#what redeeming qualities does he have? how is he supposed to help his family now? he’s a failure isn’t he?
last post for the night i swear
the real tragic part about the whole science fair incident is that perpetual motion is impossible to achieve
ford’s machine would have never worked, regardless of whether or not stan had interacted with it
(warning i accidentally wrote an approximately 30-tag dive into ford’s character in the tags don’t click see more if you don’t want to read that)
anyway!! good night everyone ❤️‍🩹
#it’s also tragic because ford didn’t know#the impossibility of perpetual motion was discovered far before that point and yet he didn’t know#i mean. ‘he’s actually just so arrogant that he thought he could break the laws of physics’ doesn’t make any sense#his reaction to the situation really didn’t match that interpretation as far as i can tell#i don’t think it’s just a ‘oh no! my dream school (that i was essentially shoved into pursuing)!’ type deal#here’s what i’m thinking:#fact one- stan and ford were seemingly already drifting apart by this point in time. this is important to note#fact two- it’s really emphasized to him that he’s smart. that’s all they say about him really- that’s he’s a genius#fact three- filbrick does not even care enough about stanford to say his name. he calls ford his ‘ticket out of this dump’#these last two points were likely heavily emphasized to him throughout his childhood#filbrick found out ford was smart and thought stan wasn’t. so ford became his plan to make money#ford is heavily bullied for his weirdness. his hands and his interests. being smart could ‘make up’ for this in his mind#he wants to leave. he outright states this- he doesn’t feel like he belongs and he wants to go somewhere he does (his own bermuda triangle)#so what essentially happened- i believe- is that ford internalized all these things#that his weirdness is bad and that he makes up for it by being smart and that he’s meant to make his family money-#-and that he wants out#his machine fails. this is a slap in the face to him. perpetual motion is impossible?#but why didn’t he know that? he’s supposed to be smart isn’t he? if he isn’t smart then what the hell is he?#what redeeming qualities does he have? how is he supposed to help his family now? he’s a failure isn’t he?#he spots a familiar bag. stan was here. suddenly he has an excuse- a reason to believe it wasn’t his fault#(and there’s really nothing to be at fault for but he doesn’t think that)#it’s easier to blame it on stan because of how distant they’ve grown. he can’t read stan as easily#and his reaction is suspicious- did he actually sabotage the project? is it…actually not ford’s fault at all?#they don’t speak to each other again for another decade#stan because he’s afraid of rejection#ford because he doesn’t want to face his own insecurities and emotions about everything#it’s easier to pretend that he wants to be famous and isn’t just doing it to make it his father money#and it’s easier to distract himself with things he loves than to feel all the guilt and hurt and frustration#and that. is perfect for bill to use to manipulate him#that’s my thoughts anyway. sorry for the rant was not expecting that to happen
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illubean · 14 days
Lmao crack request: How much/What kind of stupid shit would it take for hxh bois to divorce/kill their spouse or come close to it
Like a spouse that meets all their other requirements, But is just an absolute moron in the most mundane ways (confusing salt with sugar, forgoting their birthday/dates, cannot be trusted around open flame, will eat thing they're not supposed to if left alone, tripping in pulic and embarrassing them.)
Chrollo, Illumi, and Machi(Plus anyone else you want honestly)
What Would Make HXH Characters Kill/Divorce You
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Characters: Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Machi Komacine
IM BACK!! or am i (smirk emoji)
Warnings: killing and divorce duh
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Illumi Zoldyck
it already takes a lot for Illumi to even consider being with someone so I'd imagine it would take a lot for him to kill you
divorce is not and never will be an option for this man
its either you are married forever or he is killing you
the only way I can see him killing you is if you cheat or pose some sort of threat to the family
and even if you did cheat he's more likely to kill the other person than you...
honestly if you act up he'd probably just lock you in a basement or something
you must have some crazy redeeming qualities for this guy to be with you because why the hell are you so dumb
he probably uses your idiocy against you
as in he manipulates you..
you don't pick up on it obviously but you're generally happy so i guess it doesn't matter
ignorance is bliss i guess
Chrollo Lucilfer
poor Chrollo
he already has a whole troupe to run and has to hide from the cops and whatnot
but now he has a dumb ditzy s/o? lord help him
a part of him lwky likes that you're so stupid but the other part of him...not so much
like aww you depend on him but also Oh my god you can't be left alone.
you stress this man OUT
i don't think he could ever get to the point of considering marrying you stupid or not
his live is too busy to be tied down like that
also since he likes you in the first place I don't think he'd ever have it in him to kill you
unless you were like a serious threat or something
he lightly pokes fun at you for your lack of spatial awareness like when you walk into poles or trip over something that was easily avoidable
but it does get tiring having to yank you out of the way of oncoming traffic or trying to stop you from wandering off
Machi Komacine
Machi is very level headed so I doubt she'd kill you over anything dumb
and she has sharp intuition so I doubt she'd marry you in the first place if she felt there was room for divorce
but she's very loyal to the Troupe and Chrollo so that being said, if you pose a threat to them she might kill you
but if somehow you guys get married and she doesn't realize how stupid you are before she's definitely realizing it now
it takes a long time of little things for her to actually divorce you
like wtf do you mean you ate her wax melts because they looked like chocolate? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAVE TO CHECK EXPIRATION DATES???
she's surprised you haven't accidentally killed yourself yet
her breaking point is when you tried making instant ramen in the microwave
With no water.
You ended up setting it on fire.
she stares blankly into the flaming appliance and says flatly "I want a divorce"
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I’d love to hear more about your thoughts on Solomon
oops. this turned into a long-ass essay about racism, financial morality, and child programming, so I'll put it under a readmore. click at your own peril.
oughhh ughhhhh thinks about Solomon and gets ill.
I've given my Ben 10 racism speech before so bear with me if you know me and you've heard this before. (if you haven't: yes, you read that right, my Ben 10 racism speech.) listen listen listen. okay, so.
as someone who was raised as a conservative, homophobic, capitalist christian who fully held onto those beliefs and acted on them for a long time: it means the WORLD to me when I see an objectively terrible, morally awful person portrayed in a sympathetic light.
and it makes me want to KILL A MAN when I see a "sympathetic racist" (or capitalist, or homophobic, etc.) and the reasons they're supposed to be sympathetic are so laughably stupid that it ends up encouraging the idea that all bad people are intrinsically bad and cannot be redeemed.
the most common bad "sympathetic racist" character I see is "their family member was killed by a member of the group they despise. therefore, they hate that whole group."
that is NOT how ANY form of discrimination—including financial discrimination—works. I don't have a fear or hatred of long-haired boys because my stalker ex who tormented me for years was a brown-haired boy. even children can grasp that one trait of a person does not necessarily correlate to their other traits.
discrimination—for the vast majority of cases—happens due to child indoctrination. when an impressionable child is told, over and over again, that a certain group is inherently "bad" or "flawed," and told to exercise caution or hatred towards that group, a precedent is set. that child will likely be sheltered from good interactions with the targeted group, and therefore, any experiences they have of that group will be negative.
growing up, they will rub elbows with the targeted group a bit more, but they will already have a strong belief that has been "confirmed" by their tailored experiences. if they have any good experiences, they will cherry-pick information and repackage any positive feelings as "an exception" or the targeted group "deceiving" them, or even "having some good qualities but being bad/flawed at the core." they may avoid any future experiences with the group to avoid cognitive dissonance—effectively sheltering themselves like their parents sheltered them.
the reason I call this my Ben 10 Racism Speech is because Ben 10 is the first show where I ever saw a good depiction of a sympathetic racist character. we meet this one alien is a eugenicist, whose race believes they are the ultimate lifeform and that all other species are inferior. obviously, he's an antagonist. but Ben tries to befriend and help him, over and over, even when he refuses help. finally, when the alien loses an arm, Ben uses his powers to implant a new one on him. the alien assists Ben in getting back home—but refuses to go home himself, as he believes he is now "contaminated" (having DNA from another species inside of him) and is unfit to go back to his planet.
he literally tries to stay in a desert where he will die because he is so conditioned to think of his race as superior, that he is not immune to the racism. when a helpful medical procedure changes his own DNA, he thinks himself a lowly, disgusting creature fit only for death.
what does this have to do with Solomon?
well, Solomon certainly isn't a self-hating racist. (that would be Michelle.) but he IS—inarguably and unequivocally—a prime example of a monster who was raised to be a monster.
Solomon was literally raised by, and around, demons in hell. he was taught that mortals, especially the poor, were only designed to serve greater beings such as himself. in fact, the whole reason his family moved out from hell was because they were at the bottom of the social ladder there, but the top of the ladder on earth. he was taught that this was just the way things worked. he was trained by his father to one day kill his father, and consume his ashes, and that one day he would lay an egg and do the same.
he was taught these things as a baby. he has been raised his whole 17 years of life without contact to humankind. in fact, it's kind of astounding just how friendly he is on his first day of Valor Academy, even if he DOES see everyone else as "lesser than" him. he seems very strongly to desire a friendship and companionship that hasn't been provided for him at home, but he doesn't exactly recognize that friendship and companionship—the things he wants—necessitate equality.
but then he meets Benji. Benji, who—as far as he knew at the time—was an orphaned pauper boy with nothing to his name. quite literally at the bottom of the social ladder. but Solomon likes Benji. he's witty, he's funny, he knows a lot about the world. Solomon likes being around him. and Benji starts working to reform him. forcing him to volunteer at a soup kitchen. taking him out of that sheltered state and making him actually meet other humans, mortals, poor people.
and then.
then he meets Vika.
and Vika is a character I could do a whole other analysis on, but by god is she a bad combination with Solomon. because on one hand, she tells Solomon just how wrong he is, she's loud and brash and not afraid to state things as they are without coddling him.
but on the other, she refuses to take off her rose-tinted glasses about the slave colony she grew up in. she frequently refers to it as the best time of her life, as a perfect society, as something to be emulated. because she, too, was indoctrinated into a lie, and told that Donovan King Jr was their savior. and even if she no longer defends HIM, she still defends the slave colony.
and when she repeats that rhetoric, it re-activates Solomon's programming.
someone who didn't grow up with rigid doctrine, especially for such a length as 17 years, can probably never hope to understand how hard it is to break out. pathways in the brain are physically etched to rearrange morals, indecipherable from what might be "common sense" to someone else. and like the Winter Soldier, sometimes just one key phrase or story can set someone back years by triggering old programming associated with feelings of piousness or guilt.
Solomon was raised to be the worst kind of person on earth. and he wants to be better.
but god, is it going to be a struggle to get there.
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kathyprior4200 · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Episode One: "Overture" Part 2 (Helluva Scribe Remake)
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“Overture” Part 2
Charlie had never felt so humiliated in her life. She sat in her seat and curled into herself. Once again, her ideas were dismissed, mocked, ridiculed. No one was willing to see the good in themselves. The demons were content to wallow in suffering, violence, and cruelty until the end of their afterlives. Tears were already threatening to spill from her yellow eyes, but she held them in.
Maybe her father was right. What if she really was a failure, like everyone said?
As if reading her mind, Vaggie gave her a small hug. “You’re not a failure, Charlie. It’s just…no one understands your ideas. People think they’re…I don’t know…outlandish?”
She got a sad sigh from Charlie in response. “I just wanted to make things better for my people. I know I don’t feel much like a princess, but at the same time…I feel like it’s my duty…my destiny to being some cheer to this place.”
“Heh. No one can ever top your optimism,” Vaggie mentioned, with a playful roll of her orange eye. “Your happiness can be spotted miles away.”
A small smile formed on Charlie’s face. “Well, at least I can pull myself up and keep going…”
Vaggie stared, hopeful…
“…But today isn’t one of those days.”
Vaggie slumped slightly. “I did warn you not to sing.”
“I couldn’t help it,” she countered. “How else was I supposed to get my message across?”
“Not everyone likes singing and music all the time.”
“My family does.”
“But the other demons aren’t your family.”
Charlie stared out the window at the buildings whizzing by. “Sometimes I feel like my family is bigger than just my parents.” She turned to look at her girlfriend. “You’re my best friend, sorta like my sister…and the only one who seems to get me. You’re part of my family already.”
Vaggie chuckled softly. “Without me, you wouldn’t have lasted very long out in the big world.”
“For once, I agree with you there,” Charlie replied.
During several minutes of silence, the two demon girls locked hands just out of sight. It was their habitual way of showing comfort, and it worked on the many days when Vaggie didn’t want any hugs.
“Don’t get too discouraged,” Vaggie said. “We’ll get back to the hotel and figure things out from there.”
“I kinda feel like singing another lament now.”
“Please don’t.”
The limo drove past the 666 Shop, the Nightmare Night Club, and an Evil Donuts store, complete with slime and worms displayed on the donut structure. Pink eyes decorated the ceiling of the car. Charlie curled into herself again and took a puff of breath. Even the painted eyes seemed to judge her every move. She glanced over at Vaggie, whose eye was twitching in annoyance.
Angel Dust was busy playing with the button, making the car window go up and down, up and down. He froze when he saw an angry Vaggie staring at him.
“What?” Angel Dust asked with a shrug.
“What? What?!” Vaggie shouted, pulling out chunks of her long white hair. “What were you doing?!”
Angel Dust sighed. “Aw come on! I owed my girl buddy a solid! Isn’t that a ‘redeeming quality?’ Helping friends with stuff?”
“Not with turf wars that result in mass murder and destruction!” Vaggie replied.
“Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred,” he said with a snicker. “It wasn’t that bad anyway.”
He propped up his long legs and pushed the window button again. Vaggie tossed a dagger at the button, and it fizzed out in a shower of sparks. Angel Dust stared, shocked and terrified. Vaggie growled in warning.
“Aw come on, I had to!” Angel Dust protested. “My credibility was on the line!” He sighed. “I mean what kind of reputation would I have of people found out I was trying to go clean? It just throws out my entire persona.” He lifted up his furry chest for emphasis.
“Your credibility?” Vaggie asked in anger. “What about the hotel? Your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke!”
“No, no no, babe. Jokes are funny! I made you look…uh, sad. And pathetic! Like an orphan, with no arms. Or legs. Uh…oh with progeria!” Charlie covered her face with her hair as Angel Dust blabbered on.
“Great! Now I’m bummed just thinking about it! This thing have any liquor?” He bent down to the floor and tossed a bottle aside. He then flicked a wrapper away onto a seat.
Vaggie was fuming. “Can you please just try to take this seriously?”
“Fine, I’ll try. Just don’t get your taco in a twist, baby.”
Vaggie stood up with hands on her hips. “Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?”
“Whatever pisses you off more. Is there seriously no liquor in here?”
“I’m gonna kill him,” Vaggie swore, crossing her arms and sitting back down.
“Too, late, toots. Wait, would that make me double dead?” He laughed slowly and loudly. “And where exactly do I go? To double Hell?”
He laughed again. “You’re stuck with me, bitch. Get used to it.”
Vaggie swore in Spanish. “Eat shit, bastard.”
“Listen, who cares if some jagoffs got hurt?” Angel Dust nonchalantly asked. “Most of them are ugly freaks. Look around! Got a bunch of fuckin’ harlequin babies down there.”
“You’re one to talk,” Vaggie muttered with a small smirk.
Angel Dust then yelled “Hey!” in protest. “This body is flawless! Everyone wants some of me and I’ve got the creepy fan letters to prove it!”
He pulled out a dirty piece of paper from his chest that read: “Show me your feet! Brandon. #1 fan/critic.” There was a picture of a young Angel Dust in the lap of a naked fat green man, licking Angel Dust with his green tongue. He had a tattoo of Angel Dust with a red crossed out sign.
This time, Charlie spoke up. “That was really uncool, ya know, Angel.”
Vaggie growled and turned to her friend. “Uncool?!” She mentioned to Angel Dust. “After that train-wreck, there is no way anyone is gonna wanna stay at the hotel.” She turned to the spider. “All thanks to you and your selfish bullshit!”
Angel Dust glanced at a discarded pile of ash and used cigarettes. “Does this mean I don’t get a free room anymore?”
Vaggie spread out her hands as if asking “Well, what do you think?”
He let out a mock sigh and snap. “Ah, well, shucks.”
Charlie pulled off her dark pink jacket, revealing a white shirt with a black bowtie.
“Hey, come on, we don’t know if things are over yet. Try to relax, Vaggie. It’ll be okay!”
Now it was Vaggie’s turn to let out a small smile of thanks. Charlie placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, and her friend calmed down.
“What would I do without you?” Vaggie asked. She and Charlie slowly leaned into each other, their heads gently touching.
“Get a room, girls!” Angel Dust remarked, before receiving a “Shut up!” from both of them.
Finally, the crew arrived at the Happy Hotel. It was a good enough building fit for any demon who wanted to stay a few nights. Eye catching on the outside, but messy on the inside. Eye designs lined the border of a dark pink circus canopy at the front like a creepy mosaic. Branches jutted out from the roof as part of the structure. Old fashioned lanterns attached to the wall had flames flickering inside, nonstop. The double doors consisted of stained-glass windows with red apples in the center. Little stained glass snake eyes peered unblinkingly at them from around the larger window in the door.
Angel Dust, Vaggie, and Charlie got out of the car and threw open the double doors. A random black bug scurried away from the incoming light. A yellow sign read “Concierge” behind a pink “welcome” banner. The check in table was decorated with colored flags leaning toward the floor and random balloons with small star shapes on them. A vase was decorated with yellow eyes along the sides. Another flowerpot was in the shape of a human mouth…white flowers posed above. Vaggie sighed and plopped onto a red cushioned couch in the style of a monster’s mouth.
The red rug down the hallway was decorated with the same eyeball designs, apples on the end, plus shadow skulls of horned monsters in the center.
All around the room, were pictures of Charlie as a little girl with her father and mother on various trips. One picture showed her and Vaggie in front of a castle at Loo-Loo World, Hells’ version of Disney World.
Angel Dust came across a red fridge leaning low against the wall. He opened the door and pulled out a purple box labeled “Popsies.” He shrugged at the dripping ruined box and took out a popsicle. He gave it a lick.
“It’s prolly a good idea to get some actual food in this place. Y’know, to feed all the wayward souls ya got in here.” He laughed nervously, trying to cheer Charlie up. But Charlie just sat sadly on a wooden box in a darkened area of the room. Angel Dust closed the fridge door, sucked on a popsicle and reached out one of his arms to her…then hesitated. He walked away, letting Charlie have some alone time.
Charlie walked past the two posing elephant statues balancing balls on their trunks, and toward the front door. She opened the door and went outside. Holding out her purple cell phone, (or “Hell Phone, hah, get it?”) she pressed an icon with the word “Mom” decorated with horns and pointed tails on the m’s.
Charlie took a deep breath as a voicemail tone came through.
“Hey Mom. Um, I know I keep calling, and you must be busy. Really busy. But, um…the interview didn’t go well and…I don’t know if I’m going to make a difference. I don’t know what I’m doing. I could really use some advice, Mom.”
She slid down and sat on the stone ground, tears falling from her eyes. She wiped some away with her arm. “I think Dad was…right about me. A-anyway, I’ll stop talking before this gets too long. Love you! Bye.”
She ended the call with a tap and rubbed her eyes with her hand. Standing back up, she opened the door, closed it, and leaned against the stained-glass window, eyes closed.
What was she supposed to do now?
A slow ominous knocking from outside interrupted Charlie’s thoughts. She opened her eyes.
Knock. Knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock, knock.
It was a rhythmic knock, sounding like “shave and a haircut.”
 An ice cold feeling of dread spread through her veins. No other demon would ever do that kind of knock.
She tentatively reached out her hand to the door handle, and quickly pulled it open.
Sure enough, the most feared demon in Hell was standing right outside her door, a few shadowy heads with glowing eyes peering through the doorway curiously.
He stood towering over her, wearing an elegant dark red dress coat that had tatters near the bottom. Light red vermilion strips were vertical along the dress coat. His bright red undershirt was decorated with a black upside down cross. His pants were burgundy in color, his shoes black with red deer tracks on the soles. A wine-colored bow tie was over his undershirt. He wore burgundy-colored gloves over his four clawed fingers, with red tips and knuckles. A fluffy red and black deer tail was hidden under the lower part of his dress coat.
It was his face that unsettled Charlie right away. His skin was ashen gray, scars across his chest concealed beneath his clothes. Small black antlers stood on his head between large red and black tuffs shaped like deer ears. The tips of his tuffs were black as where the ends of his red hair by his chin. His eyes were large and glowed red, taking up much of his face. He grinned, showing a wide set of sharp yellow teeth. A monocle rested under his right eye. A red vintage microphone staff was in his left hand. A radio buzz sounded when his demonic eyes lit up. His eyes already appeared to be teasing her, mocking her after her humiliation on the news and her sad phone call.
Charlie’s eyes turned as wide as saucers; her face full of fear.
The man began to speak in a radio-filtered voice, holding up a finger.
Charlie slammed the door in his face.
She opened the door…
She slammed it again.
The man stood, shocked in front of the stained-glass door, smile still plastered on his face, hand and curved claw in the air.
“Hey, Vaggie?” Charlie called.
“What?” Vaggie replied in annoyance on the couch, hand on her forehead.
Charlie flashed a nervous smile. “The Radio Demon is at the door!”
