed enough where he wont act as a super heavy crutch to aid the story if that makes any sense? My only fear with Kirishima or Uraraka is that if its not done right it could become something thats relied on too heavily while developing Bakugou/Midoriya respectively. Although @thelittlegirlinwonderland made a good point here that having a student die would emphasize that they are just children, which could definitely help with the realism of it
I definitely agree with you on All Might and Endeavor, especially the latter as I feel he would be a very fan-servicey kill (as odd as that sounds). However I do think All Might will die before the series ends. Personally it seems theyre heading in the direction of a very coming-of-age-finding-yourself plot for Midoriya that I think will require All Might dying. I guess we’ll just have to see, but it would align with their trend of less risky kills
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enby-denby · 6 months
Seeing as there are three days left of my little TADC poll, and knowing full well that a majority of the votes have already been cast and the winner has all but been chosen, I'd like to give a deeper summary of each to both hype up those who've voted already for their choices and to give people seeing it for the first time a more informed choice. I meant to do this sooner, but I was doing the Dead Colonizers feast with my family for the past two days. Anyway, here are your fics:
Chess Gang Flashback: This fic would begin in the development crew at C&A noticing that their first playtester wasn't exiting the game on schedule and sending in a (way too) elite team of administrators to rescue said employee. As admins, they default to a form reminiscent of the Admin icons on their work laptops: chess pieces, to be precise. Kinger tries to lead the way, even when he no longer remembers the plan, Queenie will make power moves until she realizes how powerless she really is, and Bishop tries to do good by his Lord only to be corrupted by the divinity of the digital world. And the others? The rook, the knight, and the lost pawn? They may not outlast the others, but their actions will have lasting impacts.
Hotel Staff AU: Exactly what it says on the tin, really, t1he circus is instead a hotel that everyone works at. Pomni is a Valet, Caine is her manager that is friendly and supportive (when he makes himself availible, that is), Ragatha is a Front Desk Auditor that helps her a lot with paperwork, Jax is a porter that never does more than his job description and screws around with his coworkers, Gangle is a bellhop who puts on a happy face for guests only to duck into the bell closet to cry about getting stiffed on tips, Zooble is a bartender at the hotel bar who doesn't talk much and leaves as soon as their shift ends but sometimes brings Pomni water or soft drinks, and Kinger is the property manager for this (and several other) hotels whose gone a little crazy from being run ragged. The main six work the same night shift schedule, dealing with all sorts of weird guests, requests and personal stresses (including some not so digital, not so doomed yuri).
Pomni is a System and Ragatha is queer: I envisioned these as not one fic but two intertwined stories; both would share a single canon and events from one would effect the other, but could be read in either order. One half of this series is Pomni's traumatic first day resulting in her splitting into a system. Below is an illustration of the colorful cast of characters this story would feature, all within the colorful character they all live in, inside-out style:
Tumblr media
The other half focuses on Ragatha, her sewing skills, and the wonderful and horrible "personal project" that she keeps grafting to herself to cope with circus life/past traumas around her femininity. I am trying to talk around tumblers censors, so just know this: it's one part spicy fantasies, one part skin-crawling descriptions of the reality of what this sort of fabric-surgery would entail. The inflection point of these two narratives is that Pomni and Ragatha would confide their coping skills with one another and bond in the process.
One Shot where Pomni Meets Bishop: this one will make more sense after the Chess Gang Flashback, but it doesn't neatly fit into that narrative. Instead, this story finds Pomni lost in another distant courner of the circus, a land claimed by an exiled zealot. The former wants answers about the circus, the latter wants another convert to his ideology... or otherwise manipulate her to play the role he thinks is needed to be played. All told it would be a clash of chaos and order, of logic and belief, and is going to be full of emotional (perhaps even literal) bombshells.
Toy Story AU: this I came up with on a complete whim when making the poll, but I have developed the idea some what. I'm honestly torn between making Caine a human (controls the games, comes and goes as he pleases, unaware of the suffering he is inflicting on his toys, etc) and a toy in the position of Woody (lays out the rules of being a toy, his design, bringing Pomni back when she strays) but I know I want Pomni to be confused and resentful of her existence as a plaything. Her idea of an exit is the toys leaving the bedroom and forming a society out in the woods, but the other toys are skeptical of her plans. One cool thing about this story is I can call out the darker aspects of Toy Story's premise, like the fact that freezing up seems to be an involuntary reflex on the toy's part.
New person joins the circus: this would be the introduction of another oc, this one a living stuffed animal named Totes. Initially believing the circus to be a big silly drug trip, they seemingly shrug off the weirdness of the circus and embrace their half weasel, half tote-bag existence with ease... until they sober up, and Pomni finds herself having to navigate a role similar to the one Ragatha had for her when she first arrived. This is definitely one of the narratives that leans into the circus being a grim and endless cycle, and thus this fic represents an inflection point of Pomni reflecting on this shared, miserable experience.
Zooble Theseus' Ships Themself: another "throw it in" idea, but a wonderful thought experiment to explore that I imagine they have done at some point. This fic would explore the nature of a being that can swap out every part of themselves, except for an intangible piece of sapience that is not transferred to any one piece. This is proven when the reformed Zooble tries to make a second self with the swapped-out pieces, and fails.
Descendants Style story: Somebody has to do this, and in a sense many fans on Tumblr have laid the groundwork with their fan kid designs. This would take place after a sort of "balance patch" to the game that would allow the humans in the circus enough autonomy to have children in some capacity or another, and rather than going on many small adventures Caine sends a group of said descendants on a grander adventure as a sort of coming of age ritual. There will be goofy enemies, fun dynamics between the circus kids, deep existential questions on the humanity of said children, and what their future might hold being trapped in the same world as their parents.
Pomni becomes the "New Old Guard": this is the natural conclusion of the "Circus as an inescapable cycle" line of stories, with no concessions made with whimsical twists or pretense of escape. And we rip that bandaid off harshly with the first chapter detailing the abstraction of Ragatha coinciding with yet another new arrival, the combination of which triggers some horrendous PTSD and survivor's guilt. If she can make it even a quarter of the time Kinger had made it-- or even through the next week-- it will be a miracle.
Good/Steak Dinner ending: if the above was a True Bad ending, then this is the opposite. A few years after escaping the circus, the main six have gotten physical and mental therapy, as well as justice. But not much money, just enough to cover their bills and a single very nice meal for their troubles. The story of their escape and the aftermath of their stay is told as playful reminiscing over drinks and appetizers, their lasting anguishes carved out of porterhouse and ribeye entrees; as the night winds down and the humans start to return to their old lives, the second oldest member of the circus and the last victim of that digital hell get their just desserts.
So, there's the loglines for each. And as necessary I will make more art as I develop each idea/feel like I need to. But as you can see, there's a reason I am so indecisive about these ideas that I am putting these fics to committee. I think up/mentally expland upon these fics faster than I can write them, and the data I am getting from Tumblr is giving those brainstorms a direction to consistantly burrow in. Get out the vote, my fellow TADC Tumblerites!
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