#were married blehhh
lexiene · 7 months
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POV: You're married to Megumi~ 💍
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shelby-fangirl00 · 8 months
Good for you-part 3
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So I’ve been avoiding tumblr lately. Sometimes I get into these stupid funks after I write something I’m really proud of. It’s like I can’t do another good piece of writing after. I don’t know, I’m just scared of not being good. I honestly don’t know how well this one’s even written, but it was still fun to write.
So I took sometime to just fall into dark romance novels in order to help me feel inspired/grow as a writer. I know I don’t really have many people waiting on me to write or anything but I just have this guilt about not posting. BLEHHH ANYWAYZZZ…
🎵I can heaaaar the belllls🎵 it’s wedding day y’all! Enjoy:)
Warnings: (18+ MINORS DNI) strong language, smut, loss of virginity, dark!Tommy, dark!Tommy being soft, angst, fluff, jealousy and a bit of cheating
You hadn’t spoken to him in days, not since you woke up alone in his bed. he had left your ass bruised to hell. You weren’t sure why he had been avoiding you. It all seemed like one big mind game of his. Punishing you, soothing you, then disappearing. What was his angle?
Now, you were about to manually put one pearly white heel in front of the other as you walked down the church aisle, only moments away from signing over your life to him.
You looked at your father before he opened the doors of the church to expose you to a room full of people you didn’t know. He went to reach for the door handle, but you stopped him, pulling his arm back. He looked at you, confused at first. He could see the tears pricking at your eyes and the scrunching of your brow. Your chin began to quiver as you saw your fathers eyes soften with empathy and maybe a bit of guilt.
“I’m so scared, dad.’ You whispered to him, the tears finally falling down your cheeks.
“Oh sweetheart…” he pulled you into a bear hug, the kind that made you cry ever harder. You felt the child inside of you dying as his familiar arms wrapped around you, the arms that always protected you. It was a dark and empty feeling, knowing that you’d never have that gleaming light in your eyes that children have. That you always had. You’d never have the same rosiness to your cheeks anymore. You’d never experience real love, never experience traveling, never have your own life. You would always have that depressing mansion. Forever hiding behind the shadow of the man you’re marrying. Reality sank in and you tried to accept the hand that life had dealt you.
“Be strong, y/n. He may seem like a cold man but he will take care of you. You will never have to struggle again. We will never struggle again. And it’s all because of the sacrifices you’re making today. They don’t go unnoticed, love.”
You shook your head, wiping the tears away and composing yourself. You always understood your role in your family. It was all just happening so quickly at once.
You heard the church’s organ hymn to life, knowing that this was really it.
The doors opened, revealing nearly a hundred people or more standing and watching you, examining your body. At the end of the green aisle stood Tommy, hands crossed in front of him, watching you, with no expression at all. Everyone was dressed eloquently, but so we’re you. You’re dress was light but fitting, accentuating your best features with rhinestones and lace.
Tommy watched you walk slowly down the aisle, hips swaying back and forth. He always thought you were a pretty girl, but you looked beautiful tonight. He especially liked the way you chose to wear your hair in a low loose bun, strands falling down your neck. The way he favored it.
He coughed a bit as his mouth went dry the closer you got to him.
“Don’t get cold-feet now, Tommy.” John giggled from behind him. Tommy rolled his eyes, unmoving from his position.
As your father handed you off to Tommy who took your hand, walking you to stand in front of the aisle with the priest.
As the priest went on with the service, you felt yourself looking for comfort in Tommy’s eyes, your new protector. He gave you an amused smile, winking down at you playfully, like this wasn’t a big deal at all. His ability to not take it all so seriously (or at least not show you his fear) calmed down the rambunctious beating of your heart.
“I do” Tommy said, his voice booming through the church. You almost forgot how intimidating his voice was after not hearing it for days.
“I do” you said quickly, not daring to hesitate and risk embarrassing him. He smiled at your eagerness.
“In the sight of these witnesses and God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!”
The drop in your stomach was quickly replaced with butterflies as Tommy cupped your face sweetly and kissed you for the very first time. His lips were soft and supple, pressing lightly against your own. Being kissed by him was better than you imagined.
You both started to laugh into the kiss as the roar of people (mostly Tommy’s family and men) whistled and clapped for you both. Feeling the tension break away from the situation, you pulled away, smiling so widely at Tommy. His heart skipped a beat as he had never seen such a beautiful and authentic smile.
For a few moments, it felt like it was just the two of you in that church. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
You had ditched the champagne halfway through the night and snuck a few swigs of whiskey from Tommy’s office. All you could think about was what would happen after all of his fancy guests left. Would you still have a separate bedroom from him? Hell, you didn’t even know if he’d touch you. You never talked about anything. But you wanted him to. Deep down, there was a need to be consumed by only him.
The booze helped with your worries. You figured it would help with the pain you might be experiencing after tonight. You were a virgin. You never told him, but he never asked. You assumed he already knew. You had no clue where you stood with him, but the liquor told you to go find out.
You fought to find Tommy in the crowded hallways, trying your hardest not to get lost in the “congratulations” people threw your way.
Suddenly, you felt his presence nearby. Like you could sense where he was, you turned around to peer through the crowd. He was sitting alone in an empty room to your right, down the hallway. The door of the room was only cracked open and the lights were dim around him. Your body froze as your eyes followed his line of sight from above him in the dimly lit room.
A tall woman came into view, with fiery red hair and a slim figure. She leaned over Tommy, whispering something in his ear, her diamond encrusted necklace dangling in his face. It sparkled off his deep blue eyes.
You could almost make out the growl he let out in response as he pulled her forcefully onto his lap. She wrapped her delicate fingers around his neck as he shoved his face in between her chest, kissing her skin so softly. His hands, the hands that you so desperately wanted all over your skin, we’re gripping this beautiful woman’s instead.
The entire room and people around you faded into the background. Your ears rang out and you couldn’t look away from them. The more you gawked, the harder it was to pull yourself away. On your fucking wedding night of all days. Sure, you didn’t think that you’d be his last fuck, but surely not tonight. Maybe this was just the way of his world. This is what you signed on for.
Your vision blurred as tears flooded out. Your body suddenly felt 1000 pounds heavier as the blood pulsed through your ears.
“Darling, is everything alright?” Polly’s soft voice purred behind you, not noticing the scene Tommy was so obviously making down the hall.
Blinking once to free your eyes, you wiped them away just as quickly. Forcing yourself back to reality. In that very moment, something inside of you awakened, something devious, but also something very fucking angry. Deciding to shut your emotions off, you turned to her kind eyes.
“Oh just lovely Polly. But it is my wedding night and now that I’m officially a Shelby, I intend to drink like one. Join me?” You said so effortlessly, shocking yourself with the confidence you oozed out instantly.
Polly’s eyes nearly popped out of her head, giving you a questioning look. She’d never heard you stutter out more than a few words to her or anyone in the family, really. She took you for the shy and submissive type, which to be fair, you were. But not right now, not tonight. He wouldn’t take this night from you.
After a few seconds of silence, her mouth slid up into a devilish grin.
It didn’t take long before all of the worries and pain dripped off your shoulders, evaporating into the air around you. At some point, Polly and her strange friends that surrounded her had disappeared into the crowds, chatting away with people you didn’t know.
The jazz music blared from the small band Tommy had hired for the night. Your body moved and swayed to it as you stood lazily at the bar. You hadn’t seen Tommy since he was eye-fucking whoever the hell that woman was. You told yourself that he was the last person you wanted to see. But it was a lie. You’d always want to fight for his attention or even his devotion.
But suddenly, like a fucking ghost, you felt the back of your neck prickle and your palms sweat. You knew he was close by, you could feel it in the way the air thinned and the way people’s back straightened.
You decided to not look around for him. If he needed you, he’d find you, but you were sure he didn’t give single fuck what you were up to.
Your eyes scanned the ridiculous bar and landed on the tall man to your left. He was sitting opposite, staring up at you as he brought his glass to his pink lips. You stared, a bit taken aback by his boldness. He lowered his glass, never looking away. You threw him a playful smile, never looking away.
His skin was tan, opposite of Tommy’s. His eyes were almond shaped and honey coated. His aggressively large shoulders and slim torso enticed you as his body seemed to lean forward, preying on you.
Without your mind fully catching up, your body moved slowly towards him, but not before you shot back another glass of champagne.
“I have a feeling you’re the designated wedding crasher?” You almost whispered as you sat down on the stool beside him.
His eyes softened, and his grin turned even wider at your examination of him.
“What makes you so sure?” He sipped on his glass, his loosely slicked back hair tumbling into his face as he moved.
“Because only an enemy would try provoking Mr.Shelby by making eyes at his new wife…especially on her wedding night.” You giggled, lazily crossing your thighs together.
He didn’t miss the movement. His eyes traced over your body, stopping at your exposed thighs before meeting your face again.
“Well you don’t seem to mind, do ya love?” His voice turned husky as he leaned in closer, making you do the same.
You looked past the man’s shoulder, zeroing in on those deadly blue eyes, watching you from the corner of the room.
Now you had his attention. You didn’t even give a shit how much trouble you and this mystery man would be getting into. He clearly wasn’t welcome here anyways, whoever he is.
You smirked at Tommy, never taking your eyes off of him as you leaned even closer, pulling the man’s neck closer to you, putting your lips to his ears.
Before you could even get a word out, Tommy was stomping towards you both. You slowly let the man go and watched in awe as Tommy grabbed the man by the back of his collar, pulling him off the chair. His back slammed onto the floor, making the entire room fall silent.
Unfazed, you sipped on a glass of champagne in your hand, watching Tommy’s anger boil over, ready and waiting for your own punishment.
He placed both feet on each side of the man, whipping out his pistol effortlessly from under his coat and pointing it in his face.
“Fuck off.” Is the only words he spoke to the man, but they were deadly enough to make any person run away in fear.
The man didn’t need to be asked twice before he pushed himself up and stomped to the front door. Well that was easy enough.
As Tommy holstered his gun and brushed his pants off, the band began to play again as everyone slowly continued on with the party. As the noise picked up, he finally turned to me, eyes on fire.
He yanked me from the stool by the arm, dragging me down the hall and up the stairs. You giggled your way up, too drunk to even care how mad he was.
He threw you into his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Stumbling back, you cocked an eyebrow up at him, challenging him.
“Are you that fucking dense? Are you trying to embarrass me or do you just not give a fuck?” He voice was filled with disgust. While his tone was vile, his composure was also slipping.
You tapped your pouty lips with your finger like you were thinking hard.
“I was so lonely, husband. I just needed some attention.” You giggled, skipping towards him lightly, your chest bouncing out of your low cut dress. Ignoring his insult completely, you batted your thick lashed at him.
His eyes shot down to your chest but they were still full of fury.
“Oh I see! Only you are allowed to play tonight.” You said in an annoyed tone.
His shoulders rolled back and he tilted his head in suspicion. He knew you knew.
Seeing the realization in his eyes, you rolled your own, turning your back on him. Before you could take another step, he yanked your arm back, pushing you into his chest. You yelped, attempting to push him off of you, but his grip on you was too tight.
“Fuck off, Tommy. Let me go.” You said, finally dropping the whole “I don’t care” act. His fingers dug into your sides so hard you knew they would bruise.
His eyebrows shot up to his fucking hairline, letting out a laugh that was deadly.
He pinched your cheeks with one hand, forcing you to look at him.
“You’re hurting me! Let go!” You whimpered out. He used his other hand to pin your hands behind your back. He rotated both of your bodies, pushing you again the wall with a loud thud. You winced in pain.
He pressed your face into the thick walls, shoving his nose into yours.
“This is my house. I can do whatever or whoever the fuck I want, ya hear me? You may not act like a whore.”
You didn’t feel scared or threatened. You felt fucking rage. It was bubbling up inside of you, clawing at your throat.
“I wouldn’t have to act like a whore if my husband could do the fucking job himself.” You said at an angry whisper.
His eyes darkened and his lips curved up into a smirk.
“You’re awfully cheeky tonight, love. What happened to my submissive little pet?” He cocked his head to the side, making you shudder.
His hand curled it’s way around your throat, squeezing a bit too tight.
You preferred being good for him. But you were still too angry for that.
“Fucking other women on your wedding night…that’s gotta be a bad omen or something, no?” You squeaked.
“What makes you think I fucked her?” He chuckled, examining the way your body was pushing into him.
“Because you have quite the reputation for acting like a whore yourself.”
You yelped as his palm smacked the side of your cheek, not hard enough to hurt you, but enough to get your attention.
Without another word, he let you go, but not before forcing you to your knees as he pushed your shoulders down. Finally.
Quickly, he freed his cock from under his dress pants.
“That naughty mouth of yours needs to be taught a lesson.” He growled before forcing your jaw open with his hands. Before you could process what was happening next, he was shoving his cock down your throat.
You moaned at the sensation, greedily trying to take back control. You bobbed your head back and forth, using your tongue to swirl around the tip of his cock. You were a virgin, yes. But you’d had a few dicks down your throat before. Maybe none as big as his though.
His hand fisted into your hair, taking control of the rhythm. As he forced himself farther and farther down your throat, you gagged, drool dripping out onto your chin.
Both of your eyes were locked onto each other as you let him fuck your mouth relentlessly. You folded your hands behind your back, letting him have the control he desperately seeks.
He smiled sweetly at you.
“There she is. My good girl.” He said huskily, not stopping his relentless movements.