“What?!” she demanded.
“Uh, who?” Angel Dust asked. He sucked erotically on his popsicle.
“What should I do?” Charlie asked, pulling at her lower eyelids.
“Well, don’t let him in!” exclaimed Vaggie.
Charlie was tempted to do just that. But she also had a duty to not leave any Sinners behind. She took a breath, eyes furrowed and opened the door again.
“May I speak now?” the red demon asked.
“You may…” Charlie replied.
The man held out his gloved hand which briefly glowed. “Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart, quite a pleasure!”
He eagerly grabbed her wrist and leaned his face close to hers, noses almost touching before strutting inside. Charlie stood, dumbfounded, her hand still out.
Alastor was born Creole in New Orleans around the early 1900s. He was very close to his African American mother who taught him how to cook, sew, dance, and do voodoo rituals. In contrast, his white Christian father hardly paid any attention to him. Although, his father did teach him how to hunt and do taxidermy. Alastor as a human had brown skin, short brown hair and brown eyes, glasses, a bright smile always on his face.
Alastor was different from many kids his age. He dreamed of playing in a jazz band and performing on stage... and did so for a period of time. But being a man of color, he had it difficult since the beginning. He applied for music and radio jobs, always being turned down and shooed away. Racist remarks became daily background noise, almost impossible to ignore. Alastor’s father would frequently give him black eyes and harsh beatings. Several tragic events happened, including his father raping him and beating his mother. He almost sent Alastor to rot away in an asylum. When his mother died during the Spanish Flu of 1918, he was devastated…he was even forced to bury her himself.
Alastor eventually became a radio host and serial killer. After his father threatened to divorce the family, Alastor killed him with a gun and ate his remains. Alastor mostly killed men who were racist or were criminals. Knives, axes, guns, he used them all. He made a vow to himself to not harm women or children when possible. After killing off several higher ups, he managed to form his own radio studio and became the most famous radio host in Louisiana. Jambalaya, deer meat, black coffee…and human flesh were always on his menu.
Alastor basked in his fame and wealth, even meeting blonde dapper performer Mimzy, who was head over heels for him. But Alastor didn’t want to be tied down to anyone. On the air, he would talk about the murders, play jazz music and tell dad jokes. “Your Never Fully Dress Without A Smile” was his favorite song to play. Alastor enjoyed the Stock Market Crash of 1929, but soon found himself running out of food. Thus, he resorted to cannibalism for survival. No one suspected him until 1933. He got bitten by a rabies dog and ran through the woods. Alastor soon died a brutal death after being shot in the head by a hunter and mauled by police dogs at the same time.
 “Excuse my sudden visit,” he told Charlie, “but I saw your fiasco on a picture show and I just couldn’t resist. What a performance!” Clapping sounds came from the microphone. He raised his arms before walking forward. “Why I haven’t been that entertained since the Stock Market Crash of 1929!”
He bobbed his head side to side and burst into laughter. “So many orphans!”
“Stop right there!”
Vaggie suddenly pointed a spear weapon at him, Alastor freezing like a deer in the headlights. She swore in Spanish under her breath. “Rabies son of a bitch! I know your game. And I’m not gonna let you hurt anyone else here, you pompous, cheesy, talk show bastard!”
Angel Dust peeked around the corner to see what was going on.
Alastor merely chuckled slightly and nudged the weapon away with his fingers.
“Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here…”
He added in a low creepy tone, his mouth not moving, “I would have done so already.”
His red eyes briefly turned to red radio dials as radio static filled the room. He tilted his head slightly, letting his chaotic magic roam. Vaggie and Charlie were frozen in fear as they caught glimpses of red Voodoo symbols, static, and warped reality.
Then just as quickly, the noise and magic ceased and Alastor shook his head, eyes back to full red. His eyes had briefly been black with red pupils.
“No, I’m here because I want to help!” He bowed.
Charlie was sure she hadn’t heard him right.
“Say what now?” she asked, eyebrows raised.
“Help!” he responded with another laugh. He held up his microphone staff.
“Hello? Is this thing on? Testing, testing…”
He tapped it and a glowing red eye appeared in the center.
“Well, I heard you loud and clear!” the microphone responded in a radio voice, eye shaking in fear.
“Um…you want to help?” Charlie asked.
Alastor appeared behind the demon girls, hands on their backs, switching from a shadow to his regular self. Both Vaggie and Charlie flinched.
“With…” he mentioned in an imitation of Charlie’s higher voice…
“…this ridiculous thing you’re trying to do!” finishing in his normal voice. “This hotel!”
Charlie could hear the call bell ding twice on the table, even though no one was there to ring it.
“I want to help you run it.”
“Uh…why?” Charlie asked, confused.
Alastor laughed again. “Why does anyone do anything? Sheer absolute boredom!”
 He curled up his fingers before dramatically putting his hands up to his cheeks. He then moved off to the side. “I’ve lacked inspiration for decades!”
He placed his elbow on an annoyed Vaggie’s head, tilting his head on hers. Then he shoved the moth demon aside.
 “My work became mundane, lacking focus…aimless! I’ve come to crave a new form of entertainment!”
He laughed again, tilting his head back.
Charlie looked downcast as Vaggie stood up with a scowl. “Does getting into a fist fight with a reporter count as entertainment?”
Alastor laughed again. “It’s the purest kind, my dear! Reality! True passion! After all, the world is a stage! And the stage is a world of entertainment!”
He smiled and titled his head, after making crawling motions with his fingers.
Charlie brightened a bit. “So, does this mean that you think it’s possible to rehabilitate a demon?”
Alastor held up a dismissive hand and laughed. “Of course not. That’s wacky nonsense! Redemption, oh the non-existent humanity! Nononono, I don’t think there’s anything left that could save such loathsome Sinners!”
He grinned at a glaring Vaggie and Angel who sat on the couch and shrugged.
 He continued. “The chance given was the life they lived before; the punishment is this!”
 He spread out his arms, Angel looking at the front. “There is no undoing what is done!”
“So then, why do you want to help me if you don’t believe in my cause?” Charlie asked.
Alastor smirked from the side and looked at Charlie over his shoulder.
“Consider it an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself!”
Briefly making a “come hither” motion, he pulled Charlie close to him with his arm and twirled her in a quick dance.“I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment! Only to repeatedly trip and tumble down into the fiery pit of failure.” His eyes glowed red in pleasure, voice lower.
“Right…” Charlie began, slowly removing his clawed hand from her shoulder.
Alastor took her aside for a walk. “Yes indeedy! I see big things coming your way, and who better to help than I.”
“Ah, so uh, what’s the deal with Smiles over there?” Angel Dust asked Vaggie.
“Wait, you’ve never heard of her before?” Vaggie asked, surprised. “You’ve been here longer than me!”
Angel Dust shrugged his shoulders.
“The Radio Demon, one of the most powerful beings Hell has ever seen?” Vaggie asked.
“Eh, I’m not too big on politics,” Angel Dust replied.
Vaggie let out an annoyed sigh before leaning in close to explain.
“Decades ago, Alastor manifested in Hell, seemingly overnight. He began to topple Overlords who had been dominant for centuries. That kind of raw power has never been harnessed by a mortal soul before. Then, he broadcast his carnage all throughout Hell, just so everyone could witness his ability. Sinners started calling him The Radio Demon. (As lazy as that is). Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our world’s most ancient and destructive evils. But one thing’s for sure: He’s an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery, and a violent monster of chaos, the likes of which we cannot risk getting involved with, unless we want to end up erased.”
Flashes of Alastor in his full demon form, a giant red wendigo-like being with branching black antlers, glowing red eyes, a long lavender tongue, sharp teeth, and long dark claws, appeared on screen. He grinned as he hovered his claws over the demonic faces of voodoo imps and minions. His dress coat revealed a flaming hole where screaming demons struggled to escape.
“Ya done?” Angel Dust asked with a snicker. “He looks like a strawberry pimp!”
Alastor conjured his staff into his hand with a smug look.
“Well, I don’t trust him!” Vaggie exclaimed.
To be fair, do you trust any man? Any men? Men?” Angel Dust asked with a slight laugh.
Vaggie ignored him and walked up in front of her friend.
“Charlie, listen to me. You can’t believe this creep! He isn’t just a happy face! He’s a dealmaker, pure evil! He can’t be redeemed! And is most likely looking for a way to destroy everything we’re trying to do.”
“I…” Charlie began. “…we don’t know that. Look…I know he’s bad, and I know he probably doesn’t wanna change, but the whole point of this is to give people a chance! To have faith things will be better! How can I turn someone away? I can’t. It goes against everything I’m trying to do. Everything I believe in.”
Alastor stared in fascination at a family picture on the wall. It showed Lucifer dressed in a white suit, Lilith in a dark purple dress, and Charlie as a little girl wearing a brown and white dress in the middle. The picture border consisted of branches and yellow eyeballs and a dried rose in the upper right-hand corner.
“Just trust me,” Charlie added, placing comforting hands on her girlfriend’s shoulders, “I can take care of myself.”
Charlie,” warned Vaggie, “Whatever you do, do not make a deal with him!”
From a distance, Alastor opened up the palm of one hand, claws curled. Both girls glanced in his direction, worry on their faces.
“I’ll have these two in the palm of my hand…” thought Alastor.
“Don’t worry,” Charlie replied to Vaggie with a chuckle. “I picked up one thing from my Dad…”
She spoke in a manly voice as she walked away, “’Ya don’t take shit from other demons!’”
Gathering her courage, Charlie marched over to the Radio Demon.
“Ok, so…Al. You’re sketchy as hell, and you clearly see what I’m trying to do here is a joke. But I don’t.”
Red Voodoo symbols to bind the prepared deal appeared around a grinning Alastor, then vanished. Charlie glanced back at him with narrowed eyes.
Charlie continued. “I think everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be better. So, I’m taking your offer to help. On the condition that there be no tricks or voodoo strings attached.” She emphasized with a brief wiggling of her fingers.
Alastor twirled his cane and held out his right hand. “So, it’s a deal then?”
Flashes of eerie green light surrounded the two, electricity snaking up the walls. Shadows swirled around the room, and everyone covered their faces at the force of the wind.
“Nope!” Charlie yelled, holding out her hands. The energy stopped and light returned to the room. “No shaking! No deals! I…hmm…”
Charlie decided to try another approach.
“As princess of Hell, and heir to the throne, I uh, hereby order that you help with this hotel, for a long as you desire.”
A moment of pause…
“Sound fair?” she asked.
“Hmm…Fair enough.” Alastor shrugged before he strolled away, his cane vanishing. Charlie's verbal agreement had allowed him instant freedom to pursue his mischievous schemes. It would be a treat to eventually break Charlie down...then she'd have to accept his deal.
 “Cool beans.” Charlie breathed a sigh of relief and even did a thumbs up.
Alastor stopped and spotted Vaggie off to the side. He smirked in a way outside observers would describe as lecherous. He tickled her under her chin with a finger.
“Smile, my dear! You know you’re never fully dressed without one!”
Alastor hummed happily on his way, while Vaggie growled in disgust and rage.
“So…where is your hotel staff?” Alastor asked Charlie, leaning in.
“Uh, well…” Charlie began. Alastor peered at a glaring Vaggie through his monocle. “Oh ho ho ho, you’re going to need more than that.”
He strode over towards Angel Dust.
“And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?”
Angel Dust grinned. “I can suck your dick!”
A screech was heard as Alastor stared in shock and revulsion.
“Ha! No.” Alastor deadpanned.
“Your loss,” Angel Dust said with a grin. Alastor summoned his staff again.
“Well, this just won’t do!” Alastor exclaimed. “I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up!”
Alastor snapped his fingers and a fire sparked to life in a small circular fireplace. Animal skeletons decorated either side of the wall, fully repaired.
A dark figure plopped down onto the chimney floor.
Alastor walked over and picked up the ashen creature with his hand. A large single yellow eye was revealed. Angel Dust, Vaggie, and Charlie peered at the creature. In a puff of smoke and a squeak, the creature revealed herself. A cute cyclops girl was wearing a dark pink skirt with a poodle on the front, and a white shirt with pink paint stains. Her hair was magenta and short with a streak of yellow. White spots were on the left side of her skirt. Her single yellow eye took up most of her face.
“This little darling is Niffty!” Alastor introduced with a smile, before dropping her. The girl landed on her feet.
“Hi! I’m Niffty!” she greeted with a wave. “It’s nice to meet you! It’s been a while since I’ve made new friends!” She laughed slightly as her pupil grew smaller, darting in circles.
“Why are you all women?” she asked. She darted over and lifted Charlie up before putting her down. Vaggie growled, aiming her spear at the newcomer.
“Are there any men here?! I’m sorry, that’s rude.” She missed the fact that Alastor and Angel Dust were male, for obvious reasons.
 “Oh man, this place is filthy!” she exclaimed, running around and lifting up couch cushions. “It really needs a ladies’ touch, which is weird, because you’re all women, no offence.” She chewed on a black spider she found, then rushed toward some stained-glass windows.
She darted around, using a dust ruffle to clean them, removing spider webs. “Oh my gosh, this is awful! No, no, no…Nope!”
Niffty raced around, removing cobwebs, then poked at a piece of a voodoo doll. Well, it was actually a blue beetle doll that Alastor had stabbed with a clothing pin for her to play with. Niffty turned and exclaimed, “Oh my goodness, a dirty rat!” She dashed over, scooped up the dark grey creature and popped it into her mouth rapidly. Rows of her sharp teeth were visible. Strained squeaks mingled with rapid chewing sounds. “I bet there’s tons of them under this place, I’ll be sure to get more! I can kill dozens of them in a day!”
Alastor looked amused, while the others stared in disbelief. Niffty had been a Japanese chimney sweeper woman who died in a fireplace in the 1950s.
Meanwhile, at a casino, a cat demon placed a joker, an ace, a 2, and a fourth card down on the table. He had black and white fur, a fluffy chest, wore a black top hat and had red wings with card suits decorated on them. He also had long red eyebrows and wore a large red bow tie.
“Ha!” he declared in triumph. “Read ‘em and weep, boys!”
He suddenly felt himself being forcefully pulled out of the room through space and time.
He ducked as a curtain of red energy surrounded the existing space. Voodoo symbols flashed in the background along with eight yellow eyes, a creepy voodoo skull and a purple skeleton of a worm-like creature. Another voodoo skull with horns appeared for a moment not too far from tan ghost-like spirits with creepy faces and a row of jagged teeth.
The cat demon figured he must have had too much booze to drink.
“…the hell?”
As the images faded, he soon found himself at the hotel bar, not in the previous room at the casino. A large “Come and Play Blackjack” sign took up much of the wall behind him. Most peculiar, the gray wood walls were missing halfway up, replaced by the red themed décor of the hotel. He was sitting in a portion of the casino he was in. It felt like he was in a house with no roof, surrounded by the outside world.
“What the fuck is this?”
He glared at the group and then saw Alastor, pointing an accusing claw.
“Ah, Husker, my good friend!” Alastor cheerfully greeted as audience claps came from the microphone. “Glad you could make it!”
Alastor’s head briefly had the appearance of large antlers sticking out from either side. When he moved it, it was revealed to be an antler skull with glowing green eyes hanging in the background. Snakes were wrapped around one of the pillars supporting a bar stand. “Big Booze,” “Welcome” and “Big Soul” signs were placed overhead on the stand. Neon green card suits consisted of the designs at the bottom of the stand.
Husk had been born in Nevada and grew up in a casino. He enjoyed gambling, drinking, money, and magic shows. He had died at age 75 in the 1970s via drinking overdose.
“Don’t you “Husker” me, you son of a bitch!” Husk spat, swiping Alastor’s hand away from his shoulder. “I was about to win the whole damn pot!”
Husk stared in anger as the stacks of money and chips on the table vanished in static.
“Good to see you too!” added Alastor.
Husk face palmed. “What the fuck do you want with me this time?”
Alastor grabbed hold of him in a side hug, startling him so much that cards fell from his hands.
“My friend, I am doing some charity work, so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services! I hope that’s okay.”
Husk was taken aback. “Are you shittin’ me?!”
“Hmm. No, I don’t think so!” Alastor replied.
Husk shoved the Radio Demon off him, the latter casually dusting off his red sleeves. He puffed up his black and white fur in anger, his cat ears twitching. “You thought it would be some kind of big fuckin’ riot just to pull me outta nowhere? You think I’m some kinda fuckin’ clown?”
“Maybe,” Alastor grinned.
Audience laughter emitted from the microphone.
“I ain’t doin’ no fuckin’ charity job,” Husk protested.
Alastor appeared next to him, startling the cat. “Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment.”
He pointed toward the bar stand with the staff as clapping was heard again.
“With your charming smile and welcoming energy…”
Alastor spread the corners of Husk’s mouth upward into a demonic smile of yellow teeth. Husk frowned seconds after Alastor let go of his mouth.
“…this job was made for you!”
Alastor strutted over toward the bar stand, the soles of his black shoes revealing red hoof prints as he walked.
“Don’t worry, my friend,” Alastor continued, “I can make this more welcoming…if you wish.”
With a curve of his fingers, a green bottle of cheap booze appeared on the counter.
Husk stared with wide eyes, suddenly very thirsty. He swore he could hear the sound of a slot machine.
“What, you think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze?!” He took the bottle in anger. “Well you can!”
He immediately guzzled it down and walked away.
“Too easy,” thought Alastor.
By this time, Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Dust had arrived to see what the commotion was about. Vaggie rushed toward the bar, furious.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey!” yelled the moth demon. “No, no bar, no alcohol. This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin! Not some kind of…brothel, man-cave!”
Angel Dust lunged himself into her, knocking her to the floor.
“Shut up! Shut! Up! We are keeping this.” He pointed at Husk with multiple gloved fingers.
He slid up to Husk. “Hey,” he said in a flirtatious voice.
“Go fuck yourself,” Husk deadpanned, drinking his booze.
“Only if you watch me,” Angel Dust retorted, with a sway of his butt and hips.
To make matters worse for Husk, Charlie leaned in close to him, excitement and red stars in her eyes.
“Oh my gosh! Welcome to the Happy Hotel! You are going to love it here!”
“I lost the ability to love years ago,” Husk replied, gulping down more booze.
Alastor walked in, an ever-present grin on his face.
“So, what do you think?”
Charlie ran over to him. “This is amazing!” she beamed, rubbing her cheeks. Alastor blinked rapidly in appreciation.
“It’s okay,” Vaggie grumbled from nearby, arms crossed.
Alastor laughed and pulled the two girls close to him. “This is going to be very entertaining!” His laughter was mixed with old radio sounds and static.
Alastor conjured fire in his hand…Charlie stared in wonder at the flames and the voodoo symbols. He pushed Vaggie aside and changed his attire.
He soon wore a fancy red suit with a white undershirt and a black bow tie. A red top hat appeared on his head, complete with small spikes along the black band and two needles sticking out from the top. He twirled Charlie around in a dance, the princess looking stunned. Pointing his finger over her head, he transformed Charlie’s outfit. Her blonde hair was now short and wavy. She wore an elegant black and pink dress, black gloves, a pink hat with a small black bow and black heels. She looked like a dapper lady from the early 20th century. The bottom half of her dress was pink, while her round hat was mostly the same color.
Charlie stared at her conjured clothing in amazement.
Vaggie was on the floor, fuming.
Alastor picked Charlie up and threw her into the air. She yelped in delight and landed gracefully next to him. Two glowing apples and a skull with deer horns flashed in the background.
Reality had been altered to the Radio Demon’s liking. The entire room was lit in psychedelic colors. Voodoo symbols and shapes were etched in every nook and cranny, including a pair of pink claws reaching for the door. Alastor and Charlie waltzed in the spotlight as electro swing music began to play in the distance. The all-encompassing noise, though, was the signature radio-static sound.
Alastor sang his reprise to Charlie:
“You have a dream You wish to tell And it’s so laughable But hey kid, what the hell!”
Charlie found herself sliding down what was the staircase moments ago. Alastor led the way as they held hands. They landed on the lower floor as Alastor continued his reprise. Deer statues and painted antlers were everywhere.
Back at the bar stand, Husk sat looking bored. Vaggie hissed at Angel Dust grabbing onto her shoulder, while Niffty stared in wonder. Alastor snapped his fingers and their outfits changed as well.
Angel was wearing a neon pink suit, Husk a pink bow tie, Vaggie a dark dress, with her hair now smooth and long, and finally Niffty, with a dress and a cute top hat with small flowers.
“‘Cause you’re one of a kind A charming demon belle! Now let’s give these burning fools a place to dwell (Take it, boys!)”
Alastor snapped his fingers once more and shadowy imps rose to life from a hole in the ground. The happy spirits played a trumpet, a tuba, and a drum set. Charlie snapped her fingers to the beat, while Vaggie watched with worry. She reached out to her friend but was pulled away by Alastor. He enveloped the group into a tight hug, followed by glowing images of dark spirits staring at them. While Husk, Vaggie and Angel Dust looked on in terror, Niffty watched in amazement, like she had seen it all before.
Alastor pulled Husk and Angel Dust close again. He rubbed Angel Dust’s head with a white hat and went on his merry way. He pulled a strand from one of Husk’s red eyebrows. Husk flipped him the bird as he left.
