#what he wrote by laura marling
viciousland · 7 months
this is a song with Louis' POV for Lestat and Armand.
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song lyrics that are getting me through the week 🗡️
florence + the machine - falling, laura marling - what he wrote, mitski - the deal & laura marling - devils resting place.
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iamlucifersangel · 2 years
Definitely one of my favorite songs, the pure feeling of dark academia, in my humble opinion at least. Thanks to the peaky blinders.
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zonetrente-trois · 25 days
Laura Marling - What He Wrote (Live From Union Chapel)
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manitat · 2 years
LIVE: Laura Marling
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dellalyra · 1 year
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Summary: He’s home. He’s here. Maybe, you can mend the shattered pieces of your lives.
CW: I’m sorry this is so angsts but like so fluffy too?? But angst? Idk it’s a hot mess of emotions. Swearing, loss, grief, grief, grief, like one suggestive sentence.
A/N: do we like voting on what comes next?? I think that’s fun. Anyway - legit kinda proud of this, I’ve written like a million thirsts on how fucking delicious unsealed gojo looks but I was so excited to explore the toll and emotions of the prison realm situation on the FF gang and also show that there is no couple more healthy and solid than Y/N and Satoru. As always, requests open and appreciated x x
Recommended Listening:
The Parting Glass - (I like the Hozier version, works well for Y/N and Gojo discussing the losses)
What He Wrote - Laura Marling
Set Fire To The Third Bar - Snow Patrol
The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice (the turnaround)
I am the AntiChrist to You - NuDeco
Ensemble, Kishi Bashi (the ending)
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Yuuji’s voice, calling your name echoes through your head. You had no idea whether the unsealing worked or not. The box, it was gone. So now, you just sat staring at the skyline – trying to comprehend the fact that maybe, he was just gone. The angel – she’d done her part and the world had shook and you hoped that maybe, just maybe, that was a sign that your love was back in the mortal realm.
You waited, and stood, and waited, and watched.
Was this it? Had the world been left on your far too heavy shoulders? All the grief, the panic, the anger, the blood – was all of that yours to carry alone now? You couldn’t. You would fail. Without him, there was no hope. You wouldn’t be able to protect your family, your friends, yourself – at least Akio was out of Japan, but everyone else – you would die to protect them, even though you knew it would be the last thing to do.
The sun was beginning to set, you stood on the balcony of this flat – some stranger’s home, who had been quick to leave Tokyo – and you wished for the warmth of the cottage. The home Gojo and you had bought not long after graduation: with its plush sofas, and art spread around – some Tsumiki’s, some your families. The kitchen where many nights and so many important moments and memories had been made along with every dinner, you, Satoru – eating take out on the first night in your new home. The first night Megumi had asked for seconds a few weeks after they moved in, the table you signed the adoption papers for them, where Kento had told you both he was returning to sorcery, countless wine drunk nights with Shoko, where you and Satoru had told the Fushiguro kids that they were getting a sibling, where Akio had shouted his first word ‘cake!’, where Megumi had told you about his feelings for Itadori. All the kids room, and the spare rooms which had turned into other people’s de facto bedrooms. The master bedroom, nights wrapped up in tangles of limbs and sweat oh such sweet pleasure that everything else faded away or wrapped in blankets and each other's loving arms – whispers of eternity passing with the pillows as witness, falling asleep marvelling at the beauty of the moonlight bouncing off the Snow White hair of the ethereal man who you some got to call your husband splayed across the pillow beside you. You would often trace his features in his sleep, so at peace and restful and so beautiful that you couldn’t help but fall into dreams next to him. Your garden, where you grew everything from seed – peonies, sunflowers, roses, dahlias, lupins, lobelias and sweet pea and wisteria and most fruit and vegetables that you could dream of.
You’ve been holding everything in for so long – 19 days. You can’t falter. Not yet.
Please, ‘toru. Please come home to me.
You’re lost in your memories and hopes that somehow, the unsealing worked, and your beautiful boy will find you and love you and be beside you again – and then you will feel whole. Then, your soul and his will be complete.
The sliding door of the balcony breaks your trance.
“I’ll be in soon, Yuuji. Just enjoying the sunset.”
“I’ll find us some food. Leave your jeans out, I’ll mend them later.” You’re listing off the things you need to do because if you just keep going then maybe time will move faster and he will be home. Home with you.