Your pussy clenched around nothing at his words, making you moan around his cock again, sending vibrations up his body.
Your thighs opened up and you attempted to rub small circles into your clit, trying to relieve the built up tension between your legs.
As he watched you, he pulled out of your mouth and smacked your hand away from yourself.
“You ask for permission to touch that needy pussy. It’s mine now.”
You whimpered, wishing he would stuff your mouth full of him again. Noticing your expression, he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth.
“Get on the bed. I need to be inside you.”
Your body froze for a second, preparing yourself for your innocence to be taken away.
“Tommy…I’ve never-
“I know. You think I would have waited to fill that pussy with my cock until tonight if you weren’t?” He stalked over to you, placing his open hand out for you to take. You do, standing to your feet and allowing him to lead you to the bed.
He stalked behind you and you felt his fingers zip down your dress and push it off your body slowly, finally exposing you naked body to him for the first time. Goosebumps covered your skin as you could feel his eyes all over you.
His hands snaked around your stomach from behind, slowly reaching down and stopping above your pelvic bone.
You were desperate for his touch.
He leaned over from behind you, forcing your head back to kiss your lips softly as his hands crept up and down your thighs. Every one of your nerve endings were set on fire as his unfamiliar hands touched your skin.
“I don’t know if you’ll fit inside me..” you whispered, resting your head on his chest.
He smiled knowingly, kissing your nose. His changing moods were giving you whiplash.
“It will, love. It’ll hurt at first…” he kissed down your neck, sending goosebumps down you again.
“But I promise I’ll make it feel so good.” He whispered in your ear, biting at your lobe.
He pushed you towards the bed and you laid flat on your back, almost shaking with anticipation.
The only exposed part of his body was his throbbing cock standing center.
His eyes devoured every inch of your body before he hovered over you, kissing your cheeks softly.
“Tommy.” You whispered, your hands wrapping around the back of his neck.
His eyes lifted to find yours.
“Please be gentle with me?” You watched as his eyes softened for only a second and quickly changing to mischief.
“Relax, love. Do you want this?”
“Of course I do.”
He smiled down again, giving you one last kiss before he lined himself up with your pussy. Your body stiffened as you felt him tease you, rubbing the head of his cock against your slick slit.
“Beg for it.”
You did as you were told.
“Please, Tommy…I cant wait anymore.”
“Good girl…you feel how wet you are? You’re ready for me.” He moaned out as suddenly the head of his cock popped through your entrance making you gasp.
Your hands shot to his shoulders, trying to find comfort in him.
He brushed his nose against your neck, making you shiver. He inched in further before stopping to let you adjust to his size.
He groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head.
“I’m going to push all the way in now, ok?“
You shook your head, ready to get the pain over with.
“Fuck!” You yelled as he plunged into you, breaking through the thin wall inside of you so easily.
“Shhhhh…I’ll make it feel better.” he cooed, taking his hand to wrap your leg around his waist. He froze again, letting you adjust.
“Tommy, please fucking move!” You wined as the pain was too much to bear.
He chuckled, moving all the way out just to thrust back in again.
“Christ, this pussy was made for me, y/n. It’s all mine…you’re all mine.” The use of your name made your head reel.
After moving in and out of you a few more times, your body relaxed. You pushed him into you with you legs, reveling in the pain mixed with the pleasure.
“How does it feel?” He moaned out, pinching your nipples between his fingers.
Your back arched up off the mattress, chasing his touch.
“So fucking full…” you barely mumbled out as his pounding never relented.
Thrusting inside of you once more, he flipped you with ease so you were on top of him.
You froze for a second, feeling intimidated by this position. But you couldn’t deny it. You liked the way he looked under you, eyes glazed over and mouth popped open in ecstasy.
Noticing your timidness, he squeezed you hips, signaling for you to move up and down.
“Fuuuck..” you panted out, tilting you head back and planting your hands on his chest. Like your body knew exactly what to do, you slowly found a pace, moving up and down on his dick.
“Good job, love. Just like this.” He led your hips up and down, meeting your hips with his own.
You pulled the buttons of his vest apart, exposing more of his broad figure, but still fully clothed. For some reason, you liked how exposed you were and how covered up he was.
His encouraging words boosted your ego, making you bounce faster and faster on him. You felt him pulsing inside of you. The sounds of your skin slapping together and the shared panting and moans drowned out the music from behind the door.
He used his palm to push you back down, forcing you to lay flat on his chest. He took the opportunity to lift your ass and fuck up into you. Shots of pleasure were
You let out a guttural scream that you were sure someone would have heard. Riding him felt good, but this felt intoxicating. Your body was at the complete mercy of his movements. A knot started to form in the pit of your stomach, pulling tighter and tighter around you.
“I think I’m-
“Yeah, I can feel you squeezing around me. Come for me, please.” He panted out. Did Thomas Shelby just say ‘please’?!
He pushed his hand in between your bodies, letting his thumb draw circles along your protruding clit with one hand while the other lifted your ass up and down onto him. This can’t be what sex feels like for every man. This is what sex feels like with Tommy. You felt like he was finally seeing you and you were finally seeing him for the very first time. He smiled up at you, watching you find yourself through him. A sense of belonging and power washed over you and you let all of your fears of Tommy go…in that moment at least.
Seeing flashes of a vulnerable Tommy was fascinating. He never let his guard down around you, except for right now. He had completely fell into this moment, your bodies moving as one, like you’d done this 100 times before.
You sunk your claws into his thinly covered chest, leaning your head into his neck as he fucked you through your orgasm. Thousands of tiny sparks ignited inside of you. Your body tightened as you silently screamed in pleasure.
He didn’t stop even after you came down. He flipped you over to your back again, chasing his own release now.
You both groaned out as your back hit the mattress and he pounded into you with such force. His hand lifted your leg up to rest on his shoulder, pulling at your tight walls.
“I’m gonna put a babe in here…plant my fucking seed in you.” He growled. Normally, you’d reject this. But fuck, you didn’t care right now. You wanted to know what it felt like when his cum shot up into you.
His thrusts became sloppy and his free hand held your chin in place, not allowing you to look away as he finally came inside of you.
The whimpers that left his mouth as he stared down into your soul. You smile deviously, now addicted to this vulnerable expression. You wanted to see that drunken-on-lust look over and over again.
Both of you panted over each other, not moving from inside of you. You could see in his eyes that something had changed between the two of you. He had finally made his mark on you and you were now a brand new woman. A woman with power and needs, that he would happily fulfill for you whenever you wanted.
He giggled cheekily, letting his head fall to his shoulder.
You chuckled, sitting up on your elbows.
“Come here.” He said softly, reaching his hands out for you to take.
Finally, he pulled out with a gasp, watching your pussy as the cum dripped out of you. He used his two rough fingers to collect the excess and brought it to your mouth. You eagerly sucked off the juices on his fingers, greedy to know what it tasted like when you were mixed together.
He slowly led you up and towards the connecting bathroom, starting a hot bath. It was sweet, the way he was trying to take care of you now. You would’ve never expected this type of treatment from him before. You had broken down his wall, at least a small bit.
You watched as he finally removed the clothes from his back. You were gawking at the way his tight muscles moved when he did.
Normally, you’d be shy about standing there naked in front of someone, especially him. But not anymore. He’d taken away the awkwardness and the fear you usually had around him, and you were thankful for that.
With the bath filled almost to the brim, he undressed completely, exposing all of him to me now. He sunk down into the water with a groan and held out his hand for you to join him.
You smiled, stepping and sinking in too. You hissed as the water hit your hips, feeling the sting between your legs. You rested your back against his chest. You hummed in satisfaction as you let you head rest against his hard body.
His hands snaked around your stomach in the water and he leaned his chin against your neck. You loved the way his skin felt on yours. This is the longest you’d ever been around Tommy without feeling on edge.
“Shouldn’t we be out there entertaining all of your fancy friends?” You giggled, feeling him smile against your skin.
“That’s the last thing on my mind right now. Polly and Ada can handle it. Im right where I need to be.”
You craned your head to press your lips on his. The both of you seemed different now. The softness he showed was only reserved for you.
You didn’t feel pain or regret. You felt calm and happy to be wrapped in his strong arms.
“Y/n?” He whispered, making you look up at him.
“If you ever pull something like that again, I won’t be as forgiving. You’re all mine from now on, understand?” He brushed the water up and down your arms soothingly.
You shuddered into the hot water, squeezing his arm as a sign of affection and remorse, for some reason. But you couldn’t even be mad at him anymore. He fucked all of the anger and jealousy out of you.
“And you’re mine, too.” You stated without questioning yourself and letting you eyes fall shut.
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firsttarotreader · 3 months
I get such a bleh moment as a girl when I stumble upon Nico’s comments on tik tok. Like if there’s a woman fan leaving a comment about how hot he is and how she’d love to date/fuck/marry/whatever, you know.. random fan comments which most of the times are innocent imo. And there she goes “wrong gender, sorry babe 🥰”. How bitter and misogynistic you have to be to go after a woman like that? Im sure the girls know they probably won’t get the chance regardless of his sexuality, even if he would have been straight. But to behave like this, and to make sure to leave the same comment 10 times under any video of Pedro she finds 😒 not a girl’s girl. I’d hype those women up, cause where’s the harm in thirsting over an unattainable celebrity? Blehhh.
girl one time my pedro insta group of friends talked about this and we were like “What will happen if we all report her page(?) and get her shut down and she can cry all alone with her weird thoughts .We are a mixed group of all kinds of GENDER identities. jesus nicole shut up
And welcome to lesson 738294 once again : How to stop being biphobic and how to touch some grass
You can report but it’s not just one account, she and her couple of friends have a bunch, they will just make new ones. 🤣🤣🤣
And bold of her to think that female fans will stop thirsting over him, no matter what his sexuality is. 🤣🤣 If he’s hot he’s hot and women will thirst! 🤣🤣
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
I remember a long time ago you said you wrote about darling meeting the child version of the yan boys, are you going to post that?, pls don't make it sad, I just want to give them some hugs.
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Oooh let’s play with this a little bit I have some childhood friend au stuff in my drafts that I might finish that touch on more child versions of the yan boys but for now have this
Decided to do my two favorite families
Warning this contains: sprinkles of sadness
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“I will explain the rules one more time, you get to go back to meet them, no one else but them can see you so you’ll be stealing the role as their imaginary friend that way they won’t freak out when they see you~ try not to mess around with things back there too much okay?”
You listened to the demon speaking and a nervous feeling bubbles over you, you were absolutely curious and slightly scared.
“Whose past do you want to visit”
You took a deep breath, closed your eyes and chose…
You looked around, was this a beach? There wasn’t really anyone else there but you soon heard a loud laughing that made you perk up. “Seashells seashells shiny pretty seashells~” you heard happy singing nod followed it seeing a little child putting seashells in a bucket.
“What are you doing there?” You asked softly as you kneeled down, Hikaru looked up at you with a curious gaze before a bright smile appeared on his face and he went back to looking for seashells.
“I’m looking for seashells cause I’m making a seashell necklace!” He cheered out with a happy little humming. “A seashell necklace? Why?” You asked out making him huff “you’re so silly! It’s so I can lure a mermaid and marry her!” He said proudly.
His statement made you laugh as you reached out and poked his chubby cheek “why do you want a mermaid bride huh? What about me? Do I make a pretty bride?” You asked jokingly. He looked at you with a hum before reading into the bucket and seashells, now taking out a shiny one before handing it to you.
“You would make a pretty bride! But you’re not a mermaid..mama said that mermaids have pretty voices! I wanna sing with one!” He cheered out with a grin.
“Hikaru, come on we’re leaving!” A distant voice called for him making him jolt before he started to run off now hugging the bucket close. He stopped before looking back at you “if I can’t find a mermaid I’ll just marry you so don’t get old and gross!” He called out before waving and rushing away.
Yuuji and Yuuta:
You opened your eyes, now sitting on a bed seeing two kids sitting on the floor…why were they in this room alone?
“Yumi and yachi! You aren’t getting what you want by starving yourselves now open this door!” You heard kenji’s voice now moving to the floor with the two boys. “Why are you two doing this?” You asked out and they looked at you before an expression of familiarity covered their faces.
“Papa is being a meanie and doesn’t wanna call us by our new names” Yuuta hissed out. “We won’t leave til we get what we want!” Yuuji snapped out. “Oh? How long has it been?” You asked curiously.
“Two days..” Yuuta said with a whimper “y-Yuuji, d-do you think mommy misses us?” He asked softly with a pouty expression. Yuuta gulped “o-of course! She has to!” He chimed out, you didn’t realize just how hard the boys had to work to get the acceptance they deserved.
“B-but mommy is having the baby s-soon so what if she replaces us c-cause we are bad kids?!” Yuuta said before starting to cry. Yuuji hugged him close “s-she w-wouldn’t do that! She loves us!” Yuuji said firmly.
You reached out pulling both boys in for a tight hug, a shaky sigh escaping you “your parents must really miss you, maybe you should tell them how you feel” you said softly. 
“We should tell him how we feel!” Yuuji chimed out with a grin
“Papa..?” Yuuta called out, hearing shuffling “yeah?” Kenji said softly with a soft sniffle..was he crying?
“Me and Yuuji don’t wanna be girls anymore, can we be boys instead..please?” He said softly.