Vaggie stood, annoyed in the spotlight. Using his cane, Alastor added a feathered peacock hat and a white fox fur scarf to her outfit. Then out of nowhere, he slapped her butt.
“Pompous pervert!” Vaggie thought in rage as he wandered away with a smirk, throwing down her hat. Alastor danced some more, kicking a horned skull to the side. In the background, Niffy happily swept up the bits of bone.
“Inside of every demon is a lost cause But we’ll dress ‘em up now with just a smile! (With a smile!) And we’ll chlorinate this cesspool With some old redemption flair And show these simpletons some proper class and style! (What’s in style? Oh!)”
He made his way to the circular fireplace, where he waved his staff. Shadows arrived to join the party, including a shadowy version of himself, with large antlers and fangs: Rotsala. The shadow grinned a blue grin at him, before making it disappear in a poof. He then led Charlie in an upbeat dance, spinning her around, helping her match her steps to his. Their noses almost touched. Charlie blushed when he toyed with her cheeks. As Charlie was led away, Vaggie stood in the background, horrified and disgusted. What was happening to her friend?
Charlie and Alastor laughed as they danced, the princess locked in a happy trance. She could almost see the sparkling romantic themed bubbles in the background.
“Here below the ground I’m sure your plan is sound! They’ll spend a little time Down at this Hazbin Ho…”
Alastor was about to finish his song, when an explosion burst apart a window behind him. The force caused the door to blow off and fly straight into little Niffty’s face, sending her flying back. “Ow! I’m okay!” she called from a distance.
Soon the colors were back to normal and so were everyone’s outfits. The group peered out from the hole, Alastor craning his neck. The group went out onto the path and spotted a flying blimp. Sir Pentious poked his head out from an opening in the ship, fangs bared.
“Ha!” the snake inventor laughed. “Well, well, well, look who it is harboring the striped freak!” he called, mentioning to the white spider demon. “We meet again, Alastor!”
Alastor merely asked with a smug look, “Do I know you?”
Sir Pentious’ face fell before he grew angry. “Oh yes you do!” He slithered back into his seat. “And this time I have the element of…surprise!”
He pulled a lever and a cannon lowered to the ground.
“I’m so evil!” he declared with maniacal laughter as the cannon fired up.
Alastor snapped his fingers, red tendrils of smoke rising from his hand. The weapon froze in mid fire and a fiery portal opened up below the blimp. Pink smoke filled the air.
A horde of black tendrils rose from the hole, latching onto the ship. One tentacle ripped off the cannon and threw it into another smaller portal, causing it to explode in pink smoke. One of the tentacles had already smashed a hole in the large round window.
Sir Pentious looked on in shock as his Egg Boiz slammed against the wall (one of them read #Ouch.) One of the eggs cracked open, spilling out yellowish brains and small organs among the stains of yolk. Sir Pentious and another minion were thrown against the wall.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” he screamed before he was slammed against the ceiling by a black limb.
“Ow, that hurt!” he cried.
Sir Pentious screamed as he was forcefully dragged along the floor and lifted up slightly. He was held in place, surrounded by the wrapped up tendril. At once, the tendril shrunk and squeezed the helpless snake. The Egg Boiz ran around frantically.
From the outside, more black tendrils were closing in. Red voodoo symbols appeared around the blimp.
Four horned shadowy spirits with red auras floated around, wearing toothy grins.
The tendrils were now wrapped around the entire blimp, holding it in place like thick black vines.
Red radio waves filled Alastor’s eyes as he curled his fingers inward. The sky vanished, replaced with red. Hovering red voodoo symbols appeared all around him as he altered the state of reality. Radio static consumed the air.
The vines thickened and completely enclosed the blimp. The spirits swooped around it in excitement, with echoing shrieks. The aura around the tendrils glowed a fiery yellow, the same color as the portal rim.
Alastor closed his four-fingered hand which began to glow. A red drop of blood fell from his glowing hand. The tendrils proceeded to crush the blimp. Pink rays of light shot from the center and the blimp exploded in a loud BOOM!
Pink smoke spread everywhere as the spirits sped away. The tendrils broke into severed bloody pieces that rained down to the ground. Alastor smiled victoriously, while behind them, the group of five stared in utter terror and shock. (Save for Niffty who had a small smile on her face).
“Well, I’m starved!” Alastor exclaimed, turning around to face the group. Who wants some jambalaya?” He spread his arms out before leading the way back to the hotel. “My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for jambalaya! In fact, it nearly killed her!”
He laughed. “You could say the kick was straight out of Hell!” he added while laughing at his own joke. “Oh, I’m on a roll!”
The others followed him back.
Charlie and Niffty smiled while Husk, Angel Dust, and Vaggie looked on with concern. Niffty scurried around Alastor with a look of admiration. Angel Dust blew Husk a kiss, which earned the druggie demon a glare from the gambler. Charlie turned to Vaggie excitedly. Vaggie reluctantly went along with Charlie’s idea, even giving her a small supporting smile. As long as Charlie was happy, then Vaggie was alright, too.
From up above, the hotel looked like a mashed-up haunted house. An old dark train was perched on a balcony, with some monstrous faces carved in. A ship, reminiscent of the Titanic, was leaning upwards against the building as part of the structure. An old carousel served as part of the upper balcony and windows. Skull designs decorated the small windows in a row. Finally, on top of a giant yellow eye, was the sign “Happy Hotel” supported by pillars of worn wood. 
Alastor continued, “Yes sir! This is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set! Now…”
He glanced up and pointed his finger toward the sign. Pink electricity shot out and made contact with the sign.
The sign now read “Hazbin Hotel.”
“Stay tuned,” he finished with a low sinister laugh.
Back at the crater, smoke took the faces of demons and rose into the air. Broken egg minions littered the ground. One minion rubbed his head. With a shaking arm, Sir Pentious lifted himself up from the gaping hole, fangs shattered, eye swollen.
“Now will you shoot me with your ray gun?” asked the minion.
Sir Pentious face-planted on the ground in response.
0 0 0
One week later, Charlie sat solemnly on a long red couch in the Hazbin Hotel, gazing out the window. There were a few pillows next to her, one with a gold eye design. Her suit and pants matched the red color of the couch, though her undershirt was white, her high heels were white and black, and her bowtie was black. Contrasting the red color of her clothing was her white face with red spots on her cheeks and her long blonde hair in a thick braid. Behind Charlie was a small striped circus tent decorated with strings of lights. A white plant pot had a snake design curled around it. A round sign outside read “Welcome to Hell” and the sky was its usual crimson red. A glowing red pentagram hovered over the city, hence its name Pentagram City. Charlie stared sadly at the nearby city buildings; many of them were on fire, smoke rising through the air. The streets were littered with broken glass, burned debris…and a few leftover mangled demon corpses in puddles of blood.
Charlie was feeling more lonely than usual. Not too long ago, her father Lucifer had considered her Happy Hotel project a failure. He had somberly suppressed his former dreams for so long, he had closed himself off from his daughter’s own dreams. Charlie had further been mocked on live TV after presenting her hotel idea, and her mother Lilith had not been answering her calls. In fact, she had been missing from her life for quite some time. Where had she gone?
“Charlie,” called a familiar voice from behind her.
Charlie turned around with a gasp, dropping the black Sinner’s Key on the couch. In a puff of red smoke, the key morphed into a small black and white cyclops cat named KeeKee, who meowed and scampered off. Over the double doors was a glowing chandelier and glass decorated with a large eye and two small apples.
“Oh shit, were you here the whole time?”
A woman stepped into the light. “Uh, yeah. I was right there,” Vaggie said, mentioning her thumb to the double doors behind her. Vaggie the moth demon, was Charlie’s girlfriend and manager of the hotel. This time, she wore a short black skirt, gray fingerless gloves, and a short red shirt with a black collar and black buttons. She wore a small black collar around her neck and a slightly worn large red bow tie in her hair. Her skin was light gray, and her white hair spread down past her waist, ending in gray stripes resembling moth wings. Her right eye was yellow with light orange sclera and her left eye was covered by her hair, a patch, and a glaring red X over it. She also wore gray leggings over her legs.
Charlie was thankful to have her faithful companion with her, for Vaggie served not only as her girlfriend, but a protector and a grounding contrast to Charlie’s exuberant nature.
“Sorry,” Charlie said. “I get pre-tty worked up after an Extermination happens.” She glanced back toward the window. “Staring helps.”
Vaggie briefly blinked and gave a chuckle. “I know. Don’t worry, I enjoy your moments of quiet. And your moments of theatrics. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Charlie replied, as Vaggie sat down next to her. “Just…thinking, ya’ know? Family stuff.”
Vaggie frowned, glancing to the side. “Did you…hear from your mom yet?”
Charlie shook her head sadly.
“Oof,” Vaggie replied, blowing a bang of her white hair and a sigh. “How long has it been now?”
“Not that long. Only…seven…years…” Charlie exaggerated with a strained smile. She stood up, hands together, moving toward the giant eye-shaped window. “Off doing something important, I’m sure! But this kingdom was something she really cared about. Something I care about.”
Vaggie took Charlie’s hands in hers. “Well, at least you aren’t alone.”
Charlie smiled. “I just hope what I’m trying to do here will work.”
The two women sat down. Vaggie tenderly touched Charlie’s cheek with her hand. “It will. I have faith in you.”
Charlie smiled as KeeKee the cat hopped into her lap. Keekee’s ears had black tips and a white heart in the center.
Vaggie stood up. “All right, come on. Alastor says he has something to show us.”
Charlie froze in place as she heard the ominous tolling of the golden angel clock tower outside. It had a glowing halo on top, eye designs on the tower and clock faces with pentagrams on them. Under that was a giant glowing hourglass and a counter that showed the number of days until the next extermination. Four imposing black Exorcist statues were posed like gargoyles around the four corners under the clocks. Charlie shuddered before following Vaggie.
0 0 0
An old-fashioned TV buzzed with spiky static before showing a red shirtless demon with a spiked collar and bat wings stabbing a red imp with a dagger.
“Well, hello there you wayward Sinner!” came the radio voice of Alastor. The camera showed his hand pointing at the demons.  “Do you like blood, violence, and depravity of a sexual nature?” The demons looked at Alastor, the tall red demon posed with his head in thought. “Of course you do! That’s why you’re in Hell!”
The camera panned back to show buildings torn, on fire, and in pieces on the ground near a barbed wire fence. An overturned purple arrow sign with faded round lights read “NO TURNING BACK.” One building part had several purple eyes on it.
Alastor waved his hand and more demons popped up: a female cyclops wearing black BDSM clothing, a demon with horns, four eyes and dragon features, a red horned demon with two eyes, a small, one-eyed brown cat and an upside-down demon shaped like a grenade.
“But what would you say if I told you there was a place to stay that had none of that?”
The screen buzzed and switched to the Hazbin Hotel building. Arrows pointed to Alastor’s glowing red radio tower off to the side. There was a carousel, a Titanic-shaped boat and a “NO VACANCY” sign as part of the decorative structures. A retro theater sign above the front doors read “NOW PLAYING.” The doors were decorated with designs of circus tents on the glass.
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! A misguided path to redemption! Founded five days ago by Lucifer’s delusional daughter, Charlotte Morningstar!”
The screen showed Charlie nervously smiling and waving at the camera. Angel Dust posed next to her with a grin, making his pink gloved fingers into horns around her head and his two other white hands into peace signs. The clip shifted to Charlie showing a dismissive Katie Killjoy a drawing of the hotel, a rainbow on the top and stick figure demons smiling on the bottom. Charlie pointed to the sky, while Katie Killjoy narrowed her eyes, a cigarette between her fingers.
“Come place your fate in her inexperienced hands as she tries to work through her daddy issues by fixing you!”
Several pictures, one on top of the other showed Charlie posing in front of a crime board with a drawing of a demon with puppies, a rainbow with hearts and an “evidence index” card on the board. The next showed Charlie with tears in her eyes as Lucifer posed under a red spotlight, apple cane raised. Charlie was then shown posing with an instructional stick in her hand next to a white board that read “1. SORRY, 2. A red heart, yellow stars, pink hearts, and a rainbow, 3. PLEASE, 4. THANK YOU.”
The hotel doors opened and showed Charlie’s flying goat bodyguards Razzle and Dazzle sweeping and dusting the lobby.
“FUN THINGS” spiraled onto the screen in yellow. “Here we offer fun things, such as…”
The camera zoomed in to show the grumpy cat Husk with black eyes and small yellow iris slouched at his bar. He had a black top hat with red trim, a large red bowtie, black and dark red wings with a red outline and dots decorating them. His eyebrows were long and red with black stripes on the ends. His pointed cat ears had a small red heart design inside each. A black bug crawled on the table. “CONCIERGE” was shown on the top of the bar stand and the highest part was decorated with large deer skulls with rows of long sharp teeth among melted white candles. “Beelyjuice” and a beer mug and wine glass glowed in neon colors on the wall near a pool table. There were three red bar stools and the bottom of the stand showed two green 7s and a red apple in a slot machine style.
“…somewhat functional staff!”
Husk crashed his head on the table in a drunken stupor. Niffty glanced at the black bug crawling over Husk, a sewing needle in her hand as a weapon. The cyclops had white skin, short red-pink hair with a yellow streak in it, and a 1950’s maid pink dress with a white lacy center and a black poodle design on her dress. Pink stains were at the top near her chest. Her large eye was dark orange with a black pupil.
Niffty jabbed at the bug with her sewing needle.
“…and twenty-four-hour pest control!”
“PEST CONTROL” blinked in yellow.
“Custom rooms…”
“CUSTOM ROOMS” blinked in yellow after appearing on a dismal bathroom stall, showing a white toilet and red eyes on the red walls.
“And just look at this tacky parlor!”
The main room had a fireplace and mantle. The fireplace was round, with two skeletons curled on either side. A large eye design was in the center of the mantle. Over the mantle were two crossed canes and golden curved snakes below them, making Lucifer’s sigil. Two elephant lights were on either side. The red wallpaper was decorated with Lucifer’s sigil surrounded by six angel wings. The wall borders showed eyes with gold wings on either side. KeeKee was posed on a table near an old-fashioned radio of Alastor’s near plant vines. An old boxy TV stood off to the side, complete with knobs. Angel Dust lounged on a nearby couch, wearing his usual white and pink suit with a black bowtie and high black boots. He had white fur, spider-like limbs, pink dots under his eyes and a sharp golden fang among his teeth. A wooden plank collapsed to the floor, making the cat hiss and scamper off the table in fright. The red wallpaper had several tears in it.
Alastor spoke sarcastically. “Enjoy riveting conversation with our singular resident!”
Angel Dust noticed Alastor and glared, flipping him the bird.
“WOW!” spun onto the screen in bold red with a yellow spiky background. “Wow!” Alastor added.
A drawing appeared, showing the hotel and various signs made by Alastor: “Ship I guess,” “$1,” “DANGER HOTEL!” “SALE” “Best part” (pointing to the radio tower), “HAHA I NAMED IT!” “50% OFF,” “neat.” “NO TACKY CIRCUS DÉCOR! PROMISE!” Several signs showed Alastor’s creepy grin drawings.
“All this, and more at the Hazbin Hotel, your last desperate attempt at salvation starts here!”
The screen showed the building sign up on the roof and with yellow words: “CALL NOW! OR DON’T, I DON’T CARE! WE STILL DON’T HAVE A WORKING PHONE!”
The screen clicked off as Alastor tuned the knob.
Alastor with a large smug grin turned around. “So, what do you think?”
Vaggie and Charlie sat dumbfounded on the red couch. The couch had three eyes designs on the top golden frame, the armrests and outside structure curved like horns. Alastor wore his 1920’s red torn tailcoat with vertical pink stripes, a black bowtie with a red center and a red undershirt with an upside down black cross design. He had red long sleeves, black gloves with red tips, and a red monocle near his right eye. His hair was red and black, with thick deer ears pointing up. Small black deer horns curved upwards from the center of his head.  His black shoes had red deer tracks on the bottom. In his left hand was his magic red old-fashioned radio microphone with a red eye in the center. His eyes were many shades of crimson.
“I’m sorry, what the fuck was that?!” Vaggie fumed.
Charlie did a strained grin, and held up a finger, trying not to upset anyone. “Uh yeah, one note, Alastor. I mean, first off, thank you so much for making this…seriously amazing…but um…” she moved her hands. “But maybe the tone is a bit…off.” Alastor narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, a wide grin of yellow sharp teeth plastered on his face.
Charlie continued, “We want people to come here. This makes it look…um…”
“Bad,” Vaggie deadpanned, folding her arms. She turned to Charlie. “The word you’re looking for is ‘bad.’”
“Funny. I was going for hilarious!” Alastor exclaimed, craning his neck.
“It didn’t explain anything about how we’re trying to save demons from extermination, which is the whole fucking point!” Vaggie chided.
“Vaggie is right, Alastor,” said Charlie. “The commercial was to let Sinners know we are trying to help them.”
“Well, my dear, I haven’t been active in Hell for some time,” said Alastor, moving his fingers along his microphone staff. He paced and tilted his head. “…and everyone remembers me from my radio show, the proper medium to express oneself.”
Alastor paced back again and pointed at the TV with his staff, a glare in his eyes. “But you insisted on this noisy picture box of advertisement…” He tapped the TV twice with his staff, “…so I had a little fun with it.”
“Oh fun? You had a little fun with it?” Vaggie angrily stood up, hands on her hips.  “Well, this not what we want to represent us! When you showed up here a week ago, you told us you would help run this hotel. Instead, you’re mocking us.” She spread out her arms. “Nobody’s gonna wanna come to a place that a powerful Overlord like you thinks is a waste of time!”
Angel Dust casually raised one of his pink gloved hands.
“What?” Vaggie asked with a glare, facing Angel Dust, and sitting on the armrest.
Angel Dust posed with his long legs in the air before sitting up. “If you’re filming a commercial, can I suggest you take better advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here?”
Angel Dust grinned, pointing at himself with three hands, holding a beer bottle in his fourth and moving one leg on top of his other one.
Vaggie was not amused. “Angel, you’re a porn star.”
“A famous porn star! I’ll have the horniest Sinners knocking these walls down to get in!” He pointed to his lower regions.
“We are not filming a porn as a commercial!”
“Why not? Sex sells, don’t it?” Angel Dust made a money gesture with his hand. Alastor materialized near the couch from shadow. Angel Dust continued. “I swear, if you film me going at it with Mr. fancy talk creepy voice here, you’d be rolling in participants willing to stay at this tacky hotel.”
Alastor laughed forcefully and then deadpanned to Angel Dust, “Never going to happen.”
Charlie added, “Angel, I appreciate you wanting to use your ‘special skills’ to, um, attract folks to the hotel, but, I really don’t want to exploit you…in that way.”
Angel Dust grinned. “Oh please, baby. This body was made to be exploited.” He waved a dismissive hand and posed. “I got the arms, I got the stamina, I got the legs, I got the lung capacity.” He laughed, legs in the air. “Oh, I got the legs! The gag reflex, the holes, the chest fluff everyone thinks are tits.”
Angel Dust leaned against the armrest. “I could keep going all night, baby!”
“Hey, I have a question,” Angel Dust said to Vaggie. He mentioned to Alastor. “If freaky face over there is so powerful, then why can’t he just make people stay here?”
Alastor chuckled, “Oh trust me…” He spoke in a low voice, his eyes glowing red, black antlers branching out, his face darkening, “…I can.”
“Why do you think I’m here?” Husk scoffed from the bar. “You actually think I’d be cleaning bottles and listening to you fucks bitch and moan all the time if he wasn’t forcing me?”
“I like being forced!” exclaimed a smiling Niffty, raising her hand from beside Husk.
“Keep that to yourself, Nif,” Husk glared.
Angel Dust smirked. “What? You don’t love being here with me, Whiskers?”
Husk pointed an accusing finger. “Call me Whiskers again and I’ll jam that bottle down your throat.”
Angel Dust grinned, beckoning a pink finger. “Kinky. Come on, keep talking dirty.”
Vaggie sighed. “Angel, let Husk do his job. And no, we can’t force Sinners to stay here. They need to choose to.”
Angel Dust scowled. “I’m choosing to be here, and I think it’s all stupid. We’re in Hell, toots. That’s kind of the end of the road, ain’t it?”
“Well maybe it doesn’t have to be,” Vaggie countered. “Just because nobody has made it out before, doesn’t mean it’s not possible.”
Angel Dust put a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, whatever means I can keep crashing here, rent-free. Crack is expensive.” Vaggie glared.
0 0 0
Later, Vaggie, Husk, Niffty, and Angel Dust sat together on the red couch, while Alastor sat in a nearby red chair. Angel Dust’s long legs hung over the armrest. Husk’s eye twitched in anger as he glared at Angel Dust’s sultry expression.
Charlie paced in front of the group. “Yes, okay, so, Vaggie and I were talking about ways to promote the hotel, so we decided we are making a new commercial that represents our vision and what we’re doing here.”
 “So, we need a camera.” Vaggie held out a hand. “Alastor?”
Alastor smiled and snapped his fingers. In a flash of green light, a red and black 1930’s folding camera with no film appeared in her hands. It was decorated with golden antlers.
“A video camera,” Vaggie glared.