“Y/N. Turn around.”
You slowly do as he asks.
“Hey, Princess.”
The bow clutched tightly in your hand clattered to the ground and you follow soon after, the legs and body that has been holding you steady and shouldering the fear and grief of all of your loved ones, gives way – as your knees buckle and make contact with the hard ground beneath you.
He’s alive, and he’s safe and he’s here.
A sob wracks your body and all that manages to come out of you shaking lips is,
And then your senses are engulfed, and you are home. Strong, steady arms pull you tight against a broad, heaving chest which you feel letting out shaky breaths.
“I – Satoru, fuck, I didn’t know if you’d come back, I thought I’d lost you forever, I didn’t know if it worked I needed to believe – oh god, you’re here., I couldn’t feel you at all, oh my god you’re here and you’re real. ‘Toru. I tried my best and I failed, and everything’s fallen apart and –” your sobs almost made your words unintelligible, but Satoru knew what you were saying and what you meant.
“You’re safe, you did so good. I’m here, my brave, strong girl.” He whispers into your hair.
You pull away and your hands are flying everywhere on his body, checking for injuries and any sign of something wrong but he’s okay, he’s strong and he’s here.
All you can do is grab him by the messy, snowflake white hair and pull him into your face to crash your lips against in a desperate, messy kiss full of unspoken words of love unconditional and reassurance that you both need, and the promise of safety in your reunion.
“Princess, Akio – where is he?” He says, petting your hair. You two would get to the issue of your eldest son in a minute, but the baby – he needed to know where his baby was.
“Safe – I sent him with my mom and uncle and he’s not in Japan. I got him out of the country.” Your words comfort you both, knowing the 18-month-old was safe and sound.
“Akio is safe but ‘toru – you know, don’t you? Megumi – that bastard, he took him. He’s with Ge- Kenjaku.” You stare into his eyes. Your husband was the only one who could fix this mess, but you really were trying to ignore what that meant.
“I know. I’ve seen him. But Y/N, he’s alive. He’s in there and he’s alive. I’ll get our little boy back.” You collapse into him, and him into you.
You realise he’s got no idea about the loss. The grief and the fact that you should be mourning but you don’t have time because everything is falling apart. He needs to know – and he needs to know now and from you, before he realises it or someone says something, he deserves to be told and he deserves it softly because the isolation and suffering he’s endured for 19 days have taken an inevitable toll and he needs you.
You suck in a deep breath and realise everyone else has long left the area. It’s just you both. Steadying yourself, as best as you can, you pull him into you – gripping the sides of his face so you can see that beautiful face.
“Satoru. Before you hear from anyone else – I need you to hear it all from me. Okay?” You say, pressing tearful kisses into his hairline.
“Please Y/N. I need to know; I need to know who we’re fighting for. There’s faces I didn’t see beside Yuuji and Maki and - I’m scared. I’m scared Y/N but please, God, please tell me now.” His voice is filled with despair and vulnerability that only you’ve seen.
“Are you sure?” You ask, pulling him to look in your eyes.
“Please.” He whispers.
“Satoru - it’s, we lost Nanami. He’s gone, Yuuji was there. He died at Shibuya.” Your voice breaks, his closest friend, Akio’s godfather - he’s gone. Only you, Shoko and Gojo were left now.
A sob wracks his body, and he grips your shoulders and leans into your chest, the pain of seeing him like this feels like it might rip open your chest and all you want to do is cry with him but fuck, the list is longer.
“Yaga is dead. Executed. Nobara, she’s alive but… they,” your voice breaks, “they don’t know if she’ll make it. You’ve been branded a traitor, me your accomplice. Mai Zen’in, she’s dead but Maki… she’s slaughtered the Zen’in clan. Alone. Yuuta’s home.” You try to explain the culling games and other events but everything feels like it’s coming out jumbled as you and Satoru just remain, a crumpled mess of limbs on the ground. Shaking, scarred – but together.
After some time of just – grieving and feeling each other’s presence, you convince him to come inside your temporary space and sleep and eat.
Once you’ve both settled, as much as you both can, you call a meeting of your small group. Satoru immediately goes into defence mode when a figure, unknown to him as an ally – enters the room.