There was a few moments of silence before a soft chuckle escaped kenji “Yuuta..Yuuji, please come out and eat, momma and papa misses their boys”
You watched at Yuuji rushed to the door opening it seeing Kenji was sitting on the ground outside the door. The two nearly tackled the male hugging him tightly.
Kenji hugged them tightly peppering kisses all over their faces “god I was so damn worried, don’t worry me like that..I’m getting old yknow don’t scare your papa like that” he said softly.
Seeing this made you really curious..is this why the twins defended and protected their father so much? You had a lot of questions.
The sounds of loud cheering made you flinch, the sight of kids swimming made you focus. You saw mateo, he was winning. Before you could process your mind you found yourself yelling “you got this baby!” You cheered out before realizing the situation you were in. You were so used to cheering for him during his games that it came natural.
You noticed mateo slowed down, the adrenaline stopping for just a moment before he kept going but it was too late, he ended up getting second place. The sight of him being upset as he stared at the medal, tears blurring his vision.
“You shouldn’t cry, you were so amazing” you said softly as you kneeled down looking at the boy. He sniffles and wipes his tears only for more to fall “I-I got tired, I-I forgot to breathe like I’ve been practicing..I-I forgot..I always forget” mateo sobbed out, his wailing growing louder and louder. “Mama and papa couldn’t even show up, I-i t-tried my best a-and-” you pulled him in for a hug, hands shaking lightly. He was so fragile..it made your heart hurt.
“you did the best you could, you always do your best. Didn’t you have fun?” You said softly as you looked at him, mateo glanced down with a sniffle before nodding slowly. “Y-yeah, s-swimming is always fun” he said softly as he messed with the medal around his neck.
“Then, be proud. You were amazing mateo! You went so fast!” You cheered out, your excited tone made him even more excited “r-really?! Hehe! I was like zoom! Super zoom!” He chimed out.
“Teo!” The sound of Dante’s voice made mateo perk up “ah! Dante!” He cheered out, you softly nudged mateo forward “tell him how fast you went” you said softly, watching mateo rush off nearly tipping from utter excitement.
You expected a young tiago to be just like his normal self, gentle and soft maybe even quiet. You definitely weren’t expecting the first sight you saw was a young tiago to be climbing trees and jumping off them. “Wow you’re like Tarzan huh?” You asked out as you watched him with a grin.
“Tarzan got nothing on me!” He cheered out happily, apparently him and his parents were on a cabin vacation to relax his mom before the baby comes. “Oh yeah?” You cooed out with a grin “but Tarzan has a Jane, you don’t have that” you teased making him stop and pause. Tiago sat on a branch and gave a soft hum.
“Okay you’ll be my Jane!” He cheered out before standing ontop of the branch. “That way I’m still better than Tarzan” he chimed out as he held his arms out now walking along the thick branch.
“I dunno if I wanna be Jane.” You said jokingly, Tiago huffs “too late! You’re Jane! I already decided! No take backs!” He said stubbornly. Seeing Tiago like this made you really happy, he is never this carefree and bubbly with you in present time.
“Hmm okay Tarzan, what’s your favorite animal?”
“Ha! That’s easy! Dogs are the best things in the world! They are so loyal and you can sit on their back and use them as horses!” He chimed out, now balancing on one foot as he stood on the branch.
“You shouldn’t actually do that, just ride a horse” you mumbled out making him huff as he looked at you “I never rode a real horse before” he said softly before a cracking noise got your attention. “H-hey you should get down”
“No way! Tarzan would never-” the branch snapped and Tiago came falling down, in a surge of panic you caught him both of you falling down as Tiago sat on your chest now shaking.
“T-that was..so cool! You’re the coolest Jane ever!” He cheered out with a large smile, you on the other hand did not find that cool and glared lightly at tiago..maybe it’s better if he wasn’t this hyper in present times.
“Be careful next time yeah?” You said softly as you sat up now messing with his hair. Tiago looked at you in utter awe before he heard his father calling him.
He got off you before sticking his tongue out at you “blehhh! Bye Jane! Let’s play again okay?” He said happily before running off “papa! papa! I climbed a tree!”
“I don’t think you should be doing this” you said softly to zeke as he placed the Last pot on the ground before grabbing the wooden spoons. “Mama is at work and papa is taking a nap, it’s okay! Plus I wanna play drums” Zeke said before starting to bang the spoon against the pots loudly.
You flinched and winced, the loud noise would definitely get him in huge trouble. You softly grabbed his hands stopping him “how about we do something else instead? You like music yeah? How about we sing?” You said nervously with a smile.
Zeke stared at you before humming and nodding “okay! Let’s sing!” He cheered out happily. You and zeke ended up singing a bunch of different songs before you found yourself humming to zeke as he laid his head in your lap. You ran your fingers through his hair as you started to sing him a lullaby.
“You sound so pretty, like an angel!” Zeke said excitedly before gasping “wait are you an angel?! Can I see your wings?!” He said now sitting up and staring at you. You laughed and glanced away “sorry don’t have wings, if I did you would know” you said softly making him groan as he laid his head back in your lap “boo I wanted to see angel wings, but I guess it’s okay if you aren’t an angel..” he said softly before looking up at you
“Sing me another song!” He cheered out, you simply couldn’t say no to his adorable face so you did just that. You felt his body grow heavier as he slowly fell asleep from you singing.
“Why do they say that they are mad? They don’t look angry” dante said as he laid on his stomach reading Alice in wonderland.
“Well mad is another word for crazy” you said softly with a smile, watching him flip the page “why does Alice wanna go home so bad, wonderland is so cool!” He cheered out happily with a smile. “Well she misses her family, wouldn’t you miss your family if you went away somewhere?” You asked him curiously. Dante paused the think before nodding “yeah, I’ll miss Mama and pap and Tiago!” He huffed out as he sat up.
“If i go to wonderland I’ll just take them with me!” He cheered out with a smile, you laughed and sat next to him “I don’t think it works like that” you said softly. He hummed before looking at you “then I’ll bring you! So I won’t be lonely and by myself!” He cheered out with a grin.
He was far too adorable! How was dante this cute as a kid?! “Oh? Okay we’ll go to wonderland one day!” You said excitedly, making the boy stand on his bed “yeah! We’ll drink tea with the mad hatter ooh and paint the roses red!” He exclaimed excitedly, now Jumping on the bed. “It would be like a dream!” He added as he sat back down before a moment of silence came over him.
“If we go to wonderland will you promise not to leave me alone in there, it’s a big biiig place” he said softly as he grabbed your hand giving it a small squeeze. You hugged him with a soft sigh “I promise! We’ll hold hands the entire time so we won’t get lose or separated!”
“Hold hands? Okay!” He cheered out. You spent the rest of the time talking to him about the things he loves like Soccer, fantasy stories and music. He had so much energy and passion that you couldn’t help but sit there and listen to Every word
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 126
Blehhh another one that I didn’t queue ahead of time and therefore am posting a few hours late. (thank you @baelpenrose for reminding me. Again.)
I really hate when this happens...  I plan on adding the other chapters that are ready to my queue tonight so this doesn’t happen for at least a few weeks.
That said, this chapter was a huge step outside of my comfort zone, because it deals with a culture other than my own/Sophia’s and her experience of having it shared with her.  There is absolutely no way my research could come even close to the kind of cultural knowledge someone who actually lives it daily, and I am well aware that this reflects in Sophia’s experience in this chapter.
And it is meant to reflect, I’ll be honest. I never wanted Sophia to be infallible or to know everything all the time. With that said, I very much welcome any suggestions from anyone who does live this culture daily, so I can keep including it in a more ongoing way.  I specifically created a character in this chapter to give me an opening for that.
“Ow!” I muttered as I stabbed my finger with a pin for the sixth time in ten minutes. “This is a lot harder to do when you can’t see what you’re doing.”
“It does take practice,” Muna, the woman helping me, admitted as she patiently pulled the folds in the scarf over my head to be more snug. “I have been doing this since I was a small child, and I still prick my fingers from time to time.”
I took a deep breath and tried again, determined and reminding myself that it was a good thing that I wasn’t automatically good at something I was learning from another culture.  Muna was one of several Muslim women on the ship who were hosting an open seminar on Women in Islam, and currently we were in a session on the various forms of hijab and what it meant to these women.  I glanced at Hannah with a sliver of envy, since her experience as a weaver and seamstress allowed her to at least pin hers in place without drawing blood.
Charly, at least, was in a similar boat to me.  I could see her poking uncomfortably at the snug folds surrounding her face, and started to worry.  Thankfully, the woman helping her stepped back, seemed to consider something, and then shook her head and hastily unpinned the fabric before shaking it out.  Holding out a smaller piece of black fabric, she got a nod from Charly before pulling a stretchy cap over Charly’s hair and tugging it down over her forehead slightly. With that, she draped the larger piece of fabric more loosely and secured it with a brooch at the shoulder.  Charly grinned with a deep breath and nodded - obviously much more comfortable.
This was the final part of the seminar, but the entire session has been absolutely fascinating. From the legal history of women’s roles in Islam, to comparisons with other religions - I had no idea that Orthodox Jewish women wore wigs or scarves after they married, for the same reason Muslim women practiced hijab - all the way through the astrophysics used to determine which way they needed to face when they prayed.  The sheer idea that they were so dedicated to their beliefs that they had learned astrophysics to adhere to them was so humbling that it took my breath away.
One thing that had brought a chuckle from me was finally getting the answer to a question Arthur had asked at Jokul’s trial before the Council: Is certain meat kosher or halal, neither, or both?
It turned out that, while the Jewish members of the Ark had largely agreed that the ‘pork’ from the food consoles was kosher - as it was synthetic and had never been alive - but still refrained from eating it, pork was one of the only kosher foods not to be considered halal, since the Qur’an specifically bans eating swine, by name.  However, meat that would normally be considered ‘game’ and therefore prohibited were allowed to be eaten as it was created by the consoles specifically for food purposes, and was therefore considered cattle.  Miys had even insisted, before leaving Earth orbit, that the protein stores be prayed over and blessed as frequently as needed, even though the meat had never been alive and therefore could not be blessed upon slaughter.
To say I was impressed by it all was an insulting understatement.
Finally, my hijab was pinned to Muna’s minimal satisfaction and she was showing me how to put my glasses back on without disturbing it. Once that was done, I took a look around the room to see how everyone else was fairing.  Xiomara’s hair was covered in a more turban-style wrap, with another woman demonstrating how much more freely it allowed her to move while staying secure. Parvati’s hijab was much more free-flowing and she was currently demonstrating how to wrap a sari in what had to be the most beautiful culture exchange I had ever seen, as both women tried to figure out the best way to lay the folds of the hijab to flow into the folds of the sari.
If there had been a competition, however, I feel my sister would have won, hands down.  Her already black attire had been topped with a matching shayla, that made her grey eyes seem even larger and brighter than normal. I would have looked like an old Russian grandmother, but she managed to look ethereal and mysterious, floating around the room with an expert flair of her skirt every time she turned.  I was so distracted trying to figure out how she did that, I barely noticed in time where she was headed, or that Muna was right behind her.
The room fell silent as Muna asked for everyone’s attention, before turning to Tyche. “On behalf of the Council, I want to thank all of you for sharing your history and culture so freely.  I don’t think I’m overstepping when I say we are all very grateful for your time, patience, and effort.  To show our appreciation, Councilor Xiomara Kalloe and Assistant Councilor Hannah Bodenheimer have prepared a gift for you all.”
Xiomara’s grin could have powered the Ark for a year as she and Hannah brought an enormous storage chest forward.  I couldn’t blame her - ever since the seminar had been planned, this particular gift had been in the works.  Muna gasped when they opened the chest, causing everyone in the room to lean forward.  In the corner of my eye, I could see Charly clapping her hands excitedly.
“This one is yours,” Hannah explained as she lifted a scarf from the chest and handed it to Muna. One by one, each woman who had planned the seminar and helped execute it was called forward and given their own scarf, each one made by Hannah and Derek specifically for that woman.  Ever since he had given our ‘family’ our own scarves years ago, the color combinations and designs had been in high demand, especially since Derek was not inclined to produce them on-demand, but only for special people.  When Hannah had explained her request to him, however, he had simply asked for photos of the women and what they liked doing before giving her the designs for each one so that she could weave them.
While I would never be able to follow his thought process behind each design - some were geometric, some were swirled, others had stripes - none failed to delight the recipient.  I could see the relief on Xiomara’s face, clear as day.  The entire idea behind these seminars was to share cultures we knew little about or drastically misunderstood, and as a result we had no real idea how to show our appreciation.  When Grey had suggested the scarves, pointing out that everyone liked having clothes that suited them, we had taken a leap of faith and gone all in.
Now we just had to figure out how to thank Derek.
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kwimstixs · 4 years
Tsukkishima x Reader
~ 'ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ⁱᵗ'ˢ ¹²:⁵¹ ᴬⁿᵈ ᴵ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ᵐʸ ᶠᵉᵉˡⁱⁿᵍˢ ʷᵉʳᵉ ᵍᵒⁿᵉ ᴮᵘᵗ ᴵ'ᵐ ˡʸⁱⁿᵍ ᵒⁿ ᵐʸ ᵇᵉᵈ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃᵍᵃⁱⁿ ~
''Breathe (Y/N), you could do this.' (Y/N) told herself as she patted her shoulder. She glances at her reflection in her phone and made a few more adjustment.