“Hmm.” Alastor snapped his fingers again, and in green light, an old video camera with an eye lens appeared in her hands, with tape and a Band-Aid stuck to it.
“Alright! Let’s do this!” Vaggie said with excitement. Soon, she had positioned the camera to show Angel Dust and Husk sitting at the bar.
“And…Action!” Vaggie called, pointing a finger forward as Charlie watched next to Vaggie.
Husk stared in annoyance at the script papers in his hand while Angel Dust rested his head in one pink gloved hand, elbow on the counter.
Husk pressed the script to his face as he read in monotone: “’Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. Can I help you with anything?’”
Angel Dust put a finger to his chin and smirked playfully as he leaned toward Husk. He cupped Husk’s chin.
“’I’ve been a bad boy and I need a big strong daddy to put me in my place…on the path to redemption!’” He pointed upwards.
Husk rolled his eyes as he read the next line.
“’Well, you come…’”
Angel Dust leaned back and let out a sultry moan… “Oh yes!”
Husk glared at Angel Dust. “’…to the right place.’”
“Cut!” Vaggie called. She slouched and groaned. “Okay, Angel, I need you to be less horny if possible, and Husk, can you maybe not have a script in front of your face?”
Husk wasn’t happy. “I ain’t no actor! I can’t memorize this shit!”
“Well, we can improv this shit, baby cakes.” Angel Dust mused, putting a hand on Husk’s cheek. “Rawwr.”
Husk shoved Angel Dust hard with his paw off the bar counter. He shrugged. “Whoops.”
“Husk, come on,” chided Vaggie as Husk guzzled down his alcohol in a bottle.
0 0 0
Sometime later, Niffty was gleefully trying to stab at a four red-eyed black bug with her sewing needle. “Stab, stab, stab, stab!” she breathed. Vaggie went on her knees down to Niffty’s level.
“Um, alright, Niffty, Niffty,” Vaggie held her arm to stop her from stabbing. She placed her hands on her shoulders.
“Niffty. Your line is ‘we have the cleanest rooms?’ okay?”
Niffty stood up and smiled. “Okay, got it! I’m ready!”
Vaggie stood up and turned the camera on, pointing it at Niffty.
Niffty’s smile fell, and she stared blankly into the camera with her large red-orange eye. Her arms went limp at her sides. Vaggie, Charlie, and Angel Dust stared in confusion as Nifty’s iris grew smaller and smaller.
“Uh…cut,” Vaggie said.
Niffty then shook her head and smiled again, spreading out her black arms. “How was that?!”
“Well, Niffty, you actually have to say the line, so let’s roll again.”
Niffty nodded rapidly and made two fists. “Okay.”
Niffty stared blankly again.
“You’re doing great, Vagina!” Angel Dust whispered to Vaggie with a smug expression.
“Cut!” Vaggie yelled, standing next to a red bed. “Alright, uh, maybe we can try to fix it in post.” She folded her arms.
Angel Dust asked, “Do you even know what that means?”
“I’ll figure it out!” Vaggie bellowed. Angel Dust held up his hands. Charlie comforted Vaggie as she left the room.
Later that night, Vaggie slouched in a red chair in the dark, watching static from the old-fashioned box TV.
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel…” came Husk’s monotone voice from the TV.
“Urgh!” Vaggie groaned, hands covering her face, camera in her lap. Wanting some peace and quiet, she had turned out the lights, but the glare from the TV wasn’t helping. Her heart sank; Charlie would surely be disappointed at this half-assed commercial. She was the hotel manager, and she felt a great responsibility to help make her girlfriend’s dreams come true.
“If only I wasn’t surrounded by a bunch of asshole self-absorbed idiots,” she thought.
“Seems like you’re having a bit of a trouble there, hmm?”
Vaggie glared at the smirking Radio Demon, who had popped out of nowhere. He looked at her and moved to either side of the chair.
“Ugh, este pendejo (ugh, this asshole). Why are you even here?” she asked in annoyance.
Alastor settled down onto the couch, one leg over the other.
“For the entertainment. I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful and fail spectacularly, like you are doing now!” Alastor’s shadow crouched menacingly behind the couch with glowing red eyes, extended antlers, and a wide grin as Alastor talked. “Good job!” Alastor added with a mocking wave of his fisted hand and arm.
Vaggie stood up, aiming her camera at him. “And here is Alastor, the egocentric piece of shit that…ugh!”
Vaggie gasped in fright as Alastor glitched on the screen. The screen flashed red, and the camera fizzled out and sparked with green electric magic. Vaggie let go and it toppled to the ground, smoke curling from it.
“I wouldn’t try that, my dear,” Alastor warned in a low radio voice. Vaggie froze, terrified. Alastor’s shadow grinned behind him. “This face was made for radio.” He tilted his head and neck and his eyes turned black with red radio dials moving where his pupils were. Brief static and red voodoo symbols flashed across reality.
Vaggie recovered and stood up again. “That’s it.” She made a swiping motion with her hand, then pointing a finger at Alastor. “I don’t care who or what you are. If you’re staying here, you’re going to make this work, because it won’t be so ‘entertaining,’ (she waved her fingers) to watch over an empty hotel, will it, shitass!” Vaggie stomped away, but Alastor just stood there, hands folded behind him. A plan was conjuring in his mind.
“Fair enough,” he shrugged. He strolled over to her. “I’ll tell you what. Let’s make a deal.”
Vaggie turned around and sat down.
“Pfft, you think I’m that stupid making a deal with a demon like you?”
Alastor rolled his red eyes and waved a dismissive hand.
“Not for your soul, just a simple deal. I do this for you…” He leaned in toward Vaggie, “…and you never ask me to engage with this frivolous television technology ever again.” He turned around and grinned.  “Or Charlie will get to see absolutely nothing.” He turned his head around to smirk at Vaggie, his grin glowing. “Your choice.”
‘Just this once,’ thought Vaggie, pushing down her fear. This commercial was important, and Charlie needed her help.
Vaggie sighed, closed her eyes, and held out a hand. “Fine.” She picked up the camera and placed it in Alastor’s hands. The camera glowed an eerie green as green skulls of magic swirled around it.
“Now then,” Alastor said, clamping his hands together. The camera disappeared and he snapped his fingers. The lights flicked back on. Angel Dust, Husk, and Niffty materialized into the room in green light, with a new video camera with two eyes on top, a round green stage light and a director’s chair. Alastor now had a worn red top hat on his head and a red tuxedo suit, much shorter than his usual one, one red part hanging tail-like behind his back. Vaggie gasped as Alastor’s voodoo shadow minions appeared around her. One wore headphones and held an attached remote. A thin one held a hanging microphone with its pointed tail and a small camera. The third sat in a small wooden director’s chair while holding a white megaphone. The fourth had Xs over its eyes, carrying another hanging microphone and wearing headphones and a worn baseball cap.
Angel Dust, Charlie, and Niffty looked on in amazement as their clothing changed in green swirling light. Niffty now wore a flapper style dress, light red on top, dark red in the middle and light red and straight on the bottom. She wore a big dark orange ladies’ hat with an orange rim and a small yellow flower decorating the top. Angel Dust admired his pink 1920’s suit with a dark pink necktie, buttons on the front, a white hat with a black rim and long white pants. Husk slouched as black and red sleeves and pants appeared on him. Charlie had on a flapper red dress and a red hat decorated with flowers.
Vaggie smiled, standing proud. She soon wore a gray wavy flapper dress, mostly dark gray but with light gray at the bottom. The top had a pink wavy rim. She wore a large black ladies’ hat with a red rim, red flower, a red foxtail, and two red feathers sticking up from the middle. She also wore white gloves. “Alright, everyone, let’s make a fucking commercial!”
For once, Vaggie was pleased with Alastor’s created outfit for her.
After many hours of practicing, pain, and process, they were finally successful.
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel,” Vaggie began as the group stood in front of the hotel with their 1920’s outfits. 1920’s jazz music played.
“Founded by Lucifer’s daughter Charlie, the princess of Hell.”
Charlie waved and posed.
The double doors opened, and Charlie spread out her arms. “Come check in here and see our new cozy parlor room.” KeeKee was sleeping on a table next to a radio.
“Meet our first resident, Angel Dust,” said Charlie.Angel Dust posed.  “He’s staying here in the hopes of getting clean and becoming a better person.”
“Still just stayin’ here rent-free,” Angel Dust whispered, earning a glare from Vaggie.
The scene shifted to Angel Dust and Husk at the bar. Husk managed to say his lines without holding the scripts, though he was still grumpy.
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. Can I help you with anything?’”
“I’ve been a bad boy and I need a strong daddy to put me in my place…on the path to redemption!” He pointed upwards.
Husk rolled his eyes.
“’Well, you come…’”
“Oh yes!” Angel Dust moaned.
Husk glared at Angel Dust again. “’…to the right place.’”
“In that case, I’ll just check in to one of these fabulous rooms…I could always go for private time in bed.”
Husk looked at the camera. “Have a drink. It’s on the house. Or come over to play cards or whatever. Um…I do magic shows too.”
Niffty appeared in the bedrooms. “We have the cleanest rooms! No trace of bedbugs, dirt, or any kind of mess!” Niffty stabbed at a black bug with her sewing needle and popped it gleefully into her mouth. “Just ring the bell and you’ll have instant fast room service!” Niffty darted around as she cleaned the rest of the room.
Vaggie moved the camera over to Alastor, who just glitched. “Erm, we also have a boat, a kitchen, and a radio tower for anyone interested in listening to music or shows.”
Charlie and Vaggie appeared by a portrait of the royal family. Charlie began.
“With rumors about Exterminations getting worse, the Hazbin Hotel is a safe place where you can stay with your friends and family. Best of all, it’s at no cost! If you’re a Sinner, we can make you a Winner! And with my special self-help program, you’ll be able to pack your bags to Heaven before you can say…”
“Oh, fuck me!” Angel Dust moaned in the background.Vaggie rolled her eyes.
“Charlie Morningstar’s Happy/Hazbin Hotel! Your path to redemption starts here!” Vaggie finished. A number appeared next to “Call Now!” 1-800 – 666 – 6666 or 1-666 – RAINBOW. (Yes, our phone actually works, ignore that other commercial!)
It was as good as it was going to get.
A few hours later, Vaggie grabbed Charlie’s hand and smiled. “Come here, we have something exciting to show you!”
Vaggie led Charlie over to the red couch where the group sat. Niffty sat on the couch armchair. Angel Dust lounged on the floor. Husk slouched in his spot, his chin under his large paw hand. Alastor sat up straight in a nearby red chair, one leg over the other.
“Alastor pulled some strings and it’s about to air,” Vaggie mentioned. She and Charlie sat down.
“I pulled a few limbs, too, hahaha,” Alastor added, hand over his chest.
“Our commercial’s about to be on TV?” Charlie asked, surprised.
Angel Dust grinned. “Yeah, it’s one of my better performances if I do say so myself.”
Charlie beamed, tears in her eyes, hands over her heart. “That’s…that’s amazing.”
Angel Dust put a pink finger to Charlie���s lips. “Shh! It’s startin’.”
The TV screen showed the group standing at the front of the hotel with their 1920’s outfits on. They stood under the “NOW PLAYING” theater sign and the “WELCOME TO THE HAZBIN HOTEL” logo. Niffty stared blankly at the camera, Angel Dust posed with his arms out, wiggling his eyebrows, Husk chugged his bottle of booze, and Alastor glitched in and out next to him.
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel…” Vaggie began, off to the side.
Static buzzed across the screen. Niffty clapped her hands, and Alastor sat in amusement as everyone else groaned out loud in anger and disbelief. Charlie’s horns briefly stuck out of her head, and she hissed.
The blue 666 News logo and “BREAKING NEWS” appeared on the screen. Katie Killjoy soon appeared at a desk on TV, with Tom Trench next to her with a gray gas mask for his face. Katie Killjoy was blonde and pencil-thin, wearing a red dress and a necklace. Tom Trench wore his light gray suit with a red necktie.
Katie Killjoy began: “Breaking news in Hell today! We have just received word from the Heaven Embassy that the next Extermination is happening sooner than ever before!”
Three black menacing Exorcists appeared on an image on the screen with “EXTERMINATION” under it in red.
“Do you know what that means, Tom?” Katie Killjoy asked, turning to him.
“No, what does that mean, Katie?” Tom Trench asked.
Katie Killjoy’s eye twitched, her smile strained. “It means we are all royally fucked!”
The screen then showed the large glowing hourglass. The Sinners screamed as the counter reduced to 176 days. Back in Heaven, Adam’s glowing evil smile flashed in the darkness.
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axilarycobra · 1 year
I hate Darkstalker rant
I'm heated rn. Sorry that it's so long. Most posts I write like this end up in my drafts so we'll see if this gets posted or not. Hopefully, people actually read this because I got so heated writing it, I needed to let off some steam now.
TLDR: You can like Darkstalker idc, but he's not a good person so plz don't try to defend him against what I say because he isn't
Personally, I feel like Darkstalker didn't have any redeeming qualities and I've seen a lot of Darkstalker apologist posts but literally, almost every point they make comes with a 'yeah, but...' statement because there's always something that can be said about Darkstalker that destroys their point.
He undeniably was not a good person and although a lot view him as a well-written character, which I can get a bit of, there are still a lot of elements of his character that just aren't solved by looking at that (? that doesn't even make sense to me entirely).
Like, he was meant to be in love with Clearsight and that was supposed to make him appear to be some kind of morally gray guy ("cause he just wanted what was best for them, right?") but he did not treat her like how you treat someone you love. He gaslit her, manipulated her, guilt-tripped her, and even thought about killing her because her life wasn't even more valuable to him than his silly little animus magic?!? Like what?! He was just power-hungry and needed someone next to him to tell him that everything he was doing was great to boost his ego.
Like, he loved his mother maybe and that's it. Maybe Whiteout. But he also murdered Arctic in front of Whiteout which most likely traumatized her so I feel like he doesn't consider how she feels about her family and he also doesn't listen to her when she tries to warn him. Like, he's always undermining what she says to him. Like, it almost feels like he isn't trying to protect her specifically but rather protect the idea of a family since he also recognized that he could have helped her hatch that night but didn't because he knew that it would mean that she wouldn't be a threat to him if they weren't born on the same night.
On top of that, I know he was meant to be written to be a morally gray character, that was the whole reason for his creation, but nothing he does gives off any vibe that what he's doing could be perceived as the greater good. Just because you see a future where you and your future wife are happy with kids doesn't mean that it's ok to take over a whole continent and destroy the whole balance of peace, killing thousands of dragons in the process. Like, if he literally said that he would have to drag Clearsight screaming and crying in order for that timeline to happen, that seems like a pretty great indicator that he was not doing good stuff in that timeline.
Now, don't even get me started on Darkstalker apologist arguments. They either make claims that can be rebutted easily or are literally making stuff up. Like, there are some Darkstalker apologists who at some point, they have just created an entirely new character that isn't Darkstalker at all. You can't go on about how he did nothing wrong by denying the stuff he did because then that isn't Darkstalker. Like, yeah, if he didn't do all that stuff, he wouldn't be such a bad guy but he DID do that stuff!!! That's why he's a bad guy!!! You can't deny things that are canon when trying to argue that Darkstalker isn't a bad guy within the canon.
Also, there are people who literally just claim Darkstalker's character and blame Tui for ruining him which is absolutely ridiculous because I forgot the part where they actually created Darkstalker and Tui stole him from them. Like, Tui wrote Darkstalker the way Darkstalker is, he isn't some kind of character she took from somewhere. You can't say that she made him wrong, that's literally just how he is. I'm saying this as a writer myself, you will never know as much about a character as the person who made that character. Tui knows a thousand more things about Darkstalker than any of these apologists who pretend like Darkstalker is some voice in their head begging to be released from Tui's vices.
Another thing I see mentioned is how Darkstalker being from an abusive family or being autistic-coded means that Tui believes that people like that end up as bad people which, really? Have you analyzed any other characters in this series? First of all, Darkstalker isn't even in the top 10 most autistic-coded characters of this series (coming from an autistic person myself). There are also plenty of examples of characters who had abusive families (Winter? Qibli? Peril?) and although they have their faults, they all come out not being presented as bad people. That's literally just how Darkstalker himself came out to be. Like, he is just one example of a character with these circumstances and for him, it ended up with him doing bad things. That doesn't mean that everyone who had the same circumstances ends up doing bad things, that's just what happened for Darkstalker specifically.
Anyway, I can't think of any more arguments off the top of my head that Darkstalker apologists use. At the end of the day, if you just like Darkstalker, that's alright, like, don't feel the need to mention it to me you can do whatever you want, it's just the people who try to defend Darkstalker and claim that he was never a bad guy who gets on my nerves because he genuinely isn't.
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
I finally watched Persuasion. As a fan of Jane Austen, I can't approach it without thinking about the book... try as I might, I have a bias. It's not impossible to make Austen movies I like - I adore the old BBC Pride and Prejudice mini-series, and I enjoyed Emma with Anya Taylor-Joy with only a few quibbles. Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet in Sense and Sensibility was slow-moving but a decent adaption (although I struggled to like the romantic interests as much as I did in the book). Northanger Abbey with Felicity Jones wasn't my favorite, but neither is the book.
So, Persuasion. I wanted to keep an open mind. The first few scenes didn't work for me, but then things started to look up for a while once Anne went to Uppercross, and for a while I really did like the not-quite-canonical-but-close-enough modern spin.
I was back and forth about the humor. A few jokes landed well, others felt forced. But it will be interesting to see how I feel about it if I ever watch this again. The tone was of course completely different from the book, but I don't mind that. Persuasion is a difficult book to make a movie out of because so little happens, so much of what does happen occurs mainly in Anne's head, and Anne is one of Austen's most tactful and conscientious characters. With the absence of narration, she needs a sense of humor and distinct voice to avoid coming across as judgmental and dull.
Speaking of narration, I was also back and forth about Anne introducing everyone and cracking jokes and explaining how she feels at the moment etc etc. Sometimes it worked for me, others it didn't so much. I definitely don't hate it, but I guess my opinion is the tone of this movie is confused. Is it a comedy or isn't it? The source material is not, so that's always going to become an impediment without a lot of work.
Now here are the things which really bugged me:
There were so many comments about how women don't need marriage, women don't need a man, etc the same kind of phrases parroted in all romance movies these days, faced with the same paradox of all the characters involved winding up married by the end :P Only Mrs Russell is spared with her "European tours," which was a fun addition, but doesn't help the weirdness of watching woman after woman declare "You don't need a man to be happy - but I know you want one!"
Wentworth is one of my favorite Austen love interests, but I strongly disliked him here. In the book, yes, he is bitter, but it isn't so freaking obvious. He hides it by fooling around with other girls and generally ignoring Anne. In the movie they don't have him ignore her and they more or less erase his leading Louisa on. Yes, they're still a thing in the movie, but his thing with Henrietta is NOT, which makes him seem so much more sincere about Louisa. So even when we find out he doesn't really love her, it's hard to blame him. Also he's just sad all the time. Not attractive. Really hard to see the successful, hard-working, thoughtful young man Anne was so in love with.
Anne's awkwardness takes away from her chief quality which is that she's supposed to have good judgment. In the name of humor, they made quite a fool out of her. I'm sure it was to make up for how hard it is to express "no one pays attention to her" in a movie versus in a book with exposition. But, like, she's meant to NOT be awkward, lol. And worse than that, her narrative throughout the movie is quite judgmental of her family - and although they deserve it, when Wentworth comes out with "She's privately judging everyone in her head," it's like - well, yeah, Anne, you definitely are! You're 100 times worse than Lizzy Bennett lol. Which is not true to Anne's character at all.
Mary is a pest so it's no surprise that she lost her few redeeming qualities in the movie version. But the Musgroves also lost their less virtuous qualities. Henrietta isn't toying with both Wentworth and Hayter; Charles Musgrove isn't self-serving; Louisa is Anne's close friend (a change I actually liked a lot, but it still falls under this umbrella); Louisa and Henrietta have just as much, if not better, judgment and tact than Anne around difficult types like Mary. The reason this is a problem to me is it sucks out so much of the complexity in their relationships. Anne can't shine because everyone else doesn't need her. They are fine. She's the problem, not them. Also Louisa being so likable makes her jump from the steps kind of out of nowhere and ridiculous. I'm certain she was meant to seem playful rather than conniving, but I didn't vibe with how that scene was handled.
A small thing but it made me roll my eyes: After Wentworth says Anne is judgmental, he then blames her... for being easily persuaded. And yeah, that is the point of the book, that is their point of contention. But imagine saying someone's opinions are strong and then immediately following up by saying their opinions are weak. That's basically what he did here. That's why this is not how things go down in the novel, lol.
Now, in the book, yes, Anne goes up to Benwick and starts soothing his grieving heart with poetry and sermons. And yes, even in the book, it makes me cringe. But at least in the book she has time to lead into it. She doesn't just go, "Hi Benwick, heard your wife died, you should read Byron." She makes a little bit of small talk beforehand, AND the book does take care to point out that she waits to gauge his reaction to her advice before saying anything more bold. At least book Anne seems aware that she could be saying something totally cringey.