“Oh, you’ve come to play, curse? What, tired of being used by Kenjaku, huh?” He sneers, and puzzle pieces click as you whip in front of him as he leans to lunge toward the tall, dark figure beside Yuuji.
“Satoru! Stop!” You say, softly.
And he does.
“This – is Choso. He’s Yuuji’s brother. Geto manipulated him. He’s safe – I trust him. He saved my life.” You grab his shoulders to ground him, knowing that the whirlwind of events was causing a torrent of emotions in him.
Choso nods, still new to the world, having been used like a lamb to the slaughter and having witnessed nothing but bloodshed and destruction since his birth. He reminds you a bit of yourself. Living solely to protect the ones you love, maybe that’s why you were so quick to accept him into your fold. He had quickly become one of your most trusted friends in the group, vowing to you, as the woman who cared for his brother that he would help retrieve your husband and son.
That evening, information was exchanged, plans drawn up, theories explored and through everything, Satoru and you never let go of each other – Akio was far away, but safe, Megumi – trapped by a monster inside his own body, the body of your best friend being used like a marionette with a date written in blood to fight the man you love, Nobara – on death’s door. Kento, gone forever.
But in those hours, hope was born.
Satoru had returned.
He was safe, and alive – and you had each other. All shadows seemed smaller by each other's side.
And now, you both had one shared goal – the most dangerous and potentially costly mission of your lives.
You were going to get your little boy back, together.
That night, in his darkest abyss, a shivering, broken boy heard and saw something.
He had no idea how, but he knew it was real.
Two clasped hands, golden rings shining, one hand smaller and the outlines of a vine tattoo tracing the wrist and one hand larger, pale with slender fingers clasping the smaller fingers.
‘Mom, dad?’ His weakened voice whispered into the vision.
‘We’re coming, kid.’ Satoru Gojo, his dad.
‘We’ve got you, ‘gumi.’ Y/N, his mom.
They were coming for him, together.
TAGLIST: @vesta-ro @lilithlunas @mialexandruh @sassy-cat-in-town @madam-ri @cjm-cookiethief
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yeouubi · 23 days
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gokyuzuveumuut · 5 months
Zaten bir işe de yaramıyordu o koşturmalar Kendimi yıpratıp eskitmekten başka....🏃☕️
Gökyüzü Ve Umut..
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wildwren · 9 months
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angsty folk playlist here
let no man steal your thyme • lady maisery // pomegranate • ye vagabonds // hope in the air • laura marling // coming down • anais mitchell // beggar in the morning • the barr brothers // newcastle • lankum // the foggy dew • ye vagabonds // what he wrote • laura marling // black is the colour • isobel anderson // if i was a painter • lisa o'neill // blue is the eye • ye vagabonds // ships • anais mitchell //
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
just gonna sliiide into your inbox to be like. got any complicated relationship with motherhood recs?? cause I'm👀
👁️👁️ b i s c i a.
the first rec is always for all time The Broken Earth trilogy by NK Jemisin
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talk about books that changed my brain chemistry and boosted my writing, especially the fifth season, which pulls a narrative trick with its 3 main character perspectives that still has me reeling and makes me resent the fact that not every protagonist is an exhausted middle aged mother who's haunted by choices and horrors of her own making!!
The Devourers by Indra Das
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a take on werewolves that's at times genuinely sickening to read, esp for my body-horror-scawy ass. lot of upsetting themes fyi, like. all the themes. are upsetting. but i was left feeling like I'd just gotten the world's most dire hug. also trans allegory out the wazoo.
i feel like this one is really obligatory like yeah no shit Beloved by Toni Morrison but still: Beloved by Toni Morrison
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I've never felt smart enough for this book but i think about it constantly, not just because the contents are so traumatic but the way it's written..... even now i feel like such a dunce trying to say anything about it but it's like. it broke rules in my brain about how books are supposed to be structured and understood. there's a chapter that ends in a stream of thought that's borderline incomprehensible and it's in my head forever.
ok little different now and largely positive mushy gushy mom stuff, but a lot of Brandi Carlile's songs, especially The Mother:
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and her whole In These Silent Days album. particularly it's celebrating lesbian motherhood. Mama Werewolf is awesome and introduces that complication that makes me ravenous, but my favorite is her love song to her wife, You And Me On The Rock
there's a song exploder podcast episode about it. she talks about how it's an homage to her good friend Joni Mitchell, how it's about this very feminine love she shares with her wife and daughter (and now also her son) and how she spent some of her youth grappling with that femininity.