She was wearing a heavy (fave color)-colored princess coat with a (fave color)-colored sheath dress and black knee-high boots. Her (h/c)-colored hair was down. She removed the white ear muffs from her ear and hung it on her neck along with the scarf.
She took a deep breath as she knocked on the Tanaka's residence. After a few seconds, the door was opened by the people inside.
"(Y/N)! You're here! Merry Christmas!" She was greeted by the ever-cheerful people, they were still preparing the place.
"Merry Christmas!" She greeted back. " I got gifts for you all!" She said as she showed the bags she brought.
"Uwaaa (Y/N)!!! Still generous as ever!" Hinata exclaimed as he tried to look over for his gift but earned a smack from Kageyama. "Boke! We're not exchanging gifts yet!"
"That hurts Kageyama!" Everyone laughed at the two who started arguing.
"Where's Yacchan?" Asahi asked as (Y/N) helped them with the preparations of food.
"She'll be late." (Y/N) answered. She was humming to herself as smoothen the table cloths.
"How about Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi?" Nishinoya asked. Daichi immediately elbowed him. But the boy didn't get the signal to stop at all.
"Oh, I don't know." (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders as she continued placing utensils.
"What? Isn't he your boyfriend? Why don't you know?" (Y/N) stopped for a moment before continuing her work.
"What Nishinoya-senpai you didn't know?!" Hinata asked. The news of them breaking up spread fast, though it didn't reached people from the other countries as the others stayed silent about it.
"That was before, Nishinoya-senpai." (Y/N) said with bitterness in her voice.
"Nishinoya would you like to go and place all the presents we have in one side?" Daichi said. Nishinoya nodded as he carried the presents. There was knocking on the door again, and he opened it since he was the nearest.
"Oi! Tsukkishima! Yamaguchi! Merry Christmas!" He greeted the two.
"Merry Christmas!" Yamaguchi greeted them as they entered the room.
"Give me your presents! I'll place them in a corner!"
Tsukkishima did not pay any attention on Yamaguchi and Nishinoya talking, instead, his eyes roamed around the room to search for the (h/c)-haired girl. (Y/N) had removed her coat and revealed her sheath dress. She smiled and laughed along the others as Tanaka made a joke about something. It's been a while since he saw her laugh, it made Tsukkishima's heart race.
'What are you doing to yourself Kei, stop it.' He can't seem to control his feet. His body moved on its own and went to (Y/N).
"Yes?"(Y/N) asked. She didn't put much thought on it. Or pretty much her brain won't like to process that it was Kei who was approaching her.
"..."Kei can't speak well, as if his voice was gone. He went closer to (Y/N), now they were only a few centimeters apart.
"Uh?"(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. Her heart raced. Her brain processed what was happening. Kei Tsukkishima went out of his way to approach her.
The door opened to the Tanaka's residence, revealing a blonde girl in ponytail and winter clothes, she waved immediately as soon as she saw (Y/N).
"Hitoka!" (Y/N) got her way out as she went to her friend. Tsukkishima sighed in relief, at least he was saved from more embarrassment.
"Sorry, I'm late. Is everyone here already?" Hitoka said as she turned around to see everyone setting the place. Everyone else pretty much arrived.
"Merry Christmas!" Everyone greeted each other. They ate and told each other stories as they ate, played some games and started exchanging gifts.
"Uwaaa (Y/N)! This customized ball is amazing! But won't it be dirty?" Hinata asked as he opened (Y/N)'s present for him.
"Nope! Just wash it with water! I had it customized just for you! It has the sun design and everything on it!" (Y/N) answered.
"It's similar to Kageyama's but the design is different. It still feels like other volleyball balls though." She explained further.
"M-Mine's better boke!" "No way! Mine is! Blehhh!" They started arguing, the squad just laughed at them as they continued exchanging gifts.
"Couple Shirts! You're the best Kouhai (Y/N)!"Tanaka smiled as he and his wife Kiyoko had matching couple shirts.
"Thanks (Y/N)! It's a pretty scarf."Asahi said as he received his gift.
Tsukkishima stared at her giving customized gifts for each other.
He might never say it out loud, but he always appreciates (Y/N)'s creativity. He wonders what he would get, or if he's getting any.
(Y/N) gave her gifts to each one, except for Tsukkishima, whom she's still trying to find a timing for.
"Let's have some beer and get ourselves wasted!" Nishinoya said as he dragged a cooler box, he opens it, revealing tons of beer bottles.
"We just ate, Noya-senpai."(Y/N) said.
"(Y/N)'s right. We should really stop with the beers-" Daichi tried to stop, but Nishinoya had already opened one.
Oh well.
It became a complete mess.
"Boke Hinata boke!"
"Uwaaaa!" Hinata had begun crying like a baby while Kageyama was still insulting him.
"Whoooo! I'm flying around the room!" Nishinoya wheezed as he began running around the place with his arms wide open.
"Kiyoko-san! Please marry me!!" Tanaka said as Kiyoko ignored him, trying to clean up the place.
"You-"Daichi hiccup. "Guys (hik!) n-need to (hik!) go (hik!) home (hik!)"
"Everyone! Let's clean up!" Ennoshita said, he stopped drinking alcohol when he was a bit tipsy, so he still had a clear mind.
"No wayyy! Let's just sleep here!" Sugawara said as he hugged the pillows and snuggled with it.
"Agreed!" The others said as they lay down on the floor. It was still 10 in the evening, but everyone is slowly falling asleep.
"(Y/N), are you alright?" Hitoka, who was still in her right mind asked her friend who wasn't. (Y/N) was a target of them and ended up drinking the most beer next to the four idiots.
"I'm fine but a bit dizzy," (Y/N) said as she tried to speak casually. "Hey Hitoka, let's finish the schoolwork. Can you send me home now before I do something embarrassing?"
"Sorry (Y/N), but my mother is expecting me early tomorrow-"
"I'll take her home instead." Tsukkishima offered.
"Huh? Are you sure you're not gonna stay here Tsukki?" Yamaguchi who was comfortable in the floor asked as he yawned.
(Y/N) felt the alcohol suddenly getting out of her system for a split second. Her eyes widened, disbelieving that he was offering (Y/N) to take her home.
"Are you not drunk?" Daichi asked.
Tsukkishima shook his head. "I only drunk for a few cups. I'm good." He replied.
Hitoka, Tsukkishima and (Y/N) were the only people who left the Tanaka residence as the rest slept there on the floor, with Kiyoko, Daichi and Suga trying to clean up after them.
"I'll be leaving (Y/N) in your care, bye!" Hitoka said as she went into the opposite direction, leaving (Y/N) and Tsukkishima alone.
(Y/N) looked at Tsukkishima, waiting to say anything but he didn't. He continued walking towards the train station.
"(Y/N), are you alright?" He finally said something when he noticed that (Y/N) was a bit wobbly and off balance.
"Yeah, just take me to home, before the alcohol fully gets into my system." (Y/N) said as she tried her best not to lose her mind just yet.
"There's no train already? But it's just 8pm!" (Y/N) whined as they saw that the train station was closed.
"It's almost 11pm, (Y/N)." The man who was escorting her answered.
They took a cab instead. (Y/N) was too busy fighting her sleepiness to argue. She continuously yawned and shook her head every ten second.
"You can rest on my shoulder if you want." The blonde guy beside him offered, but (Y/N) shook her head declining.
"No, I'm not gonna sleep." (Y/N) struggled as she yawned more. Tsukkishima clicked his tongue.
"Sure, whatever you say."
And (Y/N) did sleep within a few minutes, she was now resting on Tsukkishima's left shoulder, sleeping quietly. (Y/N)'s place was still a lot of minutes away, and they stayed like that for the whole ride. Tsukkishima began playing with the strands of hair that fell on (Y/N)'s face.
"Take a picture instead, you can stare at it much longer...." (Y/N) murmured. Tsukkishima immediately dropped what he was doing and looked away.
"I'm not." He declined as heat rushed to his cheeks. He furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to hide his emotions.
"...Do I look fine?" (Y/N) whispered. Tsukkishima looked back, he realized that (Y/N) was sleep talking. He tucked the hair that fell on her face behind her ear.
"You look beautiful..." He answered as he smiled to himself.
(Y/N) unconsciously grabbed his hand. "I didn't mean to leave you permanently. Please don't go."
Tsukkishima's smile turned into a bitter one. "We're two years too late for that." He caressed his forehead and looked out of the window.
"Why? You got another one?" The driver spoke. He was silently observing the two from the back and listening in their conversation.
"Excuse me?" Tsukkishima raised an eyebrow. The driver kept his eyes on the road.
"Ex-girlfriend?" The driver questioned him more.
"Yeah," Tsukkishima nodded.
"Why did you two break up?"
"Things got blurry between us. Wait, why do you keep questioning me?"
"You keep answering though. You got a new girl?"
"No." He shook his head.
"How about her? New boy?"
"No...." He paused. "Hopefully."
The driver laughed. "Does she still love you?"
Tsukkishima sighed. "I don't know."
"You know kid, whatever happened in the past, it's in the past. The two of you grew. How 'bout giving it another try?"
"How about a no?" He retorted. The car stopped in front of (Y/N)'s place. The driver laughed louder.
He looked at (Y/N) who was still asleep. Was he gonna carry her all the way to her unit? He sighed again as he carried (Y/N) on his back.
Tsukkishima ignored the driver as he got his wallet. "Here, keep the change."
"I can see it in your eyes, you still like the girl. Grab her, and never let go of her this time."
"If only it was that easy." He muttered. He grabbed (Y/N)'s stuff and carried it with one hand, good thing that the bag is sturdy.
"But she'll be worth it, right?"
"She always is." Tsukkishima said as the driver left. He entered the building with a sleeping (Y/N) on his back. Thankfully it was a weekday, and it was also night time, there was no people to look at their state.
"The key." Tsukkishima sighed again. Why did he offered to send (Y/N) home again? He searches for the spare key in his pocket that (Y/N) gave to him a few years ago. Was it the right key? Or did she change the locks? He doesn't know, he was honestly just trying his luck right now.
"Tsukkishima?" (Y/N) muttered, her eyes slowly opening as she felt the lights opened.
"You're home now." Tsukkishima said as he placed (Y/N)'s gifts and other stuffs on the table. He went to (Y/N)'s room and laid her there.
"Thank you," (Y/N) said, she felt herself gently placed down on her soft mattress. She rubbed her eyes as she roamed around her room, Tsukkishima was still there.
"Can I kiss you and hug you again?" (Y/N) asked, she's definitely gonna blame it on the alcohol.
"You're drunk (Y/N)."
"I still love you Kei." His eyes widened, he stared at (Y/N) who hiccup.
"You'll probably not gonna remember this. I thought you don't want to do anything embarrassing?"
"They gave me so much."
"You could have decline."
"I miss you. I wanna kiss you and cuddle with you all day."
Tsukkishima walked forward and bended down to match her field of vision.
"I don't wanna take advantage of you, you're drunk (Y/N)." Tsukkishima said as he held her chin and slightly lifted it.
"Why not? Blame it on the alcohol." (Y/N) lazily said. She yawned as she felt tired again.
"I still love you Kei, do you love me back?" She opened her eyes, Tsukkishima was fixing her other stuff for her.
"You should sleep." He dimmed the lights and tucked her into bed
"But you never answered my question." She felt like crying when Tsukkishima was at the door and ready to close it.
"I never stopped loving you."
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musemelodies · 4 years
The Muppets 👀👀👀
Least Favorite character: if you asked me this like, five or so years ago, i probably would’ve said pepe, but he’s grown on me a lot since then, so i’m gonna go with andy and randy. i feel like somebody in the marketing team really loved them because they were all over muppets tonight and made it pretty extremely hard to watch at times. i can’t say that i was happy to see them again in the 2015 series. blehhh…
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): gonzo/camilla, polymayhem, bunsen/beaker, rowlf/piggy, and kermit/piggy when the writers know what they’re doing.
Character I find most attractive: JANICE AND PIGGY
Character I would be best friends with: ALL OF THEM, BUT ESPECIALLY THE BAND AND FOZZIE AND ROWLF
a random thought: it goes without saying, but disney needs to stop sleeping on the franchise in general
An unpopular opinion: the muppets take manhattan is just as amazing as the first two movies, man. i really like the way it’s filmed and the more down to earth tone it has and the way it handles kermit and piggy’s relationship.
Pairing I am not a fan of: kermit/piggy when the writers don’t know what they’re doing. also sam/janice was really squicky and ooc on his end and just…ewww.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): oh lord, piggy, kermit, and scooter in the 2015 series. you could really tell that his scenes were written by the folks from the b/ig b/ang t/heory. :S
Favourite Friendship: TOO MANY TO LIST
Character I most identify with: MOSTLY YOLANDA AND I HAVE MY KERMIT MOMENTS AS WELL (“yeesh…”)
Character I wish I could be: ROWLF
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pitchtocontact · 6 years
blehhh i started writing a headcanon misawa post but it ended up being nothing so just imagine this: chris eventually has a very cute baby, needs babysitter, contacts miyuki and sawamura, they agree to babysit for a week. it’s basically a week-long montage of them failing at child care while the benny hill theme plays. they exit the experience even more determined to never have children than they were before.
i rly like when people make fanart/fic where they have a kid, it’s super cute! just in my personal hc they agree pretty early on not to go that route. they’re both...a lot. to deal with. they don’t need to add another ingredient to the already overflowing pot. although, miyuki insists sawamura would be a great dad. but sawamura just doesn’t want to be one! and miyuki is indifferent. it’s the same way with marriage, they don’t really find the need or really want to get married (BUT GOD HELP ME I LOVE A GOOD MARRIAGE/PROPOSAL TROPE SLKDFJSG KILL ME) they’re good as is! happy together, in love, in a constantly evolving relationship that keeps them both on their toes.
blah blah blah. i could write about misc misawa stuff for days lmao
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theflirtmeister · 6 years
The Detectorists
This is a secret santa present for @thatgazebobullshit!!! I’m so sorry it’s late, but I hope you enjoy it :D It can also be found on Ao3 here!
