#what a breath of fresh air
dailydemonspotlight · 26 days
Hresvelgr - Day 37
Race: Wilder
Alignment: Dark-Law
May 13th, 2024
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Norse mythology has no shortage of giants making up its ranks, immensely powerful creatures called Jötunn that wreak havoc and devour the earth below, only matched in strength by the gods themselves. The Jötunn, descended from the primordial god Ymir, whose body was used to create the human realm of Midgard, live almost entirely within their own realm separate from both Midgard and Asgard, a frozen-over world called Jötunheimr (or Útgarðr depending on the source) that is as desolate as it is deadly. The Jötunn weren't quite as malevolent as they were representative of chaos itself, and many friendly Jötunn actually existed as well- one of those being the demon of the day, Hresvelgr, the cold winds of heaven's end.
Depictions of Hresvelgr are scant, only showing in a few stanzas of Vafþrúðnismál, wherein Odin spoke with the wise elder Jötunn, Vafþrúðnir, about the origin of the winds of the world. He would provide Odin with a simple, short answer, explaining the following.
"He is called Hræsvelg, who sits at heaven’s end, a giant, in the shape of an eagle; from his wings they say the wind comes over all people." - Translation by J. Lindow, 2002.
This excerpt would later be paraphrased in the Prose Edda, everyone's favorite piece of christianized literature, where it would be effectively repeated in the Gylfaginning section, albeit asked by a different character, that being the disguised Gylfi to the jötunn Hárr. As the story goes, the giant provides the winds to the worlds throughout Yggdrasil through the flapping of its wings. Whether the giant simply is an eagle or takes the form of one is unclear, as this great bird appears only briefly throughout the few sources we have on Norse mythology. The name's meaning as well is vague, having two meanings pertaining to his role- 'corpse-swallower' and 'shipwreck-current.'
Due to this, we can see Hresvelgr as a literal force of nature- the winds he whips up aren't malevolent, but will happily swallow people in storms and destroy their ships if they're not careful. However, wind can also bring joy- it guides ships, lets people know when a storm is brewing, and can even let people play in it if they're astute enough to build kites or the like. It's due to this that we can see, in force, the duality of the jötunn- they are not evil, not good, but simply neither, bringers of natural events that spell disaster and fortune in equal droves.
In SMT, Hresvelgr's specialty in wind skills is almost comedically obvious, a late game magic attacker who whips up hurricanes to attack his foes. The main thing I'd like to talk about, however, is his design- while appearing on the surface as a simple eagle, the detail of screaming faces under his wing paint a grim picture of the devastation that a tornado can bring, while the white, in contrast, represents the simple pleasure of a windy day.
Overall, in spite of the lack of mythology regarding this bird of prey, Hresvelgr is a fascinating and fun demon to look at, use, and analyze, and certainly deserves to be a demon of the day.
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emodennis · 1 year
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GOD. her <3
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gladsomevarangian · 2 years
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She's so unapologetically trans I love her
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bixels · 6 months
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She hates robots. She fucking hates robots and she's coming to kill you.
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gbirrd · 3 days
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ah... the fanart...it calls my name...it must be made...
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quasi-normalcy · 4 months
Without even touching on the abuse or misogyny, Joss Whedon's career would still be notable for how quickly he went from "daring subversive young upstart auteur" to "literally the sin-eater for all generic corporate action blockbusters'
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astralcities · 10 months
remembering that jolyne is hated by large large swaths of anime fans always shocks me to my core like she's literally just a funnier & kinder carbon copy of her grandpa. you know. the guy who is almost universally beloved and lauded in shonen spheres. man i wonder what fundamental difference between her & the other joestars leads anime fans to shit on her no matter what
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lifemod17 · 2 months
I have still not moved on from this. Therapy happened for Andrew, the interviewer, and me.
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I'm still processing all of *gestures broadly in the general direction of the video* THAT
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delineate-creates · 11 months
Y’all. Tyler Childers, an Appalachian bluegrass artist from Kentucky, just released a song with a music video featuring a queer love story between two coal miners called In Your Love. At this point I have no idea if he’ll get backlash for it, but I would really appreciate if you would watch the mv below and maybe give some positive engagement. I have a feeling he’ll need it.
He has a beautiful discography with really thoughtful, poignant lyrics, and imo he does a fantastic job tackling complicated topics. I highly recommend him! With all the Jason Aldean stuff going around, it feels more important than ever that we have empathetic and authentic voices in country music.
(…and unlike Jason, Tyler’s 2020 song Long Violent History actually SUPPORTS the fight against racial inequality. You can listen to it here if you’d like.)
TLDR: Stan Tyler Childers 🖤
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beefjerkyoff · 1 year
The best part about Lockwood & Co. so far is that finally we have a female lead who is written like an actual human being. Not some weird Hollywood girl power monstrosity or pining heroine but a regular fucking person who’s competent and flawed and nuanced.
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hyacinth--girl · 7 months
Noah Kahan collecting friendship with young female singer songwriters like infinity stones is the most wholesome timeline yet
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lonelyroommp3 · 2 months
relistened to the standard edition on my way home from work and it is just INSANE to me how much but daddy i love him clears the entire rest of the album just by virtue of being a song 1) with a decent hook 2) that focuses more on directly telling a story 3) without relying on shoehorning in vocab words or three mixed metaphors per line 4) and which stands on its own instead of being a lore dump for taylor swift’s love life
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wistfulwatcher · 11 months
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TIMESTAMP ROULETTEOnce Upon a Time | 1.18 "The Stable Boy" (requested by @cobalts-beau)
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light of my life tbh✨
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senadimell · 1 year
One of the most surprisingly delightful things about BBC Ghosts is just how much of a gem Pat is. Going off of appearances, it would be really easy for the narrative to make a bunch of jokes at his expense and make that the sum total of his character, but no. Yeah, he’s the middle-aged scout leader with an arrow in his neck with an out-of-fashion haircut, but he’s more than that.
He led boy scouts and was genuinely passionate about it, and what does that mean? He’s patient and used to dealing with kids calmly, socially and emotionally aware, generally unselfish, and good at building people up. And the fact that he’s got all of the badges means that he’s got a whole wealth of genuinely interesting competencies that means he’s interesting to be around. And then he also delights in so many things, which sparks life into everyone around him. In life or death, you really want to be around people like Pat!
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breadedsinner · 1 year
Broke: Leliana wouldn't like Sebastian because he's not forward-thinking enough.
Woke: Leliana and Sebastian, given the opportunity, could form a deep and interesting bond over finding comfort in faith when they were at their lowest points, struggling with the notion of changing for the better or worse, can a person even truly change? And the loss of a mentor/mother figure.
Bespoke: Sebastian and Leliana treasuring each other as friends and learning a lot but secretly being annoyed with each other because ugh Marchers / ugh Orlesians.
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