speaking of song exploder!!!!!! the episode for Song For Our Daughter by Laura Marling
Laura Marling and her partner don't have children. this song is a hypothetical about the trauma of being a girl and having your boundaries crossed when you're young. but what absolutely destroys me is that there's a string section, which was written by a violinist to whom she gave creative liberty, and in his strings he says, "i wrote this to be the character of The Daughter, so she's here in the song soaring over everything" and it just. hearing the context and then listening to the song........i show this episode to anyone who's stuck in a car with me 25 minutes.
on the subject of music, of course there's Florence + The Machine's 2022 album Dance Fever, particularly King
like hell yeah let's get primal with it
and ok this is gonna clock my grew up as a theatre kid ass but still, to this day, Next To Normal.
listening to this show as a teenager who was just starting to hate my (wonderful awesome love her) mom was like......hoooooo. it blew open the my-parents-are-human empathy. idc about like whether or not this musical lives up to the insane hype it got in the late 2000s it just meant a lot to me personally.
also there's movies i guess! but if you're not already on the Everything Everywhere All At Once train idk what we're doing
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then my oldest mom-centric media of all, so old that I'm not even sure how well it holds up to my current person sensibilities, Fruits Basket
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the way her death is the inciting incident for everything that happens after, and how she's a ghost that haunts the rest of the story, at times a protective spirit and at other times a traumatic poltergeist, is like. i thought i was a 13yo reading a magical high school romance what's happening to me.
then of course the current rec, Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood
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Lockwood is a poet and this is her memoir about growing up with a Catholic priest for a dad, something that in itself seems contradictory. it's phenomenal. i can't believe someone exists who's this good at writing. her relationship with her mother is hilariously, tenderly depicted and it's questioning and resentful and loving and there's a chapter about them called the cum queens of the hyatt palace and it's the funniest thing I've ever read
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oops too many words
motherhood in media borders on fixation for me lol i don't always seek it out but when it's there I'm like AAAAAAAAH, AAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAH IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THIS GRAAAAAHHHH!!!!
........oh and undertale. how could i forget Undertale.
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theos-kai-kratos · 6 months
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undeniablespice · 12 days
Alright, what’s up with the waves come.
😈 that one is the lannyfic, actually! a canon-compliant story all about alannys harlaw from girlhood to adwd, exploring the kind of person she is and diving deep into her tenure as lady greyjoy and queen of the isles. it’s focused on her relationships with motherhood, wifehood, and most importantly herself, and it’s going to be an excuse for me to dump all of my iron islands lore and myths in the background of a story about a woman we know really nothing about, except that she raised her daughter to be bold. featuring things like: coming of age, That Queer Farwynd Blood, pederasty (sorry rodrik), balon greyjoy being an actual human man instead of a withered caricature (ironbros hate this), attempted murder-suicide, and the inherently romantic feminine nature of a cruel and bountiful ocean as the source of all human life
the title comes from a laura marling song called What He Wrote. the full lyric is And the waves came and stole him and took him to war, which is how alannys loses most of the men in her life one way or another
i’ve tentatively planned six chapters: Lanny of Harlaw, The Seastone Bride, Lady Greyjoy, Queen of Salt and Rock, Mother Deep, and The Ghost in Ten Towers
excerpt below from the very beginning of greyjoy’s rebellion, featuring my strongest and most delusional of wifeguy balon thoughts:
“Take heart, wife,” Balon rumbles, removing the thick bronze torc from around her neck. His hands are strong and cold against her skin, gooseflesh prickling her bare throat. “You are to be a queen.”
From within his great sealskin robe he produces a new necklace, a long chain of gold links and black pearls that he winds around her throat and closes with a kiss on the top of her head.
He steps back to admire his work, dark eyes devouring her head to toe and lingering on the new trophy shining against her collarbones. His mouth twitches into something that could almost be a smile, and Alannys nearly weeps at the sight of it. How long has it been since he last smiled? When Asha took up throwing axes? When he gave Maron his first sword?