Stan gets the metal detector for his Bar Mitzvah, a Fischer brand that rather just looks like a pole with a box stuck on the end to it. It’s a present from his grandmother, who has no idea what a 13-year-old boy would like, let alone what a boy like Stan would like.
“Thank you.” He says when she gives it to him. “That’s very nice of you.”
“You can go out with your friends!” She says, and then takes a break to cough up a lung. His grandma’s been a smoker since she was 13 years old, and Stan has to wash his clothes twice after he’s been to her house. “You can find treasure and old coins.”
Stan thinks of Richie and Bill, who spend most of their time reading comics and playing at the arcade. “Sure grandma.”
She pats him on the cheek, and then squeezes it for good measure. “All grown up!” She announces, and grins at Stan’s father, showing off pink gums. “You must be so proud.”
“We are.” Stan’s father says, resting his hands on Stan’s shoulders. “So much.”
That evening, when most of the family have gone home, Stan takes the metal detector to his mother. She’s sitting in the dining room, paper spread out around her, having a conversation with his auntie in the next room. There’s lots of yelling going on between the two of them, but Stan thinks it’s just the Jewish way.
“Can I return the metal detector for money?” He asks his mother dubiously, as she meticulously writes down what presents he got, and who from, so he can write thank you notes later.
“No.” She says, not looking up from her penmanship. “Grandma bought it for you, therefore you have to keep it.”
“I don’t want a metal detector.” He says, crossing his arms. “I wanted books on birds.”
“You can detect the birds with the metal detector.” His mother waves her pen around for emphasis.
“Birds aren’t made of metal.”
“If they’ve been shot by hunters they would do.” His cousin says, who is sitting nearby. She’s 15, which apparently means she knows everything and never shuts up about it. She also has her foot up on the dining table as she paints her nails. “You could detect bullets.”
Stan gapes at her in a mixture of horror and disgust, and then turns back to his mother. “I don’t want it.”
His mother puts her pen down and stares him right in the face. “You’re keeping it.” She says firmly, in a no-nonsense voice, and Stan realises the matter is closed.
Richie comes around a week later after all the festivities are over, and it’s safe to enter Stan’s house without being forced to listen to him practise his Torah portion. He bounds in through the front door, stopping to say hello to Stan’s parents, and then barges his way into Stan’s room.
“Salutations!” He announces, throwing himself onto the bed. “You look like the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders.”
“It has.” Stan says, from where he was at his desk writing a thank you letter to his mother’s uncle’s cousin, who bought him a book token. “I’m free for the rest of summer. I never have to think about Aaron and his lamps again.”
“Thank the fucking lord.” Richie presses his hands together in mock prayer, and then lifts his head. “Hey, is it okay to talk about Catholic shit in a Jewish house? Will God strike me down? Will Moses burn my bush?”
“Shut up.” Stan says wearily, signing his name on the card and then pushes it far away from him. “You’ve said worse in this house.”
“I’ve done worse in this house as well.” Richie continues, “And I’ve done people in this house-“
Stan throws a pen at his head. It bounces off Richie’s glasses and lands on the floor, rolling underneath the bed.
“Ten points! Ten points to Stan the man for making a hit, anddddd twenty points for hitting my glasses! Would have been thirty points but the pen is now lost into the ether underneath the bed.” Richie announces.
Stan mock cheers. “I’ll do better next time, don’t worry. Need to keep up my practise of throwing things at you.”
“Fun for all the family.” Richie agrees, and then brightens. “Hey! You should come to the arcade with me tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? What’s happening tomorrow?”
“Nothing, I just have plans to go to the arcade.” Richie says, “I want to beat your ass at Dragon’s Lair.”
Stan snorts. “You’re terrible at Dragon’s Lair. You always die after five minutes.”
“Nuh-uh! I’ve got better.” Richie swings himself upside down, dangling off the side of the bed. “If I go looking underneath your bed will I find all your dirty porn magazines?”
“Yes.” Stan says, deadpan. “All my playboy magazines.”
“I thought you were more into birds than bunnies.” Richie says, hands fumbling underneath the bed. “Ew, I think I found your wank sock.”
“I don’t even have a wank sock-“ Stan starts, and then Richie crows with delight.
“What’s this?!” He yanks out the metal detector from underneath the bed. “A stripper pole?”
“It’s a metal detector you fucking moron.” Stan says, pushing himself over to Richie on his swivel chair. “It was a present from my Grandma.”
“Sheesh, has your grandma met you?” Richie asks, spinning the detector in his hands. “Why would she give you this?”
Stan raises and then lowers one shoulder. “I don’t know.”
“Does it work?” Richie asks, switching it on.
“I don’t know.” Stan repeats.
“You mean you haven’t tried it out yet?” Richie asks, and Stan shakes his head.
“Not yet.”
“What? Are you insane?” Richie asks, and then launches the pole above his head like a weapon. “We could get rich from this! We could be millionaires! We could uncover the world’s biggest Saxon hoard!”
“The Saxons are British.” Stan says, “We’re in the middle of Maine, USA.”
“USA, USA, USA.” Richie chants, pumping the pole up and down in the air, and Stan can’t help but laugh.
“God you’re such an idiot.” He says, a little fondly. “Let’s try it out then. See if we can find a Pilgrim treasure or something.”
“Imagine,” Richie says, eyes wide. “A pilgrim dildo.”
“Made out of metal?”
“Old people were fucked up!” Richie says, “They drank cocaine and snorted whisky! They were doing all kinds of crazy shit!”
“We’re not going to find a pilgrim dildo in the middle of Derry, Maine.” Stan says.
“Okay then,” Richie says, and then his voice goes sly. “A pilgrim butt plug.”
Stan shoves him so hard he falls off the bed, Richie shrieking all the while.
“S-s-s-so let me get this s-straight.” Bill says, “You want us to walk around town, with a b-b-big metal s-s-stick, and s-s-search for treasure?”
“That’s the plan!” Richie crows triumphantly, hitting Bill on the back. “We’re going to strike gold and get rich Billy boy.”
Bill looks at Stan, who raises his eyebrows in return. They’re sitting in Bill’s room, the metal detector sitting on Bill’s lap, and he’s running his fingers along it like there’s a secret Braille code written on it.
“I really d-d-doubt there’s gold in this town.” Bill says slowly, “Nothing’s here.”
“There was a Pilgrim stronghold though.” Stan says, because he’s been doing research in the library. “This was a big Pilgrim settlement, that’s why our pipes and sewage works are so weird and connected. It’s all the Pilgrim’s fault.”
“Fuck the Pilgrims.” Richie says, who is wandering round Bill’s room, picking stuff up and then putting it down again. “What happened to them?”
“Well a plague hit the people who lived here.” Stan says, “So they were all wiped out.”
Richie gasps, and they turn to look at him. He’s holding one of Georgie’s paper boats, and waves it in the air as he speaks. “What if we find a plague pit! What if we get infected! What if we die of an incurable disease, and then spread the plague throughout Derry, and then the world, and then-“
“Beep beep Richie.” Bill says, “And put down Georgie’s boat. He’ll get m-m-mad if you break it.”
“I’m not going to break it.” Richie says, but sets it down gently all the same. “Where is my beautiful brother from another mother anyway?”
“P-playing in his room, I think.” Bill says, with a shrug. “Mom bought him this little frog toy and he’s in l-l-love with it.”
“What kind of frog is it?” Stan asks, and Bill shrugs.
“A green one.”
“Very scientific classification.” Stan says, bumping Bill, and Bill laughs.
“I know.”
“Oh my god you two are fucking nerds.” Richie says, and then tilts his head back yelling, “Nerdy as shit!”
“Richie!” Bill hisses, “My f-f-family are home!”
“Oh, sorry.” Richie says, and then yells out again. “Nerdy as excrement!”
“Jesus Christ I’m going to fucking murder him.” Stan says, and Richie points a finger at him.
“Bill, Stan swore! And said the Lord’s name in vain. That’s two misdemeanours.”
Stan looks at Bill. “Are you going to put me in jail?” He asks dryly.
“Two misdemeanours equals d-d-death.” Bill replies, lifting the metal detector and gently tapping Stan’s neck with it. “You have b-been executed for your c-crimes.”
“Bleh.” Stan says, pretending to die dramatically. “Tell my mother I never wanted to have a Bar Mitzvah and that I never liked Richie Tozier.”
“You son of a bitch.” Richie says, watching Stan flop about on the floor like a fish. “I’m not coming to your stone setting.”
Stan props himself up on one elbow. “You know what a stone setting is?”
“I’ve been researching Judaism.” Richie says, “When we marry, I’m gonna convert.”
“No fair, I c-c-called dibs on Stan.” Bill says, now just lightly tapping Stan’s legs with the end of the pole. “My husband, not yours.”
“I’m still dead by the way.” Stan says, and Bill taps him on the head. “Blehhh.”
“Well, I’ll resurrect you.” Richie says, and then brightens considerably. “What if we find a resurrection stone! What if we find the tablet that bring the dead back to life!”
“T-t-that doesn’t exist Rich.” Bill says, and Richie folds his arms.
“How do you know, Biliam? Huh?? You some fancy resurrection professor? You a necromancer now? Didn’t think so.”
Bill laughs, and then offers him the metal detector pole as an offer of good will. “Okay then,” He says, smiling. “Let’s find s-s-some treasure.”
Richie whoops happily, spinning the pole like a marching band leader, and Stan sighs and wonders what he’s got them all in for.
They take the metal detector to the barrens because things can get easily buried under the soil or in the rivers. They each have backpacks on, to store anything they find, and Stan made sandwiches for everyone, because he doesn’t know how long they’ll be out there for.
“I love you.” Richie says, through a mouthful of jam. “You’re the best.”
“I can’t believe you’re eating them already.” Stan says, kicking a rock through the water. “It’s barely 12 o’clock.”
“Man’s gotta eat Stanley!” Richie protests. “Isn’t that right Bill?”
“You have j-jam on your nose.” Bill says, and Richie licks it off with his tongue. “That’s d-d-disgusting.”
“I am the sexiest god damn man alive.” Richie says proudly, sucking jam from his fingers. “Ladies love me. Men want me.”
“Friends hate you.” Stan says wearily, and then looks over at Bill who is holding the metal detector. “Anything?”
“N-nope.” Bill says. “Lots of broken b-b-bottles.”
“Any needles?” Richie asks, “I’ve always wanted to shoot heroin.”
“God you’re never going to reach 16.” Stan says, “Richie Tozier, died age 14 from touching an electric fence. Richie Tozier, sadly taken from us after licking a live wire. Richie Tozier, gave up the ghost after stabbing himself in the wrist with a dirty needle.”
“Richie Tozier,” Bill says, “S-sorely missed after using a wasps nest as a f-f-football.”
“Richie Tozier, taken too soon after-“
“This is abuse!” Richie yells far too loudly, and several birds fly away from their trees in shock. Stan stops still to watch them go, squinting his eyes and placing his hand over his forehead to see better.
“You’re t-t-too loud.” Bill tells Richie. “Stop s-scaring the wildlife.”
“I’m gonna fight the wildlife.” Richie says, flexing. “Come here grizzly bear. I’m gonna deck you.”
“You remember what we were just saying about you dying young?” Stan says, finally looking back at his friends, and Richie grins at him.
“What can I say? I’m a character.”
“You’re s-something.” Bill says, “I’m just not sure what.”
“Let’s keep moving,” Stan says, “Before Richie finds a gun and decides to play Russian Roulette with himself.”
“Ooh, that would be fun.” Richie says cheerily, and then marches on ahead. “Come along gang! Last one to the plague pit is a rotten egg!”
Stan watches Richie skip off ahead, and then gives Bill a look. Bill laughs, dropping into step alongside Stan, and skates the top of the ground with the metal detector.
“I’m s-sorry I couldn’t make it to your Bar Mitzvah.” Bill says, and Stan blinks, because it all seems so long ago. “I can’t cancel s-speech therapy appointments, they’re s-s-so important, and-“
“Hey.” Stan says, lifting a hand. “It’s no problem, I promise. Your stutter is more important than listening to me stutter in a dead language.”
Bill smiles. “Thank you. I-I didn’t want you to think we weren’t f-friends.”
“Of course we’re friends.” Stan nudges Bill playfully. “You’re one of my best friends. That and motormouth over there.”
They look over at Richie who is talking to himself and splashing about in the river water. His jeans are splattered with mud right up to the knees, and he mysteriously has twigs in his hair that Stan is extremely confused about where he got them.
“We’re going to have to d-deal with him all s-s-summer.” Bill says.
“I know.” Stan says, and turns to him. “I can’t wait, can you?”
“No.” Bill says, smiling, and they continue walking onwards.
They’ve just reached the place where the river water runs out into the big sewer pipes when the metal detector starts bleeping. Bill and Richie are in a deep discussion about Han Solo and Princess Leia in Star Wars, and Stan is looking up at the trees through his binoculars, so they don’t notice it at first.