I'm torn because I did really enjoy Anne and Wentworth becoming "friends." But it felt so unearned. Technically it was earned: by Anne's support of Wentworth during the meal, and by his admiration of her taking charge of Louisa's injury. But I didn't feel that anything had changed, that's all I can say.
"You'd make a great admiral" This felt like feminism SHOEHORNED IN soooo hard. I wouldn't mind if it didn't feel like there were so many token feminist moments in this movie, without really having any characters who broke typical female tropes in romance movies. And it's even more ridiculous when almost directly afterward Anne acquiesces to her sister without so much as a protest, even though it was Wentworth's personal request that she stay with Louisa, AND what she preferred to do herself. Book Anne is not a great advocate for herself, it takes her a lot of time to get there. But movie Anne is definitely no Admiral.
Mr Elliot. I think I shouldn't be surprised that he's so odious... but he's so much worse than in the book. I really don't think that Twilight-style love triangles work in Austen adaptions. They are too juvenile. Elliot getting all up in Wentworth's business, as well as Wentworth being so openly annoyed by him just existing, even before he even began courting Anne, just felt so teen drama to me. And then the result is him wildly making out with Mrs Clay! I may be remembering wrong, but I'm pretty sure they weren't officially a married couple at the end of the novel, rather a couple of convenience. But that's no big deal. By having him propose to Anne then immediately start making out with Mrs Clay, they reduced Elliot to a horn dog. AND they completely erased what ACTUALLY makes him such an awful person: his treatment of Anne's old school friend and her husband. That was just entirely left out! In the book it's a long, honestly pretty boring passage of just telling the story to Anne, so I'm not surprised but - it's the revelation of Elliot's true character, and I don't like that they replaced his cold-heartedness with "he's a playboy."
The "Who loves longer, men or women?" speech. -__- I love that speech... in the book. For many reasons. But it's so truncated here that I don't like it one bit. Wentworth's letter saves it a little, by softening Anne's insistence that men don't love as long as women and making it something more realistic. But I can't like it because ANNE is supposed to make it realistic. Once again she's not allowed to show her discernment of human nature. She can only be despairing over unrequited love at all times.
What I was most curious about, beyond anything else, was whether Wentworth and Anne's discussion of persuasion (THE TITLE OF THE STORY) would be included in the finale. It is so, so important. Why? Because Anne spends the whole novel beating herself up for letting her family persuade her out of marrying Wentworth the first time, yet also struggling to decide how she could have brazenly ignored the advice of people she loves and respects when she was so young and inexperienced. And she concludes that she was NOT wrong in being persuaded, because when you love someone and they are worthy of respect, you take their opinion into account. You don't have a crystal ball, you don't know that they're right, but you also don't know that they're wrong. Wentworth's conviction that she should have blindly followed him out of love alone is the beginning of tragedy for many a heroine, after all. This doesn't mean she made the RIGHT choice! The whole point is maybe there wasn't a right choice, but a choice needed to be made nonetheless. And she made it, and it's not worth resentment and bitterness over, and though there will naturally be regret, she doesn't need to blame herself for it. That is such a critically essential final thesis of the novel, and honestly, THAT is feminist: a woman isn't wrong simply because a man feels conviction, and soft power is also power!!! But did it make it into the movie? NO OF COURSE NOT. The movie is the story of a girl who didn't follow her heart and got punished for it, and the only reason she gets her happily ever after is because the Perfect Boy waited for her with big puppy eyes.
Now I've written all that I'm sure it seems like I hated the movie. Well, I don't - I just don't think it's a good adaptation of Persuasion. It misses the point of the story. It messes up characterization so badly that they're hardly recognizable. Out of fear of Anne being too boring, they gave her a sense of humor not her own and the price was her strength of character. She's only "better" than her sisters because her sisters are truly awful. Unfortunate.
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eponymoussquared · 1 year
The only good thing Velma has done.
Velma is a train wreck. As everyone knows. It'd be an insult to the Scooby-Doo franchise if it was actually part of the Scooby-Doo Franchise, but its not. You can't have an origin story if the characters aren't in the origin. Somehow, nobody realized this.
However, Velma has done one good thing, and a very good thing at that. Let's talk about Be Cool Scooby Doo.
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I never watched Mystery Incorporated beyond a few episodes, which were admittedly very good. The old cartoons were also before my time. So this was one of the first iterations I got into. While this did-mean I didn't appreciate the in-jokes, I still loved it. It was funny, had surprisingly three-dimensional characters while also being overexaggerated caricatures at the same time, and while the story structure was formulaic, they were also willing to subvert and play with it. There was meta-humor, but ti was more characters talking about how unlikely the situation was, or how they keep meeting monsters, instead of deliberately mentioning shows.
It wasn't anything groundbreaking, but I liked it alot. However, apparently that wasn't a popular opinion. Alot of people didn't like the show because of the artstyle(apparently it reminded them of family guy, although I don't see it) and just-never watched it. Combined with Cartoon Network airing it at bad times and alot of troubled production, it kind of fell under the radar for the most part, and wasn't super well liked, especially after Mystery Incorporated being so serious, and Be Cool being so silly. Then Velma came, and people started to get nostalgic for the old shows. They also seem to have rediscovered this show along the way, and now many are wondering if they were a bit harsh towards it. Seriously, I've seen the comment "Perhaps I was a bit harsh towards you" regarding the show about one million times now. They found that the jokes were funny, the characters were likable, and everyone wasn't a jerk with no redeeming qualities. I always liked Be Cool, from the character dynamics(Shaggy and Scooby being so used to being chased by monsters they're experts at distracting them so they can escape, even spontaneously finding costumes somehow, Daphne being incredibly eccentric but also being the heart of the group, encouraging them when their down and always reassuring anyone who needs help. Its the most personality I've seen of here in-almost anything, really.) Velma(The be cool version[The 'Cool' version, if you will....you won't? Yeah, okay, thats fair]) is a bit toned down if anything, very deadpan and tired, but that makes it a lot funnier when she's actually emotional, and she is still invested in helping her friends out and having a good time solving mysteries with them. She's definitely alot more caring then her Indian counterpart. Sure she still has snark, but she's also willing to give affection and actually call the gang friends.
Then theres Fred. He's a bit meaner here,(due to spoiler reasons-yes he has reasons why, but I won't tell) but he's far from incapable of introspection, often realizing his desire to solve mysteries, and take the lead on them, can make people upset or get hurt. While he usually ends up being somewhat right, he does still learn a lot by being around the gang. I've heard some people theorize that Velma(In the eponymous show, not the Be cool version) is supposed to be seen as a jerk, so that we can watch her grow into a better person. From what little I've seen of the show(no, Im not watching it, i've heard enough horror stories), that might be true, but the fact is she's not likable enough to want to stick around for. The gang in Be cool are fun to watch, even when some of them are being jerks. And while its sad it took Velma to get people to give this show a chance, I'm very happy its starting to get some of the recognition it deserved. Stay Cool, Scooby Doo.
TL;DR: If you have a bad taste in your mouth from Velma and want some good-old fashioned mystery solving-fun with the gang, while still being able to poke fun at them a little without poking fun at YOU for watching them, watch Be Cool Scooby Doo. It's a pretty good time.
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irhynesumahat · 6 months
Former Guardian
Name: Malik Ishtar
Age: 21+
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 130 lbs
Orientation: Pansexual
Family: Imseti Ishtar; father (dead), Merut Ishtar; mother (dead), Rishid Ishtar; adopted brother (alive), Isis Ishtar; sister (alive)
Personality: Rebellious, headstrong, arrogant, prideful, brash, vengeful and manipulative. His more positive personality traits are reserved more for those he is close to. In which case he can be loving, helpful, thoughtful, dutiful and kind. Malik is also quite curious, and loves reading whatever he can get his hands on. He's a consumer of knowledge in an eclectic sense. If it catches his eye, he's learning about it.
About (Past): Malik was born for the sole purpose of carrying the Pharaoh's memories carved onto his back and to continue the legacy of the Tombkeepers.
With the "murder" of his father, Malik blamed the pharaoh and went for revenge. Of course, we all know how that ended. It took the wind out of his sails for a time, but not completely.
About (Present): Now officially freed from his duties, he understands that he cannot truly run from the past and what he was. However, despite all appearances that Malik puts on, he's still quite chaotic. Years of living underground and being depraved of many experiences has made him far more lax and open -- he'll try anything at least once, which sometimes turns to bite him on the ass, of course. Dangerous or thrill-seeking behavior is a possibility of indulgence for him.
He's also still not fully redeemed. There are still sects of the Keepers who seem lost and still keep contact with him, especially the ones closest to him in age. They still consider him the defacto leader to some extent and so will often still come around or seek advice. He doesn't care for that much, but he does try to help them adjust the best he can. Even if the clans are supposed to be disbanded.
The Ghouls are also still active under Malik, but have moved on from cards to bigger things: drugs, weapons, artifacts and black market dealings with priceless antiques. . . just to name a few. He will reject the notion in public that he's still runing a criminal ring, but he still very much is.
Malik also enjoys forms of luxury. Everything in his home could be considered quality. Even the clothing and shoes he wears are expensive, and there's lots of colour. Hardly any dark clothing. He loves to smell nice, too, with expensive oils, soaps and colognes. He still wears kohl around his eyes in the way that displays his Keeper status as the leader despite disliking that role. He keeps himself clean and free of most hair (except for the hair on his head which he keeps longer), and clean in general.
Strangely in reverse to this, he may also keep some rather ridiculous things around as well. Baubles and the like, things that strike his fancy. Again, due to his deprived former state. Small amounts of clutter which are usually notes for classes, translations he does for museums or the like. Otherwise, his home is clean mostly because Isis keeps on him about it.
He keeps many different books of many authors and genres in his home, too, mostly with things on ancient Egypt that's been edited by himself with knowledge he'd gained.
Languages: He's pretty good at learning languages, all things considered. He speaks the ancient tongue (with a more upper-class dialect), Egyptian-Arabic and Japanese, with English in the process. When upset or flustered, he slips back into the ancient variant. Sometimes he may mix words, though, if he's drunk or tired, especially. So you may get Arabinese or whatever.
When concerning others: Generally speaking, he comes off as friendly and open even to strangers. Depending on the character, he may react differently.
In regards to Atem, he may act cordially to the pharaoh, but not much else. There's still a residual grudge there, even if he helped rescue him from his dark half.
In regards to Yugi, he's more open than he is with Atem. Though he doesn't talk much to Yugi due to feeling more guilty on that end. (From using Jonouchi and Anzu).
With Ryo, it's almost a sort of kindred thing. He understands what the other has gone through, and he's definitely kinder to him.
For Bakura, it's neither really hate nor exactly fondness, though he's grateful that the Spirit of the Ring tried to assist even if it was for more personal gain.
Concerning Jonouchi and Anzu, he feels guilt, so he may not come right out and be too friendly. Instead he may feel a little undeserving of their friendship.
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cruella1989 · 2 years
The Tragic Life of Darth Sidious
Why are villains like Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and Kylo Ren considered tragic? Well, the short answer is because they had “tragic” experiences that played into them going down the wrong path (although I think in the case of the latter it’s debatable). But they’re not what I’m going to discuss today, it’s another villain who has an equally sad background, but for some reason is often considered very unsympathetic. That antagonist is none other than the big bad guy, himself, Emperor Palpatine. 
Personally I’ve never understood why so many fans say that it’s “impossible to feel any sympathy for him” and that he has “no redeeming qualities”. I especially don’t understand these type of statements with the fans that pity other villains. I’m talking about bad guys who have killed and hurt many people, some of which have not reformed, others who don’t even have that sad a backstory. Is it because, he’s the guy in charge? To each their own, I guess? 
Anyway, here’s why I view this particular villain a little differently than the norm. (Disclaimer! I am in no way excusing his actions! I know he’s evil, and I’m simply explaining why I think he’s more sympathetic than many other fans do.)
When we first meet Palpatine in the, now Legends, novel Darth Plagueis he is a troubled seventeen year-old, to say the least. There’s also no denying that he’s an egocentric, little jerk right from the start of his initial appearance. It can be hard to see him as anything other than that, especially with some of the things he admits to have done. Those include all kinds of petty crimes and even vehicular man-slaughter! How are you supposed to feel bad for somebody like that? I’d say the first thing you need to do is look at what caused him to become that way.
I think a lot people either ignore or miss a few very important clues when reading the novel that strongly states he was abused by his father and came from a very dysfunctional home. For example, they tend to take his father buying him out of trouble with the law as a sign that he’s a spoiled brat. Of course, that action does send the message to youth that they are above the law no matter the intent. But the book states that the patriarch of the Palpatine home is doing that because he wants no ‘stain’ on the family name, not out of some kind of mislead love for his troubled son. On top of that, the book makes it clear that his father, Cosinga, was a terrible man that did awful things to the family and all sorts of illegal acts. In fact it’s stated that he committed fraud, made bribes, hired hit men, had multiple mistresses, and intimidated his wife and children into being subservient to him.
“Palpatine forced a laugh. “Only because she espouses no views of her own; only because he has made her subservient to him—as he has my well-behaved brothers and sisters, who treat me like an interloper and yet, to my father, represent all I can never be.”
“Plagueis had no need to delve any further into whatever traumas had given rise to Palpatine’s cunning, secretive nature.”
“Cosinga flung his words with cruel abandon, “It will be so good to have you gone.”
Being raise by someone like that in that kind of environment is really going to mess a kid up, especially if said youth already has violent tendencies. All children need some sort moral guidance, but when a child has a bad temper they particularly need help learning how to controlling it. I think it’s pretty safe to say that young Palpatine was getting much the opposite of what he needed in his childhood home.
“…his father, who shared with his son a penchant for violence,…”
“Sidious took a moment to respond. It was odd to think now that he had once known fear... But as a child, he’d experienced fear as a conditioned response to threat. Despite a reassuring voice inside him that had promised no harm could come, there had been, for a time, a chance that something terrible could happen. More than once his father’s raised hand had made him cringe.”
But, what about him killing his own family before he even became a Sith apprentice? Okay, there’s a difference between premeditated murder and self defense. Palpatine’s dad had just said he wanted to kill him, and in response the boy unleashed a force-storm on him. It was obviously result of a bunch of fear, anger and force power that had been bottled up inside of him. The author makes it plain that he doesn’t know what he’s doing and that he’s even scared of his own power. Heck, Palpatine even tells his mother to stay away from him while this mess in going on. Please, keep in mind he’s only seventeen, has had no force training, and his father just said he wanted him dead.
Also, do not forget that Hego Damask, (aka Plagueis) who was likely Palpatine’s only friend, had goaded him on about killing his father only a few days earlier, when the boy stated that he wanted be free of his family. Yes, he tells the impressionable teenager a story about how he ‘did away’ with his own family, when they were in the way of his own desires. He even admits it after the event is over. 
This particular act by Damask obviously left a big impression on Palpatine and angered him even decades later. This is shown when Sidious brings it up right before killing Plagueis and becoming Sith Master.
{“Hated you more than you know,” Cosinga said, allowing his ire to rise once more. “Enough to want to kill you from the start.”
Palpatine stood his ground. “Then you had better do it now.”
Cosinga took a step in Palpatine’s direction…}
“Palpatine stood rooted in place, his hands trembling in front of him and his face stricken. Something stirred behind his incandescent eyes. He heard the pounding on the hatch and whirled. “Don’t come in! Stay away from me!”
“It was Hego Damask as Plagueis who then set his sights on a seemingly confused young man and, with meticulous skill, manipulated him into committing patricide, matricide, and fratricide.”
Another argument I see being made against young Palpatine has to due with a few insults he and his father throw at each right before the latter’s death. I’ve heard many fans claims that these quotes prove that he was “born evil” or “it’s meant to symbolize the devil”.
{“…You are an animal heart.”
“King of Beasts, Father,” Palpatine said.}
“I knew this day would come. I’ve known it since the first moment I tried to swaddle you, and you fought me with strength that was too powerful for your size and age.”
Okay, to start with his abusive father calling him ‘an animal’ doesn’t mean that he behaved in a sadistic way his entire life. I know that that’s popular belief when in comes to that line, but it is not true. Remember, this is the guy who made most of his family subservient to him. So why wouldn’t he call his rebellious eldest son, a name like that? If the insult did have any meaning to it (beyond just being mean) likely he’s referring to the boy’s bad temper and his trouble with the law. And second Palpatine’s response is more than likely a claim that he’s stronger than his father, not confirming that he’s ‘demonic’ or whatever.
 Also, baby Palpatine being strong and more powerful than the average infant does not prove that he was born evil, or was some kind of demon baby. It only confirms that he was strong in the force from infancy. And guess what? Babies fight all the time.
So, did the troubles stop once the dysfunctional family was gone? Not exactly. After witnessing Palpatine’s strength in the force and hearing the boy admit that his true desire was to be powerful, Plagueis decided to offer him an apprenticeship. Damask revealed that he was a Sith Lord, and told Palpatine that if he swore his allegiance to the order, then he could obtain great power. 
He, of course, took the offer as he did crave power, and there was a promise of it. Was it the right path to take? No. Did he join for selfish reasons, like the promised strength and authority. Of course, why else would he? But, that doesn’t change the fact that he was put through a lot brutal physical, mental and emotional tests while going through Sith training. 
I’d also like to add, that unbeknownst to the his new pupil, the Sith Master had other plans to use the boy as a way of obtaining power for himself. This basically involve getting Palpatine elected Chancellor, (since a human stood a better chance than a Muun) and using Sidious as a ‘puppet’ while he called the shots. So Plagueis was not innocent here, by any means.
"He admits it! And who better than a human to wear the mask of power while an immortal Sith Lord rules in secret!" 
{“Now tell me again, Apprentice, and in greater detail.”
Once more Sidious allowed his memories to unfold, and he relived the crime— the event as he had come to think of it. His father’s limp and bloody body, the smashed skulls of the bodyguards, his hands around his mother’s slender throat—but not really, only in his mind—strangling her with his thoughts, the lifeless forms of his siblings, slumped here and there. In telling it and telling it, in reliving it, he had finally gained a kind of authority over it; the ability to see the event merely for what it was, without emotion, without judgement. It was as if the event had occurred years, rather the months, earlier.}
“…You want strangle me like you did you’re poor, misunderstood mother, tear me limb from limb like you did the bodyguards. Fair enough. But to do so you will have to make a greater effort, Apprentice.”
Clawing his way across the tundra, his body rashed with lightsaber burns, Sidious looked up at Plagueis imploringly, “H-how much longer…Master?” 
The final dispute that I tend to hear made against him is that he was “tricking” his master, Plagueis, the whole time they worked together. Personally, I never saw that. Much of the dialog, his internal thoughts and the situations that he was in during the Sith training made it pretty clear Sidious was not the one in control. 
Now it is true that Palpatine does start tricking him later, as he gains more desire for power, and wants to kill Plagueis and become the Sith Master. It starts off subtlety but you can tell when he starts loosing respect for Plagueis and wondering when he will be the one in charge. I’m not saying that it didn’t start before that, but I just have a hard time imagining the young Sidious “clouding” his master’s mind the entire time, without any previous training.
I’d also like to point out that despite popular belief, it’s actually never stated that he was tricking him the whole time, not even during his villainous rant at the end. What Palpatine actually says is that he never intended to share the power. And okay even if he had somehow been “clouding” Plagueis’ mind (despite having no force training) during the entire apprenticeship, what do you expect out some one who was raised in a dysfunctional home until age seventeen and was then taken in by a mass murderer? 
“You lost the game on the very first day you chose to train me to rule by your side—or better still under your thumb!”
“The truth is, I haven’t changed. As we have clouded the minds of the Jedi, I clouded your’s. Never once did I have any intention of sharing power with you.”
Now, I’m sure that people are going to claim that, unlike many other Star Wars villains, he still as no redeeming qualities. Of course, having no positive qualities makes it much harder to view him in any sort of positive light or feel pity for him. At least it would be if that were true. Especially in Legends timeline, there are several glimpses of humanity that we see from him. These are mostly shown by some attempts to help and in hints that he cares about his apprentices in his own twisted way.
“…that the force was strong in the infant was reason enough not to let it wonder around unprotected, and perhaps fall in the hands of the Jedi.”
“There is a moment—just one moment,” McDiarmid remembers, “It’s after Anakin’s been almost destroyed and he’s got little life in him. Palpatine has sent for a medical team and he’s waiting for them to arrive—and he just gently touches Anakin’s forehead. Sidious doesn’t have any qualities we normally associate with humanity, except he does have a master-servant relationship with Anakin. Anakin means something to him.” 
The Making of Star Wars: Episode III- The Revenge of the Sith 
J.W. Rinzler 
I hope that you enjoyed this article and that it has clarified things, and maybe helped you see him in a bit of a different light.  