It is not happiness that moves Balon’s face. It is pride, satisfaction, lust. His fingers find their way back to her, and soon her dress is pooling on the floor, Balon draping himself over her nakedness and keeping one hand wrapped around her nape as he takes her.
He likes to see her wearing his prizes. Alannys can only imagine how hungry he is for the sight of her in a crown.
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The Blackbird and The Lionheart
Red Right Hand - Peaky Blinders Theme; Flood Remix by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Ballad Of Polly Gray - From “Peaky Blinders” The Orginal Soundtrack/Series 4 by Antony Genn & Martin Slattery 
Walking on Broken Glass by Annie Lennox
These Boots Are Made For Walkin’ by Nancy Sinatra
The Chain - 2004 Remaster by Fleetwood Mac
King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men 
King Of My Heart by Taylor Swift
Summer Wine - Single Edit by Ville Valo & Natalia Avelon
Why by Annie Lennox
What He Wrote by Laura Marling
I Am by Jamie Bower
King by Florence + The Machine
Blackbird by Lisa O’Neill
Blackbird/Yesterday by The Beatles
Pointless - Strings Acoustic by Lewis Capaldi
Next To Me by Imagine Dragons
Polly Talks To The Spirits - Season 4 Peaky Blinders Soundtrack by Antony Genn & Martin Slattery
Young And Beautiful by Lana Del Rey
Enemy (with JID) - from the series Arcane League of Legends by Imagine Dragons, JID, Arcane, & League of Legends
 Never Tear Us Apart by Paloma Faith
Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac
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dellalyra · 1 year
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Summary: He’s home. He’s here. Maybe, you can mend the shattered pieces of your lives.
CW: I’m sorry this is so angsts but like so fluffy too?? But angst? Idk it’s a hot mess of emotions. Swearing, loss, grief, grief, grief, like one suggestive sentence.
A/N: do we like voting on what comes next?? I think that’s fun. Anyway - legit kinda proud of this, I’ve written like a million thirsts on how fucking delicious unsealed gojo looks but I was so excited to explore the toll and emotions of the prison realm situation on the FF gang and also show that there is no couple more healthy and solid than Y/N and Satoru. As always, requests open and appreciated x x
Recommended Listening:
The Parting Glass - (I like the Hozier version) for Y/N telling Gojo about the losses.
What He Wrote - Laura Marling
Set Fire To The Third Bar - Snow Patrol
The Blower’s Daughter - Damien Rice (the turnaround)
I am the AntiChrist to You - NuDeco Ensemble, Kishi Bashi
(the ending)
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Yuuji’s voice, calling your name echoes through your head. You had no idea whether the unsealing worked or not. The box, it was gone. So now, you just sat staring at the skyline – trying to comprehend the fact that maybe, he was just gone. The angel – she’d done her part and the world had shook and you hoped that maybe, just maybe, that was a sign that your love was back in the mortal realm.
You waited, and stood, and waited, and watched.
Was this it? Had the world been left on your far too heavy shoulders? All the grief, the panic, the anger, the blood – was all of that yours to carry alone now? You couldn’t. You would fail. Without him, there was no hope. You wouldn’t be able to protect your family, your friends, yourself – at least Akio was out of Japan, but everyone else – you would die to protect them, even though you knew it would be the last thing to do.
The sun was beginning to set, you stood on the balcony of this flat – some stranger’s home, who had been quick to leave Tokyo – and you wished for the warmth of the cottage. The home Gojo and you had bought not long after graduation: with its plush sofas, and art spread around – some Tsumiki’s, some your families. The kitchen where many nights and so many important moments and memories had been made along with every dinner, you, Satoru – eating take out on the first night in your new home. The first night Megumi had asked for seconds a few weeks after they moved in, the table you signed the adoption papers for them, where Kento had told you both he was returning to sorcery, countless wine drunk nights with Shoko, where you and Satoru had told the Fushiguro kids that they were getting a sibling, where Akio had shouted his first word ‘cake!’, where Megumi had told you about his feelings for Itadori. All the kids room, and the spare rooms which had turned into other people’s de facto bedrooms. The master bedroom, nights wrapped up in tangles of limbs and sweat oh such sweet pleasure that everything else faded away or wrapped in blankets and each other's loving arms – whispers of eternity passing with the pillows as witness, falling asleep marvelling at the beauty of the moonlight bouncing off the Snow White hair of the ethereal man who you some got to call your husband splayed across the pillow beside you. You would often trace his features in his sleep, so at peace and restful and so beautiful that you couldn’t help but fall into dreams next to him. Your garden, where you grew everything from seed – peonies, sunflowers, roses, dahlias, lupins, lobelias and sweet pea and wisteria and most fruit and vegetables that you could dream of.