“Hey-“ Richie interrupts whatever Bill was saying. “What’s that noise? Is that someone’s watch?”
The three of them stop, looking about like idiots, and then look down at the metal detector in Bill’s hand. The box at the top is flashing, and it’s beeping merrily at something under the surface of the ground.
“What the fuck.” Richie breathes, “Did we fucking find something?”
“Maybe it’s a soda can tab?” Stan asks, and Bill tucks the metal detector underneath his arm.
“There’s only one w-way to find out.” He says, “Start digging.”
It’s then that someone throws a rock at their heads. It hits Richie on the back of the head, and he gives out a little gasp of pain, before whirling round, indignant.
“Hey!” He yells, “Who threw that?! I could have died!”
A girl bursts out from the woods, with flame red hair and a pair of boys dungarees on. She’s got another rock in her hands, and the three of them hold up their hands in front of their faces to protect themselves, Bill dropping the metal detector on the floor.
“This is our patch!” The girl says, lifting the rock up to throw it. “Piss off!”
“I didn’t see your name on it!” Richie yells, and the rock narrowly misses his head. “Ha!”
The next rock hits him directly in the groin and he crumples to his knees like he’s been shot. Stan watches him collapse, and then lifts up his hands like he’s in a hostage situation, Bill copying him.
“I’m sorry.” Stan calls to her, “We didn’t know you owned this neck of the barrens.”
“We’re j-j-j-just out here for f-f-fun.” Bill adds.
The girl surveys them for a moment, before looking over her shoulder. She says something that Stan can’t here, and then laughs at an invisible person, before turning back to the boys.
“Alright.” She says, “We believe you.”
“We?” Richie asks from the floor, and three other boys step out from the thicket, one of them holding a metal detector. “Holy shit it’s Eddie Kaspbrak.”
The boy in the red polo neck takes a step forward. “How do you know who I am?!”
“Your mom’s really hot.” Richie says from the floor, and the boy, Eddie, picks a rock up from the floor and holds it out as a threat.
“Who are you?!” He demands.
“He’s Richie.” Bill says quickly, “And this is S-Stan. I’m B-B-Bill.”
“B-B-Bill?” The girl repeats, but it’s not unkind. In fact, she’s smiling. “Interesting.”
“Who are you?” Stan asks, and the girl turns towards Stan.
“Bev.” She says, and then starts clambering down the hill towards them. “And these are my friends.”
“I’m Ben.” The one with the metal detector says.
“I’m Mike.” The other boy says, following after Bev, “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too.” Stan says, and then looks over at Richie. “Stand up, you’re embarrassing us.”
“Embarrassing you!” Richie says, laying in the muddy water. “She could have severely damaged my dick!”
“Well drop your pants and I’ll assess the situation.” Bev says with a smirk, and Richie gapes at her, before snort laughing.
“I like you.” He says, and clambers up from the water. “You’re cool.”
“Thanks.” Bev says, and then turns to Bill. “So, is looking for treasure just a hobby or?”
“Oh, it’s n-n-not mine.” Bill says, and thrusts the metal detector at Stan. “It’s his.”
“It was my Bar Mitzvah present.” Stan says automatically, and then flushes, in case they’ll tease him. Instead they stand there, looking at him curiously. “We’re just trying it out.”
“Well it’s bleeping pretty hard there.” Bev says, “What have you found?”
“No idea.” Stan replies truthfully. “Probably nothing.”
“It’s been b-b-b-bleeping on the walk here, but only f-f-for old cans and s-s-stuff.” Bill adds.
“Same.” Mike says, “Ours is useless.” He motions to Ben’s. “But we’ve found coins and stuff.”
“Which they spent on food and arcade games.” Eddie huffs. “We should save our findings guys!”
“You guys go to the arcade?” Richie asks, and Ben nods.
“Yup. We’re trying to beat the high score on Pacman.”
Richie’s face blooms with light. “That’s my high score!” He says excitedly. “I’m trashmouth!”
“I can tell.” Bev says, and then slips her rucksack off her shoulders, fiddling around in it. “I have a shovel, if you guys want to do some digging.”
“I love getting dirty.” Richie says, and Bill splashes him. “Hey!”
“What?” Bill asks, trying to sound innocent.
Mike laughs, a deep throaty chuckle that makes Stan’s stomach feel a bit floaty, and then also opens the rucksack he’s carrying. “I’ve got digging equipment too.” He says, “Stan, Bill, Richie? Want something?”
“Yes please.” Stan says, speaking for all of them. “It’s probably nothing though.”
“Not another pessimist.” Ben says, “It’s hard enough dealing with Eddie.”
“I’m not a pessimist!” Eddie says, “I’m a realist. And you don’t know- You don’t know what kind of germs, could be lurking out here! Especially in sewage water!”
“We’ve been looking for a plague pit.” Richie tells him, and Eddie screws up his nose.
“That’s disgusting!” He says, and then shrieks when Richie kicks a spray of water up towards him. “That went in my mouth!”
“I promise he’s nice really.” Stan says to Mike, who is already kneeling down on the ground, feeling the earth with his fingers.
“I could say the same for Eddie.” Mike says, looking up at him and grinning, and Stan finds himself grinning back like a lunatic.
They work noisily and rowdily, tearing up the dirt and soil with trowels and spades and bare hands. They talk as if they’ve known one another their whole lives, already working out how to make the other group laugh, and what to say that will most get on each other’s nerves. Stan’s never clicked with anyone like this before, not since he met Richie and Bill back in nursery and latched onto them for life.
“Anyone found anything?” Bev asks, dirt underneath her fingernails and smeared across her cheek like war paint.
“Nope.” Bill and Ben say at the same time, and then glance at one another.
“The metal detector is still beeping though.” Stan points out, “And yours too.”
“This is so weird.” Eddie says, staring down at the dirt. “Maybe they’re faulty.”
“I guess it’s just really deep down.” Stan says.
“Yeah, like Eddie’s mom.” Richie says, dirt completely covering him to the point where he can’t see out of his glasses. “Am I right? Someone tell me I’m right.”
“You’re wrong.” Mike says, and Richie pouts.
“You hurt me Mike, you really do.” He says, and then prods something in the dirt. “Hey, an earthworm! Someone dare me to eat it.”
“Nobody dare him to eat it.” Stan says quickly, “Or he will do it and poison himself.”
“Now I want to dare him to eat it.” Eddie says, and then takes a step back when Richie picks up the earthworm from the dirt with his forefingers. “Don’t you fucking bring that near me.”
“Oh Eddie,” Richie says in a sing-song voice. “A present for you!”
“No!” Eddie says loudly, now advancing backwards. “Richie, you fucking- Richie!”
“They seem to like each other very much.” Ben says, as Richie chases Eddie with the worm.
“They’ll be married by sundown.” Stan says wearily, and then his shovel clinks against something. “Oh?”
“What is it?” Bev asks, scooting closer.
“I- I don’t know.” Stan says, and starts digging at the dirt more forcefully, “Please, someone help-“
At once, four hands start scrabbling in the dirt alongside him, pulling the soil and mud away from the metal object underneath the soil. Stan blinks in surprise, especially when Richie and Eddie come back from terrorising each other and start helping too.
It takes a little while, but finally all the mess has been removed, and the object that the metal detectors were picking up is revealed. Stan gently levers it up out of the dirt and holds it in his hands, cradling it in his palms.
“What the fuck is that?” Richie asks, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and getting more mud on them.
“That’s r-really weird.” Bill says, peering at the object in Stan’s hands.
“It’s a clown doll.” Stan says, rubbing his thumb across the face to clear the dirt from it.
“A really fucking creepy doll.” Bev says, frowning. “I don’t like it.”
“Me neither.” Ben says, “It has a horrible face.”
“It looks like it knows something we don’t.” Mike says, wiping sweat from his forehead.
Eddie wraps his arms around himself. “It feels wrong.” He says, “Put it back.”
The doll is about the size of a bottle of soda, made of metal that sounds and feels like tin. It’s dressed in a harlequin clown costume painted weird tones of orange and grey, with little red shoes to match. The face is the weirdest part, a sickly grin spread across the bottom half, with big black eyes that stare up at the seven of them.
“What should we do with it?” Stan asks, even though he already knows the answer.
“Bury it.” Bev says, “I don’t think we should have uncovered it.”
“Me neither.” Ben says, moving away from the doll. “It’s got a weird vibe.”
“Send it back to hell!” Richie jokes, but it isn’t very funny.
“Okay,” Stan says, and gently lays the doll back in the dirt. It makes him feel sick to look at it, or maybe it’s just the smell of the sewer wafting closer. “Let’s bury it.”
They work together in silence, pushing the dirt back on top of the doll, fingers brushing each other’s as they work. The doll quickly disappears from view, but they keep going, piling more and more soil on top until you’d hardly know anything was underneath at all.
Eddie smooths the soil down on top, and then pats it firmly. “There,” He says, “All gone.”
“G-goodbye little d-doll.” Bill says, and then turns to Stan. “I’m s-sorry we didn’t find anything good.”
“No, it’s okay.” Stan says, looking about at all the people gathered around him. “I had fun.”
“Me too.” Richie says, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I’m glad your grandma gave you such a dorky present.”
“Stop being mean to my grandma.” Stan says, but he’s only teasing. “You love her cooking.”
“Oh god, your grandma’s cooking.” Richie shuts his eyes blissfully. “What a woman.”
“I still have cake and stuff left in my house.” Stan says, and looks at the others. “Do you guys want to come over? You can clean up as well.”
Eddie looks down at himself in surprise, as if he’s only just realised he’s covered in mud. “My mother’s going to kill me.” He says, and Richie nudges him.
“Don’t worry,” He says, “I’ll butter her up for you.”
“Shut up.” Eddie says, and Bev rolls her eyes at the two of them.
“We’d love to go to your house.” She tells Stan, and then reaches out and squeezes his wrist. “Thank you for inviting us.”
“You’re very welcome.” Stan says, and then brushes the dirt from his hands onto his knees. “Come on gang. Let’s go home.”
“We should have a name.” Ben says, as Stan starts walking, the rest of them following after him. “If we’re going to be hanging out.”
“The secret seven.” Mike suggests, and Bev laughs.
“You stole that from an Enid Blyton book.” She says, prodding Mike in the ribs where it tickles.
“I can’t s-s-say the name of it either.” Bill adds, “Too many s-s-s sounds.”
“Please, take pity on Big Bill here.” Richie says, slapping Bill on the shoulder. “He’s a delicate flower.”
Bill stamps down on Richie’s foot and Richie cackles with glee.
“Well we all met doing something weird and nerdy.” Eddie says, “The Weirdo club? The Strange club?”
“The Losers Club?” Stan says, and they all pause for a moment.
“I like that.” Bev says.
“Me too.” Ben says, and smiles at Stan. “The Loser’s club. Yeah, it really works.”
“Great.” Stan says, smiling back at Ben, at all of them. “The Loser’s Club it is.”
They walk off in the direction of home, filthy and tired and happy.
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Pathetic, Clinging Poetry - Chapter 19 (of 25)
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The tears are dried, and the sun has risen; And while despair still clings to my heart, It grows weaker with each breath. One day, I'll think of your presence And I won't crumble into dust. Maybe not today. But I can see it up ahead. 
As she lay curled up on the couch, Peony heard the sound of tires in the driveway. 'That must be the other aunt...' she thought, pulling herself upright. She glanced in the mirror above the fireplace so she could fix her hair -- thankfully it hadn't gotten too matted from laying on the couch. Knowing she'd done nothing but watch T.V. all day made her feel icky, but she'd been too jittery to sleep, too tired to do anything else... Bella had spent most of her day in the garden or working in the kitchen, occasionally popping in to offer her something to drink and make sure she was comfortable, and Spinel was still sleeping like a rock, so at least she knew nobody was judging her.
The door creaked open, and in walked yet another incredibly tall woman -- Peony observed that she was wearing heels, but even without them, she was probably just a little under six feet. She wore a mustard-yellow blazer and a pair of dark grey pants; her hair was a dirty shade of blonde, with a few patches of grey spreading throughout the roots. As she untied her high heeled boots, she met eyes with Peony, and her expression immediately brightened up. "Ah, hello there!" she greeted, placing her boots in the closet. She hurried into the living room and pulled her into a brief hug. "You're Peony, correct?"
"I sure am!"
"Welcome to our home, sweetheart! It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I hope my wife hasn't been driving you crazy all day." Yasmine winked.
"Not at all!" Peony was only lying a little bit. "She's been taking good care of me, I promise."
"That's good to hear." Yasmine responded with a warm smile. "Where's my little jellybean? Is she already out on one of her adventures?"
It took Pearl a moment to figure out that "jellybean" referred to Spinel. 'These aunts sure love their nicknames.' "No, I think she's still asleep." Peony finally said. "It was quite a long drive over here... The poor thing passed out as soon as she hit the bed!"
"What a shame... I've been looking forward to seeing her all day." Yasmine sighed dramatically. She pulled off her blazer, hanging it over the side of the recliner in the living room and adjusting the white button-up shirt she wore underneath. "So..." she began, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears. "You're the girl that stole my niece's heart, huh? I wonder how she landed such a ladylike gal -- almost looks like she pulled you straight out of a church pew!" she chuckled.