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artdev · 3 years
I’m probably gonna get attacked for this lol
Tommy Character Analysis
From a sane yet angry child
The character of Tommyinnit is one of the worst characters on the entirety of the Dream SMP. Yes, the other characters have their flaws, and they have all done some very horrible things, but Tommy has continuously made bad decisions. These decisions have done nothing good for himself and have caused suffering for the other members of the SMP. In this essay I will provide reason to the fact character Tommy fucking sucks and every other character, yes including Dream, are so much better and have redeeming qualities to their characters. I will give a disclaimer: this is about THE CHARACTERS not the CONTENT CREATORS
Tommy’s First Days on the SMP
Tommy’s first day on the SMP was the last day of peace that server would ever see. From the get-go Tommy did nothing but cause nothing but problems for the original people on the server (Dream, George, Sapnap, Bad, Sam, Ponk, Callahan, and Alyssa) which resulted in a ban from not only from Dream, after refusing to obey under his exile he was put in, himself but also from George. The bans were lifted but everything spiraled from that point on. Tommy was the spark that started the disc war. This was a war that spanned over a series of months because Tommy would not stop killing Dream, so in return Dream confiscated tommy’s discs as a punishment, it was Dreams server, so he was not going to let Tommy go around causing problems without consequence.
Quick history
L ’Manburg
L’ Manburg started out as nothing but a drug caravan, started by Wilbur and tommy, would grow into a large country separated by large black walls keeping everyone out and let only a select few in. After a war Tommy did the only selfless thing, he would ever do in his whole time on the SMP. He gave up one of his discs for L’Manburg’s independence, after losing a dule with Dream. In all this tommy keeps up his thieving and antagonizing ways.
The election
The election was Wilbur’s attempt to regain power and respect within his country, there were multiple parties, POG 2020 (Wilbur and Tommy), SWAG 2020 (Quackity), Schlatt 2020 (JSchlatt). POG 2020 was the overall winner but was beat out by 1% by Schlatt and Quackity who had formed a coalition. With Schlatt as the president and Quackity as the Vise President the country is changed to Manburg, the walls are torn down, and Tommy and Wilbur have their citizenship is revoked and are banned from Manburg.
Pogtopia and Manburg v Pogtopia
Pogtopia was the ravine that served as a base for Tommy and Wilbur after the election. This is when techno (my fuckin beloved) had joined and sided with Tommy and Wilbur with the promise of chaos and war. With techno on their side, they start to build up and prepare for war. The war between Pogtopia (with the old residents of Manburg) and Manburg (pretty much everyone else on the server). The war ended with Schlatt having a heart attack in the remains of the destroyed drug van, Tubbo becoming president of Manburg, followed by Wilbur blowing up the country, with assistance from techno, and his grand death at the hands of his father.
Tommy was sent into his third exile by Tubbo after Tommy once again was causing problems for Tubbo and the new L ’Manburg. Tommy was sent thousand and thousands of blocks away from the greater SMP and he was not allowed to return unless he wanted to die. After spending months in exile with Dream coming by every day and taking Tommy’s things, and tommy almost taking his last canon life, tommy had escaped exile and went to the closest place he could go. Tommy set up a base under Technoblades retirement home and was soon discovered by Techno. Despite Tommy stealing Techno’s items and just being a annoying ass bitch, Techno let Tommy stay. With the help of techno tommy was able to sneak in and out of L’ Manburg.
Final L’ Manburg War
After a confrontation in the remains of a now destroyed community house, Tommy had sided with Tommy, another declaration of war, with Dream and techno going to blow up L’ Manburg. Tommy planed with the other members to gather resources to face off the most powerful people on the server. In the end L’ Manburg lost and was destroyed with nothing left but a sizable crater in its place.
The end of the disc war and drams imprisonment
The end of season two of the SMP was the end of the disc war, after tommy and Tubbo meet up with Dream at the top of a large mountain, where the three fought to get the discs. Dream eventually leads the two brits to a bunker where Dream had been collecting the attachments on the server, like Tommy’s cow henry, Ghostbur’s sheep Friend, and open slots for other pets and Skeppy. While Dream was going to kill Tubbo he was stopped when the entirety of the SMP, lead by Punz, came through the nether portal that led into Dream’s base. They surrounded Dream and caused him to surrender, and landed him in pandoras vault, a large prison built by Sam under Dreams request. Whist Dream has been in prison Tommy has visited a few times and has done nothing but was nothing but an annoying child to an already suffering man. During what was supposed to be Tommy’s last visit he ended up being locked in the cell with Dream due to a potential security breach in the prison, meaning tommy was stuck with Dream for what was only supposed to be a week. Tommy was stuck with Dream for more than a week, like was stated in the terms and conditions of the prison, this extended time alone with Dream was bad for the both of them and it led to tommy losing his last canon life. Tommy was revived by Dream three days later and was freed from the prison shortly after, now out and full of fresh trauma.
Present events
After being revived and released back into the world tommy swore that he would kill Dream. As of tommy’s most recent lore stream there was an attempt. Tommy armed with invisibility and fire res pots, under the cover of Ghostbur paying Dream a visit, snuck into the prison to kill Dream. When tommy finally go to Dream’s cell, he got to trigger happy and took out the axe to soon which ended in tommy being caught by Sam and left Ghostbur stranded with Dream on the other side of the lava. Now that Dream had Ghostbur he would be able to bring Wilbur back and that exactly was happened, Wilbur is now back and as crazed as ever with 13 and a half years of isolation on top of that.
Tommy and His Trauma
I will not ignore Tommy’s trauma, nor will I downplay what he’s been through, cause truly been through a lot. That being said his trauma should not be used as an excuse to blow off what he’s done, if one is going to do that you better danm well not go around and ignore others trauma. Tommy has been through some horrible things, his exile, Dream’s manipulation, being beat to death in prison then being revived, losing not only a brother figure but also a place he called home, as well as the manipulation from Wilbur, these things can really do some damage to a kid or an adult. Tommy though uses his trauma to excuse any wrong thing he does. There are characters on the SMP with similar trauma, Jack Manifold was the first character to come lose all his canon lives but he came back out of spite, both Tommy and Jack went through something similar. Jack, however, doesn’t use this trauma to make excuses for being a massive prick. Jack uses what he’s been through as motivation, while it’s one of his motivations to do something bad, but he doesn’t use it as a hindrance. Now let’s look at someone has experienced the same things as Tommy, Tubbo, Tubbo went through almost everything Tommy went through plus more. Tubbo was manipulated by Dream, saw his country get blown up TWICE, hell he had to mourn the death of his best friend on TWO SEPREATE OCCASIONS, he was killed by someone he thought he could be trusted, was manipulated as well as verbally abused by Schlatt when working in his cabinet. Tubbo has gone on to build his own little town, start a family, he had run a country pretty danm well and created NUKES. Tubbo doesn’t let what happened to him hold him back from doing great things or keep him stuck in his old ways, Tubbo was able to break from what he originally was, a side kick, and has done wonders.
Tommy and His Relationships
Keep in mind this is not about whether Tommy cares about people it’s about how he acts and how that affects others. Tommy cares people so I cannot shame him for that, but despite that he still causes problems for said people.
Tommy and Dream
Tommy and Dream have never gotten along, anyone with fuckin eyes can see that from a mile away, they are always at each other’s throats and always butting heads. Dream is normally pretty levelheaded, until Tommy comes around. When Tommy was trapped in the cell with dream that was bad from the start, but the extended time was even worse. Tommy has always been an aggressor towards Dream, during the war for L ’Manburg when Dream was meeting with Wilbur, Tommy lashed out at Dream and put the independence of this new nation on the line to try and fight Dream. Now on to more recent examples, Tommy’s death. When Tommy was trapped with Dream in the cell Dream was pretty stand offish, if anything he was excited at first, being stuck in a cell with no one to talk to is pretty fuckin lonely. That excitement was sure to be short lived. Tommy is quick to start antagonizing Dream, hitting him, hurling insults at him, and just being all around unpleasant, Tommy would also take things like Dream’s clock and books and throw them into the lava just to upset him. Tommy also killed the one thing in prison that Dream had, a cat that he named hope, another thing Tommy took away just to show “what happens to things you care about”. All these things would build up over time which lead to Dreams burst of anger and caused Tommy’s death.
Tommy and Technoblade
Time to get absolutely PISSED. Techno was never a person to Tommy, he was just the Blade, a weapon to be used till he was not needed. Ever since Techno first logged on Tommy though he had scary dog privileges, getting mad at techno for when he went and assisted Wilbur in the destruction of L ’Manburg when techno had made it clear he was not a fan of government. After Tommy had fled from his exile he went to hide under Techno’s home without Techno’s knowledge, before he was discovered by Techno, he would steal from him and use them in useless ways, such as decorating his hidey hole with gold blocks or how he stole Techno’s gapples and ate them when he didn’t need to, practically wasting them. Once he was found by Techno, Techno let Tommy live with him despite being a leach, he let tommy eat the gapples, and even assisted in getting tommy in and out of L ’Manburg, he even hid Tommy from dream and lied to one of the most powerful people on the server to keep tommy safe. Techno was very patient with Tommy and what does Tommy do? He goes around and goes back to Tubbo, the man who exiled him in the first place, actively backstabbing Techno, and when him and Dream team up and destroy L ’Manburg for the second time he has THE GULL to get mad and shame Techno for it, it’s fucking awful.
Tommy and Tubbo
Tommy and Tubbo are great friends, I can’t lie about that, but he still manages to make shitty decisions that affect him. When Tubbo was president of the New L ’Manburg Tommy started causing trouble, all starting when he (and Ranboo) burned down George’s house, forcing Tubbo to put his vice president under a probation. Even after being put under the probation, he still caused problems. Tommy made Tubbo choose between the safety and freedom for his country or his best friend staying, in the end it was tommy’s fault for being casted into exile, he just wouldn’t behave and follow the rules. He also constantly pushed Tubbo’s trauma to the side to put a spotlight on his own, making him the center of attention, ignoring someone who’s supposed to be his best friend. Now, I will say, he did do something good for Tubbo, during the final disc confrontation he gave Dream the disc’s they were fighting so hard for in return for Tubbo’s safety, I have to give credit when credit is due.
To The C!Tommy Apologists
I know people are going to come after me for this, to any Tommy apologists reading this, please just can it /nm. In canon tommy is about 20 something? You can’t keep using “Oh HeS a ChILd!’ CC!Tommy is a child. Yes, I understand he’s traumatized, so is every other character on the SMP, he isn’t special. Also, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LEAVE US DREAM APOLOGISTS ALONE. All your arguments are so similar and you all thing dream, who is obviously mentally ill, deserves the everyday beating which is incredibly fucked up. Now I know not ALL Tommy apologists are like this but it is a lot of them, regardless of what dream did, he does not deserve to be rarely fed and he does not deserve the constant torture. Also please stop wit the whole ‘dream is obsessed with tommy’ shit, I can’t remember the tag for it at the time of writing this, but it is the creepiest thing I’ve seen and everyone portrays dream to be some yandere stalker and its just not poggers to be honest, and it comes off as very predatory which is ALSO not poggers. To any tommy apologists friends I know IRL this is not directed at you and just know I love y’all.
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buffysummerslay · 3 years
I have watched Lucifer series finale yesterday and I am still reeling from feelings, feelings I need to work through to be able to move on.
Unfortunately, I am late to the party and I have started watching Lucifer (despite the show being on my radar for a few years already) when season 6 came out, and this turned avoiding spoilers about the ending as well as the show itself into an extremely hard task. I have, of course, seen some reactions to the ending and it was obvious that the viewers were divided between "the ending was amazing, they really did the story and the characters justice" and "what the fuck was that". I always take these reactions, especially when they come instantly after the episode has ended, with a grain of salt because, realistically, I haven't been fully satisfied with the way a tv show has ended - any tv show - since, like, 2010. However, I also know that there is a difference between "okay, the ending was anticlimactic/disappointing/etc, however, it is the journey that matters and I am still pretty happy with the show" and HIMYM type of ending where you are like "I want this show wiped from my memory because the final hour has ruined the entire experience for me". So, I took some time to reflect on the events that took place, gather my thoughts, and make my peace with the ending. After doing that, I can comfortably say that I am not fully satisfied with the ending because of one very simple reason - I can make sense of the choices taken by the character at the very end of the show only if I use "Lucifer gave Rory his word" rationale, and not because I believe in the theory they provided or the choices they make. So here are some of my thoughts about the ending of this beloved show, including both the things I liked and disliked. Be warned, there are spoilers ahead so if you haven't seen the show, the final season or the series finale, please stop reading because you don't want to manifest spoilery energy into your life!
The main thing I have a problem with is the time loop. I will begin by saying that I really dislike time travel in general - I think that it is an overly used plot divice that more than often creates holes in the story instead of driving the narrative where it needs to go, unless the concept of time travel is integral to the show, like for example in Timeless and Fringe. However, in this case, I dislike that the major characters have made a major decision (a serious, impactful, life-altering decision) based on a flimsy theory. And since they have told us exactly what will happen in the end, we simply didn't know why and how, I have expected a more bulletproof reasoning instead of a rushed conversation wrapped up in five minutes and sealed by a promise. Lucifer leaves Chloe and Rory and goes back to hell, Rory grows up resenting him and she becomes so angry she travels through time to confront him only to end up being the reason for his departure, therefore creating an unbreakable time loop. She makes her parents give her their word that they won't change a thing in order to make sure that Lucifer discovers his true calling, which is helping souls in Hell break their hell loops and ascend to Heaven. And the reason I am so hesitant to accept this is because of two reasons:
1. Lucifer has made amazing progress through the show when it comes to his character development, finding his worth and making peace with his identity, and yet you are trying to tell me that this is the only way he would discover his true calling, especially now when he has a higher level of understanding himself than ever before? And especially since these thoughts and doubts have already been in his mind aka him postponing to become God long before Rory's arrival into their timeline!
2. The consequences of our actions are the results of the choices we make, not the other way around. And sometimes, different choices can lead to different outcomes and sometimes the array of choices we make lead to the same outcome. It is absolutely possible that if they broke the time loop and made different choices, that their actions would lead them to the same outcome aka Lucifer finding his calling while remaining in their lives. I think that it is fully possible for them to make a timeline B (the timeline that would have been created if they broke the time loop) based on the discoveries from the timeline A (their current timeline). There's no reason for me to believe otherwise.
Apart from the discovery of Lucifer's calling, the only thing that came out of the time loop was pain, suffering and probably a lot of loneliness. Even the good things that came out of the time loop (like Lucifer and Rory bonding) are a consequence of the pain that it caused. Of course, if they broke a time loop and created a completely new timeline, choices they would make there could theoretically end up having worse consequences on their lives. They could also be better, or they could be completely the same. The thing is, we don't know, we can only speculate and that is exactly what bothers me. The main characters made a major decision based on a speculation. I don't necessarily have a problem with the things that have happened, but rather with how they happened and how they were explained. Or better to say, how they weren't. I think that they should have completely dedicated the season to exploring this and reassuring us that this is the right choice to make and the right way to go.
Also, the concept of free will and making one's own choices has been pretty integral to the show. We have watched Lucifer struggle with the concept since the beginning of the show because he was convinced he is only a puppet in his father's grand plans. There were many events in the show reinforcing that belief, like Chloe being the gift from God. It took him seasons to accept that he chose to stay in her life, to be close to her, to be her partner in work as well as in life and in that acceptance he finally found the strength to tell her that he loves her. He chose her and she chose him. And while one can argue that leaving them and going back to hell was Lucifer's choice (since, technically, he could have chosen to break his word to his daughter and change things), it is one he didn't want to make. In the final episode he says that he desires to watch his daughter grow up and before he leaves for Hell he tells Chloe he doesn't want to leave her (she even responds that she doesn't want him to leave either, but that this is the choice that they are making for Rory's sake), making me feel like he is making this choice out of duty, out of fear and not because he wants to. He finally accepted that the choices he makes are his and his only, and the final choice in the show was made for him instead by him - I really don't think that the character deserved this. Lucifer gave Rory his word and we know he always goes by his word - they have turned one of the most essential qualities of his character into a plot device and an instrument that caused pain. Additionally, since Rory asked him not to change anything, it was implied that Lucifer can't come back to Earth in order not to risk changing anything even though it is completely possible for him to balance his work hours in Hell and his family time on Earth, like Amenadiel did. I also found this completely unfair and it felt like Lucifer was "banished" to Hell, not only missing out on being with Chloe and watching Rory grow up, but also staying away from his friends and the life he had built for himself. However, on the brighter side, Lucifer doing this - something he doesn't completely understand, something he doesn't want to do - is incredibly selfless of him and only shows how much he has grown. A character who has been described as selfish and self-serving from the very beginning does something so ultimately selfless, something that doesn't serve him in any way - quite the opposite, it pains him. As I said, I don't necessarily mind how things played out, I mind the lack of guarantee that they had to be this way. The only thing we don't know is if Lucifer and Chloe were in contact over the years since Chloe could have kept in touch with him behind Rory's back - maybe she sent him pictures of Rory, and maybe they exchanged letters. I am very doubtful because this would probably make the whole situation harder on them nor do I think that they would risk it because they wouldn't be able to know if their actions are breaking the time loop or if they are a part of the original timeline but hey, this is the stuff that fan fictions are made of!
And finally, I very much disliked the parallel between Lucifer and God - Lucifer abandoning his child for the sake of doing his job and that child growing up resenting him - if it was their intention to draw such a parallel. I think that God somewhat "redeemed" himself in Lucifer's eyes and that through accepting himself Lucifer also learned how to stop resenting his father for the things that transpired between them, and I don't necessarily believe that Lucifer had to walk in his father's shoes to understand him. So, in my opinion, this was completely unnecessary. Something I did like was Lucifer's calling - I think that it shows nicely the full circle he has made and that the souls he thought he is supposed to torture he is now helping heal. In a way, Hell is also the reflection of who Lucifer is - when he saw himself as broken, as evil, as unworthy and undeserving, Hell was also a place of torture - it was a reflection of him. And now that he accepted himself and that others have accepted him for who he is as well, it is a place of healing. In the end, Hell is his kingdom and he can choose to rule it the way he wants to. He broke his own hell loop and he truly became a lightbringer.
And, of course, Lucifer and Chloe (they are so soft and I am so soft for them). Taking into consideration my very bad OTP track reckord, I kinda expected a much, much worse ending for them - I mean, the Devil falling in love with a human, what could possibly go wrong, right? I knew from the very beginning that they aren't getting a pure, wholeseome, family-like ending. In order for that to happen, she would either have to become immortal (leaving Trixie, losing her detective identity), or he would have to become mortal - both of these scenarios feel cheap and I never would have wanted this for them or the show. Another option was to give them their happy life on Earth but then they would either have to leave a somewhat open ending or deal with the fact that ultimately, as a mortal, Chloe will die. And if they were given their happy ending on Earth, who knows if they would end up together in afterlife. Even if they did, it definitely wouldn't feel as emotional and as gratifying as it does now. The thing is, it is easy to give in to the pain of their separation when we measure it by the pivotal moments of happiness and loss that drive the lives of humans - him not being there when Rory was born or when she grew wings or when she started school - and it is even harder when you know how much she needed him and how much he wanted to be there for her. It is even more painful when you think about Chloe spending her entire lifetime without him, carrying all that pain inside of her, and him spending what had to be centuries alone in Hell. However, this is a fantasy show and many of our characters are immortal, celestial beings who have a different understanding of time, so maybe the idea of what a happy ending is and the rules for measuring happiness aren't the same as they would have been under other circumstances. Chloe became lieutenant and tried to make a difference, and she got to raise her daughters and see them grow up, and Lucifer helped so many souls heal, doing so much good. And now they get to spend the eternity together, solving crimes and kicking ass in the afterlife! Many of their friends and family are immortal, celestial beings too and (I am pretty sure) they can pay a visit to their human friends in Heaven... or see them in Hell, but let's hope not! In the end, what is one lifetime compared to eternity? Of course, none of this makes for the time they have lost, the momories they didn't get to make and the moments he wasn't there for, but now there are so many new memories they will get to make and so many moments to catch up on. It is bittersweet, but I think that's how it was supposed to be - in the end, pain is part of life.
I also have a few (dis)honourable mentions:
1. I am really sad and disappointed Lucifer didn't get to say goodbye to Trixie. She was gone for the majority of the season, but she was also a very important person in his life and he loved her. And we know how much she loved him.
2. I can't get over Rory travelling through time to kill her father because she is angry at him... sis, you kill him before he makes you, you wipe yourself out of existence.
3. I can't believe that they were surprised that Chloe got pregnant after having loads of superhuman sex (without any protection, apparently) after another human already got pregnant with an angel not that long ago.
4. Lucifer saying goodbye to Maze will forever remain one of the most beautiful scenes in the show.
5. The final major scene between Chloe and Lucifer, where they say goodbye before he leaves for hell, lives in my head rent free. I was choking on tears watching that scene, I literally had to pause and rewind three times. Such a beautiful(ly painful) scene. Also, when you have a ship and a person A says to the person B "close your eyes", pain is coming. I swear I travelled back to 1999 when Buffy said the same thing to Angel before sending him to a hell dimension.
6. When Chloe dies and goes to Heaven and Amenadiel greets her and asks her if she's ready to go home and then takes her to Lucifer was so pure. Her Heaven is being in Hell with Lucifer and there's something deeply poetic about that.
7. Hearing hello detective for the last time cleared my skin.
I have really and truly enjoyed the show, and the minor inconsistencies I see in its ending can't change that. I loved the show because it told stories about people and it allowed them to drive the narrative, and I can't say many shows these days do that.
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travoltacustom · 3 years
The Presentation of Hifumi’s Trauma
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I’ve been thinking on how Hifumi’s trauma has been presented for years now, and with the release of Bad Ass Temple VS Matenro, I feel like now’s as good a time as any to give my thoughts on this.