You’ve been holding everything in for so long – 19 days. You can’t falter. Not yet.
Please, ‘toru. Please come home to me.
You’re lost in your memories and hopes that somehow, the unsealing worked, and your beautiful boy will find you and love you and be beside you again – and then you will feel whole. Then, your soul and his will be complete.
The sliding door of the balcony breaks your trance.
“I’ll be in soon, Yuuji. Just enjoying the sunset.”
“I’ll find us some food. Leave your jeans out, I’ll mend them later.” You’re listing off the things you need to do because if you just keep going then maybe time will move faster and he will be home. Home with you.
“Y/N. Turn around.”
You slowly do as he asks.
“Hey, Princess.”
The bow clutched tightly in your hand clattered to the ground and you follow soon after, the legs and body that has been holding you steady and shouldering the fear and grief of all of your loved ones, gives way – as your knees buckle and make contact with the hard ground beneath you.
He’s alive, and he’s safe and he’s here.
A sob wracks your body and all that manages to come out of you shaking lips is,
And then your senses are engulfed, and you are home. Strong, steady arms pull you tight against a broad, heaving chest which you feel letting out shaky breaths.
“I – Satoru, fuck, I didn’t know if you’d come back, I thought I’d lost you forever, I didn’t know if it worked I needed to believe – oh god, you’re here., I couldn’t feel you at all, oh my god you’re here and you’re real. ‘Toru. I tried my best and I failed, and everything’s fallen apart and –” your sobs almost made your words unintelligible, but Satoru knew what you were saying and what you meant.
“You’re safe, you did so good. I’m here, my brave, strong girl.” He whispers into your hair.
You pull away and your hands are flying everywhere on his body, checking for injuries and any sign of something wrong but he’s okay, he’s strong and he’s here.
All you can do is grab him by the messy, snowflake white hair and pull him into your face to crash your lips against in a desperate, messy kiss full of unspoken words of love unconditional and reassurance that you both need, and the promise of safety in your reunion.
“Princess, Akio – where is he?” He says, petting your hair. You two would get to the issue of your eldest son in a minute, but the baby – he needed to know where his baby was.
“Safe – I sent him with my mom and uncle and he’s not in Japan. I got him out of the country.” Your words comfort you both, knowing the 18-month-old was safe and sound.
“Akio is safe but ‘toru – you know, don’t you? Megumi – that bastard, he took him. He’s with Ge- Kenjaku.” You stare into his eyes. Your husband was the only one who could fix this mess, but you really were trying to ignore what that meant.
“I know. I’ve seen him. But Y/N, he’s alive. He’s in there and he’s alive. I’ll get our little boy back.” You collapse into him, and him into you.
You realise he’s got no idea about the loss. The grief and the fact that you should be mourning but you don’t have time because everything is falling apart. He needs to know – and he needs to know now and from you, before he realises it or someone says something, he deserves to be told and he deserves it softly because the isolation and suffering he’s endured for 19 days have taken an inevitable toll and he needs you.
You suck in a deep breath and realise everyone else has long left the area. It’s just you both. Steadying yourself, as best as you can, you pull him into you – gripping the sides of his face so you can see that beautiful face.
“Satoru. Before you hear from anyone else – I need you to hear it all from me. Okay?” You say, pressing tearful kisses into his hairline.
“Please Y/N. I need to know; I need to know who we’re fighting for. There’s faces I didn’t see beside Yuuji and Maki and - I’m scared. I’m scared Y/N but please, God, please tell me now.” His voice is filled with despair and vulnerability that only you’ve seen.
“Are you sure?” You ask, pulling him to look in your eyes.
“Please.” He whispers.
“Satoru - it’s, we lost Nanami. He’s gone, Yuuji was there. He died at Shibuya.” Your voice breaks, his closest friend, Akio’s godfather - he’s gone. Only you, Shoko and Gojo were left now.