Peony suddenly felt a little self conscious; she wasn't sure what to make of that comment. Was that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing? "Ah, well, we actually met at church! She started coming whenever her mother locked her out of the house, sh-she initially only came for the brunch they served after services... But then we became close friends, and over time, well..." Peony trailed off; Yasmine probably got the idea. Her heart fluttered in her chest, and a wave of affection for Spinel temporarily overshadowed her shyness.
"Awww, that's precious..." Yasmine clasped her hands together. "My little girl has such good taste... I bet she learned it from me." Yasmine glanced lovingly towards the kitchen at Bella, who was singing softly to herself as she prepared dinner. Her expression soft, she turned her gaze back towards Peony again. "...Now tell me; why do you look so familiar? Were you a student at my high school?"
"I was! But you probably know my twin sister, too. Or well, knew -- she dated your daughter back in high school. Does the name 'Pearl' ring a bell?" Peony asked.
"Pearl! Ah, that's it! Now it's all coming back." Yasmine let out a sigh. "That little Pearl was such a sweetie. Not to mention, a wonderful influence on the rambunctious ball of energy that was Rose. I'll be holding you to the same standards." she added with a wink.
"Oh, don't be that way!" Bella huffed as she entered the living room, playfully whacking Yasmine with a wooden spoon. "Peony is a completely separate person from her sister. Comparisons are unfair to both of them."
"It wasn't that serious, dear." Yasmine rolled her eyes. "Besides, I don't think it's too much to expect Peony to be a positive influence on Spinel."
Peony giggled. "It's alright, I didn't take it personally." she said. "I've been hoping to meet Pearl again, though... She's living in Beach City with her friend right now. I'm not entirely sure where, but one day, me and Spinel are gonna head over there and... well, hope we'll run into her by some kind of miracle, heh."
Yasmine's eyes widened. "Beach City?"
"What a coincidence!" Bella clasped her hands together. "We were actually planning to head out there this weekend!"
"Really?" Peony's eyes lit up.
"Absolutely! Our daughter has a weekly family game night -- and never told us until the other day! -- so we're heading over there tomorrow." Yasmine said.
"And after that, we'll be stealing our grandson for the weekend." Bella added with a wink. "Steven is such a little angel... I'm sure you and Spinel will have lots of fun with him."
"That's amazing!" Peony exclaimed. "D-do you think me and Spinel could come along? If that's alright..."
"If that's alright? Oh honey, you never had a choice!" Yasmine burst into laughter, giving Peony a rough pat on the back and causing her to squeak. "Our plan was to drag you along from the start!"
"That's not true; while we plan to bring you girls along, you could have said no if you wanted." Bella clarified, and Yasmine rolled her eyes.
Peony giggled. For such a happily married couple, they each seemed to have a sense of humor that... didn't clash well with the other's. "And you know... since Rose was so close with Pearl, perhaps... She's talked to her recently and knows where she might be?"
"I wouldn't be surprised! I'm sure Rose would be thrilled to help you reunite with your sister." Yasmine said. She turned to make her way towards the stairs. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and wake up Spinel. My little jellybean owes me a thousand hugs!” 
"Dude, what the fuck?" Amethyst gave Peridot a rough nudge with her elbow as she reached for her controller. "Stop cheating!"
"Eat my ass, you cheated last time we played! So now we're even." Peridot snapped back, her eyes not straying from the T.V. screen for a second.
"Not to eavesdrop, but uh, how do you cheat at Mario Kart?" Jasper asked as she walked by the living room.
"By knocking the controller out of my hand just as I'm about to pass her up." Amethyst grumbled.
"And guess who I got that idea from?" Peridot huffed. "So now we're even. And from now on, there won't be any more cheating."
"They say this every time they play." Garnet said, turning her eyes towards Jasper -- at least, to the best of her current ability. At the moment, she was balancing herself upside down on her head. "I don't think they intend to stop cheating."
"Bleh bleh bleh blehhh." Amethyst blew raspberries at Garnet. "What the hell are you doing, anyway?"
"You can see very clearly what I am doing." Garnet said.
"Alright, but you better not fall. If you break anything, my sis is gonna regret letting you guys come over." Amethyst snorted.
"I have excellent balance, and you know this." Garnet stated.
"Yeah, but knowing my luck, the one time you do fall is gonna be at my sister's house." Amethyst said.
Jasper simply rolled her eyes and continued to make her way down the hallway. 'Dumbasses.' As she reached the kitchen, she opened the fridge in search of some sort of snack... 'Ugh, but if I eat something, then I have to give them something, too. Don't wanna be too much of an asshole.' she thought, rummaging through the fridge and pulling out a block of swiss cheese. 'Maybe... cheese and crackers? That's something you give to guests, right?'
She diced the cheese into a bunch of little cubes, and spread a handful of crackers across the largest plate she could find. After taking a deep breath, she made her way towards the living room.
"Hey, uh... You guys hungry?" she asked. 'Damn, it'll be awkward if they say no. Then I'd have done all of this for nothing.'
"Ooh, is that cheese and crackers?" Peridot said, extending a hand towards Jasper. "Hell yeah, gimme gimme!"
"Aw, thanks! You wanna join us?" Amethyst suggested. Garnet lowered herself down from her balanced position, shaking her head to re-orient herself and reaching towards the plate as well.
"Uh..." Jasper glanced at the game on the screen. In all honesty, the last thing she wanted to do was play some kid's game with her sister and her weirdass friends... But Amethyst's request seemed genuine, and it made her feel guilty for being so judgy. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to loosen up a bit... "Sure, why not."
"You can take my controller." Peridot said, handing it over to Jasper.
"Thanks." Jasper said, seating herself on the floor beside Amethyst.
"Need me to explain the controls to you?" Amethyst suggested.
"I'm good." Jasper rolled her eyes; in all honesty, it had been a while since she'd played any sort of video game, so she'd probably be fiddling around with the buttons for a moment or two until she figured which one did what... But that was better than letting her little sister explain something to her. She'd step on a pile of thumbtacks before letting that happen.
"Alriiight." Amethyst said, not fully convinced. "You ready to start, then?"
"Yep. Ready when you are."
"Alrighty then, let's get this show on the road!" Amethyst pressed the start button.
To nobody's surprise, Amethyst's character zoomed right past Jasper's, staying far ahead throughout the whole first lap.
"Shoulda taken me up on that offer, butthead!" Amethyst teased, her eyes not straying from the screen.
"I know the controls, dipshit. I'm just rusty. Obviously you're gonna do a little better than me when you play this game all day." Jasper grumbled.
"Then why do you keep running into walls?" Amethyst snorted, playfully elbowing Jasper.
"I'm not running into walls!"
"Yes you are!" Amethyst taunted.
"Fuck you." Jasper knocked the controller out of Amethyst's hand.
"Hey!" Amethyst growled as she scrambled to retrieve it, but before she could, Jasper kicked it across the living room floor so that it was out of her reach.
"You little shit!" she hissed.
"That's what you get for runnin' your mouth!" Jasper cackled, grabbing Amethyst by the collar of her shirt so that she couldn't crawl over to retrieve her controller.
"Not my fault you suck at video games!" Amethyst struggled to squirm out of Jasper's grip; once she admitted defeat, she turned and kicked the controller out of Jasper's hands, sending it all the way across the room.
"You bitch!" Jasper shoved Amethyst onto the carpet.
By then, the two were wrestling each other on the living room floor and snickering childishly, both of their characters falling far behind in the race as the NPCs zoomed past. Peridot turned to Garnet with a confused expression on her face. "Uh... should we do something?"
"Hmm... No. I'm an only child, but I think this is normal for siblings." Garnet said. "They'll tire themselves out soon enough."
"Ah." Peridot nodded in somewhat-understanding, leaning back against the couch and reaching for the remaining cheese and crackers. "I'm claiming these!"
"Maybe the little runt will, but I could wrestle all day!" Jasper snickered, wrapping an arm around Amethyst and giving her a noogie.
"I may be a runt, but you're a cunt!" Amethyst chomped down on Jasper's arm.
"Ouch! You little shithead, I'll beat your --"
Before Jasper could go on any further, they heard the sound of the front door opening. Pearl walked in with an armful of groceries, a huge smile on her face. "Hey girls! I found the greatest deals today! There was a huge sale on dish soap and--" Pearl trailed off as she stared at the sight before her. Video game controllers strewn in different directions, Amethyst trapped in a headlock by Jasper, Peridot stuffing cheese and crackers into her face as if her life depended on it, and Garnet -- well, Garnet was probably most normal person in the room right at that moment. "Uh... What's going on?"
"Just some sisterly bonding." Garnet said.
"My knight in shining armor has arrived!" Amethyst gasped, dramatically falling limp in Jasper's grip. "Save me, my sweet Pierogi Prince!"
Pearl set her tote bags down on the floor. "Tsk tsk... I leave you girls alone for one hour, and we're already resorting to violence?"
"Hey, none of this woulda happened if Ame hadn't been a little shit." Jasper shrugged. She released Amethyst from her grasp, and she fell onto the floor with an "oof".
"Me and Garnet stayed out of this!" Peridot said, holding her hands up in defense.
"We could have stopped it, though." Garnet clarified. "But it was kind of funny, so we didn't."
"Well, I certainly can't allow my fair maiden to be held hostage, now can I?" Pearl rolled up her sleeves to reveal her noodle-like arms and cracked her knuckles, and Peridot held back a snicker.
Jasper raised an eyebrow. "What the hell are y-"
Pearl tackled her with a dramatic "AAAAGH", the surprise of her attack allowing her to push Jasper down onto the floor. She pinned her against the carpet by her shoulders, staring down at her with a smug expression. "I win!" she declared.
"Damn, never thought I'd see the day where I get defeated by a twig like you." Jasper lifted Pearl off of herself with ease and sat upright.
"A twig?" Pearl huffed. "Tell that to Amethyst! She's always asking me to open jars for her -- isn't that correct, darling?"
"Yeahh, sure..." Amethyst said, giving Peridot and Garnet a "she's totally lying" look.
"Don't play dumb!" Pearl hissed. "I'll tackle you, too!"
"Pfft, I'd like to see you try!" Amethyst stuck her tongue out.
"Are you dinguses gonna play Mario Kart or not?" Peridot said. "Because if not, me and Garnet want to play Meat Beat Mania."
"Alright, we have tissues and lotion in the bathroom." Amethyst giggled.
Garnet chucked one of the couch pillows at Amethyst's face. "Oof! Alright, alright, I'll admit that joke's getting old." she responded sheepishly. She turned to Pearl. "Want me to help you put the groceries away, Pearlie?"
"Yes, I'd appreciate that." Pearl jumped to her feet, extending a hand to help Amethyst up as well. "But since I'm such a twig, you have to carry all of the bags to the kitchen for me."
"That's fair." Amethyst said with a shrug.
"Jasper, are you going to join us?" Pearl asked.
"Eh, I'll stay in here. I'm kinda curious about this meat game your friends are going on about." Jasper said, pulling herself upright and sitting down on the couch beside Garnet.
"Alrighty-o, let's go!" Amethyst grabbed the grocery bags from the entry room floor and hauled them into the kitchen. Once they were out of the room, Garnet crawled over to the game system and popped in the Meat Beat Mania disc. "Would you like to play first?" she asked Jasper.
"Uh, I think I'll just watch the first few rounds. Thanks, though."
"Alright." Garnet cracked her knuckles and gripped the controllers in her hands, rising to her feet. And just like that, she was suddenly entranced in the meat-themed rhythm game, leaving Peridot and Jasper behind in the real world.
"Uh, thanks for the cheese and crackers, by the way." Peridot said, setting the now-empty plate aside. She curled up on the couch, hugging her knees up to her chest. "And for letting us hang out here. We thought we'd be stuck playing video games at my cramped apartment forever, hah!"
"Yeah, and I thought I'd never get pinned down on the floor by Pearl." Jasper chuckled. "So listen, uh... I've been kind of a... an asshole. Not recently, but -- well, maybe recently too -- but like... I started realizing that, in the past, I was too judgy of you guys. Even though you're admittedly a little odd, I shouldn't have been so douchey or given you -- and Amethyst -- such a hard time." She gave Peridot an awkward pat on the back. "So... I'm sorry about that. I'm trying to be a little better these days."
Peridot clutched her chest. "Aww, Jasper! That's so nice of you! I didn't know you had that in you!" she cooed, twirling a strand of her curly hair around her finger. "I will say, though -- you might have to repeat that apology once Garnet is done with this level. When she gets into her video games, she doesn't know a thing that's going on around her. One time I drew a dick on her face and she didn't even notice until three levels later!"
Jasper turned her gaze back towards Garnet. "Uh... 'righty, thanks for the heads up."
"No need." Garnet said; the level had come to an end, and she dropped the controller on the ground with a thud. Peridot cringed. "What's with you guys slinging my controllers around like a hacky sack? Those things cost money, ya know!"
"Sorry. I wanted to be dramatic." Garnet said flatly. "Anyway, I heard every word of your conversation, and I forgive you."
Jasper let out a slight sigh of relief. "Ah... Okay. Good to hear."
"Shit, that means you also heard me." Peridot laughed nervously. "Do you also forgive me for drawing a dick on your face?"
"Yes, but I know you aren't sorry for it."
Peridot burst into laughter. "You got that right! I'm totally gonna do it again."
"I assumed as much. And yet, I still love you." Garnet pulled both of them into a tight embrace.