Note: This is in no way a defense of KR for the presentation of Hifumi’s trauma, but it is an analysis of such. I’m open to discussion on this and you’re free to disagree with me at any point on this. Most of this was also written BEFORE the release of the album, save for the last section.
CW: Mentions of abuse, trauma and rape + spoilers of the MTR dramatrack
I hear a lot that the presentation of Hifumi’s trauma is a ‘poor attempt at humour’, but I don’t exactly think it’s that simple. It is still a presentation of trauma, but it’s not portrayed as humorous in comparison to the rest of the humour of the series.
Hifumi panics when he sees women. He is unable to do anything until women are removed from the scene - but these instances are hardly ever the focus of the scene. It’s mostly used as a scene cutter to progress the story. When Chuo enters, Hifumi’s panic cuts off the situation and the focus shifts straight to the women. When the women find Hifumi, Doppo, Gentaro and Dice, Hifumi’s jacket is taken away to shift focus off of the women and to have Gentaro and Dice speak. Rather, Hifumi’s panic at these times are plot movers and not the focal point of the scene. Sadly, they can be seen as plot devices, but it’s not supposed to be seen as humour.
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In addition to this, the ‘hysterical’ screaming (for lack of a better word) in the presence of women is limited to the dramatracks. In the manga and the anime, Hifumi runs away/removes himself from the presence of women. The purpose of Hifumi’s hysteria in the dramatracks is for visualisation purposes as there’s no visual aids - the reactions to women are toned down in the anime and manga. With this, it’s easier to believe that the anime and manga is the ‘intended’ portrayal of his reactions as the dramatrack has to make up for what isn’t seen.
The narrative is very aware that Hifumi’s trauma affects him badly. It’s a panic response. But it’s not the same as a panic attack. We know how awful the presentation of such can be, and it’s definitely something triggering for a lot of people. Personally, I would feel horrible to see him have a panic attack every time he saw a woman. KR doesn’t want to make his discomfort the focus of the scene either. Simply put, I think his trauma response is a part of the scene, but has less plot purpose than what is going on around it. 
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Trauma can be presented in different ways, but it’s more controlled to see only a glimpse of how trauma has affected Hifumi. There are other ways of showing this trauma and how it’s affected Hifumi that HPMI has already covered: Hifumi being unable to take off his suit jacket, behavioural change when wearing the jacket, his extremely warped perception of danger when his life is threatened etc. He’s spent 10 years adapting to the trauma and is in a stage of recovery as he’s going to confront his said abuser. If we were compounding this plot point with an idea of a Hifumi that is always having panic attacks, then we would have a Hifumi that is clearly not ready to deal with what he wants.
We know the writers can portray trauma as such from Jyushi’s backstory. If we remember the fandom response, there were people who were legitimately triggered to varying degrees by what happened to Jyushi’s grandmother and the severe bullying he suffered. Really, I believe that Hifumi’s trauma hasn’t been the forefront of scenes because narratively it’s not the time for this to happen yet.
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There seems to be a ‘trauma-porn’ narrative around the need to have Hifumi’s trauma played out ‘correctly. Trauma porn is media that showcases a group’s pain and trauma in excessive amounts for the sake of entertainment. There’s no need right now to show the extent of how badly Hifumi has been affected, because his trauma isn’t the focal point of the story or his character. His past is about to be shown, but it shouldn’t be what defines Hifumi as a character. And even more importantly so, there’s no ‘right’ version of trauma to portray.
[ This section is written post Bad Ass Temple VS Matenro’s dramatrack.]
There are no redeeming qualities to Honobono, the source of Hifumi’s trauma. She’s despised by Chuohku and kept around for her ‘usefulness’, and Doppo was unsure of Hifumi going to confront his own abuser. However, in the recent dramatrack, Hifumi’s power is taken away from him in Honobono forcing herself into his space. This is the first time we’ve ever seen Hifumi have an explosion of emotions; ‘a typical image of a panic attack’. It is an audibly uncomfortable scene, just as Jyushi’s backstory was to read. There are different levels to trauma responses that HPMI has shown us with the 1st season’s Hifumi with short moments, but this instance is long and drawn out with guttural screaming.
HPMI was always perfectly capable of showing trauma, but for a listener, to hear this sort of occurrence every time around a woman would be potentially harmful. At this moment, Hifumi was nearly completely paralysed, suffering a breakdown of his identity by switching pronouns and screaming (similar to Gentaro’s breakdown at the insult of his clothes). It is difficult to listen to this. I don’t believe you would’ve wanted to hear this every time Hifumi was reminded of Honobono. We’ve even learned that the abuse might not have been dealt directly to Hifumi but to his family - we see Hifumi’s love for his family here in being so torn by her actions, and how trauma does not have to deal with someone directly either.  However, the first instances of Hifumi’s trauma were more ‘digestible’ for a viewer, and they set us up for this moment. It was good that Hifumi’s panic responses were less heavy than the blow we’ve been dealt with this dramatrack.
In meeting Hifumi, Honobono greets her with “Hi-Fu-Mi”, just like how Hifumi says his own name in songs. It is most likely that Honobono said his name like this when they were in highschool; for Hifumi to use it in his songs now can be seen as a reclamation of his identity, as now Honobono can’t use his own name against him. Hifumi has spent years recovering from her, and seeing small hints of how he’s trying to move on from that time is a legitimately good way to understand the recovery from trauma.
The HPMI fandom seemed to have an ‘obsession’ with what exactly traumatised Hifumi up until this point. Most believed that it would have been sexual abuse/rape, given that he fears the opposite gender, and it wouldn’t have been the first time sexual themes have appeared in HPMI (the trafficked women at the start of BB/MTC’s manga). However, to think that ‘there is only one sort of trauma that can cause Hifumi’s pain’ is a dangerous idea. Almost anything can be traumatising, and almost anything can be a trigger. 
There’s no need to theorise ‘what is good enough’ to be a trauma for him. To fear women, it can simply be that a woman has done something bad to him - which we see is Honobono. When we hear women fearing men because a man did something bad to them, we don’t theorise what exactly happened to her. There’s the automatic assumption that gendered fear is the result of sexual abuse, when in reality, it can be any manner of abuse that has caused this.
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So I don’t think KR is portraying Hifumi’s trauma as humorous. It’s definitely awkward, but the narrative has constantly made it clear that he’s in a state of discomfort that stems from trauma and Doppo and Jakurai always do their best to move him out of those situations without drawing too much attention. Nobody in the story laughs at him, save for Asunaro, who’s an ill-mannered child without sensitivity towards both Doppo and Hifumi, and Honobono, the source of his trauma. Those who don’t understand Hifumi in the adult cast however only find confusion in him. 
There’s no ‘best’ portrayal of trauma in any media. But it’s clear that HPMI isn’t trying to be malicious or poke fun at any sort of trauma at all. If anything, I think the portrayal of it so far has been relatively ‘easy’ on common audiences that don’t explore such media, helping people to realise how trauma can manifest without forcing others who do have trauma to realise their pained experience in this media. Hifumi has been painted as someone relatable to those with trauma because he’s still a man who’s capable of doing his best while still stumbling along his way to recovery. Traumatised shouldn’t be the descriptor of Hifumi, but he is a character that has been traumatised.
While Honobono and her abuse is an integral part of Hifumi’s backstory, she does not define him as a person. To portray Hifumi as a strong character, despite moments of trauma responses, was a suitable choice in treating him respectably. 
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bytheangell · 3 years
Truth Be Told
( @shadowhunterbingo​ square: Two-Person Love Triangle) (Read on AO3)
Magnus can pinpoint nearly every moment he made a decision that went entirely against what he’s supposed to be doing right now. He was aware of each of them as they happened, but he did them anyway, bringing himself closer and closer to the point of no return he faces now.
What he’s supposed to be doing is getting close to Alec Lightwood. Close enough to get him to slip up and share any information about his father, Robert, that might help Magnus and his team build a case for a formal indictment against him. Magnus made some social media accounts under the alias ‘Bane’ with the tried-and-true plan of bonding with Alec over some shared interests, then gently prodding for more personal info once they were ‘friends’. He meant to stay detached, uninvested in Alec outside of his usefulness in potentially taking down Robert. It was meant to be easy because Magnus couldn’t imagine there were many redeeming qualities about a doubtlessly repellant brat raised by the Lightwoods.
What Magnus should have done was pull himself the moment he noticed he was starting to develop feelings. Or the moment he started casually reading up on archery because Alec mentioned it was a hobby of his. Or the moment he stopped pushing Alec to talk about his dad because Alec was uncomfortable with the topic. Or the moment he realized the only person he’d been messaging daily for the past few months, more than his own family, or his boss, or even his best friends, was Alec.
What Magnus actually did was allow himself to fall for Alexander entirely, growing fonder with every conversation they had, becoming more endeared with every new detail he learned about Alec, like his volunteer hours at a local youth club, or his basic knowledge of medicine from helping his sister study for med school and how he gets a constant stream of caffeine from his brother’s coffee truck.
And what Magnus does now is take the empty seat next to Alec where he sits at the bar while his friends dance to some mediocre DJ. He says hi, and makes small talk, and flirts like he has no idea who Alec is - because as far as Alec knows this is the first time they’ve ever spoken.
“Sorry,” Alec says, making a face at the sip of Magnus’ whiskey he tries. “I’m just not a big drinker.”
There goes his plan of getting Alec drunk enough to spill the beans on his dad’s private dealings. Magnus should be disappointed but isn’t surprised to find that he’s not, not really. He can be honest enough with himself to admit the ‘plan’ was just an excuse to risk meeting Alec face-to-face: to hear the voice he only imagined for so many months and appreciate the occasional nervous stutters and the flush that creeps high on Alec’s cheekbones when Magnus compliments him.
Magnus grins. “Well, lucky for you I am, which means I know there’s something out there for everyone. We just need to find yours.”
The two of them have an immediate spark. It’s undeniable, and the conversation flows so easily that Magnus loses track of time entirely until Alec’s friends come back to see if he wants to leave, and he tells them to go without him. The conversation is wonderful but it’s the moments that Alec smiles, the ones where he laughs freely and lets go almost in spite of himself, that Magnus loves the most.
Everything seems to be going well until Magnus starts to notice Alec talking less and less as the night goes on. Finally, Alec sighs, and Magnus allows his current story to trail off at the sight of the frown on Alec’s face.
“Is everything alright?”
“I’m sorry. I can’t… I shouldn’t be doing this. It isn’t fair to you,” Alec says suddenly.
Magnus raises an eyebrow at that. “What isn’t?”
Alec hesitates. “It’s going to sound stupid, but… there’s this guy I like. Someone I met online.”
Oh. Magnus shouldn’t feel the sinking, crushing disappointment he does at that moment. After all, this isn’t meant to be a real date. He shouldn’t even have the feelings he does for Alec. This should be good, it should mean he can just get whatever information he can on Robert and leave with no guilt. Because of course, Magnus isn’t the only person Alec’s friends with online. Of course, Alec’s meeting and flirting with other people.
“That doesn’t sound stupid. People meet online all the time,” Magnus says, trying to sound nonchalant. He doesn’t remember Alec ever mentioning anyone, but maybe they weren’t as close as Magnus let himself hope.
“Yeah, but you’re… well, I mean, look at you. You’re gorgeous, and you’re here, and I should want to give that a chance. I’ve never even met Bane in person, and he probably doesn’t even like me back - we aren’t actually dating or anything, but-”
Oh. Magnus can practically feel the swoop in his chest at the realization that Alec can’t bring himself to get invested in him because… well, because he’s already invested in Magnus. He just doesn’t know it.
Magnus’ disappointment shifts suddenly to elation, and then just as quickly to guilt. He barely hears any of Alec’s continued rambling explanation, the words drowned out by his thoughts which now swirl with a panicked rush of possible responses to this unexpected turn of events. He should leave. He should take the easy out and leave. He should walk away before he says or does anything he’ll regret later. Hell, he should go home and delete the accounts and pretend that none of this ever happened.
There are a million and one things he should do… but none of them are the one thing he wants to do.
And he hasn’t done anything he should’ve since this all started, so why start now?
“-anyway, I’m sorry. But I’m sure you don’t deserve to try and date someone who’ll spend half their time hung up on someone else,” Alec finishes.
There’s only one thing he can do that leaves him any chance of ever seeing Alec again - and he very much wants to see Alec again.
The decision Magnus makes next is impulsive. Magnus pulls out his phone, brings up his Bane account, and looks over at Alec with what he hopes is a look of genuine remorse. “No, I’m sorry. And I’d really, really like it if you gave me a chance to explain, but I understand if you don’t want to.”
Magnus watches the confusion on Alec’s face shift to recognition, then surprise, then a flash of anger as tense hands push his phone back across the bar top to him, teeth clenched as he speaks.
“Glad you understand,” Alec says, his voice suddenly cold - and god does it hurt Magnus to hear that shift in tone, however deserved it is. Magnus can only sit and watch as Alec pushes his stool back to leave, then pauses and turns back to Magnus, the anger back in place. “No, you know what? I do want to know. I want to know what explanation you could possibly have for not telling me who you are when you knew... “ Alec’s words trail off as he takes a deep breath to collect himself, but doesn’t continue talking as he sits back down to wait for an explanation.
“I want to start off by saying that everything I ever said to you, I meant. All our conversations, everything I told you - from how terrible I am at playing string instruments to my fear of drowning - none of that was an act. But... when I started talking to you, it was because I was hoping to get information on your father.”
“My father,” Alec huffs out a laugh. “Of course. I should’ve known someone like you would never actually want to talk to me-”
“But that’s just it - I did! I do. I realized ages ago I wasn’t going to get anything out of you about Robert, but I didn’t care. I just liked talking to you, and getting to know you, and… you. I like you, Alexander.”
“Forgive me if I’m finding it difficult to take anything you say at face value right now,” Alec mutters.
“That’s fair,” Magnus says, sighing. Maybe he should let things sit for a day or two, and try messaging Alec to explain once the anger settles a bit. That’s if Alec doesn’t block him the first chance he gets. Either way, it’s obvious nothing he says now is going to matter. “I should leave.”
Magnus doesn’t wait for a response before he’s already standing up to go, his back turned to Alec when Alec speaks again.
“What information did you want about my dad?”
Magnus shakes his head, still not turning back around. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does,” Alec insists. “Because if you haven’t figured it out yet, he and I don’t exactly see eye-to-eye on a lot of things. Or anything at all.”
Magnus winces. “Yeah, I gathered as much.”
Alec frowns. “You did, didn’t you?” Alec’s entire face scrunches up in concentration as he thinks back on something. “I told you I didn’t like talking about him weeks ago and you dropped it, and never brought him up again. Why would you do that?” Some of the harshness is gone from Alec’s tone again.
“Because I realized talking about your dad upset you, and I didn’t want to do that,” Magnus explains. Against his own better judgment Magnus latches on to the small bit of hope he feels from the subtle shift in mood.
“Because you like me,” Alec repeats, not quite a question, but the disbelief behind his words prompts Magnus to answer all the same.
“Yes,” he says, the single word pleading, willing Alec to believe him.
There’s a long stretch of silence and it takes all of Magnus’ self-control to not break it. Instead, he hovers where he still stands next to his chair.
“What if I help you?” Alec finally says. “What if I tell you whatever you need to know about my dad?”
Magnus sits back down abruptly, mostly out of shock. “What?”
“Robert isn’t a good person. He doesn’t tell me a lot, but I hear things. I’ve seen some stuff snooping around places I shouldn’t have. I’ll help, as much as I can,” Alec continues.
Magnus should be thrilled. It’s everything he could’ve hoped for when he started, even if it isn’t how he imagined getting it. But the idea of the information coming at the cost of the friendship and connection he’s made with Alec over the past few months leaves an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“But I need something from you in return,” Alec adds, causing Magnus’ gaze to turn up from where he’d been looking down at his hands to avoid looking into Alec’s eyes.
“What’s that?” Magnus asks, his curiosity piqued.
“There’s nothing between us until after I tell you what you want to know. Once you have what you need on Robert… if you’re lying and this is all just a ploy to get information from me, then you have to promise to leave without a word: delete your online accounts, and I never want to hear from you again.”
“And if I’m not lying?”
Alec takes a deep breath. “Then you promise to take me on a proper first date and we start over, with all the cards on the table.”
Magnus smiles. “That,” he agrees easily. “Is a promise I can absolutely make, darling.”
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arlingtonpark · 3 years
SNK 139 Review Part I: On Eren Jeager and Genocide
Why is this happening?
Folks, I’m going to be honest here: there are no words for this. The main thrust of this chapter is completely inexplicable. It’s stupid. It’s ill conceived. FML.
Just…just the term itself is laughable.
Eren redemption arc.
After everything he’s done, everyone he’s killed, you’re going to try redeeming Eren in the final chapter?
Eren didn’t need to be redeemed. He was a bullheaded kid who didn’t let anyone stop him from doing what he thought needed to be done. He sees the titans outside the walls as enemies to be exterminated. When he learns that his real enemies are other humans, who have a right to freedom as much as he does, he can’t accept it and decides to just exterminate them too. That mindset led him down a tragic path of genocide.
That’s not a bad character arc!
In fact, I’d say it’s very compelling. Nonconformity and obstinance are often presented as virtues; flipping that paradigm on its head and showing the vices of those virtues was legitimately smart and provocative.
Making people rethink what traits are virtues and vices is a great moral to the story, and it paired well with the other moral of cooperation and loving your fellow people.
Then this chapter came out, and they threw all that away.
Eren’s arc once made me think of Aristotle, who argued that true virtue lied between extremes: neither too submissive nor too rebellious.
Now Eren’s arc makes me think of pseudointellectual 4chan philosophy, and dumb teenagers: “He’s not a bad guy, he’s just human!!!”
Eren’s motivations are a mess now. He had no free will, but he also had a plan, but deep down he wanted to do the rumbling no matter what, but actually he really wanted to be with Mikasa.
Oh, and B T dubs, he killed his mom too.
You can tell Isayama is desperate to make Eren as sympathetic as possible to justify making him the anti-hero because he’s throwing everything he can pull out of his ass at Eren.
Really, though, all he ended up doing was smearing shit on the character.
Eren’s plan was to kill a significant part of the human population so the world wouldn’t be as overwhelming a threat as before. Simultaneously, he planned (“planned”) for the alliance to become vaunted heroes to the world when they killed him, thus paving the way to peace.
This…makes no sense?
There is no reason Eren should have believed this would work. During the battle of Trost, Pixis asked him if humanity could unite if threatened by a common enemy. Eren said no.
Eren is a pessimist about people. He sees how much the walldians fought with each other and concluded that people would always be at odds.
And the Tybur family helped defeat the Eldian Empire, but only the Tyburs were seen as heroes by the Marleyans. That good will was not imputed from the Tyburs to the other Eldians on the continent. There’s no reason to think that would happen here when it didn’t back then.
I’m assuming, anyway, that the alliance becoming heroes is supposed to lead to a world where Paradis is safe since that’s supposed to be Eren’s goal.
I’m willing to grant that maybe this part of Eren’s plan was more of a hope on his part. Peace would come only after his death, so he can’t truly “plan” for anything afterwards.
I think it’s safe to say that killing the world’s population was the main part of his plan, since that’s the part he had the most control over.
To the extent he had any control over his actions, which brings me to the next point.
So, turns out Eren had no free will.
Can you not feel Isayama’s desperation?
After all the awful things Eren’s done, Isayama’s brilliant idea to make him sympathetic is to strip him of all agency.
This is done by two routes throughout the chapter.
The first is by building him up as a victim. Eren’s mind is fucked; he can’t really control himself. Any decent person would feel pity for him, which is reinforced by the sorrow Armin visibly feels for him.
Then, like a shotgun blast to the face, we are told that Eren killed his mother in a moment that is clearly supposed to endear us to him.
This is such a transparent appeal for our sympathy. Isayama’s desperation leaps off the page and mugs us of it.
The only thing that this revelation adds to the story is that it gives Armin a reason to take up Eren’s hand, and show him support. You can see Armin’s heart breaking for Eren in that moment.
That’s mostly why this is here: to give the mass murderer a hard luck story so our hearts melt for him.
The second route is that depriving Eren of agency absolves him of blame for what he did.
Eren beat Armin bloody, but you can’t really blame him for it. He was drugged out on the Founding Titan and didn’t want to do it. He was acting on impulse, just going with the flow, so he deserves, at the very least, some leniency.
Eren both having a plan and not having much in the way of free will is contradictory. Everyone still talks about Eren as if he’s someone who is doing stuff even though we’re told he’s not really capable of rational decision making.
I’m going to be nice and assume Isayama’s intent is that when you parse this all out, you end up in a place where Eren is not truly responsible for what he did, and in any event this all ended with the titan curse broken and the world at peace, sooooo break out the champagne everyone, we achieved world peace!
Yeah, bub, I’m not partying right now.
Isayama’s ploy to absolve Eren of blame didn’t work. Eren is still responsible for the people he killed and his Founding Titan lobotomy counts for shit. Turns out it helps to know how free will works when you’re writing about free will.