A sob wracks his body, and he grips your shoulders and leans into your chest, the pain of seeing him like this feels like it might rip open your chest and all you want to do is cry with him but fuck, the list is longer.
“Yaga is dead. Executed. Nobara, she’s alive but… they,” your voice breaks, “they don’t know if she’ll make it. You’ve been branded a traitor, me your accomplice. Mai Zen’in, she’s dead but Maki… she’s slaughtered the Zen’in clan. Alone. Yuuta’s home.” You try to explain the culling games and other events but everything feels like it’s coming out jumbled as you and Satoru just remain, a crumpled mess of limbs on the ground. Shaking, scarred – but together.
After some time of just – grieving and feeling each other’s presence, you convince him to come inside your temporary space and sleep and eat.
Once you’ve both settled, as much as you both can, you call a meeting of your small group. Satoru immediately goes into defence mode when a figure, unknown to him as an ally – enters the room.
“Oh, you’ve come to play, curse? What, tired of being used by Kenjaku, huh?” He sneers, and puzzle pieces click as you whip in front of him as he leans to lunge toward the tall, dark figure beside Yuuji.
“Satoru! Stop!” You say, softly.
And he does.
“This – is Choso. He’s Yuuji’s brother. Geto manipulated him. He’s safe – I trust him. He saved my life.” You grab his shoulders to ground him, knowing that the whirlwind of events was causing a torrent of emotions in him.
Choso nods, still new to the world, having been used like a lamb to the slaughter and having witnessed nothing but bloodshed and destruction since his birth. He reminds you a bit of yourself. Living solely to protect the ones you love, maybe that’s why you were so quick to accept him into your fold. He had quickly become one of your most trusted friends in the group, vowing to you, as the woman who cared for his brother that he would help retrieve your husband and son.
That evening, information was exchanged, plans drawn up, theories explored and through everything, Satoru and you never let go of each other – Akio was far away, but safe, Megumi – trapped by a monster inside his own body, the body of your best friend being used like a marionette with a date written in blood to fight the man you love, Nobara – on death’s door. Kento, gone forever.
But in those hours, hope was born.
Satoru had returned.
He was safe, and alive – and you had each other. All shadows seemed smaller by each other's side.
And now, you both had one shared goal – the most dangerous and potentially costly mission of your lives.
You were going to get your little boy back, together.
That night, in his darkest abyss, a shivering, broken boy heard and saw something.
He had no idea how, but he knew it was real.
Two clasped hands, golden rings shining, one hand smaller and the outlines of a vine tattoo tracing the wrist and one hand larger, pale with slender fingers clasping the smaller fingers.
‘Mom, dad?’ His weakened voice whispered into the vision.
‘We’re coming, kid.’ Satoru Gojo, his dad.
‘We’ve got you, ‘gumi.’ Y/N, his mom.
They were coming for him, together.
TAGLIST: @vesta-ro @lilithlunas @mialexandruh @sassy-cat-in-town @madam-ri @cjm-cookiethief
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pebblysand · 11 months
Heyy, I know you're not a Taylor swift fan but I was listening to exile and it reminded so vividly of early castles Harry ginny, I'm re reading for like the 10th time and just thanks for writing it, it's wonder
thank you so much anon! and, you know what, exile is actually one of the very few taylor swift songs i like (maybe because bon iver is on it? 😅) and i did listen to it quite a bit over the winter of 2020, which is when i was writing the beginning of castles. i feel like it's one of those songs where, even though the lyrics don't really match up, it does have castles "vibes," you know? it's kind of like what he wrote by laura marling which, even though the lyrics have nothing to do with anything, always makes me think of giulia. there are just songs like that 🤷🏻‍♀️.
anyway, thanks again anon, glad you're enjoying the fic!
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lilir-png · 2 years
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2022 Nov, 50x50cm
By Lir
𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓶𝔂 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓼.
ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇꜱ ᴏʟɪᴠᴇʀ. ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ʜᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏᴏ. (☉︎౪ ⊙︎)
🎶𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘵: Laura Marling - What He Wrote
𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞: linktr.ee/lilir.png
(ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴏɴ ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ᴀʀᴛꜱ, ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ ᴏɴ ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ <3): @ʟɪʟɪʀ.ᴘɴɢ
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