#what I wouldn’t give for a glimpse into Hori’s mind
seagreenstardust · 1 month
Even just the fact that Katsuki point blank asks Izuku later “SOMETHING must have triggered black whip, what was it”???
Guys. Friends. Pals. You don’t choose to make the character who triggered the quirk ask the question (and not get an answer!!!) without a reason, this is textbook stuff, writing fictional characters 101. There is actual irony in Katsuki asking, in him not getting an answer, and most authors would introduce said irony only as foreshadowing, not as a random throwaway moment
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
Hi! Based on the one anon asking about metas. I am curious since you mentioned your personal choice of how the ending will go (I personally know you want the FMA style ending…) in a non biased stance in the objective “meta way,” what do you think the ending would be for the villains and the possibility of staying in contact? I hope this makes sense of what I’m saying 😅 I may have missed a point in regards to this to
It’s okay and it makes sense! Most of my posts involving the ending aren’t very objective because, well, the reason you said. I really want that happy rainbow bunny ending lol.
Objectively uhhh
See this is hard because there’s no concrete indication of how anything will go.
I can speculate about living situations all day but I’ll just say what I think for sure will happen regarding the characters and relationships:
I absolutely think the LOV will stay in contact. I mean there’s no indication that they’ll split off and just never talk again. That wouldn’t really make sense and tbh I do feel like it’s heavily implied that they will actively try to improve the world they live in with the second chances they’ve been given. That being said, the remaining members of the LOV, we gotta see who that entails aside from the main 3.
The kids, well obviously they’ll all stay in contact with each other. I’m not worried about them.
Here’s where I’m a little biased, but also what I legit think will happen because this is Shounen after all and in the end, usually everybody stays in each other’s lives. I think the main kids, will stay in touch with their villains. Like, they’ll all stay updated on each other. Aside from Touya and Shouto, I mean, who I believe will be together with their family again. I feel like this will happen with the other two duos (Deku/Shig, Ochaco/Toga, + Bakugo lol) because there’s a lot of emotion involved in the saving process to come. Like the set we have revolves around the kids understanding their villains and seeing things from their eyes, seeing their pain, acknowledging it, and reaching out a hand. That involves the kids taking a chance on the villains that nobody else was ever going to. It involves them opening their minds up to something they never considered, because of these special human beings their fates have been bound with in the story. And in return, it involves the villains taking a bigger chance on their kids by opening up their hearts to the notion of being saved. If the set up we had between Midoriya and Shigaraki specifically wasn’t set up to get so personal between them (acknowledging the pain in the other’s life, seeing the inner crying child), I would say differently I think. Like if it was simply just, physically saving from self destruction then yeah I’d say differently. But there is really a lot of emotional dialogue to look forward between them two and that’s why I feel like we’ll get some sort of peaceful conclusion in the end between them. All that understanding usually leads to a relationship forming if some sort. Understanding on a personal level like this leads to friendship typically, in stories like this. It wouldn’t make sense if they just “yeah bye lol ✌🏼 have a nice life”. Personally, I do feel like we’ll see some semblance of “oh yeah, they stayed in touch with their villains, they know how each other’s lives turned out” for the two duos aside from the Todorokis. It may not BE as tight knit as that FMA style ending I want, but it’s a lessened version of it. Which I do actually think a likely given the genre, and the circumstances that we’re heading toward.
That being said, I ALSO am skeptical of how much we’ll see anyway? Like I’ve said before, I think the most Hori will show is just enough to tell us “the villains are safe, back in society, and living their lives, Touya is home”. Beyond that, I don’t know how much he’ll show us. At most, I expect like that classic time skip in the very last few pages giving us a small glimpse into everyone’s lives in the future. Possibly show any romances that stuck. But not enough to give us all the details. So I’m not holding out for a long winded explanation of how everyone ends tbh. Just enough to show “yeah, everyone’s okay”. I feel like the rest will be up to us to decide really. Which is fine with me. I’d rather a left open ending than a solid ending that says “nobody ever talked to each other again lol”. 👎🏼 to that.
Anyway, sorry this turned out long.
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