Free will is the quality of being in control of your actions, at least to the extent necessary to be held responsible for them.
Eren was just going with the flow (wonder what Annie thought of that…), acting on impulse, and getting dragged along by fate, but that’s not actually important.
It’s been known for centuries that current events are caused by previous events and that the current events will bring about future events in a never ending chain of cause and effect. One domino causes another to fall causes another to fall and on and on. This is called determinism.
And that’s ok because we free will exists. It exists even if we can’t do anything other than what we are going to do. It exists in spite of, or even arises out of, determinism.
This premise, that free will and determinism are not mutually exclusive, is the foundation for a family of theories about free will called compatibilism.
Compatibilist free will is the most popular theory of free will. There are a couple of variations on the basic idea, but the gist is that free will exists when your actions can be linked to an aspect of yourself that you identify with.
For example, if you had no choice but to do something, but you’re ok with that because it’s what you wanted anyway, then you have free will.
Even if I didn’t know you’d stop me in the end, I think I still would have flattened this world. 
-Eren Jeager
That’s all I needed to hear.
Eren had free will, at least as much as necessary to blame him for his genocide.
Isayama threw this curveball at us and all it did was ruin Eren as a character while leaving him just as repugnant as before. Incredible. It’s the worst of both worlds.
Before this chapter Eren was a guy who believed in something and followed that belief no matter who got in his way. That was great! It was tragic and sad, but great storytelling.
Where does this chapter leave us?
What we learn in this chapter is that Eren didn’t really believe in anything. He may have free will enough to be a shithead for what he did, but that doesn’t mean he has free will enough to be an interesting character.
Eren coming to grips with him not being free, in an absolute sense, would have been so much more interesting than what we got. Eren started the series comparing humanity to cattle in a pen. He ends the series being literally sheparded by fate to his death like cattle to a slaughterhouse.
And yet we get no exploration of that at all.
It’s lame. Everything about this is lame. From a storytelling perspective, Eren was just along for the ride. Who would want to reread this series now? A story about a boy who’s quest for freedom neither ends tragically nor happily, but is just forgotten about by the end. What’s the point?
There is none.
Eren’s journey ends up lost in the author’s own ignorance of the very thing this is supposed to be about.
Unfortunately, SNK isn’t interested in 80% of the world being dead. If it were, Eren wouldn’t have gotten such a warm send off.
I was honestly shocked when I read this chapter.
I thought it had been made clear. SNK had come firmly down against genocide. I never imagined Isayama would try a 180 in the final chapter.
And, well, he did, and here we are.
SNK is pro-genocide.
To wit:
Once Eren’s abominable plan is explained to everyone, he is lavished with love and comfort by his friends.
Armin did punch Eren for being callous about Mikasa, but overall all Armin had nothing but sympathy and understanding for Eren. They held hands and hugged and gave Eren a tender farewell.
All they talk about is how great a sacrifice Eren is making.
Not the sacrifice of 80% of all people, but the sacrifice that Eren personally is making of himself.
I don’t know what deranged mindset Isayama has that made him think this was sensible, but no, Eren is not sacrificing anything. He was always going to die. We’ve known this for several dozen chapters. It’s not a sacrifice to befall the fate you were always going to suffer.
He lost nothing. If anything, he gained from this ending.
Eren died knowing he was loved and appreciated by his friends. What more could a dying man ask for?
Eren is rewarded by the story for killing 80% of humanity.
His ultimate fate was no worse than was expected even before he committed the genocide, and he went out in the knowledge that his friends loved him for it.
It doesn’t even make logical sense that his friends would be so receptive to what he did.
There is no difference between Eren’s plan and what we thought Eren’s plan was before this chapter came out.
Armin thought Eren’s plan was to murder humanity to ensure his safety, and Armin was appalled. Armin was willing to sacrifice his life to ensure Eren failed. He was truly acting for the greater good of humanity.
In this chapter, Armin learns that Eren’s plan is actually to murder most of humanity to ensure his safety, and Armin loves him.
Again, hand holding, hugging, “thank you.” No mention of the unfathomable harm caused. The 80% killed are not even a footnote in this chapter.
Even after the fact, Eren’s friends showed no qualms with Eren essentially winning and procuring their safety through genocide.
When previously the mere thought of that was what motivated them to lay down their lives to stop him.
I don’t think Isayama believes this genocide is supposed to bear on how we think of Eren. I say, having just read the chapter that’s all about Eren, in which his genocide doesn’t bear on how his friends think of him. At all.
Was that too great a leap in logic? I apologize if my rationality offends you.
Eren may have died, but he won in the end.
His friends are safe and the world looks set to conclude a peace treaty with Paradis.
I don’t buy for a second that the world is a threat to Paradis anymore, and I don’t buy for a second that there won’t be a peace shortly after the end of the story.
It’s very telling, to me, that it’s the world that’s come to grovel at Paradis’ feet, begging for peace, when previously it was the other way around.
The contours of this “peace,” if you can call it that, were made pretty clear in the epilogue. The world is in ruins while Paradis is stronger than ever, so the world sues for peace for fear of Paradis attacking further. 
This is the moral of the story. Frankly, it’s been staring at us in the face the whole time.
How do you end the cycle of violence?
The answer is to win. To be stronger. More determined.
The only peace is enforced peace through domination.
Peace through the barrel of a gun.
To be continued in part II (and possibly part III)
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Nuada Headcanons
(Requested by anonymous: Do you write for Abe from Hellboy as well? And can I request hc on how Nuada manages to let himself fall for a human reader? (F if you need a gender)
 (A/N): Sorry I don't write for them, I generally don't like writing for characters who already have a significate other. It doesn't feel right.
 Warning: Grammatical Error, slight angst, and talk of abuse if you narrowed your eyes.
 Word count: 1,584
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 As a royalty, Nuada was surrounded by wealth and beauty since his birth, which made him unimpressed by it, focusing only on the person's character.
 That's why he hated humans because they had proven time and time again that they are shallow and greedy creatures.
 During his isolation, Nuada saw no redeeming quality for the humans, which fueled his desire to wipe them out of the face of the earth even further.
The time came when he had to return for the sake of his people and all other creatures that were forced to live in the dark.
He made himself known to not only the humans but also his people by killing the humans in the auction and stealing what was supposed to be rightfully his.
 After killing his father and taking the other piece Nuada needed to find his sister who he knew was going to the library in the Troll Market to retrieve.
He knew the keeper won't give him the map willingly so he decided to wait and out Mr.wink on the watch for her.
What Nuada didn't expect is while he was waiting underground is to get the news of a human being in the Troll market in poor disguise.
  He went to see it for himself and it wasn't hard to spot you, he recognized you almost immediately.
To avoid making a scene among other creatures, he swiftly without you noticing him pulled you away by your arm to a more private area ignoring all your struggles.
He finally found an empty ally where he threw you to the ground causing the vile you were wearing to slip and cover your head.
 "What the heck?!" you exclaimed angrily, yanking the vile off showing your uniform.
 "How did you manage to enter the Market, human?" Asked Nuada crossed arms as he blocked to only exist trapping you. "And with such a poor disguise no less."
 "That disguise was stupid." You said as you took a stand. "I'm not afraid of walking into the market just the way I am."
 "Naïve human, you would have been killed on site."
 "Maybe I will get lucky."
 "What is that?" he raised a brow.
 "You can either talk everyone to death or they'll be too distracted killing you to notice me."
 Your responses irritated him because no human even dared to meet his eyes let alone dare to answer him with such a sharp tongue.
 The fight between you and him was not challenging at all, for he was superior to you in the field of combat.
 The reason why your fight lasted so long is that he wanted to play with you.
 It was a long time since he fought a human with such skill and He, dare he say it, was enjoying the fight.
 The only reason you survived is that before he could give the finishing blow, small creatures came to him and told him of the death of his friend Mr. Wink.
 When he saw you outside the market with the killer of his friend and his treacherous sister, he pieced it together on how you managed to enter the market.
 He indeed has a connection with his sister, but it was also the symbol on your uniform that helped him figure out the location of HQ faster.
 He didn't know why but after he impaled Hellboy he decided to take you along with his sister.
 "Why did you take me?" You asked as you followed him in the desert. You didn't have a choice since he had tied your hand and was dragging you.
 "To make sure the humans won't follow us if they want you alive."
 That was what he would say but truthfully he wanted to keep you as a personal slave for when he finally takes his rightful place as a king.
 Even if he will wipe humanity from existence he wanted to keep you for himself, to break and enjoy.
 The trip was long so you would have to rest for a bit, but not in silence.
 You started to ask him questions about why he hated humans so badly and wanted to kill them.
 "Humans are a plague to this earth and need to be wiped out."
 "What did humans do so bad that caused you to hate them so much?" you asked, curiously. He hesitated at first but he answered.
 "If you must know, humans had stabbed us in the back when we gave them our trust, and proved their dishonesty again when they drove my people in the dark after promising to coexist."
 "How did they stab you in the back?"
 "… We should keep moving." He stated as he stood up forcing your and his sister to follow him. completely ignoring your question.
 He will not tell you until your relationship becomes stronger that his mother was killed by humans, after welcoming them into their clan.
 When reaching the place you started pleading for him to not unleash the Golden Army because the sight of them frightened you.
 He ignored you and his sister, who joined you in trying to make him stop, but one sentence you said planted doubt in his plan.
 "Please don't make us fade away!"
 He brushed the doubt away and continued with his plan, but he could not forget the look you had in your eyes as you spoke those words.
 When the showdown between him and Hellboy finally came he gave it his all but the doubt would come back every time he catches glimpse of your worried eyes.
 He was defeated and even if he never said it he blamed you for it.
 When he stood to stab Hellboy after he turned away, he stopped when you heard you screamed "No!" but it wasn't to him but his sister.
 When he saw the golden blade which you took away he understood immediately what was about to happen.
 Witnessing how his dear sister was willing to kill herself to stop him caused him to realize that he went too far.
 He faced his sister and fell on his knees and surrender, whispering an apology to her.
 When he got out he was welcomed by the B.P.R.D team who came forward to capture him.
 He was displeased by the rough treatment as they started to drag him to their vehicle, But he got unexpected help.
 "Hey!" you exclaimed as you block their way. "He surrendered and is willing to be imprisoned, which means you don't have to treat him as if he was resisting."
 "Y…Yes Ma'am." Said the agent as they took their hand of him to allow him to walk freely to the car with them just begin close enough to assure he does.
 Even though he was imprisoned underground, his days were never lonely.
 You and Nuala would visit him almost every day, it wasn't long until Nuala was distracted by her lover, so it was only you.
 You would talk to him as if he was your friend, it irritated him.
 He at first ignored you, then became passive-aggressive comments, it was a while until he finally started to talk to her casual, asking about your day, etc.
 He spent a full year in prison before he was finally let out deciding that his payment for his crimes would be by joining Hellboy's team and protect humans.
 During those missions, he would make sure to protect you, which was a subconscious act.
 During training hours he would train with you, with the excuse of wanting you to be a better fighter.
 Always provoking you by reminding you of their "fight" in the ally, enjoying the annoyed look that crossed your face every time.
 The moment he knew that your friendship became deeper is when you told him of your past life.
 He learned how you struggled greatly in your life, society suppressed and your family belittled you.
 "Humans are such wicked creatures." He mumbled bitterly.
 "Not all of them." You said. "It was also humans who made me keep going."
 He raised his brow at you, so you explained.
 "My Parents did make me feel that I wasn't enough, but my grandma was the one who made me feel loved, And I did get bullied in school, but my friends were the ones who defended me and stayed by me." You said with a smile. "There are indeed bad humans but there are a lot of good ones too, you probably just weren't looking in the right places."
 He didn't reply and just stared at your smile, speechless, trying his best to ignore the sudden hammering in his chest.
 Nuada doesn't know when, but at some point he noticed how irritated he becomes when someone gets close to you, especially the males.
 When he realized the possibility of harboring feelings for you, he started to avoid you.
 He refused to believe that he was in love with a human, even if that human was a much decent one than the rest of her kind.
 However, after months, which felt likes ages without you he decided that he had enough.
 He spent centuries in isolation, not needing others company, But now, he can't spend a full day without at least seeing you and your smile.
 When he finally returned to spend time with you again, he returned with the purpose of courting in hopes of having you by his side.
 You didn't need to know though… Not yet at least.
My second attempt of a Headcanon, I hope you guys like it!
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adrinoir · 3 years
Who will be the next Hawk Moth?
Alright, well there’s a lot of different theories on who will be “the next Hawk Moth”. So I wanted to do a break down on some possibilities (warning: this analysis is REALLY long lol)
I feel like Lila is very likely to be the next one. She already has a leg up in working with Gabriel (despite not knowing he’s Hawk Moth).
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Even though Hawk Moth hasn’t reached his goal of getting Ladybug and Cat Noir’s miraculouses, he’s made good progress. With Lila’s help, he’s gotten PRETTY damn close to getting them since she has that deep hatred of Ladybug. Without her, he wouldn’t have had his invasion of scarlet moths possessing Paris.
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Additionally, Lila is pretty full of herself and does just about everything for her own benefit. She could easily grow a bigger hatred towards Ladybug and find out about the benefits of their miraculouses to have her own wish granted.
It’s really difficult to see her as a redeemable character since she has yet to show any redeemable qualities. But, hey, maybe there will be a plot twist where she’ll change her ways.
As much as I’d LOVE to see Chloe develop into a better person since we see she is the way she is, I don’t have too much faith in Thomas Astruc’s writing.
Thomas initially started Chloe off as the annoying and conceited bully, then she started seeing the error of her ways, and finally...she was pulled back to square one.
It’s obvious that Chloe is pretty strong. She knows Hawk Moth is evil and has fought off an akuma even when she was super angry with Ladybug. However, Hawk Moth IS a rather powerful man and was able to akumatize Chloe on many occasions. She became his most successful akumatized victim as Miracle Queen. I feel like the fandom doesn’t talk enough about how Chloe managed to get almost ALL the miraculous holders to reveal their identities. (Don’t come for Hawk Moth in saying he hasn’t made a lot of progress - he HAS.)
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The main issue with Chloe is that she can easily be manipulated into doing things for Hawk Moth because she has that disliking for Ladybug, deep down. She doesn’t want to hate Ladybug but obviously it’s been tough since she won’t let Chloe have her bee miraculous, and being Queen Bee is very important to her. Chloe wants to be powerful and heroic to feel good about herself since her mom doesn’t see her as something special (which is awful, I feel so bad for Chloe, honestly.)
Even though the likelihood is there, I really don’t want Chloe to become the next Hawk Moth. In season 4, it’d be nice to see some of her character development come back, and hopefully her and her mom build a stronger relationship now that Audrey has decided to stay in Paris with the family. Thomas Astruc needs to make Chloe better but KEEP it that way. She’s shown redeemable qualities and we know why she acts the way that she does. There’s a ridiculous amount of potential for her to be a wonderful, well-rounded character instead of just the evil bully Thomas makes her out to be.
So far, we’ve only seen Felix in one episode, but we already have a good idea of what he’s like. He’s very manipulative as a form of coping with his father’s death.
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Felix already has a bit of a vendetta against Gabriel for keeping Emilie’s family heirlooms, and managed to steal them from Gabriel. He also wasn’t very nice to Adrien in pretending to be him and attempting to hurt his friendships. All of those things Felix did just prove he’d make a *good* villain.
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My theory is that he’ll come back for at least one more episode, since he took the wedding rings that were very precious to Gabriel. However, it’s kind of strange to me that Felix hasn’t even been mentioned since his debut episode. So, we will see if this devilish boy makes a comeback.
People have had this theory a while back, but it’s just incredibly unlikely at this point.
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Adrien cares deeply about his mom and wants her back, of course. However, we see in Cat Blanc that he tried to cataclysm his own father for what he’s done. He was so hurt by his father’s motives, he triggered the end of the world.
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There could potentially be an episode where Adrien hears his father out and tries the butterfly miraculous out for himself, but Bunnyx would come out of her burrow and shut that shit down.
OR, we know Gabriel is an awful father and he could somehow manipulate his own son to take his spot as Hawk Moth. (But again, Bunnyx could easily shut this down, too.)
Adrien loves being Cat Noir; he’s shown to be the Cat Noir in the future. He has an extremely good heart. So they’ve pretty much denied Adrien becoming the new Hawk Moth, at this point.
I think this is the most interesting idea I’ve seen on who the next Hawk Moth will be. (I recommend watching Cat Blanc x Princess Justice’s YouTube video analysis on this. It’s really good! I mention some of her points in here.)
Luka is almost too nice of a character. He cares a lot about other people and just sort of lets Marinette take advantage of his kindness, which is really sad, BUT there could easily be a motive we don’t know behind that, or he’s secretly bothered by it deep down.
There’s that theory that Luka knows Marinette is Ladybug. He could be trying to get closer to her to take the miraculous from her since he might know the power the ladybug and black cat miraculous hold.
Or, like I mentioned before, if Luka is bothered deep down by Marinette’s romantic feelings for Adrien, there could be something that happens that pushes him over the edge. We’ve even seen that Luka makes a terrifying villain as Silencer. He was super manipulative and had a lot of good tactics. Ladybug and Cat Noir DID in fact have a really hard time fighting him. Luka is also not the type of person to get angry like that, but Hawk Moth needs STRONG emotion to feed off of. So, considering how powerful of a villain Luka was, there’s clearly some anger boiling within him.
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We also don’t have that much of a backstory to work off of. We’re slowly learning more, but think about it, for instance, we don’t know who his father is. Some people have theorized it’s Jagged Stone but we’re REALLY not sure. So, maybe it’s a motive of his to find his father.
Thomas Astruc made Luka a very likable character, enough so to get most of the fandom to actually like the Lukanette ship. Luka could have been made purposely likable so that the fandom won’t believe that he will be the next villain.
Another good point Cat Blanc x Princess Justice had made was that Miraculous World made a tweet that Miraculous will be introducing a new villain in season 4 - but it’s a character we already know. Lila and Felix are already known BUT they’re also already well-established villains....
If Luka is a possibility, so is Kagami. Half the fandom thinks Kagami is great, the other half thinks she’s awful.
Kagami is shown to have a very strong personality (that sometimes comes off as a bit threatening). She’s very blunt about everything, very uptight, doesn’t beat around the bush. Those three characteristics are similar to Gabriel, HOWEVER Kagami has a caring soul and she really wants to be good to Adrien and Marinette.
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So, it’s possible, but unlikely and definitely hard to pinpoint what intentions she could possibly have of becoming a villain. Maybe her mother pinches a certain nerve, or she can’t understand why Adrien doesn’t love her.
Additionally, Thomas Astruc doesn’t cut Adrien a lot of slack, let’s be real here. Adrien’s father is already Hawk Moth, he could switch it to his “girlfriend” being Hawk Moth.
So, I have a bit of an interesting theory on this since I haven’t really seen anyone else mention anything about Alya potentially becoming bad.
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Despite Alya/Rena Rouge having a strong bond and trust with Ladybug, there’s that possibility she still wants to unveil who Ladybug really is - she still runs The Ladyblog, after all. And of course, unveiling Ladybug’s identity is extremely dangerous. She even posted the museum exhibit to her blog in Feast, which she didn’t realize was dangerous. It shows that she might slip and reveal something that she shouldn’t have.
Or, maybe Alya manages to lose Ladybug’s trust. Something monumental could happen. There’s already that bit of danger surrounding Ladybug and Rena Rouge since they’re such close friends in real life and know nearly everything about each other.
Hawk Moth also now knows that Alya is Rena, and could do something to push her to reveal something on The Ladyblog, therefore turning her into a villain.
Also, Alya already knows SO much of the Ladybug lore. She’s dedicated so much time to researching the lore behind the miraculouses. Also pretty dangerous and suspicious.
Like Alya, there’s a chance Nino also loses Ladybug and/or Cat Noir’s trust. When Nino first got his miraculous, he wasn’t very good at acting like a different person in his superhero persona. He could easily slip and reveal an something he isn’t supposed to.
He is the least likely possibility, but not completely impossible.
Tom or Sabine
I put these two in the same excerpt because they have about the same amount of likeliness to be the next Hawk Moth (or maybe one is Hawk Moth and the other is Mayura 👀)
Tom and Sabine are both super sweet, but also, we don’t know a whole lot about them. Since Gabriel - father of sweet cinnamon roll hero Cat Noir - is Hawk Moth, who’s to say superhero Ladybug’s own parents couldn’t become evil? It’d create a super interesting dynamic in the plot because it’s like how would Marinette react if one of her parents was Hawk Moth?
I have a stronger theory that Tom and Sabine used to be the old Ladybug and Cat Noir, but still. Don’t put it past Thomas Astruc to trick us somehow.
How would Gabriel fail (or lose his miraculous)?
One last thing I’d also like to analyze relating to this is this question.
Does Gabriel NOT end up ever getting Ladybug and Cat Noir’s miraculouses? Let’s look over some possibilities:
1) One of the villains he creates or senti-monsters Nathalie creates becomes too powerful and doesn’t give him the miraculouses once they’re captured.
2) He gives up and realizes all he needs is his dearest son Adrien.
3) He gets sickly and can’t fight anymore and passes on his miraculous for someone else to do the job.
4) Simplest answer: His miraculous is stolen.
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