"Aww, group huuug!" Peridot squealed.
All of Jasper's instincts made her want to groan at the cheesiness of it all; but for once, she held back, and allowed herself to accept the display of affection... Weird as they might be, it felt good to get that apology off her chest and know they'd forgiven her. 
0 notes
zeldahijinks · 7 years
Thank you to the all that you do. Your writing is amazing. If it isn't too much trouble, may I request a fluffy scenario for Sidon where he and his soon-to-be s/o are spending the day playing with the Zora children and one of them says, "the Prince talks about you a lot." Then the other kids chime in with, "yeah, he really likes you!" and whatnot and basically kinda embarrass him? Or would that go against your character limit for a scenario? If it does then I'm so sorry! (ó﹏ò。)
“Hey! [Name]’s back!!” A child called out from their group and bound their way over to where you and Sidon stood.
 As soon as you heard their little voices a smile made its way on your face and you turned around with your arms wide open to bring them in a hug. They all ran as fast as they could and dog piled upon you cheering and laughing. Sidon was beaming, feeling proud that the child of Zora’s Domain were enthralled by you. He crossed his arm and covered his laugh with his hand as the children began to bombard you with questions.
 “What took you so long!?” 
“Well, I was travelin-”
 “Did you get a new cloak?? Why did you do that, your green one was better!”
 “H-Hey now, it was old-”
 “[Name], [Name]!! My fin grew another inch! I’ma be taller than you, just watch!”
 “Hahaha, I don’t doubt it. Majority of you will be taller then me before you know it!”
 “Good, ‘cause then we’ll all be big enough to throw you in the river.”
 “WHAT! Don’t be cruel!!”
 Sidon pressed his knuckles to his lips attempting to quell the laugh that threatened to burst. The kids were tugging on your cloak while the other ones in front of you pulled on your pants. Each of them wanting your undivided attention and Sidon was trying to keep himself in check as they all fawned over you. He thought to himself that he was lucky that the children were not around all the time from how much they admired you.  It would have been impossible to get close to you otherwise, but then again, it made his heart sore at the thought if you allowed him the chance to raise children with you. He could already tell you would make a great parent.
 It was then when one of the children noticed that they forget Sidon was there and they rushed over to him pulling on his hand to come join. Sidon could only chuckle at the little one tried their hardest to drag him over, and so he pretended they were incredibly strong. They giggled uncontrollably as they ‘dragged’ Sidon while you were on the ground again with a few children smothering you.
 In a feign feeble attempt for help, you raised your hand as if you had fought a mighty battle. “Sidon…I don’t think…I can make it. Tell the children….that I.. that I ate all their shrimps.” Loud gasps from all the kids could be heard, “Also…it was delicious… Blehhh.” You went limp and stuck your tongue out.
 All the kid began yelling and tugging on your clothing. “Noooo! You’re lying, you really didn’t eat them all, did you??”
 Sidon made his way over and pulled you into his lap, he held his trademark pose over your ‘dead’ body. “Do not worry, my dear, [Name]. I will make sure your message to the children will not go undelivered.” He looked at them all and tried his best remain serious, “Listen my fellow comrades!”
 They all took the poses of soldiers, and some looked like they were going to cry. Others faces remain intensively stern. “Aye, sir!”
 “We must honor our fallen comrade in arms!” He looked between them all before his smile became devious. “By tickling them!”
 Your eyes shot open and before you could get up a horde of Zora children dog piled you again, but this time their tiny fingers jabbing and tickling. You cried out and laughed while trying to push them away. You shook your fist at Sidon, “You betrayed me! I thought you loved me!” You jokingly jest, but the children all paused.
 “Sidon does love you!” One them called out and Sidon’s eyes bugged out.
 “Yeah! He went on and on how..uh…what was the word he used?”
 “He said infatuated.”
 “You dolt, that means you farted.”
 “[Name], are you gonna marry Sidon?”
 You were confused and trying to get your bearings as all children spoke at once. You glanced over and saw Sidon hiding his face. He looked completely flustered and you bit your lip to try to suppress the smug smile from surfacing.
 You made your way over to Sidon and he looked up at you before you pretended to faint. His reaction was quick and thorough, easily swooping you in a dip. He looked even more flustered at your cheeky grin, “Infatuated, huh? I think I can say the same.”
 The children’s reactions were a mixture of whooping and gagging. It took him a moment to register before a blush bloomed on his face not at all sure what to feel embarrassed at; the children or the fact he got called out.
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rwbyasrvb · 7 years
Ironwood: Alright, well... one day when I was there, everything was just like normal. I remember I was out on patrol with my partner Jimmy. That Jimmy was a real good kid. Everybody liked him.
Qrow: Do you think I was a good kid, James?
Ironwood: Qrow, don't get jealous, man. Just listen to the story, okay? Like I said, guys were hanging around, waitin' for some action, bitchin' about the cold...
Soldier: Man, it's fuckin' cold. I hope we get some action.
Ironwood: Anyway, Jimmy was in the middle of telling me all about this girlfriend he had back home.
Jimmy: Yep, soon as I get back, I'm gonna get down on one knee and ask her to marry me.
Ironwood: And that's when the Grimm showed up. Private Mickey was the first to go. He was halfway across the base when all of a sudden, he just started screaming bloody murder.
Mickey: Bloody murder! Bloody murder!
Ironwood: The whole thing was over before it even started. Poor Jimmy was the last one to go. A beowolf walked up to him, pulled Jimmy's skull right out of his head and beat him to death with it.
Qrow: Wait a second... how do you beat someone to death with their own skull? That doesn't seem physically possible.
Ironwood: That's exactly what Jimmy kept screaming.
Jimmy: This doesn't seem physically possible! Hurrk... Blehhh
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Playing catch up... AGAIN #StoryOfMyLife
- Manang and I cleaned the basement from 4 pm - 9 pm. I went with manong to taco Bell and got 4 chalupa boxes and a crunchwrap supreme. Manong bought those and manang sent the money for the frappes. Got home and ateeee
- Dad went alone to Taylor while mom stayed home cuz she was still sick. Sibs and I went to Warren and stopped by Kroger for plates and Tim Hortons for coffee. Service was quick cuz dad had work. Stayed with the kids who played different games on the Wii u while I played with Johanna, Mary grace, Jamison, and Kaleb. Left at 7 then went Oyaki and ate udon and some sushi. Got home
- did lots of laundry and tidied up the house, even cleaned manong's room.
- Mom knocked on our doors around 11 am saying we were leaving for Chicago in the afternoon. I got up and got ready only to find that dad changed his mind. Lol watched TV then put some stuff in the pilot. Then I just chilled in my room till 1 and went to the kitchen and ate scrambled eggs until it was time to go at 1:40 am
- Left early in the morning (1:40 am). Couldn't nap so I stayed up. Ate some breakfast then left. Navigated dad to the Water Tower Place parking lot while everyone slept. Arrived around 4 am, close to 5. Slept in the garage until 6 something then got my makeup on. At 7:50 am Marv Manang and I walked to the John Hancock observation building which entrance was right next to cheesecake factory! Walked around then had coffee at Starbucks. Finally went in line at 8:45 since we were so early (we were the first ppl there). Got up to the tower at 9:10. It was crazy!!!! Beautiful views. Manang and I were def scared 😂 Marv did the TILT which was so scary! After a bit manang and I finally got over our fear lol. After that we went down and met up with mom and dad atthe water tower. Walked across the street to check out Uniqlo. Then we walked a couple blocks to Moody theological seminary to visit Dr jelinik but he was busy. Walked back and had lunch at cheesecake factory (which btw was the first time we've eaten all day!! 11 am bruh!). Ordered a mac n cheese burger and it was delishhh. Got coffee from Starbucks (I got espresso and blehhh) and then drove to the hotel (Baymont inn and suites in Glenview). I fell asleep most of the way there. Checked in and everyone besides Marv and I took a nap. Ate some adobo and egg and rice. Manang and I then went to the Tous Les jours Bakery walking distance in front of the hotel. We loved all the desserts we got!! After that Marv and I worked out in the fitness center. Def was sweating! After that I ligo then slept at like 11😂 so tired!
- Rainy and colder today. Got up for breakfast and went down with dad and Marv first. After breakfast we got ready but dad and Marv slept lol we didn't leave until like 1??? Went to the Old Orchard Westfield outlet 17 min away. Ate at the California Pizza something and ehhh it was not that good. Mom and dad dropped us off and went to seafood city. Marv Manang and I walked around the outlet, checked off Zara then f21. Marv bought Manang and I sunglasses at f21. Checked a couple of other stores then had an iced caramel macchiato at Barnes and nobles. After that and a bit more walking we went to the bubble tea place. It was horrible. First of all, it was 4:30 pm. It opened at 10 am. I get it the girl said that the building had some problems so they were just opening but WHY BE OPEN WHEN NOTHING WAS READY OR SET UP????? And she wasn't even welcoming!! Like I'm sure she's frustrates but she didn't even greet customers or thank them for order or told them to have a good day. NOTHING. They didn't even have bubbles! Marv and Manang sadly got something and they were both bad. Anywho got picked up around 5. Got to the hotel and ate the chicken joy. Chilled and napped for a bit then worked out with Manang and Marv at 8:30 (btw Manang bought a cheap shirt from F21 so she can join Marv and I and she didn't see that the back said "Just Married" 😂😂). Definitely was sweating today too. Burned about 200 cal! Went up and ligo then slept at around 11 as well.
- Woke up early today! Woke up around 5, then fell asleep, then woke up at 7:20. Got ready and ate breakfast. Packed our stuff then checked out. Stopped by tous Les jours for more pastries (ugh bye money). Then we headed for seafood city where we were there for 2 solid hours. Then we went to joy Yee in Chinatown. Ordered 2 pho, a chicken dish, a beef dish with vermicelli for dad, and bubble teas. walked around China Town and Marv got a figured and a wooden sword. Then we finally left for home. Took 41 (Lakeshore Dr) to avoid traffic. Stopped by the rest area in new buffalo, got coffee from McDonald's, stopped by another rest area or two then got home at 11 something. Thank you Lord!
4.6.19 - oh boy woke up at 6:40 for the women's conference today. Left at 7:20 and picked up Tita emy. Got to the central bible church and found out we could've arrived at 9:15! But the extra time allowed us to drink coffee and eat some danishes. Conference was good and during lunch met Megan Line from memorial. Mom dropped Manang and I to Chloe's after lunch and we ate and watched infinity wars. Was starting Ragnarok but then left at 3:40 ish. Was so tired. Got home, stripped and went straight to bed lol. Napped for a good 4 hours. Manang and I watched some TV and dad then came out and cooked. Stayed in the living room for a little bit prepping for my Sunday school then bed
4.7.19 - church today! Felt like it went fast lol Chynna helped me with the kids today. Even had Gabe who cried but finally warmed up :) had a meeting with parents today as well. O the Ormeos came too! Played hide n seek with Johanna and Mary grace, then musical "chairs" with them and Stephanie. Left and stopped by McDonald's for fries n coffee. Got home, changed, then watched 2 episodes of 10 years with Miyazaki with Manang. Then we watched return of Superman
0 notes
44. Do you tan in the nude?
i dont tan
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
no? i never understand these questions. why would you take something back if it’s already happened? even if you wanted to you couldn’t. 
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
47. Who was the last person to call you?
48. Do you sing in the shower?
49. Do you dance in the car?
yup. and i get told to stop cuz it can be distracting.
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
not sure
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
yeah sometimes
53. Is Christmas stressful?
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
I LOVE PIEROGIS OH MY GOD. I need to get some now
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
veterinarian, biologist, nurse. a lot of science-related careers
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
all the dang time boy
 59. Take a vitamin daily?
lmao no
60. Wear slippers?
YES. I have these sick shark slippers and they’re amazing and they legit dont get dirty! like ever. theyre amazing
61. Wear a bath robe?
on occasion
62. What do you wear to bed?
sometimes nothing. sometimes just undies. sometimes, if im feelin a little dangerous: a matching flannel pajama set that makes me sweat my ass off.
63. First concert?
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
I don’t give my money to big corporations.
lol jk im not a tight ass. target.
65. Nike or Adidas?
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
neither. blehhh.
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
depends on the mood. crank some love story if im feelin angsty.
69. Ever take dance lessons?
yeah and quit after three weeks cause the instructor tried moving my legs while helping me like i was the tin man and i didnt like that so i left
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
idk as long as they’re happy that’s all that matters
71. Can you curl your tongue?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
OH YES BABY. 4th grade.
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
yes. on a few occasions!
74. What is your favorite book?
i dont read that much...
75. Do you study better with or without music?
with. tho i convinced myself of that. i never do well on tests.
deleted 76 by accident
77. Ever been in love?
yeah... i think so.
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
John mayer
79. What was the last concert you saw?
Bad Suns
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
Depends on the flavor. black: hot, green: cold
81. Tea or coffee?
82. Favorite type of cookie?
Choco chip. or Milanos.
83. Can you swim well?
Cant swim at all haha no joke
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yeah i think so
85. Are you patient?
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
87. Ever won a contest?
No, not that i can remember
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
Never but thought about butt implants at one point in time
89. Which are better black or green olives?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
Your choice and no one else’s
91. Best room for a fireplace?
Living room? Tho it looks cool in a bedroom too. Idk im too afraid of carbon monoxide so i prob wouldn’t have one anywhere in my house.
92. Do you want to get married?
Not really tbh
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